Scenario Planning Tool
Scenario Planning Tool
Scenario Planning Tool
Scenario planning is a management tool that is designed to allow organizations to evaluate
the efficacy of strategies, tactics, and plans under a range of possible future environments.
In short, it is a perfect tool for today’s increasingly uncertain and volatile world.
Quality decision-making has never been more important — or more difficult. Competition
is relentless, new innovations disrupt the status quo, and torrents of information add to the
increasing complexity of business. The Global Management Accounting Principles prepared
by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and the American Institute of
CPAs (AICPA) are intended to help organizations extract value from this increasing volume of
available data.
THAT IS INFLUENTIAL Help organisations plan for
Drive better decisions and source the information
about strategy and its needed for creating
execution at all levels strategy and tactics
for execution
Actively manage
relationships and resources Simulate different scenarios
that demonstrate the cause-and-
effect relationships between inputs
value of the organisation are protected and outcomes
No organization has the luxury of locking into a single view of what the future may look like
and placing all their bets on that outcome. The level of global economic interdependence,
advances in technology and changing business models are increasing complexity and hence
uncertainty for all organizations. Those that fail to adapt to the new realities will stumble
and ultimately fail. Those that are able to act quickly to rapidly changing circumstances and
mitigate threats or seize opportunities will thrive.
Scenario planning allows organizations to plan for an uncertain future enabling them to
react with greater speed and confidence. By simulating different scenarios that demonstrate
cause-and-effect relationships an organization can create the insight necessary to understand
the impact of potential decisions on generating and preserving value.
A scenario is a cohesive set of assumptions that describes Scenario planning has value in any situation in which
a view of the future that is then used to develop a there is significant uncertainty about aspects of the
forecast or test a strategy, plan or decision. Scenario future that could materially change an organization’s
planning is largely focused on answering two questions: strategy, plans or decisions.
Shell has contributed much to the literature on the use of scenario planning. The company publishes its
scenarios on its website ( Shell Scenarios ask “what if?”
questions to explore alternative views of the future and create plausible stories around them. They consider
long-term trends in economics, energy supply and demand, geopolitical shifts and social change, as well as
the motivating factors that drive change. In doing so, they help build visions of the future.
Jeremy Bentham, Head of Scenarios, Strategy and Business Development, Royal Dutch Shell, is quoted
as saying that “our goal is not to predict the future but to enable policymakers to make richer and better
decisions involving the future, as a result of having a deeper grasp of key drivers and key uncertainties.”
Scenarios help decision-makers reconcile apparent contradictions or uncertainties, such as how political
change in one region affects global society. They also have the potential to improve awareness around
issues that could become increasingly important to society, such as increased urbanization, greater
connectivity or loss of trust in institutions.
1. Social — What are the implications of increasing productive process and deliver more widely understood
obesity, or the widespread efforts to combat it? outputs, but requires careful planning, disciplined
management and the commitment of time by senior
2. Economic — What is the effect of slower growth management.
of the Chinese economy on global markets?
Regardless of the approach adopted, the steps needed to
3. Political — What is the likelihood and impact of build a scenario plan are straightforward. While there
European Central Bank measures to improve the are numerous methodologies that have been created for
uneven economic recovery? building scenario plans, they all follow the same basic
4. Technological — What will be the impact of the approach (see figure 1).
“Internet of things” on the rate of change in an industry
or particular business?
Figure 1: Scenario planning work approach
The heart of an effective scenario plan is to identify the right drivers around which to construct the
scenarios. In the context of scenario planning, drivers are internal and external factors that could
influence the future environment. This definition is very broad so it is important to develop reasonable
criteria for identifying those that are material to the organization or issues being addressed.
Figure 3 provides examples of drivers that may be integrated into the development of scenario plans.
Key drivers Baseline for
all scenarios
Low High
The starting point for many scenario plans is the traditional planning view of the future that is based
upon an extrapolation of current trends.
However, the value of scenario planning comes to continued to operate under the “business as usual”
the fore when the past is not a good surrogate for the scenario suffered rapid declines, exemplified by General
future and disruptive change occurs. For the automotive Motors, Chrysler, Sony (remember the Walkman),
industry, it was the 1973 Arab oil crisis, combined with Motorola, Sears and Woolworth.
the rise of imports in the U.S. market; for consumer
Crafting scenarios that lay out plausible alternative views
electronics, the disruption was the emergence of low-cost
of the future based upon a change in the behavior of
broadband Internet access; and for the retail model it was
drivers or the relationship between them is at the heart
the emergence of the “big box” retailer such WalMart,
of effective scenario development.
