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Name With Initials Mr. H N Samara : Masters Degree in Human Resource Management Proposal For Project Report

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Masters Degree in Human Resource Management

Proposal for Project report

1. Name with Initials …Mr. H N Samara………………………

2. Student No …… MHRM/7/28…………………………………..

3. Mobile Telephone No ……0770261032………………………….

4. E – Mail ID ………harshasampaya@gmail.com……………………………


Background of the study

In today’s business world there is a huge competition among rivals in the field. Therefore to be
success in the field or sustainability is a very difficult task in this risky situation. All
organizations try to gain the maximum portion of the market and earn a higher profit for
accomplish this purpose all are trying to after outputs with the highest quality using high quality
raw materials available in the market and using high new technology. Also they try to gain
competitive advantages form the resources they have. Also they try to gain competitive
advantages form the resources they have. But most of time the quality of available resource such
as raw materials, machineries and other equipment, the technology may be same for all in same
industry. Therefore it is difficult to gain competitive advantages from those common resources.
They have to either get available resources in the market or develop own resources to some end.

HR is a very unique and special resource. It differs from all others. It is a live and active
resource. It has the ability to think, imagine, react & respond. Not only that. But also though it
may be having some sort of same characteristics, every human is different from each other’s.
Everyone has different attitudes, skills a way of thinking so on. Other than that it is a developable
resource. Employers can develop their own HR using training and various development
programs. So they can gain more benefits and competitive advantages through their own human
resources. Therefore human resource has been identified as a highly critical factor for the success
of business in last few decades.

Because of this situation currently organizations try to achieve their goals by develop employees
through following various action. Those are called as HR practices. In today’s business world
people are talking about not only traditional HR practices but also more innovative HR Practices
which helps to maximize the productivity of human capital. Those are called as Selected HR
practices. Those are Training and Development, Employee recognition, Rewards. Businesses try
to use these practices to improve the performance of employees by satisfying them while
reducing absenteeism & turnover. So in this research the researcher tries to find the impact of
selected human resource practices on job satisfaction.
Management theory and practices have gone through major transformations over the years.
When structural perspective of scientific management, classical, bureaucratic, and decision
theory were applied in organization not all organizational problems were solved. These theories
were unable to address issues of workers dissatisfaction and resistance to change this led to a
focus on the human side of organizations, specifically on human relations, group dynamics, and
leadership theories. Organizational thought in the past decades has emphasized the integration of
structural and human perspectives. More recently, contingency theory has added an emphasis on
fitting organizational features to the work situation. Early contingency research looked at the fit
between an organization's structure and its environment. Burns and Stalker described two
radically different types of management systems, mechanistic and organic (living, human, and
flexible). Current thinking in organization design re-emphasizes the importance of fitting
organizational structure to various contingencies, thus extending contingent theory to leadership,
group dynamics, power relations, and work design. (Burns, et al., 1961; Emery and Trist, 1960;
Roethlisberger and Dickson, 1939). Airlines are organizations whose management has been
affected by the various developments in the management theories and practices. Although Public
Airlines in Sri Lanka do not have an objective of making profit they do have many other
objectives on which they compete and wish to excel and survive just like the corporate
organizations. These Airlines are expected to meet very many goals on which the survival of Sri
Lanka as a Nation and the fate of the individual student depend.

Current thinking in management has placed a lot of emphasis on the link between human
resource practices and competitive advantage. Distinctive human resource practices help to
create the unique competencies that determine how firms compete (Catelli and Crocker, 1996).
The level of individual performance is a function of ability, motivation and opportunity. Job
satisfaction and the related organizational commitment have been

Shown to have a high correlation with organizational performance. Job satisfaction is a positive
emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job experiences. Employees with higher job
satisfaction care about the quality of their work and are more committed to the organization and
are more productive (Bavendam, 2000) on the other hand organizational commitment is an
affective attachment to an organization characterized by shared values, a desire to remain in the
organization, and a willingness to exert effort on its behalf (Zander, W. and Lee, D 2001).
Performance related HR practices would influence the effort, care, innovation and productive
behavior of employees. Commitment and job satisfaction will be higher when people positively
experience the application of HR practices concerned with creating an able workforce,
motivating valued behaviors and providing opportunities to participate. The way policies and
practices are implemented by front line managers, and the way top level espoused values and
organization cultures are enacted by them, will enhance or weaken the effect of HR practices in
triggering effort, care, innovation and productive behavior of employees by influencing their
attitudes (Purcell et al 2003).

Public ABC Airlines in Sri Lanka fall under the ministry of transport and are regulated by the
transport act chapter 211. They have been mandated with meeting many national goals such as
uniting the various cultures to create a cohesive nation. Using ABC AIRLINE EMPLOYEE
ranking as a proxy indicator, one may conclude that there is a significant difference in
performance among public ABC Airlines even among those that face almost similar
circumstances. For example, last year Leanne air line and Alliance boys both public national
Airlines, Sri Lanka and precious blood girls reroute both public provincial Airlines (appendix 3).
The difference in performance may rightly be credited to what is happening inside these
institutions. This is because these Airlines experience almost similar external environment. The
management of employees is shared between Employees Service Commission (EMPLOYEE
ORGANIZATION), Ministry of Transport and the Principal with his board of governors. Most of
the HR functions such as recruitment, selection, promotion, remuneration are carried out by
EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION with the ministry taking up much of performance management
role. The principal as a chief executive officer with his board find their hands tied in exercising
the identified best practices in corporate organizations. The achievement of

Most of the transport goals are difficult to measure and moreover employees in public Airlines
cannot be punished for poor performance of his students and intervention measures such as
training based on need assessment is lacking. There is therefore great need to identify the
practices by airline principals that enhance job satisfaction and organizational commitment in
view of the fact that they are not able to engage in most of the best practices "bundles" identified
in most research. Some principals from the available evidence have been able to induce
organizational commitment and job satisfaction and are able to induce discretionary behavior on
employees in meeting Tran’s portal goals.

