Chapter 1: Bai Yunfei
Chapter 1: Bai Yunfei
Chapter 1: Bai Yunfei
Chapter 1: Bai Yunfei When setting up a stall to peddle his straw sandals,
Bai Yunfei’s grandfather ended up ‘blocking’ the
Book 1: Rise of the Cloud path of the son to a local noble, resulting in a brutal
thrashing by the sons subordinates.
Chapter 1: Bai Yunfei
Not too long after that, he too, left Bai Yunfei.
Year 2008 of the Tianhun Calendar.
In that year, Bai Yunfei was only nine years old.
There was only one empire to the Tianhun
Continent—the Tianhun Empire. In the Azure Cloud Circumstances such as these were by no means a
Province, dusk was falling upon Talus City. rare sight on the continent. Commoners—most
especially those of the same ilk as Bai Yunfei’s
“Whew! I can finally call it a day! Earned twenty- family—had no land, no work, and had but only a
three copper coins today, that’s enough for one small house so broken down that it was practically
more steamed bun tonight…” Came the fatigued unlivable. In the eyes of the nobles and the rich, the
voice of a young man. Supported by the walls of a lives of these ‘undesirables’ held no worth at all.
dark alleyway as he walked through it, this
youngster had a hand rubbing at his aching And so Bai Yunfei was left alone at the age of nine.
shoulders. Tattered were his clothings and fatigued Engraving the love of his mother and the
was his body, but he pressed on as he muttered to benevolence of his grandfather into his heart, Bai
himself. Yunfei chose to grit his teeth and live on.
Bai Yunfei, an eighteen year old with a height of Begging piteously for two days and two nights, Bai
1.75 meters. He had a simple short haircut, a nose Yunfei managed to secure a job as a porter at a
bridge that stuck out from his quiet thin face, and large-scale rice store. But this was not all due to the
eyes that were of a clear look. While not kindheartedness of the store owner—he had never
handsome, his face wasn’t exactly disagreeable once given even half a copper more to Bai Yunfei.
with either. Thanks to his many years as an When he first started out, Bai Yunfei was only
unskilled laborer, his back was bent like a bow capable of earning a scant few copper coins a day.
whenever he walked so that he looked more
submissive than he should. His body could actually There came many times where Bai Yunfei felt that
be considered to be quite buff, but because he he could not take it anymore. Every night, he would
hadn’t eaten food for a long time, he looked more huddle in his dilapidated hut and cry to himself
malnourished than healthy. while the wind blew through the place. But with
each time he cried, he’d fall asleep and dream of
After a long hard day of work, all he wanted to do his kindly grandfather patting at his head while
right now was to buy a few steamed buns so he weaving yet another pair of sandals and teaching
could eat his fill and return back ‘home’. It was a him how to read.
broken-down hut where he lived by himself, but it
was still his place to sleep for nine straight years. His mother would appear in those dreams too.
Embracing Bai Yunfei to her chest, she would point
Ever since he became capable of self-thought, Bai up to the clouds for Bai Yunfei to see, “One day,
Yunfei had never once seen his father before. His when my little Yunfei grows up, he will be like a
mother and grandfather had never once told him white cloud in the sky. Floating freely under the
anything about him either. At the tender age of five, skies without worry….”
Bai Yunfei’s mother passed away due to illness,
leaving him and his aged grandfather to rely on The morning after, he would wipe away the tears
each other for survival. and grit his teeth to continue moving the extremely
heavy sacks of rice.
But alas! Misfortune did not see fit to leave Bai
Yunfei’s family. Nine years went on in this fashion.
In these nine years, Bai Yunfei experienced the Whether it was by accident or by design, the balls
entire spectrum of human nature and understood of black mist came down towards Bai Yunfei. And
just how bleak the world was. But all he could do in no time at all, it had merged with his body.
each and every day was to work hard and rely on
himself to survive, no matter how lowly it was. Bai Yunfei’s mind went blank. Shortly afterwards,
he lost consciousness and tumbled to the ground.
There were actually many commoners like him
stuck at the bottom rungs to the social ladder. But When his body fell to the ground, a transparent ball
because of the pressures of life, many of them of air came flying out from the not-yet closed rift
chose to involve themselves in the shadier side of towards Bai Yunfei as well. But instead of entering
life. Bai Yunfei had never followed their example his body like the black mist did, it covered his entire
however. Each copper he earned. Each grain he body instead.
ate. Everything was earned from the step by step
work he put into his job as a rice porter. …………
He had once promised his grandfather after all. Every plane of existence had their own laws on
“Live life with a clear conscience.” existence. Whenever one plane attempted to
invade another plane of existence, the laws to that
Many people had scoffed at Bai Yunfei’s dedication plane would reject it and try to destroy it.
to his grandfather’s words however. “A clear
conscience? Don’t make me laugh. In this cruel But!
world, a clear conscience isn’t even worth a fart!”
If it were able to break into the world, then the laws
And yet, Bai Yunfei had never cared to listen to of the world would assimilate it into itself!
them. Staunch and resolute in the way he lived
these past nine years by himself, Bai Yunfei would These soul fragments and book that already
live a life with a clear conscience. entered Bai Yunfei’s body. They were already
starting to fuse together with him. After the pursuing
No matter how meager his status became. No laws to this plane of existence surrounded Bai
matter how lowly his job was. And no matter how Yunfei’s body, it managed to destroy whatever
impoverished he became. He would live as his fragments that did not yet fuse with Bai Yunfei
grandfather told him to. before disappearing into the world as if it never
existed to begin with.
“Compared to before, my body’s a lot stronger now.
If I can just carry a few more sacks of rice every On the ground, Bai Yunfei would look as if nothing
day, I should be able to earn a few more coins and was happening and that he was only just sleeping.
repair mom’s and grandpa’s graves….” Bai Yunfei
thought to himself as he walked. Jingling the coins Roughly ten minutes passed by before Bai Yunfei’s
in his robes, Bai Yunfei decided to speed up his body started to move. Sitting upright, Bai Yunfei
walking pace. The sooner he got out of the looked confused, and his eyes were still unfocused.
alleyway, the sooner he could buy some steamed Clearly, he hadn’t yet completely regained his wits.
buns. And the sooner he bought some steam buns,
the sooner he could go home. Dazed for a little longer, Bai Yunfei managed to
prop himself up with the wall with one hand while
But just at the moment when he bowed his head to using the other hand to gently slap at his head. He
walk forward, a fissure in the skies above suddenly was muttering to himself, but it seemed as if he was
opened up above him! Several wisps of black mist talking to someone else.
came pouring out from the fissure, and just
seemingly, there looked like there was a small book “I’m Tang Long….No, I’m Bai Yunfei….”
bundled in the mist...
“I came from Earth….no….I’m from the Tianhun
“I’m a dimension traveler….I’m a commoner of behind his back. Walking slow enough to be behind
Talus City…” the two youths, a hint of a smile could be seen on
his face as he looked at the two.
“Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen….”
Two men dressed up as bodyguards hung by his
“Have to save money to repair mom and grandpa’s side with a sword fitted at their waists. Their
graves….” walking patterns were random, but every so often,
their eyes would sweep across the crowd. Anyone
“……” that met their gaze would immediately turn their
heads with a mixture of fear and respect.
After them came a group of men dressed up as
These soul fragments had no consciousness, but servants. Each one of them carried a large box of
they were still formed of the broken fragments that seemingly hefty weight. But despite the weight, the
were memories. After they fused with Bai Yunfei, servants walked with an easy step, meaning that
his own memory was sent into a flux for the time they were considerably strong as well.
They were the most influential family of Talus City,
Staggering onto the main streets with a teetering the house of Zhang. Not only did they control more
body, Bai Yunfei was actually moving based on than half of the businesses in Talus City, they were
autonomous action only. His consciousness was a also a family of soul cultivators. In the greater
complete blur right now, and he couldn’t even tell picture that was the Tianhun Continent, the Zhang
just what he was doing at all…. weren’t of any importance. But in the local area of
Talus City, even the lord mayor would have to show
………… some consideration for them.
Some time before, the streets were crawling with When the lord and heir apparent to the house of
activity as the common people went to and from on Zhang walked down the road, no commoner would
it. But now, everyone was stepping to the side dare stand in their way.
almost religiously as a group of men came walking
from the direction of the eastern gates of the city. “Little sister Meng’er, how unexpected it was for me
to see you show up in Talus City with my father.
Leading this group at the very front was an elegant- You should’ve sent some news ahead of time so I
looking young man draped in excellent clothing. His could arrange for some more interesting things to
eyebrows were sharp like a sword and his eyes be shown to your heart's content….” The young
were bright like if they were stars. His hair was tied man smiled gently at the young woman. This man
nicely behind his back, and the fan in his hands was the heir apparent to the house of Zhang,
waved a refreshingly nice breeze at his face as he Zhang Yang.
pointed at the shops on the side of the streets to
the person next to him. Occasionally, his lips would The young woman known as Meng’er showed no
curl into a smile, and it seemed as if he was outerly expression at Zhang Yang’s flattery
introducing something to his companion in a lax but however. Reciprocating in conversation with a
frivolous manner. simple phrase, she spoke, “I just so happened to
come across uncle Zhang when I was sightseeing
The person by his side was a long-haired young Cathaya City. Since it was convenient, I came with
woman dressed in a light-blue robe made of him to meet aunty, there’s no need to prepare
expensive material. She had a slim physique and a anything. I’ll be leaving in a few days, so there’s no
fair-white complexion, red lips and a jade-white need to do anything special.” The young woman’s
nose. Her eyes—wide-eyed in interest—followed eyebrows knitted together at her last words as if
the young man’s finger around the streets. remembering something, “Also. Don’t call me
Meng’er. I’m not your sister either. Call me by my
actual name, Liu Meng.”
From behind these two, there was a more burly-
looking middle-aged man with his hands clasped
Despite the cold indifference in Liu Meng’s voice, And so the group continued to travel through the
Zhang Ye wasn’t discouraged. “Haha, little sister city’s center with Zhang Yang continuing to buy
Meng’er, what are you saying? You of all people several knickknacks and playthings from here and
should know what the elders of our families are there for Liu Meng’s pleasure. All of it was done in
planning on, we’re goi—” hope of winning yet another beautiful smile from
“I don’t want to even think about anything else right
now. The only reason why I’m even sightseeing They had only just passed by one of the more
right now is because I can’t make the breakthrough shadier alleyways when a rather absent-minded but
to become a middle-stage Soul Warrior. I just shabbily-clothed young man came stumbling out of
wanted to clear my head for a while before I go it. Muttering incoherently to himself in a nonstop
back and focus again on my training without fashion, the youth seemed as if he hadn’t even
interference.” Liu Meng interrupted him. noticed the group of people on the streets. In this
manner, he continued to stumble forwards, when all
“Wha—you’ve already reached the middle-stage of a sudden, he slammed straight into Liu Meng!
Soul Warrior?! I remember when we once broke
through to the Soul Personage stage at the same The appearance of this youth was very sudden,
time! It was only a year ago. I’m a middle-stage and Liu Meng had been at that time preoccupied
Soul Personage now, but you’ve already improved with Zhang Yang’s introducing her to a satin store
that much!” This time, Zhang Yang didn’t bother to nearby. She hadn’t expected to have someone
continue to fawn over Liu Meng so shamelessly as come crashing into her, and due to Bai Yunfei’s
he was before. Instead, he could really only let out state of confusion, there was no ‘intent’ to collide
a gasp in shock. with her. Because of that lack of intent, she was
unable to sense it as a soul cultivator, thus resulting
A look of scorn for Zhang Yang flashed across her in the two of them falling to the ground.
eyes at that. Looking away to glance at the side of
the street, she opened her mouth to speak, “I’m not ……
like some people who just idle about everyday.”
All Bai Yunfei could feel at that one moment was a
“Errr…..” Zhang Yang felt rather embarrassed by huge headache. All sorts of information was flowing
her words. Abandoning this line of conversation, through his head nonstop, and even now, he wasn’t
Zhang Yang then looked up with a smile and even sure where he was.
pointed to a nearby street stall, “Little sist—ah—I
mean, Liu Meng. There’s a stall selling some Suddenly, Bai Yunfei felt his body collide into
tanghulu over there, plenty of girls love to eat this! something before the sensation of falling down
Since you’ve been focusing on your training, I’m came rushing up to him. After that, he could feel
sure you don’t get to eat this a lot, do you? Let me himself falling onto something soft and a delicate
get you a skewer!” fragrance trickling into his nose….
Striding straight on over after speaking, Zhang It wasn’t sure whether it was the collision, the fall,
Yang took a skewer of tanghulu before walking the landing, or the fragrance that snapped Bai
back to Liu Meng’s side. Despite the theft, the Yunfei back to awareness, but whatever it was, it
vendor was unwilling to look discontent; instead, allowed him to regain control of his body.
the vendor managed to force out an ingratiating
smile onto his aged face…. Although he wasn’t quite back to full awareness just
Curiously, Liu Meng took what was offered to her
and gave it a look over. A pink tongue extended Shaking his head, Bai Yunfei stood back up to his
forth from her lips to lick at the frosting over it, feet before finally being aware of the situation—
eliciting a smile to appear on her lips. Her smile
was so rare to Zhang Yang—like a plum blossom in —A blue-robed young woman sat in front of him on
the winter—he couldn’t help but stare at her a little the ground. Stupefied, her delicate face was tilted
more from the side.
upwards towards him, but not a single word came “How….how could I do such a thing like this? It felt
out from her mouth. as if my actions were natural, wha—what’s going
on?” Now, Bai Yunfei was back to complete
“Er….miss, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to run into you, awareness. But when he thought back to the
are you alright?” Connecting the dots, Bai Yunfei attitude of the young woman in front of him, he
realized that he had to have run into her and didn’t dare believe in what he had just done….
scrambled to apologize.
The nobles right in front of him, weren’t they not
Stooping his back to reach out and pull at her pale- people he couldn’t risk to offend? These were
white wrist, Bai Yunfei helped her to her feet with a people that couldn’t care less about the lives of
very natural sequence of motion. commoners such as him!!
It was then that Bai Yunfei noticed the tanghulu The very thought of that made Bai Yunfei go weak
discarded to the ground. Embarrassed, Bai Yunfei in the knees. Not daring to look up at these two
scratched his head sheepishly and looked left and figures, he bowed deep the ground and spoke,
right—only to catch sight of the tanghulu vendor to “Dear miss, please forgive me….I really didn’t
the side. mean to offend you. I hope that you will find it in
your heart to forgive me…”
For the sake of pleasing Liu Meng, Zhang Yang
had ordered the vendor to accompany them. “Forgive you?! You plebeian, do you really think my
little sister Meng’er is someone you could touch? I’ll
Running on over, Bai Yunfei fished out a single have your lowly life ended right here and now!!”
copper coin and handed to the vendor before Zhang Yang laughed nastily. Looking at Bai Yunfei
coming back with a tanghulu. as if he was a dead man walking, Zhang Yang
strode forward with his right arm extended. His right
“Miss, here’s a tanghulu as compensation. I hope fist had a series of blue veins popping out from
that you’ll forgive me, I really didn—” underneath his flesh, and with each step he took,
the muscles in his arm seemed to grow even larger.
“Bang!” Before Bai Yunfei could even finish
speaking, something powerful struck at his left When Bai Yunfei tilted his head up to look, a fierce
waist. There was a flash of pain, and then Bai pain stung at his head the moment when his eyes
Yunfei was flung away to the side of the street! made contact with Zhang Yang. Something from
the depths of his soul flooded his body, causing it to
The right leg of Zhang Yang slowly fell back to tremble briefly before collapsing to the ground. In
stand down on the ground. His entire body was his eyes, the incoming Zhang Yang was no longer
shaking with indignation, and his face was a man, but a horrifying demon. The hands that
malevolent in expression, marking a stark contrast came towards him were sharp claws, and if it were
with the easygoing young nobleman he was before. to just squeeze around him gently, Bai Yunfei
would be crushed like an ant.
Glaring at Bai Yunfei, Zhang Yang’s eyes had a
very distinct aura of killing intent to them. “Zhang Yang, hold on….did I say that I wanted him
dead?” Just as Bai Yunfei felt as if he was going to
collapse, a harmonious voice like the sound of
“You lowly plebeian! How dare you mistreat my
nature came echoing into his ears, alleviating some
Meng’er! I’ll...I’ll have you put to death!”
of the pressure on his body.
Chapter 2: Equipment Upgrade Technique
Halting in his footsteps, Zhang Yang turned to look
back to Liu Meng inquisitively, “Me—Liu Meng, this
Chapter 2: Equipment Upgrade Technique commoner has accosted you. Doesn’t he deserve
death? I’ll teach him a lesson for you to vent your
Enduring the pain in his waist, Bai Yunfei managed anger.”
to slowly rise back up to his feet, only to stare in
stupefaction at the sinister-looking youth in front of
Frowning, Liu Meng casted another scornful eye at to kill on the streets, are you not afraid of losing
Zhang Yang, “I’m not ‘yours’, please watch what face for our Zhang?!” The man barked out to
you’re saying….” reprimand his child on his behavior.
Then casting an eye to look behind him, she Just a moment ago, Bai Yunfei’s heart was
continued, “This person looks rather out of it, so it threatening to leap out of his chest when Zhang
must have been an accident. Even if he did offend Yang threatened to cut off own of his hands.
me, there wouldn’t be a need for him to die….” Hearing this middle-aged man advocate against
that had allowed for Bai Yunfei to let out a sigh in
Stunned, Bai Yunfei looked to Liu Meng as if in a relief, but when the man looked to him, Bai Yunfei
trance, “ she pleading for me? What a immediately felt as if his entire body had been
reasonable young lady, she’s like a fairy…” thrown into ice. Even his soul shivered at the man’s
gaze—it was many a times more intimidating than
“He took a kick from you already, see how injured the one Zhang Yang had given to him.
he is? Let that be enough punishment for him.” Liu
Meng’s eye flickered to the dropped tanghulu Bai Even breathing was a challenge for him now.
Yunfei had bought for her earlier.
Fortunately, this sensation had only been for a
There was a flicker of light as if she was thinking moment before receding away. Heaving heavily,
about something. Unexpectedly, she casted a smile Bai Yunfei could feel beads of sweat drip down
towards Bai Yunfei, “Haha, if anything, he already from his face one after another.
tried to pay me back with another tanghulu, but it
was kicked to the ground by you….” “Your mother is still waiting for us to return, don’t let
her wait even longer.” Zhang Zhenshan spoke.
Her smile had forced Bai Yunfei’s heart to beat
more rapidly than before when he saw it. His face But seeing how his son was still quite discontent
began to grow flush with a red heat, and his mind with the outcome, he let out a casual suggestion, “If
felt as if it was swimming, “How…how beautiful she you’re still not satisfied with this one….let your
is….” servants teach him a lesson.”
Seeing how Liu Meng was treating this plebeian Unwilling to say anything more, Zhang Yang gave
with such a smile, a flash of bitter hatred entered one of his servants a look before heading off with
his eyes, “How could we let him off so easily? At the others into the city center.
the very least, we should cut off one of his hands!
I’l—” Two of his servants didn’t leave with him. Instead,
they glared ominously at Bai Yunfei as they
“Yang’er!” A dignified voice suddenly barked out, approached him.
interrupting Zhang Yang’s speech.
Now that Zhang Zhenshan had spoken, Bai Yunfei
Walking up from behind the two youngsters was the knew that there would be no escaping this beating
middle-aged man before. today. If he resisted, the chances of being injured
even worse would only just go up. With no other
“Father!” choice, he curled up into a ball and protected his
face while the two men began to beat at him with
“Uncle.” their hands and feet.
The one that both Zhang Yang and Liu Meng called Already some distance away, Zhang Yang couldn’t
out to so respectfully was the father of Zhang Yang help but cast a look backwards with an eye of
and the lord of the house of Zhang. Zhang resentment. However, he then turned his head to
Zhenshan. look at Liu Meng for a brief moment before
returning to his guise as an elegant noble. Waving
“Meng’er is right. As a soul cultivator, how could his fan, he continued to introduce Liu Meng to the
you bicker with people of his kind? You even plan different parts of Talus City to her.
Later that night, Bai Yunfei dragged his beaten and “I can’t think like that! Mother’s birthday is coming
weary body back to his home. Pushing open the up soon. I just need some money so I can repair
teetering doors of the entrance, he walked past the mother and grandfather’s grave! I can’t let them see
narrow hallway and onto the simplistic bed. There me unhappy like this!!”
were several holes in the ceiling so that the
moonlight could shine through and give the hut Pacing himself with several deep breaths, Bai
some lighting. Yunfei calmed himself down and began to rethink
of the events that happened today.
Anything of worth in his home was already sold off.
Originally, he had a room next door, but even that “What is going on with me? I didn’t…feel like myself
was sold off too. on the streets. Why in the world did I go and
provoke those nobles….?
Seated on top of his bed, Bai Yunfei stared
despondently at the top of his ceiling. Rubbing at “I’m myself still though. But…feels like I’ve a lot
the black and blue spots of his body, Bai Yunfei more things in my head now…I can feel it, but I just
couldn’t help but shed some tears in can’t really seem to recall it clearly.
“Maybe I’ve worked so hardly recently I’m starting
Resistance. to see things? I wasn’t feeling strange yesterday
Slapping his head, Bai Yunfei looked as if he was
Uselessness. trying to forcibly jog his memory.
What about it? He couldn’t do anything to change “Item Upgrade Technique…What's that?”
It was right at that moment something underneath
As he stroked at the jade stone pendant hung on his bed suddenly gave way, forcing his bed to sway
his neck, the tears from his eyes began to slow unsteadily.
down. This pendant was shaped like a crude cloud
due to its rough craftsmanship, and one could tell “Ugh, what got loose now? This stupid bed, really
that it was obviously made from low quality now….”
material. But because Bai Yunfei had kept this
pendant next to him at all times and touched it for Stooping over, Bai Yunfei could see that the left
years, it had an especially glossy feel to it and side of the bed was clearly shorter than the other
shined to some degree. side. Originally, he had something propped up
underneath. But when he moved about on his bed,
This was the memento given to him by his mother. the sudden movement brought the item elsewhere.
“Mother….Is there really a point for me to live like Groping around underneath the bed, Bai Yunfei
this?” Bai Yunfei muttered to himself as he looked retrieved a single object.
at the pendant.
It was just a brick.
“One day, when my little Yunfei grows up, he will be
like a white cloud in the sky. Floating freely under Just as he was about to get it up and reset the bed,
the skies without worry….” a sudden notification popped up into his head.
Another notification similar to the last one popped Equipment Grade: Normal
up in his head, prompting him to look down at the Upgrade Level: +2
brick in his hand. Attack: 9
Additional Attack: 2
Upgrade Requirement: 3 Soulpoints
Equipment Grade: Normal
Upgrade Level: +1
Attack: 9
Waving the brick, Bai Yunfei felt that the brick had He felt rather excited by this, but even as he was
gotten a little sturdier than before. thinking out the command, a sudden pang of
dizziness hit his head. It felt as if his soul had been
“Let’s try it again….” emptied out, and his mind was rapidly dropping out
of consciousness as he collapsed onto his bed.
Not too long afterwards….
Just before he could lose all consciousness
however, he could very vaguely feel a string of
Upgrade Successful notifications pop up into his head.
Upgrade Successful
“Wha?? Failed?? What does that mean?”
“Don’t blame us two brothers for this, kid. Just “What? You don’t even know why you were
blame your own luck for having angered the young captured and brought here? Oh my...young lad,
master. In any case, there’s no point in living such you’ve offended someone you shouldn’t have
a poor life, you’d be better off dying now and offended. I presume it was the animals of the
reincarnating. Try your best to be reincarnated into Zhang that brought you here?”
the household of a wealthy family next time….”
“The Zhangs? Zhang Yang?” Bai Yunfei was
“Cut the crap and hurry up and stuff him into the speechless at first, but the answer came to him
bag.” quick enough.
“Hmm? Why’s he holding a brick? Heh; he’s “Ah, so you do know him, how did you manage to
holding onto it pretty tightly…” anger him! Woe is you….” The old man sighed and
shook his head.
“Forget about it and let him have it. I’ve a plan.
When we get to the spot, we won’t give him any Looking around the place, Bai Yunfei asked again,
weapons. We’ll just let him have that brick; he’s “What are we doing being locked here? How do we
going to die either way. When the young master get out?”
finds out, he’ll definitely be happy. Who knows, he
might just reward us!” Aside from the layer of hay that covered the floor,
there was nothing else to this room. There was no
“Haha!! It’s a mean plan, but I like it…” items, no windows, no nothing. To the left of him,
Bai Yunfei could make the sight of several wooden
Working nimbly, the two men worked as if they had bars—was this a jail cell? The walls to this room
done this many times in the past. Loading the were three to four meters tall, and just beyond
youngster into the bag and tying it tightly, they these bars was a spacious field about a hundred
heaved him over their shoulders and left the room meters in circumference. But just beyond that, Bai
to disappear into the night…. Yunfei could see several layers of fancy-looking
Bai Yunfei was having a very nice sleep. Even
though his senses were slightly hazy, he felt very He and the old men were together in a corner to
warm all over his body. He didn’t know where he this one room. And on the other side some distance
was either, but he didn’t want to think about it so away were roughly ten men or so. But compared to
that he could continue on sleeping. the old man, these men all looked exceedingly
vicious. One would only need a single look to know
“Young lad, wake up, hurry now….” that these men were not of the nicer sort. But as
vicious as they looked, they were all huddled
The sudden intrusion of someone’s voice together in their own corner and whispered to
immediately caused Bai Yunfei to wake up. Feeling themselves as if to mind their own business.
that someone was shaking at his shoulders, Bai
Yunfei’s eyes opened up and sat himself upright. “Get out?” The elder had a strange look on his face
at those words, “Lad, you’ve...dear me! Everyone in
Scratching at his foggy head, Bai Yunfei murmured, Talus City knows that only a few people can live
“Wha—? Where am I?”
~ 11 ~
and get away with offending the young heir of the Seeing that the old man had returned to normal,
Zhangs….” Bai Yunfei gave a sigh of relief and waved his
hand, “No didn’t. Uncle Wu, if you don’t
“What?! I’m...I’m going to die?” Bai Yunfei cried out want to talk about it, then there’s no need to talk
with a louder voice than before, causing the about it….”
unsavory glares of the other inhabitants of the room
to focus on him. Frantically, Bai Yunfei asked the “In truth, it’s not something that should be kept a
old man with a quieter voice than before, “Elder sir, secret. It was because I had a wood cutter in my
are...are you being honest?” hand when I tried to kill Zhang Yang. But halfway
through, I was caught by his subordinates and
“My….my dear lad, don’t be afraid….well, to be thrown into here.”
truthful, being afraid will do you no good here
either….” The old man rubbed at his shoulder. “I’ve “Wha?!” Out of all the reasons Bai Yunfei thought
heard them say before that they’ll have us fight the old man was in here for, this was not one of
someone. If we can survive, they’ll let us go…” them.
There was a hollow laugh following this.
“That animal, Zhang Yang! He...he’s the reason
Clearly, the old man didn’t think that as an old man why my granddaughter is dead!” Uncle Wu’s body
and a young boy, they had a good chance of was wracked with emotions as he continued to
surviving. speak, “My poor little Yu’er was only sixteen!
“Fight….” Bai Yunfei trembled to himself with terror “Three days ago, my dear granddaughter talked
piling up in his heart. about buying a bolt of cloth to make me a set of
robes. She said that with winter coming, she wasn’t
Somehow, the comforting expression on the old about to let me freeze…” By this point, uncle Wu’s
man’s face had been enough to calm him down to eyes were filled with a loving devotion to his
some degree. Perhaps the kind expression of this granddaughter. And from the small smile on his
elder was similar to that of his own grandfather. face, Bai Yunfei could tell that this old man loved
his granddaughter dearly. Bai Yunfei’s own
“Elder sir, you…” grandfather once looked at him in the same way
too, after all.
“My family name is Wu, so just call me uncle Wu.”
“But...but when she went outside, heaven saw fit to
“Uhm, uncle Wu, why are you here too?” separate us two forever!!” Tears sprung freely from
uncle Wu’s eyes from the grief he felt.
It had been an unexpected thing to see that the
kindly old man would suddenly grow distressed. “The neighbor next door managed to tell me that
There was but a malevolent look in his eyes and his little Yu’er was taken in by Zhang Yang’s servants,
teeth were tightly gritted together as if he became but by the time I got there, she….she was already a
some sort of vicious beast ready to tear someone stone-cold corpse!”
“My little Yu’er! My dear granddaughter! Unwilling
This sudden transformation of the old man caused to take Zhang Yang’s insults, she was ultimately
Bai Yunfei to become startled. Shrinking his body killed off by him!”
into the corner, Bai Yunfei began to feel afraid for
himself. Once again, the ferocious expression of a primal
beast appeared on uncle Wu’s face. This time
It took some time before the old man’s anger finally however, Bai Yunfei wasn’t as afraid as before.
receded away from his eyes. Sucking in a deep Instead, he too felt as angry and sad over uncle
breath, he finally spoke out, “My apologies, did I Wu’s story.
scare you…?”
“My neighbors advised me to swallow my anger
after I buried my dear granddaughter. They said
~ 12 ~
that I wouldn’t be able to fight the Zhangs. I knew No sooner did he finish speaking did the old man
that. We are commoners after all. Even if the stare at Bai Yunfei, “What’s wrong? You don’t
Zhangs kill several of us, the lord mayor would only agree with what I said?”
turn a blind eye to us. Our lives are like ants to
people like him. “No, that’s not it. I was just reminded of my
deceased grandfather. He...he once said these
“But still, my hate remained! If I was unable to do words before.”
anything, how could I ever apologize to my dear
granddaughter? I would die with eternal regret! And It was right at this moment several men appeared
so I grabbed the wood chopper in my home and right outside the bars to the prison. Dropping a
took use of the time he’d be drunk from the brothel. bucket of steamed buns and a bucket of water in
When he came out, I took my chance to rush front of the doors, one of the men called out, “Hey,
forward and chop him to pieces! I wanted him to you lot! Come and eat! Eat as much as you can,
pay for the life of my granddaughter with his own! you’ll be needing that strength to fight for your lives
soon enough!”
“But...but I wasn’t even able to touch even his
clothes! I was stopped by those thugs of his and Since there was plenty of steamed buns in the
imprisoned here as a result. It’s been an entire day bucket, uncle Wu only stood up to get some after
and night already….cough cough….” the rest of the people in the cell had their fill.
Scooping a bowl of water, he returned to Bai
Because of his excessive agitation, the old man Yunfei’s side and handed him some, “Are you
began to cough as soon as he finished speaking. hungry? Eat now then, you’ll need that strength to
For the entire time uncle Wu told his story, Bai
Yunfei was quiet. He had no words to console the As the two of them ate their steamed buns, uncle
man, and all he could do was to hold onto the man Wu and Bai Yunfei began to talk to one another.
with a trembling hand. Patting him on the back, Bai When Bai Yunfei saw the kind expression on the
Yunfei spoke in concern, “Uncle Wu, please calm older man’s face, Bai Yunfei could feel his heart
yourself. It does your body no good. He is no tremble just slightly. Ever since his grandfather
human, but a beast in human skin. One day, he’ll passed away, Bai Yunfei never thought that he’d be
get what he deserves….” able to come across this ‘warm’ sensation again.
Uncle Wu looked to be lost in thought when he Finishing off their steamed buns, the two continued
looked to Bai Yunfei. After a period of silence, the to talk for a small while. Before long, uncle Wu felt
man finally spoke, “Alas! My little Yu’er, she used to tired and leaned against the wall to get some sleep.
hold my hand like this and pat my back and chide Bai Yunfei continued to stay huddled in the corner
me for being too emotional….young lad, I’ve never by himself. It was only now that he managed to
asked for your name yet, have I?” recall the events that happened yesterday.
“My name is Bai Yunfei, you can call me Yunfei.” “Why don’t I have any injuries on my body?” Bai
Yunfei suddenly realized. Somehow, the thrashing
“Ah, yes, Yunfei. I can see that you’re a good he received yesterday was completely gone! Even
child….Children like you are getting rarer and rarer. his body felt rather comfortable instead of not.
People nowadays are all the same, no matter if
they hide it or not. They only care for themselves “Did I….pass out yesterday night? Why though…?
and don’t care if anyone dies. If they can do it,
they’ll do it. People like them, they’ve thrown away “Oh, right! I was upgrading the….the brick!!”
what it means to be human! As long as a person
lives on this world, they should always live a life Subconsciously feeling the area around himself,
guilt-free and with a clear conscious….” Bai Yunfei’s fingers unexpectedly touched upon
something with very distinct edges and corners—it
was the brick from yesterday! The brick that he had
been holding onto every since he passed out!
~ 13 ~
“When you were brought in yesterday night, you looking robes and all looked as if they belonged to
were holding onto that brick….perhaps there’s a wealthy family. Each one of them had an
some sort of special significance to that brick?” expectant look on their faces and talked to one
Uncle Wu asked, but there was doubt in his voice. another. Some of them even pointed their fingers
downwards at the prisoners and whispered even
“Uhm….no, not really. This is just the brick I use to more about something.
even out my bed…” Bai Yunfei didn’t really know
how to explain the situation, but luckily for him, “Ladies and gentleman! I welcome you all to the
uncle Wu didn’t seem to mind Bai Yunfei’s flustered Coliseum!”
speech. He chuckled upon Bai Yunfei’s answer, but
beyond that, the older man said nothing else. Suddenly, a loud voice resonated throughout the
place. Those whispering nobles immediately grew
Looking down, Bai Yunfei looked at the brick in his quiet and their faces lit up with excitement; some of
hand. them looked even more….crazier.
The other man was heavily injured as well, but he Still playing the part of an elegant young nobleman
looked to be in a much better state of health than with his fan, Zhang Yang pointed at the middle-
the other. When the first man came with his fist aged man down below and spoke to the person
outstretched, the second chose not to dodge. next to him, “Second master Zheng, how do you
Instead, he met the man’s fist with one of his own feel about this Coliseum of mine? It’s a place that
for a fist-to-fist collision! makes the blood of any person boil, doesn’t it? That
person there is the most fearsome person in this
In the moment the second man punched outwards, Coliseum, Direwolf….”
his right arm seemed to swell to some degree. And
when the two fists collided, a miserable shriek Right besides him was a purple-robed young man
erupted from the first man before he staggered more handsome than Zhang Yang. Even as he was
backwards several steps. The fingers to his right looking at the bloody scene down below, his face
hand were bent into abnormal shapes and blood was emotionless. Nodding his head, he spoke, “Not
could be seen seeping out from his wounds. There bad, this person’s already in a half-awakened state.
were some parts to his arm where bone could be It won’t take much longer before he awakens his
seen jutting out! soulforce and becomes a full-fledged Soul
Apprentice.” Even though he was complimenting
The other man shook his hand to wipe off the blood the man, there was a slight tint of disapproval to his
from his arm—his opponent’s blood. He even licked face, and he was clearly complimenting him half-
up some of it in his excitement with his eyes heartedly.
emitting a terrifying glow. He didn’t look like a
human in this one moment. Instead, he looked Zhang Yang hadn’t paid too much attention to it
more like a beast ready to slaughter its prey. however and laughed, “A mere Soul Apprentice,
there’s no way such a character like that would be
The ‘audience’ spectating from the outer ring let out worthy of lord Zheng’s eye. The house of Zheng
excited shouts and screams at the sight. In this one has so many geniuses and so many capable
moment, these graceful and distinguished nobles people, how could my own family even
had not even a single iota of that attitude to them. compare…?”
Their faces were flushed with excitement and their
eyes were wide open as if afraid of missing even a He knew that second master Zheng came directly
second of the excitement happening in front of from the capital and was without a doubt looking
them. down on his own family. So the fact that he came to
Talus City this time for the Coliseum was a wonder
~ 15 ~
on its own. All Zhang Yang had to do was to make The group of men looked at one another, but in the
sure he served him well without offending him. end, they filed out of the room one by one. Uncle
Wu and Bai Yunfei were the last two to leave.
To their right was a person draped from head to toe
in a black cloak so that his face couldn’t be seen. Whenever a person walked out from the room,
His hands were crossed against his chest and his someone standing at the gates of the room handed
head was bowed down onto it, making it seem as if them a weapon from the war chest before letting
he was sleeping…. them onto the ring.
By now, the battle in the ring was reaching a Still at a loss for words, he and uncle Wu followed
conclusion. Now that the bigger man was no longer the rest of the group out. When it was their turn to
a match for the middle-aged man, his movements receive a weapon, uncle Wu was given a shabby-
were slower than before. The wounds on his body looking hatchet.
was growing more and more numerous, and the
crowd’s chanting and cheering were growing in Standing awkwardly by the door, Bai Yunfei waited
volume proportionally. for them to hand him a weapon of his own. But it
seemed that this man was already let in on some
In the end, the middle-aged man brought the bigger sort of secret before hand and only smiled at Bai
man to the ground with a kick. With his right foot Yunfei. No weapon was given to Bai Yunfei.
slamming onto the man’s chest, his two hands
grabbed hold of the downed enemy’s arms and “Where’s...where’s my weapon?”
gave them a heavy pull!
“Haha, isn’t that a weapon there in your hands?
Somehow, the arms of the man were torn off What else do you want? Cut the crap and get on
without resistance!! out already!” The man laughed as he eyed the brick
in his hands. For the entire time, Bai Yunfei had
A cheer unprecedented in volume erupted from the been holding onto this brick as if it would help make
audience. Due to the gory nature of the scene, him feel safer.
some of the female spectators turned their heads
away from the sight. However, some of them With an unceremonious kick, the man sent Bai
glanced surreptitiously back towards the ring with Yunfei into the ring.
excitement filling their red faces.
Chasing after uncle Wu, Bai Yunfei was still
At last, the middle-aged man brought his foot down completely bewildered by the situation. Seeing so
onto the man’s head, crushing it as if he would many nobles around him size up the other
crush a watermelon…. cellmates of his and himself, Bai Yunfei came to a
startling realization.
Seeing the white and red substance splash out
onto the ground, Bai Yunfei could hold it in no “We’re nothing more than ants in their eyes…”
longer and begun to vomit in one of the corners to
the room. Uncle Wu himself started to tremble and From up above on the terrace, Zhang Yang stood
clutched at Bai Yunfei. up and paced forward several steps to address the
crowd. “Ladies and gentleman! Today we will be
Even the more ferocious-looking men in the room having an extra special event! The winner of the
started to fear for their lives as well. previous bout, Direwolf, will be fighting against this
gruesome group of criminals!”
At that moment, the wooden doors to this ‘prison’
was thrown open with a dozen armed figures Finishing up his speech, Zhang Yang looked to the
walking into the room. The man leading the group ring where he saw uncle Wu and Bai Yunfei
came to a stop in front of them and barked, standing in the back. A vile look of vindication and
“Everybody, out! Take your weapons and prepare satisfaction entered his eyes at the sight of those
to fight for your freedom!” two, but when he saw the brick in Bai Yunfei’s
eyes, he was taken back for a brief moment. Then,
~ 16 ~
a smile crept onto his face before he turned to give After the men in the ring heard what Zhang Yang
a praising look to one of his subordinates. said, their eyes began to shine brightly with hope.
No one wanted to die given the chance to live, after
Uncle Wu had been the very first to turn around all. Gathering together, these dozen figures began
when heard the voice of Zhang Yang. Glaring to whisper something to one another.
hatefully at Zhang Yang, uncle Wu’s entire body
shook and his eyes reflected a strong urge to kill. Clearly, Direwolf had known about this special
‘event’, and stood where he was with his arms
Bai Yunfei had also recognized Zhang Yang. He crossed against his chest. Even though he was up
could even sense the ridicule and vicious against plenty of armed people, he remained calm.
sentiments from Zhang Yang as if it were clear as His foot was still dripping with the blood from the
day... enemy of the last round….
“It really is him, but why? Was it because I offended Looking away from Zhang Yang, uncle Wu’s eyes
that young miss of his yesterday? But still. What stared at Direwolf first, and then back to Bai Yunfei,
gives him the right to decide whether I live or die? “Yunfei, listen to me. We should hide off to the side.
What gives him the right to look at me as if I’m an If he comes at us, we should run away. Don’t fight
ant?” him, we’ll never win if we do. There’s thirty minutes,
and this ring isn’t small. We just need to do our best
There was a nagging sensation in his heart that to evade him, we may just be able to escape from
refused to leave him, but it was quickly spreading this alive!”
throughout his heart and was ready to explode.
Zhang Yang sat back down onto his chair and
Pointing at Direwolf, Zhang Yang addressed the waved his hand, “Begin!”
cellmates down below, “You are all inmates serving
the death penalty. Your kind spend the days of your Given the command, Direwolf revealed a cruel
lives killing, burning, and looting. By all rights, you smile and slowly walked towards the group of
all should have been killed already, but today, I will people.
give you one chance to live. You will all fight him to
survive. Whomever remains standing after half an The criminals all clenched at their weapons tightly
hour will be given pardon to leave!” and spread themselves out. Each one of them were
deathly afraid and thus didn’t dare to move forward.
His words hadn’t been hard to understand. The
spectators all started to whisper and point to one Taking one step at a time towards them, Direwolf’s
another with ‘interest’ showing clearly on their foot left a bloody splotch on the ground with each
faces. step he took due to the remains of the blood of his
enemy. Since his entire body was drenched with
“So they’re all death row inmates. There’s so many blood, he looked like a demon walking away from a
of them with weapons, can that Direwolf even win?” bloodbath. With each step he took, it felt like
another step on each of the criminal’s hearts.
“Those ten at front are criminals for sure, but look
at the two in the back. Aren’t those two just an old At last, one of the criminals succumbed to his fear
man and a kid?” and let out a primal roar, “He’s already injured from
his last fight, if we all fight him now, we can kill him
“Hey, look! What’s that the kid’s holding??” and live!”
At first, the audience had been stunned by the No sooner did he take ten steps did uncle Wu look
scene. But after Direwolf killed several of the back at Bai Yunfei. To his discovery, Bai Yunfei
criminals, the audience erupted into a refreshed was still staring sluggishly at the incoming demon!
bout of cheers! Since they were accustomed to
longer bouts of fighting, this sudden ‘delightful’ “Yunfei, run away!” Uncle Wu shouted out a
slaughter gave them a completely foreign but warning, but it was to no use. Bai Yunfei simply
completely welcome sense of stimulation... didn’t hear him.
Even though they were given thirty minutes, only As of right now, Bai Yunfei was gripped tightly by
ten minutes had passed before over ten criminals fear. That was all he knew, and even the thought of
were killed! ‘running’ failed to register in his mind. The
massacre that befell the others continued to replay
There were a few that threw down their weapons in his mind, and he could hardly fail to connect
and ran away. But even they were overtaken in a those people to himself. They had died, and now it
few steps. was his turn. Death was coming!
Whoever was overtaken was killed! By now, Direwolf was already very close to him!
In the end, no one was left standing around Seeing that his shouts were ineffective in snapping
Direwolf. Bai Yunfei out from his fear, uncle Wu looked at
Direwolf, then to Bai Yunfei, and then to the hatchet
And then, he shifted his eyes to uncle Wu and Bai in his own hands. When he looked back at Bai
Yunfei! Yunfei, there was now a look of determination in his
eyes. Running with all his might, uncle Wu rushed
Chapter 5: Uncle Wu's Death at Direwolf and threw the hatchet at him!
“You demon, try and kill me!”
Chapter 5: Uncle Wu's Death
~ 18 ~
For the sake of using himself as bait, uncle Wu This sudden development had stunned the
would draw Direwolf away so that Bai Yunfei would audience so much that many of them felt their
have a chance to escape! breaths die up in their throat. Looking at Bai Yunfei,
everyone started to whisper to each other.
Tilting his body so that the hatchet would fly past
him, Direwolf casted a glance at uncle Wu. It was a Even Direwolf had stopped moving. Rather than
surprise to see that this man would come chase walking towards Bai Yunfei, he stood there with a
after him instead, but when he looked back to Bai look of complete interest at the two figures.
Yunfei pensively, an evil grin began to creep onto
his face…. Rivlets of blood continued to spill down from uncle
Wu’s mouth and his chest was partially caved in
Picking up a nearby mace from the ground, he then with so much blood that his robes were already
tossed it straight towards Bai Yunfei! completely soaked with it.
Still completely lifeless, Bai Yunfei could only watch “Yun—Yunfei….ah….you’ve finally….woken
as the mace come towards him; if this mace were up….you mu—must run….”
to hit, death would be a huge possibility!
“Uncl—uncle Wu….Stop talking, don’t say
“Bang!” The sound of metal hitting flesh echoed anymore….yo-you can’t die! Please….you can’t….”
throughout the ring, eliciting a gasp of shock from Bai Yunfei wiped at the blood coming out from
the entire audience. uncle Wu’s mouth, but even as he wiped, the tears
from his eyes began to drip down onto the man’s
Their shock wasn’t due to the fact that the mace face.
had hit someone. It was precisely because the
mace had hit someone else other than the person it “Ha...ha….Yunfei, worry not….I’ve no….no
was intended for. The mace, it had hit uncle Wu! regrets….But you must… must live
At the very last second, uncle Wu had made it back
to Bai Yunfei’s side and pushed him out of the way! “Do you understand…? Child, when I….when I first
saw you, I knew….I knew that should we met on
With him taking Bai Yunfei’s place, the mace had the outside….my granddaughter….if she were
slammed ruthlessly onto uncle Wu’s chest! alive….I’d make sure….I’d make sure that you’d
meet with her….you and her….you two would most
“Puuegh!” A mouthful of warm blood came pouring certainly….most certainly be a happy couple!
out from uncle Wu’s mouth to sprinkle into the air Ah….haha….” Either he had thought of a happy
and then onto the mace before finally coming back thought, or that his final moments were rapidly
down. ending, uncle Wu’s words had came out with a
rapid flow. But then following his words, the sounds
Some of his blood fell on the mace, and some of of coughing came up. Not only was he coughing
that hot blood came splashing onto Bai Yunfei’s out blood, but parts of his internal organs were
face, but more importantly, while it was hot, all that coming out as well!
he could feel on his mind was an icy-cold feeling.
“Un—uncle Wu….” It felt as if blades were cutting
All of a sudden, the entire audience felt as if it had at Bai Yunfei’s heart. He didn’t even know what to
gone silent. When Bai Yunfei looked at the downed say other than to repeat uncle Wu’s name again.
uncle Wu, he could still see the look of concern the
older man had for him…. With one hand clasped tightly to Yunfei’s hand, the
other trembling hand wiped away at Bai Yunfei’s
Regaining the ability of movement, Bai Yunfei tears with a smile on his face.
hurried to uncle Wu’s side. Holding him onto the
ground, he knelt by the man’s side with a stunned “Yunfei….you must….survive….no matter the
expression, “Un—uncle Wu….?” hardships….don’t give up….remember my on….live with a….a conscience!
~ 19 ~
“Ah….what a shame….in the end...I...I Shaking his head to snap out of it, Direwolf met Bai
revenge for...for Yu’er…” Yunfei’s pace to walk up to him. Since this was his
final opponent, he was determined to slowly
The hand that was touching Bai Yunfei’s face finally torment Bai Yunfei to death….
dropped like a puppet with its strings cut...
When there was practically no distance left
“Uncle Wu….uncle Wu…!” between the two, Direwolf finally raised his right
arm and aimed a punch at Bai Yunfei’s face.
Repeating uncle Wu’s name mechanically now, Bai
Yunfei could only look at the deceased man’s face. But just as quickly, Bai Yunfei raised the brick and
Even though it had only been half a day since the slammed it onto Direwolf’s fist.
two had met each other, Bai Yunfei made sure that
he’d remember uncle Wu’s face and etch this Given Direwolf’s set of skills, he could easily dodge
memory into his heart. a brick if he wanted to, but he didn’t feel that it was
necessary at all. A brick? He could shatter an entire
“Ah!! wall of it with a single punch!
“Aahhhhh!!! But breaking the brick and then the boy’s arm?
That wasn’t a bad choice either. Determined,
“Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!” Direwolf’s lips curled upwards into a cold grin.
Tossing his head back, Bai Yunfei let loose a heart- “Crack!”
wrenching cry of sorrow to the heavens. Two red
streams flowed down from his eyes—he was crying The very first noise was the brick making contact
tears of blood! with Direwolf’s fist.
On top of the terrace, Zhang Yang had a sadistic The second sound wasn’t the brick being crushed
smile on his face as he looked on at Bai Yunfei with however, it was the sound of his own fist being
satisfaction. fractured!!
The young lord Zheng was also looking at Bai In complete and utter confusion, Direwolf looked at
Yunfei albeit with a different look on his face now. his bent fingers. For that moment, he had forgotten
not only about the pain, but about his follow up!
Even the black-robed man had turned his head up
to look at the situation in the ring as well…. Bai Yunfei on the other hand, had not!
On the other hand, Direwolf stared icily at Bai As soon as he broke Direwolf’s hand, Bai Yunfei
Yunfei. With the show done and over with, he leapt forward with the brick outstretched to smash it
continued onto his path towards Bai Yunfei. onto Direwolf’s head!
But then he saw Bai Yunfei suddenly stop his By the time Direwolf snapped back to awareness,
scream and then slowly rise up from the ground. In the brick was already too close to his head for him
his hand was the brick, and then he began to walk to dodge—would his head be broken as easily as
towards Direwolf himself! his fist had?
For some sort of odd reason, when Bai Yunfei “Don’t fuck with me!”
looked at Direwolf with those bloody-red eyes,
Direwolf felt his heart freeze up with fear. Instantaneously, the energy that Direwolf had
previously been faintly aware of suddenly exploded
“Fear? Impossible…” outwards from his body and then over his head.
The skin around his face and head began to throb
slightly before suddenly growing harder
somewhat….had it grown stronger really?
~ 20 ~
“Eh?” A happy look appeared on Zhang Yang’s For a second time, Bai Yunfei’s brick came at his
face, “Has he broke through?” head!
Chapter 6: Do You Desire Power? But then lord Zheng cut in again once more,
“Friend, I am about to leave as well. Why don’t we
leave together?” He spoke to Bai Yunfei.
Twenty to thirty armed men came rushing into the
arena as soon as Zhang Yang gave the order and
surrounded Bai Yunfei. But when they saw the Zhang Yang grew as red as a pig when he heard
bleeding brick in Bai Yunfei’s hand, no one dared to the other man speak again. He was deeply
step up first to attack him. angered, but he didn’t dare show it.
“You’ve said that if I win, you’d let me leave.” Bai It had been his plan to let Bai Yunfei go but then
Yunfei gave a withering glare to Zhang Yang as he hatch a plot to have him killed in secret later. But
spoke. lord Zheng had obviously seen through this plot
and so he spoke up in a way to protect Bai Yunfei’s
“You! I—I’ll….” Zhang Yang spluttered, his entire
face growing flush with red as he tried to restrain
himself. Down below in the arena, Bai Yunfei was
expressionless in the face, but his mind in perfect
clarity. Knowing the situation, he said nothing more
The entire audience had recovered from their shock
and walked towards the passageway where the
by now. In their eyes, it wasn’t important who died.
armed guards just recently came out from. A short
What was really important was if their death was
while later, he was up on the terrace and stood
exciting or not. Bai Yunfei’s ‘outstanding
silently behind lord Zheng.
performance’ had been far more than enough to
give them an immense feeling of satisfaction, so
with this current situation in the arena, everyone Bowing his head, Bai Yunfei didn’t try to look off
began to point fingers and whisper to one another into Zhang Yang’s direction even though he was
about Bai Yunfei and Zhang Yang. only just several meters away. But the hand that
~ 22 ~
was holding at the brick was clenched so tightly “Today, you helped me. I, Bai Yunfei, will engrave
that the veins in his arms were bulging out against this memory in my heart. When I become powerful,
his skin. Bai Yunfei dared not to raise his head in I’ll definitely repay the favor a hundredfold over!”
case that he’d be unable to control himself and
smash the brick into Zhang Yang’s head. He knew Zheng Kai couldn’t help but shake his head with a
that if he were to try, not only would he not be able sigh as he watched Bai Yunfei leave.
to even reach Zhang Yang, he’d lose his life right
where he stood. Uncle Wu had once said that his family was located
in one of the smaller streets to the south not too far
“Well then, lord Zhang, I’ll be taking my leave.” Lord away from where Bai Yunfei was currently at.
Zheng spoke casually without once looking at Fortunately for him, none of the main streets were
Zhang Yang. As he walked away, Bai Yunfei here, so not many would see the fact that he was
followed him with uncle Wu’s corpse in tow. From covered from head to toe in blood or the fact that
behind Bai Yunfei, the one known as uncle Qin he was carrying a corpse. If he had been seen,
walked after the two with a thoughtful look at him…. someone would have most likely brought him to the
residence of the lord mayor already.
In one of the more remote alleyways the northwest
quadrant of Talus City, several people could be After scaring away three or four random passerbys
seen emerging from the Coliseum. After walking for on the streets, he finally arrived at the location of
some time, lord Zheng turned around to look at the uncle Wu’s house thanks to the trembling answer of
still silent Bai Yunfei with a smile, “I am Zheng Kai the person Bai Yunfei asked. After handing uncle
of the house of Zheng in the capital. And you Wu’s corpse to the family there, he turned about
are….” and left the place without paying mind to the scared
but begrieved people behind him.
“Bai Yunfei.”
Returning back to his own home, Bai Yunfei
“Brother Yunfei. What….what do you plan to do washed off all of the blood on him and swapped
now?” into his only other pair of clean clothing. Taking a
look at the home he had lived in for eighteen years,
Bai Yunfei was silent for some time as he looked to Bai Yunfei left the place without hesitation….
Zheng Kai, “I owe you for today. In the future, I’ll
definitely return the favor many times over….” Underneath the dim moonlight of the night, Bai
Yunfei could be found kneeling in front of his
“Haha, that’s not what I meant….I only just wanted mother and grandfather’s graves in one of the
to say a few words to help you, that’s all.” Noticing remote areas outside of Talus City. Just barely, he
that Bai Yunfei had mistaken his words, Zheng Kai could be seen saying something in a low voice.
waved his hands, “What I meant was that you
should try your best to appear in front of Zhang “And then I was helped by that Zheng Kai and left
Yang again. Even though I was able to help you get that place…”
out, I’ll be leaving very soon. As soon as I leave,
he’ll definitely find an opportunity to seek trouble “Mother...I understand now. If I don’t want to be
with you. In my opinion, you should leave this city.” humiliated. If I don’t want to be looked at like an
ant. If I want to live freely. I have to have
Bai Yunfei grew silent once again as he bowed his power….Power so great that no one would dare
head to look at uncle Wu’s corpse. provoke me!”
“Thank you….” He spoke after a long period of “Mother. Grandfather said that I had to live life with
silence. a clear conscience….”
Without paying attention to Zheng Kai anymore, Bai “Uncle Wu died to save me. I….I have to get
Yunfei left the alleyway with his head still bowed revenge for him! I’ll definitely make that Zhang
downwards. Yang pay the price for what he did! For uncle Wu,
for his granddaughter, and for myself!
~ 23 ~
“I’ve obtained a strange power. If I just study it, I “Er….” The old man was taken back for a moment
know that I’ll be able to use it to become before he spoke in resignation, “What reason is
stronger…” there to lying to you? Very well then. I’ll just make
you believe me then….”
Wiping away at his tears, Bai Yunfei stood up and
prepared to leave when an elderly voice stopped As soon as the old man finished speaking, Bai
him. Yunfei immediately felt the entire area around them
light up. A wave of heat immediately assaulted his
“Do you desire power?” face, and in the next second, a pyre of flames
erupted in the area around the old man and him!!
“Who’s there?!” The sudden voice had forced Bai
Yunfei to leap up in shock. Swiftly turning around But instead of these flames being on the ground,
with the brick in hand, he turned to meet the they were floating in midair!
mysterious person behind him.
Illuminated by the flames, the old man smiled just
“Oh? Your soulforce has already started to slightly as he pointed at a boulder the size of a
awaken? It’s still quite weak however….” There water jar not too far away. There was a slight
was a tint of surprise to his voice. “Haha, don’t be rumbling sound before the boulder suddenly
afraid, my little friend. I won’t hurt you.” levitated up from the ground and into the air.
Following the slight flexing of his fingers, there was
Thanks to the illumination of the moon, Bai Yunfei a crackling sound before the boulder then shattered
was able to see a kind-looking old man dressed in into dozens of pieces and fell back to the ground….
gray walk up to him. He had a friendly smile on his
face as he spoke out in an equally kind voice. The entire sight in front of him left Bai Yunfei in a
dizzying amount of shock! By the time he regained
“Who are you, and what do you want?” Bai Yunfei his composure, he suddenly realized….that he was
immediately asked the most two most important floating in midair!!
questions. Even though he felt no ill intentions
coming from this man, Bai Yunfei made sure he All of these things happening one after another had
was still holding onto the brick, though he relaxed sent Bai Yunfei into a flux. His mouth gaped wide
just slightly. open as he looked to the still smiling old man on
the ground.
“I’ve heard a good portion of what you said just
now. I can see that your soulforce is starting to It was only after seeing the astonished expression
awaken, so I presume this is the special power you on Bai Yunfei’s face that the old man return a
mentioned, correct? satisfied smile. With a wave of his hand, Bai Yunfei
was slowly levitated back down to the ground and
“However, I can tell you it’s impossible to get the flames around them started to shrink away. It
revenge with this little iota of power. Your soulforce didn’t disappear completely, but rather, it turned
is barely enough to qualify as a soul cultivator. That into a fireball the size of a washbasin and floated
young kid from the Zhang is a middle-stage Soul off to the side as if the old man intended to use it
Personage, but even he is far out of your reach.” for lighting.
“What I want to tell you is that...I can help you grow “How was it, young man, do you believe me now?
stronger. I can help you get revenge. Are you I’ll say it again. I can help you grow strong. I can
willing to accept my help?” help you get revenge. Do you accept?”
At first, the old man had thought that the young Bai Yunfei’s head lowered itself to the ground as he
man in front of him would grow excited at those fell deep into thought. Eyeing the old man for a brief
words and the prospects of growing stronger, moment, he finally asked, “Are there any
but…. conditions?”
“Er….” Imaginary black lines fell across the old Based on the power of the soulforce, soul
man’s face as he found himself at a loss for words. cultivators are split into nine different stages: Soul
Apprentice, Soul Personage, Soul Warrior, Soul
But then, another smile crept up onto his face Sprite, Soul Ancestor, Soul Exalt, Soul King, Soul
again. Emperor, and Soul Saint. Each stage is then split
into three differing substages: early-stage, middle-
“You are a special one, young man. Very well, I’ll stage, and late-stage.
be truthful to you. Aside from helping you gain
revenge, I’ve another reason for teaching you “Improving one’s soulforce is a difficult task. Even
something.” lord Zhang Zhenshan of the house of Zhang is only
an early-stage Soul Sprite. The headmaster of the
“I am of the Fate School. One day, my Fate School Glacial School is only a middle-stage Soul Ancestor
will come across a huge disaster. I wish to help you as well.
now in the hopes that in the future, you’ll come help
my school when you become an accomplished “Your soulforce is only in the starting steps to
person.” awaken. As soon as you awaken your soulforce,
you’ll be able to sense the existence of it within
“What’s the Fate School?” your body. That is the beginning stages of a Soul
“Er….” Right now, the old man felt as if he was
constantly walking into walls one after another in “I can teach you how to train your soul and use
the dark. your soulforce. Now...are you willing to accept?”
Grasping the object, Bai Yunfei inspected the ring The next day, Bai Yunfei hid himself from afar to
for a while. He looked to the old man hesitantly, as watch uncle Wu’s family go through the burying
if he wanted to say something. process with his corpse. Then, he rented out a
simple but crude house on one of the more remote
“What is it? Is there a question you wanted to ask?” streets in the southern corner of the city for the time
The man smiled. being.
“Do you have any money? Give me some…” He had taken two gold coins from the old man. A
single gold coin was worth a hundred silver coins,
“…………” and a single silver coin was the worth a hundred
copper coins. To something who usually earned
The old man handed over a bag of coins for Bai twenty coppers a day, two gold coins was a great
Yunfei to open. It was filled to the brim with golden sum of money to him. It was enough for him to live
coins, but he had only taken two coins from inside life in peace for a while.
and bowed deeply to the man.
In this small room, there was only three noticeable
“Senior, I, Yunfei, will repay the kindness you’ve things. A cabinet, a bed next to the cabinet, and a
shown me today many times over when I have the window next to the bed. On the bed, Bai Yunfei
chance!” held a brick in his hand.
“I haven’t done anything at all yet and I’ve already With a thought, several strings of information had
have two debts to pay off….” Bai Yunfei muttered to popped up in his mind. Wondering about it for a
himself from on top of his bed as he stared up at moment, Bai Yunfei spoke softly, “Upgrade.”
the ring in his hand.
An instant later, Bai Yunfei had the faintest feeling
Soon enough, a wave of exhaustion washed over that something had been drawn out from his body,
him. It wasn’t just his body that was tired, he was causing him to feel light-headed.
also exhausted mentally. As such, it didn’t take long
before sleep hit him. “Yea, that feeling from back then was definitely
because I spent too many ‘soulpoints’."
For Bai Yunfei—someone who has lived all
eighteen years of his life as a ‘lowly’ peasant—the
experiences he had today and the future path he’d
~ 26 ~
It was then that Bai Yunfei felt his hand was far
Bai Yunfei shook his slightly dazed head, “Am I
more lighter than before! Looking down, he
already at my limit? Let’s do some experimenting
immediately realized that the brick in his hand was
reduced to mere powder on the ground!
Taking the dagger into his hand, Bai Yunfei made a
“It…” Bai Yunfei was at a loss for words for a
small incision on his finger.
moment. “Destroyed….it was destroyed....Shouldn’t
failing the upgrade mean a decrease in level? Why
was it destroyed then?” “Upgrade….”
Staring once more at the pile of sand on the floor And then Bai Yunfei fell on top of the pillow
for some time, Bai Yunfei managed to calm himself prepared for beforehand and drifted away to sleep.
after a while.
The next day, the warm sunlight was only just
“I still don’t understand this Upgrade Technique shining through the window and into the room when
enough….” After a moment’s thought, Bai Yunfei Bai Yunfei stretched out his arms lazily and sat up
strode out from the room. on the bed.
An hour later, Bai Yunfei was back on the bed with “I knew it. I knocked out after using all my
another brick in his hand. But unlike last time, he ‘soulpoints’, but it comes back soon enough and
had several short daggers placed side by side on can heal my body even of its wounds. That’s why I
top of the cabinet. On the side, there were also a woke up at the Coliseum without any of the injuries
dozen bright-red bricks…. earlier that day.
Already in front of him, a pile of red sand littered the “And….I feel...I feel stronger now! It’s not my body
floor. though. I just can’t describe this feeling, but If I’m
not wrong, this must be because my ‘soulpoints’
was increased after regenerating.
“After +8, the item will be destroyed after failure.
Only one brick made it to +9 out of three. Me being
able to get a brick to +10 last time was only just “Soulpoints, soulpoints….maybe….”
luck then.” Bai Yunfei thought to himself as he
stared at the pile of red sand. Taking a dagger into Bai Yunfei picked up the dagger that had fallen
his hand, he thought, “Well then, let’s try this then.” from the bed.
Bai Yunfei turned his head to look at the sky from “Uncle Wu, I’ll definitely kill Zhang Yang. I’ll kill him
behind the window; only to realize that it was with my own two hands!”
already nighttime—an entire day had passed.
With one more look at the sky, Bai Yunfei drained
And then, another type of feeling arose in his head. the rest of the wine in one gulp.
“I’m so hungry….”
“I, Bai Yunfei, swear by my heart that I’ll never let
That evening, Bai Yunfei visited uncle Wu’s grave anyone control my life again! Never will I endure
with a basket of offerings and a jug of wine. such humiliation again! I’ll trample over anyone that
dare insults me! Anyone that offends me will have
Placing down the items, Bai Yunfei kowtowed three to be ready to pay the price!”
times in respect to the gravestone.
In a single instant, it felt as if something within his
“Uncle Wu, Yunfei is here to see you. Please body shattered into pieces. A force of power rushed
forgive me for not seeing you off in person when throughout his entire body, and the hand that was
you were buried…. holding the jug of wine immediately swelled up so
that the muscles were now bulging outwards.
“Uncle Wu. You saved my life, so I’ll definitely make
sure your death won’t be in vain. Your death and The jug in his hand shattered into several dozen
your granddaughter’s death is on Zhang Yang’s pieces of pottery, and the part where his palm had
hands. I’ll be sure to make Zhang Yang pay for been in contact with the jug gave several crackling
everything he’s done to us!”
~ 29 ~
sounds. When his hand loosened, the remaining Soon enough, he came to realize that this strange
fragments clattered down onto the ground. power was being controlled by his very thoughts;
and with these thoughts, the energy flowed from
Chapter 8: The Soul Apprentice Stage! Training through his arm and into the ring. A moment later,
and Research Bai Yunfei felt himself in front of an
interdimensional plot of space!
Chapter 8: The Soul Apprentice Stage! Training
and Research The space was about five meters in length and
width, and there were three scrolls and a spear that
The morning rays of the sun caressed at Bai ‘floated’ in this area. Since only these four items
Yunfei’s face, causing him to wake up with a gentle were held in this space, the area looked quite
start. spacious.
From the moment he sat up from his bed, Bai “Yes...this is it! This strange power is soulforce!”
Yunfei felt as if his head was about to split open
from the headache he had. Even words wouldn’t be He wanted to take the spear out from this space
enough to describe the pain. Having never once first, but a strange outside force was wrapped
tasted wine before, the fact that Bai Yunfei was around the spear, preventing him from doing so.
able to return to his bed to sleep on was startling The same had happened when he tried taking one
enough. of the scrolls; he was unable to do so. But when he
stretched his hand out to try another, his hand
It was only after a while that Bai Yunfei felt himself immediately felt heavier when a gray scroll
sobering up a bit. Massaging his temple, he suddenly appeared in it. But yet the third scroll
murmured to himself, “How did I get back home? I remained untouched like the first one.
remember...drinking a jug of wine, but after
that….nothing….is this what being drunk feels like? Looking at this newly acquired scroll, Bai Yunfei
How painful, how do I make it go away?” could see that it was as long as his palm and as
large as two of his fingers touched together in
Whilst Bai Yunfei was in the middle of thinking of a diameter. The scroll itself was made from some sort
way to make the pain in his head go away, a of unknown material that resembled cloth, but also
peculiar burst of energy came exploding out from like the skin of an unknown animal. It had no
his body and enveloped his entire body in a opening, making unfolding an impossible method of
comforting feel as if he was placed inside a bath of trying to open it. On the outside face of the scroll, a
warm water. The feeling had been so pleasant that multitude of abstruse and complex symbols strung
Bai Yunfei nearly found himself moaning out in together like an unknown language was written on
comfort. it.
When he regained his composure, the previous “I can’t open it. Then, should I use soulforce?”
feeling of pain in his head was gone without a
trace, leaving him even more vigorous than before. This time, Bai Yunfei was able to swiftly and
smoothly control a sliver of soulforce from his body
“This….” Bai Yunfei shook his head in disbelief. A and into the scroll. A string of information was
mysterious feeling began to appear in his mind—a immediately rushed into his head, causing him to
mysterious something that felt as if it existed inside feel slightly confused from the sudden torrent of
both his body and even in the depths of his soul…. knowledge. One by one, information continued to
flow into his mindspace, prompting him to close his
“Could this be…” Suddenly thinking of something, eyes and recollect himself so that he could receive
Bai Yunfei brought his right hand in front of his face the information.
and looked at the space ring on his finger. Trying
his best, Bai Yunfei thought hard to ‘control’ this “The Arte of Training the Soul. The most basics of
mysterious existence in him. ways to train the soul. With this, cultivating and
recovering the soul can be learned. The soul and
body are inextricably linked to one another, as the
~ 30 ~
soul controls the body and the body cultivates the of a pile of broken brick fragments. His right arm
soul. The soul is hidden within the body, and only a was bulging ever-so-much, and even then, a layer
soul cultivator is capable of feeling and controlling of red brick dust was noticeably covering his fist….
the soulforce….”
“Yo—uh, contin—continue whatever you’re—uh,
“There are three initial stages to being a soul doing. I’ll be on my way now….” Stammering, the
cultivator; a Soul Apprentice, Soul Personage, and man carefully retreated out from his room and
Soul Warrior. These three stages are known to be closed the door.
the stages where one learns to manipulate the
body. In the Soul Apprentice stage, one learns to Even with the interruption of the man, Bai Yunfei
manipulate skin and flesh. In the Soul Personage was so immersed in his thoughts that he didn’t
stage, one learns to manipulate blood and bone. even take notice of him.
And in the Soul Warrior stage, one learns to
manipulate the acupoints.” “The very first step to manipulation of the skin and
flesh is already really strong if it can improve my
“Soul Apprentice chapter….” strength by that much….”
After a long period of time, Bai Yunfei finally Looking at the pile of broken bricks in front of him,
reopened his eyes, “Only in the Soul Apprentice Bai Yunfei began to feel at the soulforce in him
stage does someone learn to manipulate their skin again. It was faint, but still, it was there. His heart
and flesh, but I can feel that there’s still something skipped a beat, “Soul cultivators….I’ve finally
more in this scroll. There has to be something become one! The promised day of revenge, I’ve
about the Soul Personage and Soul Warrior stages gotten one step closer to it….”
and how they manipulate their bodies. Is it because
I’m only just an early-stage Soul Apprentice that I Tidying up the room, Bai Yunfei had a simple meal
can’t read ahead to the later methods?” to fill his stomach and returned to sit on his bed.
Carefully looking at the space ring, he stored the
Stepping down from the bed, Bai Yunfei walked up remaining brick, daggers, and other items he had
to the pile of bricks he stacked earlier. There were into it.
five or six of them left still. Thinking carefully, Bai
Yunfei clenched his right hand into a fist and Bai Yunfei had a deep fondness for this tiny little
concentrated heavily on it. Gradually, the skin and thing; it was really far too convenient.
flesh of his right arm began to squirm slightly and
expand outwards. Bulging and growing, the On top of his bed, Bai Yunfei held the space ring
muscles started to rise up before his entire arm and thought to himself, “Upgrade.”
looked quite bigger and more powerful than before.
With a grunt, he slammed his fist down onto the Upgrade Successful
Upgrade Failed
“The Upgrade Technique, The Arte of Training the Offense-type objects like blades, swords, spears,
Soul, and manipulating the skin and flesh as a Soul staffs, and stones, they all had the potential to inflict
Apprentice….there’s a lot that I still don’t know damage. The numerical value of how much
about….” damage they could inflict was dependent on the
power of the object in question, but it could be
For ten straight days, aside from doing the most upgraded in damage afterwards.
fundamental things to life such as eating, sleeping,
or buying several items, Bai Yunfei would spend Defense-type objects like clothes, shoes, and hats.
the rest of his time inside his room training and They all had the potential to gain defense. But the
studying. With each experiment and careful study, most common of clothes, whether they were made
he managed to earn an ample amount of from coarse cloth or from brocaded silk, the
information and experience. defenses of the two would give a pitiful one or two
points in it. Upgrading those would give almost no
The very first discovery was about soulforce. Each change in defense.
night when he used up all of his soulforce, it’d grow
by ten points or so when he woke up the next day Then there were accessories such as rings and
after. By now, Bai Yunfei’s soulforce was about 300 necklaces. Bai Yunfei bought a few of them to
or so. Based on his number crunching, he was a experiment on, and after they were upgraded, each
middle-stage Soul Apprentice! accessory would gain a random attribute. There
were four different attributes to his knowledge:
In just ten days, Bai Yunfei had reached the middle- strength, endurance, agility, and spirit. The first
stage Soul Apprentice stage. If any other soul three were easy to understand, and the chances of
cultivator were to learn about this progression rate, any of the three from appearing was rather high.
they’d feel so inferior that they’d slam their heads But the chances of ‘spirit’ was not as high. Only
against the wall! ‘spirit’ was capable of increasing soulforce!
As his soulforce became more powerful, so did his Bai Yunfei had upgraded many accessories, but
manipulation of his skin and flesh. Since his only one of them had been capable of increasing
soulforce was growing rapidly, Bai Yunfei paid very spirit, but even that one was destroyed in the end.
close attention to his studies on the manipulation of
his skin and flesh. If he couldn’t keep up with his But according to what Bai Yunfei could tell, aside
understanding of bodily manipulation, it would not from the ‘high-grade’ space ring on his finger,
bode well for his future. everything else had been ‘normal’ items, even
when upgraded to +8. The vast majority of them
~ 33 ~
gained only a few attribute points—practically the city. The Bai Yunfei of before would often come
nothing—and even after he tried upgrading them across such an event, and he’d more often than not
again, none of them reached the +10 point before would have to fork over the daily wages he earned.
exploding. Things like this would always happen in groups of
three or five, sometimes, they’d even carry
On the tenth day, Bai Yunfei finally stopped his weapons to make it even more impossible for the
‘closed-door training’ session and walked out on person to resist. To make matters even worse, no
the streets. one would ever lift a finger to help another out.
There was a reason for that—he had run out of Bai Yunfei had a faint nagging feeling to leave, but
money…. even when his legs shifted slightly to turn away, a
sudden sensation forced him to come to a pause. A
Chapter 9: Change dark shadow crawled across Bai Yunfei’s face as
he looked back to the alleyway.
Chapter 9: Change
“Haven’t….haven’t I managed to get rid of all my
In the past few days, Bai Yunfei had bought plenty cowardice? Oh, come on Bai Yunfei! You’re still
of things to study and research the Upgrade thinking about running away? Before, you could’ve
Technique. The items in particular were the justified this by saying you were powerless. But if
accessories he bought; items that weren’t cheap you run away now, could you still say the same
even despite being the lowest quality ones. When it without guilt? Even if all sorts of bullshit injustice
came to eating, Bai Yunfei wasn’t as frugal as he happen in this world, we can’t sit by the side and
was before. His body was malnourished from his watch as one happens right in front of us!”
previous lifestyle. Now that he needed to train, a
proper diet was needed so that it’d match with his Walking into the dusky alleyway, Bai Yunfei was
new lifestyle. quick to see the situation in front of him. Three
fiendish middle-aged surrounding a skinny middle-
He had used up all his money already, but Bai aged man. Each of the three men were holding a
Yunfei had already a plan for that. dagger, and one of them was holding a money bag
while simultaneously frisking the skinny man….
Walking out onto the remote streets of his current
residence, Bai Yunfei crossed over a series of Rather than hiding himself, Bai Yunfei strode into
alleyways and into the more bustling streets in the the alleyway. The middle-aged man surrounded by
center of the city. the three others had been the first to notice him.
His face lit up at the sounds of incoming footsteps,
“Pl—please….let me go, I’ve a wife and kids to feed but when he saw that the owner was just an
with this money back home. Please be merciful and ordinary young man, his mood deflated almost
don’t take everything away….” instantly. On the other hand, the three middle-aged
men were at first startled by Bai Yunfei’s
appearance. But when they saw just who the
Just as he walked past the opening of one
newcomer was, they all let out a sigh of relief.
alleyway, a fearful voice could be heard pleading to
Giving each other a look, they all began to laugh
another from the left side of the dark corridor.
out loud.
“Shut the hell up! You got any more valuables
“Ha! So there’s even people who’ll come up to us
hidden away on you?! Take them out or I’ll snap
your leg!” A ruthless voice snapped in response. A
series of chuckles seemed to follow after that.
“Hey kid! Consider yourself unlucky to meet us!
Hurry up and take out all your valuables and we’ll
This was yet another act of the strong bullying the
let you leave!”
weak for money.
One of the three stalked towards Bai Yunfei with a
Matters like this weren’t uncommon at all in the city,
cruel look on his face. Another one quickly moved
especially in the more poor and destitute places in
~ 34 ~
to behind Bai Yunfei so as to block Bai Yunfei’s Bai Yunfei was well prepared to defend himself
means of escape. even before the cry could be heard however.
Leaning to the side so that the man’s arm brushed
Perhaps it was because of Bai Yunfei’s nonchalant past his shoulder instead, Bai Yunfei reached out
expression that unnerved the man, but he raised and grabbed onto the man’s right hand. Once
the hand holding a dagger to wave it menacingly at again, the sounds of bone snapping in two could be
him, “Hey brat, did you hear me or not? Hurry up heard before Bai Yunfei snatched at the dagger
and take out your valuables or you’ll regret it!” that fell from the man’s hand.
Bai Yunfei was no stranger to people like him with Yanking forcefully with his arm, Bai Yunfei didn’t
attitudes like this. He knew that hesitation like the even bother to wait for the man to stoop over from
type he had before would only result in the other his pain to latch onto the man’s lapel. With a
man beating him down without mercy nor tightening of his muscles, Bai Yunfei somehow
hesitation. Of course, his money would be taken as managed to toss the bulky man next to the first
well. downed man as if he was a burlap sack.
There was a difference to this even today however! In practically no time at all, two of the three thugs
had been thrown down without Bai Yunfei even
Bai Yunfei wasn’t the weakling he was before. taking a single step.
Today, he was a….soul cultivator! The very last one, the one still holding a dagger
and money bag in his hands stood off to the side
Disinclined to waste any words with people like with his jaws dropped wide open from shock.
hmi, Bai Yunfei swiftly moved his right hand
upwards to grab at the wrist waving in front of him. Walking up to him, Bai Yunfei held out his hand.
Tightening his grip just ever-so-slightly…. “Give it to me.”
The victim clutched at his wrist while curling up in a With both bags of money in hand, Bai Yunfei
fetal position to moan in anguish. handed them over to the still slack jawed victim;
“Go. Be careful from now on.”
“Third bro!”
Snapping back into awareness, the man gave Bai
Dumbstruck by the sudden development of events, Yunfei a fearful look, but he accepted the bags of
everyone in the alleyway but Bai Yunfei and the money anyways. It took several moments for the
victim were motionless. It wasn’t until Bai Yunfei man to recollect himself enough before he could
had already landed the kick onto the first man that give Bai Yunfei a deep bow, “Tha—thank you….”
the man behind Bai Yunfei let out a loud cry and
swung his dagger down onto Bai Yunfei’s back. Bai Yunfei watched the man run out of the alleyway
first before he turned his attention back to back to
the last standing person.
~ 35 ~
By now, this person was so afraid of Bai Yunfei his Looking up to examine the ordinary-looking dagger
hairs were sticking straight out from his body. on the countertop, the man began to speak rather
Holding both hands behind his back, the man impatiently, “It’s just an ordinary dagger, what else
managed to mumble out a few words, “I...I already is there to it? The smithy next-door sells one for
gave you the money. Don’t hurt me…” twenty coppers. Kid, you trying to start trouble here
or what?”
“I never said that I’d spare you if you handed over
the money. In any case, both your brothers are hurt Bai Yunfei didn’t feel like getting into an argument
while you’re not. Does this make sense to you?” with the man, so instead, he took the dagger and
held it above the counter so that the tip was facing
When Bai Yunfei walked out from the alleyway, he downwards. When the dagger was about thirty
looked completely unharmed like even before he centimeters above the surface, he let it go.
walked into the alleyway to begin with. There didn’t
seem to be a change in any place on him besides “Tzk”. Like if dropping into the soft earth itself, the
his eyes where it looked slightly brighter than dagger pierced straight through the ironwood
before and on his lips where the faintest of smiles counter up to the hilt!
could be seen.
“Wha—how the…” The look of impatience on the
When that victim from earlier bowed to him and shopkeeper’s face was nowhere to be seen now
said ‘thank you’, Bai Yunfei felt the walls that had that he witnessed the dagger fall practically straight
been built around his heart come crumbling down. through the countertop. In his shock, he spoke,
This was a sensation that made him feel even more “How could a sharpness like this be possible?!”
happy and even more understanding….
When Bai Yunfei pulled out the dagger, the
“So, this is what it feels like to help another….” shopkeeper took it into his hands and examined it
studiously. Taking out a test already marked with
...... cut and stab marks, the man swung the dagger at a
relatively unmarked area, only for the test tone to
The ‘Treasured Armory’ was the best weapon store split into two.
in the city. All sorts of high-quality weapons
adorned the interior of the store, and many of the “But how? How is this possible? From the make of
most wealthiest liked to shop here, whether it was the dagger alone, this shouldn’t be anything more
for their gaudy nature or for their sharp armaments than your average dagger. There doesn’t even
for battle. seem to be anything special to the material at all
Entering the place, Bai Yunfei walked up to the
counter to talk to the shopkeeper polishing a Rather impatient, Bai Yunfei tapped at the
dagger. “Boss, I’d like to sell a weapon.” countertop so as to break the shopkeeper out from
his examining stupor. “Will you buy it or not, I’ll go
Looking up to cast a brief glance at Bai Yunfei, the to another store if you’re not.”
shopkeeper dropped his head back down to
resume polishing his dagger, “Go to another store, Startled by Bai Yunfei, the shopkeeper then
we don’t buy bad quality goods here.” realized that the young man in front of him was
here to sell the dagger. Reevaluating him with a
“You should take a look first.” Bai Yunfei dropped a more insightful eye, the man began to smile and
dagger onto the counter. This was one of his +9 laugh, “Haha, little brother, how much do you want
daggers; based off of the current sharpness of the for it?”
dagger alone, he should be able to sell it for a
decent sum of money. He actually had a few +10 Bai Yunfei narrowed his eyes. He didn’t know just
daggers, but he wasn’t so stupid as to sell them off how much these were supposed to cost, “Name
right now. your price and I’ll see if I want to sell it.”
~ 36 ~
The smile on the shopkeeper’s face deepened a commoners like him, these soul cultivators were
bit, “Little brother, you must be in an urgent need still a high and mighty existence.
for money, am I right? I’ll do you a favor and buy
this dagger, but….” He talked as if buying the Soul cultivators trained their souls, a powerful entity
dagger was but an act of kindness to Bai Yunfei at that all commoners believed to be something that
first, but his words then took a sharp turn into a exerted considerable pressure on them. Back when
different topic, “Little brother, you should know Bai Yunfei was glared down by Zhang Yang, the
yourself that my ‘Treasured Armory’ sells only the look both he and Zhang Zhenshan gave Bai Yunfei
highest quality weapons. Those who buy my had been accompanied by a suffocating amount of
weapons are all people of importance, this dagger pressure.
of yours—while quite sharp—is of ordinary make.
There’s nothing else special to it. If I were to buy it, When the shopkeeper’s eyes made contact with
I’d probably not be able to sell it. Take a look at that Bai Yunfei’s angry eyes, there was that same
dagger over there, the work of—” amount of pressure the man would normally sense
from a soul cultivator.
“That’s enough! Do you think I’m a three-year kid?!”
Bai Yunfei interrupted. The fact that the shopkeeper “Cut the crap and tell me the price of this dagger
was getting more and more excited as he spoke now.”
was angering Bai Yunfei so much that he just had
to stop him from saying any more bullshit. “Ye-yes yes….I won’t lie to you, sir lord cultivator.
This dagger would be worth three golds at the very
What the shopkeeper was trying to do was try to least…”
disparage the quality of Bai Yunfei’s dagger so he
could drive down the price even more. Bai Yunfei’s “I’ve four daggers, for ten golds, they’re yours!”
outburst had startled the man first, but when he
looked up and met Bai Yunfei’s eye, the man’s .....
body shook violently. He staggered back several
steps, stopping only when his back bumped into the
By the time Bai Yunfei walked out from the store,
rack of weapons.
he was in an elated mood. Never did he think that
+9 daggers would be sold for such a nice sum of
“You—ah, no—sir, might sir be a great soul money. With this amount, he wouldn’t have to worry
cultivator?!” The shopkeeper gave a slight about his expenses for some time.
Now that he had money, Bai Yunfei was
“Oh? How do you know that?” Bai Yunfei was taken determined to go out and buy several more things
back, were soul cultivators that easy to find out? so he could study the Upgrade Technique even
“Sir….sir soul cultivator, please….please forgive
this one for being so blind. Please don’t bother to “Junior Liu Meng, I’ve heard that the ‘Treasure
argue with a lowly person like me….” Having Bai Pavilion’ has a new arrangement of jewelry. Why
Yunfei’s confirmation, the shopkeeper was now don’t we take a look? Maybe you’ll find something
bowing to him nonstop with his mouth uttering you’ll like….”
apologies again and again.
From behind, the sickeningly familiar voice of
The shopkeeper was an ordinary person with no someone trying to curry favor with another made its
skill or talent to his name. Because of his inability, way to Bai Yunfei’s ears. Coming to a halt right
he held soul cultivators in awe. When he first besides a fruit stand, Bai Yunfei’s body grew as
opened up his store, he was able to get into contact rigid as a plank of wood. Shaking slightly, Bai
with the sons to several of the more wealthier Yunfei’s eyes started to see red.
families. Many of these families weren’t lacking in
soul cultivators; even if they were mere Soul
“Zhang Yang!”
Apprentice or Soul Personages. To the eyes of
Chapter 10: Target: Blackwood Stronghold!
~ 37 ~
Chapter 10: Target: Blackwood Stronghold! alleyway a lesson that morning. Shutting himself
behind closed doors to train lacked an extremely
“Zhang Yang!” vital aspect: actual combat experience.
Forcing out the two words from between gritted It had been decided that day that Bai Yunfei would
teeth, Bai Yunfei’s entire body began to shake and spend an hour or two every day before night time to
quiver as he turned around. Just about a dozen find the scum and bullies of the city to fight. Aside
meters away from where he was standing, a from that, Bai Yunfei would stay at home and train
youngster dressed in luxurious clothing could be by himself.
seen with a fan in his hand. With a smile on his
face, the youngster was speaking to another But then came an issue right away.
woman to his side--it was Zhang Yang!
These scums and bullies weren’t on par with him at
Clenching his fists tightly and gritting his teeth all. They posed no challenge to him since the
together so hard that blood was nearly drawn, Bai majority of their times was spent bullying the weak
Yunfei just barely managed to restrain himself from commoners. To fight them would be a pointless
rushing forward to try and beat Zhang Yang to waste of time since it wouldn’t help him learn
death. anything. The only good point in doing so would be
in teaching them a lesson and allowing for the
He knew that as he was now, there’d be no way for bullied commoners to have a moment’s reprieve to
him to defeat even the bodyguards around Zhang clap their hands happily.
The more influential criminal gangs of the city were
“Yes, perhaps I’ll pick an item or two to gift to aunty all under the control of the house of Zhang
when we return. I’ll be returning in two days, so I however. Bai Yunfei was afraid of revealing himself,
should buy something for my mother as well.” since he was not yet on a level where he could fight
Then, the melodious sound of another made its
ways to his ears. Turning his head to look, Bai Until Bai Yunfei had the power to fight them, he
Yunfei could see a young woman dressed in blue would tread his ground carefully.
with her back against Bai Yunfei look left and right
at the various stores on the street. Nine days went on in such a fashion before Bai
Yunfei finally decided on a new target--the bandits
“It’s her…” of Mount Blackwood.
In somewhat of a daze, Bai Yunfei watched as the Mount Blackwood was about ten days worth of
two figures walk farther and farther away. He travel away from Talus City and was given its titular
wasn’t sure what kind of emotions were running name in thanks to the abundance of black-colored
through his head, but Bai Yunfei slapped his face in trees that stretched across the area. Three of the
an attempt to calm himself anyways and turned to four sides were sheer cliffs and the only climbable
walk in the other direction. path was in the single remaining side. This path
however was far more narrow at the base and
Repairing the graves of his mother and grandfather inversely more spacious at the top. The terrain of
took a small amount of money from his surplus, but the area was thus far easier to defend than it was
Bai Yunfei had managed to place two perfectly fine to attack.
tombstones by their graves. With the remaining
money he had, some of it went towards things such At one point in the past, a gang of unsavory thugs
as food, clothes, weapons, and accessories. Since gathered on the mountains and took control of it.
he had a space ring, carrying everything was far After their occupation of the mountain, the
more convenient to do now. Blackwood Stronghold was established.
Bai Yunfei had learned an important lesson after The bandits of this mountain focused solely on
his act of teaching those three bullies in the targeting the trade caravans and businesses
~ 38 ~
around the nearby villages. The lord mayor of Talus that only half a day would be needed to reach his
City had sent many armed forces before to waypoint, but for some reason, Bai Yunfei took an
suppress the bandits, but each attempt to do so entire day to travel to the place.
ended in failure.
The most outstanding case had been when he
Bai Yunfei had heard the atrocities the bandits decided to take a shortcut through a forest. An
committed quite often. In some cases, Bai Yunfei entire day and night was wasted before he finally
had even heard how some villages were completely managed to make his way out from the forest. But
destroyed by them, but Bai Yunfei could only sigh this was only after he came across several
and shake his head when he heard about it before. ferocious beasts. The beasts were easy targets for
Sometimes, he’d even curse at the no-good Bai Yunfei to practice on and provided a decent
bandits. amount of combat experience despite not providing
the same experience as to fighting humans.
But the Bai Yunfei today was a new person with
newfound power. With the two changes, Bai Yunfei By nightfall of the sixth day after his departure from
could complete the ‘wish’ he had a long time ago. Talus City, Bai Yunfei managed to finally cross over
a hill to overlook a small village down below.
It went without saying that Bai Yunfei knew he Deciding that this would be a good place to settle
couldn’t defeat all of the bandits on Mount for the night, he continued on his way down...
Blackwood by himself. He just wanted to fight the
small groups of bandits that came down the path so ……..
that he could build up his own strength. Dealing
with the ordinary bandits wouldn’t be hard for him Bai Yunfei was only just crossing the small brook
given his current strength. that flowed by the southern side of the village when
the hurried clatter of hooves made its way to his
Over the years, the bandits committed many ears. With the silence now shattered, Bai Yunfei
different acts of crimes. To capture and send them could detect around thirty men on horseback
to be tried by the local authorities would be ridding galloping not too far away.
the general populace a small portion of their
headaches in any case. Even if some of the bandits Each and every single one of the riders had a
were to be killed, Bai Yunfei would see no qualms ferocious expression on their faces. Just from
in doing so. appearance alone, one could tell that these men
weren’t good guys at all. To reinforce this
After preparing all the essentials he’d need for the judgement, each one of these riders were equipped
trip, Bai Yunfei left Talus City and towards the with many weapons.
direction of Mount Blackwood.
The rider leading the front was a middle-aged man
This would be the very first trip Bai Yunfei would with a yellowed face and a nose that was more
have to the outside world. Life outside the city was bulbous than not. Unlike the men behind him, he
a strange one, so he decided to take his time to was not as ferocious looking. But when his eyes
travel. Training on the way would help him get swept around the area, a sharp glare could be seen
accustomed to life on the road while also helping in them. Looking up at the sky and then to the
him learn the essential skills on living with nature. people behind him, he spoke, “The horses have
been running for an entire day already. It’s time for
Since he wasn’t familiar with the path, Bai Yunfei them to rest. We’ll be camping for the night in that
had to ask for directions every so often on the way. forest over there, but expect us to be hitting the
road again tomorrow morning!”
Soon enough, he came across his very first
problem--he might just be a little directionally Pitching up tents and a fire for their evening meal in
challenged. the forest, the men began to move about to prepare
the grounds. The leader himself sat on top of a
He had the general direction down pat, but many giant stone with a wine jug in hand to drink from.
detours were had. Someone had explicitly told him
~ 39 ~
“The chief will definitely be happy with the tributes to appear on the road leading to the village with
we’re bringing back to the fortress. There’s a soul frightening speed.
armament in here! The chief already has the
Goldsilk Soul Armor, so with the Glacial Pricker, his A youngster about twenty years old was carrying a
strength will definitely improve greatly! I didn’t do pole with a bucket of water at both ends at the time
badly at all this mission, so I bet there’ll be a good when he heard the commotion. Confused, he
reward waiting for me back in the fortress!” Stroking turned his head towards the source.
at the wooden box in his bosom, the leader spoke
the second line even more softly, “Ah….a soul Only a single glance was required for him to realize
armament. I wonder when I’ll be able to have one the severity of the matter. With a face that paled
myself?” within a second, his legs started to knock together
in fright.
It was then that a man with sideburns and eyes as
sunken as a dead fish came walking up to the It took several more seconds for him to finally snap
leader. “Hallmaster Zhong,” He spoke, “There’s a out from his fright. Tossing the water buckets to the
small village not too far away from here. A few of us ground, he dashed off to the center of the village
could go on over and take some tasty things back and began to shout aloud, “Bandits! Bandits are
to camp. It’s been rations for us the past few days, here! The bandits are here!”
all we can think about right now is some delicious
meat to sink our teeth in….” As soon as he let out that warning, the entire village
went into high alert. Nearly a hundred villagers
The one called Zhong glanced at the other man charged out from their homes in doubt to look at the
with a mocking laugh, “I take it that rather than youth currently hiding in the center of the village
wanting to bring some tasty food, you want the with his heads held in his hands.
women instead?” Another roar of laughter followed
the second part. There was a young but pretty girl that approached
the trembling youth. Her hair was long and draped
The man with fish eyes coughed once but said across her shoulders, but it did nothing to hide the
nothing more, prompting the hallmaster to say, oval-shaped face and her large eyes. Concerned,
“Take ten of us and go. See what’s worth stealing she held his arm and asked, “brother Xiao Feng,
and come back. Since this is a remote village, what’s going on? Who’s here?”
authorities won’t be coming any time soon.”
“It’s--it’s them! They’re...they’re here
Brightening up in the face, the other man spoke up again….Everything's burning...the
out loud, “Thank you, hallmaster!” village...gone….everyone’s dead...dead!
Father...mother...sister...they’re all dead….They’re
………. here again….”
In the quiet village, smoke was billowing up from The youngster had been mumbling to himself in
the kitchen chimneys, and several village children fright before the young woman’s voice snapped him
could be seen running around happily. A big golden back to reality. Starting with a violent shake of his
dog could also be seen lying lazily on its stomach head, he took the young girl’s hand with terror and
as it bathed in the setting sun. anxiety, “They’re coming! You have to run! Ling’er,
hurry up and run! All the young women should run
Suddenly, the ears of the dog perked upwards and off and hide, don’t let them find you! If you have
its eyes grew vigilant. Rushing to its feet, the dog’s anything valuable in your homes, just give it to
back arched upwards and began to growl with a them! Give it to them….or...or you’ll die….”
deep pitch.
The first part had been directed to just the young
The ground beneath everyone started to quake girl, but then the later half had been shouted for the
slightly with the sounds of hooves stampeding rest of the villagers to hear.
across it. One by one, men on top of horses began
~ 40 ~
Still, everyone was at a loss for words at what was “Hold on!” But the man with fish eyes suddenly
happening. His words however, were enough to shouted, causing everyone to leap up in fright.
send them in a panic from the terror and
mannerisms he was going through. Anxious, “Bring out all the young and pretty women and have
everyone turned to the fifty-something year old them leave with us! We’ve several dozen brethren
elder to the side--he was the elder of the village. waiting for us in the forest back there. But since
you’ve been so obedient so far, we’ll be sure to
The elder himself looked grim as he observed the return your women safe and sound after they’re
trembling youth. Turning around, the man faced the done serving us!”
Chapter 11: First encounter with bandits
“Xiao Feng came from Plum Village from the other
side of Mount Blackwood. The villagers there tried Book 1 Chapter 11: First encounter with bandits
to resist the Blackwood Stronghold and were all
killed as a result. As a survivor, he made his way “What?” Hearing the big man’s words, the village
here….” The elder muttered so softly he may as chief had a dumbfounded expression. The villagers
well be talking to himself. But the rest of the behind him also had furious expressions.
villagers had heard what he said. “Everyone, listen
to what Xiao Feng said! Have all the women run “Oh? So, you’re unwilling? Humph! I thought you’d
and hide! If they want something, don’t put up a be enlightened enough to listen to me obediently,
fight and give it to them!” but turns out I’ll still have to do the snatching
When the ten horses made its way into the village,
the dozen villagers who stayed behind started to The impatient voice of the big man with dead fish
shake violently. Each one of these horse riders eyes rang out. The village chief finally turned
were carrying chillingly-cold broadswords that around and said in a trembling voice: “Sir... We, we
frightened the very souls of anyone that looked at it. will listen to you by giving you all our food and
money. Please spare us...”
“Eh? The villagers here are something else, are
they actually welcoming us? Whatever! As long as “Cut the crap! Am I negotiating with you? Since
you listen to us, the great I won’t hurt you! Hurry up you’re unwilling to tell them to come out, I’ll go and
and bring out all the meat and wine you got, and find them myself!” With a mean and savage
whatever other valuables you have! As long as you expression, the big man swung the horsewhip in his
satisfy us, we’ll take what we want and leave!” The hand at the village chief. A snap was heard as the
dead-eyed man from earlier spoke happily as if he old village chief was sent flying upside down.
was doing everyone a great favor. Several villagers hurriedly caught him and saw a
blood-red whip mark on his chest, his skin torn and
Looking at all the weapons the men were carrying, his flesh gaping open.
the elder knew that resistance was futile. Bowing
fervently, he replied, “Thank you for being so The leading big man got off his horse. Raising his
merciful, O’ great one. We will bring out what you large saber, he walked towards the house of a
want right away. Please wait one moment….” family on one side. The people behind him also
spread out, wanting to enter the houses to search.
Turning around, the elder gave a signal to the other Four or five bandits did not move. They were
villagers. He knew everyone was unwilling to bend staring fiercely at the villagers, the weapons in their
to their will, but there was nothing else they could hands giving cold sparkles under the light of the
do. Several other villagers turned around with the setting sun.
elder and returned to their own homes to retrieve
what they had. For these villagers who lived here Seeing the bandits going into their houses, some
for their entire lives, how could they fight back? The villagers rushed up to resist, but they were knocked
fact that these bandits would leave after taking their down with ease. Two of them were even hit by
possessions was already a good thing. weapons and immediately fell down in pools of
~ 41 ~
That big man was walking towards a house. All of a hands pushed against the ground, their blue veins
sudden, a youngster rushed out from among the popping up. His body was lifted up bit by bit, but his
villagers. His steps were somewhat unsteady. consciousness gradually started to become hazy.
Apparently, because he was too terrified, he fell to
the ground when he came close to the big man. The bandit who was stamping on the youngster’s
Without struggling up, he gripped one of the big back with a foot suddenly felt that the resistance
man’s legs and implored in a trembling voice: under his foot seemed to get stronger and stronger,
“Please... Leave them alone... Don’t go in, I beg of even feeling somewhat insuppressible. His eyes
you...” flashed with fierceness. He raised the large saber
in his hand, ready to bring it down in a chop.
This youngster was none other than Xiao Feng. He
had been staying at the back of the crowd all along. Right at this moment, he heard several people
But now, even though he was extremely frightened exclaim from behind. Before he could turn around,
inside, he still rushed out—because, Ling’er was he felt a great force hit the back of his head. Then
hiding in this house. the body of this bandit was sent flying a good
several meters and fell to the ground. Not uttering
Seeing him like this, the big man was stupefied for even a groan, he lost consciousness.
a short while. Then he gave an eerie laugh: “What?
There’s something important to you in this house? Without stopping at all, a silhouette then rushed
Ha ha, then open your eyes and watch me go off into the house from which the cries for help of the
with it!” Afterwards, he lifted a foot and sent Xiao young girl were coming out.
Feng flying immediately with a kick.
This was none other than Bai Yunfei!!
Xiao Feng spouted out a mouthful of blood when he
was still in midair. His ribs seemed to have been When he reached the entrance of the village, he
broken by the kick. After falling to the ground, he saw a scene of chaos in the village. Some people
struggled to get up, but a bandit stamped on his had fallen down in pools of blood and some were
back, preventing him from getting up. treating them on one side. Several scoundrels with
weapons were blocking the way in front of the
Not long after the big man entered the house, villagers. Furthermore, in front of a small house, a
terrified screams of a young girl came out from youngster was being stamped on by a man, who
inside. That big man then laughed out loud in then raised the weapon in his hand, ready to hack
pleasant surprise and complacency: “Ha ha! I didn’t down right away.
expect this shabby village to have such a juicy girl!
The brat outside wants to protect you, right? What’s “Bandits!” In just about the blink of an eye, Bai
good about that kind of weakling? Come and let me Yunfei guessed the identity of these people
love you properly...” correctly. Without thinking much, he channeled his
soulforce into his legs and rushed up quickly. After
Xiao Feng kept wanting to struggle up, but he could sending that man flying with a kick, he rushed into
not break loose from that foot which was stamping that room in front of him.
on his back. He hopelessly reached out his hands
towards the house in front of him, his eyes almost As soon as he entered the room, he saw a big man
blood-red: “Ling’er... Don’t be afraid, Ling’er. I’ll pushing a young girl down on the floor, his left hand
come and save you right away... Right away...” clutching her neck and his right hand tearing at the
clothes on her body. There was a glaring palm print
When his beloved was about to be violated, his on that young girl’s face. Tears kept streaming
deep fear turned into an extreme hatred. He hated down from her eyes as she struggled and begged
Heaven for being unfair, hated the bandits for being nonstop. A piece of cloth on her right shoulder had
inhuman, and hated himself for being a weakling... been ripped out, revealing her snow-white skin.
A force was being bred in his mind and was That big man was obviously a vigilant one. He
awakening in the depths of his soul. The young noticed as soon as Bai Yunfei went into the room.
man spouted out another mouthful of blood. His He turned around suddenly and, at the same time,
~ 42 ~
made a grab at the large saber off to the side with That man immediately fell straight on his back and
his right hand. passed out.
He was fast, but Bai Yunfei was even faster! At Only when Bai Yunfei had knocked out another
almost the same time as the big man turned bandit did the remaining bandits react. Brandishing
around, he arrived at his side with a dash. their weapons, they came at him and surrounded
Afterwards, the big man gave a miserable cry. It him.
turned out the hand with which he tried to grab the
large saber had been trampled on by Bai Yunfei’s Bai Yunfei grabbed up the man who had just been
foot. Cracking sounds were heard. Obviously the knocked down at his feet, whirled him around in a
bones of the hand had been crushed. circle before throwing him out immediately,
smashing him into three other men. He then rushed
With a solemn look in his eyes, Bai Yunfei did not out of the encirclement and walked around quickly
care about the big man’s miserable cry. He raised a among the bandits, snatching their weapons and
foot and sounds of broken bones came out again hitting them with his fists.
from the big man’s chest. His huge body was
unexpectedly sent flying directly. Only after flying In just a while, the weapons had been piled up and
three or four meters away from the room did it fall the ten bandits had fallen to the ground in disorder.
down to the ground. Most of them had been knocked out. The few who
were still conscious were wailing on the ground,
After the big man had flown out, the outside was clutching either their wrists or their stomachs.
caught up in a strange silence. Everybody, whether
bandits or villagers, watched in a somewhat Bai Yunfei had used just a few minutes. He looked
stupefied manner as that big man was lying on the at the bandits who were lying all over the ground.
ground spouting blood unceasingly. There was even a somewhat unsatisfied
expression on his face—This was a soul cultivator.
Only when Bai Yunfei walked out of the room did Even though he was still at the initial stage of Soul
those bandits react by running up to the big man in Apprentice, he was not someone who ordinary
succession while crying. Even the several bandits people could match.
who had rushed into other houses ran out when
hearing this. Right at this moment, Bai Yunfei suddenly heard
the sounds of horse hooves from behind. He turned
The dialog situation in which the bandits would around to take a look. It turned out there was still a
shout a question: “Where are you from, brother...?” bandit who had escaped unpunished. At some
and Bai Yunfei would say indifferently: “You’re point, he had quietly mounted a horse and was now
unlucky to run into me. On behalf of the moon, I will fleeing like crazy towards the road they had taken
destroy you...” did not occur. to come here.
After walking out of the room, Bai Yunfei swept a Bai Yunfei naturally could not let him get away.
glance at the eleven bandits who were still With a step, he began to give chase. Because he
standing. Without giving them any time to did not know how to ride a horse, he had no choice
reorganize, he charged straight at the bandit but to run like mad in pursuit.
nearest him.
That man thought that he had escaped a disaster
That man was frightened. He promptly raised the and was feeling glad that he had run away fast
large saber in his hand and swung it at Bai Yunfei. enough. Just come around that bend up ahead and
Bai Yunfei leaned to one side a bit, avoiding the he would see the mountain top where his
blade. He then reached out his left hand, grabbed hallmaster and the others were resting. Later, if he
the man’s wrist and gave a squeeze. That man let and those brothers went up together, they would
out a miserable cry. The large saber slipped out of definitely be able to kill that man!
his hand. Bai Yunfei caught it and threw it
backwards then hit him in the face with a punch. Just when he let out a sigh of relief, he suddenly
felt that there was something unusual at his side.
~ 43 ~
He gave a sidelong glance and was so frightened you! Kill you! I’ll protect Ling’er! You’re not allowed
that he almost fell down from the horseback. to harm my Ling’er...”
Running with all his might, Bai Yunfei finally caught Bai Yunfei looked at the young man in stupefaction.
up with that man. Under the terrified look in his On seeing the despair and hatred in his eyes and
eyes, he grabbed one of his legs, which were hearing his words, somehow he felt an
squeezing the horse’s belly, and pulled with force, indescribable sorrow and a feeling of being in the
dragging him to the ground directly. That man fell same boat surge inside him.
down from a horse that was running at high speed,
and fell face first to the ground miserably, so when Once in that Coliseum, where the nobility and the
he stopped rolling, he was already breathing out rich sought pleasure and where human lives were
more air than he was taking in. worthless, there was similarly a youngster with
blood tears streaming down from his deep red eyes
When Bai Yunfei, carrying the runaway man with who brandished the brick in his hand and smashed
him, reached the entrance of the village, he it down on the body of Direwolf again and again...
suddenly heard a miserable cry in the village. His
heart skipped a beat: “Could it be those bandits “Brother Xiao Feng!”
have woken up? Impossible, I hit them very hard...”
A lovely shout woke Bai Yunfei up with a start. A
He quickly walked into the village. But when he saw young girl in damaged clothes rushed out from that
the situation in the village, he stood still as if he was small house. Even though he was covered in blood
struck by lightning and looked at a blood-red area completely and had a crazy expression, she
in front of him in stupefaction. embraced his waist and said anxiously and
tearfully: “Brother Xiao Feng! What’s happened to
The villagers were all right, but they were similarly you? Don’t scare me... brother Xiao Feng...”
gazing towards the center of the village with a
terrified expression. The moment the young girl had begun to talk, that
young man had stopped his movements and turned
That relatively wide vacant area in the center of the his head somewhat absently to take a look. Now,
village had now been covered in blood completely. when he was hugged by her and heard her
This was the blood of that gang of bandits! concerned and anxious words, his body gradually
stopped trembling. The saber in his hand fell to the
A youngster whose entire body was soaked in ground. His eyes also slowly became pure and
blood was raising a one-meter long large saber, clear again.
hacking unceasingly at a body in front of him. The
body was vaguely recognizable and it was none “Ling... Ling’er! You’re all right... You’re all right!
other than the leading big man with dead fish eyes. Very good, very good...”
