Accelerating The Power of Deep Learning With Neural Networks and Gpus
Accelerating The Power of Deep Learning With Neural Networks and Gpus
Accelerating The Power of Deep Learning With Neural Networks and Gpus
real-time translation The problem with this approach is that it relies heavily on
in several languages human intervention for the feature extraction, identification,
classification, and detection phases.
for online chats.
Feature Classifier
Raw Data Result
Extraction or Detector
Train Model
7 $220
Total Errors
Figure 3 (continued): In inference, Contributions
the trained network is used to Going
discover information within new Backwards
inputs that are fed through the
network in smaller batches.
7 $220
About The Author About Artificial Intelligence at TCS and our Digital Reimagination™ Studio
Sunil Karkera At TCS, we operate with the belief that the future of business will be driven by
five powerful digital forces: mobility and pervasive computing, the cloud, Big
Head of Digital Reimagination™
Data, social media, and artificial intelligence (AI). We are applying AI, notably
deep learning, to all kinds of applications from autonomous vehicles to the
Sunil is an engineer by analysis of sensor data from the Internet of Things, from fraud detection to
profession, and over the past natural language processing and conversational agents.
20 years, he founded three
successful startups in Silicon The TCS Digital Reimagination™ Studio is dedicated to helping businesses create
Valley (wireless products, SaaS fundamentally new experiences by reimagining industries through creative
solutions, and mobile thinking. The Studio brings a start-up culture to large enterprise clients by
applications), led information leveraging the best of world-class creative, design, engineering, and business
systems groups at News
domain experts. The result is business transformation through rapid product
Corporation, and worked and
prototyping and extremely agile collaboration.
consulted for companies such
as Nest, Westinghouse,
Dell-Sonicwall, Lockheed, and
Siebel. He is also a trained Contact
To learn more, contact the TCS Digital Reimagination™ Studio at
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