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Is.12778.2004 0 PDF

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The key takeaways are that this document discusses hot rolled parallel flange steel sections for beams, columns and bearing piles. It provides dimensions and section properties for these structural elements.

The purpose of this document is to provide dimensions, mass and section properties like area, moment of inertia, section modulus and radius of gyration for hot rolled parallel flange steel sections that can be used for beams, columns and bearing piles.

This document covers sections for beams, columns and bearing piles. It defines narrow and wide flange beams and merges column sections with wide flange beam sections. It also incorporates bearing pile sections.

इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 12778 (2004): Hot Rolled Parallel Flange Steel Sections

for Beams, Columns and Bearing Piles - Dimensions and
Section Properties [CED 7: Structural Engineering and
structural sections]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 12778:2004

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Indian Standard
(First Revision)

Ics 77.140.70

I Q BIS 2004


September 2004 Price Group 7

1- -“’----?

Structural Engineering and Structural Sections Sectional Committee, CED 7

This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the Structural Engineering and Structural Sections Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering
Division Council.
Parallel flange sections are hot rolled steel sections, with parallel or nearly parallel flange with square toes and
curves at the root of flange and web. Structurally these beams are more eflicient than the conventional I beams
with taper flanges. Further these beams proved to be very popular with the construction industry for reasons of
considerably reducing the cost of fabrication.
Whereas these beams are being widely used in most of the developed countries, their use is not very common in
India; because of non-availability of the same in medium and large sizes; although a few sections of smaller depth
are being rolled in very small quantities. A new versatile Universal Rolling Mill is being installed in India to
produce various sizes of medium and large parallel flange beam and column sections and it is expected that the use
of these efficient sections will increase and this Code will help the designers with additional dimensions, mass and
section properties like area, moment of inertia, section modulus and radius of gyration, etc.
The present revision had been done based on the following considerations:
a) Larger sized parallel flange beams and columns will be available beyond the size range covered in existing
b) For the nominal size a variety of sections will be available with different thicknesses of web and flange and
flange widths; and
c) Bearing pile sections have been incorporated, which were not covered in earlier Code.
This Code involves overcoming the above-mentioned shortcomings; specifically the following additions and
modifications have been made:
a) Title of the Code has been modified to include bearing piles;
b) Narrow and wide flange beams have been clearly define~
c) Column sections have been merged with wide flange beam sections since these sections can be used as
beams or columns based on application;
d) Designation of sections has been modified from IPN to ISNPB for narrow parall~l flange beams, IPW to
ISWPB for wide parallel flange beams to keep parity with IS 808:1989 ‘Parallel flange bearing piles are
designated as ISPBP’;
e) Table 3 for the sectional properties of columns has been removed and the data has been merged with that of
wide flange beam sections (see Table 2);
Q Bearing pile sections have been included in Table 3;
g) Some nominal sections from Table 2 have been brought to Table 1 in line with thy definition of the sections;
h) Certain nominal sections have been removed from Tables 1 and 2 of earlier Code since these are not being/
going to be produced in the countty;
j) Fillet radius of the sections has been modified to suit the latest production technology; and
k) Plastic section modulus values Z,Xabout X-X axis and ZWabout Y-Yaxis have been included.
Institute for Steel Development and Growth (INSDAG), Kolkata has contributed considerably in the preparation
of this standard.
The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given at Annex A.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2:1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
I ‘“
IS 12778:2004

Indian Standard
(First Revision)
1 SCOPE t = thickness of web, mm; and
This standard covers the nominal dimensions; mass and T = thickness of flange, mm.
sectional properties of hot rolled parallel flange beams,
4.1.2 Symbols for Sectional Properties and Mass
columns and bearing piles.
a = sectional area, mmz;
lX = moment of inertia about X-Xaxis, kg.mm2;
The standards given below contain provisions which
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of 1, = moment of inertia about Y-Yaxis, kg.mm2;
this standard. At the time of publication, the editions M = mass of the section per metre length, kg/m;
indicated were valid. All standards are subject to
revision, and parties to agreements based on this ex = distance of extreme fibre from X-X axis, mm;
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility eY = distance of extreme fibre from Y-Yaxis, mm;
of applying the most recent editions of the following
standards : Zx = ~ modulus of section about X-Xaxis, mm3;
1S No. Title
Zy = --& modulus of section about Y-Yaxis, mm3;
2062:1999 Steel for general structural purposes
— Specification (jij?h revision ) ZPX= pl~stic section modulus about X-X axis, mm3;
8500:1991 Structural steel — Microalloyed ZPY= plastic section modulus about Y-Yaxis, mm3;
(medium and high strength qualities)
— Specification (first revision) rx . radius of gyration about X-X axis, mm;
12779:1989 Rolling and cutting tolerances for hot and
rolled parallel flange beam and
cutting sections I
rY = -& radius of gyration about Y-Yaxis, mm.
3.1 Y-YAxis — A line parallel to the vertical axis of
the web of the section and passing through the centre
of gravity of the section profile.
3.2 X-X Axis — A line passing through the centre of tf
gravity of the section profile and is at right angles to
the Y-l’axis. ‘R i

.—.—i _-—
– I-x
4.1 Symbols used in this standard have been indicated x—
appropriately in Tables 1 to 3. Definitions of symbols D
used in Fig. 1 are given in 4.1.1. Symbols for sectional
properties and mass are given in 4.1,2. i

4.1.1 Symbols for Dimensions
flange width, mm;
v--- i
B =

D = depth of section, mm; r’ ~ ‘-

R = fillet radius, mm;

y-- “-””-

IS 12778:2004

5 CLASSIFICATION the depths. Beams and column section are manufactured

with heavy, medium and light flange and web thickness.
5.1 Beams, column and pile sections are classified as Beams and columns are designated by nominal depth
follows: and nominal flange width and mass in kg/m. For
a) Indian Standard Narrow Parallel Flange Beams, example, WPB 600 x 300 x 128.79 would mean wide
NPB. parallel flange beam having nominal depth 600 mm
b) Indian Standard Wide Parallel Flange Beams, nominal flange width of 300 mm and beam mass of
WPB. 128.79 kg/m; WPB 360 x 370 x 136.20 would mean
wide parallel flange columns having nominal depth of
c) Indian Standard Parallel Flange Bearing Piles,
360 mm and nominal flange width of 370 mm and a
mass of 136.20 kg/m.
5.2 The following abbreviated reference symbols have
6.3 Parallel Flange Bearing Pile Sections, PBP
been used in designating the Indian Standard sections
mentioned in 5.1: These are doubly symmetric wide flange shapes
generally used as bearing piles whose flanges and webs
S1 No. Section Class@cation Abbreviated
are of same nominal thickness and whose depth and
width are essentially the same. Bearing piles are
generally designated by nominal depth of the section
(1) (2) (3) (4) and mass in kg/m. For example, PBP 360 x 174.02
would mean bearing pile section having nominal depth
i) Beams ISNPB NPB of 360 mm and nominal flange width of 360 mm and
ii) Beams/ Columns ISWPB WPB mass of 174.02 kg/m.


