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Internship Report

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Submitted to fulfill one of the conditions of study
accomplishment at D III of International Business Program







This internship report has been made by :


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The format and content of this report are acknowledged and comply with the program’s

Board Examiners :

1. Alisa Tri Nawarini,SE ,MBA.



Diploma III of International Business Program
Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Head of Study Program Advisor

Dr. Eko Suyono, SE, M.Si, AK, CA Alisa Tri Nawarini,SE, MBA
NIP. 19750528 200312 1 001 NIP. 19831012 200912 2 003



Alhamdulilahirabbil’alamin, the writer would like to say thank to Allah

SWT, the almighty for giving bless, love, and happiness, so the writer could

finish the internship report tittled “DIRECT MARKETING STRATEGY AT


This internship report is based on experience that the writer get during

the internship. This internship report is compiled to fullfil one of condition for

study accomplishment at Diploma III International Business Program of

Economics and Business Faculty, Jenderal Soedirman University.

The succes of the writer in complimenting the intership report because of

the guidance, direction, motivation and support was obtained drom many

parties. In this chance the writer say thanks a lot sincerely to :

1. Prof. Dr. Suliyanto, SE., MM. as Dean in Faculty of Economics and

Business Jenderal Sodirman University.

2. Dr. Eko Suyono, SE, M.Si, AK, CA. as the Executive director of

Diploma III International Business Department in Faculty of

Econnomic and Business, Jenderal Soedirman University.

3. Mrs Alisa Tri Nawarini,SE, MBA. as my Advisor who give

guidance, knowledge, help, and support during the writer process of

this internship report.

4. Dr. Margani Pinasti, S.E., M.Si., Ak. as my academic advisor who

always give me support, motivation, and solution.

5. All lectures of D III International Business who gives a lot of

knowledge and experience.


6. All the academic staff of D III International Business, especially Mr

Heru and Mr Bambang who help the administration process, and

sometimes like to make a joke.

7. My parents who always give support, tution, pocket money, and

8. Mr Rusdianto as Directur Marketing PT. SATELIT TV who assist

and guide me during the inteship.

9. All my classmate who have been accompanied me along the study


10. All my housemates at Gondes House, Upsidedown House and

Basement House thank you for your contribution, supported and


This internship report is not perfect yet, therefore criticism and suggestions

are expected. The writer wishes this internship report can be usefull for all

readers, and all parties.


Muhammad Anas Luthfi A.


COVER PAGE.........................................................................................i

TITLE PAGE..........................................................................................ii


SCORING SHEET................................................................................iv


TABLE OF CONTENT.........................................................................vi



A. Background....................................................................................1

B. The Aim of The internship.............................................................4

C. The Benefits of Internship..............................................................4

D. Procedures of Internship................................................................5

E. Internship Implementation.............................................................5


A. Marketing......................................................................................7

B. Marketing Mix...............................................................................8

C. Marketing Communication Mix...................................................10

D. Direct Marketing..........................................................................12

E. Benefits and Objectives of Direct Marketing...............................15

F. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Direct Marketing............17


A. Brief History.................................................................................20

B. Overview of The Next .................................................................21

C. Vision and Mission.......................................................................22

D. Location .......................................................................................22

E. Organization Structure.................................................................23

F. Job Description ...........................................................................24


A. Internship Activities.....................................................................30

B. Direct marketing strategy at PT Satelit TV Purwokerto..............31

C. Findings........................................................................................35


A. Conclusion....................................................................................36

B. Suggestion....................................................................................37




Nowadays technology is advancing so fast. Technology in advancing the flow

of production, consumption and distribution of information holds important role.
one of the fastest growing technologies is television.

Television has become one of the mass communication tools which until now
its users are classified as high. Many people who consider television to be a means
of entertainment or even a few who consider television as a source of information
or news. Television is also used as a medium for information dissemination.

PT Satelit TV Purwokerto is a local public television that has many quality

programs, thick with local culture but national quality. The range of Satelit TV
networks includes Barlingmascakeb (Banjarnegara, Purbalingga, Banyumas,
Cilacap, and Kebumen). Satelit TV is the first local television station to use
streaming technology for live broadcast programs.

PT Satelit TV Purwokerto applies a direct marketing strategy to

communicate, compete and convince its customers. The application of direct
marketing strategy at PT Satelit TV Purwokerto through various methods
including by mail, email, mobile phone, social media.

In running direct marketing strategy at PT Satelit TV there are still lack of

employees to be divided into several areas. Therefore PT Satelit TV Purwokerto
can be effective if the company adds the people to be placed in marketing

Keyword: Marketing, Marketing communication, Direct marketing




A. Background

Technological development creates a new media that can provide

information quickly to the public, namely television. Television is an audio visual

media that delivers information using audio or sound and visual techniques or

images. Almost all houses in every country have a television. The presence of

television in every home has an impact on dependence on those who watch it.

Television is one of the things that cannot be separated from people's lives

because television can provide entertainment, information and maximum

satisfaction to the audience.