All the nine public Airlines in ABC AIRLINE EMPLOYEE ranking 2006 in Sri Lanka Island
will be sampled. Sri Lanka Island is in and has both urban and rural characteristics. To evaluate
the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment in the selected Airlines,
two widely-used and validated instruments that assess these phenomena will be used - a
modification of the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) ( Dais & Loquats, 1984) and
the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) (Monday et al., 1982). There may be a
link between individuals' demographic characteristics and their job satisfaction or commitment to
an organization. Therefore, demographic data on employees at these Airlines will also be
gathered. Perhaps a better understanding of these issues and their relationships can aid further
research and pinpoint better strategies for human resource management in Airlines.

Problem Statement

Most of the organizations have given the attention for HR practices to improve the employee job
satisfaction. But they couldn’t achieve their targets. They couldn’t improve employee
productivity and efficiency to satisfaction level which is accepted by them & they couldn’t
reduce labor turnover. Because that in the research, it is tried to find the answer for how HR
practices affected to job satisfaction & increasing the profit margin through improving efficiency
of labors & reducing unnecessary labor cost. According to the HR department of Srilankan
airlines I can say that our company employee turnover is less than 20% for the past 3 years.
Hence the intention of the study is identifying the relationship between Selected HR practices
and Job satisfaction in the Srilankan airlines.
Objectives of the study

To identify selected HR practices influencing employee’s job satisfaction for Non executives in
the selected organization?

To identify relationship between identified Selected HR practices and job satisfaction of Non
executives in the selected organization?

Literature Review


This chapter focuses on literature review on HRM practices that are generally
associated with organizational commitment and job satisfaction. It identifies the
various practices which together have been seen to enhance job satisfaction and
o r g a n i z a t i o n a l commitment.

2.1 HR Practices

The present research could be helpful to human resource managers of private sector institutions
in Sri Anta for formulation and development of HR practices that will ensure high level of
academic staffs’ performance resulting in increased achievement and learning among students.
Good management practices are a key drive of staff performances. This research pays special
attention towards the four most important of HR aspect that influence the academic staffs’
performances which are employment security, training and development, compensation and
selective hiring. By adopting these practices of human resources, it will enable the organization
to motivate, attract and retain employees to support the mission, objective and organizational
strategy towards the enhancement of organizational performance.

2.1.1 Employment Security

Employee security maintains commitment among employees and creates a climate of confidence
on the company’s workforce. Employment security may be defined as employees not having to
deal with toxic worry about losing their employment. When employees feel their jobs are secure,
they have time to focus on the task at hand: getting their job done. If employees do not feel
secure, they cannot efficiently perform their job.

Employees feel secured if their organizations do not have a record of laying workers off. In
contrast, employees may feel more social unrest or fear if their organization reduces workforce
periodically. Suggested that job security is the security of being employed in a job, or
occupation that justifies a worker’s qualifications and skills.

Most of the times, layoffs are to temporary cut costs during economic downturn or in dealing
with financial problems. Meanwhile, it is important that organizations also need to be aware of
the value of senior or experienced educators even to consider and plan for the less obvious

effects on the future of the organization. Compulsory layoff and downsizing undermine
employment security. Suggests that there are possible alternatives to avoid layoff through
proportionately reducing working hours, reducing wages to reduce the labor costs, freezing
recruitment to prevent overstaffing, and putting production workers into sales to build up

The best employment security may be an excellent performance review evaluation where
educators can protect their jobs in economic downturn by striving for a top rated job
performance review. So being an indispensable employee with an excellent job performance
evaluation might provide employment security in the event of layoffs. Even though there are no
guarantees that a high performance rating will protect the valuable employees’ job but major
organizations are more likely to retain their highly rated employees because most would agree
that earning excellent performance review ratings makes sense, especially in economic

Generally temporary educators receive different inducements from universities compared to

permanent educators. They receive fewer rewards, are not routinely considered for promotions,
and cannot expect ongoing employment. Educators strive up to perform their job better if they
receive high

Employment security in their sector .Hence, researcher views that employment security is a

Factor to influence the academic staffs’ performance.

2.1.2 Training and Development

Training and development are defined as the heart of a continuous effort designed to improve
employee competency and organizational performance. Employees who are well trained can
share their updated knowledge and skills while using their creativity to understand and improve
the service in the organization. The benefits of training and development include improved
morale, employee satisfaction, lower turnover, higher retention, improved hiring and better
bottom line. All these benefits can satisfy employees, increase commitment and motivation, thus

improve the overall competence and performance of an employee. Training and development can
be affected by different factors:

i. Top management support

Top management need to provide necessary resources so that it can be successful in

implementing the training and development for the employees. For example, top management
can support by providing funds and tools when the training and development programmer occur.

ii. Technology advances

Nowadays, technologies are changing rapidly in response to the external environment. Most of
the companies are using technology to execute their daily operation such as computer, Internet
and e-mail to connect with each other easily. Thus, appropriate training ought to be given to
employees with minimal or lack of computer skills.

iii. World complexity

The complexity can affect the companies to change in the organization structure or strategies in
order to continue to survive in the environment. Therefore, they may need the training and
development program to improve their skills, perform task and achieve the new strategy.

iv. Other human resources function

Other human resource function has crucial impact on the training and development. For example,
the company needs to give training and development programmer for the new employees who
are just recruited and selected. Furthermore, compensation is important for retaining and
attracting employees especially the experienced ones to perform well in their task. This is
important as they can be the trainer and mentor for the new employees.

Suggested that the performance constraint for the lecturers in higher education is due to lack of
training, lack of support from senior faculty members. If the lecturers can perform well in their
performance, universities will have higher contribution towards higher education. Therefore,
training has an impact on the staff’s performance in the education industry.

2.1.3 Compensation

Compensation refers to total amount of both the financial and the nonfinancial rewards that
companies give employees in return for work performed. Compensation can be explained in

Terms others than wage or salary. It can be consisted of commissions, fringe benefits, bonuses,
reimbursements, and expense allowances. Compensation and benefits are the most basic
elements that affect employee performance as well as overall organization performance. It is a
reward or an incentives of pay that can stimulate individuals to join, retain and perform well in
the long run.

Teachers’ attitudes (performance) towards their work are shaped by some issues such as
allowances, bonuses, salaries, and promotion. This is because teachers are more concerned for
the late payment of salaries and the non-wage compensations provided to them 3; 24; 1.