7.1 Nominal dimensions and mass of narrow and wide
parallel flange beams and bearing piles shall conform
6.1 Narrow Parallel Flange Beams, NPB to the values given in Tables 1 to 3, respectively of the
These are doubly symmetric shapes, generally used as
beams whose inside flange surfaces are substantially 7.2 Dimensional and mass tolerances of the various
parallel. Beams under this standard have flange widths sections shall conform to the appropriate values
generally Iowerthan the depth. Beams are manufactured stipulated in IS 12779.
with heavy, medium and light flange and web thickness.
Beams shall be designated by nominal depth and 8 SECTIONAL PROPERTIES
nominal flange width and mass of the section in kg/m.
Sectional properties of the beam, column and pile
For example, NPB 300 x 150 x 36.52 would mean
sections are given in Tables 1 to 3, for information.
narrow parallel flange beam having nominal beam
depth of 300 mm, nominal flange width of 150 mm 9 STEEL GRADES
and beam mass of 36.52 kg/m.
9.1 Material strength of steel sections shall be
6.2 Wide Parallel Flange Beams, WPB conforming to IS 2062 for mild steel and IS 8500 for
These are doubly symmetric shapes, generally used as medium and high strength steel.
beams or columns whose inside flange surfaces are 9.2 Bearing piles shall cohforrn to the values given in
substantially parallel. Beams or columns under the Tables 1 to 3, respectively of the standard.
standard have nominal flange width same as depth up
to nominal beam depth 300 mm. Beam depth larger 9.3 Dimensional and mass tolerances of the various
than 300 mm have nominal flange width 300 to sections shall conform to the appropriate values
400 mm. Columns may have flange widths more than stipulated in IS 12779.
Table 1 Indian Standard Narrow Flange Beams
(Foreword Clauses 4.1,7.1,8 and9.2)

S[ No. Designation Mass Area Depth Width Web Flange Root Moment of Radius of Section Plastic Section
Thickness Radius Inertia Gyration Modulus Modulus
~~~ ~
M a D B t T R Ix Iy r.x Zx Zy Zpx z
kglm cm’ mm mm mm mm mm cm’ ~m2 cm cm cm’ cm3 cm? cm’

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (lo) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

1 NPB 100 x 55 x 8.10 10.3 100 55 4.1 5.7 7 171 15.9 4.07 1.24 34.2 5.8 39.41 9.15

2 NPB 120 x 60 x 10.37 13.2 120 64 4.4 6.3 7 318 27.7 4.90 1.45 53.0 8.6 60.73 13.58

3 NPB 140 x 70 x 12.89 16.4 140 73 4.7 6.9 7 541 44.9 5.74 1.65 773 12.3 88.35 19.25

4 NPB 160 x 80 x 15.77 20.1 160 82 5.0 7.4 9 869 68.3 6.58 1.84 108.7 16.7 123.87 26.10

5 NPB 180 x 90 x 15.37 19.6 177 91 4.3 6.5 9 1063 81.9 7.37 2.05 120.1 18.0 135.34 27.96
6 NPB 180 x 90 x 18.80 23.9 180 91 5.3 8.0 9 1317 100.9 7.42 2.05 146.3 22.2 166.42 34.60
7 NPB 180 x 90 x 21.27 27.1 182 92 6.0 9.0 9 1505 117,3 7.45 2.08 165.4 25.5 189.16 39.91
8 NPB 200 x 100 x 18.42 23.5 197 100 4.5 7.0 12 1591 117.2 8.23 2.23 161.6 23.4 181.67 36.54
9 NPB 200 x 100 x 22.36 28.5 200 100 5.6 8.5 12 1943 142.4 8.26 2.24 194.3 28.5 220.66 44.62
10 NPB 200 x 100 x 25.09 32.0 202 102 6.2 9.5 12 2211 168.9 8.32 2.30 218.9 33.1 249.44 51.90

11 NPB 200 x 130 x 27.37 34.9 207 133 5.8 8.5 12 2666 334.0 8.74 3.10 257.5 50.2 288.18 77.47
12 NPB 200 x 130 x 31.55 40.2 210 134 6.4 10.0 12 3153 401.9 8.86 3.16 300.3 60.0 337.19 92.46

13 NPB 200 x 150 x 30.45 38.8 194 150 6.0 9.0 12 2675 507.0 8.30 3.62 275.7 67.6 306.78 103.54

14 NPB 200 x 165 x 35.68 45.5 201 165 6.2 10.0 12 3414 749.5 8.67 4.06 339.7 90.9 376.80 138.58
15 NPB 200 x 165 x 42.47 54.1 205 166 7.2 12.0 12 4166 916.0 8.77 4.11 406.4 110.4 454.30 168.46
16 NPB 200 x 165 x 48.00 61.1 210 166 6.5 14.5 12 5025 1106.4 9.07 4.25 478.6 133.3 534.68 202.43

17 NPB 220 x 110 x 22.18 28.3 217 110 5.0 7.7 12 2317 171.4 9.05 2.46 213.5 31.2 240.23 48.49
18 NPB 220 x 110 x 26.20 33.4 220 110 5.9 9.2 12 2772 204.9 9.11 2.48 252.0 37.3 285.43 58.11
19 NPB 220 x 110 x 29.35 37.4 222 112 6.6 10.2 12 3134 239.8 9.16 2.53 282.3 42.8 321.17 66.91

20 NPB 240 x 120 x 26.15 33.3 237 120 5.2 8.3 15 3290 240.1 9.94 2.68 277.7 40.0 311.61 62.41
21 NPB 240 x 120 x 30.71 39.1 240 120 6.2 9.8 15 3892 283.6 9.97 2.69 324.3 47.3 366.68 73.93
22 NPB 240 x 120 x 34.31 43.7 242 122 7.0 10.8 15 4369 328.5 10.00 2.74 361.1 53.9 410.31 84.40

23 NPB 250 x 125 x 30.11 38.4 250 125 6.0 9.0 15 4138 294.3 10.39 2.77 331.1 47.1 373.65 73.63

Table 1 (Continued)

S1 No. Designation Mass Area Depth Width Web Flange Root Moment of Radius of Section Plastic Section
Thickness Radius Inertia Gyration Modulus Modulus
~~~ ~
M a D B r TR Ix Iy rx Zx Zy Zpx z
kg/m cm’ mm mm mm mm mm ~mz cm2 cm cm cm’ cm’ cm’ cm’

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (lo) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

24 NPB 250 x 150 x 34.08 43.4 258 146 6.1 9.2 15 5120 4?’8.6 10.86 3.32 396.9 65.6 444.26 101.53
25 NPB 250 x I 50 x 39.78 50.7 262 147 6.6 11.2 15 6200 594.5 11.06 3.43 473.3 80.9 530.17 124.91
26 NPB 250 x 150 x 46.48 59.2 266 148 7.6 13.2 15 7381 715.2 11.17 3.48 555.0 96.7 625.47 149.41

