CSCP Exam Reference Materials
CSCP Exam Reference Materials
CSCP Exam Reference Materials
We have the best educational resources available to help you build your
knowledge of supply chain practices and to support your certification exam
preparation. Listed below is a list of recommended texts for CSCP.
We strongly recommend you begin your preparation with the APICS CSCP
Exam Content Manual (ECM). It provides an overview of the curriculum with
test specifications, test-taking advice, key terminology, and Q&A. The CSCP
ECM is free to ASCM PLUS and CORE members. Nonmembers can purchase
your CSCP ECM in Shop APICS.
CSCP References
APICS Dictionary, 15th edition. Purchase the printed dictionary or get
the eDownload
Strategic Supply Chain Management: The Five Core Disciplines for Top
Performance, 2nd edition, Mc-Graw-Hill Education, 2013. Shoshanah Cohen
and Joseph Roussel.
Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies and Case
Studies, 3rd edition – David Simchi-Levi, Philip Kaminsky, and Edith Simchi-
UN Global Compact Brochure, UN Global Compact Office 2014. Free
UN Global Compact Management Model 2010 – Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu,
Welcome message by Georg Kell, forward by John Connolly. Free download.
The G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, Global Reporting 2011. Free
Additional Resources
Best Value Supply Chains: A key Competitive Weapon for the 21st Century
Fudging the Supply Chain to Hit the Number: Five Common Practices that
Sacrifice the Supply Chain and What Financial Analysts Should Ask about