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1. Refer to Figure 11-1. Identify the triac.  D. d
 E. e
4. Refer to Figure 11-1. Identify the diac symbol.
 Aa
 B. b
 C. c
 D. d
 E. e
5. Refer to Figure 11-1. What is the correct symbol for
an SCR?
 A. a
 B. b
 C. c
 D. d
 E. e
6. You have a need to use a device to trigger an SCR.
A good one to use might be
Figure 11-1
 Aa  A. an SCS.
 B. b  B. a UJT.
 C. c  C. a 4-layer diode.
 D. d  D. a PUT.
 E. e 7. Which of the following devices might best be used
2. Refer to Figure 11-1. Which symbol represents a to control an electric motor?
 Aa  A. an SCS
 B. b  B. a PUT
 C. c  C. an SCR
 D. d  D. a diac
 E. e 8. An SCR acts to control the speed of an electric
3. Refer to Figure 11-1. Identify the symbol for an SCS. motor by _____ the _____ of the pulse delivered to
 Aa the motor.
 B. b
 A. varying, width  C. the gate circuit is shorted.
 B. increasing, amplitude  D. this is normal; nothing is wrong.
 C. decreasing, gate width 13. Your boss has asked you to recommend a thyristor
 D. none of these that will enable you to turn it on with a pulse and also
9. You need to design a relaxation oscillator circuit. turn it off with a pulse. Which of the following should
The most likely device to use might be you recommend?

 A. an SCR.  A. an SCR
 B. a UJT.  B. an SCS
 C. a triac.  C. a PUT
 D. a 4-layer diode.  D. a triac
10. You need a very efficient thyristor to control the 14. How many semiconductor layers are thyristors
speed of an AC fan motor. A good device to use would constructed with?
 A. 2
 A. a 4-layer diode.  B. 3
 B. a PUT.  C. 4
 C. a triac.  D. 5
 D. a BJT. 15. The SCR can be triggered on by a pulse at the
11. You have the schematic diagram of several types
of circuits. Which of these circuits most likely uses a  A. gate.
triac?  B. anode.
 C. cathode.
 A. an oscillator  D. none of the above
 B. an ac motor control 16. An application of a(n) _____ is in a lighting system
 C. a programmable oscillator for power interruptions.
 D. an amplifier
12. You have a light-dimmer circuit using an SCR. In  A. SCR
testing the circuit, you find that IG = 0 mA and the  B. SCS
light is still on. You conclude that the trouble might be  C. diac
one of the following:  D. triac
17. The _____ can conduct current in either direction
 A. the SCR is open. and is turned on when a breakover voltage is
 B. the switch is faulty. exceeded.
 A. SCR 22. Identify the symbol:
 B. diac
 C. SCS
 D. triac
18. The _____ is like a diac with a gate terminal.
 A. triac
 A. triac  B. PUT
 C. SCS  D. SCR
 D. none of the above
19. The silicon-controlled switch (SCS) is similar in
construction to the OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER
 A. triac. 1. Refer to Figure 12-1(a). This amplifier is known a
 B. diac. Figure 12-1
 C. SCR.  A. an inverting amplifier.
 D. 4-layer diode.  B. a non-inverting amplifier.
20. The ______ can be externally programmed to turn  C. a voltage-follower.
on at a desired anode-to-gate voltage level.  D. a common-source amplifier.
2. Refer to Figure 12-1(b). This amplifier is known
 A. UJT as
 B. PUT  A. an inverting amplifier.
 C. SCR
 B. a non-inverting amplifier.
 D. SCS
 C. a voltage-follower.
21. Identify the symbol:
 D. a common-source amplifier.
3. Refer to Figure 12-1(c). This amplifier is known
 A. an inverting amplifier.
 A. SCS  B. a non-inverting amplifier.
 B. PUT  C. a voltage-follower.
 C. LASCR  D. a common-source amplifier.
 D. diac
4. Refer to Figure  A. 500 kΩ.
12-1(a). A dc  B. 10 kΩ.
voltage of –1.2 V is  C. 50 kΩ.
applied. VCC = ±12  D. 5 kΩ.
V. What is the 8. Refer to Figure 12-1(c). You need an amplifier
output voltage? with an input impedance of 12 kΩ. You must not
 A. 1.2 V change the amplifier voltage gain. The new value
 B. –1.2 V of Ri would be _____ and the new value of Rf
 C. 0 V would be _____.
 D. 12 V  A. 10 kΩ, 100 kΩ
5. Refer to Figure  B. 13.3 kΩ, 120 kΩ
12-1(b). The voltage  C. 12 kΩ, 108 kΩ
gain of this  D. 12 kΩ, 120 kΩ
amplifier is 9. Refer to Figure 12-1(b). A dc input signal of –50
 A. 100. mV is applied. You would measure _____ from
 B. 5. the inverting input to ground.
 C. 20. `
 D. 21.
6. Refer to Figure  A. 50 mV
12-1(c). If an input  B. 1.05 V
signal of –0.5 V  C. –1.05 V
were applied,  D. –50 mV
determine the 10. It takes an op-amp 22 µs to change its output
output voltage. from –15 V to +15 V. Determine the slew rate.
 A. –5 V
 B. 5 V  A. 1.36 V/µs
 C. 10 V  B. 0.68 V/µs
 D. –10 V  C. –0.68 V/µs
7. Refer to Figure  D. cannot determine
12-1(c). The input
impedance of this
circuit is
11. Refer to Figure 12-2. The purpose of R1 and R2 14. Refer to Figure 12-2. If the value of R1
is decreases, the voltage gain will _____ and the
input impedance will _____.
 A. increase, increase
 B. increase, decrease
 C. decrease, decrease
 D. decrease, increase
15. A voltage-follower amplifier comes to you for
service. You find the voltage gain to be 5.5 and
the input impedance 22 kΩ. The probable fault in
this amplifier, if any, is

