Dryland Practices AP PDF
Dryland Practices AP PDF
Dryland Practices AP PDF
S. Ramprasad, MSc(Ag)
Consultant Dryland Agriculture
Table of contents
1 Introduction 5-9
5 References 100-105
4 Annexure –I 106-109
Formats used for data collection
Annexure-II 110-114
Concept of Boi diverse Farming System Model
5 Annexure-III 115-118
District level Bio-Diverse Farming system models for dryland
6 Annexure-III 119-133
Cropping system based recommendations
Executive summary
The present study “Current Agricultural practices in Andhra Pradesh” is a part of the program
“Reversing Environmental Degradation and Rural Poverty through Adaptation to Climate
Change in Drought Stricken Areas in South India: A Hydrological Unit Pilot Project Approach”,
referred to as Strategic Pilot on Adaptation to Climate Change (SPACC) Project. Bharathi
Integrated Rural Development Society (BIRDS) entered into an agreement with Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) for implementing a project. This
forms part of the baseline Study to establish pre-intervention scenario of the SPACC project, in
9 pilot Hydrological Units in 7 districts of Andhra Pradesh.
The present study focuses on the current practices in raising major crops in various hydrological
units with respect to agriculture and natural resource management. Strengthening resilience
involves adopting practices that enable vulnerable people to protect existing livelihood
systems, diversify their sources of income, change their livelihood strategies. This report
focuses on a brief Review of the issues of dryland agriculture, policy initiatives, and alternatives
available. A brief look at the works carried out in the sphere of dry land agriculture, at central
and state level, cropping patterns in seven districts of Andhra Pradesh covering 9 hydrological
units, studies the existing crop management practices. From the broad concepts emerging out
it draws some conclusions to throw light on the issues that need support.
The study focuses on the cropping pattern in respective hydrological unit, looks in to the
existing farming practices regarding following issues.
1) Assessment of source of seed, varieties and storage with relation to major crops
2) Assessment of present crop diversity and crop intensity in the project area
3) Assessment of cropping system in the Project area
4) Assessment of Fertilizer and Manure Management in the project area (Source, type, dosage
and method of application)
5) Assessment of Soil erosion management practices ( cultural, physical and others)
6) Assessment of Crop residue management
7) Assessment of current crop yield and cost of cultivation
8) Assessment of prices for the major crops and marketing channel
The broad principles and approaches mentioned in recommendations section are based on the
review of works from academic institutions, views of eminent scientists and grass root level
NGOs, and farmers experiences; the approaches are broadly categorized as follows.
1) Long term approaches for strategic adaptation to climate change
These approaches keeps in mind the natural resources availability, like soils,
water bodies and animal and human populations and their dependencies on
resources. This will consider the needs on the part of communities, opportunities
available and policy and invest supports needed from academic and
administrative bodies. These are strategic approaches with a perspective of
checks and balances in the ecosystem.
a. Farming system based approaches
b. Resource conserving technologies
c. Policy level initiatives
d. Contingency crop plans
e. Cropping system based approaches
f. Researchable areas
2) Short term approaches for strategic adaptation to climate change
These are mainly focused on bringing relief to the farmers, affected by the
vagaries climatic factors on their resources as a result of the climate change.
They are intended to give immediate solutions to problems but if followed would
finally lead towards the sustainable alternatives discussed in the long term
ecological approaches.
Supportive data and additional information are presented in the end of the report.
1.0.0. Introduction
Indian agriculture is traditionally a system of rainfed agriculture. India has a geographical area
of 328.73 million hectares; of which reported area for land use is 306.04 million hectares. The
net area cultivated is about 142.60 million hectares i.e. about 46.6 per cent of the total
reported area. Since nearly 50 million hectares of area is sown more than once, the cropping
intensity works out to 135.1. Forests account for about 68.97 million hectares i.e. 22.5 percent
of the total reported land area. Also nearly 13.97 million hectares are cultivable wastelands and
9.91 million hectares are fallow lands. Only about 30 percent of the total cropped area is
irrigated and the remaining area is rain fed. The available statistics further shows that only
about 66 percent of the gross cropped area is under food crops and nearly 34 percent area
under nonfood crops. Cereals and pulses account for 52.93 per cent and 12.64 percent of the
total area respectively. Fruits and vegetables occupy nearly 4.24 percent of area (Haque 2003).
The potential for expanding irrigated agriculture is decreasing as it becomes more expensive or
risky to further exploit water resources. It has been realized that even if the full irrigation
potential of the country were to become operative, 50% of the net sown area would continue
to be rain-fed. Hence, rain-fed agriculture is still high on India’s development agenda. Its
contribution is vital to the food security and livelihoods of the poorest farming families and
communities, who have no access to irrigated land (Fan and Hazell 2000). The agricultural
census data (Govt. of India, Agricultural Census Division, Ministry of Agriculture, 2002) also
reveal that about 78 percent of operational holdings in the country are marginal and small,
having less than 2 hectares. About 13 percent holdings have 2 to 4 hectares and 7.1 per cent
have 4 to 10 hectares of land. (Haque 2003). Moreover, dryland agriculture holds the key for
future food security because the green revolution has reached its saturation point in enhancing
land productivity. It has also been shown that returns on investment in rainfed agriculture are
greater than those in irrigated agriculture.
Majority of the districts in India are dry farming districts and covers 60 per cent of the total
cultivated area. Most of this area is covered by crops like millets, pulses, oilseeds and cotton
etc. These areas spread throughout the country i.e. Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh,
Madhya Pradesh, Maharastra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. In south
India the Deccan plateau which is rain shadow area consisting of parts of Karnataka, (Bellary,
Raichur, Kolar, Tumkur, Dharwad, Belgam, Gulberga) and Maharastra (Sholapur, Parbani, Pune,
Aurangabad). The dry farming areas in Andhra Pradesh are found in Kurnool, Anantapur,
Kadapa, Mahaboobnagar, Chittoor, and Nalgonda districts. About 84 districts in India fall in the
category of low rainfall area and Providing irrigation to all the drylands is expensive and takes
long time. Even after providing all the irrigation potential in India 55 per cent area remains as
rainfed. (ANGRAU, Hyderabad. http://www.angrau.net/Publications.htm).
The present study “Current Agricultural practices in Andhra Pradesh” is a part of the program
“Reversing Environmental Degradation and Rural Poverty through Adaptation to Climate Change in
Drought Stricken Areas in South India: A Hydrological Unit Pilot Project Approach”, referred to as
Strategic Pilot on Adaptation to Climate Change (SPACC) Project. Bharathi Integrated Rural
Development Society (BIRDS) entered into an agreement with Food and Agriculture Organization
(FAO) of the United Nations (UN) for implementing a project. This is a Medium-sized Project (MSP)
supported by The Global Environment Facility (GEF) Trust Fund. FAO provides co-financing under its
project GCP 177. BIRDS and its partner Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) also provide co-
financing in the form of Local Contribution (LC), in kind.
In line with BIRDS mandate to conduct a Baseline Study to establish pre-intervention scenario of
the SPACC project, in 9 pilot Hydrological Units; The Technical Report: “Current Agricultural
practices in Andhra Pradesh” will be a key input into the Study Document “Local and Scientific
knowledge on climate variability/change and its impact on natural resources in Andhra Pradesh”.
1.2.1. Objective of the study
The present study “Current Agricultural practices in Andhra Pradesh” focuses on the current
practices in raising major crops in various hydrological units with respect to agriculture and
natural resource management. Strengthening resilience involves adopting practices that enable
vulnerable people to protect existing livelihood systems, diversify their sources of income,
change their livelihood strategies. This report focuses on cropping patterns in seven districts of
Andhra Pradesh covering 9 hydrological units working in partnership with 9 partners (Fig.1).
c) The results will be spread through the BIRDS and other networks and thereby aid other
smallholders / communities to adapt to climate change.
1.2.2. Methodology
The study was done between October 10th to December 20th and used mainly qualitative
methods to collect data, which ensured maximum participation of the key stakeholders. The
methodology adopted for achieving the stated objective was solely field based collection and
collation of data. The methodology was designed as per the standards of Qualitative Research
that included the formulation of a structured questionnaire, pre-testing and finally interviewing
the subjects by visiting the identified sites. Qualitative research methods included participatory
methods (PRA) involving focus group discussions and key informants at village level through
workshops and direct observations among others. The key informants are heads of
communities, community chiefs, the spokesmen, elders and other opinion leaders. These
informants are privileged to know the communities very well. The information collected was to
ascertain the present status of farming system, the traditional farming system practiced and its
continuation, alternative sustainable agricultural practices to cope up with effects of climate
change etc.
B. Identification and selection of sites: The scope of the study extended in seven
districts of Andhra Pradesh among the various soil types and rainfall patterns to give the
study a representative picture of the selected parts of the state. The regions that were
identified and included in the project included three geographic areas in Andhra
Pradesh: Prakasam district from Andhra region, Mahaboobnagar and Nalgonda from
Telangana, and all the districts of Rayalaseema with most rainshadow region included
from Kurnool, YSR Kadapa, Anantapur and Chittoor.
C. Data collection: The survey was designed to collect data on farm characteristics (e.g.,
type of production system, landholding size, agricultural practices, income sources etc.)
and sensitivity impacts (e.g., frequency and extent of crop losses). Data is collected in
direct interaction with group/individual farmers, grass root level workers that are
involved in working on sustainable agricultural practices. Farmer practices and
recommendations recorded in interaction with various departments connected with
agricultural services, meteorological department personnel and researchers from the
Agriculture Research Stations to collect relevant information. Data also collected from
various publications from research institution at local, state and national level through
libraries. Data also sourced from publications posted on worldwide web.
The selection of the study areas was done on the basis of association and guidance/advice from
the BIRDS partners. The selected villages varied both in terms of irrigation as well as the
socioeconomic parameters such as total land area; households, human and cattle population,
literacy and average family income. Most of the villages selected for the survey were
dependent on rainfed agriculture and had little to no irrigation facilities at their disposal.
2.0.0. Review on dryland agriculture in the context of climate change
2.0.1. Climate change
Climate change is a complex alteration of climate, subtle and continuous, yet extremely
important through its consequences on vegetation of various types that thrived under constant
or relatively unchanged climates. The effects of climate changes have reached such an extent
that irreversible changes in functioning of the planet are feared. Some of the main effects of
climate change with specific reference to agriculture and food production especially during the
last decade are: increased occurrence of storms and floods; increased incidence and severity of
droughts and forest fires, steady spreading out of frost free intervals and potential growing
seasons, increased frequency of diseases and insect pest attacks and vanishing habitats of
plants and animals. It is important for international scientific community to use all accessible
knowledge to stop or reverse this trend to the maximum extent possible. There has been
various attempts and viable measures in the past to bring down the atmospheric green house
gases to slow down the climate change (Boer et.al 2000).
However, if warming trend continues at its current pace, these may soon prove inadequate.
Carbon dioxide emissions from agriculture are small but other important GHGs are emitted
from agriculture. Agriculture accounts for about 60% of all nitrous oxide, mainly from fertilizer
use and about 50% of methane mainly from natural and cultivated wetlands and enteric
fermentation. Methane and nitrous oxide emissions are projected to further increase from 35-
60% by 2030, driven by growing nitrogen fertilizer use and increased livestock production in
response to growing food demand. As climate patterns shifts, significant impact on crop yields
through changes in temperature, moisture and changes in distribution of pests and diseases. At
the same time, agriculture proved to be one of the most adaptable human activities to varied
climate conditions (Mendelsohn etal, 2001).
Climate change poses particular challenges for India, due to its immense diversity, geographical,
physiographical, social and economic. In India, climate vulnerability and impacts are likely to
vary substantially across regions and populations. Although many impact studies have been
carried out for the agriculture sector (as discussed in the above section) one must acknowledge
the fact that climate change, though a global phenomenon will be mainly faced by resource
poor farmers. Agricultural production remains the main source of livelihood for rural
communities in India, providing employment to more than 65 percent of the population. With
likely long-term changes in rainfall patterns and shifting temperature zones, climate change is
expected to significantly affect agricultural production, which could be detrimental to the
region's food security and economic growth. The severe impacts of climate change have to be
managed by these farmers, at a local level. It affects current conditions of production and their
access to resources, including land, water and seeds, as well as their capacity to apply acquired
Scientific evidence about the seriousness of the climate threat to agriculture is now
unambiguous, although the exact magnitude is uncertain because of the complex interactions
and feedback processes in the ecosystem and in the economy. The Fourth Assessment Report
by the Inter- Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2007, projects for India an
acceleration of warming above that observed in the 20th century, a decrease in precipitation,
and an increase in the occurrence of extreme weather events. Climate change is expected to
have adverse effects on agriculture, the eradication of poverty, food security, and the water
supply (IPCC, 2007).
Agriculture plays a prominent role in the Indian economy. India is a land of small cultivators and
80 per cent of its farmers owning less than 2 ha of land. In other words, the land provides
livelihood security for 65 per cent of the people, and the small farmers provide food security for
1 billion people. Agriculture and allied sectors like forestry, logging and fishing accounted for
16.6% of the GDP in 2007, employed 60% of the total workforce (CIA Fact book, 2008) and
despite a steady decline of its share in the GDP, it is still the largest economic sector. More than
one billion people in India, directly or indirectly are involved in the agricultural sector.
Climate change is likely to affect all the natural ecosystems as well as socio-economic systems
as shown by the National Communications Report of India to the UNFCCC (INC, 2004). Various
studies have indicated a probability of 10 to 40 per cent loss in crop production in the country
due to the anticipated rise in temperature by 2080. Studies conducted by Indian Agricultural
Research Institute (IARI) have pointed to a possible loss of 4 to 5 million tonnes in the overall
wheat production with every 1 degree centigrade increase in temperature throughout the
growing period of the crop.
With the growing evidence of climate change over the last few years, an increasing emphasis
was put on studying the impact of climate change on Indian agriculture (Lal et al., 1998; Kumar
and Parikh, 2001). A number of crop simulation modeling studies, based on future climate
change scenarios, with a focus on the vulnerability of rice and wheat yields has been carried
out. According to the latest results of the crop simulation modeling studies published in the
AR4, the drop in yields of non-irrigated wheat and rice in India will be significant: a temperature
increase beyond 2.5 °C would incur a loss in farm-level net revenue between 9 and 25 percent.
Net cereal production in India is projected to decline at least between 4 and 10 percent by the
end of this century under the most conservative climate change scenario (Lal, 2007 cited in
IPCC, 2007). While yields of important cereal crops like rice and wheat are expected to drop
significantly with impacts of projected climate change, biophysical impacts on some of the
important crops like sugarcane, cotton and sunflower are yet to be studied adequately.
India has a distinctive continental arid and semi-arid climate with hot cloudless dry summers
and moist relatively warm winters in the south and cold winters and with severe frost in the
north. India’s drylands will face not only increasing temperatures with climate change but also
disruptions in their hydrological cycles resulting in less and more unpredictable rainfall that will
worsen thee already critical state of water scarcity and conflicts over water distribution. Nearly
80 m ha of India’s 143 m ha net sown area is rainfed. Rainfed farming area falls mainly in arid,
semi arid and dry sub-humid climate zones. About 15 million ha area lies in arid region which
receives <500 mm rainfall; another 15 mha is in 500 – 700 mm rainfall zone, 42 mha is in 750-
1150 mm rainfall zone and remaining 25 mha receives >1150 mm rainfall per annum. About
74% of the annual rainfall occurs during SW monsoon (June-Sept). This rainfall exhibits high
coefficient of variation with frequent droughts. Over 87% of coarse cereals and pulses, 55% of
upland rice, 77% of oil seeds and 65% of cotton are cultivated under rainfed farming (Singh, AK.,
Venkateswarlu, BV., 2009)
Agriculture is not only sensitive to climate change but is also one of the major drivers of it.
Scientific evidence about seriousness of the climate threat to agriculture is now unambiguous,
but the exact magnitude is uncertain because of the complex interactions and feed back
process in the ecosystem and the economy. In India agriculture sector contributes ~22% of the
total GHG emissions. The emissions are mainly due to methane emitted from rice paddies,
enteric fermentation in ruminant animals, nitrous oxides from application of manures and
fertilizers to agricultural soils (Sharma et al., 2006).
Studies so far suggest that following 5 main climate related factors would affect agricultural
productivity in the coming decades: changes in temperature, precipitation, carbon dioxide,
fertilization, short term weather variability and surface water runoff. Simulation results from
IPCC, Cambridge ()2007 indicate that average global surface temperature could rise by 0.6 –
2.50C in next 50 years, and by 1.4 – 5.80C in the next century. Simulation of future climate in
India under A2 scenario by Indian institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune, and Hadley
Centre, UK indicate that by the last quarter of the present century the mean annual
temperature in the country will almost likely increase by 3-50C. the spatial average for the
increase in annual rainfall during the period is 7 – 10% (Rupakumar, 2006). There will be
disparity in the changes in distribution if rainfall and temperature. North India is expected to be
warmer than the south but more importantly, night temperature and winter temperature
would register higher of 50C increased over the most part. It is also predicted that by 2071 the
overall summer monsoon rainfall in India will increase by 20%, extreme rainfall events would
rise sharply especially in parts of Gujarat, Mahrashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Andhra
Pradesh. Incidence of tropical storms in Arabian sea coast is also likely to increase. The onset of
summer monsoon could become more variable. Overall the changes are likely to have more
adverse effects than benefits. Increase in temperature is likely to be less during the rainy
season and more during winter season, whereas rabi rainfall will be more uncertain. The Kharif
rainfall is likely increase by 10% ( Joshi, NL., Amal kar., 2009).
At present we are able to harness only 29% of the precipitation. It is indeed a challenge to
sustain 17% of the world population. With India’s share of 4.2% of water, 2.3 % of land and 11%
of livestock of the world, meeting the basic requirements; How effectively and judiciously we
harvest water and increase its use efficiency and productivity is the key in the rainfed
agriculture. In a country like with India with majority people dependent on agriculture, soil
erosion at the rate of 16 tons per ha per year should be regarded as a colossal loss (Mangla Rai,
2.1. Government of India’s Initiatives (Poonam Pande and Kaspar Akermann, 2011)
The Government has been trying to mainstream climate change concerns into the relevant
sector policies. Several ongoing efforts to promote sustainable agriculture, forestry and coastal
zone development, address some of these vulnerability concerns, although they are primarily
driven by the objective of sustainable livelihood and poverty alleviation.