In this era of globalization, television has become one of the mass

communication tools which until now its users are classified as high. Many people

who consider television to be a means of entertainment or even a few who

consider television as a source of information or news. Television is also used as a

medium for information dissemination. Media is an intermediary or link that is

located between the two parties, or means of communication such as newspapers,

magazines, radio, television, movies, posters, and banners ( Dagun, 2006: 634) .

As a mass media, television is a tools of mass communication. Mass

communication itself has a simple definition as stated by Mulyana (2005: 75)

Mass communication is communication that uses mass media, whether printed

(newspapers, magazines) or electronic (radio, television), which is managed by an


institution or scattered people institutionalized, aimed at a large number of people

spread in many places.

Recently Purwokerto has two television stations. The first television station

in Purwokerto was Banyumas TV, established in 2003 and subsequently in 2014

the second television station Satelit TV was present. Both television stations still

exist today and have good programs to watch.

PT Satelit TV Purwokerto is a local public television that has many quality

programs, thick with local culture but national quality starting from 16.00 WIB

until 23.00 WIB on channel 47 UHF. The range of Satelit TV networks includes

Barlingmascakeb (Banjarnegara, Purbalingga, Banyumas, Cilacap, and

Kebumen). Satelit TV is the first local television station to use streaming

technology for live broadcast programs.

PT Satelit TV Purwokerto always strives to achieve profits for the company

and continues to do with one of them, by improving marketing strategies. To

achieve this goal, PT Satelit TV has used various promotional strategies in its

efforts to attract clients or consumers to advertise. One of the promotional

strategies used by Satelit TV is Direct marketing.

Direct marketing strategy is very helpful to increase marketing on PT Satelit

TV Purwokerto because it makes it easy for marketing to market a wider product

without having to leave the office. Telephone and computer make company easier

to connect with their customers without having to meet directly. Direct marketing

strategy can also expand market reach and can reduce marketing budget.

Direct marketing used by PT Satelit TV Purwokerto are make company able

to communicate to customers through various methods including by mail, email,

mobile phone and media social :


Mail is used to send offer letters and price lists directly to the customer's address.


Email has the same role as mail but e-mail is sent via the internet. The advantage

of email is that it can be accessed quickly because it uses internet technology.

Mobile phone

Mobile phone is used as a tool to connect with customers to establish relationships

and communication to increase customer loyalty.

Media social

In the era of globalization like this one social media has an important role to

approach and communicate with customers. Social media is used to inform about

the company and the progress being worked on.

Based on the explaination above the writer is interested in writing an

internship report entitled “DIRECT MARKETING STRATEGY AT PT


B. The Aim of The Internship

1. To implement the marketing theories that was obtained in campus to the real

work environment at PT Satelit TV Purwokerto.

2. To improve personal ability about broadcasting, advertising, and service at PT

Satelit TV Purwokerto.

3. To obtain information and experience about the real work of marketing activity

at PT Satelit TV Purwokerto.

4. To know the role of marketing strategy on attracting consumers at PT Satelit

TV Purwokerto.

5. To learn and understand about the direct marketing strategy in PT Satelit TV


C. The Benefits of Internship

1. For Writer

a. Complete the requirement of finishing the study in Diploma III on

International Business Program.

b. Internships provide a lot of information about companies and company


c. Get experience about handling marketing division.

d. Provisioning students the knowledge and experience to face work field

after graduating.

2. For Institutions

a. Establish a relationship through student between university and selected

institution of internship.

b. Generate professional graduate who be able to upgrade the credibility of


c. Establish relationships with the company.

3. For Company

a. Assist the company to finish the marketing duties.

b. Get a relationship with the university.

c. Internship reports can be used as reference material and evaluation of

marketing activities.

D. Procedures of Internship

Here are the proceduresof internship:

1. Obtain a letter of recommendation from the Department of DIII International

Business Program.

2. Look for agencies or companies that accept internship students.

3. Submit proposal and internship letter to the company.

4. Get acceptance letter from company about the acceptance of internship.

E. Internship Implementation

1. Internship place

PT Satelit TV Purwokerto

Address: Dr. Angka Street Number 79, Purwokerto

2. Date and Time of internship

Date : January 22nd 2018 until February 24th 2018

Time : From 08.00 am until 4.30 pm.


3. Intership implementation schedule:

a. First week

1. Company orientation.

2. Self-introduction with company staff.

3. Learn how corporate marketing works.

4. Briefing on work.

5. Job placement.

6. Evaluation.

b. Second week

1. Make a marketing approach to consumers.

2. Visiting the production and editing division.

3. Help to broadcast live talk shows at Karangrau village.

4. Evaluation

c. Third week

1. Offer advertisements to private companies and village offices in the

Banyumas region.

2. Advertise contracts with the karaoke business "E-Max".

3. Evaluation.

d. Fourth week

1. Make visits and offer advertisements to several companies.

2. Assisting production of advertising at PT NASMOCO Purbalingga.

3. Evaluation

4. Farewell with staff and director of PT Satelit TV Purwokerto.



A. Marketing

The advantage of a business depends on its marketing activities. The

marketing process is commonly referred to as marketing. Marketing is a series of

processes carried to market a product or introduce products to the public in

various ways, so that the product became much in demand by the public.