 A. the gain is too low for this type of amplifier.

 B. the input impedance is too high for this
Figure 12-2
 C. nothing is wrong. The trouble must be
 A. for bias current compensation.
somewhere else.
 B. for input offset voltage compensation.
 D. none of these.
 C. to set input impedance.
16. An op-amp has an open-loop gain of 100,000
 D. to set input impedance and voltage
and a cutoff frequency of 40 Hz. Find the open-
gain. loop gain at a frequency of 30 Hz.
12. Refer to Figure 12-2. The purpose of R4 is
 A. for bias current compensation.
 A. 800
 B. for input offset voltage compensation.
 B. 8,000
 C. to set input impedance.
 C. 80,000
 D. to set input impedance and voltage gain.
 D. 100,000
13. Refer to Figure 12-2. The purpose of R3 is
17. An op-amp has an open-loop gain of 75,000
 A. for bias current compensation.
and a cutoff frequency of 100 Hz. At 1 kHz the
 B. for input offset voltage compensation.
open-loop gain is down by
 C. to set input impedance.
 D. to set input impedance and voltage gain.
 A. 10 dB.
 B. 6 dB.  C. 207 dB.
 C. 20 dB.  D. 63 dB.
 D. 3 dB.
18. An RC network has R = 47 kΩ and C = 0.22
µF. What is the cutoff frequency?

 A. 154 Hz
 B. 1540 Hz
 C. 1.54 Hz
 D. 15.4 Hz
19. An RC network has R = 500 kΩ and C = 10
pF. Find the value of fc.

 A. 31831 Hz
 B. 31.831 kHz
 C. 0.031831 MHz
 D. all of the above
20. A certain op-amp has an open-loop voltage
gain of 150,000. What is this gain expressed in

 A. 51.7 dB
 B. 103.5 dB
 C. 150,000 dB
 D. 5.18 dB
21. The midrange open-loop gain of an op-amp is
135 dB. With negative feedback this gain is
reduced to 72 dB. The closed-loop gain is

 A. 135 dB.
 B. 72 dB.
22. Refer to Figure 12- 26. Refer to Figure 12-3(b). The op-amp has a
3(a). Find the midrange gain unity-gain bandwidth of 1.7 MHz. Find the
of this amplifier. bandwidth of the circuit.
 A. 155 MHz
Figure 12-3  B. 155 kHz
 A. 26.7  C. 155 Hz
 B. –26.7  D. 15.5 Hz
 C. 27.7 27. Refer to Figure 12-3(c). The unity-gain
 D. –27.7 bandwidth of this op-amp is 10.4 kHz. What is the
23. Refer to Figure 12- bandwidth of the circuit?
3(b). Find the midrange gain  A. 10.4 kHz
of this op-amp amplifier.  B. 15.5 kHz
 A. 10  C. 3 MHz
 B. 11  D. 16.7 kHz
 C. –10 28. Refer to Figure 12-4(a). Determine the
 D. –11 bandwidth.
24. Refer to Figure 12-
3(c). The midrange voltage
gain of this amplifier is
 A. 0.5.
 B. 27.7.
 C. –11.
 D. 1.
25. Refer to Figure 12-
3(a). The op-amp has a
unity-gain bandwidth of 3 Figure 12-4
MHz. Determine the BW of  A. 1 MHz
the circuit.  B. 1.5 MHz
 A. 3 MHz  C. 1 kHz
 B. 30 kHz  D. 1.5 kHz
 C. 112.4 kHz
 D. infinite in width
29. Refer to Figure 12-4(b). Calculate the 33. The maximum rate of change of the output
bandwidth. voltage in response to a step input voltage is the
 A. 8.33 MHz _____ of an op-amp.
 B. 833 kHz
 C. 83.3 kHz  A. time constant
 D. 8.33 kHz  B. maximum frequency
30. Negative feedback added to an op-amp _____  C. slew rate
the bandwidth and _____ the gain.  D. static discharge
34. A(n) _____ amplifier configuration has a
 A. increases, increases higher input impedance and a lower output
 B. increases, decreases impedance than the op-amp itself.
 C. decreases, decreases
 D. decreases, increases  A. non-inverting
31. A practical op-amp has very _____ input  B. inverting
impedance, very _____ output impedance, very  C. voltage-follower
_____ open-loop voltage gain, and a _____  D. none of the above
bandwidth. 35. A(n) _____ amplifier configuration has an
input impedance approximately equal to the input
 A. high, low, high, wide resistor Ri and an output impedance
 B. high, high, low, narrow approximately equal to the output impedance of
 C. low, high, high, wide the op-amp itself.
 D. low, low, low, wide
32. The input offset voltage drift is a parameter  A. non-inverting
directly related to VOS and _____.  B. inverting
 C. voltage-follower
 A. ID  D. none of the above
 B. power dissipation 36. The _____ amplifier configuration has the
 C. temperature highest input impedance and the lowest output
 D. phase shift impedance of the three basic op-amp
 A. non-inverting BASIC OP-AMP CKT
 B. inverting
 C. voltage-follower 1. If an op-amp comparator has a gain of
 D. none of the above 100,000, an input difference of 0.2 mV above
37. Open-loop voltage gain of an op-amp can reference, and a supply of ±12 V, the output will
range up to _____. be

