Tugas Kelas 11 SMK
Tugas Kelas 11 SMK
Tugas Kelas 11 SMK
Jalan Raya Mastrip Pancoran Telp/Fax (0332) 433350 Email : admin@smkn4bws.sch.id Website : www.smkn4bws.sch.id
1. Read the text below, then underline all passive forms in the following text. Number 1 has been done for
you.( Jawaban seperti no 1 )
In the first phase, glass ingredient are put into a melting furnace. This produces molten glass. Next, the
molten glass is gently poured into a tank of molten tin. This tank is called a float bath because a layer of
molten glass floats on the surface of the molten tin. Molten tin is used in the float bath because it has a
smooth, mirror – like surface. The molten glass can be made thicker or thinner by controlling how fast it flows
through the float bath.
The flat layer of glass is then moved along rollers and cooled very slowly in aa low tunnel called a lehr. In
the next phase, the glass is washed and then cut into sheets using diamond wheel cutters. Finally, the sheets
of glass of glass are stacked together and taken to the warehouse.
2. Draw a line to match the sentences ( Mencocokan Kolom facts dengan kolom consequences )
Like number 1
No Facts
1 If I don’t understand something a. I will watch the match.
2. If I eat to much, b. I will send it to my girlfriend
3. If I have two concert tickets c. I will ask the teacher
4. If she practice a lot, d. I will get a fat
5. If I write a poem, e. I will ask you to accompany me.
6. If I have enough time this evening, f. She will win the competition