(Luttl T QRK .RTR, Rfrra: SMMT
(Luttl T QRK .RTR, Rfrra: SMMT
(Luttl T QRK .RTR, Rfrra: SMMT
ufu {luTtl=t
r,ci6 s6 l nqgt, UEqn, frqis r trffi261s-qlq19,*6 1939
oqio qs z-zs+7d-.yr7qfr / 2006. qro d rifurn d erg-Sq 3os d' q{go gm lrqd
$ffif ol rd',T ad E\'.
q 6-dsrg d -
rrqqrd, vo-<.au, rde6 gfu-s orffio (erreqho) t-qt
,ffi ftqc zooo d Frqfufuo on'{ {trrc r*d t, erufq ,-
1 ftqq 2 n-
(vo) q-s (9 d *am qr. ftqftfuo cfu€fin'd fo-qr qri, slQrld:-
"(s) 'sQrc qtur t efifo B tlffiR-r qrqqls trqr trrtR-o <erar qfreil;"
(d) s-s (a) S *eTrq w, ffifu( qft-€rTfud four urt. eufq :-
"(d) 'Bfiq q*q" t erftfo t ftfua qteTrt"
2. ftqq 6 t-
(sd) Bq-F-qq (s) d *pnq qs. ffifud cfr{erTfr-d fuqr qrt, 3rqJq:-
"(s) a+a qfu'ql t ,TFr di ig orr!?ff. ofrTdTgt 3rrn{q rqo ott t"
(o gq-ftqq (s) d ern q*. ffifuo cfuenfud ft-qr qrt, 3rafd:-
"(B) O d s-e (o) d ereftt cM{l cfieTr sru ol cfu-qr ftqrjsR
lf l'l I .- "?Fr
(6) cnfrfuo c,q 6T qT{- srqsff dt qTtR-6 qfreTr. fuqq I d Bq-ftqq (3)
i qeTr e q+cl zil.rar d ergen foqr qrhn t
lt2 y*errq {q[d, Qcis s 6adt rott
Ac- nrfrR-o rrcci's d {ftier it frffi fuqrE of syn it fu-dT d ge'fufr;-gr *6-lq 61 firofu
otftq d.nt
@ (r) (go) cffin 3rnffi- ,rtr cfu.qT d fr\ ctrndr{ 3ni({ qa 3nrihd ffi qrnn.
ffi ftq ufier go. friTFr fliI ftqtR-d fu-qr qrtnt
(d) sntR-6 Eerdr qfieTr- silffit qi frtrd qr;r<o-s of WT ord d, 6r ?Irfrfuo
flqms (3n€l o1 Ee cs sTist i.ridBd erq qia oi fs6{). Fqq 8 O) (o)
t ftqq 8 (3) (v) A ergsn fuqT ort n t cnfrR-o sffidr q0eTr U 6tr *ti:fr ,*
sgqft qe, drd pntR6 rTqqts HFd Eq oilqE{d of frqr qr}tn t cnfiRo'
EerdT cten d ftrn, CEs $qffii d ftg rsoo a1 ds si,fr fifl
os,+o ffi
ftr-c n 1,l orcr ffi
gq qtrdr o{qPH d ftq aoo fi-{ o1 +s Etft, ftrd
og,zo fu n ryf or+ d.nr crftR-o serdr qftn @r$.r,rSr +fr si {sd fry
d{ er6 T€f tt
ort',t oen erswa orlqFh of eS w* w agd't
elR-d 6r ftll qTn-qr eir s€ fufud qfieTr t rrFryfud "r$ fuqr qrtnl
(z) fufua rter- (yo) tr* \ii 3iffi i ssf,r dafi \qq{s f-€-
T6 qfieil roo #
ol E)-ft ftrqq ffi,
3fffi T rsr tE oo ero osTr V+q{s
t-r= fu +o 3itr Ett r gs+1 irqfu d qJ ol dfi t w cfieil e.ff orqEtqf d
ftt Brffi +frt
(d) Hr{ier Er=i G srqrq 3{e+{q- qE cfiHr roo 3ffi of npTr {s+t +t
orqfu fi-{ tD of d.fr r qe qfien qrfi qlqFfdi d ftri sTFrdrd *rft t
H ffi..g BH/ H.h## ls HST#
Elt. fuEili qgWt-dn t qqn ffiffe gq-fttro
,rrff q} ftTn srrA<{
(tM)/(oi5d fu'€)/(c{flrfi{ qwrnq) d rct q{
ft;i dt r
(an) oqet fu*r ol cfifir- 116 cfrefl roo si6t +1 dfi apn Es+1 ersE
d.ta ol *,ftr qe qfieil d{d i-t o$qFfuf d fti 3IFEd E!fr.