Compensation was chosen as one of the independent variables that will influence academic
staffs’ performance in this research because individual always views monetary and non-monetary
rewards as their motivator for performance improvement. Therefore, it is important for an
employer to make a decision on how employees are being paid because this can attract capable
employees or reduce motivation of existing employees .Through compensation, academic staff’s
quality can be easily evaluated. Therefore, level of quality and performance will be known and
solutions can be sought to improve.

2.1.4 Selective Hiring

Selective hiring is one of the important human resource practices where it selects the right people
with required characteristics and knowledge in a right vacancy to fit the university’s culture and
climate. This is done to get the most suitable person for the particular job that competes in vacant
positions of the university. Successful university in the future will attract, retain and train
qualified and intelligent employees. Selective hiring process are costly in attracting, retaining
and training qualified educator, thus it may have high probability to successfully attract
intelligent educator in larger university and fail in smaller university due to ability of larger
university to provide plenty of money in the process. Stated that large universities are more
successful to engage in selection of best educator and smaller universities are unable to do so.
Selective hiring process may help the existence educator with right qualification and lead to
increase in quality of teaching and academic staffs’ performance. Suggested that proper
selective hiring may increase sales of the university.

Suggested that perceive quality and sales of a university will be affected by selecting the
qualified educator and training them in proper way. On the other hand, says educator strongly
indicates management of higher education understands well the capability needed and
continuation assesses the performance of new hired educator’s behavior. Additionally, stated that
the proper staffing can be place the right people in the right position so that the newly hired
educator can perform their work more efficiently and effectively. Skill shortage may lead to
insufficient in attracting potential applicant to fit in the vacancy whereas recruiting on pool
potential applicant is suggested.

2.2 Job performance of Academic Staffs

The word “Performance” has no universal definition. Defines performance as the action or
process of performing a task or function, and a task or operation seen in term of how successfully
it is performed. Performance is often confused with effort which refers to energy expended
whereas performance is measured in the terms of results. Performance can be defined as the
accomplishment of an employee’s assigned duties and the outcomes generated on a specified job
function or activity within a specified time period given. When comes to the definition of
academic staffs’ performance, the word Educator means a person who provides instruction or
education which refers to the lecturers, tutors and administration staffs in tertiary education

They are many factors affecting educator’s performances and mostly are categorized under
Human Resource practices. A number of researchers have determined the relationship between
HR practices and employees’ performance and the results of the studies shows a positive
relationship between them; 5; 6; According to , suggests there is consensus that human capital is
significant related to firm performance. Furthermore, there is a long list of high-performance HR
practices that may affect the organizational performance. A growing body of empirical evidence,
mainly originating from American studies, suggests that firms are increasingly incorporating
high-performance HR practices in order to improve financial performance and sustain a
competitive advantage as in the studies of. In doing so, businesses seek to organize their

workplaces in such a way that makes efficient use of human capital. This is also one of the
reasons why the researchers chose this topic as the study area.

2.3 Career development

A career is defined as the combination and sequence of roles played by a person during the
course of a lifetime. A career is a life-long process which includes the variety of work roles (paid
and unpaid). It undertake throughout lifetime, such as everyday life roles (parent, volunteer),
leisure activities, learning and work. ‘Career’ is a multifaceted concept which is ideas of
progression and development both at work and at a personal level it embraces ideas about
lifelong learning as well as skill development. Career also concerned with people’s futures and
what are the skills they want to develop, achieve at work and as a person as well as their future
employability in a rapidly changing labor market. In this reason organization are expanding their
resources in support of individual career needs. Organizations are coming to understand the
implications of career management activities and their impact on employee behavior and
attitudes to develop their employee’s career.

Career development is the process of managing life, learning and work where the term used to
describe the management of work-related activity throughout your life. Career development is
formal approach used by the organization to ensure that people with the proper qualifications and
experiences are available when needed. In other words, career development is the ongoing
acquisition or process of skills and knowledge, including job mastery and professional
development, coupled with career planning activities. Professional development skills are
different with Job mastery. Professional development skills are the skills and knowledge that
go beyond the scope of the employee's job

Description; although they may indirectly improve job performance whereas Job mastery skills
are those that are necessary to successfully perform one's job. In other hand, career skills are
important for both employees and employers, along with the career education to acquire those
skills. Employees need career management skills to navigate the labor market. Employers who
have more talented employees can expect them to navigate their internal labor markets more
effectively and for these employees to be more aware of the need to keep their skills relevant.

Employees may need encouragement and support in reviewing and re-assessing their goals and
activities to be successful in their job performance. For this approach, employees need an
opportunity to grow. Therefore, top management support can contribute significantly to
employee's career development by supporting career development activities within their
organization. Top management support is important for career development not only for
individuals but also for the organizations that employ them. For both of them it is part of a
strategy of achieving resilience to handle change more effectively. Career development is a
major tool for attracting, motivating and retaining good quality employees. Found that providing
career opportunities is one of key practices which influence organizational performance.

Career development increases employee motivation and productivity. Attention to career

development helps to attract top staff and retain valued employees. Organizations need to realize
that positive career development for their workforce is a way of helping to attract and retain the
best people: by recognizing and responding to the needs of individual employees they will get
the best out of them. Supporting career development and growth of employees is mandated by
the Philosophy of Human Resources Management

2.4 Relationship of HR practices and job performance.

Few researches have been conducted to investigate the relationship between the HR practices
and the job performance of the employees. The results have shown there are positive relationship
among the job performance and the HR Practices. Among the HR practices that will be discussed
in this paper are employment security, training and development, compensation and selective

Tasks that are assigned and well accomplished by the academicians will lead to the good
performance. It will also add to the value of employment security of the academic staff. It been
said that the employment security will have positive relationship job performance of the
academic staff. Had also discussed the issue of employment security in the organization. In
relation to Dressler’s study, it been suggested that for those employees who had planned to stay
longer with the organization that they worked for, the employment security is the important
factors as it would affect their career development as well. Non-employment security such as
layoffs and termination may affect to decrease the academic staff’s performance. The job of the
academic staff could easily been accomplished well when they feel secure of their employment

status as this will boost up their performance as the academic staff. Also, they will perform their
job efficiently and become more competence on the task that they are handling.

