Geh Pastoral Care Modules 12 and 3
Geh Pastoral Care Modules 12 and 3
Geh Pastoral Care Modules 12 and 3
Pastoral Ministry is anything and everything done for / in the name of the Lord. In times
of illness, particularly in serious cases, patients and their family members can be very anxious,
shocked, depressed, lonely, sad or angry. In moments like this, they need an understanding of
pastoral care of person who can serve as a patient companion, an active listener, and an accepting
facilitator to help them work out possible solutions.
The most concrete and probably the easiest way of giving pastoral care to the sick is
through the administration of the sacraments. However, what needs to be emphasized regardless
of religious affiliation of patients is the Ministry of being.
Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
2. Specific
- “I am the good shepherd” John 10:11 – 18
The Kingdom of heaven is like a man who has a 100 sheep but if one is lost,
leaves the 99 and searches for the lost one. Pastor seeks the LOST.
Pastoral Activities – are vehicles for actions or way of proceeding toward
Pastoral is the specific service of the whole church to concrete persons and groups (the
whole people) so that they will gradually answer to their call, moving towards their
personal and communitarian plenitude (sanctity) to reach their salvation – liberation in
Christ (Extension of the kingdom) through the necessary mediation: Word of God,
liturgy, sacraments, and fraternity.
b. Being pastoral is an attitude rather than a particular work. It is more of an attitude
because the manner of reaching out to those outside the fold. John 21:15 – 19 “Take care
of my sheep.”
Grace (Paradise)
Sin (fall)
Pastoral in orientation
The sowing of a seed started in the small village of Levesville la Chenard in France and
from the smallest of seeds now yield a rich harvest that their pastoral ministry had spread
to the whole word.
The Sisters of Saint Paul of Chartres Congregation serve and care as authentic witness to
the Divine Healer towards the primacy of the ultimate union with God.
A religious community of woman aspiring for the perfection of charity through the
profession and living of the evangelical counsels of chastity, Poverty and obedience, and sharing
in the apostolic mission of the church to proclaim the Father’s message of salvation, “being all to
all men” after the example of the apostolate Saint Paul, our patron and to forsee ahead with deep
faith and complete trust with Mary, our model.
Lesson No. 1 SPC Congregation health Apostolate
Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
We, the Sisters of Saint Paul of Chartres, involved in Health Services animated by
the Spirit of the Congregation, participating in the Apostolic Mission of the church,
cognizant of contemporary health needs in a dynamic society and health care
as a continuum, pursued as an obligation in Justice for each Sister to keep abreast
of developments in her area of service, do hereby formulate and subscribe the
Statements of Purpose:
A. Life Purposes of the SPC Health Care System Apostolate to serve and care as
authentic witnesses to the Divine Healer towards the primary of the ultimate
union with God.
Pastoral persons need to be spiritual persons comfortable with God and Comfortable
talking about Him and sincerely striving to live by His principles. But first we have to be
comfortable ourselves, feel about ourselves, accept ourselves, so we could accept God’s love for
Spirituality is the manifestation of the spirit in us. Concerned with bringing meaning and
purpose to one’s existence, what and who one ought to live. Focuses on what happen to the heart.
Health care gives must anchor their personhood to God. “You can’t give what you don’t have.’
Spirituality Religion
… is not Religion
… has something to do with … conceptualizes the experience
… focuses on what happen in the heart … codifies that experience in a system
Three Major Religion with Western Philosophy
Common Characteristics:
The foundation upon which Christianity and Islam were built.
Offshoots of Judaism
- orthodox
- conservative
- reformists
Founder – Moses (Yahweh)
Beliefs / Tenets
1. God creator of the world
2. Man the center of the universe must fulfill god’s supreme will.
3. Man made to image and likeness of God is inherently good and as such be like
him: Compassionate, merciful, just, etc.
Impact a Health
Ritual on hygiene
Diet – no pork
When Rome was invaded, the Pope turned franks rather to Constantine for help.
Founder – Muhammad. Believed to be the great prophet of Allah.
Center – Mecca
Pilgrimage to Mecca once in a lifetime. Once to Mecca, woman keeps their hands
Bible – Koran
Cannot be touched by anyone unclean
Rushdie – write who “maligned” the Koran
Beliefs: those who die in battle for Allah will immediately enter paradise.
Reason for staging “holy wars”.
1. Sunni – largest sect; traditional
- Martyrdom is an honor.
3. Sufis – mystics
- Opposed to all forms of change.
- Adhere strictly no Koran.
Impact on Health:
Cleaning of hands, feet and face before prayer.