 A. 10,000  A. 20 V.
 B. 50,000  B. 12 V.
 C. 100,000  C. 10 V.
 D. 200,000  D. 15 V.
38. The ______ is the voltage gain of an op-amp 2. To reduce the effects of noise resulting in
with external feedback. erratic switching of output states of a comparator,
you can use
 A. Aol
 B. Acl  A. the upper trigger point.
 C. Av  B. the lower trigger point.
 D. none of the above  C. nonzero-level detection.
39. A three-stage op-amp can have a maximum  D. hysteresis.
phase lag of _____°. 3. A comparator with a Schmitt trigger has

 A. –180  A. two trigger levels.

 B. –90  B. a fast response.
 C. –270  C. a slow response.
 D. none of the above  D. one trigger level.
4. In a comparator with output bounding, what
type of diode is used in the feedback loop?

 A. Schottky
 B. junction
 C. zener
 D. varactor 8. Refer to Figure 13-1(a). Determine the output
5. In a flash A/D converter, the priority encoder is voltage.
used to

 A. select the first input.

 B. select the highest value input.
 C. select the lowest value input.
 D. select the last input.
6. A differentiator is used to measure

 A. the sum of the input voltages.

 B. the difference between two voltages.
 C. the area under a curve.
 D. the rate of change of the input voltage.
7. An op-amp has an open-loop gain of 90,000.
Vsat = ±13 V. A differential voltage of 0.1 V p-p
is applied between the inputs. What is the output

 A. 13 V
 B. –13 V
 C. 13 Vp-p
 D. 26 Vp-p

Figure 13-1
 A. 1 V
 B. –1 V 11. Refer to Figure 13-2(a). What is the output
 C. +Vsat voltage?
 D. –Vsat
9. Refer to Figure 13-1(b). What is the output
 A. 2 V
 B. –2 V
 C. +Vsat
 D. –Vsat
10. Refer to Figure 13-1(c). With the inputs shown,
determine the output voltage.
 A. 7 V
 B. –7 V
 C. +Vsat
 D. –Vsat

Figure 13-2
 A. 0.5 V
 B. –0.5 V
 C. 2 V
 D. –2 V
12. Refer to Figure 13-2(b). Determine the output
voltage, VOUT.
 A. 1.05 V
 B. –0.35 V
 C. 0.35 V  B. –V(out)max
 D. –1.05 V  C. –1.41 V
13. Refer to Figure 13-3(a). Determine the upper  D. +1.41 V
trigger point. 14. Refer to Figure 13-3(b). Determine the lower
trigger point.
 A. +V(out)max
 B. –V(out)max
 C. –2.47 V
 D. +2.47 V

Figure 13-3
 A. V(out)max
15. Refer to Figure 13-4(a). This circuit is known as  A. a noninverting amplifier.
 B. a differentiator.
 C. an integrator.
 D. a summing amplifier.
17. Refer to Figure 13-4(b). A square-wave input is
applied to this amplifier. The output voltage is
most likely to be
 A. a square wave.
 B. a triangle wave.
 C. a sine wave.
 D. no output.
18. Refer to Figure 13-4(b). If Vin = 5 V, the rate
of change of the output voltage in response to a
single pulse input is:
 A. 15.2 mV/µs
 B. 1.52 V/µs
 C. 1.52 mV/µs
 D. 15.2 V/µs
19. The output of a Schmitt trigger is a