High level of job performance shown by the academic staff may be affected by the training that
they attend within the organization. The training may assist to improve their teaching skills and
to facilitate administrative skills that could directly influenced to increase their performance from
time to time. Therefore, there is a positive correlation between training of the academic staff and
their performance. It can be supported through the study done by and, where the training and
development of the academic staff would advance their skills and also their attitude. In addition
to that, study by, the academic staff training might be beneficial in the work setting as well as
increased their performance. The investment made by the organization towards the training of
the academic staff will eventually increase the motivation, morale and dedication of the staff and
would have direct influence to high job performance shown by the employees 9; 2.

Job performance of the academic staff is said to be directly affected by the compensation
package that they received while they performing the service in the organization. The
compensation has strong relationship with the employees’ outcomes. According to the study
conducted by, good compensation scheme will motivate the employees to work hard and show
high competencies in order to achieve the targeted objectives within the organization.
Compensation also has been said to be the key element that could affect the promotion of the
academic staff as it involve the monetary and non- monetary reward scheme. This idea also been
supported by the study from where it suggest that compensation is significantly correlated
towards the job performance.

The universities are trying to acquire qualified academic staff that have a good background of
qualification and experienced of teaching in the tertiary education. The reason being, it would
save the cost in terms of providing the training to them. The most qualified and experienced
academic staff will assist to improve and increase the performance of the universities to be
among the top education institutions. Agreed that selective hiring and the academic staff’s
performance are interrelated. When the organization is considered hiring the suitable people
together with the good compensation package, it could directly affect individual performance as
the academic staff. Accordingly, they suggested that the appropriate selective hiring process may
help the universities to increase in the level of teaching quality. In addition to that, signified that

whenever the universities practice proper selective hiring, it will lead to the academic staff to
perform their job proficiently.

P1: HR practices are positively related to academic’s job performance

2.5 Relationship between HR practices and career development

HRM practices have been defined in many ways. Defined HRM practices as organizational
activities that are directed at managing the pool of human resources and ensuring that resources
are employed towards the fulfillment of organizational goals. Conceptualized HRM practices as
a set of internally consistent policies and practices designed and implemented to ensure that a
firm's human capital contribute to the achievement of its business objectives. Similarly, viewed
HRM practices as an individual's perceptions of the extent of implementation of the strategies,
plans, and programs used to attract, motivate, develop, reward and retain the best people to meet
organizational goals.

Building on the arguments given by these scholars, HRM practices comprise of specific
practices, formal policies, and philosophies that are designed to attract, develop, motivate and
retain employees who ensure the effective functioning and survival of the organization.

Divided HRM practices into those that enhance employee skills, practices that help motivate
employees, and the way in which the workplace is structured. Hence at least the following four
HRM dimensions can be identified in previous work: training and development, employee pay
system, employee feedback, and workplace organization. Human resource management (HRM)
practices are being increasingly considered as major contributory factors on employee
performance. Best Human Resource practices of organizations recognize that for managers to be
competent and comfortable in their career development activities. Some organizations have not
provided training systematically and now feel the need to develop this critical skill in their

An effective human resource management practices can be the main factor for the success of a
firm. As supported by HRM practices on business performance, namely training and
development, teamwork, compensation/incentive, HR planning, performance appraisal, and
employee security help improve firms’ business performance including employee’s productivity,
product quality and firm’s flexibility.

Empirically evaluated six human resource (HR) practices (realistic job, information, job
analysis, work family balance, career development, compensation and supervisor support) and
their likely impact on the Marketing Executive Turnover. Results of regression showed that the
HR practices on job analysis are strong predictors of Marketing Executive Turnover. A long the
same line, two components of human resource (HR) practices namely, training and information
technology has direct impact on organizational performance. In addition, four HRM practices
showed that training and development, team work, HR planning, and performance appraisal have
positive and significant influence on business performance.



Although there is certainly a chicken-and-egg debate over issues regarding the

relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment, several
researchers have made the case that job satisfaction is a predictor of
organizational commitment

(Porter et al., 1 9 7 4 ; P r ic e , 1 9 7 7 ; R o s e , 1 9 9 1 ). Many studies use different

facets of satisfaction aimed at predicting employee attributes
such as performance and organizational commitment
(Diehard & Gregorian, 1993; Oshagbemi, 2000a, 2000b; Youssef. 1998). In a
study of job security as a predictor of commitment, a significant positive
correlation was found to exist (Youssef, 1998). Also, in a later study by Youssef
(2000), leadership behavior was affected by commitment, which was affected by
job satisfaction and job performance. As an attitude, differences between
commitment and job satisfaction are seen in several ways (Monday, et al., 1982).
Commitment is a more global response to an organization and job satisfaction is
more of a response to a specific job or various facets of the job. Wiener (1982)
states that job satisfaction is an attitude toward work-related conditions, facets, or
aspects of the job. Therefore, commitment suggests more of an attachment to
the employing organization as opposed to specific tasks, environmental factors,
and the location where the duties are performed (Monday, et al., 1982). When
discussed on these terms, commitment should be more consistent than job
satisfaction over time. "Although day-to-day events in the work place may affect an
employee's level of job satisfaction, such transitory events should not cause an
employee to re-evaluate seriously his or her attachment to the overall organization"
(Monday et al., 1982)

Material and Methods

Data to be used

Here we use two types of Data for data gathering and our study falls under survey design.

● Primary data
● Secondary data

Primary data

We focus on individual employees in Srilankan airlines and data was collected by using
personally administered questionnaire and hope to carry out interviews with employees.

Secondary data

Secondary data was obtained from company records, Annual Reports, web site, intranet and so

Population & Sample Design

Population of the study consists of Island wide employees of Srilankan airlines. Sample consists
of randomly selected 80 employees from selected company covering katunayaka area

Data Collection Methods

Data was collected by using,

● Questionnaires

Every individual employee of the sample was given questionnaires in order to collect data.

Data analysis

Method of analysis includes a statistical analysis of information collected using such tools as pie
chart, Histogram, Frequency table and use SPSS software programmer.
H1: Training and development is positively related with employee job satisfaction.

H2: Employee Recognition is positively related with employee job satisfaction.

H3: Employee Rewards are positively related to employee job satisfaction.