According to Kotler and Keller (2009), marketing is an organizational

function and a series of processes to create, communicate, and provide value to

customers and to manage customer relationships in a way that benefits the

organization and its stakeholders. Financial success often depends on marketing

capabilities. Financial, operations, accounting, and other business functions will

not be meaningful if there is not enough demand for products and services so the

company can make a profit.

According to Hasan (2013:4), marketing is the process of identifying,

creating and communicating values, as well as maintaining relationships that

satisfy customers to maximize company profits. While according to Swastha and

Irawan (2008:5) marketing is one of the main activities undertaken by

entrepreneurs in their efforts to maintain their life, to grow and profit.


According to Hunt and Mello (2015: 4) marketing is an organizational

function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value

to customers and managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the

organization and its employees, customers, investors, and society as a whole.

B. Marketing Mix

According to Sumarmi and Soeprihanto (2010: 274) marketing mix is a

combination of variables or activities that are the core of the marketing system,

namely product, price, promotion, and distribution. In other words, marketing mix

is a collection of variables that can be used by companies to influence consumer


In the marketing mix there is a set of marketing tools known in 4P terms,

namely product, price, place, and promotion, while in marketing services have

several additional marketing tools such as people, physical evidence, and process,

so that it is known as 7P, it can be concluded mix marketing services namely

product, price, place, promotion, people, physical evidence, and process. The

understanding of 7P according to Kotler and Armstrong (2012: 62)

1. Product

The product is managing product elements including planning and developing

the right product or service to be marketed by changing the existing product or

service by adding and taking other actions that affect various products or services.

2. Price

Price is a company management system that will determine the right base

price for a product or service and must determine a strategy that involves price

discounts, payment of freight costs and sharing of the relevant variables.

3. Place

Select and manage the distribution channels used to distribute trading

products or services and also to serve the target markets, as well as developing a

distribution system for commercial shipping and physical products.

4. Promotion

Promotion is an element that is used to inform and persuade the market about

new products or services in the company through advertising, personal sales, sales

promotions, and publications.

While the marketing mix for service add by these elements, they are :
5. Physical Evidence
Physical facilities is a real thing that influence the consumer's decision to buy

and use the products or services offered. Elements included in physical facilities

include environment or physical buildings, equipment, equipment, logos, colors

and other items.

6. People
People are all actors who play an important role in the presentation of

services so that they can influence the perception of buyers. Elements of people

are employees of companies, consumers, and other consumers. All employee

attitudes and actions, employee attire and employee appearance have an influence

on the success of service delivery.

7. Process
The process is all the actual procedures, mechanisms, and flow of activities

used to deliver services. Elements of this process means something to deliver


services. The process in services is a major factor in the service marketing mix as

service customers will be happy to feel the service delivery system as part of the

service itself.

C. Marketing Communiation Mix

Marketing communications is a means used by the company to inform,

persuade and remind consumers directly or indirectly, on the products and brands

they sell. in a sense, they represent the voice of the company and the brand they

are the means by which the company can build a dialogue and build relationships

with customers (Kotler and Keller, 2009).

According to Duncan (2002: 8), Marketing Communication mix is a sales

communication function that is selectively selected, which will later be used as

part of a promotional campaign, which eventually becomes part of the product

sales program that you want to market.

The marketing communication mix, according to Kotler and Keller (2009),

consists of eight main communication models, namely:

1. Advertising: All forms are paid for from nonpersonal presentations and

promotion of ideas, goods, or services through a clear sponsor.

2. Sales promotion: Various short-term intensities to encourage experiments or

purchase products and services.

3. Events and experiences: Corporate sponsored activities and programs designed

to create daily interactions or interactions related to certain brands.

4. Public relations and publicity: A variety of programs designed to promote or

protect the company's image or individual products.


5. Direct Marketing: The use of mail, telephone, fax, e-mail or the Internet to

communicate directly with a dialog asking for a response or specific customers

and prospects.
6. Interactive Marketing: Event and online programs designed to engage the

customer or prosppek and directly or indirectly increase awareness, improve

the image, or create product sales and services.

7. Word of mouth marketing: oral, written, and electronic communication

between people related to excellence or experience of buying or using products

or services.
8. Personal sales: Face to face interaction with one or more prospective buyers for

the purpose of making presentations, answering questions, and procuring


D. Direct Marketing

Direct marketing is the use of direct consumer channels to reach and deliver

goods and services to customers without using marketing intermediaries. Direct

publishers can use a number of channels to reach potential customers and

individual customers, such as direct mail, catalog marketing, telemarketing,

interactive TV, kiosks, websites and mobile devices (Kotler and Keller, 2009).