India faces the challenge of sustaining its rapid economic growth in order to lift large parts of its
population out of poverty. Climate change represents a serious threat to India’s ambitious
poverty reduction goals. The Government of India recognized the need for a national strategy
to firstly, adapt to climate change and secondly, to further enhance the ecological sustainability
of India's development path. Currently, India spends around 2.6% of its GDP on adaptation
The National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC), which was pre-pared by the Prime
Minister‘s Council on Climate Change and published in June 2008, is the government of India’s
official response to address the upcoming climate challenges. The plan formulates the
government’s climate strategy and addresses both adaptation and mitigation issues. The
implementation of the Plan would be through appropriate institutional mechanisms suited for
effective delivery of each individual Mission's objectives and include public private partnerships
and civil society action. The focus will be on promoting understanding of climate change,
adaptation and mitigation, energy efficiency and natural resource conservation. The NAPCC
plans to institutionalize the identified eight national missions by the respective ministries. The
eight missions are,
i) National Solar Mission
ii) National Mission forEnhanced Energy Efficiency
iii) National Mission on Sustainable Habitat
iv) National Water Mission
v)National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem
vi) National Mission for a Green India
vii) National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture and
viii) National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change.
In accordance with this, the concerned ministries were requested to submit their respective
strategies with a definite plan of action and timeline to the Prime Minister‘s Council on Climate
Change. The National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture, supervised by the Ministry of
Agriculture, has put specialthrust on the following key aspects:
• Strategic Research on varietal improvement (through biotechnology).
• Sustained Increase in food-grain production (through environment friendly, organic,
conservingfarming practices)
• Improvement in water-use efficiency.
• Strengthening Risk Management Systems (through efficient early warning systems and
• insurance schemes)
• Measures for Capacity Building for farmers and Information Management at block
The Ministry of Agriculture has brought out a comprehensive National Policy for Farmers in
2007, so far the only policy, which explicitly spells out the vulnerability of farmers to climate
change. It has a full section devoted to Climate Change where it mentions forming “Climate
Managers” to be trained to face floods, droughts and monsoon aberrations. The policy
recommends “Proactive measures based on simulation models, contingency plans and
alternative land-use and water-use strategies for each major agro-climatic zone, to reduce the
vulnerability to climate change”.
The policy also emphasizes the fact that credit facilities need to be made available to the
farmers. Financial services would be galvanized for timely, adequate and easy reach to the
farmers at reasonable interest rates. The policy also admits that the present National
Agriculture Insurance scheme is not farmer-friendly and states: “Since agriculture is a high-risk
economic activity, farmers need user-friendly insurance instruments covering production, right
from sowing to postharvest operations. The insurance should also cover the market risks for all
crops, in order to insulate the farmers from financial distress and in the process make
agriculture financially viable. Steps would be taken to revamp the National Agricultural
Insurance Scheme to make it more farmer-friendly”.
The National Agriculture Policy, 2002, seeks to achieve growth in a sustainable manner and
with equity. The section most relevant from a climate change point of view is the Risk
Management section. Price fluctuation and natural calamities are recognized as main factor for
imparting instability to condition of farmers.
Risk proofing in agriculture through insurance is a very complicated process. Covering all crops
and all farmers through this seems to be gigantic, rather ambitious task. Technological and
infrastructural solutions are more appropriate in the Indian circumstances. Announcement of
MSP in itself does not ensure that farmers get remunerative price or price above the ceiling
level. Future trading is allowed with more and more agricultural products in India in order to
minimize price fluctuations and for hedging price risk.
2.2.1. Rainfall
Erratic and decreased rainfall especially winter rainfall has a negative impact on Rabi crops,
especially in the rainfed areas. The NE Monsoon deviated from normal by -45% in 2008-09,
-27% in 2006-07, 45% in 2005-06 etc. Rainfed agriculture is risky due to unpredictable rains. For
example in Mahabubnagar in the year 2005-06, there was 61% excess rainfall while in
Anantapur it rained 43% more than normal. However in the year 2008, districts like
Mahaboobnagar, Srikakulam, Adilabad and Nalgonda recorded deficit rainfall in the range of
2.2.2. Temperature
Temperature fluctuations affect Rabi crops severely. Studies show that every 10C rise in
temperature reduces wheat production by 4-5 million tons on a national scale. This would have
severe implications for the crop production in Andhra Pradesh also. Heat waves result in
dehydration of plants which is not regained by night. Damaging effect appears to be caused by
rapid dissipation of reserve carbohydrates that slow down new leaf production and poor
recovery from defoliation.
Key issues:
• Decrease in winter rainfall has a negative impact on winter crops (Rabi crops)
especially in the rainfed areas.
• Temperature fluctuations affect Rabi crops severely.
• Heat waves result in dehydration of plants
• The decrease in area under crops on account of insufficient rainfall, particularly in
the South- West Monsoon period.
• Rainfed agriculture has become risky due to unpredictable rains.
• Due to loss in vegetation, heavy run-off takes place resulting in wastage of water
and soil erosion.
• Dryland areas (parts of Anantapur, Kurnool, Kadapa, west Guntur, east
Mahaboobnagar, Prakasam, Nalgonda) exist in the State where annual rainfall is less
than 550 mm and farming is not viable.
• Loss in fertility of soil in many areas due to excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides.
The purpose of mitigation and adaptation measures is therefore to attempt a gradual reversal
of the effects caused by climate change and sustain development under the inescapable effects
of climate change. Here it is important to understand the subtle difference between mitigation
and adaptation, which are related to the temporal and spatial scales on which they are
effective. The benefits of mitigation activities carried out today will be evidenced in several
decades because of the long residence time of green house gases in the atmosphere, whereas
the effects of adaptation measures should be apparent immediately or in the near future
(Kumar and Parikh, 2001). Besides, mitigation has global in addition to local benefits, where as
adaptation typically takes place on a local or regional scale. Adaptation measures include
establishing disaster risk management plans and risk transfer mechanisms, such as crop
insurance and diversified livelihood systems (Reilly and John, 1996). Mitigation options include
carbon sequestration in agriculture and forestry. The IPCC estimates that the global technical
mitigation potential for agriculture will be between 5500 and 6000 Mt CO2 equivalent per year
by 2030, 89% of which are assumed to be from carbon sequestration in soils. The potential
benefits of carbon sequestration are: 1. Mitigation is done when CO2 is removed from the
atmosphere. 2. Adaptation is achieved when higher organic matter levels in soil increases agro-
ecosystem resilience and 3. Income generation and livelihood is sustained when improved soil
fertility leads to better yields. (Venkateswarlu and Arun, 2009).
Table.1. Dry land Vs Rainfed farming.
Source: National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (NBSSLUP), 2001.
2.3.1. Dryland agriculture - history and work in India
The repeated and frequent crop failure in the past, resulting in short food grain supply,
attracted the attention of our scientists and administration. Thus the scarcity of food grains in
India was made the subject of enquiry in the year 1880 and the first Famine Commission was
appointed in the same year. The commission after thorough study of the situation
recommended the establishment of protective irrigation projects in South India and formation
of department of agriculture in all the states. But nothing could be done till 1923 when the first
systematic and scientific approach to the dry farming problem in India was made. (Work on dry
farming in India. Website: http://www.world-agriculture.com/dry-land-farming/work-on-dry-
1920 Scarcity tract development given importance by the Royal Commission on Agriculture
1984 Initiation of World Bank assisted Watershed Development Programmes in four states.
Establishing Dryland Development Board in Karnataka
Research efforts on rainfed agriculture were initiated in the early nineties by Imperial council of
Agricultural Research. The six schemes in operation in different scarcity areas are given in
Research studies under these schemes yielded several tentative indications for further large
scale trials and some states notably Madras and Hyderabad launched new ‘development’
schemes for extending the useful cultural practices in the rural areas. The findings were on
slowing the runoff water from rainfall, ploughing and harrowing to preserve soil moisture, strip
cropping inclusion of legumes and grasses/fodder crops.
National commission on agriculture (NCA, 1976) reported that for improving productivity in
rainfed areas, there is a need to identify areas according to total rainfall. In the low rainfall
areas (250-750 mm per year) where rainfall is highly variable with regard to quantity and
distribution, there is a need to introduce forage legumes in rotation with field crops to provide
a base for animal husbandry, with good breeds of cattle and sheep would also help in buildup
of organic matter of soil. These areas need plan for
NCA made a special reference to integrated plant nutrient management system(IPNS). All India
Coordinated Research Project for Dryland Agriculture (AICRPDA) started as a collaborative
project between and ICAR and Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) during 1970-
71. It was initiated at 23 centres selected on agroclimatic basis in collaboration with agricultural
universities and ICAR institutes. To give its due importance, ICAR granted the project an
institutional status as Central Research Institute on Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), in 1985, with
Hyderabad as its headquarter. The project started with the identification of the constraints
responsible for lower yields in different regions; and then to develop a relevant location specific
research program to solve production constraints.
It was also felt by government that after introducing High Yielding Varieties Program (HYVP,
1966), there should be immediate follow up steps to fill the gap between irrigated and dry
tracts. As a part of Fourth Five Year Plan only dryland agriculture development program was
launched with an outlay of INR. 147.5 lakhs, to promote research in improved dryland
technology and its application to dry farming areas.
2.4.1. Risk financing programs
a. Crop Insurance
The National Agriculture Insurance Scheme has been implemented in Andhra Pradesh
since 1999-2000. The schemes are a mix of voluntary and compulsory participation.
They are voluntary at the state level in terms of specific areas and crops. Once the
specific area-crop combinations have been notified, participation is compulsory for
farmers in those areas cultivating the specific crops and taking agricultural loans. In the
case of loanee farmers the sum insured may be at least equal to the crop loan
advanced. All farmers can insure to the value of the threshold yield of the insured crop.
Eighteen crops are currently insurable under NAIS during Kharif season (e.g., rice, maize,
sunflower, groundnut, sugarcane, and cotton) and ten crops during Rabi season (e.g.,
rice, maize, sunflower, and groundnut). The standard area yield insurance scheme has
recently been extended to farm income insurance and rainfall insurance. The XI Finance
Commission noted the need to strengthen the crop insurance scheme as a
supplementary measure to what is done by the government for providing relief at the
time of natural calamity.
This fund was established separately for each state on the basis of recommendations of
the IX Finance Commission and has since been approved for continuation by the X and
XI Finance Commissions. This fund should be used for meeting the expenditure for
providing immediate relief to the victims of cyclone, drought, earthquake, fire, flood and
hailstorm. This fund came into effect in 2000-01 and continues to be in operation till
the end of financial year 2004-05. National calamities of cyclone, drought, earthquake,
fire, flood and hailstorm considered to be of severe nature requiring expenditure by the
State government in excess of the balance available in its own CRF qualify for relief
assistance under NCCF scheme. The initial corpus of the National Fund is Rs.500 crores
provided by the Government of India. National Centre for Calamity Management
(NCCM) is constituted by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, to monitor
the occurrence of natural calamities relating to cyclone, drought, earthquake, fire, flood
and hailstorm on a regular basis and assess their impact on area and population. The
assistance from NCCF is only for immediate relief and rehabilitation. Any reconstruction
of assets or restoration of damages is financed through plan funds. The unspent balance
of NCCF at the end of the financial year 2004-05 will become available to the Central
Government to beused as a resource for the next plan.
2.4.2. Drought Proofing Programs
a. Drought Prone Areas Program (DPAP)
DPAP, a centrally sponsored scheme, in operation since 1973, aims at restoring ecological
balance in the drought prone areas and mitigation of the adverse effects of drought on
crops and livestock through integrated development of natural resources by adoption of
appropriate technologies. However, the program fell short of its initial objectives despite
large expenditure.
DPAP is aimed at developing the drought prone area with an objective of drought proofing
by taking up of soil land moisture conservation, water harvesting structures, afforestation
and horticulture programs on a comprehensive micro watershed basis. During 1994-95 the
program was implemented in 69 blocks of 8 districts. From 1995-96 the program is
extended further: 11 districts with 94 blocks under the scheme and Anantapur with 16
blocks under Desert Development Programs (DDP). So far, 3518 watersheds were taken up
covering 110 blocks in 12 districts covering an area of 17.6 lakh hectares. Almost 30 percent
of the total watersheds in country are located in Andhra Pradesh. Total Rs.507.57 crores are
spent towards implementation of the program from 1995-96 to 2002-03. The expenditure
for this program is shared by center and state governments in the ratio of 75:25.
d. Micro Irrigation Project
The state of Andhra Pradesh has been experiencing severe water stress due to continuous
drought situation over the last 3 years. There is therefore an imperative need to promote
judicious use of water, particularly in-respect to agricultural activities. With this in view the
Government has launched a massive Micro Irrigation Project in 2003-04 throughout the
state, with special emphasis on water stress mandals. The project envisages installation of
sprinklers, drip irrigation and rain guns to use the irrigation water available underground in
the most efficient manner while improving productivity. It is contemplated that in the first
phase an extent of 2.50 lakh ha would be covered at an outlay of nearly Rs. 1200 Cr. The
farmers will be given 50% state Government subsidy on the unit cost.
The development of semi arid and rainfed drought prone areas is one of the priority areas
of Government of Andhra Pradesh and it is also established that development of natural
resources in these areas will lead to sustainable rural livelihood. Participation of the
committee of resource poor and landless as primary stakeholders is precondition of
sustainable rural livelihood. Therefore, the Government of Andhra Pradesh has entered into
an agreement with Department for International Development (DFID, UK), who shares this
vision, for implementing AP Rural Livelihoods Project (APRLP) in Anantapur, Kurnool,
Mahabubnagar, Nalgonda and Prakasam districts. The APRLP will facilitate the objective of
people centered development input to the ongoing watershed Program of government
including 500 new innovative watersheds, sustainable rural livelihood initiatives in 2000
ongoing watersheds, capacity building of various stakeholders, research and lesson learning
for policy initiatives, and infrastructure support.
f. Watershed Development
National Agriculture Bank for Rural Development (NABARD) finances a watershed
development fund. Due to watershed development Program, the proportion of area under
irrigation has increased by 19 to 129 percent among all households. Total employment has
gone up by 11 to 29 percent. Yield rates have gone up for irrigated as well as un-irrigated
crops. Only 50 percent of the watersheds studied are economically viable in terms of
incremental returns. The equity effect is not clearly known, though the impact on rich and
medium households possessing of lands seems higher. Drinking water situation improved
substantially. Ground water levels improved to a limited extent. Migration of labor
decreased during execution period. But in majority of cases, this is not sustained after the
executing period. Household’s preference for education increased. The role of women in
financial matters has improved substantially.
The programme is self-targeting in nature with special emphasis to provide Wage
Employment to women, scheduled casts, scheduled tribes and parents of children
withdrawn from hazardous occupations. The works to be taken up must be labor intensive,
leading to the creation of additional wage employment, durable assets and infrastructure,
particularly those which would assist in drought proofing such as soil and moisture
conservation works, watershed development, afforestation, etc.
j. Employment Programs
There are many other self employment programs, based on income generation, to improve
the livelihood of the affected population. These programs are based on people’s
participatory approach. Andhra Pradesh government has created various employment
generation programs to eradicate poverty. While considering self employment schemes the
government has given priority for mini and micro enterprises. These programs can be
considered as mitigation measures at the time of drought.
employment to the poor during hard times, to create community assets through labor-
intensive work and to pay the laborers in food grains or other food items.
a) Climatic constraints : rain fall characteristics lie at the heart of the problems. In these tracts
not only just rain fall variability over seasons, but its intensity, distribution matters. Late onset
of monsoon, early withdrawal, prolonged dry spells added with high atmospheric temperature
and low relative humidity effects the cropping season. Drought is the foremost important
constraint in dry land farming.
b) Soil related constraints: soil moisture level and its duration have profound effect on soil
texture and structure, since weathering process and microbial population are directly related to
it. This culminates in low soil fertility and accelerated erosion over years.
c) Traditional cultivation practices: Ploughing along the slope, Broadcasting seeds/ sowing
behind the country plough leading to poor as well as uneven plant stand. Monsoon sowing,
limited choice of crops based on rainfall and application FYM in limited quantity are major
d) Lack of suitable varieties: Research and investments in dry land agriculture are meager
compared to irrigated agriculture, leaving limited choice in seed and inputs.
e) Socio economic constraints: the farmers are resource poor and access to inputs and credit is
very less. In case of recurring crop failures owing to droughts, farmers cultivating input
intensive crops are getting in to debt traps.
2.5.1. Drought
Drought occurs in high as well as low rainfall areas. Farmers term drought as deficient rainfall,
lack of moisture or a dry spell resulting in low crop yields including crop failure. They realize
that seasonal variations in precipitation and temperature are much more important in farming
than annual averages. Regardless of variability in perspective, it is clear that drought is a normal
feature of climate and its recurrence is inevitable. Drought is a condition relative to some long-
term average condition of balance between rainfall and evapo-transpiration in a particular area,
a condition often perceived as normal. Yet average rainfall does not provide an adequate
statistical measure of rainfall characteristics in a given region, especially in the drier areas.
Dry lands are areas which receive an annual rainfall of 750 mm or less and there is no irrigation
facility for raising crops. Dry land Agriculture is scientific management of soil and crops under
dry lands with out irrigation in areas that receives an annual rainfall less than 750 mm. Drought
is a regular weather phenomenon that occurs in such areas resulting in insufficient moisture
supply to the plants under which they fail to develop and mature properly. It may be caused by
soil, atmosphere or both. Based on its time of occurrence, such rainless periods/ agricultural
drought may be termed as early season drought, mid season drought and terminal drought.
Early season drought generally occurs either due to delayed onset of monsoon or due
to prolonged dry spell soon after the onset of the rainy season. This may at times result
in seedling mortality needing re-sowing or may result in poor crop stand and seedling
growth. Further, duration of the water availability for crop growth gets reduced due to
delayed start and the crops suffer from acute shortage of water during reproductive
stage due to early withdrawal of monsoon.
Mid season drought occurs due to inadequate soil moisture availability between two
successive rainfall events during the crop growth period. Its effect varies with the crop
growth stage and intensity and duration of dry spell. Stunted growth takes place if it
occurs at vegetative phase and in case it occurs at flowering or early reproductive stage
it will have an adverse effect on crop yield.
Late season or terminal drought occurs as a result of early cessation of monsoon rains
and can be anticipated to occur with greater certainty during the years with late
commencement or weak monsoon activity. Terminal droughts are more critical as the
final grain yield is strongly related to water availability during the reproductive stage.
These conditions are often associated with an increase in ambient temperatures leading
to forced maturity. Probability of getting affected by drought at terminal stage of crop is
high in the regions of northern, western and central India (Sharma et al., 2008 ).
Drought differs in three essential characteristics: intensity, duration and spatial coverage.
Intensity refers to the degree of the precipitation shortfall and/or the severity of impacts
associated with the shortfalls. Intensity is generally measured by the departure of some climatic
index from normal and is closely linked to duration in the determination of impact. Impacts are,
in turn, related to the timing (e.g., delays in the start of the rainy season, occurrence of rains in
relation to principal crop growth staged) and effectiveness of rainfall (e.g. number of rainfall
events). Other climatic factors such as temperature, wind and humidity can significantly
aggravate its severity. Droughts are categorized as meteorological, hydrological, agricultural
and socio-economic (Nagarajan 2003).
Socio-economic drought is associated with the supply and demand of economic goods
such as water, forage, food grains, fish, hydroelectric power, etc. Socio-economic
drought occurs when the demand for an economic good exceeds supply as a result of a
water-related shortfall in water supply.
