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Production and Optimization of Citric Acid by Aspergillus Niger Using Fruit Pulp Waste

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Sci (2013) 2(10): 347-352

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 2 Number 10 (2013) pp. 347-352


Original Research Article

Production and Optimization of Citric Acid by Aspergillus niger
using Fruit Pulp Waste

Pratik Bezalwar*, Ashok V. Gomashe, Harshal M.Sanap and Pranita A. Gulhane

Department of Microbiology, S.S.E.S.A s Science College, Congress Nagar,

Nagpur-440012 (MS), India
*Corresponding author


Citric acid is a weak organic acid, which is used in many pharmaceutical and in
other industrial food products. Increased demand of citric acid has led to search for
high yielding fermentable strains of microorganisms and cheaper fermentation
Keywords substrate in many countries. The present study suggests that in near future waste
fruit pulp could be one of the substrate for citric acid production at industrial scale
Citric acid; worldwide. Production of citric acid was carried out by Aspergillus niger in the
Aspergillus medium without methanolas well as withmethanol. Maximum citric acid
niger; production was obtained by using pineapple pulp waste i.e., 3.25 g/kg of citric acid
fruit pulp in the medium without methanol and5.25g/kg with methanol. Citric acid production
waste. was found to be2.75, 2.63, 1.75, and 1.5and 0.75g/kg of the substrate in the
medium without methanolwhile, 0.16, 0.13, 0.19, 0.15 and 0.22g/kg of the
substrate with methanol by using dry fruit pulp of Indian jujube, Beet root apple,
Guava,Papayaand Wood apple respectively.

Citric acid is a weak organic acid found in benign cleaning agent and acts as an
citrus fruit. It is a good, natural antioxidant (Hildegard et al., 1981;
preservative and is also used to add an Aysegul and Christian,2003). Chemically,
acidic (sour) taste to food and soft drinks. citric acid shares the properties of other
In biochemistry it is important as an carboxylic acid. When heated above
intermediate in the citric acid cycle and 1750C, it decomposes through the loss of
therefore occurs in the metabolism of carbon dioxide and water. At the present
almost all form of life. Sometimes a high day most citric acid is produced by using
concentration of citric acid can damage fungi Aspergillus niger. Chemical
hair, bleach it and can cause skin and eye synthesis of citric acid is possible but it is
irritation. The excess citric acid is not cheaper as fungal production. Citric
metabolized and eliminated from the body. acid is recognized as safe for use in food
It also serves as an environmentally by all major national and international

