Articles of Partnership For General Partnerships
Articles of Partnership For General Partnerships
Articles of Partnership For General Partnerships
6th Exam
1. Worksheet is used as bridge connecting the trial balance and the financial statements.
2. Formal financial statements cannot be prepared without worksheet.
3. The purpose of the worksheet is to accompany the financial statements to prove that everything is complied with.
4. A worksheet which does not contain column for "Adjusted Trial Balance" is a 6-column worksheet.
5. In a worksheet, the amounts of debit and credit columns of both income statement and balance sheet when totaled are not "in-balance".
6. In a worksheet, when the total of the debit column of the Income Statement exceeds the total of the credit column, it signifies a "Loss'.
7. In a worksheet, when the total of the credit column of the Income Statement exceeds the total of the debit column, it signifies "Profit".
8. All nominal accounts are extended to the Balance Sheet section of the worksheet.
9. All real accounts are extended to the debit side of the Income Statement section of the worksheet.
10. When there is Net Income, it is extended to the credit column of the Balance Sheet to effect the decrease in Owner's Equity.
Test III. Indicate whether each item enumerated is an operating, investing and financing activity and indicate
also if it is cash inflow or cash outflow.
1. Payment of rental
2. cash received from services rendered
3. Investment by owner
4. Payment of utilities expense
5. Collection from customer's accounts
6. Proceeds from sale of equipment
7. Withdrawal of owner
8. Proceeds from a bank loan
9. Payment of taxes and license
10. Purchase of supplies inventory
hen totaled are not "in-balance".
it column, it signifies a "Loss'.
it column, it signifies "Profit".
se in Owner's Equity.
Accounting 1 A
3rd Examination
Journal Entry Assets = Liabilities + Capital
1. Mr Lee invested cash in the business, P 150,000.00 1
16. Received cash P10,000 but services has not yet been rendered 16
1. Total Current Asset
2. Total Non-Current Asset
3. Total Asset
Transactions Assets = Liabilities
4-18 CASH AR
860,000.00 70,000.00
2-Feb-2018 Mr. Felipe Opiso made an additional investment of P 60,000.00 60,000.00
4-Feb-2018 Rendered repair services to customer on account, P 25,000.00 25,000.00
6-Feb-2018 Partial payment to a supplier P50,000.00 (50,000.00)
8-Feb-2018 Payment of rental expense for the month , P 8,000.00 (8,000.00)
15-Feb-2018 Rendered services for cash, P 30,000.00 30,000.00
20-Feb-2018 Collected from a customer's account, P 40,000.00 40,000.00 (40,000.00)
22-Feb-2018 Mr. Felipe Opiso made a cash withdrawal of P 10,000.00 (10,000.00)
23-Feb-2018 Bought office supplies inventory on account, P 5,000.00
24-Feb-2018 Full payment of a note , P 75,000.00 (75,000.00)
847,000.00 55,000.00
1. Jo Te invested P 250,000.00 in cash in the business
2. Rendered professional service to a customer on account, P 60,000.00
3. Bought office supplies on account, P100,000.00
4. Partial collection from a customer's account, P40,000.00
5. Rendered professional service to a client for cash, P 50,000.00
6. Jo Te withdraw cash from her business, P 30,000.00
7. Paid taxes and licenses in the amount of P 15,000.00
8. Partial payment of account, P 35,000.00
+ Capital
Supplies AP NP Capital
10,000.00 100,000.00 80,000.00 75,000.00 885,000.00
5,000.00 5,000.00
15,000.00 100,000.00 35,000.00 - 982,000.00
1,017,000.00 1,017,000.00
Davao Laundry Services
Statement of Cash Flows
For the month ended 31 March 20A