Farmer is the first to be affected by drought followed by other sections of the society. Drought
is the single most important weather related natural disaster often aggravated by human
actions like deforestation, excessive grazing, over exploitation of ground water etc. drought has
serious impacts on natural resources, food security and economy since it affects a very large
area for months and sometimes successive years. Over 29 % of the country’s total geographical
area is drought prone that experiences drought every second and third year approximately 50
million people are annually affected by drought. About 20-25% percent of the districts suffer
from droughts of varying intensities almost every year in India. But, droughts of severe
intensities occurred on an average once in 25 years such as 1877, 1899, 1918, 1972, 2002 and
2009. The impacts of these major droughts on socio economic and bio physical resources varied
across regions and years (Osman, M., et al., 2010).
Andhra Pradesh ranks third in terms of drought prone state after Rajasthan and Karnataka in
India. The state has an area of 274.85 lakh ha. It has arid and semiarid and sub-humid climatic
conditions. The average maximum and minimum temperatures are 39.00C and 15.70C
respectively. There are six major soil types namely red soil(66%), black soil(25%), alluvial clay
loam soil(5%), coastal sands(3%) and problem soils(1%). Average annual rainfall of the state is
911 mm, two thirds fo it is received during SW monsoon period. The distribution of rainfall is
erratic resulting in frequent droughts. Coastal Andhra and Telangana receive rains mainly
through south west monsoon (80%), while Rayalaseema to a large extent by north east
monsoon. On an average thee state of Andhra Pradesh receives 602 mm of rain during sW
monsoon (June- September) and 203 mm during north east monsoon (October-December).
(Osman, M., et al., 2010).
more depending on stage of crop. Drought is distinguished from aridity and it may be expected
that both very wet and very dry regions experience drought. From an agricultural standpoint, a
drought indicator should record crop management on the phenological drought sensitivity.
Weather technology should be collineated. Thus, the partition between weather effect on
yields and technology should be diffused. Emphasis should be placed on identifying periods
within a given growing season when drought related weather conditions have greatest effect
like yield altering impacts and crops. An operational definition would be one that compares
daily precipitation values to evapotranspiration rates to determine the rate of soil moisture
diffusion and express these relationships in terms of drought effects on plant behaviour at
various stages of crop development. Thus, intensity of drought is a ratio of actual
evapotranspiration (AET) to potential evapotranspiration (PET) during the growing season.
Rural communities largely depend on natural resources like land, water and forests for their
livelihoods. Loss of yield of crops, loss in area sown, shortage of fodder, shortage of drinking
water for humans and livestock and loss in production of livestock would be major categories
under natural capital. Social capital is reflected in instances like dropping out of children from
school, poor credit worthiness, postponement of social obligations like marriages and increase
in conflicts and crime rate among rural communities. Human capital effects includes the skills,
ability to labor and good health to pursue different livelihood strategies increase in level of
migration. Physical capital reflects in poor access to basic inputs for agricultural production
such as seed and fertilizers, equipment and water resources etc. financial capital impact is
clearly observed in reduction in sources of income and cushioning effect to mitigate drought.
Farmers are forced to purchase inputs on higher rate of interest from non formal sources like
money lenders and traders. This pushes farmer into different paths of vicious cycles of
mounting debts, low standard of living, and children being forced to work and eke out living.
The rural poor are increasingly dependent on common pool resources (CPR), such as pastures
and forests for grazing their animals. This has cumulative adverse effect on the forest
ecosystem and accelerated desertification process in dry regions. In all the three regions of
Andhra Pradesh, viz., Rayalaseema, Telangana and coastal Andhra, it is concluded that major
constraint from drought are decline in cattle population, followed by increase in level of
migration. (Osman, M etal., 2010).
2.6.0. Cropping pattern changes
In a study on cropping pattern changes and various factors responsible in 175 districts of Semi
Arid Tropics(SAT) in India, form 1968-1994, it is observed a dramatic shift away from coarse
grains in favor of wheat, paddy and oil seeds with declining share in cereals 53-47%, oil seeds
10-19%. Where as traditional SAT crops price/profit, yield and fertilizer prices have highest
impact on changing cropping pattern in major crop zones (Ashok and Tim, 1999).
Crop diversification between 70-90’s parts of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Madhya
Pradesh agricultural production system has transformed from subsistence to semi commercial.
There is considerable potential for crop intensification and diversification in rainfed areas
(Joshi, 2002).
Of the 84 dryfarming districts in India Nalgonda with 732.2mm rainfall is having total irrigated
area 16.6% of the net cropped area with principal crops castor (39.44%), Bajra (29.45%), Jowar
(17.22%) and Redgram (2.78%). Average size of farm is 14.72 acre with an average investment
for cultivation Rs. 504 and on large farms with average area of 36.2 acre the investment is Rs.
474.90 only. On the basis of net returns castor ranked first followed by Bajra, Jowar and Red
gram. The cost benefit ratio of small farms were higher than larger farms and better operated
also (Balreddy. K., 1974).
There was gradual increase in non agricultural area (2.48%), net sown area (0.63%) and double
cropped area (12%) per year by 1966-67 with 1954-55 as base year. At the same time there was
steady decline in uncultivated land(0.15%), cultivated waste land (7%), permanent pasture
(1.45%) and current fallow(3.61%). A trend of change in cropping pattern with major crop as
paddy(6.76%), jowar (2.6%), pulses (0.3%), fibre crops (6.32%) and chillies (16.32%), and at the
same time declining trend was observed with bajra (4.7%), minor millets (5.2%) and oil seeds
(1.89%) per year (Amruth Reddy. G., 1968). Key role need to be played by government through
introduction of pro poor policies and linking small producers with large processors along with
proper institutional arrangements for improving crop livestock systems in dryland parts of
India.(Rao and Birthal, 2004).
Coarse cereals, millets continue declining trend, whereas slow down or retreat of oil seed
acreage after GATT trade liberalization measures was implemented. Cotton was one major crop
that continued increased share during 90’s. Release of non irrigation land under millets was
simply leading higher incidence of fallows and these cropping pattern changes may have high
implications for seasonal migration by dryland farmers (Kubo 2004).
Agricultural diversification of small farms of Nizamabad district of Andhra Pradesh from
subsistence to semi commercial farming over a period of time, but further diversification is
possible with promoting milch animals, goat/sheep and poultry as backyard enterprises. But
constraints here found to be availability of information, water facility, capital, proper
management capabilities and institutional arrangements (Choudary etal 1996).
Cropping pattern diversified over time with advancements in mechanization, road density and
% increase in irrigation area, in Prakasam district from jowar to pulses like red gram and
chickpea. Whereas in Mahaboobnagar district area under jowar diversified in to maize, castor
and groundnut. In Anantapur district context rainfall, fertilizer application and mechanization
favored specialization in groundnut (Kumaracharyulu, 2007).
In semi-arid regions, dryland farmers have developed cropping practices ranging from
summer ploughing to crop rotations that are suited to the harsh agroclimatic conditions they
have to deal with (Pionetti and Reddy 2002).
The key resource conservation based technologies are in situ moisture conservation, rain water
harvesting and recycling, efficient use of irrigation water, conservation agriculture, energy
efficiency in crop production and irrigation and use off poor quality water. The suggested
strategies are (Kapoor, 2006).
• Integrated nutrient management (INM) and site specific nutrient management (SSNM)
also have potential in increased rice yields and thereby increased net CO2 assimilation,
30-40% increase in nitrogen use efficiency.
One of the key emerging technologies to reduce GHG emissions from paddy fields is the use of
zymogenic bacteria, acetic acid and hydrogen producers, methanogens, CH4 oxidisers and
nitrifiers and denitrifiers which help in maintaining the soil redox potential in a range where
N2O and CH4 emissions are low. (Hou etal., 2000).the application of urease inhibitors,
hydroquinone(HQ) and nitrification inhibitors, Dicyandiamide (DCD) together with urea also is
an effective technology for reducing N2O and CH4 paddy fields. Use of neem coated urea is
another simple and cost effective technology and can be followed in entire south Asia by small
farmers. Promotion of integrated farming system for small and marginal farmers will be a viable
alternative in combating climate change. Multiple-enterprise agriculture wherein crop livestock,
poultry, fish farming and tree in a single unit of land will minimize the risk.
Increasingly more blocks are being declared as ‘black” in regard to the ground water situation.
In this context a large number of farmers will continue to depend on dry land agriculture where
they suffer from depleted land and water resources, uncertain weather, low value crops and
low productivity. There is a huge gap between the yield obtained and the potential yield of
these crops in dry land conditions. There is also a vast scope for increasing supplementary
enterprises, especially dairy and dryland horticulture. For this he suggested the needed action
in terms of increasing investment in land improvement and water conservation, instituting
proper price policy, establishing efficient marketing structures, ensuring adequate supply of
credit and providing protection against risks. He stressed the need for effective governance and
enabling people’s participation as they are the key elements in delivering the needed action to
realize the full potential of rainfed agriculture (Vyas, VS., 2007).
The ecological foundation of agriculture is essential for sustainable advancement. Soil health,
efficient use of water and mobilization of the farming community towards the management of
natural resource are all vital issues. Now farming has become a high risk profession and the
support from agricultural systems was reaching only to a small minority of farmers. Natural
resource management should concentrate on common property resources (Yugandhar, BN.,
The agriculture land had good water retention capacity and was rich in nutrients till the early
60s. The farmers were adopting organic ways of agriculture which they have been practicing
since centuries. The region witnessed the penetration of Green Revolution in the mid 60s.
Owing to the strong traditions of sustainable agriculture, the farming community did not accept
the introduction of chemicals and pesticides initially. But, the farming community was lured to
purchase chemicals. In return, they were offered cement bags. These bags were otherwise
available only against permit. Then there were cases when the government officials used to
spray Urea in the farmer’s fields free of cost during night time in order to prove its ‘benefits’. In
short, one could say that the shift from organic ways of agriculture to chemical based farming
was under compulsion and not by choice. (Anil Rana 2006).
Rice is grown by direct and transplanted conditions. Weed competition is more in direct seeded
rice. Reduction in yield to the tune of 34% in transplanted rice, 45% in direct seeded low land rice
and 67% in upland rice are reported. Weed competition in direct seeded rice is greatest during the
first three weeks .The critical period for weed free condition for higher productivity is reported to
be 30 – 35 days in transplanted rice where as direct seeded low land and upland condition the weed
free period ranges from 40-60 days (ANGRAU).
Production for the far off markets necessitated use of external inputs like chemical fertilizers,
hybrid seeds, pesticides, irrigation etc. Increased dependency on high cost external inputs in
agriculture also made farmers to depend on external credit on a regular basis. Dependence on
credit for agriculture, a matter of shame during 1960s, became an absolute necessity by 2000.
Cultivation of cash crops like cotton and tobacco, also led to scarcity of fodder. This resulted in
farmers giving up animal husbandry, thereby resulting in acute scarcity of farmyard manure and
making the use of chemical fertilizers inevitable. Adoption of modern technologies in
agriculture like tractors and pump sets have resulted in the neglect of draught animals. Even
the livestock production has been totally changed into industrial type of production from
backyard system.
Agriculture in India, was an integrated cultivation of crops, animals and trees to meet most of
the family and community needs rather than market. Trees played an important role in
providing green manure, fodder, fruits, fuel and timber besides conserving soil water and
hosting beneficial insects and birds. We had more than 15 species of cereals which were
drought and pest resistant and were more nutritious. It is necessary to revive the traditional
knowledge on seed selection and preservation to bring back the self reliance and seed
availability at the time of sowing.
With depletion of agricultural lands and lack of irrigation facilities, agriculture in arid and
emiarid regions is becoming uneconomical. Agroforestry provides a viable solution for such
problems. Promotion of afforestation should be based on well tested technical and economic
data to guide the farmers and general public in the right direction ( Narayan G Hegde, 2011).
Planting trees on bunds and wastelands generates additional biomass, serving as a source for
enriching soil-health. Chetna brought about a positive impact on the livelihoods of tribal
farmers in Utnoor by promoting small shifts in the cropping systems integrating trees. Such
interventions being low external-input have proved to be environmentally safe and
economically viable (Ashok Kumar, 2011).
Tree cultivation in agroforestry system has the potential to take pressure off extractive
harvesting from natural forests, contributing to in-situ conservation, limiting deforestation and
fixing carbon in farmland. Agroforestry is therefore seen as an important means of ‘climate-
smart’ development (Maikhuri RK and Vikram S Negi, 2011).
Tree based farming has proved successful in providing sustained incomes for the farmers in the
rainfed areas. The model has helped in converting the unproductive waste lands of tribal
families in parts of Maharashtra into productive mango and cashew growing lands (Sherkar and
R C Kote, 2011).
Practitioners of agriculture who have paid close attention to the ways in which their crops grow
under different conditions often have a good sense of the linkage between soil fertility and the
living status of the soil. The very term “soil” does not reflect adequately the extent to which its
fertility is a consequence of the life within it – the abundance, diversity and activity of soil
organisms. It would be better to talk and think in terms of “soil systems”, as implied by the
motto of organic farmers: “Don’t feed the plant – feed the soil, and the soil will feed the plant”.
Green manuring is the best way to improve soil health. Cover crops build balanced ecosystem
and develop the right kind of micro climate for the plants. They also restrict direct sunlight on
to the ground, thus, restricting the growth of weeds over 2-3 years time. Presence of weeds in a
way is an index to soil fertility. All the weeds act as host plants for soil microbes, which build up
the soil health. Instead of trying to eliminate weeds, it is better to raise cover crops, especially
the leguminous ones, restricting the growth of weeds. Cover crops not only fix huge amounts of
nitrogen in the soil but also help in managing the pests (Nandish, BN., 2006).
Soil degradation reduces soil productivity and is a serious problem on much of the land in
semiarid regions. To avert continued degradation, the soil productivity balance must be shifted
from degrading processes to conservation practices. Crop residue management and
conservation tillage are on the positive side of the balance. When adequate residues are
available and conservation tillage is used, soil erosion is greatly reduced and water conservation
is enhanced. Water conservation is important for improving crop yields in semi-arid regions,
especially where irrigation is not used. A major constraint to residue management in many
countries is low production and widespread use for other purposes. In such cases, clean tillage
and appropriate support practices such as contouring, furrow diking, strip cropping and
terracing may provide adequate soil and water conservation benefits. Where these are not
adequate, alternative management practices should be implemented to ease the demand for
residues, thus permitting more of them to be retained on the land for soil and water
conservation purposes. Some alternative practices include limited or selective residue removal,
substituting high quality foliages for residues as animal feed, alley cropping, using wasteland
areas more effectively, improving the balance between feed supplies and animal populations,
and using alternative fuel sources (Ungera et. al., 1991).
Small scale watershed development is a viable way to improve degraded ecosystems, create
diverse livelihood opportunities for rural people and build stable ecosystems based on the
pillars of water, soil and biodiversity.( Raghavendra Rao, K., 2010)
Animals provide manure, food and income and are used for cultivation and transport
economically. Different animals can be fed on farm wastes efficiently which provide financial
security at the time of distress. In Indian culture, cattle are treated as an integral part of the
family. After undergoing the huge loses from adapting crossbred cows like Holstein, Frisien and
Jersey, farmers are fast changing towards indigenous cattle, since their maintenance is cheaper
and the male calves can be used for cultivation and transport (Narayana Reddy, L., 2006).
Livestock is moving out of agriculture. If we can take care of the bullocks for 3 months an year,
they would be brought back into farming systems and this could be achieved with investments
matching the subsidy on diesel consumed for land preparation and weeding. Bullocks in this
sense might compete with mechanization. Streamlining of bullock power would help in timely
sowing of crops by small and marginal farmers that in t self improves the productivity by about
20%. Similarly, supporting graziers, value addition of fodder etc. and easing critical small
constraints will bring the livestock back into farming systems. Separating livestock systems from
agriculture will cost the economy more as it increases demand on energy and nutrients. We
need to protect such integration. Goats and sheep have an economic rate of return equal to IT
sector and have very high income generating potential for the poor(Ravindra, A., 2007).
Usually farmers who do not own any cattle are not in the practice of applying farm-yard
manure. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to think of various ways by which farmers
may have access to farm-yard manure, compost, etc. One possibility could be the promotion of
composting as an enterprise that can be taken up by self help groups that dot the rural areas of
Andhra Pradesh(Rukmani, R and Manjula, M., 2009).
There are strong evidences across the country, which show that regenerative and resource-
conserving technologies and practices can bring both environmental and economical benefits
for farmers and communities. It is also proved that Community Based Organizations (CBOs) can
provide good platform for various innovations to take roots. There are different experiences in
relation to Non Pesticidal Management, Farmers Field Schools, Community Seed Banks, Organic
Farming, Decentralized Food Security, Social Regulation of Water etc. by various government
and nongovernment agencies across the country. There are also other experiences like System
of Rice Intensification, Diversity based Cropping Systems, Millet based Cropping Systems,
Innovative use of Labor and Drought Adaptation Initiatives. In rainfed areas the innovation
need not narrowly focus on productivity alone, but also on sustaining resources and reducing
the costs and risks.
The farmer is the end user of resources, production technologies and development facilities,
the need is to build capacities of small and marginal farmers (middle level) in handling natural
resources and managing farming as an enterprise. We are in a situation where farming is
externalized; even dryland farmers are now dependent on market for seeds. The issue is not
only the cost but also reliability. Even in rainfed farming the elite farmers are enterprising, but
the majority of the middle level farmers are starving for information. Farming from subsistence
has moved on to market; now they have to generate the income.
Organic farming which was dismissed earlier as unproductive is now gaining popularity because
of the market pull. Organic farming based on approaches to solve production problems is more
sustainable rather than being market driven. On production front, the question is how we move
from a plant-nutrient relationship to soil-productivity relationship and how to measure
system’s productivity rather than yield per unit cropped area. He said that experiences show
that rainfed agriculture benefits by organic farming (Ramanjaneyulu, GV., 2007).
Introduction of rice into the diet of rainfed areas not only caused anemia, but the crop requires
high rainfall and flat lands which is quite unsuitable to rainfed areas. Thus, cultivation of paddy
in dryland areas in fact increased the fallow land leading to further degradation. To grow one
kilo of rice, 3000liters of water is required and each acre of irrigated area takes 6 million litres
of water. In economic terms, the cost of this water use would be 60,000 rupees per acre.
(Satheesh, PV., 2007).
SRI yields in Purulia rainfed areas are promising. In Tripura, there is an effort in which SRI was
taken up in14,000 hectares of land within 2-3 years and this was done by the Agricultural
Department in convergence with Panchayat Raj Department. These sort of experiences need to
be related to the context of rainfed farming. And for that there should be ‘learning alliances’, he
concluded (Shambu Prasad, 2007).