Those ten bandits around him were now all dead, The two of them embraced each other sobbingly on
with their chests and necks covered in deep that blood-covered area, surrounded by a dozen of
wounds caused by the hacking of a large saber. bandit corpses. This scene was somewhat strange
Blood was still coming out nonstop from some of to look at, but their innermost sincerity warmed Bai
the wounds. Yunfei’s heart a bit. Somehow, he was secretly
rather happy for that youngster called Xiao Feng.
Amidst the infernal pile of dead men, that youngster
called Xiao Feng, his eyes deep red and seemingly He did not seem to want to see that youngster’s
without focus, was mechanically chopping at the mournful, hopeless expression at all.
corpse in front of him again and again with the
saber while growling like a beast with his mouth. Perhaps, it was because of that faintly familiar
“Die... Die! All bandits must die! To pay for my
parents’ death! To pay for my sister’s death! Kill Chapter 12: Li Chengfeng
~ 44 ~
Chapter 12: Li Chengfeng compassion. It was impossible to tell exactly how
many human lives they had killed and how many
In a simple and crude house in the village, Bai happy families they had destroyed.
Yunfei was sitting with legs crossed on a bed,
recovering the soulforce he had used in the battle Knocks at the door interrupted Bai Yunfei’s train of
just then and at the same time pondering on what thought. He raised his head, saying: “Come in.”
had just happened.
After seeing the visitor, his eyes flashed with a
The task of handling those bandits’ corpses had tinge of an indescribable feeling. He said
already been given to the villagers. Several people indifferently: “Why do you want to see me?”
in the village including the village chief were
severely injured but fortunately nobody had died. The visitor was about the same age as Bai Yunfei.
His shoulder-length hair, which should look elegant,
When that youngster called Xiao Feng came to his was somewhat disheveled at the moment. There
senses, seeing corpses all over the ground, after was a hint of profound sadness on his rather
knowing that all of them had been killed by himself, handsome face and his eyes appeared to have an
he vomited nonstop for over ten minutes. In fact, unalterable hatred concealed in them. Because his
when Bai Yunfei saw those bodies which had been body was injured, his face was slightly haggard—
badly mutilated by his hacking, he was terrified This was none other than Li Chengfeng.
inside too.
After entering the room, he stood at the door and
But the youngster did not regret killing those said to Bai Yunfei: “Young hero Bai, the bandit you
bandits at all. After vomiting, he still had an brought back has woken up. We interrogated him
indifferent expression when looking at those and learned that they are from the Blackwood
corpses. Bai Yunfei could tell that his hatred for Stronghold on Mt. Blackwood. There are still twenty
these bandits had reached an unimaginable level. to thirty of them in a grove to the west of the village.
If they know about the situation here, it’s very likely
The youngster’s name was Li Chengfeng. Originally that they will attack our village. Village chief told me
he had lived in a hamlet beside Mt. Blackwood. But to ask you if you have any solution...”
later, the bandits had broken in the village, burning,
killing and pillaging. He had been hung up by those Bai Yunfei was stupefied. He had not expected that
frenzied bandits and could only watch his family gang of bandits to still have associates, and over
members get murdered one by one. His sister had twenty people at that.
even been violated before her death. Those bandits
had not killed him but they had made him live in “Do you know how powerful they are?” Bai Yunfei
endless pain. asked after thinking for a while.
Half a year ago, he had come to this village. Only “That man said, their hallmaster Zhong over there
after he and Ling’er had fallen in love with each is a soul cultivator of the late-stage Soul Apprentice
other had he gradually walked out from the shadow level...” At this point, Li Chengfeng seemed to be
of that traumatic experience to start a new life. But somewhat afraid.
what had happened today seemed to have caused
him to relapsed into his old self. Plunged into a “You know about soul cultivators?” Judging from his
state of madness by the explosion of his hatred, he current manner, obviously he knew about the
had killed all of the bandits knocked down by Bai fearsomeness of soul cultivators.
“I do... It’s said that the chieftain of the Blackwood
After being told about what had happened to him by Stronghold bandits is a soul cultivator of the middle
the villagers, Bai Yunfei became rather emotional Soul Warrior stage with enough power to lift
too. No wonder even though the people in the cauldrons, split boulders and tear wild beasts apart
village had been afraid of him at that time, they did alive; the vice-chieftain is a late Soul Personage;
not react strongly against him afterwards at all. the four hallmasters under them are all soul
Those bandits were simply not worthy of cultivators too. That hallmaster Zhong outside the
~ 45 ~
village is one of them.” At this point, Li Chengfeng’s With a flop, Li Chengfeng knelt down in front of Bai
eyes showed a deep hatred: “Besides, that Yunfei, ready to kowtow in salute.
hallmaster Zhong was the leader of the bandit
group that destroyed my former village and ruined However, when he was just halfway through
my family!” bowing down, he was held back. It turned out Bai
Yunfei had already dashed up to him at some point
Bai Yunfei was somewhat preoccupied listening to and stopped him from kowtowing.
him. He had not thought that a bandit group would
be so powerful. Fortunately he had not been stupid “I didn’t mean I’d take you as my disciple at all. You
enough to go and tackle them directly. Now it don’t need to bow to me. I can’t accept it. I’ve
looked like he would also have to be extremely decided to teach you that method because I’ll
careful even when getting rid of small groups of probably need your power in the upcoming battle.
bandits coming down from the mountain. Could it Besides... I can understand your feelings to some
be soul cultivators were so widespread? extent so I just want to help you a bit out of
Moreover, there was even a hallmaster of the late-
stage Soul Apprentice level not far from here. With a shake of Bai Yunfei’s wrist, a gray scroll
Compared to him, Bai Yunfei would probably be no appeared in his hand. He passed it to Li
match for him in a one-on-one fight. After all, they Chengfeng, saying: “At the moment you can feel a
were basically not on the same level in real combat special force in your body, right? That’s your
experience. However, he had the upgraded items, soulforce. Pour soulforce into this scroll and you’ll
so the victor could only be decided after they had be able to learn the skin and flesh control method
fought each other. of the Soul Apprentice stage. This scroll is still
useful to me so at the moment I can’t give it to you
“Young hero Bai, you... are a soul cultivator too, permanently. Just return it to me tomorrow.”
right? Can you deal with that bandit group outside
the village?” Li Chengfeng asked somewhat Looking at Li Chengfeng’s expression, Bai Yunfei
urgently. After all, at the moment, all the people in thought for a while then continued: “You go and tell
the village were staking their lives on this the villagers to pile the bodies of those bandits up
mysterious youngster. He really could not imagine at the entrance of the village. I think... this should
how terrible it would be if those utterly inhuman be able to stop those men for a night. Tomorrow, if
bandits rushed into the village—He really could not you have gained some understanding of soulforce,
bear to once again lose someone he loved. the two of us should be able to deal with them by
teaming up. But if they want to attack the village
Bai Yunfei raised his head and looked at him but tonight, then I’ll have no choice but to fight them
did not answer his question. His eyes glittering, it with all my might...”
seemed he was considering a certain decision.
... ... ... ...
“Do you want to get revenge with your own hands?
Do you want to protect what is important to you with The bright moon was hanging high in the starry sky.
your own power?” In the grove, the several campfires were already
about to go out. Hallmaster Zhong said with a
“What?” These words, said by Bai Yunfei after somewhat solemn expression while staring at the
keeping silent for a long time, stupefied Li campfire in front of him: “This Tang Gui still hasn’t
Chengfeng then sent a tremble through his entire returned yet... Could it be, something unexpected
body. He asked with a mixed expression of has happened?”
excitement, pleasant surprise and hope: “You
mean...” At this moment, a clatter of horse hooves was
heard. This was the man sent out to scout the
Bai Yunfei said with a nod: “Your soulforce has situation coming back. Hallmaster Zhong raised his
awakened. I can teach you the way of training the head to look at him. Not waiting for him to ask first,
soul, allowing you to become a real soul cultivator.” with a terrified expression, that man said in a
trembling voice even before getting off the horse:
~ 46 ~
“Dead... They’re dead! Tang Gui and those What’s their purpose in piling the corpses up
brothers are all dead!” outside? To anger us to lead us into attacking then
ambush us? Or to frighten us so that we won’t dare
These words shouted by him woke all the men who to act rashly?”
were about to sleep up with a start. They gathered
around him successively. That man took a breath After a long time, he lifted his head and swept his
and continued: “The bodies of Tang Gui and the eyes over everybody, saying: “We’re not familiar
others have been piled up at the entrance of the with this place so attacking at night would put us at
village. They... they’re all dead!” a disadvantage. We’ll rest for a night. At dawn
tomorrow, we’ll kill our way into the village! They
Only now did everybody understand completely. have provoked our Blackwood Stronghold. We’ll
They were all shocked. definitely destroy their village and kill them all!”
“What did you say? Those ten something men are ... ... ... ...
all dead?”
Because Bai Yunfei did not know when the bandits
“Did you get it wrong? Tang Gui isn’t weak. outside the village would come to attack, he did not
Ordinary people are simply no match for him!” sleep at all. Instead, he sat on the bed practicing
cultivation while always paying attention to the
“It’s just a small village. How could it have possibly situation outside. To him now, not sleeping for a
killed them all?!” day or two would not affect him too much.
“Get your weapons ready, everybody! Let’s go to The enemies were a hallmaster of the late Soul
that village and have a look. If it’s true, let’s Apprentice stage and over twenty other vicious
exterminate them to avenge Tang Gui and those bandits. If he was on his own, he would definitely
brothers!” be no match for them. Hopefully in a night’s time Li
Chengfeng could roughly grasp how to use
“Don’t panic. There may be some expert over soulforce and to control the skin and flesh. If that
there...” was the case, there would be two soul cultivators
on this side, and when they cooperated with each
“... ...” other... they could win!
“All of you shut up for me!” hallmaster Zhong With a thought, Bai Yunfei took out from the
shouted his command angrily upon seeing interspatial ring a +9 dagger: “I can’t use too much
everybody thrown into disorder. The expression on soulforce. But if I have one more weapon with an
his face was very unsightly. As soon as he shouted, additional attribute, I’d have a greater chance of
the grove quieted down. winning. Let’s upgrade this just once and see!”
Afterwards, he walked towards a washbasin-sized However, before he could finish what he was
rock on one side and raised his right fist. It swelled saying, a thick rope suddenly rose from inside the
up in an instant and he smashed it down violently. earth and was stretched tight instantly. The
Amidst soft cracks, the rock was broken into galloping horses simply had no time to react. The
pieces. He picked up a piece about the size of an several horses charging in the forefront
egg and squeezed with force. A large amount of immediately fell to the ground. The riders also fell
very small fragments then fell down. from the horseback in succession. The men at the
back promptly pulled the reins, but there was still a
Bai Yunfei was somewhat amazed. After just a poor bandit who was trampled on the chest by the
night, except for having healed his injuries, Li horses that could not stop in time. He gave a snort
Chengfeng could even grasp the first level of body then did not move anymore.
control to such an extent. To him, this was rather
unexpected. The moment the several horses in the front fell
down, two silhouettes rushed out swiftly from the
“Not bad, given your current power, those ordinary left and right sides of the road respectively then
bandits are already no match for you. Even though killed their way into the chaotic crowd.
you lack real combat experience, using your speed
and strength, and something I’m about to give you, Hallmaster Zhong jumped out with a smack on the
it shouldn’t be difficult for you to deal with them. back of his horse right when it fell down. He rolled
on the ground several times, canceling out all the
~ 48 ~
forward momentum. As soon as he turned around, A crisp sound of metal crashing into metal rang out.
he heard miserable cries ring out behind him. The momentum of his fall gave Bai Yunfei an
advantage so he was able to knock the opponent
He saw two people rushing and killing among the back several steps. However, after landing firmly on
disorderly bandits, just like tigers among sheep— the ground, he did not try to be the first to attack
These two people who had just rushed out were again. After all, he did not have enough combat
naturally Bai Yunfei and Li Chengfeng. experience, so attacking hastily would very likely
result in his weak points being exploited by the
Holding a dagger in each of his hands, Li opponent.
Chengfeng was slashing, hacking and stabbing.
Before the men around him could react, almost all “Late-stage Soul Apprentice! Damn it! How can we
of them were injured. Two even dropped dead to run into a soul cultivator at this kind of place?! Plus,
the ground after getting stabbed in the chest it’s even a soul cultivator with a space ring!”
directly. Hallmaster Zhong retreated several steps
continuously. He could only feel a somewhat
Bai Yunfei was using bare hands, but sounds of tingling feeling in his arm and was extremely
broken bones were heard every time he threw a shocked inside. He had guessed earlier that the
punch or a kick. Almost anyone who was knocked opponent was a soul cultivator about as powerful
down by him could not struggle up again. as he was, which did not really matter. However,
the opponent unexpectedly had a space ring! It
Hallmaster Zhong was in a dazed state for just a should be known that in the entire Blackwood
short while, but five or six of his men had been Stronghold, only the chieftain had a space ring, and
downed by them! not even the vice-chieftain had one!
His whole body trembling, the corners of his eyes He looked at the large saber in his hand again, and
about to crack, he raised his large saber and to his surprise, he saw that the hack had left a chip
rushed up with a roar. in it!
Seeing that hallmaster Zhong rushing over, Bai “Damn it! Damn it! Just who is he really?! This large
Yunfei’s eyes flashed with a tinge of shrewdness. saber of mine is made of top-grade materials. That
He leaned to one side to avoid an incoming saber saber of his is a soul armament? Impossible. If it
then grabbed a bandit and threw him fiercely was a soul armament, there wouldn’t be just a
forwards, smashing him into the crowd, creating a simple chip like this. But it’s definitely better than
gap. Afterwards, he got out with a leap and rushed mine!”
towards that hallmaster Zhong!
Several continuous miserable cries woke
When having taken just several steps, hallmaster hallmaster Zhong up from his shock. He lifted his
Zhong saw a person come rushing at him. Grinning eyes to take a look. More than half of the group of
hideously, he raised his saber and wanted to hack bandits behind Bai Yunfei had unexpectedly
at the attacker. But that man suddenly jumped over already fallen down. Even though one of Li
ten feet up into the air. While in midair, he gave his Chengfeng’s arms had suffered injuries, they were
right hand a shake and a one-meter long large not serious at all. As he moved nimbly about,
saber unexpectedly appeared in the blink of an eye. dodging and weaving, he did not use any
He then took advantage of his fall’s momentum to techniques worthy of mentioning either. He would
swing it down fiercely! just dodge the incoming attacks then thrust with his
daggers, downing the bandits one after another.
“A space ring? Soul cultivator!” Hallmaster Zhong’s
expression changed. He lifted the large saber in his “That man is a soul cultivator too! This is bad!”
hand up to meet the enemy’s attack. Hallmaster Zhong suddenly reacted. He rushed
straight towards Bai Yunfei without any more
“Ding!” hesitation.
~ 49 ~
Bai Yunfei’s fighting plan was actually very simple, immediately sent flying in the direction of Li
namely, when the enemy was still unprepared, he Chengfeng then was stabbed in the chest
himself would hinder hallmaster Zhong first while Li mercilessly with a dagger.
Chengfeng would dispose of those common
bandits, then they would join forces and kill When lifting his foot, Bai Yunfei secretly braced
hallmaster Zhong! himself for another attack. Before he could turn
around, the corners of his eyes caught a glimpse of
Those common bandits had had twenty two men in the gleam of a saber that was coming at the right
total. In the very beginning, six of them had been side of his waist.
knocked down by Bai Yunfei and Li Chengfeng and
another had been unlucky enough to be trampled Because it was impossible for him to block the
on by the horses. When Bai Yunfei had rushed out strike with his saber, he could only lean to the left,
to obstruct hallmaster Zhong, there had already avoiding the attack by a hair’s breadth, and jump at
been only fifteen men left. So, relying on his all-out the same time. However, when he had yet to
effort and resentment, Li Chengfeng had been able escape completely, he felt a burning pain in his
to handle them fairly smoothly. waist. Bai Yunfei moved two meters away, turned
around to face hallmaster Zhong, and touched his
Moreover, because those bandits had been own waist with his hand. It came into contact with a
attacked suddenly, and so many of their comrades cold area and not a wound.
had been downed in an instant, they were flustered
inside. One man’s loss is another man’s gain. Hallmaster Zhong was looking at the totally
Under this circumstance, Li Chengfeng would delighted expression on Bai Yunfei’s face in some
probably be able to knock down all the bandits in stupefaction. That saber strike by the waist just
ten more minutes. then should have been able to cut him in half
directly, but... except for feeling some pain, he had
That hallmaster Zhong obviously had also noticed not even lost a single drop of blood!
this. Not daring to delay again, he attacked with all
his might, but Bai Yunfei only defended. Relying on A large hole had been cut into the clothes at Bai
the sharpness of the large saber in his hand, he Yunfei’s waist, revealing a gray armor underneath.
clashed with him head-on strike after strike. Before There was a white mark on the armor, which had
long, hallmaster Zhong’s saber was covered in been caused by that saber strike just then.
chips, looking like a saw with teeth.
Bai Yunfei touched this soft armor on his body in
Bai Yunfei raised his saber again and warded off pleasant surprise: “I didn’t expect the defense of
another hack by hallmaster Zhong. Suddenly, he this +10 soft armor to be so high. That was so
felt a great force come from his stomach, but this dangerous. I even thought I’d be cut in two...”
was hallmaster Zhong throwing a kick at him. He
was, after all, still too inexperienced so he had only
paid attention to stopping the opponent’s weapon Equipment Grade: Normal
and had neglected defending his lower body. As a
Upgrade Level: +10
result, he was knocked back several steps
continuously by the kick. Defense: 31
Additional defense: 43
Before he could stabilize his body, he felt +10 Additional Effect: When attacked, there is a
something come at him from behind. He turned 2% chance of reflecting part of the damage.
around in a flash and saw that a bandit had
unexpectedly left the group fight against Li
Chengfeng to go up to his back at some point then
swung his saber at himself.
“How is this possible?... How is this possible?!
Learning from hallmaster Zhong, he raised his Could it be that soft armor of his is a soul
saber to block the attack and also raised his foot, armament? Just who is he really?!” Roaring in his
sending him flying with a kick. That man was heart, hallmaster Zhong rushed up again.
~ 50 ~
Having known the defense level of the soft armor, Bai Yunfei did not pursue and attack him because
Bai Yunfei was much less restrained too. As long he had seen that the battle behind him had already
as an attack was aimed at his torso, he would finished. None of the twenty two bandits was still
rather endure the pain inflicted by it so that he standing and most of them had been killed. The
could similarly hit the opponent with a strike of the remaining ones were lying on the ground wailing,
saber. powerless to fight again.
Even though hallmaster Zhong also wore a decent There were some injuries on Li Chengfeng’s arms
soft armor on his body which could withstand the and legs, but luckily his torso was still intact.
attacks of ordinary weapons, it was just like a piece Underneath the tattered clothes, there was a gray
of paper in front of Bai Yunfei’s weapon. His waist soft armor too. Although it was merely a +9
was hit by a sweep too, but he was not so lucky as defensive item and did not have an additional
Bai Yunfei. A long wound was created by the strike effect, it was already enough to defend against
and blood spurted out from it. those bandits’ common attacks.
Facing an incoming horizontal saber sweep, Bai Li Chengfeng was in no hurry to finish off those
Yunfei turned around and resisted the strike head- bandits who were still alive. Instead, raising the two
on with his back. However, when he was hit this blood-dripping daggers, he walked up to Bai
time, he did not feel that kind of burning pain from Yunfei’s side step by step. His whole body was
before. Instead, he needed to take just a step drenched in blood—most of which belonged to
forwards to absorb the impact of the blow those bandits. Those blood-red eyes, filled with
completely and only felt a small part of the endless hatred, were staring firmly at hallmaster
soulforce in his body suddenly drained away like it Zhong. Even though hallmaster Zhong had killed
was absorbed by the soft armor. countless people, now he also felt a tremble in his
heart and did not dare to look him in the eyes.
The moment that large saber hacked at Bai
Yunfei’s back, hallmaster Zhong immediately felt a Hallmaster Zhong took a deep breath and calmed
powerful reaction force come at him. The part of his his chaotic mind down. He did not dare to take his
palm between the thumb and forefinger was burst, eyes off Bai Yunfei and Li Chengfeng even for a
making it almost impossible for him to keep hold of moment for fear that the two of them would attack
the handle of the saber. Very shocked, he retreated suddenly. His right hand reached into his bosom
continuously. As he looked at his palm which was and took out a long wooden case from which he
bleeding profusely, he was dumbstruck for a while. then took out a blue weapon that looked like an ice
The soft armor’s additional effect: Damage
reflection! “Though I’m not good at using this kind of weapon,
it’s a soul armament in any case, so it should be
In the blink of an eye, Bai Yunfei knew what had able to pierce through that soft armor. At this stage,
happened. Naturally, he was unwilling to let this I’ve got no choice but to go all out!”
good opportunity pass. He turned around and
swung the large saber in his hand at the opponent’s Bai Yunfei had not attacked immediately because
waist. Very frightened, hallmaster Zhong raised his he wanted to give Li Chengfeng a little time to
saber to make a block. Even though he was able to recover. Now the situation was advantageous to
ward off this strike from Bai Yunfei, the large saber them so as long as they were somewhat careful,
in his hand was sent flying because he could not they should be able to emerge victorious.
clench it with enough force.
At this moment, the opponent took out a weapon
Greatly shocked, hallmaster Zhong retreated that seemed like an ice pricker and was about the
continuously. Only when he had moved over ten same size as a dagger. Judging from his
meters away did he look at Bai Yunfei with a expression, Bai Yunfei felt that this was definitely
terrified expression. no ordinary object. Seeing him rush up, he told Li
Chengfeng, who was beside him: “Watch out for his
~ 51 ~
weapon. I’m going to have a dogfight with him and “What weapon is that?!” Bai Yunfei trembled with
you’re going to look for opportunities to attack!” fear as he looked at the weapon in hallmaster
Zhong’s hand. He only felt a chill in his heart.
Facing hallmaster Zhong who was rushing at him,
Bai Yunfei still brought the saber down in a hack Seeing hallmaster Zhong unexpectedly begin to
efficiently. The enemy unexpectedly raised the chase after Li Chengfeng, he was very frightened.
short pricker horizontally, using the short and small So he hurriedly calmed his mind down then rushed
body of the pricker to block this strike. Moreover, up while raising his weapon.
when it came into contact with the saber’s blade, a
nick unexpectedly appeared at the contact area of Because the short pricker in hallmaster Zhong’s
the blade! hand was too powerful, Bai Yunfei and Li
Chengfeng had some misgivings both when
After blocking Bai Yunfei’s attack, hallmaster Zhong attacking and defending, but that hallmaster always
repeated the same trick he had used before by had misgivings about the weapons in his
raising his foot, throwing a kick. How could Bai opponents’ hands too, so the three of them got
Yunfei possibly fall for the same trick again? He caught up in an arduous struggle.
also threw a kick. After the two feet collided with
each other, both of them took half a step Before long, many wounds had been inflicted upon
backwards. their bodies.
However, hallmaster Zhong reacted faster than Bai Bai Yunfei only felt cold in the various places on his
Yunfei. After stabilizing his body, he took a step body that had been pierced by the opponent. It
forwards then raised the Glacial Pricker in his hand seemed there was a mass of cold air going on a
and thrust it straight at Bai Yunfei’s heart! rampage in his body. Both his strength and speed
were now much worse than before, and Li
Bai Yunfei was very frightened. He did not dare use Chengfeng was also in a similar situation.
the soft armor on his body to take this strike head-
on, so he hurriedly put the large saber in his hand However, that hallmaster Zhong’s situation was not
in front of his chest horizontally. Then a soft sound good either. There were many wounds on his body
of collision was heard and Bai Yunfei retreated and most of them had been caused by slashes of Li
several steps continuously. Chengfeng’s daggers. Moreover, those wounds
had been bleeding nonstop and recovering very
Just when the opponent was about to pursue and slowly—this was none other than the additional
attack him, his expression changed suddenly. He effect of one of the daggers: “Slow down the
turned around, raised the Glacial Pricker and recovery of the wounds caused by this item.”
blocked a sneaky incoming dagger. But he felt a
pain in his arm. Although he had blocked a dagger, Hallmaster Zhong was extremely anxious inside. If
there was another one he could not block! this continued, he would eventually bleed to death!!
Li Chengfeng had grabbed the opportunity to leave As he was in a hurry, he made mistakes. After
a wound on the opponent’s arm before getting forcing Bai Yunfei to retreat again, because he did
knocked away with a kick. not have enough time to dodge, another wound
was pierced into his shoulder by Li Chengfeng’s
Bai Yunfei stabilized his body and lowered his head dagger, and just when he was pierced by the
to take look. He immediately broke into a cold dagger, suddenly a shiver ran through his entire
sweat as he saw a round, small hole through both body. A strange kind of feeling then appeared on
sides of the blade and in the center of the large his body, but he could not tell exactly what it was.
saber’s body. Even the chest part of his soft armor
had been pierced halfway through! Moreover, there When he made a backward stab at Li Chengfeng,
was a cold area around the small hole that was who was beside him, and the attack was barely
covered in a layer of water droplets like it had avoided by the opponent, he finally discovered a
frosted over. problem: The opponent should not have been able
to avoid this strike from him completely at all, but
~ 52 ~
he had unexpectedly avoided it, because—he
himself had slowed down! Equipment Grade: Normal
Upgrade Level: +10
In a normal situation, to his knowledge, this strike Attack: 33
should have already hit the target. However, his
Additional Attack: 39
body had become a bit slower!
+10 Additional Effect: Attacks have a 3%
This was an exceptionally uncoordinated feeling chance of inflicting knockback.
that he had never experienced before so he was
even somewhat at a loss.
Having experienced this event, the villagers all felt Looking at this white scroll in his hand, Bai Yunfei
that they were lucky survivors of a disaster. Bai was rather excited inside. He poured his soulforce
Yunfei and Li Chengfeng had even become heroes into it impatiently.
in the village. This was especially the case with Li
Chengfeng. Except for looking a bit crazy when "The 'Overlapping Waves Art', a mid-human tier
facing those bandits, he was very kind and sincere soul skill that uses a special method to control the
to other people. Ling’er was by his side all the time, explosiveness and stretching of the muscles and
carefully helping him treat the wounds on his body. bones of the arm so that the force of a punch
behaves like an overlapping wave. The resulting
... ... ... ... power is thus several times greater than that of a
normal punch...." After having read the contents of
The next day, before dawn, Bai Yunfei slowly the scroll, Bai Yunfei carefully arranged his
opened his eyes after making a strange hand seal thoughts for a while. "A soul skill....I'll have to
with his hands. He had been sitting with legs control both the muscles and the bones at the
crossed on the bed doing cultivation for a whole same time. No wonder I can only practice this after
night. As he stretched his sluggish waist, his entire reaching the Soul Personage stage. This means
body gave off a series of cracking sounds. Bai that I'll have to be a Soul Warrior before I can use
Yunfei even let out a comfortable sigh softly. the other scroll. Is there a soul skill in that one too?
He raised his right hand and put it in front of his “Besides, after the Overlapping Waves Art, there’s
face then made a fist. A delighted smile appeared also a spear technique. This means...” At this point,
on his face. there was a happy expression on Bai Yunfei’s face
again. His soulforce made a sweep in the space
“Early-stage Soul Personage... I’ve benefited a lot ring and a crimson spear suddenly appeared in his
from yesterday’s battle... Using the Upgrade hand.
Technique to increase the soulforce is certainly a
shortcut, but real combat is also necessary. If I Bai Yunfei felt that it was almost heavy enough to
want to become powerful, there’s still a very long twist his wrist: “This fella... So heavy, at least 50 kg.
way to go!” Ordinary people would have great difficulty in
brandishing it, let alone using it to fight. No wonder
Having reached the Soul Personage stage, the first I'm only allowed to use it after I become a Soul
thing he did naturally was to take that technique Personage."
scroll out and experienced the blood and bones
control method of the Soul Personage stage. Only The spear was about 2.7 meter long, rather thick
after a long time did he put the scroll away then and crimson from top to bottom. It even gave off a
lower his head, saying contemplatively: “The blood little heat. At the place where the blade and the
and bones control method is much more complex handle were joined, there were three embedded
and difficult than the skin and flesh control crimson, slightly transparent, round crystals.
method... I can only learn it bit by bit through
meditation. Next is...” Bai Yunfei stroked the spear rather admiringly,
feeling the waves of warmth emitted from it. He
With a thought, the various items inside the space even somewhat impatiently wanted to go out and
ring showed up in his mind. His soulforce touched swing it around a couple of times to check it out.
~ 54 ~
Suddenly, seeming to remember something, Bai widespread. In the beginning, that hallmaster
Yunfei stared at the spear in his hand and gave it a Zhong only used an ordinary large saber too...
“I wonder how it will be after getting upgraded...”
Equipment Grade: Low Inheritance He immediately did what he thought. First, he put
the spear away. After all, if he wanted to upgrade
something, this Glacial Pricker would be a
Attack: 586 comparatively better choice because he could use
a little less soulforce.
Upgrade Requirement: 85 Soulpoints
Several minutes later, Bai Yunfei looked at the
Glacial Pricker in his hand with a hint of a forced
Bai Yunfei’s eyes popped out of his head and his smile on the corners of his mouth: “The amount of
jaws dropped for a long time, then he shook his soul points needed for an upgrade hasn’t increased
head forcefully. Only after checking the information and has always been 63 points, but... this is still not
once again did he murmured with a slight stammer: enough!”
“Holy... Holy shit, an attack of 586? This... What the
heck is this?”
Equipment Grade: Low Rare
Only after a long time did he finally calm down:
“Low inheritance? I’ve never come across this
grade before. Plus, the initial upgrade takes as Upgrade Level: +8
much as 85 soul points. That's about what it takes
to upgrade a dagger from +1 to +10 already.” Attack: 237
“Right...” Bai Yunfei put the spear on his legs and Additional Attack: 89
turned his wrist over. That weapon he had obtained
from hallmaster Zhong appeared in his hand. As Upgrade Requirement: 63 Soulpoints
completely opposed to the spear, it was ice-cold
and gave off tiny currents of cold air. There were a
few small words on the handle, ‘Glacial Pricker’, Even though he was exceptionally lucky not to have
which should be the name of this weapon. failed even once, after the eighth upgrade, Bai
Yunfei felt that his soulforce was already running
out. Now he was an early-stage Soul Personage,
Equipment Grade: Low Rare but perhaps the value of his soulforce was only
about 500.
Attack: 237
It was already dawn at the moment. Bai Yunfei was
not anxious to research anymore. He began to sit in
Upgrade Requirement: 63 Soulpoints
meditation to recover his soulforce. Only when
someone outside knocked on the door and invited
him to go to eat breakfast did he stand up and walk
Bai Yunfei was stupefied: “Low rare? Another item out of the room...
grade I’ve never seen before. Looks like my
understanding of this Upgrade Technique is still far ... ... ... ...
from correct...
When Bai Yunfei told everybody that he wanted to
“These two weapons are obviously on a different leave for Mt. Blackwood, Li Chengfeng fell silent for
level to the ones I bought in the main street. Could a long time, but then he suddenly said that he
it be, these are soul cultivators’ weapons? wanted to go together with Bai Yunfei.
Impossible, such powerful weapons shouldn’t be so
~ 55 ~
Bai Yunfei knew that his hatred for bandits had not young girl who was standing in front of the door of
been diminished by his extermination of hallmaster her house gazing at him. Then he turned around
Zhong’s bandit group at all. On the contrary, and went with Bai Yunfei, gradually disappearing
because he had gained power, he no longer towards the end of the path in the forest.
suppressed the hatred in his heart. Becoming
powerful and annihilating all those who had caused This time, because Li Chengfeng acted as a guide
him endless pain, this was precisely what he was and both of them had good footwork, they went
thinking at the moment. rather fast. After three days, they had already
reached the vicinity of Mt. Blackwood. According to
In fact, Bai Yunfei could understand Li Chengfeng’s Li Chengfeng, the sphere of influence of the
feelings. When had he himself not been in a similar Blackwood Stronghold could be said to start from
situation...? here. The bandits in this area would normally go
around in groups, pillaging the villages nearby or
Originally Li Chengfeng had been a resident of the robbing the trade caravans that went past this
Mt. Blackwood region so he was rather familiar with place.
the surroundings of that place. Moreover, he was
now a soul cultivator too and not a weakling There was a main road leading from Luoshi City to
anymore. This journey to Mt. Blackwood would be Ganling City in the northeast not far from Mt.
much more dangerous than Bai Yunfei had thought Blackwood. Because trade caravans between the
before. After all, previously he had not expected a two cities often took this road, they also became
gang of bandits to have so many soul cultivators in the main target for the bandits. The bandits did not
it. kill everyone either. As long as a caravan handed in
a satisfying ‘passage fee’, they would let it go
Therefore, after thinking for just a while, Bai Yunfei through safely. Otherwise, they would kill the
agreed to let Li Chengfeng go with him as he had caravan and take the goods without mercy. Of
requested. course, a caravan could also go through without
paying, but it had to be protected by powerful
... ... ... ... people, such as soul cultivators.
Standing at the entrance of the village, looking at In the evening in a rather spacious forest, intense
the mountains and forests in the distance, Bai fighting sounds were heard as two silhouettes got
Yunfei had a somewhat vacant expression in his entangled with each other and collided. The sounds
eyes. It was impossible to know what he was of their fists hitting each other were really spine-
thinking about. A clatter of footsteps woke him up chilling.
with a start. He turned around to take a look and
saw Li Chengfeng running up to his face with a But the two fighting people were obviously enjoying
bundle over his shoulder in a somewhat themselves. Beads of sweat from their foreheads
apologetically manner, saying: “Young hero Bai, I’m ran across the smiles on the corners of their
sorry for making you wait...” mouths. They threw a punch with their right fists at
each other’s left shoulder simultaneously. Then
Bai Yunfei waved his hand in an unconcerned they both retreated several steps successively and
manner and said smilingly: “No problem. We fought stood face-to-face.
side by side after all, so later you can just call me
Yunfei. Have you calmed Ling’er down yet? Don’t This was none other than Bai Yunfei and Li
make her sad...” Chengfeng.
“Haha... Alright, then you can just call me “Let’s stop training for today, Chengfeng. You’ve
Chengfeng too. Don’t appear too aloof. I’ve already become more and more skillful at muscle control.
promised Ling’er that when I return from Mt. The opportunities you seized to be explosive were
Blackwood this time, I’m going to marry her and just perfect. I’m really ashamed of my inferiority.”
take care of her all my life...” There was a happy After massaging his left shoulder a bit, Bai Yunfei
smile on Li Chengfeng’s face. He turned around to turned his right hand over and two bags of water
take a look at the village again and waved to the appeared in his hand. He tossed one to Li
~ 56 ~
Chengfeng then leaned on a large tree behind him All of a sudden, his body stopped moving and the
and took several gulps. various spear images disappeared. With a soft
shout, he thrust the spear straight at a large tree
Li Chengfeng sat down on the ground, took several that could only be hugged by two people holding
gulps of water and said while shaking his head: “I’m hands in front of him.
no match for you. It happened like this only
because you suppressed your power down to my The moment the spear was thrust out, its entire
level. If you use the Overlapping Waves Art, I’m body suddenly radiated a dazzling red glow. The
afraid I won’t be able to take even a single punch three crystals at the top of the spear were even
from you.” ablaze with a red light, looking like they were
wrapped in a crimson flame.
“Your soulforce fully awakened just a few days ago,
yet you’re already about to become a mid-stage “Pu!”A soft sound was heard as the tip of the spear
Soul Apprentice. I don’t know about the other soul went into the tree with complete ease. The moment
cultivators’ practice speeds, but you’re quite a lot it penetrated the tree, Bai Yunfei’s flashed. He
faster than I was in the beginning. It’s a pity I even shouted in a deep voice: “Burst!!”
thought that my improvement speed was very fast.
“Let’s train alone next. I need to get more used to
spear techniques so that I can handle the battles Wood chips were sent flying around and the
that we’ll probably face soon. Right, you really don’t dazzling red glow shone out through the cracks in
want that Glacial Pricker? It’s much more powerful the tree. Afterwards, that whole section of the tree
than those two daggers.” exploded suddenly and a heat wave several times
more violent than before spread out in all
“Nope, these two daggers are very good, and I feel directions. This large tree then fell backwards. An
that they’re not weak at all. I already felt entire section at its base had gone missing, leaving
embarrassed to accept them when you gave them behind a burned black cut surface...
to me, how could I still want that Glacial Pricker?
Plus, I’m not familiar with using that stab-only Chapter 15: With Bandits Like These, Prepare to
weapon.” Li Chengfeng shook his head, took out Kill!
the two daggers from his waist and flipped them in
hands skillfully. Chapter 15: With Bandits Like These, Prepare to
Bai Yunfei said no more. He walked to one side
and reached out his hand. A flaming red, 2.7 meter Book 1 Chapter 15: Bandits like these; prepare
long spear appeared in his hand and a heat wave to kill!
spread out, which could be felt even by Li
Chengfeng, who was over 30 meters away.
Looking at the crimson spear in Bai Yunfei’s hand,
Equipment Grade: Low Inheritance
Li Chengfeng’s eyes showed a hint of admiration.
After simply spinning the spear for a bit, he started Upgrade Level: +10
to practice spear techniques.
Attack: 586
Horizontal sweeps, straight thrusts, upward yanks,
downward smashes... Even though he had been Additional Attack: 338
learning them for just three days, his execution
already looked decent, and it got faster and faster. +10 Additional Effect: Straight thrusts have a
Now Bai Yunfei’s body was shrouded in countless 10% chance of causing an explosion of fire.
blurs of the spear. From the distance, he looked
like a flickering fire. Upgrade Requirement: 85 Soulpoints
~ 57 ~
As Bai Yunfei stroked the crimson body of the
spear, a smile appeared on the corners of his +10 Additional Effect: When thrown, the speed
mouth. He looked at the fallen large tree in front of and attack are doubled.
him, put the spear away then turned around and
walked to a place not far from Li Chengfeng on Li
Chengfeng’s right-hand side. After sitting down, Bai Yunfei also researched this additional effect.
leaning on a tree, he began to recover the physical The moment the pricker was thrown out, his
strength he had used. soulforce was sucked into it. Its flying speed was
indeed more than twice as fast as that of a thrown
For the last several days, Bai Yunfei had never normal dagger. Its damage was even more
stopped studying the Glacial Pricker and the spear. impressive as after piercing through a one-meter
In terms of grades, the spear was obviously thick large tree, it could still fly forwards several
superior to the Glacial Pricker. Therefore, he had dozens of meters. Bai Yunfei once carelessly shot it
experimented with the Glacial Pricker first. into a mountain wall and afterwards he and Li
Chengfeng had to dig as deep as three or four
Of course, the most important thing was the whole meters to take it out.
upgrades. Even though he felt that a ‘rare’ item like
the Glacial Pricker should not possibly be Furthermore, if he poured soulforce into it in a
destroyed after getting upgraded to +8 like ordinary proactive manner when throwing it, its speed and
items, he still considered for a long time before power would be even greater.
deciding to continue with the upgrades: He had
obtained it for free anyway, so it would not matter if After confirming that there was no danger of
it exploded. If other soul cultivators knew that he destruction, Bai Yunfei also upgraded the spear to
treated a soul armament in such a manner, +10. Because the spear was crimson all over and
perhaps their balls would hurt so much that they was as hot as a flame when soulforce was poured
would vomit blood. into it, an idea sprung to his mind as he decided to
give it a name -- he called it the ‘Fire-tipped Spear’!
The results did not disappoint him. He successfully
upgraded it to +9 then failed the next upgrade, but ... ... ... ...
it only went back to +8. This detail alone allowed
him to be sure that ‘rare’ items would not be
Two days later, in the evening, Bai Yunfei observed
destroyed before +10!
the color of the sky then said to Li Chengfeng, who
was going in front of him: “Chengfeng, it’s about to
When Bai Yunfei upgraded the Glacial Pricker to get dark. Let’s find a forest and rest for a night
+10, he did not continue upgrading it because before continuing the journey.”
intuition told him that if he failed again, the result
would be very different to what had happened when
Li Chengfeng halted his steps, looked around,
he had failed to upgrade normal items after +8,
pondered for a while and said: “We’d better keep
namely, the item would be destroyed. Moreover, he
going for a while. I remember that there’s a hamlet
was already very satisfied with the additional effect
not far up ahead. We can see it after climbing over
that had appeared at +10.
this mountain top. Let’s go and stay a night there
Equipment Grade: Low Rare “Oh, not a bad idea. Let’s go then,” Bai Yunfei
naturally agreed after hearing him say so. For the
Upgrade Level: +10 last several days, they had had to spend the nights
outdoors in the wild, which was not something
Attack: 237 comfortable either.
Additional Attack: 128 The two of them kept going for a while. The sky
was already getting dark gradually. All of a sudden,
Bai Yunfei halted his steps and said solemnly:
~ 58 ~
“Wait... There seems to be something wrong. was kneeling in front of a middle-aged man, her
Chengfeng, look at the mountain over there!” trembling hands pressing on a wound from which
blood was gushing out nonstop on his chest. She
Li Chengfeng had been paying attention to his was crying in despair: “Da Niu... Don’t leave me,
surroundings all along instead of looking into the son! If you leave me... How do I live?! Da Niu...”
distance. After hearing Bai Yunfei’s words, he took
a careful look, but the expression on his face The middle-aged man called Da Niu were looking
immediately changed. He said: “This light... Not at the old woman with somewhat blurry eyes.
good! It’s firelight. Even the sky is lit up to such an Seemingly using all his strength, he raised a hand
extent, could it be...” with difficulty and grabbed the old woman’s hands
on his chest. He wanted to say something, but as
Both of them exchanged a look and quickened their soon as he opened his mouth, he gushed a
pace, running towards the peak of the mountain. mouthful of blood...
After a while, on the top of the mountain, Bai Yunfei This time, Li Chengfeng was unexpectedly the first
looked solemnly at a village which was burning in a to regain composure. He gave Bai Yunfei a push,
raging fire not far from the foot of the mountain. Li saying: “Save people first!”
Chengfeng even trembled all over.
Only now did Bai Yunfei wake up. Turning his right
About twenty to thirty houses seemed to have been hand over, he took out from the space ring all the
swallowed completely by the monstrous fire, but it medical items he had been carrying along, gave Li
seemed only few people were fighting the fire. Chengfeng some then ran towards that old woman.
There were quite a lot of people in the center of the
village, but... only a few were moving. Various “Granny, you’re doing it wrong. Allow me to treat
hopeless, sorrowful cries and shouts came into the the wound quickly. He can still survive.” After
ears of them both along with the wind on the pulling the old woman up gently, Bai Yunfei
mountain. squatted down in front of the middle-aged man and
began to treat his wound.
“It’s them... It’s definitely them... It’s like this again,
it’s like this again! These damned bandits! Die... The old woman was stupefied but reacted
Die!” Li Chengfeng’s eyes gradually become immediately. She looked at Bai Yunfei gratefully but
crimson and also showed some signs of madness. was trembling too much to say a word and could
only wait anxiously with an expression full of hope.
Bai Yunfei gave his shoulder a pat, saying: “Don’t
be agitated! There doesn’t seem to be bandits in Bai Yunfei was not too adept at treating such a
the village. Let’s go over there quickly. Saving serious wound, but he did it very carefully. When
people comes first!” the wound was bandaged completely, sweat had
already come out on his forehead. However, that
The moment the two of them entered the village, middle-aged man’s life seemed to have been saved
Bai Yunfei saw an unforgettable scene. at last and he was looking at Bai Yunfei
appreciatively with a fragile expression.
Under the illumination of the raging flames, there
were corpses lying in pools of blood all around. Ten Bai Yunfei let the old woman look after this middle-
something lucky survivors were hurriedly treating aged man again then stood up and went to another
the injured who were still alive. But there were also injured person...
some survivors who were sitting on the ground with
blank looks in their eyes, completely still, staring at After treating the wounds of several other people,
the corpses in front of them. There was basically no his forehead was already covered in sweat and his
life in their eyes, as if they had turned into zombies. expression was getting more and more solemn. A
fury was growing inside him unceasingly...
A series of sounds of crying and shouting woke Bai
Yunfei up with a start. He shifted his eyes to have a “Mom... Mom... What’s happened to you? The
look. An old woman with a head full of white hair house is burning. Let’s get out quickly, mom? Why
~ 59 ~
aren’t you wearing clothes? Quickly go out with left in any house, and all the curable injured people
Fang’er, okay? Fang’er’s head hurts so bad.. Mom? had basically been cared for.
Say something to me...”
Suddenly, there was a clamor in the opposite
Soft and tender sounds of crying came from a direction. Bai Yunfei turned around to take a look
burning small house on one side. Bai Yunfei was and saw that Li Chengfeng was being surrounded
surprised to learn that there were still survivors by five or six villagers. They seemed to be saying
inside! Seeing that the house was about to something.
collapse, he did not think much and rushed inside
immediately. “What’s going on, Chengfeng?” Bai Yunfei asked
after walking up to Li Chengfeng’s side.
A four or five year old little girl with high twin-tails
was kneeling on the floor. Her little face should be “I don’t know either. Just now I revealed my power
innocent but it looked spent and dirty at the when saving an injured person who was trapped
moment. Her left cheek was badly swollen. There under a heavy object. They surrounded me after
was even a streak of blood hanging from a corner that." Li Chengfeng said while shaking his head in a
of her mouth. Obviously she had been hit violently somewhat doubtful manner.
by someone earlier. Judging from the somewhat
confused look in her eyes at the moment, she Right at this moment, the people around suddenly
seemed to have just woken up from her knelt to the two of them. A middle-aged man whose
unconsciousness. both legs and left arm were injured said loudly:
“Young heroes, please go save my younger sister!
However, in front of the little girl, there was a She was captured and taken away by those
completely naked woman lying motionlessly on the bandits. They’re simply not humans! My younger
floor. Her entire body was covered in countless sister, she... In the end, she’ll definitely be tortured
bruises and bloodstains, looking like someone had to death... Please go save her! I’m going to kowtow
cut her spotlessly white body with a saber again to you...” After saying so, he knocked his head on
and again. The woman’s mouth was stuffed with a the ground loudly regardless of the injuries on his
piece of clothing which seemed to be her body. His forehead immediately bled, but he did not
underwear. Obviously she had been violated and pause at all.
tortured before her death and had been unable to
say anything. The endless pain and horror she had The other people around also started to implore,
suffered could still be seen in her wide open eyes... saying that their own daughters or wives had been
taken captive by the bandits and begging Bai
The little girl was pushing the body of her mother Yunfei and Li Chengfeng to save them and bring
nonstop. The soft and tender sounds of her crying them back. For a few moments, many people knelt
contained fear, puzzlement, confusion and pain. down before the two of them and begged piteously.
Seeing this scene, Bai Yunfei fell into a trance It turned out there were still the people who had
instantly. It seemed he did not dare to believe what been captured by the bandits!
he was seeing. A burning, broken timber smashed
down beside the little girl. Bai Yunfei finally woke up Only after being stupefied for a while did Bai Yunfei
with a start. He rushed up like an arrow and kicked and Li Chengfeng react by raising everybody up
away a beam that was threatening to smash down hurriedly. Without saying anything, Bai Yunfei gave
on the girl. Then he took off his coat and wrapped it Li Chengfeng a look. They nodded to each other.
around that woman’s body. Lifting the little girl with He then turned to the villagers, saying: “Take good
one hand and the woman’s body with the other, he care of your injuries, everybody. We’ll definitely do
rushed out quickly. our best to save them and bring them back!”
After giving the little girl to the villagers on one side ... ... ... ...
to take care of, he observed the surroundings
carefully. It seemed there were already no survivors According to the villagers, those bandits had
already left about three hours ago. Bai Yunfei and
~ 60 ~
Li Chengfeng asked for the direction then gave he was slightly dissatisfied with something—like
chase at a very fast speed. today.
As they galloped, the scenery on the sides of the The mission of escorting the tributes back into the
road fell behind them quickly and their ears were school had been snatched by that hallmaster
filled with never-ending sounds of the wind blowing. Zhong, so he had really been in a bad mood. Today
With a solemn expression, Bai Yunfei was thinking he took his henchmen down the mountain, wanting
about something, but Li Chengfeng was already to find some women to play with. They
holding the two daggers in his hands, his eyes unexpectedly encountered resistance in a hamlet
glittering with rage and hatred. so he destroyed the hamlet in his anger and took
away seven or eight young women.
After they ran fast for about one hour, the
silhouettes of a group of people appeared in a Originally he wanted to return through the night to
meadow ahead of them. Making use of the bright the stronghold but he felt somewhat tired on the
moonlight, they could see clearly that thirty to forty way so he stopped in a vacant area to eat,
ferocious-looking bandits divided into several preparing to have a rest before resuming his
subgroups were surrounding several campfires, journey.
seemingly eating something.
Seeing that his subordinates were totally impatient
Beside each campfire, there were three to five men to play with the women they had captured, Tiger Li
doing something together. After taking a careful drank all the wine in his wineskin in one go then
look, Bai Yunfei immediately could not suppress the shouted at a group on the right-hand side: “Damn.
fury in his heart anymore. He reached out his right It! Leave that juicy beautiful girl for me! You
hand and the Fire-tipped Spear appeared in his bastards, how dare you fight over her in front of
hand. Pushing his foot against the ground fiercely, me? That one over there too! I intend to give her to
he rushed out one step ahead of Li Chengfeng. Vice-Chieftain when we return! Don’t you dare
snatch her, you hear?”
Those bandits were laughing obscenely while
violating several women in tattered clothes. The two groups berated by him spread out with
embarrassed expressions. The group on the right
“Chengfeng, you pay attention to the surroundings. apologized to him again and again with ingratiating
Don’t let any bandit get away. They all deserve to smiles and stepped aside to make room, ready to
die!” let their hallmaster ‘take the first bite’.
“Let none survive... Kill!!” Tiger Li stood up and took two steps forwards, but
he suddenly turned around as if thinking of
Chapter 16: Kill! Kill! Kill! something, looking in the direction of the road they
had taken to come here, only to see a long crimson
Chapter 16: Kill! Kill! Kill! line approaching at high speed.
Tiger Li was one of the four hallmasters of the After giving it a good look, he discovered that it was
Blackwood Stronghold and a late-stage Soul not a red line. Instead, it was unexpectedly a
Apprentice. This man’s name sounded somewhat youngster holding a flaming red spear in his hand
imperious but he looked more like a scholar. If he who was coming at full gallop with a totally
held a folding fan in his hand instead of a multi- murderous expression. It seemed the moment he
ringed large saber, nobody would think that he was saw clearly what was coming, there was already
a vicious bandit. only a distance of a hundred meters left between
However, despite looking gentle and weak, he was
the most brutal and ruthless among the four Enemy! Moreover, this feeling... This was a soul
hallmasters. He usually killed a large number of cultivator!
people or even slaughtered a village just because
~ 61 ~
Tiger Li was the type who reacted rather shrewdly. woke the other bandits up with a start. Only when
He could tell almost instantly that the visitor had no they saw their hallmaster charge at the intruder
good intentions and shouted loudly: “The enemy is while raising his large saber did they react.
here! Be ready to fight!” Regardless of how frightened they were because
the opponent was a soul cultivator, when even their
His shouting gave everybody a start. They turned hallmaster had charged up, could they possibly go
their heads to take a look, only to see a man with a into hiding? Not unless they did not want to live
spear in his hands rushing at them at high speed. later.
They were all somewhat doubtful: It’s just a man.
Why is Hallmaster panicking like this? Tiger Li was both shocked and furious inside. As he
rushed out, his mind was working overtime, “Who
An outermost subgroup of bandits had already could have thought a soul cultivator would suddenly
raised their weapons, ready to teach this man who appear and attack us? What does he want? He
was charging up recklessly a brutal lesson, letting wants to single-handedly take on these forty
him know that he would have to pay for disturbing something men on my side?
them when they were seeking pleasure—with his
life! Though he seems a bit more powerful than myself,
I’ve still got a few dozen subordinates. If we go up
Seeing that man about to charge up to his face, the together, we’ll definitely be able to destroy him!”
bandit in the forefront raised the weapon in his
hand with a ferocious expression, ready to hack Bai Yunfei cast a look at Tiger Li, who was rushing
down. at him. His feet did not stop at all. After avoiding a
saber coming at him from behind, he sent a man in
However, his raised hands stopped moving right front of him flying with a kick, knocking down
above his head, and even the hideous grin on his several men who were charging up after this man.
face seemed to have frozen. He looked in Then he thrust the handle of his spear backwards
stupefaction at the crimson spear which had fiercely. A man behind him was immediately
pierced through his chest. The moment before his pierced through the neck by the spear’s handle
death, he thought that—his chest felt so ‘warm’... then fell backwards with his eyes popping.
But he did not know that in addition to himself, even Holding the spear horizontally, Bai Yunfei blocked
another bandit standing behind him had also been two sabers hacking at him from one side. He
pierced through similarly by the spear. suddenly pushed with force, causing those two men
to lean backwards, then swung the tip of the spear
... ... ... ... at them, splitting their throats!
His eyes filled with rage, Bai Yunfei charged into a Now Tiger Li finally arrived. He had not expected
bandit group in front of him without pausing and this man to be so fierce that he could kill three men
thrust the spear out efficiently. His fast speed was in just a moment. With a loud roar, he suddenly
not something these ordinary bandits could react to jumped up then brought his saber down on Bai
in time so the spear pierced through the bodies of Yunfei in a hack.
two bandits directly.
It was already too late for Bai Yunfei to turn around
All of a sudden, he pulled the spear back, letting then attack with the spear. He could only lift the
blood spray onto his body, then made a turn. spear horizontally up above his head. After blocking
Following his body, the spear swung out in a this saber strike head-on, he was knocked back
crimson arc, its tip sweeping across the necks of several steps continuously by the force of the
three bandits. Blood spurted and these three impact. When Tiger Li was about to pursue and
bandits gradually fell backwards without having any attack Bai Yunfei, he was forced to back off by a
reaction. horizontal sweep of the spear.
One of them fled in a random path which happened A blue light cut across in front of Tiger Li.
to lead to Bai Yunfei. When he noticed this, it was Afterwards, his right arm dropped down, powerless.
already too late. Bai Yunfei sent him flying A cold feeling began to spread out from his left arm.
backwards with a kick. Li Chengfeng then chased He was not even in any pain and only felt cold
up and slit his throat with a sweep. almost to the point of going numb. He halted his
steps and looked in stupefaction at a round hole in
Without stopping, he chased after the other three his elbow. There was a blank expression in his
runaway bandits one by one, killing them all. eyes.
He then returned to Bai Yunfei’s side and began to Since sending Tiger Li flying with a punch earlier,
check out the bandits knocked down by Bai Yunfei Bai Yunfei had been paying attention to his every
earlier to finish off those who were still alive with his move. He had noticed those several young women
daggers. Seeing this, Tiger Li had an even more on one side earlier and had been worried that if he
unsightly expression. rushed up and fought the enemy, they would very
likely be injured, therefore he had not acted rashly
He had never expected the enemy to have a all along. He put his right hand behind his back
companion. Moreover, this was also a soul without a sound. With a shake of his hand, the
cultivator! Seeing their ruthless manner, Tiger Li Glacial Pricker appeared in his hand.
abandoned the idea of begging for mercy. His eyes
glittering, he was trying to think of a way to escape. The moment Tiger Li’s body moved, Bai Yunfei
flicked his right hand like lightning. As soon as the
Suddenly, his eyes flashed with a hint of delight. He enemy reached out his arm, the Glacial Pricker
glanced out of the corners of his eyes at the three came like a flash and pierced through it.
young women who were embracing each other at a
place two meters away on his left-hand side. They After throwing the Glacial Pricker out, Bai Yunfei
were covering their mouths tightly, their eyes full of immediately rushed up after it. Giving Tiger Li
terror and their bodies shivering. basically no time to react, he hit him in the stomach
with a full-power kick, sending him flying directly up
A miserable cry suddenly rang out. Li Chengfeng into the air at an angle!
had just discovered a bandit lying on the ground
playing possum and finished him off mercilessly Bai Yunfei did not pause at all. He gave chase
with a dagger blow. urgently. When he had run over ten meters, he
~ 64 ~
suddenly thrust the spear in his hand out, piercing it ... ... ... ...
into the chest of Tiger Li, who was about to fall to
the ground. Tu Dazhuang, one of the four hallmasters of the
Blackwood Stronghold, was nicknamed ‘Butcher’
“Bang!!” because his weapons were relatively special. They
were unexpectedly a pair of butcher knives.
Tiger Li’s entire body was suspended in midair. Someone who did not know about him would really
Various beams of red light shone out from inside think that he was a butcher.
his body. An explosion suddenly rang out and blood
was scattered all over a small area like a rain, At the moment, he was leading twelve henchmen
mixed with various bone and flesh fragments. galloping on a mountain path.
His body had been shattered! “That damned Tiger Li, he even secretly took his
men and went down from the mountain without
... ... ... ... Chieftain’s knowledge. Though he got Vice-
Chieftain’s permission, he still hasn’t returned for a
After watching the group of women who were yet to day and night. What’s really happened? Could it be
recover from their fright disappear in the direction of something has really happened?” Tu Dazhuang
the village while assisting each other, Li Chengfeng was thinking with a somewhat impatient expression
turned to Bai Yunfei, asking: “Yunfei, what are we while riding a horse, his face ugly and ferocious
going to do next? We can reach the foot of Mt. and full of whiskers.
Blackwood going east for another half day. Must we
get there quickly?” “Hallmaster, there seems to be someone in that
vacant area up ahead... They are our stronghold’s
Bai Yunfei cast a look at the corpses all over the men!”
ground. After contemplating with his head lowered
for a long time, he said with a shake of his head: Hearing this, Tu Dazhuang raised his head to take
“No, we’re going to wait here, staying by a stump a look. Indeed, there seemed to be many people
waiting for more hares! We’ve already killed two lying in disorder in a vacant area not far up ahead.
hallmasters of the Blackwood Stronghold. If I guess Even though he could not see the situation clearly,
correctly, we can still wait for another one...” he could tell that they were none other than bandits
from the Blackwood Stronghold.
Even though Li Chengfeng did not understand what
‘staying by a stump waiting for more hares’ meant, “Oh? Could it be this whole bunch of bastards got
he knew that Bai Yunfei wanted to wait here for drunk and have been sleeping ever since?
more bandits to come again then exterminate them Impossible! Quickly go take a look!” Tu Dazhuang
in an ambush. gave an order. His group of mounted men sped up
and rushed into the vacant area.
“Alright, I’ll do what you say. But next time, if there’s
really a hallmaster, let me have a fight with him When they just approached those men who were
first. I feel that I’m already about to reach the mid- lying on the ground, a bloody stench rushed into
stage Soul Apprentice level. If I can gain some their noses. Tu Dazhuang’s expression immediately
understanding of soulforce during combat, I should changed. When they came near them, they
be able to have a breakthrough very quickly. If at suddenly discovered that there were corpses all
that time I’m really no match for him, you can over the ground.
intervene to help me.”
Moreover, these corpses had obviously been
Bai Yunfei was stupefied with a rather happy manipulated by someone to make it impossible to
expression on his face: “Oh? You’re about to have see clearly from afar that they were already dead...
a breakthrough so soon? Good, then after you
reach the mid-stage Soul Apprentice level, we’ll kill “This is bad! It’s an ambush! Everybody prep...”
our way up the Blackwood Stronghold!”
~ 65 ~
It seemed all bandits’ warnings just could not be was sitting in the head position. He was none other
finished, or perhaps Bai Yunfei never gave them a than the chieftain of the Blackwood Stronghold,
chance to finish what they were saying. The Han Xiao. In the first subordinate chair on the left,
moment Tu Dazhuang uttered a word of warning, there was a burly man with a yellow face. This was
two silhouettes suddenly jumped out from within the the vice-chieftain Yang Tian. Next after him was an
pile of corpses and rushed straight at the bandits ordinary-looking middle-aged man. He was the only
not far in front of them. remaining of the four hallmasters in the stronghold,
Xiao Chen.
Bai Yunfei fought without any suspense. The
ordinary bandits were handled by him easily. At the moment, these men were all listening with
solemn expressions to the report of a bandit in the
The battle between Li Chengfeng and Tu hall.
Dazhuang, however, was rather long. In fact, Li
Chengfeng was a bit weaker than his opponent, but “Pa!”
after ending his fight, Bai Yunfei had been watching
their fight on one side while holding his spear, Han Xiao’s expression became more and more
making it impossible for Tu Dazhuang to focus his unsightly. Eventually, he could not help smashing
mind on fighting. an armrest of the chair he was sitting in with a
smack of his palm and roaring exasperatedly: “Who
Tu Dazhuang felt like his hands and feet were can tell me what’s going on?! Tiger Li went down
bound, but Li Chengfeng were fighting to his heart’s from the mountain without permission and hasn’t
content. His two daggers flew up and down, returned. Butcher was sent to look for him but
causing one wound after another on the opponent’s hasn’t been heard from ever since either. Even the
body. Of course, there were quite a few wounds on several batches of men sent afterwards to probe
his body too, but he had an advantage over his into the situation have all gone missing in action...
opponent, namely, he was wearing an upgraded What’s happened?! Could it be there are fierce
soft armor on his body. floods and savage beasts at the foot of the
mountain? They have all gone missing without a
As they kept fighting each other, Li Chengfeng’s trace. Does someone want to target our Blackwood
speed and strength suddenly unexpectedly Stronghold?!”
improved quite a lot. Bai Yunfei was happy inside:
“I didn’t think he’d make a breakthrough to reach Han Xiao’s elegant-looking face was now
the mid-stage Soul Apprentice level right in the somewhat ferocious. When his eyes swept over
middle of a fight!” that man who was reporting, he immediately felt
like he had fallen into an ice cellar. He sat on the
When one was rising, the other was falling. Tu floor with a dreadfully pale face, his entire body
Dazhuang was gradually put at a disadvantage. trembling: “Chief... Chieftain, I, I don’t know
Eventually, relying on the additional effects of the either...”
two daggers, Li Chengfeng made him bleed to
death! “Don’t be agitated, Chieftain. If there’s really a
strong enemy outside, then we must not lose our
When the fighting had finished, Bai Yunfei lifted an presence of mind.” That rude-looking vice-chieftain
unconscious bandit up and threw him to one side— Yang Tian was unexpectedly rather calm at the
this was the only bandit he had not killed. Then he moment. After stopping Han Xiao from getting mad,
took out a bottle of medicine and gave it to Li he continued: “The current situation is unclear, so
Chengfeng, saying: “Let’s rest for a while. After we must not throw ourselves into disarray and let
that, we’ll learn about some circumstances of the the enemy take advantage of this.”
Blackwood Stronghold...”
“Do you have any opinions?” Han Xiao asked after
... ... ... ... calming down a bit.
In a spacious hall in the Blackwood Stronghold, a “Hallmaster Li and hallmaster Tu haven’t returned. I
middle-aged man who looked gentle and cultivated think it’s most likely they have already met with
~ 66 ~
accidents. They are late-stage Soul Apprentices quite a lot of food with us, it’s nothing compared to
and have several dozen subordinates, but none of those bandits’, right? What are we going to do if
them has returned. My guess is that the enemy are they don’t come down from the mountain for a
very likely soul cultivators too, and not weak ones month or two?”
at that. The most important thing is, they have very
likely come here to specifically target our Bai Yunfei took out his bag of water, drank a gulp
Blackwood Stronghold!” and said smilingly: “Don’t worry. It’s those bandits
who should worry. We already learned a bit about
“But, the big powers in the several cities nearby all the situation on the mountain. Of the soul
know that our Blackwood Stronghold is backed by cultivators on the mountain at the moment, that
our school. Even the local authorities turn a blind late-stage Soul Personage vice-chieftain alone is
eye to us. Who would want to target us?” enough to draw both of us into an arduous struggle,
not to mention that mid-stage Soul Warrior
“The enemy have eliminated all the men we’ve sent chieftain. There’s also a late-stage Soul Apprentice
to probe, naturally because they don’t want us to hallmaster. If we charge up rashly, it’s very likely
know their identities, and also because they want to we’ll put ourselves in danger...”
put us under a mental strain. I feel that we’d better
not send anyone down from the mountain again. “Are these bits of information we extorted useful?
Let’s strengthen the defense on the mountain and What if we have been deceived?” Li Chengfeng
see if we can lure the enemy into going up the asked somewhat doubtfully.
mountain. But...”
“We can’t trust them completely, but they’re not
“But what?” Han Xiao asked doubtfully on seeing totally useless. At least we know roughly the power
his somewhat unsightly expression. of the bandits on the mountain, the general terrain
and some secret spots to keep watch. Looks like
“Hallmaster Zhong escorted the tributes back into they won’t come down from the mountain of their
the school. He should have already returned to the own accord. Then, tonight let’s go for a walk on the
stronghold. But now I’m afraid...” mountain.”
“What?!” Han Xiao was so shocked that he stood Late at night, a soundly sleeping Han Xiao was
up all of a sudden, stared at Yang Tian and asked: suddenly woken up with a start by a clamor. He
“You mean, even hallmaster Zhong has also fallen quickly stood up with vigilance. When he had just
victim to the enemy?” put on his clothes, knocks on the door rang out. A
bandit reported outside the door: “Chieftain,
After seeing Yang Tian nod, Han Xiao sat back someone has gone up the mountain secretly!
down in a somewhat dejected manner and waved Hallmaster Xiao has already rushed to the site of
his hand to everybody, saying: “All of you can the incident!”
leave. Just do as Vice-Chieftain said. Strengthen
the defense on the mountain and report When Han Xiao arrived at the hall of the
immediately if there’s an infiltrator!” stronghold, vice-chieftain Yang Tian happened to
arrive at the same time as him. After seeing Han
... ... ... ... Xiao, Yang Tian said with a somewhat anxious
expression: “Chieftain, let’s hurry over there. That
At a secret place in the forest at the foot of Mt. boor Xiao Chen unexpectedly didn’t wait for our
Blackwood, from here, it was possible to see the arrangements and has gone there without
only road leading up the mountain. permission. Now we can only hope that he can stall
the intruder until we arrive...”
After practicing spear techniques, Bai Yunfei was
leaning on a tree resting. Li Chengfeng looked at Bringing along a group of bandits, the two of them
him and asked somewhat doubtfully: “Yunfei, those immediately rushed out of the stronghold. Before
bandits haven’t made a move for three days they saw the site of the fight, they already vaguely
already. Are we going to keep watching at the foot heard a roar of war cries and continuous miserable
of the mountain like this? Though we have brought yells.
~ 67 ~
There was only a road leading up Mt. Blackwood, his hand was swung in a crimson arc, deflecting the
and it was narrow at the bottom and wide at the incoming spear off to one side.
top. At the moment, there was a group of over a
hundred bandits at a narrow junction, but most of The huge force coming through the body of the
them were crowded at the back. There were only a spear frightened Xiao Chen. Then his face was full
few dozen bandits really fighting at the forefront. of shock—all along, the opponent unexpectedly
had not gone all out! Just when he wanted to back
Li Chengfeng was dashing back and forth like a fast off, Bai Yunfei pushed his feet against the ground
and nimble hunting leopard. The daggers in his and rushed straight up to his face instead of pulling
hands seemed to draw blood every time he struck a the spear back and attacking with it.
blow. Almost all the bandits he came near were
killed by him. Under the opponent’s terrified look, Bai Yunfei lifted
his right fist and struck a devastating blow at his
Not far behind him, holding the Fire-tipped Spear, totally defenseless chest.
Bai Yunfei was fighting a man who also used a
spear. The man who was fighting him was none Overlapping Waves Art, Threefold Fist Force!
other than Xiao Chen.
The spear slipped off Xiao Chen’s hand. An area
Bai Yunfei was even more powerful than Xiao on his chest curved inwards in a strange manner
Chen, but his spear techniques were obviously not and he was sent flying on his back while vomiting
as skillful as the opponent’s. Therefore, as he held blood.
back on purpose, the two of them were also locked
in a close fight. Having practiced the Threefold Fist Force for the
last several days, now Bai Yunfei did not need
After piercing his spear through a bandit who buffer time anymore after he used it. He shook his
wanted to sneakily attack him, Bai Yunfei crouched spear, thrusting it repeatedly at the opponent’s
down, avoiding a horizontal sweep of Xiao Chen’s body, which was still in midair after being sent
spear. At the same time, he forced the opponent to flying.
retreat several steps with a horizontal sweep.
Raising his head looking towards the top of the Various bloody holes appeared on Xiao Chen’s
mountain, he could vaguely see a large group of body, but he had no reaction. Obviously he was
bandits coming in flocks. already dead, but Bai Yunfei did not stop at all.
When he thrust the spear out for the sixth time, his
Bai Yunfei struck several blows at Xiao Chen eyes glittered and he shouted fiercely: “Burst!”
continuously with his spear then grabbed up a
bandit who wanted to sneakily attack him and threw “Bang!!”
him towards the opponent. He turned to Li
Chengfeng and shouted: “It’s about time. Prepare Under the gaze of a whole group of dumbstruck
to retreat!” At the same time, he turned around, bandits, Xiao Chen’s body exploded into pieces in
ready to run away. the blink of an eye. A rain of blood then fell down
over a small area, wetting the heads and faces of
“Want to flee? It won't be that easy!” Having all the bandits.
smacked that man away, Xiao Chen shouted loudly
as soon as he heard that Bai Yunfei wanted to This was the first scene Han Xiao and Yang Tian
withdraw. He thrust his spear at Bai Yunfei’s back. saw upon arriving at the site of the battle.
But he did not know that the moment Bai Yunfei Bai Yunfei cast a look at the large group of bandits
turned around, a faint smile appeared on the who had just appeared in his field of vision in the
corners of his mouth! distance then turned around without hesitation. He
and Li Chengfeng disappeared together on the path
Using that one step he had taken as the axis, he at the foot of the mountain. Not a single bandit
turned around abruptly. The Fire-tipped Spear in dared to go to pursue and attack them.
~ 68 ~
From the foot of the mountain, distant, resounding couldn't even possible imagine the grade of the
words then came into the ears of all the bandits crimson spear used by the killer of Xiao Chen.
who had just arrived on the mountain.
Though an unsightly expression was still on the
“Three days from now, we’ll destroy the Blackwood vice-chieftain, Yang Tian's face, he was much
Stronghold! Anyone who will still be on the calmer now. Only after Han Xiao’s fury had
mountain will be... killed!” subsided somewhat did he say: “Chieftain, please
calm down quickly. I’d like to repeat myself: We
Chapter 18: Bai Yunfei's Plan must not throw ourselves into disarray, otherwise
we’ll fall for the enemy’s trickery...”
Chapter 18: Bai Yunfei's Plan
“Oh? What are your opinions?” Han Xiao knew that
In the hall of the stronghold, Han Xiao was sitting in he was indeed less resourceful than this vice-
a chair with a solemn expression. Under the chieftain. There had been many times when Yang
illumination of the lights in the hall, his face looked Tian had played the role of counselor in the
somewhat ferocious and terrifying. A group of stronghold.
bandits guarding outside the entrance hall all held
their breath for fear that they would annoy their “Firstly, I can confirm one thing, that is, the enemy
chieftain and become a target for him to vent his are definitely not very strong, or else they would
anger on. have already gone up and attacked us directly. I
guess it’s very likely they don’t have someone more
This battle tonight had resulted in the death of the powerful than a Soul Warrior among them.
only remaining hallmaster and ordinary bandit
casualties of nearly one hundred! However, when “Besides, the intention of the two men on the
Han Xiao had arrived, he could not even see clearly mountain tonight was very obvious too. It was a
what the enemy looked like. scare tactic! Not us, they wanted to frighten those
ordinary people under us. To these people, soul
“Damn it! Damn it! Who are they actually?! That cultivators are extremely powerful beings. Seeing
man who killed Xiao Chen, the spear in his hands is with their own eyes a normally lofty hallmaster
definitely a soul armament! And not low-level at killed like that was an unexpected shock to them.
that! High human-tier... or is it an earth-tier soul Plus, that man said those words in the end. I think...
item? Destroying my Blackwood Stronghold in within the next several days, there will most
three days from now?... Such insolence!” In his probably be some unforeseen events happening in
fury, Han Xiao smacked his palm down and the the stronghold.”
newly changed chair under him was gloriously
relieved of its duties once again. “You mean... some will flee from the stronghold?”
“Then what should we do?” Hearing him say so, “This battle was really satisfying! Those inhuman
Han Xiao was also somewhat flustered inside. bandits who normally looked at us like we were
ants they could kill whenever they like were killed
“There’s no other way. We can’t take our men and by me with ease stroke after stroke... If I had
rush down from the mountain because they most possessed this power earlier, if I had possessed
probably are already waiting for us in ambush. So, this power earlier... My dad, my mom, my older
we have no choice but to strengthen the defense sister, also Uncle Zhou next door, village chief
on the mountain and be ready to fight the enemy Uncle Li and everybody else...” Li Chengfeng
anytime...” mumbled to himself while leaning on a tree looking
into the sky through the gaps between the leaves,
“Damn it! When has our Blackwood Stronghold “Now that I have the power, I’m going to...
ever been so useless?... You also said they very exterminate all bandits! Kill them all...”
likely don’t have someone as strong as a Soul
Warrior. Why don’t I just personally take everyone “Are you okay, Chengfeng? You...” Bai Yunfei, who
in the stronghold and rush down from the was on one side of him, could not help calling him
mountain? It doesn’t matter if there’s an ambush or upon seeing him become more and more unusual
not, I’ll just destroy them with my sheer power!” as he talked.
“You absolutely can’t do that! If you’re a bit Li Chengfeng stopped talking to himself, massaged
careless, the Blackwood Stronghold will really be his head a bit then smiled at Bai Yunfei, saying: “I
exterminated. Plus... have you forgotten the soul know what you’re are worrying about, but rest
armament that man used to kill Xiao Chen? That assured, I won’t lose myself. Those bandits all
spear is definitely not low-grade. To soul cultivators deserve to die. I’m just taking revenge for myself
~ 70 ~
and those who died. There’s no other goal. I won’t run away. Regardless of whether that chieftain will
become a murderous demon...” take any suppression measure to stop this, it won’t
be a disadvantage to us.”
Bai Yunfei let out a sigh of relief, saying: “Yeah,
they all deserve to die. If we let them go, they will “Then... if some really run away from the mountain,
make even more innocent people suffer to the will we let them go?”
fullest. When I first encountered them, I wasn’t so
determined as you were, but now... we’ll definitely “What? You’re willing to let them go?”
destroy them completely!”
“Of course not! These inhuman scoundrels, if we let
“Right, aren’t you about to reach the mid-stage Soul any of them go, they will become a scourge.”
Personage level? That spear-wielding bandit who
fought you before was much weaker than you, why “Then that’s the end of it. If someone really goes
did you fight him for so long? Only to wait for that down from the mountain, we’ll kill him.”
chieftain’s arrival to strike fear into him?” Li
Chengfeng could not help asking doubtfully upon “... ... ... ...”
recalling the last battle.
“Alright, let’s take turns to rest. In the next several
“That’s one thing. The most important thing is, days, we’ll have to intensify our training. Both you
didn’t you say he was also a spear user? Though I and I have fast practice speeds. I believe it won’t
practiced my spear techniques to a decent level, I take long for me to break through to become a mid-
had too little real combat experience. A spear user stage Soul Personage and for you to reach the late-
like him was hard to come by so naturally I had to stage Soul Apprentice level as well. By then, the
fight him for as long as possible to learn from him.” time will be ripe, and we’ll destroy this bandit den in
one fell stroke!”
“Oh... I really can’t understand you. You still call
yourself weak? The power of your Fire-tipped Chapter 19: The Time is Ripe, Infiltrate the
Spear is enough to make up for the deficiencies in Stronghold!
your techniques, right?”
Chapter 19: The Time is Ripe, Infiltrate the
“That’s only true when dealing with the enemies Stronghold!
we’ve encountered so far. In the world of soul
cultivators, we are still very, very weak...” As he Within the next three days, some bandits indeed
said, Bai Yunfei could not help thinking about that could not endure the fear in their hearts anymore
casual look Zhang Yang’s father Zhang Zhenshan and wanted to secretly flee down the mountain.
had given him. The Soul Sprite stage was a height They were basically the bandits who had witnessed
he simply could not reach at the moment, let alone with their own eyes the fight between Bai Yunfei
the stage of the mysterious old man who had given and Xiao Chen.
him the space ring.
When the first twelve men took advantage of the
“Right, what did you mean when shouting those night to stealthily go out of the stronghold, they
words in the end? Are we going to attack the were detected, captured and brought back. Han
stronghold in three days from now?” Xiao immediately gave an order to kill them all for
betraying the stronghold.
“Of course not. I just fooled them...”
This ruthless act really deterred some bandits who
“... ... ... ...” had been scared out of their wits by Bai Yunfei from
fleeing, but the panic in the entire stronghold had
“Ha ha, it’s just a little ploy to make it even more not lessened one bit. Instead, because it had been
convenient for us to get into action later.” Bai Yunfei building up for several days, it was more intense
continued laughingly while looking up the mountain. now than ever.
“If I guess correctly, in two days from now, some
bandits will probably go down from the mountain to
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The day after the third day was Bai Yunfei’s At this point, if we take our subordinates and rush
‘appointment day’. Almost all the bandits in the down, we’ll most probably fall into the enemy’s trap.
stronghold had not slept for a night. Now, even So, I think only you and I should go down from the
when they walked, they looked around a few times mountain to scout around.”
at every step for fear that the enemy would storm
the place suddenly and execute them. Yang Tian paused for a while then continued:
“Given our skills, even if the enemy has set up an
But... Bai Yunfei failed to keep the appointment. ambush, we can still get away as long as we’re
cautious. At least, we’ll be able to learn a bit about
After a day of being on the alert and combat-ready, the general situation of the enemy to decide how to
everybody realized that this was just the enemy fight them later.”
deliberately making things look mysterious. They
could not help letting out sighs of relief. However, Han Xiao’s mind was already in complete chaos at
on the fifth day, when they had yet to loosen up the moment. He thought for a while then said with a
completely, Bai Yunfei and Li Chengfeng killed their nod: “Alright! Just do as you say. So when do we
way up Mt. Blackwood again! start?”
They raided two patrolling groups of bandits then Yang Tian observed the color of the sky and said:
immediately fled when they saw the chieftain and “It’s already night now. We’ll go down from the
vice-chieftain appear! mountain to scout at about 3 a.m.!”
For the next three days, the bandits in the When Yang Tian walked out of the hall, he looked
Blackwood Stronghold simply had to live in deep somewhat frustrated and worried. In fact, he
distress because the enemy could charge up the basically did not want to go down from the
mountain at any time, and instead of attacking the mountain to scout. He had said that they could get
stronghold, they would kill the ones on patrol near away if they were a bit cautious only to console his
the foot of the mountain then withdraw. The chieftain, otherwise, he would have taken this
chieftain and vice-chieftain once waited with their measure right from the beginning. But now, he had
men for an entire day at the entrance but nothing no choice but to do this. However, as soon as he
happened at all. As soon as they returned to the thought about that crimson spear, he could not help
stronghold, they enemy came out again... shivering inside, wondering if he himself could ward
it off in an ambush...
Unexpectedly, when Han Xiao and Yang Tian
regained their composure, there were already fewer ... ... ... ...
than two hundred men left in the stronghold.
At the foot of the mountain, Bai Yunfei and Li
In the hall of the stronghold, Yang Tian looked at Chengfeng were slowly heading up the mountain in
the pieces of the tables and chairs destroyed by secret under the cover of the night.
Han Xiao in his anger all over the floor then said
slowly: “Chieftain, if this goes on, we simply can “Following the plan, tonight we’re destroying this
only wait for our deaths. I think the two of us must Blackwood Stronghold once and for all!”
take a risk and scout around...”
After practicing for the last several days, Bai Yunfei
“Oh? What do you mean?” Han Xiao asked after and Li Chengfeng had already become a mid-
suppressing the fury in his mind. stage Soul Personage stage and a late-stage Soul
Apprentice respectively. Therefore, according to
“Clearly the enemy are certain that we don’t dare to their original plan, they had a detailed discussion
come down from the mountain to counterattack so and decided to launch a full-scale attack on the
they use this ‘cut flesh with a blunt knife’ kind of stronghold tonight.
tactic. In the end, when our stronghold has
seriously weakened and lost most of its fighting Of course, killing their way up the path was out of
power, they will go up the mountain to attack again, the question. Even though Bai Yunfei was now
destroying our Blackwood Stronghold at one stroke. powerful enough to deal with the vice-chieftain, if
~ 72 ~
the mid-stage Soul Warrior chieftain were to join on that person’s neck and shouted in a low voice:
the fight, he'd have trouble emerging victorious; “Don’t make a sound! Or I’ll kill you right away!”
even if he and Li Chengfeng teamed up. There was
also the fact that there were still more than a Captured all of a sudden, that person let out
hundred ordinary bandits left to fight. muffled shouts instinctively. However, after hearing
his words, they stopped doing this at once
Therefore, they finally decided that Bai Yunfei obediently, but they could not stop their body from
would infiltrate into the stronghold first and find an trembling all over.
opportunity to kill the vice-chieftain. If he
succeeded, tonight they would definitely be able to “Oh?” Only thanks to the dim moonlight outside the
destroy the Blackwood Stronghold completely! window did Bai Yunfei see clearly that the target
was unexpectedly a woman!
Thanks to the sneak attack tactic they had been
using for the last several days, they were rather Could it be this was a female bandit?
familiar with the entrance area. Add to that the
intelligence they had extorted earlier, and Bai Bai Yunfei was doubtful for a short while, but then
Yunfei already had a general idea of the situation he said threateningly: “I’ll let go of you now. Don’t
on the entire Mt. Blackwood. shout! Or I’ll kill you just like I killed other bandits!”
Now the patrol intensity of those bandits was That woman was trembling nonstop in fear, but
obviously much weaker than before. This coupled after hearing these words, she was stupefied for a
with his nimbleness and stealth allowed Bai Yunfei while then unexpectedly relaxed. Without
to infiltrate into the stronghold without being struggling, she nodded slightly.
detected by anybody.
Bai Yunfei slowly loosened the hand which was
Although he already had a layout of the covering her mouth, but the Glacial Pricker still had
stronghold’s interior in his mind, upon really yet to move away from her neck. If she dared to
entering it, he felt that this stronghold was rather shout for help, he would kill her instantly.
large. He had to carefully avoid the bandits who
were patrolling back and forth too, so after going for That women slightly gasped for air then said in a
a while, he felt somewhat confused and low voice: “You... You are the person who wants to
disoriented. destroy the stronghold? You... You have come to
rescue us?”
Now he had no choice but to plan to capture a
bandit and extract the location of the vice- “Oh?” Bai Yunfei was stupefied. What did she
chieftain’s dwelling place from him. mean? Seeing that this woman did not want to
shout for help, he put the pricker down a bit then
When he arrived at the side of a room, some food took half a step backwards. Only now did he see
smells came out from inside. Apparently this was clearly the woman in front of him.
the kitchen. Moreover, there were vague sounds of
movements inside. This was an ordinary middle-aged woman dressed
in somewhat shabby clothes. She was looking at
“It’s already night now. Most of the bandits are Bai Yunfei with an expression full of hope. No
resting. Could it be someone got hungry and ran matter how he looked at her, she resembled a
over here to find something to eat? This is just virtuous woman in a common village instead of a
right. I choose you!” bandit.
After looking around, Bai Yunfei carefully pushed “You’re not a bandit? Who are you?” Bai Yunfei
open that unlatched door. He rushed in like a flash asked in a low voice.
then dashed up to the back of the person in the
room and covered the target’s mouth with his left “I... I came from Cheng village a hundred
hand. When he lifted his right hand, the Glacial kilometers to the west side of Mt. Blackwood. A
Pricker had already appeared in his hand. He put it year ago, the bandits captured me and brought me
~ 73 ~
up into the stronghold to do the washing and up in her eyes: “They’ve come again. Recently
cooking for them. Besides myself, there are still these bandits have been living in fear all day long.
many people locked up in this stronghold. It’s still There’s nowhere for them to go to vent their
tolerable for old people like me because we’re only frustration so they have tortured them twice as
in charge of the rough work and the food. But... much as before...”
those young women, not only are they forced to
work, they are also tortured... I beg of you, please “Was it... because of me? Because I put these
save them!” The middle-aged woman implored in a bandits under pressure, they have tortured them
low voice as if she was clutching at the only life- twice as much?” Bai Yunfei went into a trance for a
saving straw. moment. There was an indescribable feeling in his
Unexpectedly, there were still many abducted
women in this stronghold! Suddenly he raised his head and his body turned
into a blur, rushing into the room.
Chapter 20: Kill the Vice-chieftain!
The moment he entered the room, he saw clearly
Chapter 20: Kill the Vice-chieftain! the situation inside. The chamber was divided into
five identical prison cells. In each cell, there were
Bai Yunfei’s expression changed repeatedly. He nearly ten women in a corner of the walls, huddling
hadn't expected the existence of these people in together while trembling.
the stronghold.
In the cell nearest Bai Yunfei, six bandits with
However, he didn't find this strange either. There repulsive naked bodies were gathering around
were several hundred bandits in the entire several young women and tearing at their already
stronghold. Those vicious bandits couldn't always tattered clothes.
wash their own clothes and cook their own meals,
therefore it wasn't unusual to see abducted women With their backs facing the door, the bandits simply
in the stronghold. He had only overlooked the did not notice that someone else had come in. Bai
problem the entire time. Yunfei’s expression was somewhat distorted, his
fury seemingly rushing out of his eyes. In the blink
Now that he thought about it, this was most likely of an eye, he charged up to the back of a bandit
the reason why the bandits he encountered last and thrust the Glacial Pricker in his hand into that
time had bothered to kidnap those women after man’s heart without hesitation!
raiding the village.
To avoid horrifying the women at the scene, Bai
Bai Yunfei estimated the time for a while and said: Yunfei did not kill the six bandits in an overly bloody
“Don’t worry. Since I already know, I’ll definitely way. They all died from a stab to the heart in almost
rescue all of you. Now, take me to the place where the blink of an eye.
they are locked up first. I need to learn a bit about
the situation.” The women seemed to be scared out of their wits
by this sudden event. They all looked at Bai Yunfei
Guided by the middle-aged woman, Bai Yunfei in stupefaction with dropped jaws.
arrived at a shabby building that looked like a
prison cell. Unexpectedly, there were no guards at Right at this moment, that middle-aged women also
the entrance, and the door seemed to be unlocked walked in. Seeing Bai Yunfei throwing the six bandit
too. corpses into a pile like throwing trash, she trembled
slightly, but she reacted very fast by hurriedly
Even before getting close to it, Bai Yunfei heard walking up to Bai Yunfei’s side and saying in a low
lewd laughs of a good several men and sounds of voice to those women: “Don’t make a sound,
women pleading coming from inside. everybody! Don’t be afraid! This person has come
to rescue us!”
His expression changed, but the middle-aged
woman seemed to be used to this, distress showing
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She seemed to be influential among these women. At the same time, he threw a kick with his right foot
At least what she had said made them loosen up. without thinking, knocking back the person who
After understanding the situation, they even began was attacking him from behind. After thudding
to discuss with each other in low voices somewhat several steps backwards, he felt a chill at his heart
excitedly while often glancing stealthily at Bai area. When he lowered his head to take a look, he
Yunfei with expressions containing traces of hope was shocked to discover that a hole had been
and fear. pierced through the thick body of the long saber in
his hand. A hole half an inch deep had also been
Ten minutes later, having changed into the clothes pierced into his chest, almost taking his life!
of a bandit, Bai Yunfei walked to the door and said
to the middle-aged woman: “All of you just wait in Taking advantage of the opportunity created by the
here and shut the door tightly. Unless I come back, confusion Li Chengfeng had caused when
don’t open it, no matter what. Do you understand?” launching an attack at the foot of the mountain, Bai
Yunfei had impersonated a messenger and used a
He observed the position of the moon then sneak attack on the enemy, but unexpectedly, it
estimated the time once again. Hiding his body in had still been avoided.
the shadows of the houses, he quickly headed for
the courtyard house where that vice-chieftain lived Yang Tian felt bursts of coldness coming from his
as informed by the middle-aged woman. wound. When he raised his head again and saw
that glittering blue short pricker in the opponent’s
... ... ... ... hand, he shouted in shock: “Soul item! You are...”
Yang Tian was sitting with legs crossed on his bed Nobody should talk so much nonsense in a fight!
channeling his soulforce, adjusting his condition in
preparation for the probe tonight. But he always felt “I must finish the fight quickly! If that chieftain
somewhat uneasy and could not focus on comes here in time, I’ll be in trouble!”
practicing. Instead, he grew more and more
restless. Knocked back by a kick from the enemy, Bai Yunfei
had a slightly disappointed expression, but he did
All of a sudden, bursts of clamor came into the not pause at all. With a shake of his wrist, the
room, vaguely containing wave after wave of war Glacial Pricker disappeared and the crimson Fire-
cries. tipped Spear appeared in his hand. He gave it a
jerk, thrusting it straight at Yang Tian.
“Vice-Chieftain! This is bad! The enemy have gone
up to attack again!” An urgent shout rang out “A space ring? It’s you!” The moment Yang Tian
outside the door. Yang Tian was frightened inside. saw the crimson spear appear, he had an even
He immediately grabbed up the large saber beside more astounded expression. Not daring to block
him and quickly walked out of the room. this thrust, he leaned to one side and avoided it
with difficulty.
When he knocked open the door, the man who had
just reported was standing on one side with his However, he was after all a soul cultivator with a lot
head lowered. Yang Tian did not care about him of combat experience so he calmed down almost
either. He immediately turned to go towards the hall instantly. At least that was how he looked on the
of the stronghold, at the same time giving an order: outside. As he dodged and warded off the spear,
“Tell everybody to prepare for battle! Chieftain his mind was racing, “Somehow, he managed to
and...” infiltrate the stronghold! But he’s only a mid-stage
Soul Personage. Though he has an extremely
Before he could finish what he was saying, he powerful soul weapon in his hands, if I can stall him
suddenly felt a chill on his back, his hair standing until Chieftain arrives... we’ll win!”
up on end. A fear of death rushed into his mind.
Having no time to think carefully, he turned around After regaining his fighting spirit, Yang Tian also
like lightning and lifted his large saber up to his gradually recovered his state and even began to
chest. counterattack. The two of them were comparable in
~ 75 ~
power so they were locked in a close fight under The only pity was that the explosion effect had not
the flashes and shadows of the weapons. A group been triggered, otherwise this one blow alone
of bandits had come here after hearing the sounds would have been enough to kill him!
of fighting and were gathering outside the door, but
they did not dare to intervene. His eyes filled with a deep terror, Yang Tian wanted
to retreat, but Bai Yunfei kept him entangled so he
As the fight went on, Bai Yunfei looked more and had no choice but to resist desperately.
more anxious. As time passed, his expression also
seemed to become more and more unsightly. Then there was a clamor at the door. With a
However, Yang Tian was excited inside and glance, Yang Tian saw Han Xiao coming in a rush
seemed to get bolder as the fight progressed. and had a pleasantly surprised expression.
Clenching his teeth, he struck a fierce blow with the
His eyes flashing with determination, Bai Yunfei saber, forcing Bai Yunfei back half a step, then
suddenly changed the way he fought. He jumped off to one side with all his might, pulling
unexpectedly gave up defending most of his body away from Bai Yunfei. He shouted with his mouth:
to begin to attack recklessly. “Chieftain, help me...”
Yang Tian’s eyes flashed. He thought that the The moment he jumped away, he glanced at Bai
opponent had become so impatient that he had lost Yunfei and did not see Bai Yunfei pursue and
his presence of mind. As he dodged, he hacked his attack him so he was delighted inside. As soon as
long saber at Bai Yunfei repeatedly without he landed, he wanted to turn around to kill this man
hesitation. with the chieftain. But he saw Bai Yunfei throw
something blue out of his hand like lightning with a
Ding! Ding! Ding! A series of sounds of metal flick.
clashing against metal rang out. Bai Yunfei had
unexpectedly deliberately resisted several blows of A blue light then pierced through his chest in a
the saber head-on with his body. Although the +10 flash!
soft armor could not remain intact under the attack
of a mid-stage Soul Personage like Yang Tian, Chapter 21: The Final Fight Against a Soul
whose some blows had broken it, it had withstood Warrior and Flying Daggers!
most of the damage. Several wounds had also
appeared on Bai Yunfei’s waist, but they were not Chapter 21: The Final Fight Against a Soul Warrior
serious at all. and Flying Daggers!
Yang Tian was shocked once again. Moreover, Yang Tian had a blank expression. He felt that his
when he hit the left side of the opponent’s waist entire body’s vitality was flowing away from his
with yet another saber strike, a strange reaction chest. His eyes gradually lost focus and in the end
force suddenly came at him. This was none other he fell to the ground with a thud.
than the additional effect of the +10 soft armor --
damage reflection! Because he had not anticipated When Han Xiao knew that someone had gone up
this, the long saber was almost sent flying from his the mountain to attack, he arrived at the hall as fast
hand, and his arm was also raised outwards. Bai as possible and began to instruct his subordinates
Yunfei seized this opportunity and thrust his spear to prepare for battle, at the same time waiting for
out, its tip flickering with a red light. Yang Tian to come. But after waiting for a while,
one of his subordinates came and reported that the
Yang Tian did his utmost to dodge but the tip of the vice-chieftain was fighting an enemy and that the
spear still pierced into his left shoulder. He only felt two of them were comparable in power.
a scorching force spread throughout his body in the
blink of an eye. His left shoulder was even in a Han Xiao was frightened because someone
burning pain and he could not feel his left arm comparable to Yang Tian in power had to be at
altogether! least a mid-stage Soul Personage too! He
immediately hurried over there without hesitation.
~ 76 ~
However, when he finally saw the two combatants, sparkling slightly. Although the strike had left a dent
Yang Tian was at a disadvantage and even on the in it, Han Xiao was not injured at all!
verge of death!
The short sword cut across Bai Yunfei’s left arm,
Before he could rush up and help, Yang Tian causing another wound. Even worse, the enemy
unexpectedly made a mistake and was killed by the had closed in on him, so it was already too late to
enemy! pull the spear back for defense!
Taking advantage of the moments when everybody Bai Yunfei’s eyes flashed with a hint of resolution.
was still shocked by Yang Tian’s sudden death, Bai Regardless of the dagger the opponent was
Yunfei quickly dashed up to the wall behind Yang thrusting at his waist, he made the Fire-tipped
Tian and pulled the Glacial Pricker out from its Spear disappear. When he raised his right hand, it
surface. was already holding the Glacial Pricker, and he
thrust it at the opponent’s heart in a similarly fierce
Almost as soon as he turned around, Han Xiao’s fashion!
attack already came.
If you injure me, you’ll die!
Fast, it was really too fast. Bai Yunfei simply had no
time to counterattack with the spear and could only A shocked expression showed up in Han Xiao
dodge to one side within a hair’s breadth. His left eyes. He had not expected the opponent to be so
arm was still cut with a deep wound open to the stubborn as to force a no-win situation, paying
bone by the opponent’s short blade. absolutely no attention to dodging! Of course he
was unwilling to accept this. Without hesitation, he
“This is the power of the Soul Warrior stage? I gave up attacking right away and backed off
misjudged it... It’s much stronger than I thought!” continuously.
Bai Yunfei thought bitterly as he raised his spear Seeing Han Xiao retreat, Bai Yunfei also took
and swept it horizontally, squeezing out a small gap several steps backwards, extending the distance
of time to breathe. between them. At the same time, the Fire-tipped
Spear reappeared in his hand. His eyes glittering,
Han Xiao’s weapon was a pair of blades of very he looked the opponent in the eyes in stalemate.
different lengths. The one in his left hand was a
short sword over two feet long and the one in his Because the opponent’s golden soft armor was
right hand was a small and exquisite dagger. much better defensively than Bai Yunfei’s +10
upgraded soft armor, if he could not hit the
Bai Yunfei brandished his spear, creating an area opponent squarely with a full-power thrust, he
of spear blurs in front of him, preventing the simply would not be able to injure him seriously.
opponent from charging up to his face. But the
enemy was really too fast. Even though his spear “Then I’ve got no choice but to attack the limbs and
was swift and fierce, it could not hurt him one bit. head?” Bai Yunfei’s mind was racing, trying to
come up with a response.
All of a sudden, Han Xiao’s eyes flashed with
coldness. Facing the incoming spear, he did not try Staring at Bai Yunfei in front of him, Han Xiao
to avoid it completely. Instead, he slightly leaned to suddenly shouted loudly: “Why are you still
one side to protect his vital parts from the spear standing there?! Go up together! Kill him!”
and thrust the short sword in his left hand out,
directing it at Bai Yunfei along the handle of the These words were said to the group of bandits who
spear! were standing outside the courtyard house
watching the fight.
When the tip of the spear came into contact with
the right side of his waist, there was unexpectedly a But they were no fools! Kill him? He was the killer
shower of sparks. His coat was lacerated, revealing of the vice-chieftain, and not even the chieftain
a golden soft armor underneath, which was could kill him!
~ 77 ~
The bandits looked at each other, but no one dared However, Han Xiao’s attack was not finished yet!
to be the first to step into the courtyard house. He turned his wrist over and another dagger
appeared, which was similarly thrown with a flick.
Right at this moment, a miserable cry suddenly Afterwards, the second and the third daggers were
rang out at the back of the crowd of bandits. They thrown. The three daggers flew out almost
were all frightened. Upon turning around to take a simultaneously, coming at Bai Yunfei in a triangular
look, they saw that a man drenched completely in formation.
blood and holding two daggers in his hands was
killing his way into the crowd like a merciless god of Bai Yunfei gave a cold snort and brandished his
death. spear like a windmill, creating a shield of spear
blurs in front of him. Three ringing sounds were
This was none other than Li Chengfeng! heard as the incoming daggers were all sent flying.
Before the bandits could decide whether or not to Han Xiao did not pause at all. He threw two more
listen to their chieftain’s order by rushing up and daggers straight at Bai Yunfei’s feet.
fighting Bai Yunfei, they already got entangled in a
fight against Li Chengfeng. Bai Yunfei stopped brandishing the spear and
dashed obliquely to one side. The moment he
The two men who were facing each other in the jumped away, he made the spear disappear and
courtyard had also noticed Li Chengfeng’s arrival. also shot a dagger at Han Xiao’s throat with a flick
Han Xiao was frightened, but Bai Yunfei was of his hand.
“I’ve got flying daggers too!”
“I didn’t think Chengfeng would act so fast. Looks
like his hatred for the bandits has reached an Han Xiao had originally wanted to pursue and
unimaginable level... Now this hatred has exploded attack the opponent when he dashed to one side.
completely so he’s doing much better than usual! Seeing a streak of cold light shooting at him, he
Then... I’ll also go all out!” was shocked immediately. He had not expected the
enemy to be also capable of using flying daggers!
The moment Han Xiao glanced at the fighting
outside, Bai Yunfei took the initiative and attacked. Shocked, he dashed to one side, missing the
opportunity to pursue and attack Bai Yunfei. Worse
Since the opponent was wearing a soft armor on still, he had given Bai Yunfei a chance to attack
his torso, he would attack his lower body. him!
Bai Yunfei’s opportunistic attack caught Han Xiao An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Bai
somewhat unprepared, but then he adapted very Yunfei did what Han Xiao had done earlier by
quickly by moving nimbly about, dodging and flicking his hands continuously, shooting one
weaving, giving Bai Yunfei basically no chance. dagger after another at the opponent as if he was
never going to stop.
All of a sudden, Han Xiao made a dash backwards,
pulling away a distance. At the same time, he shot The originally close-quarters struggle had turned
a streak of cold light straight at Bai Yunfei’s face into a flying dagger competition. The two of them
with a flick of his right hand. seemed to have quite a few daggers in their space
rings so they kept shooting flying daggers at each
The moment he raised his hand, Bai Yunfei was other while dodging the incoming daggers.
somewhat aware of this. After all, he had practiced
throwing flying daggers with his hands quite a lot However, after a while, the difference emerged. Bai
recently too. He leaned his head to one side. The Yunfei after all was too inexperienced so despite
dagger went past his ear and stuck into the wall having quite a lot of talent for the art of flying
behind him. daggers, he could not compare with a flying dagger
veteran like Han Xiao.
~ 78 ~
They were both wearing soft armors on their torsos, blow from piercing through his throat, his right
giving off ringing sounds when they were hit by shoulder had been left with a bloody hole!
flying daggers. But Bai Yunfei’s defense was
obviously not enough. His armor had already been However, the hole in his right shoulder was not
damaged in many places and his arms and legs bleeding much. The wound seemed to have been
had also suffered many wounds. He seemed to be frozen. In the blink of an eye, a cold feeling spread
gradually losing. through his entire body, almost making Han Xiao
tremble. He could not feel his right shoulder and
“Humph! Want to fight me with flying daggers? right arm at all.
You’re just cutting your own throat! Within the next
ten daggers, I’ll definitely kill you!” Looking at the hole in his shoulder, Han Xiao’s
eyes were filled with endless horror. As soon as he
Han Xiao raised the corners of his mouth with a raised his head, he felt a heat wave hit him in the
trace of complacency. It seemed he was ridiculing face.
Bai Yunfei for overestimating his power. Seeing Bai
Yunfei lose balance slightly and move obliquely to A dazzling red light seemed to have filled his entire
one side because of dodging a flying dagger, Han field of vision. He wanted to move and dodge, but
Xiao’s eyes flashed with fierceness. With a shake his body was ice-cold inside. It was already too late
of his hand, two daggers appeared in his hand at to dodge!
the same time, ready to be shot out.
But right at this moment, his expression suddenly
changed greatly! The tip of the spear pierced out through the back of
his neck. After it had been stained with blood, the
Chapter 22: Destroy the Blackwood Stronghold red flicker it gave off had a strange feel.
and Return to the City!
Bai Yunfei withdrew the spear, letting the enemy’s
Chapter 22: Destroy the Blackwood Stronghold and body fall backwards. Blood spewed out from his
Return to the City! throat, splattering over a whole area.
Just when Han Xiao wanted to flick his hand for the The chieftain of the Blackwood Stronghold, a soul
last time to shoot these two deadly flying daggers cultivator of the Soul Warrior stage, had died with a
out, killing the opponent, his expression suddenly deep regret just like that!
changed greatly. He simply did not have time to
attack anymore! Having done all of this, Bai Yunfei suddenly
staggered backwards continuously, seemingly as if
Bai Yunfei, who seemed to be losing balance, he was exhausted. In the end he could no longer
made a twisting movement with his body in a stand and fell on his buttocks to the ground. His
strange manner as if he had now completely back leaning on a wall, he began to gasp for
abandoned the idea of dodging, his right hand breath.
swung in a blur. A blue light shot out like a flash of
lightning, aimed straight at the enemy’s throat! “Luckily... the Glacial Pricker didn’t disappoint me
after I poured almost all my remaining soulforce
Fast, it was so fast! It was so fast that Han Xiao into it and shot it out, otherwise, I would have been
basically had no time to dodge. When the thought dead. Later I can’t fight recklessly like this since I
of dodging sprang to his mind, the blue light was can’t be this lucky every time...”
already close to him!
Seeing that Han Xiao was now completely dead, he
At this crucial moment of life and death, Han Xiao finally let out a sigh of relief and calmed his excited
moved away three centimeters to the left thanks to mind down, starting to recover his exhausted
his extremely fast reaction speed. He felt a chill in soulforce and strength.
his right arm. Even though he had prevented this
~ 79 ~
This battle was really somewhat beyond his acupoints was rather insufficient, otherwise he
expectations, and he had even less expected that would not have been sent by his school to this kind
he himself would be able to kill two soul cultivators of place to occupy a mountain and become a
not weaker than him in the slightest—all of this was bandit. Even now, he could only control the basic
mostly thanks to those various upgraded items, acupoints in several places such as his arms and
especially the Glacial Pricker, whose powerful legs. Despite this, the power and speed he could
surprise attacks were crucial to him winning the unleash were not something a Soul Personage
fights. could compare with.
In fact, Han Xiao should not have lost so easily and However, he run into the wrong opponent in the
quickly. To ordinary Soul Personages, a Soul wrong place at the wrong time and chose the wrong
Warrior was practically invincible, because in fighting method!
addition to the skin-flesh control and bone-blood
control, a Soul Warrior also knew the third level of When he was preparing for the midnight probe
body control—acupoint control! according to the earlier plan, Bai Yunfei and Li
Chengfeng launched their attack first. Right from
Acupoints were mysterious things in the body. They the beginning, his mind was already thrown into
were not tangible like skin, flesh, bones and blood, disorder. Afterwards, seeing Yang Tian get killed
but they really did exist. Despite their tiny size, with his own eyes came as a considerable blow to
these acupoints possessed unimaginable power. him.
Nobody knew how many acupoints the human body Also, right from the beginning he was already afraid
had in total yet. Even the various already of the spear in Bai Yunfei’s hands so he did not
discovered acupoints still had many unknown dare to go all out. After checking the opponent out
functions. for a while, he decided to fight with flying daggers,
which he was good at, intending to defeat the
Many of those martial artists, who used external opponent with long-distance attacks.
force to train their bodies, also considered some
acupoints in the human body to be targets of their But he did not expect Bai Yunfei to be not bad at
attacks, achieving unexpected results. the art of flying daggers too! After the two of them
Furthermore, in the field of medicine, there were shot back and forth at each other for a while, Bai
many treating methods which used needles to Yunfei was gradually put at a disadvantage. Even
puncture acupoints. worse, his life seemed to be in danger. But he still
had a trump card left!
These people only stimulated acupoints with
external force in order to activate their functions, It was the Glacial Pricker! Its exceptionally powerful
but soul cultivators could control the acupoints! additional effect had almost made it lose its original
function of ‘stabbing’. Instead, Bai Yunfei had been
As a soul cultivator’s soulforce and familiarity with using it more like a projectile or a flying dagger.
body control improved, after reaching the Soul From beginning to end, he had fought the enemy
Warrior stage, he would be able to feel the several times, and the Glacial Pricker had played a
existence of acupoints at various places in the bigger role than even the Fire-tipped Spear!
body. As for how many acupoints they could feel,
this depended on his talent and fortunes. Except for This time was no exception!
some most common acupoints, many other
acupoints had specialized practice methods which Miserable cries of bandits kept coming in
were both powerful and effective. Most of these sporadically from the outside. Li Chengfeng’s battle
methods were in turn the foundation of mighty soul was still going on. Bai Yunfei only recovered part of
skills so they were extremely rare and basically his soulforce before standing up and joining the
unattainable to ordinary soul cultivators. battle...
Han Xiao’s soulforce had already reached the mid- This battle was a complete victory! From now on,
stage Soul Warrior level,but his understanding of the Blackwood Stronghold did not exist anymore!
