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Hemodynamic and Bispectral Changes During Pin Insertion in Craniotomy - Effect of Locally Infiltrated Bupivacaine

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ПРИЛОЗИ. Одд. за мед.

науки, XXXVIII 2, 2017 МАНУ

CONTRIBUTIONS. Sec. of Med. Sci., XXXVIII 2, 2017 MASA

10.1515/prilozi-2017-0029 ISSN 1857-9345

UDC: 616.714.1-089.5

Original research paper


Vesna Durnev1, Marija Soljakova1, Venko Filipce2, Maja Mojsova Mijovska1, Marina Temelkovska Stevanovska1
Clinic of Traumatology, Orthopedics, Anesthesia, Reanimation, Intensive care and Emergency at Medical School,
University “St. Cyril and Methodius”, Skopje, R. of Macedonia
University Clinic of Neurosurgery at Medical School, University “St. Cyril and Methodius”, Skopje, R. of Macedonia

Corresponding author: Vesna Durnev. University Clinic of Traumatology, Orthopedics, Anaesthesia, Reanimation,
Intensive care and Emergency at Medical School, University “St. Cyril and Methodius”, Skopje, R. of Macedonia,
Vodnjanska st. 17, Skopje, R. of Macedonia; Tel: +38972 238506; Е-mail: vesna.durnev@gmail.com


Introduction Cranial pins insertion is a method for head stabilization and together with the scalp
incision is one of the biggest noxious stimulus associated with arousal and rapid increase of the
blood pressure leading to pathological increase of the intracranial pressure. The aim of this in-
vestigation is to study the superiority of the locally infiltrated anesthetic bupivacaine just before
the skull pin insertion and the scalp incision in craniotomy under general anesthesia.
Methods In the study thirty patients of both genders aged 24-72 years were included. They were
categorized as ASA 1 and 2 and divided into two group of 15 patients each, group B (bupivacaine)
and group S (saline). We recorded the bispectral (BIS) index, the mean arterial pressure (MAP)
and the pulse rate (PR) in five time intervals:
t 0-2min before pin insertion; t 1-2 min after pin insertion; t 2-5 min after; t 3-10min after and t
4-15 min after.
Results Significant difference p<0.05 was achieved in group S for all three followed parameters:
blood pressure, heart rate and bispectral index. The difference is present in all four time intervals
compared to the initial one before the pin insertion. With further analysis it was demonstrated that
the investigated BIS index participates the most in the overall significance in group F.
Conclusion The scalp infiltration with local anesthetic bupivacaine results with stable hemody-
namic parameters and stable intracranial pressure during the painful procedures as craniotomy.

Key words: cranial pin, local infiltrative anesthesia, hemodynamics, bispectral index, bupivacaine

Introduction sure, regardless of the underlying cause, leads to

cerebral hypoperfusion and possible brain damage
The maintenance of the normal values of the if this hypoperfusion lasts too long. On the other
arterial blood pressure and the control of the an- hand, any kind of nociceptive stimulation in an in-
esthesia depth during the perioperative period is sufficiently anesthetized patient is associated with
one of the most important issues in the neuroan- a sudden increase in the arterial blood pressure,
aesthesia, especially when we have patients with which carries the risk of aneurysm rupture or a
cerebral vascular changes and tumors. During the rapid increase in the intracranial pressure [1, 2].
perioperative period the mean arterial pressure The hemodynamic response as sudden tachy-
(MAP) values may increase or decrease exces- cardia and hypertension can occur even after an
sively. A hazardous decrease in the arterial pres- adequate proper depth of general anesthesia. This

