Ureteral Stent For Ureteral Stricture: James F. Borin and Elspeth M. Mcdougall
Ureteral Stent For Ureteral Stricture: James F. Borin and Elspeth M. Mcdougall
Ureteral Stent For Ureteral Stricture: James F. Borin and Elspeth M. Mcdougall
University of California Irvine Medical Center, Department of Urology, 101 The City
Drive, Orange, CA 92868, U.S.A.
76 J.F. Borin and E.M. McDougall
Successful treatment of ureteral stricture disease requires patience and creativ-
ity on the part of the urologist. There are numerous options available to repair
a ureteral stricture, but factors such as comorbidities, age, prior surgery, patient
compliance, and the surgeon’s own skill and familiarity with various techniques
all factor into the treatment algorithm. What is certain is that regardless of the
treatment selected, the majority of ureteral strictures will require a stent at some
point during management. Depending on the etiology of the stricture, a stent
may be a temporary or permanent solution.
The etiology and, to a lesser extent, location of a ureteral stricture will dictate
the most appropriate approach to management. Table 1 lists the common causes
of ureteral stricture disease. The factors underlying each of these can be further
narrowed to malignancy or ischemia, whether iatrogenic due to ureteroscopy,
pelvic surgery, or radiation, or traumatic due to passage of a calculus.
Intrinsic strictures are generally more amenable to endourological procedures,
especially when shorter than 2 cm (Fig. 1). Extrinsic strictures tend to be longer
and thus require more invasive repairs or else long-term stents. Of paramount
importance in treating a ureteral stricture is to perform a biopsy to rule out
malignancy if the cause is unclear. Stricture repair may be performed either
antegrade or retrograde, or even laparoscopically in the case of pyeloplasty for
ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction, ureteroureterostomy for midureteral
strictures, or ureteral reimplant for a distal stricture.
A ureteral stent can be employed for a variety of reasons: (1) to provide a
scaffold for healing after endoureterotomy; (2) to maintain urinary flow in the
case of chronic obstruction that is not amenable to repair; or (3) as a prophy-
lactic measure to guard against the development of ureteral stricture after
ureteroscopy, ureteroneocystostomy, ureteroureterostomy, or ureteroenteric
Davis et al. popularized the use of a ureteral catheter as a scaffold for healing
when they performed an intubated ureterotomy during open repair of a UPJ
obstruction in 1943 [1,2]. Subsequently, Oppenheimer and Hinman showed, in a
dog model, that smooth muscle regeneration and not fibrotic contracture is
responsible for ureteral healing after a stinted ureterotomy [3].
In patients with long or recalcitrant ureteral strictures or extrinsic compres-
sion due to malignancy, definitive repair may not be feasible or desirable because
of comorbidities or short life expectancy. In fact, patients with malignant extrin-
Fig. 1. A 52-year-old man developed a ureteral stricture after multiple ureteroscopies for
recurrent nephrolithiasis. A Antegrade nephrostogram demonstrates a short ureteral
stricture at L3–L4. B Balloon dilatation performed after laser incision. A persistent waist
eventually disappeared after applying 7 atmospheres of pressure to the balloon
sic compression have an estimated stent failure rate of 36%–42%, and many will
require percutaneous nephrostomy tubes [4,5]. Further, the median survival time
of patients with metastatic cancer causing ureteral obstruction is reported to be
less than 7 months; thus, surgical procedures beyond simple internal or external
drainage are generally not warranted [6].
Although the placement of either double-J or diversion stents after ureteroin-
testinal anastomosis is the current standard of care, prophylactic stinting to
prevent a ureteral stricture after ureteroscopy or renal transplant is controver-
sial. The incidence of ureteral stricture after ureteroscopy with small-caliber
semirigid or flexible ureteroscopes is low, generally 0%–2% in most large series
[7,8]. There are no randomized, controlled trials demonstrating the ability of a
stent to prevent ureteral strictures. In fact, the routine use of a ureteral stent
following uncomplicated ureteroscopy has been questioned. Denstedt et al.
performed the first randomized trial to compare stinted versus unstinted
ureteroscopy in 58 patients [9]. There was no difference in the complication rate,
which was low, although there was significantly less pain, dysuria, and urinary
frequency among the unstinted group during the first postoperative week. All
patients were assessed with a renal ultrasound at 3 months, and there was no evi-
dence of hydronephrosis or ureteral stricture in either group.