Target, Home Depot and Best Buy. Organizations that
2. The intent is not to develop the perfect scenario but to provide a mechanism for testing strategy,
plans, decisions and behaviors under a range of credible future scenarios.
3. Scenarios should be organized around the key questions or issues defined in step 1.
4. Each scenario must present a credible and logical alternative view of the future
6. Each scenario should clearly describe the assumptions or pre-conditions upon which it is based.
7. The differences between each scenario should be clearly documented and understood.
The three most common approaches for defining for developing their plans for 2010. During the latter
scenarios are the spectrum, the matrix and the binary. half of 2009, when most plans were being developed,
The spectrum approach isolates one major variable there was considerable uncertainty as to the medium
that has a spectrum of credible future states. A simple term economic outlook. While stock markets were
example would be the approach many organizations used signaling signs of recovery, many other indicators such
“Cost of “Do it
business” or die”
Public policy
“Steady as “Better be
she goes” the best”
There is a third approach that some organizations use Having constructed a set of plausible and interesting
effectively, which is to create just two scenarios using scenarios, many organizations mistakenly think they are
a simple binary structure where one scenario is “good” done — they’re not! While creating plausible scenarios
and the other is “bad.” This can be effective for simple that resonate with management is satisfying, the real
yes/no decisions where it is possible to define clear value comes by using the scenarios in a structured
criteria for the key drivers that determine whether they manner to test and adjust strategies, plans and decisions.
are acceptable for a decision to be made. However,
most situations are not so clear-cut and a simple binary
approach may provide insufficient choices.
Beyond envisioning alternative views of the future, the investing in different markets. During their planning
next step is to assess how plans, decisions and priorities process they develop scenarios around each major region
will change under different circumstances. Figure 6 and then develop alternative investment portfolios based
provides an example of the type of scorecard one global upon the relative attractiveness of regions relative to
business uses to assess the relative attractiveness of each other.
Market size
China-driven growth
due to commodities
GDP growth
Strong growth, significant Political risk
new local oil finds
Market size
GDP growth
Political risk
Market size
Partner with
Either be the safe
Marketing builders and Be No.1 in select
option (complaint) Must be a leader
strategies owners to secure niches
or the best
After understanding the broad implications of each • Leading indicators may be identified that can provide
scenario, organizations will frequently complete more the organization with an early warning that the most
detailed analysis of specific initiatives or decisions. likely future scenario is changing. For example, the
For example: adoption of broadband Internet technology in Asia
progressed much faster than almost all forecasts,
• Budgets maybe recast under each scenario to assess making online business models much more attractive.
the financial implications. Leaders such as Google and Microsoft capitalized on
• Alternative approaches may be tested against each this trend while others such as America Online and
scenario. For example, a new entrant may model the eBay were less successful.
implications of entering new markets by partnering
with an established player versus direct entry under
each of the scenarios.
Table 2 shows how ElectricIQ’s management accounting
team used the scenarios to develop a high-level financial
model that laid out how forecasts of key market
measures, business volumes, and financial measures
would change under each scenario.
All metrics expressed as percentage change from the current three-year trend
GDP growth 3% 5% 1% 2%
Growth margins 4% 8% 0% 2%
Scenario planning is not a silver bullet — no management tool is. Like any management tool, there are
risks associated with implementing and using scenario planning. Successful scenario plans demand
careful planning and clear communication.
Table 3 lists some of the more typical risks and proven finance team’s to assist in helping them understand the
strategies for mitigating those risks. Scenario planning choices, opportunities and implications that uncertainty
can provide organizations with a valuable tool to expand presents. Applied judiciously, scenario planning can
management’s thinking around future uncertainty and provide valuable insights as to how the future may
the possible implications on current strategies, plans unfold thereby equipping organizations to react with
and decisions. speed, agility and confidence.
As organizations globally struggle to deal with an Finally, remember the words of Benjamin Franklin:
increasingly uncertain world, they are looking to their “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.”
The information herein was adapted from Financial Risk Management by Margaret Woods and Kevin Dowd.
Copyright © 2007 by The Society of Management Accountants of Canada (CMA Canada), the American Institute
of Certified Public Accountants, Inc. (AICPA) and The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA).
Note: Society of Management Accountants of Canada is now Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada
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and circumstances.
Axson, David A.J., Best Practices in Planning & Performance Management, 3d ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons,
Axson, David A.J., The Management Mythbuster. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
Roxburgh, Charles. The Use and Abuse of Scenarios. McKinsey Insights. November, 2009
Wilkinson, Angela and Kupers, Roland. Living in the Futures. Harvard Business Review, May, 2013
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