Evan Chen: Transcript of Mathematics Coursework
Evan Chen: Transcript of Mathematics Coursework
Evan Chen: Transcript of Mathematics Coursework
Lecture notes for many of the math classes can be found at:
http: // www. mit. edu/ ~evanchen/ coursework. html .
Mathematics — Combinatorics
A+ 18.099, Discrete Analysis Seminar, Spring 2016, Peter Csikvári.
Seminar in additive combinatorics, with emphasis on Fourier analysis on Szemerédi’s theorem. Follows
Terence Tao’s textbook.
Textbook: Tao/Vu, chapters 4, 10, 11.
Other Mathematics
B+ 2.111/8.370/18.435J, Quantum Computation, Fall 2015, Seth Lloyd.
Graduate course on quantum computation. Qubits, entanglement, physics of information processing,
quantum circuits, Shor’s algorithm, etc.
Textbook: None.
A+ 14.12, Economics Applications of Game Theory, Fall 2015, Glenn Ellison.
Standard course on game theory. Utility functions, Nash equilibriums, partial information games,
subgame-perfect equilibriums, sequential equilibrium, etc.
Textbook: None.
A 14.16, Strategy and Information, Spring 2016, Mihai Manea.
A more rigorous game theory class following 14.12. Iterated dominance, perfect Bayesian equilibrium,
and sequential/perfect/proper equilibria. Cooperative games, matching allocation problems, auction and
mechanism design, bargaining.
Textbook: None.
A+ 18.821, Project Lab in Mathematics, Spring 2016, David Vogan.
How to write a paper and give a presentation (i.e. oral and written communication).
Textbook: None.
B 24.244, Modal Logic, Fall 2016, Stephen Yablo.
Propositional modal logic, Kripke frames, completeness, strict implication, modal predicate logic and its
completeness, expanding domains, contingent identity, intensional objects.
Textbook: Hughes and Cresswell.
Harvard College
A Math 55a, Honors Abstract and Linear Algebra, Fall 2014, Dennis Gaitsgory.
Groups, rings/ideals, modules, spectral theory (eigenvalues), classification of finite abelian groups, group
actions, Sylow’s Theorem, inner forms, tensor products, wedge products, representation theory (Maschke,
Schur, characters, and classification of irreducible representations of Sn ).
Textbook: None.
A Math 55b, Honors Real and Complex Analysis, Spring 2015, Dennis Gaitsgory.
Metric and topological spaces, normed vector spaces, derivatives and integrals in Rn , inverse and implicit
function theorem, ODE’s, Stoke’s theorem, holomorphic functions, Cauchy formula, Taylor expansions.
Textbook: None used officially, but loosely follows Rudin.
A+ Math H113, Honors Intro to Abstract Algebra, Spring 2012, Kelli Talaska.
Groups (quotient groups, Sylow’s Theorem. Finitely generated abelian groups, semidirect products),
rings and ideals (Euclidean domains, PID’s, UFD’s), fields and field extensions.
Textbook: Dummit and Foote (1-5, 7-9, 13).