According to Bearden et al (2004), direct marketing communication is the

process of communicating directly with target customers to encourage responses

via telephone, mail, electronic, or personal visits. popular methods of direct

marketing communications include direct mail, telemarketing, direct response

broadcast advertising, online computer shopping services, cable television

shopping networks, infomercials, and in some instances, outdoor advertising.


According to Saladin (2004: 191), direct marketing is a marketing system

that uses an advertising medium or more in order to get responses and transactions

that can be measured in a location.

Meanwhile, according to Kotler & Armstrong (2001: 242) states that direct

marketing consists of direct communication with consumers of target individuals

to obtain an immediate response. Thus, marketers directly communicate directly

with customers, often based on interactive face to face meetings. Current direct

marketing does not only serve as a promotional tool for selling products or

services, but direct marketing is an effective tool for interacting with customers to

build long-term customer relationships.

Direct marketing using various media, including direct mail, telemarketing,

direct-response broadcasting, the Internet, and print. According to George and

Michael (2004) Each medium is used to perform specific functions, although they

all generally follow a one- or two-step approach.

In the one-step approach, the medium is used directly to obtain an order.

You’ve probably seen TV commercials for products like wrench sets, workout

equipment, or magazine subscriptions in which the viewer is urged to phone a

toll-free number to place an order immediately. Usually these ads accept credit

cards or cash on delivery and give an address. Their goal is to generate an

immediate sale when the ad is shown.

The two-step approach may involve the use of more than one medium. The

first effort is designed to screen, or qualify, potential buyers. The second effort

generates the response. For example, many companies use telemarketing to screen

on the basis of interest, and then follow up to interested parties with more

information designed to achieve an order or use personal selling to close the sale.

According to George and Michael (2004) To successfully implement direct-

marketing programs, companies must make a number of decisions. As in other

marketing programs, they must determine:

1. What the program objectives will be.

2. Which markets to target (through the use of a list or marketing database).
3. What direct-marketing strategies will be employed.
4. How to evaluate the effectiveness of the program.
Common forms of direct marketing. Among others are :
1. Direct mail
Often referred to as junk mail or letters that we do not mean to arrive. Many

companies immediately mail because they can aggravate the company, but right

now, it can really help sales. An example is when Porsche sent the class directly

on a letter to declare the product and succeed. The key to securing direct mail is

building a mailing list, or a list of certain people who are the company's target

2. Catalog
The catalog is quite a lot by companies in direct marketing, and some are

completely dependent on the catalog. Many companies with their promotional

3. Broadcast media
The most loved media for direct marketers is TV and radio. In 1950, radio was

a very effective medium, even lately, it was TV that was more popular. In the

broadcast industry, combining direct-response advertising and advertising support.

In direct response ads, there are products offered. There is a purchase. While

advertising support for support other types of advertising.

4. Infomercials

Is a commercial that has a long duration, reaching 30-60 minutes. The form of

the program is like an ordinary TV program.

5. Advertorial TV
Advertorial to reveal about the ins and outs of a TV program for several


6. Teleshopping
The use of a free telephone line adapted to a credit card makes significant data

on television purchases. Many household appliances are promoted and sold this

7. Print media
Newspapers and media are difficult to use as direct marketing media. This is

because the costs are quite expensive and a better response from other media.

However, it doesn't mean anything at all.

8. Telemarketing
Is a telephone sale. The development is quite rapid, because it develops

audiotex or telemedia. Tom Bosenhart focuses on "the use of telephone and

information services that aim to market, advertise, promote, entertain, and inform

(products)". The telemedia program is interactive. The problem in telemarketing is

profitable service and other people.

9. Teleshopping electronics
Online shipping service and payment via PC. Internet shopping is a direct

response media provided by direct marketing even though traditional.

E. Benefits and Objectives of Direct Marketing.

In general, the purpose of direct marketing is to market products and

services to target consumers with minimal marketing costs. Direct marketing

provides benefits to some of the people involved, namely product owners, sellers,

and consumers.

Referring to the definition of direct marketing, the following are some benefits:

a. For seller
1. Allows testing of marketing media and alternative messages to find the

most effective and economical method.

2. Can make offers and strategies that are difficult to replicate by competitors.
3. Ease in measuring responses to promotions and knowing the types of

promotions that are most effective.

4. Direct marketing can be arranged to reach potential buyers at the right time.
5. Can specialize and adjust messages according to the needs of the target

b. For Consumer Retail Product
1. Shopping activities become easier and save time because they can be done

at home.
2. Consumers have the freedom to choose goods according to their needs and

can see prices through catalogs or on websites.

3. Customers can purchase goods for themselves or for others
c. For Industrial Product Consumer
1. Consumers can learn products and services offered more carefully, so that it

will save time because they do not need to meet with salespeople for an

explanation of the products sold

F. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Direct Marketing

According to George and Michael (2004) Many of the advantages of direct

marketing have already been presented. A review of these and some additions


a. The advantages of direct marketing

1. Selective reach
Direct marketing provides an opportunity for advertisers to reach large

numbers of consumers and reduce the amount of coverage that is not


affordable. Intensive coverage can be increased through advertisements on

broadcast media or letters.