4.1 Introduction
The data changed into offered in distribution tables, graphs and probabilities. Open ended questions
have been grouped in keeping with habitual topics. Correlation assessments were completed and
information analyzed as defined underneath;

4.1.1 Commitment and satisfaction

On a scale of one-5 the entire rating of every respondent changed into computed and
transformed to a percentage. The common percentage ranges of organizational dedication and
activity satisfaction in keeping with airline have been then determined at the bases of which the
following scales had been evolved.

 70 % - a hundred % Very excessive dedication; Very excessive pride.

 60 % - sixty nine % high commitment; excessive delight.

 50 % - 59 % mild commitment; fair pride.

 30 % - 49 % low dedication; low pleasure.

 < 29 % Very low commitment; Very low delight.

4.1.2 HRM Practices

Section B of the questionnaire treated human resources management practices and changed into
analyzed primarily based on the many HR practices which the airline administration might be
predicted to steer. The questions had been assigned numerous practices. Many of the practices
recognized were group work, involvement, and orientation and performance management. On a
scale of one-five, a rating for each respondent for every practice in a given airline became
hooked up and an airline average changed into obtained for every of the practices. The
translation of the score used the variety furnished in section four.1.1.

4.1.3 Performance

K.CSE means score for the last five years for each airline was obtained and converted
to a percentage. The maximum possible mean score is 12.0 thus e a c h a i r l i n e score
w a s divided by 12.0 and multiplied by 100 to obtain the airline percentage score. The
scale below was used for the interpretation of the results.

70 %- 100 % A -Veer y high performance 60 % - 69 % B --High performance

50 % - 59 % C —Moderate performance 30 % - 49 % D—Low performance

< 29 % E~ Very low performance

4.2 Response rate and demographic profiles of the respondents

The data were summarized and presented in the form of tables, frequency
distribution, percentages and figures. Table 1 a provides the response rate while table 1
b is a summary

Of the demographic profiles.

Table 1a: Distribution of respondents per airline and overall response rate

rate (%)
Ruthimitu M 10 100
Upper H 10 100
Moa G 9 75
Ruthimitu G 7 70
Mutiny 8 80
Nimbus 8 80
overall response 79 82

Table 1b: Demographic characteristics

Gender Marital status Academic Teaching

Post Below
graduate 10 10 years
"88lf 11.2 98.6 0.01 84.08 % 15 % 0.92 % 6.0 % 94 %
% % % %

The overall reaction charge turned into 82 %. Reaction price via airways ranged from 70 % to a

%. Table la indicates the proportion reaction. Desk lb. indicates the general respondent’s
demographic traits. It is clean that gender can be significant to this look at. 88. Eight

% of the respondents had been lady while 11.2 % were male. The ones with postgraduate degree
stand at 15 % even as those without university diploma are less than 1 %. Ninety four % of the
respondents had a teaching enjoy of ten years and above. This high minimum duration of
provider may be due to freeze in employment of employees through the government and the fact
that any subsequent employment to fill vacancies left by employees leaving the profession has
never been carried out in airlines. The query of age of respondent and teaching enjoy changed
into wrongly phrased and a few of respondents declined to solution while others did so
reluctantly. With the gain of foresight those questions must have supplied various ranges. This
part of facts has therefore been left out of the analysis.

4.3 Job satisfaction and organizational commitment by gender

* 20
Table lock and figure 1 show the influence of gender on job satisfaction and
organizational commitment. Job satisfaction for the male respondents range between
fair satisfaction to very high satisfaction (55 % - 91 %), while for ladies it varies
between high satisfaction and very high satisfaction (64 %- 86 %). Male organizational
commitment range between moderate commitment to very high commitment (52 % - 84
%) while for female it ranges between high commitment and very high commitment (69
% - 80 %).

* 20
Table 1c: Percentage difference between males and females levels of job
satisfaction and organizational commitment

% Job %
satisfaction Organizational
Mal Femal Male Femal
Air line
Precious Blood 82
e 69
e 74 68
Sri Lanka 69 78 66 74
Leanne 61 72 62 73
Ruthimitu 69 75 58 72
Mixed Hill 78 80 74 80
Moa Girls 55 76 52 72
Mutiny 91 86 84 75
Ruthimitu 71 71 74 73
Girls 66 63 67 69

The data in table 1C was used to draw figure 1, below.

Figure 1: Males an d females l e v e l s of job satisfaction and organizational


4.4 Relationship between Male s and Female s Job Satisfaction and

Organizational Commitment

Table 2 below is a matrix of Pearson correlation coefficients for the various relationships.

Male Female Male Female

satisfacti satisfacti commitme commitme
Male satisfaction on
1 on
0.442 nt
0.906 nt
Female satisfaction 0.442 1 0.294 0.732
Male commitment 0.906 0.294 1 0.265
Consequences supplied in table 2 suggest that the connection among male and girl pride (r =
0.442, P<0.05) is not giant. The identical is authentic for the relationship between gender and
organizational dedication. Those findings are no longer in settlement with similar research
which has shown that gender may have an effect on task pleasure (Rose, 1991). Gender
influences many sociological issues and the above loss of huge correlations is not specially
unexpected. It’d be exciting to research the particular reasons in the back of this loss of
substantial correlation.

There may be a sizable correlation between process pride and organizational commitment
among men (r = zero.906, P<0.05) and also among women (zero.732, P<0.05). That is in
agreement with preceding studies which have hooked up significant correlation among task
delight and organizational dedication (Youssef, 1998; Rose, 1991; charge. 1977).

4.5 Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Perceptions of HRM
practices as a function of Academic Qualification.

All the employees in Sri Lanka public ABC Airlines are professionally trained. 84 % are
degree holders, 15 % have postgraduate qualification while diploma holders are at 1%
(table lb.). Various HRM practices were considered (table 4) and the percentage average
obtained as explained in section 4.1.2. Table 3 and figure 2 show the percentage levels of
job satisfaction, organizational commitment and HRM- practice perceptions by academic

Table 3: Commitment, Job Satisfaction and Perceptions of HRM Practices as a

function of Academic Qualification.

Academic % job satisfaction % commitment % HRM- practices

Diploma 80 85 87
Degree 75 74 64
Post- graduate 58 50 48

The data in table 3 was used to draw figure 2, below.