 A. pulse waveform.
 B. sawtooth waveform.
 C. sinusoidal waveform.
 D. triangle waveform.
20. A Schmitt trigger is
Figure 13-4
 A. a noninverting amplifier.  A. a comparator with only one trigger point.
 B. a differentiator.  B. a comparator with hysteresis.
 C. an integrator.  C. a comparator with three trigger points.
 D. a summing amplifier.  D. none of the above.
16. Refer to Figure 13-4(b). This circuit is known as 21. An integrator circuit
 A. uses a resistor in its feedback circuit.  C. both of the above
 B. uses an inductor in its feedback circuit. 26. Which of the following are variations of the
 C. uses a capacitor in its feedback circuit. basic summing amplifier?
 D. uses a resistor in its feedback circuit or
uses a capacitor in its feedback circuit  A. averaging amplifier
22. In a(n) _____, when the input voltage  B. scaling amplifier
exceeds a specified reference voltage, the output  C. both of the above
changes state. 27. What circuit produces an output that
approximates the area under the curve of an
 A. integrator input function?
 B. differentiator
 C. summing amplifier  A. integrator
 D. comparator  B. differentiator
23. A good example of hysteresis is a(n)  C. summing amplifier
 D. comparator
 A. AM radio. 28. _____ is a mathematical process for
 B. thermostat. determining the rate of change of a function.
 C. alarm clock.
 D. none of the above  A. Integration
24. A comparator with hysteresis is sometimes  B. Differentiation
known as a(n)  C. Summing
 D. Comparatoring
 A. integrator. 29. A(n) ______ amplifier is a summing amplifier
 B. differentiator. with a closed-loop gain equal to the reciprocal of
 C. Schmitt trigger. the number of inputs.
 D. none of the above
25. What is (are) the necessary component(s) for  A. averaging
the design of a bounded comparator?  B. scaling
 C. differentiating
 A. rectifier diodes  D. none of the above
 B. zener diodes 30. What type(s) of circuit(s) use comparators?
 A. summer  A. an instrumentation amplifier has an input
 B. nonzero-level detector stage.
 C. averaging amplifier  B. an instrumentation amplifier has an output
 D. summer and nonzero-level detector stage.
 C. an instrumentation amplifier has a
SPECIAL PURPOSE OP-AMP differential stage.
1. A log amplifier may use the __________  D. the input, output, and power supply
junction of a BJT in the feedback loop. stages of an isolation amplifier are all
electrically isolated from each other.
 A. base-collector 5. An OTA has
 B. base-emitter
 C. emitter-collector  A. a bias-current input terminal.
 D. emitter-ground  B. high output impedance.
2. An antilog amplifier has a _________ in series  C. no fixed open-loop voltage gain.
with the input.  D. all of the above
6. Transconductance is the ratio of the output
 A. BJT
 B. diode  A. current to the input voltage.
 C. diode or BJT  B. current to the input current.
 D. resistor  C. voltage to the input voltage.
3. Instrumentation amplifiers are normally used  D. voltage to the input current.
to measure 7. The log of a number is the

 A. small differential signal voltages.  A. base to which the power must be raised to
 B. signals superimposed on a common-mode get that number.
voltage often much larger than the signal  B. power to which the base must be
voltage. raised to get that number.
 C. both of the above  C. base of that number.
 D. none of the above  D. power of that number.
4. The main difference between the isolation 8. What part of the characteristic curve of a diode
amplifier and an instrumentation amplifier is is useful for log amplifiers?
 A. the log region above 0.7 V
 B. the log region below 0.7 V
 C. the log region between 0 V and 0.7 V
 D. the log region below the zener voltage
9. In logarithmic signal compression,

 A. large and small voltages are compressed

 B. large voltages are compressed more
than small voltages.
 C. large voltages are compressed less than
smaller voltages.
 D. none of the above
10. A constant-current source delivers a load
current that

 A. remains constant when the load

resistance changes.
 B. varies with load resistance.
 C. varies inversely with load resistance.
 D. varies inversely with input voltage.
11. A current-to-voltage converter produces a

 A constant output voltage for a variable input

 B. variable output voltage for a constant input
 C. proportional output voltage for a
variable input current.
 D. proportional output current for a variable
input voltage.
12. Refer to Figure 14-1(a). This circuit is a setup

Figure 14-1
 A. an antilog amplifier.
 B. a constant-current source.
 C. an instrumentation amplifier.
 D. an isolation amplifier.
13. Refer to Figure 14-1(b). This circuit is a setup
 A. an antilog amplifier.
 B. a constant-current source.
 C. an instrumentation amplifier.
 D. an isolation amplifier.
14. Refer to Figure 14-1(c). This circuit is a setup
 A. an antilog amplifier.
 B. a constant-current source.
 C. an instrumentation amplifier.
 D. an isolation amplifier.
15. Refer to Figure 14-1(d). This circuit is a setup
 A. an antilog amplifier.
 B. a constant-current source.
 C. an instrumentation amplifier.
 D. an isolation amplifier.
16. The OTA has a _____ input impedance and a
_____ CMRR.