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2013) 2(10): 347-352

food regulatory agencies (Ali et al., 2002). Preparation of Fruit Pulp Waste
The reasons for choosing A. niger over (Substrate)
other potential citric acid producing
microorganisms are: cheap raw materials A total six different fruits pulp waste such
(molasses) used as substrate and high as Pineapple, Guava, Papaya Beetroot,
consistent yield (Chile, 2002). The Wood apple Indian jujube were collected
significance of A. niger is the industrial from fruit juice vendors. Out of which
role that plays in the production of Pineapple, Guava, Papaya, Beetroot and
proteins, enzymes and fermentation. It has Indian jujube fruit pulp waste were
capabilities of producing heterogeneous prepared by smashing the fruits separately.
proteins, such as human cytokine, However, Wood apple pulp was obtained
interleukin-6. This very useful by breaking the hard cover of the fruit.
microorganism is even referred to as an Then, it was smashed to make pulp. Each
industrial workhorse because of the type of fruit pulp was dried in the hot air
frequent use in many applications (Hang current at 600C for 8hours to reduce the
and Woodams, 1985; El-Holiand Al- moisture content to 6% and store at room
Delaimy, 2003; Abdullah-al-Mahim et al., temp (25-300C). Prior to be used, different
2012). The major advantages of using fruit pulp were pulverized separately and
solid state fermentation rather than sieved through 20 mesh sieve (Sukesh et
submerged fermentation include, the al., 2013).
yields are much higher than those in liquid
media(Mazaheri, and Nikkhah, 2002; Solid state fermentation
Hang, and Woodams, 1984) and the
operating cost are much lower than those Preparation of inoculums
for liquid state fermentation
(Hesseltine,1972; Rouskas, and The inoculums was prepared by adding
Kotzekidou, 1997). 10ml of sterile distilled water containing 2
drops of 0.1% Tween 80 to the potato
Current disposal of fruit pulp waste poses dextrose agar slants of Aspergillus niger
considerable economic and environmental and the spores of the fungi were carefully
problems. Therefore, objective of this scrapped using sterile inoculating needle
study was to adopt the use of different under aseptic conditions (Pandey, 1992).
fruit pulp waste as a cheap medium for the
production of citric acid by using Inoculation of medium
Aspergillus niger.
A 10ml of inoculum i.e., spore suspension
Materials and Methods made up of Aspergillus niger was added
all over the surface of the sterile medium
Aspergillus niger culture maintenance A and medium B into the two conical
flasks by using sterile pipette under aseptic
The strain of A. niger ATCC 16404 was conditions. The flasks were kept in a try
used. The cultures of A. niger were containing water and incubated at room
maintained on sterilized potato dextrose temp (min.220C- max 320C) for 8 days.
agar medium pH 4.5 and stored at 50C in After incubation sufficient amount of
refrigerator. sterile water was added to the flask to get
the slurry of the inoculum and it was

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2013) 2(10): 347-352

stirred for 1 hour on rotary shaker to Production of citric acid was carried out in
extract Citric acid. The slurry was filtered the presence and absence of methanol. As
through Whatmann filter paper no.42. methanol found to be contain stimulatory
Now the medium was washed with sterile effect for citric acid production. It was
distilled water so as to extract all citric found that the maximum citric acid
acid. Final volume of the extract was made production occurred in the medium
up to 250 ml with distilled water for the containing dry pulp powder of Pineapple
estimation of Citric acid from the extract i.e., 3.25 g/kg of citric acid per kg of the
(Narayanamurthy et al., 2008). substrate used in the medium without
methanol while the production of citric
Estimation of Sugar by Phenol acid increased up to 5.25g per kg of the
Sulphuric Acid Method substrate used in the medium with
methanol. Citric acid production was
Total residual sugar of waste fruit pulp found to be 0.75, 2.63, 2.75, 1.5 and 1.75g
powder of six different fruits was per kg of the substrate in the medium
estimated calorimetrically by phenol without methanol with dry fruit pulp
sulphuric acid method. A double beam powder of Wood apple, Beetroot, Indian
UV/Vis scanning spectrophotometer was jujube, Papaya and Guava respectively
used for measuring colour intensity at 490 (Table 2) (Fig. 2). Thus, it was found that
nm (Dubois et al., 1956). methanol markedly enhanced production
of citric acid from fruit pulp waste
Estimation of Citric Acid by Pyridine- powder. The addition of methanol at a
Acetic Anhydride Method concentration of 4% (V/V) resulted in the
production of 5.25g per kg of Citric acid
Anhydrous citric acid was estimated from Pineapple pulp powder by using
using pyridine-acetic anhydride method as Aspergillus niger.
reported by Pucher et al., 1936; Saffran
and Denstedt, 1948; Marrier and Boulet, Fruit waste is one of the most abundant
1958. and locally available agricultural wastes.
Fruit waste has high sugar content that can
Result and Discussion be utilized by microorganisms. In the
present study sugar concentration in the
Sugar concentration in the dry pulp is substrates i.e., waste pulp powder of Wood
estimated by phenol sulphuric acid method apple, Beetroot, Indian jujube, Pineapple,
by comparing standard graph of known Papaya and Guava were found to be varied
sugar concentration for the proper from 3.2 to 4.0 g/kg of the substrate (Table
judgement of production of Citric 1).The dry pulp investigated for the
acid.Sugar concentrations in different amount of sugar present, used for the
substrates i.e., dry pulp powder of Wood production of citric acid. The production is
apple, Beetroot, Indian jujube, Pineapple, coupled with the analysis of yield with
Papaya and Guava were estimated and presence and absence of methanol. It was
results were noted. The initial sugar found that the highest yield obtained with
concentration varied from 3.2 to 4.0 g/kg the Wood apple pulp in presence of
of dry pulp powder of the fruits (Table 1) methanol 5.5 g of citric
(Fig. 1).