27 NPB 250 x 175 x 43.94 56.0 244 175 7.0 11.0 15 6091 984.2 10.43 4.19 499.3 112.5 555.60 172.49

28 NPB 270 x 135 x 30.73 39.1 267 135 5.5 8.7 15 4917 358.0 11.21 3.02 368.3 53.0 412.53 82.35
29 NPB 270 x 135 x 36.07 45.9 270 135 6.6 10.2 15 5790 419.9 11.23 3.02 428.9 62.2 484.04 96.96
30 NPB 270 x 135 x 42.26 53.8 274 136 7.5 12.2 15 6947 513.5 11.36 3.09 507.1 75.5 574.69 117.71

31 NPB 300 x 150 x 36.52 46.5 297 150 6.1 9.2 15 7173 519.0 12.42 3.34 483.1 69.2 541.83 107.33
32 NPB 300 x 150 x 42.24 53.8 300 150 7.1 10.7 15 8356 603.8 12.46 3.35 557.1 80.5 628.40 125.23
& 33 NPB 300 x 150 x 49.32 62.8 304 152 8.0 12.7 15 9994 745.7 12.61 3.45 657.5 98.1 743.86 152.59

34 NPB 300 x 165 x 39.88 50.8 310 165 5.8 9.7 15 8795 727.6 13.16 3.78 567.4 88.2 630.54 135.70
35 NPB 300 x 165 x 45.76 58.3 313 166 6.6 11.2 15 10210 855.6 13.23 3.83 652.4 103.1 727.91 158.77
36 NPB 300 x 165 x 53.46 68.1 317 167 7.6 13.2 15 12123 1026.8 13.34 3.88 764.8 123.0 857.61 189.65

37 NPB 300 x 200 x 59.56 75.9 303 203 7.5 13.1 15 12860 1828.6 13.02 4.91 848.9 180.2 940.72 275.19
38 NPB 300 x 200 x 66.75 85.0 306 204 8.5 14.6 15 14511 2068.5 13.06 4.93 948.4 202.8 1056.85 310.27
39 NPB 300 x 200 x 75.37 96.0 310 205 9.4 16.6 15 16676 2386.8 13.18 4.99 1075.9 232.9 1204.62 356.48

40 NPB 330 x 160 x 42.97 54.7 327 160 6.5 10.0 18 10231 685.2 13.67 3.54 625.7 85.6 702.00 133.28
41 NPB 330 x 160 x 49.15 62.6 330 160 7.5 11.5 18 11767 788.1 13.71 3.55 713.1 98.5 804.40 153.69
42 330 x 160 x 57.00 72.6 334 162 8.5 13.5 18 13910 960.4 13.84 3.64 833.0 118.6 942.86 185.00

43 NPB 350 x 170 x 50.21 64.0 357.6 170 6.6 11.5 18 14515 944.3 15.06 3.84 811.8 111.1 906.84 171.87
44 NPB 350 x 170 x 57.09 72.7 360 170 8.0 12.7 18 16266 1043.5 14.95 3.79 903.6 122.8 1019.22 191.11
45 NPB 350 x 170 x 66.04 84.1 364 172 9.2 14.7 18 19047 1251.2 15.05 3.86 1046.6 145.5 1186.16 226.93
46 NPB 350 x 250 x 79.18 100.9 340 250 9.0 14.0 18 21530 3650.1 14.61 6.02 1266.5 292.0 1402.36 446.20

47 NPB 400 x 180 x 57.38 73.1 397 180 7.0 12.0 21 20293 1170.6 16.66 4.00 1022.3 130.1 1144.02 202.09
48 NPB 400 x 180 x 66.30 84.5 400 180 8.6 13.5 21 23128 1317.8 16.55 3.95 1156.4 146.4 1307.26 229.02
49 NPB 400 x 180 x 75.66 96.4 404 182 9.7 15.5 21 26747 1564.2 16.66 4.03 1324.1 171.9 1502.29 269.11
50 400 x 200 x 67.28 85.7 400 200 8.0 13.0 21 24224 1738.4 16.81 4.50 1211.2 173.8 1355.08 269.29

..*A. “..4
Table 1 (Concluded

S1 No. Designation Mass Area Depth Width Web Flange Root Moment of Radius of Section Plastic Section
Thickness Radius Inertia Gyration Modulus Modulus
c——’——l~~ ~
M o D B t TR Ix Iy rx z, Zy Zpx z
kg/m ~m2 mm mm mm mm mm cm2 ~m2 cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3 ~m3

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (lo) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

51 NPB 450 x 190 x 67.15 85.5 447 190 7.6 13.1 21 29759 1502.4 18.65 4.19 1331.5 158.1 1494.42 245.76
52 NPB 450 x 190 x 77.57 98.8 450 190 9.4 14.6 21 33743 1675.9 18.48 4.12 1499.7 176.4 1701.93 276.40
53 NPB 450 x 190 x 92.36 117.7 456 192 11.0 17.6 21 40923 2085.4 18.65 4.21 1794.9 217.2 2046.40 341.01

54 NPB 500 x 200 x 79.36 101.1 497 200 8.4 14.5 21 42933 1939.2 20.61 4.38 1727.7 193.9 1946.16 301.64
55 500 x 200 x 90.68 115.5 500 200 10.2 16.0 21 48199 2141.7 20.43 4.31 1927.9 214.2 2194.27 335.90
56 NPB 500 x 200 x 107.31 136.7 506 202 12.0 19.0 21 57777 2621.7 20.56 4.38 2283.7 259.6 2613.13 408.55

57 NPB 550 x 210 x 92.07 117.3 547 210 9.0 15.7 24 59979 2432.2 22.61 4.55 2193.0 231.6 2474.87 361.53
58 NPB 550 x 210 x 105.52 134.4 550 210 11.1 17.2 24 67116 2667.6 22.35 4.45 2440.6 254.1 2787.22 400.56
59 NPB 550 x 210 x 122.52 156.1 556 212 12.7 20.2 24 79157 3224.4 22.52 4.55 2847.4 304.2 3263.59 480.54
60 NPB 600 x 220 x 107.56 137.0 597 220 9.8 17.5 24 82919 3116.3 24.60 4.77 2777.8 283.3 3141.42 442.09
61 NPB 600 x 220 x 122.45 156.0 600 220 12.0 19.0 24 92083 3387.3 24.30 4.66 3069.4 307.9 3512.64 485.68
62 NPB 600 x 220 x 154.46 196.8 610 224 15.0 24.0 24 118302 4520.8 24.52 4.79 3878.8 403.6 4471.27 640.11