Urological complications are encountered in 1.5%–13% of renal transplants,
with ureteral obstruction the most common [10–12]. Approximately 60% of all
urological complications are ureterovesical anastomotic strictures, which usually
78 J.F. Borin and E.M. McDougall
occur early but can manifest as late as 5 years posttransplant [13]. Because trans-
planted kidneys lack renal innervation, ureteral obstruction is usually asympto-
matic, which can delay diagnosis. In nontransplanted patients, placing a stent
across a ureteral repair has been demonstrated to reduce or eliminate stricture
formation [14]. However, the routine use of double-J stents during renal trans-
plant is still controversial, with randomized controlled trials demonstrating
conflicting results. For example, Osman et al. found no strictures in either group
of stinted or unstinted patients (n = 50) with a mean follow-up of 11 months,
whereas the rate of urinary tract infection was double in the stinted group (40%
vs 18%; P = 0.02) [15]. However, a recent meta-analysis of 49 studies, including 5
randomized controlled trials, found fewer urological complications with stinted
versus nonstinted extravesical ureteroneocystostomy [16].
Stent Biomaterials
A biomaterial may be defined as any substance—either natural or derived from
synthetic polymers—used in the treatment of a patient that interfaces with tissue
[29]. An ideal biomaterial for the urinary tract would be biocompatible, have
adequate tensile strength, reduced coefficient of friction, stability after place-
ment, resistance to encrustation and infection, and excellent flow [29]. A com-
pletely biocompatible material would not adversely affect or be affected by
the environment in which it was placed [29]. Currently, there are no perfectly
biocompatible materials available for ureteral stents. Ureteral catheters were
initially crafted from fabric coated with varnish [30]. Because they did not have
sufficient rigidity for easy placement, they were later constructed of plastic
[31]. Today, a variety of synthetic polymers is employed in ureteral stent
Silicone is the current gold standard for ureteral stents due to its high degree
of tissue compatibility and resistance to encrustation [32]. However, the extreme
flexibility of silicone can make stent passage more difficult [27]. Polyurethane is
80 J.F. Borin and E.M. McDougall
more rigid than silicone yet still flexible, but demonstrates more urothelial
erosion and ulceration than other materials and may even result in cytotoxic
degradation products if left in situ for extended periods [33,34]. Several propri-
etary biomaterials have also been developed with the goal of retaining the flex-
ibility and inert nature of silicone but with more rigidity: Silitek (Surgitek,
Racine, WI, USA), C-Flex (Consolidated Polymer Technologies, Clearwater, FL,
USA), and Percuflex (Boston Scientific, Natick, MA, USA) [27].
Hydrogel coatings are currently employed for most stent materials; they
improve biocompatibility by reducing irritation and cell adhesion [27]. Heparin-
like polysaccharide coatings have shown promise in reducing encrustation by
resisting biofilm formation [35]. Finally, in a clever attempt to employ an inert
substance, Amiel et al. developed stents from bovine and mouse chondrocytes
in vitro and in vivo; although these have yet to be placed in in vivo models, this
type of bioengineering holds great promise for the future [36].
Stent Flow
Luminal and extraluminal flow characteristics have been studied in in vitro and
in vivo models of the stinted and unstinted ureter. [37–40]. The flow of urine
through a normal ureter is based on the principles of Poiseuille’s law, which
describes laminar streamlined viscous flow through a horizontal tube [37]. In a
porcine model, Brewer et al. demonstrated that luminal, but not extraluminal,
flow is proportional to internal stent diameter [40]. The same group subsequently
evaluated the pattern of flow in stinted and unstinted ureters and compared
these results to Poiseuille flow in vitro [41]. They demonstrated that in vitro flow
did not accurately predict in vivo flow patterns. In their animal model, there was
a nonsignificant trend for better flow through stinted versus unstinted ureters.
In contrast to Ramsay et al. [39], who reported that stent flow is primarily extra-
luminal and can therefore be compromised by external compression of the
ureter, the authors noted that luminal flow comprised 67%, 50%, and 33% of
the total flow for a tail stent (7 Fr tapering to a lumen-less 3 Fr tail), a standard
7 Fr double-pigtail stent, and a 7/14 Fr endopyelotomy stent, respectively. Thus,
drainage will be both around and through a stent. External compression will first
compromise extraluminal flow; in severe cases, however, even a stinted ureter
can become obstructed in a matter of days.