The savings in power subsidy for the 4 irrigations that could be saved in SRI paddy, can pay for
all weedings, which seems to be a bottleneck in its promotion. He felt that we are into an
‘irrigation’ paradigm. If we can shift to a ‘critical irrigation’ on a large scale paradigm we can
achieve substantial increase in overall production. We have not invested on borewell irrigation
other than power subsidy. If we can provide for developing infrastructure in distribution of
borewell water it would enable provision of critical irrigation support to rainfed crops where
the productivity gains are about 40 to 60%.(Ravindra, A., 2007).
Organic farming is intensively promoted in Cuba where change in focus of research from
chemical to organic. In india there is a the need for revival of traditional cascade of tank
systems. System of Rice Intensification as a concept which is now not limited to paddy but also
extended to other crops like castor, sunflower in Gujarat (Venkateswarlu, J., 2007).
Scientists promote pesticides because it is an easy option. They don’t have to do anything
except recommend dosages. Andhra Pradesh has been reeling under high costs of cultivation,
with deeply indebted farmers. When group action is required, government efforts don’t seem
to work too well. Technologies that require group action don’t get pushed and IPM has failed to
bring down the cost of plant protection.(Sanghi, NK., 2006).
A paradigm shift that should consider that the farmers need hand holding for better utilization
of resources (less exploitative). This should also consider there defined role of enablers and the
extension approaches (PTD and FFS in University curriculum) and that development is a shared
responsibility; CSO can never provide the scale; but can provide the models. Two decades of
experience in Andhra Pradesh on Non Pesticidal Management (NPM) shows that pest is a
symptom of ecological disturbance rather than a cause and can be affectively managed by using
local resources and timely action. The emerging new paradigm of sustainable agriculture shows
that the new knowledge synthesized from traditional practices supplemented with modern
science can bring in ecological and economic benefits to the farmers. The small success from
few villages could be scaled up into more than 1.5 million ha in three years. The costs of
cultivations could be brought down significantly without reduction in yield. The institutional
base of Community Based Organizations like Federations of Women Self Help Groups provides
a good platform for scaling up such ecological farming practices. This experience also shows
how the grass root extension system when managed by the community can bring in change and
help the farming community to come out of the crisis ( Ramanjaneyulu, et. al. 2009).
Community Managed Sustainable Agriculture in Andhra Pradesh is already in 1500 villages; Zero
Budget farming is being practiced in more than 10 lakh acres in Maharashtra, Karnataka,
Andhra Pradesh and Punjab. These experiences have amply demonstrated that Ecological
Farming is possible on a scale provided essential support systems are built. It is also established
that Community Managed Systems are essential for strong natural resource management
The Non Pesticidal Management initiative by the Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP)
through Mandal Mahila Samakhya (MMS) in collaboration with NGOs in the last three years
shows that moving towards local resource based sustainable agriculture is the only way to
sustain the livelihoods of small and marginal farmers. The women self help groups form an
excellent institutional platform for scaling up such models. During kharif, 2007 the program
covered 5 lakh acres across 18 districts of Andhra Pradesh covering all the farmers in about
1600 villages benefiting 2 lakh farmers. The program is also integrated with ongoing programs
like NREGA on pilot scale to provide further employment opportunities to the agriculture
workers. The last three years experiences have brought in big learnings in terms of sustaining
agriculture based livelihoods. The costs of cultivation could be brought down ranging from Rs.
2000/acre in crops like redgram, groundnut, to Rs. 10,000/acre in chillies. The savings on other
ecological and health costs is an added bonus. In Ramachandrapuram, a small village in
Khammam District of Andhra Pradesh, all the 400 odd farmers could get back all their
mortgaged lands back from the savings made in the last three years. There are more than 50
villages which have gone pesticide free during kharif, 2007. This program will be further
strengthened with Additional Central Assistance under Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojana to reach
5000 villages in next five years covering 25 lakh acres (10 % of state area) with an outlay of Rs.
182 crore (Raidu, D.V. and G.V.Ramanjaneyulu, 2008).
The idea of teaching farmers to cultivate without pesticides was first tested by the Centre for
Sustainable Agriculture (CSA), an independent research institute. In scaling up process, the
Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP), which implements the program on a broader
base as community managed sustainable agriculture (CMSA) on behalf of the government, calls
it India’s largest ecologically driven agricultural programme. It was begun in 2004 as an
initiative to counter farmer suicides and implemented on 400 acres in a dozen villages. Now, it’s
being practised by over 6 lakh farmers on 17 lakh acres. The programme has over the last six
years reached 4,025 villages in 21 of the 23 districts of the state (Madhavi, T., 2010).
In recent years however, there has been a marked decline in the variety and diversity of
cultivated crops such as rice and cereals. The Green Revolution emphasized the use of high
yielding varieties which responded only to high doses of fertilizers and pesticides. Today, the
genetic base has narrowed down considerably. Monoculture, using expensive inputs to
maximize production has become the order of the day. Genetic uniformity invites disaster by
making the crop vulnerable to pest and disease attacks. During the 1970s, the Grassy-Stunt
Virus devastated rice fields from India to Indonesia, endangering the world’s single most
important food crop. After a four year search which screened over 17,000 cultivated and wild
samples of rice, only one population of the species Oryza nivara, growing wild near Gonda in
Uttar Pradesh, was found to have a single gene for resisting Grassy-Stunt Virus Strain 1. Today,
resistant rice hybrids containing the wild Indian gene are grown across 1,10,000 sq. km. of Asian
rice fields. The rate at which indigenous Rice varieties are getting depleted is extremely
alarming. It is becoming increasingly clear that to maintain biodiversity in farmers’ fields, an
alternative system of seed production and distribution has to be created. Efforts at community
level will help in restoring back the lost biodiversity (Vijayalakshmi et al., 2007).
The seed takes the major share (50%) in groundnut crop production cost. The seed systems in
Andhra Pradesh, like the rest of the country, consist of public, private and civil sectors. The
formal seed sector of groundnut is represented by the government owned Andhra Pradesh
State Seed Development Corporation (APSSDC). Informal sector includes own-saved seed,
borrowings from others and the local seed trade which contributes to about 60% of seed needs.
In this context, the concept of ‘village based seed bank’, (VBSB) which advocates village self-
sufficiency in production and distribution of quality seeds, is fast gaining ground (Ravinder
Reddy Ch and S.P. Wani, 2007).
About 80 percent of the food crop varieties traditionally grown have become rare or even
extinct in some places. New varieties are produced and sold by seed companies, and the cost of
seeds is constantly increasing. In this context, the groundnut seed exchange system developed
in this village is very effective for this particular crop. It ensures that groundnut seed, which
cannot be stored for more than three months, is available locally, is of good quality and is
affordable. Another important development during this process has been the change in
mindset of the farmer who has irrigation facilities becoming actively involved in seed
production and multiplication for his fellow villagers. The farmer-led seed exchange system is
addressing the immediate needs of farmers in a very cost-effective manner (Suresh, K. , 2007).
High-yielding varieties and chemical farming have lost their universal acceptability in Kolar,
Karnataka. Community seed banks run by women’s collectives in the area, along with
preserving indigenous seeds, given new options for them. Advantages of achieving food
security and livelihood opportunities through natural resource management have facilitated
farmers to go for low-input, nonchemical farming. Around 350 farmers are accessing the seed
banks every year and the number of native ragi varieties in a village, Shettikal alone has
increased from two in 2000 to nine in 2004 (Anitha, P., 2007).
With regard to seeds, there is enormous demand for them which is reflected in the agitations in
some parts of the country. There are also incidents where the farmers are ‘fired upon’ for
seeking quality seeds. In Anantapur in the rush for the seed 7 farmers were trampled to death.
Why we are creating such a fuss when there is scope for creating community seed banks, he
questioned. It was suggested that State Agricultural Universities(SAUs) can be encouraged to
scout for location specific landraces/ varieties and improving them rather than withdrawing
from the seed sector (Satheesh, PV., 2007).
A major source of seed supply for farmers in Anantapur district is the seeds retained over their
previous harvest. The problem of seed storage is significant, as the seed rate of groundnut is
quite high and it is also a bulky crop. Farmers face not only space constraints but also pest
infestations on the stored groundnut seeds. Development of suitable community seed storage
structures is necessary to enable farmers to retain a portion of their produce for seed purpose.
(Rukmani, R and Manjula, M., 2009).
By growing diverse crops on their farms, women have not only increased biodiversity, but have
recovered over 80 traditional landraces and set up over 60 seed banks to distribute seeds
within their communities. By re-establishing control over the seeds they grow and building their
understanding of biodiversity, women have gained status within their communities as seed
providers. The recovered seeds will be stored in the village to serve as an in situ community
gene bank to help other farmers grow traditional crops. In Andhra Pradesh, the Deccan
Development Society (DDS) has helped over 5,000 marginalised Dalit women organise
themselves into sanghams, or village unions, to increase their control of food production,
seeds, natural resources and markets (Satheesh, PV., 2010).
While concentrating on the four major policies he opined that Policy is not the beginning and
the end of action: investment, technology and organisations are also important. He said that
many of these policies are relevant for agriculture as such and some are specific to rainfed
farming. Elaborating on the price policy, Prof emphasized on addressing the anomalies with
regard to Input and Output price policy as the gap between them is widening. The situation is
that where ever policy is directed to make inputs cheaper by overt or hidden subsidies, e.g. in
water, power, or nitrogenous fertilizers, it led to imbalanced and inefficient use of inputs,
leading to loss of productivity in the short as well as long term (Vyas, VS., 2007).
Rainfed areas are under-invested and then there are controversies in technology. There is
visible promise in approaches like NPM and organic farming. But the crux of the problem in
rainfed areas is improvement of productivity, surpluses and incomes. Increasing small farm
incomes, making small farm diversify to yield surpluses is the real challenge. Thinking rainfed
agriculture for subsistence, there is a chance that technology becoming the preserve of only the
rich and those in irrigated (Yugandhar, BN., 2007).
Analysing the plan-expenditure under various heads for the state of Andhra Pradesh over
1990–91 to 2004–05, it is clear that there is an upward shift in the pattern of expenditure on
agriculture and allied activities in the recent years. While this is a good sign and is absolutely
essential to revive agriculture in the state, it is disturbing to find that within agriculture what is
spent on research and education has declined to 2 percent in 2001–02 from 13 percent in
1995–96. After 2001–02 this percentage has further declined and is lower than 2 percent by
2004–05. This pattern needs to be reversed if we have to move towards a break through in dry
land agricultural technology. (Rukmani, R and Manjula, M., 2009).
There is urgent need for scaling up of the proven innovations of research and extension: New
knowledge on crop ecosystem, efficacy of locally evolved recipes and formulations, economics of
ecological benefits, new protocols to validate, more participatory methods of knowledge and
technology generation from linear top down models and NGOs as partners in knowledge and
technology generation than as passive recipients are the needed elements in research area.
Extension should be more knowledge centric than product centric. Emphasis should be on
approaches like Farmer Field Schools.
Respecting farmer’s knowledge and using successful farmers as resource persons is critical.
NGOs and farmers should be treated as equal partners in planning and designing rather than as
delivery channels. The focus should be on community managed rather than community paid. As
part of institutional approach, it is necessary to organize farmers for better decision making and
practice; and it is also essential that the labor should be organized to deliver inputs and services
like pest surveillance, pest management contracts etc. There is a need to extend public support
for research on ecological farming, promoting newer partnerships in extension (which are
community managed rather than community paid) and also for using, building and protecting
local resources. (Ramanjaneyulu, GV., 2007)
The anomaly in economic prices of the inputs should be determined and publicized. Overt
subsidy should be given, mainly, with the objective of improving productivity with the use of a
given input. Credit should be made available for a crop cycle of two or three years rather than
for one season. As dry land agriculture is diversified, credit should be against the total income
portfolio rather than only against crops. Keeping in view the dryland farmers who get bulk of
their income only in one season, consumption credit should also be made available. Depending
on the severity and duration of a calamity, clear provisions for waivers (waiving interest,
waiving part of principle, waiving full interest and principle) need to be designed. This policy
should not be politically motivated. There is also a need to look at the ways of implementing
the Credit Policy. Apart from the market induced risks, which are common for all agricultural
producers, important problem faced by dry land farmers is the weather induced uncertainties.
Farmers in the dryland areas are risk averse as they do not have anything to fall back upon.
There are two important risk mitigation measures: MSP and agriculture insurance scheme. The
later scheme is covering hardly 10 percent of the farmers. There is a vast scope to improve
upon the existing risk mitigation. There is no need to replace the existing Crop Insurance
Scheme but it can be further strengthened (Vyas. VS, 2007).
Recognising support for NRM, NPM, soil fertility improvement etc., as ecosystem improvements
rather than production subsidies will improve our competitiveness in the world markets. Cost
reduction must be taken as a primary agenda rather than productivity improvement alone. In
addition there is a need to differentiate our agriculture policy into irrigated and rainfed
agriculture policies, so that we can look beyond watersheds and build support systems required
for rainfed areas rather than extending those available for irrigated agriculture unsustainably.
This will also help in rainfed areas getting required investments and research backup (Ravindra,
A., 2007).
Traditionally, food grains dominated the cropping pattern of the Anantpur district has also
undergone vast changes over the decades. district with more than two-thirds of the gross
cropped area under food grains. With the adoption of the bunch variety of groundnut in
Anantapur, since late 1970s, groundnut became the major crop. However, groundnut crop is
marked by low yield levels that exhibit a declining trend (Rukmani, R and Manjula, M., 2009)
As Indian agriculture gets more and more impacted by changing weather patterns, which has
become more acute in the last few years because of climate change, the ministry of agriculture
through the Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) and state agricultural universities
are working on district-specific contingency plan for the agriculture and allied sectors, which
includes fisheries, animal husbandry and dairy farming. Since its start in March 2010 under the
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana, the draft manual for 89, out of the total 600 odd districts, in the
country have been prepared and submitted for validation by experts. The comprehensive
district-specific document would give details on the crops and cultivation practices to be
adopted in case of deficient or delay in monsoon, unseasonal rains, frosts or unusually high
temperature excessive rains etc. “Each district would have a scientific document at the disposal
of district collector for adaptation in case of eventualities,” B Venkateswarlu, director, Central
Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), a Hyderabad based body affiliated to ICAR,
told FE ( Sandip Das, 2010).
Most of the farm support is couched into the physical inputs. Ironically, ‘convenience and
adminstrability’ have become the guiding factors of providing subsidies rather than the
desirability of a particular process. Subsidising Urea rather than nitrogen is one such example
and this leaves farmers ‘no choices’ but to use those inputs. We have to innovate upon process
related support for agriculture rather than input driven technology. Investing on pest
surveilliance mechanisms is another example of investing on the processes that will reduce pest
load by about 20 to 30 per cent (Ravindra, A., 2007).
India still does not have a well-defined drought policy, although it began considering an
'anticipatory drought management approach' in 1966 when the country was hit by a severe
drought-induced food crisis. The task of drought forecasting is entrusted to the India
Meteorological Department (IMD) which, over the years, has fine-tuned a methodology for
forecasting the intensity of the southwest monsoon on a regional basis. (source:
The performance of the state in terms of agricultural extension services was found to be
relatively poor when compared with other states. For instance, an agricultural extension officer
in Andhra Pradesh has to cover more than 10 villages or 3700 farm families whereas in states
like Maharashtra and West Bengal it was only 2 or 4 villages (AP HD Report, 2007).
The current status of agricultural technology delivery system in Anantapur leaves much to be
desired. The Training and Extension wing of the Department of Agriculture, operates with a
bare minimum of field-level extension officers. A large number of sanctioned posts remains
vacant, resulting in overburdening of available field-level staff. While the Department of
Agriculture has sanctioned staff strength of 551 posts, in January 2009 we found 57 percent of
these posts remaining vacant. However, during February 2009, recruitment of staff had taken
place and the vacant posts of Mandal Agricultural Officers were filled up. However, the posts of
Agricultural Extension Officers (AEO), those who have the mandate to visit villages and provide
technical guidance to farmers, have not yet been filled. Out of 139 sanctioned posts, only 38
have been filled. That is, 73 percent of Agricultural Extension Officers posts remain vacant as on
March 2009. This is a huge backlog, considering that even if all the 139 sanctioned posts of
Agricultural Extension Officers are filled up it would be far from adequate to meet the ideal
norm of 1,000 farm families per Agricultural Extension Officer. In fact, with the present
allotment of officers, the number of farm families assigned per officer would be almost 3,915,
which is much higher than the stipulated 1,000 farm families per officer.
The posts of adarsha ryuthus, Farmer’s Friend, were created in year 2005. Adarsha Ryuthus
serve as interface between the farmers and the Department of Agriculture. According to the
guidelines there has to be one adarsha ryuthu per 250 farm families. Adarsha Ryuthus are
supposed to serve as facilitators at the village level for generating more awareness among
farmers on various aspects of agriculture. The huge backlog in filling up sanctioned posts affects
the quantity as well as quality of extension activities in the district. This comes out very clearly
from the wide disparity, in terms of awareness and access to information, between farmers in
different parts of the district. The adarsha ryuthus should only complement the public
extension system and should not be looked upon as a substitute for field-level Extension
Officers. (Rukmani, R and Manjula, M., 2009).
3. 0.0. Current agricultural practices in select hydrological units in AP.
The study was carried out in 9 hydrological units spanning seven districts of Andhra Pradesh
with the help and cooperation of partner NGOs in selection of villages and arrangement of
logistic facilities like organizing farmers meetings with focused group discussions. The details of
the mandals and partner NGOs is given below (Table.4). The discussions were focused on the
major crops cultivated by the farmers, available natural resources like village tanks, awareness
of various schemes by the department in harnessing limited resources, various programs
implemented by state departments like drought relief, contingency crop plans and prevailing
agronomic practices.
Table.4. Pilot hydrological units and partners for SPACC project by BIRDS
Current season the rainfall was scanty which begun as timely and normal season, ended up with
poor distribution and early cessation of rains, resulted in drought spell in the crucial maturity
phase of several crops. There is overall deficit rainfall and crops faced receding moisture
condition in soils. The district level rainfall figures are presented below.(Table.5).
Table. 5. Rain fall received in select dry farming districts of AP during the kharif 2011.
3.1.0. Dryland agricultural practices in select hydrological units
Table. Popular Seed varieties in drylands AP, their source and storage
ii. About 80% farmers purchase in the local market produced by private companies. In
case of drought or crop failure State Department of Agriculture, supplies the seeds
to farmers. Some farmers store seeds for extended periods (Paddy, Red gram, Black
gram, Green gram, Bengal gram, Groundnut, Chilli) in traditional
The dry land farmers are resource poor at large, and 90 % of them dependent on local
market usually through the money lenders who lend them for input expenses and
consumption loans. Farmers in such condition are found to be forced to sell at a lower
price to his input dealer. In case of cotton and dry chilli, accessibility to the market yards
and the local buyers play a major role. For green chilli, and other crops including
vegetables local market in nearby town and weekly village fairs are major channel for
marketing. Dry chilli farmers Prakasam district store their stocks in cold storage
structures till they get good price in market as it has a spice value.
