Airway Block DR HT
Airway Block DR HT
Airway Block DR HT
Endotracheal Intubation
By admin 08/08/2013 04:15:00
Recent developments in regional anesthesia have resulted in a number of innovative and refined options to
practitioners, often allowing regional techniques to be used for patients with presumed difficult airways. However,
not every surgery can be performed under regional anesthesia. In addition, even in the hands of the most skilled
regional anesthesiologist, blocks are subject to a certain rate of complications or failure.(1-4) In addition, there are
many situations in which the anesthesiologist is called on to secure an airway in less than ideal circumstances.
Expertise with regional anesthesia of the airway allows intubation in awake patients with suspected difficult
intubation, upper airway trauma, or cervical spine fractures. Therefore, it is essential that every regional
anesthesiologist be skilled in the administration of general anesthesia and especially in the management of the
difficult airway.
In recent years, there have been many advances in difficult airway management. The introduction of the laryngeal
mask airway, and later the intubating laryngeal mask airway have changed the American Society of
Anesthesiologists' difficult airway algorithm significantly.(5) Despite new devices and techniques being added to
the arsenal daily, the mainstay of difficult airway management remains flexible fiberoptic laryngobronchoscopic
intubation. Fiberoptic intubation can be performed under a variety of conditions. However, one major decision must
be made with every procedure will the patient be intubated while under general anesthesia, or does the patient
need to be awake during intubation?(6) Intubation under general anesthesia (even with inhalational induction and
spontaneous respiration) carries the inherent risk of losing control of the difficult airway. For this reason, many
anesthesiologists, on recognition of a difficult airway, elect to perform an awake intubation using either fiber optic
laryngobronchoscopy or awake direct laryngoscopy.
Direct laryngoscopy in an awake, unprepared patient can be extremely challenging. Excessive salivation and gag
and cough reflexes can make intubation difficult, if not impossible, under awake conditions. In addition, the stress
and discomfort may lead to undesirable elevations in the patient’s sympathetic and parasympathetic outflow.
Several highly effective topical and regional anesthesia techniques have been developed to subdue these reflexes
and facilitate intubation. Each of these techniques has the common goal of reducing sensation over the specific
regions that will be encountered by the fiber optic bronchoscope and endotracheal tube.
Relevant Anatomy
Figure 1: Innervation of the airway passages.
To decide on a proper approach to an awake fiberoptic intubation, one must determine what structures need to be
anesthetized along the two basic routes of intubation (oral or nasal) to facilitate optimal surgical conditions in the
context of patient-specific anatomic considerations. Each of these routes has a well-defined pattern of innervation
that can be specifically blocked to provide adequate anesthesia.
The nasal cavity is innervated by the greater and lesser palatine nerves and the anterior ethmoidal nerve. The
palatine nerves arise from the pterygopalatine ganglion and innervate the nasal turbinates and most of the nasal
septum. The pterygopalatine ganglion is located posterior to the middle turbinate in the pterygopalatine fossa. The
anterior ethmoidal nerve arises from the olfactory nerve (CN I) and innervates the nares and the anterior third of
the nasal septum.(7)
Figure 2: Innervation of the larynx.
The oropharynx is innervated by branches of the vagus, facial and glossopharyngeal nerves (Figure 1). These
nerves travel anterior along the lateral surface of the pharynx, and the three branches provide sensory innervation
to the posterior third of the tongue,(8) the vallecula, the anterior surface of the epiglottis (lingual branch), the walls
of the pharynx (pharyngeal branch), and the tonsils (tonsillar branch). The sensory innervation of the anterior two
thirds of the tongue is provided by the trigeminal nerve (lingual branch of the mandibular division).(8) Given that it
is not a part of the reflex arcs controlling gag or cough, its blockade is not essential for comfort during fiberoptic
The internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve is a branch of CN X (vagus nerve) (Figure 2). The superior
laryngeal nerve provides sensory innervation to the base of the tongue, posterior epiglottis, aryepiglottic folds, and
arytenoids.(7) This branch originates from the superior laryngeal nerve lateral to the greater cornu of the hyoid
bone. The recurrent laryngeal nerve provides sensory innervation of the vocal folds and trachea and motor
function of all intrinsic laryngeal muscles except the cricothyroid supplied by the external branch of the superior
laryngeal nerve.(7)
Clinical Pearls
Three major neural pathways supply sensation to airway structures (see Figure 1).