 A. high, low
 B. low, high
 C. high, high
 C. c
17. Refer to Figure 14-  D. d
2. Which circuit is 21. A(n) _____ amplifier is a differential voltage-
known as a voltage-to- gain device that amplifies the difference between
current converter? the voltages existing at its two input terminals.

Figure 14-2  A. instrumentation

 A. a  B. isolation
 B. b  C. operational transconductance
 C. c  D. log
 D. d 22. The main purpose of an instrumentation
18. Refer to Figure 14- amplifier is to amplify _____ signals that are
2. Which circuit is riding on _____ common-mode voltages.
known as a current-to-
voltage converter?  A. small, small
 A. a  B. small, large
 B. b  C. large, small
 C. c  D. large, large
 D. d 23. What is a key characteristic of an
19. Refer to Figure 14- instrumentation amplifier?
2. Which circuit is
known as an OTA?  A. high CMRR
 A. a  B. high output offset
 B. b  C. high output impedance
 C. c  D. none of the above
 D. d 24. A basic _____ amplifier is formed by three
20. Refer to Figure 14- op-amps and seven resistors.
2. Which circuit is
known as a peak  A. instrumentation
detector?  B. isolation
 A. a  C. log
 B. b
 D. antilog 29. A log amplifier has _____ in the feedback
25. The voltage gain of a basic instrumentation loop.
amplifier is set by a(n)
 A. a diode
 A. diode.  B. a BJT
 B. capacitor.  C. a resistor
 C. resistor.  D. either a diode or a BJT
 D. inductor. 30. The process known as signal compression is
26. A(n) _____ amplifier provides "a barrier" used with a(n) ____ amplifier.
between the input and output for the protection of
human life or sensitive equipment.  A. log
 B. antilog
 A. instrumentation  C. instrumentation
 B. isolation  D. isolation
 C. operational transconductance
 D. voltage-to-current ACTIVE FILTERS
27. What is (are) the principal area(s) of
1. The critical frequency is defined as the point at
application for isolation amplifiers?
which the response drops _________ from the
 A. medical
 B. power plant
 A. –20 dB
 C. automation
 B. –3 dB
 D. all of the above
 C. –6 dB
28. The operational transconductance amplifier
 D. –40 dB
(OTA) is primarily a _____ -to- _____ amplifier.
2. Which filter exhibits a linear phase
 A. current, voltage
 B. voltage, current
 A. Bessel
 C. current, resistance
 B. Butterworth
 D. resistance, current
 C. Chebyshev
 D. all of the above
3. Which filter has a maximally flat response?  D. d
8. Refer to Figure 15-
 A. Bessel 1. Identify the frequency
 B. Butterworth response curve for a high-
 C. Chebyshev pass filter.
 D. all of the above  A. a
4. Which filter exhibits the most rapid roll-off  B. b
rate?  C. c
 D. d
 A. Bessel 9. Refer to Figure 15-
 B. Butterworth 1. Identify the frequency
 C. Chebyshev response curve for a band-
 D. all of the above pass filter.
5. A third-order filter will have a roll-off rate of  A. a
 B. b
 A. –20 dB/decade.  C. c
 B. –40 dB/decade.  D. d
 C. –60 dB/decade.
 D. –30 dB/decade.
6. Refer to Figure 15-1. Identify the frequency
response curve for a band-reject filter.

Figure 15-1
 A. a
 B. b
 C. c
 D. d
7. Refer to Figure 15-1. Identify the frequency
response curve for a low-pass filter.
 A. a
 B. b
 C. c
10. Refer to Figure 15-2(a). This is a _____ filter, 
and it has a cutoff frequency of _____.

