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Ashg Ps August1989

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Am. J. Hum. Genet.

45:332-334, 1989

Update on MSAFP Plficy Statement from

The American Society of Human Genetics
Kenneth L. Garver
Department of Medical Genetics, Western Pennsylvania Hospital, Pittsburgh

This publication is a supplement to The American Society ofHuman Genetics (ASHG) Policy Statement
for Maternal Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein Screening Programs and Quality Controlfor Laboratories Perform-
ing Maternal Serum and Amniotic Fluid Alpha Fetoprotein Assays, published in February 1987 by ASHG
in the American Journal of Human Genetics (40:75-82, 1987). The following statement is an integral
part of the above-referenced Policy Statement, and neither should be relied on separately.
This updated policy statement is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard
to the subject matter covered as of April 20, 1989. It is published with the understanding that the ASHG
is not rendering medical or other professional services. The contents are intended as suggestions only and
should not be relied on for conclusive diagnosis. Users should rely on their own professional judgment
or on consultation with other authorities and should ascertain whether more recent information has been
disseminated by the ASHG or other authorities.

PREAMBLE on 61 pregnancies associated with Down syndrome and

Maternal serum alpha fetoprotein (MSAFP) screening found the average MSAFP level to be 0.72 MOM, which
was a statistically significant reduction. The authors
was originally developed to delineate a subgroup of preg-
nant women whose elevated MSAFP levels indicated
stated that the difference was great enough to form the
an increased risk of having a fetus with an open neural
basis for a screening test. Since the publication of the
tube defect (ONTD). As more data accumulated, it was above articles, there have been other retrospective studies
found that elevated levels of MSAFP were also predic- which have essentially supported the initial findings.
tive of gastroschisis, omphalocele, cystic hygroma, con- In 1987, DiMaio et al. presented their findings for
genital nephrosis, poor pregnancy outcome, and other prospective screening for Down syndrome by measur-
maternal and fetal complications. ing MSAFP during the second trimester in women un-
In 1984, Merkatz et al. reported on 41 cases of fetal der age 35 years. Over a 2-year period 34,354 women
autosomal trisomy diagnosed in utero for which corre- in this age group were screened. From their available
sponding MSAFP and amniotic fluid AFP (AFAFP) data data and their population, the authors concluded that,
could be reviewed. The authors found that the MSAFP using a cutoff risk of 1/270 (a risk at which 5% of
women under age 35 years are offered amniocentesis),
levels expressed as multiples of the median (MOM) were
significantly lower for these 41 women than for those they would detect one-fourth to one-third of pregnan-
in a group of normal matched control subjects. Subse- cies in which the fetus has Down syndrome.
quently, Cuckle and Wald (1984) presented their data Results of prospective collaborative study (1988), de-
signed to assess the feasibility of widespread applica-
tion of AFP screening for Down syndrome, conducted
by the New England Regional Genetics Group (1989)
Received April 25, 1989. and provide further support for the feasibility of such
Address for correspondence and reprints: Kenneth L. Garver, M.D., screening. Data were collected on 77,273 women from
Ph.D., Department of Medical Genetics, Western Pennsylvania Hos-
pital, 4800 Friendship Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15224. eight centers located in New England by performing
0 1989 by The American Society of Human Genetics. All rights reserved. MSAFP screening for Down syndrome. A common pro-
0002-9297/89/4502-0017$02.00 tocol (with minor variations) was used by all centers
Update on ASHG MSAFP Policy Statement 333
and included screening only women under age 35 years, after a normal ultrasound, when there is an MSAFP result that
combining maternal age and MSAFP levels to assign indicates increased risk.
risk, adjusting for maternal weight when calculating 5. The committee did not reach a consensus concerning weight
adjustment for either high or low MSAFP values. Some con-
the MOM, analysis of only one serum for assigning cerns were expressed that a reduction in detection efficiency results
risk, and classifying women as being at increased risk from this adjustment. Others believe that weight adjustment al-
if their individual odds equaled or exceeded the second- lows a better estimate of risk to be assigned and that it should
trimester risk of 35-year-old women (i.e., 1/270). One be included as part of each reporting laboratory's protocol.
Down syndrome fetus was detected for every 89 amnio- The Committee would supplement the original
centeses. The study concluded that one-fourth of fe- MSAFP policy statement with the following statement
tuses with Down syndrome are potentially identifiable regarding elevated MSAFP:
by routine MSAFP screening in women under the age It should be understood by physicians and other health profes-
of 35 years by performing amniocentesis in 2.7% of sionals that women who have increased concentrations of MSAFP
the younger population. and whose fetus does not have a demonstrable abnormality by
The committee did not reach a consensus concern- either level II ultrasound or karyotyping from amniotic fluid,
ing the investigational status of low MSAFP screening continue to have an increased risk for having a fetus with major
for Down syndrome. Some concern was expressed about congenital malformation and poor pregnancy outcomes, such
as perinatal death and low birthweight.
using MSAFP screening before more data are available.
High false-negative and false-positive rates, insufficient The committee would supplement the original
understanding of the limitations of the screening pro- MSAFP policy statement with the following statements
cess in both the professional and lay sectors, and the regarding low MSAFP screening:
consequent risk of undue reliance on Down syndrome 1. By using both MSAFP concentration and maternal age,
screening were cited. a more precise statement can be made of the risk for the fetus
Most committee members felt that, taken together, having Down syndrome.
the two large prospective studies (DiMaio et al. 1987; 2. An improved risk estimate for Down syndrome may be
eight center prospective collaborative study 1988) in- possible for women at 35 or over. However, these women also
have an increased risk for other autosomal chromosome
dicated that a combination of maternal age and MSAFP aneuploidies and for sex-chromosome aneuploidies, for which
can be used to identify a subgroup of pregnant women adjustments by MSAFP are currently not available. In addition,
under the age of 35 years who have an increased risk current medical practice requires that women age 35 years or
of having a fetus with Down syndrome. In such a sub- over be told of the availability of amniocentesis.
group, counseling should be provided prior to the 3. The committee has an abiding concern about the accuracy
and precision of some test kits in assessing low values for serum
MSAFP screen, should be informational and nondirec- AFP.
tive, and should explain to the parents the possibility 4. At present, there are no commercial test kits licensed for
of false-positive and false-negative results. MSAFP Down syndrome screening and risk reporting by the
FDA, and none are in the process of being reviewed for approval.