Figure 2: Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Perceptions of HRM

Practices as a function of Academic Qualification

job satisfaction commitment HRM- practice

Diploma Degree Post - graduate
It was found that employees with submit graduate qualification had mild level of commitment
and satisfaction and occasional degrees of effective notion of HR exercise (fifty eight%, 50%,
and 48% respectively). The better the extent of shipping the decrease the extent of task
satisfaction, organizational commitment and mind-set closer to HRM practices. Those findings
are regular with several studies in which transport changed into found to have an inverse dating
with organizational commitment. Majority of managers fail to spot the connection between
better stages of shipping and overall performance/productivity (attitude & Perry, 1981; Morris
& Sherman, 1981; Mathieu & Zodiac, 1990; Morris & Steers, 1980; Steers, 1977). in an effort
to growth satisfaction degrees as individuals collect higher levels of shipping, management
might attempt to reward individuals by using imparting greater stimulating and tough
obligations or maybe offer a few degree of economic compensation for pursuit of courses that
decorate their personnel' process skills. Monetary reimbursement can be negotiated with the
discern employees association and board of governors.

4.6 Level of perception of various HR practices in Airlines

Data was collected on the prevailing HRM practices in the Airlines and the responses
grouped along various themes. The questions in section B were framed in such a way that
they. Depicted a practice within the various HR functions. Care was taken to include only
those practices that a principal in an airline can influence. Table 4, and figures 3a, 3b
provide a summary of the data.

, 25
Table 4: Employees' perceptions of various HRM practices in the Airlines

Air line a% b % C% d % e% f% g % h % j% k%
Sri 64 64 69 69 73 62 67 84 76 49
Lanka 47 55 60 78 58 55 60 73 35 60
u Mixed
Moa 56 71 73 60 60 71 56 64 42 76
tu Girls
Mutiny 83 91 91 86 89 89 97 97 91 77
Nimbus 71 71 64 62 53 64 60 73 51 67


a - involvement, b - shared values and goals, c - supervision, d - Performance

management, e - communication, f-psychological contract,

g - Innovativeness, h - team work, j - orientation, k - welfare.

From table 4, figure 3a and figure 3b, the best human resources practices, namely
Involvement, shared values, communication, orientation and welfare varied between low
application and very high application (35 % - 96 %). Best practices in Performance
management, psychological contract, innovativeness varied b e t w e e n moderate
application and very high application (51 % - 97 %). While best practices in supervision
and team work varied between high applications to very high application (60 % - 97 %).
HRM - practices

Some practices are perceived less positively in some Airlines and more positively in
others. Leanne and Moa girls scored low on both orientation and involvement. Precious
blood at the same fair level of assessment and low involvement show a remarkably high
score on orientation. Team work is perceived highly among Airlines that have good
performance in the national examination. (Table 9).
4.7 Most important HR practices and Factors affecting Job Satisfaction and
Organization Commitment.

Section C of the questionnaire consisted of unstructured questions. The aim was to find
out if there were other HR practices and or factors that affect employees' level of job
satisfaction and organizational commitment. Analysis along dominant themes identify job
itself, team work, location of airline, student performance, facilities/work environment,
and ease of access to airline as major factors contributing to employees job satisfaction
and organization commitment. The respondents identified similar factors as affecting
their job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The respondents were asked to
list factors that make them satisfied and also those that make them committed. The data
obtained was summarized in table, 5.

Table 5: Perception of factors influencing job satisfaction and organizational


Air line Student Team Job itself facilities Access

performanc work to air line
Precious e %
75 80 % 27 % 65 % 69 %
Sri Lanka 45 63 44 65 75
Leanne 64 50 45 80 72
Ruthimitu 39 70 60 49 80
Upper 60 79 40 40
* 26
Moa Girls 80 60 40 75 70
Ruthimitu 35 78 75 35 30
Mutiny 40 80 80 40 20
Nimbus 50 60 67 40 45
The respondents identified some factors which are themselves not HRM practices as
affecting their job satisfaction and commitment. These are job itself, facilities and access
to airline . These tend to be in agreement with Hertzberg’s theory of motivation
Importance of nature of work and working conditions for the presence or absence of job
dissatisfaction (Herzberg, 1968).

The rating of management practices appears to have a pattern among Airlines. From
table 5, student performance is rated highly by precious blood (75%), Moa girls (80%)
and Leanne (64%) while Job itself is rated highly by Rutihimitu girls (75%), Mutiny
(80%), Nimbus (67%), and Ruthimitu mixed (60%). Teaching and learning facilities
appear to also follow a similar trend. Comparing table 9 and table 5, one observes that
these patterns follow along ABC AIRLINE EMPLOYEE performance ranking. High
performance Airlines has majority of employees citing good student performance as
number one reason for job satisfaction (Precious blood 75 %, Moa girls 80 %, Leanne
64%). Among the low performing Airlines employees cite job itself as major reason for
job satisfaction. Location of air line in relation to ease of access also showed some
pattern. Airlines located further away from main-road had fewer employees citing access
to airline as reason for satisfaction and commitment (Ruthimitu G 30%, Nembu 25%,
Mutiny, 20%). Location had been seen to affect job satisfaction and commitment in
previous studies (Rose, 1991). These Airlines can enhance job satisfaction and
commitment by providing transport to and from the air line and also investing in teacher

4.8 How to enhance Job satisfaction and Organizational Commitment

The respondents were asked to identify what can be done in their Airlines to enhance job
satisfaction and organizational commitment. The respondents identified similar factors as
affecting both satisfaction and commitment with teacher motivation featuring
* 27

Table 6 gives the percentage number of employees based on their opinions on what can
be done in their respective Airlines to enhance job satisfaction and organizational

* 28
Table 6; Factors considered essential for job satisfaction and organizational

Air line Teacher involvemen leadership Teaching Access to Other

motivation t facilities air line
Precious 80 % 12 % 6% 0% 0% 2%
Sri Lanka 56 33 0% 0% 0% 11
Leanne 40 20 30 0% 0% 10
Ruthimitu 50 10 % 0% 30 0% 10
Upper 55 20 10 0% 0% 15
Hill Girls 60
Moa 25 10 0% 0% 5
Ruthimitu 35 10 0% 40 15 % 0%
Mutiny 10 0% 0% 20 60 10
Nimbus 30 30 20 10 10 % 0%

The questions asked were open ended and we had expected to obtain multiple responses
per respondent but the majority of respondents provided only one response to each of the
two questions. Employees in each airline tend to attach importance on different factors. By
comparing table 6 with table 9, one observes that high and very high performing Airlines
have a high percentage of employees identify motivation as most important factor.
Motivation of employees was viewed primarily on monetary terms. This tends to underscore
importance of performance based pay. Employees in these Airlines probably feel
unappreciated on their good performance probably explaining the low perception of HR-
practices. This observation validates Lawler s satisfaction model which view satisfaction
as a function of the extent to which the perceived amount of rewards one receives
matches the perceived deserved rewards (Monday, 1996). Poor and very poor performing
Airlines identify teaching facilities and others access of the air line. Under
, 29
Other factors were team work, housing of employees, communication, fair play and
lower work load. These factors were grouped together since they were not dominant.

