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Notable Charts by BV Raman

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" jyotishresearch@gmail.com

# $ % & '

Shubh Muhurat for


*3 Published by (

astrologerashish at

) February 3,


11 2

Shubh muhurat for conception or

Garbhadhan muhurat

Garbhadhan samskara is the

first step to Shodasha

samskaras which is the process

of purification of soul and

human being right from birth

to death. Each of these

samskaras are practiced at

various stages from before

birth to death and after death.

It starts with Garbhadhana

Muhurta or Shubh Muhurat for

Conception. This ensures that

conception instead of being an

accident should be a pre-

planned affair, family planning

is an age old concept, however

now-a-days we think that we

are so forward by family

planning, the family planning

done today has no significance

because its planning is mainly

connected with settlement and

financial goals. The above

Garbhadhan muhurta itself is a

wonderful concept where one

can have a really virtuous and

blessed child with proper

planning. “Suputra or Sukanya”,

offcourse there should be such

promise in horoscope, apart

from the promise doing things

in a good muhurta helps to

reduce to downfalls or the

negative aspects.

I felt the need to write this

article as people seem to have

forgotten such a wonderful

way of family planning by our

vedic lore, it is a shastra

sammat way of planning a child

who can potentially be healthy

and give you happiness. It can

be extremely beneficial and

even help to reduce negative

aspects of your horoscope’s

promise. How can that happen?

It can happen when one has

amassed good punya with

worship in this birth (you get

good grades when you have

studied hard and smart), you

can get boons or divine

blessings like you get political

favors or special favors in

material world when you get

into good books of such

powerful people, so why not

get in the good books of god

who is the most powerful and

ever ready to bestow boons on

those who meditate into him.

Everything has a process, like a

medical treatment is a process

– you cannot say i just

meditated and got cured you

are bound to follow a

medication procedure

depending on the graveness of

your disease or ailment, a

spiritual remedy is a process,

getting siddhis is a process, it is

not like “I just pray to him with

my heart” and done, these are

all recently spread stuff to

avoid hard work and satisfy self

ego with short cut methods,

shastra has laid down the ways

to perform remedies for a

reason. The yogis and saints

were no fools to spend hours in

meditation, japa, tapa, yagya,

because that is the way to

achieve particular siddhis, the

puranas are full of such stories

how even gods and demons

used to pray for getting boons,

kshatriyas had powerful astras

which were result of siddhis

and boons. This is just to give

you a brief background and a

conclusion that the pre-

destined can be overcome or

rather improved to some

extent with hard work or

remedies but it takes years.

Nothing happens overnight.

Coming to Shubh muhurat for

conception we will see the

rules laid down by shastra for

Garbhadhan Muhurta.

Shubh muhurat for conception

This samskara ensures that

conception instead of being an

accident should be a pre-

planned affair at an auspicious

time with religious purity when

husband and wife meet with a

definite object of having

progeny. This samskara is said

to do away with all impurities

related to conception and

reproductive system of female

so as to ensure the birth of

lucky and Healthy child.

Time – Conception should

be done between 4th and

16th Night from the day of

Menstruation. Conception

on Even nights 4th, 6th,

8th, 10th ,12th, 14th, 16th

is said to give male child

and Odd nights 5th, 7th,

9th, 11th, 13th, 15th is

said to give female child.

There are many other

factors involved apart from

the promise in birth

horoscope. Conception on

8th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 14th,

15th and 16th nights is

specifically considered


Nakshatras – Good

nakshatras for conception

are all fixed nakshatras

(Uttara-phalguni, Uttara-

shada, Uttara-bhadrapada

and Rohini), Mrigshira,

Anuradha, Hastha, Swati,

Dhanistha and shatabhisha

are also good. All

aggressive nakshatras and

teekshna nakshatras are to

be avoided (Poorva-

phalguni, Poorva-shadha,


Bharni, Magha, Moola,

Jyestha, Ardra, Ashlesha,

Krittika, Revati). Other

nakshatras are medium.