Terminal branches of the ophthalmic and maxillary divisions of the trigeminal nerve supply the nasal cavity and turbinates.
The oropharynx and posterior third of the tongue are supplied by the glossopharyngeal nerve.
Branches of the vagus nerve innervate the epiglottis and more distal airway structures
The process of intubating an awake patient requires careful preparation. The anesthesiologist must evaluate each
patient's needs on an individual basis. Nearly every patient experiences some degree of anxiety associated with
the surgery, anesthesia, and perhaps outcome. For this reason, most patients require some degree of sedation
and analgesia. For this purpose, it is best to use short-acting or reversible agents for sedation or agents that do
not cause a considerable degree of respiratory depression. Some examples of commonly used medication for
awake intubation include midazolam, alfentanil, and fentanyl. These sedatives/analgesics are particularly useful in
this setting because of their easy titratability to effect easy reversal with flumazenil or naloxone. Similarly,
dexmedetomidine does not cause respiratory depression and is suitable in this setting.(9)
Antisialogogues should be used before any airway instrumentation. Oral secretions may make visualization via the
fiberoptic equipment difficult and may serve as a barrier to effective penetration of local anesthetic into the
mucosa. Glycopyrrolate 0.4 mg given intramuscularly or intravenously helps to diminish secretions.(10)
Alternatively, atropine 0.5-1 mg may be used intramuscularly or intravenously to similar effect. Intramuscular
administration is favored over intravenous administration to avoid undesired side effects such as tachycardia and,
less commonly, psychosis (with atropine) (Table 1).
One way to achieve anesthesia for oral or nasal fiberoptic intubation is to topicalize the structures involved with a
local anesthetic. Topicalization of the airway is the spreading of local anesthetic over a region of mucosa to
achieve local uptake and neural blockade of that region.
By far, the simplest of these techniques involves the spraying or swishing of local anesthetic directly onto
themucosa of the mouth, pharynx, tongue, and/or nose. This can be accomplished with any of the many
commercially available local anesthetics, particularly viscous lidocaine preparations and mixtures of benzocaine
and tetracaine. The popular benzocaine (Cetacaine), a pressurized solution of benzocaine, tetracaine, and
butamben in a small canister, delivers a spray via a long spray nozzle that is pointed in the desired direction
(Figure 3). The anesthetic is delivered in an oily foam, which is absorbed rapidly into the mucosa and provides
excellent topical anesthesia of the mucosa.
Alternatively, a 10-mL syringe can be filled with lidocaine 2–4% and sprayed via a small-bore single or
multiperforated catheter or the working channel of the fiberoptic bronchoscope.(11) This arrangement produces a
fine stream of local anesthetic liquid, whichwith sufficient aliquots directed at the target mucosa achieves an
adequate topical anesthetic effect. The safety and efficacy of both techniques are well established. Even with large
amounts of swallowed anesthetic, plasma levels of local anesthetic should not reach toxic levels.(12,13)
Topicalization can also be accomplished by the use of local anesthetic-soaked cotton pledgets or swabs. These
are soaked in either viscous or aqueous solutions of local anesthetic and then left for 5–15 minutes on the region
of mucosa that requires anesthesia. The cotton acts as a reservoir for the anesthetic agent, producing a dense
block. This technique is especially effective in the nasal passages. In the past, cocaine-soaked pledgets were
used because they resulted both in a superb local anesthetic effect and in localized vasoconstriction. This practice
has fallen out of favor, however, as concerns about cocaine toxicity grew. In addition, because of cocaine’s high
profile as an illicit drug, there are significant regulatory hurdles associated with stocking it in a hospital formulary
(eg, DEA paperwork, theft, accurate accounting of usage). As a method of achieving similar results, most clinicians
have used the technique of adding small concentrations of epinephrine (1:200,000 or less) or phenylephrine
(0.05%) to lidocaine. Alternatively, a vasoconstricting nasal spray can be applied before application of the local
anesthetic. This approach results in dry mucosa, which then can be more easily anesthetized with local anesthetic
because the local anesthetic does not get diluted with nasal secretions or saliva. The resulting vasoconstriction is
nearly as effective as that of cocaine and offsets lidocaine’s powerful vasodilatation.
The application of highly concentrated local anesthetic-soaked cotton pledget reservoirs can be exploited to
achieve highly specific nerve blocks as well. These methods are detailed later with the description of individual
nerve blocks.
