Ee 1976 - 06
Ee 1976 - 06
Ee 1976 - 06
D 0
by careful changes in values to
tune from the Iong wave band up
to the 160m Amateur band.
. I�F
3 8C! l
,11,12 6 7pF
taining this voltage is the system c, �
1 . }26pF
shown in the circuit. Here two ITUNINGI D•22prF
diodes are connected in series
across the supply voltage.
Everyday Electronics, June
R1 1001<0
R2 10052
R3 15W
All #W carbon = 5
VRl/S1 5 kilohm log. with
ganged switch.
C1 0.01pF polyester
C2 126pF nominal, plastic
dielectric tuning
C3 0.221tF polyester
C4 10µF 10V elect.
C5 0.1frF polyester
C6 4.7µF 10V elect.
.C7 1001tF 10V elect.
IC1 ZN414 t.r.f. radio i.c.
IC2 LM380 audio amplifier
* D1, D2 1N4002 silicon diode
(2 oft)
IYW3 L1 80 turns 28 s.w.g. enam.
ICI UNDERSIDE copper wire (see text)
LS1 80 60mm diameter
`' I r" .
�l � i��l!¡+ �'I
I?t B1 9V PP3 battery
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; I�:�i ( i , � tt� il��iitif
[1zÍi+ilJlis ;IÈt 11 j
Plastic case type PB1 or simi-
lar, minimum size 115 x 75 x
40mm; printed circuit board;
ferrite rod,10 x 75mm; 28s. w.g.
enamelled copper wire; bat-
ery clip to suit B1 ; one 14-pin
i.c. socket; small round con-
trol knob; tuning knob 40mm
diameter; connecting wire_
Everyday Fleet?oni.cs, Jame 197.9 367
recommended. Incidentally for
those who have never made a
is an ideal project to
p.c.b., this
start with as it is very simple to
All interconnecting wires should
be as short as possible, particu-
coil to
larly the leads from the
the tuning capacitor, and frºm
the capacitor to the board.
If the beginner is unsure about
his ability to solder, particularly
it is recommended that a
1cl, mounted on the printed circuit board.
is used. Components
three-pin transistor socket
The prototype was built
in a The coil, L1, is a home-made
commercial plastic case, type component and is constructed by
of 28 s.w.g.
PBL There is of course no reason winding 80 turns
why a different case already to enamelled copper wire,
hand cannot be used, providing it wound on a paper former, which
is not metal and has minimum is then slid over a lomm ( a inch)
The is un-
dimensions of 115 x 75 x 38mm. ferrite rod. length
as it is at least
No drilling details are given important providing
they and the size of the case will 75mm long and can also fit in
extent on the
depend to a large case.
C2 was
size of components used. The tuning capacitor
old miniature
The p.c.b. was mounted on the salvaged from an
bottom of the case using two 6BA radio, but a readily available type
screws and nuts_ The battery can can be obtained from a number
be held in place by double-sided of suppliers. It is not essential to IN USE
to the value specified as
adhesive tape or Blu-Tak. keep
After construction has been
the tuning range
and the board and
is quite wide. In- completed,
other wiring checked for errors
deed, it may be
an advantage to the battery may be connected.
use an old capa- Connect the battery and switch
citor already to on, rotate the volume control
hand, and change a "hissing" sound is heard—this
the number of is white noise being picked up by
turns on the coil, the radio and suggests that it is
particularly if working correctly.
a different tuning Rotate the knob of C2, where-
range is envis- upon a number of stations should
become audible. If none are heard
then this is probably due to the
coil being in the wrong position on
SPEAKER the ferrite rod. Sliding the coil
The speaker along the rod while at the
to time adjusting C2, you should be
was attached
the front panel able to find a position where
small number of stations come in at
using two all is
clamps and roughly the same level. If
6BA well the coil can be stuck in posi-
screws. Alter- tion. Blu-Tak or similar is suit-
natively the able.
can be The receiver gives good recep-
stuck down using tion of local stations, and after
an impact adhe- dark many overseas stations can
sive if it is de- be picked up. The number
their level depends to a large ex-
sired not to mar
tent on your location -and of course
the front panel.
Letraset or the time of day.
similar can then Although the ZN414 is not being
to its full capacity, it
be used to label utilised
front nevertheless gives quite good
the panel I1
as required. results despite its simplicity.