Tithis – 1,3,5,7,10,12,13

are best. Riktha tithis

4,9,14 are to be avoided.

6,8,11 should also be

avoided. Amavasya and

pournima should also be


Days – Days of benefics are

good Friday, Thursday,

Wednesday and Monday is

medium or good in shukla


Lagna – Conception lagna

should have benefics in

kendra and trikonas and

malefics in upachaya

houses. Lagna should be

aspected by Male planets

Sun, Mars and Jupiter.

Moon should be in odd


Chandra bala should be

seen for both male and


A related sub-ceremony

known as “nisheka” or first

coitus, it should be done on

benefic days, benefic tithis

in Rohini, Mrigshira,

Pushya, Hastha, Uttara-

bhadrapada and Revati

nakshatra avoided first 3

hours of night in a cheerful

mood and friendly


To be Avoided

1. Avoid vyatipat yoga,

Vaidhriti and first half of

parigha yoga.

2. Avoid Bhadra and Malefic

days, tithi, nakshatra and

lagna gandaantas.

3. Ending 1 ghati (24

minutes) of poorna tithi


and starting 1 ghati (24

minutes) of nanda


should be avoided.

4. Lagna and Rashi

gandaantas should be


5. Solar and Lunar eclipse

days should be avoided.

6. Jamna and Vadha tara of

both husband and wife

should be avoided.

There are various samskaras

after pregnancy to avoid

miscarriages like punavasana

to be performed in 2nd or 3rd

month, seemanta in last 2,3

months to protect pregnant

women from evil forces, the

purpose is to emphasize the

need to keep the pregnant

women happy as it has

favorable impact on child.

Certain other religious acts

performed in this samskara

emphasize the need of proper

care in last 2-3 months of

pregnancy. Seemantha

samskara is performed in 6th

or 8th month when lord of

month is powerful in

pregnancy. Vishnu puja is

performed in 8th month to

protect child in the womb.

The performing of above

samskaras ensure birth of a

good and healthy child, the

garbhadhaan Muhurta or

shubh muhurta for conception

is a part of family planning only.

A birth of baby with a good

horoscope or auspicious

planetary position ensures that

parent’s will have good

resources to fulfill his

requirements not because it

will improve luck of parents but

because the child is destined to

get good things then the

situations automatically start

improving for parents as well.

Apart from Shubh muhurat for

conception one can also go for

Auspicious Muhurat for

Cesarean delivery if doctors

suggest it. In my view a

natural delivery is always the

best, but now-a-days it has

become a trend to advice every

couple to go for C-section as it

probably gives more money to

doctors. You can also contact

me for pregnancy related

Mediclaim from Religare

which covers the cost of

hospitalization saving your

money. Those who are

planning a baby in next 2 years

can opt for joy today which has

a waiting period of 9 months

and those who plan to have a

baby within next 5 years can go

for joy tomorrow which has a

waiting period of 24 months.

This will be helpful to cover the

prenancy related pre and post

natal expenses with c-section

and hospitalization expenses

covered as well. It also gives a

cover to baby apart from giving

you income tax benefits. It is a

good mediclaim to gift for newly

married couple.

Get in touch with me to inquire

about Shubh muhurat for

conception and religare

pregnancy mediclaim on

Whatsapp @ 9657569256.



Ashish Desai

is a young

and dynamic




of more than

20 years in




he has been

doing this

since 2012.

He started



from his

mother at a

very tender

age, he is an


and finance





and also

holds a

diploma in



He has many


clients from

all over the

world and

people from

more than

30 countries

consult him

at present.

Though he



to people

from all

walks of life

but majority

of his clients

come from






cinema. He





making, C-













and all types

of muhurta




He believes



can reveal

your true


and help you

to achieve

success and

wealth in

your life.

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