Figure 15-2
 A. high-pass, 21 Hz
 B. low-pass, 21 Hz
 C. high-pass, 2.65 kHz
 D. low-pass, 2.65 kHz
11. Refer to Figure 15-2(b). The cutoff frequency of
this filter is _____, and the circuit is known as a
 A. 721 Hz, low-pass filter
 B. 721 Hz, high-pass filter
 C. 72 Hz, low-pass filter
 D. 721 Hz, band-pass filter
12. Refer to Figure 15-2(c). This is a _____ filter.
 A. band-pass
 B. band-stop
 C. high-pass
 D. low-pass
13. Refer to Figure 15-2(d). This circuit is known as
a _____ filter, and the fc is _____.
 A. high-pass, 1.59 kHz
 B. band-pass, 15.9 kHz
 C. low-pass, 15.9 kHz
 D. high-pass, 15.9 kHz
14. Refer to Figure 15-2(b). RA = 2.2 kΩ and RB =
1.2 kΩ. This filter is probably a
 A. Butterworth type.
 B. Bessel type.
 C. Chebyshev type.
 D. none of the above
15. Refer to Figure 15-2(c). The roll-off of this filter  B. high-pass
is about  C. band-pass
 A. 20 dB/decade.  D. band-stop
 B. 40 dB/decade. 19. Refer to Figure 15-3. This filter has a roll-off
 C. 60 dB/decade. rate of
 D. 80 dB/decade.  A. 20 dB/decade.
16. Refer to Figure 15-2(a). The roll-off of the  B. 40 dB/decade.
circuit shown is about  C. 60 dB/decade.
 A. 20 dB/decade.  D. 80 dB/decade.
 B. 40 dB/decade. 20. Refer to Figure 15-3. Increasing the values of
 C. 60 dB/decade. the filter section resistors in this circuit will cause
 D. 80 dB/decade. the fc to
17. A low-pass filter has a cutoff frequency of  A. increase.
1.23 kHz. Determine the bandwidth of the filter.  B. decrease.
 C. remain the same.
 A. 2.46 kHz  D. increase and then decrease.
 B. 1.23 kHz 21. The bandwidth in a _____ filter equals the
 C. 644 Hz critical frequency.
 D. not enough information given
18. Refer to Figure 15-3. This is a _____ filter.  A. low-pass
 B. high-pass
 C. band-pass
 D. band-stop
22. A _____ filter significantly attenuates all
frequencies below fc and passes all frequencies
above fc.

 A. low-pass
 B. high-pass
 C. band-pass
Figure 15-3  D. band-stop
 A. low-pass
23. A _____ filter passes all frequencies within a  C Bessel
band between a lower and an upper critical  D. none of the above
frequency and rejects all others outside this band. 27. Filters with the _____ characteristic are used
for filtering pulse waveforms.
 A. low-pass
 B. high-pass  A. Butterworth
 C. band-pass  B. Chebyshev
 D. band-stop  C. Bessel
24. A _____ filter rejects all frequencies within a  D. none of the above
specified band and passes all those outside this 28. The gain of the multiple-feedback band-pass
band. filter above is equal to which of the following?
Assume C = C1 = C2.
 A. low-pass
 B. high-pass
 C. band-pass
 D. band-stop
25. Filters with the _____ characteristic provide a
very flat amplitude in the passband and a roll-off
rate of –20 dB/decade/pole.

 A. Butterworth
 B. Chebyshev
 C. Bessel
 D. none of the above
26. Filters with the _____ characteristic are useful
when a rapid roll-off is required because it
provides a roll-off rate greater than –
 A. A0 = R2 / R1
 B. A0 = R1 / R2
 C. A0 = R2 / 2 R1
 A. Butterworth
 D. A0 = R1 / 2 R2
 B. Chebyshev
29. One important application of a state-variable  B. Parallel resonant frequency is
_____ filter with a summing amplifier is to approximately 1 kHz higher than series
minimize the 60 Hz "hum" in audio systems. resonant frequency.
 C. Series resonant frequency is approximately
 A. low-pass 1 kHz higher than parallel resonant frequency.
 B. high-pass  D. none of the above
 C. band-pass 4. At series resonance, the impedance of a crystal
 D. band-stop is

 A. minimum.
 B. maximum.
1. In order to start up, a feedback oscillator  C. equal.
requires  D. zero.
5. At parallel resonance, the impedance of a
 A. negative feedback less than 1. crystal is
 B. positive feedback greater than 1.
 C. unity feedback equal to 1.  A. minimum.
 D. no feedback.  B. maximum.
2. What is the total phase shift requirement,  C. equal.
around the feedback loop, for a phase-shift  D. zero.
oscillator? 6. What is the minimum frequency at which a
crystal will oscillate?
 A. 90°
 B. 180°  A. seventh harmonic
 C. 270°  B. third harmonic
 D. 360°  C. fundamental
3. What is the relationship between the series and  D. second harmonic
parallel resonant frequencies of a quartz crystal?