~ 80 ~
... ... ... ... “Alright, since we’re friends, you don’t need to say
much. I’ll definitely come find you again. Don’t
After this battle in the Blackwood Stronghold, the make any more fuss... I’m leaving now!”
two of them spent two days making arrangements
for those abducted women. They gave out all the Watching Bai Yunfei’s silhouette gradually
possessions in the stronghold to the women, letting disappearing, Li Chengfeng’s eyes had a trace of
them bring these possessions back to the various worry again. He sighed gently: “Alas... When you
villages harassed by the bandits. talked about returning to Luoshi City, your eyes had
a hint of hatred. How could I have not noticed it? I
Five days later, the two of them returned to Li couldn’t be more familiar with this feeling... Yunfei,
Chengfeng’s current village. On the way back, Li you must not let anything bad happen to you. I owe
Chengfeng seemed to have put down all of his you too much. Give me a chance to repay you!”
burdens. All day long, he thought about Ling’er the
most and always anticipated their marriage, which On a path in a forest, Bai Yunfei was going at full
would happen after his return to the village. gallop, but his eyes were somewhat unfocused. It
seemed he was recalling something, his expression
He did what he had said, and on the second day sometimes embarrassed, sometimes angry and
following their return, an exciting wedding and a sometimes sorrowful...
large banquet were held in the village. The entire
village celebrated it, cheerfully chatting and “Soon... I’ll have my revenge very soon. Zhang
laughing. Yang, now I’m not someone you can kill like an ant
anytime you wish anymore. I’ll make you pay dearly
On the next day, Bai Yunfei bade farewell to for what you did!
everybody, preparing to return to Luoshi City.
“The world is unfair. Good and evil are the same.
At the entrance of the village, Bai Yunfei looked at Since Heaven doesn’t punish evil, I’ll punish you for
a hesitant Li Chengfeng, saying with a smile: your crimes!”
“What’s up? If you want to say something, say it.
You’re already a married man, don’t fuss about it.” Chapter 23: A Trend of the House of Zhang;
Coming to the Rescue
“Er... Ha ha, Yunfei, you’re really not going to stay
here for a bit longer? I’m going to reach the Soul Chapter 23: A Trend of the House of Zhang;
Personage stage soon, but you can’t give me the Coming to the Rescue
technique scroll. Once you leave, I won’t be able to
practice anymore.” Li Chengfeng said in a The Blackwood Stronghold had been burnt to
seemingly somewhat embarrassed manner after ashes by a large fire and all the bandits had been
hesitating for a long time. exterminated!
Bai Yunfei however said smilingly: “What you want This news spread to various places at a very fast
to say isn’t this, right? Ha ha, don’t worry, I’m only speed as if it had wings. The villages in the vicinity
returning to do some things I must do. You don’t of Mt. Blackwood, which had normally been
need to think about going with me to help me. Just tyrannized by the bandits, were all jubilant because
stay with your precious Ling’er properly. You’ve got their abducted women had returned safely, and
to treat her well. After dealing with those things, I’ll more importantly, because that loathsome bandit
go on a journey. But before that, I’ll find you again den no longer existed.
and give you the scroll.”
The major merchants in Ganling City and Talus City
“You... Oh, dear, alright, you must always be were so excited that they celebrated this too. From
careful. If you want me to help you in something, now on, they finally did not have to be anxious
come find me anytime. You’re my benefactor, and when transporting goods between the cities.
more importantly, my friend. I...”
Unlike these excited, joyful people, the Zhang
mansion in Talus City appeared to be somewhat
~ 81 ~
gloomy at the moment. This oppressive “You’re pretty talented, but you don’t put effort into
atmosphere was created by Zhang Zhenshan, who practice. In the future, how can you establish a
was sitting in the head seat in the living room foothold in the school? How can you make me give
reading a letter in his hands with an unsightly you the Zhang family?!”
Reprimanded by his father, Zhang Yang did not
After reading the letter, he lowered his head and dare to talk back at all. With an obsequious smile,
pondered in silence for a while. Then he raised his he nodded again and again as if he was really
head and looked at the housekeeper on one side, listening to his father’s teaching.
saying: “Make some preparations. I need to leave
for Snowpeak City immediately!” “I will sincerely follow your teaching, father. I will
definitely train hard later so that I won’t make you
“Yes, master.” lose face.”
The housekeeper answered then hurriedly went to “Hm, I hope you can really do what you say. This
instruct his subordinates to make preparations. time it will take me from ten days to a month to
When he walked out of the door, he happened to return to the school. You must manage yourself
bump head-on into a person. He lowered his head well at home. Don’t think that because your mother
and saluted at once, saying: “Young master.” pampers you, you can do whatever you want. If you
still haven’t become a late-stage Soul Personage
“Humph.” That person replied casually with a snort by the time I return...”
then stepped into the room. Hiding his arrogant,
bossy expression, he bowed slightly in salute to “Please don’t worry, father. I will definitely improve
Zhang Zhenshan and asked carefully: “Father, my power as quickly as possible and reach the late-
you... want to go out?” His voice seemed to contain stage Soul Personage level!”
some anticipation.
Zhang Yang’s mouth was full of promises but he
This man had fair and clear complexion and was was delighted inside. He was already thinking
handsome, but he could not conceal the brutality about whether he should go to look for Xiao Cui in
and ruthlessness which occasionally flashed in his the Tower of Ten Thousand Springs or ‘choose’ a
eyes—this was none other than Zhang Yang! girl on the street after getting his ‘freedom’.
Seeming to have something on his mind, Zhang ... ... ... ...
Zhenshan said casually, “Yeah, I’m taking a trip
back to the school...” In Talus City, on the second floor of a restaurant on
a flourishing main street, Bai Yunfei was sitting at a
Then he cast a look at his happy-looking son, table near the street. As he ate the foods on the
frowned and said solemnly, “You’re thinking that table in a somewhat unconcerned manner, he
after I leave, you can idle about and run amok all observed the people on the street.
day long, right?”
It had been three days since his return to the city.
“Er...” Zhang Yang had not expected his father to Thanks to the battle in the Blackwood Stronghold
be able to see through his own mind. With a and more than half a month of training, he had
somewhat flustered expression, he momentarily did already reached the late-stage Soul Personage
not know what to say. level, but he wasn't blinded by his new power and
the hatred inside him at all. Instead of rushing into
“Humph! You think I don’t know what you normally looking for Zhang Yang to get his revenge at all
do? All day long you visit brothels and sap your costs, he had rested for an entire day then begun to
spirit by seeking pleasure! That girl from the house observe carefully around here.
of Liu is already about to become a mid-stage Soul
Warrior, but you’re not even a late Soul Personage Not far up ahead was the main gate of the Zhang
yet! mansion with two big stone lions standing loftily on
its either side. With high walls and a luxurious gate,
~ 82 ~
the mansion had quite an air of grandeur about it. In the alleyway, two burly men with bushy
At least that was how it was in the eyes of the eyebrows and big eyes and a thievish-looking men
common people in the city. The people going past with a small stature were gathering around,
the main gate of the Zhang mansion even carrying a burlap sack tied with a rope.
subconsciously slowed their paces down a bit,
seemingly for fear of offending the powerful Zhang “Ha ha, I didn’t expect us to run into such a top-tier
family with the noises they made. bird. Capture her and give her to young master,
he’ll definitely reward us big time!”
“I’ve been observing for two days, but I haven’t
seen Zhang Yang appear even once. Is this “Yeah, this one isn’t as juicy as the chick we helped
because he’s been at home all along or he’s not at them capture yesterday, but she’s a virgin too.
home at all? Or perhaps... he doesn’t go in and out Young master likes this kind of girl. Also, this time
through the main gate?” Bai Yunfei thought young master seemed to have been restrained so
somewhat doubtfully. much he could not take it anymore. He
unexpectedly told us to use all means necessary to
Afraid of being noticed by other people, he had not give him women who can satisfy him, including
always been looking at the main gate of the Zhang openly kidnapping...”
mansion. After all, nobody knew how many spies
and henchmen the Zhang family had in the city, so “Yeah, young master is very impatient. He wants a
he had better be careful in everything. girl tonight. If not for that young girl who was
captured yesterday evening, he’d definitely like this
“Oh?” When Bai Yunfei withdrew his eyes and cast one caught by us the most... Tsk, I really don’t
a casual look at the street below the restaurant, he know where the chief caught that girl. That kind of
noticed something unusual. looks can turn anyone on. Too bad, she is young
He saw three men sneakily following a young girl
from behind. In fact, these three men were very “Alright, cut the crap. Quickly lift her up and get
careful as they followed her, seemingly accustomed away. Don’t let too many people notice us.” The
to doing this kind of thing, so the young girl did not little man on one side urged somewhat
notice them at all. If Bai Yunfei was not looking discontentedly, interrupting these two man.
down from a high place, it would not be easy for
him to discover this either. However, what dissatisfied him even more was that
these two man did not make a move even though
He considered for a while. Seeing that young girl they had stopped talking.
unexpectedly head for a remote place, he stood up
without any more hesitation, went down from the Just when he wanted to turn his head to complain,
restaurant and followed her. he saw the two men beside him gradually fall
weakly to the ground without a sound. He was
... ... ... ... greatly shocked, but before he could turn around,
he felt a pain at the back of his neck. Afterwards,
In a rather secluded alleyway, a brief exclamation he fell to the ground unconscious similarly with the
suddenly rang out, followed by soft muffled sounds. whites of his eyes turning up.
It seemed someone’s mouth had been covered
before they could let out a fearful cry. The burlap sack was opened again, revealing a
young girl who was bound and gagged.
Two or three people walked by the opening of the
alley and obviously heard the strange sounds in the She, who was already weeping buckets, looked at
alley, but none of them was interested. Instead, the youngster in front of her with an expression full
they went away hurriedly with slightly changed of terror.
expressions, clearly not wanting to ask for trouble
themselves. The youngster smiled at her and said gently: “Don’t
be afraid. I’m here to save you. Now I’m going to
untie you, but don't let out a shout, understand?”
~ 83 ~
After saying so, he unfastened the knots on her relief. If someone was drawn to this place, which
body, helped her stand up and pointed to the would make young master unhappy, they would
entrance of the alleyway, saying: “Just leave have to bear all the consequences of this.
quickly. Later you must be careful when you’re not
at home. Don’t go to any remote places...” However, they did not know that in fact someone
had already followed those men to this place, and
Having watched the girl run out of the alleyway, Bai even a very long time ago.
Yunfei lowered his head looking thoughtfully at the
three men lying on the ground. Atop the roof, Bai Yunfei’s entire body was sticking
to the surface of the tiles, making it very difficult for
“According to what they said, it seems there’s still someone on the ground to detect him. When that
someone who was kidnapped to be given to that Xiao Liu had come out for an investigation, he had
so-called ‘young master’... Now that I already ran only gone around the house once without using a
into this, I’ll save her as well, otherwise I won’t be ladder to check the roof.
able to rest easy.”
Having followed those three men to this place,
Chapter 24: Another Encounter With Zhang because he was uncertain if that girl who according
Yang and a Battle for Vengeance! (First) to them had been abducted was here or not, he
had not acted impatiently. Instead, he had been on
Chapter 24: Another Encounter With Zhang Yang the top of the room, listening to the situation inside.
and a Battle for Vengeance! (First)
The chief cast a look at a room whose door was
The moon hung high in the sky. Various places in guarded by two subordinates on the second floor,
Talus City were illuminated by lights. saying: “How’s that girl?”
In a rather luxurious room in the west part of the “She’s been in the room upstairs all the time. Last
city, a middle-aged man of a tall stature with wide night, after crying for a while, she calmed down.
shoulders and a broad back was looking with a Today she has been very quiet and hasn’t tried to
slightly angry expression at two burly men and a kill herself either.” A subordinate behind him
thievish-looking little man who were standing with answered, then continued after hesitating for a
drooped heads in front of him. There were still five while: “Chief, she said... she is a disciple of the
or six muscular subordinates behind him. Green Willow School. Though we don’t know if
that’s true or not, will we really not carry out a
“In other words, you couldn’t even see who the check?”
attacker was before getting knocked unconscious?
The girl you captured has also escaped, but you “Humph! The Green Willow School’s disciple? How
have returned unharmed?” is that possible? That’s a school of soul cultivators.
How could one of its disciples be captured by us
“Chief, we...” like this? She must have heard about it from
someone then tried to fool us into letting her go with
“Humph! Worthless pieces of shit! You’re unable to it.”
achieve anything but liable to spoil everything!”
Seeming not to bother listening to their After saying so, the chief hesitated for a bit,
explanations, the middle-aged man gestured for seemingly to soothe his subordinates and also to
them to stand aside with a wave of his hand and soothe himself, then continued: “Besides, our
told a man behind him: “Xiao Liu, you go outside young master Zhang Yang is a disciple of the
and see if someone has followed these three good- Glacial School! So what if she’s really a Green
for-nothings to come here. Young master is going Willow School disciple? By giving her to young
to be here in a while, don’t make any mistake.” master Zhang, we’ll even help to bring about a
good deed between the two schools. When she
A while later, Xiao Liu came back into the room and knows young master’s identity, perhaps she’ll beg
shook his head to indicate that there was nothing to stay by his side!”
unusual outside. Everybody slightly let out a sigh of
~ 84 ~
On top of the roof, upon hearing that the abducted what their levels are. They shouldn’t have
girl was in this place, Bai Yunfei had wanted to go surpassed the Soul Personage stage, but Zhang
down and save her immediately. But the Yang himself is a mid-stage Soul Personage too...
conversation afterwards made him freeze right If I’m surrounded by them...” Right at this moment,
there. there were footsteps coming from below him.
Apparently Zhang Yang was walking towards the
Zhang Yang! That young master mentioned by room upstairs.
them was unexpectedly Zhang Yang?
“I came here to save that girl. I can’t let her suffer
Moreover, he was going to be here in a while! any harm! But if I attack Zhang Yang directly and
fail, I’ll be surrounded by three soul cultivators.
Bai Yunfei considered for some time with glittering Then... let’s take care of the bodyguards first.
eyes then suppressed the excitement in his mind to Besides, I can’t give Zhang Yang any chance to run
continue sticking to the roof, paying close attention away...”
to the situation inside.
Pressed for time, Bai Yunfei came up with several
Finding something by chance after traveling far and ideas almost instantly. In the end he made up his
wide for it! mind. After estimating the direction a bit, he took a
step with force.
About half an hour later, the sound of an opening
door was heard, followed by the chief’s ingratiating Zhang Yang was about to go upstairs somewhat
voice: “You have arrived, young master. The girl eagerly, but his two bodyguards and the other
you want is already in that room upstairs... Hey, people were in the opposite corner of the hall. The
you two, come down. There’s no need to stand sudden sound frightened all of them greatly. As
guard anymore.” soon as they looked up, they saw a large number of
stone tile fragments shooting towards them!
“Oh, hopefully you won’t disappoint me.” An
indifferent voice was heard, “The two of you also Half of the ten ordinary people at the scene were
stay down here. I don’t need your protection. Don’t knocked down unconscious while the others ran in
ruin my enthusiasm.” panic, almost all of them injured. But the next batch
of fragments came, seemingly aimed at them on
The moment Bai Yunfei heard this voice, his entire purpose. This time the several injured people could
body shivered. He had to forcefully restrain himself not dodge and were all knocked to the ground
so that he would not make any sound because of unconscious.
his excessive excitement.
However, to soul cultivators, these flying stones
“Zhang Yang!” were basically not a threat. Zhang Yang, who was
standing at the entrance of the stairs, and his two
Bai Yunfei would remember this voice for life. The bodyguards, one tall and the other short, all
owner of the voice had changed his life. avoided the flying stone fragments very easily.
“Be cool, be cool!” Bai Yunfei kept warning himself As the fragments came down all over the air, Bai
against acting on impulse in his mind as he Yunfei fell down together with them. As soon as he
clenched his fists tightly, his fingernails almost landed, he did a roll to neutralize the momentum of
sticking in his palms. the fall. Then he jumped up straight towards Zhang
“This is an opportunity. I definitely can’t let it pass!”
After he took several deep breaths, his almost “This is bad! Protect young master!”
seething mind finally started to calm down.
Of the two bodyguards coming here with Zhang
“From what he said, it seems he’s got two Yang, the tall one was called Li Shi and was a late-
bodyguards. How powerful are they? They’re soul stage Soul Personage while the short one was
cultivators? They most likely are, but I don’t know called Du Xin and was a late-stage Soul
~ 85 ~
Apprentice. Li Shi was the first to react. Almost at when Li Shi drew his saber. But just as he was
the same time as Bai Yunfei moved, he chased up about to charge ahead, he suddenly saw the
without any hesitation. A bit slower, Du Xin followed opponent turn strangely out of sight. And in the
him closely. blink of an eye, two sharp blades were poised to
strike at his throat and his heart!
This hall was very spacious. Bai Yunfei landed on a
place twenty meters away from Zhang Yang but Having basically no time to think carefully, he
less than ten meters away from the two leaned his body to one side almost instinctively. A
bodyguards. The three of them were surprisingly dagger flew past his neck, grazing it, but the one
fast, at least in the eyes of those ordinary people. In aimed at his heart could not be avoided completely.
almost the blink of an eye, Bai Yunfei had already At the last moment, he channeled his soulforce and
dashed out about ten meters. flexed his muscles, causing his skin to become as
hard as a layer of horn.
Li Shi was about to catch up with Bai Yunfei. His
hand was already holding a long saber and he However, they were all useless! The dagger
thrust it at Bai Yunfei’s back. pierced into his left shoulder almost without
hindrance, up to the hilt!
However, right at this moment, an urgently
advancing Bai Yunfei suddenly shot obliquely to the Before he could even let out a groan, he was
left, avoiding the saber strike. At the same time, he gagged by yet another dagger that had just arrived!
turned around and flicked a blur out of his right
hand by making use of the momentum of the turn. A dagger had almost pierced through his neck,
Several cold sparkles shot out! causing his blood to spurt out unceasingly. His
mouth was wide open but no sound came out of it.
The secrets of success in using flying daggers were With popping eyes, he stared desperately at Bai
speed, steadiness and accuracy! Yunfei not far in front of him, his eyes filled with
terror, unwillingness and also bewilderment. He
Having trained hard recently, even though Bai then fell down gradually and died.
Yunfei could not be said to have reached the peak
of perfection in flying dagger techniques, he was Because he had been slightly slower right from the
already exceptionally familiar with them! beginning, he could only follow behind Li Shi.
Thinking that Bai Yunfei would rush straight up to
Three upgraded daggers were shot out young master’s face, he simply did not expect the
simultaneously. Despite being astounded, Li Shi opponent to suddenly choose him as the target of
reacted surprisingly quickly. With a turn of his his attacks, much less expect the opponent to be
saber, a dagger was sent flying. adept at flying daggers and, in addition, to be able
to shoot multiple daggers in a row without pausing.
Only one dagger? Yes, he had deflected only one There were many things he had not thought about,
dagger because the other two daggers were but he would not have a chance to think again. With
shooting at Du Xin behind him! just one mistake, he had already lost his life!
Chapter 25: A Battle for Vengeance! (Second) With a turn of his body, Bai Yunfei had killed a soul
Chapter 25: A Battle for Vengeance! (Second)
When these two men had dodged the stone tile
Li Shi reacted very fast. He raised his saber, fragments, he had found out their power levels and
making a block with it, sending a dagger flying. But instantly decided on how to act. Although a late-
the other two daggers were shooting at Du Xin stage Soul Apprentice meant nothing to him at the
behind him! moment, if he was surrounded, a Soul Apprentice
would also pose a threat to him.
Du Xin, merely a late-stage Soul Apprentice, was
following closely behind Li Shi. Du Xin had Therefore he gave up the chance to come straight
originally thought that Bai Yunfei would be stopped at Zhang Yang to launch a surprise attack at Du
~ 86 ~
Xin, who was the last to chase up. Afterwards, he That indifferent expression on Zhang Yang’s face
even used his waist to block a saber strike from Li froze instantly. He even began to think of ‘fleeing
Shi without hesitation and threw that final, mortal immediately’.
dagger at Du Xin, shooting him dead.
However, when Bai Yunfei had covered just half the
After sending that dagger flying, Li Shi did not distance and was only less than five meters away
pause at all. Taking advantage of the fact that Bai from Zhang Yang, he was once again caught up by
Yunfei still had not regained his balance, he strode Li Shi and could not pull away.
forwards, swinging his long saber out, wanting to
force the opponent into dodging to launch a violent Worthy of being one of the most competent
attack. bodyguards under Zhang Zhenshan, Li Shi kept in
mind the order to protect young master’s life which
However, instead of dodging, the opponent his master had given him when he had been about
unexpectedly shot another sharp blade out of his to leave. He did not even take a look at Du Xin,
hand with a flick. His long saber then hit the who had fallen down behind him, and was not
opponent’s waist in a hack, but a loud and clear frightened at all by Bai Yunfei’s lightning-fast killing
sound of metal clashing against metal rang out. blow either. With nothing but a solemn expression
After that, the opponent only staggered half a step in his eyes, he caught up with Bai Yunfei in an
before unexpectedly turning around, completely acceleration. Brandishing his long saber, he
unharmed, and charging forwards! surrounded the enemy in a sphere of saber blurs.
Since avoiding the first broken stones, Zhang Yang Only upon seeing that the intruder had finally got
had been standing at the entrance of the corridor, entangled in a fight with Li Shi did Zhang Yang let
staring at the fight with an ice-cold expression. out a sigh of relief and abandon the idea of running
Even though he was sinister and vicious, he was away. However, instead of charging up immediately
definitely not a good-for-nothing playboy. Many of to fight the enemy together with Li Shi, he backed
the Zhang family’s underground forces were off and watched the fight between the two of them.
handled by him, and he himself was also a soul
cultivator. To his eyes, this kind of situation still After staring at Bai Yunfei for a while, he pondered
could not be considered ‘dangerous’. in his mind: “I always feel that he leaves me with a
slight impression, but I can’t remember who he
In the beginning, he had been flustered for a actually is. Seeing as he obviously came here for
moment, but when Bai Yunfei charged at him after me, does he want to kill me? But except for the
falling down, he could already tell that the intruder several flying daggers he shot out earlier, now he
was not very powerful, only a bit more powerful doesn’t even have a weapon in his hands. This is
than himself, and comparable to Li Shi at the most. too illogical. Is he not good at using weapons? He
He thought that even if he himself did not get into only relies on close-quarters hand-to-hand combat?
action, the two bodyguards would be able to take Oh? Is that soft armor on his body... a soul
down the intruder. armament?!”
The situation in the beginning did not disappoint In the courtyard, Bai Yunfei was dodging left and
him. When the intruder was only halfway through right. Even though he had been hit by the long
charging up to him, he was caught up by Li Shi. saber, he did not seem to be injured at all. His
However, just when he pondered whether or not he clothes had been lacerated, revealing a soft armor
himself should get into action to resolve this which was slightly sparkling with a golden light.
‘trouble’ a bit earlier, the opponent pierced through
Du Xin’s throat with a turn of the body, killing him. Relying on the defense of the soft armor, he
That man then unexpectedly withstood a saber wanted to force his way up to Li Shi’s face and fight
strike from Li Shi head-on before charging at him him in hand-to-hand combat. As someone with
again at high speed! obviously a very great deal of combat experience,
how could Li Shi possibly let the opponent achieve
this? Saber blurs flying everywhere, the large saber
was unexpectedly used as nimbly as a dagger by
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him. The sharp blade of the saber always left hand side. Now the three of them were almost
surrounded Bai Yunfei’s entire body, giving him no on a straight line with Li Shi ending up between Bai
chance to break away. Yunfei and Zhang Yang.
After dogfighting for about ten minutes, the two of Expressionlessly, Li Shi turned around, charged at
them seemed unable to do anything to each other Bai Yunfei, who had yet to stand up completely,
and were still locked in a close battle. and brought his saber down on him in a hack. He
knew that the opponent could withstand this blow
Standing on one side, Zhang Yang was staring at head-on using the soft armor, but even if he could
Bai Yunfei with almost glowing eyes. Or rather, he not injure him, he could make the opponent lose his
was staring at the golden soft armor on his body balance with force, making it impossible for him to
with a hint of pleasant surprise and greediness on maintain his fighting rhythm. In that way, as long as
his face. young master kept waiting for an opportunity on
one side, they would be able to kill him very quickly!
“That soft armor on his body is a soul armament!
It’s definitely a soul armament! A defensive soul Bai Yunfei bent his body slightly. Another hole was
armament... Who could have expected this? No cut into the clothes on his back by the long saber,
wonder he seemed very confident earlier. Indeed, revealing the golden soft armor underneath. But
Li Shi’s weapon simply can’t break that soft armor. this time, after taking the force of this saber strike,
But, it’s not like your whole body is covered in his body only shook slightly once. Unlike before,
defensive soul armament! You can deal with the now he did not lose his balance because he could
attacks from Li Shi alone, but you’ve forgotten that not absorb the impact of a blow anymore!
I’m here!” He said ecstatically in his mind: “It seems
he’s alone and he isn’t hiding his power. He’s really Li Shi was raising his long saber, preparing to keep
just a late Soul Personage like Li Shi. Then, this up the pressure. Before he could be startled by Bai
soul armament... will be mine!” Yunfei’s reaction, his eyes came into contact with
Bai Yunfei’s eyes, which looked upwards. His face
Having made his decision, Zhang Yang no longer was immediately full of shock.
hesitated. He reached out his hand, drawing a
dagger from his waist, and flew into the battlefield The moment Bai Yunfei lifted his head, his
while shouting loudly: “Li Shi, keep him entangled! expression unexpectedly no longer contained the
I’ll deal him a fatal blow!” previous anxiety and fear. Even the exhaustion on
his face had mostly disappeared. Now, there was
This move by Zhang Yang made the expressions of only a frosty look in his eyes and a totally stern
the two current combatants change: Li Shi’s face expression on his face!
showed a pleasant surprise while Bai Yunfei’s face
seemed to show some anxiety... and terror. Without pausing at all, under Li Shi’s astonished
look, he took half a step backwards with his right
Seeing the expression on Bai Yunfei’s face, Zhang foot while leaning his body forwards and threw a
Yang gave a complacent guffaw, saying: “Now you punch with his right fist, creating brief whizz
know how tough we are, right? You can only blame sounds! He seemed to have been saving this
yourself for overestimating your power, bringing punch for a long time!
about your own destruction! You’ll pay for this with
your own life, and even give me a soul armament!” Overlapping Waves Art, Threefold Fist Force!
While shouting, taking advantage of an opportunity Soft sounds of broken bones were heard. Even
created when Bai Yunfei lowered his body to dodge though Li Shi strengthened the defense of his body
a saber strike from Li Shi, he swung his dagger and at the last moment, he still could not withstand this
thrust it straight at the back of his head! focus attack. He retreated hurriedly uncontrollably.
Bai Yunfei did a roll and avoided this attack with Li Shi spewed out a mouthful of blood. His mind
some difficulty. However, this roll happened to was in a daze for a moment. As soon as he
make him end up at a place behind Li Shi on the regained his composure, he felt his face hit by a
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heat wave. An almost dazzling flaming red spear which he had adopted to prepare to charge up.
was thrusting straight at him! Only when Li Shi’s body hit the floor with a thud did
he wake up, seemingly with a start. He thudded
Basically unable to avoid the blow completely, at backwards several steps continuously, extending
this moment of life or death, Li Shi only had enough the distance between him and Bai Yunfei. With a
time to move aside a little more than one and a half distorted face, he shrieked in a terrified manner,
centimeters. At the same time, he put the long “Soul armament! Another soul armament! And
saber in front of him, hoping that it could ward off you’ve got a space ring! You were hiding your
the opponent’s incoming spear thrust. power! How is this possible? Why in the beginning
didn’t you... You did that to stall me!!”
The spear arrived in the blink of an eye and hit the
body of the saber, creating an almost inaudible soft Zhang Yang could also be considered the shrewd
ringing sound. It then pierced through the saber type. He had reacted almost in an instant. Only,
without hindrance and went into the left side of his after understanding all this, he was even more
stomach! terrified inside.
Li Shi had known that it would be impossible to Chapter 26: A Battle for Vengeance! (Third)
avoid getting injured so he had adopted a defensive
measure to minimize the injury. Even though the Chapter 26: A Battle for Vengeance! (Third)
spear had pierced into his stomach, this wound was
not fatal at all to soul cultivators. Any soul cultivator Correct, everything which had happened earlier
who had learned the bones and blood control of the had been Bai Yunfei deliberately putting on a show!
Soul Personage stage could accelerate the Including not using weapons, including being
recovery speed of his body. caught up by Li Shi, including deliberately revealing
that the soft armor on his body was a soul
“It didn’t hit my vital parts! Luckily, I’ve still got a armament, and including fighting Li Shi to a
chance...” Li Shi’s delight only appeared in his heart stalemate...
for a moment before being replaced with endless
fear. All this was done to prevent Zhang Yang from
The moment the tip of the spear pierced through
the body of the saber, Bai Yunfei’s eyes flashed He and Li Shi were indeed comparable in power,
with an unnoticeable trace of happiness. He roared but that was true only to the extent that they were
inside, “Successful! Now time to... Burst!” on the same level of soulforce! He also had soul
techniques and such soul armaments as the soft
“Bang!!” An explosion rang out from the tip of the armor, the Fire-tipped Spear and the Glacial
spear, or perhaps, from inside Li Shi’s body. Blood Piercer! It could be said that if he had gone all out
and flesh splattered around. The entire left side of right from the beginning of the fight against Li Shi,
his stomach had exploded, leaving behind a Li Shi would have been killed earlier by him!
terrifying gap. The surface of the wound was a
burned black area, but red blood still gushed out However, he did not do so, because if he had
nonstop from inside the gap. shown that he was very powerful, Zhang Yang
would definitely have run away without hesitation
Li Shi’s hand was still holding one half of his broken after noticing how fearsome he was. Even though
saber in front of his chest. His expression was full he could have killed Li Shi very quickly, he would
of terror, bewilderment and disbelief, astonishingly not have been able to kill him in an instant. As long
similar to Du Xin’s dying expression. His body as he had been stalled for a short period of time,
gradually fell backwards, revealing Zhang Yang this would have been enough for Zhang Yang.
behind him, whose face was similarly full of
disbelief. If the battle had turned into a running fight, it would
have been very disadvantageous to Bai Yunfei.
Zhang Yang was looking forwards with a stupefied Therefore, he could not afford to scare Zhang Yang
expression. He even still maintained the position away and had to draw him into the battle instead!
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So, after killing Du Xin with a surprise attack, he When Zhang Yang finally could not help joining the
engaged in a fight with Li Shi and deliberately acted battle, Bai Yunfei started the actions of the second
as if they were neck and neck in power, and even step without hesitation.
deliberately revealed that the soft armor on his
body was a soul armament. Having gone through Surrounded by two opponents, if the fight had
the battle on Mt. Blackwood, he already somewhat dragged on, he would really have ended up in a
understood how valuable these soul items were. difficult position. Therefore, at the first moment he
Therefore, using them as a bait, he was able to lure had to dispose of Li Shi, who had been fighting him
Zhang Yang into the fight. for a long time and had already become familiar
with his ‘rhythm’. Moreover, he had to do this fast,
In fact, the exhaustion he showed after fighting for ruthlessly, surprisingly and in only one blow!
a long time was mostly an act, because he
basically had not used so much strength and Therefore, he seized a chance and used the soul
soulforce as the opponents thought he had. The technique he had been saving for a long time for
golden soft armor on his body was not only a soul the first time, knocking him back.
armament but also a +10 upgraded soul armament!
However, the most crucial thing was the follow-up
pursuing attack! The Fire-tipped Spear was no
Equipment Grade: Low Rare doubt powerful, but if it did not pierce into a vital
part, he would not be able to kill in one hit.
However, if its additional effect was triggered, this
Upgrade Level: +10
would be enough to kill the enemy regardless of
where it hit!
Defense: 267
But the explosion effect of the Fire-tipped Spear
Additional Defense: 139 had only a 10% chance of being activated, which
could be said to be very low, therefore, Bai Yunfei
+10 Additional Effect: When attacked, there is a used the new killing blow he had mastered recently
5% chance of increasing defense by 50% for 3 -- Threefold Thrust!
Applying the overlapping attack method of the
Upgrade Requirement: 64 Soulpoints Overlapping Waves Art to the spear techniques, the
Threefold Fist Force was stretched up to the tip of
the spear, hence the name ‘Threefold Thrust’.
This soft armor was none other than the soul
armament of Han Xiao, the chieftain of the One attack of the Threefold Fist Force was actually
Blackwood Stronghold. After killing him, Bai Yunfei three overlapping attacks. So, a thrust of the spear
had naturally obtained this item. Relying on the using the Threefold Thrust was equivalent to three
upgraded armor’s high defense and its occasionally almost continuous attacks, greatly increasing the
triggered additional effect, in fact the force he had chance of triggering the additional effect.
to endure every time he took a blow with the soul
armor was negligible. Of course, Bai Yunfei did not put all his hopes on
this either. Had the effect failed to be activated, he
Of course he could not let the opponent know about would have revealed his final trump card, the
this. Moreover, how the situation was deliberately Glacial Piercer, to kill Li Shi at all costs!
made to look by him caused Zhang Yang to feel
that as long as he joined the fight and teamed up However, fortunately for him, when the Threefold
with Li Shi, they would definitely be able to defeat Thrust hit the opponent, the Fire-tipped Spear’s
the enemy with great ease and obtain the soul additional effect was successfully triggered.
armament on his body! Moreover, it caused an explosion after piercing into
the opponent’s stomach, killing him right away...
~ 90 ~
After killing Li Shi, Bai Yunfei did not begin to attack blow and was preparing to withdraw the spear to
a stupefied Zhang Yang immediately because the attack again, something unusual suddenly
side effect of using the Threefold Thrust was rather happened!
serious, at least several times greater than that of
using the Threefold Fist Force once. In several Zhang Yang’s unbent right arm suddenly became
breaths after using it, his entire right arm was longer by nearly one and a half inch, thrusting the
almost completely numb. Only thanks to this did dagger straight at Bai Yunfei’s throat!
Zhang Yang have a chance to retreat.
This is a soul skill, Long Arm Fist!
When Zhang Yang began to shriek in terror, he
happened to have just recovered. Without saying a It had a very ordinary name, was a soul technique
word, he charged up immediately, holding the of the lowest tier and was also the only soul
spear in his hands. technique Zhang Yang had mastered so far. It was
not very powerful either. Just as its name implied, it
At first Zhang Yang still wanted to say something, was a soul technique which allowed the arms to
but seeing the opponent coming at him, he did not stretch a bit further.
dare to be distracted anymore. With an expression
full of anxiety, he exerted himself to deal with the However, sometimes it could be unimaginably
incoming spear blurs. effective, for example, at present!
Zhang Yang’s dagger looked rather luxurious and Zhang Yang had been restraining himself all along,
even had some small diamonds embedded in its and only now did he use this soul technique. This
handle, and it did not seem to be of poor quality was because he wanted to catch the opponent by
either. It should be made from top-grade materials. surprise and put it to the best use possible.
However, it was definitely not a soul armament.
Facing the dagger which was suddenly shifted to
As a disciple of the Glacial School and the young aim at the side of his neck, even though Bai Yunfei
master of the Zhang, even though he normally did was startled, he did not panic. He gave up attacking
not put his effort into training, under the guidance of immediately and bent backwards abruptly again.
his father, he had still become fairly powerful. The The tip of the blade grazed him, causing a small
timings of his offensive and defensive moves were wound on his chin, several drops of blood oozing
just perfect. Momentarily, he and Bai Yunfei were out. However, despite having prevented this blow
unexpectedly evenly matched. from cutting his throat, he lost his balance and fell
Bai Yunfei had fought Li Shi several dozen rounds
earlier and had just unleashed his soulforce to use His eyes glittering with ferocity, Zhang Yang gave
the Threefold Fist Force and Threefold Thrust the dagger in his hand a flip, instantly switching
continuously so his current condition was far worse from a forward grip to a reverse grip, and thrust it
than before. However, there was no panic on his straight at Bai Yunfei’s throat!
face at all. Brandishing the spear elegantly, he
forced the opponent to retreat every time he While falling backwards, Bai Yunfei pulled his right
wanted to close in on him to attack. hand back. The spear in his hand immediately
disappeared. At the same time as Zhang Yang
After fighting for a while, facing an incoming thrust, flipped his dagger, he made a flick with his right
Zhang Yang leaned to one side, avoiding it by a hand, shooting a dagger straight at Zhang Yang’s
hair’s breadth, at the same time he swung his right face.
arm out, aiming to cut Bai Yunfei’s throat with his
dagger. Seeing that his dagger was about to pierce into the
opponent’s throat, Zhang Yang already had a look
However, this strike did not seem to have a good of ecstasy in his eyes. However, when he saw Bai
range. If Bai Yunfei leaned backwards slightly, the Yunfei suddenly shoot a streak of cold light at him
dagger would not be able to cut him at all. But, right like a flash with a flick of his right hand, he was
when Bai Yunfei thought that he could avoid this extremely frightened and could no longer keep up
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his attack. He then leaned his head to one side His eyes flashing with determination, Zhang Yang
forcefully without hesitation, avoiding the flying adopted a propulsive position. The moment he took
dagger. the first step, he copied Bai Yunfei by throwing the
dagger in his hand out fiercely. Then, simply
In the blink of an eye, another dagger came at him! ignoring the outcome, he bent his body, turned
around and rush towards the rear window on the
Chapter 27: A Battle for Vengeance! (Fourth) right.
Chapter 27: A Battle for Vengeance! (Fourth) Bai Yunfei avoided the incoming flying dagger just
by slightly leaning his body to one side, but this
He had just avoided the first dagger, but the second attack indeed made him pause a bit. Looking at
dagger was already coming at him! Zhang Yang, who was rushing towards the window,
his eyes flashed with a trace of derision. With a
His eyes filled with terror, Zhang Yang leaned his shake of his right hand, he threw two streaks of
body to one side and avoided it with difficulty. cold light straight at Zhang Yang’s back.
Afterwards, he retreated continuously without
pausing. Only when there was a distance of over Of course Zhang Yang could not forget about the
ten meters between them did he stop, still suffering opponent’s flying daggers. Since the moment he
from the shock. He reached out his hand and gave had run away, despite moving extremely fast, he
the right side of his face a wipe, scattering several had been paying attention to Bai Yunfei’s
drops of blood. Just then, if he had been half a movements all along. Now, as the two daggers
moment slower, the dagger would not have left only came flying at him, he immediately forcefully
a small bloodstain on his face. changed his direction from charging forwards to
moving sideways in an arc, but he still managed to
Bai Yunfei placed his left hand on the ground, rush up to the side of the window!
stopping his body from continuing to fall down, then
he stood up again by slightly exerting the strength Without pausing at all, he crashed into the window,
of his arm. Looking at Zhang Yang, who was breaking it. When half of his body was already
standing in front of him staring at him, he had a stuck out of the window, he turned his head around
disappointed expression on his face. It seemed he and cast a look at Bai Yunfei in the house, who
was lamenting that just then he had failed to kill the seemed to be too late to shoot another flying
opponent. dagger out, a faint cold smile appearing on the
corners of his mouth. Stepping on the sill of the
“He did that on purpose! He did that on purpose window with his right foot, he jumped out.
again!! How is this possible?! Could it be he saw
through my movements? Damn it!” Not daring to While he was in midair, his nervous heart finally
take his eyes off the opponent even for a moment, relaxed. As long as he arrived in the street, it could
Zhang Yang roared in his mind: “It’s bad. I’m no be said he had got out of danger. At that time, even
match for him. I can’t fight him again. Let’s run if Bai Yunfei wanted to pursue and attack him, he
away! As long as I can get out of here, as long as I would only need to draw the opponent to where his
can catch someone else’s attention, my helpers will helpers were and the roles of the hunter and the
come rushing very fast...” prey would be reversed!
Having made up his mind, Zhang Yang quickly However, right at this moment, he saw Bai Yunfei
glanced around. A hint of happiness flashed across take a fierce swing with his right hand, seemingly
his eyes because at the moment he was standing wanting to shoot out another flying dagger.
at a place which happened to be less than five
meters away from a window! “Ha ha, now you still think you can stop me from
running away? At this distance, even if you shoot
Staring at Zhang Yang in front of him, just when Bai several flying daggers at once, I can still avoid
Yunfei wanted to get into action, the opponent them! You already...” Before Zhang Yang could
unexpectedly moved first! finish thinking, the complacent look in his eyes
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disappeared in an instant and was replaced with Hearing footsteps coming, Zhang Yang raised his
endless terror! head in a terrified manner and saw that Bai Yunfei
had already come back into the house. Holding a
The moment Bai Yunfei raised his right hand, a shimmering blue piercer in his hand, he was
streak of blue light suddenly appeared. It was walking towards him step by step.
immeasurably faster than the daggers from before.
Almost at the same time as it appeared, it had When Zhang Yang saw the Glacial Piercer in Bai
already covered the distance between the two of Yunfei’s hand, even though he was extremely
them, caught up with Zhang Yang then pierced fearful inside, he could not help screaming
straight through the knee of his left leg! hysterically: “Soul armament, another soul
armament!! How is this possible? Soul armaments
Zhang Yang was in midair and was about to land. are extremely rare. Not even an elite disciple of the
As soon as the terror in his eyes appeared, he felt a Glacial School like me has one! How can you have
piercing pain then a burst of extreme coldness so many soul armaments? Could it be you’re from
come from his left leg. After that he could not feel the Crafting School?! No, impossible!”
his entire left leg!
Hearing his words, Bai Yunfei seemed to be
All of this takes many words to describe, but it stupefied. He then stopped in front of him at a
actually happened in the blink of an eye. Zhang distance of two meters and looked down at Zhang
Yang’s body finally landed, but he could not stand Yang, who was sitting on the floor, with an
firmly at all. His left leg bent in a very unnatural expression still filled with mockery: “What? The
manner and he fell to the ground with a thud. great young master Zhang really doesn’t remember
me? Oh, indeed, it’s already been more than a
With a stupefied expression, Zhang Yang forgot to month since that event, how can you possibly still
use his hands to keep his balance, forgot about his remember such a ‘commoner’ as me...?”
perforated left leg and even forgot to think...
At this point, the look in his eyes gradually turned
Only when he felt someone walk up to his face then ice-cold, but his voice was still leisurely, as if he
raised his head to make eye contact with Bai was chatting with a friend he had not seen for a
Yunfei’s sneering look did he wake up with a start long time: “Then, do you still remember Uncle Wu?
in a frightened manner. Propping his body up with Ah, if I only say Uncle Wu, you definitely don’t know
his hands, he moved backwards nonstop while who he is. He was the old man who wanted to kill
letting out terrified shrieks: “You... you can’t kill me! you with a knife because you kidnapped his
I’m the young master of the Zhangs. I’m a disciple granddaughter and beat her to death when she was
of the Glacial School. You can’t kill me!” unwilling to endure your insults!
Bai Yunfei stooped down, grabbed his collar and After that, he was captured and brought into the
lifted him up as if he had not heard his words. He Coliseum by you and was killed by your
then threw him fiercely towards the house. Zhang subordinate Direwolf...” Bai Yunfei continued to say
Yang cut through the air in an arc, went through the clearly while staring at Zhang Yang: “There was
window then fell heavily into the hall. Only after also a youngster in there with him. Because he
sliding ten something meters, knocking over accidentally offended a young lady of ‘yours’ the
several chairs and stools, did he stop. day before, he was thrown into the Coliseum by
you as well... Do you still remember?”
Zhang Yang’s left knee had been pierced through
completely, but strangely enough, it was barely When Bai Yunfei mentioned Uncle Wu and Xiao
bleeding. His hands were clutching his left leg, Yu’er, Zhang Yang’s expression changed
seemingly wanting to prevent the chill from immediately. And when he finished talking, Zhang
spreading. He was channeling his soulforce with all Yang’s whole face was full of disbelief. He cried in
his might to dissipate that extreme coldness. Even fear: “It’s you! It’s unexpectedly you! No... How is
though he felt cold all over, bean-sized beads of this even possible?! How could you have become
sweat kept sliding down his face unceasingly. so powerful in more than a month? Even if second
young master Zheng had helped you, it would still
have been impossible!”
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“Now you remember, right?” Bai Yunfei gently Coliseum last time, he was very angry. Plus, my
stroked the Glacial Piercer in his hand, “Then are competent ‘gladiator’ Direwolf was killed by you, so
you ready to pay for everything you did?” the Coliseum hasn’t opened again ever since...
As soon as he said this, Zhang Yang’s face went “As long as you don’t kill me, I’ll definitely let them
pale. Propping his body up with his right hand, he go when I return!” Seeing Bai Yunfei’s expression
moved backwards again. At the same time, he loosen up a bit, Zhang Yang continued hurriedly:
raised his left hand and waved it repeatedly in front “Uncle Wu lost his life to save you at that time in
of his chest, saying: “Wait! Wait! Don’t kill me! Don’t the Coliseum, you can’t leave his family in the
kill me! I can give you anything you want! Just don’t lurch!”
kill me please!”
Bai Yunfei’s eyes glittering, he seemed to be
“Oh? You can give me anything I want?” having a fierce mental struggle. The hand which
was holding the Glacial Piercer dropped down
“Yes! I can give you anything you want! It doesn’t slowly. He also withdrew his eyes slowly from
matter if it’s gold, beautiful women or...” Zhang Yang’s body, as if he was being somewhat
preoccupied with something.
“I want Uncle Wu and his granddaughter to be
revived, can you do this?” However, the moment Bai Yunfei took his eyes off
Zhang Yang, the latter’s eyes glittered with endless
“This...” ferocity and hatred showed up on his face. His right
hand, which had been concealed behind his back,
“Forget it, I’ll change to another thing.” was flicked outwards like lightning and there
seemed to be something about to come out of the
“Okay, okay, what do you want?” hand.
“I want your life. You can give it to me, right?” The moment Zhang Yang’s expression changed,
Bai Yunfei, his head lowered and apparently lost in
thought, raised his head all of a sudden. His eyes
“You... You’re playing with me!”
glittering, he took advantage of the fall of his right
hand and swung it forwards, shooting a streak of
“Correct, I’m just playing with you! Prepare to pay blue light at Zhang Yang’s right hand, which was
for what you did to Uncle Wu and his just halfway through being lifted up. Even though
granddaughter with your life!” he made his move later, it arrived at the target
earlier. With a ‘pu’ sound, it pierced through Zhang
“Wait! Wait! That Uncle Wu’s family is in my hands! Yang’s right hand then, after leaving a trail of blood,
If you kill me, all of them will die!” Seeming to penetrated into the floor!
suddenly remember something, Zhang Yang
shouted loudly at the last moment. Two light blue thin needles about ten centimeters
long fell to the floor from Zhang Yang’s hand. He
Bai Yunfei’s movement came to a halt right away: looked in stupefaction at his punctured hand. Only
“What did you say?!” after a good several seconds did he let out a
hysterical, miserable cry. Clutching his right wrist
“I said, that Uncle Wu’s family is in my hands!” with his left hand, he shrieked in a mixture of fear
Seeing the opponent’s expression, Zhang Yang and anger: “You! You weren’t fooled! How is this
secretly let out a sigh of relief. He was not so possible?... You couldn’t have known that there
agitated as before when he said, “His family were the soul armaments called ‘Icesoul Silver
unexpectedly wanted to avenge him. They were Needles’ on my body! How could you see
captured by me. I intend to have a show similar to through...?”
last time when the Coliseum is opened again...”
“How could I see through your ploy, right?” As Bai
After saying so, seeming to be afraid that Bai Yunfei looked at Zhang Yang’s distorted
Yunfei did not believe him, he immediately added: expression, the corners of his mouth slightly curved
“When my father knew about what happened in the
~ 94 ~
downwards. It seemed he was sneering at Zhang “So, there were only two possibilities: One was, you
Yang’s arrogance, “You think your lies and acting really didn’t have a soul armament. And the other
were perfect? was, though you were concealing a soul armament
on your body, it was definitely not a main offensive
“These so-called Icesoul Silver Needles were your weapon like a sword or a saber; instead... it was a
last trump cards, right? If you still have another projectile used for sneak, surprise attacks!”
trump card, just use it right now, otherwise...
“But, I obviously said that...”
“Prepare to pay for everything you did!”
“You obviously said that ‘not even a disciple of the
Chapter 28: Stab Zhang Yang to Death! Glacial School like me has one’, right?” Bai Yunfei
immediately cut him short and continued: “These
Chapter 28: Stab Zhang Yang to Death! words seemed to have been said because you
were in fear and couldn’t believe that I have so
“How is this possible? How is this possible? How many soul armaments. But, think about it from
could you know what I wanted to do...?” Zhang another perspective... You were simply hinting at
Yang was looking at Bai Yunfei in stupefaction as if me that ‘you didn’t have a soul armament on your
he had lost all of his strength. body’. Too bad, I took note of this.
Looking down at his stupefied expression, Bai “This alone would have made me slightly
Yunfei curved the corners of his mouth downwards suspicious at most. But unfortunately for you, I had
and shook his head gently, saying: “You mean, I already guessed about this to a certain extent
‘couldn’t have’ seen through your movements? earlier so what you said only made me even more
Having fallen into this situation, you’re still so suspicious.
“You wanted to use these projectiles when I went
Hearing Bai Yunfei’s taunting words, Zhang Yang out through the window to give chase, right?” Bai
trembled slightly. He looked at him somewhat Yunfei said gently then, paying no attention to an
dejectedly and said in a hoarse voice: “Tell me, astounded Zhang Yang, he continued: “But there
how did you find out?” wasn’t a very good opportunity at the time, and you
noticed that I had no intention of killing you
Bai Yunfei stared at him with a vague smile. Zhang immediately so you let me throw you back into this
Yang looked him in the eye with a defeated place, wanting to find a better opportunity to launch
expression. It seemed he had abandoned the idea a surprise attack on me, right?
of resisting completely and only wanted to know the
cause of his defeat before his death. “Do you find it strange that I was able to know
about this? You seem to have forgotten that I can
Bai Yunfei stooped down, picked up the two also use flying daggers. When you attempted to
‘Icesoul Silver Needles’ from beside a rigid Zhang fish out those two needles behind your back,
Yang and put them away in his space ring. though you thought your movements were very
stealthy, too bad for you, I’m pretty familiar with
these movements. I even saw through the way you
“Right from when I started to fight you, I found it
pretended to move backwards right before your
strange that you, the young master of the Zhangs in
surprise attack just now to fish out your projectiles...
Talus City and an ‘outstanding’ disciple of the
Glacial School, didn’t even have a soul armament
to protect yourself just in case. Though later you “Lastly, you could come up with using Uncle Wu’s
took me by surprise and used that arm-lengthening family to threaten me. I must say that you reacted
soul skill, I still didn’t see you use a soul really very fast. Too bad, right from the beginning I
armament.” knew that you were lying!”
Bai Yunfei was still looking down at Zhang Yang “How... How did you know?” Zhang Yang asked
from a dominating position, seemingly enjoying this subconsciously with an already ashen face.
feeling of victory.
~ 95 ~
“Because when I went to pay my respects to Uncle your tricks I still wanted to talk to you so much
Wu two days ago, I still saw his family members!” earlier, aren’t you?
“So, your hesitation and inattention were all an act “I just wanted to see this expression of yours! Great
to trick me into using my trump cards...” Zhang young master Zhang, how do you feel when
Yang said in a powerless manner with a dejected someone has you in the palm of their hand and can
expression. decide your fate as they wish? Have you ever
thought that you’d be like this one day?” Bai Yunfei
“Correct.” turned his head to look outside the house and said
with a chuckle: “I have to thank your subordinates.
“But there are still two things I can’t understand. It’s Because you wanted to come here tonight, they did
not even been two months, how did you become so a detailed ‘clean-up’. Basically nobody has gone
powerful in such a short time? Besides, you’ve got past this place, and nobody has come here to
a space ring and at least three soul armaments, check out the sounds of movement earlier...
could it be you’ve really joined the Crafting
School?” Zhang Yang kept asking with a soft sigh. “At first I still wanted to play with you for a while
After his original ruse had been seen through more, but I’ve run out of patience. I’m afraid if I
completely by the opponent, he seemed to have keep delaying, something unexpected might
suffered a very serious blow. happen. Therefore...” He reached out his right hand
and the Fire-tipped Spear appeared in his hand
However, quite some time after asking the instantly.
questions, Zhang Yang still did not get an answer.
On raising his head to take a look, he saw Bai “Prepare to pay for everything you did!”
Yunfei standing with arms crossed and staring at
him derisively with a vague smile on the corners of Looking at Zhang Yang, who was struggling
his mouth. backwards nonstop with a face full of terror, Bai
Yunfei slowly walked up step by step to keep up
When making eye contact with Bai Yunfei, Zhang with him while saying: “When I killed that
Yang felt as though his mind was read, which bodyguard of yours just now, you also saw that
immediately sent a chill down his spine. He explosion effect. I can tell you that this spear has
withdrew his eyes unconsciously. At this moment, only a 10% chance of activating that effect... Will
Bai Yunfei said in an indifferent voice: you be slowly tortured to death by me? Or will you
be killed immediately by an explosion?
“You... are stalling for time in the hope that
someone will rush over here to save you, right?” “Repent! And pray!”
“How... how so? In my current situation, you can kill As Bai Yunfei stared at Zhang Yang, who was
me anytime you want.” Zhang Yang panicked for a moving backwards mechanically in front of him, his
moment and shook his head repeatedly. He then endless fury could not be concealed anymore and it
said with a sad face: “I only want to clear the doubt erupted from his eyes. He thrust his spear at Zhang
in my mind before my death so that I can die Yang’s left leg.
without regrets...”
“This is for what you owe me! I’m not an ant, and
“Oh, but your soul will be destroyed, what you can’t force me to fight for your pleasure as you
difference does it make if you know or not? To wish!”
avoid any accidents, I’d better kill you right away.”
Bai Yunfei said gently as if he was negotiating with With a soft ‘pu’ sound, the tip of the spear pierced
Zhang Yang. straight through the calf and penetrated into the
floor underneath. Zhang Yang stopped and let out a
Seeing the expression of puzzlement, miserable cry. A scorching feeling went into his
unwillingness, terror and despair on Zhang Yang’s mind. The previous extreme coldness in his left leg
face, Bai Yunfei finally could not help chuckling, was dispelled instantly, as if a red hot iron bar had
saying: “You’re wondering why after seeing through pierced through the calf. He even seemed to hear
~ 96 ~
bursts of hissing sounds and notice a faint burnt Flickering a dazzlingly crimson light, the tip of the
smell. spear penetrated into Zhang Yang’s chest.
With an ice-cold expression, Bai Yunfei was totally Straight through the heart!
unmoved by Zhang Yang’s miserable cry. He pulled
the spear back and thrust it at Zhang Yang’s right Chapter 29: The Green Willow School, Luliu,
leg. and Yuhe
“This is for Uncle Wu, who lost his granddaughter Chapter 29: The Green Willow School, Luliu, and
because of you and in the end was killed trying to Yuhe
protect me by your subordinate Direwolf!”
Bai Yunfei looked at Zhang Yang’s corpse in
Zhang Yang finally could not prop his body up stupefaction. Even though he had taken his
anymore. His arms became weak and he fell flat to revenge, his face was full of grief instead of
the floor. His miserable cries could not relieve the happiness.
excruciating pain coming from his legs at all.
“I’ve taken my revenge... I’ve finally killed Zhang
“This is for Uncle Wu’s granddaughter, who you Yang with my own hands! Uncle Wu... did you see
tortured to death because she was unwilling to that? I've avenged you. Now you and Xiao Yu’er
endure your insults!” should be able to rest in peace in the
His right hand was pierced through again. Zhang
Yang already had no strength left to struggle. His Raising his head, Bai Yunfei looked up at the
face full of despair and fear, he begged for mercy numerous bright stars in the pitch-black sky through
intermittently with his mouth. the hole in the roof. He then closed his eyes and
took a deep breath before exhaling slowly.
“This is for the young girl almost violated by you Eventually, the complicated feelings in his heart
upstairs!” subsided.
When the tip of the spear pierced into Zhang Before he could consider what to do next, suddenly
Yang’s right hand, an explosion rang out a chill ran down his spine. A feeling of being
immediately then blood, flesh and stone fragments observed surged into his mind. Moreover, this
were sent flying everywhere. The explosion had feeling was vaguely similar to the feeling of when
caused a hole about the size of a washbasin in the Zhang Yang’s father Zhang Zhenshan had glanced
floor, and Zhang Yang’s entire right arm had been at him.
blown to pieces!
“Who?!” Bai Yunfei turned around abruptly and took
However, he had also passed out, either from the several steps backwards at the same time. Holding
pain caused by the loss of the arm or from the the Fire-tipped Spear in his hands, he stared hard
shock wave of the explosion. at the door of the hall.
“You already passed out? Now you can’t “Oh? You’re really vigilant, aren’t you? As soon as
experience the agony of the moment before death you calmed down, you noticed my presence.” A
anymore. Isn’t this very convenient for you? Forget lovely laugh came in from outside the door. After
it. Just die unconscious!” Bai Yunfei looked at an that the door was pushed opened slowly and a tall,
unconscious Zhang Yang with an ice-cold jade green silhouette appeared before Bai Yunfei’s
expression. After pulling the spear back, he thrust it eyes.
out again fiercely with a shake of his hand.
It was unexpectedly a woman!
“The last strike is for all the poor people treated like
insects, harmed and bullied by you!!” She had waist-length silky hair which swayed
slightly as she walked as if it was willow branches
dancing in a breeze. Her skin was snow-white, her
~ 97 ~
chin sharp. With a faint smile on the corners of her turning it back immediately in a timid manner. Then
mouth, she was squinting slightly. It seemed she she went and hid behind her senior sister with her
was engrossing herself in sizing up Bai Yunfei in head lowered. Her beautiful long hair was covering
front of her. Her white clothes were adorned with her face, but it could be noticed that she was
various jade green patches resembling willow quietly glancing at Bai Yunfei in front of her.
leaves. They were tightened at the waist, revealing
her beautiful figure. She was holding a sword about Catching a glimpse of her beauty and her jade-like
one meter long in her left hand and the scabbard of face, Bai Yunfei was entranced for a moment.
the sword was also jade green in color.
Seeing the young girl’s expression, that tall girl
The appearance of this woman stupefied Bai Yunfei could not help laughing a bit. She raised her head,
slightly for a moment, but he reacted immediately. smiled at Bai Yunfei then slightly nodded, saying: “I
Seeing that she did not seem to have any ill am Qiu Luliu, disciple of the Green Willow School’s
intentions, he gently let out a sigh of relief. Just headmaster. This is my junior sister Chu Yuhe. May
when he wanted to talk, a lovely shout came from I know which school you are from?”
upstairs behind him.
Bai Yunfei, however, did not answer her. Instead,
“Senior sister!” he looked outside the house then swept his eyes
thoughtfully over the ordinary people who had been
Bai Yunfei was stupefied again. Before he could knocked unconscious with broken tile fragments by
turn around to take a look, he heard a clatter of him earlier in the hall.
footsteps ring out behind him. Someone was
running down the stairs behind him quickly. Then a The girl called Qiu Luliu had not expected Bai
fragrant rush of wind went past him as a petite Yunfei not to answer her so she was somewhat
young girl ran by him on one side to throw herself annoyed, but upon seeing his movements, she was
into the bosom of that tall woman. slightly taken aback for a moment. Then, seeming
to have thought of something, she said with a smile
Upon seeing this young girl, the tall woman seemed again: “Mister, I think we shouldn’t stay here for
to let out a sigh or relief. She raised her right hand long. Why don’t we leave first then find another
and patted her back gently while saying in a soft place to talk to each other?”
voice: “Thank goodness you’re safe. I was worried
to death. I left for just a few days but when I Bai Yunfei looked at Qiu Luliu and Chu Yuhe, who
returned I unexpectedly couldn’t find you. Then I frequently looked at him from behind her senior
discovered that you had been kidnapped by an sister, then lowered his head in silence for a long
underground gang in the city so I turned over time before saying with a nod: “Okay, I need to
almost all the local criminal groups to be able to consult with you about some things too... Let’s go.”
find this place. Luckily you’re okay... Right, did they
do anything to you? Were you bullied by them?” Pulling Yuhe, Qiu Luliu walked out of the door. Bai
Yunfei took a look at Zhang Yang’s corpse again
Only after lying in her bosom for a good while did and let out a sigh whose implied meaning was
the young girl lift her head, saying: “No, I wasn’t. unknown to even himself. Then he raised his head.
They didn’t do anything to me. They said tonight The look in his eyes had become clear and resolute
they would give me... give me to their young again. He quickly walked a circle around the hall,
master. I know you would definitely come to save picking up all the daggers he had shot out earlier
me so I didn’t do anything either. About half an hour and Zhang Yang’s luxurious dagger, then turned
ago, their young master arrived, then, then this around and went out of the hall. After he caught up
person appeared...” with Qiu Luliu and Chu Yuhe, the three of them
gradually disappeared into the night.
Her voice was clear and melodious, like that of an
oriole, and at the moment there seemed to be a More than ten minutes after their departure, some
slight sobbing tone in it, so it sounded a bit of the people lying unconscious on the floor of the
poignant. At this point, she could not help turning hall moved slightly then struggled up with caution.
her head around to take a look at Bai Yunfei before Only after confirming that Bai Yunfei and the girls
~ 98 ~
had really left did they finally let out sighs of relief. In a remote alleyway in the eastern part of the city,
But then they were somewhat at a loss. Looking at Bai Yunfei and the two girls were facing each other,
the three corpses on the floor, they were separated by a distance of ten meters. Qiu Luliu
dumbfounded and did not know what they should smiled at him again, saying: “Just now I already
do. introduced us, but you still haven’t told me which
school you are from? Though you’re just a Soul
“Chief... Chief, we, what should we do now? Should Personage, not only do you have an space ring,
we report to the Zhang mansion right away so that you also have many soul armaments. Are you a
they can send men to capture young master’s disciple of the Crafting School?”
killer?” The little man who had been knocked
unconscious by Bai Yunfei on the street said to the “The Crafting School again...” Bai Yunfei thought to
chief beside him while patting his chest in lingering himself, “Zhang Yang also mentioned this school
fear. He did not even dare to look at Zhang Yang’s earlier. It seems to be a school good with soul
damaged corpse. armaments. If that is the case...”
The chief was staring in a trance at Zhang Yang’s Bai Yunfei kept silent for a while then, instead of
corpse. The color of his face was changing answering her question, he asked in reply: “Earlier,
repeatedly, sometimes ashen, sometimes very red when did you reach the outside of the door?”
and sometimes deadly white. Hearing the little
man’s words, he seemed to be woken up with a “Oh? What? You care so much about me peeking
start. Suddenly his expression looked extremely at you earlier?” Qiu Luliu was stupefied for a short
angry. He turned and sent the little man flying with while then covered her mouth and let out a couple
a palm strike without a warning sign then roared of giggles: “He he, never mind, I only arrived less
hysterically: “Report? Report my ass!! He’s already than three minutes before that. At the time you
dead. How can we go there without getting killed? were somewhat agitated, but when you calmed
All of us will be buried with young master!” down, you noticed me right away. Being already so
alert at the Soul Personage stage, you’re really
The little man was stunned by his palm strike and quite something.”
was sitting on the floor looking at him in
stupefaction. After hearing his roars, he “You... are a Soul Sprite, right?” Bai Yunfei
immediately quivered -- he was so frightened that continued to ask.
he regained consciousness.
“Oh? You can even see this? Not bad, I had a
“Then... then what do we do? Chief...” A breakthrough to the Soul Sprite stage not long
subordinate said in a somewhat trembling voice on ago.”
one side.
“Though you’re very powerful, you’d better leave
The chief lowered his head and pondered for a long this place with your junior sister soon. Perhaps you
time then raised his head and said to the men still don’t know that the man I killed was the the
around him: “Now that young master was killed in young master of the house of Zhang in Talus City,
our place, nobody here can hope to escape being Zhang Yang. His father Zhang Zhenshan is also a
held responsible for this. We all know very well how Soul Sprite and even a man of the Glacial School.”
the Zhang family will act. If we are caught, we’ll After thinking for a while, Bai Yunfei warned: “Just
definitely be killed and buried with young master!” now in that hall, you mentioned your identities. I
think by that time some of the men lying on the floor
After saying so, he looked around and continued: must have woken up. Though I am the killer, if they
“Wake the other brothers up. We’ll leave Talus City are caught by the Zhang family, they will reveal
right now. Whatever happens, our lives are the your identities, giving you two the same trouble.”
most important thing. Let’s run away as far as
possible!” Hearing his words, Qiu Luliu suppressed her smile
and frowned slightly, saying: “What? That man was
... ... ... ... the young master of the house of Zhang? If so, this
will be a bit troublesome indeed...”
~ 99 ~
Chapter 30: Schools of the World! of her face, covering it a bit, her complexion slightly
red. She was looking timidly at Bai Yunfei with her
Chapter 30: Schools of the World! big eyes, appearing very lovely.
Qiu Luliu suppressed her smile and frowned “Er... you don’t need to thank me, miss. I killed
slightly, saying, “What? That man was the Zhang Zhang Yang just to avenge myself. Even though I
family’s young master? If so, this will be a bit saved you, it was merely incidental... Er, what I
troublesome indeed... mean is, I am honored to have been able to save
you incidentally... Ah, I’m saying you don’t have to
“But I didn’t do anything. So what if that head of the keep this in mind...” Bai Yunfei said while gently
Zhang family Zhang Zhenshan finds us? What’s so waving his hand. He felt uneasy being stared at by
amazing about his Glacial School? Our Green her timid eyes.
Willow School won’t be afraid of them!” Qiu Luliu
only frowned for a short while in the beginning. “Pfff...” Chu Yuhe could not help bursting out a
After thinking for a while, she said in an laugh when she heard him speak incoherently and
unconcerned manner, “Plus, that Zhang Yang saw him wave his hand while smiling in a silly way.
unexpectedly wanted to violate my junior sister. Then she covered her mouth immediately and hid
Luckily she’s okay now, otherwise I wouldn’t have behind Qiu Luliu again in a somewhat embarrassed
let him go even if you hadn’t killed him! manner, her little face totally red.
“Right, speaking of which, I still haven’t thanked Qiu Luliu could not help laughing either, saying, “Ha
you for saving my junior sister. To find a clue, I had ha... I didn’t expect you to be such a simple person,
to spent a lot of time. If not for your appearance, mister.”
heaven knows what would have happened by the
time I arrived.” Seemingly not caring much about “Er...” Bai Yunfei was somewhat embarrassed. In
the Zhang family and the Glacial School behind it, fact, when Chu Yuhe had thanked him, the idea of
she skimmed over this topic casually and began to ‘her becoming devoted to him to return the favor’
thank Bai Yunfei. had popped into his mind, which had startled even
himself. He did not know why he himself had such
“Since you’ve already thought it over, I won’t an ‘immoral’ thought. It was his guilty conscience
mention this again. You don’t have to thank me that made him speak incoherently.
either. At first I indeed specifically went there to
save your junior sister, but after I knew that Zhang Bai Yunfei gave a couple of dry coughs to ease the
Yang would come, it was all about taking my own awkward atmosphere then said with a stern
revenge. As a matter of fact, I can’t accept your expression, “I want to consult with you about some
gratitude.” Bai Yunfei shook his head and said things, miss. Hopefully you can help me.”
“Oh? What do you want to ask me about? Just tell
“That... that’s not true. If not for your appearance, me. You want to ask me how old my junior sister is
that bad guy would have been able to go upstairs and whether she’s married, right?” Qiu Luliu still
while senior sister would have only arrived half an said jokingly with a smile.
hour later. If not for you, I would have been... I, I am
very grateful to you for saving me...” “Senior sister, you...” Behind her, Chu Yuhe
immediately pulled her sleeve in a lovely manner to
A timid voice came from behind Qiu Luliu. It was protest.
the young girl called Chu Yuhe. Seeming to have
finally mustered up enough courage, she leaned “Er... Ahem, Miss Qiu Luliu, I want to ask you about
out and gave Bai Yunfei a salute. Her voice that Crafting School. What kind of school is it? And
sounded melodious and refreshing. where is it?”
She was about sixteen years old, 1.65 meters tall “Oh? Then you’re not from the Crafting School?
and dressed fully in light green clothes. Her Plus, you don’t even know these tidbits?” Qiu Luliu
beautiful long hair was hanging down on either side
~ 100 ~
asked somewhat doubtfully, no longer joking with peeking into the future?” At this point, Qiu Luliu
him. looked at Bai Yunfei with glittering eyes.
“I’m not a disciple of any school. I just came across “Er... I have to disappoint you, miss. That elder only
an elder of the Fate School and managed to obtain taught me the most basic soul cultivation technique
a technique to train the soul from him. But I haven’t and gave me this space ring and some soul
joined a school.” Bai Yunfei explained. armament. There wasn’t that mysterious secret
technique you mentioned at all.”
“What? The Fate School?!” Qiu Luliu shouted
softly, her doubtful expression turning into a “Oh, I see...” Qiu Luliu said with some
surprised one. disappointment, “That’s right. How can the secret
technique of the Fate School be taught to an
“Oh, what? The Fate School is very famous?” This outsider easily? I think it’s possible that this
time it was Bai Yunfei who asked doubtfully. traveling elder of the Fate School worked out that
he and you are destined to be connected so he
“Very famous? Not only ‘very’ famous, I think you’re conveniently gave you an opportunity to change
one of the very few soul cultivators in the entire your life. This kind of thing has frequently happened
Tianhun continent who doesn’t know about the Fate in the Tianhun continent before.”
School.” Seeing the doubtful expression on his
face, Qiu Luliu continued in a somewhat frustrated “It was because we are destined to be
manner, “The Fate School isn’t one of the ten great connected?...” Bai Yunfei thought for a while about
schools in the world, but it’s almost on par with what the old man from the Fate School had said.
them in status. The Fate School believes in fate He could not help forcing a smile inside because
and pays particular attention to following Heaven’s now he knew that he owed the Fate School a debt
will. Its cultivation technique is extremely special. of gratitude.
According to legend, the people of this school use
their souls to sense Heaven’s will and use their “That Crafting School is one of the ten great
‘fate souls’ to find out the path of fate, thus being schools in the world you mentioned? What are the
able to know the past and predict the future. ten great schools? And please tell me in detail
about the situation of the Crafting School, Miss
“Many schools in the continent consider it an honor Qiu.” Bai Yunfei continued to ask after pondering
to be given directions by the Fate School. Every for a while.
time they encounter a catastrophe, they all hope to
obtain directions from the Fate School. Moreover, “It seems you really don’t know anything?” Qiu Luliu
every school helped by the Fate School has been had no choice but to shake her head and explain as
able to turn danger into safety in the end. Only, if she was teaching something to a child, “The ten
whether they will offer their help depends solely on great schools in the world are the Tianhun School,
the word ‘fate’ they believe in. It can’t be forced. the Crafting School, the Soul Refining School, the
Plus, the Fate School seems to never have taken Beast Taming School, the Wind Lightning School
part in power struggles and stay in seclusion and the Five Elements schools.
perennially so it’s quite mysterious. The location of
the school is even known to only a few people. “The Five Elements schools definitely isn’t the
Every disciple of the Fate School who goes out to name of a single school. Rather, it’s the collective
gain experience is desired and courted by the name of five schools, consisting of the Metal, the
major powers in the world.” Wood, the Water, the Fire, and the Earth Schools.
Starting from the Soul Sprite stage, you can control
Bai Yunfei was somewhat absorbed in listening. He the natural elements. Most soul cultivators are
had not expected the Fate School to be such a affiliated with one of the five elements, therefore
formidable school. these five schools have been very successful in
terms of disciples. Of course, the other five schools
“Since you were taught by an elder from the Fate have a lot of disciples too. In fact, each individual
School, did you learn that secret method for element school is inferior to the other five schools
and is even only slightly stronger than the few
~ 101 ~
schools which are very close to reaching the top School is publicly accepted as an evil power that
ten schools in status. everybody has the right to punish!
“However, the five elements reinforce each other “The Tianhun School has the same name as the
and are like birds of a feather. These schools have empire. The only reason for this is -- the
been in alliance and doing things together since Tianhun School is a school controlled by the
they were created. It’s because of this that they are imperial clan of the Tianhun Empire! As a school
listed among the ten great schools together. Of built with the resources of an empire, it’s worthy of
course, you could also regard these five schools as being the most powerful school of the continent. In
a single school, but then it would become ‘top six the school, able people are present in large number
schools’ instead of ‘top ten schools’. and new talents never stop coming out. It’s also the
most ideal school in the eyes of most ordinary soul
“The Wind Lightning School is a school that mostly cultivators. The headmaster of the Tianhun School
uses techniques related to wind and lightning for is the reigning emperor, His Majesty emperor Wu
cultivation. It’s usually in disagreement with the Hong, and at least half of the vassals in the sixteen
Five Elements Schools. It fought the Water School provinces of the empire came from the school. It
once, and when it was winning, the other four can be said that the Tianhun School is the empire’s
element schools came to help the Water School protector. It seems to never participate in power
and greatly damaged the Wind Lightning School’s struggles but it checks and balances the powers in
vitality. They have been feuding with each other the world all the time. In addition to the wise politics
ever since and both sides’ disciples often fight as and management of successive emperors, the
soon as they see each other. empire’s two-thousand-year prosperity must be due
in part to this Tianhun School.”
“The Beast Taming School is a very special school.
The people from this school almost never use their “Prosperity, wise politics and management?...” Bai
own bodies to fight. Instead, they mostly control Yunfei curved his mouth slightly downwards in an
soulbeasts. Unlike the other soul cultivators, who unnoticeable manner while thinking to himself with
can form a spiritual bond with only one soulbeast, a mental shake of his head, “This is only true in the
they seem to be able to control multiple soulbeasts case of those who are rich and live happy lives. It’s
directly using a secret technique, just like just your wishful thinking. Only a few people know
controlling puppets. Therefore this school is the about the darkness at the bottom of the society and
arch-enemy of all soulbeasts. Rumor has it that a the painful struggles of those ‘lowly’ people...”
level 8 soulbeast in the depths of the Soulbeast
Forest once led an army of soulbeasts and With her teacher mode on, Qiu Luliu seemed to
attacked this school’s headquarters, wanting to become more and more excited as she talked.
rescue the soulbeasts enslaved by the Beast Perhaps because she found the way Bai Yunfei
Taming School. But they had to fight the controlled was listening to her earnestly like an obedient child
soulbeasts. According to legend, the Beast Taming amusing, she covered her mouth and gave a gentle
School even unleashed a level 8 puppet soulbeast laugh then continued, “Next, I’m going to explain to
in this battle. In the end, both sides suffered great you the situation of the Crafting School, which is
losses, but I don’t know the specific circumstances. what you want to know the most...”
“The Soul Refining School doesn’t refine their own Chapter 31: Romance by Rescue Isn't
souls, but other people’s souls! If the Beast Taming Believable
School is the arch-enemy of all soulbeasts, this
Soul Refining School is the arch-enemy of nearly all Chapter 31: Romance by Rescue Isn't Believable
soul cultivators! All the people of this school are
very evil and malicious. Their cultivation technique As soon as Bai Yunfei heard that she was going to
is extremely strange. They absorb other people’s talk about the Crafting School, he cleared his head
souls to strengthen themselves. The most powerful of thoughts and focused his attention to listen to
people among them can even refine other people’s her.
souls to absorb the power of soul essence! Even
though the world of soul cultivators is a place where
might is right and power talks, the Soul Refining
~ 102 ~
Qiu Luliu was very satisfied with his behavior, as if extremely talented in craftsmanship to be able to
she was a teacher. She gave a gently cough and obtain the secret special crafting methods in the
said slowly: “The Crafting School’s headquarters is school. Otherwise, they will become an outer
located on Mt. Chixia, the highest mountain in disciple at most, practicing ordinary crafting
Pingchuan Province in the north of the empire. methods. Even so, when any disciple of the
Crafting School goes down from the mountain to
“Just like in the case of the Fate School, all the big gain experience, regardless of whether they are an
schools are unwilling to provoke the Crafting outer disciple or an inner one, few people will
School and even have to do their best to be on provoke them, because you just don’t know how
friendly terms with this school. This is only because many soul armaments this relatively weak soul
of one thing—soul armaments! cultivator in front of you actually has on their body.
Fighting enemies of higher levels and killing them
“Naturally, the Crafting School is good at making by using many soul armaments is not difficult to
equipment. Soul armaments are extremely valuable disciples of the Crafting School at all.”
to ordinary soul cultivators, but I heard that
anybody in the Crafting School has at least one Having said so much, Qiu Luliu seemed to be
soul armaments. You should know that having a somewhat tired. Only after pausing for a while did
powerful soul armaments can increase the power of she say smilingly again: “That’s the basic situation
a soul cultivator by several dozen percent, or even of the Crafting School. So... you intend to go and
several times! Most of the many famous soul ask to join this school, right?”
armaments in the continent came from the Crafting
School. Even the headmasters of the “Oh? How do you know?” Bai Yunfei blurted out
Skysoul Schools throughout history, who are also subconsciously upon hearing her question. He was
the emperors throughout history, have all been actually digesting the large amount of information
using the soul armaments specifically made for which had just been obtained.
them according to their requests by the Crafting
School. And the major powers and many powerful “You paid such a close attention to the Crafting
figures in the world of soul cultivators want the School. If I still couldn’t guess it, wouldn’t I be a big
Crafting School to tailor-make super powerful soul fool?” Qiu Luliu gave him a glare somewhat
armaments for them so much that they won’t discontentedly, as if she was blaming him for
hesitate to offer the school precious materials or to underestimating her intelligence.
promise to do something for it in return.
Bai Yunfei lowered his head in silence again for a
“There are definitely other powers and individuals long time. Just when Qiu Luliu somewhat
capable of making soul armaments in the continent, impatiently wanted urge him, he lifted his head and
but even if two soul armaments are of the same cupped one fist in the other hand to the two girls,
tier, the one made by the Crafting School will still saying: “Thank you so much for explaining these
be slightly better. However, the Crafting School things to me, Miss Qiu. I think the city will be
won’t rashly make soul armaments for other plunged into chaos very soon. I’ve still got
people, firstly because it’s very difficult to make something else to do. The two of you should also
soul armaments and also because they’re unwilling leave quickly.”
to let soul armaments become too widespread. Of
course, to say ‘widespread’ is a bit too Seeming not to have expected him to suddenly
exaggerating, but looking from a certain angle, the suggest leaving, Qiu Luliu was stupefied for a while
Crafting School can indeed control the number of then said: “Yeah, it’s about time I returned to my
low-tier soul armaments in the world of soul school as well. This time, when learning through
cultivators, so it can be said that this school is one experience outside, I found this extremely talented
of the fulcrums of the major powers in the world of junior sister so it’s been a worthwhile trip. I also
soul cultivators. want to bring her back to my school as quickly as
possible to let my master see this good disciple I
“The Crafting School is exceptionally strict about took in on her behalf.”
disciple admission. It almost only accepts soul
cultivators whose soul essence has an affinity with
the element of fire. And they still have to be
~ 103 ~
It turned out this was what had happened. Chu Yuhe raised her delicate little face and shook
Previously Bai Yunfei had found it strange that Chu her head, saying: “No, you’re not at fault, senior
Yuhe was the same as an ordinary person despite sister. It was only because I didn’t listen to your
being a disciple of the Green Willow School. It advice by going out alone for a walk in the street
turned out her training was yet to start. However, that I was captured. Besides, aren’t I okay now?
unexpectedly, an ordinary person’s talent for You don’t have to reproach yourself, senior sister...”
cultivation could be tested directly? He had not
thought that this was possible before. At this point, she could not help leaning her head to
look in the direction of Bai Yunfei’s departure,
“Oh, good. It’s time for us to say goodbye! Later if I mumbling: “Luckily he appeared. When I was
have a chance, I hope I can see the two of you almost in despair... he came down from heaven
again!” After saying so, Bai Yunfei turned around and single-handedly fought against three soul
and walked down the alley, heading for the outside. cultivators...”
“Wait... Wait! Mister, you still haven’t told us your Seeing her expression, Qiu Luliu was somewhat
name!” Chu Yuhe ran forwards two steps and concerned. She righted her body, put her own
shouted to Bai Yunfei’s silhouette. Seeing him hands on her shoulders and said seriously: “Junior
about to leave from behind Qiu Luliu, she had sister, I have to warn you that you can’t believe in
immediately become somewhat impatient. this rescue romance thing! Many young aristocrats
and playboy soul cultivators have used this trick to
Bai Yunfei’s body jerked slightly, but he did not cheat girls into falling for them.”
turned around. He raised his right hand and waved
it backwards, saying: “I am Bai Yunfei. Miss Yuhe, At this point, seeing a slight discontented
after returning to your school you have to train expression emerge on Chu Yuhe’s face, she
hard, so that later nobody can insult you easily!” continued hurriedly: “Er... Of course I’m not saying
that Bai Yunfei is this kind of person. He’s really a
Watching Bai Yunfei’s silhouette gradually going hero, plus he’s a real gentleman instead of
away, Chu Yuhe was somewhat entranced. There someone who wants to be repaid as I thought at
was a faint trace of depression on her face. first. However... because he doesn’t take the
rescue of you to heart, you definitely must not take
Qiu Luliu walked up to her side, gently patted her him into your heart. This is very dangerous. You
head and said smilingly: “What’s wrong, junior can’t fall for him... You already know his name,
sister? Could it be you like this mister?” right? Bai Yunfei, he’s like a white cloud floating in
the sky. You can’t make him stay...”
“No... That’s not true! Please don’t talk nonsense,
senior sister...” Chu Yuhe turned her head in a non- “What are you taking about, senior sister? I don’t
compliant manner and explained with a totally red like him... You’re thinking too much...” Chu Yuhe
face, “I’m just, just grateful to him for saving me... explained herself in a somewhat embarrassed
At the time, that bad guy was about to go upstairs manner after being warned by Qiu Luliu this way.
but you still hadn’t come to save me. There was
already a trace of despair in my heart. I even “Alas... I hope so. Anyway, later the two of you
prepared to kill myself to protect my purity...” probably won’t have a chance to meet again so
you’ll slowly forget him.” Knowing that it was
Qiu Luliu’s expression froze. She held Chu Yuhe to useless to say more, Qiu Luliu sighed with a shake
her bosom in an embrace and said with a face full of her head.
of pity: “I’m sorry. It’s my fault. If I hadn’t insisted
that you should stay here then gone and inspected Chu Yuhe looked at the empty alleyway in a
the destruction of that Blackwood Stronghold, you somewhat stupefied manner again. Even she
wouldn’t have been kidnapped by those people. In herself could not tell clearly how she was feeling in
the end I even came here too late. Luckily you are her heart.
all right, otherwise I’d be regretful for the rest of my
life.” “I really won’t see him again...?”
~ 104 ~
Chapter 32: Soul Warrior Stage and Acupoints With the death of Zhang Yang, Bai Yunfei had
taken his revenge and his state of mind had
Chapter 32: Soul Warrior Stage and Acupoints changed quietly again. He was already no longer
that lowly and weak coolie who had struggled for
The night was not over yet. Only, the bright moon survival by moving rice sacks in a rice store.
had already moved from one side of the sky to the Instead, he was now a powerful soul cultivator who
other. Even the insects in the grass were making could fight for his ideals!
much less noise than earlier, as if they had fallen
asleep because of being unable to endure the An invisible aura was emitted from his body. Within
loneliness of the late night. this small area, the remaining several insects which
were crying suddenly became quiet. Even the
Bai Yunfei went out of Talus City right after bidding moonlight in the surroundings seemed to ripple
farewell to the two girls. because of Bai Yunfei’s aura.
In front of Uncle Wu’s grave... “I broke through... The Soul Warrior stage!” As Bai
Yunfei felt the surging soulforce in his body, he was
“Uncle Wu, I have fulfilled my promise to you. I somewhat stupefied. He raised his right hand,
already killed Zhang Yang with my own hands. Now holding it before his eyes, and clenched it with
you and Xiao Yu’er can rest in peace in the nether force. It seemed he was making sure if this feeling
world... was real or not, “For the last two days, no matter
how I have practiced, my soulforce hasn’t
“Uncle Wu, later I probably won’t be able to come increased at all. I also guessed that this was the
see you again. I have no intention of staying in sign of me being about to break through to the Soul
Talus City and even in the Azure Cloud Province. I Warrior stage. Originally I planned to go to Li
want to leave this place to look for the path of my Chengfeng’s place then use the Upgrade
own life. Technique under his protection to break through
this final barrier. Who would have thought I would
have a breakthrough in this way?!
“I have decided the destination. Hopefully I can live
the kind of life I want to live at that place...
“Looks like in additional to the increase of
soulforce, a stage breakthrough is closely related to
“Uncle Wu, though we only spent half a day
the state of mind as well. It’s good that I understand
together, you gave me a warm feeling similar to
this now. Later it would save me many detours...”
what my grandpa had given me. In the end, you
even died to save me... I will engrave the words
said by both my grandpa and you in my heart!” Bai Yunfei walked up a hillside, turned to take a
look at Talus City, which was still shrouded in the
darkness of the night, then turned around and went
Bai Yunfei kowtowed three times respectfully to
in the other direction.
Uncle Wu’s grave. When he stood up, the sorrow
on his face gradually faded away, replaced with an
unparalleled determination! “Talus City is about to be thrown into chaos. I can’t
let the Zhang family discover my whereabouts.
After saying goodbye to mom and grandpa again,
“I’m leaving now, Uncle Wu. No matter what
I’ll leave immediately...”
problems I will have to face in the future, I will
definitely live free and with a clear conscience!”
... ... ... ...
The moment Bai Yunfei turned around and left, a
subtle change suddenly occurred in his body. His The next day, the entire Talus City was plunged
body, which had always been slightly bent into extreme chaos and panic.
unconsciously, was now perfectly upright. That
trace of confusion and sadness in his eyes had This was because almost all of the various
disappeared. Now his clear eyes were filled with underground forces in Talus City had been turned
confidence and resolution. over the previous night!
~ 105 ~
Normally these dens of bullies had fearsome were somewhat flustered and accepted in fear to
reputations and nobody would dare to provoke be interrogated and searched by the Zhang family’s
them, but it was said that a woman had single- overbearing men.
handedly stormed these places and injured
countless gangsters. The bosses of some gangs However, there was an unutterable ‘pleasant
had even almost been crippled. And the enemy’s surprise’ in their heart—Zhang Yang had
goal was only to find a person, a young girl unexpectedly been killed! Could it be a certain deity
kidnapped by a certain gang in the city. had shown up and heard their prayers?
How could a woman do this kind of thing? She Of course, no matter how excited they were inside,
certainly could, because she was a soul cultivator! they could not show it. Even though Zhang Yang
Moreover, she was an extremely powerful soul was already dead, the Zhangs were still around.
cultivator! It was said that the boss of the Axe Therefore, they could only wait until the
Gang, who was also a soul cultivator of the Soul investigators had left to shut the doors, look up to
Apprentice stage, had been unable to withstand the sky and laugh quietly then pray that the ‘great
even a single strike from the opponent and got one benefactor’ who had killed Zhang Yang would not
of his legs broken directly! be captured.
However, this was definitely not the main cause of Talus City was in turmoil, the Zhang family’s men
the chaos in the city. were anxious and nervous and the common people
in the city were secretly celebrating—but the
The main cause of the chaos was that the young initiator of everything, Bai Yunfei, was hurrying to Li
master of the house of Zhang, Zhang Yang had Chengfeng’s house.
been killed in the same night!
After going quickly for a day, he was already very
His body was discovered in the headquarters of a far from Talus City. He found a farmhouse in hope
gang in the city. Zhang Yang and his two that he could stay there for a night. The farmhouse
bodyguards were all dead and the members of the owner agreed very readily and refused to accept
gang in charge of that area had all disappeared! the reward money Bai Yunfei took out. He received
him very enthusiastically. Even though the dinner
When Zhang Yang’s mother heard this news, she was simple, Bai Yunfei was able to experience the
almost passed out. And when she really saw her honesty and enthusiasm of this family.
son’s damaged corpse, she fainted immediately.
Only after her servants hurriedly gave her At night, Bai Yunfei sat with legs crossed on the
emergency treatment did she finally slowly wake up bed. Holding a gray scroll in his hand with his eyes
then throw herself on Zhang Yang’s corpse and closed, he was studying the acupoint control
weep in agony. method of the Soul Warrior stage.
“Send for master right away! Mobilize all the forces! A long while later, he slowly opened his eyes, but
I want everybody to carry out a search!! Search for they were full of doubt. Only after staring at the
those runaways of that gang and find out who killed scroll in his hand in a daze for a while did he put it
my son! I want his entire family to be buried with my away in the space ring.
“The final stage of the Three Stages of Body
Therefore, Talus City was plunged into chaos. Control is greatly different from the skin-flesh
Almost every family was interrogated and searched control and bone-blood control from before... Unlike
by the Zhang family’s men. Even those gangs the skin, the flesh, the bones and the blood, these
which were dependent of the Zhangs all dragged so-called acupoints aren’t so easy to find at all.
their injured bodies around looking for the Even though I know where they are, I just can’t feel
runaways. them.
At first, the people in Talus City were all at a loss, “Plus, why does my mind feel familiar with some
but after knowing about what had happened, they acupoints? It seems like I knew them before... That
~ 106 ~
eye-related ‘Mingmu’ acupoint, why do I feel that it The Wave Treading Steps was a high-human
should be called ‘Jingming’ acupoint? And that tier soul technique which used several acupoints in
‘Danchi’ acupoint in the elbow, I feel that its name the legs as the basis in coordination with a special
is ‘Xiaohai’...” soulforce channeling method and a special
footwork pattern to increase the user’s speed and
“I always feel that there seems to be memories not dexterity. Body-maneuvering techniques caused no
belonging to me hiding in my head. They should direct damage but they could play an extremely
have appeared together with that ‘Equipment important role, whether when you were fighting,
Upgrade Technique’, but they are extremely vague giving chase or fleeing.
and seem to be hiding in the depths of my mind. I
just can’t take the initiative and examine them... Bai Yunfei looked at the scroll in a daze for a long
time, fantasizing about how this soul skill would turn
“But they don’t seem to do any harm. Plus, that out to be. Only after that did he put the scroll away
feeling of familiarity with these acupoints in my in the ring, pat his forehead and say to himself: “I
mind can help me sense their existence better. thought too much again. If I want to practice this
soul skill sooner, I have to learn how to control
“But even though I’ve meditated several times, I still these several dozen most basic acupoints as early
can only manage to sense the ‘Mingmu’ acupoint in as possible. At least I have to be familiar enough
the eyes. Worse still, I can barely sense its with acupoint control before practicing this soul
existence and can’t control it... Could it be I’m not skill...”
talented enough?”
In fact, there were only about ten something basic
If Han Xiao, the chieftain of the Blackwood acupoints that needed to be controlled at the early-
Stronghold killed by Bai Yunfei, knew what he was stage Soul Warrior level, but Bai Yunfei was
thinking, perhaps he would be stimulated so much studying a ‘textbook’ given to him by that old man
that he would go back from the dead then vomit from the Fate School. Some of the acupoints
three liters of blood and die again. In the past, he recorded in it were relatively ‘precious’. In ordinary,
could only sense the existence of the first acupoint small schools of soul cultivators, even only the
after spending a whole month. Of course, Han Xiao headmasters can learn cultivation methods which
was really not talented enough, but even most of used these acupoints.
those who were fairly talented would need several
days to be able to sense the first acupoint when However, Bai Yunfei did not know this. He only
they tried to learn the acupoint control method after thought that they were ordinary acupoints that a
reaching the early-stage Soul Warrior level. Soul Warrior had to control...
However, Bai Yunfei had needed less than a day Chapter 33: Meeting Li Chengfeng Again
before he could vaguely sense then first acupoint.
What kind of ‘talent’ was this? Of course, at the Chapter 33: Meeting Li Chengfeng Again
moment Bai Yunfei still did not know at all how
great a help this vague feeling of familiarity with In the morning of the next day.
various acupoints in the body would be to his
cultivation... Bai Yunfei slowly opened his eyes after practicing
for a whole night. At that moment, his eyes seemed
“I can’t even sense the several most basic to flash with a trace of light. They then returned to
acupoints, how can I still practice the Wave normal, seeming not to have undergone any
Treading Steps?... Alas, I really look forward to this change, but the expression in his eyes also
body-maneuvering soul technique. I want to seemed to be clearer than before.
practice it sooner to check it out.” With a turn of his
wrist, a white scroll appeared in his hand—it was “It’s really inconceivable. I can only control the
none other than the last soul technique scroll in the Mingmu acupoint, and worse still, at an elementary
space ring. level, but my vision is already much better than
before. Not only can I see farther now, I can also
~ 107 ~
see much more clearly...” Bai Yunfei thought to Blackwood Stronghold. Luckily I had already
himself as he looked around for a while. instructed them earlier so they all handled this
pretty well. Besides, I had already hid those horses
“Then next I’ll study those several basic acupoints deep behind the mountain when noticing that the
in the arms first. According to what that scroll says situation had been abnormal. Luckily it seemed
about their effectiveness, if I can control those those men didn’t think that a village like ours would
several acupoints proficiently, I should be able to have something to do with those bandits, so they all
use the second level of the Overlapping Waves Art left after casually asking some people...” Li
called Ninefold Fist Force with relative ease!” Chengfeng slowly recounted what had happened
recently while gazing at the several dots of
In fact he could already use the Ninefold Fist Force lamplight yet to be put out in the village.
earlier when he had still been a late-stage Soul
Personage, but the price would be too high. After Bai Yunfei nodded, saying, “Yeah, you did a great
just one use, his arm would be paralyzed for half a job. We definitely can’t let them know that we were
day, and even worse, it would hurt excruciatingly. behind the destruction of the Blackwood
Therefore, he had only used the Threefold Fist Stronghold, otherwise the village will be put in
Force in the battle earlier. danger. But I think they won’t pay attention to this
place again. After all, nobody would suspect a
“If I can use the Ninefold Fist Force proficiently, I’ll small village like this one.”
become much more powerful. And if I can even use
the Ninefold Thrust... then unless something Then he turned his right hand over. The three
unexpected happens, basically every time I thrust scrolls appeared in his hand. He held them out to Li
the Fire-tipped Spear out, its explosion effect will be Chengfeng, saying, “You’ve already reached the
triggered. At that time...” At this point, Bai Yunfei Soul Personage stage. Tomorrow you should start
could not help starting to fantasize again. practicing the second stage of body control, the
bone-blood control. You can also practice the soul
After bidding farewell to this simple and honest skill in this scroll. The last scroll requires you to
family, Bai Yunfei continued to head for Li reach the Soul Warrior stage to practice. Just leave
Chengfeng’s house. it there for now.”
He trained along the way. After taking several “Oh? Is it okay to give me all of them?” Seeing him
detours confusedly, in the evening of the fifth day, hand over three scrolls at once, Li Chengfeng
Bai Yunfei finally arrived in Li Chengfeng’s current asked doubtfully as he received them.
village again.
“Never mind, of course I have remembered all the
Seeing Bai Yunfei again, Li Chengfeng was contents before giving them to you. Now I don’t
naturally very happy. The other people in the village need them anymore. I’ll stay in the village for a
also showed special enthusiasm for him when they while and wait until I have become proficient in
knew that he was the visitor because they acupoint control to leave. During this period of time,
considered him their ‘benefactor’. The entire village you can ask me if you have any questions about
held a ‘welcoming banquet’ for Bai Yunfei as if they cultivation.” Bai Yunfei said smilingly.
were celebrating a festival, making him feel quite
embarrassed. Li Chengfeng gave his wrist a shake and the three
scrolls disappeared. They had been sucked into the
At night, it was pleasantly quiet in the village. Most space ring in his finger -- it was none other than the
of the people had already turned out the lights and former space ring of Han Xiao, chieftain of the
gone to sleep. On a small hillside outside the Blackwood Stronghold.
village, Bai Yunfei and Li Chengfeng were sitting
with legs crossed. “Right, have you finished doing what you wanted to
do when returning to Talus City this time?” Li
“Not long ago, a good several batches of men Chengfeng asked in a seemingly very casual
suddenly showed up around here one after another manner.
and asked people in the village about that
~ 108 ~
Bai Yunfei nodded, saying, “Yeah, I’m done with it. I stage, you can control the power of the natural
won’t go back to that place anymore. I intend to elements. It seems when you make a breakthrough
leave Qingyun Province directly in a while and go to to this stage, you’ll have to choose the type of
Pingchuan Province, which has a school of soul element you’ll want to control, and this will have
cultivators called the Crafting School. I want to go something to do with the attributes of your soul
there to study under a master.” essence. In short, after reaching the late Soul
Warrior stage, you’d better choose a school and
“Oh, it’s a good idea to leave too. You’re like a train under a master’s expert guidance. If you grope
floating white cloud. A small place like this can’t about in the dark by yourself, you can easily run
make you stay, right?” Li Chengfeng added into problems.”
smilingly as if he was joking, “Unfortunately, I’m still
too weak, otherwise, I’d really want to go on a Li Chengfeng was somewhat stupefied. Only after a
journey with you...” good while did he murmur, “The outside world is
really splendid! I’ll definitely train a bit faster then go
“Give me a break...” Bai Yunfei scolded jokingly, and experience that big world!”
“You just got married not long ago, but you’re
already thinking about the teeming world outside? “Hey! Did you really hear what I said?”
Don’t tell me you’re willing to part with your
precious Ling’er? And if you want to travel the world “Uh, mm, I did. You don’t have to worry. I’ll be
with your family now, even I will disagree with you. careful...”
Can you protect Ling’er?”
“... ...”
“Er... I wasn’t serious about that.” Li Chengfeng
scratched his head in an embarrassed manner, “Of ... ... ... ...
course I’m aware of these things so you can rest
easy. Before making a breakthrough to the Soul Just like that, Bai Yunfei then stayed in this hamlet.
Warrior stage like you, I definitely won’t consider However, he did not come here to enjoy a quiet,
leaving. comfortable lifestyle at all. He knew that he would
have to leave this place and Qingyun Province
“However, now that I’ve already got this kind of soon.
power, I can’t stay in this hamlet for life. Eventually
I’ll have to go and experience the outside world. At What he had to do now was practice, practice and
that time, can we still meet again?” Li Chengfeng practice, to master the acupoint control method and
said in a longing tone while looking up at the become proficient in his soul techniques. He had to
numerous stars in the sky. make every effort to improve his power so that later
he could face the ever-present threat of being
“That goes without saying! We’ll definitely meet hunted down...
again. At that time, you can’t be too weak!” Bai
Yunfei said smilingly, “I just got a one-step head Chapter 34: Explode! Explode! And Explode!
start on you, and nothing more. When the time
comes, you can go to the Crafting School to find Chapter 34: Explode! Explode! And Explode!
me. Or if you join another school, make a name for
yourself, I’ll come and find you at that time...
In the next several days, Bai Yunfei trained almost
as hard as he would in a ‘closed-door session’.
“Right, I’ve learned a bit about schools in the world
recently. I’ll tell you about them so that later you’ll
He studied the method for controlling those ‘basic’
be well aware of the situation...”
acupoint in meditation almost all the time. And at
night, his time was not wasted either. Instead of
Bai Yunfei then told Li Chengfeng carefully what he sleeping, he spent time increasing his soulforce.
knew, including the information on the ten great Because Bai Yunfei spent nearly all his daytime
schools, before continuing, “I don’t know much studying acupoints, he basically did not have time
about the Soul Sprite stage after the Soul Warrior to improve his soulforce. However, he had his own
stage either. I only know that from the Soul Sprite method for improving his soulforce with ease!
~ 109 ~
This method was naturally the Equipment Upgrade many upgrades, he still ended up with more than
Technique. At the moment, he was staying in this ten +10 items such as sabers, swords and sticks.
hamlet near Li Chengfeng so he did not have to
worry that there would be danger after he passed Perhaps inspired by Bai Yunfei, Li Chengfeng
out. Therefore, he used the Upgrade Technique to trained very hard too. He even spent much less
exhaust his soulforce directly every night. The next time with his precious Ling’er. However, Ling’er
day, by the time he woke up from his was a good wife so she did not complain about this
unconsciousness, his soulforce would have already at all. She was also sincerely happy upon seeing
improved -- this was really convenient. the joyful expression he had when training together
with Bai Yunfei.
However, there was a little trouble, namely, the
numerous items stored in his interspatial ring had By the time of Bai Yunfei’s arrival, Li Chengfeng
almost been used up by him in just several days. had already been a Soul Personage for a while.
Nearly all of these ordinary items were destroyed Recently he had been practicing the bone-blood
before they could reach +10, turning into piles of control method and the Overlapping Waves Art he
scrap metal as if they had been in existence for had just obtained, all while having to improve his
countless years before this. soulforce through cultivation. Even so, after the first
two days, he still broke through to the mid-stage
Later, Bai Yunfei had no choice but to change his Soul Personage level. His power had been
method. Before going to sleep, he practiced the increasing steadily. This even made Bai Yunfei
body control or the soul skills to use up most of his wonder if he might also possess a shortcut capable
soulforce, then he used the Upgrade Technique to of improving soulforce like the Equipment Upgrade
exhaust his remaining soulforce. Because of this, Technique...
every night he would ‘jump around’ like mad before
going to bed. The villagers who did not know what This day, in the afternoon, Bai Yunfei went into the
was going on even thought that he had too much mountain forest behind the village alone, found a
energy and a well-meaning auntie even suggested secluded place and sat down with legs crossed -- at
introducing a girl to him to help him... the moment he wanted to do an important thing --
upgrading his items -- upgrading those +10 items!
However, the result of such ‘arduous training’ was:
after seven days, he could already more or less All along, Bai Yunfei had considered +10 the limit of
control the several acupoints in his arms and the upgrades. Now that he already had quite a few
manage to use the Ninefold Fist Force without +10 items, he decided to upgrade them to even a
suffering too much from the side effect. At last, he higher level so that he could gather even more
had accomplished the first goal. Next he would information about the Upgrade Technique. Anyway,
have to train the acupoints in his legs then begin to these were all ordinary items so even if they
practice the Wave Treading Steps. exploded, he would not be too distressed by this.
His soulforce had been increasing steadily by Gently taking a breath, he turned his wrist over. A
twenty something points a day. It had been twelve dagger appeared in his hand.
days since he had reached the Soul Warrior stage.
In the first five days, which was also the time it took “Let’s get started with a +9 dagger... Upgrade.”
him to go from Luoshi City to this village, he only
used the Arte of Training the Soul to improve his
soulforce. After the last seven days, now the Upgrade Successful
numerical value of his soulforce was about 1500
points. Bai Yunfei guessed that the threshold for
the middle Soul Warrior stage should be about
1600 points. In other words, he would reach the
middle Soul Warrior stage in a few days. Equipment Grade: Normal
Upgrade Failed
And another....
Equipment Destroyed
Upgrade Failed
“Upgrade.” ......
Attack: 31
The more Bai Yunfei thought about it, the more “Hah...” Bai Yunfei gave a self-derisive laugh,
agitated and angry he became. He raised the large slightly shook his head and thought in his
saber and roared in a deep voice, “Upgrade!” mind, “Upgrade...”
Chapter 35: +13 Brick! Hurling! +13 Additional Effect: Attacks have a 30%
chance of hurling the target through the air.
After being stupefied for half a minute, Bai Yunfei
acted the same as before. He stood up with a Upgrade Requirements: 50 Soulpoints
whoosh, threw the brick to the ground fiercely,
stamped his foot and shouted abuse.
“This...” The gloomy expression on Bai Yunfei’s
“F*ck you! Are you kidding me?!?!” face disappeared in an instant and was replaced
with an extremely astonished one, as if he did not
... ... ... ... dare to believe the information in his mind.
Only after another five minutes was Bai Yunfei After being astonished for ten something seconds,
finally able to calm his trembling heart and body he put the brick down on the ground again in a
down. As he picked up the brick, half of which had somewhat stupefied manner then picked it up once
been sunk into the ground, and brushed the soil more and examined it. He put it down again, picked
from its surface with his hand, he almost burst into it up once more and examined it...
After doing so several times, he was finally sure
“If I had known it, I would have upgraded the that this was real. Holding the brick with both
Glacial Piercer...” Staring at the brick in his hand hands, he murmured, “This... can also be
with a complicated expression, Bai Yunfei started to considered a small compensation for the losses.
regret upgrading it in his heart. Though both the Icesoul Silver Needles were
destroyed, this one’s additional effects seem not
With a thought, the properties of the brick showed bad either. At least I didn’t lose all those items for
up in his mind. nothing...
“Oh, alright...” Seeing him so eager, Li Chengfeng “Yeah, let’s continue. This time you must defense
became a bit curious. He put the wooden barrels yourself properly.” After thinking for a while, Bai
down and followed him. Yunfei said again.
“You put up a good defense first. I’ll hit your Li Chengfeng was stupefied, “We’ll still test it?
shoulder with it to see what will happen.” Having What do you actually want to do? Alas... Alright,
arrived in the vacant area, Bai Yunfei said after come hit me again.”
thinking for a while.
Just like before, Bai Yunfei hit Li Chengfeng’s
Despite not knowing what Bai Yunfei had in mind, shoulder with three continuous strikes. This time, Li
Li Chengfeng still channeled his soulforce without Chengfeng had already prepared himself by
saying a word, causing the flesh of his shoulder to strengthening his defense so despite still feeling a
wiggle slightly for a while. When he had already little pain, he did not even move half an inch. He
prepared his defense, he thought doubtfully to looked doubtfully at Bai Yunfei, who would stare at
himself, “What did he mean? He wants to hit me him hopefully for a few seconds whenever hitting
with that brick? How can this kind of attack be him with the brick.
effective against a soul cultivator? Or there’s
something special about that brick? But no matter After the third hit, Bai Yunfei looked at the brick in
how I look at it, it’s just an ordinary brick...” his hand rather disappointedly and said to himself,
“Strange... Why hasn’t it happened yet?”
Just when he was still guessing to himself, Bai
Yunfei walked up to his face and raised the brick in He then raised his head again looking at Li
a simple manner without using any technique then Chengfeng and said smilingly, “You’re really lucky,
smashed it down on his shoulder. Chengfeng...” After that, he smashed the brick
down once again.
“Oh? What do you mean? My luck...” Li Chengfeng
“Ah!” said in puzzlement, but before he could finish what
he was saying, something unusual suddenly
Before a soft collision sound could ring out happened just when this blow landed on his
completely, Li Chengfeng’s surprised, painful cry shoulder!
~ 114 ~
When Bai Yunfei felt a strand of soulforce flow into “Er... is this really okay?” Li Chengfeng was
the brick in his hand, his eyes brightened, “Here it stupefied and stopped retreating. Looking at the
comes!” brick held out to him by Bai Yunfei, he received it
hesitantly. As he weighed it in his hand, a hint of
Li Chengfeng, who had still been nonchalant just curiosity gradually appeared in his eyes. He then
then, suddenly flew into the air without finishing raised his head, saying, “Alright, I’ll help you test it.
what he was saying as if he had been rammed into What should I do? Still hit your shoulder with it?
head-on by a big truck... er, big horse carriage. He How much force should I use?”
flew away more than three meters then, after
landing, slid away nearly ten more meters before “Let me think... Don’t hit my shoulder. Hit my
he finally stopped. forehead, okay? But don’t use a lot of force. Just
hitting me gently is enough.” Bai Yunfei said after
Li Chengfeng sat on the ground with his mouth half- thinking for a while.
open. He was not injured, but he had been
somewhat stupefied by this sudden situation. “Forehead? Alright, then get your defense ready.