2. Segmentation Capability
Marketers can buy a list of permanent buyers of products, car buyers, and

others. From this list, marketers can segment based on area, occupation,

demographic, and so on.

3. Frequency
Direct marketing makes it possible to build a level of freedom in the

original media. The program tools used for direct response TV

advertisements allow marketers to buy repeat times.

4. Flexibility
Direct marketing can use a variety of creative patterns. For example,

electronic messaging companies for consumers that contain videos about


5. Timing
Many media require long and long time planning, advertisements with

direct response can be faster. Direct mail, for example, can be sent together

and distributed to target populations quickly

6. Personalization
There is no medium that can send private messages like direct media. For

example, consumers send letters through the purchase of a car that has been

done while providing car accessories to the owner of the car.

7. Measure of effectiveness
There is no other media that can measure the effectiveness of advertising

efforts such as direct response. Feedback can be received directly and

always accurate.
b. The disadvantages of direct marketing
1. Image factors

Direct mail is often regarded as a junk mail by consumers. Even if the

message is sent by large companies, many users who want to send the

message to them are not important.

2. Accuracy
One of the benefits of direct mail and telemarketing is that it can be

converted online. However, the effectiveness of the method depends on an

accurate list of users. If consumers move places of residence and are

served, selectivity will decrease.

3. Content support
Make advertising direct response by existing programs and editorial

4. Rising costs
When post rates increase, profits and impacts can be directly directly.



A. Brief History of The Company

Held on 11th July 2014 Satelit TV set up by Yessica Nooviani officially has

the deed of establishment of satellite tv broadcast coverage area is Banyumas,

Cilacap, Banjarnegara, Purbalingga, Kebumen and surroundings. The intention of

establishment of PT. Satelit TV Nusantara is a media of information and

entertainment of society main choice specially in Banyumas and its surroundings.

With the enactment of Law No 32 tahun 2002 concerning Broadcasting and

Regulation of Government of Republic of Indonesia number 50 year 2005

concerning Private Broadcasting as a legal umbrella for private television

presence, has given opportunity to region to take part in conveying information

and entertainment that concern on regional progress. Based on the above thinking,

then the management established PT. Satelit Television Nusantara as a legal entity

of Broadcasting Institution of Private Television Broadcasting Services in

Purwokerto, especially in Purwokerto west.


Access office address and Satelit TV Studio at Jl. Dr. Angka No. 79

Purwokerto, RT 004 RW 012 Bancarkembar Village, District of Purwokerto Utara,

Banyumas Regency, Central Java Province. This strategic location makes Satelit

TV easy to reach by anyone from any direction. Based on geographical location

Banyumas Regency is one part of Central Java province, located between: 1080

39'17 '' - 1090 27'15 '' East Longitude, 70 15'05 '' - 70 37'10 South Latitude.

Banyumas Regency consists of 27 sub-districts and bebatasan with several

districts, namely: Northside with Tegal and Pemalang Regency; East with

Purbalingga Regency, Banjarnegara Regency with Kebumen Regency; South by

Kebumen Regency; South side with Cilacap Regency; West side with Cilacap

Regency with Brebes Regency.

B. Overview of the next 5 years work plan Satelit TV

a. Year 1: Building studio devices, broadcasting techniques, means, and

infrastructure of broadcast networks, broadcast programs, and human

resources. the company has not targeted profit in the first year.

b. Year 2 : Developing and reminding the quantity and quality of studio tools,

broadcasting techniques, broadcast programs, suggestions and services, human

resources and expansion of the company's distribution area are targeted to start

earning significant advertising revenue for business sustainability.

c. Year 3 : Build partnerships and stakeholders. the company has a target can

achieve Break event point (BEP).


d. Year 4 : Fostering partnerships with stakeholders the company targets this

fourth year to earn profits from investments.

e. Year 5 : Developing business diversification, maintaining the growth of Satelit

TV companies and sharing share dividends to shareholders and employees.

C. Vision and Missions

1. Vision

Become a private broadcasting agency capable of providing spectacle and

demands for society ex Banyumas Residency and surrounding.

2. Missions

Become a private broadcasting institution that can become the main reference

in terms of information and entertainment for the community in the ex

Residency Banyumas Plus.

a. Create and present creative, quality, educational, typing, and entertaining event

programs that can be enjoyed by the community.

b. To present quality broadcasts we prepare technical equipment in accordance

with predetermined standards.

c. Coordinate good coporategovernance in management and finance. to make

this program successful, we prepare and put human resources in accordance


with quality and competence. in addition to the existing human resources will

continue to be honed with training to improve quality and quantity of work

d. As local television, then the priority of local content of 80% and 20% from

outside thus expected to provide excellent service for the community.

D. Location of PT SATELIT TV Purwokerto

Name : PT SATELIT TV Purwokerto

Addres : Jl. Dr. Angka No. 79 Purwokerto, Banyumas, Central Java

Telephone : (0281) 623099

Fax : (0281) 623388

Website : www.satelitnews.co

E. Organizational Structure



Ida Indrawati


Yessica Noviani /Armoenanto


Ida Indrawati Zunianto Subekti Restu Aji P.