The discussion is presented with a perspective of cost of cultivation of major crops from
different hydrological units and various practices followed. The statistical data presented here
under are for the year of 2011 kharif, sourced from web site of Department of Economics and
Statistics, Hyderabad (web site: http://www.apdes.ap.gov.in/).
In Kurnool district, the Chinneru hydrological unit lies across Rudravaram and Allagadda
mandals which has dryfarming areas, owing to irrigation facility available from KC canal, large
areas of paddy is being cultivated. The major crops in Rudravaram mandal in kharif are paddy
followed by redgram. In rabi, chickpea is the major crop followed by jowar. In this section, we
discuss practices followed and cost of cultivation in paddy in this region followed by chickpea.
Crop Area in ha
Paddy 3075
Sugarcane 203
Redgram 1756
Black gram 107
Green gram 117
Groundnut 97
Cotton 372
Castor 64
Jowar 248
Bajra 281
Maize 115
Chilli 373
Sunflower 21
Others 358
Net sown
area 7187
3 Fertiliser Chemical fertilisers 5324
4 Weedings 20 x Rs. 100 2000
5 Sprays 3 x Rs. 500 1500
7 Harvesting cost 1200
Yield 30 bags X Rs 1000 / 30000
Fodder 3 tons 3000
8 Cost benefit Total income: 33000
Total cost: 15024
Net income: 17076
or acephate @1.5g/L) or diseases like blast (tricyclozole 0.6g/L) and sheath blight
7. Once the crop is harvested, small heaps are allowed to dry in the field. Threshing is
carried out manually /cattle or using tractor. Recently combined harvesters are being
used for harvesting as well as segregating grain and straw simultaneously.
8. In upland (dryland/rainfed) paddy, land is prepared to fine tilth and seed is sown directly
by seed drill or behind the plough. Input cost on fertilizer and pesticides is low. Crop is
totally rainfed and no standing water is maintained. In such conditions the expected
average yield is about 10 quintals per acre only.
It is a rabi pulse crop and requires cool humid weather and mainly suited for moderate rainfall
areas of 400-700mm. Water-logging results into wilt diseases (when grown with Redgram).
Optimum temperature regime for chick pea is 24-30oC. Chick pea is a long day plant and
requires sufficient bright sunshine. The period of cool temperature decides the duration of the
crop, as the winter is warm in South India the duration is about 90-110 days. There are 2
important varietal types available in India, Kabuli /Desi type of which desi type is mostly
Cultivation practices in chickpea
1. Land is ploughed deeply in kharif and left out fallow for moisture retention. During rabi
the land is brought to fine tilth before sowing.
2. Seed is sown directly using manual laborers or using dibbler on residual moisture. Seed
treatment with Rhizobium culture @ 1kg /10 L water to coat on seed.
3. FYM is applied as per local availability and fertilizers are given usually in form of a basal
dose of 2 bags DAP, followed by 2 bags of complex per acre usually, which happens to
be almost double the recommendation, NPK in 8:20:16.
4. Depending on the availability 1-2 irrigations are given after sowing, as it would help in
increasing yields. Weeding is carried out manually but fluchloralin @ one litre / acre as
pre sowing herbicide, pre emergence herbicide pendimethalin @2 liters/acre are used
5. Pest control is achieved through 4-5 sprays of various chemicals (acphate1 g/l +
quinalphos 2ml/litre), and in some large farms it is carried out using tractor mounted
multi nozzle sprays.
6. Crop is harvested at maturity, after threshing the seed is separated and crop residue
bhusa is used as fodder/compost material/fuel.
In Kadapa district the Bokkineru vagu hydrological unit lies in the Kasinayana mandal where
cotton is major crop followed by paddy and redgram. Here under we will discuss the cost of
cultivation of cotton and general cultivation practices followed in the hydrological unit.
This crop is regarded as white gold as it is grown as a commercial crop under irrigated and
rainfed conditions. It is traditonally grown in heavy black soils, but now grown in all types of
soils. The crop is sensitive to stagnation of water. Most of cotton grown in india are hirsutum
species and called as american cottons. This crop consumes more than 50% of the pesticides
consumed in indian market. Apart from lint, the seed oil (oil content 15-25 %) is used for
blending with other edible vegetable oils and oil cake as animal feed/organic manure.
2 Seed & sowing 450 gm / acre 3000
3 Fertiliser FYM 4 tons, Dap: 1bag, Urea:1. Bag and 4100
Complex 1.bag
4 Weeding 20 x Rs. 100 2000
5 Sprays Fungicides&Pesticides 1400
6 Irrigation Water conservation: Ridges and furrows 800
7 Harvesting Picking cost 6000
Yield :700kg @ Rs.4000/q 28000
8 Cost benefit Total income: Rs. 28000
Total cost: Rs. 20300
Net income: Rs 7700
in ha
Paddy 711
Sugarcane 78
Redgram 692
Green gram 14
Groundnut 13
Cotton 1740
Jowar 12
Bajra 103
Maize 71
Chilli 436
sunflower 98
Turmeric 46
Others 3568
Net sown area 4233
1. Land preparation will start with the receipt of first monsoon showers, a ploughing is
followed by repeated harrowing till fine tilth is achieved.
2. Once the land is prepared and trash and weeds are removed, a marker is drawn based
on the spacing depending on the variety (60x30 cm) / hybrid (90 x 90 cm or above), and
seed is sown manually at the cross section of the marker drawn in length and breadth of
the plot. Seed preference is for hybrid seeds with Bt, based on seed available
commercially with various seed companies. The seed available in market is pretreated
with imidachloprid, claims to protect crop for one month against sucking pests.
3. FYM to a level of 2-4 tons/acre is applied based on the availability. Basal dose of
fertilizer, usually DAP/ complex is applied either along with the seed or as along the
rows. Then top dressing with urea is done along the rows or as pocket placement i.e.,
application of fertilizer close to the base of the plant into a small pit made with a stick.
4. Topping ie., Nipping terminal shoot is a common practice with farmers, around 90 days
after sowing (DAS), that prevents vegetative growth and induces more fruit/boll bearing
sympodial branches.
5. Farmers spray various chemicals depending on the pest infestation. Since 8 years, the
bollworm occurrence has not been devastating and most of the plant protection sprays
are targeted against sucking pests (aphids, jassids, whitefly, mites and mealybugs).
Pesticide like methyl demeton @2ml/L or imidachloprid SL @0.4 ml/ L or acetamiprid@
0.2g/L are usually sprayed for these pests.
6. Picking of cotton is carried for 3-5 times depending on duration of crop. Early cessation
of rainfall like it happened in the current season 2011-12 results in fewer pickings and
even lesser yields also.
7. Cotton is marketed through the trader usually happens to be the seed / fertilizer /
pesticide dealer, who supplies the inputs to farmer on credit, this situation results in
farmer having limited choice on price and whom to sell. This added with increased input
costs, interest on debts, over ambitious tenant farming, getting in to compounding
effects like resulting in farmer resorting to extreme steps like suicide.
In Anantpur district Upparavanka Hydrological unit lies in the Guthymandal and the major crop
happens to be groundnut followed by jowar. Here we discuss the area, cost of cultivation and
practices followed by farmers on these two important crops.
This crop is cultivated under very low rainfall conditions with 500 mm above in a crop season. It
is suitable to light to heavy soils, but actually grown in large area in sandy loams, with low
nutrient contents and moisture holding capacity. Groundnut 90% area is cultivated in kharif,
average yields are comparatively low due to erratic behaviour of monsoon i.e late onset of
monsoon, dryspell during critical crop growth stages, heavy rains at later stages or early
withdrawl of monsoon.
Table.9. Cost of cultivation in groundnut
Area in
Crop ha
Paddy 178
Redgram 1024
Groundnut 14701
Cotton 49
Castor 286
Jowar 1106
Bajra 24
Chilli 84
Sunflower 956
Others 402
Net sown area 18810
1. Farmers prepare land for sowing soon after the onset of monsoon. One or two times
ploughing is followed by 1-2 times harrowing. These are sufficient as groundnut is
cultivated in loose sandy loams. The weeds and stubbles of previous crop will be
removed to make the field clean.
2. The field is applied with FYM 1-2 tons/ acre, well incorporated in to soil before sowing.
3. Seed is treated with fungicides and bio-fertiliser like Rhizobium. Treated seed is usually
dried under shade before sowing. The sowing will be usually carried out manually or
using dibbler.
4. Farmer applies 1 bag of potash and 1 bag of DAP per acre as basal application.
5. Farmers resort to 2-4 sprays of chemicals for controlling defoliator pests like
Spodoptera/ hairy caterpillar and for diseases tikka leafspot or rust.
6. The crop will be harvested by uprooting by a harrow once it reaches to maturity, the
pods will be harvested and dried for optimum moisture content.
B. Jowar / Sorghum
Sorghum is a sturdy crop and withstands any climatic hazards than any other crop. This is a
poor man's crop which is mostly grown under low input conditions. This can be grown in black
cotton soils to light soils and comes up well in any season kharif, rabi or summer.
1. Land preparation will start with receipt of first monsoon showers, a ploughing followed
by repeated harrowing till fine tilth is achieved.
2. Sorghum is broad casted (higher seed rate 5-7 kg/acre) or drilled by local seed drill (3-
4kg/acre) or dibbling (2.5 kg/acre). The transplanting method is mostly used for hybrid
sorghum in chittor district, the seed growers follow the transplanting method of sowing.
This method is developed by them for obtaining perfect synchronisation of male and
female lines of sorghum hybrid CSH-5.
3. Seed treatment done usually for control of grain smut with sulphur @5g/kg seed.
4. FYM to a level of 2-4 tons/acre is applied based on the availability. Basal dose of
fertilizer, usually DAP/ complex is applied either along with the seed or as along the
rows. Then top dressing with urea is done.
5. Farmers spray various chemicals depending on the pest infestation like shoot fly and
shoot borer carbofuran granules @4kg/acre , and for ergot of sorghum, with sticky
sugary secretion, farmers give 1-2 sprays of mancozeb@2g/L at flowering.
6. Harvesting is manual and threshing using cattle/mechanically. All crop waste is used as
dry fodder for cattle.
Sunflower is a short duration (90-100 days) Drought and saline tolerant: suitable for the best
component crop in dry land farming as it fits well in multiple and intercropping systems. Photo
insensitivity of crop enables its cultivation in all seasons i.e kharif, rabi and summer. Due to its
wider adaptability, it comes well up in any type of soils. High productivity per unit area per unit
time with respect to yield of oil (oil content 48-53%).
Cultivation practices in Sunflower
1. Land preparation will start with receipt of first monsoon showers, a ploughing followed
by repeated harrowings till fine tilth is achieved.
2. Farm yard manure to a level of 2-4 tons/acre is applied based on the availability. Line
sowing using seed drill or behind plough is followed. Basal dose of fertilizer, usually
complex fertiliser applied either along with the seed or as along the rows. Then top
dressing with urea is done in 2 split doses.
3. During flowering time farmers follow a practice of rubbing the flower heads with a soft
cloth to enhance the seed setting and yield.
4. Farmers spray chlorpyriphos @2ml/L or fenvalerate @1ml/L against head borer or
defoliator pests. Farmers make sounds using various methods like drumming of using
crackers to frighten birds, one of the major pests.
5. The heads are ripe when back of the head turns yellowish brown and lower leaves
become brown to dark brown. Harvesting is manually done with sickle cutting the heads
and threshing done by mechanically using sticks or shellers.
In Chittor district Kadirinayanicheruvu hydrological unit lies in the mandal Ramasamudram, the
cropping pattern in kharif is presented below. Apart from Ground nut, vegatables are widely
cultivated and single crop tomato is cultivated in 15,184 ha (State Horticulture Dept data 2007-
08) in Chittor district with a production of 1,82,208 tonnes. There are hundreds of hectares
under tomato in this mandal. The cost of cultivation and practices are presented here under.
Tomato is a warm season vegetable, though grown round the year in all types of soils ie., heavy
to light soils. There are determinate (erect plant), indeterminate (creeping) and semi
determinate types in tomato. Tomato is sensitive to irrigation ie., dry spells or water stagnation
both are detrimental for the yields.
4 Weedings 20 X Rs. 100 2000
5 Sprays Fungicides & Pesticides 3400
6 Irrigation Water conservation: Ridges and 2000
7 Harvesting Yield:8000kg 3000
Market Rate: Rs.4/kg
8 Cost benefit Total income: Rs. 32000
Total cost: Rs. 21500
Net income: Rs 10500
in ha
Paddy 521
Sugarcane 248
Groundnut 2487
Cotton 24
&others 2396
Net sown area 5652
1. Farmers prepare land for sowing with first onset of monsoon. For vegetables the soil is
prepared to fine tilth. The weeds and stubbles of previous crop will be removed to make
the field clean.
2. The field is applied with 1-2 tons farm yard manure / acre, well incorporated in to soil
before sowing.
3. Seeds sown on raised nursery beds 1m X 4m carefully prepared with adding
decomposed FYM and before sowing is treated with fungicide like Copper oxy
chloride@3g/L . The seedlings with 26-30 day age will be transplanted on main field on
side of the ridges, after treating seedlings with seedling root dip with solution of Rogor
2ml + Bavistin 1g/L in 10 litres of water.
4. Generally available varieties/hybrids fall under determinate, indeterminate or semi
determinate type, where in indeterminate/ semi determinate varieties are supported
with sticks and/ ropes.
5. To prevent cracking of fruits farmers apply borax @ 8-12 kg/ acre. Farmer applies 1 bag
of complex/DAP per acre as basal application. Top dressing will be done with urea in 2-3
split doses.
6. Farmer will resort to 4-6 sprays of chemicals (chlorpyriphos or Quinalphos @2ml/L) for
controlling borer pests like Helicoverpa/Spodoptera, sucking pests like whitefly
(acephate@1g/L) which is a vector for leaf curl and serpentine leaf miner. farmers spray
dithane M45@2g/L for early/ late blight, a major disease.
7. The crop will be harvested by picking fruits throughout the crop season starting from
end of 2nd month onwards till 4-6 months, subjected to market price and demand. The
stage of harvested fruit (green/ripe) depends on the distance of the market.
A. Red gram
This is very important part of Indian diet. It is a quantitative short day flowering response plant
i.e. the onset of flowering is hastened as day length shortens. It tolerates heat and drought. It
prefers moist and warm climate during vegetative period and cool and dry period during
reproductive stage. The ability of pigeonpea to produce economic yields under soil moisture
deficit makes it an important crop of dry land agriculture. The husk of pods after threshing is
also used as cattle feed.
Area in
Paddy 787
Redgram 2499
Black gram 24
Green gram 454
Cotton 1175
Castor 250
Sesamum 1675
Maize 44
Chilli 472
Vegetables 869
Orchards 289
Others 1105
Net sown
area 8856
1. Land preparation will start with receipt of first monsoon showers, a ploughing followed
by repeated harrowings till fine tilth is achieved.
2. Farmers give seed treatment with fungicides like Bavistin 1g/kg seed captan or Thiram
@ 2.5 g/kg before sowing to control fungal diseases like wilt and reduce incidence of
other seed and soil borne fungi.
3. Basal dose of fertilizer, usually DAP/ complex is applied either along with the seed or as
along the rows. Farmers spray fenvalerate or profenophos @2ml/L against
podborer/webber, and basal drenching for diseases like wilt with dithane M45@2g/L.
4. Harvesting is manually done when pods are dry with sickels and threshing is mechanical.
5. Leaf and threshed pods is used as dry fodder for cattle and stems for fuel/fencing/roofs.
6. The Redgram is said to be indeterminate in growth habit where the flowering goes on
continuously over the months on the same plant. Flowering, unriped pods & already,
developed pods at the same time. The whole plants are cut when most of the pods are
dried. Then the plants are bundled and staked for one week for the purpose of post
harvest ripening of unriped pods after that the dried pods are beaten with sticks and
then the seed is separated.
Sesame is the oldest oil seed crop of the world. The seed has high food value because of the
higher contents of good quality edible oil (oil content 48-55%) and nutritious protein. Sesame
requires fairly hot conditions during growth for optimum yield and is capable of with standing a
higher degree of water stress. The crop can be grown entirely on stored soil moisture, but
highly sensitive to water logging. Very sandy, saline and alkaline soils are not suitable.
1. Land preparation will start with receipt of first monsoon showers, a ploughing followed
by repeated harrowing till fine tilth is achieved.
2. Basal dose of fertilizer, usually complex is applied either along with the seed or as along
the rows. Seed is mixed with three times quantity of sand and sown in rows with
traditional seed drill/gorru.
3. Farmers spray moncrotophos @1.6ml/L or chlorpyriphos@2.5 ml/L against podborer
/webber, and for wilt disease dithaneM45 @2g/L and for powdery mildew sulpur@3g/L.
plants affected by phyllody turn to witches brooms, are removed and burnt to destroy
4. The crop is harvested when the leaves, stems and capsules begin to turn yellow and the
lower leaves start shedding. To prevent shedding of seed, the crop harvested before it is
dead ripe in the field. When leaves turn 75% yellow, the plants are cut at the ground
level carried to threshing yard, stacked for a week in the sun with the cut ends upwards.
plantstied in bundles, dried under sun and threshing done by beating with sticks.
5. Leaf and pod waste is used as dry fodder for cattle and stems for fuel/fencing/roofs.
In Markapurm mandal redgram is major crop followed by paddy, chilli and castor. Here under
we discuss the cost of cultivation and practices followed in castor.
in ha
Paddy 427
Redgram 1564
Green gram 68
Cotton 788
Castor 323
Bajra 225
Maize 11
Chilli 995
Vegetables 30
Orchard crops 1557
Others 281
Net sown area 6269
Castor is one of the ancient important non-edible oil seed (oil content 40-55%) crop, which has
industrial and medicinal value. Globally, India ranks first both in area and production. It grows
well in warm climates with light sandy loams. The seed cake is used as concentrated organic
Table.16. Cost of cultivation for castor
1. Castor is cultivated in poor soils in dry land condition resulting in low productivity
though the oil has medicinal/industrial use and having high export value. Land
preparation will start with receipt of first monsoon showers, a ploughing followed by
repeated harrowing till fine tilth is achieved.
2. Most of the hybrids and varieties from public and private sectors are tolerant to pest
and diseases. Seed treatment with thiram / captan @3g /kg seed is done before sowing.
3. Seed is drilled along with the fertilizer, basal dose of fertilizer, usually DAP/ complex is
applied either along with the seed or as along the rows. Then top dressing with urea is
done 2-3 splits.
4. Farmers spray carbaryl @3g/l or monocrotophos 1.6ml/L against semilooper, Hairy
caterpillars and Spodoptera. For fruit and shoot borer, dimethoate or metasystox @ 2
ml/ L is sprayed. Major disease is grey rot /botrytis, which has devastating effect on crop
under high humid and cloudy conditions, late sown crops are found more susceptible.