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116 Vesna Durnev

stress response is detrimental in patients with in- Clinic of Traumatology, Orthopedics, Anesthesia,
tracranial pathology [3]. Reanimation, Intensive care and Emergency and
The insertion of cranial pins for head stabili- the University Clinic of Neurosurgery at Medical
zation is a method for head stabilization in elective School, University “St. Cyril and Methodius”,
craniotomy and together with skin incision is one Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, in a period of six
of the prominent noxious stimuli. They induce in months (January 2016 till June 2016).
insufficiently anesthetized patients significant he- After obtaining the written information consent
modynamic response, increased stress hormones from each patient, we enrolled a total of thirty pa-
and in patients with impaired autoregulation may tients of both genders, aged 20-70 years ASA phys-
lead to increased intracranial pressure [4, 5]. ical status I and II, undergoing elective craniotomy.
The determination of the bispectral index Criteria for exclusion were patients with
(BIS) is a method which has gained popularity uncontrolled hypertension, patients undergoing
because it reflects the hypnotic and anesthetic emergency surgery, intracranial aneurysm surgery,
depth. The BIS index is a measure derived from those having significant cardiac, pulmonary, renal
the processed electroencephalogram (EEG) data or hepatic disease, those having contraindication
[6]. The BIS index has been shown to be superior to beta blockers, or taking treatment that can affect
to the other processed EEG parameters in assess- hemodynamic parameters. Criterion for exclusion
ing the depth of anesthesia and sedation [7,8]. A is the already known hypersensitivity to local an-
BIS value of 40–65 is suitable for anesthesia [9]. esthetic bupivacaine.
The BIS index can be also used as a predictor of All patients were premedicated with diazepam
patient’s response to nociceptive stimulus under 5 mg orally the night before the day of surgery and
anesthesia and it has decreased the incidence of on the morning of surgery. In the operating room,
intraoperative awareness [10, 11]. a BIS sensor (Covidien) was attached to the fore-
These detrimental hemodynamic and aware- head and the monitor was set to generate a value
ness changes can be prevented by infiltration of every 15 s. The routine monitoring consisted of
the scalp with local anesthetic [12] or by skull an electrocardiogram (ECG), end tidal CO2, pulse
block prior to pin placement [13]. oximetry, invasive blood pressure (IBP) and heart
We hypothesized that the values of the BIS rate measurement.
index and hemodynamic parameters would in- The patients were induced with fentanyl 2µ/
crease when skull pins are inserted and skin inci- kg, propofol 1.5-2 mg/kg and rocuronium in dose
sion is performed although the anesthetic depth of 0.6mg/kg. Ventilation was maintained with a
is adequate enough. It would remain unchanged tidal volume of 6–8 ml/kg and respiratory frequen-
when patients received local anesthetic bupiva- cy of 12–15/min. Anesthesia was maintained with
caine infiltration of the scalp, which blocks the continuous remifentanil infusion and isoflurane
strong nociceptive stimuli followed with stable 1%-2% in mixture of 50% air/oxygen. The depth
perioperative patient condition. of the anesthesia was maintained within the BIS
index value of 40–60.
Objective After the normalization of the hemodynamic
effects of the tracheal intubation (approximately
The objective of the study is to examine the 5 min after intubation), the patients were random-
superiority of the locally infiltrated anesthetic bu- ized in two groups. The first group (Group B)
pivacaine at the place of the pin insertion and the of 15 patients received 20ml 0.25% bupivacaine
skin incision in preventing pain stimulation in local anesthetic infiltrated at the place of the pin
patients with craniotomy measured through the insertion and the skin incision. The second group
changes in the bispectral index (BIS) and the he- (Group S) consisted of 15 patients same as the first
modynamic parameters as mean arterial pressure one who received 20 ml saline scalp infiltration
and heart rate. 2 to 5 minutes before the pin insertion and the
skin incision. We followed the changes in the BIS
Materials and Methods index value and the hemodynamic parameters as
the mean arterial pressure and heart rate using
The study was designed as prospective, con- recorded values before the pin insertion and the
trol randomized research. This randomized pro- skin incision in time (t0) and subsequently the
spective trial was conducted at the University regular intervals of 5 min (t1, t2, t3, t4) after the
pin insertion for total time of 20 min.

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Statistical analyses and group S. The demographic data are displayed

in Table 1 as percentage and in Table 2 as mean
The data for the continuous variables such as value ±SD.
age, HR, MAP and BIS index were expressed as The gender structure of the examined people
mean with SD. The comparison of the changes in either group is presented as percentage in Table
over time between the groups was carried out by 1 showing little predominance in males, but the
using the independent Student’s t‑test and we used overall difference in the gender distribution of the
analysis of variance (ANOVA) to see the signif- investigated people is without any significance
icance in comparing t0 with other time intervals between two groups.
for all three variables in two groups. According to the results presented in Table 2
The post hoc test of Tukey for group S (dif- there is no significant difference in the distribution
ference between t0 and other time intervals) was of the variables as age, weight and height.
also used to reveal the variable that contributes the In Table 3 the three variables are presented
most in the overall statistically significant result. as MV±SD: mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart
All statistical analyses were carried out with rate (HR) and bispectral index (BIS) measured
5% level of significance, and P < 0.05 was con- in four time intervals after the pin insertion t1 - 2
sidered as significant difference. min, t2 – 5min, t3 – 10min, t4 – 15min. There is
a significant difference p˂0.05 between the two
Results groups for all three variables in time intervals t2
and t3, the significance in time interval t1 is shown
The investigation consisted of 30 patients di- for variables MAP and HR and in time interval t4
vided in two groups, each of 15 patients, group B is shown for MAP and BIS.
In Table 4 the three variables are shown by
Table 1. Gender prevalence comparing values in time interval t0 related to all
following time measurement t1, t2, t3 and t4 with
Group B Percentage Group S Percentage
the goal to see which time interval contributes the
M 9 60.00000 10 66.66667 most to the significant difference. For all three
F 6 40.00000 5 33.33333 variables, time t0 compared to t1, t2, t3 and t4
Total 15 100.0 15 100.0 shows significant difference in Gr. S.