Metal Stents
Various designs of short metal stents have been used in clinical practice over the
past 15 years, but none of these has been in the style of an indwelling ureteral
stent. In 1991, Lugmayr and Pauer first reported their experience with self-
expanding metallic stents of a defined length (3–10 cm); these stents consisted of
an elastic mesh woven from stainless cobalt-based alloy filaments [42]. The stent
was mounted on a 7 Fr delivery catheter. A follow-up report of 40 patients with
Ureteral Stent for Ureteral Stricture 81
Stent Duration
In determining the length of stent indwell time following minimally invasive
treatment of a ureteral stricture, one must balance two objectives: (1) allowing
the stent to act as a scaffold to facilitate healing; and (2) avoiding infection and
inflammation, which will lead to fibrosis [53]. Much of the dogma about the dura-
tion of stinting is based on Davis’ original work in dogs wherein he found 90%
replacement of the ureteral smooth muscle 6 weeks following intubated uretero-
tomy [2]. McDonald and Calams also studied ureteral regeneration after injury
in a dog model [54]. Similar to Davis, they noted near-complete muscular conti-
nuity by 7 weeks. However, once the epithelium had been reestablished, the stent
began to induce a fibrotic response, which increased over time.
There are several arguments against prolonged stinting. There is an increased
risk of infection as well as the possibility of an increased inflammatory response
at the site of repair; these alone or in concert may result in fibrosis and restric-
turing [33]. Kerbl et al. induced ureteral strictures in a pig model, then treated
them with Acucise endoureterotomy [55]. All pigs received 7 Fr stents, which
were then removed at 1, 3, or 6 weeks following the endoureterotomy. At 12
weeks, pigs were killed and the degree of ureteral healing was assessed by a
pathologist. There was no statistically significant difference in healing across the
three groups, although there was a trend favoring the 1-week group. Moreover,
84 J.F. Borin and E.M. McDougall
for strictures >2 cm, there was a statistically significant difference favoring the 1-
week group versus the 6-week group. A recent animal study sought to determine
optimal stent size and duration [56]. After balloon endoureterotomy of an exper-
imentally induced stricture, pigs were maintained with 7 Fr or 7/14 Fr stents for
either 3 or 6 weeks. One month after stent removal, there was no difference in
ureteral diameter or histopathological changes at the stricture site. However,
there was a significant relationship between urinary tract infection (UTI) and
stricture recurrence, with UTI prevalence directly related to a larger stent with
a longer indwell time.
This issue has been examined in human subjects as well. A retrospective
review of 135 patients who underwent endopyelotomy noted a 78% success rate
for those stinted for 3 weeks versus only 60% for the 6-week group [57]. There
are two randomized, prospective trials, performed by the same group, which have
attempted to address this controversy. The first compared two groups of 13
patients who had nephroureteral stents placed for 2 or 4 weeks, following
endopyelotomy [58]. At a mean follow-up of 18 months, diuretic renogram
curves showed objective improvement in 69% (9/13) for the 2-week group versus
54% (7/13) for the 4-week group. The second trial randomized 52 patients after
endopyelotomy; 7/14 Fr internal stents were placed for either 2 or 4 weeks [59].
At a mean follow-up of 22 months, diuretic renography showed improved
drainage in 93% (2-week) versus 90% (4-week), a difference that was not sta-
tistically significant. However, there was a significantly increased incidence of
UTI in the 4-week group versus the 2-week group (38% vs 11.5%, P = 0.04).
These studies suggest that there is no benefit to stinting beyond 2–3 weeks,
and there may even be a detriment in the form of fibrosis and increased risk of
UTI. Therefore, we favor early removal of stents following endoureterotomy or
endopyelotomy, generally after 2 or 3 weeks.
Ureteral stents represent an integral component in the treatment of ureteral
stricture. New materials that are more biocompatible may help to prevent stent
complications such as encrustation, infection, discomfort, and inflammation
leading to fibrosis. In terms of prophylactic use of stents to prevent strictures,
they are probably not necessary following routine ureteroscopy but may be
beneficial in renal transplants. After treatment of ureteral stricture or UPJ
obstruction, there is some evidence that large stents (>12–14 Fr) placed for short
periods of time (2–3 weeks) will result in better long-term success rates and
fewer UTIs.
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