I’m hitting you now...” Li Chengfeng was a bit
“Ha-ha, it was finally activated. This is the ‘hurling’ stupefied then said somewhat uncertainly.
effect, isn’t it? It’s even more formidable than I
thought, ha ha...” “Yeah, just do it, but wait for a while after every
time you hit me. Don’t hit me again until I tell you
Bai Yunfei’s slightly complacent, happy laughter to.” Bai Yunfei lowered his head slightly and
woke Li Chengfeng up with a start from his warned.
stupefaction. He stood up and looked at the brick in
Bai Yunfei’s hand with an astounded expression, “Oh...” Li Chengfeng slowly held out the brick in his
asking, “Yunfei, what happened just now? My body hand and smashed it on Bai Yunfei’s forehead with
suddenly flew backwards uncontrollably but I’m not a small force.
injured at all... Could it be this brick was the cause
of this?” “Bang!”
“Yeah, you’re right. It’s miraculous, isn’t it? Ha ha, Although he used a very small force, when the brick
I’ll explain this to you in a while. Come, let’s hit Bai Yunfei’s forehead, it created a strange soft
continue...” Bai Yunfei stopped talking to himself sound.
when hearing his questions then walked towards
him again with a totally excited expression. Afterwards, just like what had happened to Li
Chengfeng earlier, Bai Yunfei flew away a good
“Wait, wait! I quit. This is a strange thing. I don’t distance with slight buzzing sounds as if he had
want to play with it anymore...” Li Chengfeng been rammed into by a galloping big horse
looked at the brick in Bai Yunfei’s hand, which carriage.
seemed to be slightly emitting a red light, and said
while waving his hands repeatedly. Bai Yunfei’s Looking at Bai Yunfei, who was sitting on the
longing expression had given him the creeps. ground in some confusion, then looking at the brick
in his hand, Li Chengfeng was stupefied for a short
“Alas... How can you be like this? It won’t hurt you... while then suddenly laughed out loud with his
That hurling effect just now only has a 30% chance hands holding his stomach.
of being triggered.” Seeing Li Chengfeng backing
off continuously, seeming unwilling to cooperate “What did you say? The hurling effect has an
with him in his ‘experiment’ again, Bai Yunfei activation chance of less than one to three, right?
thought for a while then had no choice but to Ha ha... then looks like I’m really way luckier than
change his tune, saying, “Alas, forget it. How about you, ha ha!!”
you hitting me? At least this is okay, right? I’ll have
a taste of its effect myself.” Bai Yunfei struggled up from the ground, brushed
the dirt off his body and said in a somewhat
~ 115 ~
embarrassed manner, “Er, that was unexpected, somewhat frightened manner, “Yunfei? Are you
unexpected... Let’s continue.” okay?”
“Continue? Alright, alright. Get ready, here I come.” By the time he finished his questions, Bai Yunfei
This time Li Chengfeng appeared to be very active had already recovered. He shook his head, stood
and even to be quite enjoying himself. Regardless upright again and said “I’m alright” before
of what this so-called ‘hurling’ effect actually was, at immersing himself in contemplation.
the moment he found it very interesting and
especially delightful. “Chengfeng, just now how long was I in this
stunned state?” A while later, Bai Yunfei lifted his
“Yeah, hit me.” When Bai Yunfei saw that Li head and asked.
Chengfeng’s face was full of expectation, the
corners of his mouth twitched in an unnatural “Stunned? Ah, a very short time, only about three
manner. seconds...” Li Chengfeng was stupefied then
answered after thinking for a bit.
“Hopefully... all the effects will be tested soon...” He
prayed to himself in his mind. “Three seconds! But the stunning effect can last for
a maximum of five seconds, so in other words, the
Chapter 36: +13 Brick! Stunning! And duration of this effect varies according to the
Confusing! target... In this case, if the target is a bit more
powerful than me, he can only be stunned for one
Chapter 36: +13 Brick! Stunning! And Confusing! second, or even half a second... However, at that
level, even half a second of stun would be enough
When Bai Yunfei saw that Li Chengfeng’s face was for me to turn the tide in combat...” Bai Yunfei
full of excitement, the corners of his mouth twitched muttered to himself while pondering with glittering
in an unnatural manner. eyes.
“Hopefully... all the effects will be tested soon...” He Seeing the doubtful and concerned look in Li
prayed to himself in his mind. Chengfeng’s eyes upon raising his head, he said
laughingly, “Don’t worry. I’m okay. I’ll answer the
After the two of them positioned themselves well, Li questions in your mind in detail soon. There’s still
Chengfeng continued to hit Bai Yunfei’s forehead one thing that needs to be tested. Let’s continue.”
gently with the brick again and again—his face full
of expectation. “Er... continue? Alright, I’ll wait for your
explanations.” Li Chengfeng said while nodding in a
When the third blow landed, Bai Yunfei suddenly frustrated manner.
felt a strange force surge into his head. Before he
could react, he felt a wave of dizziness. Suddenly Afterwards, Bai Yunfei experienced the hurling
there was only an expanse of golden light before effect twice and experienced both the hurling effect
his eyes and he ended up seeing stars. His mind and the stunning effect simultaneously once before
was in chaos and the defense of the skin and flesh finally experiencing the anticipated confusing effect.
on his forehead, which had been reinforced with
soulforce, also disappeared in the blink of an eye. The moment this effect was triggered, what Bai
He took two steps backwards uncontrollably and Yunfei was seeing suddenly distorted and his mind
was about to topple. was in confusion, as if many things had been
crammed into it all of a sudden. However, this was
When Li Chengfeng smashed the brick down this not as serious as being stunned because he could
time, he felt a strand of soulforce flow into it in an still control his body and the soulforce in it, but he
uncontrolled manner. Then he saw Bai Yunfei also felt a severe lack of coordination.
retreat continuously with unfocused eyes and about
to fall down. He hurriedly grabbed his shoulder to Shaking his head, he walked forwards half a step
help him regain his balance and asked in a and tried reaching out his hand to Li Chengfeng in
front of him, but caught nothing.
~ 116 ~
This strange feeling then disappeared and the “Er... they are a kind of effect that is totally out of
world before his eyes returned to normal. Bai the ordinary and unimaginable.” Bai Yunfei felt
Yunfei suddenly noticed that at some point he silent for a short while, but he really did not know
himself had already moved to a place about two how he should explain so he had no choice but to
steps away from Li Chengfeng on Li Chengfeng’s give an example, “Take the brick just now for
left-hand side. But he was not facing Li Chengfeng example. Do you think that kind effect which
either. Instead, he had turned right. mysteriously sends people flying is in the ordinary?
There are also your two daggers. The effect of one
“Are you okay, Yunfei? What happened just now? of them is ‘attacks have a 2% chance of slowing the
Why did you suddenly seem to lose your sense of target’s speed for 10 seconds’. Do you still
direction?” Li Chengfeng walked up to his face and remember the first time we teamed up and killed
asked in a curious manner. that hallmaster Zhong? In the end, it was only
because you triggered this effect were we able to
“I’m okay...” Bai Yunfei shook his head then kill him.”
lowered it to ponder again.
Seeing a pondering expression appear on Li
“This is the ‘confusing’ effect, right? It’s similar to Chengfeng’s face, Bai Yunfei continued, “The other
stun, but there’s also an obvious difference...” dagger can reduce the recovery speeds of the
wounds caused by it. And my Fire-tipped Spear has
“Yunfei, what are you thinking? Do I still have to hit an explosion effect. In fact, these weapons
you?” Seeing no reaction from Bai Yunfei for a long themselves didn’t possess the effects. I am the one
time, Li Chengfeng could not help asking. who ‘gave’ them the effects. I’ve got a special
ability which causes them to possess these special
Bai Yunfei raised his head to take a look at him and effects... Now, do you understand after I explained
scolded jokingly, “Are you addicted to hitting? Don’t it this way?”
hit me again. I’m already done with my research.
Just give me the brick.” “I... still don’t understand the specifics.” Li
Chengfeng shook his head confusedly, “But simply
“Oh...” Li Chengfeng handed the brick over to Bai speaking, you have an unimaginable ability which
Yunfei in a somewhat unwilling manner with a added extra, unimaginable effects to these things,
disappointed expression on his face. right?”
The corners of his mouth twitching, Bai Yunfei put “Er... that’s right. Your summary is very accurate.”
the brick away, not knowing whether to cry or laugh Bai Yunfei said with a nod after thinking for a while.
about this. He then sat down and said, “Alright, now
I’m going to answer all your questions.” “Oh, this...” Li Chengfeng was not so astounded or
curious as Bai Yunfei had thought. Instead, he
Hearing this, Li Chengfeng immediately became pondered calmly for sometime before saying again,
interested. He sat down next to him and asked with “This should be your secret, right?”
a face full of curiosity, “Good, good, quickly tell me
what happened. How can this brick be so Bai Yunfei was stupefied then answered, “Yeah,
marvelous? Right... Now that I think about it, the until now, you’re the first and also the only person
two daggers you gave me seem to be quite special who knows this secret of mine.”
as well. I feel they’re similar to this brick...”
“Um, I got it. Don’t worry, Yunfei. I definitely won’t
Bai Yunfei nodded, “Correct, the two daggers I tell anyone about this secret.” Li Chengfeng said
gave you, this brick, and my Fire-tipped Spear and resolutely after falling silent again for a while.
Glacial Piercer, they all have at least one ‘special
effect’.” Bai Yunfei smiled and hit his shoulder with a punch,
saying, “Of course I wouldn’t have let you know
“What do you mean?” Li Chengfeng showed that he about it if I didn’t trust you. Why did you give me
did not understand. such a guarantee as if I don’t trust you?”
~ 117 ~
The two of them then chatted for some time about Two days ago, on the tenth day after Zhang Yang’s
the various effects of the weapons. Li Chengfeng death, in courtyards belonging to the house of
was obviously very curious about this. He even Zhang in Talus City,
almost failed to resist the urge to take out those two
upgraded daggers and cut himself to personally The family head Zhang Zhenshan was sitting in the
experience their effects. However, Bai Yunfei did head position in the hall staring at the five men
not mention the specific details of the Upgrade kneeling in front of him with a cold, stern
Technique because they were too difficult to expression. The look in his eyes was sharp as a
explain. And Li Chengfeng did not ask about them blade. Nearly all of those five men were trembling
either. from head to toe, their cold sweat streaming down.
“Right, Chengfeng, can you take a trip to Talus City “Humph!” After maintaining this suffocating
tomorrow?” Bai Yunfei said to Li Chengfeng, atmosphere for more than ten minutes, Zhang
seeming to have suddenly thought of something. Zhenshan let out a cold snort. The five kneeling
men’s bodies got a shock almost simultaneously. It
“Oh? Go to Talus City? What do you want me do?” was obvious they were even more frightened than
Li Chengfeng asked doubtfully. before.
“You go there and buy some daggers. ‘Cause you “You’ve... done very well. Less than ten days, you
already decided to use the dagger as your weapon were able to run so far away in such a short time. It
of choice, I’ll make two powerful daggers for you!” took me so long to find you...” Zhang Zhenshan
said in an indifferent tone. It was impossible to tell
“Really? Very good! I’ll go there tomorrow!” Li how he was feeling, but all the people present knew
Chengfeng agreed in excitement, his eyes that he could casually kill someone anytime now.
“Tell me, how did my son die? And who killed him?”
“Yeah, just go to the ‘Treasure Weapon Shop’, the When these questions were asked, even though his
largest weapon store in the city. It has the best tone was still calm, it could not conceal the sorrow
weapons, and you’ll have to buy top-quality ones. he was doing his best to conceal anymore—how
Take this money, buy as many as possible and could the pain of losing a son be concealed easily?
bring them back.” Bai Yunfei handed a moneybag
over to him. After hesitating for a while, he The five men kneeling before him were naturally
continued, “When you’re in the city... observe if those gangsters who had been knocked
there’s any news about me, but be careful so that unconscious by Bai Yunfei right in the beginning of
you won’t make somebody notice you.” his attack on Zhang Yang then later run away for
fear that the Zhangs would hold them responsible
Without ceremony, Li Chengfeng received the for Zhang Yang’s death. Although they had tried
moneybag and put it away in his space ring. every means possible to flee, in the end they had
Hearing what Bai Yunfei said towards the end, he still been captured and brought back by the Zhang
was stupefied and slightly frowned, but this only family’s men.
lasted for a moment. Afterwards, he seemed to
have thought of something and his expression Even the chief of that gang was among these five
returned to normal. He said with a nod, “Okay, I got people.
it. I’ll be careful.”
“Mas... Master, the death of young master Zhang
Chapter 37: Movement From the House of Yang... really had nothing to do with us! That killer
Zhang and Incoming Peril! specifically came there to target young master.
Besides, he is an extremely powerful soul
Chapter 37: Movement From the House of cultivator! We were knocked out to the floor right in
Zhang and Incoming Peril! the beginning. It really had nothing to do with us!
Master, please spare our lives...”
~ 118 ~
The chief had no choice but to begin to entreat in came to save someone? And you kidnapped her
fear after hesitating for some time. The four people junior sister? Humph! If that was really the case,
kneeling behind him were so frightened that they how could you have kidnapped someone from the
did not even say a single word. Green Willow School?! You want to draw the Green
Willow School into this to fool me, right?!?”
“I didn’t ask you about these things!” There was a
trace of fluctuation in Zhang Zhenshan’s tone. It “No, no! Master, how could I dare lie to you? That
seemed he was somewhat impatient. woman really said so. I heard it very clearly!” The
chief explained hurriedly.
“Yes, yes... We will tell you everything, master.
Hopefully, hopefully you could give us a chance Zhang Zhenshan stared at his expression and
and spare our lowly lives for the moment. We are thought to himself, “Looks like he’s not lying. It was
willing to do our best to help look for young really the Green Willow School? Qiu Luliu... elite
master’s killer!” disciple of the Green Willow School, this time she
should be out to gain experience, which means the
“You’re not in a position to bargain!” Zhang abducted girl is most likely a commoner she just
Zhenshan’s tone became much more serious. It took in for her school. Plus, looks like she was the
seemed he could snap and let the fury in his heart one who destroyed nearly all the gangs in the city
explode anytime. the other night just to look for that girl. If so,
everything makes sense now... Even if she was not
The chief’s entire body trembled once. He did not in league with my son’s killer, they left together in
dare to implore anymore and continued at once, the end so she definitely knows his identity and
“Yes, yes... That day, the killer suddenly fell down whereabouts!”
from the roof and knocked out all of us ordinary
people with stone tile fragments...” He was planning in his mind but his expression
remained unchanged. After regaining his
“What? In other words... none of you saw his face composure, he said indifferently, “You still haven’t
and you don’t know who he is either?” Zhang told me any specific information about that killer. Is
Zhenshan frowned and said in an ominous tone. it because you don’t know anything or you don’t
want to tell me?”
“No, no, actually, I woke up at the last moment,
when that man was about to leave, so I heard some “That men was really very careful and didn’t
things...” The chief hurriedly said again, “That man mention his identity at all. I’m, I’m really not hiding
was alone in the beginning, but a woman appeared anything. Master, if you find someone from that
at the end of the fight. She seemed to have come Green Willow School, you’ll definitely know who he
to save the young girl captured by us. She and is. Please spare my lowly life, master!” The chief
young master’s killer didn’t seem to know each entreated miserably.
other but in the end they left together!
Right at this moment, a fearful, trembling voice
“That woman said she, she was a disciple of the came from behind him, “Mas, master... I, I know
Green Willow School called... Qiu Luliu. The young some information about that killer’s identity...”
girl caught by us is her junior sister Chu Yuhe...”
The chief said earnestly, seeming to be trying hard “Oh? Quickly tell me!” Zhang Zhenshan frowned
to recall the situation at the time. and said in a stern voice.
“What? Green Willow School?!” “Before, before killing young master, that man said
something...” This man did his best to search his
Zhang Zhenshan’s expression changing for the first memory for a while then intermittently recited the
time, he suddenly stood up and said in a totally conversation between Bai Yunfei and Zhang Yang
astounded tone. before the latter’s death that day.
However, after calming down, he immediately Zhang Zhenshan listened in silence all along, but
frowned again and said doubtfully, “You said she the bodyguard standing beside him became more
~ 119 ~
and more surprised. At the end of the recitation, his became extremely hostile, as if the man in front of
face was already full of disbelief—this was none him was his son’s killer.
other than one of the two men who had captured
Bai Yunfei and brought him into the Coliseum A blur then flashed across everybody’s eyes and
before. Zhang Zhenshan appeared in front of that man. He
reached out his right hand, grabbed the man’s neck
When that man had finished talking, this bodyguard and lifted him up into the air effortlessly.
hesitated for a while then clenched his teeth. Not
daring to conceal anything, he walked to a place in A mass of cold air then spread out from his body. It
front of Zhang Zhenshan and said in a low voice: was definitely not just a feeling of coldness.
“Master, I think I know who that man is...” Instead, it was a real mass of ice-cold air. The
temperature in the hall suddenly dropped and
After that, using a low voice, he told Zhang everybody cold not help trembling once.
Zhenshan everything he knew about Bai Yunfei,
including how Bai Yunfei had offended Liu Meng in A visible white mist then appeared around Zhang
the beginning, how Zhang Yang had ordered him to Zhenshan’s right hand. The man Zhang Zhenshan
bring Bai Yunfei into the Coliseum by force, how was holding in mid-air was struggling nonstop and
Bai Yunfei had fought in the Coliseum, and what because he was being held by the neck his face
had happened to Uncle Wu and Xiao Yu’er. had become very red. Now his face unexpectedly
turned pale slowly and became covered with thin
“What?It’s that man?!” After listening to his account, ice patches bit by bit. Eventually he stopped
Zhang Zhenshan said with a totally shocked struggling, his hands dropping down powerlessly.
expression, “It’s unexpectedly him... But how is this
even possible? At that time I also saw him on the Zhang Zhenshan loosened his grip and this man
street and I got a faint impression that he was immediately fell to the floor. His body was obviously
merely a weak commoner. Could it be that second very stiff, as if he had been frozen to death in a
young master Zheng helped him? Impossible, world of ice and snow!
second young master Zheng wouldn’t have done so
much for a commoner he hadn’t known before. Or... “Idiot...” The chief secretly sighed as he looked at
he had a lucky encounter and became powerful? the corpse of this man. Even though his face was
full of terror like the other people’s, there was still a
“Forget it, let’s ignore these things first. Now that I vague trace of... happiness on it.
know his identity, it’s already enough!” Temporarily
putting aside the doubts in his mind, Zhang Zhang Zhenshan swept his eyes over the
Zhenshan raised his head to stare at that man and remaining four people and said coldly, “As for the
said indifferently with an ice-cold expression, “So four of you, I’ll spare your lowly lives for now. If you
this means you watched that man kill my son contribute substantially to the search for that man,
without doing anything and then continued to lie on then I won’t kill you. Otherwise... you’ll be buried
the floor playing possum?” with my son!”
That man was rejoicing that he himself had He lifted his head and instructed the subordinates
provided useful information and was feeling that in beside him, “Immediately make a portrait of that
the end he should be able to save his own life, so man and find out who he really is then mobilize all
when he heard such words from Zhang Zhenshan, the forces and men to carry out a search for me!
his expression immediately froze. His entire body Every city, every town, every village... Even if you
then quivered and his heart was filled with endless have to turn over the entire Azure Cloud Province,
terror. He waves his hands repeatedly in panic and you must find out where that man is for me!!”
said in a trembling voice, “No... That’s not true.
Master, I...” ... ... ... ...
“Humph! Worthless trash, go apologize to my son Chapter 38: Initial Success With the Wave
now!” Zhang Zhenshan simply did not let him finish Treading Steps!
what he was saying. In an instant, his expression
~ 120 ~
Chapter 38: Initial Success With the Wave Treading did he stop training. Wiping the sweat from his
Steps! forehead, he felt extremely comfortable.
Book 1 Chapter 38: Initial success with the “It’s really like seeing an oasis in the desert... Now
Wave Treading Steps that I have this Wave Treading Steps, I’m even
more confident of dealing with the upcoming crisis!”
In the evening of the fifth day after Li Chengfeng While pondering to himself, Bai Yunfei walked
left for Talus City. towards the village, from which the smell of food
was wafting out gradually, “Very soon, I’ll have to
in a groove behind the village, under the say goodbye to this tranquil lifestyle! It’s highly
illumination of the setting sun, a ghost-like probable that I won’t be able to avoid the Zhang
silhouette was moving back and forth amidst the family’s manhunt. But in my current state, I’m not
trees, sometimes rushing forwards, sometimes afraid of them either! I’m going to counter soldiers
moving sideways, sometimes backing off. And with arms, water with an earth weir! When I leave
sometimes it even dashed straight up a large tree this Qingyun Province, I’ll be like a free fish in an
then ‘ran’ down as if the tree was the flat ground or endless sea, a flying cloud in the limitless sky!”
turned to one side and moved forwards nearly
horizontally. At night, Bai Yunfei was lying on the bed with the
back of his head resting on his hands, looking at
This silhouette was moving extremely fast, almost the several beams of moonlight shining into the
creating a long blur, but strangely enough, there house and pondering over the current situation.
were no sounds of footsteps. Only the sounds of
the clothes flapping could be vaguely heard. If an “It’s kind of strange... It’s already been seventeen
ordinary person came across this scene, he would days since I killed Zhang Yang. Why haven’t the
most probably shout “Ghost!” then run away like Zhang family's men found this place yet? Even if
crazy. those gangsters tried their hardest to run away, not
all of them would have been able to escape. It
This silhouette was of course not a ghost. It was would have taken the Zhangs several days at most
none other than Bai Yunfei. to chase them down. Then, using their confessions
and the Zhang family’s power, it would have been
Since Li Chengfeng had left for Talus City, he had easy to find out who I am. At that time, the Zhangs
been feeling a trace of uneasiness in his heart. For would have carried out a large-scale search.
five days in a row, instead of using the Upgrade According to what I thought at first, it would have
Technique again to improve his soulforce, he had taken them around ten days at most to find this
spent nearly all his time studying and practicing the place...
acupoint control method.
“This means... it’s possible that when I killed Zhang
A greatly increase effort naturally led to highly Yang, Zhang Zhenshan wasn’t at home at all! Plus,
effective training and great results. One day ago, he was quite far away from Talus City! There was
he had finished practicing the various major basic no decision maker in the Zhangs so they had to
acupoints in his legs, finally meeting the demands wait for Zhang Zhenshan to return, wasting several
he had placed on himself earlier, and had begun to days...
practicing the soul technique called Wave Treading
Steps. “If that is the case, didn’t I miss an opportunity to
escape? If I hadn’t stayed at this place and had run
This long-awaited soul technique indeed did not away immediately...
disappoint him. Even at the most elementary level
of mastery, it already made him so unimaginably “That’s not true either. I know absolutely nothing
fast and nimble. about the extent of the Zhang family’s influence.
Plus, I know very little about the world outside. If I
Only when Bai Yunfei saw smoke begin to curl had only recklessly wanted to run away, I surely
upwards from the kitchen chimneys in the village would have had no time to practice, giving up the
chance to become several times more powerful in
~ 121 ~
such a short period. If I had chosen to face a “Oh, you even know this already? That’s right, I
danger that could show up anytime in a relatively killed the Zhang family’s young master Zhang Yang
weak state, it would have been a mistake... Now because... he deserved to die! Let’s not talk about
I’m hiding in this remote place, training hard and this. Just tell me the current situation in Talus City
making the best use of my time to become more first. What are the Zhang family’s movements?”
powerful, only this is the correct choice! Seeming to have guessed earlier that Li Chengfeng
would say so, Bai Yunfei asked the most important
“It doesn’t matter what has happened, the fact that question instead of wasting time explaining.
the Zhangs has been slow to act is a good thing to
me! At least now I’ve already mastered the method “Yeah, so what if you killed him. I can also tell that
for controlling over twenty basic acupoints and Zhang Yang was definitely a scoundrel. Even
even become proficient in the Ninefold Fist Force, though those commoners in Talus City don’t dare to
learned the Wave Treading Steps and almost talk about him openly, there are traces of
reached the middle Soul Warrior stage... My power happiness hidden in their eyes. I was able to see
has increased at least by several times! that.” Li Chengfeng did not mind either and nodded
without continuing to ask about Zhang Yang.
“I can already leave anytime now. At least I’ll have
to leave before the Zhangs finds this place. I can’t “Now your portraits have been posted everywhere
cause the village any trouble... in Talus City. Even the men of the mayor’s mansion
have been mobilized to look for your tracks.
“After Chengfeng returns, I’ll be able to know the Besides, the Zhangs has sent out a lot of men.
Zhang family's movements. I’ll stay for three more They have already begun to spread out in all
days at most then leave this place.” directions to go into every town and village to look
for you...
... ... ... ...
“I think it will take them just a few days to find this
The next day, soon after he ate breakfast, he saw a place. What do you plan to do, Yunfei?”
travel-worn and weary Li Chengfeng hurriedly
return with an obviously exhausted expression on Li Chengfeng asked in a slightly concerned manner
his face. Given his current level of power, this after telling Bai Yunfei the general situation he had
meant he had been spending soulforce nonstop discovered.
without hesitation on the way to rush back at a
faster speed than he should have. “Oh, this is not far from my expectation. If so, I’ll
leave here within two days...” Bai Yunfei pondered
In addition to exhaustion, there was even more for a while and said.
anxiety on his face. As soon as he returned to the
village, without even greeting Ling’er, he gave Bai “You really have to run away?”
Yunfei a hint with his eyes then turned around and
walked out of the village. “Yeah, I must run away so that I won’t cause the
village any trouble.” Bai Yunfei nodded then put this
Seeing him like this, Bai Yunfei was already able to topic aside, asking, “Right, how many daggers did
guess a bit. He waved to Ling’er, hinting at her that you buy? What is their quality?”
she did not have to worry bout Chengfeng, then
followed him. Seeing that Bai Yunfei had already made a
decision, Li Chengfeng did not mention this topic
“Yunfei, I already guessed that you went back to again. He turned his wrist over, taking out a dagger
Talus City to take revenge, but I didn’t expect your which sparkled with a cold light, gave it to Bai
enemy to be the Zhang family’s young master... Yunfei and said, “I did what you said and bought all
You’re really terrific!” Seeming to be really very the top-grade daggers in that Treasure Weapon
tired, Li Chengfeng flopped down onto the grass Shop, about a hundred in total. Some of them are
and said to an incoming Bai Yunfei while shaking even better than this one.”
his head in a frustrated manner.
~ 122 ~
Bai Yunfei received the dagger and gave it a than one of those several top-grade daggers Li
thought. The basic information about it appeared in Chengfeng had mentioned.
his mind.
Chapter 39: +12 Daggers! “Normal, high, superior, rare, inheritance, these are
the item grades I’ve seen so far...” Staring at the
Chapter 39: +12 Daggers! dagger in his hand, instead of upgrading it
immediately, Bai Yunfei summed up the information
After receiving Li Chengfeng’s space ring and about item grades.
letting him go to have a rest, Bai Yunfei wasted no
time shutting himself in his room and beginning to “The previous three’s damages are all under 100,
upgrade those daggers. but the low-rare Glacial Piercer’s damage is over
200. This means... there should still be an item
Upgrade, upgrade, upgrade again, every time his grade in between?
soulforce was about to be used up, he would stop
upgrading the daggers and use the Arte of Training “Does a damage of over 200 fall within the scope of
the Soul to recover his soulforce. This way, even soul armaments? To upgrade the first three item
though his power did not improve so easily and grades needs very little soulforce, but as the
quickly as it would have if he had used up his upgrade level goes up, the required soulforce
soulforce, he was able to reduce the amount of increases bit by bit too. However, within the range
time he was unconscious. of soul armaments, a rare item or above requires a
fixed amount of soul points to upgrade...
To upgrade a dagger to +8 would need about 100
soul points on average. At the moment, Bai Yunfei “A high-grade dagger’s original damage is
had over 1500 soul points, which was approaching comparable to a +10 upgraded normal dagger’s
the soulforce value of the middle Soul Warrior damage, but... why is the +10 upgraded normal
stage. So, from the early morning until dinner time dagger obviously more powerful? Is it because... of
in the evening, he was able to upgrade thirty-six the small amount of soulforce poured into it? It’s
daggers to +8 in total. impossible to pour soulforce into non-soul
armaments, but after I upgrade them, this becomes
Dragging his slightly exhausted body along, he possible. Though only a small amount of soulforce
hurriedly ate dinner then returned to his room to can be poured into these items, they will indeed
continue with the upgrades. become more powerful.
He turned his wrist over and a rather luxurious “This means, the power of a soul armaments
dagger appeared in his hand. It was none other depends not only on the numerical values of its
properties but also on the way it is used...
~ 123 ~
“Then, let’s continue. I must make high-level Seeing that Li Chengfeng’s face was full of
upgraded items as quickly as possible. There is not expectation, Bai Yunfei laughed and shook his
much time left. Hopefully I won’t be so unlucky like wrist. A dagger appeared in his hand.
last time.
“I can rely on nothing but luck every time. Could it Equipment Grade: High
be there’s no method for increasing the chances of
successful upgrades? Damn...
Upgrade Level: +12
Attack: 45
... ... ... ...
Additional Attack: 176
The next day, Bai Yunfei shut himself in his room
again, upgrading the items for an entire day. +10 Additional Effect: Attacks have a 3%
chance of blinding the target for a maximum of
3 seconds.
In the morning of the day after, Li Chengfeng
looked at the locked door with a trace of worry ini
his eyes. Just when he wanted to go over and call +12 Additional Effect: When clashing with the
Bai Yunfei out to eat breakfast, the door was weapon of another, this weapon has an 8%
pushed open from inside with a creak and Bai chance of severing it.
Yunfei walked out with a slightly tired yet totally
excited expression. (The chance of triggering this effect is in
inverse proportion to the grade of the enemy
“Yunfei, you... Could it be you’ve succeeded?!” weapon. It is ineffective against weapons of the
Seeing Bai Yunfei come out, Li Chengfeng was Inheritance grade and higher).
stupefied for a moment but then he reacted by
asking with some anticipation. Upgrade Requirement: 61 Soulpoints
Because of the information having just appeared in “There’s no need to fight or something. We’ll only
his mind, Bai Yunfei could not help grinning and research its effects. I’ll use this dagger to defend
said to Li Chengfeng, “Hey Chengfeng, why do I and you’ll attack me with the dagger in your hand.
feel that you’re luckier than I am? This time, though Just do it slowly. You should already understand
most of the daggers I tried to upgrade for you were this, right? I remember when we were testing the
destroyed, one of these two remaining daggers was brick last time, you quite enjoyed hitting me with
among those several top-quality daggers. Besides, it...”
its effects even make me kind of jealous...”
“Ha ha, I already know what to do, let’s get started.”
Li Chengfeng was stupefied for a moment then said Li Chengfeng laughed in an embarrassed manner
in a somewhat embarrassed manner, “Perhaps you and said.
should keep and use it. In fact... the two daggers
you gave me earlier are very good too.” “Yeah, let’s begin.”
“Oh... those two were destroyed already.” Li Chengfeng raised his dagger and slowly brought
it down towards Bai Yunfei. Bai Yunfei also raised
“... ...” the dagger in his hand and blocked this ‘attack’
from him.
“Ha ha, I’m just kidding. I already said I’d make
upgraded items for you, how can I possibly keep it? “Hm, use a little less force. Let’s continue.” Bai
Plus, do you think I’ll still be short of this kind of Yunfei looked at the nick that had just appeared on
upgraded item?” Bai Yunfei said laughingly, “Also, I the blade because of the collision and warned.
didn’t touch those two daggers because I knew that
you would want to keep them as a memento. The two daggers then hit each other this way about
a dozen times. The dagger in Bai Yunfei’s hand
“Alright, now I’m going to explain to you the effects was already full of nicks. After all, the dagger in Li
of these two daggers. You’ve got to understand and Chengfeng’s hand towered over it in terms of
remember them, so that when you use them in damage.
combat later, you’ll know exactly what to do.”
Another slight sound of collision was heard. Bai
... ... ... ... Yunfei subconsciously wanted to say “It still hasn’t
come, continue.” Only, when he had just opened
Chapter 40: Researching Item Stats Again his mouth and these words had yet to come out of
it, everything before his eyes turned black and he
could no longer see anything.
Chapter 40: Researching Item Stats Again
“Blinding!” After being stupefied for a second, Bai
“Alright, now I’m going to explain to you the effects
Yunfei reacted instantly by shouting, “Stop!”
of these two daggers. You’ve got to understand and
remember them, so that when you use them in
combat later, you’ll know exactly what to do.” In fact, Li Chengfeng had noticed it as soon as this
effect had been activated because at that moment,
a strand of his soulforce had flowed into the dagger
Bai Yunfei then carefully explained the effects of
the two daggers to Li Chengfeng. After making sure
that the latter had understood and remembered
them, he put the dagger in his hand away and Bai Yunfei did not channel his soulforce to resist.
replaced it with a +8 normal dagger, saying, “Let’s Instead, he carefully experienced this ‘blind’ state.
test their effects in detail now. There are still some Three seconds passed very quickly. The light
~ 125 ~
reappeared and the world in front of him returned to Afterwards, the two of them began to test the
normal. effects of the other +12 dagger.
“How was it, Yunfei? Just now it was the blinding During the test, when Li Chengfeng thrust his
effect, right?” Seeing that the dagger in Bai Yunfei’s dagger out and activated the ‘illusion’ effect, Bai
hand had remained unchanged, Li Chengfeng Yunfei saw obviously that the dagger was aimed at
knew that the triggered effect should have been his heart. But when it was about to reach him, it
‘blinding’. was aimed at his stomach!
“Yeah, you’re right. It was the blinding effect. The The illusion effect made the opponent see an
whole world suddenly turned into darkness and I illusory strike as a real strike, confusing the
couldn’t see anything, but the other senses were opponent’s vision, allowing the user to attack
left intact.” Bai Yunfei carefully recalled the feeling another place by surprise!
just then, “This effect is exceptionally useful. If such
a situation suddenly occurs during combat...” As for the other effect, namely, ‘in downward
attacks using the tip of the blade, damage is
“Let’s continue. We’ll test that ‘severing’ effect doubled’, it was self-explanatory so they did not
now.” Bai Yunfei thought for a while and said. have to specifically do extra research on it.
After another dozen collisions, the moment the two The two of them tested the effects again and again
daggers hit each other again, Li Chengfeng had a in that vacant area for an entire morning. Only
happy expression, saying, “Here it comes!” when they had understood all the effects
completely did they stop.
Almost at the same time as he said those words,
Bai Yunfei felt his hand lighten. The moment the “I’ve made my decision! These two daggers will be
two daggers had come into contact, there had been called Severing and Illusion respectively!” Sitting on
no sound of collision at all. The dagger in Li the ground, Li Chengfeng looked at the two
Chengfeng’s hand had completely cut through the daggers in his hand and said all of a sudden.
dagger used to block by Bai Yunfei at one stroke as
if cutting through a piece of tofu. “Ha ha, they are yours, of course you’re the one to
name them. Did you choose their names according
Li Chengfeng looked at the dagger in his hand then to their effects? Yeah, pretty good names.” Bai
at the fallen half of the blade on the ground in a Yunfei laughed and said with a nod on one side.
somewhat stupefied manner and murmured,
“This... is the ‘severing’ effect? It cuts through the “Yunfei, you’re really terrific. How did you do this?
opponent’s weapon directly?!” Even the sharpness of these daggers has been
improved by god knows how much compared to
Bai Yunfei looked at the half of the dagger in his before, not to mention those marvelous effects.”
hand. The cut surface of the blade was smooth. Caressing the two daggers in his hands admiringly,
Obviously the dagger had been cut in half without Li Chengfeng could not help sighing with emotion.
“Yeah, the damages of these two daggers are
“This +12 additional effect is really terrifying. almost comparable to that of the non-upgraded
Severing... though it’s hard to trigger if the enemy’s Glacial Piercer, which means they should have
weapon is of high-grade, only inheritance grade already reached the threshold of soul armaments.
equipment and above can prevent it from being However, I’m not sure if they can actually be
triggered completely. counted as soul armaments or not. After all, now I
still don’t know much about soul armaments.”
“In other words, it can ‘sever’ all the soul
armaments of the same grade as the Glacial At this point, seeming to think of something, Bai
Piercer as well!” Yunfei took out an space ring, held it out to Li
Chengfeng and said, “Take your space ring. I
... ... ... ... upgraded it a bit too. But I didn’t upgrade it to the
~ 126 ~
point where an additional effect would appear not show any weak points and must act as if they
because if I had tried and failed, it would have been don’t know me.”
destroyed for nothing.”
“Yeah, I got it. Don’t worry. Everybody has the
Li Chengfeng received the ring and said doubtfully, previous experience of dealing with people who
“This one can also be upgraded?” come here to probe so there won’t be any
“Just put it on and experience it a bit.” Bai Yunfei
laughed and suggested that he experienced it ... ... ... ...
Chapter 41: Leave....Peril is Coming?
The moment Li Chengfeng put the ring on his
finger, he was obviously stupefied. Afterwards, he Chapter 41: Leave....Peril is Coming?
looked at his own body and at the ring on his finger
somewhat doubtfully. Then he turned to Bai Yunfei At night, Bai Yunfei was lying on the bed, carefully
and said with uncertainty, “Yunfei, why am I summing up the information about the Upgrade
feeling...” Technique he had obtained in the last few days.
“You’re feeling that your body is lighter and lither “When the upgraded equipment reaches levels
than before, right?” Bai Yunfei said smilingly, “Your +10, +12 and +13, they will gain an additional effect
feeling is not wrong at all. The rings I upgrade won’t respectively. Even though the one reaching +13 is
provide additional damage or defense, but they will just a brick, because the previous two levels always
increase the body’s ‘attributes’. The one on my come with an additional effect each, I think when an
finger increases ‘strength’ and yours increases equipment reaches level +13, another effect will be
‘agility’.” added to it.
After Bai Yunfei had upgraded this space ring of Li “From 10 to 12 is a step, but when it reaches 13, an
Chengfeng’s to +8, its additional attribute was an additional effect will appear right away. Doesn’t this
increase of 18 points to agility. mean that from level 13 onwards, every time the
equipment reaches the next level, it will gain an
“Though the number of additional points is not additional effect? But... now I really don’t have the
large, something is still better than nothing. Too ability to test this conjecture! It’s already so difficult
bad I don’t have time, otherwise I’d still be able to to upgrade an equipment to +13...”
experiment a bit with the attributes of various kinds
of jewelry after they are upgraded to high levels...” “Upon reaching +12 and +13, a non-soul weapon’s
Bai Yunfei said with some regret. additional damage will increase almost
exponentially. I wonder if the same thing happens
When Li Chengfeng heard these words, his to soul armaments or not. Alas, now I can only
expression immediately darkened. He said, “You’re make guesses because I don’t have so many soul
prepared to go? When?” armaments to test them... My Icesoul Silver
Needles were destroyed before I could even use
Bai Yunfei thought for a while and said, “Tomorrow. them once...
I’ll have a good rest tonight and leave tomorrow
morning.” “There are also those various additional effects.
They are definitely not always effective, especially
“You’re not going to say something to the people in the ones come with durations. If the opponent is
the village?” powerful, he can totally recover before these
periods of time end.
“No, I’m not. There’s no need to disturb them. I
don’t like a farewell scene with too many people.” “For the moment, I can only gain these bits of
Bai Yunfei shook his head, “After I leave, you must information. In the short term, I won’t have time to
warn the people in the village that, if the Zhang research in this way again. Tomorrow I’m starting to
family’s men come and ask questions, they must wander the outside world!”
~ 127 ~
Bai Yunfei sat up and took out a dagger from his Watching Bai Yunfei’s silhouette gradually going
interspatial ring. away, Ling’er turned to one side and asked Li
Chengfeng somewhat doubtfully, “Brother Xiao
“There are still ten something daggers left. They Feng, did brother Yunfei run into some problem?
should be just enough for my soulforce to be used Where does he want to go? Why didn’t he stay
up once more... here and let us help him?”
“Then, let’s break through this final barrier to reach Li Chengfeng was also watching Bai Yunfei’s
the middle Soul Warrior stage tonight! silhouette with a somewhat complicated
expression. After keeping silent for a long time, he
“Upgrade!” sighed gently, withdrew his eyes and stroked
Ling’er’s beautiful hair lovingly.
“Yunfei has his own decisions. He won’t change his
... ... ... ... mind because of other people. Besides... such a
small place as Azure Cloud Province can’ t tie him
In the early morning of the next day, when the first down. Now he has run into a small problem, but I
strand of sunlight stroked his face, Bai Yunfei believe he’ll definitely get through this safely!
opened his eyes slowly.
“The outside world is splendid and the vast sky is
He sat up, raised his right hand in front of him and limitless. Eventually they’ll let him fly at will like a
clenched his fist, his eyes showing a satisfied white cloud!”
... ... ... ...
“Middle Soul Warrior stage... I’ve already made
every preparation possible. Zhang family... it The Crafting School was located in Great Plains
doesn’t matter how great your influence is, it won’t Province in the north of the Skysoul continent. The
be so easy to catch me!” Great Plains Province was separated from Azure
Cloud Province by another province called Northern
Outside the village, on a hillside, Bai Yunfei looked Cliff Province, so there was an extremely long way
at Li Chengfeng and Ling’er in front of him in to go.
silence for a long time before saying, “Let’s not say
more goodbyes, so that we won’t get emotional. After leaving the village, Bai Yunfei immediately
Chengfeng, I believe one day we’ll eventually meet headed north. In order to avoid those men from the
each other again. Both of us will make names for Zhang family who were looking for him everywhere,
ourselves in the big world outside!” he only followed mountainous paths, tramping over
mountains and through ravines, hoping that he
Li Chengfeng kept silent for a while then said with a could get out of Azure Cloud Province in the best-
forced smile, “Alright, then I won’t say much either. case scenario, namely without being detected.
Yunfei, you must take care of yourself and make a
name for yourself a bit early. Later I’ll wander the However, he also knew that this was almost
outside world with Ling’er. If we can’t manage it, impossible. In terms of finding ways alone, he
we’ll go and seek refuge with you.” would have to frequently go to populated places to
ask questions so that he would not go in the wrong
Bai Yunfei took another look at that tranquil hamlet direction, not to mention he would have to replenish
in the distance, took a breath softly, exhaled slowly the various daily life necessities in his interspatial
then said smilingly to the two of them again, ring.
“Then... I’m leaving now!”
Alas... it is quite troublesome to have a slightly poor
After saying so, he turned around and strode away sense of direction...
without further hesitation.
~ 128 ~
After three days like this, with Bai Yunfei practicing Bai Yunfei cast a look at him then lowered his head
the Wave Treading Steps along the way, he had and walked towards a table in a corner while telling
already gone a very long way. him, “I’m here for both! Bring me all the best foods
in your hotel and prepare a room for me. I’ll rest in
Having crossed a wooded mountain top, Bai Yunfei there after having dinner.”
climbed up a large tree and looked around. His
eyes suddenly brightened. He then jumped down When he finished talking, he had already walked up
with a happy expression and scurried towards the to that corner. He then sat down on a stool and did
foot of the mountain. not talk again, putting up an unsociable facade.
“I’ve finally found a place with a lot of people. The servant looked at Bai Yunfei doubtfully several
Judging from its size, it should be a town. Let’s stay times, seeming to have rarely seen such a strange
there for a night to have a good rest, eat some tasty guest. Bai Yunfei frowned and said discontentedly,
foods and conveniently ask for direction!” “Why are you still there?!”
However, when he had just run away a short “Ah, yes! Yes! Please wait a minute, sir. Your food
distance, he slowed down abruptly with a thoughtful will be ready very soon!” The servant said
expression. repeatedly. It seemed that only now did he react.
“However, I don’t know if the Zhang family’s forces Bai Yunfei touched his stomach, which had already
are present in that town or not. But this place is begun to protest, and thought in his mind, “I can
very far from Talus City. Plus, it’s a remote place, finally eat a good meal...”
so they shouldn’t be there... I won’t stroll around
outside and will only find a hotel to rest for a night “Er, sir...” A shout rang out in front of him. Bai
then leave tomorrow. Yeah, there shouldn’t be any Yunfei was surprised for a moment. As he lifted his
problem...” eyes and looked, he saw that the servant had
turned around and come back.
After making his decision, he sped up again without
hesitation heading for that small town not far up “What’s up?”
“Sir, I just want to ask if you need a jar of wine?”
...... The servant bowed in an ingratiating manner and
looked at Bai Yunfei with a broad smile, “Our
In the evening in the town of Old Well, on a bustling hotel’s vintage Nu’er Hong has a mellow taste and
street of the small town, a youngster who looked a fair price. It will definitely satisfy you, sir!”
travel-worn and weary was going slowly with his
head slightly lowered, making it impossible for other Bai Yunfei was surprised. The first and the only
people to see his face clearly. He was looking time he had drunk wine had been when he had
around in a seemingly curious yet actually alert paid a visit to Uncle Wu’s grave that night. It was
manner. during that time that his soulforce awakened
completely, turning him into a soul cultivator.
After quickly buying the necessary goods and
materials from various business shops, Bai Yunfei “Whatever. Just bring me a jar then. But quickly get
went to the only hotel in town. me the food first.” Bai Yunfei did not mind either
and said casually.
In the rather spacious hall of the Happy Arrival
Hotel, a few customers were sitting at several “Alright! Please wait a minute, sir. Your food will
tables. As soon as the servant standing at the come very soon!”
counter saw a visitor come in, he ran up solicitously
and said with a big smile, “Welcome, sir! May I ask After returning to the counter, the servant
if you stop for a meal or to stay in the hotel? whispered to the innkeeper behind it. It seemed he
was reporting on the food and drink the guest had
ordered to his boss.
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However, Bai Yunfei, who had lowered his head Bai Yunfei’s movements paused for a moment then
because he did not want to be noticed by other he said impatiently. However, he was thinking to
people, did not notice that after the innkeeper heard himself doubtfully, “Liangshan? What is that? How
the servant’s words, his expression changed could I have blurted out these words? This must be
slightly. He glanced at Bai Yunfei in an because of those strange memories in my mind
unnoticeable manner then took out a portrait from acting up...”
under the counter and secretly compared him with
it... That servant’s expression froze for a moment and
his eyes flashed with a trace of disappointment. But
Chapter 42: I've been tricked! he returned to normal immediately and said “Please
enjoy your meal” before retreating.
Chapter 42: I've been tricked!
Only after eating three big bowls of rice in a row did
Book 1 Chapter 42: I’ve been tricked! Bai Yunfei begin to slow down. And only after
eating another two bowls of rice did he feel that this
This hotel was rather efficient. Bai Yunfei only had was just about enough. Now he was already 80%
to wait for a while before various foods were full. A soul cultivator’s appetite was really unusual.
brought to him one after another. After he had become powerful, he had found
himself becoming increasingly more able to eat,
Holding a big bowl of cooked rice, Bai Yunfei began and he had guessed that this could have something
to eat quickly almost to the point of wolfing the to do with his high consumption of energy.
foods down. However, if he wanted, he could go on for two or
three days with just some water without eating
When he was eating with gusto, he saw that waiter anything, and this would not affect him much either.
come with a jar of wine. After putting it in front of
Bai Yunfei, the waiter said ingratiatingly, “Sir, here Having nearly eaten his fill, only now did Bai Yunfei
is your wine.” remember that there was still a jar of wine off to
one side.
Bai Yunfei picked up a piece of meat, put it in his
mouth then took two mouthfuls of rice and said Lifting that already full bowl of wine, he gave it a
indistinctly, “Oh, just put it there...” slight sniff and felt that it was a bit pungent, but a
mellow scent indeed floated into his nose. After
After saying so, he continued to wipe out the food hesitating for a while, eventually he still held the
on the table without caring about the waiter. bowl at his mouth with a bit of curiosity.
The waiter did not leave right away. Instead, he That innkeeper and that servant in fact had been
filled a bowl with wine for Bai Yunfei solicitously paying careful attention to Bai Yunfei’s movements
and said respectfully, “Sir, since the way you eat is from behind the counter. Previously, when they saw
so... generous, you must be a sympathetic man. that he had only been eating the foods without
I've always admire the heroes who eat big and touching the bowl of wine on one side, they were
drink big like you the most. Sir, please allow me to both worried inside.
show you my respect with a bowl!”
“Damn it, could it be this man doesn’t like wine? If I
“Eat and drink what? I’m not a Liangshan bandit.” had known this earlier, I would’ve drugged the
Finding what he said laughable, Bai Yunfei could foods!” The innkeeper, either consciously or
not help blurting out. unconsciously, cast a look at Bai Yunfei and said to
himself in a low voice.
“What? Liangshan?” The waiter asked doubtfully.
“This drug must be mixed into water to be able to
affect him in the fastest way possible. Boss, let’s
“Er... Cut the crap! Quickly go and mind your own
continue to wait. He already ordered the wine so
business! Just put the wine there. When I want to
he’ll definitely drink it.” The servant said in a low
drink it, I’ll drink it. Don’t disturb me when I’m
voice then quietly took a look at Bai Yunfei and said
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with pleasant surprise, “You see, boss, he’s about “Add to that the situation in the surroundings at the
to drink it!” moment, why do I have a vague feeling of
familiarity with this in my heart?
Seeing Bai Yunfei finally raise the bowl of wine,
both of them secretly let out sighs of relief then “This is bad, I’ve been tricked!”
could not help getting somewhat nervous again.
Bai Yunfei was frightened inside. But when he had
Bai Yunfei tilted the bowl a bit and took a mouthful just understood his current situation, a loud shout
of wine. He immediately felt as if a flame had slid rang out from the place of the counter.
into his stomach from his throat. There was
unexpectedly a scorching sensation burning in his “He’s already found out! Come out quickly! Catch
chest, causing his expression to become very him!”
unsightly. He put the bowl down at once and drank
several mouthfuls of soup continuously. Only now As soon as the innkeeper finished shouting, a large
did he feel much better, but his face gradually group of men with weapons in their hands rushed in
reddened... from the kitchen on one side and from outside the
entrance then surrounded Bai Yunfei.
The innkeeper and the servant were dumbfounded
immediately, This man unexpectedly cannot drink After confirming Bai Yunfei’s identity earlier, the
wine!! innkeeper had immediately informed these men of
this and they had rushed over quietly. At first they
Bai Yunfei looked at that bowl of wine on the table, had planned to wait until Bai Yunfei had drunk all
shook his head and mumbled, “Alas, I was too the wine and the drug had taken effect to tie him up
agitated that evening so I couldn’t even remember directly. However, Bai Yunfei unexpectedly did not
this is what wine tastes like? It’s not very good. drink and only consumed a little bit of the wine
Why do so many people like to drink it?” before he stopped touching it. When that tiny
amount of drug took effect, Bai Yunfei also noticed
Afterwards, he did not touch it anymore and the abnormal situation, therefore that innkeeper
continued to eat the foods leisurely. He intended to had no choice but to call everybody out.
fill the remaining 20% of his stomach then go and
have a good rest. Bai Yunfei only panicked for a moment in the
beginning. By the time those men rushed out, he
“Oh?? Why does it feel a bit wrong?” After eating had already calmed down. He secretly channeled
for a while, Bai Yunfei suddenly had a vague his soulforce to dispel that slightly unwell feeling in
feeling that something was amiss, “My head seems his head. At the same time, he cast a look at the
a bit dizzy... What’s going on? Am I too tired?” situation around very quickly.
Bai Yunfei shook his head doubtfully and decided Thirty something men were surrounding him and
to go into his guest room to sleep. However, as they all looked quite strong. At least they could be
soon as he lifted his head slightly, his heart froze a considered experts among ordinary people.
bit -- all the people who had been eating their
meals at the several tables in the hall had The leader was a man about thirty years old with
unexpectedly left at some point. Now, aside from small eyes. He was none other than Zhao Ping,
the innkeeper and the servant behind that counter, one of Zhang Zhenshan’s competent subordinates
he was the only person in the entire hall!! and a mid-stage Soul Personage. He looked at Bai
Yunfei, his eyes flashing with a hint of astuteness,
“This is wrong, this is wrong... I’ve got a situation!” and shouted loudly, “He’s drunk some of the drug
Bai Yunfei patted his dizzy head gently, “At first I already. Don’t give him time to recover! Catch him
was obviously alright, then... the wine! But I only right away!”
drank a bit of wine, how can it make me so dizzy?
Right, that waiter... was quite strange. It seemed he However, the moment he shouted, Bai Yunfei let
was afraid that I wouldn’t drink this wine. out a cold snort and unexpectedly took the initiative
~ 131 ~
by charging towards him before the other people In his current condition, the Fire-tipped Spear was
could act! unsuitable to be used. Moreover, there was little
panic in his heart. Even though the enemy vastly
Bai Yunfei was extremely fast. When Zhao Ping outnumbered him, he had already noticed that they
finished talking, he was already about to charge up did not have any soul cultivator more powerful than
to his face. His expression changing greatly, Zhao him.
Ping retreated hurriedly and drew a short sword
about two feet long at the same time. Without He flicked a stool beside him up with his foot and
hesitation, he thrust it at Bai Yunfei. threw it at a batch of men who were charging at him
on the left. Taking advantage of when they dodged
Bai Yunfei swung his right hand upwards. When it it, he rushed over at high speed with a push of his
went up, it was already holding a small and feet.
exquisite dagger. With a loud and clear ding, the
dagger warded off the incoming short sword. These men obviously were all very experienced
fighters. They were even several times more
Just when he wanted to make another move, he formidable than the bandits Bai Yunfei had killed
suddenly noticed something happening beside him. before. Knowing that they would be put at a
A large saber was being swung at his extended disadvantage if they let him come near them, they
right arm. It turned out someone on the side had immediately retreated several steps. The men who
reacted by starting to attack him. used long weapons then quickly held their weapons
out, blocking Bai Yunfei’s way.
Bai Yunfei had no choice but to halt for a moment
and withdraw his right hand to avoid this saber Bai Yunfei’s body halted for a moment. Originally
strike. He had not expected these men to be able to he had wanted to jump out over them, but because
cooperate with each other so well tacitly. Almost at some attacks were already coming at him from
the same time as that large saber was swung at behind, he had no choice but to turn around to ward
him, Zhao Ping’s short sword was thrust at him them off.
again. Bai Yunfei had no alternative but to hurriedly
back off two steps to avoid this attack. After raising his dagger to block Zhao Ping’s
incoming short sword, he leaned to one side,
However, with this backward movement, he avoiding a saber hack from Wei Xu, and forced him
retreated into these men’s encirclement again! to retreat with a kick. At the same time, he withdrew
his hand and grabbed a long spear which was
Chapter 43: Fleeing and...Worrying being thrust at him. Blue veins popping out of his
right arm, he made a fierce horizontal sweep with
Chapter 43: Fleeing and...Worrying the spear, forcing the people who were charging up
That feeling of dizziness in his head slowed down
Bai Yunfei’s movements slightly. In a moment of Bai Yunfei shook his head with force. There was
carelessness, he was forced back into the already a furious look in his eyes. If he had not
encirclement. been drugged by them, it would not be impossible
for him to use all of his power and so he would not
The captain of this group of men was none other be surrounded like this!
than Zhao Ping. And the dark-skinned man who
had reacted earliest just then by swinging his saber After being forced back, Zhao Ping did not stop at
at Bai Yunfei was the vice captain Wei Xu, a late- all. Holding his short sword, he charged up again.
stage Soul Apprentice. When his sword was about to hack at Bai Yunfei’s
neck, Bai Yunfei’s body suddenly tilted to one side
After forcing Bai Yunfei to retreat, not giving him a in a strange manner. The moment Bai Yunfei
chance to channel his soulforce to regain his almost hit the ground, he sprung back up like a
composure, Zhao Ping shouted loudly again “Catch roly-poly toy. Then he took steps, his legs turning
him!” then took the lead and charged at Bai Yunfei. into several blurs. When he turned around, he
unexpectedly had already closed in on Zhao Ping.
~ 132 ~
This was none other than the Wave Treading Facing an obstructive sword, Bai Yunfei’s galloping
Steps! body suddenly came to a halt in a strange manner.
Under the opponent’s look of disbelief, it leaned
Bai Yunfei raised his dagger and thrust it at the backwards then, with his feet being the center,
midpoint between opponent’s eyebrows! Terrified, moved in a semicircle like a round object moving in
Zhao Ping hurriedly lifted his sword to block it, but a bowl. When he stood upright again, he was
he suddenly felt a pain in his lower abdomen and already on the other side of the short sword!
was sent flying with a kick!
His eyes glittering with coldness, Bai Yunfei swung
Just when Bai Yunfei wanted to chase and attack the dagger in his hand and thrust it at the
him, a large saber was swung at him horizontally. opponent’s heart resolutely!
He gave a cold snort. In an instant, his body tilted
backwards, turning into a bunch of blurs, avoiding It was simply too late for Zhao Ping to withdraw his
several incoming weapons successively. Then he sword to make a block so he had no choice but to
dashed out from among these several men, went clench his teeth and move aside about an inch. He
straight up to Wei Xu’s face and threw a punch then let out a painful groan as the dagger
without pausing at all! penetrated straight into his left shoulder.
After taking a swing with his saber, Wei Xu only Bai Yunfei’s eyes flashed with a hint of
saw a blur before his eyes. In no time, the disappointment. Casting a quick glance at those
opponent went up to his face with an attack that men who had now reacted and were charging
was already about to hit him! In panic, he made a straight at him, he suddenly lifted his left leg and
block by raising his large saber and holding it in kicked Zhao Ping in the stomach again.
front of his chest, wanting to ward of this punch with
the blade of the saber. A deep bang rang out. The dagger was pulled out,
creating a trail of blood, and Zhao Ping’s body was
Bai Yunfei’s eyes flashed with solemnity and blue shot towards the men who were chasing up like a
veins popped out of his right arm. Carrying along cannonball. Those men were immediately thrown
short buzzing sounds, his arm hit the blade in an into disorder.
instant. There was a soft crack as the large saber
was shattered directly. Before Wei Xu could rejoice After sending Zhao Ping flying, Bai Yunfei turned
at having blocked this punch, he was immediately around and rushed out of the door without
knocked over one meter into the air by the punch hesitation.
as if he had been hit by a force of thousands of
pounds then fell down towards the rear of the As soon as he set his foot outside, a back blur
battlefield. After spouting a mouthful of blood in suddenly shot out from the shadow beside the door
midair, he fell to the floor and did not move at all. without a warning sign, going straight towards him!
Although he was still alive, he was also powerless
to fight again. Frightened, Bai Yunfei hurriedly raised his dagger
to his chest. At the same time, he changed his
Overlapping Waves Art, Threefold Fist Force! footwork, moving away to one side.
Bai Yunfei was in no mood for fighting. Taking That tiny black blur and Bai Yunfei grazed each
advantage of the opportunity created when other. However, it seemingly did not want to attack
everybody had frozen with shock because of the him at all. When they were passing each other, Bai
strike just then, he took steps continuously, running Yunfei suddenly felt a chill on the back of his right
towards the entrance of the hotel in a blur. hand, which was being held in front of him. It
seemed a small mass of liquid had hit the back of
Before he could reach the entrance, his way was his right hand.
blocked again by an incoming short sword—this
was none other than Zhao Ping, who had been sent The moment he got out of the hotel, he cast a
flying with a kick by him earlier. glance backwards and saw that blur fall to the
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ground—it was unexpectedly a small gray animal a ‘mark’ on him so he won’t be able to escape! Now
looking like a squirrel. we only need to wait for master to arrive.
Afterwards, we’ll just use the tracking gray rat to
All the men in the hotel looked on hopelessly as Bai find out where he is...
Yunfei disappeared after several dashes. They then
looked at their captain and vice captain, both of “The tracking gray rat’s saliva is effective for three
whom were wounded, and looked at each other in days. A courier pigeon was already released. Given
blank dismay, not knowing what they should do. master’s speed, he should arrive tomorrow
evening. That man definitely doesn’t know about
Zhao Ping was sitting on the floor with his teeth this so after running away for a day at most, he’ll
clenched in a cold sweat. That kick thrown by Bai relax his vigilance. And then master will have
Yunfei just then had been really powerful. If he was enough time to catch up with him!
an ordinary man, he would probably have passed
out by now. “Not bad... Now looks like this is not a complete
failure either.”
“He already got away. Why are you still standing
there?!Quickly go check Wei Xu over!” Only after a ... ... ... ...
dozen seconds did Zhao Ping take a deep breath
and manage to scold in a raised voice. After escaping, Bai Yunfei did not dare to pause at
all. Instead, he estimated the directions a bit and
Seeing his subordinates run over to check Wei Xu ran all the way. Only after running for nearly four
out like a swarm of bees, Zhao Ping shook his head hours did he finally stop on a bank of a small river.
in a frustrated manner. He then silently channeled
his soulforce to heal the injuries on his body. At the Using the Wave Treading Steps unceasingly for
same time, he sighed to himself in his mind. such a long period had almost exhausted his
soulforce so he had no choice but to stop and rest
“Alas... I miscalculated. According to the for a while before he could make other plans.
information obtained earlier, this man was
obviously just a late-stage Soul Personage when In fact, if he had wanted it, all the people in that
he killed young master. But now it looks like he’s hotel would have been killed. But he did not know if
broken through to the Soul Warrior stage. Having a the enemy had reinforcements or not so he would
breakthrough in such a short time, perhaps he was have been in more danger if he had stayed in there
already at the peak of the Soul Personage stage longer. Moreover, it would have been pointless to
when he killed young master... kill them all too, therefore right from the beginning
he had only wanted to flee.
“He was so difficult to stall. In the entire fight, I
could only thrust my sword out a few times. He That faint feeling of discomfort in his head had
simply didn’t give me a chance to draw him into a already gone away. Bai Yunfei was sitting on a
dogfight. Plus, the move he injured Wei Xu with large rock, silently recovering the soulforce he had
should have been a soul skill! And that ghost-like used.
body maneuvering skill was a soul skill too! He’s
obviously powerful but he wasn’t interested in “I’m still too inexperienced in the outside world.
fighting at all. Though in the end he had a big Who would have thought I would fall into the
advantage, he still ran away without hesitation... enemy’s trap so easily? Fortunately, I don’t drink,
This man has quite an extraordinary mind too. otherwise...” Recalling that feeling of being
drugged, Bai Yunfei still could not help having a
“According to our investigation, two months ago he trace of retrospective fear.
was still a mere commoner. What kind of lucky
encounter did he actually have?! “Damn it, just how great is the Zhang family’s
influence? How can they have so many men in
“It will be hard to find him now. After he was tricked such a small town? Could it be every other town is
and surrounded, we still managed to let him get like this too? Impossible, there are too soul
away. Luckily my ‘tracking gray rat’ has already left cultivators in that group of men. Even if the Zhang
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family had a greater influence, it would still be Zhang Zhenshan was sitting at a table with a frosty
impossible for them to send this kind of manpower expression listening to Zhao Ping, who was quickly
to every town. This means... I was too unlucky?” At giving a report on Bai Yunfei’s situation beside him.
this point, Bai Yunfei could not help shaking his
head in self-derision, feeling rather frustrated. After he finished listening to the report, Zhang
Zhenshan felt silent for a while then suddenly stood
Actually, he indeed was too unlucky to have arrived up and waved at the tracking gray rat, which was
in this town of Old Well instead of another town. It gnawing on a small fruit on the table. The little
just so happened that Zhao Ping’s group was animal stopped its movements and raised its head
looking for his whereabouts nearby. After receiving to look at Zhang Zhenshan. It was obviously
the secret message from that innkeeper, they somewhat hesitant, but after Zhao Ping verbally
immediately rushed over... urged it a bit, it quickly climbed on Zhang
Zhenshan’s shoulder.
“Now that my whereabouts have been exposed, I
believe Zhang Zhenshan will definitely rush over “Master, do you want to get into action
right away. It’s bad. I still can’t stop. I must run even immediately?” Zhao Ping could not help saying on
father away! one side, “To run all the way to this place, you must
have used a lot of your soulforce. It would be better
“Plus, that small animal at the end of the fight was for you to rest for a while.”
really quite strange. The liquid left on my hand at
the time seems to be its saliva. Why did it want to “I can handle myself!” Zhang Zhenshan frowned
do this?” Bai Yunfei held his right hand before his slightly and said expressionly then walked out of
eyes and observed it carefully under the moonlight the hotel without hesitation.
but it seemed totally unchanged.
Watching Zhang Zhenshan’s silhouette quickly
When he put it under his nose and took a sniff, he getting away, Zhao Ping sighed gently and
suddenly frowned, “There’s a slight odor. Could it murmured, “As a Soul Sprite, master should have
be... Tracking!” no problem dealing with a soul cultivator of the Soul
Warrior stage. But I always feel that that man is still
At this point, Bai Yunfei’s expression became hiding something. When we fought last time, he
unsightly. He stood up and went to the edge of the certainly didn’t use all his power. Hopefully master
river, reached out his hands into the water and won’t lose himself due to his desire for
scrubbed them nonstop. Then he took out his vengeance...”
laundry powder and scrubbed them with it again.
Only after washing his hands for ten something ... ... ... ...
minutes and their skin had almost reddened did he
stop. Tracking gray rats were first-tier soulbeasts, the
lowest-ranked soulbeasts. They were basically
He sniffed his right hand again and could no longer harmless and almost unable to level up, but they
detect that strange smell. Only now did Bai Yunfei were highly valued by some people because they
relax a bit. However, there was still a trace of worry had a special ability, namely tracking!
lingering on in his mind.
If a target’s body was stained with their saliva then
“Looks like I’ll have to plan even further to be able for the next three days, no matter where the target
to escape!” run to or hide, they could always find the target’s
location accurately.
Chapter 44: Three Days of Tracking and
Approaching Mortal Danger Moreover, unless their saliva was washed off with a
special liquid medicine, it would be impossible to
Chapter 44: Three Days of Tracking and get rid of it!
Approaching Mortal Danger
In less than three hours, under the guidance of the
In the evening of the next day, in that hotel, tracking gray rat, Zhang Zhenshan had arrived at
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that place on a bank of that small river where Bai “Damn it! Just how far away has that man run? He
Yunfei had taken a rest last night. should have run nonstop for a day at most. Seeing
that nobody was chasing him, he should have
After arriving at this place, the tracking gray rat relaxed his vigilance and slowed down... But even
suddenly let out low squeaks. Zhang Zhenshan though I’ve been chasing at my top speed, I
halted his steps doubtfully and saw this little animal unexpectedly still haven’t found any trace of him!
jump off his shoulder, run to the edge of the river
and stop for a while, seemingly unsure about “If I miss this opportunity, I don’t know when I’ll be
something, then run back and forth in that area. He able to find him again. If he runs out of Azure Cloud
could even see that its little nose seemed to be Province, it’ll be near impossible for me to avenge
twitching again and again. Yang’er!
“That man was unexpectedly so vigilant. He “Two days has already passed. There’s only one
carefully washed off the tracking gray rat’s saliva at day left. I’ve got to catch up with him tomorrow no
this place!” Seeing the little animal’s behavior, matter what!”
Zhang Zhenshan had a somewhat unsightly
expression. He gave a cold snort then quietly The next day, which was also the last day of the
waited for the gray rat to search, “So what if he did time limit for the tracking, Zhang Zhenshan even
that? Without washing himself with that special gave up rest to chase at full speed with all his might
liquid medicine, he can only make me spend a bit nonstop.
more time at most. It’s impossible for him to
escape!” In the afternoon, when there was only less than half
a day left until the deadline of the tracking, Zhang
Sure enough, several minutes later, the tracking Zhenshan’s expression became more anxious.
gray rat suddenly rushed up along the small river There was already even a tinge of despair on his
while squeaking excitedly then trotted on Zhang face, “Could it be... I really can’t catch up with him?”
Zhenshan’s shoulder again. With a happy
expression, Zhang Zhenshan dashed in that Right at this moment, the tracking gray rat on his
direction without hesitation. shoulder suddenly began to cry in a low tone.
Noticing its unusual behavior, Zhang Zhenshan
His speed had already reached its maximum. As he hurriedly stopped and looked at it in a slightly
moved at full gallop, he created buzzing sounds nervous manner.
that could even be heard from very far away in the
quiet night. The tracking gray rat on his shoulder The little animal sniffed its nose cautiously, let out
was also clutching his collar tightly with its little front two cries again and waved its claws gently,
paws while curling up into a ball so that it would not seeming to be somewhat excited.
be thrown off.
“We’re getting close?! I’ve finally come near that
Chasing nonstop for an entire night, only in the man!!” Seeing the little animal’s behavior, Zhang
morning of the next day did Zhang Zhenshan stop. Zhenshan could not help shouting in pleasant
After resting for two hours and letting the tracking surprise.
gray rat confirm the direction a bit, he continued to
give chase... Putting the little animal back on his shoulder, he
galloped forwards again.
Only when the sun went down behind the
mountains and the moon began to rise did Zhang An hour later, when he was climbing over a small
Zhenshan stop again in a grove. He took some mountain, the gray rat suddenly raised the pitch of
food out from his space ring and ate it. At the same its cries a lot, appearing especially excited. Zhang
time, he recovered his spent soulforce. Zhenshan was delighted inside. He looked down
the mountain carefully and saw that on a meadow
However, now there was already a vague trace of at the foot of the mountain, a silhouette of a person
anxiety on his face. was running towards a forest up ahead.
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That person seemed to be a young man. At the “This is really... Where am I actually at now?”
moment, even though he was not running at high
speed, he was definitely not running slowly either. Chapter 45: Go All Out! Fight!!
As Zhang Zhenshan looked at this silhouette, his Chapter 45: Go All Out! Fight!!
entire body began to trembled slightly, his
expression was almost distorted and endless Looking at this seemingly endless area of grass
hatred and fury erupted from his eyes. and trees in front of him, Bai Yunfei almost felt like
crying and murmured:
“It’s him! It’s definitely him! Finally, you’ve let me
catch up with you! I won’t let you get away. Now “This is really... Where am I actually at now?”
pay for the death of my son with your life!!”
Now he could only be sure that he was indeed
... ... ... ... heading north, but he had no clue where he was at
the moment. He just wanted to go through this
That night, after discovering that the enemy might forest as quickly as possible and find a populated
be tracking him, Bai Yunfei ran quickly for two place to ask for directions.
whole days. Except for when he had to stop to take
a rest, he did not stop at all! Just when Bai Yunfei was about to use the Wave
Treading Steps to accelerate, his body froze all of a
Moreover, he did not know if this was a sudden. Seeming to have detected something, he
psychological effect or not, but when he sniffed at turned around!
his right hand again after a period of time, he
unexpectedly vaguely noticed that strange odor. He saw a tall silhouette of someone running
This discovery made him worried even more in his towards him extremely fast from a distance of more
mind. Almost every time he stopped, he would than a thousand meters!
scrub his hands nonstop for over ten minutes, as if
this was the only way that could make him feel a bit “That direction... is the path I took to come here!
more at ease... This is bad! It’s the pursuers!” Bai Yunfei’s
expression changed. He was stunned for just a
Two days later, he finally could no longer endure moment but that person had come another hundred
running at high speed day and night. After having a meters closer to him and now he could see his face
good rest for half a night, he slowed down while vaguely.
continuing to go forwards.
“This man is so fast, almost as fast as I am when
It must be said that thanks to using the Wave using the Wave Treading Steps to the utmost. Plus,
Treading Steps unceasingly for two days and his face looks somewhat familiar...” As his mind
nights, his mastery of this soul skills had improved was racing, suddenly Bai Yunfei’s expression
at an unimaginable rate. If he had practiced this changed greatly and there was even shock in his
technique as usual, even though he was not lazy at eyes. He could not help blurting out, “It’s him!
all, it would have taken him at least ten days to Zhang Yang’s father Zhang Zhenshan!!”
reach his current level of proficiency with the Wave
Treading Steps. This shock was not a trivial matter. He even took a
step backwards uncontrollably with the first thought
At noon, right after climbing over a mountain, he in his mind being “Turn around and run away.”
ate some food then went forwards in this rather
large meadow. There was a forest not far up However, he abandoned this idea as soon as it
ahead. Bai Yunfei intended to go through this forest appeared and stared at Zhang Zhenshan, who was
to see if he could find a populated place. getting closer and closer to him. Although his
expression was still solemn, his eyes were glittering
Looking at this seemingly endless area of grass and his mind was working overtime on how he
and trees in front of him, Bai Yunfei almost felt like should respond to this.
crying and murmured:
~ 137 ~
“At this point, I can’t run away! If I turn around, my However, after noticing him, the enemy
aura will be weakened and I’ll have already lost half unexpectedly did not look like he wanted to run
of the mental battle. Afterwards, I’ll only be thinking away at all.
about running away so I won’t be able to fight with
determination! This will allow the enemy to dictate “Could it be he knows that he can’t run so he gives
everything. Turning my back to a pursuing enemy is up? Or... he wants to fight me?!”As Zhang
a bad choice! Zhenshan ran fast, the enmity and fury in his eyes
intensified, “Very good, since he’s so cocky, this
“Be cool, be cool!! saves me from having to chase and attack him too.
I’ll avenge the death of my son right here!!”
“At that time, the old man from the Fate school said
that Zhang Zhenshan is an early-stage Soul Sprite. Bai Yunfei had a solemn expression. He had
The Soul Sprite stage has the ability to control the already seen that tracking gray rat on Zhang
natural elements so the Soul Warrior stage just Zhenshan’s shoulder and immediately understood,
can’t compare with it. How can I possibly beat It’s indeed because of this small animal!
him?... But I don’t have to beat him. I only need to
injure him, even if I’ll be injured in the process too! When Zhang Zhenshan closed in on Bai Yunfei, the
As long as I still have the ability to run away! As animal jumped down from his shoulder and landed
long as I make it impossible for him to pursue me, on the grass on one side of the path.
this will be enough! He wants to kill me, but I only
need to grasp an opportunity to run away—in terms His eyes glittering, Bai Yunfei reached out his right
of goals, I’m already at a slight advantage! hand and the Fire-tipped Spear appeared in his
hand. After he channeled his soulforce into it, the
“Though I’ve been running away at such a high crimson handle of the spear slightly flashed a red
speed, he’s still managed to catch up with me. This light and a heat wave spread out. Even Zhang
means he must’ve been chasing nonstop day and Zhenshan, who was already just ten meters away
night, but I just had a full rest—in terms of from him, looked a bit surprised by this. Afterwards,
condition, I’m at another slight advantage!! Bai Yunfei unexpectedly did not wait for the enemy
to come. Instead, he pushed his feet against the
“He has to endure the pain of losing his son and is ground and rushed up!
hell-bent on getting revenge but I can deal with him
calmly—in terms of mentality, I’m at a slight Without saying a word, he launched his attack
advantage again!! immediately!
“I’ve got upgraded items whose effects are When Bai Yunfei took out the Fire-tipped Spear,
inconceivable to him—in terms of weapons, I enjoy Zhang Zhenshan was surprised for a moment
another slight advantage!!! because he had heard from Zhao Ping that Bai
Yunfei should use daggers but now he was using a
“If so... spear and, moreover... it was a soul armament!
Just when he wanted to take two step forwards to Zhang Zhenshan’s expression changed. It was
close in on the opponent, this spear thrust, which already too late to withdraw his hand so he gave a
still had some momentum left, was suddenly swept cold snort and slightly leaned his hand to one side.
horizontally with the tip of the spear aimed at his The Glacial Piercer stabbed against the palm of his
throat! hand but unexpectedly could not pierce into it.
Instead, it slid away, creating several friction sparks
Frowning slightly, Zhang Zhenshan had no choice in the process!
but to give up charging forwards. With a step of his
right foot, he dashed to one side and leaned This time, it was Bai Yunfei whose expression
backwards at the same time. The tip of the spear changed, showing a look of worry. Moving his feet
then almost grazed his chin. continuously, he swayed his body, creating several
blurs, and hurriedly backed off five or six steps then
Taking advantage of the moment this spear move stared hard at Zhang Zhenshan’s right hand.
ran out of momentum, Zhang Zhenshan let out a
cold snort and pushed backwards with his right Now that hand was unexpectedly wearing a white
feet. His body suddenly returned to an upright glove which covered the entire surface of the fist
position. At the same time, he reached out his right and allowed only the fingertips to be seen!
hand, curled his fingers to form a claw and thrust it
at Bai Yunfei’s throat! “That glove unexpectedly was able to withstand an
attack of the Glacial Piercer without being
Zhang Zhenshan carried out this counterattack damaged. It’s a soul armament! Moreover, it’s of a
extremely fast, bringing his hand to the enemy’s higher grade than the Glacial Piercer!”
throat almost in the blink of an eye, then made a
grab with force! After Bai Yunfei retreated, Zhang Zhenshan
unexpectedly did not chase and attack him.
But he was only able to grab a trace of a blur! Instead, he was also staring at Bai Yunfei’s right
hand, or to be exact, staring at the Glacial Piercer
Bai Yunfei simply had not pulled the spear back to in his hand. There was even more amazement in
make a block. Right after his horizontal spear his eyes than in Bai Yunfei’s. He could not help
sweep was avoided, he made the Fire-tipped Spear saying in a surprised manner, “Glacial Piercer!! The
disappear by putting it away in his space ring. At Glacial Piercer is unexpectedly in your hands!
the same time, he took steps continuously with his Then... you were the one who destroyed the
feet, making his body lean backwards as if he had Blackwood Stronghold!!”
lost his balance. But the moment he was about to
hit the ground, his body slid to the right in a strange As soon as these words were said, Bai Yunfei
manner and sprung back to an upright position could not helped getting stupefied for a moment.
simultaneously like a roly-poly toy. He then reacted immediately, his eyes flashing, “He
knows the Glacial Piercer! Then... he’s related to
This was none other than the Wave Treading the Blackwood Stronghold! Or I should say, the
Steps! Glacial School is related to the Blackwood
Stronghold! That’s right. The ‘school’ those bandits
This claw strike had been avoided by Bai Yunfei, mentioned is the Glacial School. That Blackwood
but Zhang Zhenshan’s expression had remained Stronghold was unexpectedly backed by the Glacial
unchanged. The moment Bai Yunfei stood upright School!!”
again, he made a reverse sweep with his hand, still
aiming at the enemy’s throat directly! “You destroyed the Blackwood Stronghold so that I
was called back into my school to discuss this
Bai Yunfei’s eyes flashed with fierceness. Instead matter. Then you took advantage of my absence
of dodging with the Wave Treading Steps, he from Talus City to kill my son!!” Seeming to have
raised his right hand like lightning. A short blue
~ 139 ~
understood everything, Zhang Zhenshan said in a Zhang Zhenshan’s eyes flashed with a trace of
mixed tone of amazement and wrath. disdain again. He moved his hands continuously.
Almost every time he waved his hand, he hit the tip
Bai Yunfei was stupefied for a moment again, his of the spear, even skillfully and easily. This stormy
eyes flashing a couple of times, but he was in no wave of attacks from Bai Yunfei was unexpectedly
mood to explain to the opponent that this ‘cause withstood effortlessly by him!
and effect relationship’ he had just reasoned out
was incorrect so he slightly curled his lips, saying, After Zhang Zhenshan blocked ten something
“The stronghold was already destroyed, your son is attacks in a row, there was more and more disdain
already dead, what’s the point of talking about them in his eyes. When he knocked away the spear yet
now? I won’t go easy on you just because you again, he suddenly caught hold of the front end of
guessed right...” the spear with a grab. Taking advantage of this
opportunity, he took a step forwards, immediately
“Humph! You’re about to die but you’re still acting closing in on Bai Yunfei’s face. He then lifted his
calm! You’ve got the Glacial Piercer so Han Xiao’s right hand and threw a palm strike at the enemy’s
Goldsilk Soul Armor must be on your body, right? heart!
That and the spear you were using earlier... Could
it be you think that you can beat me or escape from The moment he grabbed the spear’s handle, Bai
my hands just because you’ve got many soul Yunfei’s eyes flashed with a tinge of light. When the
armament?” opponent took a step forwards, he immediately took
half a step backwards and twisted the spear
“Don’t waste time trying to make me waver with forcefully with his right hand, which was holding it.
your words. I know exactly what to do. But you, just Upon withdrawing the Fire-tipped Spear, he put it
moments ago you attacked me without saying away in his space ring like lightning. Then he raised
anything, yet now you’re talking so much. Why? his right fist. The moment the opponent threw a
Oh, let me think...” Bai Yunfei said sneeringly then palm strike at him, blue veins popped out of his
pretended to ponder for a moment. right arm. Staring at the opponent’s palm, he struck
a fierce blow!
“Could it be you’ve used too much soulforce
chasing me all the way to this place? Earlier, you Overlapping Waves Art, Ninefold Fist Force!!
relied on that initial surge of momentum to fight a
bout with me, but you failed to take me down, so Chapter 46: The Gap in Power!
now... you want to seize an opportunity to recover
your soulforce?” Chapter 46: The Gap in Power!
As soon as he said these words, Zhang Facing this palm strike, which was aimed at his
Zhenshan’s expression stiffened. But right at this heart, Bai Yunfei suddenly took half a step
moment, when a look of amazement appeared in backwards and clenched his right fist. Blue veins
his eyes, Bai Yunfei suddenly gave a laugh. The popped out of his arm and he struck a blow!
Fire-tipped Spear reappeared in his hands. At the
same time, he pushed his feet against the ground Overlapping Waves Art, Ninefold Fist Force!!
with force and rushed up to attack first again!
However, the moment Bai Yunfei threw this punch,
The amazement in Zhang Zhenshan’s eyes lasted which he had been planning for a long time, in front
only for a moment. Even though the opponent had of him, Zhang Zhenshan’s eyes flashed with a trace
seen through his ploy, he did not panic at all—even of derision!
if he did not recover his soulforce, he could still kill
the enemy! Just before the fist and the palm could collide with
each other, when they were a very short distance
Bai Yunfei charged up to the opponent’s face apart, this palm suddenly turned into two palms,
almost instantaneously. He then thrust his spear then four palms, which were respectively aimed at
out nonstop, creating an area of spear blurs that Bai Yunfei’s two shoulders, heart and face!
surrounded the opponent completely.
~ 140 ~
Under the astounded look in Bai Yunfei’s eyes, the been so easy for me to trick him?... In the end I was
palm strike aimed at his heart and his fist came into tricked by him instead. If not for his attack being
contact. But his right fist went straight through this inclined towards the centerline of my body and
palm—it was an afterimage! hitting a place that happened to be within the
defensive range of the Goldsilk Soul Armor, my
Facing the palm strike aimed at his face, Bai Yunfei shoulder could have been crippled...
had no choice but to lean his head to one side
hurriedly. Half of this palm then went past his “Under the defense of the +10 upgraded Goldsilk
face—this was also an afterimage! Soul Armor, I was still injured so seriously. Plus, the
most fearsome thing was that chill. If not for the
Before he could have another reaction, an defense of the Goldsilk Soul Armor giving me a
inconceivably great force already hit his left small gap of time to channel my soulforce to resist
shoulder—only this palm strike was real! it, it would probably have gone into my body by
now. Then, even if I wouldn’t have been frozen all
What shocked him even more was that, as this over, my movement speed would have dropped
palm strike came into contact with him, in addition sharply!
to that enormous force of impact, there was also an
even more formidable chill rushing into his body. “This is the power of the Soul Warrior stage? The
When this chill entered his body, Bai Yunfei even power of elemental control...”
felt that his soul was frozen for a moment!
Now Bai Yunfei had already stood up. He wiped the
All of this sounds complicated but in fact it blood off the corner of his mouth and took out the
happened and ended in the blink of an eye. Bai Fire-tipped Spear again then stared hard at Zhang
Yunfei’s right hand was even still maintaining its Zhenshan in front of him. Zhang Zhenshan watched
forward striking position, but his entire body was all of this with a lingering astonished and doubtful
sent flying backwards like a disconnected kite, expression.
almost creating a blur.
“How is this even possible?! After taking that palm
“Humph! Ignorant kid! You think you can fool me strike of mine, it unexpectedly seems he’s just
just because you’re a little smart? Don’t slightly injured! Even though I’m not in my best
overestimate yourself!” The derision in Zhang condition, a Soul Warrior shouldn’t have been able
Zhenshan’s eyes intensified. Just when he wanted to withstand the force of a palm strike from a Soul
to lift his feet to give chase, he suddenly stood still, Sprite like me so easily!
the expression on his face stiffening then turning
into one of disbelief. “Right! He’s wearing Han Xiao’s Goldsilk Soul
Armor on his body! But that armor is merely a low-
This was because while in midair after being sent human tier soul armament, how can it have such a
flying, when Bai Yunfei was about to fall to the high defense? Could it be... the amount of power I
ground, he did a flip and landed feet first on the can use at the moment is even lower than I
ground. Only after bending his knees to a half- thought?”
crouch position with his hands placed against the
ground and sliding backwards three or four meters Both men had their own thoughts and seemed to
was he able to stop. be considering countermeasures. For a short
period of time, the situation unexpectedly turned
As Bai Yunfei raised his head looking at a totally into a deadlock.
astounded Zhang Zhenshan in front of him, a
streak of blood flowed out from a corner of his Bai Yunfei did his utmost to channel his soulforce to
mouth. He had an urge to spout a mouthful of blood disperse that trace of coldness in his body. At the
but he suppressed it forcefully. same time, he cast a glance at the Fire-tipped
Spear in his hands in an unnoticeable manner, his
“I misjudged it... Am I still really too naive? He’s a eyes flashing.
Soul Sprite and the head of the Zhang family with
so much combat experience. How could it have
~ 141 ~
“I didn’t expect to be able to draw the scorching anxious as the fight progressed. He could already
heat in the Fire-tipped Spear into my body! Just tell that the opponent was deliberately dragging out
now, to disperse that trace of coldness in my body the fight. If this continued, he would undoubtedly
as quickly as possible, I subconsciously tried doing use more energy than the enemy and the situation
this and was unexpectedly successful!! But I was would become more and more disadvantageous to
unable to discover this earlier... In that is the case, him.
it just happens to be of some help in this fight!
Worried inside, Bai Yunfei could not help attacking
“I can’t wait any longer. Both of us are recovering, much faster. After Zhang Zhenshan avoided
but he’s definitely faster than I am! I must not let another spear strike, Bai Yunfei suddenly
him return to his best or I’ll be in even more repositioned his feet, taking half a step backwards
danger!” and withdrawing the Fire-tipped Spear. Blue veins
popped out of his right arm. It looked like he had
At this point, Bai Yunfei clenched this teeth and exerted his strength in the blink of an eye. He then
gave the Fire-tipped Spear a shake. Using a thrust the spear out all of a sudden at a speed
strange footwork pattern, he turned into a string of unexpectedly several times greater than earlier!
blurs and rushed towards Zhang Zhenshan!
Threefold Thrust!!
“He saw through me again? He’s obviously weaker
than me but he has attacked me first the times in a Facing this fast spear thrust, which was aimed at
row. This man’s mental ability is indeed his stomach, Zhang Zhenshan’s eyes flashed with
exceptional!” Watching Bai Yunfei charging at him, a trace of amazement, but he did not panic at all.
Zhang Zhenshan’s eyes flashed with a hint of The moment the tip of the spear about to come into
surprise. He then gave a cold snort and rushed up. contact with him, his entire body moved sideways
without a warning sign, avoiding this blow easily!
Knowing that the opponent was adept at using fists Then, with his body slightly leaning forwards, he
and palms to attack, this time Bai Yunfei watched unexpectedly rushed up to Bai Yunfei’s face in the
out for his forceful approach all the time right from blink of an eye!
the beginning. Relying on the Wave Treading
Steps’ speed and dexterity, brandishing the spear, Without lifting or lowering himself, and without a
he was unexpectedly able to force Zhang warning sign, he had moved sideways then rushed
Zhenshan to retreat every time he wanted to up just like that! It even appeared as if he had not
charge up. made any movement!
The Fire-tipped Spear had an extremely high A body-maneuvering soul skill, Ice Treading Steps!
damage and even an explosion effect, but most of
its damage was focused in the tip and it needed to Using this footwork pattern was like skating on ice.
hit the target in straight thrusts for the explosion It did not require the user to sway left and right
effect to be triggered. Right from the beginning confusingly like the Wave Treading Steps, nor did it
Zhang Zhenshan had been able to tell that this allow the user to move so fast as the Wave
spear was no ordinary weapon so he did not block Treading Steps did. It only made it possible for the
the thrusts of the spear head-on like how he had user to slide without any warning sign and in a
blocked the stabs of the Glacial Piercer earlier. surprising manner. When it was in use, the user’s
Therefore, even though Bai Yunfei looked very body did not rise or fall, so unless you observed by
lively as he fought, he was unable to do anything to staring at his feet, you would not notice any strange
the opponent at all. movement—but who would only stare at the
opponent’s feet during combat?
The two of them fought for several dozen bouts
continuously. Because Zhang Zhenshan was afraid Another focus attack with the spear had been
of the power of the Fire-tipped Spear, he was avoided. Before Bai Yunfei could even bemoan
unable to counterattack for the time being, but he this, the enemy had already ‘slid’ up to his face!
handled Bai Yunfei’s attacks with skill and ease.
However, Bai Yunfei became more and more
~ 142 ~
His eyes flashing with killing intent, Zhang It was none other than the low-tier soul skill used by
Zhenshan raised his right hand and threw another Zhang Yang in the past, who at that time could only
palm strike, aiming for Bai Yunfei’s head! lengthen his arm by an inch at most. Now Zhang
Zhenshan was using it and had made his arm
The palm of his hand seemed to be surrounded in a longer by nearly three inches!
layer of frost. The wind created by the palm spread
out, sending a mass of cold air to Bai Yunfei, Even though it was a low-level soul skill, its power
causing his hair to stand on end—this palm strike still varied according to the power of the user!
was probably even several times more fearsome
than that palm strike from earlier! Bai Yunfei’s body was once again sent flying with a
burst of buzzing sounds!
Bai Yunfei’s pupils dilated. It was already too late to
withdraw the spear so he clenched his teeth and Bai Yunfei did another flip while in midair and
pushed his feet against the ground with force. His landed on the ground. However, this time his
body then suddenly jumped up backwards. Even actions were performed in a much more helter-
though he would be in a difficult situation to ward skelter manner. Only after propping himself up with
off the enemy’s follow-up attack, he had to avoid the Fire-tipped Spear and sliding another four or
this palm strike first! Because he jumped up, this five meters was he finally able to stop.
palm strike which originally had been aimed at his
head was now aimed at his chest instead. He raised his head. A flush rushed up his face,
which looked a bit pale at first. Eventually he could
With this backward jump, he was able to create a no longer endure it and spouted out a mouthful of
distance of about an inch between him and the blood.
palm. It looked like he had eventually avoided this
palm strike by a hair’s breadth! Lifting his hand and wiping the bloodstains off the
corners of his mouth, Bai Yunfei stared at Zhang
However, just when this palm seemed to run out of Zhenshan, who was walking towards him slowly,
momentum, Zhang Zhenshan’s eyes focused and with a trace of bitterness in his eyes: “The gap is
he let out a light snort. His right shoulder seemed to too big!! We’re simply not on the same level,
tremble slightly then his entire right arm seemed to whether in terms of combat experience or
wiggle in an unnoticeable manner. In just a technique usage. If he hadn’t used too much
moment, this already outstretched right arm soulforce earlier and become less powerful as a
unexpectedly became longer by more than two result, those two palm strikes alone would’ve been
inches all of a sudden! enough to take me down...”
Under the astounded look in Bai Yunfei’s eyes, this Zhang Zhenshan put his right hand behind his back
palm hit him squarely in the chest! and it trembled slightly in an unnoticeable manner.
After channeling his soulforce to recover from the
Chapter 47: Strike back! side effects of forcefully modifying a soul skill, he
walked towards Bai Yunfei step by step while
Chapter 47: Strike back! saying tauntingly: “What’s wrong? Now you already
know the gap between us, right? Arrogant ignorant
Just when the incoming palm strike seemed to run brat, though you’ve got several soul armament and
out of momentum, that already outstretched right my power has weakened, I can still kill you with
arm unexpectedly became longer by more than two ease!
inches all of a sudden!
“But I won’t let you die so easily. You tortured and
Under the astounded look in Bai Yunfei’s eyes, this maimed my son to death so I’ll make you suffer all
palm hit him squarely in the chest! kinds of torments until you wish you were dead.
Then I’ll snap your limbs one by one and let you die
This is the soul skill Long Arm Fist! with a damaged corpse!!” The more Zhang
Zhenshan talked, the more agitated he became.
Towards the end, he almost shouted the words. His
~ 143 ~
eyes were virtually blood-red and his face was full When the first strike hit the rock, it only shook a bit.
of ferocity. Only, under that look of hatred in his However, when the second strike hit it, an
eyes, there was also a trace of... sorrow. explosion suddenly rang out at the moment of
Looking at Zhang Zhenshan, who seemed to be
immersed in madness, Bai Yunfei slowly backed off Almost at the same time as a trace of surprise
expressionlessly. However, Zhang Zhenshan was appeared in Zhang Zhenshan’s eyes, this explosion
advancing even faster so after just several steps, rang out by his side. Under the astounded look in
the two of them were already about to stand face to his eyes, a mass of fire burst out from inside the
face. rock. The basin-sized rock then shattered into
countless tiny fragments which were shot out in all
While retreating, Bai Yunfei slightly glanced around. directions!
All of a sudden, his eyes flashed with a trace of
light. He took a deep breath, channeled his A rock very close to him had suddenly exploded,
soulforce and used the Wave Treading Steps. His sending a heat wave and a large volley of
body turned into a string of blurs and moved fragments flying at him!
obliquely two meters to the left then halted abruptly.
Staring at Zhang Zhenshan, who had chased up to The area covered by the rock fragments was so
a place three meters ahead him, he lifted his right large that Zhang Zhenshan did not have enough
foot and threw a fierce kick! time to avoid them. He could only use the Ice
Treading Steps at the last moment and quickly slide
The great force of the kick shot a basin-sized rock backwards. At the same time, he crossed his
under his feet along with a layer of dirt towards hands, making a block in front of his face, and
Zhang Zhenshan! channeled his soulforce to enhance his defense,
causing his whole body’s skin and muscles to
Giving a cold snort, Zhang Zhenshan immediately wiggle slightly.
moved half a step to the left without rising or
lowering his body. However, right after he dashed A series of cracks was heard. The sharp pains
sideways to avoid this flying rock, his pupils dilated coming from various places on his body astonished
all of a sudden because he saw Bai Yunfei Zhang Zhenshan even more: “Just the rock
charging up closely after the rock at a speed even fragments shot at me are already so powerful!”
faster than that of the rock and thrusting the spear
out! The attack of the rock fragments lasted only for a
breath’s time. Zhang Zhenshan kept backing off.
The moment that rock flew up to Zhang Zhenshan’s He moved his hands away from in front of his face,
left side, the tip of Bai Yunfei’s spear was already but what came into his field of vision was a dazzling
about to reach him. Just when Zhang Zhenshan red light!
wanted to dodge again, his eyes suddenly flashed
with a trace of astonishment -- the target of this Bai Yunfei’s eyes glittered with killing intent. The tip
spear strike was unexpectedly not him, but... the of the Fire-tipped Spear, which was emitting a red
rock by his side! light, looking as if it was shrouded in a red fireball,
was being thrust straight at Zhang Zhenshan!
Blue veins popped out of Bai Yunfei’s right arm,
which he was holding the spear with. The various Finally, for the first time there was an expression of
muscles of this arm bulged out greatly in the blink shock on Zhang Zhenshan’s face. This crimson
of an eye, raising the thrusting speed of the arm to spear was already less than three inches away
its maximum. Almost without an interval, he from his chest so he would not have enough time
executed two spear thrusts continuously! for him to avoid it while retreating hurriedly. After
thinking for a moment, he showed a resolute
Threefold Thrust! expression, reached out his left hand in the blink of
an eye and held it before his chest. When it came
Threefold Thrust!! into contact with the tip of the incoming spear, he
suddenly caught hold of it in a grab!
~ 144 ~
Then he tilted his palm. Muscles bulging out on his into being uncontrollably in his heart and he kept
left arm, he pushed it up fiercely at an angle. At the looking at the Fire-tipped Spear in an even more
same time, he repositioned his feet, dashing out fearful manner.
obliquely in the other direction!
At a place several dozen meters away, Bai Yunfei
Before he could loosen his grip, the tip of the spear was pinching his slightly trembling right arm with his
slipped in his hand. When he let go of it and left hand. His teeth clenched tightly, he was
hurriedly backed off, a small amount of blood fell channeling his soulforce nonstop. Only when the
down from the air. acute pain coming from his arm had subsided a bit
did he finally let out a sigh of relief. He then also
The shocked expression in Zhang Zhenshan’s eyes lifted his eyes and stared hard at Zhang Zhenshan
intensified. Without pausing at all, he moved in front of him.
backwards several dozen meters in an instant. Only
when he saw that Bai Yunfei was not chasing and In fact, Bai Yunfei was also feeling lucky that Zhang
attacking him did he finally relax and stop there to Zhenshan had retreated so far away in fear. If the
gasp for air. enemy had counterattacked right after avoiding that
thrust of the Fire-tipped Spear earlier, he would
“How is this possible? How is this possible?! He’s definitely have been in grave danger.
just a mid-stage Soul Warrior, how can he unleash
that kind of attack?!” Staring hard at Bai Yunfei in Before executing that series of attacks just then, he
front of him, Zhang Zhenshan roared in his mind, had already prepared himself for the scenario in
“Even if that spear is an earth tier soul armament, which he would fail and could be injured again by
even if it can gather up the element of fire to cause the enemy.
an explosion, he must at least reach the late-stage
Soul Warrior stage to be able to do that! How in the “Too bad, when the last thrust hit his palm, the
world can he use this kind of attack?!?!” explosion effect wasn’t activated, otherwise I
would’ve already won this fight!” When Bai Yunfei
Lifting his left hand in front of his eyes, he saw that saw that the opponent seemed to be treating his
a long hole had been cut into the high-human tier injuries, his eyes could not help showing a trace of
Icesilk Glove on it! disappointment, “I’ve used the Threefold Thrust
three times and even triggered the explosion effect,
Underneath the hole in the glove, there was a but I was only able to injure him slightly. From now
wound deep to the bone extending from the center on, he’ll definitely be even more careful against the
of the palm to the intersection of the index and the Fire-tipped Spear. If so... will I have no choice but
thumb. Although he had been channeling his to do that?”
soulforce to heal it since the first moment, blood
was still flowing out nonstop, dying that white glove While Bai Yunfei’s mind was working overtime,
almost completely red. Even worse, there was Zhang Zhenshan calmed down. He immediately
unexpectedly a faint black color on the wound’s noticed his strange behavior: “He didn’t chase and
opening and a scorching heat was slowly spreading attack me. Plus, he looks... His right arm is injured!
up from this opening. Trying his best, he channeled Right, it doesn’t matter what secret method he used
his Glacial Energy to resist the heat. Only now did to unleash that kind of attack, since he was merely
this scorching heat slowly disappear. a Soul Warrior, this must have taken an extremely
great toll on him! Damn it! This means I’ve wasted
Zhang Zhenshan looked at the wound on his hand, an opportunity to strike back!”
whose bleeding was gradually slowing down, then
cast a glance at the Fire-tipped Spear in Bai While regretting this in his mind, Zhang Zhenshan
Yunfei’s hands with a lingering fear. There was was unwilling to give the enemy a chance to take a
unexpectedly a trace of relief in his eyes: “Luckily I breather. He raised his right fist, his eyes glittered
reacted fast at the last moment... Now I definitely with ferocity, and charged at Bai Yunfei!
can’t let the tip of that spear hit me again! If it
causes that kind of explosion when I’m hit by a Chapter 48: Ninefold Fist Force Versus Glacial
thrust with it,...” At this point, a tinge of horror came Palm
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Chapter 48: Ninefold Fist Force Versus Glacial Yunfei’s face in the blink of an eye when Bai Yunfei
Palm slightly lost his balance after backing off. Reaching
out his right hand, forming a claw, he made another
While regreting this in his mind, Zhang Zhenshan grab at Bai Yunfei’s throat!
was unwilling to give the enemy a chance to take a
breather. He raised his right fist, his eyes glittered Bai Yunfei had no choice but to lean backwards
with ferocity, and charged at Bai Yunfei! again, avoiding this claw attack and making the
Fire-tipped Spear disappear simultaneously. Just
When Bai Yunfei had just made his decision, he when he wanted to take the Glacial Piercer out to
saw Zhang Zhenshan coming at him first. His fight the enemy with it, in front of him, Zhang
expression slightly changing, he shook his right Zhenshan gave a cold snort and turned his claw
arm, which had almost fully recovered. After taking into an open palm. At the same time, his arm
a deep breath, he charged up holding the spear in suddenly became longer by more than two inches,
his hands. throwing a palm strike at Bai Yunfei’s left shoulder!
When fighting this time, both of them were The sudden change of moves made it impossible
obviously much more careful than before. Bai for Bai Yunfei to dodge. He was hit by a palm strike
Yunfei had to watch out for the opponent’s strange again and his body turned left uncontrollably. At the
body-maneuvering technique and arms, which same time, because he had been retreating just
could lengthen anytime, while Zhang Zhenshan then, now it seemed he could no longer control his
was extremely afraid of the Fire-tipped Spear in Bai balance. He staggered two steps and unexpectedly
Yunfei’s hands. He even almost no longer smacked turned his back towards Zhang Zhenshan instead
the tip of the spear away with his palms when it of using the Wave Treading Steps to continue to
was thrust at him. Instead, he dealt with it by dodge!
dodging. And Bai Yunfei’s Wave Treading Steps
also gave him trouble. Zhang Zhenshan’s eyes flashing with ferocity, he
slightly lifted his right arm and threw a palm strike
However, after twenty something bouts, Bai Yunfei at Bai Yunfei’s back without pausing at all. This was
was gradually put at a disadvantage again and was an extremely heavy blow. He was certain that its
hit by several palm strikes from Zhang Zhenshan in impact would injure the opponent again and
a row. Luckily, these palm strikes were much less unbalance him even more!
damaging than the earlier palm strikes. As Zhang
Zhenshan did not have much soulforce left, he did As expected, Bai Yunfei let out a grunt and
not hastily use his elemental force to attack, and staggered another half step. It looked like he was
Bai Yunfei was protected by the Goldsilk Soul about to fall to his knees because of being unable
Armor too. These were the reasons why Bai Yunfei to endure this palm’s force of impact!
had been able to cling on until now.
The killing intent in Zhang Zhenshan’s eyes
Although Bai Yunfei was in a disadvantageous intensified. He took a step forwards without
situation, there was no trace of panic on his face at hesitation and slightly halted his right arm at the
all. While he was defending and attacking, his eyes same time. Almost in an instant, a layer of frost was
glittered slightly, looking like he was secretly formed on his right palm. His whole palm
planning something... unexpectedly changed until it looked as if it was
made of ice. Various strands of cold air were
Zhang Zhenshan lowered his body, avoiding a spreading out from it, sending a shudder through
horizontal sweep of the spear. Taking advantage of anyone who would take a look at it.
this opportunity, he attacked the enemy’s legs with
a sweep kick. Bai Yunfei retreated half a step with a Soul skill, Glacial Palm!!
shake of his body, avoiding this attack.
He had used this soul skill in the beginning of the
Taking advantage of this moment, Zhang Zhenshan battle as well, but at the time he had only gathered
did not pause at all after standing up. Using the Ice up a small amount of ice elemental force. And the
Treading Steps, he slid forwards and went up to Bai second time he used it, because of Bai Yunfei’s
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dodging, he had to forcefully change it midway into A chill spread up from his fist. Eventually it was
the Arm Lengthening Fist. stopped by him at his shoulder. His entire right arm
was now ghastly pale, looking as if it had been
This time, when he threw this palm strike, he used frozen, and he almost could not feel it at all. Bai
up half of his already scarce remaining soulforce, Yunfei forcefully poured a stream of soulforce into
after saving it for quite some time! his right arm, regaining a little control of it. He
opened his right fist slightly. The crimson Fire-
The coldness was intense! tipped Spear appeared in the blink of an eye and
he held it tightly.
Even the air around the palm seemed to be frozen.
This palm strike stirred through this area of air to A scorching heat then surged into his right arm
came straight at the back of Bai Yunfei’s head with from the handle of the spear. Bai Yunfei’s heart
short buzzing sounds! immediately relaxed a bit. He did his utmost to
control his soulforce, channeling it back and forth in
However, he, who was preoccupied with grabbing his right arm, cooperating with this scorching heat
this opportunity to chase and attack the opponent, to disperse the chill in his arm.
did not notice that when Bai Yunfei had been hit by
that palm strike earlier, his eyes had flashed with a Zhang Zhenshan was also sent flying by the
trace of shrewdness. He also did not notice that Bai impact, but his situation was much better than Bai
Yunfei appeared totally composed after turning Yunfei’s. He only needed to turn his body a bit
around, and that he was hiding a right arm with while in midair to land steadily on the ground.
bulging muscles and popping veins in front of him!
However, when he raised his head to look at Bai
The moment he threw this palm strike, Bai Yunfei Yunfei in front of him, his eyes were filled with
suddenly stopped leaning forwards. He no longer amazement and disbelief, and there was even a
swayed or staggered. Using his right leg, which trace of... bafflement.
was in the front, as the axis, he turned around. His
eyes glittering, he stared hard at the incoming palm His entire right arm was trembling nonstop. A
and struck a blow with his right fist, which also piercing pain came up from it. When he had been
carried buzzing sounds with it! hit by that punch from Bai Yunfei, at first the force
of impact had not been very strong. At least it
Overlapping Waves Art, Ninefold Fist Force!! definitely could not be considered strong to the
defense of a Soul Sprite like him. But right
“Bang!!” afterwards, wave after wave of fist force suddenly
exploded. Just like how a nail was driven into a wall
The palm and the fist collided, unexpectedly when hit continuously, these waves of force spread
creating a resounding explosion. Afterwards, both out nonstop from the palm of his hand and surged
men were sent flying backwards almost straight up through his arm!
Wherever the fist force went through, the muscles
While Bai Yunfei was in midair, a trace of a forced and bones of his arm were attacked again and
smile appeared on the corners of his mouth again. again. Two or three times would have meant
Clenching his teeth, he managed to do a flip. After nothing at all. Four or five times would have been
landing on the ground, he had to take ten endurable. But when attacked by seven or eight
something steps backwards continuously in a overlapping waves of force while he was focusing
shaky manner before being able to steady himself. his entire mind on the Glacial Palm, even the body
of a Soul Sprite like him could not withstand it!