STATEMENT FOR MSAFP SCREENING This document was drafted by an ad hoc ASHG committee
The Committee would supplement the original under the aegis of the Social Issues Committee and the Genetic
MSAFP policy statement with the following general Services Committee. The ad hoc committee included Ken-
statements: neth L. Garver, M.D., Ph.D., Chairman; Anita M. Buerkle,
M.T., M.B.A.; GeorgeJ. Knight, Ph.D.; MauriceJ. Mahoney,
1. Although quality control was emphasized in the original M.D.; and Aubrey Milunsky, M.D.
policy statement from The American Society of Human Genetics,
this committee wishes to stress that quality control should con-
tinue to be an important part of every MSAFP program. References
2. There is now sufficient data on the black population in
the United States to support using data that are specific to that American Society of Human Genetics policy statement for
population. maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein screening programs and
3. It is the committee's recommendation that an MSAFP quality control for laboratories performing maternal se-
screening should be obtained from all women who are having rum and amniotic fluid alpha-fetoprotein assays (1987) Am
a second-trimester amniocentesis due to a high-risk pregnancy. J Hum Genet 40:75-82
4. Amniocentesis should remain a serious consideration, even Cuckle H, Wald N (1984) Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein
334 Garver (ASHG)

measurement: a screening test for Down syndrome. Lancet New England Regional Genetics Group (1989) Combining
1:926-929 maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein measurements and age
Merkatz I, Nitowsky H, Macri J, Johnson W (1984) An as- to screen for Down syndrome in pregnant women under
sociation between low maternal serum a-fetoprotein and age 35: New England Regional Genetics Group Prenatal
fetal chromosomal abnormalities. Am J Obstet Gynecol Collaborative Study of Down Syndrome Screening. Am J
148:886-894 Obstet Gynecol 160:575-581

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