Table 2. Demographic characteristics

Parameter Group B Group S p - value
Gender M/F 9/6 10/5 0.7034
Age 52.6±15.3 58.26±13.76 0.296738
Weight 73.2±15.4 71.06±8.99 0.636867
Height 165.8±10.9 172.13±9.16 0.723987
Shortcuts: B-Bupivacaine; S – Saline

Table 3. Hemodynamic parameters and BIS index in different time intervals comparing the two groups
time Gr B Gr S Gr B Gr S Gr B Gr S
p p p
бр=15 бр=15 бр=15 бр=15 бр=15 бр=15
t0 61 69.6 70.3 68 44.4 44.6
0.082974 0.672267 0.912244
±7.7 ±16.9 ±14.1 ±15.6 ±4.8 ±4.9
t1 47,9
64.26 96.2 74.3 85.4 52.4
0.000005 0.049579 ±6.3 0.061110
±7.2 ±20.7 ±13.8 ±15.7 ±6.2
t2 64.53 97.6 72.8 87.4 46.9 54
0.000002 0.002810 0.001962
±7.4 ±20.4 ±13 ±11.4 ±5.8 ±5.4
t3 45.4
62.46 97.13 72.3 85.8 52.3
0.000000 0.003751 ±4.4 0.000120
±7.0 ±18.6 ±13.2 ±9.8 ±4.0
t4 61.3 86.5 71.6 79.5 44.9 51.3
0.000006 0.076774 0.000398
±6.1 ±16.3 ±13.1 ±10.1 ±4.6 ±4.0

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118 Vesna Durnev

Table 4. Comparing the values for BIS, MAP and HR (t0/t1; t0/t2; t0/t3;t0/t4)
SS – Eff. df – Eff. MS – Eff. SS – Err. df – Err. MS – Err. F p
BIS т0 Gr S 806.800 4 201.700 1757.87 70 25.1124 8.031895 0.000022
MAP 8593.520 4 2148.380 24531.07 70 350.4438 6.130455 0.000274
HR 3834.587 4 958.647 11537.60 70 164.8229 5.816224 0.000423
BIS т0 Gr B 129.520 4 32.380 1960.00 70 28.0000 1.156429 0.337539
MAP 159.387 4 39.847 3565.73 70 50.9390 0.782242 0.540523
HR 129.813 4 32.453 12765.73 70 182.3676 0.177956 0.949058

Table 5. Group S BIS t0

{0} - M=44.600 {1} - M=52.400 {2} - M=54.000 {3} - M=52.333 {3} - M=51.333
1 {0} 0.000690 0.000143 0.000766 0.004142
2 {1} 0.000690 0.905400 1.000000 0.977248
3 {2} 0.000143 0.905400 0.891881 0.593297
4 {3} 0.000766 1.000000 0.891881 0.982080
5 {4} 0.004142 0.977248 0.593297 0.982080

Table 6. Group S MAP t0

{0} - M=69.667 {1} - M=96.267 {2} - M=97.667 {3} - M=97.133 {4} - M=86.533
1 {0} 0.002160 0.001129 0.001434 0.110070
2 {1} 0.002160 0.999643 0.999947 0.614597
3 {2} 0.001129 0.999643 0.999992 0.484522
4 {3} 0.001434 0.999947 0.999992 0.533689
5 {4} 0.110070 0.614597 0.484522 0.533689
Significant difference p < 0.05000 (Tukey HSD тест)

Table 7. Group S HR t0
{0} - M=68.000 {1} - M=85.467 {2} - M=87.467 {3} - M=85.800 {4} - M=79.533
1 {0} 0.003594 0.000952 0.002888 0.111841
2 {1} 0.003594 0.993001 0.999995 0.712916
3 {2} 0.000952 0.993001 0.996576 0.445385
4 {3} 0.002888 0.999995 0.996576 0.669483
5 {4} 0.111841 0.712916 0.445385 0.669483
Significant difference p < 0.05000 (Tukey HSD тест)