He had been hit and sent flying three times in a row
with each time leaving him in a more difficult His whole right arm’s muscles were hurting badly
situation and forcing him to retreat farther than the as if they were about to snap and the bones
previous. This also meant that each time he was seemed to be giving off light crackles. And layer of
injured more severely than the previous. fine beads of sweat had even appeared on his
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“This is the soul skill that injured Wei Xu according The moment he turned around, he began to focus
to Zhao Ping, right? This power is at least several his energy into his arm. At the same time, he
times greater than what he described!!” Zhang calculated in his mind, Three seconds... the best
Zhenshan thought to himself while channeling his chance hasn’t come yet!
soulforce to heal the injuries in his arm.
Afterwards, Zhang Zhenshan continued to attack
“Plus, his defense is the most inconceivable thing! without pausing by throwing the second, even more
Those two palm strikes of mine obviously hit him, powerful palm strike!
and judging from the defense he showed earlier, it’s
simply impossible that he was only affected a bit! The next three seconds was the duration of the
Yet he was still able to plot against me, showing Goldsilk Soul Armor’s 50% increase in defense!
signs of defeat on purpose then unleashing that Zhang Zhenshan was fully confident about this
focus attack in the blink of an eye! This means, at second palm strike but in fact Bai Yunfei did not
least when he took my second palm strike, he have to endure too great of an impact force!
already knew that he could resist it without getting
injured! Impossible... How did he do that...?” Then came the Glacial Palm attack. After focusing
his energy for almost three seconds, Bai Yunfei
No matter how amazed Zhang Zhenshan was and counterattacked in a surprising manner and finally
how he guessed, he could not figure out the injured and knocked back Zhang Zhenshan!!
answer, because this was a secret that only Bai
Yunfei knew! Had it been someone else comparable to Bai
Yunfei in power, nothing unexpected would have
The moment Zhang Zhenshan had surprisingly happened in relation to the earlier attacks and this
turned his claw into a palm then hit his left shoulder person would definitely have been killed by that
by using the Arm Lengthening Fist, he indeed had palm strike as Zhang Zhenshan had expected.
intended to use the Wave Treading Steps to avoid
the next attack, but the moment this idea had However, this series of attacks from Zhang
appeared in his mind, a strand of soulforce had Zhenshan, which should have been able to kill the
flowed into the Goldsilk Soul Armor on his body enemy violently, had failed, due to the additional
uncontrollably. Then the force of that palm strike, effect of an upgraded item!
which was surging into his body, became very
weak! It was because his opponent was Bai Yunfei!
His eyes contracting, Zhang Zhenshan moved Staring at Zhang Zhenshan, who had already
sideways to the left half an inch again, avoiding the chased up to a place less than ten meters away
two daggers aimed at his right shoulder and head. from his back, Bai Yunfei gave a cold snort then
He then made a forward grab with his right hand unexpectedly slowed down on purpose. Flicking his
and caught hold of the last dagger directly! As he right hand nonstop from behind his back, in a
was wearing the Icesilk Gloves, catching these breath’s time, he shot four daggers out almost
high-speed incoming daggers was not much simultaneously.
different from catching a small rock.
Right afterwards, his dropping right hand suddenly
“Zi!!” paused for a moment. Its muscles bulging out, he
flicked it with all his might in an even larger
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movement than when he had thrown the flying Zhang Zhenshan watched him turn into a string of
daggers earlier! blurs running into the forest up ahead then
disappear after several dashes. His body had
A trace of blue light shot out -- Glacial Piercer!! already stopped moving. There was even a trace of
puzzlement in his eyes. As he looked at the
His expression remaining unchanged, Zhang perforated palm and the penetrated shoulder, his
Zhenshan waved his right hand, creating an area of expression was extremely unsightly.
blurs and easily knocking down the four flying
daggers. But just when he wanted to use the Ice Reaching out his left hand and grasping the Glacial
Treading Steps to chase and attack the opponent, Piercer in his shoulder, he pulled it out with force.
the look on his face changed greatly! Blood spurted out but he stopped the bleeding very
In the blink of an eye after the flick of Bai Yunfei’s
hand, a streak of light blue light had almost crossed After channeling his soulforce to heal the wounds in
the distance of less than ten meters between the his palm and shoulder, he lifted his eyes again to
two of them and was about to hit him from the front! look in the direction of Bai Yunfei’s escape, his
expression changing repeatedly. In the end he had
Fast, it was so fast! no choice but to shake his head in frustration and
let out a sigh.
This was simply on another level of speed
compared to the flying daggers shot at him earlier! “I didn’t expect... to be given so much trouble by a
brat of the Soul Warrior stage. Worse still, in the
There was basically no time for Zhang Zhenshan to end I even let him run away.” At this point, Zhang
do much. He had no choice but to make a block in Zhenshan shook his head with some self-derision,
front of him with his right hand and, at the same “Was it because I’d used too much soulforce? Or
time, do his utmost to move his body half an inch to because I was preoccupied with taking revenge
the right! and underestimated him?”
The moment the Glacial Piercer left his hand, But now, the Glacial Piercer was already gone...
Zhang Zhenshan’s face immediately showed a look
of astonishment, “My soulforce was unexpectedly Bai Yunfei felt like his heart was bleeding...
absorbed by it uncontrollably!”
Ran, ran, ran... Bai Yunfei did not know how far he
Then, his eyes suddenly opened wide like balls, had run. He ran all the way until both his soulforce
staring hard at the Glacial Piercer, which was flying and physical strength were used up. Only then did
forwards. He even slightly opened his mouth he finally stop.
involuntarily, his face filled with shock.
He raised his head looking at the starry sky through
“This speed... How is this possible? How is this the gaps between the leaves. In his ears, there
possible?!” were only the constant cries of night insects and
also the occasional snarls of some kinds of wild
Chapter 50: Reaching Snowpeak City beasts.
Chapter 50: Reaching Snowpeak City “He shouldn’t... be able to catch up with me for a
while, right?...” Bai Yunfei took a look backwards in
At sunset, the light of the setting sun was shining an exhausted manner, “Let’s stop running. I can’t
on this thick forest, but under the cover of the run anymore either. I’ll stay here and rest for a
dense foliage, only tiny spots of light were able to night. If the enemy could even catch up with me
get through the gaps between the leaves, which after I’ve run so far away, then I’d have no choice
made the whole forest look somewhat dusky. but to accept my fate...”
Forcefully suppressing the injuries in his body and Finding a very tall and large tree, Bai Yunfei
channeling his remaining small amount of soulforce climbed up to a branch that was even thicker than
into his legs, Bai Yunfei was running fast in this his waist and took a quick look at the surroundings.
forest. After confirming that there were no venomous
serpents and wild beasts around, he sat down with
On his face, there was a trace of rejoicing over legs crossed on that branch and closed his eyes,
having escaped from a very dangerous situation beginning to recover his soulforce and heal his
and a hint of injury pain, but most of all, there was a internal injuries.
deep regret.
The next day, when the sun was shining high
above, Bai Yunfei finally opened his eyes slowly on
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that branch after staying motionless for a whole enough yet! I must improve my soulforce and
night. upgrade more items!” The grievance in his heart
turned into an intense fury, which triggered Bai
Taking a deep breath then exhaling gently, he Yunfei’s unquenchable desire for power again.
raised his right hand in front of his eyes, formed a
fist, swung his arm then massaged his left shoulder “The Crafting School, the Crafting School... As long
and frowned slightly. as I can join this school, I’ll be able to make soul
armaments on my own! When the time comes, this
“Alas! It still hasn’t fully healed, but fortunately there coupled with my Item Upgrade Technique...
isn’t any big problem. I should be able to recover
within the next two days at most.” “Alas... What am I thinking about? Now the most
important thing is to deal with the problem at hand
Taking out some food from inside his interspatial first. I must get out of this Azure Cloud Province as
ring, he began to fill his hungry stomach. While soon as possible!”
eating, he thought about the battle of the previous
day. ... ... ... ...
“That little animal which tracked me was already After another whole day, Bai Yunfei eventually
killed. Now it should be impossible for them to find walked out of this dense forest. When he saw a
out where I am. This forest is quite large too, so if hamlet located not far outside the forest, he almost
they want to come in and search for me, it’ll burst into tears out of happiness, “I can finally ask
basically be like searching for a needle in the someone for directions...”
ocean. I only need to leave this place as quickly as
possible then be more careful with my actions Because Bai Yunfei really needed to have a good
instead of making myself visible to the enemy like rest, he stayed for a night in this village. Villagers
last time, I will not be in danger again. always made Bai Yunfei feel warm inside. They
enthusiastically received this stranger who had
“I lack combat experience and still haven’t practiced suddenly appeared in this remote hamlet. After
how to use my techniques enough. Though these knowing that he was injured, they even specifically
shortcomings won’t be noticeable if I fight ordinary prepared a large bowl of medicine for him to drink...
people and soul cultivators weaker than me, they
will be exposed thoroughly if I run into opponents In the early morning of the next day, Bai Yunfei bid
stronger than me... farewell to these guileless villagers in high spirits
and headed in the direction where according to the
“Petty tricks will be useless too, and if I use them, villagers a town was located.
the enemy can even take advantage of them to
trick me. From now on, I can’t be so arrogant Three days later, after going through another grove,
again... My biggest advantage is still the Upgrade Bai Yunfei saw a large road in front of him with
Technique! Only the additional effects that the quite a few people going on it. Among them, there
enemy doesn’t expect to come up against should were even several groups of people looking like
be the key to my victory! trade caravans or escort agencies who were
moving slowly carrying a lot of things.
“But now, even if those ordinary weapons are given
additional effects, it will still be very difficult to use “This should be a main road. If I go down this road,
them to fight strong enemies. As for soul I should be able to reach a large city...” Looking at
armaments, the only ones left are the Fire-tipped the coming and going passersby, Bai Yunfei was a
Spear and the Goldsilk Soul Armor. Alas... my bit hesitant, “There are all kinds of people in a large
Glacial Piercer!! My Glacial Piercer...” As soon as city. I don’t know whether the Zhang family’s
Bai Yunfei thought of the Glacial Piercer, he could influence exist in this place as well. If I’m spotted
not help feeling upset again. again...”
“Get stronger! Get stronger!! Now I’m being hunted After pondering with his head lowered for a while,
like a homeless dog only because I’m not powerful he shook his head in self-derision again, saying to
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himself, “If I fret about everything, then I won’t need Sitting in the head position was a middle-aged man
to get out of this Azure Cloud Province either. Not with a slightly pale complexion. Even though he
even Zhang Zhenshan was able to catch me, even was just sitting there expressionlessly, there was a
if I run into his subordinates, I’ll just kill my way out! chilling aura about him. Even the temperature of in
the entire hall seemed to have dropped somewhat -
“Plus, last time was merely a freak occurrence. I - this man was none other than the headmaster of
can’t be so unlucky every time, right?” Lifting his the Glacial School, Yu Fei.
head, Bai Yunfei looked at a trade caravan of about
ten people which was going slowly on the road and The man sitting on the left was about forty years old
said to himself with a mental nod, “Yeah, let’s blend with a calm expression. He was none other than
in with that trade caravan. After getting into the city, one of the Glacial School’s elders, Liu Cheng. And
I’ll buy all the stuff I need and rest well for a night. the man sitting on the right, who was slowly telling
Then I’ll leave right away! Right, I must buy a something to the other two, was surprisingly none
detailed map. With it, later I won’t get lost all the other than the head of the Zhang, Zhang
time...” Zhenshan!
Having made up his mind, Bai Yunfei walked “... Then that Bai Yunfei fella turned around and ran
towards that trade caravan. Those people were away without hesitation...”
very easygoing. After a simple exchange, they
agreed to let this ordinary-looking youngster join Seeming to have been talking for quite some time,
their trade caravan. Bai Yunfei asked for a straw he heaved a sigh of relief, raised the cup of tea
hat then put in on his head. Helping push those beside him and took a sip. After that he cast a
goods with his head lowered, he went forwards glance at the other two men, who appeared to be
slowly... somewhat entranced by what he had told them,
waiting for their reaction.
In the afternoon, this group of people reached a tall
city gate. Hiding among the group, Bai Yunfei After keeping silent for a while, Yu Fei said: “A
slowly entered the city. lowly Soul Warrior was unexpectedly able to
escape while being hunted down by you, and was
Before entering the city, he raised his head taking a even able to injure you. This... According to what
look at those two large words on the lofty gate— you said, those several soul items on his body are
Snowpeak City. indeed strange. Right, that Glacial Piercer...”
However, Bai Yunfei did not know that this city was Hearing these words, Zhang Zhenshan turned his
where the primary force of the Glacial School was right hand over and the Glacial Piercer appeared in
located. his hand. His voice became somewhat solemn,
saying: “It was only because of this Glacial Pierce
And the headquarters of that school was at the that I gave up continuing to track his whereabouts
base of Mt. Snowpeak, which was just a two day and immediately returned to out school as quickly
trip from this city as possible to report to you, headmaster.”
Chapter 51: Secret Exposed! Greater Danger!! “Oh? Did you discover something?” Yu Fei asked
with raised eyebrows.
Chapter 51: Secret Exposed! Greater Danger!!
“Yes, just take a look, headmaster.” Zhang
On the same day as Bai Yunfei reached Snowpeak Zhenshan slightly nodded then glanced at a pillar
City. that could only be hugged by two people holding
hands in front of him. With a gently flick of his right
There were only three people sitting in a spacious hand, a streak of blue light shot out and came into
hall in the Glacial School at the moment. Obviously contact with that pillar in the blink of an eye. A soft
the master of this place had already dismissed all sound was heard and the Glacial Piercer
of his subordinates and they were discussing penetrated through the stone pillar at a stroke
important matters. under the astonished looks in Yu Fei’s and Liu
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Cheng’s eyes. Then it whizzed through the air and can change soul items to such an extent. Besides,
pierced into the wall behind! if Bai Yunfei had some strong backing, he wouldn’t
have been hunted by me like that.”
The other two men were dumbfounded for ten
something seconds. Yu Fei was the first to react. Right at this moment, Yu Fei, who was pondering
No longer having that previous apathetic with his head lowered, suddenly lifted his head and
expression, he suddenly stood up with an excited gave orders in a very serious manner: “Look for
look on his face. In an instant, he had already him!! Mobilize all the forces to look for him!!
appeared right in front of that wall. After reaching
out his hand and removing the Glacial Piercer, “Whatever the means, you must obtain the method
which had almost gone all the way into the wall, he for improving the Glacial Piercer!!”
observed it carefully, his eyes filled with disbelief.
... ... ... ...
“How is this possible?... It’s indeed the one I
rewarded the Blackwood Stronghold’s Han Xiao In Snowpeak City, Bai Yunfei said goodbye to the
with two months ago. But how can it be so people of that trade caravan right after entering the
powerful?” city and began to go shopping in the city alone. To
avoid attention, he wore that straw hat with torn
Seeing that Yu Fei’s expression was full of selvage that he had asked for from the trade
disbelief, Zhang Zhenshan understood what was caravan all the time. He did not even take it off
going on. When he himself had first known that this when buying things lest the shopkeepers saw his
Glacial Piercer had been changed, he had been appearance clearly.
like this too. He said: “Headmaster, I already tested
it carefully. The Glacial Piercer’s damage has been When he finished shopping, it was already in the
improved by at least 50% compared to before. evening. He ate some food in a small restaurant
Besides, this doesn’t even really matter. The most then found a relatively ordinary tavern to stay.
inconceivable thing is that when you shoot it out,
both its speed and power are at least twice as large “For the moment I haven’t noticed anyone
as they should be in a normal situation!” suspicious yet. I’ve also observed this tavern’s
waiters and owner. They shouldn’t be like the
After Yu Fei heard Zhang Zhenshan’s words, there people from last time...” Bai Yunfei thought to
was even more disbelief on his face. He looked at himself while lying on the bed, “I’ve prepared all the
the Glacial Piercer in his hand in stupefaction for a things I need. For safety, I’ll leave this place for
long time, seemingly not daring to believe that this Jade Willow City on the border of Azure Cloud
was true. Only after he himself tested it several Province tomorrow early in the morning then go into
times, piercing through the several stone pillars of the Northern Cliff Province. At that time I’ll be much
the hall, did he finally sit back down in his chair in a safer!
somewhat entranced manner.
“Jade Willow City... I wonder if it’s related to that
“Headmaster, the daggers Bai Yunfei used as Green Willow School?” At this point, he could not
projectiles are also kind of strange..” Zhang help thinking of the Green Willow School’s Qiu Luliu
Zhenshan said and at the same time took out two and Chu Yuhe. Then a beautiful figure in light blue
daggers and gave them to a silent Yu Fei. He then clothes appeared in his mind. For the moment, he
sat down to one side, waiting for Yu Fei’s reaction. unexpectedly felt into a trance.
Only now did Liu Cheng regain his composure. He After a long time, Bai Yunfei sat up with a surprised
pondered with a solemn expression for a while and expression. He shook his head with some self-
said: “Do you think this is the Crafting School...?” derision and murmured: “What am I thinking about?
Inexplicable... Now I’m running for my life! Seizing
“Impossible.” Seeming to have also considered this the time to improve my power and getting out of
question, Zhang Zhenshan shook his head, saying, this Qingyun Province safely are the most important
“Though the Crafting School can reforge soul items things to do.”
and improve their power, I’ve never heard that it
~ 154 ~
In the early morning of the next day, Bai Yunfei that he already noticed me, if I went after him
woke up from his cultivation. He breathed out again, I would simply throw away my life. Anyway, I
gently then got off the bed, did some exercise and already know his direction to a certain extent so I’ll
sighed discontentedly: “Alas! Without using the just wait for the elders from the school to come and
Upgrade Technique to speed up my cultivation, my chase after him themselves!”
soulforce improves really slow! Too bad now I don’t
dare to casually use that unconscious state to After going around that corner, Bai Yunfei hid
improve my soulforce...” behind a hillside for a long time, but he did not see
anyone go after him. He waited for another while
He left the tavern, bought several steamed buns for then finally shook his head, turned around and took
breakfast then headed for the south gate of the city. a trail to continue his journey.
After Bai Yunfei had been walking several “It’s possible that I was oversuspicious... Perhaps
kilometers in a normal way along main roads and he was just an ordinary petty thief...”
large streets, his expression became more and
more unsightly. Knowing nothing about the situation, Bai Yunfei
went for a stroll in front of the Glacial School’s
“I’m being followed... Damn it! What’s going on? entrance just like that. Then he left without
How can they always detect me no matter how incident...
careful I am?!” Bai Yunfei cursed in his mind. After
getting out of the city, he had noticed that there was ... ... ... ...
something unusual. Although the man who was
following him had been careful, the perception of a The next day, when Zhang Zhenshan and Liu
Soul Warrior like Bai Yunfei still allowed him to Cheng returned to the latter’s house in this
detect this person very quickly. Snowpeak City together, they received a report
from their subordinates -- the man they want to find,
“He’s following me but I haven’t been obstructed by Bai Yunfei, had arrived in the city in the evening of
a large number of men. Could it be I’m wrong and the day before yesterday then left yesterday early
he’s not a man of the Zhang family? Or they don’t in the morning!
have enough men and they know they can’t stop
me, so they’re following me for the time being while The moment Zhang Zhenshan and Liu Cheng
waiting for reinforcements before getting into received this news, both of them were somewhat
action? No matter who he is, I’d better be careful stupefied. A good while later, Zhang Zhenshan
and lose him as quickly as possible!” gave a cold snort, saying: “That Bai Yunfei fella is
too arrogant! He unexpectedly took a stroll right
Upon reaching a fork, Bai Yunfei suddenly under the nose of our Glacial School!! I’ll leave
accelerated and dashed into an alleyway on the immediately. This time I definitely won’t let him get
right. Moreover, his speed got faster and faster. In away. I’ll make him pay for my son’s death with his
almost a few breaths’ time, he disappeared at a life!!”
corner not far up ahead.
“Wait, brother Zhang!” Liu Cheng pressed on
The moment Bai Yunfei turned into the alleyway, on Zhang Zhenshan’s shoulder, “Could it be you’ve
the main street, a little man dressed up as an forgotten headmaster’s order?! This matter is
ordinary-looking passerby was slightly already no longer your own business. It’s now
dumbfounded. He then frowned and thought in related to the future development of the entire
surprise: “He detected me already? No wonder he school!”
was able to escape from elder Zhang’s hands...
Then should I go after him now or not?” Seeing that almost distorted expression on Zhang
Zhenshan’s face, Liu Cheng sighed and continued
After considering for a while, he shook his head to advise: “Your current state isn’t suitable for you
slightly, turned around and went in the other to chase after him. If you kill him in a fury,
directions: “I followed him waiting for the elders to headmaster will hold you responsible and not even
arrive only because I couldn’t take him down. Now I will be able to plead for leniency for you...
~ 155 ~
“I suggest that you let me handle this matter!” whole face went purple, looking extremely furious.
Seeing that Zhang Zhenshan seemed to be He threw the map in his hands to the ground
gradually calming down, Liu Cheng continued: “You fiercely, stamped his food and cursed loudly.
don’t have to worry. After obtaining the secret we
want, you can do whatever you wish to him!” “F*ck you! Why did I still get lost?!?!”
Zhang Zhenshan’s expression changed repeatedly. With his anger not yet vented, he stamped on the
In the end he heaved a sigh gently and said: map a couple of times. He then raised his head and
“Alright, I’ll listen to you. I won’t get into action looked around at that seemingly boundless
before we obtain that secret. But what method do expanse of mountains and forest, almost feeling
you plan to use to deal with him? That man’s like crying.
mental ability is quite exceptional. If you want to
capture and force him to reveal it, I’m afraid this “Looks like finding someone to ask for directions is
won’t do...” still more reliable...”
“Yeah, the method of capturing and questioning via Bai Yunfei shook his head in frustration and
torture shouldn’t be used until the last minute. So, continued to go north. Now the only direction he
we’ll have to trick him... making him reveal the knew was this ‘north’...
secret of his own accord!” At this point, Liu Cheng
felt silent for a while, seemingly pondering over the It had been five days now since he had left
information about Bai Yunfei. Snowpeak City. Bai Yunfei did not know how he
himself had gone into this desolate area with no
“When he was in the city, he bought not only the signs of human habitation either. Anyway, as he
general map of the empire, but also the detailed kept going on, he discovered that the map in his
maps of Azure Cloud Province, Northern Cliff hands was completely useless.
Province and Great Plains Province. So, it’s highly
probable that his current goal is to go to Northern When the moon began to rise, Bai Yunfei, who was
Cliff Province first. going on the side of a large mountain, was almost
driven crazy. He decided that if he still could not
“In that case, he’s most probably going to... find someone by the time he got on top of the
Jade Willow City!” mountain, he would stop and sleep in the open for
another night then continue his journey tomorrow.
Chapter 52: Meeting the Old Man From the Fate
School Again When he was about to reach the peak of the
mountain, he halted his steps all of a sudden in
Chapter 52: Meeting the Old Man From the Fate surprise, sniffed with some uncertainty then
School Again showed an ecstatic expression.
On a desolate hill. “It’s the smell of roast meat! This means there’s
someone on the mountain! Finally... I’ve finally run
Bai Yunfei was looking at a map in his hands with a into someone!” Bai Yunfei was so excited that tears
solemn expression. Frowning slightly, he mumbled almost welled up in his eyes. He immediately
to himself. quickened his pace, rushing up towards the top of
the mountain.
“Um, this forked thing represents a small town,
right? Should be so. This circle thing means a ... ... ... ...
mountain, right? Can’t be wrong. This line
represents a river. This thicker line represents a Atop the mountain, an old man in a gray robe
large road...” Bai Yunfei said as he nodded. His whose hair and beard were both white were sitting
eyes seemed to be moving bit by bit on the map. under a large tree, slowly adding various kinds of
seasonings to a fat rabbit being roasted on a fire.
After he ‘studied’ like this for a long time, his face Obviously he was preparing his dinner.
became more and more unsightly. Eventually, his
~ 156 ~
However, the mind-boggling thing was that the fire Both Bai Yunfei, who had just walked out, and the
in front of him was unexpectedly floating in midair! old man sitting under the tree said in surprise at the
There was no firewood such as tree branches, only same time when they saw each other’s face.
a writhing mass of fire floating in midair at a height
of two inches from the ground! Moreover, that roast With a face full of amazement, Bai Yunfei looked at
rabbit on the fire was also floating in midair instead the old man in front of him, who was being
of being propped up by something! illuminated by that mass of fire. He even forgot to
continue to go forwards -- this was unexpectedly
If ordinary people saw this scene, they would none other than the mysterious old man from the
definitely think that they were seeing a ghost. Fate School who had given him the interspatial ring
and said that he was the person who could ‘negate
That old man’s head was slightly lowered. Even a disaster’ or something before.
though he was tendering the meat in front of him,
he did not seem to be paying attention to it at all. “Ha ha, sonny, why are you here?” A question
Instead, he was frowning slightly, seeming to be woke Bai Yunfei up with a start. That old man had
murmuring something. already awakened from his amazement and was
looking at him with smiling eyes.
“According to the guidance of my fate soul, that
place should be in Qingyun Province, but even Bai Yunfei looked at the old man with a strange
though I’ve been looking for it for over two months, expression and took a quick look at the fire and the
I still haven’t found a clue whatsoever... roast rabbit floating in front of him, his eyes
glittering. He then straightened up and took a deep
“If I can find that place, my power will definitely bow to the old man, saying respectfully: “It’s a
break through that final barrier and I can even train pleasure to meet you again, senior.”
a batch of experts for my school, making it a bit
easier for the school to face that catastrophe later... The old man was taken aback then nodded, saying
laughingly: “Oh, not bad, you’re well-mannered
“But I can’t peek too much into the future. If I go now. This is much better than when I met you for
beyond the limit of ‘right fate’ and enter the scope the first time.”
of ‘fate alteration’, I’ll probably change the matter so
much that it’ll become even harder to anticipate. “......”
This matter involves the existence of the Fate
School. I definitely can’t cause more unforeseen “Ha ha, come here and take a seat. Judging from
events... your appearance, you seem to be going in a
hurry?” When the old man saw that Bai Yunfei was
“Alas! I’ve got no choice but to take one step at a somewhat embarrassed, the smiling expression on
time. If there’s such a predestined relationship in his face deepened, and he asked while waving at
my ‘right fate’, eventually I’ll find a trace. At that him.
time, I’ll... Who?!” While talking to himself in a low
voice, the old man suddenly raised his head. With Bai Yunfei went up to the old man and sat down in
his eyes seeming to flash with fire, he looked front of him. Looking at the rabbit, which had been
towards a cluster of trees on the left. roasted to the point of being glistening with oil, he
slightly swallowed some saliva then nodded and
A series of soft rattles rang out as a youngster said: “Yeah, I plan to wander the outside world a
slowly appeared, who was none other than Bai bit.”
Somehow, upon seeing the old man this time, Bai
“It’s you!” Yunfei felt indescribably friendly towards him.
Perhaps this was because only after becoming
“It’s you!” powerful did he finally understand how great the
opportunity given to him by the old man had been...
~ 157 ~
“Yeah, this Qingyun Province is too small. It’s good For a few moments, the atmosphere was obviously
for you to go out and see the real world of the somewhat strange.
strong. This way you can grow up faster, which will
be good for the future as well...” At this point, he “Se... Senior?”After ten something seconds, Bai
seemed to think of something and did not finished Yunfei finally could not help shouting weakly. As
what he was saying. Instead, he corrected himself soon as he made a sound, the old man suddenly
by asking: “But aren’t you a bit impatient? The reacted by murmuring. He seemed to have been
space ring I gave you contained the entire emotionally affected to the point of being somewhat
cultivation method of the first three stages. You lost in thought.
should wait until you’ve become strong to think
about these matters again. Right, I remember you “It’s true... It’s really the mid-stage Soul Warrior
wanted to take revenge, why now... Could it be...” stage. How is this possible...?
“Yes.” Bai Yunfei nodded, “Only thanks to the “Oh? Wait, this is... the elemental force of ice!
secret training method, soul skills and soul Sonny, are you injured?”
armaments you gave me was I able to get my
revenge so easily. Besides, because I’m already at Chapter 53: Original Property of the Soul
the mid-stage Soul Warrior level, I want to leave
this Azure Cloud Province and seek greater Chapter 53: Original Property of the Soul
“What?” Bai Yunfei asked in puzzlement, having yet
“Oh, I see. As you’ve already reached the mid- to react to the old man’s sudden change of topics.
stage Soul Warrior level, you indeed can leave...”
The old man could only finish half of what he was
Frowning slightly, the old man felt it carefully again
casually saying before stopping all of a sudden. He
before finally letting go of Bai Yunfei’s wrist. He
then lifted his head abruptly and stared hard at Bai
slowly returned to his original place, sat down and
Yunfei. The indifferent expression on his face had
lowered his head in contemplation without saying a
disappeared. His eyes were even bulging out
slightly and his face was full of disbelief, “You
said... What stage did you say you had reached?!”
“Senior, did you say there’s the elemental force of
ice in my body? What does this mean?” The old
“Mid-stage Soul Warrior, what’s wrong?” Bai Yunfei
man was silent like that but Bai Yunfei was
looked at the old man somewhat doubtfully. Then,
somewhat worried. From the few words the old
seeming to understand what was going on, he
man had said just then, he could tell that there was
continued in a somewhat embarrassed manner, “In
something wrong.
fact I also wanted to wait until I’ve reached the late
Soul Warrior stage and become more proficient in
the acupoint control method to leave, but I Instead of answering his questions, the old man
encountered some problems so I had no choice but lifted his head and stared at him for a long time with
to...” a strange expression. Eventually he said: “How did
you cultivate your soulforce?”
Before he could finish what he was saying, he saw
a blur. The old man had dashed up to his face in an “How did I cultivate my soulforce” Bai Yunfei said
instant at a simply unimaginable speed and caught doubtfully, “I just cultivated it according to the
hold of his wrist with a grab. When Bai Yunfei was cultivation method you gave me. What’s going on?
yet to regain composure, he felt a slightly warm, Is there anything wrong?”
extremely powerful stream of soulforce surge into
his body. In just the blink of an eye, it flowed “Is there anything wrong?” The old man’s
through every part of his body. He even felt that his expression looked even stranger now, “Could it be
soul was run through by it. you don’t know long it takes other soul cultivators to
cultivate their soulforce?”
Bai Yunfei was so stupefied by this sudden action
of the old man that he froze right there. After the old Bai Yunfei was stupefied. After thinking for a bit, he
man let go of his wrist, he still remained motionless. said: “Of course I know. I’ve got a friend whose
~ 158 ~
cultivation speed is slightly faster than mine, er... run away. This is very good already. Though the
It’s possible that I’m not talented enough...” At this opponent inflicted internal injuries on you, since you
point, Bai Yunfei scratched his head in a somewhat ran into me again, plus, this was caused by the
embarrassed manner, thinking that he had reached guidance of your own fate, I’ll help you this time!”
this level only because of using the Upgrade
Technique as a shortcut and that he was actually Bai Yunfei immediately had a happy expression.
far inferior to Li Chengfeng. Just when he wanted to go forwards and ask the
old man to help him get rid of the so-called
“What did you say?! There’s someone who can ‘elemental force of ice’ in his body, the old man
improve even a bit faster than you?!” The old man’s waved to him, saying: “You don’t have to panic.
eyes popped out of his head again. He even could Waiting for a while won’t kill you. You see, because
not help raising his voice a lot, “Who is he?!” of your appearance, I haven’t even eaten the rabbit
“Oh, he’s called Li Chengfeng. He lives in a village
not far from Talus City to the east. He... Senior, I Now the old man’s mood seemed to have suddenly
already gave him the cultivation technique and become much better. He laughed and made a
even the two soul skills scrolls you gave me. You... wave of his hand towards the fire in front of him.
You won’t blame me, right?” Bai Yunfei asked the That fire immediately floated to one side and
old man in a somewhat embarrassed manner. stopped when it was one meter away, continuing to
serve as a source of light. The old man reached out
Now the old man’s face had already slackened his hand and took a swing at the air. That rabbit,
slightly. For someone extremely powerful like him which had been roasted to the point of being
to lose his composure like this, it could be seen glossily golden and smelling delicious, was cut in
clearly that he had suffered a massive shock. two right away. He made a grab at one half and
pulled it towards himself, but the other half floated
Another while later, seeming to suddenly remember up to Bai Yunfei’s face.
something, the old man frowned slightly. Then, no
longer paying attention to Bai Yunfei, he leaned “Looks like you’re very hungry too. Let’s eat first.
against the large tree and lowered his head. We’ll talk about other things later.”
Nobody knew what he was thinking.
Looking at the roast half rabbit in front of him in
Seeing him like that, Bai Yunfei did not disturb him stupefaction, only after several seconds did he
again. He had no choice but to suppress the react. He hurriedly reached out his hand, grabbed
impatience in his mind and wait anxiously on one the meat and looked at the old man again, who had
side. already started to eat leisurely. It was not good for
Bai Yunfei to say anything again, and he was really
After a long time, the old man seemed to have very hungry so he put aside all his questions and
finally thought something over and his expression began to devour the roast meat in his hand.
had also returned to normal. He raised his head
and said to Bai Yunfei: “Sonny, if I guess correctly, Not long later, this old man and this youngster both
you fought someone from the Glacial School sat on the ground somewhat idly, chewing the
earlier, right? Was your opponent Zhang Zhenshan bones in their hands slowly. The old man appeared
of that Zhang family?” to be in a very good mood at the moment, having
even temporarily discarded the manners of a senior
“Oh? How do you know?” expert like himself.
“Ha ha, don’t forget that I knew you wanted to get “Alright, now get over here. I’ll get rid of that
revenge. Didn’t I warn you that if you want to elemental force of ice in your body for you.”
revenge yourself on Zhang Yang, you must be
careful of Zhang Zhenshan and the Glacial Hearing this, Bai Yunfei immediately had a happy
School?” The old man shook his head slightly, “But expression. He hurriedly walked up to the old man
your current power was unexpectedly enough for and looked at him in a somewhat nervous manner.
you to have a fight against Zhang Zhenshan then
~ 159 ~
The old man reached out his right hand and important problem he was faced with at the
grabbed hold of Bai Yunfei’s right wrist as before. moment, Bai Yunfei asked in a somewhat
The moment he was grabbed, Bai Yunfei felt a embarrassed manner.
warm stream of soulforce rush into his wrist from
the old man’s palm. It then went a round in his body “Jade Willow City? Just go straight in this direction.
from his wrist. However, the soulforce this time You’ll reach it after two days.” The old man gave
seemed to be a bit fiercer, faster and also warmer him a strange look then said while casually pointing
than it had been last time. Of course, Bai Yunfei did to a direction.
not feel any discomfort. Instead, his whole body felt
warm, and even his soul was surrounded in a warm “Oh, thank you very much, senior.” Bai Yunfei
feeling, which was extremely comfortable. secretly let out a sigh of relief, rejoicing in the fact
that he finally knew the right direction. He then
“It’s alright now.” That comfortable feeling suddenly walked to one side, sat down and lowered his head
disappeared and the old man’s indifferent words thinking about something.
came into his ears.
“Sonny, now you want to go to Jade Willow City to
“It’s... It’s alright now?” Hearing this, Bai Yunfei head for the Northern Cliff Province later, right?
asked in some disbelief. Why do you want to go there?” Seeing him remain
silent, the old man asked somewhat curiously.
“You’re okay now. It was just a small problem. You
were hit by the opponent’s attacks that contained “I want to go to the Great Plains Province to join the
the power of a natural element. The elemental force Crafting School and learn its skills.” Bai Yunfei
of ice entered your body. Though you seemed to raised his head and said, as this did not need to be
repel most of it at the time, some of it still hid in concealed either, “I think by the time I reach that
your body. But you’re too weak so you couldn’t place, I will have already broken through to the
notice this. If this hidden elemental force isn’t Soul Sprite stage. I don’t know much about
disposed of, when you fight another soul cultivator cultivation and have already learned the method for
who also controls the elemental force of ice, it will the first three stages so at that time I’ll need the
erupt, putting you in danger.” guidance of a master.”
“This, this is still considered a small problem?” “Will have broken through to the Soul Sprite stage
Hearing the old man’s words, Bai Yunfei was by the time of reaching that place? This brat... how
frightened inside. can he mention the improvement of power as if it
was a piece of cake...?” The old man whispered to
“It was certainly a small problem to me. Don’t himself in his mind, but did not show signs of
worry. Just now I already neutralized that elemental amazement again. He nodded slightly, saying: “Oh,
force of ice for you and left it in your body in the you want to join the Crafting School? This isn’t a
form of pure energy. It’ll be a bit of a help to your bad choice. Given your power, when you reach the
cultivation.” Soul Sprite stage, as long as the original property
of your soul and the elemental force of fire are not
Bai Yunfei still touched his body from head to toe too incompatible, you can choose the fire element.
worriedly but did not notice anything unusual. In the It’ll definitely be very good for your development
end he had no choice but to give up. after you join the Crafting School...”
He pondered about this danger, which he himself “Original property of the soul?” Bai Yunfei said
had been unaware of and which had now been curiously, “I knew very little about these things.
‘dealt with’ in such a strange manner, but did not Please tell me about them, senior.”
have a clue so he shook his head and did not think
about it anymore. “The first three stages of a soul cultivator involve
controlling the body. The next three stages, Soul
“Right, senior, I want to go to Jade Willow City, Sprite, Soul Ancestor and Soul Exalt, involve
but...I’m already lost. Please tell me the right controlling the natural elements. As for the last
direction.” Suddenly remembering the most three, you don’t need to know about them yet.
~ 160 ~
“Elemental forces are the forces of the elements in that case, I was right to give you this spear at that
nature. Among them, the five elements, namely time.”
Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth, plus Wind and
Lightning are the most commonly seen properties Bai Yunfei looked at the Fire-tipped Spear in his
of elemental forces. The other elements, such as hands thoughtfully: “There are three tiers: heaven,
ice, cursing, space, and even the ‘fate’ my Fate earth and human. The Fire-tipped Spear’s grade is
School cultivates are also elemental forces. ‘low inheritance’, corresponding with ‘low earth-tier’.
This means, ‘human-tier’ corresponds with ‘rare’,
“Each person’s soul has its original property, which such as the Glacial Pierce and the Goldsilk Soul
is the most suitable property to cultivate. An original Armor... How about ‘heaven-tier’? I wonder what
property contains at least one element and can also grade the Upgrade Technique classifies it as...?”
contain several. When you reach the Soul Sprite
stage, you’ll have to choose one one element to be While pondering, Bai Yunfei seemed to suddenly
the main property of your cultivation. It’ll be the remember something. He raised his head and said
property that will go with you for the rest of your life in a somewhat embarrassed manner: “Right,
and that you can control the most proficiently. Of senior, I owe you a great debt of gratitude but I still
course, after becoming powerful, you can also don’t even know your name...”
choose to cultivate the forces of other elements at
the same time. The old man was surprised then cursed laughingly:
“This brat, only now do you remember to ask for my
In fact, after you reach the Soul Sprite stage, the name? It’s okay to tel you my name. I’m Ge Yiyun.
soulforce cultivation method will still be the same as This name is kind of famous in this continent. If you
before. Only, the absorption of elemental forces in run into any small problems later, I allow you to use
nature will be added to it. During practice, you’ll use it to intimidate people...”
your soul to sense the elemental force affiliated
with you in your surroundings then draw it into your “Er, thank you very much, senior...” As his little
body to train the body as well as to become more calculation was seen through, Bai Yunfei laughed
familiar with it. When your soul becomes more quite awkwardly.
familiar with and closer to it, it’ll get easier for you to
control, and stronger too.” “Alright, this is it then. I still have something to do
and need to leave right away.” Without a warning
Bai Yunfei kept silent, trying to digest these pieces sign, Ge Yiyun stood up all of a sudden and said to
of information. Bai Yunfei, “Sonny, you must grow up a bit faster.
Don’t disappoint this old man...”
After a long time, he raised his head and asked
again: “Could you please tell me a bit about soul After saying these words, he turned around and left
armaments and soul skills as well?” without hesitation. In just several blinks, he
disappeared into the darkness of the night. Bai
“You really don’t know anything...” The old man Yunfei was stupefied for a good while and did not
shook his head and continued: “Soul armaments even react to this...
are divided into three tiers: heaven, earth and
human. Each tier consists of three levels: high, Chapter 54: First Arrival in Jade Willow City; A
middle and low. Soul techniques are also divided Cliched Scene?
into the same tiers and levels.”
Chapter 54: First Arrival in Jade Willow City; A
“The spear I gave you is a low-earth tier soul Cliched Scene?
armament. It contains an extremely powerful
elemental force of fire. But you’re not strong “He left just like that?”
enough at the moment so you can’t unleash its true
power. When you reach the Soul Sprite stage, Standing alone atop the mountain, Bai Yunfei
you’ll be able to really use it. Coincidentally, you looked in a stupefied manner in the direction Ge
want to join the Crafting School, so you’ll have to Yiyun had disappeared.
choose to cultivate the elemental force of fire. In
~ 161 ~
The surroundings suddenly darkened, waking Bai ... ... ... ...
Yunfei up with a start. It turned out that floating fire
on one side was slowly disappearing in midair. At noon two days later, when Bai Yunfei saw a
spacious main road again, his eyes were almost
“Why did he leave right away?... In this kind of brimmed with tears—he had finally reached a
situation, shouldn’t he have given me some soul normal route!
armaments and soul skills again, or spent his
energy helping me improve my power, at least until After setting foot on this main road, where it was
I break through to the Soul Sprite stage?” impossible for him to get lost, Bai Yunfei was
Somehow, these thoughts unexpectedly appeared somewhat elated inside. He looked around as he
in his minds at this moment. walked. Seeing a sinuous river beside the road and
seemingly endless lines of willows, he sighed
“Er, how can I have such greedy thoughts...?” Bai emotionally in his heart, “No wonder it’s called Jade
Yunfei was startled and laughed in self-derision. He Willow City. There are so many willows... Speaking
then climbed up a large tree, ready to get some of it, this kind of naming is really lazy. This place
rest. has lots of willows so it’s called Jade Willow City,
then a place with lots of pine trees would be called
“Anyway, tonight I was really very lucky to have run Green Pine City and a place with lots of poplars
into senior Ge Yiyun already. Let’s continue my Poplar City... Such a way of naming isn’t stressful
journey tomorrow and reach Jade Willow City as at all...”
quickly as possible...”
While letting his mind wander, he slowly went into
... ... ... ... the city. Of course, he had taken out that torn straw
hat and put it on his head again—although he had
At the foot of the mountain, Ge Yiyun was walking yet to notice any danger in this place, it would be
slowly with his hands behind his back. Even though better for him to be as low-key as possible.
his footsteps were obviously very slow, he was
strangely covering several hundred meters with However, as opposed to when he had entered
every few steps. Snowpeak City last time, Bai Yunfei was not very
nervous this time. Perhaps this was because he
“I can’t have too much connection with him again. had left Snowpeak City without any incident last
Until now, my help has still been within the time or because this place was already very close
boundary of ‘right fate’. If I help him more, I’m afraid to the boundary of Azure Clouds Province. At the
something unexpected will happen. It’d be better for moment, besides carefully paying attention to the
me to be careful...” Ge Yiyun argued to himself in situation in the surroundings, Bai Yunfei was also
his mind as he walked, “As for his strange somewhat enjoying the scenery around him.
cultivation speed, I’d better not interfere. No matter
what secret he has, this won’t do my Fate School After going into the city, Bai Yunfei was
any harm... immediately a bit amazed by how prosperous this
Jade Willow City was. Last time, when he had been
“Besides him, there’s still that guy called Li in Snowpeak City, he had only taken a hurried
Chengfeng. If what he said is true then...” Ge Yiyun stroll, and at that time it had been near dusk so he
slightly frowned, “When I just arrived in Azure had not been in the mood for ‘enjoying’ the scenery
Clouds Province, my fate soul unexpectedly didn’t like he was now. Therefore, it could be said that
guide me to someone with such an extraordinary this was the first time he had really seen the scenes
talent for cultivation... But this is also a good thing. in a big city.
As I knew about the guy from him, this is not within
the influence boundary of the fate soul’s guidance The streets were so spacious that it could
so I can do a lot more things now. If that’s case... accommodate four carriages running side by side.
On both sides of the streets, there were all kinds of
“Anyway, as long as there’s something helpful to business shops, looking especially splendid and
my Fate School in facing the future disaster, I luxurious. Bai Yunfei even felt that the things he
definitely won’t ignore any possibility of getting it!” bought from some small street-side stands were
~ 162 ~
obviously better than those he had bought from the “You scoundrel, you’re not allowed to touch my
so-called ‘large shops’ in Talus City. Amidst the young lady!”
coming and going people, a wide variety of voices
and cries could be heard constantly, and the thing “Oh, you’re pretty fierce for a young servant girl. I
that made him feel energetic the most was that... haven’t done anything to your young lady either. It’s
just that she looks sick so I want to take her to a
“So many beautiful women...” Bai Yunfei eventually doctor. How can you say that a young master like
could not help sighing with emotion after standing me is a scoundrel?”
in a trance in the middle of the street for half a
minute. As soon as Bai Yunfei walked out of this restaurant,
he heard the angry scolding of a young girl and the
Somehow Bai Yunfei always felt that graceful and arrogant voice of a man.
charming figures kept showing up on the street one
after another. The scents of their cosmetics had Halting his steps, he looked in the direction of the
even spread through the entire street. These sounds and saw that a luxuriously-dressed
beautiful young girls were strolling on the street, youngster with a totally arrogant expression and
either alone or accompanied by someone. Their four people in attendant clothing were blocking the
crystalline voices could be heard from time to time way of two young girls at the entrance of an alley
when they talked. on the right of the restaurant.
Under Bai Yunfei’s ‘audacious’ gaze, a young girl In front of them, there was a young girl dressed in
carrying a basket in her hand quickly walked past servant clothing. Despite being outnumbered, she
him with a slight blush. Watching her silhouette was not showing any sign of fear. Instead, she was
disappear into the crowd, Bai Yunfei unexpectedly looking angrily at these people with a cold
could not help letting out a sigh. expression.
However, the expression on his face suddenly Behind her, there was a young girl in light blue
became strange afterwards. He withdrew his eyes clothes who was standing with difficulty by
and felt into a trance for a long time then shook his supporting herself on a wall. Her head lowered, her
head with force, mumbling, “What was wrong with body bent, her long beautiful hair was covering her
me just now? Impossible, in the past I definitely face, making it impossible to see what she looked
wouldn’t have acted like this. Just now, when facing like. It seemed she was sick and was enduring an
these young girls, I unexpectedly started to make extreme pain.
frivolous remarks about them in my mind as if this
was a natural thing to do...” “Humph! Little servant girl, don’t fail to appreciate
my kindness. I’m second young master Long. In
While pondering over the ‘abnormalities’ in his this Jade Willow City, I’m well-known for being
mind, he slowly headed for the center of the city. ready to help others. You see, your young lady is
For the time being, he was no longer interested in so sick that she can’t even walk. You’d better let
enjoying the beauty of women. me take her to my home for treatment. Don’t worry,
I’ll definitely cure her. Besides, I’ll cherish her...” As
After having a meal in a quite luxurious restaurant, that man talked, his voice changed somewhat,
Bai Yunfei continued to stroll on the streets, ready sounding like there was a some kind of viciousness
to go on a shopping spree before resting for a night in it.
then resuming his journey tomorrow.
“No matter the place, this kind of rich good-for-
Walking out from a jewelry shop, Bai Yunfei nothing always exists...” Bai Yunfei frowned slightly
touched the space ring on his hand in a rather and said doubtfully in his mind, “Plus, why does this
satisfied manner, thinking to himself, “Although they somehow look familiar to me? There’s a word about
were somewhat expensive, they’re all ‘high-grade’ to come out... ‘Contrived’? What does it mean?”
pieces of jewelry. Now I should be able to begin
researching the matter of jewelry upgrading...” While preventing the people in front of her from
approaching, the servant girl glanced somewhat
~ 163 ~
anxiously at the young girl behind her and said with was grabbing his arm and looking at him with eyes
hatred, “Humph, you scoundrels! Don’t even think full of disdain.
about doing anything to my young lady! If she
hadn’t taken ill all of a sudden, given her power, “Who are you? This is none of your business!” After
she would destroy you lowly underlings with ease! a moment of stupefaction, second young master
Let me tell you, my young lady is a soul...” Long immediately reacted. He had not expected
that someone would dare to stop him!
“Humph! Don’t try to scare me with those words!
Both of you look very unfamiliar. I think you must’ve The disdain in Bai Yunfei’s eyes intensified.
come to Jade Willow City to amuse yourself, right? Exerting a little strength with his hand, he pushed
No wonder you don’t recognize me. Let me tell you, him away directly. Second young master Long did
in this Jade Willow City, even the Green Willow not seem to have expected this man to dare to
School has to show the house of Long some attack him first so he staggered backwards
respect!” That man interrupted the servant girl and continuously. Only when his subordinates
continued to brag. supported him was he able to regain his balance.
That servant girl was stubborn but now she was “You! You’re so insolent! Don’t you know who I
startled, as if she was somewhat frightened. am?! Don’t you know who my father is? My father is
Additionally, she was worried about the young lady Long Gang!! Now that you dared to offend me, I’ll
behind her so the expression on her face was make you suffer so much you’ll wish you were
obviously anxious, with tears vaguely welling up in dead!” Second young master Long roared as he
her eyes... stared hard at Bai Yunfei, his face totally red.
The people who had been busy going in the “These words... Can you be any more cliched?” Bai
surroundings originally had now run far away, Yunfei curled his mouth and said disdainfully.
seemingly because they were rather afraid of this
second young master Long. Chapter 55: Artificial Respiration is Needed?
“Alright, quit babbling, servant girl. I still have to Chapter 55: Artificial Respiration is Needed?
hurry up and cure your young lady. Just go with
me!” That man seemed to have become somewhat “These words... Can you be a bit more cliched?”
impatient. He immediately pushed the servant girl Bai Yunfei curled his mouth and said disdainfully.
in front of him aside then told his subordinates to
catch her, not allowing her to escape. “You...” Although the young master Long did not
know what the word ‘cliched’ mentioned by Bai
“Ha ha, don’t be afraid, young lady. Just let me take Yunfei meant, he understood very well that
you to my home. I’ll ask the best doctor to treat disdainful expression on the opponent’s face. He
you...” Second young master Long said in a shouted loudly to his several minions, “All of you go
‘friendly’ manner while looking at the young girl in up! Break his legs for me! Beat him up for me!!”
graceful light blue clothes, who was leaning against
the wall. At the same time, he reached out his Hearing their master’s order, these men
hand, wanting to grab her wrist. immediately charged towards Bai Yunfei with
ferocious looks in their eyes.
However, just when his hand was about to touch
her, another hand suddenly reached out and Bang, bang, bang, bang!!
grabbed hold of his arm, making it impossible for
him to move it forwards.
Four rhythmic deep sounds rang out. Afterwards,
under the dumbfounded look in second young
“Oh?” Second young master Long was slightly master Long’s eyes, the four subordinates, who just
stupefied for a moment. Turning his head doubtfully then had still been charging up ferociously, were all
to take a look, he saw that a youngster in ordinary sent flying backwards in four arcs then smashed
gray clothes and a rather broken-rimmed straw hat into his body!
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Second young master Long pushed the several “It’s her... It’s unexpectedly her!!” Bai Yunfei was
people on him away with difficulty, struggled up extremely surprised because the person in front of
from the ground and looked at Bai Yunfei, who was him was none other than the young girl who had
walking towards him slowly. The arrogant been with Zhang Yang at that time in Talus City --
expression on his face had already disappeared. Liu Meng!
He backed off in terror continuously, shouting,
“You... Don’t come near me!! I’m the second young At this moment, an indescribable feeling surged up
master of the house of Long, Long Tao!! My father in his heart. Bai Yunfei just stood right there in a
is Long Gang! My brother is a soul cultivator! If you trance like that. Only when the servant girl’s
dare to hurt me, the Long definitely won’t let you anxious voice was heard again did he wake up with
off!” a start. Shaking his head with force, he calmed his
mind down a little then walked up to the side of Liu
Hearing these words, Bai Yunfei halted his steps Meng and squatted down to see if he could offer
and stared at him with a strange expression for a any help.
while. Eventually he could not help sneering, “Oh...
I see. Turns out you’re just a ‘long tao’!!” Liu Meng was lying flat on the ground. Her white
face had now gone pale, her lips closed tightly, her
TL Note: Long Tao means to be a 'walk-on' part. beautiful eyebrows wrinkled. She had no reaction to
the servant girl’s shouting at all.
“That’s right!! I’m none other than Long Tao! I’m the
young master of the Long!! You can’t hurt me!” Seeing the young girl like that, Bai Yunfei somehow
Long tao... er, second young master Long Tao did felt an ache in his heart. He crouched down in front
not notice, nor did he understand the tone of of her somewhat helplessly but did not know what
ridicule in Bai Yunfei’s words so he nodded to do. He had no medical skills either so there was
unceasingly. nothing he could do except feel anxious. The
servant girl seemed to be extremely worried too.
The corners of Bai Yunfei’s mouth twitched. Not in The only thing she did was call ‘young lady’ loudly.
the mood for more talking, he said with a wave of
his hand, “Get lost!” All of a sudden, an idea flashed across Bai Yunfei’s
mind. He was stupefied and murmured.
After watching this group of people disappear into
the crowd, Bai Yunfei shook his head, his facial “Oh... Artificial respiration is needed?”
expression still looking somewhat strange. It was
impossible to know what he was thinking. Just when Bai Yunfei was in a dilemma about
whether to use this seemingly ‘effective’ method of
“Young lady, young lady! Are you alright?” A voice emergency treatment, a soft groan was heard. It
full of anxiety rang out. Bai Yunfei was startled and was the young girl regaining consciousness.
turned around hurriedly. He saw that the blue-clad
young girl, who originally had been supporting A feeling of ‘regret’ appeared in his heart instantly.
herself on the wall, was now lying on the ground. After disdaining it a bit, Bai Yunfei asked in a
That servant girl was crouching in front of her in slightly anxious manner, “Miss, are you okay? Are
extreme anxiousness shouting softly. Judging from you hurt anywhere?”
her voice, she was about to burst into tears already.
Even though the girl had waken up, she was yet to
Bai Yunfei quickly walked over and said at the open her eyes and her eyebrows were still
same time, “Miss, what’s wrong with your young wrinkled. A layer of fine beads of sweat had even
lady? I can help...” appeared on her forehead, as if she was suffering
from an extreme pain. She called softly, “Xiao Ning,
His words suddenly came to a halt. Even his body where, where are you?”
froze right there. He looked in stupefaction at the
young girl, who was lying on the ground with tightly- “I’m here, young lady! I’m here! Are you alright?
closed eyes, his face full of astonishment. Please don’t scare me!” The servant girl answered
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nonstop right away, appearing very nervous, tears He saw that Liu Meng was walking towards him
about to come out from her eyes. slowly under the support of Xiao Ning.
“Take, take me to a doctor, quickly...” The young Dressed entirely in blue clothes, she looked fresh
girl’s fragile voice woke this silly servant girl, who and elegant. Her waist was slender, her carriage
was so worried that she had become dizzy, up to graceful, and her beautiful hair was flowing behind
the most important thing to do at the moment. her like a waterfall. Her face had already become a
bit ruddier. With a faint smile on the corners of her
“Yes! Yes! Let’s go to a doctor!” Only now did Xiao mouth, she was sizing him up using her bright large
Ning react. She wanted to go and raise her young eyes.
lady up but she discovered that with her small
body, it was impossible for her to take her young Bai Yunfei was temporarily unexpectedly entranced
lady to a doctor. by her looks...
Just when she became anxious inside, a pair of “Pfff... Mister, my young lady is talking to you!
hands suddenly reached out to the young girl’s Wake up please!” Bai Yunfei was awakened by a
backs of the neck and knees and lifted her up warning. He saw that the servant girl Xiao Ning was
horizontally. looking at him very mischievously and next to her,
Liu Meng was blushing. She gave Xiao Ning a stare
Xiao Ning was frightened, but she immediately in somewhat resentful manner then turned to Bai
reacted. Raising her head to take a look, she saw Yunfei and gently made a salute.
that this was none other than the young man who
had fought off those scoundrels just then. “Mister, thank you very much for helping me
earlier...” Her voice was clear, tender and melodic.
Although she felt that it was somewhat
inappropriate for her young lady to be carried by a Bai Yunfei was entranced for a moment again, but
stranger like this, the current situation did not allow then a tinge of disappointment appeared in his
her to be so fussy and she said to Bai Yunfei, heart, “She... really doesn’t remember me.”
“Thank, thank you very much, mister. Please take
my young lady to a doctor immediately...” But he shook his head slightly again right away,
saying in self-derision in his heart, “What am I
“Yeah, let’s go.” Bai Yunfei hurriedly urged the thinking about? It’s normal for her not to remember
servant girl to lead the way. Despite carrying a me. After all, when we met for the first time, I was
beautiful girl with a pleasant smell in his bosom, he merely a ‘pleb’ in the eyes of those rich people...”
was not feeling comfortable at all. Instead, there
was only anxiety in his heart. “Hey! Mister, you’ve gone into a trance again!”
... ... ... ... Xiao Ning’s warning was heard again. Bai Yunfei
brushed that indescribable thought in his mind
At a clinic, Bai Yunfei was sitting on a stool at the aside and asked doubtfully, “What?”
front door looking in a somewhat preoccupied
manner at the people coming and going on the “He he... Mister, though my young lady is stunning,
street, thinking about something. you can’t go into a trance in such a rude way
looking at her either!” Xiao Ning could not help
It had already been more than an hour since he laughing and saying mischievously again, “My
had taken Liu Meng to this place. The doctor was young lady wants to ask you to a tea house for a
giving treatment inside. It would be better for him chat to thank you for your help just now!”
not to be disturbed so Bai Yunfei was sitting here at
the door waiting. “Ah? Oh, that’s fine...” Bai Yunfei scratched his
head in an embarrassed manner then nodded in
Soft footsteps came from behind him, walking him agreement.
up with a start. He hurriedly turned around to take a
look with a happy expression. Chapter 56: Liu Meng
~ 166 ~
Chapter 56: Liu Meng defenseless, and he was able to bully me only
because of this...”
On the second floor of the Mingxiang Tea House, in
a private room, At first Bai Yunfei sighed in his mind: “The Green
Willow School is really here!”
After sitting down in this place, Bai Yunfei obviously
still felt a bit uncomfortable in front of the two girls. But upon hearing the last words, he was
Holding his cup with both hans, he dranked from it dumbstruck for a while and said in amazement:
nonstop and did not even notice it when he drank “Oh? You said you’re a soul cultivator too?”
the tea leaves.
Liu Meng nodded smilingly: “It’s kind of
Seeing him like this, the servant girl Xiao Ning embarrassing, but I’m really a soul cultivator... Oh,
could not help letting out a ‘pfff’ sound of laughter, what do you mean by ‘too’? Could it be you’re also
but when she was about to burst out laughing, she a soul cultivator?”
was stopped by Liu Meng.
Seeing Bai Yunfei nod, on one side, Xiao Ning
Seeing such behavior from this young man in front could not help whispering: “Whoa! Turns out you’re
of her, Liu Meng was somewhat tempted to laugh a soul cultivator, mister! No wonder you were able
too. She filled Bai Yunfei’s cup again with tea gently to fight off those scoundrels so easily!”
and said softly: “This time I was suddenly taken ill
and even ran into some good-for-nothings. Noticing that the look in Liu Meng’s eyes seemed to
Fortunately you got into action and saved me. I have changed a little, Bai Yunfei became
really can’t be thankful enough to you.” somewhat uncomfortable again: “Ha ha, this
doesn’t mean anything either. I’m just a weak soul
Bai Yunfei put the tea cup in his hand down, cultivator. Miss, you...”
calmed his indescribably nervous mind down a bit
and said while waving his hands: “You don’t have “I’m Liu Meng. You can call me Meng’er directly,
to stand on ceremony like this, miss. Helping mister.” Hearing Bai Yunfei call her ‘miss’ all the
people is the source of pleasu... Er, I mean, getting time, Liu Meng smiled and said in a low voice. This
in to action upon seeing injustice is what everyone might or might not be an illusion but Bai Yunfei
should do. Besides, it took me very little effort, so seemed to see her face slightly redden as she said
you don’t have to care about this too much.” these words.
“But it didn’t take you just a little effort...” Liu Meng “May I know your name, mister?” Liu Meng
said with a chuckle, “At the time, there were so continued with another question after pausing for a
many people, but you were the only one who dared while.
to get into action to help me. That second young
master Long is an infamous good-for-nothing in this Bai Yunfei had not expected to be allowed to call
city. Relying on his family’s influence, he often her so intimately so he was somewhat stunned for
commits all kinds of outrages. This time I went out a short period of time. Only after two minutes did he
alone to relieve my boredom but I didn’t expect to say rather cautiously: “Miss... Er, Meng, Meng’er...
become entangled with him. You can just call me Yunfei...”
“The house of Long is quite powerful in Jade Willow “Yunfei? Ha ha, it sounds full of freedom.”
City. Even the Green Willow School is somewhat
afraid of it, but this time you have offended that Bai Yunfei drank another large mouthful of tea, as if
second young master Long because of me. I’ve doing this could dilute that indescribable feeling of
really embroiled you in this... nervousness in his heart. He then put the cup
down, seeming to think of something, and asked
“Actually, given my power as a soul cultivator, I curiously: “Right, Meng, Meng’er... Since you’re a
shouldn’t have been afraid of those good-for- soul cultivator, how did you suddenly become like
nothings, but at the time, I was suddenly taken ill. that earlier?”
The pain was unbearable so I was basically
~ 167 ~
To soul cultivators, even the lowest-ranked ones looked down on himself for a while in his mind
had much stronger bodies than those of ordinary again.
people so common illnesses simply could not affect
them, and this was the reason why Bai Yunfei “Need to what?” However, in front of him, Liu Meng
asked that question. asked out of curiosity.
Right after his question, in front of him, Liu Meng “He he, nothing, nothing at all. Don’t mention it
felt silent all of a sudden. After a long time, she again, Meng’er, otherwise I’ll feel embarrassed...”
sighed softly and continued:
On one side, Xiao Ning could not bear seeing this
“I’ve been suffering from a weak body and illnesses anymore so she cut in: “Mister Yunfei, as a man,
since I was little, almost growing up in pots of how can you seem even shyer than my young
medicine. No matter the treatment method, they lady? Where has the heroic spirit shown when you
couldn’t be cured and even become more and more dealt with those bad guys earlier gone?”
serious. My whole body was often in extreme pain
all of a sudden, as if there were countless spikes “Cough cough cough!!” Hearing those words from
moving back and forth nonstop in my body. It was Xiao Ning, Bai Yunfei was even more embarrassed
extremely painful. The doctor who treated me said and coughed continuously.
that I wouldn’t live past the age of ten...
“Later, when I was eight, I ran into a traveling
senior. She pitied me so not only did she awaken When the three of them walked out of the tea
my soulforce, she also taught me a cultivation house, it was already dusk. Before parting ways,
method, allowing me to become a soul cultivator. Liu Meng seemed to suddenly remember
Then she continued her journey after giving me something and asked Bai Yunfei laughingly: “Right,
some prescriptions, saying that if I used them and Yunfei, tomorrow let’s take a stroll to Mt. Spring
didn’t stop training, my body would be cured. outside the city together! You just arrived in Jade
Willow City so this is the right time to go for a stroll.
“As I became more powerful, my body got better as I heard that the spring water on that mountain is
well. Now I’m rarely taken ill. As long as I can break clear and sweet and can even cure illnesses!”
through to the Soul Sprite stage, my body will be
tempered by the natural elements and I’ll be able to “Oh? Tomorrow? Only both of us will go there?” By
get rid of these illnesses forever... sheer coincidence, Bai Yunfei blurted these
“Today, I did take my medicine in the morning but
somehow I was still taken ill earlier. At the time my Right afterwards, he realized that they were
entire body was in severe pain. Even my mind was inappropriate and almost felt like giving himself a
extremely confused, and I also ran into those couple of slaps: He had unexpectedly blurted such
scoundrels. If you hadn’t got into action to help me, flirtatious words!
perhaps I would have died from the pain. It can be
said that I owe you for saving my life...” “Hey hey! Mister Yunfei! You’ve gone too far. I
didn’t expect that you’d dare to flirt with my young
Bai Yunfei slightly leaned his body to one side. At lady!” On one side, Xiao Ning said in pretended
first he immersed himself in listening to her, but anger, “Besides, you have just left me out directly,
when she suddenly said the words ‘owe you for haven’t you? But I’ve got to look after my young
saving my life’, he almost choked on the tea and lady all the time. I can’t leave her side even for a
said while shaking his head again and again: “Er... moment!”
You’re taking it too seriously, Meng’er. What I did
wasn’t so important. I didn’t save your life. You “Xiao Ning, you devilish servant girl! What
don’t need to...” nonsense are you saying?!” Liu Meng gave Xiao
Ning a slight stare then looked at Bai Yunfei with a
Luckily he put on the brakes in time and swallowed charming smile, her face slightly reddening.
back the words ‘repay me with yourself’. Bai Yunfei
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“Well, it’s settled then! Yunfei, you should go back “It doesn’t seem to me that this person was
and rest early. We’ll meet up at the east city gate at pretending he was in a trance. Moreover, even
dawn tomorrow!” though he offended me, there’s no need to take his
life either...”
By the time Bai Yunfei regained his composure, the
two girls had already disappeared at the end of the ......
street. He stood still there for a long time and
eventually let out a sigh. Now he had no choice but “He already took a kick from you just now. He’s
to turn around and walk towards that tavern where seriously injured too. Let’s consider that he’s been
he had booked a room earlier. punished.”
............ ......
In the tavern, Bai Yunfei was lying on the bed with “Ha ha, besides, he already compensated me with
hands behind his head looking at the ceiling in a tanghulu. It’s just that you knocked it down...”
somewhat preoccupied manner. He was not even
in the mood for cultivation. His mind was ......
unceasingly recalling the scenes after he had come
across Liu Meng today. As Bai Yunfei thought about what had happened,
his eyes gradually dimmed. An unprecedented
Suddenly, his expression changed and his feeling surged inside him bit by bit, seemingly
eyebrows wrinkled. It seemed some important preventing him from doubting Liu Meng, preventing
matter had come to his mind. him from thinking about the bad aspects.
“Her identity... When she was with Zhang Yang at “Tomorrow... Stroll...” Bai Yunfei recalled the words
that time, she called Zhang Zhenshan uncle. said by Liu Meng when they had parted ways just
What’s the relationship between her and the Zhang then, “But I have to leave this place. Even though
family?” At this point, Bai Yunfei’s eyebrows the Zhang family hasn’t found me yet, if I stay here
wrinkled even more tightly, “She should have longer, I’ll be in more danger...”
known that Zhang Yang is already dead. If there’s a
close relationship between them, she should have “Well, it’s settled then! Yunfei, you should go back
already known that I killed Zhang Yang. But her and rest early. We’ll meet up at the east city gate at
behavior today... dawn tomorrow!” His ears seemed to hear Liu
Meng’s gentle words again. Bai Yunfei frowned
“Did she really forget about me? Or... was it just an slightly, seemingly having a fierce mental struggle.
act? That’s not true. When she was taken ill, it was
definitely not an act. Plus, I didn’t notice anything Eventually...
unusual in the surroundings.
“Let’s have fun for a day. There shouldn’t be any
Then... am I thinking too much? Perhaps there’s problem...”
not any close relationship between her and the
Zhang family. I remember at that time her attitude Chapter 57: Stroll and Tell
towards Zhang Yang was pretty cold...”
Chapter 57: Stroll and Tell
Now Bai Yunfei could not help recalling the scene
when he and Liu Meng had met for the first time.
In the morning of the next day,
When Liu Meng and Xiao Ning arrived at the east
gate, Bai Yunfei had already been there for nearly
“Zhang Yang, stop... Did I ever say I wanted him an hour.
~ 169 ~
“Yunfei, I’m sorry for being late.” Liu Meng “Humph, you’re so unfair, mister Yunfei. Could it be
quickened her pace a bit, went up to Bai Yunfei and I’m not a girl? You only bought it for young lady,
said with a face full of regret. humph, humph, you must be up to something bad!”
The servant girl Xiao Ning’s angry voice came from
“Ha ha, it’s okay. I arrived not long ago too...” Bai one side, causing him to be somewhat at a loss.
Yunfei laughed in an unconcerned manner, not His face even slightly reddened.
telling her that he had been waiting in the cold for
several dozen minutes. “He he, I’m just kidding. Please don’t get angry at
me, mister Yunfei!” Seeing Bai Yunfei’s
“Mister Yunfei, you can’t blame my young lady.” On embarrassed manner, Xiao Ning stuck out her
one side, Xiao Ning cut in, “She was somewhat ill tongue a bit and said mischievously.
again this morning and only got a bit better after
taking a dose of medicine I hurriedly prepared for Bai Yunfei gave a couple of dry laughs but did not
her. Then she rushed over here right away.” know how to respond to this servant girl. He could
only say to Liu Meng: “Er, ha ha, Meng’er, let’s go
“Oh? Really? Meng’er, how are you feeling now? then...”
You’re not still sick, are you? Otherwise, let’s not go
to that Mt. Spring today.” Bai Yunfei asked “Alright, let’s go.”
continuously in a slightly anxious manner, his
expression changing a bit. ............
Liu Meng seemed not to have expected Bai Yunfei Grass, flowers, trees, birds, springs, breezes...
to react this way so she was slightly stupefied then
said with smiling eyes: “I’m not so weak as you For the first time, Bai Yunfei felt that climbing up a
think. Don’t forget I’m a soul cultivator! Relax, I’m mountain was such a joyful thing. Speaking of it,
fine already. As long as my illness don’t act up, now he could also be considered a ‘veteran
there won’t be any problem.” mountain climber’. He himself did not even know
how many mountains he had climbed over on the
“Oh, that’s very good, that’s very good...” Seeming way since leaving Talus City, but he had always
to notice his own loss of composure, Bai Yunfei climbed mountains to speed up his journey and to
scratched his head in a somewhat embarrassed flee for his life instead of to carefully enjoy the
manner. Then, he seemed to remember something experience like this today.
and hid his right hand behind his back. When he
brought it out again, it was already holding a Or perhaps, what made him feel joyful was not the
skewer of tanghulu. scenery on this mountain at all, but the person
going by his side...
“Meng’er, this is the tanghulu I specifically bought
for you.” Seeing the slightly amazed expression on Bai Yunfei took a bowl of clear spring water, went
Liu Meng’s face, Bai Yunfei handed over the towards Liu Meng, who was waiting under a tree,
tanghulu smilingly. handed it over to her and said: “Meng’er, are you
tired? If you are, let’s rest here for a while, okay?”
“Yunfei, you, how did you know that I like eating
tanghulu?” Liu Meng received it with a broad smile “Ha ha, what if I’m not?” Liu Meng received the
and asked curiously. bowl, drank a small mouthful and said gently,
“You’ve forgotten again that I’m a soul cultivator.
“Er, I saw that many girls on the streets all seemed Walking such a short distance is nothing to me.
to like eating tanghulu so I bought some for you.” Let’s continue to go up. We’ll reach the peak of the
Bai Yunfei told a little lie. Of course he did not dare mountain before noon.”
to tell her that when they had met each other for the
first time he had knocked down the tanghulu in her Bai Yunfei received the bowl, which she gave back
hand and that although he had bought another to him, and drank up all the remaining spring water
skewer for her, it had been knocked down by in one gulp. On one side, when Liu Meng saw this
Zhang Yang as well... action, her face slightly reddened.
~ 170 ~
“Oh, in that case I have no objection. We...” couple of laughs, Bai Yunfei ran towards the top of
the mountain.
“I... I have, I have my objection!!” An angry and
panting voice came from behind the two of them. At this moment, he experienced an unprecedented
They turned around to take a look and saw that the state of relaxation and happiness.
servant girl Xiao Ning was ‘moving’ up towards
them step by step with her body bent and arms ............
At the peak of the mountain, Bai Yunfei and Liu
“Young, young lady, mister Yunfei... You two, you Meng were sitting side by side on the grass, gazing
two are really inconsiderate!” Xiao Ning went up to at the large expanse of grass and trees down
them with great difficulty and gasped for air with her below. Both of them were silent.
mouth opened wide. At the same time, she pouted
and said discontentedly: “Both of you think you can A clear wind blew past them, causing several
leave me behind just because, just because you’re strands of her hair to fly into his face, tickling it.
soul cultivators huh? I’m so, I’m so tired...” When Liu Meng noticed this, she smiled at Bai
Yunfei and used her hands to tuck those flowing
Bai Yunfei and Liu Meng exchanged a look and strands of hair behind her ears.
were both embarrassed. As Bai Yunfei looked at a
pouting, discontented-looking Xiao Ning, he rolled “Thank you, Yunfei...” Liu Meng was the one who
his eyes and a tinge of amusement showed up. broke the silence, saying softly while gazing at a
passing bird.
“Meng’er, why don’t we have a speed contest to
see who can reach the peak of the mountain first?” “Oh? Why did you say this again? Didn’t I already
Bai Yunfei suggested to Liu Meng smilingly. tell you, yesterday...”
The latter was stupefied for a moment but then she “Not only yesterday, but also today.” Before Bai
reacted by casting a glance at Xiao Ning, a tinge of Yunfei could finish what he was saying, he was
mischievousness unexpectedly also appearing in interrupted by Liu Meng. She shook her head
her eyes, and saying with a nod: “Alright, let’s have gently and continued: “Thank you for going out to
a contest then, but... you have to let run first!” relieve boredom with me. The only person who
normally goes with me is Xiao Ning. Though she’s
To Bai Yunfei’s surprise, as soon as those words my servant girl, she’s like a sister to me... But aside
were finished, she ran forwards before he could from her, I’ve almost never made friends with
react, causing a fragrant wind that blew past him. anyone. Previously, my body was too weak for me
Her clothes flapping in the air, Liu Meng rushed up to do that, but later, because the people who
the mountian extremely fast like a graceful, blue- approached me had bad intentions, I was unwilling
clad elf. to make friends.
In fact, Bai Yunfei was only dumbfounded for a “You know what? Though I’m a soul cultivator, I
moment before reacting, but he did not chase after can’t live my life the way I want to...” Fiddling with
her immediately. Instead, he waited until she had the blades of grass in front of her using her hands,
run quite a distance away before casting a look at a Liu Meng said slowly: “To shake off the illnesses in
still somewhat bewildered Xiao Ning and rushing my body, I’ve been spending most of my time on
upwards with a couple of laughs. cultivation. I occasionally went out for a stroll, but I
only did this to loosen up myself when I reached a
“Hey hey!! Young lady! Mister Yunfei!! You two, you plateau.
two are far too inconsiderate!”
“My father... He’s a merchant. He can use any
Xiao Ning’s angry shouts came from behind. At the means to expand his business, even including
same time, Liu Meng’s lovely laughter also floated making use of my marriage...
down from up above along with the wind. Giving a
~ 171 ~
“The Glacial School in the northeast part of Azure relying on the influence of his family, but no one
Cloud Province has an elder with the surname Liu... ever dared to provoke him. What is laughable is he
My father somehow managed to dig up a was still unexpectedly killed by someone...
groundless trace of kinship with him and wanted to
be backed by the Glacial School in business. “I feel nothing towards his death. If anything, there’s
a tinge of happiness. I’m happy that I finally don’t
“Afterwards, he fawned on another elder of the need to worry about that so-called engagement.
Glacial School called Zhang Zhenshan and began
to do business with the house of Zhang in Talus “But who would have thought my father would
City. This made him especially excited. To increase unexpectedly tell me to go to Talus City to take part
the closeness between the two families, he in the Zhang family’s funeral arrangements as his
betrothed me to the young master of that Zhangs, bride-to-be!? I was unwilling to do this so in the end
Zhang Yang. I got into an argument with my father. In anger, I
went out of my home with Xiao Ning and wanted to
“I was only fourteen at the time so I simply couldn’t stroll about outside for a few days to relieve
object to this. My father wouldn’t allow me to object boredom before returning home...
to this either, so I had no choice but to hope that I
can reach the Soul Sprite stage early. At that time, “Later I went to this place then yesterday that
I’ll have the power to refuse... incident happened and I ran into you, Yunfei...
“After that, Zhang Yang often tried to approach me. “Since waking up in that clinic yesterday and seeing
I could tell that he did this only because of his filthy you, I have felt that... you’re different from the other
self-interest. people.” At this point, Liu Meng paused for a
moment, her voice also containing a trace of
“But the relationship between my father and the amusement, “You’re a soul cultivator, who’s
Zhangs became closer and closer. That family is extremely exalted and powerful in the eyes of
powerful and can’t be offended. In the end, I even commoners, but you don’t have an air of arrogance
had to go to Talus City frequently to visit my ‘future’ about you at all. Besides, you helped me without
parents-in-law...” wanting anything in return.
When saying these words, Liu Meng’s voice “Plus, the look in your eyes, though it was a bit, a
contained a lot of frustration and grief. However, at bit...” At this point, Liu Meng’s face slightly
this point she changed the topic, continuing: reddened. Seeming not to know what words she
should use to describe it, she skipped over this
“But a few days ago, my father received information directly and continued: “I could tell that there was
that... Zhang Yang had unexpectedly been killed no bad intentions in it, unlike Zhang Yang’s. When
the day before!” he looked at me, though he thought he had
concealed it very well, I could still see that his eyes
Chapter 58: The Long Tao Duo were full of a desire for possession...
Chapter 58: The Long Tao Duo “Therefore, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to
make friends with you and invited you to a tea
“But a few days ago, my father received information house under the pretense of thanking you then
that... Zhang Yang had unexpectedly been killed asked you to go for a stroll on this Mt. Qingquan
the day before!” with me.
At this point, Liu Meng’s voice became a bit louder, “Yunfei, we are now already friends... aren’t we?”
carrying some amazement and seemingly a trace
of... happiness as well? Bai Yunfei had been sitting there listening to her
earnestly all the time, trying to digest the story
“I always knew that he was a good-for-nothing, about Liu Meng told by herself. However, there was
even worse than that second young master Long a strange feeling spreading in his heart. His eyes
yesterday. He usually did all kinds of bad things slightly glittered, looking thoughtful.
~ 172 ~
When he heard Liu Meng’s question, he suddenly birdies, chasing rabbits, gathering wild flowers... On
woke up. After a moment of stupefaction, he the grassy path, the lovely laughter of the two girls
unexpectedly said with some nervousness: “Oh, of rang out from time to time.
course... We’re already friends.”
“He he, that’s really good. I finally have a friend.
Unlike those who want to approach me with hidden At dusk, three silhouettes gradually appeared on
agendas, you’re a friend I myself have found!” Liu the main road running through the east city gate.
Meng brushed her sadness aside. With a smile on They were none other than Bai Yunfei and the two
the corners of her mouth and her hands placed on girls.
the ground behind her back, she raised her body
slightly, gazing at a flock of birds flying across the There were expressions of partially unfulfilled
sky. She appeared to be especially happy. desire on the faces of them all. Bai Yunfei was
walking on the left, Liu Meng in the middle and Xiao
Bai Yunfei felt that his heart seemed to be beating Ning on the right, who was chirping something in an
somewhat faster, but he did not know what to say. obviously very excited manner.
Nervous inside, he subconsciously pulled the grass
in front of him out using his hands. “You’re really awesome, mister Yunfei! That blue
birdie had already flown into the air but you
Temporarily, both of them fell silent again with unexpectedly were still able to catch it!” As Xiao
neither wanting to be the first to talk. Ning recalled how Bai Yunfei had ‘flown’ up a large
tree with several dashes then jumped off into the air
“You two, you two have really gone too, too far!!” and easily caught hold of an already flying birdie in
his hand, her face was still full of excitement.
An out-of-breath, furious shout broke the silence, However, she then asked with some regret, “But
waking both of them up with a start. At the same why did you let it go in the end? Young lady liked it
time, they turned around to look in its direction. It so much...”
turned out the servant girl Xiao Ning had finally
climbed up the peak of the mountain and was “Ha ha, that bird naturally belongs in the sky. Flying
clenching her teeth looking at the two people who freely is the life it should have. I caught it just to
were sitting leisurely together. amuse myself for a while. How could I lock it in a
cage from then on, taking away its freedom?” Bai
It took Liu Meng a good while to calm an ‘extremely Yunfei said softly with a smile.
angry’ Xiao Ning down. One could tell that they
really had a sisterly relationship and definitely not “Don’t other people keep birds in cages? Alas,
one between a master and a servant—no master forget it, you caught that bird anyway, so you
would try to make their servant girl less angry like should decide what to do with it... But it was really a
this, and no servant girl would dare to ‘get angry’ at pity that rabbit with white stripes ran away. I’ve
her master either. never seen such a cute little rabbit. It’d be great if I
could raise it... No, even if we had caught it, in the
At lunchtime, Liu Meng took out from her end you would still have let it go, humph!”
interspatial ring a hamper with quite a few layers.
The hamper was made of special materials. After it “Oh, you mean that rabbit? It was a pity it ran away,
was opened, the food inside was still warm. This but if we had caught it, I wouldn’t have let it go...”
embarrassed Bai Yunfei a bit. There were also Bai Yunfei said very seriously.
lunch materials in his interspatial ring, but they
were two uncooked chickens. He originally had “Oh? Could it be you wanted to keep it as a pet?”
intended to roast and eat them—in comparison, he
felt that his original plan was too primitive so he did “No, I would have eaten it...”
not dare to take them out.
“Ah! You’re so mean!”
After having lunch, the three of them slowly strolled
about on this mountain, taking pleasure in catching
~ 173 ~
“Er, let me ask you, Xiao Ning. Among the foods we “I... I am his brother!” The bearded large man
had for lunch today, there seemed to be one made roared, his face reddening.
of rabbit meat, right?”
“Oh? You’re his brother?” Bai Yunfei compared the
“This...” two of them a bit again then clicked his tongue a
couple of times, asking: “You’re his brother, then
“Ha ha, alright, Xiao Ning, quit rambling. You’ve you’re the first young master Long right? What’s
been talking all the way back here. Aren’t you your name?”
tired?” Seeing Xiao Ning wrinkle her eyebrows in a
lovely manner, Liu Meng could not help saying First young master Long gave a cold snort and said
laughingly. with a totally arrogant expression: “Correct! I’m the
first young master of the Long... Long Tao!”
While talking and laughing with each other, the
three of them entered the city gate very quickly, TL Note: This Tao is different from the Tao in
walking on that spacious street. However, soon second young master Long’s name.
after they went into the city, their way was blocked
by a group of men. The corners of Bai Yunfei’s mouth twitched. A
breath almost got stuck in his throat. After staring at
“Brother, it’s him! He looked down on our house of them for a long time, he finally could not help
Long!” A voice full of hatred rang out. Two men bursting out a laugh.
then walked out from that group, talking to each
other. One of them was none other than the second “After so much talking, turns out you’re a long tao
young master of the Long family long tao... no, as well! Really, no wonder you’re brothers! You’re a
Long Tao, who yesterday had attempted to target long tao duo! Ha ha...”
Liu Meng and had eventually been scared away by
Bai Yunfei. [long tao = walk-on part/utility man] Under the curious observation of a group of men,
Bai Yunfei laughed out loud so exaggeratedly. In
Bai Yunfei told the girls to move backwards a bit. his mind, he felt that these two brothers’ names
He himself took a step forwards. Seeing the two were really so funny. Of course, as the only person
men in front of him, he said frowningly: “Young who knew the meaning of the words ‘long tao’, only
master long tao, why haven’t you gone get your he understood this, although he himself had no
takeaway?” idea how he knew it either.
“What?” Long Tao was stupefied. Not only did he “Humph! Insane and crazy language! It’s baffling!
not understand the meaning of these words All of you go up for me! Break his legs first then
suddenly uttered by Bai Yunfei, but the other bring him back and torture him!” Long Tao [the big
people at the scene did not either. However, they brother] shouted furiously to the twenty something
could all see clearly that Bai Yunfei was looking subordinates around. He was infuriated so much by
down on second young master Long in front of Bai Yunfei’s inexplicable mockery that his beard
him... trembled into disorder.
“Humph! Such an arrogant brat! Looks like you Bai Yunfei stopped laughing and cast a look at the
really have no respect for the house of Long!” men who were gradually surrounding him, but there
was no sign of panic in his eyes. He gave the two
Before Long Tao could say anything, that tall and girls behind him a hint with his eyes and they
large man with a full beard beside him was the first cooperated by retreating again. There was not a
to respond. trace of panic in their eyes either. They knew that
these people would not be able to do anything to a
Bai Yunfei took a look at him then at Long Tao. soul cultivator like Bai Yunfei.
Feeling that they were somewhat similar in
appearance, he asked doubtfully: “Could it be The fight was finished very quickly. Almost every
you’re his father? Are you Long Gang or one of the twenty something men who charged up
something?” could only come face to face with Bai Yunfei for a
~ 174 ~
moment before curling up on the ground hugging no choice but to fight. The muscles in his entire
his stomach and foaming at the mouth... body bulging out, making a burly man like him look
even considerably larger, he threw a fierce punch
When Long Tao [the big brother] saw Bai Yunfei at Bai Yunfei.
standing in the middle of the pile of men looking at
himself with an expression suggesting that he had When he was about to rush up to Long Tao’s face,
not had enough of it, his expression became Bai Yunfei suddenly toppled to one side. Long
extremely unsightly. He said with hatred: “Humph! Tao’s full-power punch could only hit an afterimage.
A soul cultivator! So what? I’ll personally deal with Then, with another shake of the body, Bai Yunfei
you!” appeared on his left hand side. After giving him a
significant look, he raised his right hand and hit him
His entire body’s muscles bulging out, he charged in the face with a resounding slap.
at Bai Yunfei with a ferocious expression. Seeing
this, Bai Yunfei curled his mouth slightly—now, a Afterwards, under the dumbfounded looks in the
late Soul Personage was already no longer a threat onlookers’ eyes, as if teasing a gorilla, Bai Yunfei
to him. used the Wave Treading Steps, creating a string of
afterimages that surrounded Long Tao from all
Just then he had not unleashed his soulforce so the sides, making it impossible for Long Tao to hit him
enemy did not know how powerful he was. Now regardless of Long Tao’s furious roars and fierce
that the enemy was already charging up, Bai Yunfei attacks. By contrast, Bai Yunfei hit the opponent
did not feel like dragging out the fight either. He with one spank after another continuously. At the
channeled his soulforce, his eyes flashing with a same time, he ‘scolded’ the opponent in a
tinge of shrewdness. With a shake of his body, he seemingly excited manner.
dashed up to the enemy’s face in just an instant.
Under the astounded look in the opponent’s eyes, “This is for acting like you’re a big shot!
he struck a blow with his right fist. This fierce punch
smashed into the opponent’s stomach, sending him “This is for your unshaven beard!
flying. At the same time, he once again shouted a
line that nobody at the scene understood. “This is for using your family’s power to bully
“Your part is already over. Get your takeaway and
leave!!” “This is for being long tao! [playing a walk-on part]
Chapter 59: An Inexplicable Attack! Before long, Long Tao’s face swelled up, looking
like the face of a pig, and even a bearded pig at
Bai Yunfei didn't apply the Overlapping Waves Art that...
to this punch, but even so, it was already too much
for a late-stage Soul Personage like Long Tao [the Seeming to have played enough, Bai Yunfei sent
big brother] to withstand. Only after staggering the opponent flying directly again with a fierce
backwards five or six steps in a row was he able to spank while shouting loudly:
control his body, preventing it from falling down.
“My last words for you: Your part is already over.
“Soul Warrior!” Hugging his stomach, Long Tao Get your takeaway and leave!!”
looked at Bai Yunfei with a face full of amazement.
Long Tao flew away more than two meters while
“Are you afraid of me now? Too late already!” Bai spinning before finally falling to the ground. He then
Yunfei gave a soft snort then dashed forwards spouted a mouthful of blood, which seemed to also
again. contain two teeth. As he looked at Bai Yunfei, his
eyes were full of horror and extreme humiliation as
Even though Long Tao was shocked in his heart, well—despite being a late-stage Soul Personage,
the opponent was already coming at him, so he had
~ 175 ~
he had been played with just like that. This is such After watching this group of men roll and crawl
an insult! away then disappear in the distance, Bai Yunfei
shook his head in frustration, sighing softly: “Alas,
After sending the big brother flying, Bai Yunfei this is really cliched.”
clapped his hands and slowly turned to look at the
dumbstruck younger brother Long Tao on one side. “Are you okay, Yunfei?” Liu Meng asked after
Somehow, as soon as he thought about how this walking up to Bai Yunfei, who was taking back the
man had wanted to target Liu Meng yesterday, he daggers.
felt exceptionally annoyed inside. Giving a cold
snort, he slowly walked towards the opponent. “Oh, of course I’m okay. How cold they have hurt
me?” He smiled at her and said complacently.
Bai Yunfei’s cold snort woke Long Tao up with a
start. When he saw that Bai Yunfei was walking “Yunfei, actually you shouldn’t have played with
towards himself, his face was immediately filled them like that... The Long family is quite powerful in
with extreme terror. He subconsciously wanted to this city. I’m afraid...” Looking in the direction where
retreat but because he was too nervous, he lost his those men had disappeared, Liu Meng said while
balance and fell on his buttocks to the ground. frowning slightly.
Using all his limbs together to move backwards
continuously, he said in a trembling voice at the “Er... You’re right, Meng’er. I got a little carried
same time: “You, what do you want to do?! Don’t, away. As soon as I thought of the fact that they
don’t come here! My, my brother is...” Only at this were both long tao, I couldn’t help trampling on
point did he suddenly remember that the opponent them ruthlessly...” Bai Yunfei scratched his head,
had beaten the living daylights out of his brother also realizing that he had seemed to have gone a
and hurriedly change his words: “My father is Long bit too far just then, “But there shouldn’t be any
Gang! My Long family has lots of experts! You can’t problem. This can only be considered a dispute
hurt me!” between juniors at most. Plus now he also knows
my power level already so he shouldn’t come to
Bai Yunfei’s eyes flashed with disdain, but he still bother me again...”
halted his steps ‘as he had been told’. Just when
the opponent let out a sigh of relief, he shot three “Alas, I hope so.” Liu Meng sighed softly, “Forget it.
streaks of cold light out all of a sudden with a flick Don’t talk about them. Let’s find a restaurant and
of his right hand! have dinner, Yunfei...”
Long Tao could only hear three soft sounds. When ............
he lowered his head doubtfully to take a look, his
face suddenly went deathly pale and he broke into The moon was bright and the stars were few. It was
a cold sweat—he saw that two daggers with cold already night. Bai Yunfei was walking quietly in an
sparkles had stuck into the ground near the two alleyway, heading for the tavern where he was
places where the index fingers and thumbs of his living.
hands met, almost nailing his hands to the ground!
But what terrified him the most was that another “Alas... Why did I agree again? I obviously planned
dagger had stuck into the area between his thighs! to leave tomorrow...” Bai Yunfei sighed while
Having cut a hole in the crotch of his pants, the walking with his head lowered, “Tomorrow I’m
dagger was stuck firmly in the ground. He could going to Cuihua Temple in the east part of the city
even feel strands of cold air coming to his crotch to burn incense sticks. Why at that time did I agree
from the dagger! even without thinking...?”
Seeing that Long Tao was so frightened that he Although he secretly regretted agreeing to stay in
was about to piss his pants, Bai Yunfei suddenly Jade Willow City, from the bottom of his heart, he
got bored and lost interest. He waved his hand as if also looked forward to the stroll tomorrow. His mind
chasing a fly away, saying: “All of you get lost!” was in a somewhat chaotic state, not knowing what
was going on with himself...
~ 176 ~
“Let’s stay for one day, just one day. There Just when he was about to succeed, Bai Yunfei
shouldn’t be any problem.” Consoling himself in his suddenly fell backwards. Then he dodged in a
mind like this, when he was ready to quicken his strange arc to the other side with a tilt of his body.
pace, his expression suddenly changed. He halted
his steps and stared at an alleyway on the right of a Before he could make another move, he felt a great
fork, saying solemnly: “Who?! Come out!” force come from his left waist. It turned out the old
man had instantly turned the claw into a palm and
“Ha ha, you’re so vigilant, little brother.” Following a hit him in the waist in a seemingly gentle manner.
soft laugh, a silhouette walked out slowly. Judging
from the voice just then, this should be an old man. The huge force of impact caused Bai Yunfei to take
He was not tall and was empty-handed. Although two steps towards one side involuntarily. Seeing
he had walked out, he was still hiding in the dark, that the old man’s second palm strike was coming
making it impossible to see his face clearly. at him, he gave a cold snort. With another slip of
his feet, two afterimages appeared in the small
“Who are you? What do you want to do?” Bai area around him. But he did not sheer away.
Yunfei asked frowningly. His right hand had already Instead, he turned his body instantly and threw a
been put behind his back. At the same time, his punch at the enemy’s heart!
mind was racing. Could it be the opponent was a
man of the Long family? Or was this a man from The enemy was surprised and unexpectedly
the Glacial School? immediately abandoned the palm strike that was
coming at Bai Yunfei. Withdrawing his right hand
That old man seemed to size up Bai Yunfei a few like lightning, he overlapped his hands in front of
times then said smilingly as before: “You don’t his chest, wanting to take this punch from Bai
know who I am. I’m not sure about your identity Yunfei head-on!
either. So, let’s exchange a few blows to find out!”
His eyes flashing, his right arm’s muscles bulging
As soon as he finished talking, he unexpectedly out, Bai Yunfei suddenly accelerated his attack
launched his attack without a warning sign! halfway through.
“So fast!” Seeing the opponent charging at him, Bai Overlapping Waves Art, Ninefold Fist Force!
Yunfei was secretly frightened. However, this was
not shown on his face at all. With a slip of his feet, Bang!
his body quickly retreated. At the same time, he
shot two daggers at the enemy with a flick of his A deep sound was heard. That old man’s eye
right hand. flashed with a tinge of amazement. His body
retreated continuously. With every step he took,
The opponent seemed to have known earlier that crackles rang out from under his feet. It turned out
Bai Yunfei would use this move. He leaned his his feet were breaking the bluestone slabs under
body to one side slightly, avoiding the daggers, him into pieces!
then rushed up to Bai Yunfei’s face without slowing
down. After the old man backed off nearly ten meters, he
stopped moving, having finally neutralized the
Making use of the moonlight, Bai Yunfei finally saw impact force of the Ninefold Fist Force, and shook
the attacker’s appearance clearly. His hair was salt his hands. Unexpectedly, he seemed not injured at
and pepper. His face did not look old at all, but all!
because he was smiling at the moment, there were
several wrinkles on his face. This man was looking Chapter 60: Bloodhowl Wolf King's Adopted
at Bai Yunfei with narrowed eyes while making an Son, Hong Yin
extremely fierce grab at Bai Yunfei’s throat with his
right hand! Chapter 60: Bloodhowl Wolf King's Adopted Son,
Hong Yin
~ 177 ~
After the old man backed off nearly ten meters, he “Yeah, correct.”
stopped moving, having neutralized the impact
force of the Ninefold Fist Force, and shook his Bai Yunfei fell silent. He did not know if what the old
hands. Unexpectedly, he seemed not injured at all! man said was true, but at least he had no malice.
Simply judging from the fact that he had been able
However, instead of attacking again, he suddenly to take his own Ninefold Fist Force with ease, he
waved his hands, saying, “Wait, wait! Let’s stop could tell that he himself was no match for him. It
fighting! Let’s stop fighting! I...” was probably because the old man had intended to
test him that he had been able to detect him.
But before he could finish what he was saying, two
streaks of cold light were shot at him and they After keeping silent for a while, Bai Yunfei put away
arrived in the blink of an eye! the daggers, but he was yet to relax his guard
completely. He asked, “Why did you find me,
The old man’s eyes widened. He conveniently senior?”
waved his hand in front of him and caught hold of
the two daggers. Looking at Bai Yunfei in front of “Why?” The old man was slightly dumbfounded, but
him, who was holding two other daggers staring after thinking for a bit, he said in a somewhat
hard at him, the old man said with some embarrassed manner, “Er, actually there was no
amazement, “Such a ruthless brat. I already told reason. It was just that in the evening in the city I
you to stop fighting, why did you still attack?!” saw that you seemed to use the Wave Treading
Steps when fighting those men of the Long family
Despite these words, Bai Yunfei did not relax at all. so I came to confirm it a bit, and to conveniently
He was still staring expressionlessly at the ask about my senior brother’s whereabouts.”
opponent, ready to shoot the daggers in his hand
out anytime. At the same time, he slowly retreated. “As his junior brother, why don’t you know his
Only when there was a distance of about twenty whereabouts?” Bai Yunfei asked doubtfully.
meters between them did he slowly asked, “Who
are you actually? Why did you attack me without “My senior brother doesn’t like to stay in touch with
reason?” other people. Plus, I’m not powerful enough to work
out where he’s gone to...” The old man said in
Hearing his words, the old man seemed to be frustration.
embarrassed for a moment then waved his hands,
saying, “Er, never mind, little brother. I just wanted Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, saying, “I don’t know
to confirm one thing. I had no ill intentions.” where senior Ge Yiyun has gone to at all. But he
should still be in this Azure Cloud Province. Several
Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, asking, “What did you days ago I ran into him on a mountain to the south
want to confirm?” of Jade Willow City.”
“Well, I just wanted to confirm a bit the two soul Seeing a thoughtful expression show up on his
skills you used just now.” The old man said face, Bai Yunfei did not want to stay longer. He
smilingly, “Now I’ve already confirmed that they are folded his hands in salute, saying, “Senior, if you
indeed the Wave Treading Steps and the don’t have anything else to say, I’ll take my leave
Overlapping Waves Art...” now.”
Judging from his appearance, he should be no Right after these words were said, seeming to
more than thirty years old. His body was tall and notice Qin Zheng’s doubtful tone, the little animal
straight, his robe silver and his hair long. Although on Hong Yin’s shoulder arched its back slightly and
he could not be considered handsome, there was squeaked at him a couple of times. Apparently it
an air of heroism about him. On his shoulder, there was somewhat angry.
was unexpectedly a palm-sized white little animal
that looked like a rat. “Oh? This is... a River Churning Rat! Plus... one in
the middle phase of level five!” Earlier, Qin Zheng
This man stared into the distance for a long time. In had not cared about this little animal at all, but now
the end he withdrew his eyes. Just when he was he immediately said in a somewhat amazed
about to turn around and leave, the expression on manner after observing it attentively for a while.
his face suddenly changed. He turned around
abruptly. Hong Yin gave a smile then stroked the little animal
on his shoulder to calm it down and replied, “You’re
A person was already standing on the roof behind so observant, senior. He is my friend, Xiao Tang.”
him and this person was none other than the old
man who had just talked with Bai Yunfei! Afterwards, with a shake of his hand, a white
dagger appeared in his hand. Actually, it was
“Brat, you’ve been watching for so long. What’s this somewhat inappropriate to call it a dagger because
all about? Me, or that little fella?” Seeming to have if one looked at it carefully, they would find that it
already anticipated the opponent’s actions, the old looked more like a tooth of a certain animal.
man said solemnly while staring expressionlessly at
him. “I think this object should be enough to prove my
identity, right?”
~ 179 ~
At first Qin Zheng was somewhat astounded Qin Zheng turned around and left. A message then
because Hong Yin had called the soulbeast his came into Hong Yin’s ears from afar.
friend. Now, seeing this dagger, he raised his
eyebrows again, saying in slight amazement, “Your ‘fate’ shows a ‘fate division’ tendency in this
“Bloodhowl Fang! Yeah, it really can prove that Jade Willow City. I can’t look too much into your
what you said was true.” future, and I can’t tell you too much either, but you
should grasp this opportunity...”
He then pondered for a while before continuing to
ask, “Then why are you here? Could it be because Chapter 61: Meeting Qiu Luliu Again
of that little fella? It’s very likely that he’ll be
extremely important to my Fate School in the Chapter 61: Meeting Qiu Luliu Again
future. You can’t touch him!”
The next day, Bai Yunfei still arrived at the agreed
Hong Yin was stupefied then hurriedly explained, place half an hour early as before.
“You’re mistaken, senior. I don’t know that little
brother at all. I watched from this place only The sunlight seemed to be especially tender this
because I saw you.” morning. Everything looked vibrant, whether the
grass on the ground or the weeping willows on the
“Oh? Why me? What do you find me for?” Qin shores.
Zheng asked doubtfully.
Bai Yunfei stood on the roadside, gazing at the
“In fact, I want to ask you a little about senior Ge willow trees that were fluttering in the wind on one
Yiyun’s whereabouts.” Hong Yin thought for a bit, side, his eyes somewhat unfocused.
“A few days ago I accidentally found out that senior
Ge Yiyun was in Azure Cloud Province so I came “It’s been two days since I arrived in this Jade
here right away. I want to invite him...” Willow City but I haven’t noticed anything unusual.
Could it be the Zhang family’s or I should say the
“Because of that matter again, right?” Before Hong Glacial School’s forces haven’t reached this place
Yin could finish what he was saying, Qin Zheng yet? Is this because... of the existence of the Green
already knew what he wanted to say. He gave a Willow School?
soft sigh, saying, “Alas, your foster father should
have already told you it’s almost impossible to get “I wonder if the two long tao brothers of that Long
this matter done, right?” family will come to trouble me again. The Long
family is quite influential in this place so it should
Hong Yin’s expression darkened and looked have several soul cultivators. Last time I merely
disappointed for a moment, but he immediately bullied two good-for-nothings so they didn’t have
recovered and said with a face full of resolution, “I’ll too many men with them. If they still want to
give it a try no matter what! Perhaps... if senior Ge retaliate...
Yiyun agrees to give it another try, we may find a
method...” “Sure enough, it’d still be better for me to leave
early? Then let’s leave this place tomorrow! After
“Well... As you’ve already made your decision, I strolling about today, I’ll tell Liu Meng clearly that I’ll
won’t mention it again. Just do as you please. leave tomorrow in the early morning...”
Hopefully with your special status you can change
this ‘fate’ which the entire soulbeast clan has been Although he had made his decision, another feeling
unable to change for more than a thousand was bred in his mind. Was it... unwillingness? Bai
years...” Qin Zheng had no choice but to shake his Yunfei shook his head gently with a forced smile
head. and scolded himself for being hopeless and having
become so indecisive.
“I’ve got something to do too so I won’t stay here.
My senior brother... I don’t know where he is either. “Bai... Bai Yunfei?”
If you want to see him, just look for him yourself!”
~ 180 ~
Just when his mind was in an emotional turmoil, a junior sister.” Qiu Luliu said smilingly while looking
reluctant voice rang out behind him. Slightly around.
startled, he immediately turned around to take a
look. “This...” Bai Yunfei looked at the streets in the city
then said in a somewhat embarrassed manner, “I’m
He saw a tall young girl dressed in emerald green afraid I can’t do this today. I already agreed to meet
clothes looking at him with a pleasantly surprised someone and I’m waiting for her here...”
expression. Bai Yunfei was slightly stupefied and
said in astonishment, “Qiu Luliu! Why are you “Oh, I see...” Qiu Luliu thought for a bit and said,
here?” “Then, how about tomorrow? This will give me just
enough time to go back to my school and tell my
This young girl was none other than Qiu Luliu, junior sister. She’ll definitely be very happy.
disciple of the Green Willow School, who had come Tomorrow we’ll talk about what happened together,
to rescue her junior sister at that time when Bai okay?”
Yunfei had stabbed Zhang Yang to death.
Bai Yunfei asked doubtfully, “Go back to your
“These words should have been said by me, right? school? Oh, that’s right. The Green Willow School
Who would have thought it would really be you? I is around this Jade Willow City, isn’t it? Is it far from
even suspected I got the wrong person!” Qiu Luliu here? If it’s too far, you don’t have to take the
walked up to Bai Yunfei smilingly. After sizing him trouble to do it, Miss Qiu.”
up a bit, she said doubtfully, “Why are you in Jade
Willow City?” “Never mind. The Green Willow School’s
headquarters is a large manor not far to the west of
At this point, seeming to suddenly remember the city.” Qiu Luliu said laughingly, “Ha ha, I really
something, she subconsciously looked around, didn’t expect that I’d run into you when I go out
saying in a low voice, “Right, now the Zhang family today. I think my junior sister Yuhe will be very
is looking for you everywhere. You must be careful! happy to see you again too. You know what, she
Last time, about ten days after we parted ways, often talks about you, her ‘lifesaver’, again and
Zhang Yang’s father Zhang Zhenshan came again, he he...”
looking for me and wanted me to reveal your
appearance and whereabouts. I was able to The image of that lovely petite girl hiding timidly
casually fool him. Now that I know you’re safe and behind Qiu Luliu emerged in Bai Yunfei’s mind. He
sound, I can rest easy. But you’re really quite could not help giving a laugh inwardly, asking,
something. I didn’t expect you to be able to avoid “Right, how is Miss Chu now? She’s already started
the Zhang family’s stool pigeons to reach this training, right?”
“Yes, of course. My master loves this little disciple
Hearing her words, Bai Yunfei was slightly very much. Junior sister is very well-behaved and
dumbfounded then said with a forced smile, “I hardworking too. With my master’s help, her
wasn’t so lucky. Zhang Zhenshan caught up with soulforce awakened very quickly. Now she’s
me later and it was so difficult for me to escape...” already about to reach the mid-stage Soul
Apprentice level!” Qiu Luliu seemed to be
“What?! He caught up with you?” Qiu Luliu especially happy when talking about Chu Yuhe.
exclaimed in a low voice, “Plus, you were One could tell that she really loved this little junior
unexpectedly able to escape? How did you do sister dearly.
Bai Yunfei also said smilingly with a nod, “Oh, it’s
“Er, this is a long story. At that time he...” good to know that. Where are we going to meet
tomorrow? And when?”
“Alas, this is not the right place for us to talk about
this. How about going to a tea house to have a “This... Let’s do it this way. Just tell me the name of
chat? Since we hurriedly parted ways last time, I’ve the tavern where you’re staying and I’ll come to
always wanted to thank you properly for saving my look for you later. I’ve still got some things to do so
~ 181 ~
I don’t know exactly when I’ll be there, but it’ll “What are you saying, Xiao Ning?! When did I
definitely before afternoon...” Qiu Luliu thought for a specially dress up...?”Liu Meng pinched Xiao Ning’s
bit and said. arms lightly a bit and said discontentedly.
“Oh, that’s alright. I’ll be waiting for you then. I’m Reproved by Xiao Ning once again, Bai Yunfei
staying in...” gave a couple of dry coughs in an embarrassed
manner and changed the topic of conversation,
...... “Um, it’s about time already. Meng’er, let’s set off
for that Cuihua Temple now.”