63 NPB 700 x 250 x 113.45 144.5 694 250 9.0 16.0 24 118957 4176.5 28.69 5.38 3428.1 334.1 3859.34 518.31
64 NPB 700 x 250 x 128.41 163.6 695 250 11.5 16.5 24 128015 4312.4 27.98 5.13 3683.9 345.0 4220.06 543.03
65 NPB 700 x 250 x 143.42 182.7 700 250 12.5 19.0 24 145636 4966.4 28.23 5.21 4161.0 397.3 4765.55 625.38
66 NPB 700 x 250 x 153.86 196.0 704 250 13.0 21.0 24 159165 5488.8 28.50 5.29 4521.7 439.1 5171.33 690.11
67 NPB 700 x 250 x 171.47 218.4 709 250 14.5 23.5 24 178390 6145.5 28.58 5.30 5032.2 491.6 5777.24 775.44

68 NPB 750 x 270 x 145.29 185.1 750 265 13.2 16.6 17 161958 5165.3 29.58 5.28 4318.9 389.8 5009.90 616.68
69 NPB 750 x 270 x 174.54 222.3 760 270 14.4 21.6 17 206351 7107.0 30.46 5.65 5430.3 526.4 6244.16 827.22
70 NPB 750 x 270 x 202.48 257.9 770 270 15.6 26.6 17 249537 8752.4 31.10 5.83 6481.5 648.3 7431.051016.07
Table 2 Indian Standard Wide Flange Beams z
(Foreword Clauses 4.1,7.1,8 and9.2) N
S1 No. Designation Mass Area Depth Width Web Flange Root Moment of Radius of Section Plastic Section :
Thickness Radius Inertia Gyration Modulus Modulus
~~~ ~&
M a D B t TR lx Iy rx ‘Y
Zx Zy Zpx z
kg/m ~m2 mm mm ‘ mm mm mm ~mz ~m2 cm cm ~m] cm] cm3 cm’

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (lo) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

1 WPB 100 x 100 x 12.24 15.6 91 100 4.2 5.5 12 237 92.1 3.89 2.43 52.0 18.4 58.36 28.45
2 WPB 100 x 100 x 16.67 21.2 96 100 5.0 8.0 12 349 133.8 4.06 2.51 72.8 26.8 83.02 41.14

3 WPB 100 x 100 x 20.44 26.0 100 100 6.0 10.0 12 450 167.3 4.16 2.53 89.9 33.5 104.22 51.43
4 WPB 100 x 100 x 41.79 53.2 120 106 12.0 20.0 12 1143 399.2 4.63 2.74 190.4 75.3 235.82 116.32

5 WPB 120 x 120 x 14.56 18.6 109 120 4.2 5.5 12 413 158.8 4.72 2.93 75.8 26.5 84.13 40.63
6 WPB 120 x 120 x 19.89 25.3 114 120 5.0 8.0 12 606 230.9 4.89 3.02 106.3 38.5 119.50 58.86
7 WPB 120 x 120 x 26.69 34.0 120 120 6.5 11.0 12 864 317.5 5.04 3.06 144.1 52.9 165.22 80.97
8 WPB 120 x 120 x 52.13 66.4 140 126 12.5 21.0 12 2018 702.8 5.51 3.25 288.2 111.6 350.62 171.63

9 WPB 140 x 140 x 18.07 23.0 128 140 4.3 6.0 12 719 274.8 5.59 3.45 112.4 39.3 123.79 59.94
10 WPB 140 x 140 x 24.66 31.4 133 140 5.5 8.5 12 1033 389.3 5.73 3.52 155.4 55.6 173.51 84.85
11 WPB 140 x 140 x 33.72 43.0 140 140 7.0 12.0 12 1509 549.7 5.93 3.58 215.6 78.5 245.44 119.79
12 WPB 140 x 140 x 63.24 80.6 160 146 13.0 22.0 12 3291 1144.3 6.39 3.77 411.4 156.8 493.84 240.52

13 WPB 150 x 150 x 22.96 29.2 152 152 5.8 6.8 8 1250 399.9 6.54 3.70 164.0 52.6 181.99 80.16
14 WPB 150 x 150 x 30.04 38.3 158 153 6.5 9.4 8 1748 560.5 6.76 3.83 221.8 73.3 247.67 111.59
15 WPB 150 x 150 x 36.98 47.1 162 154 8.0 11.5 8 2210 706.2 6.85 3.87 273.2 91.5 308.77 139.58

16 WPB 160 x 160 x 23.83 30.4 148 160 4.5 7.0 15 1283 478.7 6.50 3.97 173.4 59.8 190.43 91.37
17 WPB 160 x 160 x 3044 38.8 152 160 6.0 9.0 15 1673 615.6 6.57 3.98 220.1 76.9 245.17 117.64
18 WPB 160 x 160 x 42.59 54.3 160 160 8.0 13.0 15 2492 889.2 6.78 4.05 311.5 111.2 353.98 169.97
19 WPB 160 x 160 x 76.19 97.1 180 166 14.0 23.0 15 5 W8 1758.8 7.25 4.26 566.5 211.9 674.58 325.47

20 WPB 180 x 180 x 28.68 36.5 167 180 5.0 7.5 15 1967 730.0 7.34 4.47 235.6 81.1 258.26 123.59
21 WPB 180 x 180 x 35.52 45.3 171 180 6.0 9.5 15 2510 924.6 7.45 4.52 293.6 102.7 324.87 156.50
22 WPB 180 x 180 x 51.22 65.3 180 180 8.5 14.0 15 3831 1362.8 7.66 4.57 425.7 151.4 481.47 231.02
23 WPB 180 x 180 x 88.90 113.3 200 186 14.5 24.0 15 7483 2580.1 8.13 4.77 748.3 277.4 883.47 425.20

.&.:d >

Table 2 (Continue~

S1 No. Designation Mass Area Depth Width Web Flange Root Moment of Radius of Section Plastic Section
Thickness Radius Inertia Gyration Modulus Modulus
M a D B t T Rx rx Zx Zy Zpx z
kg/m ~ml mm mm mm mm mm cm2 cmz cm cm CM3 cm’ cm’ cm3

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

24 WPB 200 x 200 x 34.64 44.1 186 200 5.5 8.0 18 2944 1068.5 8.17 4.92 316.6 106.8 347.09 163.18

25 WPB 200 x 200 x 42.26 53.8 190 200 6.5 10.0 18 3692 1335.5 8.28 4.98 388.6 133.6 429.52 203.83

26 WPB 200 x 200 x 50.92 64.9 194 202 8.0 12.0 18 4531 1651.3 8.36 5.05 467.1 163.5 521.52 249.79

27 WPB 200 x 200 x 61.29 78.1 200 200 9.0 15.0 18 5696 2003.4 8.54 5.07 569.6 200.3 642.58 305.82

