Complaint Form For ESTAFA Case
Complaint Form For ESTAFA Case
Complaint Form For ESTAFA Case
I, MACKY M. MOUSE , of legal age, married, Filipino citizen and resident of Granada
Subdivision, Tacloban City, Philippines after being sworn in accordance with law, hereby depose
and state:
2. THAT, DONALD D. RUMP, a Filipino, single, legal age and a resident of Tacloban
City, has leased the above mention property from me for a period of one year.
3. THAT, as compensation for the said lease Mr. RUMP has agreed to pay me in full the
amount of five hundred thousand pesos (PHP 500,000) as evidence by the EastWest
Check, which he tendered to me upon the signing of the lease agreement.
5. THAT, at the time the said Respondent issued and delivered the said check to me,
she made the assurance and representation that the said check is a good check and
would be covered by sufficient funds when presented for payment;
6. THAT, when the above-mentioned check was deposited, the same was dishonored
and returned by the bank on the ground that the same was drawn against a
"CLOSED ACCOUNT." A true and faithful machine reproduction of the said check
is hereto attached as Annex "A”;
7. THAT, I immediately notified said Respondent of the dishonor and return of the
said check and demanded from her that she make good the said check within seven
(7) days from receipt thereof. A true and faithful machine reproduction of my
demand letter to her is hereto attached as Annex "B";
8. THAT, When said Respondent failed to heed my demands, I endorsed the said
check to my legal counsel who immediately sent a formal demand letter through
registered mail with return card on February 5, 2018, which was received by the
said Respondent on February 14, 2018. As of date however, Respondent has
unjustifiably ignored all these demands to pay the said account and/or to redeem the
said returned check. A true and faithful machine reproduction of my demand letter
to her is hereto attached as Annex "C";
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, this 1st day of March, 2019 by MACKY
MOUSE who exhibited to me his Community Tax Certificate No. 167896 issued at Tacloban,
Philippines on January 5, 2019. and that I am satisfied that she has voluntarily executed and
understood the contents of his Complaint- Affidavit.
That on or about January 17, 2018, in the City of Tacloban, Province of Negros
Occidental and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the said accused having entered
into a contract of lease with the complaint, MACKY M. MOUSE, tendered unto the latter a
EastWest Check with the Check no. 0092-394-09374 for the amount of Five Hundred Thousand
Pesos Only (PHP 500,000) for compensation for the said lease agreement. The said accused did
then and there, willfully, unlawfully, and feloniously represented that the said check is a good
check and would be covered by sufficient funds when presented for payment, however, when
the above-mentioned check was deposited, the same was dishonored and returned by the bank on
the ground that the same was drawn against a "CLOSED ACCOUNT." to the damage and
prejudice of the complainant.
Contrary to law.
City Prosecutor
This is to certify that a preliminary investigation has been conducted in the above
entitled-case, wherein the accused was given a chance to appear and that on the basis of the
evidence presented there is reasonable ground to believe that the offense charged has been
committed and the accused is probably guilty thereof.
Roger R. Rabbit
Investigating Officer