Inhalation of aerosolized local anesthetic is another simple technique to achieve oropharyngeal anesthesia. To
perform this technique, local anesthetic is added to a standard nebulizer with a mouthpiece or face mask attached.
The patient is then asked to inhale the local anesthetic vapor deeply. After a period of approximately 15-30
minutes, the patient should have inhaled a sufficient quantity of local anesthetic to achieve a reasonably good
level of topical anesthesia throughout the oropharynx and trachea. Focused aerosolized local anesthetic from an
atomizer is ideal for nasal intubation. A number of disposable commercially available syringe-powered atomizers
are available but are deficient in achieving small particle size unless outfitted with a side-stream air/oxygen flow to
enhance dispersion by virtue of the Venturi principle (Figure 4).
For these techniques, lidocaine in concentrations of 0.5%-4% has been suggested; however, quicker and denser
blockade is achieved by using concentrations in the range of 2-4%. This technique has a proven clinical track
record of safety; however, little data are available regarding the blood levels of local anesthetic that are achieved
using these techniques or regarding metabolism of swallowed local anesthetics. Parkes et al.(14) showed plasma
concentrations of 0.29-0.45 mg/L in healthy volunteers after inhalation of 10% lidocaine solution. Because these
levels were well below the generally accepted 5 mg/L safe level, it can be inferred that inhaling a 2-4% lidocaine
for 15-30 minutes should be safe in most patients, particularly as a stand-alone technique.(14)
The major advantage of this technique lies in its simplicity and lack of discomfort. In addition, very little working
knowledge of the anatomy of the region is required for its successful implementation.
Although this technique may seem ideal, it does have some drawbacks that limit its usefulness. The main
disadvantage is that the density of the anesthesia achieved throughout the airway is highly variable. Many patients
still experience an intact cough reflex, which can make intubation technically challenging. The rate of onset of this
technique is highly dependent on patient compliance. Many patients who need an awake intubation are incapable
or unwilling to take deep breaths. Also, inhalation of local anesthetic vapors can lead to central nervous system
depression in patients whose mental status may already be depressed owing to other disease processes.
Clinical Pearls
Topicalization is the simplest method for anesthetizing the airway.
Nebulization of lidocaine 2–4% via face mask or oral nebulizer for 15–30 minutes can achieve highly effective anesthesia
of the oral cavity and trachea for intubation.
Anesthetic-soaked cotton can be applied to targetedmucosal surfaces for 5–15 minutes to effect selective blockade of
underlying nerves.
Vasoconstrictors such as epinephrine (1:200,000) or phenylephrine (0.05%) can be added to the solution to reduce
mucosal bleeding.
The oropharynx, soft palate, posterior portion of the tongue, and the pharyngeal surface of the epiglottis are
innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve. Block of the glossopharyngeal nerve facilitates endotracheal intubation
by blocking the gag reflex associated with direct laryngoscopy as well as facilitating passage of a nasotracheal
tube through the posterior pharynx. The glossopharyngeal nerve travels anterior along the lateral surface of the
pharynx, and its three branches provide sensory innervation to the posterior third of the tongue, the vallecula, the
anterior surface of the epiglottis (lingual branch), the walls of the pharynx (pharyngeal branch), and the tonsils
(tonsillar branch). Logically, blockade of this nerve bilaterally would result in anesthesia of those structures.
The glossopharyngeal nerve can be anesthetized using either intraoral or extraoral (peristyloid) approaches. For
the intraoral approach, the mouth is opened and the tongue is anesthetized with topical anesthetic. A 3 1/3 -in., 22-
gaugue needle is used to place 5 mL of local anesthetic solution submucosally at the caudal aspect of the
posterior tonsillar pillar (palatopharyngeal fold) (Figure 5) To perform the peristyloid approach to the
glossopharyngeal block, the patient is placed supine and a line is drawn between the angle of the mandible and
the mastoid process. Using deep pressure, the styloid process is palpated just posterior to the angle of the jaw
along this line, and a short, small-gauge needle is seated against the styloid process. The needle is then
withdrawn slightly and directed posteriorly off the styloid process. As soon as bony contact is lost, 5-7 mL of local
anesthetic solution are injected after careful aspiration for blood. Both approaches involve deposition of local
anesthetic in close proximity to the carotid artery, and careful aspiration before injection is essential.