fuEili qX$t-dq t qrn frfrffe w-ftfiaro (oqe{/ Hrrq{
or{q) d qe w,rff d fui sTriec ffi dir
(.r) gero tfue Sfr- Efiq qtq ol ftfuo qfien i crw 16 61 fr1cot
qnd{, sc-ftfrer6,/sc-ftfreffi (ffiE ynsr). qr-^{ 6qlrs{,
w-ftfiro RM). sq-ftteffi (or,Jd fu-€), sq-frSero (crfl$-r
esrav; g1 sq-ftfre+o (oqzr/er{{i 6riq) d frd. erifuo qE d
cr{sc dJTr 6(6)(y6) cq @ d rgqrs, Ero iRe qA dqTi o1
qri.fr t"
l. In rule 2,-
"(e) "First Stage" means physical measuement and physical efficiency test;"
(ii) for clause (l), the following shall be substituted, namely :-
"(l) "Second Stage" means written test."
2. In rule 6,-
(D for sub-rule (5), the following shall be substituted, namely:-
"(5) To participate in the selection process, the candidates shall submit online application
(iD for sub-rule (8), the following shall be substituted, namely :-
'(8) The procedure of selection by competitive examination under clause (a) of sub-rule
(1) shall be as follows :-
(a) Measurement of physical standard- The physical test ofthe candidate shall
be conducted accord to the minimum qualification as specified in sub-rule
(3) ofrule 8.
Note- In case of any dispute with regard to physical measurement, the decision ol
the Chief Medical O{Icer ofthe District shall be final.
(bxl) (D Online application- Online application forms for reouitment process
shall be invited for which the examination fee shall be determined by
the department.
(ii) Physical Efficiency Test- Physical measurement of applicants, who
fulfill the prescribed criteria, shall be conducted according to rule
8(3)(a) to rule 8(3)(d) (excluding eye sight and other investigations
related to eyes). Permission letter for participation in Physical
Efficiency Test shall be given only to the successful candidates in
physical measurement. For physical efficiency test, there shall be 1500
meter race for male candidates, which has to be completed in 5:40
minutes and 800 meter race for women candidates, which has to be
.completed in 3:20 minutes. The physical efliciency test shall be
qualifuing and no marks shall be given for this and the unsuccessful
candidates in this shall be declared as fail at this level and they shall
not be included in the written examination.
tt2 (21 aderE {rsq-d, G-{i{ s 6r+ff zore
(2) Written Examination- (i) Proficiency in Hindi and English Language and
Aptitude Test-This examination shall be of 100 marks, with 60 marks for
Hindi, English language and 40 marks for Aptitude test. Its duration will be
two hours. This examination shall be compulsory for all the candidates.
(iD General Knowledge and Ceneral Studies- This examination shall
be of 100 marks and its duration will be three hours. This
examination shall be compulsory for all the candidates.
(iiD Science (Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry) Examination- This
examination shall be of 100 marks and its duration will be two
hours. This examination shall be compulsory only for such
candidates who have applied for recruitment to the posts of Sub-
Inspector (Radio)/(Finger print[Questioned Documents) as
specifi ed in Schedule-lll.
(c) Separate Meril List- By adding the marks obtained in written examination of
the second stage, separate merit lists shall be prepared for the posts of
Subedar, Sub- Inspector/Sub-Inspector (Special branch), Platoon
Commander, Sub-Inspector (Radio), Sub-Inspector (Finger print), Sub-
Inspector (Questioned Document) and Sub- Inspector (Computer/Cyber
Crime) as per the post applied for and in accordance with 6(6)(i) and (ii)."