Ramadan – 9th month – fasting from food and drink from dusk to dawn (6 - 6)
Diet – no pork
Essence of Spirituality
Spirit (loob) (internal spirit)
- Imago Dei (image of God) within every person making one a thinking being,
feeling, moral
Creative being, able to relate meaningfully to God, self and others.
- An animating, intangible principle that gives life to the physical organism,
integrates and transcends all other dimensions of the person.
- The real person, the part of us nobody can see. The part doesn’t die … the inside
- Concerned with bringing meaning and purpose to one’s existence, what and who
ought to live.
- Trust relationship with / or in the transcendent that provides bases for meaning
and hope in life’s experiences and love in one’s relationship.
1. Vertical dimension
Man in relation to a transcendent being – God.
Humanistic view:
- Not related to a transcendent being or religious beliefs framework.
- But the chosen values that become the supreme focus of life around which
life is organized.
2. Horizontal dimension
- One’s relationship with God through one’s beliefs values, lifestyle, and
interactions with self, others, nature.
Three Models of Health Care
1. Technological 1. Goal
2. Health Care History
2. Ethical 3. Contemporary History
4. Word of God
3. Ecclesial 5. Magisterium og the Church Health Care
A. In relation to the goal
Mean end
of development
Worthy of respect
HCG’s must remember that they are not “Masters” but “Servants of life”
- Safeguard right to life
- Protect the transmission of life
C. Contemporary History:
1. Technological Health Care reaches only the privilege few with social and economic
2. The inversion of values brought about by this model resulted.
- Devaluation of health care as a profession
- Health care was not primarily a science but a profession which means a solemn
Are the development and freedom from bondage of servitude which the technological model of
health care aspires – at the serve of man as scriptures and the magisterium teach?
All health care seekers share the same nature and are all human
persons and share the same moral rights.
Genetic engineering
What can the health professional do in such a situation of dehumanization is decided in
the depths of the heart of man to Re – humanize – there has to be a movement back
towards conscience
Romans 7: 10 – 12, 19, 21 – 24.
Sin is the original of every form of dehumanization.
All men – health care seekers and health care providers are both impelled by their
nature and bound by a moral obligation to seek the truth, especially religious truths.
: Continuity of covenant (pledge, promise) “I shall be with you till the end of the
: Relationships
: Life in community
This model brings out the spiritual/ religious dimension of the human personality as well
of the apostolate of the health care.
Integrated life
Perfection of love
Goal – comprehensive health which embraces the whole person, his life in this
earthly city and the life to come.
Servant of God – is a title of honor given to those chosen for a particular mission of Yahweh.
Jesus – the servant of God par excellence.
- One who serves
- Teacher
- Lord
- Suffers
- Kenosis
- Self – emptying
- Bring SHALOM
E. Servant of Christ
These 3 models are three perspectives or 3 starting points towards spirituality of health care.
The ecclesial spirituality fosters integration of the technological and ethical models and restores
right relationship with God, fellowmen, and creation.
A. Judaism Moses – Yahweh 1. Belief on sacred scrip. Torah – 1. Rituals on hygiene 1. Sensitive to
2. God is the creator of Mosaic Ex. hand washing these
Universe Code Male – female especially
3. Man is the center of (Moses) Contact with regards
universe must fulfill Birth rituals to diet.
God’s will 2. No pork diet
4. Man made to the image/
likeness of God and must
be like him
compassionate, merciful,
5. Center of Worship
1. Belief in Trinity Bible Fasting Spiritual and
2. Creation of man Abstinence sacramental care
B. Christianity Christ – 3. Redemption on Man by Severe discipline – flagellation - Confession
Roman Pentecost day Christ. (use of corset) - Communion
Catholicism 4. Sanctification of Man by - Holy viaticum
split Holy Spirit. anointing of the
5. Church as the mystical sick
1. Western body of Christ - Corporal works
Orthodox 6. Center of worship – of mercy
C. Islam Mohammad 1. Great prophet of Allah Koran 1. Cleansing of hands, feet 1. Men not to be
- Sunni tradition Allah “there is no God but and face before prayer touched
- Shiites – Allah and Muhammad is 2. Use sand to cleanse 2. respect for
descendant of the great messenger of themselves their rituals
Muhammad; Allah” 3. Friday – Moslems day of 3. use of the
Spiritual leaders 2. Center of Worship – worship – dusk to dawn of abaya by
- Sufis – Mecca (In Mecca, Saturday. women
“mystics” Women keep their heads 4. Ramadan – 9th month
(Saddam, covered) fasting from food/ drink
Komeini) 3. those who die in battle from dusk to dawn
for Allah – paradise: 5. No pork diet
“Holy War” martyrdom
4. Pray 5x a day facing
Mecca dawn, midday,
mid pm, sunset, and at
II. Easternolistic