The applications of this block are limited by the specific anatomic regions that are innervated by the
glossopharyngeal nerve. It is essential to ablate deep pressure symptoms from the tongue base during direct
laryngoscopy. Blockade of the glossopharyngeal nerve is an integral part of effective block combinations, which is
discussed later in the text.(5) Because of the high vascularity of the palatoglossal arch, accidental vascular
injection is an ever-present risk. Careful aspiration helps to reduce this risk, but it cannot be avoided entirely. In
addition, significant absorption of local anesthetic can be expected in this region. The addition of epinephrine to
the local anesthetic solution helps to vasoconstrict the blood vessels in the region, reducing absorption as well as
assisting in the diagnosis of intravascular injection by heart rate monitoring. As with any injection into a highly
vascular region, this technique may be contraindicated in patients with coagulopathies or anticoagulation.
Clinical Pearls
The glossopharyngeal nerve provides sensory innervation to the posterior third of the tongue, the vallecula, the anterior
surface of the epiglottis (lingual branch), the walls of the pharynx (pharyngeal branch), and the tonsils (tonsillar branch).
It can be blocked using one of three methods: topical spray application, direct mucosal contact of soaked pledgets, or
direct infiltration by injection.
Glossopharyngeal nerve block is not adequate as a solo technique to facilitate intubation, but in combination with other
techniques it is highly effective.
The internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve (a branch of the vagus nerve) provides sensory innervation to
the base of the tongue, posterior surface of the epiglottis, aryepiglottic fold, and the arytenoids. Blockade of the
sensory input to this branch can often be accomplished by mucosal saturation with local anesthetic by the
inhalational and direct topical application techniques described above. In some patients, however, this may not
provide timely adequate anesthesia for a comfortable awake intubation. In these cases, a direct regional blockade
of the superior laryngeal nerve is desired. Regional anesthesia of the superior laryngeal nerve can be
accomplished by exploiting the anatomic course of the nerve as it arises from the vagus nerve and descends to
the larynx. The internal branch originates from the superior laryngeal nerve lateral to the greater cornu of the hyoid
bone. In most patients, the nerve should pass approximately 2-4 mm inferior to the greater cornu of the hyoid
bone.(15) From here, it pierces the thyrohyoid membrane and travels under the mucosa in the pyriform recess.
Figure 6: Surface anatomy of the larynx: (1) Cricoid cartilage; (2) thyroid cartilage; (3) hyoid bone; (4) cornu of the
hyoid bone.
After topicalization, the most popular technique for superior laryngeal nerve block involves bilateral injections at
the level of the greater cornu of the hyoid bone. The patient is placed supine with the head extended as much as
possible. The patient's skin is cleaned with an appropriate antimicrobial solution (eg, betadine). The cornu of the
hyoid bone is located below the angle of the mandible. It is easily identified (particularly in men) by palpating
outward from the thyroid notch along the upper border of the thyroid cartilage until the greater cornu is
encountered just superior to its posterolateral margin (Figure 6). The nondominant hand is used to displace the
hyoid bone with contralateral pressure, bringing the ipsilateral cornu and the internal branch of the superior
laryngeal nerve toward the anesthesiologist. The anesthesiologist can then appreciate the pulsation of the carotid
artery being displaced deep to the palpating finger tip.
Figure 7: Superior laryngeal block.
A 5/8 -in., 25-gauge needle is inserted in an anteroinferomedial direction until the lateral aspect of the greater
cornu is contacted (Figure 7). If the needle is then walked downward toward the midline (1-2 mm) off the inferior
border of the greater cornu, the thyrohyoid membrane is pierced and the internal branch alone is blocked. If the
needle is retracted slightly after contacting the hyoid, both the internal and external branches of the superior
laryngeal nerve are blocked. The syringe is then aspirated, and if aspiration is negative for air and blood, 2 mL of
local anesthetic (2% lidocaine) with or without epinephrine (1:300,000) are then injected. If aspiration results in air,
the needle tip is likely in the larynx and needs to be retracted. If blood is encountered, the needle may have
encountered a blood vessel. Given the proximity of the carotid artery, it is advisable to withdraw the needle,
reassess the landmarks, and reattempt the procedure.