5. Capsules harvested when they turn yellow and starts drying. Harvested spikes are usally
placed in heaps around one week and then sun dried for a couple of days. Threshing is
done by beating with the sticks or trampling under the cattle feet or tractor or power
operated threshers.
In Cumbum mandal major crop is paddy, followed by redgram, sesamum, cotton and chilli. Here
under we discuss the cost of cultivation and package of practices in chilli.
Area in
Paddy 809
Redgram 529
Sugarcane 21
Green gram 147
Cotton 242
Castor 16
Sesamum 247
Chilli 241
Vegetables 95
Others 544
Net sown
area 2891
This is important cash crop in AP, grown in well drained black and sandy loamy soils. The crop
prefers warm and dry climate for its growth.
Cultivation practices in Chilli
1. Farmers prepare land for sowing with first onset of monsoon. The weeds and stubbles
of previous crop will be removed to make the field clean. The field is applied with farm
yard manure 2-3 tons/ acre, well incorporated in to soil before sowing. Chilli needs very
fine tilth since size of seed is small.
2. Seeds sown on raised nursery beds to a size of 6 m x 1 m width carefully prepared with
adding decomposed FYM and before sowing. Commercially available seed is pre treated
with fungicides and pesticides like imidachloprid. Bed is sprayed with granules of
fipronyl @ 80g/0.05 acre to avoid leaf curl. To suppress wilt farmers spray copper oxy
chloride @3g/L to nursery bed.
3. The seedlings with 6 weeks age will be transplanted on main field after treating
seedlings with fungicides and pesticides. Farmer applies two bags of complex/DAP per
acre as basal application. Top dressing will be done with urea in 2-3 split doses.
4. Farmer will resort to 4-6 sprays of chemicals for controlling borer pests like
Helicoverpa/Spodoptera, sucking pests like whitefly, mites and thrips. For borer pests
farmers spray monocrotophos @ 1.6ml/L or quinalphos@ 2ml/L; farmers even prepare
poison baits with these chemicals for spodoptera. For upward leaf curl (thrips) farmers
spray carbaryl @ 3g/L or phosalone @ 3ml/L and for downward leaf curl (mites),
dicofol@3ml/L or sulphur @ 3g/L sprayed. Major diseases are powdery mildew, fruit
rot, blight and bacterial wilt.
5. The crop will be harvested in 3-4 pickings of fruits in kharif and under irrigation even 6-8
pickings. Fruits starts ripening about 3months after transplanting and picking may go on
for 2 to 3 months. Green chillies are harvested for vegetable purpose depending on
good market price, and mature fruits are harvested and dried for spice purpose as dry
chillies. Farmers store dry chillies in cold storage godowns for months together until
better price prevails in market.
Crop Area in ha
Paddy 862
Redgram 441
Cotton 5635
Castor 361
Jowar 376
Bajra 140
Maize 3260
Chilli 12
Others 5
Net sown area 11092
Maize has highest yield/ha among the cereal crops. Though it is mainly used as a food crop in
India by the rural population in the form of bread and gruel, it has vast industrial potentialities
as well having many as 50 different uses. Green ears find a ready market in the urban areas.
The grain is ground into flour for making bread. Maize is being used as a poultry and cattle feed.
It is a short day plant with C4 type of photosynthesis, the crop has very efficient utilization of
solar radiation and 600 mm rainfall with even distribution is sufficient for good cultivation.
Cultivation practices in maize
1. Land preparation will start with receipt of first monsoon showers, a ploughing followed
by repeated harrowings till fine tilth is achieved.
2. Seed are treated with mancozeb 3g/kg and imidachloprid @5g/kg dose, however
commercial seed available pre treated. Farm yard manure to a level of 2-4 tons/acre is
applied based on the availability. Basal dose of fertilizer, usually DAP/ complex is applied
either along with the seed or as along the rows. Then top dressing with urea is done.
3. Most of the hybrids are double crosses by private companies, farmers prefer yellow
dent corn types. Green cobs are also sold to market depending on prevailing price.
4. For zinc deficiency ie, yellowing of leaf and white terminal bud, farmers apply zinc
sulphate 20 kg / acre. Farmers spray endosulphan@3ml/L for shoot borer and
mancozeb@3g/l for leaf blight.
5. Indicator for harvesting is when cob cover turns pale brown and the grains are too hard
to be pressed in with finger nail. Harvesting is manual and threshing is done
mechanically using sheller.
6. Enough time is given for drying and shelling. Generally, the plants are left in the field for
one or 2 days after harvesting. The grains dry up during this period. Remove the husk
and cobs are kept in sun for 2-3 days before shelling. After threshing stems and leaves
used for dry fodder for cattle and threshed cobs used for fuel.
In Nalgonda district the hydrological unit Nathiganicheruvu lies partly in Thipparthy Mandal,
here the cropping pattern dominated by cotton, Paddy and redgram in kharif and there are
large areas under sweet orange cultivation.
A. Sweet orange
Citrus plants are grown in a wide range of soils ranging from sandy loam or alluvial soils , clay
loam or deep clay loam or lateritic/acidic soils. Citrus orchards flourish well in light soils with
good drainage properties. A rainfall above 750 mm is sufficient, but citrus species cant tolerate
heavy winds. Apart from direct consumption as fruits/processed foods, there are several side
products for food industry are obtained from these fruits like pectin and essential oils.
Area in
Paddy 1674
Redgram 1056
Green gram 559
Groundnut 178
Cotton 3653
Castor 702
Sweet orange /
orchard crops 1951
Net sown area 9773
1. During summer pruning and thinning is carried out to remove dead and decaying
branches and also to give proper shape to the tree for efficient utilization of sunlight.
2. Land preparation will start with receipt of first monsoon showers, basins will be
prepared around the trunks. Water conservation and proper drainage channels are
3. Farm yard manure to a level of 2-4 tons/acre, neem/castor cake @ 500 kg/acre and
vermi compost @ 400 kg/acre is applied to base of the plant in a radius of 2-3 fit in the
basin. . Basal dose of fertilizer, usually DAP/ complex is applied along with manure.
4. Short duration inter crops, like pulses (ground nut, green/black gram, cowpea,
sunhemp) are grown in between the trees.
5. Farmers spray monocrotophos@1.6ml/L or dimethoate@2ml/L for defoliators, fruit
sucking moth; for scales dimethoate @2ml/L and for mites dicofol@3ml/L are sprayed.
6. To control gummosis farmers apply Bordeaux paste to the tree trunk, and for powdery
mildew spray bavistin or sulphur 1 kg/200L of water.
7. Fruits are picked manually and transported to nearby market.
4.0.0. Recommendations for strategic adaptation to climate change
The recommendations derived out of this study are elaborated at length in medium / long term
strategic approaches and in short term micro level interventions adaptable crop wise. These
issues are specifically discussed keeping view of dryland farming systems in the hydrological
units in Andhra Pradesh. For sustainable livelihoods in dryland regions, agriculture cannot be
seen isolated from other farming occupations like animal husbandry, poultry and pisciculture
etc., since all these form an inter dependent web in a rural setting. In restoring and balancing
these systems, however it needs a paradigm shift in tools and systems that give overall
profitability, sustained incomes and ecological balance. The approaches discussed here under
would help hopefully in adapting to the effects of climate change and long run reversal of the
negative impacts on agriculture.
Adaptation strategies to address the climate change impacts on agriculture are needed urgently
through new research and proper interpretation of thee accumulated research results from the
decades of dryland research under different agro-climatic settings. Development of crop
varieties capable of withstanding temperature increases and aberrations in temperature need a
greater attention, whereas the understanding of crop growth regulators and soil water plant
relationship under changed CO2 levels in grain and biomass production of individual crops
require research. Current research on improving the water use efficiency of crop plants, their
drought and pest resistance and also thee agronomic practices need more emphasis. The
following adaptation strategies are suggested on the basis of research carried out so far (Joshi,
NL., Amal kar., 2009).
These approaches keeps in mind the natural resources availability, like soils, water bodies
and animal and human populations and their dependencies on resources. This will consider
the needs on the part of communities, opportunities awailable and policy and invest
supports needed from academic and administrative bodies.
a. Diversified farming
A shift from sole cropping to a diversified farming system is highly warranted. Horticulture
and agro forestry need to be given more encouragement, whereas in the drier part of the
arid lands greater emphasis is required on pasture or biomass development for the
livestock, which becomes a major component of the individual farmers economy. Use of
farm level land in the more vulnerable arid areas should be optimized to sustain production
and manage risk, rather than to increase productivity. Utilizing the available natural
resources equally , equitably and development of alternate livelihoods linked to agriculture
and its allied occupations to sustain to sustain the village communities is the key approach
to adapt for the climate change risks. In this regard CRIDA has developed over years a
concept of farming systems approach that helps in understanding and utilizing resources in
a sustainable way (Annexure-II).
b. Income diversification
Drought leads to farmer indebtedness. Coupling debt relief with micro-credit to start new
businesses, or insurance to cover initial business risks, can encourage a change of
occupation, limiting exposure to climate related risks. Imparting education and skills,
building roads and developing markets are critical to building climate resilience in the long
Promoting cattle rearing as well as creating fodder banks: Cattle provide an essential part of
livelihood and many necessary inputs for agriculture. Measure need to be taken to assure
the existence of a sufficiently large cattle population. Subsidies for foreign cattle breeds
supposed to increase milk production should be abandoned. The bigger breeds need more
fodder and are not adapted to local weather conditions as prolonged heat periods. Farmers
repeatedly mentioned the need for fodder banks in order to be able to get the cattle
through prolonged drought periods.(Narayan Reddy, L., 2006; Ravindra, A., 2007)
Taking agriculture from green revolution to sustainable level needs a rethinking of approaches
and processes. Sustainable agriculture uses naturally available inputs around farm to manage
the crops and leads to organic farming. A further advanced approach is conservation agriculture
which aims at continuous minimal mechanical soil disturbance, permanent organic soil cover,
diversified crop rotations of annual crops and plant associations of perennial crops.
Conservation agriculture is more than a zero-tillage-based cropping system. Farmers following
this use low-cost tools and equipment and traditional crop varieties without pesticides,
herbicides or herbicide-tolerant varieties. Conservation agriculture methods enhance natural
biological processes above and below the ground by reducing interventions such as mechanical
soil tillage to an absolute minimum.
Use of resource conserving technologies like surface seeding or zero tillage not only restrict the
release of soil carbon in atmosphere, but also sometimes help withstand partially the adverse
climate, and provide better yield or stabilize it. For example surface seeding or zero tillage of
upland crops after rice gives good yields similar to that when planted under normal
conventional tillage over a diverse set of soil conditions. However, more research is needed for
their applicability in arid lands.
Planting of trees, especially nitrogen fixing tree species could be a viable option to
address problems, as declining soil fertility as well as mitigate detrimental weather
influences. Educating farmers in agri horticulture and starting projects in this area is
highly recommendable. Hence, reforestation and forest protection initiatives are
needed. Reestablishing the forest cover would help in many ways: For example by
providing alternative source of income from non-timber forest products (NTF), by
supplying fuel to villagers, as well as preserving soil moisture and limit erosion. In this
regard CRIDA has carried out research work over years, to develop and establish the
concepts (Annexure-III)
Tailored cropping systems that Agro Ecological zones should be followed to minimize
adverse affects on the total land productivity. Contingency crop Plans should be
available along with inputs and generated market. Optimum fertilizer use may help
guard against drought by encouraging deep root system and utilizing soil water
efficiently. Cropping system selection is based up on land capability, rainfall and soil.
Land capability and system based fertilizer management practices need to be followed
for building soil resilience and quality. The steps in enhancing the crop productivity in
rainfed areas are –
• Timely sowing of seed in rows in the moist zone
• Use of proper seed rate to achieve adequate plant stands
• Timely weeding creating soil mulch so that soil moisture is not lost through
• Use of seed-cum-ferti-drills for good plant stand
• Row placing of moderate levels of fertilizer (basal as well as top dressing) not on
blanket basis, but on a need base
• Use of complex fertilizers depending on the economic status of the farmer
• Intercropping in areas with >650 mm rainfall as a step towards risk distribution
• Use of a legume as a component in the cropping system, either in rotation,
sequence, or intercropping
Alternate land use systems (Agroforestry, Silviculture and Pasture) are identified for
drought prone regions based on rainfall, land capability and soil order.(ashok kumar,
2011; Maikhuri, R K and Vikram S Negi, 2011) Some steps in enhancing productivity are:
• The commons may be divided into small plots of 5-10 ha and provided on long
lease of about 19 years to the user groups.
• Adopt any of the system, such as fruit trees, silvipastures, multipurpose trees, or
even pastures, a combination.
• Maximum number of trees per hectare may be limited by quantum of annual
rainfall (product of rainfall, m and area, m2) divided by volume of water one full
grown tree transpires annually (a product of canopy area, surface area in m2,
and potential evapotranspiration in m per annum).
• Rejuvenation by social fencing of improved plant species. Improved variety or
new plant species suitable for the ecosystem.
• In tree farming the general cleanliness of the area is lost thus encouraging new
diseases and pests. Hence, it is important to carry out weeding and make basins
for the trees and furrows for in situ rainwater harvesting in the case of shrubs,
grasses, and fodder legumes.
• Encourage cultivation of medicinal and other industrial plants in the commons as
new avenues for income generation.
To address the growing stress on water resources, projects in the area of water
management, conservation and storage are essential for any adaptation strategy in
Anantapur: Promote sustainable water management practices that includes better
water management, regulating the unrestrained competition for groundwater and need
for aggressive pursuit of water conservation. Also providing support for drip and
sprinkler irrigation systems. In case farmers are aware of existing subsidy schemes, they
complained about not getting them directly. Most of the money goes to enterprises
producing chemical fertilizer or selling hybrid seeds. This does not really help small-scale
farmers who try to shift production to sustainable, low input practices.
while, the black soils (heavy soils) have low organic matter and suffer from infiltration
rate because of higher expansion on wetting. Climate and soil are the two dominant
factors in deciding whether or not runoff farming/water harvesting system will be
possible and sensible. The hyper arid zone (P/PET < 0.03, where P is precipitation and
PET is potential evapo-transpiration) is too dry for viable runoff farming, while sub
humid zone (P/PET 0.5-0.75) will be too wet. The runoff-farming zone is primarily
situated in the arid to semi-arid zones. A significant quantity of rainwater, 160 mha-m as
surface flow is available for harvesting, which through small interventions, could be
efficiently used for combating drought-related crop failures. Estimates reveal that areas
receiving up to 1000 mm annual precipitation hold a potential to add 6.3 mha-m water
equivalent through runoff. The steps involved in rainwater harvesting are –
and other water harvesting systems enhance groundwater recharge. When these
structures are built, there will be more water available in the region. This will
trigger more wells including bore wells.
• Consider the wells existing in the area and then calculate the potential water
supply as well as the increased supply through the various field and drainage line
• Follow strict water budgeting for sustainable use of the harvested rainwater.
• Allow only low duty crops. Avoid sugarcane, rice, and wheat. Encourage pulses
and oilseeds.
• Introduce horticulture in class V and above lands. Provide irrigation cover for the
first two years. Do not irrigate the fruit trees without providing suitable basins.
4.1.3. Policy level interventions tools for resource management on sustainable basis:
Enabling Policies on crop insurance (especially to withstand the impact of flood and
drought) subsidies and pricing related to water and energy uses need to be strengthened at
the earliest. Policies that would encourage enrichment of organic matter in soil and improve
the soil health need emphasis like financial compensation or incentive for green manuring.
A sound policy framework should address the issues of redesigning social sector with focus
on vulnerable areas/populations, introduction of new credit instruments with deferred
repayment, liabilities during extreme weather conditions and weather insurance as major
vehicle to transfer risk. Governmental initiatives should be undertaken to identify and
priorities adaptation options in key sectors, viz., storm warning systems, water storage and
diversion, health planning and infrastructure needs. Focus on integrating national
development policies into a sustainable development framework that compliments
adaptation. Besides the role of local institutions in strengthening capacities eg., SHGs, banks
and agricultural credit societies should be promoted and role of private sector in relation to
agriculture should be a matter of policy concern. There should be political will to implement
economic diversification in spreading diverse livelihood strategies, mitigations and financial
mechanisms (Schneider et al., 2007). Some of the key policy initiatives to be considered are
4. Establish Green Research Fund for strengthening research on adaptation mitigation
and impact assessment.
Extension services are very important to us to address specific problems we face in our
village. There are too few officers to cater for a large area. The best services are
provided by NGO’s but they cannot be everywhere. There is a need for better extension
services, wherein several research institutes in the area conduct research on better-
adapted and high yielding crop varieties. However, the farmers most of the times do not
get to know the results. Mostly, they are not informed on existing government
initiatives either. Projects aiming at getting useful information out of the research
institutes and government agencies into the fields would help farmers to better adapt to
existing and upcoming challenges.
C. Smart Subsidies : Lobby government agencies to use smart subsidies to encourage a
shift to more environmentally suited crops: Current subsidies and incentives implicitly
encourage farmers to cultivate water-intensive crops - such as sugarcane or paddy - in
dry regions. Smart subsidies can encourage a shift to dry land crops that are more suited
to local conditions and less environmentally degrading.(Ravindra, A., 2007; Satheesh,
PV., 2007).
mechanisms encourages farmers to shift to organic / sustainable agriculture practices
(Ramanjaneyulu, GV., 2007).
Since kharif cropping is primary activity in the rainfed areas of arid lands, where monsoon
variability plays a crucial role in production. Contingency crop planning will require a greater
attention in these areas. Long term strategic approaches are also needed to efficiently conserve
and utilize rain water on the one hand and in season tactical approaches to mitigate the
adverse effects of weather aberrations on the other. District specific contingency plan for
agriculture and allied sectors should be prepared and implemented by district authorities in
collaboration with research institutions (Sandip Das, 2010).
CSH-13R, NTJ- 1, NTJ-2, N-
13, N-14
Sunflower Any hybrid Black soils
November Sorghum Rabi varieties Black soils
Bengal gram Annegiri, ICCV-2 (Swetha), Black soils
37(Kranthi), JG-11
Safflower Manjira, Sagar muthyalu Black soils
Intensive agriculture development around high yielding varieties fuelled the green
revolution. Systems for large-scale multiplication of HYV seeds, programs of seed
replacement, seed villages etc., are the dominant support systems established for the
purpose. Private companies and corporate firms came into picture with the advent of
hybrid seeds. Unfortunately, the same systems are extended to rainfed areas and are
expected to support agriculture growth. The requirement of seed systems in rainfed areas
are however, strikingly different. The following factors define the contours of the seed
system requirements:
• Local availability and access to diversified seed is the key to resilient farming
• Diversity in crops/ varieties to adapt different soils, topography and rainfall pattern
(early / late) is a major requirement in rainfed areas.
• Seeds for different crops (intercrops, green manure crops, contingency crops etc.)
and different types of varieties are needed.
