Sextant Notes
Sextant Notes
Sextant Notes
A sextant is an instrument used to measure the angle between any two visible objects. Its
primary use is to determine the angle between a celestial object and the horizon which is
known as the object's altitude.
Making this measurement is known as taking a sight and it is an essential part of celestial
navigation. The angle, and the time when it was measured, can be used to calculate a
position line on a nautical chart.
The scale of a sextant has a length of 1/6 turn (60°); hence the sextant's name (sextāns, -
antis is the Latin word for "one sixth.
An octant is a similar device with a shorter scale (⅛ turn, or 45°), whereas a quintant (1/5
turn, or 72°) and a quadrant (¼ turn, or 90°) have longer scales.
The sextant is subject to a number of errors and adjustments. To find the true altitude of a
celestial body from the observed these must be allowed and adjusted for.
Perpendicularity error
This is when the index mirror is not perpendicular to the frame of the sextant.
To test for this, place the index arm at about 60° on the arc and hold the sextant
horizontally with the arc away from you at arms length and look into the index mirror.
The arc of the sextant should appear to continue unbroken into the mirror. If there is an
error then the two views will appear to be broken.
Adjust the mirror until the reflection and direct view of the arc appear to be continuous.
Side Error
This occurs when the horizon glass is not perpendicular to the plane of the instrument.
Then rotate the tangent screw back and forth so that the reflected image passes alternately
above and below the direct view.
If in changing from one position to another the reflected image passes directly over the
unreflected image, no side error exists.
Adjust the horizon glass/mirror until the stars merge into one image or the horizons are
merged into one.
Collimation Error
Collimation error results from the telescope not being parallel to the frame.
To check for this you need to observe two stars 90° or more apart. Bring the reflected image
of one into coincidence with the direct view of the other near either to the left or the right
of the field of view.
Then tilt the sextant so that the stars appear near the opposite edge. If they remain in
coincidence, the telescope is parallel to the frame; if they separate, it is not.
Index error
This occurs when the index and horizon mirrors are not parallel to each other when the
index arm is set to zero.
Index error is an instrumental error. When looking through a sextant at the horizon the
exact level horizon will seldom be seen to be at 0°.
To find the true altitude of a celestial body from the observed these must be allowed and
adjusted for.
Index Error
Index error is an instrumental error. When looking through a sextant at the horizon the
exact level horizon will seldom be seen at 0°.
If the error is less than 0° it should be added to whatever reading is obtained - if more
Hint: Remember Noah, if off the Arc - add, if on the Arc - take off.
Dip is an adjustment made for the height of the eye above sea level. In practice this is
usually taken as 0.98 times the square root of the height of the eye in metres above sea
level multiplied by 3.28.
Parallax corrections are needed if the observed body is a planet, the sun or the moon. From
the Almanac.
Semi-diameter correction is needed if the observed body is the sun or the moon. In this
case either the top or bottom of the celestial object (known as upper or lower limb) is made
to touch the horizon. To obtain the centre of the body this correction is applied.