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Accelerating The Power of Deep Learning With Neural Networks and Gpus

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POINT OF VIEW Artificial Intelligence

Accelerating the Power of

Deep Learning With Neural
Networks and GPUs

AI goes beyond image recognition.


Deep learning using neural networks and graphics

processing units (GPUs) is starting to surpass
machine learning for image recognition and other
applications. Deep neural networks are helping to
advance self-driving cars, faster development of
new drugs, and real-time multiple-language
translation for online chats.

Find out more about:

 Machine learning versus deep learning

 The power of inference

 GPUs delivering near real-time performance

POINT OF VIEW Artificial Intelligence

The Next Stage in Machine Learning

Deep learning using neural networks has sparked a revolution
in many areas of advanced machine learning and perception.
Its potential for use in machine vision was demonstrated
conclusively in 2012 during the annual ImageNet challenge,
where research teams competed with programs designed to
classify and detect things for the ImageNet visual database. A
convolutional neural network called AlexNet outperformed all
the conventional machine vision competitors by a
substantial margin.

Since then, deep neural networks have performed exceedingly

well across various algorithms originally developed for machine
learning-based image recognition. Now, deep neural networks
are expanding the potential uses well beyond image
recognition, from self-driving cars to quicker development of
new drugs to real-time translation in several languages for
online chats.

Accelerated deep learning dramatically enhances the training

process for AI systems. Faster and better inference capabilities
improve the performance of Internet of Things applications,
including sensor data analytics. Sensors generate large
volumes of data that can, with sufficient training, be used to
predict machine malfunctions, for example. But traditional
machine learning methods can take months. Accelerated deep
learning techniques, including automatic pattern recognition
Now, deep neural
and reinforcement learning, decrease the time required to train
networks are an AI system—and therefore decrease the time to truly useful
expanding the inference capabilities.
potential uses well
Machine Learning v. Deep Learning
beyond image
recognition, from Figure 1 depicts a high-level view of the process flow for
traditional machine learning approaches: raw data (i.e.,
self-driving cars to images) are analyzed (feature extraction) and then identified,
quicker development classified, or detected (depending on the goal of the
of new drugs to application), and then a result is delivered to the user.

real-time translation The problem with this approach is that it relies heavily on
in several languages human intervention for the feature extraction, identification,
classification, and detection phases.
for online chats.
Feature Classifier
Raw Data Result
Extraction or Detector

Figure 1: Traditional machine learning approach to visual perception.

POINT OF VIEW Artificial Intelligence

Deep learning appraoches require much less human effort in

designing learning parameters—deep learning applications
essentially learn how to learn—and this means they offer
exciting opportunities and problem solving capabilities.
Deep learning
approaches require Deep Learning Traditional Machine Learning

much less human Architecture driven Features driven

effort in designing Automatic Manual

learning Deep Shallow

parameters—deep Lots of data More technique

learning applications
Compute intensive Human intensive
essentially learn how
Automates learning Expertise and domain barrier
to learn—and this
means they offer Inference Makes the Difference
exciting opportunities
While traditional machine learning applications are trained to
and problem solving deliver accurate results, deep learning neural network
capabilities. applications are trained—and then taught to make inferences
to handle a broader class of inputs and deliver constantly
improving results.

After forward propagation is completed, the results are

compared against a set of well-understood correct answers to
validate and compute for error data. The backward propagation
stage sends errors back through the network’s layers and
updates their weights using a gradient descent algorithm. This
helps the process improve its performance to the appropriate
level. For example, if an application needs to be right 99.9% of
the time, the learning process will be more rigorous than if it
only needs to be right 80% of the time.

Figure 2 (next page) shows a schematized view of the training

and deployment phases of a deep neural network approach.
Training a deep neural network involves designing parameters
that include examples of inputs and suggested outputs.
Training can last several hours or several weeks, depending on
the complexity of the task, and uses forward and backward

After training, the deep learning neural network is deployed to

run inference computations using its previously learned
parameters to classify, recognize, and process unknown inputs.

Inference is extremely useful for classifying images, localizing

faces, or real-time speech translation.

In the inference phase, the system learns how to learn so that

its outputs get better and better over time (and in real-time).
POINT OF VIEW Artificial Intelligence

For inference, the performance goals are different from those

associated with training. To minimize the network’s end-to-end
response time, inference typically batches a smaller number of
inputs than would be used for training. Use cases relying on
inference—for example, machine vision for an autonomous
car—are required to be as responsive as possible and to reduce
wait times.