28 WPB 200 x 200 x 74.01 94.3 206 206 10.2 18.0 18 7173 2626.7 8.72 5.28 696.4 255.0 793.36 388.89

29 WPB 200 x 200 x 83.52 106.4 209 209 13.0 19.5 18 8058 2973.5 8.70 5.29 771,1 284.5 888.79 436.01

30 WPB 200 x 200 x 103.06 131.3 220 206 15.0 25.0 18 10642 3651.2 9.00 5.27 967.4 354.5 1135.18 543.23

31 WPB 220 x 220 x 40.40 51.5 205 220 6.0 8.5 18 4170 1510.5 9.00 5.42 406.9 137.3 445.54 209.36

-1 32 WPB 220 x 220 x 50.51 64.3 210 220 7.0 11.0 18 5410 1954.6 9.17 5.51 515.2 177.7 568.50 270.61

33 WPB 220 x 220 x 71.47 91.0 220 220 9.5 16.0 18 8091 ,2843.3 9.43 5.59 735.5 258.5 827.09 393.89

34 WPB 220 x 220 x 117.31 149.4 240 226 15.5 26.0 18 14605 5012.0 9.89 5.79 1217.1 443.5 1419.49 678.57

35 WPB 240 x 240 x 47.39 60.4 224 240 6.5 9.0 21 5835 2077.0 9.83 5.87 521.0 173.1 570.63 264.40
36 WPB 240 x 240 x 60.32 76.8 230 240 7.5 12.0 21 7763 2768.8 10.05 6.00 675.1 230.7 744.68 351.71
37 WPB 240 x 240 x 83.20 106.0 240 240 10.0 17.0 21 11259 3922.7 10.31 6.08 938.3 326.9 1053.20 498.44

38 WPB 240 x 240 x 156.67 199.6 270 248 18.0 32.0 21 24289 8152.6 11.03 6.39 1799.2 657.5 2117.00 1005.95

39 WPB 250 x 250 x 67.21 85.6 247 252 11.0 11.1 24 9398 2969.9 10.48 5.89 760.9 235.7 851.84 364.64
40 WPB 250 *W x 73.14 93.2 252 250 9.0 13.6 24 11092 3548.8 10.91 6.17 880.3 283.9 977.27 434.45
41 WPB 250 x 250 x 85.04 108.3 253 255 14.0 14.1 24 12165 3910.3 10.60 6.01 961.7 306.7 1088.84 475.58

42 WPB 250 x 250 x 97.03 123.6 260 256 12.7 17.6 24 15030 4932.9 11.03 6.32 1156.2 385.4 1305.61 591.60

43 WPB 250 x 250 x 103.97 132.4 264 257 11.9 19.6 24 16770 5555.5 11.25 6.48 1270.5 432.3 1434.44 660.86 5
44 WPB 250 x 250 x 117.57 149.8 269 259 13.5 22.1 24 19338 6412.3 11.36 6.54 1437.8 495.2 1636.79 757.50 ~
45 WPB 250 x 250 x 133.91 170.6 275 261 15.4 25.1 24 22550 7454.1 11.50 6.61 1640.0 571.2 1884.69 874.73 ;
46 WPB 250 x 250 x 148.37 189.0 280 263 17.3 27.6 24 25419 8388.5 11.60 6.66 1815.6 637.9 2103.69 978.31 ;

Table 2 (Continued

S1 No. Designation Mass Area Depth Width Web Flange Root Moment of Radius of Section Plastic Section
Thickness Radius Inertia Gyration Modulus Modulus
M a D B t T Rx Iy f-x Zx Zy Zpx z PY
kglm ~m2 mm mm mm mm mm ~m2 ~m2 cm cm ~m3 cm3 ~m~ ~m3

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (lo) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

47 WPB 260 x 260 x 54.14 69.0 244 260 6.5 9.5 24 7981 2788.0 10.76 6.36 654.1 214.5 714.54 327.76
48 WPB 260 x 260 x 68.15 86.8 250 260 7.5 12.5 24 10455 3667.6 10.97 6.50 836.4 282.1 919.85 430.19
49 WPB 260 x 260 x 92.98 118.4 260 260 10.0 17.5 24 14919 5134.5 11.22 6.58 1147.6 395.0 1282.99 602.27
50 WPB 260 x 260 x 114.40 145.7 268 262 12.5 21.5 24 18912 6455.9 11.39 6.66 1411.4 492.8 1599.79 752.48
51 WPB 260 x 260 x 141.51 180.3 278 265 15.5 26.5 24 24331 8235.7 11.62 6.76 1750.5 621.6 2015.39 950.51
52 WPB 260 x 260 x 172.42 219.6 290 268 18.0 32.5 24 31307 10448.6 11.94 6.90 2159.1 779.7 2523.69 1192.50

53 WPB 280 x 280 x 61.25 78.0 264 280 7.0 10.0 24 10558 3664.2 11.63 6.85 799.8 261.7 873.15 399.40
54 WPB 280 x 280 x 76.35 97.3 270 280 8.0 13.0 24 13673 4762.6 11.86 7.00 1012.8 340.2 1112.31 518.16
55 wP13 280 x 280 x 188.53 240.2 310 288 18.5 33.0 24 39547 13162.8 12.83 7.40 2551.4 914.1 2965.72 1396.71
56 WPB 280 x 280 x 284.13 361.9 280 280 105.0 18.0 24 30710 9106.0 9.21 5.02 2193.6 650.4 2941.06 1406.80
57 WPB 300 x 300 x 69.79 88.9 283 300 7.5 10.5 27 13804 4733.5 12.46 7.30 975.6 315.6 1065.41 482.34
58 WPB 300 x 300 x 88.33 112.5 290 300 8.5 14.0 27 18263 6309.6 12.74 7.49 1259.5 420.6 1383.39 641.20
59 WPB 300 x 300 x 100.84 128.5 294 300 10.0 16.0 27 21046 7211.4 12.80 7.49 1431.7 480.8 1584.33 733.49
60 WPB 300 x 300 x 117.03 149.1 300 300 11.0 19.0 27 25166 8562.8 12.99 7.58 1677.7 570.9 1868.79 870.18
61 WPB 300 x 300 x 237.92 303.1 340 310 21.0 39.0 27 59201 19403.1 13.98 8.00 3482.4 1251.8 4077.79 1913.22

62 WPB 320 x 300 x 74.24 94.6 301 300 8.0 11.0 27 16447 4959.1 13.19 7.24 1092.8 330.6 1196.33 505.78
63 WPB 320 x 300 x 97.63 124.4 310 300 9.0 15.5 27 22929 6985.2 13.58 7.49 1479.3 465.7 1628.22 709.78
64 WPB 320 x 300 x 126.65 161.3 320 300 11.5 20.5 27 30824 9238.8 13.82 7.57 1926.5 615.9 2149.37 939.13
65 WPB 320 x 300 x 244.96 312.0 359 309 21.0 40.0 27 68135 19709.3 14.78 7.95 3795.8 1275.7 4435.16 1950.77