 A. They are equal.

7. Refer to Figure 16-1(a). This circuit is known as

Figure 16-1
 A. a Clapp oscillator.
 B. an Armstrong oscillator.
 C. a Colpitts oscillator.
 D. a Hartley oscillator.
8. Refer to Figure 16-1(b). This circuit is known as
 A. a Clapp oscillator.
 B. an Armstrong oscillator.
 C. a Colpitts oscillator.
 D. a Hartley oscillator.
9. Refer to Figure 16-1(c). This circuit is known as
 A. a Clapp oscillator.
 B. an Armstrong oscillator.
 C. a Colpitts oscillator.
 D. a Hartley oscillator.
10. Refer to Figure 16-1(b). The resonant
frequency is controlled by
 A. C3 and L1.
 B. C2, C4, C5, and L1.
 C. C3, C4, C5, and L1.
 D. C3, C4, C5, and L2.
11. Calculate the fr of a lead-lag network if R1 =
R2 = 6.8 kΩ, and C1 = C2 = 0.05 µF.

 A. 468 Hz
 B. 4.68 kHz
 C. 46.8 kHz
 D. 468 kHz
12. Refer to Figure 16-2. Calculate the resonant 13. Refer to Figure 16-3. Determine the resonant
frequency. frequency.

Figure 16-3
 A. 123.4 kHz
 B. 61.7 kHz
 C. 45.94 kHz
 D. 23.1 kHz
14. Refer to Figure 16-3. If C1 increases in value,
Figure 16-2 the resonant frequency will
 A. increase.
 A. 1.126 kHz
 B. decrease.
 B. 6.17 kHz
 C. remain the same.
 C. 23.9 MHz
 D. none of the above
 D. 14.1 MHz
15. A certain oscillator has a tap on the inductor
in the tank circuit. This oscillator is probably
 A. a Colpitts oscillator.  A. a sine-wave oscillator.
 B. a Clapp oscillator.  B. a monostable multivibrator.
 C. a crystal oscillator.  C. an astable multivibrator.
 D. a Hartley oscillator.  D. a VCO.
16. An op-amp integrator has a square-wave 18. Refer to Figure 16-4. Determine the frequency
input. The output should be of oscillation, if any.
 A. 131 Hz
 A. a sine wave.  B. 262 Hz
 B. a triangle wave.  C. 2.62 kHz
 C. a square wave.  D. none
 D. pure dc. 19. Refer to Figure 16-4. What is the duty cycle, if
17. Refer to Figure 16-4. This circuit is any?
 A. 16.3%
 B. 54.5%
 C. 86.9%
 D. none
20. Refer to Figure 16-4. Assuming it is configured
as an oscillator and if you desired to reduce the
duty to less than 50%, the following circuit
change would need to be made.
 A. Reduce the size of R1.
 B. Reduce the size of R2.
 C. Increase the size of R1.
 D. Connect a diode in parallel with R1.
21. A circuit that can change the frequency of
oscillation with an application of a dc voltage is
sometimes called

 A. a voltage-controlled oscillator.
 B. a crystal oscillator.
 C. a Hartley oscillator.
 D. an astable multivibrator.
22. Sinusoidal oscillators operate with _____  A. 1/2.
feedback.  B. 1/4.
 C. 1/3.
 A. positive  D. 1/5.
 B. negative 27. The attenuation of the three-section RC
23. One condition for positive feedback is that the feedback phase-shift oscillator is
phase shift around the feedback loop must be
_____°.  A. 1/9.
 B. 1/30.
 A. 0  C. 1/3.
 B. 90  D. 1/29.
 C. 180 28. The twin-T oscillator produces a _____
 D. 45 response.
24. The start-up gain of an oscillator must be
_____ one.  A. low-pass
 B. high-pass
 A. equal to  C. band-pass
 B. less than  D. band-stop
 C. greater than 29. The feedback signal in a(n) _____ oscillator is
 D. none of the above derived from a capacitive voltage divider in the LC
25. For frequencies up to 1 MHz, the _____ is the circuit.
most widely used type of sinusoidal RC oscillator.
 A. Hartley
 A. Wien-bridge  B. Armstrong
 B. phase-shift  C. Colpitts
 C. twin-T  D. none of the above
 D. none of the above 30. The feedback signal in a(n) _____ oscillator is
26. The lead-lag circuit in the Wien-bridge derived from an inductive voltage divider in the
oscillator has a resonant frequency at which the LC circuit.
attenuation is
 A. Hartley
 B. Armstrong  B. to limit output voltage if input voltage goes
 C. Colpitts too high
 D. none of the above  C. to bypass the pass-transistor, if the pass-
transistor should fail
 D. to provide current up to a maximum,
but drop current to a lower value when
1. Voltage regulation requires the output becomes shorted, to prevent
overheating of the device
 A. only line regulation. 5. A switching regulator that is configured as a
 B. only load regulation. voltage-inverter produces what type of output?
 C. a constant load.
 D. load and line regulation.  A. an ac output with opposite phase to the
2. In Figure 17-1(a)(see question 6), the purpose of input ac
R1 is to  B. a dc output that is the negative of the
 A. provide a reference voltage. dc input voltage
 B. limit current through the diode.  C. an output that is a higher voltage than the
 C. limit voltage to the op-amp. input voltage
 D. provide output voltage sampling.  D. an ac output from a dc input voltage
3. What type of regulator offers inherent short-
circuit protection?