Two milliliters of local anesthetic should reliably bathe the internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve, given its
proximity to the hyoid bone. If this volume is injected outside the thyrohyoidmembrane, it is likely to block the
external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve as well. Isolated external superior laryngeal nerve branch blockade
may result in cricothyroid muscle weakness, which eliminates its function as an airway dilator.(17) The motor input
of the recurrent laryngeal nerve is spared, however, and therefore does not result in clinically significant change in
laryngeal inlet diameters.(18)
The superior laryngeal nerve can also be approached in the pre-epiglottic space. The pre-epiglottic space is
accessed at a point 2 cm lateral to the thyroid notch. The needle is advanced 1-1.5 cm superoposteriorly to pierce
the thyrohyoid membrane, and the nerve can be injected. Alternatively, using the thyroid cornu as a landmark and
walking the needle superoanteromedially can accomplish this block.
Some patients may be unwilling or unable to undergo such injections. Common reasons include patient refusal,
anticoagulation, and distorted anatomy due to tumors, arteriovenous malformations, surgical deformities, or
reconstruction. In patients in whom injection is contraindicated or overly challenging, a less invasive technique for
blocking the superior laryngeal nerve can be accomplished by using soaked pledgets. After topicalization, the
patient is asked to stick the tongue out. The tongue is then grasped using a gauze pad.With a right-angled forceps
(Jackson-Krause forceps) the anesthetic-soaked pledgets are placed in the pyriform fossae located on either side
of the root of the tongue. After 5-10 minutes, a sufficient degree of anesthesia should be present for intubation.(19)
Clinical Pearls
The superior laryngeal nerve innervates the base of the tongue, posterior surface of the epiglottis, aryepiglottic fold, and
the arytenoids.
Noninvasive blockade involves topicalization of the oral cavity, but this technique often proves inadequate.
Direct infiltration is accomplished at the level of the thyrohyoid membrane inferior to the cornu of the hyoid bone. A reliable
block with a definite endpoint is effected by retracting the needle marginally after contacting the greater cornu and injecting
2mL of local anesthetic after negative aspiration.
Less invasive blockade can be accomplished by placing anesthetic-soaked cotton pledgets into the pyriformfossae
The recurrent laryngeal nerve provides sensory innervation to the vocal folds and the trachea. Blockade of this
nerve is necessary to provide comfort and prevent coughing while the endotracheal tube is being paused between
the vocal cords. Sufficient blockade of the recurrent laryngeal nerve can often be accomplished using the
inhalational technique previously described. Again, some patients may not achieve a sufficient amount of
anesthesia to facilitate intubation.
Another technique for blocking the sensory input of the recurrent laryngeal nerve is the transtracheal block. In this
technique, the cricothyroid membrane is located in the midline of the neck. It can be located by palpating the
thyroid prominence and proceeding in a caudad direction. The cricothyroid membrane is identified as the spongy
fibromuscular band between the thyroid and cricoid cartilages (Figure 8). After sterile skin preparation, the
overlying skin is anesthetized by raising a small skin wheal of local anesthetic. Then a 22- or 20-gauge needle on
a 10-mL syringewith 4mL of 4%lidocaine is passed perpendicular to the axis of the trachea and pierces the
membrane. (Alternatively, a 20-gauge angiocath can be passed.)While the needle is being advanced, the syringe
is continuously aspirated. The needle is advanced until air is freely aspirated, signifying that the needle is now in
the larynx (Figure 9). Instillation of local anesthetic at this point invariably results in coughing. Through coughing,
the local anesthetic is dispersed, diffusely blocking the sensory nerve endings of the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
Motor function remains completely unaffected. It is advisable to use a larger-gauge needle for this block. A more
rapid delivery of local anesthetic reduces the risk of needle-induced trauma due to coughing.
Figure 8: Transtracheal Block. The needle is Figure 9: Transtracheal Block. Appearance of an
inserted into the trachea transcutaneously. air bubble in the syringe while the syringe is being
Direct blockade of the recurrent laryngeal nerve is contraindicated. This is because it may result in the upper
airway obstruction, since the recurrent laryngeal nerve provides motor innervation for all the muscles of the larynx
except the cricothyroid. In contrast, unilateral blockade typically manifests only as transient hoarseness.
Clinical Pearls
Recurrent laryngeal nerve provides sensory innervation to the trachea and vocal folds. Blockade facilitates comfortable
passing of the endotracheal tube into the trachea.