66 WPB 340 x 300 x 78.89 100.5 320 300 8.5 11.5 27 19552 5184.7 13.95 7.18 1222.0 345.6 1341.06 529.33
67 WPB 340 x 300 x 104.78 133.5 330 300 9.5 16.5 27 27693 7436.0 14.40 7.46 1678.4 495.7 1850.62 755.98
68 WPB 340 x 300 x 134.15 170.9 340 300 12.0 21.5 27 36656 9689.9 14.65 7.53 2156.3 646.0 2408.25 985.76
69 WPB 340 x 300 x 247.92 315.8 377 309 21.0 40.0 27 76372 19710.7 15.55 7.90 4051.5 1275.8 4717.71 1952.75

70 WPB 360 x 300 x 83.69 106.6 339 300 9.0 12.0 27 23037 5410.4 14.70 7.12 1359.1 360.7 1495.39 553.01
71 WPB 360 x 300 x 112.06 142.8 350 300 10.0 17.5 27 33090 7886.8 15.22 7.43 1890.8 525.8 2088.63 802.32
72 WPB 360 x 300 x 141.80 180.6 360 300 12.5 22.5 27 43193 10141.2 15.46 7.49 2399.6 676.1 2683.14 1032.53
73 WPB 360 x 300 x 250.26 318.8 395 308 21.0 40.0 27 84867 19521.7 16.32 7.83 4297.1 1267.6 4989.47 1942.40

Table 2 (Continue@)

SI No. Designation Mass Area Depth Width Web Flange Root Moment of Radius of Section Plastic Section
Thickness Radius Inertia Gyration Modulus Modulus
~~r———— ~
M a D B t T R Ix Iy rx rY z, Zy Zpx z PY
kglm ~m2 mm mm mm mm mm ~m2 ~m2 cm cm ~m~ cm3 cm3 cm3

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (lo) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

74 WPB 360 x 370 x 136.20 173.5 356 369 11.2 17.8 27 42157 14919.4 15.59 9.27 2368.4 808.6 2605.43 1229.20
75 WPB 360 x 370 x 150.87 192.2 360 370 12.3 19.8 27 47302 16731.3 15.69 9.33 2627.9 904.4 2904.60 1375.09
76 WPB 360 x 370 x 165.34 210.6 364 371 13.3 21.8 27 52553 18571.5 15.80 9.39 2887.5 1001.2 3205.61 1522.43
77 WPB 360 x 370 x 182.01 231.9 368 373 15.0 23.8 27 58271 20607.1 15.85 9.43 3166.9 1104.9 3537.19 1682.17
78 WPB 360 x 370 x 197.65 251.8 372 374 16.4 25.8 27 63916 22520.9 15.93 9.46 3436.3 1204.3 3858.07 1834.89

79 WPB 400 x 300 x 92.39 117.7 378 300 9.5 13.0 27 31252 5861.4 16.30 7.06 1653.5 390.8 1824.31 599.73
80 WPB 400 x 300 x 124.80 159.0 390 300 11.0 19.0 27 45069 8563.8 16.84 7.34 2311.2 570.9 2561.97 872.90
81 WPB 400 x 300 x 155.26 197.8 400 300 13.5 24.0 27 57680 10819.0 17.08 7.40 2884.0 721.3 3231.91 1104.08
82 WPB 400 x 300 x 255.74 325.8 432 307 21.0 40.0 27 104119 19335.5 17.88 7.70 4820.3 1259.6 5570.79 1934.18

w 83 WPB 400 x 400 x 191.10 243.4 368 391 15.0 24.2 27 61575 24131.9 15.90 9.96 3346.5 1234.4 3732.52 1876.35
84 WPB 400 x 400 x 219.66 279.8 375 394 17.3 27.7 27 72147 28265.8 16.06 10.05 3847.8 1434.8 4328.52 2183.16
85 WPB 400 x 400 x 239.62 305.2 380 395 18.9 30.2 27 79786 31054.9 16.17 10.09 4199.3 1572.4 4751.77 2394.25

g6 WPB 450 x 300 x 99.74 127.1 425 300 10.0 13.5 27 41888 6087.5 18.16 6.92 1971.2 405.8 2183.54 624.39
87 WPB 450 x 300 x 139.75 178.0 440 300 11.5 21.0 27 63722 9465.3 18.92 7.29 2 8%.4 631.0 3216.07 965.57
88 WPB 450 x 300 x 171.11 218.0 450 300 14.0 26.0 27 79888 11721.3 19.14 7.33 3550.6 781.4 3982.57 1197.70
89 WPB 450 x 300 x 263.32 335.4 478 307 21.0 40.0 27 131484 19339.0 19.80 7.59 5501.4 1259.9 6331.22 1939.25

90 WPB 500 x 300 x 107.45 136.9 472 300 10.5 14.0 27 54643 6313.8 19.98 6.79 2315.4 420.9 2576.46 649.33
91 WPB 500 x 300 x 129.77 165.3 480 300 11.5 18.0 27 68968 8115.9 20.43 7.01 2873.6 541.1 3196.94 832.09
92 WPB 500 x 300 x 155.07 197.5 490 300 12.0 23.0 27 86975 10367.0 20.98 7.24 3550.0 691.1 3949.08 1058.55
93 WPB 500 x 300 x 187.33 238.6 500 300 14.5 28.0 27 107176 12623.9 21.19 7.27 4287.0 841.6 4814.79 1291.69
94 WPB 500 x 300 x 270.27 344.3 524 306 21.0 40.0 27 161929 19154.7 21.69 7.46 6180.5 1251.9 7094.50 1932.06

95 WPB 5s0 x 300 x 119.98 152.8 522 300 11.5 15.0 27 72871 6766.5 21.84 6.65 2792.0 451.1 3127.86 698.68
96 WPB 550 x 300 x 166.23 211.8 540 300 12.5 24.0 27 111932 10819.0 22.99 7.15 4145.6 721.3 4622.07 i 106.94 -
97 WPB 550 x 300 x 199.44 254.1 550 300 15.0 29.0 27 136691 13076.9 23.20 7.17 4970.6 871.8 5590.86 1341.18 ~
98 WPB 550 x 300 x 278.19 354.4 572 306 21.0 40.0 27 197984 19158.4 23.64 7.35 6922.5 1252.2 7932.94 1937.35 s
Table 2 (Concluded

sl No. Designation Mass Area Depth Width Web Flange Root Moment of Radius of Section Plastic Section
Thickness Radius Inertia Gyration Modulus Modulus
~~~ ~
M a D B t T R Ix Iy rx Zx Zy Z*X z PY
kg/m cmz mm mm mm mm mm cmz ~m2 cm cm cm3 cm’ cm3 cm>