Ardi Hartoko


Obi Suharjono Rasdianto Sarwadiono Edoz Restu Aji P.
Restu Aji P.


1. Damar Nurani (BMS) Gayuh PS. Marwoto Prayogi Hutami

2. Tarnowo (PBG)
3. Fitria Nur B (BJR)
1. Galih Pambudi 2. Bernanda
4. Ulul Azmi (CLP)
Indra Sugiarto Baharuddin Yusuf M
3. Catur KS. 4. Erwin F.

5. Wulan Gita A
1.Uhti Ahya Hamidah Prahastomo Indra
2.Annisa Ayu
Asep Triyanto
SECURITY TOWER Figure 1.1 Structure Organization of PT
EDITOR 1. Suyanto
SATELIT TV Purwokerto

1. Citra Ningsih 2. Luqman SN. 2. Aan Setia

3. Yeva Edenia 4. Awan Yustira


F. Job Description of PT. SATELIT TV

1. Commissioner :

The Commissioner is the person who heads the entire director, and he is

responsible for all production activities until broadcast.

2. The President Director :

Is the person who heads the two field directors, the program & production

director and the finance director. Responsible for the results of the work of

the directors.

3. Director Operational :

Responsible in and out of its activities as a support division

productivity in the field of editorship by coordinating with the Chief Editor,

Deputy Head or representative and Finance and Advertising Division may

perform personnel recruitment for administrative tasks.

4. SPI (Internal Control Unit) :

1. Prepare and implement the Annual Work Plan and Budget Audit.

2. Reporting the Annual Realization of Work and Annual Audit Budget on a

quarterly basis to the President Director and the Board of


3. Test and evaluate the implementation of internal control system and risk

management in accordance with company policy.


4. Provide objective recommendations and information about Auditee

activities at all levels of management for improvement of company


5. Company Secretary :

Is to assist the leadership in performing daily tasks, both routine and special.

Routine tasks are common daily tasks performed by a secretary without the

need for orders from the boss.

6. HRD :

The HRD division plays a role in the recruitment, empowerment and

management of human resources administration.

7. Editor in Chief :

a. Are responsible for the mechanism and work activities of editorship and

the ranks of the downward editing.

b. Follow up on the policy of the General Superior to appoint and dismiss

his or her personality.

8. Team Coverage:

The organizational structure of the television news section usually consists of

a number of positions, such as news directors, executive producers,

producers, coverage coordinators, reporters, cameramen, drivers, etc. But the


effectiveness of news coverage of news coverage of a television station

largely depends on those who work in field-coverage field-consisting of

reporters and cameramen.

9. Presenter :

a. Uncover background background "background information".

b. Explain the linkage of news one with other news.

c. Explores the issues behind events and news.

d. Opening a broader horizon of understanding from readers / audiences.

10. Manajer Production :

a. Planning and organizing production schedules.

b. Designate product quality control standards.

c. Supervise the production process.

11. Production Coordination :

Coordination all production.

12. Production Team :

The team in charge of / preparing the things required in the production

13. Editor Koordination :
Responsible for operating and maintaining video tape / editor equipment for

recording, playback, and editing purposes. Served in the postproduction

section, evaluating on video / image or often called an editor.

14. Editor :
Editor in charge of giving TOR / outline to the reporter according to the

results of editorial meeting. Each editor should provide field technical

guidance to the reporter before being on duty to cover an issue.

15. Manajer Marketing :

a. Planning a marketing strategy taking into account market trends and

company resources.
b. Planning marketing research is to follow market developments,

especially on similar products from competing companies.

c. Conduct market opportunity analysis planning.
16. AE ( Account Executive ) :
a. As the executor to find clients who will create ads with the help of the

agency where he works.

b. Conduct supervision and coordination of work undertaken by relevant

departments so that the development of campaigns according to plan,

deadlines, and budget.

17. Staff Administration for advertising :
a. Collect advertiser results data.
b. Processing ad data / reports.
c. Create daily reports.
d. Setting up an Ad schedule to show.
18. Manajer Technic :
The technical manager is responsible for overseeing all the technical work of

the broadcasting station and all technical facilities of the station in respect of

the equipment and services required for broadcasting.


19. Technic Team :

Determine the concept of a television program, ranging from the concept of

magnitude to the small details.

20. MCR ( Master Control Room ) :
MCR In general, the task of a broadcasting operator (commonly called Crew

Master Control or MC) is to broadcast a program that has been composed and

keep the smoothness of the broadcast program qualitatively.