 A. shunt regulators
 B. series regulators
 C. three-terminal regulators
 D. switching regulators
4. In a series regulator, what is the purpose of
fold-back limiting?

 A. to provide more current in the case of a

short circuit
6. Refer to Figure 17-1(a). Determine the output
voltage, VOUT.

Figure 17-1
 A. 25 V
 B. 5.1 V
 C. 20.2 V
 D. 4.1 V
7. Refer to Figure 17-1(b). If the load is short-
circuited, what would be the maximum current
through R1?
 A. 1 A
 B. 1.2 A
 C. 1.5 A
 D. 5 A
8. Refer to Figure 17-1(c). This circuit is called
 A. a series-pass voltage regulator.
 B. a shunt voltage regulator.
 C. a step-up switching regulator.
 D. a step-down switching regulator.
9. Refer to Figure 17-1(b). This circuit is known as
 A. a series-pass voltage regulator.
 B. a shunt voltage regulator.
 C. a step-up switching regulator.
 D. a step-down switching regulator.
10. Refer to Figure 17-1(a). This circuit is known as
 A. a series-pass voltage regulator.
 B. a shunt voltage regulator.
 C. a step-up switching regulator.
 D. a step-down switching regulator.
11. Refer to Figure 17-1(c). This circuit operates at  A. 1.45 A, 90.8%
a _____ frequency, and its efficiency is _____.  B. 1.45 A, 10.09%
 A. low, low  C. 1.2 A, 90.8%
 B. low, high  D. 1.2 A, 10.09%
 C. high, high 16. Refer to Figure 17-1(b). If the output of the
 D. high, low circuit were to be a short circuit, what power
12. Refer to Figure 17-1(c). The inductor and rating would R1 need to have?
capacitor are used for  A. 2.25 W
 A. amplifying the error signal.  B. 5 W
 B. controlling the load current.  C. 10 W
 C. turning on the pulse-width oscillator.  D. 22.5 W
 D. filtering the dc pulse output. 17. Refer to Figure 17-1(a). If the zener diode had
13. Refer to Figure 17-1(b). The purpose for the a rating of 1.7 V, the output voltage would be
zener diode D1 is  A. 2.13 V.
 A. to supply a reference voltage.  B. 8.36 V.
 B. to amplify the error signal.  C. 20.16 V.
 C. to sense the error signal.  D. 25 V.
 D. to limit the input voltage to the circuit. 18. Refer to Figure 17-1(a). If the BE junction of Q1
14. A voltage regulator has a no-load output of 18 opens, the output voltage VOUT will
V and a full-load output of 17.3 V. The percent  A. increase.
load regulation is  B. decrease.
 C. remain the same.
 A. 0.25%. 19. Refer to Figure 17-1(a). If a solder splash
 B. 96.1%. shorted the ends of R1 to each other,
 C. 4.05%.  A. the op-amp would fail.
 D. 1.04%.  B. Q1 would open.
15. A voltage regulator with a no-load output dc  C. the output voltage would not change.
voltage of 12 V is connected to a load with a  D. the zener would fail.
resistance of 10 Ω. If the load resistance 20. Refer to Figure 17-1(c). If the output voltage
decreases to 7.5 Ω, the load voltage will decrease tends to decrease due to an increase in load
to 10.9 V. The load current will be _____, and the current, the transistor will conduct for _____ time
percent load regulation is _____. each cycle.
 A. a longer  A. inductor
 B. a shorter  B. capacitor
 C. the same  C. transistor
21. Voltage regulators keep a constant _____ 26. The _____ regulator is less efficient than the
output voltage when the input or load varies _____ type, but offers inherent short-circuit
within limits. protection.

 A. dc  A. series, shunt
 B. ac  B. shunt, series
 C. ripple 27. Switching regulators are more efficient than
22. _____ regulation can be defined as the linear regulators and are particularly useful in
percentage change in the output voltage for a _____-voltage, _____-current applications.
given change in the input voltage.
 A. high, high
 A. Line  B. low, high
 B. Load  C. high, low
23. _____ regulation can be defined as the 28. Switching regulator efficiencies can be greater
percentage change in the output voltage for a than _____ percent.
given change in load current.
 A. 60
 A. Line  B. 70
 B. Load  C. 80
24. In a series linear regulator, the control  D. 90
element is a(n) _____ in series with the load. 29. How many terminals does a 7800 series IC
regulator have?
 A. inductor
 B. capacitor  A. 2
 C. transistor  B. 3
25. In a shunt linear regulator, the control  C. 4
element is a(n) _____ in parallel with the load.  D. none of the above

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