• Seed losses due to fluctuating rainfall is a common phenomenon, high cost of seeds
in such situations impose higher risks.
• Timely availability of seeds, easy access, diversity in seed and redundancy in seed
supply are critical parameters of rainfed seed systems.
• Genotype – environment interaction is higher in rainfed areas; more stable varieties
are needed that can be multiplied locally.
• Many of these seeds may not be viable as commercial enterprises. Community
control/ management over this complex seed system therefore, is pertinent.
Appropriate community managed seed systems like village seed banks are at the core of
revival of rainfed areas. The present seed systems built around mono crops / few varieties
or hybrids and gene-cropping would increase cost and risks. A separate vision/ perspective
and an overhaul of the existing systems are much needed. Cluster (of villages) level seed
self sufficiency programs can be evolved in partnership with the farmers’ organizations.
Infrastructure needs, revolving funds to maintain seed buffers, support for operational costs
in maintaining seeds etc., can be supported by the government. A new paradigm needs to
emerge for this to happen(Ravinder Reddy Ch and S.P. Wani, 2007).
Promoting the cultivation of crops and varieties that fit into new cropping systems and seasons,
development of varieties with changed duration that can over winter the transient effects of
change, release of varieties for high temperature, drought and submergence tolerance,
evolving varieties which respond positively in growth and yield to high C02. Besides varieties
with high fertilizer and radiation use efficiency and also novel crops and varieties that can
tolerate coastal salinity and salt water inundation are needed. CRIDA has come out with a
transformed Sorghum bicolor L. Mench cv. SPV462 with mtID gene from E. coli with an aim to
enhance tolerance to water deficit and Nacl stresses. (Maheswari etal, 2006) . Strategies for
genetic enhancement of heat tolerant genotypes especially in pulses by identifying and
validating markers for temperature tolerance coupled with yield potential, varieties with faster
growth under high temperatures with early flowering and maturity. Crop varieties that are
resistant to lodging may withstand strong winds during sensitive stages of crop growth.
Improved crop management through crop rotation and inter cropping, Integrated pest
management, supplemented with agro-forestry, pasture improvement and afforestration
schemes would be an important strategic adaptation in India. Grain legume intercrops have
many potential benefits such as stable yields, better use of resources compared to sole
cropping systems. Establishment of seed banks are crucial importance in highly variable and
unpredictable environments. This facility will provide a practical means to re-establish crops
obliterated by major disasters and extreme climate events. The promotion of scientific agro
forestry buffers farmers against climate variability and sequester carbon, and produce a range
of socio-economic and environmental benefits. In this regard based on soils, climate and land
capability scoring, principle crop grown by farmer, CRIDA has recommended cropping systems
suitable to various regions (Annexure-iv ).
Among the different intercropping systems in Telagana region, sorghum + pigeon pea (2:1) is
the most efficient system which result in maximum returns.
b) Rayalaseema region (Kurnool, Kadapa,
Anantpur and Chittor):
• Pigeon pea + Sunflower - 1:2 ratio
Among the different intercropping systems in Rayalaseema region, groundnut + pigeon pea
(7:1) or groundnut + castor (5:1 or 7:1) was found to be the most efficient system which result
in maximum returns.
• Breeding for improved crop varieties with specific reference to growth and flowering
phenology, photo sensitivity/ insensitivity, stability in response to inputs viz., lodging
resistance, optimum tillering, harvest index etc.
• Evolving efficient water and soil management practices in addition to identification of
crops and varieties with high water use efficiency, dry matter conversion ratio, positive
response to temperature extremes and elevated C02 levels.
• Identifying new intercropping and novel farming system combinations including
livestock and fisheries, which can withstand predicted climate change situations and can
be economically viable.
• Identifying cost effective methods for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from rice
paddies and also from cropping systems with livestock components.
• Promoting conservation agriculture practices especially in water harvesting, nutrient,
pest and disease management.
4.3.1. Crop management strategies:
Crop management strategies to obtain high yields under rainfed conditions may vary
depending on climate, available resources and farmer’s needs. However the basic idea is
that maximum possible fraction of rainfall is used for crop growth and reducing the effects
of other limitations to crop production, to obtain high rainfall use efficiencies. Looking at
the maintaining adequate plant stand, nutrient management, tillage and improvement in
plant characteristics, and the control of weeds pests and diseases are priority issues.
Recent studies highlighted the role of mulches and anti transpirants and reflectants in
reducing the evapotranspiration losses. Aspects of water use efficiency in relation to crop
production in arid and semi arid regions crop management practices like sowing of crop at
optimum time, securing and maintenance of adequate and uniform plant stand is very
essential for efficient use of rainwater and other inputs. Crop germination and seedling
establishment are improved when seeds are planted in well prepared seed beds with
suitable planting equipment.
Use of high quality seed ensures the uniformity of crop establishment. Improved cultivars
from various crops are available for cultivars which are early and high harvest index and
hence give higher yields than the local cultivars. Selection of cultivars resistant to pests and
diseases and their timely control help in achieving high yield and water use efficiency.
Similarly timely and efficient weed management is very essential. (Joshi and Singh 1994).
a. Crop residue management: When adequate residues are available and conservation
tillage is used, soil erosion is greatly reduced and water conservation is enhanced.
Water conservation is important for improving crop yields in semi-arid regions,
especially where irrigation is not used. In majority of cases, clean tillage and
appropriate support practices such as contouring, furrow diking, strip cropping and
terracing may provide adequate soil and water conservation benefits. Where these
are not adequate, alternative management practices should be implemented to ease
the demand for residues, thus permitting more of them to be retained on the land
for soil and water conservation purposes. Some alternative practices include limited
or selective residue removal, substituting high quality foliages for residues as animal
feed, alley cropping, using wasteland areas more effectively, improving the balance
between feed supplies and animal populations, and using alternative fuel sources.
b. Selection of crop variety: it has been observed that the duration of traditional crops
or varieties grown in dryland areas is often longer than that of effective growing
season. These crops or varieties usually experience moisture stress, mostly during
the grain filing period. In slightly wetter regions inter cropping is the best choice. In
such a case a short duration and a long duration crop may be inter cropped to make
the best use of resources. In addition to efficient resource use inter cropping imparts
stability to productivity and reduces the risk of crop failure(Vijayalaxmi, etal., 2007).
Table. Potential cropping systems based on rainfall and soil characters (ANGRAU)
c. Choice of crops with changing sowing condition: late onset of monsoon often leads
to delayed planting and specific crop contingency plans have been developed for
different agro-climatic zones to address the issue. For example in red soils of
Telangana region, castor will give better yields than pigeon pea under late sown
d. Crop row management: when the crops depend on growing season rainfall, narrow
row spacing may help in quick coverage of soil surface, thereby reducing
evaporation losses from soils. High plant populations may use more soil water stress
during reproductive and grain filling stages. Consideration of depletion rate of soil
water is more important when crops are sown primarily on stored soil water. Under
such situations wide rows and low plant populations are highly desirable. Altering
agronomy of crops by changing planting date and management of the plant spacing
and input supply may help reduce the adverse impact of changes in some climate
parameters. Alternative crops or cultivars more adapted to changed environment
can further ease the pressure.
Promote further input reduction strategies as the use of traditional seeds, bio-
fertilizer, and bio-pesticides on a large scale. Such practices reduce the vulnerability
of small-scale farmers to weather induced risks considerably as they reduce financial
losses in case of crop failure. Farmers named the cost for seeds and fertilizer as
second and third highest expenses they have to pay for every season. Sometimes
important yield losses occur because of the purchase of spurious seeds provided by
the local seed dealers. The creation of village based seed banks could address this
problem and reduce the financial burden for the farmers considerably. Extension
services should train farmers in the production of bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizers
that are produced out of locally available inputs. Promotion Nonpesticidal
Management (NPM) and reintroduction of traditional pest-control measures like
neem based pesticides, chilli-garlic extract, reduce pest attacks and therefore input
cost as well (Ramanjaneyulu, GV., 2007).
water harvesting, area or strip water harvesting) need encouragement. Farmers
have also developed their own system of rainwater management which deserved to
be studied and refined. For example if the onset of monsoon is late farmers switch
over from long duration, high water requirement cereal corps to deep rooted
legumes to cope with unpredictable midseason droughts. They have adapted water
conservation practices like field bunding and dust mulching and when drought sets
they reduce the plant populations. Researchers have refined several traditional
management practices and have developed new ones to mitigate the drought
effects to a certain extent. SRI method of cultivation of paddy has considerable
levels of savings on water.(Shambu Prasad, 2007; Ravindra, A., 2007)
g. Nutrient management:
Crops in the arid and semi arid areas suffer not only from moisture stress but also
from nutrient stress. Water conservation practices can become economically
feasible on correction of nutrient deficiencies. Deeper root development for
extracting stored moisture and nutrients at depth, but the response to applied
fertilizer varies with the soil type, available water storage at seeding and seasonal
rainfall during growing season. Availability of nutrients depends on moisture and
chemical composition of soil, which are in turn favored by the amount of organic
matter in soil. Now the shift should be towards enhancing the increasing organic
matter and microbial activity through adding more biomass to soil, green manuring
and composting should be our priorities. (Nandish, BN, 2006).
4.3.2. In season drought management: in-season drought is a potential stress for nearly
all rainfed crops. Germination and crop establishment are the most sensitive periods,
when moisture stress can have devastating effect on crop production. Moisture stress
during crop growth stages of high leaf area indices will show the greater increase in
yield. At high leaf indices, the rate of gases exchange is high as a result water is lost at
high rate. Reduction of leaf area indices by rationing or thinning out can partially
mitigate the ill effects of drought. Timely weed control and use of mulches may also be
useful in extending the period of moisture availability.
The short comings of current drought policy of thee government such as treatment of
drought relief and proofing as two separate activities, procedural delays in declaring a
region as drought hit, delay in initiating relief works, restrictions on execution of works,
paucity of funds etc. (Hirway, 2001).
1. Crop planning
• growing short duration drought tolerant varieties /crops
• intercropping with pulses
2. Repeated blade harrowing
3. Desilting of tanks
4. Growing crops for fodder alone
5. Re-sowing if drought occurs within three weeks after sowing
6. Seed treatment with drought inducing chemicals
7. Live stock rearing
8. Soil and water conservation measures
9. Ground water protection
10. Thinning
11. Transplanting seedling of millets
12. Mulching
13. Making tankers ready for supply of drinking water
14. Rain water harvesting
Dryland farming though majorly effected by dry spells and drought, the crops are cultivated
in different rainfall, humidity and temperature ranges; and their distribution. The soils are
found to be much varying in structure, texture and organic matter content, which makes
them suitable for particular crops and particular variety of a crop. The recommendations
mentioned here under are based on publications from Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural
University, Agricultural Research stations and farmers experiences over years.
A. Paddy
1. Select semi dwarf varieties with high grain potential for the specific situation.
2. Select a variety resistant to pest and disease in a particular locality, for example gall
midge resistant varieties like pothana, kavya, Brown plant hopper tolerant varieties
like where as varieties like MTU-1010 and Vajram are suitable in Mahaboobnagar
district. Selection of the variety should also be based on sowing time, season and
availability of water.
3. Encourage SRI method for more economic use of water, less quantity of seed, low
input cost and high productivity.
4. Seed treatment: Prepare slurry of Azospirillum 600 g + Phosphobacteria 600 g with
one litre rice gruel and mixed with 25 kg of rice seeds and ensure uniform seed
coating. Bio fertilizers like blue green algae, Azolla, Azosporillum, PSB will help in
sustaining soil fertility and can save on chemical fertilizers by minimum of 10-20%.
5. Ensure plant population and planting in optimum time. For Scare rainfall areas
planting should not be beyond July –August in kharif.
6. Direct seedling would save establishment time for seedlings under late planting
conditions and water deficit areas. Cost of raising nursery and transplanting can be
saved due to direct seeding besides reduction in labor and water consumption.
7. Transplanting of healthy seedlings may be done at 4-5 leaf stage or when they are
about 20-25 cm in height @ 2-3 seedlings not deeper than 2-4 cm.
8. Recommended dose of Nitrogen has to be applied in two splits instead of 3 split
applications, P and K should be applied in a normal way.
9. Critical irrigation for upland rice are transplantation, tillering and panicle initiation.
10. Whenever zinc or Iron deficiency observed, respective controls measure applied by
spraying ZnSo4 20 k g/ acre; in other case Ferrous sulphate (Annabedhi) @20 grams
and 2 grams Lemon salt, diluted in 200 litre of water.
11. Perfect land leveling will ensure irrigation water throughout the field resulting in
lesser weed growth.
12. Maintenance of optimum plant population @ 33 - 44 hills/square meter depending
up on crop season and duration for attaining maximum yields.
B. Chickpea
1. Select short duration (90-100 days) and disease resistant varieties like ICCC-37,
Annegiri. For early sowing ICCV-10 for late sowing extra short duration varieties such
as ICCV-2 80-85days can be ideal.
2. Ideal Sowing time is October-November(Second fortnight of October) and seed rate
is 30 kg/acre.
3. Seed treatment with Trichoderma@ 5 grams/kg or 200grams of Rhizobium/kg seed.
4. Weeding within 35 days of sowing helps in optimum yields.
5. One critical irrigation at 35 days after sowing increases grain yield, but field should
be well drained at flowering.
6. For organic production, 2-3 ton compost/acre, with 3-4 sprays of Jiwamrut/
Panchagavya as foliar sprays should be used. As per the recommendation of state
agriculture department, 12kg Nitrogen: 24kg P2O5,18 kg potash and 80kg
Gypsum/acre are adequate.
7. Podborer incidence can be lessened by inter cropping with Coriander at 6:1 or 6:2.
Pest management options like pheromone traps, trap crops, border crops, bird
perches, NPV virus etc should be effectively practiced to efficiently manage pests as
well as cut down the costs.
C. Cotton
1. Selection of seed by farmer should be based on rainfall and soil type apart from its
potential yield in ideal irrigated conditions. For rainfed situations short duration
varieties with compact canopy which complete lifecycle before receding moisture
situation are ideal. Closer spacing to a range of 60cm x 30 cm could be adapted in
rainfed conditions increasing the crop stand and compensate the growth and
number of bolls/acre.
2. Treating seed with Trichoderma@ 5 grams/kg seed would help prevent the crop
from wilting due to fungal infection.
3. Cropping systems approach is ideal for rainfed conditions, inter crops like
pigeonpea, cowpea, black gram in rows would help for food security and soil
improvement. Trap crops like castor, bhendi and marigold for pest control. To
generate biomass for FYM, planting sunhemp, cassia sp., on bunds would help in
supplementing the soil fertility.
4. Topping / Nipping at 90 days after sowing would stop indeterminate growth and
increase sympodial (fruiting) branching.
5. Critical irrigations during flowering and bollformation would increase up to 30-50%.
6. Effective pest control is achieved with pulses as intercrops, followed by need based
application of 5% NSKE and chilli garlic solution.
D. Groundnut
1. Selected varieties for dry areas in Kharif: Vemana, TMV-2, JL-24; Seed rate is 60kg
kernels /acre
2. Seed treatment: Treating seed with DithaneM45 3g/ kg or Bavistin 1g /kg and mix
thoroughly before sowing and seed treatment with chloropyriphos 6ml / kg seed to
control white grub.
3. Spacing : 30x10cm (Rainfed)
4. Mulching: Mulching with groundnut shells 2 ton/acre after 30 days of sowing saves
moisture and increase yield by 20%. Intercropping of groundnut with redgram or
with mixed pulses in 11:1 ratio helps to conserving soil moisture and to prevent
5. Water harvesting and supplemental irrigation was found feasible and increase pod
yield 20-40%. Supplemental irrigation with stored runoff water in farm ponds
(desirable farm pond size is 10 mx10m and 2.5 m deep) may be applied through
sprinklers system at moisture sensitive stages viz, pegging and pod development
stage increase the pod yield.
6. Red hairy caterpillar controlled by summer ploughing and using light traps or setting
of bonfires in the field 2 days after the rain in the evenings. Vegetative trapping of
the larvae by using loppings of Ipomoea and Calatropis; sowing inter/border crops
cowpea, green gram and castor; trenches along the borders of farm and applying
ash in the furrows control the hairy caterpillars as they move from field to field.
E. Jowar
1. Selection of variety suitable to soil, season: for rain fed conditions of AP, suggested
Hybrids:CSH-5,CSH-6 and varieties NTJ-1 and 2,PJ-890,N-13,N-14.
2. For Maghi season: Sep-Dec; Seed rate: 3-4kg/acre
3. Spacing ideal for rainfed condition is 45cm x 15cm and seed treatment with
Trichoderma @5 grams /kg or Carbandizam @3 grams/kg for control smut seed born
disease and thinning should be at 14-21 days after sowing.
4. Inter cropping with cow pea 2:2 ratio enhances the total fodder production without
affecting grain yield of sorghum one inter cultivation with in 20-25 days should be
carried out.
5. Spraying 5% Ammonium sulphate solution can destroy Striga. Care should be taken
that the solution should not contact the jowar crop.
6. Moisture conservation: flat bed sowing followed by ridging 30 days after sowing.
7. Fertilizers recommended by department is 4 tons FYM and 24kg of N, 16kg P2O5,
12kg K2O/acre. Apply FYM at the time of ploughing, P2O5 and Potash at the time of
sowing. Nitrogen in two splits one at the time of sowing and other at knee height
stage of the crop.
8. Moisture stress should not coincide at seedling stage, primordial initiation, Booting
and flowering stages. One time irrigation for successful crop even under rainfed
condition at 45 days after sowing is beneficial.
9. Timely early sowing, avoids shootfly, remove affected plants by thinning is ideal pest
control option for shoot fly and for stem borer, apply 5% NSKE to 35 days crop.
10. Sugary disease will be controlled with mechanical removal of Sclerotia from seeds by
washing in 3% salt water followed by rinsing in water before sowing. Seed treatment
with ash and cow urine are very effective. Spraying Dithane M-45 is effective at 50%
flowering and then at weekly intervals.
11. Inter crop sorghum with Pigeon pea reduces the charcoal rot and irrigation at head
emergence prevents the spread of the disease.
F. Sunflower
1. Seeds can be soaked in water for 12 hours to and shade dry before sowing hasten
the field emergence. Seed rate 2kgs /ac and treat the seed with Thiram/captan
@3grams/kg of seed
2. Adopt the spacing at 60cm x 30cm in heavy soils and 45 cm x 20cm for light and
medium soils. Thinning should be done 10 – 15 days after sowing leaving only one
plant per hill.
3. Farm Yard Manure at 4 ton/ac has to be incorporated during preparatory tillage. For
rain fed crop52kg Urea:150kg Single Super Phosphate,19.2kg Murate of Potash 17kg
Urea entire SSP and MOP has to applied as a basal and remaining urea has to applied
in 2 equal splits at 25-30 and 50-55 days after sowing. Fertilizer application should
be placement method.