Train Model



Train Model Results

Use cases relying on

Figure 2: Deep learning applications are trained using forward and backward
inference—for propagation, but the system continues to improve in the deployment stage when
applications are taught to make inference.
example, machine
vision for an In general, training involves a higher workload than inference
(see Figure 3). During training, the most important factor is
autonomous car—are
high throughput in terms of data volume, but during inference,
required to be as speed and accuracy of results become paramount. This
responsive as necessitates a kind of balancing act for designers of deep
learning neural networks.
possible and to
reduce wait times. Approve Mark as Fraud


Figure 3: Deep learning training

Hidden compared to inference: In training,
Layers many inputs, often in large batches, are
used to train a deep neural network.

7 $220

Transactions Large Merchant

per Hour Amount Category

0 Approve Mark as Fraud 1

Total Errors

Figure 3 (continued): In inference, Contributions
the trained network is used to Going
discover information within new Backwards
inputs that are fed through the
network in smaller batches.
7 $220

Transactions Large Merchant

per Hour Amount Category
POINT OF VIEW Artificial Intelligence

Most deep learning applications strive to maximize a batch size

while keeping latency under a given application-specific
maximum. This enables inference computations to occur at
various scales, all the way from cloud applications running in a
large-scale datacenter to real-time inference, such as
pedestrian detection on an embedded processor inside an
It’s possible to batch autonomous vehicle.
thousands of inputs
GPUs Excel at Neural Network Inference
for training and
operate on them Deep learning neural networks demand extraordinary
processing power because deep learning involves a lot of vector
simultaneously during and matrix operations. Using customized deep learning cores
training of deep can lead to stellar performance for neural network processing
neural networks. implementations. However, for developing new networks, it is
also valuable to be able to work within a standard framework
that makes the process of testing and modifying networks fast
and lightweight.

Graphics processing units (GPUs), designed for 3D computer

graphics and 60 fps for game play, offer outstanding
performance for deep learning applications. While both CPUs
and GPUs can handle graphical operations, GPUs accelerate
graphical computations very well. GPUs perform faster because
of the distributed/parallel nature of the architecture with many
low-end processing nodes.

Deep learning algorithms run several times faster on a GPU

compared to a CPU, and learning times can be reduced from
months to weeks or even a day. It’s possible to batch
thousands of inputs for training and operate on them
simultaneously during training of deep neural networks to
prevent overfitting (which can occur when a model is too
complex) and manage loading weights from GPU memory
across several inputs, increasing computational efficiency.

This acceleration is important because researchers or people

working with deep learning will want to experiment with
multiple deep learning architectures—for example, the number
of layers, cost functions, regularization methods, and
others—to discover exactly what works best for their deep
learning application.

The Bottom Line

Deep learning is fast emerging as a key component of a wide
variety of challenging and incredibly useful artificial intelligence
applications, and GPUs offer a powerful tool for exploring the
power and potential of deep learning. These tools represent a
true paradigm shift for the machine learning endeavor, both in
terms of how we approach the challenge of teaching computers
to think and how we use thinking computers in the real world.
POINT OF VIEW Artificial Intelligence

About The Author About Artificial Intelligence at TCS and our Digital Reimagination™ Studio

Sunil Karkera At TCS, we operate with the belief that the future of business will be driven by
five powerful digital forces: mobility and pervasive computing, the cloud, Big
Head of Digital Reimagination™
Data, social media, and artificial intelligence (AI). We are applying AI, notably
deep learning, to all kinds of applications from autonomous vehicles to the
Sunil is an engineer by analysis of sensor data from the Internet of Things, from fraud detection to
profession, and over the past natural language processing and conversational agents.
20 years, he founded three
successful startups in Silicon The TCS Digital Reimagination™ Studio is dedicated to helping businesses create
Valley (wireless products, SaaS fundamentally new experiences by reimagining industries through creative
solutions, and mobile thinking. The Studio brings a start-up culture to large enterprise clients by
applications), led information leveraging the best of world-class creative, design, engineering, and business
systems groups at News
domain experts. The result is business transformation through rapid product
Corporation, and worked and
prototyping and extremely agile collaboration.
consulted for companies such
as Nest, Westinghouse,
Dell-Sonicwall, Lockheed, and
Siebel. He is also a trained Contact
To learn more, contact the TCS Digital Reimagination™ Studio at

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