After watching Qiu Luliu go away, Bai Yunfei shifted
his eyes, searching the crowd a bit, and said ......
doubtfully with his head lowered, “What’s going on
with Meng’er? Why hasn’t she come yet? Could it The three of them walked on a grassy road, talking
be she’s sick again?” and laughing with each other, slowly heading for
that Cuihua Temple. As they went on their way,
“Yunfei, I’m sorry for making you wait for a long there were gradually more and more people around
time again...” them. The temple’s fortune sticks were said to be
especially accurate, therefore quite a lot of people
Just when Bai Yunfei was worried inside, Liu wanted to go there to burn incense sticks and make
Meng’s voice suddenly rang out. Happy in his wishes or to stroll about and relieve boredom.
heart, he raised his head to take a look and saw
her looking at him smilingly with her hands behind The closer it got to midday, the more intense the
her back from several meters away. Her long dress sun became. Even the air became hot and dry.
was white and her beautiful hair was like a waterfall Xiao Ning had already opened a pink oil-paper
with several strands sticking to her cheeks. When umbrella, blocking out all the sunlight that shone on
the wind blew past her, her silky hair flew upwards her and Liu Meng.
and her dress fluttered, making her look like a
descending fairy in Bai Yunfei’s eyes... Seeing Bai Yunfei begin to squint because of the
scorching sun, Liu Meng seemed to suddenly
After seeing the slim and graceful young girl in front remember something. She halted her steps and
of him, Bai Yunfei unexpectedly had no reaction for said softly, “Right, Yunfei, I almost forgot that I have
a short time. He just stared at her in a somewhat something to give you!”
stupefied manner.
“Oh?” Bai Yunfei was surprised, “Something to give
“Mis-ter-Yun-fei!! Wake up please!” me? What is it?”
A sassy shout came into Bai Yunfei’s ears, waking Liu Meng reached out a jade-like hand with a smile.
him up with a start. Seeing Xiao Ning chuckling with A circular object appeared in her hand -- it was
her mouth covered, he laughed in a somewhat unexpectedly a golden straw hat...
embarrassed manner and said, “You’re finally here,
Meng’er. You’re okay, right? Did you feel sick again “I remember that when we met for the first time, you
today?” were wearing a straw hat, but it seemed already
very tattered. When I went out today, I happened to
Hearing his words, Liu Meng suddenly blushed a see someone selling this kind of hat on the side of
little. On one side, Xiao Ning was the first to reply, a street so I bought a new one for you. Take it and
“Hey, mister Yunfei, are you blaming my young lady put it on. It can block out the sunlight.”
for being late? Really, don’t you know that every girl
has to spend time dressing up before going out? “......”
Humph, my young lady even specially dressed up
for so long. Could it be you haven’t noticed that she Bai Yunfei received straw hat, which was bright
looks more beautiful than yesterday?” golden and also had a red stripe on the side, and
was stupefied speechlessly for a long time. Actually
he was extremely happy inside. He had not
~ 182 ~
expected Liu Meng to give him a ‘present’, but... piled up on a piece of white cloth beside him. That
why did it have to be a straw hat?? basin-sized piece of white cloth had already been
sprinkled with various powders of different colors.
“What’s wrong, Yunfei? You’re not happy?” These powders were what was left of the pieces of
jewelry that had been destroyed by failed upgrades
Liu Meng’s doubtful voice rang out. Bai Yunfei in just the last two hours.
regained his composure and hurriedly said, “Oh?
No, no. I’m very happy. Ha ha, thank you, Because today Bai Yunfei had to wait for Qiu Luliu
Meng’er...” to come looking for him, he did not go anywhere.
According to his original plan, he should leave
As he talked, he put the straw hat on his head today, but now he had no choice but to stay for
directly, a happy smile showing up on his face. He another day. Because he did not know when Qiu
then pressed it down a bit and immediately no Luliu would arrive, he had decided to make use of
longer felt the scorching sun. There was an this period of time to continue his research into
indescribable ‘cool’ feeling in not only his body, but jewelry upgrades.
also in his heart...
“It was the fifth one. I still haven’t even got a +9
“Mister Yunfei, my young lady has given you a item. Somehow I feel that upgrading jewelry must
present. Shouldn’t you express your gratitude a be harder than upgrading weapons and defensive
bit?” items?” Bai Yunfei shook his head in frustration.
After being depressed inwardly for a while, he took
“Ah? Oh, of course, of course, I will...” out a milky white pearl necklace.
“Young master Yunfei, you should invite my young When Liu Meng heard her words, her eyes flashed
lady into the room. Could it be you want to have a with a tinge of surprise, her face slightly reddening.
talk while standing at this door? Or could it be She lifted her eyes looking at Bai Yunfei. In her
there’s another girl hiding in your room so you don’t eyes, there seemed to be... a trace of hope?
dare to let my young lady come in?” The little
servant girl Xiao Ning always had a sharp tongue. “This...” Bai Yunfei felt somewhat awkward, not
With just a few words, she made Bai Yunfei feel knowing what he should do.
extremely embarrassed again. He hurriedly let the
two of them go into the room. Chapter 63: Is This Jealousy?
“Meng’er, didn’t I tell you yesterday that I’ll have Chapter 63: Is This Jealousy?
something to do today so I can’t be with you? Why
have you...” Bai Yunfei said doubtfully while looking “This...” Bai Yunfei felt somewhat awkward, not
at Liu Meng, who was sizing up the room with a bit knowing what he should do.
of curiosity.
Seeing Bai Yunfei’s hesitant expression, Liu
“What’s wrong, Yunfei? You’re not happy with me Meng’s eyes dimmed for a moment. She lowered
coming to look for you?” Liu Meng asked softly, her her head slightly and put the bracelet back on the
tone seeming to carry a trace of disappointment. table, saying in a low voice, “Don’t talk nonsense,
~ 185 ~
Xiao Ning. Maybe this bracelet is very important to After several breaths’ time, Liu Meng suddenly
Yunfei. How can he casually give it to someone opened her eyes and raised her head to look at Bai
else...?” Yunfei. Her face full of disbelief, she said in
surprise and bewilderment, “Yunfei, this, this
When Bai Yunfei saw Liu Meng act like that and bracelet...”
heard her slightly disappointed words, his heart
shivered indescribably. There unexpectedly “Here it comes!”
seemed to be a feeling of guilt surging into his
heart. He felt that upsetting this young girl in front of Bai Yunfei’s heart jumped. When he had decided to
him was an unforgivable sin... give this bracelet to her just then, he had already
expected the current situation. Now, doing his best
“No... That’s not true, Meng’er. This bracelet... to keep a calm exterior, he said smilingly, “Oh,
Actually I was preparing to give it to you.” Bai there are some special things about this bracelet...
Yunfei’s eyes glittered. In the end he clenched his My master gave it to me. It can, can make the
teeth, walked up to Liu Meng, picked up the person who wears it become more light and agile.”
bracelet and put it into her hand, saying smilingly,
“Originally I wanted to give it to you the next time Hearing Bai Yunfei’s explanation, Liu Meng was
we meet. Who would have thought you would come slightly stupefied. She observed the bracelet on her
to look for me? This is perfect timing. I’ll just give it wrist carefully again in a rather astounded manner
to you right now.” for some time then lowered her head. It was
impossible to know what she was thinking.
“Really?” Liu Meng raised her head, looking at Bai
Yunfei with slightly reddened cheeks. Just when Bai Yunfei guessed that this explanation
of his was too nonsensical, Liu Meng raised her
“Yeah, I mean it!” This time Bai Yunfei said very head again. She unexpectedly looked at him
resolutely. In his heart, even if just for this smiling somewhat apologetically, saying, “I’m sorry, Yunfei.
expression, it was worth giving her this bracelet. I didn’t know this bracelet has such a strange
function. I, I can’t take...”
“He he, I said so, didn’t I? This bracelet was
definitely bought to give young lady!” Xiao Ning As she said, she wanted to return the bracelet to
said laughingly on one side, “Humph, Mister Yunfei, Bai Yunfei.
you even scared young lady on purpose and almost
made her cry. You’re really so mean!” Bai Yunfei was stupefied. It had been very difficult
for him to decide to give her this bracelet, but now
“Er, this... Just now I didn’t do it on purpose...” Bai she said she did not want it. This unexpectedly
Yunfei scratched his head in an embarrassed made him somewhat anxious. He took two steps
manner and said with a placating smile. forwards and grabbed the hand with which Liu
Meng wanted to take the bracelet off, saying,
Seeing him behave in such a ‘foolish’ way, both “Meng’er, you already put it on, so don’t take it off. I
girls burst out giggling in a lovely manner, making know you like this bracelet, so just accept it. Its
Bai Yunfei even more embarrassed. effect is not very great anyway...”
With a smiling expression in her eyes, Liu Meng “Yunfei, you... Please let go of me...”
observed the bracelet in her hand carefully. One
could tell that she liked this bracelet quite a lot. In a state of desperation, Bai Yunfei had been
After quite some time, she put it on her left wrist. somewhat flustered. Only when he heard Liu
Meng’s slightly ashamed whisper now did he
Right after she wore this bracelet, she was suddenly react. He hurriedly let go of her wrist and
obviously stupefied for a while. Then she looked at shook his hands again and again, saying, “Er,
the bracelet on her wrist in a seemingly somewhat Meng’er, I... I didn’t do that on purpose.”
doubtful manner before unexpectedly closing her
eyes, apparently experiencing something. Her face slightly reddening, Liu Meng did not say
anything. She no longer wanted to take the bracelet
~ 186 ~
off. Instead, she was gently caressing it with her “Ha ha, Yunfei, in fact you don’t need to explain to
head lowered. me.” Liu Meng lifted her head to smile at Bai Yunfei
and continued, “After all, I’m nothing to you, so I
Xiao Ning was sitting on one side waiting for the don’t have the right to be angry either...”
two of them and looking at them with wide open
eyes. Her face was full of curiosity about what “That’s not true, Meng’er. I...”
these two people were saying, Aside from looking
somewhat beautiful, what’s so special this “You don’t have to explain. I know already.” Liu
bracelet? Meng still said smilingly, “I won’t disturb you
anymore. Your friend will be here in a while so to
Temporarily, there was a short period of calm spare everyone the embarrassment, I’ll leave first.
inside the room. When you and your friends have finished talking
about the past, I’ll come to look for you...”
“Right, Yunfei, you said you had something to do.
What is it? Can I go with you?” Liu Meng was the Liu Meng suddenly changed her behavior,
first to break the tranquility by raising her head and confusing Bai Yunfei’s mind somewhat.
asking after hiding the bracelet into her sleeve. Temporarily he did not know what to say and could
only watched in stupefaction as she stood up then
“This... I’m afraid you can’t. I’m going to talk about slowly walked out of the room.
the past with two friends. They will come to look for
me in a while...” Bai Yunfei said somewhat “Humph! You’re really such a fool, mister Yunfei!
awkwardly. You’ve made me so angry. I won’t care about you
anymore!” Xiao Ning shook her little fist in front of
“Friends? There are still people you know in this Bai Yunfei ‘fiercely’ then walked out after Liu Meng.
Jade Willow City? Why haven’t I heard you mention The moment she went out of the room, she even
them?” Liu Meng asked curiously. banged the door open with force.
“Oh, I just accidentally ran into one of them “This... I, I obviously didn’t say anything...”
yesterday. She’s... She’s a disciple of the Green
Willow School. Her name is Qiu Luliu...” Only a good while after the two girls had left did Bai
Yunfei murmur in an almost tearful manner.
“What?! A Green Willow School disciple?” Hearing
these words, Liu Meng immediately said in a ......
somewhat amazed manner. Afterwards, she
seemed to remember something and her face In a chaotic state of mind, Bai Yunfei walked back
unexpectedly became gloomy. She lowered her to the bed, lay down and looked absently at the roof
head again. Nobody knew what she was thinking. with his eyes. Nobody knew what he was thinking...
Bai Yunfei was anxious and hurriedly explained, “Bai Yunfei, are you there?”
“Don’t get me wrong, Meng’er. We’re just ordinary
friends. It’s just that... It’s just that in the past I A melodious voice came in from outside the door.
saved her junior sister so when we met by chance He sat up as if getting an electric shock and was
this time, she asked me to go and have a chat with slightly stupefied. Then he shook his head gently
them about the past...” and said in a low voice: “This time I’m sure it’s Miss
Qiu here...”
“There’s still a junior sister?!” On one side, Xiao
Ning could not help ‘exclaiming’. The door of the room was open. Qiu Luliu, dressed
completely in emerald green clothes, was standing
Sweat was all but come out on Bai Yunfei’s smilingly at the door.
forehead. He ‘implored’ with a miserable
expression, “Xiao Ning, please don’t cause trouble, “I’m sorry I’m a bit late. Let’s go right now, okay?”
will you...?” Qiu Luliu said slightly apologetically.
~ 187 ~
“Oh, never mind, Miss Qiu. I’ve been waiting for just her waist. The flat bangs of her hair covered her
a short time.” Bai Yunfei answered politely but he forehead, making her look very cute. Her slightly
sighed inwardly in frustration, thinking that if she rosy cheeks looked chubby and could cause an
had come and take him out with her a bit earlier, impulse to slightly pinch them in other people. Her
things would have been better, because in that big eyes glittering, she was staring ahead with a
case he would not have inexplicably angered Liu tinge of hope in her eyes.
This was of course the young girl called Chu Yuhe,
Slightly shaking his head, he temporarily put aside who had been abducted by Zhang Yang’s
this matter. After looking behind Qiu Luliu for a bit, subordinates then eventually rescued by Bai Yunfei
he said doubtfully, “Oh, Miss Chu doesn’t come in the past.
It seemed she had been waiting here for quite
“Ha ha, you’re right, Mister Yunfei. Yesterday I some time. At this moment, she curled her lips
intended to come and look for you with my junior slightly and mumbled in a seemingly somewhat
sister then we would chat about what happened, discontented manner, “It’s been so long since
but after I went back to my school, I blurted this out senior sister left. Why hasn’t she returned yet...?”
in front of my master. She... She wants to have a
meeting with the young hero who saved her little While ‘complaining’ softly, she raised her head
disciple too, so could I ask you to go to my Green again to gaze into the distance. Suddenly, her eyes
Willow School as a guest? This is not a problem, brightened then showed a joyful expression. She
right?” unexpectedly trotted forwards impatiently to give a
“Oh? You master wants to see me? This...” Bai
Yunfei was surprised. Qiu Luliu’s master was none In the distance, a man and a girl were going side by
other than the Green Willow School’s headmaster. side. They were none other than Bai Yunfei and
Who would have thought she would want to see Qiu Luliu.
“The headquarters of the Green Willow School is
“What’s wrong? Is there any inconvenience?” up ahead. Yunfei, let’s go a bit faster. Junior... Oh?
Ha ha, you see, junior sister just can’t wait to meet
“No, there isn’t. That’s fine. Please lead the way, you.” Qiu Luliu covered her mouth and said with a
Miss Qiu...” chuckle as she saw a petite silhouette trotting
towards them from up ahead.
When Chu Yuhe ran up to a place about ten meters
In a place about a dozen kilometers to the west of in front of them, she stopped hastily. It seemed only
Jade Willow City, there was a massive manor. It now did she suddenly realize that she was
had high walls and lofty buildings, looking rather somewhat impatient. Her pretty face slightly
extraordinary. Around the manor, there was a large reddening, her hands rubbing her clothes, she said,
expanse of greenness, with various rows of willows “Senior sister, you, you have returned... Um, Bai,
encircling the manor like guardsmen. The willow Mister Bai Yunfei, how are you...?”
twigs swayed gently all the time, making the place
look relaxing and pleasing from afar. “Ha ha, how are you, Miss Chu? Have you been
waiting for us here?” Seeing the young girl in front
This place was the location of the Green Willow of him, Bai Yunfei was somewhat excited inside
School’s headquarters. A petite silhouette was too.
standing gracefully in front of the main gate.
“Um, my master, my master told me to stay here to
She was dressed entirely in white clothes adorned welcome you, Mister Bai Yunfei...”
with various emerald green willow leaves. Despite
being small in stature, she had a nice and slim
figure. Her beautiful hair was long enough to reach
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“You don’t have to stand on ceremony like this, Green Willow School’s headquarters, how can my
Miss Chu. It’s okay to just call me Yunfei.” Bai school let them cause trouble?”
Yunfei said laughingly.
Bai Yunfei pondered with his head lowered for a
“Then, then I’ll call you, call you brother Yunfei. You while then continued to ask, “For the last two days
should also call me Yuhe...” The young girl said I’ve always felt that there seems to be something
timidly. wrong, but I haven’t detected anything. That Glacial
School... If they already know that I’m here, but
On one side, seeing that her junior sister was still they don’t dare to cause trouble in the city, then I’m
so shy, Qiu Luliu could not help shaking her head in afraid when I leave Jade Willow City, I’ll be
frustration and saying to the two of them, “Alright, ambushed by them. Only, I’m not sure if they have
could it be you two want to stand here and chat? found me by now or not...”
Let’s come in first. We’ll have a nice chat in a
while.” “I see...” Qiu Luliu’s face showed a trace of
solemnity. After thinking for a bit, she said,
Chu Yuhe gave a sound of agreement and walked “According to my knowledge, there’s no forces of
up to the side of Qiu Luliu. The three of them then the Glacial School in the city. But there seems to be
went towards the main gate of the Green Willow some connection between that Long family and the
School together. Glacial School...”
Chapter 64: Green Willow School “What? The Long family?!” Bai Yunfei asked in
surprise, his expression changing.
Chapter 64: Green Willow School
“Oh? Could it be you know about that Long family?”
In a small hall which was simply furnished but had Qiu Luliu asked doubtfully, having not expected
an air of elegance and comfort about it, such a reaction from him.
Bai Yunfei and Qiu Luliu were sitting opposite each “The day before yesterday I had a conflict with the
other on the left and the right respectively. Bai two young masters of the Long family. They...” Bai
Yunfei was holding a teacup in his hand, carefully Yunfei casually said a few words but then he
listening to her introduction to the Green Willow stopped all of a sudden. Seeming to remember
School and the situation in the entire Jade Willow something, he frowned slightly and began to
City. ponder with his head lowered.
“Right, Luliu, do you know if there are forces Seeing him like that, Qiu Luliu did not disturb him
subordinate to the Glacial School in this Jade again. She sat quietly on one side sipping her tea.
Willow City?” Bai Yunfei suddenly thought of one
thing and asked. “Master, brother Yunfei is inside...” Chu Yuhe’s
lovely voice came in from outside. She had gone to
“Oh? Why do you ask this question?” Qiu Luliu was invite her master to come here earlier. Now they
stupefied for a short while then immediately should be arriving together.
reacted, “Are you worried that... Zhang Zhenshan
will employ the Glacial School’s forces to search for Sure enough, when her voice had just faded away,
you?” two people appeared at the door. One of them was
a middle-aged woman with an elegant posture and
Bai Yunfei nodded. at the same time an air of majesty about her. She
walked into the room accompanied by Chu Yuhe.
“Ha ha, you need not worry about this.” Qiu Luliu
laughed softly, “If this was a different place, I Actually it was somewhat inappropriate to refer to
wouldn’t dare to guarantee anything, but in this her as a middle-aged woman because even though
Jade Willow City, the Glacial School definitely won’t she had a plump, mature figure, she appeared to
dare to run wild. This place is the location of my be very young. Judging from her appearance alone,
she definitely could not be older than thirty years of
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age—this was none other than the Green Willow When I have arrived in the Northern Cliff Province,
School’s headmaster, Mu Wanqing. as long as I’m careful with my actions, I think the
Glacial School won’t be able to do anything to me.”
“Master.” Seeing the visitors, Qiu Luliu stood up
and saluted at once. “Oh? You’re about to leave so soon? Um... Young
people aspire to travel far and make their mark.
The moment Chu Yuhe’s voice rang out, Bai Yunfei Young hero Bai was lucky to be taught by a senior
woke up from his contemplation. Now he also stool from the Fate School so you indeed shouldn’t limit
up. Although he was a little surprised because the yourself to such a small place as Azure Cloud
person called ‘master’ by Qiu Luliu was so young, Province. You should go out and try to make a
this lasted only for a moment. He also saluted, name for yourself.”
saying, “I am Bai Yunfei. It is an honor to meet you,
senior.” Her sudden mention of the Fate School slightly
stupefied Bai Yunfei. He cast a look at Qiu Luliu on
Mu Wanqing smiled at the two of them then said to one side then said modestly, “You flatter me,
Bai Yunfei, “There’s no need to stand on ceremony, senior. I just want to go experience the outside
young hero Bai. Let’s all sit down. Don’t be too world a bit. As for me being taught by senior Ge
formal.” Yiyun from the Fate School, this was indeed a
piece of luck.”
After everybody sat down, Mu Wanqing observed
Bai Yunfei carefully for a good few seconds then Hearing the words ‘Ge Yiyun’ from Bai Yunfei, Mu
said with smiling eyes, “Young hero Bai, I really Wanqing slightly raised her beautiful eyebrows, but
wanted to thank you in person for having saved they immediately returned to normal. She took a
Yuhe in the past, therefore this time I took the look at Chu Yuhe on one side, seeming to think of
liberty of inviting you to my school as a guest. I something, and said, “Right, young hero Bai, what
hope you don’t take offense at this.” do you think about this little girl Yuhe?”
The fact that she, a school’s headmaster and a “Oh?” Bai Yunfei was stupefied, somewhat unable
Soul Ancestor, had such a polite attitude towards to keep up with her sudden change of topics. Only
himself made Bai Yunfei feel somewhat after being stunned for a long time did he say
uncomfortable. He shook his hand gently, saying: somewhat doubtfully, “Yuhe... is very good. I heard
“Please don’t stand on ceremony, headmaster. I’m from Luliu that she’s well-behaved and sensible
not worthy of it. There was already a feud between and got quite a lot of talent for cultivation...”
Zhang Yang and me so at the time I merely saved
Yuhe by accident. You don’t need to thank me “Then... are you willing to accept her as your sworn
anymore...” younger sister, young hero Bai?” Mu Wanqing
nodded smilingly then said a line that astounded
“Oh, since young hero Bai is so modest, I won’t the other three people at the scene.
mention this again either.” Mu Wanqing paused for
a bit then continued, “As for the Glacial School, you Bai Yunfei felt that his thinking really could not keep
don’t have to be worried about it when you’re in this up with this senior’s thought speed. Temporarily he
Jade Willow City. If they dare to cause trouble in was stupefied and had no reaction. Mu Wanqing
the city, my Green Willow School won’t sit by and frowned slightly, “What’s wrong, young hero Bai?
watch.” Could it be you think that Yuhe doesn’t deserve to
become your younger sister?”
Bai Yunfei was happy inside because she had said
clearly that she would help him. Although he did not “Ah? No, no, that’s not what I mean. Miss Yuhe is
know why she was so enthusiastic, having a smart and lovely. How can I...”
‘backer’ was always a good thing.
“Oh, so this means you agree to this?” Mu Wanqing
“Oh, thank you very much for your help, narrowed her eyes slightly, showing a smiling
headmaster. I plan to leave this Azure Cloud expression, “Then that settles it. From now on the
Province tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. two of you will be brother and younger sister. This
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way Yuhe won’t feel guilty all the time about being restrain her heart from palpitating with eagerness
unable to repay you for saving her life.” because a junior highly regarded by Ge Yiyun
would definitely have outstanding achievements in
“Yuhe, are you willing to accept young hero Bai as the future, and if she could build a good relationship
your brother?” Mu Wanqing turned to Chu Yuhe with him, this would absolutely benefit the Green
and asked kindly. Willow School. However, she could also tell that Bai
Yunfei did not have that kind of feeling towards Chu
In the beginning, when Chu Yuhe heard Mu Yuhe, therefore, in order to spare her little disciple
Wanqing mention her, she had a somewhat future grief, she had no choice but to manipulate
confused expression. Then, when she heard her them into becoming sworn brother and younger
master ask Bai Yunfei about his view on her, her sister in such a puzzling way.
face slightly reddened. Afterwards, when she heard
her master tell Bai Yunfei to accept her as a sworn Seeing that the other three people present were still
younger sister, her face was full of amazement, but somewhat bewildered, looking thoughtful, Mu
she did not dare to cut in. Now, hearing Mu Wanqing laughed softly and said said to Bai Yunfei,
Wanqing’s question, she was slightly stupefied then “Right, young hero Bai, in this Jade Willow City
said in a low voice, “Of course, of course I’m willing. you...”
I’m also very happy to have brother Yunfei as my
sworn brother.” “Headmaster, a guest has come to pay a visit!”
Before she could finish what she was saying, a
“Oh, that’s good. From now on, young hero Bai is reporting voice coming in from outside the door
your brother. You have to respect your sworn interrupted her.
brother, do you understand?” Mu Wanqing nodded
in a satisfied manner and said smilingly. Mu Wanqing frowned slightly and looked outside
the door at that reporting disciple, asking, “Who is
“Yes, I will remember this...” that? Take them into the side hall on the west wing
first. I’ll come over in a while.”
“Headmaster, this is senior You Qingfeng from the
Just like that, Bai Yunfei got a nominal younger Wood School.” The disciple outside the door
sister in a puzzling manner. hesitated for a while then still said again in warning.
Looking at Chu Yuhe, who now had slightly red After Mu Wanqing heard these words, her originally
cheeks and a happy expression, Mu Wanqing indifferent face suddenly froze for a moment then
secretly let out a sigh of relief. showed a happy expression. Although it was
suppressed by her immediately, that fleeing hint of
It had to be said that it actually took Mu Wanqing a a girlish smile still captivated Bai Yunfei for a bit
lot of effort to come up with this ‘sudden’ when he saw it.
suggestion. Right after knowing that Bai Yunfei had
saved Chu Yuhe, she had already noticed that Chu “Young hero Bai, you should have a chat with Qiu
Yuhe had a vague love for him. Only, the little girl Luliu and Chu Yuhe. I think the three of you must
had seemed to still be ignorant of it. Therefore, Mu have many things to talk about. After that you can
Wanqing took this opportunity to turn her just- let them take you on a stroll in my school...” Mu
budding love into an admiration for a brother. All it Wanqing stood up said to Bai Yunfei with a smile.
took was a couple of advices for Chu Yuhe. Mu
Wanqing had achieved her goal. Now the little girl He nodded, “Oh, that’s fine. Please feel free to go
had already listened to her master’s words, and receive your guest. There’s no need to care
regarding Bai Yunfei as an older brother... about me.”
Mu Wanqing wanted to facilitate a love between the Only after Mu Wanqing had left did Bai Yunfei ask
two of them as well, especially when knowing just Qiu Luliu somewhat doubtfully, “Who is this person
now that there was some connection between Bai called You Qingfeng...?”
Yunfei and Ge Yiyun. At the time she could not
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“Senior You Qingfeng is an outstanding disciple of In the afternoon, under the guidance of the two
the Wood School in the Five Elements Schools. As girls, Bai Yunfei went for a stroll in the Green
a late-stage Soul Ancestor, he’s even more Willow School. The three of them talked and
formidable than my master!” Qiu Luliu explained laughed with each other quite happily as they
then looked outside the door quietly, seeming to walked.
confirm that her master had really gone far away.
Afterwards, she said in a lowered voice, “He’s my Bai Yunfei raised his head to observe the color of
master’s cousin! If not for my master’s inability to let the sky. It was almost evening already. He halted
go of the Green Willow School, she would’ve his steps and said to the two girls by his side:
probably gone with him to the Wood School. “Luliu, Yuhe, it’s time I went back already...”
“Ah? You want to leave so soon?” Qiu Luliu asked
At this point, seeming to suddenly react to somewhat disappointedly. On one side, Chu Yuhe
something, she immediately sat upright and said also had a trace of unwillingness on her face.
with a straight face, “As juniors, we can’t discuss
our seniors’ affairs.” Bai Yunfei laughed and said: “Yeah, I still got some
things to do. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I’ll
But that expression was obviously telling Bai Yunfei probably leave Cuiliu City, but I’ll come to say
that, “You get the picture...” goodbye to you two before that.”
Chapter 65: Sudden Event He looked at Chu Yuhe, who was looking at him
anxiously on one side, and said smilingly: “When
Chapter 65: Sudden Event the time comes, I’ll give younger sister Yuhe a
present. Hopefully you’ll like it.”
After Mu Wanqing had left, Bai Yunfei and the two
girls chat with each other leisurely. Chu Yuhe was stupefied then showed a happy
expression. She said expectantly: “Really? What’s
Qiu Luliu talked about various interesting things in the present?”
Jade Willow City, Chu Yuhe ‘gave an account’ of
her life since joining the Green Willow School in a “Ha ha, you’ll know at that time.”
low voice and Bai Yunfei also talked about what he
had gone through from when he had parted ways Bai Yunfei lifted his head to take a look. Suddenly
with them at that time until now. he saw two silhouettes going towards them side by
side from up ahead. After taking a careful look at
Of course, he concealed some details that should them, he said in amazement: “Oh? Isn’t that
not be mentioned. Even so, his story still made the headmaster Mu? This is perfect timing. I’ll say
two girls nervous and anxious, especially Chu goodbye to her then leave.”
Yuhe. Upon hearing that Bai Yunfei had fallen into
a trap in the town of Old Well then fled for three The three of them walked towards Mu Wanqing,
days in a row and even been caught up with by who had already noticed them as well. As they
Zhang Zhenshan, she was so tense that her little came near her, Bai Yunfei cast a look at the person
face became very red. When she heard that Bai by her side -- a man about thirty years old. He had
Yunfei had eventually escaped after an arduous an upright posture and a handsome face. The rare
battle, she had a very happy expression, looking thing was that his elegance contained maturity and
extremely delighted. Seeing this, both Bai Yunfei dignity. This was a man who could make a good
and Qiu Luliu could not help laughing. impression on people at first sight.
Only when a person came and informed the three “This must be that man called You Qingfeng from
of them that lunch was ready at noon did they stop the Wood School.” Bai Yunfei thought to himself.
chatting. Mu Wanqing unexpectedly did not show
up during lunch. According to Qiu Luliu, all the Mu Wanqing first nodded slightly to Bai Yunfei then
senior members of the school ate their meals in a waved to Chu Yuhe, saying: “Come here, Yuhe.
different place. Greet your senior uncle You.”
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Chu Yuhe was always somewhat timid in front of spear that should have been a high-human tier soul
strangers. She did what she was told by walking up armament at least, or maybe even an earth-tier
to Mu Wanqing and making a salute to that man, one! Besides, after killing the son of that Glacial
saying in a low voice: “It is an honor to meet you, School elder Zhang Zhenshan, he was still able to
senior uncle You...” reach Jade Willow City safely even though the
Zhang family has been doing their utmost to hunt
“Ha ha, is this the little girl you told me about? Not him down. This is already enough to show that he
bad, well-behaved and sensible, and pretty definitely has outstanding qualities.”
talented, very good.” You Qingfeng nodded to Chu
Yuhe and said laughingly. His tone was amiable “Oh? These things happened as well? You didn’t
and his voice gave a feeling of intimacy too. tell me about them earlier.” You Qingfeng was
slightly surprised, “In that case, he’s indeed worthy
Qiu Luliu also went forwards to salute him then of your help. To this kind of man, if you take
stood respectfully to one side. advantage of the fact that he’s not powerful at the
moment to help him, when he really accomplishes
Bai Yunfei took another look at this man, but met something in the future, this will benefit the Green
the smiling look in his eyes. He nodded slightly in Willow School greatly as well.”
salute then folded his hands to Mu Wanqing,
saying: “Headmaster Mu, I still have something to ............
do so I can’t stay any longer. I have specifically
come here to bid farewell to you before leaving.” With his head lowered, Bai Yunfei was walking
alone on a road leading back to the city. His
“Oh? You want to leave already, young hero Bai? eyebrows slightly wrinkling, he seemed to be
That’s fine. Then I won’t ask you to stay either. If considering some issue.
you need my help with something in this city, feel
free to come to the Green Willow School. Now that “No matter the reason, the fact that the Green
you’re already Yuhe’s sworn brother, my Green Willow School’s headmaster is willing to help me is
Willow School will definitely do our utmost to help a good thing to me. There’s nothing bad about it!
you.” Though I already decided to leave right away, I
always feel that something is wrong...
“In that case, thank you very much, headmaster.
Before leaving Cuiliu City, I’ll come here to pay a “I must not get involved with Jade Willow City’s
visit again.” Long family again. Now the ideal scenario is,
though Zhang Zhenshan has mobilized a large
...... number of men to search for me, he hasn’t
employed all of the Glacial School’s forces. After
After watching Bai Yunfei walk outside seen off by all, he’s just an elder. So, even if the Long family is
the two girls, Mu Wanqing suppressed her smile, a connected with the Glacial School, it’s also possible
thoughtful expression showing up in her eyes. that they haven’t received information about me...
“Wanqing, is he the young man related to the Fate “The longer I stay here, the more dangerous it gets!
School you told me about? From what I saw, he’s I’ve been delayed for two days already. I can’t stay
just a mid-stage Soul Warrior. Besides, there here any longer! Now let’s go back and tell Meng’er
doesn’t seem to be anything special about him clearly that I’m leaving tomorrow!”
either...” You Qingfeng withdrew his eyes and
asked somewhat doubtfully. As soon as he thought of Liu Meng, he felt
somewhat frustrated in his heart because he did
Mu Wanqing shook her head, saying: “Don’t not know if she was still ‘angry’ or not. Moreover,
underestimate him, Qingfeng. No matter his power when he thought of the fact that he would leave this
level, just the fact that he was taught by senior Ge place tomorrow, a feeling of unwillingness came
Yiyun is already enough to show that he’s definitely into being in his heart for no reason...
not an ordinary junior. Plus, I heard from Luliu that
when they met for the first time, he was using a
~ 193 ~
Thinking of these things confused Bai Yunfei’s mind family with them. They’re so powerful, even more
somewhat. In this complicated state of mind, he powerful than young lady...
slowly entered the city then headed for the place
where Liu Meng had said she was currently “They kidnapped her and told me to go look for you,
staying. Mister Yunfei. They said that you must go to the
Secret Pleasure Tower in the northern corner of the
However, he did not find anyone after arriving in city...”
that tavern. Bai Yunfei was rather disappointed,
thinking that she had probably gone out to relieve Xiao Ning was a rather intelligent servant girl so
boredom. Now he had no choice but to decide to she gave a clear account of what had happened
come here again tomorrow in the early morning. with just several lines then she said to Bai Yunfei
with her face full of anxiety, “What do we do now,
When Bai Yunfei returned to the tavern where he Mister Yunfei?? It’s been nearly two hours since
was staying, he was surprised to see a person young lady was kidnapped by them. Please go
waiting for him anxiously at the door -- this was save her quickly!!”
unexpectedly Xiao Ning!
Bai Yunfei frowned tightly with a grave expression.
As soon as she saw Bai Yunfei, her eyes He wanted to remain calm but the anxiety in his
brightened. She ran up to him hurriedly. Only now heart just could not be suppressed.
did Bai Yunfei see clearly that tears were rolling
down this servant girl’s face, which also looked “You stay here and wait for me. I’ll go there right
extremely anxious. now! I’ll definitely save Meng’er, no matter what!”
“Mister Yunfei, it’s bad! Young lady has been After saying these words, he turned around and
abducted by the Long family’s men!!” rushed towards the northern corner of the city.
Chapter 66: You Want to Fight? Let's Fight! The Secret Pleasure Tower was located on a small
street that was not bustling at all in the northern
These few words made Bai Yunfei freeze on the corner of the city. It occupied a large area and was
spot as if struck by lightning. an extremely luxurious restaurant. The reason it
had been opened in such a corner was that it did
“Mister Yunfei, please go save young lady quickly! not do business with the masses. Instead, it was a
That Long Tao [the second brother] said that you dedicated entertainment place for those plutocrats
must go there otherwise young lady will be...” and aristocrats in Jade Willow City. And the master
of this restaurant from behind the curtain was none
Xiao Ning anxious voice came into his ears again. other than the Long family.
Bai Yunfei woke up from his shock and pulled her
to one side with a solemn expression, asking in a At the moment, in the spacious hall of the Secret
deep voice, “What’s going on? Calm down a bit and Pleasure Tower, four men were sitting around a
tell me in detail! I’ll go save Meng’er right away!” table. They seemed to be drinking and eating
leisurely. Two of them were none other than Long
Xiao Ning wiped her tears away and sobbed Tao and his older brother while the other two
slightly, “At noon today, when young lady saw that appeared to be about twenty seven or twenty eight
you hadn’t come to look for her, she, she took me years old. They looked quite similar to each other,
out for a walk on the streets, wanting to come both having thick eyebrows, big eyes and fierce
looking for you... appearances.
“Who would have thought she, she would run into In a corner of the hall, a young girl was sitting it a
that Long Tao and his brother on the streets again? large, luxurious chair. She was none other than Liu
They, they even had two other men from the Long Meng!
~ 194 ~
She was sitting there with a calm expression Looking at those four men, who had already stood
watching the four men drinking and chatting. up from their chairs and were looking at him
Although her limbs were not tied, she was vigilantly, Bai Yunfei clenched his right fist tightly.
motionless. Apparently her entire body was He moved to one side a bit and stood at the
powerless. She should have been given a special optimum place for attack and defense then cast a
drug and therefore was unable to move her body. look at Liu Meng, asking in a deep voice, “Are you
okay, Meng’er?”
“Yunfei, why haven’t you come here yet...?” Liu
Meng sighed softly in her mind. Her eyes could not “Humph!” Before Liu Meng could answer, the man
help looking towards the door. In her eyes, there called big cousin by Long Tao gave a cold snort
was unexpectedly a complicated expression. and snatched the thread of conversation, saying
sneeringly, “Brat, are you that Bai Yunfei mentioned
“Big cousin, when do you think that brat will come by this girl? Humph, you’ve got some balls indeed. I
here? We’ve been waiting for two hours already!!” didn’t expect you to dare to run over here alone to
Long Tao picked up a piece of meat, put it into his save her. No wonder this girl trusts you so much.
mouth and said somewhat impatiently as he looked Ha ha, but could it be you think you can rescue her
outside and saw no signs of movement. all by yourself?”
“What are you worried about? It’s possible he Hearing his words, Bai Yunfei wrinkled his
hasn’t received the news yet. Anyway, he’ll come eyebrows slightly. Before he could talk back, he
here sooner or later. Let’s just eat and drink to our heard Liu Meng say in a slightly weak voice, “Be a
hearts’ content while slowly waiting for him.” The bit careful, Yunfei. One of these two men is a mid-
man called ‘big cousin’ in front of him said stage Soul Warrior and the other is an early-stage
indifferently after raising his bowl and taking a Soul Warrior!”
mouthful of wine.
That big cousin turned around to take a look at Liu
“Big cousin, why did you dismiss all our Meng and said laughingly, “Hah, not bad. You’ve
subordinates? If several of them had stayed, we’d told him the most important information right in the
appear imposing as well.” Long Tao asked beginning. But, so what if he knows this? As a mid-
doubtfully after looking at the somewhat deserted stage Soul Warrior, he can fight me to a draw at
hall a bit. most. But I have my younger brother and Long Tao
[the big brother] with me, how can he possibly take
The big cousin frowned slightly, saying, “What’s the on the three of us alone?”
point of those pieces of shit staying? The enemy is
a mid-stage Soul Warrior. Even if a hundred of After saying so, he turned around and looked at Bai
them came at him, they wouldn’t be able to do Yunfei with a vague smile, not taking the initiative to
anything! Besides, having more people here would get into action at all. It seemed he was waiting for
hinder our plan...” Bai Yunfei’s reaction.
“Careful!” Terror showed up in Long Tao’s eyes. After saying so, he seemed to ponder again for a
Just when he wanted to retreat, beside him, Long moment then said jeeringly, “Or let’s do it this way.
Taogu had already got into action by giving a shout If you can beat the three of us, we’ll admit defeat
of warning and at the same time hooking his foot and never trouble you again. What do you think?”
into a four-legged chair and kicking it towards the
area in front of Long Tao to block the path of the Bai Yunfei frowned, his eyes glittering slightly. He
Fire-tipped Spear. was considering how to deal with this situation in
his mind, “Damn it! I can’t kill them, otherwise the
In an instant, the spear pierced into the chair. Bai entire Long family will come at me. Now I simply
Yunfei then slightly turned the hand that was don’t have enough power to fight them head-on.
holding it. In the blazing firelight, a sound of What should I do? I can’t use the Fire-tipped Spear,
explosion rang out. That chair was unexpectedly but I’m not sure if I can beat the three of them by
blown into countless wood chips, which then turned myself at all.”
into various flames and shot outwards in all
directions! Looking at the three men in front of him, who were
gradually spreading out, ready to surround him, Bai
Yunfei slightly clenched his teeth, knowing that he
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could not delay anymore, “I have no choice but to counterattack in a breath’s time after avoiding his
use it!” attack. Having no time to see clearly what that
rectangular object really was, he hurriedly made a
He put the Fire-tipped Spear in his hands away block by crossing his arms in front of his head.
and, at the same time, pushed his feet against the
floor. Like a speeding arrow, he charged at Long “Bang!” Right after Long Taogu got his defense
Taogu in front of him. ready, the attack arrived. A great force hit him,
forcing him to retreat involuntarily several steps.
“You want to fight? Let’s fight!” Even though he felt pain in his arms, this did not
seem to be serious at all.
Chapter 67: The Brick Defeats a Soul Skill
At first Bai Yunfei wanted to pursue and attack him,
Chapter 67: The Brick Defeats a Soul Skill but he heard sounds of movement coming from the
left and the right hand sides simultaneously. This
“You want to fight? Let’s fight!” was none other than Long Taoyi and Long Tao
attacking him. So, he had no choice but to avoid
Bai Yunfei put the Fire-tipped Spear in his hands the incoming punches and kicks with several
away and, at the same time, pushed his feet evasive movements. While backing off, he threw a
against the floor. Like a speeding arrow, he kick, which collided with a kick coming from Long
charged at Long Taogu in front of him. Tao, forcing the opponent back several steps. But
he was hit in the shoulder by a punch from Long
Taoyi and slightly staggered half a step. Giving a
Long Taogu gave a cold smile with the corners of
cold snort, he thrust the brick in his hand forwards,
his mouth because the opponent had unexpectedly
hitting the opponent’s shoulder in a seemingly
put away his weapon. Although he was somewhat
gentle manner.
curious about this, he secretly let out a sigh of relief
and also charged at Bai Yunfei.
This time, Long Taoyi was not so lucky as his older
brother. When hit with the brick, at first he was
The original distance between them was extremely
frightened inside, but then he noticed that there
short so they came within striking distance almost
was not much pain coming from his shoulder and it
in the blink of an eye. The moment they closed in
was not injured at all. Just when he was secretly
on each other, Long Taogu lowered his body and
rejoicing over this, a strange force unexpectedly
unexpectedly took the initiative and attacked Bai
came from his shoulder all of a sudden and spread
Yunfei’s legs with a sweep of his right leg.
through his entire body in the blink of an eye.
Afterwards, his whole body flew out upside down
Bai Yunfei, who was rushing up, unexpectedly uncontrollably and smashed into Long Tao behind
stopped his momentum in the blink of an eye. At him. The two men then tumbled backwards
the same time, he leaned backwards and retreated together. Only when they had rolled to the side of
several steps continuously, avoiding this sweep Long Taogu did they stop.
kick right away. After that, his body cut obliquely
through the air in an arc, unexpectedly changing
This was the brick’s +13 additional effect, hurling!
from leaning backwards to bending forwards. At the
same time, he lifted his right hand. A rectangular
object suddenly appeared in his hand and he Originally, Long Taogu had wanted to charge
smashed it down towards the opponent’s head! forwards to jointly attack the opponent, but when he
had just taken a step, he saw his young brother and
cousin sent flying backwards in a baffling manner.
What he was holding in his hand was none other
Very frightened, he halted his steps and fixed his
than that +13 brick!
eyes on the weapon in Bai Yunfei’s hand. Despite
being a mid-stage Soul Warrior, he could not help
Although Long Taogu’s attack had been avoided by widening his eyes and blurting out in shock.
the opponent with a strange body-maneuvering
technique, he was not much surprised by this. His
“Are you kidding me?! A brick?!”
eyes flashed, but just when he wanted to rise to
attack, he was surprised to see the opponent
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Bai Yunfei, however, was in no mood to discuss the enough to unexpectedly have his coming into
weapon in his hand with him. Using the Wave contact with the brick regarded as a strike of the
Treading Steps, he charged up and attacked again brick and, moreover, to even have the ‘hurling’
without saying a word. effect triggered again...
Even though in his mind Long Taogu was puzzled Bai Yunfei eyes flashed with a hint of happiness.
and even amazed by the brick in the opponent’s Taking advantage of this rare opportunity when he
hand, he brushed it aside in an instant. Giving a had separated all three opponents from each other,
cold snort, he bypassed the two men on the floor he took half a step backwards to stabilize his body.
and charged forwards with quick steps. Just when he wanted to turn around, he felt a
strong force coming at him from behind again. This
The moment the two of them about to come into was another attack from Long Taogu. He seemed
contact, facing a forceful punch from Long Taogu, to have already noticed that it was impossible to
Bai Yunfei raised the corners of his mouth slightly. seriously injure Bai Yunfei by attacking the torso, so
With a slide of his feet, he avoided contact with the this time he was aiming for the head!
opponent. Then, with a sideway movement and a
turn of his body, under the astonished look in the Not having enough time to turn around, Bai Yunfei
opponent’s eyes, he went around him to attack could only stoop down. The opponent’s raised kick
Long Tao and Long Taoyi behind him, who were grazed his back. Bai Yunfei took advantage of this
both getting up. opportunity and attacked his supporting left leg with
a sweep kick, but the opponent jumped away
Making use of the forward-charging momentum, he vigilantly and avoided it.
threw a kick at Long Taoyi and swung the brick at
Long Tao’s head simultaneously. Making use of the sweep kick’s momentum, Bai
Yunfei turned around then charged forwards
Long Taoyi was after all a Soul Warrior so he without pausing. When Long Taogu had just
reacted extremely fast. Doing a cartwheel, he stabilized his body after jumping away, he saw the
immediately avoided this kick. But Long Tao was opponent charging up again. Giving a cold snort, he
not so lucky. He basically had yet to wake up from began to fight Bai Yunfei without any sign of panic.
the puzzlement caused by when he had been sent
flying inexplicably earlier. Moreover, he had not Both of them were at the mid-stage Soul Warrior
expected the opponent to give up fighting Long stage so as they exchanged blows, several bouts
Taogu to run up and attack him, the weakest of the were fought in just several blinks of an eye. Long
three men. Taogu’s moves were steady and showed no flaws.
Even though Bai Yunfei was relying on the agility
Therefore, Long Tao was hit very squarely by this provided by his body-maneuvering skill, he was
blow of the brick. With a deep groan, he was sent only at a slight advantage, but it was impossible for
flying to one side at an angle. The additional effects him to defeat the opponent in a short time.
were not triggered and he was instead sent flying
by the original impact force. However, he had still Worse still, Long Taogu had also noticed that there
known to control his head muscles to strengthen was something extraordinary about the brick in the
his defense at the last moment so he was not opponent’s hand so he was very careful not to be
seriously injured at all. hit by it.
A large force then hit Bai Yunfei’s left waist. It Seeing that the other two men were already
turned out Long Taogu had turned around and charging up again, Bai Yunfei was unavoidably
thrown a punch on his waist. Bai Yunfei staggered slightly anxious inside. Faced with a punch thrown
half a step to the left, but now he was faced with a at his face, he leaned to one side with a slide of his
kick thrown at his chest by Long Taoyi. He hastily feet and avoided it. Just when he was ready to
held the brick in front of his chest. Long Taoyi’s kick raise his hand to counterattack—at this moment,
slammed into it. Before he could withdraw his right something unexpected happened!
leg, he was unexpectedly sent flying again without
a warning sign—Long Taoyi was really unlucky
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The opponent’s fist, which had already missed him Bai Yunfei was not using the Arm Bending Hand.
with this punch, was suddenly opened into a palm. Instead, having already made preparations earlier,
His arm then was bent in a strange manner and he had controlled the muscles and bones of his arm
attacked Bai Yunfei’s throat at a humanly to change the angle of his attack by means of
impossible angle! forcefully pulling it. Even though his arm was
slightly injured by this, he still wanted to defeat this
Arm Bending Hand! soul skill of the opponent!
This change of moves took place too suddenly for Chapter 68: Mission Accomplished, Conspiracy
Bai Yunfei to dodge it even if he used the Wave Discovered!
Treading Steps so he had no choice but to do his
utmost to jump backwards at the last moment. Bai Yunfei wanted to defeat the opponent’s soul
However, he was still hit in the throat by this skill with the brick, even though this came at the
horizontal knife-hand strike. cost of overloading his right arm’s muscles and
Pushing his feet against the floor nonstop, Bai
Yunfei used the Wave Treading Steps to the “Bang!”
utmost, creating a string of afterimages of his body.
In the blink of an eye, he moved back ten A deep sound rang out as the brick hit the
something meters. He felt that his breathing had opponent’s wrist squarely!
stopped the moment he had been hit by that strike.
The pain coming from his throat even made him Long Taogu was frightened inside, but after getting
begin to cough violently uncontrollably. hit by this strike, he only felt his right arm get
deflected away slightly. The pain coming from his
However, when Bai Yunfei had just slowed down wrist was not intense either and, moreover, nothing
for a moment, another attack from Long Taogu was unusual happened.
already going after him!
After Long Taogu’s momentary fright, a hint of
Fury flickered vaguely through Bai Yunfei’s eyes. delight flashed across his mind. He secretly thought
Instead of retreating, he move forwards to engage that he had been overcautious and that this was
the opponent, creating several afterimages. The merely an ordinary brick. At the same time, his
opponent still threw a punch at his head in an eyes flashed with coldness. He forcefully halted his
uncomplicated manner. Bai Yunfei slightly leaned right arm, which had been deflected aside, then
to the right at the last moment and, at the same bent it again and attacked Bai Yunfei’s left
time, swung the brick, smashing it towards the shoulder!
opponent’s shoulder.
Even though he was also controlling his arm
His eyes flashing, Long Taogu once again bent the regardless of overburdening it, having used the
fist that had just missed and swung it at Bai Arm Bending Hand twice in quick succession
Yunfei’s temple. However, to his surprise, Bai earlier, he wanted to deal the opponent a heavy
Yunfei also changed the path of his arm halfway blow!
through and smashed the brick towards his right
arm! After Bai Yunfei had knocked away the the
opponent’s arm, seeing that no additional effect
had been activated, his eyes flashed with a trace of
~ 199 ~
disappointment. Before he could withdraw the brick, Long Taogu had just been caught by his younger
he was surprised to see the opponent use his soul brother and was yet to regain his balance. Faced
skill once again without pausing at all! with this incoming punch, he had no choice but to
once again make a block by crossing his arms in
This attack was sudden and fierce. If the side of his front of him and channel his soulforce, ready to
left shoulder was hit by it, because this area was resist it head-on!
not protected by the Goldsilk Soul Armor, he would
not be able to use his left arm at least for a short As the fist and the arms collided, a deep sound was
time. heard, which even seemed to be mixed with a slight
sound of broken bones. Long Taogu and Long
Having no time to think, Bai Yunfei clenched his Taoyi, who was supporting him, then were sent
teeth. His eyes showing a hint of madness, he flying backwards again.
unexpectedly changed the original movement of his
right arm in the blink of an eye and blocked his left Bai Yunfei’s body paused for a moment. Because
shoulder with the brick at the last moment. he had overloaded his right arm twice in quick
succession earlier, he had only been able to attack
“Bang!” with his left arm, which naturally was much less
powerful and, even worse, rather unsuited for this
Although he had made a block with the brick, the move.
impact force coming through it still made Bai Yunfei
retreat half a step involuntarily. At the same time, After retreating several meters, Long Taogu and his
he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, but fortunately young brother were finally able to stop their bodies.
he was not seriously injured. Long Taogu’s drooping right arm was trembling
slightly. A hint of a painful expression showed up
As Bai Yunfei backed off, his eyes flashed with a on his face. His right arm, which had been put in
tinge of happiness. For a moment just then, he had front of his left arm just then, was not broken at all,
felt a strand of soulforce flow into the brick in his but it was injured quite seriously.
hand, which also meant an additional effect had
been triggered! What he did not know was, which They had been fighting him three on one for some
effect had been triggered... time but they were unexpectedly still at a
The moment this thought appeared, he lifted his
eyes and saw that in front of him, Long Taogu was Long Taogu’s eyes were filled with amazement and
already flying backwards with an astounded disbelief, not only because of the opponent’s
expression! strange body-maneuvering skill, but even more
because of that inexplicable brick in his hand.
As expected, it was still the ‘hurling’ effect, which
had the highest chance of being successfully “Go up together! Be careful not to be hit by the
activated! brick in his hand!” Seeing Bai Yunfei already
charging up again, Long Taogu gave a warning. He
This rare opportunity must be taken. As soon as then unexpectedly was the first to rush up to
Bai Yunfei stabilized his body, he charged up engage the opponent, disregarding his right arm’s
without hesitation. Using the Wave Treading Steps injuries.
to the utmost, he was unexpectedly even slightly
faster than Long Taogu was flying backwards! Bai Yunfei shook his right arm slightly, feeling that it
was already much better. He was somewhat
When Long Taogu was caught by Long Taoyi, who doubtful in his mind but now was not the time for
had rushed up from behind, Bai Yunfei had already him to care about this. The current situation was
charged up to his face. Clenching his left fist, he advantageous to him. He needed to defeat these
struck a blow instantly! three men then save Liu Meng first.
Overlapping Waves Art, Ninefold Fist Force! One against three, the four of them moved and
jumped about in the hall, fighting each other to a
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stalemate. Bai Yunfei’s three opponents already Bai Yunfei’s eyes flashed with delight. He had not
knew that they should not come into contact with expected this effect, which had the lowest chance
the brick in his hand easily therefore they were all of being activated, to be activated when he had hit
extremely careful. As for Bai Yunfei, relying on the the opponent in the head with this strike of the
Goldsilk Soul Armor’s defense, as long as an attack brick.
was not aimed at a spot on his body not protected
by the armor, he would not even bother dodging it. In confusion, Long Tao wanted to attack Bai Yunfei,
And if necessary, he would use the Wave Treading but he was simply unable to aim at his intended
Steps to dash away. Brandishing the brick, target. After sending his big cousin flying with a
temporarily he could not achieve victory either. punch, he still kept attacking recklessly like a
madman. Bai Yunfei backed off a bit, just enough to
After dogfighting for several minutes, Bai Yunfei avoid an incoming kick from him. However, Long
finally grabbed a slight opportunity and deliberately Taoyi, who happened to be coming at Bai Yunfei at
revealed a weak point, luring Long Taoyi on the left this moment, was not so lucky. Just like his older
into throwing a punch at him. In the blink of an eye, brother, he was caught completely unprepared by a
he lifted the brick and blocked the punch with it. kick from Long Tao and was sent flying with a face
The moment Long Taoyi’s fist smashed into the full of bafflement.
brick, his expression changed greatly, thinking he
would be sent flying inexplicably again. But after he The three of them were separated from each other
waited for a moment, nothing unusual happened. again. Bai Yunfei’s eyes glittered. When Long Tao
When he had just begun to rejoice over this in his had just woken up from his confusion and had yet
mind, he felt a pain in his stomach. It turned out Bai to know what had happened, a Ninefold Fist Force
Yunfei had taken advantage of this moment of strike hit him in the stomach, sending him flying two
inactivity to throw a kick at him. meters away. He then fell to the floor for good.
Long Taoyi was kicked away. Bai Yunfei turned Afterwards, with a dash of his body, creating a
around and resisted a punch from Long Taogu string of afterimages, Bai Yunfei instantly closed in
head-on with his back. After that, he raised the on Long Taoyi, who had been knocked back by a
brick and smashed it towards Long Tao on the right kick from Long Tao, and threw a horizontal sweep
without pausing at all. kick at his waist, making it impossible for him to
keep his balance. Then, giving the opponent no
Long Tao was terrified and hurriedly dodged it, but time to take a breath, he began to attack non-stop.
his left shoulder was still hit. Although no additional Long Taoyi did his utmost to dodge but he was still
effect was triggered, because he had dodged in a unable to avoid the third strike and was sent flying
hurry, he lost his balance. Bai Yunfei immediately by the brick again.
swung the brick at him again, hitting him squarely in
the head! And his flying direction was none other than the
direction of Long Taogu, who had just been hit by
Next to Long Tao, seeing that he had been hit, Long Tao’s ‘surprise attack’!
Long Taogu gave a cold snort and immediately
threw a punch at the back of Bai Yunfei’s head. The moment Long Taoyi was sent flying away, Bai
However, when his punch was just halfway Yunfei unexpectedly chased after him at a high
through, something he had not expected happened! speed while he was still in mid-air. The brick had
already been switched to Bai Yunfei’s left hand. His
Without a warning sign, his right cheek was hit right arm’s muscles bulging out, he struck the
squarely with a punch. Completely unprepared for opponent in the stomach with a fierce blow!
this, he was sent flying to one side! His attacker
was unexpectedly Long Tao, who had been by his Long Taoyi was simply powerless to resist this
side. focus attack of the Ninefold Fist Force. His flying
speed shooting up, he spouted a mouthful of blood
The brick’s +10 Additional effect, confusing, had and was smashed towards Long Taogu.
been triggered!
~ 201 ~
Astonishment showing up in Long Taogu’s eyes, he His expression also became respectful. He said,
hastily caught his younger brother, who came “Elder Liu...”
smashing into him, then thudded backwards
continuously several meters before finally stopping. “Mm, you did well.” A deep voice came out from a
room on the second floor. The door of the room
“Wait, wait!!” After taking a look at his already then opened and a middle-aged man about forty
unconscious younger brother, who he had just years old walked out—he was unexpectedly none
caught, Long Taogu raised his head to look at Bai other than that elder of the Glacial School, Liu
Yunfei, who was ready to attack him again, and Cheng!!
said hurriedly, “Let’s stop fighting! We admit defeat!
You can take her with you!” Standing on the second floor, Liu Cheng swept his
eyes over the four men down below in the hall,
Bai Yunfei halted his steps and looked at the saying slowly, “You all did very well. Now go home
opponent expressionlessly, his eyes sightly and treat your injuries. When this matter has been
glittering. It seemed he was arguing with himself in dealt with, you will receive your promised things.”
his mind. A short while later, he put the brick away
with a shake of his right hand. Still staring at the Long Taogu said respectfully with a happy
opponent, he then slowly moved towards the corner expression, “Thank you so much, Elder Liu!”
where Liu Meng was.
After that, he gave Long Tao [the second brother] a
After going up to her side, he gently picked her up call and walked out of the restaurant while assisting
then slowly went towards the door. All along, his the two injured men...
eyes never left Long Taogu. Only when he had got
out of this restaurant did he turn around then Liu Cheng lowered his head looking at an object in
disappear quickly at the end of the street. his hand, his eyes showing a thoughtful
expression—what he was holding was
Only a long time after Bai Yunfei’s departure did unexpectedly that light blue bracelet Bai Yunfei had
Long Taogu sigh as if relieved of a heavy load, given to Liu Meng in the early morning today!
saying bitterly in his mind, “When did we ever need
to lose ‘on purpose’? The three of us were simply “Make no mistake, there’s definitely something
no match for him! This was the case even when he strange about that spear, which appeared for a
didn’t use that spear, his other soul armament. He short while in the beginning, and that brick, which
got two powerful soul skill and that baffling brick. wasn’t mentioned even by brother Zhenshan!”
We were just completely defeated...”
As he stared at the bracelet in his hand, the
Shaking his head in frustration, he looked at the wonderment in his eyes intensified, “This is
two men lying on the floor. Luckily neither of them obviously one of the ordinary items of jewelry he
was seriously injured and they would be all right bought three days ago when he had just gone into
after several days of recuperation at most. As for Jade Willow City, but now...”
Long Tao [the younger brother], his presence had
been nonexistent since the beginning of the fight. Judging from his words, he unexpectedly knew
At the moment, he was hiding in a corner gazing in even these details! This also meant that he had
the direction where Bai Yunfei had left to the point already been keeping watch on Bai Yunfei since
of stupefaction. the first day he had entered the city!
Long Taogu took a glance around the hall. It had “Besides... who would have thought he would make
been turned into a complete mess during the battle connections with the Green Willow School? I can’t
just then. There were even many holes in the floor, delay anymore. The plan must be carried out ahead
which had been caused by the combatants’ of schedule!”
vigorous steps just then.
While planning in his mind, Liu Cheng slowly
Withdrawing his eyes, he unexpectedly raised his walked out of this Secret Pleasure Tower as well,
head to look at the seemingly empty second floor. heading for another street.
~ 202 ~
Only, despite being a mid-stage Soul Sprite, he did body for a while, weakening my mind, making it
not notice that on a roof about a thousand meters impossible for me to channel my soulforce, and
away from this place, a silhouette was leaning on rendering my entire body powerless and
an upright post looking at this Secret Pleasure immobile...”
Tower with a solemn expression!
His hand pulled by her, Bai Yunfei seemed to feel
This person was over twenty years old, wore a somewhat uneasy. He sat down on the bed again
silvery robe, had long hair and was ordinary- and said in a low voice, “Then... Alright, if you’re
looking. There was a white, little animal looking like still not okay by tomorrow morning, I’ll take you to
a rat crouching on his shoulder—this was none the Green Willow School to ask for help.”
other than the young man who had talked with Qin
Zheng of the Fate School the other day and called Liu Meng showed a smiling expression. Her face
himself the Bloodhowl Wolf King’s adopted son, slightly reddened. She stared at Bai Yunfei long a
Hong Yin! long time then said tenderly, “Thank you for saving
me, Yunfei. I knew... you’d definitely come.”
Only when he had seen Liu Cheng disappear in an
alleyway did he withdraw his eyes. After pondering Bai Yunfei shifted his eyes away somewhat
for a while, he disappeared with a shake of his awkwardly and gave a slight cough, saying, “Don’t
body. say that, Meng’er. After all, their target was me. It
was all because of me provoking them earlier that
Chapter 69: Things That Always Happen at a you were kidnapped.”
“But didn’t you provoke them because of me?”
Chapter 69: Things That Always Happen at a
Restaurant After saying so, Liu Meng seemed to realize that
her words had another meaning and her face
After rescuing Liu Meng, Bai Yunfei went straight reddened even more. She inclined her head, not
back into his tavern. daring to look at Bai Yunfei again.
In a guest room, he gently put she down on a bed The little servant girl Xiao Ning had been keeping
then asked in a deeply concerned manner, watch on one side with wide opened eyes all along.
“Meng’er, how are you feeling? Are you hurt Now, seeing such an atmosphere between the two
anywhere?” of them, her eyes rolled and she could not help
letting out a laugh then said with pretended
Liu Meng smiled at him, saying softly, “I’m fine. You arrogance as if she was their senior, “Let me tell
don’t have to worry, Yunfei. They forced me to take you two something. Obviously both of you want the
a drug then my whole body became powerless. But same thing, so why are you still pretending not to
there shouldn’t be any big problems. I can feel that understand each other?”
I’m recovering. I think I should be okay by tomorrow
morning at the latest...” “Cough cough cough!!” Bai Yunfei gave a few dry
coughs then stood up, saying, “Meng’er, your body
“Really? Are you sure about this?” Bai Yunfei is very weak at the moment so you should go to
looked at the color of her face carefully. After sleep early. I’ll go and have a rest too. After the
thinking for a while, he still said worriedly, “I think I fight just now, I’m pretty tired. If you want to talk
should go ask the seniors from the Green Willow about something, let’s wait until tomorrow.”
School to come and have a look at you. This’ll
bother them a bit, but I can only stop worrying after He then walked out of the room in a somewhat
making sure that you’re okay.” embarrassed manner. Behind him, the sounds of
Xiao Ning’s lovely laughter and Liu Meng rebuking
Just when he wanted to stand up, he felt Liu Meng her in a low voice rang out.
hold his left hand. She raised her voice a little,
saying, “There’s really no need for that, Yunfei. I After getting out of the room, Bai Yunfei closed the
heard from them that this drug merely paralyzes my door. When he turned around again, the
~ 203 ~
embarrassed expression on his face had already Bai Yunfei halted his words then said doubtfully,
disappeared and replaced by one of solemnity! “What words do you have to tell me?”
He stood quietly at the door for several seconds “This, I’ll tell you in a while!” Liu Meng’s eyes
and gave a sigh so soft it was inaudible then went became a little evasive. She said smilingly, “Now
downstairs, found the innkeeper, paid for another let’s continue to stroll about. I like the atmosphere
room and shut himself in it in complete silence. of this street very much! A while later, when we’re
already hungry, we’ll find a place to eat!”
After saying so, without waiting for Bai Yunfei’s
The next day, when Bai Yunfei saw Liu Meng reaction, she went forwards with Xiao Ning. The
again, she already no longer looked unwell. two girls began to talk about the various business
Moreover, she seemed quite happy. After eating shops on the sides of the street in a low voice
the breakfast Xiao Ning had bought for her, she rather excitedly. Bai Yunfei frowned slightly in an
suggested to him that they should go for a stroll on unnoticeable manner. In the end, he let out a sigh
the streets. and had no choice but to follow them.
Bai Yunfei suddenly lifted his head. A rare hint of “Ha ha! Who would have thought you’re a soul
ruthlessness had unexpectedly shown up on his cultivator?! Very good, very good. Your grandpa
face, and he stared at this young man with an ice- likes to trample on strong opponents the most!”
cold expression. After saying so, this man unexpectedly attacked Bai
Yunfei again with a face full of excitement.
“Get lost!”
“Ridiculous!” Bai Yunfei was surprised to see the
This sudden outburst of his stupefied the several opponent charge up again. His eyes glittered with
people at the scene for a moment, especially Liu fury. In the blink of an eye he stood up, took a step
Meng and Xiao Ning, who had never seen him forwards and threw a punch at the enemy’s face.
behave like this before. They both looked at him That man’s eyes flashed with surprise. He suddenly
with their faces full of astonishment. made a jump while rushing up and landed on Bai
Yunfei’s left-hand side like a wildcat. Curling his
fingers into a claw, he unexpectedly made a grab
As for that black-clad young man, after looking at
straight at Bai Yunfei’s neck.
Bai Yunfei in stupefaction for a moment, he pointed
at his own nose in some disbelief, asking, “You told
me to get lost?”
~ 206 ~
His fingernails were much longer than those of changed greatly all of a sudden. His eyes opened
ordinary people and, furthermore, seemed to wide and his face was full of bafflement.
sparkle with a cold light. They cut across Bai
Yunfei’s artery, but it was merely an afterimage. Bai A huge gray wolf had appeared in front of the
Yunfei dashed half a step backwards then threw young man!!
another punch, hitting the opponent in the right
shoulder. Its body was about the size of a calf, its four limbs
muscular and powerful. Its gray, needle-like hair
Although he did not use the Overlapping Waves covered its entire body and unexpectedly seemed
Art, the force of this punch was still large enough to to vaguely gleam. Its fangs were slightly bared, its
make the youngster move back involuntarily body arched a little. One after another drop of
nonstop. Only after knocking over a table was he saliva even came out of its mouth slowly. Its eyes
able to stop. Massaging his shoulder, he looked at were very red, but they seemed totally soulless.
Bai Yunfei with a totally astonished expression.
A ferocious aura hit Bai Yunfei in the face. He even
“Mid-stage Soul Warrior?!” took a step backwards involuntarily, astonishment
and shock showing up in his eyes. This was the
After this brief exchange, the two of them had found first time he had encountered this kind of situation
out each other’s power level. And they were both at so he simple did not know what was going on.
the Mid-stage Soul Warrior level.
The other people on the second floor had already
run away as soon as they had seen the two of them On a large street several thousand meters away
fight. At the moment, there were only four people from this restaurant, a silvery-robed, long-haired
left. Liu Meng and Xiao Ning had also retreated to young man was walking slowly thoughtfully. He was
one side and were looking at that young man in none other than Hong Yin.
front of them with doubtful expressions.
As always, that white, little animal was lying prone
“He he, not bad, not bad, who would have thought on his right shoulder. At the moment, it seemed to
I’d make a misjudgement? I didn’t expect you to be be sleeping. Suddenly, its several long whiskers
a soul cultivator comparable to me in power.” The shook slightly. Then it opened its eyes.
young man swung his right arm and was still as Unexpectedly those little rat eyes flashed with a
arrogant as before. He looked at Liu Meng, who trace of extremely human like amazement. After
was behind Bai Yunfei. His eyes rolling, he said that, it straightened up its body and gave a couple
laughingly, “Young girl, watch me beat this guy to a of squeaks.
pulp. Then you should just follow me!”
Feeling the little animal’s strange behavior, Hong
After saying so, he stared at Bai Yunfei again. Yin immediately halted his steps. He inclined his
Retreating several steps, he said, “Humph, brat, head looking at it somewhat doubtfully and asked in
don’t think just because you’re on the same power a low voice, “What’s wrong, Xiao Tang?”
level as me you can fight me to a draw. Let me tell
you something, I’m more powerful than you by Xiao Tang stood up like a human, seeming to be
Heaven knows how many times. I’ll let you have a sensing something carefully. Several seconds later,
taste of something soul cultivators from small it pointed to Hong Yin’s left-hand side with its two
schools like you can never obtain in your lives...” little claws and squeaked a couple of times again.
He then raised his left hand, and with a forward flick Frowning slightly, Hong Yin turned to the direction it
of it, a huge gray silhouette appeared out of thin air was pointing to and closed his eyes to sense things
in front of him without a warning sign. for several breaths’ time. Suddenly he opened his
eyes, which were glittering, “The aura of a
Bai Yunfei was somewhat suspicious upon seeing Soulbeast! Plus, this feeling...”
the opponent retreat, but when he saw the real
identity of this gray silhouette, his expression
~ 207 ~
Without finishing what he was saying, he frowned In the blink of an eye, Bai Yunfei’s heart almost
even more tightly. After considering for a moment, stopped beating. He turned around fiercely and saw
he turned and walked towards an alleyway. The that the thunderwolf had already jumped up to the
moment he walked past a corner of this alleyway, two girls!
he immediately disappeared!
Actually, there had been quite a long distance
People were still coming and going on the streets between Bai Yunfei and the two girls earlier. It
as usual. Nobody noticed that a living person had would definitely have given him and that young
just disappeared into thin air... man enough space to fight each other. However,
who would have thought the young man would
...... suddenly release such a soulbeast to attack the
In the restaurant, seeing the astounded expression
on Bai Yunfei’s face, the black-clad youngster And to the thunderwolf, this distance basically
laughed out loud very complacently and said meant nothing!
arrogantly, “What’s up? You’re dumbstruck? You
have never seen this, right? Are you scared? Bai Yunfei wanted to shout a warning, but there
Humph, we can suck soulbeasts into space rings. was simply no time for this. His eyes almost
How can someone from a small school like you crimson, he channeled his soulforce to the utmost,
possibly understand my Beast Taming School’s concentrating all of it into his legs. Then, using an
secret techniques?! Thunderwolf, go up for me!” unprecedented intensity, he controlled all the
muscles, bones and acupoints he could control in
Following his order, that massive gray wolf legs and rushed towards Liu Meng at his fastest
suddenly made a pounce forwards and jumped up speed!
to Bai Yunfei’s face almost in the blink of an eye
with its mouth wide open. He could even smell the But this was not enough! Given his current position,
stench coming out from that basin-sized large it would be impossible for him to rush up to Liu
mouth. Meng before the thunderwolf’s attack arrived!
Bai Yunfei was greatly frightened. It was not like All this takes long to describe but happened
Bai Yunfei had not fought wolf packs when crossing quickly. When Bai Yunfei had just moved, he saw
the mountains earlier, but those ordinary wolves in Liu Meng pull Xiao Ning, who was beside her, and
the forest were just like kittens in front of a tiger avoid the attack by a hair’s breadth with a shake of
compared to this wolf. Moreover, its speed was her body almost just a moment before the wolf’s
totally beyond Bai Yunfei’s imagination. Right after claw could smash into her!
he had seen its body move slightly, it had gone up
to his face just about instantly! Bai Yunfei’s pupils contracted a bit. He dashed up
to the side of Liu Meng, pushed her two more steps
Almost instinctively, Bai Yunfei swung to the left aside then raised his right fist and struck the
with a slide of his feet. The thunderwolf’s blade-like thunderwolf, which had just landed, a fierce blow in
sharp claw nearly scraped his ear. Taking steps the side of its body!
continuously, he moved away half a meter in the
blink of an eye, finally avoiding this attack. Bang! A loud sound rang out. The thunderwolf was
sent flying several meters away directly by this
However, when the thunderwolf’s huge body went punch, knocking over a table. Its claws were
past him on one side, his expression changed pressed tightly against the wooden floor, creating
greatly all of a sudden! several long trails. In the end it stopped then
unexpectedly sprung forwards again without delay!
This was because Liu Meng was behind him!
Bai Yunfei’s eyes glittered with fury. Instead of
In terror, Bai Yunfei had dodge instinctively, but he dodging, he even charged up with a shake of his
had forgotten this most important detail! body! The wolf’s claw was swiped at him. Bai
Yunfei felt obliquely to one side. The moment the
~ 208 ~
wolf’s head went past him, his falling body came to His eyes flashed with a hint of grief. With a wave of
a halt. With a slight shake of his body, he stood firm his right hand, he touched the wolf’s head in an
again. Then, blue veins popping out of his right apparently gentle manner. After that, the huge wolf,
arm, he hit the thunderwolf fiercely in the stomach! which was jumping at him, unexpectedly stopped in
mid-air as if it had been swept up by an invisible,
Ninefold Fist Force! gentle force!
A dull sound was heard again, but it seemed to be Hong Yin pressed his right arm down bit by bit. The
also mixed with an almost inaudible sound of thunderwolf’s body then landed on the floor slowly
tearing cloth. The thunderwolf’s massive body was as if he put it down. Even though this thunderwolf
sent flying away instantly at an angle and it had been confined by him, it was still growling in a
happened to fly in the direction of that black-clad low tone, wanting to struggle with and attack him.
young man, who was standing in front of Bai When he looked at it, the grief in his eyes
Yunfei! intensified.
At first that young man had been watching the fight Temporarily, the second floor of the restaurant was
between a man and a wolf with great interest. But plunged into a strange quietness with the
in less than a minute, he saw his own soulbeast get thunderwolf’s low-toned growls being the only
knocked back by the opponent with a punch. Very sounds left.
frightened, he hurriedly dodged aside.
Seeing the situation in front of him, the black-clad
The thunderwolf did a roll in mid-air then fell firmly young man suddenly woke up with a start, his face
to the floor again. Despite having taken a Ninefold full of disbelief. He even backed off two steps
Fist Force strike, it did not seem to be affected at subconsciously and pointed at Hong Yin, saying:
all, or perhaps, it did not seem to be aware of the “You, who are you?!”
injuries its body had suffered. Giving a growl, it
charged towards Bai Yunfei again. It would have been better for him if he had kept
silence, because these words seemed to call Hong
With a solemn expression, Bai Yunfei reached out Yin’s attention to him. Hong Yin, who originally was
his right hand. The Fire-tipped Spear appeared in looking at the thunderwolf with his head lowered,
his hand. He wanted to rush up again to engage suddenly raised his head and looked at him. The
the enemy. look in his eyes was as sharp as a knife. In the
eyes of the young man, he seemed to see an
However, when he had just taken half a step, he image of a huge blood-red wolf show up behind
stopped all of a sudden because a man had Hong Yin. A suffocating, savage aura then hit him
appeared between him and the thunderwolf! in the face.
There had been no warning sign. Nobody at the “You’re from the Beast Taming School?” Hong Yin
scene knew how this man had appeared. It seemed asked coldly while staring at the opponent.
in the blink of an eye, there was one more person
on this second floor out of thin air. These words woke the young man up with a start.
The illusion before him disappeared. His entire
This was none other than Hong Yin! body immediately loosened up and he
unexpectedly felt that he was fortunate to have just
Chapter 71: First Meeting With Hong Yin escaped death. Retreating continuously again, he
asked rapidly, “I, I am Li Long, the son of an elder
Chapter 71: First Meeting With Hong Yin from the Beast Taming School! My school is one of
the top ten schools in the world. My junior uncle is
around here! You, you can’t hurt me! Or else the
After his appearance, Hong Yin did not looked at
Beast Taming School won’t let you off!”
anyone at the scene. Instead, he looked at the
thunderwolf, which was rushing towards him, with a
solemn expression. One could tell that he was really flustered at the
moment. Without using that arrogant attitude from
~ 209 ~
earlier, he had hurriedly revealed his own identity then disappeared into thin air, having been sucked
and even mentioned the name of one of the ten into the space ring.
great schools in the world in the hope that he would
be able to scare the opponent. After regaining his composure, he stared at Li
Long, who was struggling up from the floor, with an
After Hong Yin had heard these words, his pupils ice-cold expression, saying coldly, “Get lost! Tell
contracted slightly, a tinge of killing intent flashing a your so-called junior uncle that I’ll be waiting for him
cross his eyes. With just one step, he went up to Li in this Jade Willow City!”
Long’s face.
Enduring the acute pain in his left arm with effort, Li
Yes, just one step. Bai Yunfei saw very clearly that Long looked at the ring on the opponent’s hand and
he only took one step forwards and when his foot said in shock, “You...”
landed, he had already gone up to Li Long, who
had been several meters away from him. “Get lost!”
Bai Yunfei was astonished in his heart. He cast a When Li Long’s eyes came into contact with Hong
look at that seemingly immobile thunderwolf at the Yin’s eyes, which seemed to contain a killing intent
scene then with a solemn expression, he moved he was doing his utmost to suppress, his whole
backwards a bit. Anybody could tell that this man, body trembled. Not daring to say anything again
who had just appeared all of a sudden, was either, he staggered downstairs then disappeared.
extremely powerful. However, it seemed his target
was not Bai Yunfei at all so now the best response Bai Yunfei looked at Hong Yin, who was staring at
was to wait and see. the ring on his finger in a seemingly somewhat
preoccupied manner, his eyes flashing a bit. He
Hong Yin reached out his right hand and caught then moved backwards slowly and, at the same
hold of the opponent’s left wrist with a grab. His time, put his left hand behind his back and waved
eyes flashed with ferocity as a crisp crack rang out. to the two girls, motioning for them to get ready to
Obviously he had crushed some bones in the leave.
opponent’s arm!
However, when he had just taken three steps,
“Ah!!!” Hong Yin, who was pondering with his head
lowered, straightened up and looked at him. There
A sad and shril cry came out from Li Long’s mouth. was unexpectedly a friendly smile on his face. He
He wanted to reach out his right hand to push the nodded slightly to him and said, “You don’t have to
opponent away but his whole body did not listen to be so cautious, little brother. I’ve got no bad
his mind. He could not move it at all. The bone- intentions...”
piercing pain coming from his left arm almost made
him pass out. Bai Yunfei stopped. Holding the Fire-tipped Spear
tightly in his hand, he adopted a defensive posture
With a cold snort, Hong Yin gave the opponent’s and stared at the opponent for several seconds,
fingers a stroke using his left hand. The black ring saying in a deep voice, “You must have come here
on the middle finger of Li Long’s left hand was for Li Long. But he’s already left and we are merely
immediately taken by him. tourists who just now had some conflict with him.
Speaking of which, we still have to thank you very
Then, he casually made a throw, sending Li Long much for getting into action to help us. Today we’ve
flying several meters away. After falling to the floor, still got something to do so we’ll take our leave
Li Long seemed to finally regain his ability to move now.”
and he held his left wrist while wailing nonstop.
After saying so, he put away the Fire-tipped Spear
Not even bothering giving him a look, Hong Yin put directly then gave the two girls a hint with his eyes,
the ring on his left hand and walked up to the side ready to turn around and leave.
of that thunderwolf. Grief once again showing up in
his eyes, he gently stroked its back. That huge wolf
~ 210 ~
“Wait a minute, little brother. I’ve got some words to Slightly startled, Bai Yunfei looked at this ‘little rat’
tell you.” rather doubtfully. However, now was not the time to
be curious so he folded his hands to Hong Yin,
Bai Yunfei halted his steps and turned around, saying, “What do you want to tell me when calling
asking doubtfully, “You know me?” me to this place?”
“Ha ha, we don’t know each other at all. But I know “Ha ha, looks like you’re doubting me somewhat. I
some things related to you. Are you willing to have can tell you that I want to get to know you a bit just
a brief chat with me?” Hong Yin still said smilingly. because I know the relationship between you and
the Fate School.” Hong Yin firt revealed why he had
Bai Yunfei was somewhat hesitant. This man was looked for him instead of answering his question
too powerful for him to deal with but he was talking right away.
with him so politely. This was already enough to
show his sincerity and, moreover, he could not see Bai Yunfei was surprised, “You’re from the Fate
any malice in his eyes. It seemed he was really School?”
interested in being friends with him.
“No, there’s no connection between me and the
After considering for a while, Bai Yunfei nodded Fate School, but two days ago I had a discussion
slightly. with senior Qin Zheng of the Fate School, um, he’s
the senior who looked for you that night.”
Hong Yin laughed then, without saying anything,
turned around and walked downstairs. Bai Yunfei Bai Yunfei fell silent, seeming to be arguing with
and the two girls also went with him. After casually himself in his mind. Hong Yin did not disturb him
tossing a gold coin to the manager to pay for the and waited for him patiently. A while later, Bai
damages, they walked out of this restaurant Yunfei raised his head again and asked with a
immediately. much less cautious expression, “Then what do you
want to tell me, brother Hong Yin?”
Hong Yin looked at the two girls behind Bai Yunfei
and frowned slightly. Bai Yunfei understood what Hong Yin said laughingly, “I discovered some
he meant so he turned around and said to Liu matters, and I feel that I should tell you about them.
Meng, “Meng’er, you and Xiao Ning just wait here You...”
for a while, I’ll be back very soon.”
Liu Meng nodded with a seemingly somewhat
worried expression, saying softly, “Mm, be careful, Liu Meng and Xiao Ning were standing in front of a
Yunfei. I’ll be waiting for you here...” market stall that sold baubles next to the
restaurant. Xiao Ning was looking at the various
...... little things on the stall with a curious expression,
but Liu Meng was glancing at that alleyway where
Bai Yunfei followed Hong Yin into a nearby empty Bai Yunfei and Hong Yin had gone into in a
alleyway. The latter looked around then halted his somewhat preoccupied manner.
steps, turned to Bai Yunfei, nodded slightly and
said, “What’s your name, little brother?” Suddenly, her eyes brightened as she saw Bai
Yunfei walk out from the alleyway and go towards
“Bai Yunfei.” her. With a happy expression, she pulled Xiao Ning
and went up to meet him.
“Mm, my name is Hong Yin.” After introducing his
name, Hong Yin inclined his head to look at Xiao “How are you, Yunfei? Who is that man?” Liu Meng
Tang on his shoulder, saying smilingly, “This is my asked while looking at Bai Yunfei in a concerned
friend, Xiao Tang. Don’t think that he’s just an manner.
ordinary little rat. He’s a very formidable soulbeast.”
“Oh, I’m okay. Don’t worry...” Bai Yunfei shook his
head, but did not go on to answer her question.
~ 211 ~
Instead, seeming to suddenly remember “Alright, tonight... And when?”
something, he asked, “Right, Meng’er, earlier you
wanted to tell me something, what is it?” Liu Meng raised her head and said with a happy
expression, “Um, I don’t know exactly when he’ll
“Oh? This...” Liu Meng did not expect Bai Yunfei to arrive either. Xiao Ning and I will go and meet him
ask this question all of a sudden so after being first then... I’ll talk with him a bit before telling Xiao
startled for a moment, she lowered her head Ning to go and take you there. Is this okay?”
slightly, her face gradually reddening. Only after a
long time did she say in a tiny voice, “It’s, it’s that... Bai Yunfei fell silent for a short while then said with
my father is about to return to Jade Willow City. I a nod, “Alright, then I’ll be waiting for your message
want, I want you to go and see him...” in the tavern.”
“What?!” Bai Yunfei was stupefied and asked in “Mm! Then I’ll leave first, Yunfei. You should go
astonishment, thinking that he had heard it wrong. back and prepare a bit. I think my father will
definitely approve of you...”
Liu Meng lowered her head without saying a word.
Her beautiful hair glided over her shoulders, After watching the two girls’ silhouettes disappear
covering her face, making it impossible to see her in the crowd, Bai Yunfei turned around with a
expression clearly. complicated expression then disappeared on the
other side of the street.
On one side, Xiao Ning cut in, saying, “Mister
Yunfei, this is what happened. Yesterday someone Chapter 72: See Through It
from the family found the young lady and told her
that master already knows she’s in Jade Willow Chapter 72: See Through It
City and is very angry that she still hasn’t returned
home in such a long time so he’s personally set out Bai Yunfei walked back to the tavern in a trance.
on a trip, rushing over here. He should arrive in the After he got into his room and slammed the door
afternoon today. It’s possible young lady will be shut, there was not any sound of movement.
taken home. So... she wants you to go and have a
meeting with master. Since you’re already a Soul Two hours later, he walked out of the room again.
Warrior at such a young age, you’ll definitely have There was no happiness on his face. He just
great achievements in the future. Maybe after walked on the streets with his eyebrows slightly
seeing you, master will... will agree to let her be wrinkled. After walking seemingly aimlessly on the
with you.” streets for half an hour, he dashed into an alleyway
and disappeared.
“This...” There was a complicated expression on
Bai Yunfei’s face. It seemed he was at a loss as to About another hour later, he returned to the tavern
what to do because of this sudden information. and shut himself in his room.
At this moment, seeming to have finally mustered At around six o’clock in the afternoon, knocks on
up enough courage, Liu Meng lifted her beautiful the door awakened Bai Yunfei, who was sitting on
face and stared at Bai Yunfei, saying gently, the bed practicing breathing. Xiao Ning’s
“Yunfei, when my father arrives, he’ll definitely tell questioning voice then came in from outside the
me to go home and keep watch beside Zhang door.
Yang’s coffin... Could you go and see him with me?
This means, this means we’ll go together. I think... I
Bai Yunfei opened the door, have a few words with
think he’ll agree.”
her then walked out of the tavern with her.
Bai Yunfei looked at Liu Meng in stupefaction. Just
when she became anxious inwardly thinking that he
would not agree to do this, Bai Yunfei’s slightly
quivering voice came into her ears. Because today was a cloudy day, it was already
somewhat dark at the moment and there were
much fewer people walking on the streets as well.
~ 212 ~
Bai Yunfei could feel a slight chill in the clear wind two of them gradually shifted to Liu Meng’s mother.
that blew into his face. Liu Meng also said a few words to Bai Yunfei
occasionally, wanting to let him take part in the
Before long, he had followed Xiao Ning into a conversation, but he seemed unwilling to talk much
restaurant on the west street. After going up the and only gave vague answers.
second floor and pushing open the door of a room,
he saw Liu Meng sitting inside and a pudgy, “Right, Yunfei, it seems you’ve never talked about
middle-aged man about forty years old next to her. your family. Where’s your family? Why have you
never mentioned your parents?” Seeing that he
Seeing Bai Yunfei enter the room, Liu Meng had a looked a little lost, Liu Meng asked.
very happy expression. She stood up, walked up to
his side and said to the middle-aged man, “Father, Bai Yunfei fell silent for some time then replied, “I
this is Yunfei. He’s a soul cultivator of the mid-stage was an orphan. I started to follow my master when I
Soul Warrior level!” was little.”
After saying so, she pulled his hand gently, leading “Oh... I see.” Liu Meng seemed to know that she
him to the table and making him sit down, then had mentioned a sad event in Bai Yunfei’s life so
said, “Yunfei, this is my father, Liu Yan.” she immediately changed the topic of conversation,
“No wonder you’re so formidable. It turns out you
Bai Yunfei looked at the middle-aged man, who started to study under your master when you were
was sizing him up, and nodded slightly, saying little. It must have been very exhausting, right?
rather respectfully, “Uncle Liu.” You’re really determined.”
Liu Yan withdrew his eyes and said with a slight “Humph, reaching the mid-stage Soul Warrior level
nod, “Mm, not bad, though you don’t appear to be at the age of eighteen, you’re indeed a little more
outstanding, you seem to be a calm and careful talented than ordinary soul cultivators. But that’s
person. This is something very hard to come by.” about it...” Hearing Liu Meng praise Bai Yunfei, Liu
Yan frowned and said somewhat disapprovingly.
After saying these superficial words, he stopped,
gave Liu Meng beside him a look then told Xiao “Father, how could you say that?” Liu Meng
Ning on one side, “Bring all the dishes out together. seemed to be rather worried, “The level of soulforce
I’ve been rushing all the way over here so I’m a bit isn’t the only thing Yunfei has. He...”
“You want to mention those special soul
Xiao Ning gave a sound of agreement. The room armaments or something of his again?” Liu Yan
then fell into awkward silence. interrupted her, saying frowningly, “I’m not a soul
cultivator, but I’ve been in contact with the Zhangs
Bai Yunfei lowered his head, seeming not to know of the Glacial School in recent years and gained
what to say. Liu Yan lowered his head too, seeming lots of knowledge. There ain’t no such special soul
to be resting because he was really somewhat tired armaments. Don’t make up those ridiculous so-
as he had said. called special soul armaments on purpose to
elevate his status!”
On one side, Liu Meng appeared to be rather
anxious. In order to ease the atmosphere, she had “That’s not true, father. Yunfei really has...”
no choice but to ask Liu Yan about his business.
Bai Yunfei did not understand these matters so he “So what if he has them? They were merely given
could only listen to them talk about things like the to him by his master!” Liu Yan interrupted Liu Yan
goods and increases in price in a certain city or once again.
making a loss because a certain batch of goods
had not arrived on time. “Just stop talking already... I beg you, stop
talking...” Bai Yunfei drooped his head. Although
A while later, as the dishes began to be brought out his expression was calm, he was ‘begging’ nonstop
successively, the topic of conversation between the in his mind.
~ 213 ~
“How come? Yunfei’s master made them. As his Bai Yunfei still kept his head lowered. His shoulders
disciple, Yunfei definitely also...” Liu Meng’s voice was shaking nonstop and his laughter contained a
rang out. It sounded like she was ‘pleading’ to profound sadness.
defend him, but in Bai Yunfei’s heart, those words
turned into thousands of needles that pierced into Liu Meng’s hand suddenly felt empty. That tinge of
the depths of his heart. tenderness had pulled away. She stood up, took
two steps backwards and looked at Bai Yunfei with
“Yunfei, actually... You also know how to make a complicated expression, saying hesitantly, “You...
those soul armaments, right?” Liu Meng held his You’ve already found out?”
right hand using her soft, seemingly boneless jade-
like hand and asked gently while looking at him in a Bai Yunfei stopped his laughter, lifted his head and
totally expectant manner. stared at her with a vague smile, “I’ve found out
Bai Yunfei closed his eyes in silence, feeling a
trace of warmth coming from his hand. This “You mean I’ve found out this man isn’t your father,
‘warmth’, which should be sweet and make him feel or this meal is actually a trap, or you approached
happy, turned into a bone-piercing chill after me earlier only to fool me?”
entering his heart, freezing it...
Bai Yunfei said without waiting for Liu Meng to
He then raised his head. Upon making contact with answer his first question. These words made her
her hopeful eyes, his pupils shrunk a bit, but he did expression change greatly.
not answer her question. Instead, he asked calmly,
“Meng’er, do you remember the day when you were Chapter 73: What Should Be Said Has Been
kidnapped by the Long family’s men? That time, it Said
was you who told Long Taogu my name, right?”
Chapter 73: What Should Be Said Has Been Said
“Oh? Yunfei, why do you suddenly ask this
question?” Liu Meng was startled then said Liu Meng looked astonished. It seemed she still
casually, “That day, I was caught by them. In my wanted to say something, but when she met his
anxiety, I mentioned your name, saying that you’d vaguely smiling eyes, she fell silent all of a sudden
come to rescue me... Could it be you’re angry then slowly walked back to the side of the table and
about this?” sat down. Looking at Bai Yunfei with a complicated
expression, she said softly, “You... When did you
Bai Yunfei smiled and shook his head slightly. He find out?”
then lifted his head and said to Liu Yan sitting in
front of him, “Uncle, it’s Meng’er’s birthday in a few “Is this really important?” The corners of Bai
days. Could you allow me to accompany her until Yunfei’s mouth twitched. He shook his head gently
after her birthday before you take her home?” then said slowly, seeming to talk to himself but also
to give Liu Meng an explanation.
“What?” Liu Yan seemed to be dumbstruck by this
sudden question of his and cast a somewhat “In fact, it was an abnormal development right from
doubtful look at Liu Meng. After thinking for a bit, he the beginning, wasn’t it? A young lady from a
said frowningly, “How is this possible? I already wealthy family, and even a soul cultivator at that,
promised her mother that I’d take her home. how could she have such an attitude towards an
Besides...” ordinary guy who had helped her for the first
“Ha, ha ha, ha ha ha...” Bai Yunfei’s chuckles
interrupted his words. Then the chuckles slowly “But I still believed you. Was it because of that
changed, turning into jeering laughs which were full hidden tinge of appreciation or adoration in my
of satire. heart at the time? I don’t know the answer either.
It’s also possible that your ‘excuses’ made me
ignore the doubts I had in the beginning...
~ 214 ~
“When you were taken ill that time, it was definitely rescue romance, such a good scene to elevate the
real. The only difference was that it wasn’t affection between two people!
accidental. Instead, you used a certain method
capable of causing this illness to act up. So, the But it was only because of this staged event that I
encounter in the beginning was flawless. The next noticed abnormal things and started to be
day, what you told me on Mt. Spring was also half- suspicious!” Bai Yunfei raised his head to give Liu
truths, right? This kind of lying is capable of fooling Meng a look then continued with a chuckle, “Do you
people the most... remember the first line Long Taogu said when
seeing me? He said ‘are you that Bai Yunfei
“I had no doubts at all about what happened during mentioned by this girl?’ He knew my name. You
those two days. You let Long Tao and his brother said you told him my name...
come to trouble me for the second time for initial
inspection of me, right? At the same time, it was “But when did I ever tell you that my surname is
also to foreshadow what would happen later. Just Bai?” Bai Yunfei’s gentle question made Liu Meng’s
two days of strolling about made that tiny seed in doubtful expression change into one of
my heart sprout and grow up. My heart was slowly astonishment then of disappointment.
filled with your image... Ha ha, wasn’t my affection
very cheap? Not caring about the changes in her expression, he
continued to say, “Speaking of which, this was all
“According to your plan, it should have slowly because when we met for the first time, to develop
developed, right? At least it would have gone on for a close relationship between us, you told me to call
ten days to half a month to let the ‘affection’ you so intimately ‘Meng’er’ directly, so when you
between us build up slowly and develop as asked for my name, I told you to just call me Yunfei.
‘naturally’ as possible. Only then would you be able Later on, I seemed to never mention that Yunfei is
to fool me into giving you the information you want. just my given name, and my surname is Bai, right?
“But something you hadn’t expected happened on “Of course, perhaps you’ll say that in fact you only
the second day, that is, I accidentally ran into Qiu told them I’m called Yunfei, but somehow they
Luliu of the Green Willow School again! In the knew my surname and there’s something fishy
morning that day, actually you had arrived, right? about the Long family’s men. Actually when I came
You saw that she and I were talking with each other up with this idea, I consoled myself like that too. But
so you didn’t show yourself. Only after she left did it’s still unreasonable... In the beginning, we
you appear... became enemies with Long Tao [the younger
brother] because he lust for your beauty, but on the
“In the morning of the third day, you suddenly come day you were kidnapped you were completely
to look for me. It was because you wanted to check unharmed even though it took me two hours to
up on my situation, wasn’t it? But you unexpectedly arrive... At the time I only felt that you were lucky,
discover that bracelet of mine. You said you liked it, but when thinking about this later, I found it so
so I gave it to you even though it’s related to my illogical. Plus, when Long Taogu and two others
secret... After that, when you heard Qiu Luliu would fought me, they unexpectedly didn’t use weapons!
arrive in a while, your attitude changed suddenly. This was because they were afraid that they’d
You left right away. At the time I thought you were accidentally kill or seriously injured me when
‘jealous’, but in fact you were afraid she would surrounding and attacking me, making it look
recognize you if you ran into her. After all, given obviously unnatural to ‘let me go’ in the end, right?
your identity, it’s very possible that the two of you
had met each other earlier... “Later, your attitude towards me changed
considerably as well. I should have felt happy about
“After I went to the Green Willow School, you this, but as soon as I thought of the illogical things, I
discovered that it might not be possible to ‘do it just couldn’t calm myself down. So using tiredness
slowly’ according to your original plan. So, you as the reason, I returned to my room and pondered
carried out that ‘kidnap’ event ahead of schedule, hard for an entire night. I was unwilling to believe
letting the Long family’s men show up again. You my own guess. I was unwilling to believe that
took a step further in testing me and at the same everything was fake...
time ‘deepened’ the affection between us. Ha ha,
~ 215 ~
“However, a discovery during that incident at noon “In your eyes, since the beginning I’ve been just a
today shattered my desperate hope completely! fool who was entranced by you to the point I could
no longer handle myself, right?”
“Speaking of which, I still need to thank that unruly
guy from the Beast Taming School. Previously I Bai Yunfei had talked so much continuously, almost
thought it was also staged by you, but this was not giving her no chance to interrupt him. Now he
the case. It was none other than his arrogant seemed to be finished and also to be tired from
attacks that allowed me to see your flaws! talking. He raised his head to look at Liu Meng,
whose face had been filled with astonishment all
“Do you remember the first attack from that huge along in front of him, chuckled in self-derision for a
wolf? Because I had never encountered this kind of bit and shook his head. Then he looked at ‘Liu Yan’
situation before, I was pretty flustered at the time. on one side, who appeared to be somewhat at a
Faced with it’s first attack, I chose to dodge, loss, and showed a hint of disdain on the corners of
forgetting that you were still behind me. his mouth, “This man is just someone you found in
Fortunately, you dodged too, avoiding the wolf’s a hurry to help you with the acting...
claw at the last moment. That moment, I felt
extremely happy for you... But I also noticed that “As for your identity, the engagement between you
you had made a dash using a soul skill! Faced with and Zhang Yang should have been real, and Zhang
a sudden danger, you subconsciously used a body- Yang was the son of an elder in the Glacial School.
maneuvering soul skill! And that technique was You once said that this school still has another
exactly the same as the one used by Zhang elder called Liu Cheng... Then, you should be his
Zhenshan when fighting me! daughter, right?”
“What does this imply? It implies that you’re related After saying so, he turned around to look at the
to the Glacial School! But this is totally inconsistent door’s room, which had been closed all the time,
with the identity you told me earlier! You said earlier saying, “Should I thank you for waiting patiently
that you had been taught by an expert and had until I have finished talking so much instead of
been focusing on cultivation ever since so you were interrupting me ahead of schedule... ‘Uncle Liu’?”
almost unable to fight and hadn’t learned any soul
skill... This point alone is enough to prove that There was silence outside the door for some time.
you’ve basically been lying!! Then the door was pushed open and a middle-aged
man with a solemn expression and two
“Afterwards, you suggested that I go to see your subordinates walked in. There seemed to be even
father... Ha ha, wasn’t this development too many more people guarding outside.
sudden? But you still told it to me, wanting to carry
out the last investigation and experiment... This man was naturally Liu Cheng. After entering
the room, he stood at the door and looked at Bai
“I knew it, but I still came here. Though everything Yunfei, saying in a cold voice, “Humph! You’ve got
that happened today was so unnatural, I still hoped some brains, but so what? Since you were stupid
unreasonably that they were just my illusions... But enough to come here alone, could it be you still
after I arrived, I found that this place was still full of think you can run away?”
contrivances, sudden dialogs, sudden topics of
conversation... “Oh, because your scheme has failed so you’ve
finally decided to use force, right, elder Liu? You’ve
“In fact, you have also guessed that I already exhausted all your efforts only because of the
started to be suspicious, right? But you still did this. Glacial Piercer Zhang Zhenshan brought back,
Were you taking a gamble? A gamble that my right? You guys think if you capture me, you’ll be
affection for you was deep enough, a gamble that I able to know its secret?” Bai Yunfei slightly
was silly enough, a gamble that my affection for squinted, seeming to be totally unfazed by the
you would be able to cloud my vision?? current situation.
As Liu Cheng led his men back, he was still Things had been so easy according to her, but Bai
frowning tightly, rather irritated inside. Who would Yunfei knew that this time, because of himself
have thought one unexpected thing after another alone, she had confronted another school without
would happen to the trap he had meticulously set hesitation. This was really a big favor.
up so that in the end he would gain nothing from it?
“Then thank you very much, headmaster. I’ll never
“The day Bai Yunfei appeared in this city, I already forget your school’s favor this time, no matter what.
sent someone to inform the school about this. Why Later, if I have a chance, I’ll definitely repay it!”
hasn’t headmaster arrived yet? It’s impossible that After saying so, seeming to have affected his
he has no interest in Bai Yunfei. Could it be... injuries, he gave a couple of coughs and blood
something happened in the school? And he was came out of the corners of his mouth once more.
delayed by this?
Chu Yuhe was very anxious again. She hurriedly
“In the current situation, I can only wait. Do we went up and supported him, saying sobbingly,
need to come into direct conflict with the Green “Brother Yunfei, please stop talking. Hurry up and
Willow School...?” treat your injuries.”
As this group of men walked away slowly, the street Mu Wanqing’s expression also changed slightly.
became quiet again. From the entrance of a nearby She had not expected him to be injured so
alleyway, a silhouette then walked out slowly. This severely. Frowning a bit, she looked at Mu Feng.
person’s entire body had been hiding in the dark.
He had been paying close attention to this place all After their eyes met, before she could ask, Mu
along without being detected by anybody. This was Feng already answered, “Headmaster, because we
none other than Hong Yin. were waiting outside the west city gate before
receiving the news, when we saw young hero Bai
He pondered for a while then turned around and appear while being pursued and attacked by Liu
walked out of the west city gate... Cheng, he was already...”
Chapter 76: Injury Treatment Hong Yin folded his hands to her again, saying, “In
that case, thank you very much, headmaster Mu.”
Chapter 76: Injury Treatment
After watching Hong Yin walk away under the
Just when Mu Wanqing and You Qingfeng were guidance of a disciple, Mu Wanqing turned to
talking about Bai Yunfei, a disciple suddenly came looked at You Qingfeng and saw him frowning
to report that the person who had informed them of slightly, seeming to be pondering about something.
the situation in the afternoon on behalf of Bai
Yunfei had come over to pay a visit. “Qingfeng, are you okay?”
“He?” Mu Wanqing frowned slightly, seeming to be You Qingfeng looked in the direction where Hong
somewhat puzzled. Yin had disappeared and said somewhat doubtfully,
“Hong Yin... I seem to have heard this name
You Qingfeng also said somewhat doubtfully, somewhere before. But for the moment I can’t
“What has he come here for? Could it be because remember when this happened...”
of Bai Yunfei? But according to my earlier analysis,
there shouldn’t be a very close connection between
~ 224 ~
“Oh? Could it be he’s an outstanding disciple of a The door was pushed open and Qiu Luliu and Chu
certain school or family?” Mu Wanqing asked in Yuhe entered the room. The latter was even
bewilderment. holding a large bowl of liquid medicine in her
hands. She carefully walked up to Bai Yunfei,
You Qingfeng pondered again for some time but handed the bowl to him and said in a deeply
still could not remember it. He then shook his head concerned manner, “Brother Yunfei, please drink
gently and gave up thinking, saying, “No matter this medicine quickly. It’ll help you in treating your
who he is, at least both of us can tell that he’s injuries. In a while you should channel your
definitely more powerful than us. Only, he’s hiding it soulforce to digest the medicinal properties and
so well we’re simply unable to know his power you’ll recover very soon.”
level, which also means he must be much stronger
than us... It’s best to make friends with this kind of As Bai Yunfei looked at the two of them, his eyes
person. Even if this is impossible, we should try as showed that he was moved by their kindness. He
hard as we can not to offend him. I think he seems received the bowl, drank it up in several gulps then
to think quite highly of Bai Yunfei, but for what handed it back to Yuhe, saying laughingly: “Thank
reason...?” you very much. You don’t have worry about me. I’m
alright. I’ll get well very soon.”
“Mm, I’m pretty curious about this too.” Mu
Wanqing said with a nod, “Given his power, it would Qiu Luliu nodded to him, “Mm, I know you’re not so
have been as easy as turning his hand for him to weak. Now you should treat your injuries properly.
resolve the problem for Bai Yunfei, but it seems Bai We won’t disturb you anymore. If you need
Yunfei didn’t want to owe him too much at all so he something, just look for us in Willow Leave House
had no choice but to help him a bit by giving us a on the left of this courtyard house.”
message, letting us go and rescue him. I feel that
there shouldn’t be a very deep relationship between After saying so, she pulled Chu Yuhe gently and
them. At least Bai Yunfei is still unfamiliar with him, both of them walked out of the room.
but somehow he cares about Bai Yunfei quite a
lot...” Bai Yunfei gazed at the door in stupefaction for a
while again. Eventually he gave a soft sigh,
You Qingfeng shook his head gently, saying concentrated his attention then sat with legs
laughingly, “Don’t think about it too much, Wanqing. crossed and began to examine the injuries in his
There’s not much point in guessing either. Now that body carefully.
he’s staying here, this is beneficial to us. If that
Glacial School really comes here to make trouble, Leaving aside the injuries he had suffered in the
maybe he’ll get into action. In that case, we’ll have beginning when fighting those two mid-stage Soul
less to worry about, right?” Warriors, he had been hit by Liu Cheng’s Glacial
Palm twice. With the first time, he was well
“Mm, you’re right. Now let’s just wait for the Glacial prepared for taking the blow. But with the second
School’s reaction. When the time comes, we’ll act time, he was hit in the back while running away.
according to the situation...” Although at the time Liu Cheng had suddenly
changed his move and did not use all his power
............ because of this, the blow still inflicted extremely
serious damage on Bai Yunfei.
In a guest room in a small courtyard house on the
west wing, Bai Yunfei was sitting on the bed in a His internal organs were slightly injured, his front
somewhat preoccupied manner. However, he did ribs seemed to be cracked as well, and moreover,
not seem to be treating his injuries at all. It was there was an icy-cold stream of energy moving
impossible to know what he was thinking about. wantonly in his body. Wherever it went, it made his
hair at that place stand on end and slowed his
“Knock knock knock...” Sounds of knocking rang perception there down by half a second. Bai Yunfei
out. Startled, Bai Yunfei hurriedly said, “Just come had tried channeling his soulforce to block its way,
in.” but achieved minimal results.
