Hardcore Below Pad Footing
Hardcore Below Pad Footing
Hardcore Below Pad Footing
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3 authors:
Ahmed Al-Suhaily
University of Technology, Iraq
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Influence of providing a granular trench (GT) below strip The results of this parametric study showed that the
footings on loose sand deposits was explored by Unnikrishnan stabilization had a considerable effect on the bearing capacity
et al. (2011). The additional benefit of encapsulating such a of the circular footings and for a given value of H/D the
granular trench with a geosynthetic was also studied. Such a magnitude of the ultimate bearing capacity increases in a
system is christened as Encapsulated Granular Trench (EGT). nonlinear manner with the footing diameter. The Bearing
Capacity Ratio (BCR) was defined to evaluate the improved
performance of the reinforced system. It was found, based on
numerical and field-test results that the BCR of the partially
Load tests were conducted on laboratory model strip footings replaced, natural clay deposits increased with an increase in
resting on granular trench and encapsulated granular trench. the footing diameter and there was no significant scale effect
EGT supported strip footing was found to perform better than of the circular footing resting on natural clay deposits.
the footing on GT. The geosynthetic helps to redistribute the
stresses within the granular trench and undergo self straining Gueguin et al. (2015) addressed the geotechnical engineering
due to loading. In addition to this, the geosynthetic will also problem of evaluating the ultimate bearing capacity of a strip
perform as a separator. foundation resting upon a reinforced soil, by means of the
yield design homogenization approach. The analysis was
The reinforcement of the problematic soils with granular fill notably focused on the determination of the macroscopic
layers is one of the soil improvement techniques that are strength criterion of such reinforced soils, where both
widely used. Problematic soil behavior can be improved by constituents are purely cohesive, which can be conveniently
totally or partially replacing the inadequate soils with layers of expressed through the notion of anisotropic cohesion. A
compacted granular fill. Ornek et al. (2012a) presented the use comprehensive comparison was made between the classical
of artificial neural networks (ANNs), and the multi-linear configuration of reinforcing columns and the more original one
regression model (MLR) to predict the bearing capacity of of orthogonal reinforcing trenches. Among the most
circular shallow footings supported by layers of compacted outstanding results of the analysis is the conclusion that the
granular fill over natural clay soil. The data used in running cross trench configuration is notably more efficient in terms of
the network models have been obtained from an extensive load bearing capacity than the reinforcement by columns,
series of field tests, including large-scale footing diameters. notably when significantly inclined loading is concerned.
The field tests were performed using seven different footing
diameters, up to 0.90 m, and three different granular fill layer The objective of the present study is to improve the bearing
thicknesses. The results indicated that the use of granular fill capacity of a footing resting on soft clay by partial replacement
layers over natural clay soil has a considerable effect on the of the clay with a limited zone of granular material.
bearing capacity characteristics and that the ANN model
serves as a simple and reliable tool for predicting the bearing II. PROCEDURE FOR PAPER SUBMISSION
capacity of circular footings in stabilized natural clay soil.
A. Experimental Work
Numerical predictions of the scale effect for circular footings A total number of 8 model tests representing two series was
supported by partially replaced, compacted, layers on natural carried out in models of soft clays of different values of
clay deposits were presented by Ornek et al. (2012b). The undrained shear strength cu varying from 7 to 17 kPa. The first
scale effect phenomenon was analyzed according to the series consists of 4 models of a square pattern of soil
footing sizes. Numerical analyses were carried out using an replacement; the second series consists of 4 models of a trench
axisymmetric, two-dimensional, finite-element program. pattern of soil replacement. Both of the two series are carried
Before conducting the analysis, the validity of the constitutive out with different depths and widths of replacement, in
addition to one model of untreated soil.
model was validated using field tests performed by authors
with seven different footing diameters up to 0.90 m and with B. Material Used
three different partial replacement thicknesses. It was shown Soil used in this study was obtained from a site east of
that the behavior of the circular footings on natural clay soil Baghdad city. The soil consists of 17% sand, 35% silt and
and the partial replacement system can be reasonably well 48% clay. According to the Unified Soil Classification System
represented by the Mohr Coulomb model. The Mohr-Coulomb (USCS); the soil is classified as (CL). The crushed stone
model parameters were derived from the results of material which is used for the stone columns was obtained
conventional laboratory and field tests. After achieving a good from a crushing stone factory. It is produced as a result of
consistency between the results of the test and the numerical crushing massive stones, angular in shape. The crushed stone
analysis, the numerical analyses were continued by increasing is of a uniform size, considered as poorly graded. Direct shear
the footing diameter up to 25 m, considering the partial test was performed on samples prepared at a relative density of
replacement thickness up to two times the footing diameter.
The 2nd International Conference of Buildings, Construction and Environmental Engineering (BCEE2-2015)
73% according to (ASTM D-3080-2003). The test revealed 3. The excavation was made by hand excavator till the
that the angle of internal friction is 40o. required depth and width are reached.
4. The crushed stone was placed in the excavated zone by
C. Preparation of Model Test using a plastic cone in 2 layers for the 100 mm depth
case and 3 layers for 150 mm depth, each layer is 60
The natural soil was first dried and crushed with a hammer
mm thick and compacted by using a small hammer to
to small sizes; further crushing was carried out using a
maintain the desired dry unit weight of approximately
crushing machine. The natural soil was mixed with enough
15.1 kN/m3 as shown in Plate (3).
quantity of water to get the desired consistency. The mixing
5. After finishing the implementation, the bed of soil was
operation was conducted using a large mixer (120 liter
covered and left for a period of curing time of 24
capacity) each 25 kg of dry soil was mixed separately till
hours before the testing day.
completing the whole quantity. After thorough mixing, the wet
soil was kept inside tightened polythene bags for a period of
24 hours to get uniform moisture content.