This nerve can be blocked by using topicalization techniques described previously.
Translaryngeal block of the recurrent laryngeal nerve is easily accomplished at the level of the cricothyroidmembrane. A
10-mL syringe with a 22- or 20-gauge needle is advanced until air is aspirated into the syringe. Four milliliters of local
anesthetic are then injected, inducing coughing that disperses the local anesthetic.
The recurrent laryngeal nerve can also be blocked by spraying local anesthetic via the injection port of the fiberoptic
To allow awake nasal fiberoptic intubation, onemust also provide sensory blockade to the nasal passages. The
greater and lesser palatine nerves innervate the nasal turbinates and the posterior two thirds of the nasal septum.
The sensory input of these nerves can be blocked by topical application of the local anesthetic into nasal
passages. If this proves inadequate, however, regional blockade of the palatine nerves can be accomplished by
blocking the pterygopalatine ganglion from which both nerves arise. This can be accomplished noninvasively by
taking a cotton-tipped applicator soaked in local anesthetic and passing it along the upper border of the middle
turbinate to the posterior wall of the nasopharnx, where it is left for 5-10 minutes.(20)
An oral approach to the pterygopalatine ganglion is described with needle passage through the greater palatine
foramen into the pterygopalatine fossa. A percutaneous approach via the mandibular notch is usual performed
under fluoroscopic guidance for pain management. Because of technical difficulty and the high risk for vascular
injury, these techniques are rarely needed or used for nasal-passage anesthesia during fiberoptic intubation. They
are mentioned here only for the sake of completeness and academic discussion.
Clinical Pearls
Nasal intubation requires blockade of the nasal passages.
Blockade of the greater and lesser palatine nerves blocks sensation to the nasal turbinates and posterior two thirds of the
nasal septum.
Alternatively, the pterygopalatine ganglion can be blocked by passing a local anesthetic-soaked cotton applicator along
the upper border of the middle turbinate to the posterior wall of the nasopharynx, where it is left for 5-10 minutes.
Transoral and percutaneous approaches to the pterygopalatine ganglion can be accomplished, but technical difficulty and
an increased potential for complications preclude their routine use.
Blockade of the Anterior Ethmoid Nerve
The remaining portions of the nasal passages to be blocked are innervated by the anterior ethmoid nerve and is
usually adequately blocked by inhalational or spray topicalization. This nerve can be selectively blocked by direct
mucosal contact application with an anesthetic-soaked cotton applicator passed along the dorsal surface of the
nose until the anterior cribiform plate is reached. The applicator is left in this position for 5-10 minutes.
Clinical Pearls
The anterior ethmoid nerve innervates the remainder of the nasal passage.
Anesthetic-soaked cotton applicator is passed along the dorsal surface of the nose until the anterior cribiform plate is
reached to achieve selective blockade after 5-10 minutes.
Step-by-Step Method for Orotracheal Fiberoptic Intubation Using Topical Anesthesia Only
Provide judicious sedation using appropriate doses of midazolam and fentanyl/alfentanil and/or dexmedetomidine.
Apply a generous amount of 2%lidocaine ointment on the Ovassapian airway, and insert the tip of the airway in the
patient's mouth. As the lidocaine ointment is dissolved, it is carried deeper into the pharynx and swallowed by the
patient. The airway is then advanced deeper as tolerated by the patient every 2-3 minutes. Eventually, the patient
should be able to swallow the entire airway without discomfort.
Attach a 5-mL syringe containing a solution of 4% lidocaine to the insufflating port of the flexible bronchoscope.
Advance the bronchoscope until the epiglottis and vocal chords are seen and proceed as follows:
Inject 2 mL of local anesthetic over the epiglottis, wait 15 seconds, and advance the scope (anesthetizes the
epiglottis and superior aspect of the cords).
Inject 1mL of local anesthetic when the tip of the scope is just above the vocal cords; wait 15 seconds and
advance the scope (anesthetizes cords).
Inject 2 mL of local anesthetic when the tip of the scope passes underneath the vocal cords (anesthetizes the
An awake intubation often requires a combination of techniques to adequately anesthetize all the structures that
will be encountered. The widest coverage is provided by the inhalational technique. This technique, however, does
not always provide a dense enough level of anesthesia for all patients. Supplementation of this technique with any
of the nerve specific blocks in this chapter is an excellent way to accomplish efficacious anesthesia for awake
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