4.9 Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment

The data on job satisfaction and organizational commitment was analyzed as explained in
section 4.1.1 and presented in Table 7.

Table 7; Levels of Job satisfaction and Organizational Commitment

Air line % % satisfaction

Precious blood 69
commitment 71
Sri Lanka 67 70
Leanne 70 69
Ruthimitu mixed 68 73
Ruthimitu girls 74 71
Mutiny 80 89
Moa girls 68 67
Upper hill 75 79
Nimbus 68 64

From table 7, Commitment ranged between 67 % - 80 % while satisfaction ranged

between 64 % - 89 %. These values indicate that both commitment and satisfaction levels
in each airline varied between high and very high. This was contrary to expectation given
the prevailing public opinion on these matters. The general public opinion is that majority
of employees are not satisfied with their job and are not committed to their Airlines.

Figure 4; Levels of Job satisfaction and organizational commitment


Air line

From figure 4 one observes that Mutiny and Upper Hill Airlines have relatively higher
levels of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Commitment levels and
satisfaction levels appear almost at the same peak for each airline.

4.10 Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment.

Job satisfaction and commitment have a significant correlation (r = 0.872, P < 0.01) .This
observation is in agreement with previous studies that have recorded significant
relationship. In some of the studies, job satisfaction was observed to be a predictor of
organizational commitment (Rose, 1991; Price, 1977; Oshagbemi, 2000a).

Gender and academic qualification have an effect on job satisfaction and organizational
commitment. There is no significant correlation between males and female j o b
satisfaction and organizational commitment (table 2). Male’s job satisfaction has a
significant correlation with their organizational commitment (0.906) while female’s job
satisfaction has a significant correlation with their organizational commitment (0.732) at

0.05 significance level (table 2).

Male job satisfaction range between moderate (55%) to very high (91) while their
commitment vary between moderate to very high. Women job satisfaction vary between
high (64%) and very high (86) while their commitment vary between high (69%) and
very high (80%). Generally females show a higher level of job satisfaction and
organizational commitment. The higher the level of transport the lower is the job
satisfaction and organizational commitment (table 3).
4.11 Relationship between Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Him

Table 8 shows correlation between the various HRM practices, job satisfaction,
organizational commitment and the average HRM practice. The average HR practice
score per airline is given in table 9. With the exemption of welfare, all the other various
HRM practices sampled showed a significant correlation with the average percentage
index on HRM practice in Airlines. Welfare would have been expected to show
significant correlation with HRM practice and lack of significant correlation was

* 32
Table 8: Correlation between the various HRM practices with job satisfaction and
organizational commitment in the Airlines

1 HRM- Practices Pearson correlation

Job satisfaction commitment

Involvement 0.067 0.099

Shared values and 0.242 0.419
Supervision 0.314 0.467
Performance mg 0.056 0.372
Communication 0.078 0.222
Psychological 0.320 0.553
Innovativeness 0.062 0.251
Team work -0.258 -0.106
Orientation -0.116 -0.95
Welfare 0.328 0.712*

'Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2- tailed)

Other than welfare, all the other various practices on their own showed no correlation
with job satisfaction and organizational commitment. This implies that only a combination
of various practices can afford job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Welfare
has a significant relationship with commitment (0.712) at 0.05 significant levels but no
significant relationship with job satisfaction. This provides us with the understanding that
organizational commitment is different with job satisfaction (Monday et al., 1982).

, 33
4.12 Commitment, Job satisfaction, Perception of HRM practices and Performance
Table 9 shows levels of organizational commitment, job satisfaction. ABC AIRLINE
EMPLOYEE performance and perception of HRM- practices in the public Airlines in Sri
Lanka island in. The HRM practice in this table is an average of the various HRM practices.
Table 9: Commitment, Job Satisfaction, HRM practice and performance by individual

% % % %

Precious 69 71 87 56
Sri Lanka
blood 67 70 63 62
Leanne 70 69 73 56
Ruthimitu 68 73 23 68
mixed 74 71 26 69
girls 80 89 38 88
Moa girls 68 67 71 52
Upper hill 75 79 63 87
Nimbus 68 64 36 64

The individual scores in table 3 are interpreted as follows

70 % -100 % Very high commitment ;Very high satisfaction ; Very high performance 60 %
- 69 % High commitment; High satisfaction ; High performance
50 % - 59 % Moderate commitment; Moderate satisfaction ; Moderate performance 30 % -
49 % Low commitment; Low satisfaction ; Low performance

< 29 % Very low commitment; Very low satisfaction; Very low performance
The average commitment and satisfaction levels for employees in Sri Lanka island range
between very high and high (68%-80% and 64%-89% respectively). Average score for
HRM practices in these Airlines range between very high and low (52%-88%); performance
ranges between very high and very low (23%-87%) as shown in table 9. The HRM practice
has a very wide range (36%) and so does performance (64%). The wide range of HRM
practice can be attributed to differing application levels of the various HR practices and
one expect these to have an effect on job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
The very wide range on performance is a reason for concern. There is need to investigate
the reasons behind such performance given that job satisfaction and organizational
commitment are between high and very high for all the Airlines (table 9).
Airlines with very high performance show employees experiencing moderate HRM practices
and between very high and high job satisfaction and organization commitment. Precious
blood at very high performance (87%) has moderate HRM practice. Low performing
Airlines (Mutiny 38%, Nimbus 36%) and very low performing Airlines (Ruthimitu mixed
23%, Ruthimitu Girls 26%) has between high and very high application of HR practice
and high application of HR practice respectively and between high and very high job
satisfaction and organizational commitment (table 9). Sri Lanka and Upper hill Airlines
have a high performance (63 %) and high and very high experience of HRM practices
respectively (62% - 87%) and high and very high job satisfaction and commitment
respectively as shown in Table 9. These two Airlines provide us with a positive
relationship between HRM practice and performance.