~ 225 ~
In frustration, he had no choice but to took the Fire- should be able to fully recover. You don’t have to
tipped Spear out and diverted its scorching heat worry, Yuhe.”
into his body. Only by doing this was he finally able
to slowly neutralize that icy-cold energy. “Oh, that’s good. You should eat some congee first
then continue to treat your injuries. You can also go
“This won’t do... Though I seem to be able to out for a stroll and breathe some fresh air.”
neutralize this cold energy this way, this kind of
situation has happened before. I thought I “Alright, thank you very much, Yuhe. If I need
understood it clearly, but last time, if not for senior something, I will let you know.” Bai Yunfei nodded
Ge’s help, I would have ended up in a bad and said.
situation. This time, maybe there’s also the
elemental force of ice that I can’t detect inside my “Then... I won’t disturb your injury treatment
body. But I simply have no way to know... Must I anymore, brother Yunfei. I’ll bring you another meal
ask someone to help me? Perhaps headmaster Mu at noon.”
or that senior You can help me get rid of this cold
energy, but I really don’t want to owe them another After watching Chu Yuhe go away, Bai Yunfei ate
debt of gratitude...” the congee then sat back on the bed and cultivated
his soulforce for some time. But he always felt
Shaking his head, he decided to temporarily stop somewhat uneasy and could not focus his mind.
pondering about this ‘hidden danger’ and heal the Frustrated, he had no choice but to decide to go for
injuries he could heal now first. a stroll outside to see if he could relax his mind a
After getting out of the room, he looked around.
In the early morning of the next day, when the This was a small courtyard house consisting of five
sunlight came into the room, Bai Yunfei also rooms. Outside the house, there was a small road
opened his eyes slowly then breathed out softly. paved with stone slabs. Both sides of the road were
His expression looked much better now than full of grass and flowers of various colors, and they
before. It seemed he had recovered well. were swaying gently in the wind. At first sight, they
were rather pleasing to both the eye and the mind.
He put the Fire-tipped Spear placed horizontally on
his legs away into his space ring, kneaded his fists Just when Bai Yunfei wanted to walk out to have a
and nodded in a rather satisfied manner, “The bowl look, a person turned into the courtyard from the
of medicine Yuhe gave me really worked wonders. right-hand side of the gate. As soon as they saw
If I had only used my soulforce to make my body each other’s face, Bai Yunfei was totally surprised,
recover, it would have been half as effective at but that person just smiled at him.
best. Judging from my current condition, it’ll take
me three days at most to fully recover.” “Hong Yin!” Bai Yunfei said in amazement, “Why
are you here?”
Right at this moment, sounds of knocking rang out
and Yuhe’s tender voice came in, “Brother Yunfei, Hong Yin said laughingly, “What? I can’t be here?”
have you woken up? I have brought breakfast for
you.” “Er, no, what I mean is, could it be you’re a member
of the Green Willow School?” Bai Yunfei asked
“Oh, I already got up. Just come in, Yuhe.” doubtfully.
The door was pushed open gently and Yuhe “Is someone who stays in the Green Willow School
walked in holding a bowl of congee. She smiled at necessarily a member of this school? You’re also
Bai Yunfei, put the bowl down on the table and staying here, aren’t you? Ha ha, I’ve only come
said, “Are you feeling better now, brother Yunfei?” here to stay for a few nights.”
Bai Yunfei shook his head smilingly, saying, “Mm, Bai Yunfei looked at him seriously. Without
I’ve already got much better. In two more days, I avoiding his eyes, Hong Yin also looked at him
~ 226 ~
smilingly. Bai Yunfei withdrew his eyes then said Hearing Hong Yin’s words, Bai Yunfei was slightly
after pondering for some time, “Why did you help taken aback. He folded his hands and said with a
me like that? We should... should have no hint of embarrassment on his face, “This... Thank
relationship with each other, right?” you very much for your advice, brother Hong Yin.”
“Ha ha, correct. Before yesterday, we didn’t even Chapter 77: Approaching Crisis
know about each other.” Hong Yin nodded, “But
you don’t need to be suspicious either. At least I’ve Chapter 77: Approaching Crisis
got no bad intentions towards you, right?”
Seeing that Bai Yunfei was so humble, Hong Yin
Seeing that there was still a doubtful look in Bai unexpectedly felt somewhat embarrassed. He said
Yunfei’s eyes, Hong Yin could not help saying, laughingly, “You don’t have to be too formal,
“Alright, I can tell you more. I know that there’s Yunfei. I just blurted it out. There’s nothing wrong
some connection between you and the Fate with you being cautious like this either. After all, if
School. Plus, senior Ge Yiyun personally looked for someone helped me without reason like this, I’d be
you. So I want to make friends with you. Perhaps somewhat suspicious too.”
later we’ll be able to help each other...”
Nodding slightly, Bai Yunfei said, “Mm, I’m very
“How can I help you? You’re much more powerful happy that I can become friends with a man like
than me. Is there really anything I can help you you, brother Hong Yin. Later, if I can help you with
with?” anything, I’ll definitely do my best to help you!”
“Now that’s indeed the case, but who can say for “Ha ha, let’s talk about things like this later.” Hong
sure what will happen later?” Yin waved his hand. Suddenly remembering
something, he asked, “Right, how are your
Bai Yunfei considered frowningly for a while then injuries?”
said sincerely, “I have to thank you very much for
your help, no matter what. Yesterday, if not for you, “They’ve already got much better. I think I’ll fully
I wouldn’t have been able to make my decision so recover in two days.”
“That’s good. If you have any problem with your
In that alleyway yesterday, Hong Yin had told Bai injuries, just tell me about it. Now you’re too weak
Yunfei that when he had been in the Secret so there may be some things you can’t detect...”
Pleasure Tower that day, Liu Cheng had been
watching him in the dark. Moreover, he also warned “Oh, thank you very much for your concern, brother
him that Liu Cheng and Liu Meng beside him Hong Yin. I already know exactly what to do.” Bai
looked somewhat alike. Yunfei said smilingly, “Right, brother Hong Yin, you
specifically came here to look for me? Or...”
It was only thanks to his warnings was Bai Yunfei
able to link his suspicions together then decide to “You can say that too. Just now I paid a visit to
‘show his cards’ first. He also looked for Hong Yin headmaster Mu because I intended to come to your
in advance and requested him to carry a message room and have a look. Right, now I’m staying next
to the Green Willow School, asking it to send door to you.” Hong Yin pointed to a room on the
people to help him. right-hand side.
“Ha ha, it’s good that you can believe me, little Bai Yunfei was surprised then said in a somewhat
brother Yunfei. In fact, people should treat each embarrassed manner, “Oh, I see. I’m also thinking
other sincerely. There’s nothing wrong with being a about going and thanking headmaster Mu, but I
little cautious, but if you’re too suspicious and don’t know the roads in this place very well. Sorry
skeptical, you’ll appear somewhat cold and aloof, to trouble you, brother Hong Yin, but can you
right?” please take me to her place?”
~ 227 ~
“Of course I can. Headmaster Mu is staying in the it and your school were comparable in power
Flying Leaves Pavilion on the northern side. I’ll take before, now your Glacial School has already
you there.” Hong Yin nodded in an unconcerned become a subsidiary of my Beast Taming School.
manner then turned around, walked out and Later you certainly won’t have to be so afraid of it. If
motioned for Bai Yunfei to follow him. you can unify all the big and small schools in the
northern part of this Qingyun Province, this will be
After thanking Mu Wanqing again and greeting Qiu of some use to my school as well.”
Luliu and Chu Yuhe, Bai Yunfei and Hong Yin
returned to the small courtyard house on the west When Yu Fei heard him say the words ‘unify all the
wing. Bai Yunfei went into his room and began to big and small schools’ casually, his eyes
heal his body’s injuries again. immediately brightened. His heart was full of
excitement, but he suppressed it very well and said
............ respectfully, “If the Glacial School can expand in
the future, this will be thanks to the Beast Taming
At night, in the hall of an extremely large mansion School’s help completely. From now on, my Green
in the northeast part of Jade Willow City, the Willow School will listen to the Beast Taming
lamplight was as bright as day, and this was in School sincerely. We won’t hesitate even if we
stark contrast to the pitch-black night sky outside have to go through fire and water!”
the building.
He said with such excitement but Yang Lin did not
This place was none other than the mansion of the react much. He only nodded indifferently, saying,
Long family, a major family in Jade Willow City. “Later, when we want you to do something, we’ll
certainly tell you.”
At the moment, the head of the Long family Long
Bai was sitting in the first subordinate position on Right at this moment, a bird about the size of a
the left with a respectful expression. Sitting in front sparrow flew into the room. Yang Lin raised his
of him unexpectedly were the headmaster of the eyebrows slightly and reached out his hand to
Glacial School Yu Fei and Liu Cheng and Zhang catch it. He then shook his wrist and the bird
Zhenshan. disappeared. Leaning his head a bit to look at Long
Bai, he said, ,“Patriarch Long, my apprentice
And two other people were sitting on the left and nephew has come. Can you tell your men to let him
right sides of the head position. The person on the in?”
right side was a lanky man about forty something
years old. He was gently stroking his goatee with a Not daring treat him in a cold manner, Long Bai
rather arrogant expression. And the person on the said yes again and again then stood up and left to
left side was covered completely in a black robe, personally welcome this man.
making it impossible to see their face clearly.
However, judging from their stature, this should be Before long, Long Bai returned to the hall with a
a man. He was sitting there quietly with a surreal air black-clad young man. As soon as this young man
about him. If someone did not stare at him, they saw Yang Lin, his face was immediately full of
would not even be able to feel his presence. grievance. He walked up too him and said tearfully,
“Junior uncle, you’ve finally returned. You have to
“This time, the Glacial School is extremely grateful set things right for me!!”
for your help, senior Yang Lin. That Green Willow
School is relying on its geographical advantage to He was none other than Li Long, the disciple of the
protect the murder of an outstanding disciple from Beast Taming School who on that day had fought
my school, which is really disgusting. This time, Bai Yunfei in that restaurant then in the end had
with your help, we definitely can bring him to been taught a lesson by a suddenly appearing
justice!” Yu Fei folded his hands in salute to the Hong Yin.
man with the goatee and said rather respectfully.
“Oh?” Slightly taken aback by his behavior, Yang
Yang Lin waved his hand in a totally unconcerned Lin said frowningly, “Why are you... Oh? What’s
manner, “It’s just the Green Willow School. Though wrong with your hand?”
~ 228 ~
Li Long shook his somewhat unnatural-looking left At night in the Long family, Yu Fei, Zhang
hand and said with a painful face,“Someone broke Zhenshan and Liu Cheng were gathering in a guest
it. I won’t fully recover until ten days or half a month room, seemingly discussing something in low
later. Besides, besides...that guy took away my voices.
“Headmaster, what’s going on? Our school has
“What?!” Yang Lin glared at him. Li Long unexpectedly become a subsidiary of the Beast
immediately felt an oppressive aura hit him in the Taming School? It was only because you were
face, making it even rather hard for him to breathe. delayed by this matter that you arrived just now?”
Only now did Liu Cheng have time to ask this
“Junior uncle, there, there was nothing I could do. question.
That guy was really too powerful. I simply couldn’t
resist him!” Li Long took two steps backwards and Yu Fei nodded slightly, “Correct. This happened
explained himself loudly. several days ago. Those two people suddenly
came and told me that the Beast Taming School
“Humph!” Yang Lin gave a cold snort in a wanted our school to become its subsidiary and
somewhat exasperated manner then withdrew his was willing to support our school’s development.”
eyes and said frowningly, “Tell me, what actually
happened? Tell me clearly!” Liu Cheng frowned, “Is there such a good thing?
The Beast Taming School is one of the top ten
Immediately, Li Long did not dare to conceal the schools in the world whereas our Glacial School is
facts either. He recounted what had happened in basically nameless on a world scale despite being
the restaurant that day carefully. Everybody somewhat well-known in Qingyun Province. It was
listened to him rather curiously. Only, as Liu Cheng normally hard for us to ask for protection from a
heard him describe what had happened, his eyes powerful school, but now this kind of thing
flashed in an unnoticeable manner, but he did not unexpectedly was handed to us on a plate. Could it
say anything either. be...?”
After Li Long was finished, he begged, “Junior “I know what you mean. But I can confirm that he’s
uncle, you must help me snatch Thunderwolf back! really from the Beast Taming School. I saw with my
If my father knows about this...” own eyes him control three soulbeasts at the same
time. Only the Beast Taming School is capable of
Yang Lin lowered his head in silence for a long such a thing.”
time. In the end he gave a soft sigh in a rather
frustrated manner and raised his head saying to Yu “Oh? If so, there shouldn’t be anything wrong.
Fei, “Headmaster Yu, looks like we need to Could it be luck has turned in our Glacial School’s
temporarily delay going to the Green Willow School favor, giving us a golden opportunity? Right, that
and asking for the killer. I must check if the man man in the black robe...”
mentioned by Li Long is still in the city or not first. If
he’s here, we must deal with this matter before “That man is very mysterious. I can’t even confirm if
going to the Green Willow School, okay?” he’s from the Beast Taming School or not. He and
Yang Lin came here together, but he’s almost
Yu Fei said with a nod, “Of course there’s no never said anything and never shown his power
problem. I’ll tell the Long family’s men to carry out a either. But I can tell that Yang Lin is pretty
search to help you. They’re quite influential in this respectful towards him, even vaguely regarding him
city so they’ll make it easier to search for him.” as the leader.”
After saying so, he gave Long Bai a hint with his “What?” Liu Cheng was started, “Yang Lin is a late-
eyes. Long Bai agreed laughingly, “Right, right, I’ll stage Soul Ancestor at least. If that man is even
immediately tell my men to do their best to search more powerful than him then he’s a... Soul Exalt?!”
for the guy mentioned by this young gentleman!”
Yu Fei nodded slightly, “Very likely. No matter what,
...... now that we’re subsidiary to the Beast Taming
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School, this will definitely help our school’s Willow School, he did not have to worry about his
development in the future. Besides, now we can own safety so he intended to use the method of
also make use of their power and go to the Green exhausting his soulforce via the Upgrade
Willow School and ask for that man.” Technique, thereby improving his soulforce and
healing his injuries at the same time.
Liu Cheng fell silent for a while then let out a sigh,
“Headmaster, this time I didn’t handle the matter He planned to heal his injuries quickly then leave
well . Now I’ve even caused a disagreement this place right away, heading for Beiyan Province.
between us and the Green Willow School. I’m He did not want to give the Green Willow School
really...” more trouble at all and hoped that he could leave
before the Glacial School came here. That way, the
Yu Fei waved his hand to stop him, saying Green Willow School would not have to deal with a
laughingly, “You don’t have to blame yourself, elder difficult situation.
Liu. We already bumped into Meng’er on the way
here. Judging from the general situation she told Only, he did not know that the enemy was already
us, there were really too many unexpected things. approaching him and would come to this place
You can’t be blamed.” before he could leave...
“You ran into Meng’er?” Liu Cheng was slightly Chapter 78: Soulbeast
Chapter 78: Soulbeast
Yu Fei nodded, “Yeah, she said she was done with
her business and wanted to return to stay with her The next day. Bai Yunfei didn’t go out and walk
mother. I think she seemed to be somewhat low in about. He spent the entire day inside the room,
spirit. What happened?” slowly healing the injuries in his body. Only at night
did he then start to upgrade some of the remaining
“Oh, nothing. It’s possible she hasn’t gone home for equipment, blowing up a large number of weapons
a long time so she’s somewhat missing her and jewelry. Finally, his soulforce exhausted, he lay
mother...” Liu Cheng was unwilling to talk about down on the bed.
what had happened to Liu Meng so he changed the
topic of conversation, “Right, headmaster, have you The night passed quickly. Dawn. Bai Yunfei slowly
told that man from the Beast Taming School sat up, stretching rather lazily. Cracking sounds
everything about Bai Yunfei?” could be heard coming from every part of his body.
He shook his arm, stretched his body, took two
“Of course I haven’t. I only said that we wanted to deep breaths, then nodded with satisfaction.
catch him to avenge the death of elder Zhang’s
son.” “Using the upgrade technique is still the fast way to
improve! It’s simple and efficacious…but
“Mm, we’d better not tell anyone else about this unfortunately, the price I have to pay is I pass out at
matter. Even though we’re now already a the end each time. Although I know that there’s no
subsidiary of the Beast Taming School, if we let difference between passing out and sleeping, it’s
them know about it, this will only cause our Glacial still seven or eight hours of downtime. Although I
School a lot of trouble...” can force myself awake after three or four hours, I’ll
feel rather lethargic. The side-effects are huge. It’s
“Before going to the Green Willow School and ask much safer to wake up normally.”
for that man, we should just wait...”
“It’s about time. Today, I’ll bid them farewell. It’s
............ best to leave this Cuiliu City early.” Bai Yunfei
thought these things to himself as he pulled out a
In the Green Willow School, Bai Yunfei was sitting jade green fish-shaped necklace, cupping it in the
on a bed. There was a pile of weapons and jewelry palm of his hand and evaluating it carefully.
in front of him, and he was slowly upgrading them
one by one. At the moment, being in the Green
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discovered that on the rightmost shores of the
Equipment Grade: Superior pond, Hong Yin was seated atop a stone bench,
gently petting a gray wolf that lay in front of him. He
even seemed to be speaking softly to the wolf.
Upgrade Level: +10
The creature before him was the soulbeast he had
Additional Attribute: +35 Agility ‘stolen’ from Li Long of the Beast Taming School
that day!
+10 Additional Effect: Increase movement
speed by 3% And by his side, there was a maiden who sat there
quietly, her gaze flickering between Hongyin and
Upgrade Requirement: 22 Soulpoints the thunderwolf with an extremely curious look in
her eyes.
After verifying the properties of this pendant, Bai “Big brother Hong Yin, Luliu, what are the two of
Yunfei nodded slightly. “The type of movement you doing?” Bai Yunfei waved his hands towards
techniques and fighting techniques the Green the two of them, who had noticed him as well, as he
Willow school trains in are focused on agility. I’ll hurriedly moved to walk towards them.
give this necklace to Yuhe; she should like it, I
imagine…” Hong Yin nodded slightly towards him, then once
more turned his head to stare at the thunderwolf in
As he walked out of the room, the fresh morning air front of him. His right hand continued to gently
flooded towards him, stirring up his spirits. A short stroke the wolf at its neck, and he continued to
while later, that lass Yuhe would come to deliver murmur unintelligible words. At the head of the
breakfast. thunderwolf stood that little white beast named Xiao
Tang. It actually stretched out its two paws in a very
He knocked on the door to Hong Yin’s nearby human-like gesture as it continuously rubbed the
room, but there was no response. He thought that thunderwolf on its ears as it squeaked.
the reason was because Hong Yin had gotten up
before he did, and so he left. “This…” Bai Yunfei was rather baffled by what this
man and his mouse were doing. He was about to
Bai Yunfei decided to go out for a walk and stroll say something, but the nearby Qiu Luliu gestured
about the nearby Willow Leaf House. Perhaps he towards him not to interrupt.
might just so happened to run into Chu Yuhe.
Bai Yunfei carefully walked to her side, then asked
As he walked out of his courtyard, he took a left softly, “What’s going on?”
turn, then walked forward across the slightly damp
bluestones on the path. Bai Yunfei slowly strolled “Big brother Hong Yin said that he is trying to
forward. There were gem-like drops of dew flowers communicate with this thunderwolf…” Qiu Luliu’s
and grass nearby, and they fluttered gently from the eyes were staring unblinkingly at Hong Yin as she
clear wind, then rolled downwards. Bai Yunfei could answered in a very quiet voice.
even hear the tiny dripping sounds. Everything
around him seemed so peaceful, yet so filled with “Uh…communicate?” Bai Yunfei was stunned. He
morning freshness. looked towards the thunderwolf, not understanding.
He saw how this enormous gray wolf, the size of a
After walking past a small courtyard, he saw a small bull, was now just standing in front of Hong
small pond in front of him. In front of the small pond Yin like a block of wood. Although the eyes of the
was the Willow Leaf House, where Chu Yuhe and wolf were crimson, there was no life in them. If it
the others resided. weren’t for the fact that minuscule trembles could
be seen on its body, and if it wasn’t for the fact that
“Eh?” After walking close to the pond, Bai Yunfei it was breathing, Bai Yunfei would’ve questioned
suddenly let out a small sound of surprise as he whether or not it was still alive.
came to a halt. This was because he had
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“Eh? Big brother Yunfei, why are you here?” Right This was the first time Bai Yunfei had seen Hong
at this moment, Yuhe’s voice rang out from behind. Yin so angry. In that instant, he had felt an
Bai Yunfei turned to look, only to see the little lass incomparably savage, brutal aura prepared to
carrying a big bowl of porridge and several meat explode from Hong Yin. However, the next instant,
buns as she stared towards him. the aura had been severed, so quickly that Bai
Yunfei wasn’t sure if he was perhaps mistaken.
Bai Yunfei made a shushing motion towards her,
then beckoned her over. “Big brother Hong Yin, this is early-stage third-tier
thunderwolf; is it a soulbeast puppet which the
Yuhe walked over. After Bai Yunfei ‘explained’ to Beast Taming School has created? How did you
her, she gave Hong Yin a very puzzled glance, then acquire it? You and the Beast Taming School…”
said to Bai Yunfei, “Big brother Yunfei, I was just Qiu Luliu glanced at the ring on Hong Yin’s finger
about to deliver you breakfast. Since you are here, as she asked the question which puzzled her.
you can eat first, then talk.”
“There is no connection between me and the Beast
Bai Yunfei glanced at Hong Yin, who was still Taming School! Schools like them, which treat
working hard to ‘communicate’ with the soulbeasts so contemptuously…there will come a
thunderwolf, then at Qiu Luliu, who was watching day when I will make them all vanish!” Hong Yin
very intently. He nodded, then walked to a nearby immediately grew a bit excited once more upon
stone table, where he sat down and began to discussing the Beast Taming School, but he then
slowly eat his breakfast. Yuhe walked to Qiu Luliu’s gently shook his head. “I took this thunderwolf away
side, beginning to talk with her in a very soft voice. from a disciple of the Beast Taming School within
this city a few days ago. At that time, Yunfei was
Just as Bai Yunfei was more or less finished eating, present as well.”
Hong Yin finally concluded his ‘communication’. He
took his hand back, then let out a soft sigh as he “Oh? This type of beast is called a thunderwolf?
stored the thunderwolf back into his space ring. Right; what’s a third-tier soulbeast?” Bai Yunfei
asked with curiosity.
“Big brother Hong Yin, how did it go?” The nearby
Qiu Luliu hurriedly asked. “Uh…”
Hong Yin’s eyes had a hint of disappointment in His sudden question caused both Hong Yin and
them as he gently shook his head. “No good. Qiu Luliu to be rather stunned. Hong Yin looked at
There’s no way to sense its ‘will’ at all. Aside from him in a strange way. “Yunfei, you don’t know about
its instinctive abilities of eating and drinking, soulbeasts?”
nothing can rouse a reaction in it at all. The Beast
Taming School…they actually treat soulbeasts in “No.” Bai Yunfei honestly shook his head.
such a manner. I truly cannot set aside my
rage…there will definitely come the day when I will Hong Yin stared at him intently for ten seconds,
find a method to rescue these soulbeasts under then suddenly shook his head helplessly. He
their control. Then, I will annihilate the Beast sighed, “Yunfei, for you to go out adventuring like
Taming School! What my godfather and the others this is really…”
were unable to accomplish, I will definitely
accomplish!!” “Uh…well, no one ever told me in the past.” Bai
Yunfei spread his hands in an innocent manner.
However, he quickly seemed to realize that he had “That’s why I’m asking you to educate me now, big
lost his composure. Hong Yin let out a soft sigh, brother Hong Yin.”
calming his enraged heart, then smiled
apologetically towards everyone. “Hehe, forgive Hong yin chuckled, then nodded. “Fine. I’ll explain
me. I was rather agitated just now. I didn’t scare to you in detail, then.”
you, did I?”
“Soulbeasts are, as the name implies, beasts that
can hone their souls. They can be described as the
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soul cultivators of beasts. Just like soul cultivators, “The vast majority of soulbeasts are located within
they have tremendous power, and from a certain the endless forests of the northern parts of the
perspective, they even have some unique, special Empire. That place is also known as Soulbeast
advantages…such as their lifespan. For soul Forest. Most soul cultivators who want to find a
cultivators, upon reaching the Soul Sprite level, soulbeast partner will go venture there, after they
living to be 150 is no problem at all. At the Soul are strong enough.”
Emperor level, one can live up to 300 years. But for
a soul beast, upon reaching the fourth level, they “Every single soul cultivator can be spiritually
can live at least three hundred years. At the sixth connected to a single soul beast. No one knows
level, they can live at least five hundred years. The why, but it seems as though ever since soul
more powerful they are, they longer they live.” cultivators and soulbeasts have existed, this ‘law’
has existed as well. A soul cultivator and soulbeast
“In terms of power, soulbeasts are divided into nine that have joined into a ‘contract’ will result in each
tiers, with each rank divided into early, middle, and leaving behind a soul imprint in the other’s soul.
late stages. These are equivalent in power to a soul This soul imprint can never be erased; even if one
cultivator of the same rank. For example, this early- dies, the other can never again form a soul
stage third-tier thunderbeast I just accepted is contract.”
actually comparable to an early-stage Soul
Warrior.” At this point, Hong Yin then pointed to the “Once a soul contract is made, then a companion
little white beast on his shoulder. “But Xiao Tang, for life has been made. The two are able to
for example, is a middle-stage fifth-tier soul beast, communicate to a certain extent, to cooperate
comparable to a mid-stage Soul Ancestor.” without the need for speech, and even be able to
share their soulforce! This is one of the primary
“What?!” Not just Bai Yunfei; even the two women reasons why soul cultivators wish to have a
next to him let out soft cries of surprise. soulbeast companion; with a powerful soulbeast
Astonishment on their faces, they stared at Xiao companion, one’s own level of power can be
Tang, on Hong Yin’s shoulder. increased by several times!”
“’s actually comparable to a mid-stage Soul “Soul cultivators and soulbeasts should be two
Ancestor? Then doesn’t that mean it is as powerful types of creatures that support and aid each other.
as Master? How can that be…” Chu Yuhe said in But, starting at an unknown time, humans slowly
disbelief as she stared wide-eyed at Xiao Tang, began to change their way of thinking. They began
who was lazily stroking his whiskers. to view themselves as the ‘master’, and the number
of soul cultivators that treated their soulbeasts as
Hong Yin smiled slightly. “Don’t underestimate him. equals began to lessen. Now, schools like the
If he were on water…he would be even more Beast Taming School have emerged! They have
formidable than your average mid-stage Soul broken the ‘rules’; using some unknown method,
Ancestor.” they have turned soulbeasts into puppets that have
no intelligence at all. They’ve avoided the
Hong Yin looked at Bai Yunfei, who seemed to requirements of forming a soul contract and have
have thought of something, then continued, forcibly put soul enslaving brands on the souls of
“Soulbeasts train in a way that is completely soul beasts. One person can now control multiple
different from soul cultivators. They don’t have soul beasts. They…they only treat soulbeasts as
complicated arts or soul skills, just their own souls. tools. They should all die!”
They attune to the elemental power of heaven and
earth. Soul cultivators have to reach the Soul Sprite One could tell that Hong Yin truly hated the Beast
level in order to control elemental power, but soul Taming School to the core. It was hard to imagine
beasts are innately born with this ability. Even that a powerful soul cultivator like him would
early-stage first-tier soulbeasts are capable of it! become so agitated when discussing the Beast
The power of their abilities will increase along with Taming School.
their level.”
Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, then said in a rather
worried way, “Big brother Hong Yin…”
~ 233 ~
“ROAAAAAR!” Taming School, actually dared to refuse their
request? He had thought that this would be a minor
Right at this moment, an enormous, earth-shaking matter, something which he could resolve with but
roar interrupted Bai Yunfei’s words. a single word. How could he not be feeling upset
right now?
Hong Yin suddenly raised his head, turning to stare
towards the main gate of the Green Willow School, He felt that it was most likely that a small sect like
his eyes flashing with light. this one was too ignorant and did not believe him to
truly be of the Beast Taming School. Thus, after
“A soulbeast of the fifth-tier! And this feeling…it is they squabbled a bit, he immediately released his
the Beast Taming School!” giant golden-eyed ape. Upon seeing the look of
shock on their faces, he nodded in a very satisfied
Chapter 79: A Powerful Foe Comes to Fight! manner, then said coldly, “Headmaster Mu, I will
say it one more time; the Glacial School has
Chapter 79: A Powerful Foe Comes to Fight! already submitted to our Beast Taming School.
Hurry up and hand over the person who killed Elder
Zhan’s son. Otherwise…don’t blame me for
In the empty space in front of the Green Willow
showing no courtesy!”
School, there were two groups of people who were
nervously staring at each other.
“Hmph! Beast Taming School, what audacious
words! Do you think that just because you are
Mu Wanqing was leading a group of disciples at the
reputed to be one of the ten great schools, that you
entrance to the school, staring seriously at an
can do whatever you please in the world?” An
enormous dark-golden ape that stood in front of
extremely satirical voice rang out from behind Mu
Wanqing as a man in his thirties stepped out. It was
You Qingfeng.
This was a middle-stage fifth level giant golden-
eyed ape. It was more than five meters tall, and it
“You Qingfeng, of the Wood School of the Five
stood there like a small mountain. The fur on its
Elements Schools!” Yang Lin’s face changed
entire body was a dark-gold color, and its eyes
slightly. He knew that the Green Willow School and
were golden as well. However…not a hint of
the Wood School did have a bit of a connection,
intelligence could be seen within its golden eyes. It
which was one of the reasons he had not tried to
stood upright, enormous fists pounding away at its
subjugate them…but unexpectedly, You Qingfeng
chest with loud and deep thudding sounds. At the
was present as well.
same time, it raised its neck, emitting an earth-
shaking enraged roar.
You Qingfeng glanced sideways at the nearby
black-robed man, a hint of wariness in his eyes. He
Behind it not too far away stood Yang Lin, who had
then swept the nearby Glacial School members
a cold smirk and a sinister expression on his face
with his gaze, then said with a frown, “You insist
as he stared towards the members of the Green
that the guest of the Green Willow School killed the
Willow School in front of him. Behind him stood
son of Elder Zhang of the Glacial School, but where
Glacial School headmaster Yu Fei as well as elders
is your proof?”
Zhang and Liu, as well as tens of strong members
of the Glacial School. To their left was Li Long, as
well as a mysterious person whose entire body was “Bai Yunfei killed my one and only son. Many of my
covered by a black robe. subordinates personally witnessed this; can it be
that I’m making this up?! You can bring him out
before us, and we’ll see if I’ve wronged him or not!”
Yang Lin felt extremely irritated right now. He had
Zhang Zhenshan emerged from the group.
searched for an entire day yesterday without finding
Although the opponent was far stronger than him,
the person who had stolen Li Long’s soulbeast.
the hatred he felt for Bai Yunfei caused him to
Today, he came to the Green Willow School to
verbally counter-attack without any fear. “This was
demand the culprit be turned over, only to suffer a
originally a private feud between myself and Bai
rejection. A minor school like the Green Willow
Yunfei; I don’t actually wish to cause problems
School, in the face of someone from the Beast
between our schools. I would like to ask your
~ 234 ~
exalted school to hand him over and let us take rhinoceros to suddenly appear by his side.
care of this matter on our own!” Bellowing, it lowered its head and stampeded
towards Hong Yin. At the same time, as if by an
You Qingfeng frowned slightly. This rationale the unspoken order, the giant golden-eyed ape swung
opposing party had offered, of pursuing the killer of out its long, thick arms as it assaulted Hong Yin.
his son, caused him to momentarily not know how
to argue back. He turned his head to glance at Mu “A middle-grade fifth level sharpspike rhino!” Hong
Wanqing, about to say something, but then saw Yin’s eyes flashed. His body paused, then he
Yang Lin snort coldly and say, “You Qingfeng, this leaped into the air, easily flipping past the head of
is just a trifling matter involving an unimportant the charging sharpsike rhino. In midair, he agilely
junior. Can it be that you are going to oppose my twisted his body, dodging the slamming blows of
Beast Taming School for his sake? Since I’ve come the enormous ape’s palms. As he fell past the giant
today, I’m definitely going back with that man! Can ape’s waist, his right leg suddenly tapped out,
it be that you want to see these two schools start to causing a small tornado that one could see with the
struggle with each other?” naked eye to form beneath his foot. Hong Yin leapt
off the tornado, suddenly flashing past the ape’s
You Qingfeng’s eyes flashed. The situation today waist while pushing out with his twin hands in a
was indeed beyond his expectations. As he seemingly soft way on the ape’s body.
worried, a gust of wind brushed past his side as a
figure emerged onto the scene. Immediately afterwards…the incomparably
enormous body of the giant golden-eyed ape
“You are from the Beast Taming School?” Hong Yin seemed to have bound by a soft, gentle wind as it
glanced at the dull-looking giant golden-eyed ape, rose into the sky. Struggling fiercely, it was pushed
then turned his sinister gaze towards Yang Lin. away by several tens of meters, towards the
direction of a small creek.
“Him! Uncle-master, he’s the one who stole my
thunderwolf!” As soon as he appeared, Li Long, “Xiao Tang!” Hong Yin called softly, and a white
who was by Yang Lin’s side, instantly pointed figure scurried out from his shoulder, landing on the
towards him and shouted loudly. ape’s shoulder in the blink of an eye.
Hong Yin’s sudden appearance caused everyone Ka-thunk! Water sprayed everywhere. As everyone
present to feel slightly startled. Even that black- watched, dazed, the mid-stage fifth-tier giant
robed man, who had remained silent this entire golden-eyed ape was effortlessly and gently
time, raised his head slightly at this moment, pushed by Hong Yin into the river.
seeming to let out a small sound of surprise as he
stared at Hong Yin weighingly. After pushing away the ape, Hong Yin didn’t
hesitate at all. He suddenly leapt up again in midair,
Yang Lin looked at Hong Yin, his gaze serious. He a wind swirling and howling slightly around his body
subtly rubbed the ring on his left hand, then said in as he instantly flew before the amazed Yang Lin.
a solemn voice, “Who are you? Why are you His right hand struck out, and a white dagger
opposing my Beast Taming School?” suddenly appeared in his hand, stabbing straight
towards Yang Lin!
“If you are of the Beast Taming School, then there’s
nothing for me to say to you.” A hint of savagery However, just as his right hand was striking out, his
flashed past Hong Yin’s eyes. “So die!” face suddenly changed. Not hesitating at all, he
abandoned his attack, instead sweeping his arm
As soon as his words came out, Hong Yin suddenly towards the right, so as to block the palm that was
kicked off from the ground, moving like a gust of attacking him.
wind as he charged towards Yang Lin.
The white dagger and the black figure’s palm
Yang Lin had been prepared this entire time. As connected. A clear metallic ringing sound was
soon as Hong Yin moved, he immediately waved actually heard, and after the collision, a wave of
his left hand, causing a soulbeast that looked like a power blasted out between the two, causing
~ 235 ~
everyone in the area to be forced to take several took half a step forward, preparing an attacking
steps back. When they raised their heads to stare stance.
at what had happened, they saw that both figures
had flown several meters back and were staring at “Stay your hands. Can it be that you want to fight
each other. with me here? If you and I were to fight at full
power, I imagine that it the destruction of the Green
Boom! An explosion could be heard coming from Willow School would be just one of the side-effects.
the small river. Water sprayed everywhere, and an I imagine you don’t wish this to occur, yes?” The
enormous ball of water flew up from the river. black-robed man’s voice was very calm. He
Within the ball of water was the enormous trapped glanced at the surrounding figures, then at the
body of the giant golden-eyed ape. Only his frowning Hong Yin. He continued, “In addition…do
enormous head was left at the very top of the ball. you really want to kill members of the Beast Taming
The giant ape was frantically brandishing its four School here? If members of the Beast Taming
appendages, but it wasn’t able to escape the School are killed here on the grounds of the Green
confines of the water ball in the slightest. Willow School…what do you think will happen to
On the right shoulder of the giant ape was Xiao
Tang, all the fur on his body standing upright. His His words instantly caused the faces of the Green
body seemed to have been enlarged by a full size, Willow School members to change drastically. Mu
and his little claws were constantly dancing in a Wanqing’s face turned solemn, and she looked
manner which seemed to control the enormous ball rather worriedly at Hong Yin.
of water.
A light flickered through Hong Yin’s eyes, as though
Hong Yin didn’t look at the situation on the river; he had made his decision. A long moment later, he
rather, a serious look on his face, he stared at the let out a soft sigh, then put away his dagger. Taking
black-robed figure in front of him. He gently flicked a single step, he instantly appeared by the small
a few spots of blood from his dagger, then said in a river. He stretched his right hand out, pushing it into
cold voice, “So you are also of the Beast Taming the ball of water, gently patting it on the shoulder of
School?” the giant ape. The ball of water suddenly became
empty! And then, he once more jumped off the air,
The black-robed man’s right hand, hidden behind taking back Xiao Tang with him as he returned to
his back, trembled slightly. A small hole had been the side of the Green Willow clansmen.
punctured through his dark gold glove, and a hint of
blood was leaking out. “You…” Seeing that Hong Yin had actually taken
away his giant golden-eyed ape, Yang Lin’s face
“Bloodhowl Fang…Hong Yin, the Son of the changed. He was about to say something, but
Wolf…at such a young age, you’ve actually when he saw the barely-suppressed killing intent in
reached the early-stage Soul Exalt level. What they Hong Yin’s eyes, his entire body trembled. He no
say about you is true; you are truly a marvelous longer dared to say a thing as he collected his
talent.” A hoarse voice rang out from the black- sharpspike rhino and, a gloomy look on his face,
robed man’s throat, but it gave off an extremely retreated to the black-robed man’s side.
cold, sinister vibe that prevented others from telling
what age he was. The black-robed man swept everyone with a
glance, then continued to speak in that hoarse,
When these words came out, everyone’s face gravelly voice, “We have come here just for the
changed. Yang Lin took several uncontrollable sake of taking a person, not to cause too many
steps back. Staring at Hong Yin, he screeched, other issues. As I see it…Headmaster Mu, you
“Hong Yin! You are actually Hong Yin, the Son of should hurry up and hand that person over.”
the Wolf!”
Yu Fei’s eyes flickered. Only now did he recover
“Hmph! And who are you!” Hong Yin let out a cold from his earlier state of shock. His eyes flashed
snort, clenching the dagger in his hands tightly. He several times, then he took a step forward and said
loudly, “Exactly! Headmaster Mu, you should hand
~ 236 ~
over this Bai Yunfei! Do not cause trouble between to erupt…Bai Yunfei flew out from the crowd. He
our schools for the sake of an outsider!” stood there by the side of Hong Yin, staring at
Zhang Zhenshan with a cold look on his face.
Zhang Zhenshan took a step forward as well, a look
of rage on his face as he said, “I cannot live under His appearance caused both sides to feel startled.
the same heavens with the person who killed my Zhang Zhenshan was the first to react. Upon
son! This was originally my personal affair; seeing Bai Yunfei, Zhang Zhenshan’s entire body
Headmaster Mu, have that Bai Yunfei come out to began to shake, and his face began to contort with
fight me alone, and I will deal with him myself and rage as hatred spat from his eyes. He roared
resolve our issues! Otherwise…even if it means furiously, “Brat, you actually dare to come out!
becoming enemies with your Green Willow School, Repay me for my son’s life!”
I am going to charge inside to take revenge!”
“I can give you the thing you want.” Bai Yunfei saw
“Hmph! Fight him by yourself? A Soul Sprite wants that Zhang Zhenshan was about to charge out, and
to force a Soul Warrior to fight alone? I’m so he said these words calmly. As he did, he
impressed at your lack of shamelessness in glanced sideways out of the corner of his eyes
suggesting it!” Mu Wanqing frowned as she retorted towards Yu Fei, who was behind Zhang Zhenshan.
with a cold snort.
Yu Fei had been staring at Bai Yunfei speculatively
“Headmaster Mu, if you stubbornly insist on as soon as he had stepped out. Upon hearing Bai
protecting this person, then that means you are Yunfei’s calm words, a light flashed through his
becoming enemies with my Glacial School. eyes. He reached out to stop Zhang Zhenshan,
Then…don’t blame my school for showing no then stared at Bai Yunfei and said, “Kid, what do
courtesy! Even if it means causing both sides to you mean by that?”
suffer, I am going to get justice for my clan’s elder!”
Yu Fei had an extremely sinister look on his face as “Both of us know what I mean by that…right?” Bai
he spoke out angrily, and the Glacial School Yunfei laughed softly. “I agree to duel Zhang
members behind him drew their weapons in a Zhenshan by myself, and if I lose, I’ll let you
savage manner. dispose of me as you please, as well as give you
the thing you want. But if I win…you must give me
The sound of longswords leaving the sheaths could back my Glacial Pricker! In addition…this matter
be heard from the Green Willow School’s side as has nothing to do with the Green Willow School. In
well. The two sides stared at each other, weapons the future, you cannot cause problems for them!”
at the ready. The atmosphere was extremely,
explosively tense right now. Yu Fei was slightly startled. He stared at Bai Yunfei
for a long time, thoughts flickering through his eyes.
“Zhang Zhenshan, I agree to fight with you!” Finally, he said in a low voice, “Do you speak the
Right at this moment, a slightly angry voice rang
out from behind the Green Willow School’s Bai Yunfei swept his gaze towards everyone
side…and then a figure with a cold expression present, then said in a clear voice, “Everyone from
slowly walked out. the Green Willow School and the Glacial School
are present, as well as senior You from the Wood
It was Bai Yunfei! School and the members of the Beast Taming
School. They are all witnesses! I shall fight Zhang
Chapter 80: Seven Day Agreement Zhenshan in a fair battle and resolve our private
feud. Who lives and who dies shall depend on each
Chapter 80: Seven Day Agreement person’s own strength!”
“Zhang Zhenshan, I agree to fight with you!” And then, he turned to look at Yu Fei anew.
“However…I do have a requirement.”
Just as the two sides were facing each other
tensely with drawn swords, and as battle was about
~ 237 ~
“What requirement?” Yu Fei raised an eyebrow and have agreed to battle Zhang Zhenshan! You aren’t
asked. even a late-stage Soul Warrior; how can you beat
him?! This buys you seven days at most…why
“Seven days. After seven days, we shall gather don’t you seize this opportunity to flee? Let big
here again and fight to the death!” Bai Yunfei stared brother Hong Yin take you away. So long as you
at Yun Fei, saying these words one word at a time. can leave Azure Cloud Province, given how vast
the world is, there’s no way they’ll be able to find
This time, Yu Fei just pondered for a brief instant you.”
before nodding. “Fine! It shall be as you request!
Seven days later, we’ll make a wager with lives and “I can’t do that. Didn’t you hear the last thing they
the things each of us want. You shall battle our said? If I were to flee, I would have brought trouble
Elder Zhang by yourself! However…you had best to the Green Willow School.” Bai Yunfei shook his
not be planning on fleeing. If you do not appear, head, then said with a laugh, “Don’t worry. Since
then I shall consider your debt as now belonging to I’ve agreed, I naturally have a degree of
the Green Willow School. confidence. I won’t necessarily lose…”
Bai Yunfei nodded slightly. “So mote it be!” “Oh? Young friend Yunfei, can it be that you have a
way to win?” You Qingfeng raised an elegant
Yu Fei led the Glacial School’s men in a slow eyebrow and asked curiously.
departure. The black-robed man gave Bai Yunfei a
reflective glance, then turned and left as well. Yang “Mm, well…I do indeed have a method to raise my
Lin glanced at Hong Yin with a gaze filled with power quickly in a short period of time…this was
venomous hatred, but in the end he was unwillingly taught to me by senior Gu Yiyun.” Bai Yunfei
forced to depart with the black-robed man, slowly hesitated a moment, then decided to explain by
disappearing into the distance. using Gu Yiyun as his excuse.
“Yunfei, you were too rash. How can you make an “Senior Ancient Blue taught you…?” Hong Yin had
agreement with them like this? The enemy is at the a puzzled look on his face. Suddenly, he seemed to
Soul Sprite stage. How can you win…” Hong Yin have thought of something, and his entire face
looked at the silent Bai Yunfei whose head was changed. “Can it be…a type of soul skill that allows
lowered, then said these words in quite a worried you to explode forth with power of a higher level?
manner. You can’t! You can’t activate this sort of soul skill!
After using it, your power level will decline, and you
Mu Wanqing dismissed her disciples, then walked will even pay a price of using up your life energy.
over alongside You Qingfeng to Bai Yunfei. You are merely at the Soul Warrior stage; you want
“Indeed, Yunfei. You didn’t have to appear; to use a soul skill like this?! If you do so, even if you
although they had many experts, we had Hong Yin defeat Zhang Zhenshan, your life will be ruined!”
and Qingfeng on our side. They wouldn’t
necessarily have dared to act rashly.” Hong Yin’s reaction caused everyone present to be
stunned, then turn towards Bai Yunfei with looks of
Bai Yunfei gently shook his head, then clasped his amazement. A light flashed in You Qingfeng’s eyes
fists in a salute towards Mu Wanqing. He said with in particular as an idea seemed to flash through his
sincerity, “Thank you, Headmaster Mu and senior mind.
You, for having done your utmost to protect me.
However, if I did not appear, then I probably would Upon hearing Hong Yin’s words, Bai Yunfei was
have brought harm to the Green Willow School. momentarily stunned as well. He lowered his head,
Even if just some small-scale fights break out, if so thoughts flickering through his eyes. Clearly, Hong
much as a single person dies or is injured because Yin had gotten the wrong idea. However…this was
of me, I will never feel at ease.” the first time he had ever even heard of a soul skill
like this. After pondering for a few moments, Bai
Qiu Luliu pulled Chu Yuhe over. Both of them Yunfei lifted his head, still smiling. “Big brother
looked towards Bai Yunfei in a very worried Hong Yin, you are worrying too much. Things aren’t
manner, and Qiu Luliu said, “But you truly shouldn’t as serious as you say. Don’t worry; I told you, I
~ 238 ~
have a degree of confidence. I definitely won’t use Yang Lin’s facial expression turned rigid. Although
my future as the price.” he was unwilling to admit it, he knew this person
was speaking the truth. In the end, he could only let
“You…” Upon seeing the calm look on Bai Yunfei’s out a helpless sigh, then lower his head and say
face, in the end Hong Yin shook his head nothing more.
helplessly. “Fine. Since you’ve already made your
decision, I won’t say anything else. If there’s “Tomorrow, you shall leave this place.
anything I can help with, just tell me.” Otherwise…if you run into him later, you might not
survive it,” Yan Xi said, still looking at Yang Lin.
“Alright. In fact, I really do have some matters I
need you to help me with, big brother Hong Yin. Yang Lin was startled. “Eh? Senior Yan Xi, you
Heh heh. Let’s go back now and stop standing here won’t be leaving with us?”
in the gateway,” Bai Yunfei laughed, then turned
towards Mu Wanqing. “For the sake of the battle “I’m slightly interested in the duel seven days from
seven days from now, I want to go into seven days now. I’ll regroup with you at our next destination
of closed-door meditation. I would like to ask after it concludes.” After speaking, Yan Xi turned to
Headmaster Mu to help arrange that for me.” look towards Yu Fei. He said calmly, “Headmaster
Yu, I have a question; are you truly seeking Bai
“No problem. I will make the arrangements and Yunfei just to take revenge for the death of Elder
ensure that none of my disciples go to your Zhan’s son?”
courtyard to disturb you.”
Yu Fei’s hand, which was holding onto a cup of tea,
Green Willow City. The Long estate. trembled momentarily. A look flashed through his
eyes, and then he looked towards Yan Xi with quite
The black-robed man, Yang Lin, Yu Fei, and the a bit of fear as he said, “Senior, we are indeed
others were all seated within the main hall. The pursuing him for the sake of getting revenge on
atmosphere was rather gloomy, and everyone behalf of the slain son of Elder Zhang. However…I
seemed to have their own thoughts. do not dare deceive you; aside from this, we…want
to acquire something that he has.”
“Senior Yan Xi, you really can’t act against Hong
Yin? He took away my Giant Goldeye Ape…” “Oh? What?”
Finally, Yang Lin became the one to break the
silence in the hall as he sent a question to the “A crimson longspear; it should be a low-grade
black-robed man. Only now did Yu Fei and the earth-ranked soul armament.”
others learn that this mysterious black-robed man
was named Yan Xi, and that he was most likely not “Earth-tier soul armament…yes, that would indeed
of the Beast Taming School. But…what was his be worth you sending out the full force of your
identity and status, then? Why did he arrive school to go seize it…” Yan Xi lowered his head
alongside someone of the Beast Taming School slightly, seeming to reflect on Yan Xi’s words. “So
who was on a mission to recruit the Glacial that’s the terms of your wager? Then what is this
School?” ‘Glacial Pricker’ of which he spoke?”
Yan Xi gave Yang Lin a glance, then shook his Yu Fei’s heartrate began to quicken. Putting on a
head. “The adopted son of the Bloodhowl Wolf look of not daring to hide the truth, he brought out
King…I imagine you know quite a few things about the Glacial Pricker, then walked forward and
him. You had best just forget about it. There’s no offered it with both hands to Yan Xi. He said
way I’ll fight with him. Although we are both early- solemnly, “Elder Zhang seized this Glacial Pricker
stage Soul Exalts, even if I let loose with all of my from him when he was chasing after him. I imagine
power, I wouldn’t be a match for him. I have this it is very important to him, which is why he wants it
much self-awareness, at least! You should be back…”
celebrating the fact that I stopped him; otherwise,
you’d be dead already.” Yan Xi accepted the Glacial Pricker, glanced at it,
then handed it back in a rather uncaring manner.
~ 239 ~
He said quite disdainfully, “Merely a human-tier Green Willow School. Bai Yunfei’s courtyard.
soul armament. Given that he cares about it this
much, it probably has some special meaning for Bai Yunfei had returned to his room, then quietly
him.” remained inside for an hour. Only then did he once
more re-emerge as he walked to Hong Yin’s nearby
Yu Fei accepted the Glacial Pricker, letting out a room.
secret sigh of relief inside. He didn’t reveal it on his
face, however, as he walked back and sat down “Big brother Hong Yin, there’s something I would
again. He pondered for a moment, then instructed like to ask you to help me with…”
his subordinates, “For the next few days, keep a
close eye on the area surrounding the Green Chapter 81: Frantically Rising in Power
Willow School. If Bai Yunfei seizes this chance to
flee, report it to me immediately!” Chapter 81: Frantically Rising in Power
“Elder Liu, what do you think is the reason why Bai The Green Willow Sect. Within the western wing
Yunfei suggested a seven day grace period? To courtyard.
buy himself time to escape? Or does he have
something else planned?” Yu Fei glanced at the Bai Yunfei had returned to his room, then quietly
nearby Liu Cheng, who seemed to have something remained inside for an hour. Only then did he once
on his mind, then asked him this question in a more re-emerge as he walked to Hong Yin’s nearby
rather puzzled manner. room.
Liu Cheng shook his head. “I don’t know either. “Big brother Hong Yin, there’s something I would
However, the reason he stood up was because he like to ask you to help me with…”
didn’t want to implicate the Green Willow School;
thus, I imagine he wouldn’t plan on fleeing. He
Hong Yin brought him into the room, then sat down
knows he isn’t a match for Elder Zhang, but he still
and smiled. “Yunfei, I was planning to go find you. I
plans to fight. What is he…”
want to give you something.”
“Hmph, he just wants to rely on soul skill which
Bai Yunfei was startled. “Something for me?
allow him to instantly raise his power. Aside from
that, what else could it be?” Upon hearing their
conversation, Yang Lin let out a soft snort and said
disdainfully, “That ignorant child. Given his current Hong Yin nodded slightly. Waving his arm, he
power, if he truly does use such a soul skill, I made a crimson bracer appear, then offered it to
imagine that even if he wins, he will either perish or Bai Yunfei. “This. I’m giving it to you as a gift.”
be crippled. However…with Hong Yin
present…perhaps he might have some special Bai Yunfei, slightly puzzled, accepted the bracer,
abilities to…bah, in short, even if he does have then in a practiced manner sent his thoughts into it.
enough power to fight with you, so long as you
keep the fight going for a long period of time, the
backlash from using that technique alone will be Equipment Grade: High Rare
enough to ensure his defeat!”
Defense: 465
Zhang Zhenshan, upon hearing these words,
seemed to have suddenly realized what was
Upgrade Requirement: 78 Soulpoints
happening. He let out a cold snort, then said with a
savage expression, “No matter what method he
uses, I definitely won’t let him die so easily! I am
going to ensure that he tastes what it is like to be The information that appeared in his mind caused
living a life worse than death…and only then will I Bai Yunfei to feel startled. He cried out involuntarily,
kill him as an offering to my son!” “A high-human tier soul armament!”
~ 240 ~
“Eh?” This time, it was Hong Yin’s turn to be slightly Bai Yunfei wasn’t joking around at all. A very
startled. He looked at Bai Yunfein in surprise. serious look on his face, he said, “Big brother Hong
“Yunfei, you just gave it a single glance, but you Yin, this is extremely important to me. It involves
were able to tell its rank?” my duel seven days from now! This is a secret of
mine. I trust you, and so I am asking you to help
Bai Yunfei came back to his senses. Without me, big brother Hong Yin. For now, I can’t explain it
answering the question, he asked in surprise, “Big clearly, but in short…after this matter is concluded,
brother Hong Yin, you are going to give it to me?” I’ll explain to you in detail. Alright?”
Hong Yin nodded. “Right. I have no soul skill scrolls Hong Yin frowned slightly. As he looked at the
on me, and I imagine that in the next few days, you serious Bai Yunfei, he pondered for a moment, then
won’t have any time to train in soul skills. I acquired relaxed and nodded. “Fine! Yunfei, I’ll do as you
this bracer by accident, and I’m now giving it to you. ask! Although I don’t know what you are planning, I
I imagine that it should be of help to you in your have a feeling that you are going to bring me a
duel seven days from now.” surprise, right?”
“Well…” Bai Yunfei was rather hesitant. Bai Yunfei laughed lightly. “I think…I won’t
disappoint you, big brother Hong Yin.”
“Don’t decline. You’ve addressed me as ‘big
brother’; there’s nothing untoward about me giving Late night. Within the quiet courtyard in the west
you an item. What you need to do is work hard to wing. Bai Yunfei quietly sat on his bed, staring at
improve your combat power, so as to better deal the black ring within his hand.
with your battle seven days from now. Worry about
other matters later…” Hong Yin forestalled Bai This was something which Hong Yin had brought
Yunfei’s words with a laugh and this explanation. back for him after having gone out in the afternoon;
it was part of his ‘equipment’. This interspatial ring
Bai Yunfei looked at the smiling Hong Yin. He was had an extremely large storage space; it contained
silent for a long moment, but in the end he hundreds of weapons and jewelry within it. The first
accepted and put away the bracer, then said with time he had mentally swept the insides of the
sincerity, “Then…many thanks, big brother Hong interspatial ring, even Bai Yunfei himself couldn’t
Yin!” help but take a deep breath. The amount
within…he wondered if Hong Yin had perhaps
Hong Yin nodded lightly, then asked, “Right…you completely wiped out the inventories of all the
said you needed my help? Whatever you need from weapon shops and jewelry shops within the city.
me, just tell me.”
After pondering for a time, Bai Yunfei put the ring
Bai Yunfei didn’t beat around the bush. He said on his finger, then took out from within the ring the
seriously, “Right. I want to ask you to go help me bracer which Hong Yin had gifted to him.
buy a few things.”
The bracet was completely crimson; it was rather
“Buy a few things? Buy what?” Hong Yin said, similar to the Firetipped Spear in that regard. It was
puzzled. plainly designed, without any decorations. It was
very smooth, and even in the darkness of the night,
Bai Yunfei nodded. “Weapons and jewelry. Sabers, it radiated a hint of light. After carefully observing it
swords, daggers, knives, bracelets, rings…I want to for a period of time, Bai Yunfei put the bracer on his
ask you to help me buy them. The more the better. right arm, pushing it past his wrist and up to his
I need at least a few hundred!” right elbow. It protected nearly the entirety of his
lower arm, and it felt rather soft and elastic. He
Hong Yin was momentarily startled. He stared at filled with just a hint of his soulforce, and could
Bai Yunfei in a very strange way. “Yunfei, are you sense the his lower arm clench slightly. The bracer
joking with me? Why do you want to buy these was now completely pressed against his lower arm,
things at a time like this?” and a surge of heat came from it, giving Bai Yunfei
a sense of greater power.
~ 241 ~
He experimentally waved his right arm a few times. Several minutes later.
It didn’t feel the least bit uncomfortable. He pulled
out a dagger, then hacked down towards the bracer
strongly…and the dagger snapped. The bracer Upgrade Failed
wasn’t even marked.
All he knew was a single thing – that he was to In an incomparably practiced manner, he spent
continue upgrading. He would feel as the soulforce tens of minutes upgrading items before finally
in his power slowly was used up until depletion, at exhausting his soulforce and passing out on his
which point he would pass out. After waking up, he bed.
would verify the time, then continue upgrading…
The sun slowly rose. Hints of sunlight seeped
Day after day, night after night…seven days through his thin window screen, shining into his
passed in the blink of an eye like this! room. One hour. Two hours…
Chapter 82: Essence Fireseed, Equipment Slowly, the little room seemed to begin to change
Mutation slightly.
Chapter 82: Essence Fireseed, Equipment Bai Yunfei still seemed to be asleep on the bed. His
Mutation breathing was regular, and there was nothing
strange about it. Then…what was different?
Day after day, night after night…seven days
passed in the blink of an eye! As time flowed on, the difference in the room
became more and more apparent…it was the light!
Dawn. The appointed day. Bai Yunfei once more
awoke from his stupor. After mentally adjusting Under the bright light of the sun, the room should
himself, he glanced at the skies outside, then have been illuminated already. But at some point in
lowered his head. He raised his right hand, time, a faint red light stealthily appeared, growing
clenching it strongly, then shut his eyes again, increasingly apparent. It slowly deepened into a
carefully sensing things. crimson color, and then other colors slowly began
to emerge as well. The colors appeared out of
A moment later, Bai Yunfei once more opened his nowhere, increasing in number and richness.
eyes, a hint of surprise in them. But then, he Towards the end, the entire room had transformed
frowned once more, a look of worry appearing. into a rainbow color…and then the light slowly
began to flow about. Moments later, all of the light
“I need just a bit more. I can sense that with just a focused in one region; the region around Bai
bit more, I’ll enter the Soul Sprite stage! But I’m Yunfei!
caught at this critical juncture…will I have enough
time?” Thoughts flashed through Bai Yunfei’s eyes After spending some time swirling around and
as he considered the current situation. “Most ‘inspecting’ Bai Yunfei, finally a hint of crimson light
importantly of all…at the Soul Sprite stage, for my slowly left the ‘squad’ of light and gracefully flew
soul’s elemental attribute, I’ve already decided to towards his chest, then slowly merged into his
choose fire, but if something changes…” body.
“Still, the next stage is right before me. If I stop now Its actions seemed to serve as a signal, instantly
and fight Zhang Zhenshan as a late-stage Soul causing all the other colors in the surrounding area
Warrior…” Bai Yunfei’s frown grew even deeper to begin to move in unison as they flew towards Bai
was he mentally struggled with what to do.
~ 244 ~
Yunfei. They approached every part of his body, Bai Yunfei’s body began to shake harder and
then slowly moved in. harder, and more and more agony appeared on his
face. Beads of sweat constantly fell down from his
More and more light fused into his body, and more forehead. If this were to continue…this random
and more light appeared out of nowhere. Slowly, mishmash of elemental energy alone would be
Bai Yunfei’s body began to change. His forehead enough to tear his body completely apart.
began to slowly furrow and tighten. Towards the
end, his face was completely contorted and twisted, “Aaaah!”
as though he were under immense pain. His fists
were clenched, and his entire body was trembling Finally, a miserable cry rang out from Bai Yunfei’s
slightly. throat. He suddenly opened his eyes. This
time…he didn’t ‘voluntarily’ wake up; he was
If Hong Yin were present, he would have been able tormented awake by a bone-deep pain that came
to tell with a glance…that this was advancement from throughout his body!
into the Soul Sprite stage!
His mind was completely blank for a moment. By
However, Bai Yunfei’s current situation was the time he regained his senses, he saw all the
tremendously different compared to most Soul types of light before him which were merging into
Warriors advancing in power. his body…followed by a series of nearly coma-
inducing pain that came from virtually every part of
When Soul Warriors reached the limit of their his body.
power, after accumulating enough soulforce, the
natural elemental energy of heaven and earth “This is…elemental energy of heaven and earth!”
would be summoned, at which point they would Bai Yunfei gritted his teeth, thinking frantically, “But
decide to enter the Soul Sprite stage. First, they why is there so much of it! What’s going on…right!
would choose their elemental essence affinity, and My choice! I need to choose!”
most would choose the type they were most suited
towards. But of course, some would choose two He knew that the most important thing right now
types or even more. Those who made such was being calm. Bai Yunfei suppressed his agony,
decisions were either unearthly geniuses…or shut his eyes, and began to investigate the state of
peerless fools. Because there was an element of his body.
choice, when the natural elemental energy of
heaven and earth was summoned, when the flesh Chaos. It was utterly chaotic. The soulforce in his
was being baptized for the first time, only the type body was like an untamed stallion that had become
of elemental energy that one had chosen would unleashed. It was bounding everywhere without
appear. It would merge into the body, then become any pattern, with some of it seeming to pull in the
the elemental essence energy for the wielder. power from the outside world into the body, and
some of it strongly resisting and pushing back
But there had never been, from ancient days until against that power.
today, a situation where a Soul Warrior who was
advancing to the Soul Sprite stage was in a state of “I can’t control it. I can’t control it! What should I
unconsciousness… do…what should I do?!” Bai Yunfei’s sweat
continued to grow, and the worry in his heart was
Elemental energy entered his body, entered every incomparable. He swept his left arm with his
inch of Bai Yunfei’s body as it was being tempered. sense…then let out a surprised, “Eeee? My right
However, because Bai Yunfei was unconscious arm doesn’t feel uncomfortable at all. This is…fire!”
and unable to voluntarily ‘choose’ which sort of
elemental energy he wanted, this current situation “Fire! I can control it! This is what I want…I just
appeared, where a mishmash of energies was want fire element. The rest of you can all beat it!”
entering. His right arm was crimson; this was the The situation in Bai Yunfei’s right arm caused him
fire element. His left leg was ashen white; this was to feel surprised and delighted. Without hesitating
the ice element. His left arm was golden yellow; this at all, he controlled the elemental fire in his right
was the metal element… arm, pushing it out to spread throughout his entire
~ 245 ~
body, seizing the ‘territory’ which the other types of More and more elemental energy appeared out of
elements had taken over. nowhere, and more and more of it flooded into his
body, gathering at his heart. More and
The reason why all sorts of elemental energy had more…perhaps too more?
flooded into his body earlier was because he had
been passed out. Now that he had regained his By the time the fireseed in his body had grown to
consciousness and was voluntarily choosing fire, the size of a thumb, Bai Yunfei had slowly come to
his body began to reject the other types of the realization that something was wrong. He felt as
elemental energy. A short while later, Bai Yunfei though…he was growing ‘too hot’?
was finally able to drive out the other types of
elemental energy, and the rainbow of colors The earlier warmth had grown increasingly great,
surrounding his body seemed to have lost their transforming into a fiery heat that then transformed
guide. The colors slowly vanished, leaving behind once more into a scorching blaze.
just a crimson color that swirled around Bai Yunfei,
slowly fusing into his body. “This isn’t right! It feels…as though I’m unable to
control it! It’s too much. Too much!” He discovered,
“Whew…” He could feel the agony racking his body to his terror, that he was actually becoming unable
gradually lessen and then vanish. What replaced it to control the elemental fire that was being
was a warm, comfortable feeling. Bai Yunfei finally absorbed into his body!
let out a sigh of relief, and a look of delight
appeared in his eyes. It was as though he had The result which Bai Yunfei feared the most was
finally escaped danger. happening; because of how frantically he had
increased his soulforce, the process by which he
Soulforce circulated throughout his body. One ball had advanced past the Soul Warrior stage and
of elemental fire after another merged into it. Bai charged into the Soul Sprite stage caused this
Yunfei could sense a series of blazing surges of process of forming a fireseed, what should have
energy constantly wash through every part of his been a simple and easy process, to mutate!
body, and with each pass, he felt as though he
could sense his body grow slightly more powerful. He was unable to control the complete essence
Slowly, after the blazing energy within his body had
made several loops within it, all the blazing energy He stared at the world, which now appeared
gathered at one of the apertures within his heart. completely crimson. He could feel the blazing,
Soul cultivators termed this aperture as the scorching heat within his body, and a look of panic
‘essence aperture’; as the name suggested, it was appeared in his eyes. “I’m almost at my limit! If this
the place used to store the elemental essence of a continues, I’m going to be burned to death by the
Soul Sprite. When advancing from the Soul Warrior elemental fire! What should I do? What should I
level, gathering elemental essence was the final do?! I’m almost unable to endure this amount of
step; after the body was tempered for the first time, elemental fire! Wait…right! Share it! The
the body would be able to receive its first batch of fire…Firetipped Spear!”
elemental energy, and it would automatically gather
the energy into the body, slowly circulate it, then When this thought flashed through his mind, Bai
finally form it into the ‘elemental essence-seed’ that Yunfei’s eyes lit up. Not hesitating at all, he lifted up
would accompany the soul cultivator for his entire his right hand slightly, and with a thought he
life. caused the Firetipped Spear to appear in his hand.
Instantly, Bai Yunfei could notice the elemental fire
Bai Yunfei could sense that all of the elemental fire within his body hesitate slightly…and in the next
within his body was slowly concentrating around his moment, Bai Yunfei seized back just a bit of control
heart. A ‘hot’ feeling slowly grew stronger, as and forced a pulse of elemental fire into the
though…a seed of fire was beginning to form within Firetipped Spear.
his body. It constantly absorb all of the oncoming
elemental fire, and it slowly grew larger, larger, It was as though a barrel that had been completely
larger… filled with water had suddenly sprung a leak. The
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continuously expanding fireseed within Bai Yunfei’s
heart actually did as he wanted, sending a pulse of Upgrade Successful
elemental fire out through his arm and into the
Firetipped Spear.
Bai Yunfei stared dazedly at the two soul “Mm? Yunfei came. See? I told you, he’s fine…”
armaments for dozens of seconds, then sat up, Hong Yin, upon seeing Bai Yunfei walk out, first
closed his eyes, and took two deep breaths. Finally, said a few words to the two women, then turned
he calmed down his frantically beating heart. and nodded towards Bai Yunfei. “Yunfei, just
now…you caused quite a stir. Fortunately, you
“Not only did the quality increase, the upgrade level calmed down afterwards; otherwise, I was at the
also increased by one level and two levels verge of charging inside.”
respectively…they didn’t fail!” Bai Yunfei gently
stroked the two soul armaments, both excited and Bai Yunfei chuckled towards them. “A small
extremely puzzled. “But…I clearly didn’t issue an problem occurred during my training earlier, but I’m
upgrade order. Can it be…that it was because I fine now. Don’t worry; I’m doing perfectly alright
used it to share the burden of elemental fire?” now.”
Bai Yunfei subconsciously rubbed his chest. Within Hong Yin gave him a weighing gaze. “Yunfei, you
his chest, there was a ball of fire that was like a actually…reached the Soul Sprite level? What sort
heart, slowly pulsing. of soul skills do you train in…how long can you
maintain it for? Right…there’s no time to waste.
“What a strange feeling. It feels as though my entire Hurry up and go; the forces of the Glacial School
body is filled with elemental fire, and I can sense have already arrived!”
the elemental fire of the surrounding world…” Bai
Yunfei raised his left arm, swinging it through the He still was under the impression that Bai Yunfei
air as though pushing at something, then once had relied on a soul skills to forcibly increase his
more shut his eyes, attuning to his surroundings. power for a short period of time. Bai Yunfei didn’t
know how to explain, and upon hearing Hong Yin’s
words, he lifted an eyebrow. A look flashed through
~ 248 ~
his eyes, and he no longer tried to explain. His Wanqing gave Yu Fei a glance, then responded to
hand around his Firetipped Spear clenched. “They him calmly.
arrived? Then we cannot let our ‘guests’ wait too
long. Let’s go right now. We can talk after I win!” “Hmph! I know that the little brat is training some
sort of soul skills, but for him to not come out…can
We can talk after I win! it be that he’s unable to endure the backlash from it
and has died…” Yu Fei let out a cold snort,
A sentence filled with confidence. It came from the preparing to say a few words of mockery, but
powerful soulforce roiling in his body, it came from suddenly a look of surprise appeared on his face as
the powerful item in his hand! The current Bai he turned to stare towards the courtyard.
Yunfei was filled with a desire for battle; in fact, he
was rather impatient and eager to test his current Just as he stopped talking, the nearby Yan Xi let
level of power, as well as test the power of the two out a soft sound as well, lifting his head to stare
items which had inexplicably changed. behind the Green Willow School’s forces. You
Qingfeng, Mu Wanqing, Liu Cheng, and Zhang
A simple sentence, but it caused Hong Yin and the Zhenshan all revealed looks of surprise as well as
other two to both feel shocked. They stared as Bai they all looked towards the courtyard in the west
Yunfei strode boldly outwards. A hint of a strange wing where Bai Yunfei lived.
light flashed through Hong Yin’s eyes, then he
called out to the two women to hurriedly follow up. “Qingfeng, this is…” Mu Wanqing had a puzzled
look on her face for a few moments, then queried
Time was slowly passing. It was past noon. the nearby You Qingfeng in a rather uncertain way.
In front of the Green Willow School, just like seven You Qingfeng frowned slightly. He nodded, then
days ago, two groups of people had gathered. said, “Yes…the ripples of advancing to the Soul
However, things weren’t as tense this time, and no Sprite stage, only…it seems rather odd.”
swords were drawn. Both sides were fairly calm.
“Is it Yunfei? Can it be that something went wrong
Zhang Zhenshan was seated atop a willow tree, a in his soul skills? Should we…” Mu Wanqing’s face
cold look on his face. Every so often, he would changed slightly. She was rather worried.
sweep the courtyard in front of him with a sinister,
vicious gaze, like a beast awaiting its prey. “No need. Have you forgotten that Hong Yin is
there? And generally speaking, one cannot
Beside him was Yu Fei and Liu Cheng, as well as a interfere in this sort of matter. I imagine that a result
group of Glacial School disciples. They all stared will come soon…” You Qingfeng shook his head
nervously towards the Green Willow School’s slightly as he whispered in a low voice.
forces, seeming rather impatient. The black-robed
man named Yan Xi was also standing to one side Yu Fei and the others who stood in front of him
without saying a word, arms folded and eyes closed were no longer speaking either. They, too, were
calmly. focusing on sensing that extraordinary elemental
energy ripple.
“Headmaster Mu, it’s already past noon. Bai Yunfei
still isn’t here. What’s this about? Is he afraid of A long time later, everyone sensed the mishmash
coming out?” Yu Fei raised his head, giving the ripple of elemental energy vanish, leaving behind
main gate of the Green Willow School a frowning just elemental fire. Another period of time later, the
glance, then spoke out these words impatiently. elemental fire vanished as well, and all went back
to normal.
“The agreement was today; no one said it would be
exactly at noon. Simply put, your venerable school “He advanced? How can that be…what sort of soul
was unable to control your impatience and so came skill has such a powerful effect…” Yan Xi’s eyes,
early. Bai Yunfei is currently preparing; he’ll emerge hidden behind the black robes, revealed a look of
soon. I’ll have to ask you all to wait a bit longer.” Mu surprise as he spoke softly to himself.
~ 249 ~
Yu Fei was silent for a long moment, then let out a “I’ve waited a long time for you, brat. I don’t care
cold snort. He said to the nearby Zhang Zhenshan, what methods you’ve prepared; today, you are
“Even if he was able to temporarily power up to the going to die a miserable death!” Zhang Zhenshan
Soul Sprite level, so what? Elder Zhang, you’ve had been stared at Bai Yunfei with utter rage upon
been at the Soul Sprite level for many years; you seeing him. He let out an enraged roar, then flew
are a soul cultivator who is nearly at the mid-stage out and charged straight towards Bai Yunfei.
Soul Sprite level. How can you lose to a Soul Sprite
who forcibly uplifted himself to that level? “Hmph. After we fight, we’ll see who actually wins
However…if this battle proves difficult, then just do and who actually loses!” Bai Yunfei let out a cold
as senior Yan Xi instructed; delay! The backlash snort. Saying nothing else, he ran forward at a
caused by this sort of strengthening soul technique similarly rapid pace to greet his foe!
will be extremely fierce; by then, he will definitely
lose!” The Firetipped Spear trembled as he filled it with
his soulforce. A red light flashed, actually forming a
As he spoke, he lowered his voice once more. ball of fire in front of the Firetipped Spear. As the
“However…you absolutely must not kill him. Spare flames spun around the spear, he stabbed it
his life. After we get what we want from him, you straight towards Zhang Zhenshan!
can then kill him!”
Chapter 84: Battling Zhang Zhenshan Again
Zhang Zhenshan had a serious look on his face,
but the hatred in his eyes hadn’t ebbed at all. In Chapter 84: Battling Zhang Zhenshan Again
fact, it had grown even stronger. He nodded
slightly, still staring unblinkingly at the gates to the A strange look flashed through Zhang Zhenshan’s
Green Willow School, awaiting for the person who eyes as he saw the flame-wreathed spear stab
had killed his only son to emerge. towards him. Previously charging forward, he came
to a sudden halt then immediately used the Ice
For a time, the entire field had become utterly Treading Steps. He dodged slightly to the left,
silent. Everyone’s gaze was focused on the gates avoiding the extremely powerful spear thrust.
to the Green Willow School.
Glacial qi swirled around Zhang Zhenshan’s twin
Moments later…a series of footsteps rang out, palms; the pair of Icesilk Gloves that Bai Yunfei had
followed by a fast-walking figure. previously damaged had actually been repaired.
Without giving any warning, he suddenly glided
This person wore gray robes. On his right arm was forward across the earth and moved close towards
a crimson bracer, and a similarly crimson spear Bai Yunfei. His twin palms struck out, one aimed at
was clenched tightly in his hands. Waves of heat the face, the other at the abdomen!
were swelling outwards from this item. However, it
was a bit of an disharmonious picture; aside from Bai Yunfei launched himself flying backwards,
his two black interspatial rings, he was actually delivering a backwards spear-blow to block the
wearing two other seemingly-decorative rings. On upper palm while kicking out with his left leg to
his wrist, he actually wore a bracelet as well in a strike against the lower palm. Borrowing from the
rather awkward way. collision force, he somersaulted backwards. Before
he even landed, he brandished the spear and
Bai Yunfei nodded slightly towards You Qingfeng struck out yet again.
and Mu Wanqing. Not hesitating or pausing at all,
he walked straight towards the empty ground Zhang Zhenshan had wanted to continue to pursue
between the two sides, then pointed the Firetipped and attack, but his path was blocked by this spear.
Spear towards Zhang Zhenshan. His only choice was to once again dodge before
charging forward. By now, Bai Yunfei had already
“Zhang Zhenshan, you want to take revenge for landed on the ground. He didn’t change his stance;
your son, right? Then come out and fight!” instead, he sent it piercing forth once more!
~ 250 ~
Zhang Zhenshan dodged past the blow while Yan Xi’s eyes, hidden beneath his black robes,
striking out with his left palm, slapping it against the were flashing. As he watched Bai Yunfei’s actions,
body of the spear, pushing it to one side. He then he mused to himself, “Is this truly power that has
took a half-step back with his left leg to steady come from using a soul skill to forcibly increase
himself, then formed his fingers into a claw as he one’s level of power? His attacks are fluid, and
clawed towards Bai Yunfei’s spear-holding left there’s no indication at all that he’s being harmed
hand. by any sort of backlash. His movements, his
punches…they are clearly soul skill of tremendous
Bai Yunfei stepped to the left, dodging while also power! What is his status, exactly? And that spear;
pulling away his left arm to one side, avoiding according to what Yu Fei said, it should be a low-
Zhang Zhenshan’s claw. He hurriedly took several grade Earth-ranked weapon, but…”
minute steps. In a very brief period of time, he
actually completed a full circle, his Firetipped Spear Right at this moment, the two fighters
spinning with him and sweeping towards the simultaneously struck out with their right arms
enemy’s waist. against each other, one using his palm, the other
using his fist. As their blows collided, they both
Zhang Zhenshan knew that his opponent had a retreated right away. However, after Bai Yunfei took
very nimble agility technique, but he hadn’t two steps back, he stabilized his footing, then
expected it to improve this much compared to last launched himself forward, not resting at all as he
time. There was no time to dodge; all he could do once more stabbed out with his spear!
was step slightly to the side, then use both arms
crossed over each other to block this strike. Zhang Zhenshan felt amazement in his heart. He
knew that this must be due to the Goldsilk Soul
Smash! The spear slammed against his arms, Armor; otherwise, there was no way his opponent
letting out a dull thudding sound. Zhang Zhenshan could have almost ignored the effects of the attack,
frantically retreated backwards, and as he did he stabilizing himself with two fewer steps than Zhang
felt as though his arms had been struck by a Zhenshan himself needed. By now, Zhang
blazing branding iron. In fact, a hint of a scar had Zhenshan had already retreated next to a willow
been left on him from this blow. tree and had dissipated the power of Bai Yunfei’s
punch, but the spear-tip of the Firetipped Spear had
He circulated the ice-type elemental energy within already pierced towards his eyes!
his body to dissipate the blazing energy. He just
barely had a chance to find his footing before Bai Resigned, he had no choice but to focus on
Yunfei once more struck at him, not pausing at all. defense yet again. He retreated backwards with
That wave of heat once more surged towards him! hurried steps while dodging backwards to the right.
Spear-shadows were flying everywhere, and palm- The Firetipped Spear grazed past Zhang
shadows folded in on themselves. There were Zhenshan’s shoulder, thrusting deep into the thigh-
continuous thudding sounds as the waves of heat thick willow tree behind Zhang Zhenshan with
collided against the icy qi, and craters began to absolute ease.
appear in the earth beneath the feet of the two
contestants. Zhang Zhenshan’s eyes lit up. The opponent’s
spear had been trapped in the tree! To pull it out
A serious look appeared on the faces of the again would cost a moment of time. Zhang
onlookers as they watched the two fight Zhenshan was just about to halt his backwards
unceasingly. It seemed as though the two were on motion, planning to us this opportunity to seize the
par with each other. Yu Fei and Liao Cheng began initiative…but just as this idea flashed through his
to frown, and their gazes fluctuated as they mind, he felt a sudden feeling of shock flutter
followed the movements of the two fighters. They through his heart, because he saw the look of
hadn’t expected Bai Yunfei’s attacks to be so delight appearing in Bai Yunfei’s eyes!
ferocious…and by the looks of it, Zhang Zhenshan
was actually engaged in more defense than “Damn! It’s that…”
~ 251 ~
BOOM!!!! it with his right hand and once more delivered a
powerful thrust with it!
He didn’t even have a chance to complete his
thought. Just as the look of amazement appeared Faced with this new attack from the spear, a look of
in Zhang Zhenshan’s eyes, an earth-shattering astonishment appeared on Zhang Zhenshan’s face.
sound interrupted him! The trepidation he felt towards this Firetipped
Spear was now many times greater than it had
The secondary effect of the Firetipped Spear, the been in the past. He filled both his legs with
fire explosion, had been activated! soulforce as he once more frantically retreated, just
barely dodging past the spear. However, due to his
A red light could be seen coming from within the excessive haste as he moved, his movements
trunk of the tree. In the next instant, the tree became slightly unbalanced. Bai Yunfei charged
crumbled with a cacophonous shattering sound. No forward, spinning around and borrowing the power
splinters of wood flew about, because when the of the centrifugal force to send the Firetipped Spear
Firetipped Spear stabbed into the tree and blew it towards Zhang Zhenshan with a sweeping blow.
up, the shattered parts had been instantly burnt to The spear struck Zhang Zhenshan on the waist,
ash. The crown of the tree, however, was sent knocking him towards the left.
flying outwards. It landed hundreds of meters away,
amongst the members of the Glacial School, Agony radiated outwards from Zhang Zhenshan’s
causing a bit of panic. waist, nearly causing him to vomit up a mouthful of
blood. By the time he had neutralized the power of
In the instant the fiery light appeared and the this blow, Bai Yunfei’s next attack was incoming as
enormous explosion could be heard, Zhang well!
Zhenshan immediately, frantically retreated, not
hesitating in the slightest. His Ice Treading Steps The two once more engaged in a flurry of attacks.
were used to the limit, but he was still unable to However, unlike the last time, Zhang Zhenshan
move faster than the wave of heat that was was able to launch fewer and fewer assaults; he
sweeping towards him from the front! As Zhang was almost completely forced on the defensive!
Zhenshan frantically retreated, his also crossed
both his arms to protect his head. Yan Xi frowned slightly as he watched from outside
the dueling grounds. His gaze flickered from the
As the heat wave struck forward, he felt as though battling Bai Yunfei to the Firetipped Spear in his
blazing knives were slicing past his body. Even hands. A look of surprise had flashed through Yan
breathing became difficult for a moment. However, Xi’s eyes when the Firetipped Spear’s strike had
as he flew backwards, the ‘pushing’ power of the turned explosive. As he continued to watch, the
heatwave helped him retreat slightly faster. look of surprise in his eyes grew increasingly
strong, as well as an increasingly and extremely
“The air waves caused by the explosion are already deep level of puzzlement.
so powerful…if I were to be struck head-on by it…”
This thought flashed through his mind, and cold “No mistaking it; that’s a high-earth tier soul
sweat began to pour down his head and into his armament! But…Yu Fei clearly said that it was a
robes, wetting them. low-grade Earth-ranked artifact. Was he lying to
me? But he shouldn’t have been; there’s no way he
The power of this fire explosion was far greater could be so stupid. In other words…previously, the
than the power in the past. In fact, even Bai Yunfei spear was indeed just a low-grade soul
himself was stupefied momentarily. Upon seeing armament…”
Zhang Zhenshan retreat in a sorry manner, a look
flashed through Bai Yunfei’s eyes as he once more Suddenly, Yan Xi’s eyes suddenly lit up, as though
shot forward towards him! His right hand released he had thought of something that was completely
its grip around the spear, allowing it to fall into his inconceivable. For the first time, a look of
left hand. He then spun the spear behind him to astonishment appeared on his face. “Was it
gather circular momentum, then once more gripped because of the advancement in power? There’s
~ 252 ~
only one possibility…forging through flame despite that, each time Zhang Zhenshan had been
elemental energy! The Crafting School!!!” struck by the Firetipped Spear, he could feel the
specter of death brushing past him.
Yan Xi’s eyes were flashing. The more he thought
about it, the more convinced he was that his idea He had thought that this would be an easily won
was correct. “That’s right. This is the only battle, but at this point, it was his opponent who
possibility! Only those of the Crafting School who was suppressing him. All he could do was defend in
are advancing the power of their souls are willing a rather haggard fashion. Zhang Zhenshan’s face
and able to lessen the amount of energy drawn grew increasingly unsightly, and the hatred and
forth by their essence fireseed, using it to instead rage in his eyes grew stronger and stronger as well.
temper and refine their soul armaments! Only the As he once more dodged, so as to avoid the
inner sect disciples of the Crafting School are enemy’s spear from striking his left shoulder, the
capable of this!” anger in Zhang Zhenshan’s eyes transformed into
utter madness.
“Yu Fei is an absolute idiot bastard! He actually
dared to claim that this person doesn’t have any He was the exalted leader of the Zhang clan, and
background! He was previously just a Soul Warrior, an Elder of the Glacial Sect! And yet, today, he was
but was already in possession of powerful soul being completely suppressed by a person of the
armaments and soul skill, and he also knew the younger generation who just a few days ago he had
secret method by which fire essence can be used been chasing after. What’s more, this person was
to temper soul armaments…his status in the the culprit who had killed his son! No father should
Crafting School is definitely not low!” Yan Xi be forced to bury his own son!
frowned as he pondered frantically. “Although I
don’t know why and how he ended up being “Brat, don’t be so smug! I’m going to take your life
attacked and pursued by this puny Glacial Sect as compensation for my son’s!” Zhang Zhenshan
without anyone from his own school helping had a look of madness in his eyes. Faced with
him…it’s best not to have any conflicts with him. another attack from the spear, he actually didn’t
The intricate plans our school has have no margin dodge; instead, he lifted up his left hand and
for error. I was just sent here to ensure the grabbed the spear! The Icesilk Gloves on his hands
recruitment of a few small schools; we absolutely were completely unable to withstand the sharpness
cannot offend the Crafting School right now.” of the Firetipped Spear, and blood immediately
began to flow from his hand. It was as though he
As Yan Xi pondered mentally, yet another change had grabbed a blazing iron with his bare hands,
occurred within the ongoing battle. and a crackling sound could be heard. However, he
completely ignored these things. His hand around
One wrong move would result in an advantage the spear’s tip, he pushed it to the side, then slid
being lost; an advantage being gained could cause backwards as he moved straight towards Bai
a cascade of successes! Yunfei. His right palm was glowing with glacial qi,
and he struck viciously against Bai Yunfei’s chest!
A serious look was on Zhang Zhenshan’s face as
he completely focused on defense. Bai Yunfei, on Zhang Zhenshan’s madness had caught Bai Yunfei
the other hand, was happily fighting to his heart’s completely off-guard. In addition, the secondary
content! In the past, when Zhang Zhenshan had effect of the Firetipped Spear did not trigger this
been in a weakened condition, the only thing which time either. That brief moment of stupor caused Bai
Bai Yunfei had been able to do was flee. But in this Yunfei to be hit dead-on by the Glacial Palm, and
battle, Bai Yunfei actually had seized the upper he was sent flying backwards.
Zhang Zhenshan’s left hand still remained tightly
After exchanging dozens of blows, Zhang clamped around the Firetipped Spear. Leaping
Zhenshan’s left arm and left part of his waist had forward, he actually moved at the same speed as
both been sliced open by the Firetipped Spear, Bai Yunfei, delivering yet another palm blow to Bai
which had left behind two bloody wounds. Yunfei, this one to the abdomen!
However, the ‘explosion’ effect hadn’t occurred, but
~ 253 ~
The qi and blood within Bai Yunfei’s body were them—instead, in the midst of dodging and
flowing about chaotically. When he saw the enemy weaving around the palms, his eyes flickered with a
palm strike descend, a vicious light flashed through light as if he was thinking about something….
his own eyes. He didn’t defend at all, instead using
a leg to kick towards Zhang Zhenshan’s left hand, In terms of close combat ability, Bai Yunfei was
which remained clamped on the Firetipped Spear. clearly not of the same level as his opponent.
Although he wasn’t slow in speed and was quite
Thud! His flank was struck by the palm, but Zhang nimble in movement, he had revealed several holes
Zhenshan’s grip on the spear had been kicked in his defense after several minutes of combat. His
loose. However…Zhang Zhenshan completely opponent had struck out at his left shoulder, and
ignored his mangled left arm, instead launching a despite the Goldsilk Soul Armor providing defense,
third blow against Bai Yunfei, who was falling Bai Yunfei had still been sent staggering back two
towards the ground in a frantic retreat! steps in pain. Simultaneously, the glacial qi had
already greedily entered his body.
After two successive Glacial Palms, Bai Yunfei
could taste blood in his throat, seeking to come out. Circulating his soulforce, the essence fireseed in
He watched as Zhang Zhenshan moved towards Bai Yunfei’s body expanded and contracted for a
him yet again. His Firetipped Spear could not be moment before a part of the elemental fire had
unleashed right now. His arm trembled slightly, migrated over to his left shoulder area, causing the
then the Firetipped Spear vanished. His right hand glacial qi to disappear instantaneously.
formed into a fist, instantly moving to block in front
of his chest. The third palm strike of Zhang A chilling breeze had then slammed against his
Zhensham slammed directly against that gleaming face. Opening his eyes just a little bit, Bai Yunfei
red bracer. then saw a mangled palm with the glacial qi swirling
around it come flying to meet him! Without any time
This time, Bai Yunfei just shook slightly, seeming to to dodge, Bai Yunfei had only managed to bring
have taken no damage at all. However, before he both arms up in a cross to protect his face. One
was able to stabilize himself, Zhang Zhenshan muffled echo later, Bai Yunfei had been forced
launched yet another ferocious attack against him! back half a step again. But because of the
protective defense of his bracer, he had barely
Chapter 85: The Foe Retreats and Backlash suffered any sort of damage besides a small
portion of the blow.
Chapter 85: The Foe Retreats and Backlash
After one palm, the other palm came to attack with
Bai Yunfei drew back his Fire-tipped Spear and even more power behind it. Remaining in the same
moved to use his bracer to protect himself from position, Bai Yunfei allowed for his bracer to take
Zhang Zhengshan’s Glacial Palm. Before he could the hit. After several palm strikes, Zhang
even stabilize his footing, another strike was Zhengshan had realized that he was unable to
already coming close! strike the head with just his palms alone and had
then diverted his palms to attack Bai Yunfei’s
Zhang Zhengshan’s eyes had gone scarlet as if he shoulder.
had gone berserk. In this moment’s assault, he had
seemingly given up all sorts of defense in order to After a misstep from Bai Yunfei, he brought his right
attack crazily. The images of his palm had arm up in a horizontal fashion while trying to dodge.
practically blurred together. Even the injuries on his This had opened him up to another of Zhang
left hand had been forcibly frozen over before Zhengshan’s palm before he unleashed yet another
moving to attack. barrage of strikes. The position of the two men had
been reversed. Now it was Zhang Zhengshan who
Retreating one step after another, Bai Yunfei’s was attacking frantically while Bai Yunfei remained
continued to dance as he fended off his opponent’s calm with his all out defense.
strikes in a continuous manner. Although it seemed
as if he had been suppressed by Zhang But, with a closer observation, one would be able to
Zhengshan, his eyes didn’t show any panic in see that there was something strange—Bai Yunfei
~ 254 ~
looked like he had given up several chances to absorbed and converted along with his own
strike back and was instead blindly defending Ninefold Fist Force!
himself from Zhang Zhengshan as if waiting for
something…. This change had been far too sudden to the point of
stunning every single one of the spectators
Finally, after being struck by a palm in the abdomen watching the battle. Naturally, for the extremely
again, Bai Yunfei used his bracer to defend himself strong individuals like Hong Yin, Yan Xi and the
from the second strike. His eyes flashed furiously others, their eyes flashed with a pensive light as if
with an explosion of light as if the moment he was they had seen something….
waiting for had finally approached. After defending
himself from one more powerful palm, his entire Seeing Zhang Zhengshan being hurtled away, Bai
body had suddenly shifted. His right fist had Yunfei’s eyes flashed dangerously. He couldn’t be
retreated to his waist instead of being held up to sure if this one fist would be enough to determine
defend himself from the palm of Zhang Zhengshan victory, so without any hesitation, his feet pushed
that was aimed at his stomach. Foregoing any type off from the ground to quickly give chase—he
of defensive maneuver, Bai Yunfei’s right leg couldn’t give his opponent any time to even
stepped forward half a step. With his right hand breathe!
forming a fist, he let loose a single punch without
hesitation! After spitting out a mouthful of blood, Zhang
Zhengshan had made no movement. At a look, he
“Bang!” Zhang Zhengshan’s Glacial Palm struck was not stunned, but he had been heavily injured
against Bai Yunfei’s stomach at the same time as and could not move for the time-being. The Wave
Bai Yunfei’s fist struck against Zhang Zhengshan’s Treading Steps had been faster than Zhang
chest! Zhengshan’s speed from being thrown away.
Before Zhang Zhengshan could even fall to the
Ninefold Fist Force! ground, Bai Yunfei had already caught up to him
with his right hand flying forth to grab hold of his
“Bang!” opponent.
With a bone-cracking sound, Zhang Zhengshan’s Just at that moment, a voice exploded from the left
body had flown away like a bullet with a mouthful of side before a figure came jetting out. With one hand
blood spraying out from his mouth! Bai Yunfei had grabbing onto Zhang Zhengshan, the other hand
staggered several steps back with blood spilling circulated with glacial qi before striking at Bai
from his lips as well. Yunfei’s chest!
This was the very first counterattack from Bai It was Liu Cheng that had come forth. Bai Yunfei’s
Yunfei after he had put away his spear. And so fist had astounded everyone from the Glacial
when his opponent had rained down on his body School after Zhang Zhengshan had been sent
with palm after palm, a predicament where a gap flying away. Liu Cheng had seen the heavily injured
like so had taken result! state of Zhang Zhengshan and was afraid that Bai
Yunfei would kill him. So for that reason, he had no
(+10 Additional Effect: When blocking, there is a other choice but to make his move to save Zhang
9% chance of absorbing and converting the attack Zhengshan.
power into personal attack power, releasing it with
your next attack. It can be held for 3 seconds. The Bai Yunfei’s fist had stopped Liu Cheng’s palm, but
amount of converted attack power cannot exceed he did not continue after that. Instead, his body had
the defensive strength of this item.) halted while he looked at the palm that Liu Cheng
had lashed out with in shock. Just when his
Bai Yunfei had endured for so long to finally wait for opponent had attacked, Bai Yunfei could see in his
this effect to be triggered to attack with the sleeves a faint blue-colored bracelet—there was no
combined strength of the palm strength he had mistaking it. Just like Bai Yunfei, Liu Cheng was
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wearing a rather uncoordinated looking bracelet, indignation had filled his heart. At the same time,
but Bai Yunfei knew the reason why Liu Cheng was the surrounding air around him seemed to froze as
wearing it, for this bracelet would allow for the frost began to appear and gather around Yu Fei’s
wearer’s speed to become even faster…. right fist before slamming down onto Bai Yunfei.
In an instant, a furious sensation had welled up A squall had engulfed the area without warning
within his heart and flooded out into his chest. This before Yu fei’s palm could even touch Bai Yunfei.
fury had carried an indescribable amount of This gale of wind had immediately blew back
stimulus….with this surging fury, Bai Yunfei’s eyes against Yu Fei, sending him flying backwards. After
had gone bloodshot. Bringing up his right hand into tumbling to the ground several steps, Yu Fei picked
a fist, he proceeded to strike at Liu Cheng right in himself up from the ground with his left hand
front of him! holding his chest while blood came forth from his
mouth. His face looked towards Hong Yin who was
Liu Cheng looked behind to where he was right besides Bai Yunfei with shock.
protecting Zhang Zhengshan only to see that his
face was contorted in pain. His mouth continued to “This was to be a fair duel. For headmaster Yu Fei
stream with blood, but he was able to stand for the and elder Liu Cheng to interfere, what is the
moment albeit with difficulty. Clearly, he was in no meaning of this?!” A light voice could be heard as
condition to continue fighting, but when Liu Cheng Mu Wanqing and You Qingfeng hurried to Bai
turned around to say something, he saw that Bai Yunfeng’s side.
Yunfei had launched himself in silent towards him
with an outstretched fist! Seeing the group of people gradually coming
forward, Yu Fei’s face had darkened and his eyes
Alarmed, Liu Cheng knew that he was unable to flashed several times as if he was thinking of a
dodge with Zhang Zhengshan right behind him and plan.
had instead put up his arms helplessly. Circulating
his soulforce, Liu Cheng prepared himself to Bai Yunfei suppressed a mouthful of blood and
receive the fist. stared down Yu Fei, “I’ve won, so return the Glacial
Pricker to me!” he spoke coldly.
Overlapping Waves Art, Eighty One Fold Fist
Force!! After speaking, he looked to Hong Yin by his side.
Understanding Bai Yunfei’s intentions, Hong Yin’s
This one strike was something that Bai Yunfei had body flickered away from sight only to reappear
never used before even in this last battle of his. The right in front of Yu Fei with an icy expression, “I
strongest of strikes from the Overlapping Waves won’t press you about your treacherous conduct
Art! just now. Leave the Glacial Pricker here and
With Hong Yin staring so closely and his soulforce
“Crack!” pressing down onto him, Yu Fei couldn’t help but
step back half a step. He knew that with the entire
Just like Zhang Zhengshan, Liu Cheng’s bones had Glacial School combined, they would not be a
let loose a cracking sound before he too was sent matched for this person in front of him. His face
flying away like Zhang Zhengshan had. flushed with a green and white color before finally
taking out the Glacial Pricker and handing it over to
As he flew through the sky, several bits and pieces Hong Yin unwillingly. Then turning around, he gave
of his broken bracelet came falling down to the a signal to the disciples behind him to pick up
ground from his sleeve. Zhang Zhengshan and Liu Cheng before making a
quick departure.
“Brat, you’re looking to die!” Yu Fei had gone up
with Liu Cheng to interrupt the fight, but he had Yan Xi had also given a deep look towards Bai
hesitated on interfering with it. But when he saw Yunfei before turning around without another word
that Liu Cheng had been injured as well, to leave as well.
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Bai Yunfei remained motionless from where he to look at Hong Yin who was inspecting Bai Yunfei,
stood. His right had involuntarily begun to tremble a Mu Wanqing whispered, “Hong Yin, Yunfei must
little bit with blood dripping down his arm. The be….”
outburst from the Eighty One Fold Fist Force had
caused his entire right arm to tear up, his muscles Hong Yin’s face nodded his head heavily, “It is the
and bones suffering from the tearing. anticipated backlash. We’ll have to return to the
school and think of a plan right away…"
But he didn’t seemed to have noticed this nor did
he spare a glance at his enemies leaving. Instead, Chapter 86: Fireseed Spirit Mushroom
his perplexed eyes seemed to have stared at the
small pile of blue fragments with a complex Chapter 86: Fireseed Spirit Mushroom
In one of the rooms of the western courtyards in the
After some time, he suddenly broke out into Green Willow School.
laughter that contained sarcasm and self-
deprecation, “Ah, this is your “treasured” Bai Yunfei was laid on one of the beds with a
bracelet….” strange crimson red color appearing all over his
body. His eyebrows pinched together in pain as he
Lifting his left hand, he gave his right arm a gentle clenched his fists together so much that his
nudge before a golden straw hat appeared in his fingernails had dug into his skin and shed blood
hand. that instantaneously evaporated. The veins on his
arms and neck were clearly visible, and his skin
“I gave it to you, but you didn’t want it….so what was as cracked as a dry field—his right arm was
you sent me, why should I keep it?” most noticeably mangled. Rivulets of blood had
secreted onto his skin before evaporating into a
“Bang….” One crisp echo later, a ball of fire bloody mist.
appeared in his palm before engulfing the straw hat
and quickly transformed it into specks of ash that The temperature of the room was completely
scattered and blew away into the sky…. because of him, and it was still increasing rapidly.
Even the mattress under him had a faint black spot
“Yunfei….are you alright?” Hong Yin asked in of being burnt. It was as if….there was a ball of fire
concern from the side. Bai Yunfei closed his eyes that was raging within his body. It was ready to cut
and sucked in his breath before slowly exhaling. open his chest, come out of his body, and burn his
Opening his eyes, there was a look of absolved entire body until there was nothing left.
calmness to him. Tilting his head up to give
everyone a smile, he nodded. Hong Yin sat right by the bed with his hands held
against his stomach. His eyebrows were furrowed
“Don’t worry, I’m fi-....” together while his eyes were closed shut in thought.
Before he could even finish, the expression on his After some time, Hong Yin finally opened his eyes
face suddenly went rigid and cut off his words and slowly stood to turn around to face You
before falling to the ground without a warning. Qingfeng and the others.
Startled, Hong Yin hastily held Bai Yunfei up. “Big brother Hong Yin, what is going on with big
Looking down, he could see that Bai Yunfei’s eyes brother Yunfei? He’s going to be fine, right?
were shut with his face contorted with pain. His Please….you have to save him!” Chu Yuhe
body continued to spasm as if he was undergoing immediately ran to Hong Yin when she saw him
some sort of gigantic pain. rise. Her face had turned upwards to look
expectantly at Hong Yin.
This sudden development had caused everyone
around them to panic. The girl Chu Yuhe herself You Qingfeng walked up as well to look at the
was on the verge of crying while Mu Wanqing bedridden Bai Yunfei. Concerned, she asked,
gently patted her shoulder to console her. Turning “Hong Yin, little brother Yunfei’s circumstances
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doesn’t look too reassuring! Do you have any plans He looked back to Bai Yunfei whose face seemed
right now?” to be even more pained. Sinking his head down in
thought, Hong Yin’s eyes continue to flash as if he
Hong Yin sighed with a shake of his head, “Yunfei was hesitating. After some time, he seemed to
is in an abnormally bad situation right now. I have have reached some sort of conclusion. His eyes
no idea what method he used to uplift himself to the grew resolute as he turned around to You
Soul Sprite stage or how he managed to condense Qingfeng. “Big brother You, there is something I
his essence fireseed. But because he broke require your assistance with.”
through too fast, his body wasn’t able to completely
harmonize with the elemental fire. Whatever You Qingfeng was startled, “Eh? Don’t tell me you
method he used, he had unexpectedly managed to actually thought of some way to save Yunfei? If you
condense a half of the essence fireseed to have need for me to do anything, then say it. I will
advance. There wasn’t anything that could go do my best to help!”
wrong in the battle, but the more and more he used
the elemental fire, the faster he found himself in this Hong Yin’s right hand shook, unexpectedly bringing
current predicament. With half of the elemental fire out a plethora of plants from his space ring. They
not under control, it grew in amount, causing it to looked to be medical ingredients—at least ten
go out of control within his body and burning. If this different sorts. A gentle wind had kicked up from
goes on, I’m afraid it might become fatal….” around his body before levitating the ingredients
into the air.
Hong Yin’s eyebrows grew even closer together,
“Right now the interior part of his body is in chaos. I With another lift of his hand, a small fire the size of
don’t dare involve myself in it. If there is a soul a palm had appeared above his hand. It was some
cultivator with the water element, they could sort of flaming red object. With its appearance, the
temporarily abate the problem. But alas, with my entire room seemed to have skyrocketed in
wind affinity soulforce, or your wood affinity, we temperature once more. A wisp of elemental fire
cannot do anything to rein in the berserk elemental came pulsating out from Bai Yunfei’s body with a
fire in Yunfei’s body….” strong resonance to the fire from the item.
“Then what do we do? Didn’t you just say the more Hong Yin stared at the plant in his hand for some
we wait, the more dangerous it gets….” Mu time before looking up to You Qingfeng. “Use your
Wanqing’s eyebrows knotted together in worry. affinity with wood and extract the essence from
these ingredients. Then mix it with this thing and
You Qingfeng looked to Hong Yin for a moment give it to Yunfei. It should help him get through this
before suddenly speaking out, “Hong Yin, if it was crisis for now.”
you, you’d be able to do it, correct? You’d remove
the unstable essence fireseed in his body….” You Qingfeng looked astounded at the floating
plants in front of Hong Yin; each one of these were
Hong Yin nodded his head faintly, “I would indeed extremely precious ingredients. But when he saw
do that. But, if we really did that, we would be the one item held in Hong Yin’s hand, he was
destroy Yunfei’s entire future! Not only would his instantly stunned. As his eyes opened wide, he
strength drop back down to the Soul Warrior stage, cried out, “That’s a….fire….fireseed spirit
he would never be able to make a breakthrough mushroom!!”
Mu Wanqing had been shocked at the strong
“What? Is it that serious?” Mu Wanqing was amount of elemental fire that came out from the
astonished, “Is the backlash of a soul skill truly that item in Hong Yin’s hand as well. When she heard
terrifying?” You Qingfeng’s gasp, she couldn’t help but ask in
confusion, “Qingfeng, what is a fireseed spirit
Hong Yin shook his head, “Yunfei’s circumstances mushroom? Why is it that I feel it’s….”
is quite unusual. I don’t even know what he
did….but in short, I don’t wish to destroy his “You feel that it contains the essence of fire,
future….” correct?” You Qingfeng nodded as he became calm
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once more. Explaining, he said, “Your sense isn’t You Qingfeng’s forehead had several beads of
wrong. This ‘fireseed spirit mushroom’ contains an sweat on it, but he looked to the fireseed spirit
extremely pure amount of the essence of elemental mushroom in Hong Yin’s hand, unsure on whether
fire. This precious material grows in the deepest or not he would have to do the same to it. In midst
part of the Soulbeast Forest, the million year old of his stares, Hong Yin spoke out, “You’ve worked
volcano. From its growth to maturation, it requires hard, big brother You. You needn’t break down this
at least several hundred years worth of time. Soul ingredient. For the next step, allow me to take
cultivators at the stage of Soul Warriors and over.”
upwards can use this to make a direct
breakthrough to the Soul Sprite stage. It can also Letting out a faint breath of air, the green halo of
condense the essence fireseed with ease and light in You Qingfeng’s hands retreated back into
without any danger! Even a soul cultivator without his own body. He walked to the side where he then
any gifts for the fire affinity can become sat down on a stool. From the looks of things,
incomparably close to the elemental fire with this. It breaking down and extracting the essence from
can even be said that whomever possesses a these ingredients had required a large amount of
single fireseed spirit mushroom possesses an energy from him.
absolute opportunity to advance into the Soul Sprite
stage!” Hong Yin extended an arm to allow the several
drops of liquid to slowly fly to his hand. An azure-
“Furthermore, for a soul cultivator at the stage of colored whirlwind had then formed on his palm,
Soul Sprite without the affinity for fire, then they forcing the liquids to begin to rotate around the
could without fail gain another elemental essence fireseed spirit mushroom. After several breaths
from within their body!” You Qingfeng spoke up to worth of time, the fireseed spirit mushroom let out a
there before turning to look at Hong Yin. “Are you “bang” sound before transforming into a fist-sized
certain you wish to give this to Bai Yunfei? This flame. Even the liquid revolving around it had been
is…..” engulfed before the temperature in the room had
clambered up once more.
Hong Yin gave a determined nod of his head, “It is
important to save a life. I will bother big brother You Hong Yin’s face had grown grim as the whirlwind in
with this then.” his hand flew faster and faster. That ball of fire in
his hand had gradually grown smaller as if it was
You Qingfeng gave a moment’s consideration being forcibly compressed. Finally, it had
before answering promptly, “Very well! If brother decreased to the size of a newborn’s fist.
Hong Yin brings out such a precious item to save a Furthermore, the several drops of liquids seemed to
life without consideration, then how could I be so have been melted into the flames to become one
miserly to not squander some of my original with it.
property strength?!”
Hong Yin let out a gentle sigh of air as he directed
Reaching out, You Qingfeng’s hand grabbed at the the ball of fire towards Bai Yunfei’s body. Fixating
ingredients that flew to his hand. After calming his eyes on him, Hong Yin spoke gently, “Yunfei, I
himself, a green halo of light began to slowly know you can hear what I’m saying. I am
appear above his palm to envelop the ingredients administering this to you, do not reject it. Let it flow
within it and rotate them. From the outside, the to your essence fireseed and fuse with it. Let it
ingredients could be seen slowly withering away control the elemental fire within you, and free
before turning into ash. A clear and transparent yourself from this danger!”
drop of liquid could be seen being squeezed out
before floating up on the side. Bai Yunfei’s eyes were still closed, and his body
continued to tremble. But there was a faint grunt
After several repeats of the process, all of the that could be heard from between his teeth as if he
ingredients Hong Yin had taken out had been was answering Hong Yin.
reduced to ash. In their place, several drops of
clear and transparent liquids could be seen. Hong Yin’s eyes flashed without anymore
hesitation. His left hand pinched Bai Yunfei’s chin
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and pulled open his mouth. With his right hand, the Chapter 87: Mid-stage Soul Sprite!!
ball of fire was immediately stuffed within Bai
Yunfei’s mouth! With the end of the night came day. And the
moment when the sunshine shined into the room,
Bai Yunfei’s body began to violently jerk around. Bai Yunfei’s finger moved from its position on the
His teeth continued to clench tightly as the ball of bed and his eyes gradually began to open….
fire was swallowed down into his abdomen.