With post hoc Tukey test in Table 5, 6 and 7 with local anesthetic bupivacaine and the effect
we can see that variable BIS in group S contribute upon hemodynamics is for the first time investi-
the most in total significant difference. gated in the study of Hillman et al from 1987 [17]
which demonstrated the blocking effect of the
Discussion nerve endings for skin, subcutaneous tissue, mus-
cles and periosteum of external part of the scalp.
The scalp is densely innervated with C-fibers Several possible mechanisms are suggested
[14]. A lot of studies with scalp blocks and skin for the analgesic effect of the bupivacaine as local
incision infiltration were done to describe the re- anesthetic. The studies of Pinosky from 1996 [3]
lief from postoperative pain after craniotomy as and Hillman from 1987 [17] describe the mem-
in the study of Bloomfield from 1998 and Biswas brane stabilizing effect occurring on smooth vas-
from 2003 [15, 16]. Subcutaneous infiltration cular musculature or sympathetic nerves.

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The prolonged activity of the bupivacaine is before the pin insertion we found significant dif-
due to the decreasing of the absorption and the ference in Group S where patients were locally
increasing of the capillary permeability. Since the infiltrated with saline.
scalp is highly vascularized we did not use vaso- Also, our hypothesis was confirmed by moni-
constrictor as adjunct to the local anesthetic just to toring the depth of the anesthesia (bispectral mon-
disable the possibility for accidental intravascular itoring) following the BIS index which has shown
injection and absorption in circulation leading to big fluctuations using saline. With further analysis
hypertension and tachycardia. it was proven that precisely, the variable BIS in-
The study of Kinna G Shah et al. from 2014 dex contributes the most to the total significance
[18] investigated the changes of the hemodynam- in Group S.
ic parameters in patients with craniotomy who
were divided in three groups depending on the Conclusion
substance which was infiltrated before the pin fix-
ation and the scalp incision: the group with saline, Scalp infiltration with local anesthetic bupiv-
the group with bupivacaine and the group with acaine results with stable hemodynamic condition
tramadol. The results demonstrated significantly and normal intracranial pressure during the painful
higher values of the hemodynamic parameters in procedures in craniotomy as pin insertion and skin
the group of saline. incision. This condition is achieved through main-
Likewise, in the study of Mohammadin from taining continuous appropriate anesthesia depth
2003 [19] it is found that the biggest significant without increasing the nervous cell metabolism
difference p = 0.03 using bupivacaine 0.25% is and without increasing the perfusion in the rigid
achieved through the heart rate changes. The study cranial vault.
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Весна Дурнев1, Марија Шолјакова1, Венко Филипче2,

Маја Мојсова Мијовска1, Марина Темелковска Стевановска1
Универзитетска клиника за трауматологија, ортопедија, анестезија, реанимација,
интензивна нега и за итни случаи, Медицински факултет,
Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“, Скопје, Р. Македонија
Универзитетската клиника за неврохирургија, Медицински факултет,
Универзитет „Св Кирил и Методиј“, Скопје, Р. Македонија


Вовед: Поставување на кранијални пинови е метода за стабилизација на главата. Заедно со

кожната инцизија на скалпот спаѓа во група на јаки ноцицептивни стимулуси кои се асоцорани со
будење и нагло зголемување на крвниот притисок кое води до рапидно зголемување на интракра-
нијалниот притисок. Целта на ова испитување е да се испита супериорноста на локално инфилтри-
ран анестетик бупивакаин на местото на инцизија на скалпот и инсерција на черепните пинови кај
пациенти со краниотомија подложени на општа анестезија.
Методи: Беа вклучени триесет пациенти од двата пола, на возраст од 24-72 години со АСА
статус 1 и 2 и поделени во две групи секоја составена од 15 пациенти, група Б (бупивакаин група)
и група Ф (физиолошки раствор група). Се следеа промените во вредностите на биспектралниот
индекс, средниот артериски притисок и срцевата фреквенција пред инсерција на пиновите (т0), т1
(2 мин после пин инсерција), и последователни регуларни итервали (т2 во 5 минута, т3 во 10 минута
и т4 во 15 минута).
Резултат: Се доби сигнификатна разлика p<0.05 во групата Ф за сите три следени параметри:
крвниот притисок, пулсот и биспектралниот индекс. Разликата е во сите четири времиња во однос
на почетното време пред поставување на пиновите т0. Со понатамошна анализа се дoкажа дека
варијаблата БИС најмногу допринесува во вкупната сигнификантност во Групата Ф.
Заклучок: За време на болни процедури при краниотомија инфилтрацијата на скалпот со локален
анестетик бупивакаин резултира со стабилни хемодинамски параметри и стабилен интракранијален

Клучни зборови: кранијални пинови, локална инфилтративна анестезија, хемодинамика, бис-

пектрален индекс, бупивакаин

Download Date | 2/28/18 11:23 AM

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