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (lo) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

99 WPB 600 x 300 x 128.79 164.1 571 300 12.0 15.5 27 91872 6993.4 23.66 6.53 3217.9 466.2 3623.34 724.51
100 WPB 600 x 300 x 177.77 226.5 590 300 13.0 25.0 27 141208 11271.3 24.97 7.05 4786.7 751.4 5350.67 1155.70
101 WPB 600 x 300 x 211.92 270.0 600 300 15.5 30.0 27 171041 13530.2 25.17 7.08 5701.4 902.0 6425.42 1391.10
102 WPB 600 x 300 x 285.47 363.7 620 305 21.0 40.0 27 237447 18975.5 25.55 7.22 7659.6 1244.3 8772.37 1930.42

103 WPB 650 x 300 x 137.97 175.8 620 300 12.5 16.0 27 113944 7220.6 25.46 6.41 3675.6 481.4 4160.16 750.69
104 WPB 650 x 300 x 189.69 241.6 640 300 13.5 26.0 27 175178 11723.9 26.93 6.97 5474.3 781.6 6136.60 1204.83
105 WPB 650 x 300 x 224.78 286.3 650 300 16.0 31.0 27 210616 13984.0 27.12 6.99 6480.5 932.3 7320.19 1441.45
106 WPB 650 x 300 x 293.38 373.7 668 305 21.0 40.0 27 281667 18979.2 27.45 7.13 8433.2 1244.5 9657.27 1935.72

107 WPB 700 x 300 x 149.89 190.9 670 300 13.0 17.0 27 142721 7673.1 27.34 6.34 4260.3 511.5 4840.47 799.75
G 108 WPB 700 x 300 x 204.48 260.5 690 300 14.5 27.0 27 215301 12178.8 28.75 6.84 6240.6 811.9 7032.16 1256.78
109 WPB 700 x 300 x 240.51 306.4 700 300 17.0 32.0 27 256888 14440.8 28.96 6.87 7339.7 962.7 8327.47 1495.09
110 WPB 700 x 300 x 300.67 383.0 716 304 21.0 40.0 27 329278 18797.4 29.32 7.01 9197.7 1236.7 10539.23 1928.83

111 WPB 800 x 300 x 171.51 218.5 770 300 14.0 18.0 30 208882 8133.7 30.92 6.10 5425.5 542.2 6225.28 856.60
112 WPB 800 x 300 x 224.37 285.8 790 300 15.0 28.0 30 303442 12638.7 32.58 6.65 7682.1 842.6 8699.97 1312.31
113 WPB 800 x 300 x 262.33 334.2 800 300 17.5 33.0 30 359083 14903.7 32.78 6.68 8977.1 993.6 10229.20 1553.19
114 WPB 800 x 3C0 x 317.35 404.3 814 303 21.0 40.0 30 442598 18627.4 33.09 6.79 10874.6 1229.5 12488.19 1930.45

115 WPB 850 x 300 x 179.89 229.2 835 292 14.0 18.8 30 253913 7836.3 33.29 5.85 6081.7 536.7 7009.45 851.19
116 WPB 850 x 300 x 195.73 249.3 840 292 14.7 21.3 30 282472 8877.3 33.66 5.97 6725.5 608.0 7732.10 %2.05
117 WPB 850 x 300 x 214.24 272.9 846 293 15.4 24.3 30 317377 10230.0 34.10 6.12 7503.0 698.3 8601.81 1101.52
118 WPB 850 x 300 x 230.55 293.7 851 294 16.1 26.8 30 347613 11397.7 34.40 6.23 8169.5 775.4 9356.69 1221.37
119 WPB 850 x 300 x 253.68 323.2 859 292 17.0 30.8 30 392287 12833.4 34.84 6.30 9133.6 879.0 10454.22 1382.48

120 WPB 900 x 300 x 198.00 252.2 870 300 15.0 20.0 30 301145 9041.4 34.55 5.99 6922.9 602.8 7999.37 957.71
121 WPB 900 x 300 x 251.61 320.5 890 300 16.0 30.0 30 422075 13547.5 36.29 6.50 9484.8 903.2 10811.59 I 414.53
122 WPB 900 x 300 x 291.45 371.3 900 300 18.5 35.0 30 494065 15815.9 36.48 6.53 10979.2 1054.4 12584.65 1658.40


Table 3 Indian Standard Parallel Flange Bearing Piles
(Foreword Clauses 4.1,7.1,8 and9.2)

S1 No. Designation Mass Area Depth Width Web Flange Root Moment of Radius of Section Plastic section
Thickness Radius Inertia Gyration Maduius Modulus
~ ~ ~ ,—’—.
M a D B t T R Ix Iy rx ‘Y Zx Zy Zpx Zw
kg/m cm’ mm mm mm mm mm ~m2 cm’ cm cm ~m] ~m3 ~m3 ~m3

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (lo) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

1 PBP 200 x 43.85 55.9 200 205 9.3 9.3 10 3999 1337.0 8.46 4.89 399.9 130.4 447.68 199.93

2 PBP 200 x 53.49 68.1 204 207 11.3 11.3 10 4977 1673.2 8.55 4.96 488.0 161.7 551.31 248.57

3 PBP 220 x 57.19 72.9 210 225 11.0 11.0 18 5729 2079.3 8.87 5.34 545.6 185.2 613.69 285.55

4 PBP 260 x 75.00 95.5 249 265 12.0 12.0 24 10646 3732.5 10.56 6.25 855.1 281.7 958.59 435.09

5 PBP 260 x 87.30 111.2 253 267 14.0 14.0 24 12586 4455.0 10.64 6.33 994.9 333.7 1123.62 516.19

. 6 PBP 300 x 76.92 98.0 299 306 10.8 10.8 15 16006 5162.0 12.78 7.26 1070.7 337.4 1186.40 515.42

7 PBP 300 x 88.00 112.1 302 308 12.4 12.4 15 18467 5996.0 12.84 7.31 1223.0 389.4 1362.23 595.93

8 PBP 300 x 95.00 121.0 304 309 13.3 13.3 15 20097 6547.5 12.89 7.36 1322.2 423.8 1476.74 649.16

9 PBP 300 x 109.54 139.5 308 311 15.3 15.3 15 23477 7681.2 12.97 7.42 1524.5 494.0 1713.28 758.28

10 PBP 300 x 124.20 158.2 312 313 17.3 17.3 15 26972 8856.4 13.06 7.48 1729.0 565.9 1954.77 870.51

11 300 x 150.00 191.1 319 316 20.8 20.8 15 33325 10963.5 13.21 7.57 2089.3 693.9 2386.34 1071.17

12 PBP 300 x 180.12 229.4 327 320 24.8 24.8 15 41085 13584.3 13.38 7.69 2512.8 849.0 2901.54 1315.46

13 PBP 300 x 184.11 234.5 328 321 25.3 25.3 15 42148 13989.6 13.41 7.72 2570.0 871.6 2971.22 1350.96

14 PBP 300 x 222.58 283.5 338 326 30.3 30.3 15 52656 17567.3 13.63 7.87 3115.7 1077.7 3648.49 1677.33

15 PBP 320 x 88.47 112.7 303 304 12.0 12.0 27 18743 5633.6 12.90 7.07 1237.1 370.6 1378.74 572.11

16 PBP 320 x 102.83 131.0 307 306 14.0 14.0 27 22053 6704.2 12.97 7.15 1436.7 438.2 1611.31 677.32

17 PBP 320 x 117.32 149.5 311 308 16.0 16.0 27 25476 7814.9 13.06 7.23 1638.3 507.5 1848.78 785.59 5
18 PBP 320 x 146.68 186.9 319 312 20.0 20.0 27 32671 10160.1 13.22 7.37 2048.3 651.3 2338.62 1011.41 ~