Afterwards, his face warped in even more pain, Slowly sitting up, Bai Yunfei looked over his own
there were even some parts of his body that had body for a moment before holding his right hand up
even split open, but no blood had come out. to eyes. Studying it for a while, he seemed to be in
Instead, another bloody wisp of mist had risen up in looking at it pensively.
a grotesque manner.
“That was too dangerous…. I didn’t think that
Not too long after, his eyebrows had smoothened uplifting myself a stage so crazily would result in
out and the body tremors had lessened as if the this. I nearly lost my life just then. A technique to
situation had begun to turn around. strengthen my soulforce like this may be a shortcut,
but I can’t continue to use this in the future without
Seeing this turn of events, Hong Yin had finally let fear of the consequences.” Thinking about his loss
out a sigh of relief. Turning around to look at of control over the elemental fire and the
everyone, he said, “There shouldn’t be any unbearable pain it had brought, Bai Yunfei couldn’t
problems now. Let us all head out. Whatever help but feel some lingering fears on it. For that
happens next, it will be up to Bai Yunfei to deal moment, he had truly thought that he was about to
with. If nothing out of the ordinary happens, he die then and there.
should be fine by tomorrow….”
“It’s all thanks to big brother Hong Yin….without his
Walking out of the room, Hong Yin watched You help, then even if I saved my life, my life wouldn’t
Qingfeng and the rest leave as well. He stood in the be as easy to become as strong as I desired.
middle of the courtyard in heavy thought before Would I even still be able to live on so carefreely?”
shaking his head, “Having done things this way, it
was well worth it. With all things considered, I had Bai Yunfei gave a look over on his body. The
no plans to cultivate the elemental fire in the first essence fireseed in his stomach was two times as
place….there is a secret to Bai Yunfei. I would think big as it was the day before yesterday at around
that he would definitely not disappoint me then….” the size of a fist. It seemed to have wrapped
around his heart and pulsated along with the
Hong Yin returned to his own room and shut his rhythmic beat of his heart. Wisp after wisp of the
doors. And so the western courtyards had elemental fire had flowed out with each beat and
descended into a gentle calm once more. circulated along with his soulforce throughout his
body. There was a surge of power that flooded his
The moon was beginning to ascend as the stars body, making him feel far stronger than he had ever
began to sparkle as well. Time went by bit by bit as felt.
Bai Yunfei remained in his room. That burst of
raging elemental fire hadn’t ceased in its pulsating “Mid-stage Soul Sprite!!” Bai Yunfei’s eyes
from start to finish. But it had gradually went from a sparkled, “That whats-it-called ‘fireseed spirit
chaotic mess of energy into a moderate and regular mushroom’ big brother Hong Yin gave me has such
burst of energy. Receding and extending, it was a miraculous effect! But, this also demonstrates the
quite similar to the rhythmic pattern of a heartbeat. depths of his heart. I’m afraid this will be a hard
favor to return…”
With the end of the night came day. And the
moment when the sunshine shined into the room, After a moment of thinking, Bai Yunfei sighed and
Bai Yunfei’s finger moved from its place on the bed gave up thinking about it. Getting down from the
and his eyes gradually began to open…. bed, he threw open the doors and walked out.
“Haha, Yunfei, you speak as if we are strangers to “Yunfei, you speak too much like a stranger. You
each other, you don’t need to take this so are the sworn brother of Yuhe, helping you should
seriously.” Hong Yin waved his hand dismissively at be a given thing. Furthermore, we didn’t even help
his words. “I saved you because you have made you much. It was Hong Yin that saved you; if you
me believe it is worth it helping you. I know you will wished to repay someone, then it should be him.”
achieve many things in your future since you still Mu Wanqing shook her head with a smile.
have many secrets, isn’t that right?”
“Yunfei, your strength….” Ever since You Qingfeng
“That….” Bai Yunfei hesitated for a moment, unsure had walked into the courtyard, he had continued to
of how he should respond. stare at Bai Yunfei as if there was a question he
was not sure about.
“Naturally, that is only my guess. You don’t need to
tell me, but I think that you won’t disappoint me, “En, not only has my injuries fully recovered, but I
correct?” have fully condensed my essence fireseed and
stabilized it. My strength has also reached the mid-
Bai Yunfei had looked a little embarrassed. After stage Soul Sprite level as well.” Bai Yunfei nodded
being silent for half a moment, he shook his head before letting loose the restraint he had to allow the
gently and spoke honestly to Hong Yin, “No matter others to feel his current strength.
the case, big brother Hong Yin saved my life this
time. I will never forget this, I think that….” “That’s….that’s utterly inconceivable! Big brother
Hong Yin’s ‘fireseed spirit mushroom’ has that
“Eeeh? Big brother Yunfei’s fine! That’s great!” Just strong of an effect?!” Qiu Luliu stared in disbelief at
at that moment, an alarmed cry of joy could be Bai Yunfei. She couldn’t help but cry out in alarm
heard from outside the courtyards. Turning around, before sighing and speaking in dejection, “Yunfei,
Bai Yunfei could only see an emerald-green clothed let me say something here, okay? When I first met
Chu Yuhe come running towards him with a joyous you, you were only a late-stage Soul Apprentice.
expression. You Qingfeng, Mu Wanqing and even But now...even though I know you came across
Qiu Luliu could be seen entering the courtyard good fortune, this rate of progression from you is
behind her. too much of a blow to me. And to think that I used
to believe my own talent for cultivation was quite
“Big brother Yunfei, are you okay? Are you decent!”
completely better now?” Chu Yuhe scampered
towards Bai Yunfei and asked question after “Eh, Luliu, what words are you saying? I only had
question in concern. good luck, that’s all. Plus, it was all thanks to big
brother Hong Yin. I nearly died, just how amazing
Bai Yunfei looked at Chu Yuhe with a moved eye. could I be after that?” Bai Yunfei couldn’t help but
When it came to this little girl, he didn’t have any laugh.
~ 261 ~
Hong Yin had only looked at everyone before out a chuckle and teased Bai Yunfei, “Yunfei, I was
saying, “Let’s not continue to stand in the just joking with you. You really are serious, just
courtyards and head into one of the rooms….” what type of person do you take your older brother
Hong Yin to be? I clearly said that I had given it to
………… you, just how could I take it back like that?
After an hour, You Qingfeng and the others had
finally left. Mu Wanqing was the leader of a school Bai Yunfei was stunned. “That….”
after all and thus had many things to busy herself
with. “Haha, I only wish to see just how much you’ve
‘transformed’ this bracer….” Hong Yin held out an
Mu Wanqing had told Bai Yunfei that the Glacial arm towards the bracer, and the moment it touched
School had already left Jade Willow City. Their two his head, the smile on his face had immediately
elders had been injured by Bai Yunfei, Zhang vanished. Turning flabbergasted, he looked at the
Zhengshan most especially. His ribs had been bracer in his hands and circulated his soulforce into
fractured in several places, and his internal organs it, causing the bracer to glow red.
had been ruptured. It would take several dozen
days for his wounds to completely heal. “High-earth tier!” Even with his earlier preparations,
Hong Yin still couldn’t help but gasp, “How is that
After sending them off, Hong Yin looked pensively possible? When I gave it to you before, it was
at Bai Yunfei. “Yunfei, what’s wrong? Don’t tell me definitely a high-human tier soul armament. How
you’re worried about the Glacial School taking could it just jump three tiers and into the earth
revenge? Don’t worry then. They won’t be seeking rank….”
trouble with you for a good while. Even more so,
with your current strength, you don’t need to fear Hong Yin had been thunderstrucked for a moment
them either do you?” before his head snapped to Bai Yunfei with
sparkling eyes, “Yunfei, are you from the Crafting
Hearing that there was something else applied in School?”
his words, Bai Yunfei was rather stunned, “Big
brother Hong Yin, you overestimate me. Today, I “What?” Bai Yunfei had been glad that he didn’t
am a mid-stage Soul Sprite, but I am still nowhere need to return the bracer back, but at the same
close to being able to go head to head with the time, he had to think of a way to explain how the
headmaster of a school….” bracer had ‘upgraded’. Hong Yin’s question had
stunned him however, and he replied with his own
“Haha, I’m just joking.” Hong Yin gave a secretive question, “Big brother Hong Yin, how you ask if I
laugh before abruptly changing the subject. “Ah, am from the Crafting School? Don’t you know of my
Yunfei. The bracer I gave you for your battle situation? From the very beginning, I was taught by
against Zhang Zhengshan, could I have it back senior Ge Yiyun….”
Hong Yin’s eyes stared strangely at Bai Yunfei for
“Ah?” Bai Yunfei’s face went rigid. He had no idea some time before finally regaining his wits and
that Hong Yin would suddenly speak about such a shaking his head. “I know that you are tied to the
topic and couldn’t respond to it for some time Fate School, that’s why I asked. Otherwise, I would
afterwards. But after lowering his head in silence, have thought you to be an inner disciple of the
his face changed slightly and sighed. With a wave Crafting School….”
of his hand, the crimson bracer appeared in it. Bai
Yunfei placed the bracer onto the table and forced “En? Why do you say that?” Bai Yunfei’s eyebrows
out a smile, “En, this was big brother Hong Yin’s raised up in confusion.
item to begin with, I should return it to you….”
“This bracer’s transformation is truly too
Hong Yin’s lips curled into a smile at Bai Yunfei’s inconceivable. I can only think of one way that this
clearly pained expression. Trying his best to is possible, and that is if you are a disciple of the
pretend to be calm, he could no longer help but let Crafting School. A disciple that understands the
~ 262 ~
way to use the essence fireseed to refine and Yin says….then it was because of the fireseed
create a soul armament!” essence. Although I’m not from the Crafting School
and don’t know the way of crafting….I have the
“People say that the Crafting School has a secret Item Upgrade Technique! I may not know why this
method for when they advance in soulforce, they is, but if my guess isn’t wrong, when the essence
can use the condensed essence fireseed and the fireseed mixed with the soul item, the Upgrade
strengthened amount of pure elemental fire to craft Technique had also made a special connection to it
a soul armament. They can upgrade this soul to have this type of result. But not only was the
armament, and because of the essence fireseed quality of the item increased, it was upgraded
that has harmonized with their own body, they without my control of it. Could this be….the mystery
create a special connection between their soul and that is the Upgrade Technique?”
the soul armament. From this, they can bring out
the true power of their soul armament, and so the “But, my Upgrade Technique didn’t have anything
men of the Crafting School call them soulbound to do with the essence fireseed in the past....maybe
armaments.” after I became a Soul Sprite, the condensed
essence fireseed had gained some sort of special
“Naturally, this is something only the people of the property to it that allows for a hundred percent
Crafting School is willing to do. Other soul upgrade rate? It’s a shame I can’t experiment on
cultivators with the essence fireseed are very this and find out. After having the essence fireseed
reluctant to do so. The more they have, the less fuse with my body, it’s become too different since
they are willing to waste some of it to craft a soul before I became a Soul Sprite….”
armament. After all, there is only one time to
condense the essence fireseed, and the more it “Yunfei, what are you thinking about?” Hong Yin’s
grows, the far smoother the path of cultivation will voice entering his ear had caused Bai Yunfei to
be for them in the future….” snap back into awareness.
“I’d guess that this bracer’s transformation was “It’s nothing….big brother Hong Yin, I think….” Bai
definitely because of your advancement that it Yunfei hesitated. Then as if he had made up his
grew, correct? That must be the reason why you mind, he spoke to Hong Yin, “Big brother Hong Yin,
only had half of the essence fireseed as well. But, could I see all of your soul armaments?”
you really aren’t a disciple of the Crafting School,
so how was it that you are able to improve the Hong Yin stared blankly, “Eh? What for?”
bracer to such a degree like this….”
“That is….” Bai Yunfei didn’t know how to respond.
Bai Yunfei’s head drooped down as he quickly But then he thought of a way, “You know already. I
processed the information given to him by Hong have a few secrets that I cannot let others know
Yin. His eyebrows furrowed together as his eyes about. In truth, the reason why the Glacial School is
sparkled with light. so dead set on chasing me down is mainly because
of this. I know big brother Hong Yin won’t put me in
Gradually, there was a light of understanding that danger, and even if I have no reason to explain in
flashed through his eyes…. detail, I will tell you. I can….upgrade weaponry.
Although I can’t upgrade it to the point of this
Chapter 88: 'Flame Dagger' of the Bracer bracer, I can at least bring up the power by a small
Chapter 88: 'Flame Dagger' of the Bracer
“What! Is that true?!” Hong Yin’s eyes let out a
Bai Yunfei’s head drooped down in thought. brilliant ray of light as he stared seriously at Bai
Gradually, there was a light of understanding that Yunfei.
flashed through his eyes….
“En. I cannot explain the method, but I can do it.”
“So that’s the reason. I didn’t understand why the After speaking, Bai Yunfei didn’t hide anything back
Firetipped Spear and the bracer had been and maintained a calm expression.
upgraded, but if we follow what big brother Hong
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The light in Hong Yin’s eyes receded as he gave a could tell the quality of it at a single touch? Not bad.
contemplative look. WIth a shake of his right hand, This dagger is called the “Bloodhowl Fang”.
a white dagger appeared in it. Handing it over to Although it is barely just at the heaven rank, its
Bai Yunfei, he said, “Even if it’s a weapon like this, power is unbelievable strong.”
what can you do with it?”
“So how about it? Even if its a heaven-tier soul
In the split moment he saw the dagger, Bai Yunfei armament, will you be able to increase its strength
immediately felt his heart leap into his throat. A as you said you could?” Hong Yin stared at the
strong bloody smell could be felt from it. And for a contemplative Bai Yunfei with an expecting look.
moment, Bai Yunfei had felt that there was an
illusion placed onto him that made him see a red- After a moment to think, Bai Yunfei braced himself
eyed wolf growling towards him. and nodded his head. “En, there won’t be any
problems. I just need some time. Tomorrow I will
This illusion had been for a moment before return this back to big brother Hong Yin.”
vanishing. When Bai Yunfei had regathered his
thoughts, there had been nothing out of the “Oh, really now?” Hong Yin was overjoyed. Smiling,
ordinary, and the dagger was just an ordinary one. he said, “En, take your time, there’s no need to
No—calling it ordinary wouldn’t be apt. Because at rush. Even if you took a few days, it would be fine.”
a closer observation, he had discovered that this
dagger would be better off being described as the Bai Yunfei smiled at the sight of an overjoyed Hong
fang of some sort of beast. It was practically Yin, “Haha, big brother Hong Yin, how could you be
grinded and polished from a fang and fashioned so carefree? This is a heaven-tier soul armament.
into a crude type of dagger. Aren’t you afraid I’d run off with it?”
The Bloodhowl Fang was rumored to said to belong Hong Yin stared blankly for a moment before
to the Bloodhowl Wolf King when it reached the shooting a baleful eye at him, “You underestimate
eighth level. It would use its own fang to craft a your old brother. Do you really think you would be
weapon with an unbelievably sharp point and able to run away from me? Haha….”
tremendous power. In the world of soul cultivators,
it was an extremely well known soul armament. After a brief discussion, Hong Yin had reminded Bai
Naturally, Bai Yunfei didn’t know that, but he could Yunfei of several facts that should be known
feel that this weapon had a strange make to it and regarding the original property of his soul and to not
felt doubtful. try to increase his soulforce for the time being. Bai
Yunfei would have to first familiarize himself with
But despite the doubtful look on Bai Yunfei’s face, the newfound energy he had as well. He was at the
when he took the weapon into his hands a middle Soul Sprite stage, but even if his body had
thunderstrucked look overtook it. adapted to the energy, he still needed to learn how
to control it. His level of control was still at the Soul
Warrior stage and so he would have to first
Equipment Grade: Low Regalia familiarize himself with the power of the Soul Sprite
Attack: 2257 before he could try to advance again.
Upgrade Requirement: 113 Soulpoints
But it had been smooth sailing for now. The things Putting away the Bloodhowl Fang, Bai Yunfei
that Bai Yunfei was worried about had never come thought for a moment before taking out the crimson
to past. Aside from a few wasted soulforce and the bracer.
lower probability of the upgrade being successful,
nothing unexpected had happened, allowing Bai “The +10 additional effect I’ve already tested when
Yunfei to upgrade the item all the way to +10. battling Zhang Zhengshan. Its effect was extremely
unusual and basically meant that I was able to
borrow my opponent’s strength for my own attack.
Equipment Grade: Low Regalia Combining defense and offense together, I was
Upgrade Level: +11 able to flip the tides of battle around unexpectedly!
Attack: 2257 This +12 ‘flame winged dagger’ is something I
Additional Attack: 1263 haven’t tried before. It consumes soulpoints upon
+10 Additional Effect: When attacking, there is a activation? Does that mean….”
30% chance to inflict 'Intimidation', forcing the
opponent's overall attributes to drop 20% for 10 Bai Yunfei adorned the bracer onto his right arm
seconds. and then concentrated his soulforce to enter the
Upgrade Requirement: 113 Soulpoints bracer. The bracer flashed with a crimson light that
filled the entire room, but other than that, nothing
had changed.
“Siiiii….” Bai Yunfei let out a breath of cold air “That’s great then. Brother Yunfei should eat
before waving his hand to recollect the broken something. I made this breakfast myself!” Chu
blade. Looking at the slightly shaking flame dagger Yuhe had a dainty smile on her face as she sat in
above his right arm, he had a gleeful smile. “What a front of Bai Yunfei. Resting her head on her lily-
strong flame! This is the smallest form yet, so if I white hands, her eyes blinked repeatedly as she
add even more soulforce into it….” watched him.
Bai Yunfei urged his soulforce into the bracer, Seeing how this girl was waiting with that ‘praise
causing the flame dagger to explode and elongate me’ expression, Bai Yunfei couldn’t help but laugh.
another third of a meter longer. The scorching heat His heart felt a happy emotion well up inside of him,
of the blade had skyrocketed as well. “En, I’ve troubled you, little sister Yuhe.”
Gazing his eyes onto it, Bai Yunfei cut off the “It was no trouble. No trouble at all! Big brother
stream of soulforce and watched as the dagger Yunfei should eat quickly now.” Chu Yuhe’s smile
become a spark and disappearing out of sight. grew even wider and happier.
“Good, good!! I didn’t think that this ‘flame winged “Oh, I forgot to ask. Is big brother Hong Yin still
dagger’ would have such a strong power! Although next door, has he eaten breakfast yet?” Bai Yunfei
the soulforce consumption is big, it is completely asked while staring at the door.
worth it! Like this, my strength has grown once
again!!” Bai Yunfei’s heart was beating with “Hehe, brother Hong Yin woke up a long time ago!
emotions. He looked at the crimson bracer and Sister Qiu already gave him some breakfast earlier.
muttered to himself, “Well then. I’ll call you the Now the two of them are both at the lakeside
‘Flameblade Bracer then!” looking at some dog.”
After a moment’s rest, he took out a piece of “Eh? Dog?” Bai Yunfei was taken aback before
jewelry from his space ring. realizing something, “Oh, do you mean the
Thunderwolf? Is brother Hong Yin trying to
“Then I’ll upgrade some jewelry too and give the communicate with it again?”
best one to Yuhe. When one promises something,
they cannot eat their words….” “En, he is. Big brother Hong Yin is trying his best to
talk with it, but it’s ignoring him. Even if Xiao Tang
“Upgrade….” dances on its head or a finger is used to scratch its
ear, there is no reaction.”
Chapter 89: Upgrade Complete
Bai Yunfei looked at the ‘mischievous’ look on her
Chapter 89: Upgrade Complete face before smiling, “Haha, don’t say that to Xiao
Tang or else it’ll get angry and dump you into
On the next brisk morning when Bai Yunfei had water.”
finished cultivating and was washing his face, Chu
Yuhe brought him breakfast “on time”. “Hmph, I wouldn’t even bother with it. How could a
rat be so arrogant?” Chu Yuhe lifted her nose up in
“Brother Yunfei, are you up? Master said that you an adorable fashion, but she had stopped saying
just made a breakthrough and needed time to anything bad about Xiao Tang.
consolidate and had forbidden me from seeing you
yesterday… How are you feeling now?” Chu Yuhe Bai Yunfei shook his head before suddenly
asked while placing a bowl of congee and several remembering something. Taking out an item from
dishes of food onto a table. his space ring, he spoke, “Ah, Yuhe. I promised to
give you a present before, but the matters with the
~ 266 ~
Glacial School took too long. Haha, take a look and faster than before. Haha, how happy are you now?
see if you like this or not.” Do you like it?”
With that, he gave the emerald-colored fish-shaped The girl was stupefied for a very long time before a
pendant to her. look of excitement overcame her face. Staring at
Bai Yunfei with stars in her eyes, she said, “Brother
Yunfei, is this really because of the pendant? How
Equipment Grade: Superior magical! Did brother Yunfei make this?”
This was the remaining piece of jewelry left over Bai Yunfei gently nodded his head before turning to
from Bai Yunfei’s yesternight attempt at upgrading. eat the breakfast on the table. Chu Yuhe continued
In the past he had prepared to give her a fish- to happily play with the ‘magical’ pendant that was
shaped pendant as well, but the one now was far wrapped around her neck.
stronger than the fish-shaped one.
Now that he had given the upgraded pendant to
Chu Yuhe revealed an overjoyed expression at the Yuhe, Bai Yunfei didn’t have any more worries. The
pendant as she took it into her hands. Giddy, she loveable little girl would definitely not reveal his
exclaimed cheerfully, “What a beautiful little fish! I ‘secret’ easily. No one would be able to figure out
really like it. Thank you, brother Yunfei!” that such an ordinary-looking pendant would have
such a particular effect unless they knew about it
“En, it’s good if you like it. Try it on, you’ll be even beforehand.
happier!” Bai Yunfei smiled with a mysterious tone
to his voice. …………
“What do you mean? What will happen when I wear After eating breakfast, Bai Yunfei and Chu Yuhe
it?” Chu Yuhe asked. Curiously staring at the walked out of the bedroom together and headed for
pendant in her hands, she finally began to put it the lake. From far away, they could see Hong Yin
around her neck. and Qiu Luliu both sitting on top of stone stools by
the lake. In front of the two were two large figures.
“Ehhh? What a strange feeling...” A split second Aside from the Thunderwolf, there was the gigantic
after wearing the pendant, Chu Yuhe felt stunned. Giant Goldeye Ape.
Her mouth dropped open in exclamation.
One of Hong Yin’s hands was pressed against the
Her current strength was quite weak, so an abrupt head of the Thunderwolf as he gathered his spirit
increase of 60 points in agility was a considerable and tried to ‘communicate’ with it. Xiao Tang was
increase to her. on the head of the Giant Goldeye Ape, and
continued to leap and jump while tweaking its ears
Seeing the stupefied look on the girl’s face, Bai in an attempt to ‘bully’ the ape. However, there was
Yunfei gave a satisfied nod of his head. “How is it? no response from either creature. Their eyes were
Yuhe, do you feel even lighter than before? Let me void of spirit, and there was no physical reaction at
tell you, when you wear this pendant, you’ll be even all.
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Bai Yunfei stood to the side and gave a nod to Qiu Watching the two girls leave, Bai Yunfei smiled to
Luliu. Without disturbing Hong Yin, he just stood Hong Yin and waved his right hand. The Bloodhowl
behind Hong Yin without a word. Fang appeared in his right hand before he handed
it over back to Hong Yin.
Chu Yuhe walked up to Qiu Luliu’s side and the two
women later walked a few steps away. Their voices “Eh? You really finished that fast?” Hong Yin was
were quiet as the little girl began to ‘show off’ her startled, and skeptically picked it up with his hands.
recently acquired gift. Naturally, she only let Qiu
Luliu feel the pendant with her hand. She told Qiu The moment the Bloodhowl Fang touched his
Luliu that it had a ‘cute’ and ‘exquisite’ appearance hands, Hong Yin’s eyes flashed brightly and he
without ever mentioning its special use. immediately shut his mouth to stop from saying
anything more to Bai Yunfei. His face carried a look
Half a moment later, Hong Yin finally opened his of seriousness as he studied the weapon in his
eyes. With a dejected sigh, he waved his hand to hands with rapt attention.
recollect both beasts.
The Bloodhowl Fang was his weapon, so he was
“Brother Hong Yin, what happened? Did it fail?” extremely familiar with it. With a detailed
Seeing Hong Yin act this way, Qu Luliu took two examination, his eyes brightened even more as a
steps forward to ask. thunderstruck expression overcame his face.
Nodding, Hong Yin replied in a low voice, “There “Mid-heaven tier! A mid-heaven tier!! It actually
was simply no progress at all. Actually, I knew it increased a rank….” Hong Yin had a look of utter
was a futile attempt, but still… ai!” disbelief as he spoke.
“Brother Hong Yin, please don’t be discouraged. Hearing his words, Bai Yunfei’s eyes suddenly
I’m sure that you’ll find a way!” Qiu Luliu gave some flashed with realization, “When the attack power
words of comfort when she saw the look of reaches over 3000, does it become a mid-heaven
frustration on Hong Yin’s face. tier soul armament? For them, they rank a soul
armament based off of its attack and defense.
Sighing, the look of frustration drained from Hong Naturally, they never had an ‘additional effect’
Yin’s face as he turned to Bai Yunfei with a smile. before… but with the Upgrade Technique, it shows
“Yunfei, how did last night's cultivation go? How off the original quality. For example, the
much longer do you think you’ll need to consolidate Flameblade Bracer was originally a low-earth tier
your newly acquired strength?” armament before I upgraded it. But after upgrading
it to +12, brother Hong Yin said that it was a high-
“I feel that it’s going well. Nothing bad has earth tier soul armament. That must be because
happened so far. I think that, at most, it’ll take after the upgrades, the cumulative sum of the
another five or six days before I get a full grasp of attack or defense power was enough to become a
being a middle Soul Sprite.” Yunfei nodded. high-earth tier soul armament…”
“Ai, Yunfei. Why is it that I feel that each word you “This really is too crazy to be true. Yunfei, just how
speak is like a physical blow to me? Really. I can’t did you manage this? In a single night, a low-
afford to be lazy anymore. I must practice hard to heaven tier soul armament became a mid-grade
increase my strength. Little sister, let us return to one. If news of this were to leak into the world of
cultivate…” Qiu Luliu gave a feigned and soul cultivators, do you know just how big of a
exaggerated faint as a joke before pulling the still clamor this would make? As far as I know, even a
confused Chu Yuhe toward the other courtyards. In talented senior of the Crafting School would find it
truth, she realized that there was something both incomparably difficult to increase the ranking of a
Bai Yunfei and Hong Yin wanted to say to each soul armament. Back when my adoptive father first
other; therefore, she had made an excuse to leave made this armament, the Bloodhowl Fang was only
first. at the high-earth tier. It was only after an enormous
payment that a senior of the Crafting School
managed to use countless of materials and an
~ 268 ~
entire month to bring it up to the heaven tier. Even Stonegroove City was the provincial capital of the
after that, he had been forced to take a dozen days Northern Cliff Province. It was also the most
of closed door cultivation to make up for the flourishing area in the entire province. A single eye
exhaustion. But you…” Hong Yin thought about wouldn’t be enough to see the entirety of this
how it had taken a single night to increase the gigantic city standing on top of a mountain. The
quality of the armament with a seemingly calm most particular part to this city was the surrounding
expression, but he had no idea just what to say to parts of the city. There were countless of stones
Bai Yunfei next. scattered everywhere in a dense blanket. Some lay
high and some lay low, but these areas were like
“Oh? The senior of the Crafting School is truly forests of stone. The entire Stonegroove City was
amazing!” Bai Yunfei hadn’t paid attention to the ‘guarded’ by this stone forest.
lack of ‘compliment’ by Hong Yin since he had been
shocked by what Hong Yin had said about the As the sun began to set, the scorching, hot weather
Crafting School. dipped in temperature. On the southern road to
Stonegroove City, a single white-robed figure wore
According to what he now knew of the properties of a straw hat. He basked in the sunset’s glow as
upgrading a soul armament with the Upgrade headed leisurely toward the city.
Technique, a high-earth tier soul armament had an
attack or defense power between 1200 to 2000. The youth raised his head up to the sky. With the
After the Fire-tipped Spear and Flameblade Bracer shabby straw hat, hands that were completely out
were upgraded, they were considered to be low- of sight, and short, simple hair, he was not very
heaven tier soul armament between 2000 and outstanding in looks. However, the firm and serious
3000. For the soul armament past 3000, they were expression on his face gave any observer a feeling
mid-heaven tier. For the time being, Bai Yunfei had that he was trustworthy.
no idea just what it would take to be considered a
high-heaven tier. This youth was Bai Yunfei. From Jade Willow City
to now, he had almost always walked on the main
If the Bloodhowl Fang was at its prior high-earth roads the entire way without coming across any
tier, then it would have roughly 1200 attack power danger. So naturally he had been in no rush to
at the very least. Even if it was upgraded ten times, travel and had felt the emotional rush of traveling
it would add another half of its attack strength, for the very first time. Slowly, but not too slowly, he
meaning that it would be able to make it to the top walked around and familiarized himself with the
of the high-grade earth-tier. However, a man of the surrounding world. He had spent over a month
Crafting School had been able to bring it to the low- traveling before he reached the provincial capital of
heaven tier! the Northern Cliff Province.
Hong Yin’s lips twitched. He simply had no idea The reason why the word ‘almost’ was used was
how Bai Yunfei would be able to easily upgrade a because twenty days ago, Bai Yunfei had taken a
soul armament to such an extent. Just how would a “totally clear and impossible to be lost” path which
senior of the Crafting School be so amazing in had changed his direction. It had taken him half the
comparison… day to realize that the road was not like what the
map had said. Lost, he had found himself in a
Chapter 91: Just Arrived at Stonegroove City forest before Bai Yunfei had realized this was
and the Space Ring is Already Stolen?! wrong. He figured he would be able to quickly make
his way out, but the results…
Chapter 91: Just Arrived at Stonegroove City and
the Space Ring is Already Stolen?! After an entire day of walking around, he had finally
made his way out of the forest muddle-headed. It
The Northern Cliff Province was on the very border was by good fortune that he had discovered an inn
of the Skysoul Empire. At this time in the eighth near the forest. Although the fact there was an inn
month of the year, the Northern Cliff Province had out in a place like that was strange, Bai Yunfei had
been in a very long drought. It was scorching the thought nothing of it and chose to enter the inn to
majority of the time and the entire earth baked. take a quick rest.
~ 269 ~
He had in fact came across one of the “Black Inns” From the stone forest to the city gates, the path
spoken of in legends. It had been fortunate that the was completely straight. Walking past the stone
knockout drugs in the well Bai Yunfei had drunk formations felt like there were guards standing
from were not of a good quality. An ordinary person watch by the side. They gave the feeling of
would be affected, but for Bai Yunfei, who was a welcoming him.
middle Soul Sprite, it had only taken a circulation of
his soulforce for him to flush out the drugs. Those After entering the city, Bai Yunfei was greeted by a
evildoers, who had that wicked gleam in their eyes, never seen before level of flourishment. In the past,
had been beaten black and blue by Bai Yunfei, and he had thought that Jade Willow City was a
were forced to scream for their fathers and cry for magnificent city in terms of how much it flourished,
their mothers as they tried to run away. but compared to Stonegroove City, Jade Willow
City was like a beginner magician in front of a
It was with noses full of snot and eyes filled with grand magus.
tears that they had sworn they only wanted riches
and never harmed anyone’s lives. Bai Yunfei had In terms of the width of the streets, the streets of
verified that they weren’t lying before letting them Stonegroove City were double that of Jade Willow
go. If Bai Yunfei had a heart that detested criminals City. Five or six carriages wouldn’t even be enough
as much as his enemies, then he would have to completely fill the city streets. Even at night,
cremated them right where they stood. there were still plenty of people to be seen walking
to and fro. Sometimes, there would even be a
After making his way back to the main roads with chariot that shuffled back and forth with a loud
difficulty, Bai Yunfei had decided that without the clamor.
the direct guidance of another person, he would not
travel down a minor road again. There were many buildings on both sides of the
street that stretched for as far as the eye could see.
Afterward, Bai Yunfei had traveled as he pleased Despite it not being completely dark out, all of the
down the road. He had then finally arrived in the buildings had plenty of lanterns light. From far
Northern Cliff Province after leaving Jade Willow away, the interior of the buildings were even
City forty days ago. brighter than the outside.
Looking ahead at the stone forest and the protected Bai Yunfei looked at a three story tall pavilion. On
city above it, Bai Yunfei felt quite shocked. This the top, there was a giant signboard labeled
was a sight he had never seen before. From just “McBun” — clearly it specialized in selling steamed
this majestic sight alone, Bai Yunfei felt a little buns. The interior of the building was extremely
elated, and the travel fatigue he had built up was busy— business was very prosperous for them.
alleviated a little bit as well. The scent of a meat bun could be smelled from the
outside, and those passing by couldn’t help but
“I’ve already traveled halfway! I’ll rest in this city for twitch their noses at the aroma. Plenty of people
two days and continue my journey after. I bet that in who had just entered the city, hungry from their
not too long, I’ll reach the Great Plains Province travels, would brighten at the sight of it and enter
and then the Crafting School!” Bai Yunfei began to the building.
walk even faster toward the city.
Bai Yunfei felt hungry when he thought about it.
As he got closer to the stone forest, Bai Yunfei Giving it a second thought, he figured this store
discovered that the distance between each pile of was much better than the previous store he had
stones was quite far. Some of the stones were been to, the ‘Happy Bun Store’, so he walked right
dozens of meters tall, some were about the height in.
of a short person, and some were wide enough for
several people to form a ring around them. There After being escorted to the second floor by a
were some stones that were like rocky sticks jutting waitress, Bai Yunfei was told they offered many
from the ground while others were buried deep into different types of buns. With the waitress offering
the ground. In either case, they did not seem to be him the specialties of their store to him, Bai Yunfei
in danger of collapsing any time soon. ate like a king. In the end, he finally understood just
~ 270 ~
why this store had so many customers. After buying “Can even a middle Soul Personage dare be so
these unique buns, anyone that ate them would be arrogant? Are they not afraid of angering any other
pleased. soul cultivators? Perhaps… they belong to some of
the strongest factions in this city?” Bai Yunfei
After demolishing ten of the buns on the table, Bai watched a single soul cultivator throw down
Yunfei took a sip of his tea in satisfaction. Picking someone who hadn’t been able to move away in
at his teeth with a toothpick, he called for them to time with narrowed eyes. When he saw how those
bring him the bill. few who had been tossed to the ground bowed and
scraped their heads in forgiveness, Bai Yunfei
Getting up, Bai Yunfei had already taken out could only shake his head. Not caring enough to do
several coins to give to the waitress. Turning anything, he turned around to continue down the
around to walk down the stairs and out the building, road.
the coin purse in his hand disappeared from sight.
Just as he turned around, a single figure had failed
The happily full Bai Yunfei was not paying attention to move out of the way in time and crashed into
when he left the building. When he had taken out him. While Bai Yunfei didn’t budge an inch, the man
his coin purse from his space ring, a middle-aged let out a short cry and fell backwards.
man with matted hair and a rather ordinary
appearance had been secretly watching him from Startled, Bai Yunfei instinctively reached out a hand
the corner on the second floor. At the sight of the to grab the wrist of the other person. The other man
coin purse, his eyes had gleamed with excitement. had been startled as well, and grabbed onto Bai
Yunfei’s hand so that he was pulled up before
When Bai Yunfei had walked down to the first floor, falling to the ground.
the man had stood up to pay his bill and followed
Bai Yunfei closely. Even as a middle Soul Sprite, “Hey! Just what’s wrong with you — turning around
Bai Yunfei wasn’t paying attention at all! so suddenly without caring where you are?” A
rather frail-looking middle-aged man spoke
The streets were still brightly lit since it was not that unhappily while rubbing his right shoulder with his
late, and plenty of people were walking to and fro. left arm.
Bai Yunfei was in no rush to find an inn to sleep for
the night. He decided to stroll around the city first to “Oh, my apologies.” Not expecting to have the other
understand the basic layout of the city and buy a person speak first, Bai Yunfei was stunned. Without
few things. arguing, he gave several words in apology before
letting the middle-aged man walk away grumbling.
After half an hour, Bai Yunfei had discovered that
there were plenty of soul cultivators in this city! Shaking his head lightly, Bai Yunfei paid him no
more attention and continued walking. Before he
The unique and abundant soulforce of a soul could even take two steps, his eyebrows suddenly
cultivator would easily create a resonance with narrowed together in doubt.
other cultivators. Even if he was unable to
determine a soul cultivator’s true strength, as long “I feel something strange, is something wrong
as the difference in strength wasn’t too much, then here?”
a person would be able to tell that the other person
was a soul cultivator. Thinking for a moment, Bai Yunfei suddenly
gasped. Lifting up his right hand, his eyes bulged in
Bai Yunfei could see several rather arrogant shock and his mouth dropped open in utter
looking soul cultivators that made no attempt to disbelief.
hide their power and subsequently intimidated the
surrounding civilians into scurrying away from them On the ring finger of his right hand, the space ring
lest they provoke them. These soul cultivators on it had disappeared!!
seemed to be used to it as well. They continued to
walk and laugh like tyrants as if they were the only Chapter 92: The Thief of the Space Ring
ones on the street.
~ 271 ~
Chapter 92: The Thief of the Space Ring Several seconds later, Bai Yunfei’s eyes flew up
and his mouth curled into a smile. Turning to an
Even as a mid-stage Soul Sprite, he had his space alleyway to his left, he began to run down it without
ring stolen while he was wearing it on his hand! hesitation.
Bai Yunfei stared at his right hand in awe for two Although Bai Yunfei had taken it to be an alley, the
seconds before snapping out of it and whirling width of the alleyway was quite wide in comparison
around. to the streets. It was practically a shortcut to
another street with plenty of people in the alleyways
“It was that guy just now! It had to be him that stole along with street stalls.
it!” Bai Yunfei’s eyes narrowed as he searched the
crowd. “But how? How was he able to take my Following his instincts down this path, Bai Yunfei
space ring without me noticing it at all?! Besides, walked at a brisk pace for a moment before
he’s just an ordinary civilian! Just how….” suddenly starting to slow down. Staring at the
people in front of him, there was now a suspicious
Bai Yunfei’s eyes began to search through the look in his eyes.
several hundred meters of people, but he wasn’t
able to find the figure of the person who had His eyes began to narrow as he studied the people
bumped into him. in front of him for any discrepancies.
After a fruitless search, Bai Yunfei felt amazed. After making his way out from the alley, Bai Yunfei
Relaxing his eyes, Bai Yunfei suddenly thought of seemed to have made a discovery. Without any
something and couldn’t help but let out a faint hesitation, he quickly overtook and blocked the
chuckle, “How did I forget? With that, as long as he path of a person.
doesn’t exit Stonegroove City, I’ll be able to find
him no matter where he hides!” “Kid, what are you doing?” An elderly voice came
out from the person Bai Yunfei had stopped.
“Do you think that I am easy to bully after stealing Afterward, he gave two short coughs in weakness
my space ring?” Bai Yunfei scratched at his chin. — this was a 70 year old elderly man!
“But how did he know I had a space ring on my
right hand? Was he following me for a long time? I Bai Yunfei studied the appearance of the man in
didn’t see him for a long time….how was I so front of him for a long time. No matter how much he
careless? Or does he have some sort of method of looked at him, all he saw was an ordinary elderly
stealth to hide his presence?” man in front of him. His eyes were muddy, his waist
was hunched, and his hands were behind his back
“First, I have to find him and take back my space in a very weak-looking manner.
ring before anything else.” Bai Yunfei determined.
Without another thought, he immediately closed his But… Bai Yunfei’s eyes glistened continuously;
eyes and began to sense for something while without a word, his right hand flew forward and
standing in the streets. grabbed the elder’s shoulder!
If it had been any other soul cultivator, this would “Kid, you — what are you doing?!” The elder was
be a hard situation for them. However, for Bai startled so much that his body was pushed back.
Yunfei, finding the location of his space ring Almost as if he were stumbling back, the elder
wouldn’t be challenging at all. That was because he looked like he would tumble to the ground any
had his Fire-tipped Spear in his space ring still! second.
Like Hong Yin had said, the Flameblade Bracer and Bai Yunfei’s eyes stared deeper. With a step, he
the Fire-tipped Spear were Bai Yunfei’s ‘soulbound used the Treading Wave Step to flash toward the
armaments’. There was a connection between him elder. Right underneath the startled eyes of the
and the soul armaments, so Bai Yunfei would know others, Bai Yunfei grabbed onto the man’s left wrist
of the existence of the Fire-tipped Spear even in with his right hand and raised it up to his eyes.
the space ring!
~ 272 ~
Hidden away in the sleeves of the elder, there was “Early-stage Soul Sprite!” Bai Yunfei’s eyebrows
nothing to denote the “elderly” wrinkles that came flew up in shock. “There wasn’t enough soulforce
with age. Instead, there was the arm of a young coming out of him earlier for me to even consider
man filled with energy. More importantly, right on him out of the ordinary before. But now he’s
the forefingers of the man was a black ring — this bringing out enough soulforce to be a Soul Sprite!
was the space ring of Bai Yunfei! Was he hiding his strength before? But… how did
he do that?”
Before the other man could respond, Bai Yunfei
had taken back his space ring. Staring at the “Kid, you’ve already taken your things back, don’t
thunderstruck ‘elder’, Bai Yunfei spoke icily, be a bully! Let me leave and we can pretend this
“Speak, why did you take my space ring? How did didn’t happen at all!” Just as Bai Yunfei was
you manage to ‘change’ your appearances like thinking, the other man had taken the opportunity to
that? Speak the truth, and I’ll…” speak first. His voice was no longer old sounding.
He had resumed the voice of a young man who had
Bai Yunfei hadn’t even finished speaking before the taken his space ring in the first place.
eye’s of the man in front of him suddenly changed.
From a murky color to clear eyes filled with energy, Bai Yunfei had been taken aback before sneering,
the man snorted. Bai Yunfei could only feel a spot “You didn’t do anything wrong? You stole my
of emptiness as the other man’s wrist suddenly things, how could you be so arrogant?”
turned small and escaped his grasp!
“Then will you not let me go?” The man’s glare
The man’s back and waist straightened afterward. hardened. With a cold snort, he brought his foot
There was no more of an elderly feel to him as his down and shot toward Bai Yunfei with the speed of
foot stomped on the ground and instantly flitted wind, “If you wish to fight, then let us fight!”
past Bai Yunfei toward another street.
“Yi? Why are these words so familiar-sounding?”
There was a strange light in Bai Yunfei’s eyes. With Bai Yunfei’s lips twitched. He waited for his
a twist of his feet, he began to chase after the other opponent to draw.close, he then took half a step
man in close pursuit. back and brought his right hand up at the same
time. A flash of red light could be seen before Bai
Just as the man was about to charge into the Yunfei’s hand grabbed it and slammed it forward.
alleyway past a crowd, a sudden gust of wind blew
past the side of his head. It blew past him and then This was the long-awaited brick!!
in front of him before an image quickly followed. Bai
Yunfei blocked him once more and brought a fist to Chapter 93: Jing Mingfeng, 'No Discord, No
the man’s chest! Concord'
Helpless to do anything else, the man could only Chapter 93: Jing Mingfeng, 'No Discord, No
bring up both arms. With a bang, he was sent Concord'
backward. Bai Yunfei had not used the Overlapping
Wave Arts, otherwise he too would have been “Bang!”
blown back as well.
When that man’s fist collided with the brick, Bai
“Tsk! How did I get so unlucky to have bothered Yunfei was sent staggering back half a step while
such an annoying person?” The man’s face grew the other was sent even farther away with a
serious with just a sliver of vexation in his face. stunned look. Bai Yunfei had done nothing but
Taking several steps back, he took a cautious stare stand there instead of pursuing. He knew that the
at Bai Yunfei while an azure color qi began to move man had wanted to take advantage of the crowd to
around him. No longer did he looked like an aged escape and so he stood guard at the alleyway
person, whether it was in appearance or entrance. If he wanted to escape the other way,
movement, he was clearly a young man! then the man would have to run quite far. Bai
Yunfei had full confidence that he could chase him
if he did retreat the other way though. With both
~ 273 ~
walls being extremely tall, Bai Yunfei would be able The azure light around his body began to quicken
to stop him if the man tried to climb them. even faster than before. At the same time of his
charge, his right hand gave a twist to allow for a
“A br-brick??” The man shook his right hand as he black-colored dagger to appear in it. Charging at
looked at the item in Bai Yunfei’s hand. He couldn’t Bai Yunfei, he stabbed outwards!
help but let out a light inhale. With a queer
expression, the man’s eyes looked at the brick in Bai Yunfei had been stunned. He didn’t know that
Bai Yunfei’s hand before immediately growing the enemy would suddenly become so berserk like
angry, “Kid, what are you playing at? We are both that. However, when he saw the scarlet-red eyes of
soul cultivators, so show some face, won’t you? Did the man, Bai Yunfei’s heart had trembled for a
you really want to have me captured and sent to moment. Those eyes--Bai Yunfei was all too
prison? The city council is willing to accept the case familiar with it. Back when Li Chengfeng had
of any one soul cultivator, do you think that? If nurtured a hatred for the mountain bandits, he too
you’re going to disturb the lord mayor, then that had a similar expression. This was a hatred that
won’t do you any good. You’ve taken back your permeated the bones and all the way into the very
space ring, so don’t say you suffered any damages. soul!
Or do you mean to say you want to kill me to seal
the deal!” In his distraction, the dagger of his opponent had
already drew close to him. Eyes flashing, Bai
“If I wanted to kill you, you would already be spitting Yunfei took a step back and dodged the stab. He
blood then.” Bai Yunfei stared the man down. “I had not attacked back and instead took several
didn’t think that a soul cultivator at the stage of a steps to the left. But what he didn’t expect was to
Soul Sprite would lower himself to stealing, I have see his enemy give up on his balance or even
learned a lot. I’ll let you go, but you’ll need to defenses. With a toss of the dagger, it felt into his
promise me one thing.” left hand before relentlessly stabbing at Bai
Yunfei’s abdomen!
“Say it!” Knowing that he was in dire straits, the
man spoke with clenched teeth. Bai Yunfei’s eyebrows flew up, but his feet did not
stop moving. While his body had slanted to the side
There was a faint smile on Bai Yunfei’s face, “I am like a tilting doll, the brick in his hand flew out to
quite interested in that transformation ability of stop the enemy’s left hand. Afterwards, he gave a
yours. To be able conceal your soulforce to the single spin to slam the brick onto the other
level of a regular person is odd, but you are also shoulder.
capable of perfectly changing your facial
appearances. Is that a soul skill? Hand over those “Bang!” Following a slight sound, the person’s body
two techniques, and I’ll let you go.” had suddenly been sent flying back without
warning--this was the sign of the “Hurtling” effect
“What?” The man’s eyes grew wide as he stared at being activated.
Bai Yunfei with an incredulous look. But then his
wide open eyes began to grow furious. Then, his The man flew several meters away before coming
face began to twitch so much that his body began to a tumble on the ground with a dazed expression.
to shake. With a loathing glare at Bai Yunfei, the Bai Yunfei did not chase him and instead took the
man snapped, “You want the secrets of my family time to shout out, “Hey! I say, don’t you have the
as well! You’re just the same as the wrong person here? I only said a single phrase,
others….people like you, you’ve killed my entire and you reacted in such a huge manner?”
family for them! I can’t even be let off! Don’t think
that you’ll gain anything from my body….drop dead Still dazed, the man raised his head up to look at
instead!” Bai Yunfei. His eyebrows raised up as if his mind
had been cleared. The look in his eyes had
His eyes could nearly spit fire, and his words were returned to normal as well. Finally, he let out a
nearly incoherent. His teeth gnashed against each slight exhale and spoke quietly to himself, “That
other with a low growl escaping them before was close, I lost control at a single phrase? It’s
charging at Bai Yunfei as if he had gone mad! lucky that he wasn’t an actual enemy, or else….No.
~ 274 ~
I have to learn to suppress my hatred. Jing Having said that, Bai Yunfei didn’t even wait for the
Mingfeng, when you become strong enough, you man to react before his figure flickered away into a
can’t be as impulsive as this again….” mirror image. In the blink of an eye, he had already
reached Jing Mingfeng’s front and swung the brick
After recovering himself, Jing Mingfeng waved his down onto his chest.
hand to recollect his dagger. Looking at Bai Yunfei,
he scratched his head in embarrassment. As if Jing Mingfeng had been greatly startled before
speaking to a good friend, he said, “Well….that was hurriedly dodging to the side. But Bai Yunfei had
my bad. I lost control of myself. Little brother, my predicted that Jing Mingfeng would dodge and
mind isn’t all-too-clear at the moment. I’ll go find twisted his hand to slam the brick into Jing
myself a doctor. So, with that said, I won’t disturb Mingfeng’s chest. The man had only stumbled
you anymore, goodbye then.” backwards a bit; there was no damage, and nothing
out of the ordinary.
With that, he turned around to walk out from the
other entrance of the alley as if all was right in the “Hey! What are you doing! What kind of soul
world. cultivator uses a brick to fight!” Jing Mingfeng took
several hasty steps backwards while shouting at
Bai Yunfei had been gobsmacked. His mouth Bai Yunfei who had seemed to ignore him.
twitched in confusion if he should laugh or cry Although his opponent was a soul cultivator who
before shouting out, “Hey! Did you think you could was extremely fast due to his wind property, Bai
get away that easily? You still owe me for trying to Yunfei was a level higher than him and had the
steal my space ring!” Wave Treading Steps. There was nowhere to run
but into the brick walls.
Jing Mingfeng’s foot stopped mid step. With an
internal sigh to himself, he turned around “I’m saying you….” Jing Mingfeng lifted his hand to
helplessly. “Then what do you think should block the third attempt when all of a sudden he was
happen?” sent flying once more. This had ceased his speech,
but he had not flown far away because of the wall
“What do you mean what I think should happen? I behind him….
didn’t think anything should happen, okay?” Bai
Yunfei spoke. His voice had seemed relaxed, and Jing Mingfeng had stood up to dust himself off.
for some reason, he suddenly didn’t feel anymore There were no visible damages, but he had stared
hatred for this man. Instead, he had felt a feeling of at the brick in Bai Yunfei’s hand in utter confusion--
camaraderie. There was even a notion of ‘this man what in the world had happened just then?
isn’t bad’ in his mind. Perhaps….it was from that
hate-filled stare earlier, or that barely suppressed Bai Yunfei chuckled before charging forward once
amount of sorrow in his eyes…. more.
Bai Yunfei looked at the dismayed Jing Mingfeng Because the battle between these two people had
for a moment before suddenly breaking out into a taken place in a rather isolated alleyway. All that
strange smile. Feeling a chill in the back of his could be heard were several bangs along with the
spine, Jing Mingfeng took a step back in warning, indescribable grunting sound of a person.
“Wha-what are you doing?”
“Haha….” Bai Yunfei chuckled as he weighed the
brick in his hand. “If it weren’t for the fact that I had Jing Mingfeng’s entire body was filled with dirt and
a special method to find you, then I would have lost grime from where he stood. Cut into a sorry
my space ring to you. That would be rather position,his originally white wig had fallen off a long
disastrous to me. If I let you go just like this, then I time ago and revealed the black hair underneath.
won’t feel at rest with myself. Let us fight for two With the original crease marks of an elder still on
more bouts!” his forehead, he looked quite grotesque.
~ 275 ~
Rolling like a donkey to avoid the next blow, he chapter 94: Jing Mingfeng's Action, Preparing
scrambled back with a shout, “Hey! Enough’s to Retaliate?
enough! I’ve already been sent flying seven times
for who knows why, I’m going to get really angry if Chapter 94: Jing Mingfeng's Action, Preparing to
we repeat this again!!” Retaliate?
Bai Yunfei came to a stop as he looked at the brick Bai Yunfei shrugged his shoulders without a care
in his hands with confusion, “Oh? Seven times for the ‘fighting words’ of Jing Mingfeng. Turning
already? Well fine then….” around, he prepared to leave the alleyway.
Jing Mingfeng let out a sigh in relief. Just as he was As soon as he put away the brick into his space
about to say something, Bai Yunfei had beaten him ring, Bai Yunfei suddenly came to a stop. Looking
to the punch. “Then one more round, gather up at the space ring in his hand, he spoke with
your luck!” narrowed eyes, “Crap, when I took the space ring, it
had been worn on his hand! That means he already
“I….”Jing Mingfeng didn’t even have time to let out knows about the special effect of this space ring. If
a roar of grievance before the brick had slammed he manages to….”
into his shoulder. Nothing. The brick slammed into
his shoulder again--causing his face to grow dark Thinking about it a little longer, Bai Yunfei shook his
once more as he realized it was too late to head and muttered to himself, “He gave off a
dodge….and then he was sent flying away as if it similar vibe from that of Chengfeng. Plus, he lost
was his wish. control of himself from just a few words. He’s most
likely a man of bitter fate, with his clan all
After tumbling and picking himself off the ground, killed…..agh, does that mean to say he’s all alone?
Jing Mingfeng saw that Bai Yunfei had made no With so many people trying to kill him for some sort
more attempt to chase him. Not willing to stay here of secret he holds….isn’t that situation the exact
any longer, Jing Mingfeng turned around from him same as my own! Is that why I had such a good
to run--who knows whether or not this opponent impression of him ater? But even if he does know
would drag it out with another phrase of “gather about the unique property of this space ring, he
your luck”.... won’t be able to guess the reason, so it should be
fine. In any case, if he’s interested, he might be
“Hey! Our debts are settled now, I won’t hit you willing to settle for a deal….”
anymore. My name is Bai Yunfei, what’s your
name?” Bai Yunfei turned to look off at the direction Jing
Mingfeng disappeared behind. Thinking heavily, his
And then the smiling figure of Bai Yunfei could be eyebrows had smoothened out before he walked
heard shouting out from behind him. Jing Mingfeng out from the alleyway.
had ceased in his moments for just a second. But
instead of turning back, he redoubled his efforts to …………
run out from the alley. As soon as he turned the
corner, a sullen but furious roar could be heard In the other direction, Jing Mingfeng had made his
from Jing Mingfeng. way two streets over and carefully entered into one
of the inns in the area. Renting a room, he walked
“Our debts are settled my ass! Kid, I, Jing Mingfeng in and closed the door with explicit orders to the
will remember this! I was humiliated by you today, waitress to not be disturbed.
but wait for me to get my revenge!”
After changing out from his crumpled clothes, he
Bai Yunfei had started for a moment, his lips took out a fresh new pair or azure robes. With a
twitching in response, “I only hit you a few times wave of his right hand for a mirror, he grimaced in
with a brick. It’s not like you were injured or pain as he looked at his own face in it. Then, he
anything, how petty….” turned the mirror to focus onto his eyes and began
to pay rapt attention as if trying to control
~ 276 ~
Half a moment later, the crinkles on his face had one point….maybe he used some sort of soul
began to wriggle and squirm in an odd fashion technique that can only be used with a brick?
before disappearing from sight completely. His That’s ridiculous, I’ve heard all that I’ve seen
nose began to change in size and shape, his chin before, but am I really lacking in knowledge?”
began to widen, and even his cheeks began to
stretch. His mouth, eyebrows, forehead….the “Bai Yunfei...hmph! I’ll remember this! You’ve
entirety of his face had seemingly made a gradual played me like a monkey, but sooner or later you’ll
transformation. know just how serious angering me is!”
Not even a minute later, the elderly man in the Jing Mingfeng growled angrily. He had not thought
mirror had transformed into a kind-looking 20 year about how it was him that had first provoked Bai
old youth! Yunfei and ended up having the space ring taken
back and hit with a brick….
Taking a look at the scholarly face of reflection in
the mirror, Jing Mingfeng gave a satisfied nod of his After resting for a spell, Jing Mingfeng exited from
head before speaking to himself, “Yea, that’ll do. I’ll the room and left the inn to mix in with the hustling
use this one for the time being.” crowd of people. Even if he were to walk across Bai
Yunfei right now, even he wouldn’t be able to tell
Collecting the mirror, he suddenly felt a little tired. that this person was the very same one that had
Walking over to his bed, he laid on top of it and let stolen his space ring.
out a long sigh before staring blankly at the ceiling.
“I thought that I had found a kid who was out in the
world by himself to seek fortune, but who would Jing Mingfeng had pretended to walk up the street
have known that he was actually stronger and as if he was window-shopping for a book to read.
capable of finding me~!” Jing MInfeng thought back He was now a scholar out on the road to recollect
to his first encounter with Bai Yunfei with a himself. In reality, his eyes were keenly looking all
thoughtful look. “My ‘Soul Concealment Art’ and over the streets to seek out his next ‘prey’.
‘Face Change’ technique are both perfect. Even a
Soul Ancestor would be unable to detect it, how “Agh, although this is the most prosperous city in
was he able to find me so fast?” the Northern Cliff province with plenty of soul
cultivators, why can’t I meet one that's wearing a
“’s not a problem with me but….the space space ring and can be stolen?” Jing Minfeng
ring?” Jing Minfeng’s eyes began to glisten. “It has grumbled to himself while eyeing the crowd. “If I
to be. After he found me he immediately grabbed come across another second generation showing
onto my left hand where it was. Clearly he was well off his treasure, that’d be great. The space ring I
aware of the exact location of the ring. How unlucky got from the fourth master of the Chen family was
that I didn’t have time to look inside the ring to see by no means lacking in riches. I could swap them
what it had. But still, that ring….” out for money and soul crystals later.”
Jing Minfeng’s eyebrows crinkled together as if he Jing Mingfeng took notice of two arrogant looking
was thinking of some sort of unsolvable question. soul cultivators from the side with a disdain curl of
“When I wore the ring, there was a strange his lips, “Only idiots show off in front of the public.
sensation, a sort of a strong sensation of power? If With how arrogant the soul cultivator world is, it’s a
only I had some time to look at it, otherwise, I’d wonder how it didn’t die out yet.”
know if I was wrong or not….”
“Miss, it’s getting late. Why don’t we return to the
“There’s also that ineffable brick. It’s the first time inn and come back tomorrow to buy the rest of the
I’ve ever seen a soul cultivator use a brick as a items that are needed?”
weapon. And clearly, that brick is not any ordinary
one. It isn’t a soul armament by any means, but it’s Jing Mingfeng had just walked past a clothing store
at least half a soul item! I was sent flying by it so when his ears had heard a middle-aged woman
easily and there was even a dizzying sensation at speak. He had heard someone else speak before
~ 277 ~
his own eyebrows curled up in wonder, “Soul “Just why am I feeling nervous? Why is it that I feel
cultivator! And a strong one at that!” that something bad is about to happen?”
Within the extremely spacious interior of the store, Thinking for a bit, Bai Yunfei shook his head and
two figures could be seen standing by the counter. thought to himself, “It’s just my imagination, I
On the outside was a single strong-looking middle- haven’t provoked anyone at all yet….”
aged woman with a tall stature at around the same
height of Jing Mingfeng himself. She was most “That Jing Mingfeng shouldn’t be considered to be
likely a wife who had grown accustomed to doing an enemy of mine I think.”
the heavy work back in her village, but Jing
Mingfeng didn’t dare underestimate her. When he Chapter 95:
had been looking for soul cultivators before, she
had registered to be at least at the level of a Soul Chapter 95: Taking Liberties With Women
Sprite. She was currently putting away all her bags
into the space ring on her hand while also Jing Mingfeng looked left and right before looking
simultaneously talking to the woman next to her. down and sprinting his way over to the left side of a
house. Pretending to lean against the building in
Having seen enough, Jing Mingfeng couldnt help weariness, he stared ahead with a calm
but feel his eyes lighten up--white robes and expression.
beautiful hair that was like a waterfall. A snowy
white face that had reflected the lights from the Lowering his head, both of his eyes closed like he
candles to create a flushed red color. Although it was trying his hardest to remember something.
was only from the side, Jing Mingfeng could Muttering to himself, he spoke, “Thin, big forehead,
already determine this was a stunning woman. chin…”
Stunned for a moment, Jing Mingfeng shook his As he recalled his memories and muttered to
head wildly before pretending to be a passerby himself, the muscles on his face began to squirm.
walking down their way. As he drew close, the Ten seconds later, he opened his eyes and brought
middle-aged woman seemed to have snapped over his head up. His facial appearance was completely
to watch him attentively with her guard up. But it different from before. He looked nearly 70-80%
had thankfully not activated and left Jing Mingfeng similar to Bai Yunfei!
“Yeah, this is the best I can remember. Although it’s
“The men of the Jing family don’t steal from the not a perfect match, it’s a good estimation. At least
elderly, poor, women, or children. I’ll find another there won’t be any problems this way.” Jing
way.” Jing Mingfeng thought to himself. Thinking Mingfeng felt his face with a rather satisfied nod.
inwardly to himself, Jing Mingfeng walked over to Then, aside to himself he said, “Plus, he has short
another area before coming to a sudden stop as if hair, that saves me time.”
he had seen something to cause his eyes to twinkle
Afterward, he revealed a devious smile with the
strikingly similar face of Bai Yunfei. If Bai Yunfei
Several seconds later, a malicious smile overcame were to look at him now, he would surely lay down
his face as he began to growl angrily, “Bai Yunfei, I a beating onto Jing Mingfeng. For this smile had
didn’t think that there would be such a good time to truly been too vulgar.
take revenge on you so soon.I will let you know
then, what it means to ‘come unexpected and to cry
“Oh, right. Now’s not the time to be happy with
without tears!”
myself.” Jing Mingfeng ceased his smile. He quickly
began to walk up the road in the direction of the
…… nearby fabric store.
After several streets had been crossed, Bai Yunfei There was practically no one in the fabric shop.
had found an ordinary-looking inn where he sat on Standing on his tiptoes, Jing Mingfeng looked
his bed in a closed-shut manner. around the area before a look of glee suddenly
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appeared on his face. There were two figures have enough strength, then I’ll be able to break my
several hundred meters who were just about to mother away from the chains they put on her… the
walk into an alleyway to his right. ones who took mother, in my personal opinion, I
don’t really care. But still… they had added to the
“Ha, they’re walking into an alleyway with little to no suffering of my mother. There’ll be a day where I’ll
people, that saves me even more time.” Jing definitely return the favor in place of my mother
Mingfeng laughed darkly before quickly chasing tenfold — no — a hundredfold!”
after them.
By the end of her words, the girl’s face had begun
That particular street was not as busy as the others to grow brighter and brighter with fury as well as a
nearby. It was also getting quite late, and all of the hint of helpless sorrow appeared…
vendor stalls on the side had already packed up for
the night. There was only the sporadic light from Aunt Zhao’s eyes revealed a sliver of pain as well.
the nearby buildings along with the moonlight to Seeing the depressed little girl, her eyes reflected
illuminate the streets clearly. her own suffering. Just as she was about to speak,
her eyes suddenly flew to the side and shouted
“Miss, why don’t we stay in Stonegroove City for a angrily, “Youngster, what do you want?!”
few days. It’s already been two months since we
left home, you haven’t rested at all since then…” As soon as she spoke, a furious burst of energy
The middle-aged woman spoke to the young could be felt as an orange ring of light flew toward
woman next to her with a loving and devoted them. A single right hand flew out and grabbed onto
expression. the little girl’s butt with a lecherous claw.
“There’s no need, aunty Zhao. Do you think a late- The aunt’s reaction had been quick, but the owner
stage Soul Warrior like me won’t be able to take a of that hand had predicted such a response. With a
little exhaustion?” The girl turned around with a rapid twist of his wrist, the hand had flown up after
smile. She brought up her left hand to push a few grabbing the seam of the girl’s clothes.
strands of hair hanging in front of her face to behind
her ear. Her skin was as fair as jade with eyebrows “Tzzkk!” A ripping sound could be heard as a palm-
bent like willow leaves. The light in her eyes was sized hole began to appear in the girl’s clothes. It
even brighter than the night sky above her, and had been fortunate that the young woman’s
when she looked up to admire the starry ceiling, her reaction wasn’t slow. With a hurried grab at the top
eyes seemed to glisten along with each individual part of her clothes, she had prevented it from being
star. “Besides, we’ve already stayed here for two ripped any further.
whole days. I know you want me to rest a little
longer, that’s why we didn’t buy anything today. I The aunt had been furious and shocked. It was not
feel that we’ve stayed here long enough. We’ll buy that she had not realized someone was nearby.
the remainder of what we need and then hurry up She had indeed realized someone was there, but it
on our way…” was clearly the presence of a regular person whose
footsteps suggested they were trying to rush home,
“And…” The girl looked back to stare down the end so she did not pay him any attention. What she
of the street. Slowly, she spoke, “The faster we get didn’t imagine was that that person would suddenly
to that place, the sooner you’ll be able to go home commit an action like this. If she had not reacted as
and look after mother.” quick as she did, she feared that her distracted
mind would have allowed her young charge to be
The aunt’s eyebrows furrowed together before she molested even more.
sighed, “Miss, actually you…”
With his sneak attack a failure, the figure gave off
“Aunty Zhao, I know what you’re going to say, another burst of soulforce to propel him five to six
there’s no need to console me.” The girl shook her meters away to face them — it was Bai Yunfei! Oh,
head. “I’ve endured eighteen years before finally that’s not right. It was actually Jing Mingfeng who
making my way out from that birdcage of a was pretending to be Bai Yunfei.
household. I just want to do as I wish. As long as I
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Jing Mingfeng looked at the young woman in front “You’re still coming?!” Jing Mingfeng shouted as he
before glancing at the infuriated older woman. His dodged the incoming fist, “Aunty, you’re too
eyes moved back to the little woman who had only savage! You’re going to kill me this way!”
just realized the situation. His eyes swiveled to the
cloth in his hand. With a vulgar smile, he gave the “You depraved scoundrel! After violating the young
fragment of cloth a good sniff as if intoxicated and miss, if I don’t kill you here and now, I’ll at least
laughed darkly, “What a charming girl, even her snap one of your arms!” The aunt vented while
clothes are oh so sweet. Hehe… young master has sweeping at Jing Mingfeng’s feet with her own, but
really good luck with ladies. Pretty lady, allow this Jing Mingfeng just nimbly leaped over it.
young master to look after you. Come with me and
I’ll love you nice and well, hehe…” Jing Mingfeng yelled again and again as he leaped
and dodged the aunt’s assault. Although the aunt
The girl stared blankly at him as if at a loss for was a mid-stage Soul Sprite, her strong attacks
words. It was most likely that she had never come were no use against the speed of Jing Mingfeng.
across such a situation like this before. Jing Jing Mingfeng wasn’t attacking back either and was
Mingfeng giving her clothes a sniff was so rude that completely focused on dodging. More importantly,
the woman’s eyebrows had frozen in place while he was trying his best to find an opportunity to
her face grew red. Her eyes reflected with anger charge at the young woman behind the aunt. At
and her entire body had begun to tremble. every opportunity, the aunt vigilantly blocked him
from doing so. After ten bouts, she failed to land a
“Kid, I forbid you to treat the young miss so rudely!!” single strike on him.
The aunt’s reaction was much faster. Her foot
slammed against the ground before Jing Mingfeng While he spent his time dodging, he would always
had even finished speaking, causing the stone find the time to tease and poke fun at the girl with
ground to crater underneath her. With a hop into crude words and very vulgar phrases. The words
the air, she flew several meters forward with her were enough to cause the girl’s face to grow very
right leg ready to smash Jing Mingfeng’s chest. red with anger. There had been many times where
she was extremely tempted to charge in with her
“I’m going, there’s no need to be so rough!” Jing aunt to help teach this wretched man a lesson in
Mingfeng let out a strangled shout. With his right manners.
foot tapping against the ground, he slid to the side
with difficulty and narrowly dodged the leg strike. Dodging an explosion that had rocked the area in
front of him, Jing Mingfeng suddenly let loose a
“Boom!” An explosion rang through the air as a gust strange laugh, “Watch this!”
of dirt and wind blew in every direction. Jing
Mingfeng shut his eyes tight and quickly flew back Chapter 96: Entrapment by Jing Mingfeng and
several steps. The aunty’s foot had left a crater the Incoming Ridiculously Absurd Disaster
about a meter wide and a third of a meter deep
where he used to be standing! Chapter 96: Entrapment by Jing Mingfeng and the
Incoming Ridiculously Absurd Disaster
“Phew, how dangerous. She’s an earth property
user, what power she has! It’s a good thing I’m fast Dodging an explosion that had rocked the area in
enough…” Jing Mingfeng wiped away the sweat on front of him, Jing Mingfeng suddenly let loose a
his forehead while he secretly rejoiced to himself. strange laugh, “Watch this!”
When she saw that her move had missed, the With a swishing sound from his arms, both of Jin
aunty did not feel shocked or even stopped moving. Mingfeng’s hands turned into claws. Then,
Instead, the fury in her face increased even more disregarding the fact that the aunt could strike at
along with the depth of the crater as she kicked off him, he lashed out — and grabbed the aunt’s
of it toward Jing Mingfeng. bosom….
Jing Mingfeng laughed darkly as he brought his Following a single muffled sound, Jing Mingfeng
right leg down. With a stamp and a step to the left, had finally been struck for the very first time and
he gave up attacking her to go for the young sent flying away. However, he had been prepared
woman several meters away. for this, and used this backward momentum to
somersault through the air and land forcibly on the
“Hey there pretty girl, smile! Master Bai has a ground. Clenching his teeth as he shook his left
reward for you!” Jing Mingfeng laughed before hand, Jing Mingfeng let out a groan in pain. But in
reaching out to feel her cheek. his right hand, there was unexpectedly some sort of
orange material. Was this...was this the clothes that
The young woman’s face became even more red the aunt had been wearing?!
before she swung her head to dodge Jing
Mingfeng’s lecherous hands. At the same time, her Looking again at aunt Zhao, she stood there
eyes frosted over as her right leg flew up to instead of trying to assault him. Her arms were
ruthlessly kick at Jing Mingfeng’s crotch. crossed against her quivering bosoms and her
entire face was a dark-purple hue in indignation as
“Oh dang!” Jing Mingfeng cried out before bringing she gave Jing Mingfeng a death glare.
his left hand to block the leg from reaching his
crotch. Scuttling to the side, he dodged a slap Jing Mingfeng had… he had somehow managed to
aimed at his face to two meters away where he steal the underwear she had been wearing!
spoke with some lingering fear, “I didn’t think that
compared to that aunty, you’d be even more The young woman could clearly see the offending
ferocious! I nearly lost my family jewels because of piece of garment in Jing Mingfeng’s hand with wide
you!” open eyes. Her tiny mouth dropped open in utter
disbelief at Jing Mingfeng’s action.
As he spoke, Jing Mingfeng suddenly felt a gust of
wind assault the back of his head. It was a warning Jing Mingfeng smiled in satisfaction. He had
that aunt Zhao was coming up to attack him. originally wanted to bring up the article of clothing
to his nose to smell since he was pretending to be
Aunt Zhao’s face was flushed red with indignation. Bai Yunfei. The more vulgar he acted, the better.
She never would have imagined that her opponent But when he saw how furious the woman was in
would be so shameless, or that she had almost front of him, the corners of his lips had twitched in
been so careless to allow this depraved knave to indecision before finally deciding to not do such a
nearly come into contact with the young miss again. wretched action.
At this current moment, she wanted nothing more
than to tear this man limb from limb before tearing “Pe… perverted thief! I’ll kill you!!” Aunt Zhao’s
up his mouth, for her anger to fully dissipate. entire body shook with fury. With a shake of her
right hand, a 1.3 meter long sword appeared for her
Jing Mingfeng nimbly dodged to the side and to grab. There was an orange light to it as it emitted
moved back in the young woman’s direction again. the crisp whistling sound of a sword traveling
With a lecherous voice, he shouted out, “Hey lady, through the air. With a swing, the tip of the sword
here I come againnnn!” made a gap in the ground about a third of a meter
Alarmed, aunt Zhao hurriedly moved to block him.
In a burst of strength from aunt Zhao, her right leg
“Haha, got you!” Jing Mingfeng’s eyes flashed stamped down onto the ground so hard a crater
brilliantly. His right hand that moved at the speed of had been left behind. Dozens of meters had
~ 281 ~
instantly been shortened as she charged toward breaths to pacify her own indignation. Putting away
Jing Mingfeng with eyes that were shining with a the sword, she gave a small smile to the young
furious desire to kill. woman and shook her head, “I’m fine, but that
wretched man somehow used some sort of method
“Holy shit, I took this joke way too far! Time to to hide his soulforce. He’s gone.”
withdraw!” As an earth-shattering amount of power
began to engulf the area, Jing Mingfeng’s face The young woman was surprised. Staring at the
began to change. Unable to think of any other throng of people who had already went back to
solution to escape, Jing Mingfeng could only use normal, she questioned, “That man… how strange
his soulforce to reinforce his legs and make himself was he! Just how could there… be such a
even faster than before. Like a wild dog that had shameless soul cultivator like him…”
just broken free from its chains, Jing Mingfeng flew
to the right side entrance of the street. “Hmph! That shameless pervert. Not only did he
treat the young miss rudely, he actually… he
“Lady, this servant of yours is far too violent! She’s actually…” Aunt Zhao’s face began to distort with
adamant in stopping us from being together, so I’ll resentment again as her arms unconsciously
split first. I’m sure fate will ensure that we will see covered her own chest. Furious, she declared, “If
each other again in the future. Until then, don’t you he and I ever meet again, I will definitely cut off
forget this handsome me!” Jing Mingfeng did not both of his hands! Then I’ll tear apart that foul
forget to let out a final remark as he desperately mouth of his!”
tried to run.
“Yes aunty. Let’s not get mad. Let’s return to our
The aunt chased after him in hot pursuit. However, inn. If he ever appears again, you’ll have to beat a
she had to restrain herself from attacking despite lesson into him…”
her fury when she saw that he was planning to
escape onto a street with plenty of people. If one of As the two women walked down the road toward
her sword strikes were to fly out, there was a good the inn, aunt Zhao could be heard continuously
chance a commoner would be injured. cursing the name of that ‘depraved knave’ over and
over while the young woman whispered several
Jing Mingfeng had naturally thought about that as words of comfort.
well so when he made it out onto the streets he
cried out loud, “Help! There’s a murderer, run Unbeknown to the two, following quietly behind
away!!” them a hundred meters was a man with an
extremely prominent beard. Walking with the two
His voice caused the entire street to stop in a daze. until they got to their inn, the man looked at it for a
Taking advantage of the confusion, Jing Mingfeng moment before turning around.
bent over and quickly scampered into the crowd.
The man walked off to another inn not too far away
Arriving at the street entrance, aunt Zhao stopped and booked a room for the night. Within the closed
with an angry reluctance. Staring at the crowd in doors of his room, he sat by the table and poured
front of her, she let out a groan and began to himself a cup of tea to drink. With eyes that flashed
restrain her anger so that she could spread out her incessantly, he began to ponder to himself.
soulforce and find the soulforce of Jing Mingfeng.
Half a moment later, her eyebrows flew up in “I didn’t reveal my own soulforce and even
shock. Confused, she spoke, “He’s gone? But managed to use the Soul Concealment Art to mix it
how? I can’t even detect any presence of him up a bit, so they should think I was trying to hide my
left…” strength. Haha… this way the blame will be
perfectly pinned on someone else…”
“Aunt Zhao, are you okay….”
The corners of his lips turned up in a sinister smile.
Aunt Zhao was startled to hear the voice of her With a shake of his right hand, an orange piece of
young charge behind her. Whirling around to look cloth from a woman appeared. In this moment of
at the young woman, she took in several deep
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thought, the smile on his face grew even more Master soul cultivator, do you wish to purchase a
vulgar. weapon for yourself? That place will serve you well.
It is the store of the number one family in Yanlin
“Hehe, Bai Yunfei, this is the price of angering Jing City, the house of Jiang. The weapons in there are
Mingfeng… let’s see how long it’ll take for me to strong without a doubt, and they sell even soul
break you!” armaments.”
Chapter 97: 'Superior' Equipment Ten minutes later, Bai Yunfei arrived at the
‘Hundred Armaments’ the shopkeeper had told him
On the afternoon of the second day, Bai Yunfei was about.
strolling around Yanlin City as he pleased.
A single two-story building with entrance gates ten
Bai Yunfei could only slowly walk around the meters wide and red roof tiles gave off an imposing
surrounding streets to his inn at a very slow pace manner. It was especially imposing with the
since Yanlin City was so massive. In any case, he signboard ‘Hundred Armaments’ on top of the
had already planned on staying here for a few more building with an austere aura as if it had been
days before moving to another area. carved with a sword.
Within one of the more luxurious looking jewelry When Bai Yunfei walked into the store, he realized
stores, Bai Yunfei had been picking out several that the interior of it was far bigger than he had
‘High-tier’ accessories. But then he realized that he initially thought. The interior was practically several
didn’t have much money. hundred cubic meters large, and rows and rows of
racks could be seen with weaponry positioned on
“Boss, I want to buy some weapons, would it be them. The chill and gleam from the blades was very
possible for you to tell me where to go to buy noticeable and forbidding.
them?” Bai Yunfei dropped a bag of gold coins for
the shopkeeper while putting away the accessories Despite such a large store, there were only a scant
he bought into his space ring. few people inside browsing the choice of weapons
inside. On the side were plenty of uniformed
Taking the gold coins, the shopkeeper displayed a employees. When Bai Yunfei took a glance, he
respectful look on his face. Not only was Bai Yunfei could see that aside from a group of people
a client, he was more importantly a strong soul following a young lord, everyone else were all soul
cultivator. With a nod of his head, the shopkeeper cultivators.
answered deferentially, “Why yes, if we are talking
about a top-notch weapons store, then there is the “My lord, welcome to the Hundred Armaments.
‘Hundred Armaments’ store not too far away. What might you need my assistance for?” The
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moment Bai Yunfei walked into the store, the
receptionist had taken notice of him. The Attack: 143
receptionist did not feel any contempt when he saw
the ordinary clothes Bai Yunfei wore. Instead, the Upgrade Requirement: 49 Soulpoints
receptionist made quick a judgement that this
person was also a decent soul cultivator when he
saw how Bai Yunfei had taken a cautionary glance
Following another moment of deliberation, Bai
around the place and had an aura that was quite
Yunfei continued to pick up another black broad
Looking back, Bai Yunfei took a look at the
After a while, Bai Yunfei practically picked up
shopkeeper. Although he could not make an
dozens of weapons. Without exception, each one of
accurate judgement, he was at least sure that this
these items were of the superior-tier.
one was a Soul Warrior at the very least.
“How great the house of Jiang is. Of all the minor
“Is this the power of a major household? If a Soul
cities I came across on the way here, ‘High-tier’
Warrior is just a small shopkeeper….” Bai Yunfei
was the highest quality any equipment could go.
was shocked for a moment. “I wish to take a look
But in this store, practically everything is of the
around, is there anything I need to know?”
‘Superior-tier’!” Bai Yunfei’s eyes glistened.
Pondering, he finally grabbed a dagger and turned
“Very well, just please take your time.” The to the employee that had respectfully waiting for
shopkeeper smiled. With a wave to another him by the side, “How much for this dagger?”
employee, he had them follow Bai Yunfei should he
ever need their assistance.
“My lord, every piece of weaponry in the first story
of this store is a hundred gold per item.”
Bai Yunfei walked to the left side of the weapons
rack and glanced around before picking up a meter
“A hundred!” Bai Yunfei’s eyebrows had nearly
long broadsword.
rosen into the air in minute shock. “A hundred gold
coins is enough to feed an entire family of
commoners for an entire lifetime. Are incomplete
Equipment Grade: Superior soul armaments really worth that much?”
“Superior-tier!” Bai Yunfei’s eyes sparkled, “The Then, Bai Yunfei put down the dagger in his hand
attack is 157….this must be one of those and returned to the counter.
‘incomplete soul armaments’ that brother Hong Yin
spoke about before. The ones that lie in between a When the shopkeeper saw Bai Yunfei return empty-
regular item and a soul armaments.” handed, the man asked with confusion, “Yes? Did
my lord not find a suitable item?”
After careful consideration, Bai Yunfei put down the
broadsword and picked up another meter long whip Bai Yunfei approached the counter and asked,
sword. “Would your store happen to buy items as well as
sell them?”
Equipment Grade: Superior “Oh?” The shopkeeper was taken back for a
moment before realizing something. Looking at Bai
Yunfei, he asked, “Did my lord come to sell a soul
armaments? This store primarily sells the weapons
from the Crafting School, but there are times where
~ 284 ~
we will accept the items our customers might not be Bai Yunfei smiled, “Of course I am serious, or
able to use. However, whether or not we purchase should I start to joke around instead?”
these weapons is based on their quality…”
The eyebrows of the shopkeeper furrowed together
With a faint smile, Bai Yunfei shook his hand and as he observed Bai Yunfei before suddenly
brought out a +9 ‘High-tier’ dagger, “Would you like widening in realization, “To be able to take so many
to look at this dagger?” incomplete soul armaments at once… is my lord
from the Crafting School?”
Taking the dagger into his hands, the shopkeeper
began to inspect it before giving a few experimental Bai Yunfei was surprised, but then with a gleam of
swipes at a testing rock. Surprised, the shopkeeper his eyes, Bai Yunfei then laughed. Without
turned to Bai Yunfei, “This is an incomplete soul answering the shopkeeper’s question, he spoke,
armament with average strength, is my lord “What, is this proposal of mine not satisfactory?
adamant on selling this?” Perhaps I should not buy the daggers for now.”
“Yes, are you willing to buy it?” “Oh, no no, my lord’s proposal is something this
store can agree to. Allow me to make the
The shopkeeper went silent to think for a moment arrangements.” The shopkeeper thought that Bai
before smiling, “My lord is quite strong. If you truly Yunfei did not want to reveal his own identity, so he
wish to sell this item, then that must mean you are did not ask any more questions. After instructing
currently low on funds. With such a strong soul the employees to the side, Bai Yunfei was quickly
cultivator like you, this store would be very pleased given a bag of gold and ten daggers while the
to become friends with you. How about this, we’ll fourteen other daggers were taken away by the
buy this dagger for ninety gold coins, is that employees.
Thinking for a moment, Bai Yunfei asked again, “I Equipment Grade: Superior
have another deal to discuss, would you be willing
to hear it?”
Attack: 163
“Oh? If my lord would please continue.”
Upgrade Requirement: 52 Soulpoints
Bai Yunfei shook his right hand over the counter,
causing fourteen items to fall onto the counter with
a clattering sound. More than a half of them were Bai Yunfei took a good look at the daggers
daggers. properties with a satisfied nod before putting the
ten daggers and the money into his space ring.
“These are all equipment roughly on par with the
incomplete soul armaments. I’ll sell two daggers “My lord, the second floor to this store still has soul
and exchange the other dozen for the daggers in armaments for sale. Would you be interested in
this store, would that be possible?” taking a look? Perhaps you will find a soul
armaments that is to your satisfaction. Naturally,
the price of a soul armament is far more expensive,
Bai Yunfei’s actions, at that moment, had knocked
but this store will also take other soul armaments,
the shopkeeper into a daze. Looking at the dozen
primal stones, or soul crystals as payment…”
weapons on the counter, he had remained in that
daze for another few seconds before suddenly
waking back up. Taking one of them into his hands Chapter 98: What's Going On?
to inspect it, the shopkeeper thought for a second
before asking, “Is my lord serious? You’ve originally Chapter 98: What's Going On?
had all these daggers, and yet you still wish to
trade them in?” Primal stones were crystallized stones that
contained the elements of the world and would only
form after countless of years of condensation in a
~ 285 ~
certain location. After enough of the energy was for the ones up there, so he had naturally decided
condensed, it would be categorized into three not to go up.
different grades; the highest quality ones were
known as primal stones. Soul cultivators could And so despite the friendly urging of the
extract the energy from the primal stones to shopkeeper, Bai Yunfei decided to leave the shop
increase their strength, so these primal stones were and head out the streets.
extremely precious. If a commoner had wished to
buy one, then even the most rudimentary of primal “So this means that….the Upgrade Skill is definitely
stones would cost thousands of gold, if not tens of connected to the level of the equipment itself—
thousands for one. normal, high, superior, attack power and even
defensive power, if they are below a hundred, then
Soul crystals referred to the ‘nucleus’ of a it is classified as what any regular person can
soulbeast. Every soulbeast would have a soul create, or a regular item in short. Anything from a
crystal within them, even if they were the lowest of hundred to two hundred is considered stronger than
the low. It was the location where all cultivation a regular piece of equipment but crossed over the
would take place in and was practically the second soul armament boundary and is classified as an
heart of a soulbeast. This was similar in function to ‘incomplete soul armament’. Two hundred up and
the essence seed of a soul cultivator. A soul crystal up, those are considered soul armaments….” Bai
contained the elements of the world, and the Yunfei’s mind raced at a rapid speed as he thought
stronger a soulbeast was, the more pure the energy to himself.
within their soul crystal would be.
With his money problem solved and ten newly
No one knew just when it had started, but when a acquired ‘top-notch’ daggers, Bai Yunfei was highly
single soul cultivator had hunted and extracted the satisfied with the profits of this afternoon. After
elements within the soul crystal to increase their strolling around for some time, he had decided to
own strength, many more soul cultivators had head into a teahouse to listen to the folk stories for
begun to hunt these soulbeasts and sell the soul half an hour. But when he listened to the strange
crystals. It was also for this reason that the divide anecdotes of the continent, Bai Yunfei simply had
between soul cultivator and soulbeast had widened. no idea whether they were true or not.
Combined with the Beast Taming School, all of the
stronger soulbeasts of Soulbeast Forest had But this had made Bai Yunfei think for a moment.
rejected any soul cultivator. For any soul cultivator He simply did not know much about the “Skysoul
that came into the forest to hunt for soul crystals, Empire”, even the history of the entire empire had
they would die a brutal death if they came across a only been superficial and limited to only what his
strong enough soulbeast. Even the soul cultivators uncle had told him in passing.
that came into the forest to find a soulbeast as a
companion would often times be attacked. And so he walked to a bookstore and purchased
several books that contained information on the
And so the Soulbeast Forest had gradually become entire continent so he could better understand it.
a terrifying place. For those without enough
strength or a reliable enough partner, very few ……
would dare venture into this place.
But what the constantly vigilant Bai Yunfei hadn’t
Primal stones and soul crystals were common noticed was that in another corner of the street, a
currency in the world of soul cultivators. In the frail-looking bearded man could be seen following
beginning, Hong Yin had gave Bai Yunfei several him….
fire primal stones, but those were used up to
increase Bai Yunfei’s soulforce. That man had been two hundred meters behind Bai
Yunfei with a demonic-looking smile. His body was
Bai Yunfei had only taken a second of slightly bent forwards as he hid himself within the
consideration to decline the ‘benevolent invitation’ group of people. Staring from a decent distance, his
of the shopkeeper. Bai Yunfei figured that he would eyes flashed continuously as if he was hatching a
only a helpless window shopper up there, and he plan.
was very unwilling to trade in his soul armaments
~ 286 ~
“I’ve finally found you after an entire ……
afternoon….haha, I should have you two meet
‘again’ next then….” Handing over a ring of copper coins to the vendor
of a stall, Bai Yunfei stood up with a palm-sized
This person had clearly been that Jing Mingfeng. wooden bird in his hands and prepared himself to
For the sake of ‘punishing’ Bai Yunfei early, he had walk away.
to wake up early to find him so that his two targets
wouldn’t leave the city and ruin his plan altogether. Not even two steps later, there had been a blur
right in front of his eyes as a single person had
Bai Yunfei simply didn’t have the skill to perfectly slammed into his chest. The feeling of something
conceal his soulforce, so after an entire afternoon, being stuffed in his left hand could be felt, but
Jing Mingfeng had finally found him. Then covering before he could react to what had happened, the
up his own presence, Jing Mingfeng began to person who hit him had disappeared. In practically
follow him. two steps, the figure had quickly blended back into
the crowd behind Bai Yunfei.
After following Bai Yunfei for another hour, Jing
Mingfeng had been trying to find a way to have the “This feeling, it’s somewhat similar…crap!” Bai
two parties meet without compromising his own Yunfei had instantly snapped out from his daze and
position when all of a sudden his face went blank. hurriedly looked at his right hand.
Looking ahead of Bai Yunfei, Jing Mingfeng smiled
in joy, “Ha, who would have thought that when all The space ring was still adorned on his finger,
hope was lost, you’d walk there yourself, that allowing Bai Yunfei to sigh in relief. Shifting his
makes things easier.” eyes, he could see that something had been stuffed
in the left hand.
“Who knows if I’ll even have to make a move
myself, he’s already…..” Jing Mingfeng’s eyes “Cloth? Or is this a handkerchief?” Bai Yunfei
wandered to the end of the street when all of a looked at the material in his hand with a confused
sudden, his mouth had dropped wide open in look. But just as he was getting a close look at it,
amazement as if he had seen something there was suddenly a furious roar to be heard.
“Pervert, you still dare show yourself!!”
After several seconds, he had regained his spirit.
There was an eccentric look in his eyes as he The entire street had been startled by this loud
looked at Bai Yunfei walking back and forth shout, even Bai Yunfei had nearly leapt out of his
between stalls with interest as if he was a toy. Jing skin and dropped the cloth in his hands. His entire
Mingfeng’s lips curled upwards as if he was taking body felt goosebumps over it as he felt a
in joy from Bai Yunfei’s incoming disaster. “Haha, tremendous ‘killing intent’ fill the air around him.
maybe my luck is too good today? You’re really too Looking up, he could see ten meters away a single
unlucky, don’t tell me you two were actually burly middle-aged woman gnashing her teeth in
‘destined’ to meet? But if there’s one thing I’m sure indignation. By her side was a white-robed young
of, it’s that I’ll have something great to watch. That woman with skin as pale as snow; her face equally
and, you’re absolutely f*cked...haha!” angry as she glared at him.
“Hehe, for an even bigger insurance, I’ll send you Bai Yunfei was at a loss. In his right hand was that
this ‘proof’!” wooden bird while the left hand held the
~ 287 ~
undergarment of a woman while he stared in meters of room and glared at him with scornful
confusion at her. eyes…
This, was the first time either of the two had ever “This… this wasn’t me…” Bai Yunfei held the
met each other. underwear with a trembling left hand, and even his
voice was quavering.
“Oh of course! Of course it wasn’t you, it was me
Bai Yunfei had been dumbfounded for a moment. then!!” Aunt Zhao was already on the breaking
Looking to his left and then to his right, he had point of her anger.
realized the eyes of everyone around him were
staring at him. Looking back at the two women in “Booo!!” The audience around them began to
front of him, he asked in confusion: explode in a fit of hissing sounds as they continued
to glare at him.
“What’s going on?”
Bai Yunfei felt as if he was about to cough out
Chapter 99: Aunty, I really Don't Know blood from this situation and hurried to explain
Anything! himself. “No, no! I’m saying that someone just
stuffed this into my hand. I’m…”
Chapter 99: Aunty, I really Don't Know Anything!
Halfway through his speech, Bai Yunfei closed his
Bai Yunfei was dumbfounded for a moment. mouth. It was useless to explain to these two. Even
Looking to his left and then to his right, he had the audience around them wasn’t willing to listen to
realized the eyes of everyone around him were Bai Yunfei; if there was any reaction, it would be
staring at him. Looking back at the two women in the scornful look in their eyes…
front of him, he asked in confusion,
Bai Yunfei’s lips began to twitch as if he was on the
“What’s going on?” verge of crying. Lifting out his left hand, he took one
step after another toward the two and stuttered,
Aunt Zhao looked at Bai Yunfei’s reaction and then “Au-aunty… I’m speaking the truth. If this is yours,
to the item he was holding in his left hand. then… here, take it...”
Beginning to tremble all over with a mighty shake,
she looked as if she was on the verge of losing With that, he handed the piece of underwear back
complete control over herself like last night. With a to the aunt. In his anxiety, he had subconsciously
finger pointed at Bai Yunfei, she snarled, “You stuffed the wooden bird he had just bought into the
shameless knave!! Don’t even think about playing hands of the girl to aunt’s side.
the idiot! Last night you molested the young miss of
my family. And… and… just what is that you’re The aunt took the bra back, but when it came in
holding in your hand then?!” contact with her hand, she paused. Feeling as if
something was wrong, she took the article of
“Eh? What is it?” Bai Yunfei was startled, but clothing and then held it up…
raising his left hand to look, he immediately began
to tremble…. Someone had taken scissors to it. Two holes were
cut accurately to show two specific spots on the
A single sweatdrop dripped down Bai Yunfei’s head bra…
— it, it was the underwear of a woman?!
Bai Yunfei’s eyes saw the holes, causing his soul to
“Oh…” practically fly away from his mouth almost. This
time, he regained his wits quickly, and without any
There was a hissing sound coming from all around explanation, he staggered back several steps in
him, causing Bai Yunfei to look around himself. retreat.
Everyone on the street had given themselves ten
“You pervert, I’ll kill you!!”
~ 288 ~
In the same instance that Bai Yunfei had retreated, progressed beyond what they had expected. It was
the aunty could no longer control her fury. Putting as if they were afraid of being inadvertently hit.
away the bra, her fist immediately chased after Bai
Yunfei to strike him down. Not too long after, the nearby hundred meters of
the street had been completely deserted save the
Bai Yunfei could see it coming however and easily two combatants and the young woman not too far
dodged the strike. Still retreating back, he cried out, away. Even the nearby buildings had tightly shut
“Aunty, don’t misunderstand! This really has their windows.
nothing to do with me, I’ve never seen you before in
my life!” Aunt Zhao was a cultivator with the earth property
whose distinguishing characteristics were endless.
“You still dare to deny it! Is your surname not Bai?!” Her offensive and defensive capabilities were
strong in their own right, but she lacked in speed.
“Ye-yes, my surname is Bai… how did you know?” Since she lacked a soul skill to aid her speed, she
was unable to land a hit on Bai Yunfei even after
“Then what else needs to be said! Your figure is the several rounds despite her anger. She was unable
same, your face is the same, and even your voice to make contact with him due to his Wave Treading
is the same! Or do you mean to tell me that the one Steps.
who dared to grope and molest me and the young
miss is your hoodrat of a twin brother!” The aunty Bai Yunfei had finally regained his wits. Depressed,
cried out in indignation as she chased him. With a Bai Yunfei didn’t know just how this absurd calamity
shake of her hand, a sword not yet two meters long had befallen him. He could only helplessly dodge
could be seen. With a circulation of her soulforce, a blow after blow while trying to figure out the best
halo of orange light could be seen enveloping the way to resolve this troublesome matter.
sword before it stabbed out at Bai Yunfei.
This village-born middle-aged woman in front of
“You’re kidding! I…” Bai Yunfei slid to the left to him was clearly in a furious state where words
dodge the sword stab before once more dodging a would be of no use. After a moment’s thought, Bai
horizontal slash from the sword. Then borrowing Yunfei dodged a strike, and looked to the young
the power of the incoming fist, he flew back another women who was observing the fight several dozen
two steps. Crying out in frustration, he spoke, meters away.
“Aunty, I really don’t know anything!!”
“I say, miss! Are you the ‘young miss’ this aunty’s
The furious aunty wasted no words on him. A talking about? Can you have this aunty calm down
tremendous amount of Qi could be seen rolling for a moment? You really got the wrong person!”
toward Bai Yunfei with the twist of her sword. Bai Yunfei dodged an explosive fist strike before
dodging another sword strike at the same time he
Startled, Bai Yunfei could no longer say anything. was shouting at the young woman.
He began to use the Wave Treading Steps to
weave left and right around the mirror images left “Yesterday night at nine, I was resting in the
by the sword. Although it looked rather dangerous, ‘Happiness Inn’ in the eastern streets. Although I
there was no damage dealt to Bai Yunfei. took a stroll earlier that day, I have never seen you
two before. This is all a misunderstanding!”
“Poof! Poof! Poof!...” Several sounds could be
heard while Bai Yunfei circled the street. The The young woman helplessly watched her aunt try
ground where he used to be standing had split into to attack Bai Yunfei over and over again. When she
several small cracks due to the Qi strikes from the heard that seemingly innocent explanation, her
sword. Some of the strikes had even impacted eyebrows furrowed together with some confusion.
against the ground not far from the audience.
After several more exchanges with the young
“Waaa!” The entire audience had been excited to woman not responding to him, Bai Yunfei was
watch this battle take place. Everyone scattered beginning to grow a little impatient. His leg shifted
away in fear to areas farther away when it away and brought him speeding to the left after
~ 289 ~
retreating away from the aunty. He planned on entire sky, this storm of rubble and earth force
running near the young woman. That way if the engulfed Bai Yunfei!
aunty chased after him, she would hesitate to
attack. In that time, he would have a moment to be Bai Yunfei’s eyes flashed dangerously. With a
able to figure out just what was happening. snort, he shook his hand and pulled out the Fire-
tipped Spear. Without decreasing the speed in his
Under her irate barrage, the aunt had come across feet, the Fire-tipped Spear began to twirl around in
almost no resistance from Bai Yunfei at all, causing an air-tight pattern that completely protected him
her fury to grow more and more. When she saw Bai from the barrage of stone fragments.
Yunfei head toward the young woman, her eyes
widened instantly and began to flow with a The first wave of stone fragments was far too
murderous killing intent. concentrated, so several fragments hit Bai Yunfei’s
body. Even with the Goldsilk Soul Armor protecting
“Scoundrel! You wish to mishandle the young miss him, it still hurt quite a bit.
After shattering the final stone fragment to pieces,
Following this flash of killing intent, the aunty began Bai Yunfei turned to look at the relatively far away
to explode with a rich amount of orange-colored aunty with a chilling glare. Up to this point, Bai
elemental energy. The sword in her right arm made Yunfei had not felt any anger in his heart.
an overarching slash toward the ground so that the
tip was touching it. The surrounding earth element “I’ve already said that this was a misunderstanding,
began to congregate around the tip of her sword but if you still want to bring me into this mess, then I
before the metallic cry of the sword could be heard will start to fight back!”
stabbing into the ground in her pursuit of Bai
Yunfei! Chapter 100: As Like the Heart Flying With the
Clouds, Be Free and Easy
The sword had stabbed into the stone tiles of the
ground without a problem. An orange light began to Chapter 100: As Like the Heart Flying With the
fill the cracks as a crackling sound appeared. Clouds, Be Free and Easy
Several more cracks could be seen originating from
where the sword had stabbed into the ground. In an After shattering the final stone fragment to pieces,
instant, they had spread in ‘pursuit’ of Bai Yunfei! Bai Yunfei turned to look at the relatively far away
aunty with a chilling glare. Up to this point, Bai
Seeing Bai Yunfei come running at her, the young Yunfei had not felt any anger in his heart.
woman instinctively retreated back. Adopting a
defensive stance, she took on a startled expression “I’ve already said that this was a misunderstanding,
before crying out a warning to Bai Yunfei, “Watch but if you still want to bring me into this mess, then I
yourself!” will start to fight back!”
As soon as Bai Yunfei was within a twenty meters The aunty seemed to appear as if she didn’t heard
away from the older woman, the young woman’s a single word of what Bai Yunfei said. With a
warning immediately warned him of the incoming tinkling from her saber, she pulled it out of the
pulse of elemental energy nearing his body. ground. The light on the saber was noticeably
Startled, he whirled around only to see that the dimmer compared to before. Vigorously treading
cracks had already reached underneath his feet. across the ground, she flew close to Bai Yunfei and
waved her saber to stab him.
“No!” Bai Yunfei was startled in that one instant. He
abruptly stomped down with enough force to launch “Hmph!”
him into the air. At that moment, the cracks
underneath his feet exploded, shooting fragments Bai Yunfei’s eyes flashed menacingly as he began
of the stones up along with the twisting strands of to circulate his soulforce. The Fire-tipped Spear in
the earth element. In a movement that covered the his hands began to tremble for a moment as a
heatwave was instantly expelled from it. The
~ 290 ~
heatwave was hot enough that even some young more, the young woman quickly called out to her.
woman several meters away cried out in shock as At the same time, she hurried over to her side and
they took several steps back. pulled the aunt’s arm back gently with a shake of
her head.
“Clang!” Following a red gleam of light, Bai Yunfei’s
spear twirled to slam against the long saber that “But miss, he…”
was stabbing at him. After the clanging sound from
the collision, the saber was sent arcing in a “Aunty Zhao, I really think that we found the wrong
perpendicular fashion to the side. The aunty looked person. This man… may possibly not be the same
surprised. The amount of force transmitted from her one as the one we saw last night.” The girl shook
saber to her arm caused her feet to stagger to the her head again.
“How could he not? His face and even the way he
As a middle Soul Sprite with his Fire-tipped Spear, sounds is exactly the same. Furthermore, he was
Bai Yunfei was substantially different than before. just holding onto my…”
Combined with his proficiency with the usage of the
fire element, he truly understood the true might of “But his eyes aren’t the same.” The girl interrupted
the Fire-tipped Spear. After increasing the amount the older woman. Looking at Bai Yunfei, she spoke,
of elemental fire within him, his strength was many “Whether it’s the way they speak or move, this man
times stronger than before. and the man from last night vary greatly. Although
they look the same, I feel as if the two are two
The aunt’s soulforce had already been depleted by completely different people, isn’t that right?”
a decent amount after the usage of her soul
technique. In this one strike, if Bai Yunfei had not The aunty’s eyes narrowed in warning, “Young
deliberately held back and used his spear to block miss, you should know that everyone may seem
the saber with the pole instead of the tip, the different from what they appear to be in this world.
human-tier soul item in her hands would have most Some may even disguise themselves as…”
likely been destroyed instead of deflected.
“Aunty, why don’t you get some proof for what
Seeing the spear, the chilly eyes of Bai Yunfei, and you’re saying! Just how am I pretending to be
how the saber in her arm trembled from the shock, someone I am not?” This time, it was Bai Yunfei
the aunty finally woke from her angered stupor. She that interrupted her. Knowing that there was not
cast a glance at the Fire-tipped Spear with a much of a chance for another fight to break out
strange glance before shouting, “Hmph! Do you again, he had put away his Fire-tipped Spear.
think yourself invincible by relying on a strong soul Unsatisfied, he retorted, “If I was really that
item?! Even if I cannot hit you, so what? I’ll…” ‘scoundrel’ you say I am, would I be that much of
an idiot to have that… thing in my hand?”
“I’ve said it before, you’ve mistaken me for
someone else.” Bai Yunfei’s eyes narrowed “Besides…” He immediately grew pensive for a
together. “With my strength, if I really did ‘assault’ moment before continuing his train of thought,
the young lady, do you really think you’d be able to “Before this, someone bumped into me without a
remain unharmed?” word and stuffed that thing into my hand. Then
when you appeared, I had already more or less
“You…” Seeing that the person in front of her would figured out what happened…”
be unwilling to ‘concede even in front of death’, her
heart began to feel fury once more. Even the saber “Oh? Does mister know something about this?” The
in her right hand was beginning to shake in anger. young woman’s eyebrows rose on her face in
“Aunty Zhao, please stop fighting…”
“More or less. If my guess isn’t off, then the person
Just at that moment, a gentle-sounding voice could in question is most likely trying to take ‘revenge’ on
be heard from the side. Seeing that the older me…” Bai Yunfei paused at that moment as if
woman was potentially about to start fighting once realizing something. “Then that person just now
~ 291 ~
was him. In that case, he would definitely plan on Bai Yunfei looked to the aunty who had called him
being nearby to observe this ‘embarrassment’, a scoundrel and was glaring at him for a moment
then…” before replying, “If the lady is willing to speak
reason, then I’ll give thanks first. However, after this
He began to turn his head around as if inspecting unrighted wrong, I would like to be proven innocent
the area for something. when I find the one responsible for framing me!”
Five hundred meters behind Bai Yunfei was a two- “That would be for the best.” The young woman
story tavern that could very well be used to spoke for the aunty before looking around. “Let’s
spectate what was happening between the three in leave the area first. A confrontation between soul
easy to distinguish details. A regular person cultivators may be something the government might
wouldn’t be able to see much because of the turn a blind eye to, it wouldn’t do to stay around
distance, but for a soul cultivator, such a distance here too long either.”
was negligible.
For a moment, Bai Yunfei was silent. Knowing that
A big-nosed youth could be seen sitting rather there was no need to continue speaking with one
sloppily on the banisters of this tavern. In his hands another, he cupped his hands and bowed to the
was a melon with a plate full of melon seeds to the two, “Then I’ll take my leave first. We’ll meet again
side for him to eat one at a time. He had been someday!”
staring at the spectacle between Bai Yunfei and the
two with keen interest — this person was without a Unwilling to put away her saber after watching Bai
doubt Jing Mingfeng in disguise. Yunfei walk away, the aunty looked to the young
woman, “Young miss, why were you so polite to
“Huh? Why aren’t they fighting? Did you fuck up, him? Do you really take his words to be true?”
aunty? You’re a middle Soul Sprite as well, how
could you be so easily defeated by him?” Jing “It doesn’t matter if I believed it or not. If we looked
Mingfeng grumbled in discontent, but suddenly, his at the circumstances, would you really be able to
eyes widened in shock. Forgetting that he had been beat him if you continued fighting, aunty?” The
sitting on top of the railing of the balcony, Jing young woman studied the retreating figure of Bai
Mingfeng fell back onto the floor with a startled cry. Yunfei while deep in thought. After hearing the
Instead of getting up, he silently hid behind the aunty speak, she shook her head.
balcony’s railing.
“That…” Aunt Zhao was speechless. Although she
“Did he find me? But how? Did he realize that I was and Bai Yunfei were of the same level of strength,
spying on him?” with that unique soul technique to aid his
movements, she herself had practically been under
…… his thumb. That high level soul item had been even
more shocking however.
Bai Yunfei’s eyes swept around the area, but he
didn’t find any person that might be suspicious. “It doesn’t matter anymore, aunty. We probably
Looking at a teahouse several hundred meters won’t ever see him again, so there’s no need to
away to the left, Bai Yunfei then glanced away continue this. Let’s get ready and leave Yanlin
before muttering, “There’s far too many soul City.”
cultivators looking at this place with interest. I won’t
be able to find him this way, and with that odd Speaking with a smile, the young woman took the
disguising ability of his, it’ll be even harder…” older woman around and began to walk in the other
“Mister, I believe this was a case of mistaken
understanding. For the trouble my aunty has “Eh?” Two steps later, the young woman, at that
caused, please forgive us. I hope that you will not moment, realized she was still holding something
take offense to this.” While Bai Yunfei had been — it was the wooden bird that Bai Yunfei had
deep in thought, the voice of the young woman hurriedly stuffed into her hands earlier.
could be heard.
~ 292 ~
Turning around to look for Bai Yunfei, she saw that
he had already long since disappeared from sight.
Turning back around, she began to look at the
wooden bird.