A. Describing The Scope of A Current Project or Prior Research
A. Describing The Scope of A Current Project or Prior Research
A. Describing The Scope of A Current Project or Prior Research
To express the purpose of a aims to This paper + [use the verb that
paper or research originally followed "aims to"] or
This paper/ study/ This paper + (any other verb
investigation… listed above as a substitute for
“explain”) +
who/what/when/where/how X.
For example:
“This paper applies X to Y,”
instead of, “This paper aims to
apply X to Y.”
“This paper explores how lower
sun exposure impacts moods,”
instead of, “This paper aims to
address the impact of lower sun
exposure on moods.”
+ who/what/when/where/how…
To describe the historical …is widely accepted as… Widely accepted, … [to eliminate
popularity of a topic …is widely used as… the weak be verb]
X Theory… The preferred…
implemented,… [to eliminate the
weak be verb]
The prevailing method for…
To describe the recent focus on Much attention has been drawn Discussions regarding X have
a topic to dominated research in recent
…has gained much importance years.
in recent years …has appealed to…
…has propelled to the forefront
in investigations of Y.
… has dramatically/significantly
shaped queries on X in recent
…has critically influenced
academic dialogue on Y.
To identify the current majority The consensus has been that… Prior research generally confirms
opinion about a topic that…
Several studies agree that…
Prior research substantiates the
belief that…
To express the breadth of our Much is known about… The academic community has
current knowledge-base, But, little is known about… extensively explored X…
including gaps Prior research has thoroughly
However, little research has
been conducted to show…
However, prior studies have
failed to evaluate/ identify / (any
other word suggested to replace
“analyze” above)
To segue into expressing your Several theories have been Recent/Previous studies have
research question proposed to explain… promoted…
To solve this problem, many Prior investigations have
researchers have tried several implemented/ queried diverse
methods approaches to…
A number of authors have
To discuss limitations of a study The limitations of this paper These investigations, however,
include: disregards…
This method/ approach fails to…
This study only…
…falls short of addressing/
identifying / illustrating…
A drawback/disadvantage of this
framework is…
This framework, however, solely
pertains to…
D. Discussing results
E. Discussing methods