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2013) 2(10): 347-352

Table.1 The optical density and initial sugar concentration of different fruit pulp waste
1:2 Dilution Initial Sugar
Sr. O.D. of Total Concentration
Substrate of O.D. of Concentration
No. Sugar of X2 ( µg)
Total Sugar (g/kg)
1 Woodapple 1.57 0.78 32 3.2
2 Beetroot 1.90 0.95 40 4.0
3 Indian jujube 1.87 0.93 38.5 3.85
4 Pineapple 1.72 0.86 36 3.6
5 Papaya 1.65 0.82 34 3.4
6 Guava 1.95 0.97 40 4.0
O.D. = Optical Density, X2= Dilution Factor

Table.2 The optical density and citric acid yield from different fruit pulp waste
with and without methanol addition
O.D. of Citric Acid Concentration of Concentration of
Substrate (420 nm) Citric Acid (mg) Citric Acid (g/kg)
1 Woodapple 0.34 0.68 0.11 0.22 0.75 5.5
2 Beetroot 0.33 0.42 0.10 0.13 2.63 3.37
3 Indian jujube 0.34 0.49 0.11 0.16 2.75 4.0
4 Pineapple 0.40 0.65 0.13 0.21 3.25 5.25
5 Papaya 0.18 0.47 0.06 0.15 1.5 3.75
6 Guava 0.23 0.59 0.07 0.19 1.75 4.75
O.D. Optical Density, WOM= Without Methanol, WM= With Methanol

Figure.1 Initial sugar concentration from different fruit pulp waste powder
by using Aspergillus niger

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2013) 2(10): 347-352

Figure.2 Citric acid yield from different fruit pulp waste powder with and without methanol

Acid 4
With methanol
Without methanol

Wood apple Beet root Indian jujube Pine apple Papaya Guava

acid per kg. Following to it Pine apple and g/kg) with different concentration of
Indian jujube produced 5.25 and 4.0 g of glucose, sucrose, ammonium nitrate and
citric acid per kg respectively where as ammonium phosphate used. From the
highest yield obtained with the Pineapple above observation it is clear that the
pulp in absence of methanol 3.25 g of availability of methanol is the major
citric acid per kg. Following to it controlling factor in the final yield of citric
Woodapple and Indian jujube produced acid supplementation with methanol
2.75 g of citric acid per kg in absence of because it regulates the citric acid
methanol (Figure.1). This study was production positively. Pineapple pulp was
correlated with that of Femi-ola et al., found to be the best suitable substrate for
(2013) and Sukesh et al.,( 2013) in respect the production of citric acid by A. niger
of the addition of 1% methanol for ATCC 16404 whereas citric acid
increased yield of citric acid using production was minimum with the pulp of
different fruit pulp waste in presence of Papaya and Guava. Methanol was found to
fungi. have enhancing effect on citric acid
production with all the fruit pulp powder
On the same side when a solid state tested. Interestingly methanol has more
fermentation was developed for citric acid enhancing effect on citric acid production
production from pineapple waste by with pulp of Papaya and Guava however
Kareem et al., (2010) using Aspergillus citric acid production was minimum in
niger KS-7,the medium which was absence of methanol as compared to other
supplemented with methanol (2% v/v) has fruit pulp tested.
given highest citric acid production (60.61

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2013) 2(10): 347-352

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