21. Security :
a. The implementation of security tasks thoroughly the work location, both

inside and outside the office for all activities of the company can run

safely, smoothly and no interference.

b. Implementation of supervision on cleanliness, and the beauty of work

location, both inside and outside the office.

c. Prevention of crime in various forms and modes.
22. Quality Control :
Basically ,control the quality of program impressions (events) that will be

aired on TV stations.
23. Finance :
A financier must understand the accounting cycle of performing the standard

procedure of the accounting cycle and understand the financial system that is

in the form of either advance submission, reporting of the use of advances

and the receipt and expenditure of money on bank accounts and on the


24. Administration :
On the broadcasting station in charge of providing various needs related to

the administrative functions as well as other organizations in general. The

administrative responsibilities are managing human resources, accounting or

bookkeeping, payroll and budget management.




A. Internship Activities

Internships provide a brief experience for writers who want to get the

knowledge and skills that will be needed when applying for a job. Practical work

is done in a short time in the real work field and is focused on getting job training

and applying what has been learned in class to the real work.

This report is the result of a practical work program or internship program

conducted at PT Satelit TV Purwokerto which is located on Jl. Dr. Number No. 79

Purwokerto. Starting from January 22 to February 24, 2018. Working hours from

08.00 to 16:30 from Monday to Saturday.

During the work practice program the author is placed in the marketing

section, the author gets the opportunity to help and be involved in activities that

exist in the company. Some activities carried out during the internship program

take place are as follows:

a. Company Orientation
At the beginning of the internship program, the operational director

introduces all the divisions and activities carried out on a daily basic, then visits

each part of the division at PT Satelit TV.

b. Learn all of each division in PT Satelit TV Purwokerto


There are several divisions in PT Satelit TV such as marketing, production,

coverage, etc. as an apprentice the writer must know in general every division of

what they do and they work.

c. Marketing strategy at PT Satelit TV Purwokerto
At this stage the author is assisted and accompanied by a marketing manager

to find clients by conducting a direct and indirect marketing approach, in

conducting marketing activities the writer must be able to convince the customer

to believe and be interested in working together in the form of advertising.

B. Direct marketing strategy at PT Satelit TV Purwokerto

Marketing division at PT. Satelit TV Purwokerto to get and approach

customer usually use direct communication without an intermediary to the client

who will be targeted. The direct marketing strategy is applied to get a direct

response that will encourage consumers to use our services. Direct communication

strategy are considered more effective because they can interact and get customer


The direct marketing strategy method carried out by the marketing division

at PT Satelit TV Purwokerto to approach and respond to customers is as follows:

1. Email
PT Satelit TV uses e-mail to send commercial messages, each e-mail sent to

potential customers is intended to build loyalty and trust. The contents of e-mail

are usually file prices and offers. Send email messages with the aim of improving

relationships with current, previous and prospective customers, to encourage


customer loyalty and repeat business, acquire new customers or convince current

customers to buy immediately.

2. Mobile phone
This method is done to contact potential customers by telephone to make

product sales. It is able to generate large numbers of new customer prospects and

is a useful tool for following up on direct marketing campaigns. Mobile phones

are used to contact customers through calls and send short messages. This method

must be done with accurate data so as not to miss the target.

3. Media social
The head of the marketing division believe that social media can be used

effectively as a marketing tool for businesses because it gives you the opportunity

to interact directly with customers and regularly share relevant product or service

information, as well as company image on ongoing project. The social media

platform also makes it very easy for customers to share company content with

their entire network, increasing marketer exponentially.

4. Mail
This method includes effective and profitable ways to reach new and existing

consumers. Mail allow communicating personally with the target. The letter

includes various marketing materials, including brochures, catalogs and sales

letters. Mail delivery is carried out in small quantities because it is sent only to

potential new customers and to existing customers as a sign of loyalty.

This direct marketing method can work well, therefore it is necessary to do

stages for the direct marketing process. The stages of the direct marketing process

Prospecting and
Making a customer list Making a offer letter

include creating a list of prospective customers, seeking prospective clients and

conducting qualifications, make offer letters, presentation, meeting, and

execution. The process of Direct marketing can be see in the figure bellow:

Presentation and

Table 1.1 Direct Marketing Process

The explanation for each process is as follows:

a. Making a customer list

Making a list is the stage in the Satelit TV marketing process, where the

initial stage is to list prospective clients and to intensively approach the majority

of people. From individuals and companies, both large companies and small

companies. The company already has several lists of potential customers, so they

usually focus on the list.

b. Propecting and qualifying

The next step to do research to identify persons or companies that may be

interested in purchasing. In this step the direct marketing method starts and after

the method is done the marketing team will find out customers who are interested

in the offer given. After knowing the potential customers the marketing team will

make direct communication so that an agreement occurs.


c. Making a offer letter

After knowing the customer or target to be addressed through the propecting

and qualifying process, the marketing division of PT Satelit TV made a letter of

offer containing a cooperation offer and attached a price list and catalog. To make

it easier for customers to adjust to the budget that will be issued. The offer letter

sent directly to customers via mail or email to the head of the company in order to

get a direct response.

d. Presentation and meeting

After the offer letter is sent and get a direct response from the customer. The

marketing division immediately meets with customers to make catalog

presentations and price lists. In this process the marketing division explains the

types of advertisements, prices, duration of the show, and the production process.