4.13 Relationships between HR practices, job satisfaction, Organizational

commitment and performance

Table 10, is a matrix of Pearson correlation coefficients for the various relationships. This
section seeks to address objectives 3, 4 and 5. The objectives are to establish the
relationship between job satisfaction, organizational commitment, HRM practice and
performance in ABC AIRLINE EMPLOYEE.

Table 10: P e a r s o n correlation on HRM-practices, job satisfaction, organization

Commitment and performance.

Job commitment HRM ABC

satisfaction practices AIRLINE
Commitment 0.872* 1 0.832* EMPLOYEE
- 0.269

Job 1 0.872* 0.844* -0.189

HRM 0.844* 0.832* 1 - 0.445

, 36
-0.189 - 0.269 - 0.445 1


, 36
'Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2- tailed)

As shown in table 10, HRM practices have a significant correlation with job satisfaction
and organization commitment (P < 0.01). This is in agreement with previous observations
in similar studies (Guest et al., 1996, Box all and Purcell, 2003). ABC AIRLINE
EMPLOYEE Performance was observed to have no significant correlation with job
satisfaction, organizational commitment, and HRM practices, which is in contrast with
most previous studies (Kraut, 1975; Mobley, 1982; Hucrynski, 1985). There is a negative
correlation between performances on the one hand and job satisfaction, organizational
commitment and HR practice (table 10). As job satisfaction, organizational
commitment and perception of HR practice increases, performance in ABC AIRLINE
EMPLOYEE decreases. This, as noted earlier, is not consistent with previous studies
which have found a positive significant relationship between application of HRM
practices and performance (Youssef, 2000; Youssef 1998). HRM practices, Job
satisfaction and organizational commitment fail to explain performance in Sri Lanka
public Airlines. There is need to investigate further, factors in Airlines that drive
performance. Perhaps some insights on prevailing circumstances in the poor performing
Airlines can be obtained in table 6, where lack of facilitates appear to be a major


5.1 Introduction

This chapter provides conclusions on the findings of the study in relation to the
research objectives. The chapter also outlines recommendations on the way forward
based on the research findings.


Overall the study’s findings suggest that activity satisfaction and organizational
dedication of personnel in public high airlines in Sri Lanka Island variety from high to
very excessive. Task pride turned into considerably correlated with organizational
dedication (r = zero.872, P < 0.01). Gender had no enormous correlation with job pride
and organizational dedication. Woman personnel had a notably better process pleasure
and organizational dedication than their male colleagues. Task satisfaction and
organizational commitment were found to be suffering from the level of shipping. A
growth inside the degree of shipping ended in a decrease in satisfaction and commitment.
Personnel with post graduate qualification had been found to be the least happy and

The respondents score of utility of HR- practices ranged between very excessive and
slight. HRM practices that had excellent impact on activity delight and organizational
commitment were observed to be different among airlines and among organizations of
airways. Among sixty four % and eighty % of employees in excessive appearing airlines
recognized appropriate pupil performance because the finest contributor to their job pride
and organizational commitment even as 60 % to eighty % of employees in mild to very
low appearing airlines recognized task itself. Crew paintings become one of the practices
that changed into quite experienced amongst all of the airways ranging from 50% to
eighty% of the personnel. HRM practice became substantially correlated with task pride
(r = zero.844, P < 0.01) and organizational dedication (r = 0.832, P < zero.01). Human
resource management practices have also been

Proven in preceding research to be extensively correlated with job delight and

organizational dedication (Box all and Purcell, 2003; Harry, 2001; Armstrong, 2005).

Performance in ABC AIRLINE worker exam ranged from very high and really low.
There has been no large correlation between ABC AIRLINE employee performance on
the only hand and activity satisfaction and organizational commitment. The correlation
became terrible which means that as employees were given extra happy and devoted the
extent of overall performance might drop. This was a difficult observation and turned
into now not expected. It is not steady with previous studies which have proven a
sizeable correlation between performance, process pleasure and organizational dedication
(Kraut, 1975; Mobley, 1982; Hucrynski, 1985).

Some elements other than HRM practices have been observed to have an effect on task
pride and organizational dedication. Some of the critical factors had been process itself,
facilities and region of the air line. Among the high acting airways, employees' economic
motivation changed into mentioned as a primary practice which could increase activity
pride and commitment (40% - eighty %). For a few airways excessive percent of
employees stated get right of entry to the air line and centers. Those responses had a
pattern among organizations of airways in particular along performance. Amongst Low
acting airlines a better wide variety of employees felt facilities had been maximum vital.


• the shortage of large correlation among performance in one hand and activity
delight, organizational dedication and HRM exercise on the other hand suggest that the
reason for negative overall performance lies somewhere else. It’s far clear that there are
different factors apart from task pride, organizational commitment and HRM practices that

affect performance in airlines in Sri Lanka Island. There may be want to conduct any other
study to establish these factors.

• Airlines with high overall performance were observed to have honest utility of
HRM practices. This commentary must no longer be taken to intend that airline control

Can come up with the money for to play down HRM problems. It is able to well be
something else is operating for them and specializing in enhancing their HRM practices
would improve similarly their overall performance. A high percentage of employees in
those airlines cite economic motivation as a prime manner of improving process pleasure
and dedication. The airways board of governors in collaboration with determines personnel
affiliation can introduce a levy to cater for this type of incentive.

• that allows you to increase process satisfaction degrees as individuals accumulate

better stages of trans portal, management may try to praise individuals by using providing
a structure for advancement. Control need to be greater flexible in paintings schedules by
way of imparting more challenges. Courses that beautify personnel' process talents want to
be advocated.

• To acquire a high stage of activity delight and organizational dedication in Sri

Lanka public ABC airways, the subsequent elements have been found to be most essential:
monetary praise for accurate performance, teamwork, task itself, airline centers and
shipping from the principle road to some of the airways.

• There’s need to increase this observe to different Islands in and the relaxation of the
us of a in an effort to discover if the consequences received on this study will be replicated.


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