19 PBP 320 x 184.09 234.5 329 317 25.0 25.0 27 42343 13332.3 13.44 7.54 2574.1 841.2 2979.36 1311.35 2

Table 3 (Concluded a
S1 No. Designation Mass Area Depth Width Web Flange Root Moment of Radius of Section Plastic Section
Thickness Radius Inerti# Gyration Modulus Modulus 00

~~~ ~&
M a D B t T R lx Iy r-x Z* Zy Zpx z PY o
‘Y &
kg/m cm’ mm mm mm mm mm ~ml ~ml cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (lo) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

20 PBP 360 x 83.44 106.3 340 367 9.9 9.9 15 22984 8160.2 14.70 8.76 1352.0 444.7 1483.44 676.17

21 PBP 360 x 109.08 139.0 346 371 12.9 12.9 15 30568 10986.7 14.83 8.89 1767.0 592.3 1955.16 903.01

22 PBP 360 x 134.84 171.8 352 374 15.9 15.9 15 38437 13876.5 14.96 8.99 2183.9 742.1 2436.53 1134.44

23 PBP 360 x 152.18 193.9 356 376 17.9 17.9 15 43876 15877.0 15.04 9.05 2464.9 844.5 2764.69 1293.35

24 360 x 174.02 221.7 361 379 20.4 20.4 15 50897 18462.8 15.15 9.13 2819.8 975.6 3183.13 1497.21

25 PBP 360 x 178.41 227.3 362 379 20.9 20.9 15 52331 18991.4 15.17 9,14 2891.2 1002.2 3267.92 1538.69

26 PBP 400 x 122.41 155.9 348 390 14.0 14.0 15 34770 13850.6 14.93 9.42 1998.3 710.3 2212.35 1082.39

27 PBP 400 x 140.18 178.6 352 392 16.0 16.0 15 40274 16076.6 15.02 9.49 2288.3 820.2 2547.30 1251.99

z 28 PBP 400 x 158.08 201.4 356 394 18.0 18.0 15 45939 18367.5 15.10 9.55 2580.8 932.4 2888.20 1425.44

29 PBP 400 x 176.10 224.3 360 396 20.0 20.0 15 51766 20724.6 15.19 9.61 2875.9 1046.7 3235.11 1602.75

30 PBP 400 x 194.25 247.5 364 398 22.0 22.0 15 57759 23148.9 15.28 9.67 3173.6 1163.3 3588.06 1783.95

31 PBP 400 x 212.52 270.7 368 400 24.0 24.0 15 63921 25641.6 15.37 9.73 3474.0 1282.1 3947.11 1969.05

32 PBP 400 x 230.92 294.2 372 402 26.0 26.0 15 70255 28203.6 15.45 9.79 3777.2 I 403.2 4312.30 2158.10


IS 12778:2004



Structural Engineering and Structural Sections Sectional Committee, CED 7

Organization Representative(s)
MECON Ltd, Ranchi SkrruA. BASU (Chairman)
SrrruK. K. DE (Alternate)
Mumbai Port Trust, Mumbai Smttuml REVATSSws H,4R0u
C. R. Narayarra Rae, Chennai DR C. N. SRJNIVASAN
Sm C. R. Aswrrm (Alternate)
CentralElectricityAuthority,NewDelhi DIRECTOR(STED)
Smu S. K. ROYCHOWDHURY (Alternate)
NewDelhi Smu V. N. WAXPANIAR
Smu A: K. BUN (Alternate)
Development Commercial for Iron & Steel Control, Kolkata Smu B. D. GHOSH
SW R. N. GUIN (Alternate)
Directorate General of Supplies& Disposals, New Delhi DIRECTOR(Q/A)
Smu K. C. Jw (Alternate)
Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch, New Delhi BNG. A. L. SANOHAL
Smu DINESH!kmo (Alternate)
Engineers India Limited, New Delhi Sm S. C. JAIN
Smu S. C. SAwmwY (Alternate)
Gammon India Limited, Mumbai Smu V. M. Drr.mw
Srrru M. V. JATXAR(Alternate)
Hindalco Industries Limited, Mirzapur DR J. MUXHOPADYAY
Srmr AJAYKW AGARWAL (Alternate)
Hindustan Steel Works Construction Limited, Kolkata Sumro. ENGINEER (MARXETING)
Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai DR V. KALAYANARAMAN
Institute of Steel Development& Growth (INSDAG), Kolkata DR T. K. BANDYOPADHVAY
Sm P. L. No (Alternate)
Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata Smu AMITABHSEN
Smu BISWANATH DASS (Alternate)
Jindal Vijaya Nagar Steel Limited, Bellary DIRECTOR (Paonma)
Larsen & Toubro Limited, Chennai ASSISTANT GENEMLMANAGER
M.N. Dastur & Company Limited, Kolkata Smu SANAXI SEN
Smu Ptunp BHAITACHARYA (Alternate)
M/s Construma Consultancy Pvt Limited, Bombay DR HARSHAVARDHAN SUBBARAO
M/s STUP Consultants Pvt Ltd, Kolkata Smu A. GHOSHAL
Ministry of Road Transport& Highways (Rep. IRC), New Delhi SrsruT. B. BANEWEE
Smu A. K. NAGPAL(Alternate)
National Thermal Power Corporation, Noida DR S. N. MANDAL
SmrrR. K. GmA (Alternate)
Pennar Industries Limited, Hyderabad GENERAL MANAGER(Comwv$m)
Projects & Development India Limited, Baroda SrrraB. K. JHA
!Mm A. K. PAL (Alternate)
Research, Designs & Standards Organization, Lucknow EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (B&S)
DUWTOR (B& S)-SB-11 (Alternate)
Steel Authority of India Limited, Ranchi Mu T. K. GHOSAL
Mao R.M. CHAITOPADHVAY (Alternate)
Steel Authority of India Limited, Bokaro Smu S. K. BANERJSE
Steel Authority of India Limited, Bhilai Smo D. B. SRIVASTAVA
Woo A. K. Muxmmrsa (Afternate)
Steel Re-Rolling Mills Association of Indi& Kolkata W-auR. P. BHATSA
SrrruANSLKuma JAVERI(Alternate)

IS 12778:2004

Organization Representative(s)
Structural Engineering Research Institute, Chennai DR N. LAKSHUANAN
DR S. SimmRANM N (Alternate)
Visakhapatnam Steel Project, Visakhapatnam sHruP. s. RAo
SHSUG. V. S. K. MOHAN(Aherrrafe)
MS Directorate General SIUUS. K. JASN,DIRECTOR & HEAD(Civ Engg)
[Representing Director General (&@cia)]

Joint Director (Civ Engg), BIS

. -:

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote harmonious
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Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
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This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot: No. CED 7 (7143).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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