After the presentation is complete the customer will choose the type of ad that

wants to be used and discuss what concept they want to use. At this stage

customers can bid prices according to their budget and the marketing division will

adjust it to the price of production.

e. Execution

Step where the marketing and consumers make an agreement contained in the

MOU. Then submit the concept and type of advertisement that the customer wants

to the production section so that it will immediately become an advertisement

according to the customers request.



Based on the experience of the author during an internship at PT Satelit TV

Purwokerto. There are several findings as follows:

1. Direct marketing strategy implemented by PT Satelit TV Purwokerto is

effective to get customer and increase customer loyalty.

2. PT Satelit TV Purwokerto uses a direct marketing strategy to build

relationships and communication with customers. PT Satelit TV Purwokerto

inform, persuade, and remind customers directly about products by using

direct marketing.
3. The direct marketing process at PT Satelit TV is not optimal, due to the lack

of salesperson at PT Satelit TV Purwokerto in each area.

4. Based on my observation, social media at PT Satelit TV Purwokerto has an

unattractive appearance and less creative content to attract customers




A. Conclusion

Based on the evaluation of the implementation of work practices at PT

Satelit TV Purwokerto regarding personal sales in this company, it can be

concluded that:

1. Direct marketing is the strategy used by PT Satelit TV Purwokerto in

implementing the company marketing. The process of direct marketing


consict of making a customer list, propecting and qualifying, making a offer

letter, presentation meeting, and execution.

2. The customer list made by the marketing division of PT Satelit TV

Purwokerto is very helpful the process of working the marketers to contact

3. Competing with other competitors and maintaining customer relations, PT

Satelit TV Purwokerto applies direct marketing as its strategy. Direct

marketing can inform you to persuade and remind customers directly about

their products using direct marketing.

4. The duty in marketing line at PT Satelit TV Purwokerto is overload.

Additionally PT Satelit TV Purwokerto employed only one marketer in each

region who responsible for many duties.

5. PT Satelit TV Purwokerto should be responsible in using social media,

because of the content and it looks less attractive the attention of customers.

B. Suggestions

After the author observe and evaluate about direct marketing strategy at PT

Satelit TV Purwokerto, then the authors want to provide suggestions that may be

useful as input for the PT Satelit TV Purwokerto company as follow is :

1. The company should employ more staff, especially in the marketing

division in every area, in order to reduce overload duty and maximize the

2. The company should redesign social media. to make it look more

presentable and attract attention.

3. The marketing division should develop attractive offer letters to make

customers more interested.


4. Activating the website, when consumers see advertisement in email or on

social media have curiosity regarding location, product sample, and price

list will be more effective when accessing the website.



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Satelit TV Office Purwokerto



No Jenis Iklan Waktu Durasi Harga Harga Total

tayang Siaran Produksi Harga
1 Running Text (Iklan Baris) 20.000 100.000

2 Telop (Iklan yang berupa teks diam) 30” 100.000 200.000

3 Spot (Iklan TV dalam bentuk Audio 30” 250.000 **

4 OBB/ CBB (Iklan TV yang ditayangkan 5” 250.000 100.000
pada awal dan akhir program)
5 Super Impose (Logo/ Gambar yang 10” 80.000 200.000
ditampilkan pada sudut kiri/ kanan
atas monitor)
6 Adlip (Iklan yang disampaikan oleh 1X 80.000
pembawa acara)
7 Credit Title (Pencantuman Identitas 1X 30.000 100.000
Pengiklan pada akhir acara)
8 Built In (Bentuk Iklan dengan
menampilkan Produk/ logo selama
program acara berlangsung
a. 1 Segmen 8” 2.000.000
b. 2 Segmen 16” 4.000.000
c. 3 Segmen 24” 6.000.000 **
9 PSA (Iklan Layanan Masyarakat) 30” 150.000 **
10 Klip Musik 1X 150.000
11 Blocking Time
a. Studio 6.000.000
60 menit
b. Outdoor 12.000.000
c. Live Outdoor 24.000.000*
( Harga Siar & Produksi Include )
12 Advertorial Warta Sore 4” 800.000
13 Filler 5 menit 750.000
Running Text (5x sehari selama 30 4.500.000 50.000
Telop (5x sehari selama 30 hari) 30” 9.900.000 200.000
Spot Iklan (5x sehari selama 30 hari) 30” 16.200.000 **
OBB/CBB 12 episode 10.000.000 100.000
Super Impose (5X tayang selama 30 10” 10.000.000 200.000
Credit Tittle 12 episode 300.000 100.000
PSA (5X tayang selama 30 hari) 30” 12.000.000 **

Catatan :
 * : Tidak berlaku promo diskon
 ** : Harga tergantung konsep iklan yang di produksi

Letter of Offering

Photo Of process team marketing meet with consumer to give offering letter and

Owner of Waroeng Ora Umum Marketing Division of Hasstina Property

Costumer service of Spec Owner of Dirty Chick

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