Testing procedure for the soil replacements
The soil used for model tests was placed in a manufactured After the completion of the curing period, the following
steel container in layers with a thickness ranging between (50- steps were followed:
75) mm for each layer, each layer was leveled gently using a 1- The loading frame was placed in position so that the
wooden tamper, and then the leveled layer was tamped gently center of the footing coincides with the center of
with a metal hammer of 9.87 kg and dimensions of (150 x 150) replaced soil.
mm in order to remove any entrapped air. This process 2- Loads were applied through a loading disk in the
continues for each layer till reaching a thickness of 300 mm of form of load increments, Plate (2). Each load
soil in the steel container. increment was left till the dial gauge nearly stopped
After completing the final layer, the top surface was scraped or a penetration rate of 0.01 to 0.05 in. or 0.25 to 1.25
and leveled to get as near as possible a flat surface, then mm/min is reached according to (ASTM D-1143,
covered with polythene sheet to prevent any loss of moisture. 2000).
A wooden board of similar area to that of the surface area of 3- Dial gauge readings were recorded before the
bed soil (600 x 600) mm was placed on the bed of soil. The addition of the next load increment.
bed of soil was subjected to seating pressure of 5 kPa for 24 4- The load increments continued till failure was
hours to regain part of its strength. The bed of soil was achieved.
covered and left for a period of curing time of (five days) 5- After completion of the load test, the undrained shear
before the testing time. strength of the soil bed was measured near and below
The tests were carried out using a steel container with replaced zone using the portable vane shear device.
internal dimensions of (600 x 600 x 500 mm).
Table (1)
D. Loading assembly Details of soil replacement models.
A loading frame was designed and manufactured to
apply static vertical load on the model footing in models of
soil replacement. Details of the main features of the loading Depth of
assembly are shown in Plate (1). Type width of replacement (mm) replacement
(h) (mm)
Implementation of soil replacement models square 100 100
After preparing the bed of soft soil, the following steps were
square 100 150
followed for implementation of soil replacement; Table (1)
illustrates details of the soil replacement cases. The table square 200 (b = 50 mm) 100
shows that in four tests, the granular material was extended square 200 (b = 50 mm) 150
wider than the footing width (B) to a distance (b = 50 mm)
trench 100 100
from each side of the footing.
1. After the preparation of the bed of soft soil, the center trench 100 150
of the footing and the boundaries of the replaced zone trench 200 (b = 50 mm) 100
were located on the surface of the soil bed.
trench 200 (b = 50 mm) 150
2. The undrained shear strength of the soil bed was
measured in the center of the replaced zone at 100
mm or 150 mm depth (depending on the case) using
the portable vane shear device.
The 2nd International Conference of Buildings, Construction and Environmental Engineering (BCEE2-2015)
Plate (1) Loading assembly for soil replacement models Results and Discussion
Eight model tests were performed with two different types
of zone of soil replacement; square and trench, with footing
dimensions of (100 x 100 mm ) was used for both cases;
square and trench. Table (2) illustrates the bearing capacity
ratio (qu/cu) and the bearing improvement ratio (qtreated/quntreated)
of different cases of soil replacement while Figures (1) and (2)
demonstrate the relationship between qu/cu and S/B. The
undrained shear strength has been measured using portable
vane shear before testing and after the failure of model. Table
(3) shows the variation of the undrained shear strength. It can
be noticed that the undrained shear strength is increased by
about (5.5 – 15) % due to the implementation of soil
replacement. The histogram in Figure (3) shows the variation
of improvement ratio of the bearing capacity of both square
Plate (1) Loading assembly for soil replacement models and trench soil replacement.
Table (2) The bearing capacity ratio (qu/cu) and the bearing
improvement ratio (qtreated/quntreated) of different cases of soil
Plate (3) Trench of replaced soil 200 mm wide and 150 mm deep.
The 2nd International Conference of Buildings, Construction and Environmental Engineering (BCEE2-2015)
Figure (1) Pressure –settlement curves for a footing resting on soft clay
treated by square soil replacement with different dimensions.
From the experimental work carried out, the following points
have been concluded:
1- The ability of soft soil replacement by granular soil to
improve the bearing capacity of footing on soil
showed that the maximum degree of improvement is
achieved when the soil is treated by partial
replacement with a trench pattern (strip) of soil
replacement of dimensions B with extension of B/2
all sides to a depth of 1.5 B.
2- Soil replacement method is more effective in
improving the bearing capacity in case of the
increasing the width of replacement compared with
the increasing of the depth of replacement.
3- The stone used as a replacement material help to
increase the undrained shear strength of the soft soil
by lowering the water content. The undrained shear
strength is increased by about (5.5 – 15) % due to the
implementation of soil replacement.
Figure (2) Pressure –settlement curves for a footing resting on soft clay 4- The improvement ratio of trench soil replacement is
treated by trench of soil replacement with different dimensions. higher than the square soil replacement by about (10 -
20) %.
[1] ASTM D 3080-98: "Standard test method for
direct shear test of soils unconsolidated undrained
The 2nd International Conference of Buildings, Construction and Environmental Engineering (BCEE2-2015)