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Typing Paragraphs Activity

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Typing Paragraphs

(50 points)

Activity #1
Instructions: Type the following paragraph and save it to your file as
Practice paragraph. You will be using this paragraph to then make
changes and learn different features in MS Word. (When typing a paragraph
don’t press Enter unless you are finished with the paragraph and make sure
you indent the first line of the paragraph.)
We will use this paragraph to illustrate several Microsoft Word features. It will be
used to illustrate Space Before, Space After, and line spacing. Space Before tells
Microsoft Word how much space to leave before the paragraph. Space After tells
Microsoft Word how much space to leave after the paragraph. Line Spacing sets the
space between lines within a paragraph.
We will use this paragraph to illustrate some additional more Word features. It
will be used to illustrate first-line indent. With first-line indent, you can indent the first
line of your paragraph. We will also look at Indentation. Indentation enables you to
indent from the left and/or right margins of your document.

1. Typing Paragraph (10 points)

2. Place your name in the header (5 points)
a. View
b. Header/Footer
c. Type your first and last name
d. Press Tab
e. Type your hour
Activity #2
Instructions: Make sure the file practice paragraph is open. In this activity
you will be learning about changing alignment, delete, backspace, select and
delete or backspace, undo/redo, and the ruler.

1. Place the cursor in front of the first word in the first paragraph (We).
2. Press Enter one time
3. Type a title for your paragraphs (Sample Paragraphs) (3 points) Alignment Keys
4. Make sure the cursor is on the same line as the title.
5. Using the Center Alignment key center the title (2 points)
6. Use the right alignment key to right align the last paragraph
(1 point)
7. Place your cursor in front of the word more in the first line of the last paragraph.
a. Press the delete key on your keyboard. (2 points)
b. Notice the delete key erases letters to the right of the cursor.
8. Place your cursor after the period of the fourth sentence in the last paragraph.
a. Press the backspace key on your keyboard. (2 points)
b. Notice the backspace key erases letters to the left of the cursor.
9. Select the first paragraph.
10. Press backspace or delete. (Note the entire paragraph is erased)
11. Press the Undo key
12. Press the Redo key
13. Press Undo again
14. Locate the ruler on your screen. If you don’t see it, go to the View menu and
15. You are finished with the first activity.
Activity #3
Instructions: Make sure the file practice paragraph is open. Follow the
steps in order to learn more about different features in MS Word. In this
activity you will be learning about the difference between line spacing and
paragraph spacing, as well as, the show/hide icon, and automatic numbering
and bullets.
1. Select the last paragraph and change the line spacing to double. (5 points)
a. Format
b. Paragraph
c. Line Spacing
d. Double
e. OK
2. Place the cursor within the first paragraph
3. Change the paragraph spacing to 24 points before
and after the paragraph. (Notice a larger space
between the title and first paragraph and between
the first paragraph and last paragraph.) (5 points)
a. Format
b. Paragraph
c. Spacing
d. Before: 36
e. After: 36
f. OK
4. Click on the Show/Hide Icon (2 points) ~ Show instructor
a. The dots between words are showing every time you hit the
space bar
b. The paragraph markers show each time you press enter.
c. Erase any extra enters that might be at the end of your document
5. Press Enter one time after the last paragraph (You should see one paragraph
6. Change the alignment back to left (2 points)
7. Turn off the Show/Hide button by clicking on it again.
8. Click on the numbered list icon (5 points)
a. Create a list of three things to do.
b. Type the first item, press enter one time
c. Type the second item, press enter one time
d. Type the third item, press enter one time
e. Press backspace once to get rid of the numbers.
9. Click on the bulleted list icon (5 points)
a. Create a list of three items you want to buy from
the grocery store.
b. Type the first item, press enter one time
c. Type the second item, press enter one time
d. Type the third item, press enter one time
e. Press backspace once to get rid of the numbers.

*When you are finished with this activity, print it to the black and white printer. Raise
your hand and I will get it from the printer. (2 points)

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