4. Heads effected with necrosis should be removed and destroyed.
5. Hand pollination: Sunflower heads are gently rubbed with palm during flowering
period from 8AM - 11 AM on alternative days for about 6 weeks. Cover the hand/
palm with muslin cloth and gently rub the head with pollen of adjacent heads
6. Sulphur is essential for increasing oil yield; addition of elemental sulphur at 10 @ kg
/acre is recommended to soil at last ploughing. Single super phosphate (SSP) is the
best source for phosphorus as also supplies required sulphur.
7. In Zinc deficit soils, foliar spraying of ZnSO4 @ 1% is beneficial. Spraying Borax @ 0.2
% to flower head at ray floweret opening improves the seed filling and oil content.
8. The critical stages for moisture/irrigation are Bud initiation (30 DAS), flower opening
at 45-50 DAS (most sensitive to moisture stress) and seed filling (60-75 DAS).
9. Ridges and furrow method is well suited for deep black and high rainfall areas for
better growth of the crop. Adjust the sowing time such that reproductive stage
donot coincide with heavy rains.
10. Shining metal ribbons tied in boundaries of field in north south directions to scare
the birds away.
G. Tomato
1. Seed sowing only on raised nursery beds. Incorporate neem cake (400 grams per
square metre) and farmyard manure (2kg per square metre) 15 days before sowing
into the nursery bed to control soil borne diseases.
2. Treat seeds with Trichoderma and Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 5g/kg seed to
control seed and soil borne diseases. Sow in rows at optimum depths (3-5 cm) and
maintain proper moisture conditions.
3. Tomato is deep rooted crop and is highly sensitive to water stress both dryspell and
stagnation, hence drip irrigation is ideal for higher yields.
4. Cover the nursery with 40 mesh nylon net to prevent entry of whiteflies prevents
leaf curl virus also.
5. Keep the seedlings in Asafoetida suspension before transplanting. Transplant
seedlings when they are 26-30 days old ideal spacing is 60x60 cm (kharif), 50x50 cm
(rabi), 60x45 cm (Summer).
6. Grow pearl millet or sorghum as a barrier crop around the tomato field.
7. Inter crop tomato with beans 8:1 ration to control bacterial wilt and serpentine leaf
8. Grow marigold as a trap crop for fruit borer control in 8 :1 ratio.
9. Install yellow sticky traps 25 days after transplanting for control sucking pests like
whitefly and jassids.
H. Redgram
1. Selection of disease resistant varieties like Maruti, Asha for wilt and sterility mosaic
in endemic areas. Maruthi is suitable for light soils and low rainfall areas. Asha is
suitable for heavy soils and high rainfall areas.
2. Follow optimum seed rate and spacing for increased yields.
3. Seed treatment with Trichoderma @ 5grams /kg and Rhizobium bio fertilizers 200
4. Seed rate 3kg /ac and spacing 150 x 20cm (redsoils) and 180 x 20 cm in black soils.
5. Sow immediately after the onset of South-West monsoon (June-July15th).
6. Short duration varieties should be preferred during Kharif.
7. Monitoring of pest population during reproductive stage by erecting pheromone
traps 4 /ac and use of bio control agents such as NPV 200 LE/ac to control borer pest
I. Sesamum
1. Selection of seed on the basis of local adoptability, sown in lines. Madhavi, Gouri
and Rajeswari are good performing varieties.
2. Seed should be mixed with sand three times the quantity and sown with drill.
Thinning should be done for optimum yields.
3. Uprooting plans effected by phyllody (viral disease) and should be destroyed.
4. Weeding in early stages reduces competition and achieves good yields.
5. Harvested plants should be dried upside down.
J. Castor
1. Selection of seed on the basis of local adoptability and resistant to diseases, sow
with early monsoon showers, not later than August 15th.
2. Seed treatment with Trichoderma @ 5gm/kg seed help in reduction of diseases and
its application along with FYM would be better.
3. Gypsum should be applied as basal dose@100kg/acre.
4. Nipping enhances branching and resultant high yields.
5. Defoliator like redhairy cater pillar (RHC) controlled by deep summer ploughing,
bonfires, trenching and trap crops like Ipomea and Calatropis, branches to stop
swarming caterpillars.
6. Neem based pesticides and NPV for major defoliator pests should be used.
7. Botrytis or grey rot can be prevented with precautionary antifungal sprays in cloudy,
humid weather. On cyclone forecasting spray carbendizm@ 1gm/L atleast 6-8 hours
before rains. After rains cease another spray should be done. Timely sowing and
proper spacing would prevent the incidence of the disease.
K. Chilli
8. For pest control, resorting to biopesticdes like neem formulations and NPV are ideal
as the dry chilli are exported as spice, needs to be low in pesticide residues.
L. Maize
M. Sweet orange
1. Healthy orchard can be established with selection of disease free grafts from mosaic
and tristeza. Disease resistant stocks like Rangapur lime should be preferred and
varieties like balaji resistant to canker. While establishing orchards take care so that
scion is at least 15 cm above soil.
2. Irrigation should be given though basin method and should be given to trees
individually. Double ring method helps in preventing collar region diseases. Drip
irrigation is best.
3. Shoots emerging from rootstock and water shoots should be removed promptly. Dry
branches and branches in shadow should be pruned carefully and to the open ends
Bordeaux paste should be applied.
4. Inter crops can be grown in standing orchard two months before fruiting, like
groundnut, marigold, onion and watermelons. Don’t cultivate crops like chilli,
tomato, brinjal and tobacco. Raising green manure crops like sunhemp or cowpea
during early rains and incorporating in to soil would help in improving soil organic
matter content.
5. Application of concentrated organic manures like castor / neem cake @ 15 kg per
tree would reduce disease incidence and quality of fruits will improve. Application of
Trichoderma 1kg and 10 kg of neem cake added to 90 kg FYM, cured for a week and
applying to each tree @10 kg would be an ideal procedure.
6. Care should be taken not to damage root system while intercultivation or
manipulating in the basins.
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Mandal : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Village: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Crop: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Season: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. Cost of cultivation
2 Nutrient management
Basal Dose
Organic inputs
Chemical fertiliser
Top dressing
Equipment Hired Own Total
/material cost Men Women Men Women Cost (Rs)
Organic inputs
Chemical fertiliser
Sowing method
4. Weeding
5. Intercultivation
6 Supplemental Irrigation
7 Plant protection
Source of recomendation
Equipment Hired Own Total
/material cost Men Women Men Women Cost (Rs)
Source of product/ chemical
8. Harvesting/ picking
9. Residue management
10 Intercrop harvesting
Total cost
Grand total cost
Income Marketing
Number of
Price (Rs) Total Amount (Rs) channel /
Kgs / Qtal
Main crop yield ( )
Intercrop yield ( )
Gross income
Total cost
Net income
Cost benefit ratio
• Managing moisture
5. Adaptation of practices
For purposes of description and study, a farm can be divided by space and time factors into different
enterprises, each having its own resource requirements and productivity pattern. This system includes
all activities, either on or off the farm, that use farm resources. Most enterprises of the system are
interrelated. The layout of the farm varies in response to many social factors (Grimble 1973, Ruthenberg
1971, National Research Council 1989 and Harwood 1974) and selection of models. Nutrient
management efforts undertaken in isolation of the farmers’ livelihood strategies and coping
mechanisms evolved over generations may not succeed. The narrow sectoral approaches to crop
cultivation separating livestock should lead way for more integrated farmer centered approaches.
Generating more options for the farmer to attach more to the land is the ultimate key required to
ensure adequate production of biomass and integrated nutrient management. Several tools are
available for this. Important among these is the farming systems approaches. For planners, policy
makers and organizations concerned with integrated nutrient management, farming systems approach
can be a real challenging option. A brief summary of the various components of farm enterprises may be
useful in studying their interaction with the major cropping systems.
Such fencerows are used in areas of seasonally high rainfall to control erosion as well as to separate
fields. The diversity of plants in them and their effectiveness in controlling erosion are highly dependent
on the animal systems. Uncontrolled grazing minimizes the effectiveness in controlling erosion are
highly dependent on the animal systems.
In developed countries the existence of hedgerows are described as restricting mechanization and also
in providing shelter for various insect pests as well as being a source of weeds. On small farms, however,
mechanization is small-scale and not likely to be impeded (Banta 1973). The insect relationships of
fencerow areas are open to question. Some workers feel that the increased diversity of insect species
resulting from diversified cropping results in a more stable pest pattern and one that is more easily
managed. Weeds in most well developed fencerows are excluded by the planting of desirable grass
species and by controlled grazing. The fencerows have much to offerthe small farmer as long as it does
not interfere with small farm implements or water distribution.
Most farmers, when designing their systems use a combination of enterprises having different resource
requirements. Some may be of lower productivity but lend stability to the system. Others may be labor
or cash-intensive and highly productivity, but unstable from the biological, management or economic
standpoint. The net effect is to balance the farmer’s resources in meeting his needs for productivity and
stability. As farm size increases, the labor constraint dictates a change in cropping pattern to less
laborintensive crops. Broadcasting in these cases may become handy.
1.4 Farmstead area
Diverse mixtures of annual and perennial crops characterize the farmstead area.Its function is both an
aesthetic and economic. A well-developed homestead area provides a year-round flow of small income
and a source of food and nutritional security. Its extent and productivity depend on the style of village
commands, the number of small and large ruminants. Lowland areas of South-east Asia, have far smaller
homestead areas than do the scattered dwellings common to upland areas. Untended grazinganimals
such as goats and cows greatly reduce the variability and productivity of these All India Coordinated
Research Project for Dryland Agriculture (AICRPDA) areas. Since most of the plants are trees or shrubs,
this area lends biological and management stability to the overall system (Grimble 1973).
When agro-climatic conditions have been described, which determine specific types of farming systems,
research can begin on complete systems within those environments. The institute is located in a
representative site. Components of the systems, however, may be researched outside the area at a
location where relevant conditions can be simulated. Water-use studied, for instances, may be
conducted in simulated environments at research centers.
c. Land preparation will start with receipt of first monsoon showers, a ploughing followed by
repeated harrowings till fine tilth is achieved.
d. Farm yard manure to a level of 2-4 tons/acre is applied based on the availability. Basal dose of
fertilizer, usually DAP/ complex is applied either along with the seed or as along the rows. Then
top dressing with urea is done.
e. Most of the hybrids are double crosses by private companies, farmers prefer yellow dent corn
types. Green cobs are also sold to market depending on prevailing price.
f. Farmers spray various chemicals depending on the pest infestation like shoot borers, aphids and
diseases like wilt and blight.
g. Harvesting is manual and threshing is done mechanically.
h. After threshing stems and leaves used for dry fodder for cattle and threshed cobs used for fuel.
a. It is important to keep grazing animals and passers-by off the land. Hence the importance of
creating thick live hedges, those can be pruned regularly and provide fodder for livestock or
composting material.
b. Self-sufficiency of foodgrains is another objective of the model and the use ofintercrops as well as
high yielding varieties was promoted. To increase the soil fertility cost efficient technologies such as
NADEPP and vermicomposting may be Bio-Diverse Farming System Models for Dryland Agriculture
introduced. Use of PSB and Rock phosphate may require attention. (Various systems were
developed and practiced worldwide on organic farming. Significant among them are - Howard
system – Balfour Organic – UK; Biodynamic system –USA; Rusch Muller Organisch – Bioloigical –
Germany; Lemaire – Boucher/France; Regenerative – USA; Natural Farming – Japan; Permaculture –
• The area would be systematically treated with field bunds across the slope. The trench cum bund
created help to retain soil and moisture in situ. This also would promote good tree growth of various
species planted on the bunds. Every field bund is covered with MPTs planted at a close spacing of 1 to 2
m in a row. The MPTs comprise of species such as teak, Subabul, Acacia, Gliricidia, Dalbergia, Casia,
Casurina etc. Approximately 500 to 1000 plants per hectare are to be accommodated on boundaries and
bunds. These plants are regularly pruned to avoid shading and to obtain biomass for mulching and
fertilizing. The twigs pruned also provide enough fuel wood to meet the firewood requirement of the
local community.
• Fields are covered with live fencing using species such as Cassia siamea, Gliricidia, Euphorbia,
Vitex nigundo, Pongamia etc. They provide manure and their decoction botanical pesticides. It
may be noted that usually a farmer accepts a plant only when it has multiple utilities. These live
fences in addition to providing protection to the plantations also help to increase bio-diversity in
the area and produce substantial quantities of biomass. This biomass obtained by pruning the
fencing regularly which helps in increasing soil moisture retention capacity and increased
• The water harvesting should be both runon-runoff based. Farm ponds are opened at strategic
locations to harvest excess runoff from the fields. These ponds help increase in percolation. The
increased percolation leads to maintenance of better soil moisture regime, which in turn helps
better tree growth. On the contrary farm ponds are sealed to integrate fish and poultry as per
• Dryland horticulture species such as Mango, Tamarind and Cashew are promoted at a rate of
100 plants per hectare. The fruit species shall be a mix, both as varieties and species for
enhanced availability of fruits during the year.
• Livestock will be an integrated component. The form of livestock may vary from region to
region. The number of animals is to be kept as low as possible meeting essentially home needs
of the farmer and very little towards commercial activities. The browsable species is to be fed to
the cattle by mostly stall feeding, except All India Coordinated Research Project for Dryland
Agriculture (AICRPDA) in pasture plots. Silaging will be the method for off-season needs. The
nonbrowsable species will be converted into compost.
• The farmyard manure and silt accumulated in the farm ponds will be recycled. Instead of
spreading too thinly, a method will be designed in consultation with farmers as per the
requirements to enrich different areas and covering the entire land in due course of time. The
above measures may result in congenial microclimate reducing aridity and crop losses due to
moisture stress and result in increasing agricultural crop production due to –
Better soil moisture regime
Increased soil organic matter
Windbreak effect due to live fences and tree plantation leading to better soil moisture
retention and reduced transpiration
The farmer occupied with land based activities for extended periods.
Staying back on his land almost 12 months in a year and hence takes better care of land.
Increased biomass availability helping in integration of livestock into the farming
• The horticultural trees providing sustained incomes even in bad rainy season thereby providing
an insurance cover against fluctuations in crop production. The successful incorporation of tree
component into farming systems in the program result in visibly improved protection to the
watershed. This helped us to conceptualize a new approach to watershed treatment, with more
thrust on permanent vegetation in agricultural fields.
2. For each of the Production System, districts falling under the S.No. 1&2 were considered as high
priority areas and the remaining districts under S.No. 4 - 8 are given lower priority. Priority
districts thus identified for each of the production system have been merged together to
identify the priority districts for the entire rainfed agro-eco sysyem as a whole.
3. Sustainable farming system models covering the priority districts and for each of the agro-eco
sub region are developed. Information on the suitable farming system models for each of the
agro-eco sub region and districts under each of the Agro-eco sub-regions (AESR) with priority
status are described in Annexure-II. However, the interactions among these components when
integrated into a farming system depends on many factors viz. rainfall, soils, management and
the quantum of the components themselves.
Region : Karnataka Plateau (Rayalseema as inclusion), hot arid with deep loamy and clayey mixed red
and black soils, low to medium AWC and LGP 60 – 90 days. (AESR 3.0).
Target Districts:
First Priority: Anantapur
Farming system model:
Crop Production System: Groundnut, Pigeon pea, Sorghum, Sunflower
Boundary Plantation: Tamarindus indica, Pongamia, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Prosopis juliflora
Live fence
Outer Layer: Cactus, Lawsonia
Inner Layer: Muraya coenigi, Carissa carundus
Trees on crop lands
Fodder/green biomass: Acacia nilotica, Ailanthus excelsa, Albizzia lebbeck, Hardwickia binata, Dalbergia
sissoo, Azadirachta indica
Fruit: Custard apple, Pomegranate,Tamarind, Fig, Jamun, Mango
Wood (Commercial/Farm Use/Fuel Wood): Acacia nilotica, Acacia auriculiformis, Dalbergia sissoo
Medicinal & Aromatic Plants: Cassia angustifolia, Catharanthu roseus, Palma rosa
Vegetables: Cluster bean, Pumpkin, Cow pea, Round melon, Drum stick
Livestock Production System: Female Cattle, Male Cattle, Female Buffaloes, Sheep, Goat, Poultry
Water harvesting techniques: Manage in <10 ha watersheds: Soil water balance
studies: Runoff-erosion measurements: More emphasis on in situ water conservation: Increasing soil
infiltration capacity and reducing soil crusting problem: Land shaping to store more water in the soil
profile: Inter-plot water harvesting of 1:1 cropped to uncropped land: Dead furrows at 3.6 m intervals:
Absorption/drainage type terraces: Vegetative barriers: Gully control.
Soil and Water Conservation Practices: Increasing catchment area: Designing catchment size for farm
ponds under low runoff conditions: Water harvesting in lined dug-out ponds and use for life-saving
irrigation: Efficient use of stored water
Groundwater Exploration: Fluctuation of groundwater levels in low runoff area: Exploring ways of
collecting more runoff to recharge soil profile.
Model:II Agri-horti-silvi culture in Arid to semi-arid kharif alfisols in Chalkas
Region : Deccan plateau (Telangana) and Eastern Ghats, hot semi-arid ecoregion : North Telangana
plateau, hot moist semi arid with deep loamy and clayey mixed Red and Black soils, medium to very high
AWC and LGP 120-150 days (AESR 7.2)
Target districts:
First Priority: Mahaboobnagar
Selected districts: Kurnool
Farming system model:
Crop Production System: Groundnut, Pigeon pea, Sorghum, Sunflower
Boundary Plantation: Gliricidia, Dalbergia sissoo, Eucalyptus hybrid
Live fence
Outer Layer: Cactus sps., Opuntia sps., Lawsonia alba
Inner Layer: Gliricidia, Leucaena, Muraya coenigi.
Trees on crop lands
Fodder/green biomass: Leucaena leucocephala, Gliricidia, Azadirachta
indica, Albizia lebbeck, Albizia amara, Faidherbia albida, Hardwickia
Fruit: Custard apple, Ber, Cherimoya, Mango, Tamarind, Jamun
Wood (Commercial/Farm Use/Fuel Wood): A.nilotica, A. cupressiformis, H.binata, Dalbergia sissoo.
Medicinal & Aromatic Plants: Plantago ovata, Cassia angustifolia, Palmarosa,Vetiveria zyzanoides
Vegetables: Cow pea, Clusterbean, Drumstick, Coccinia, Pumpkin, Round melon.
Livestock Production System: Female Cattle, Male Cattle, Female Buffaloes, Sheep, Goat, poultry
Water harvesting techniques: Manage in <10 ha watersheds: Soil water balance studies: Runoff-erosion
measurements: More emphasis on in situwater conservation: Increasing soil infiltration capacity and
reducing soil crusting problem: Land shaping to store more water in the soil profile:Inter-plot water
harvesting of 1:1 cropped to uncropped land: Dead furrows at 3.6 m intervals: Absorption/drainage type
terraces:Vegetative Barriers: Gully control.
Soil and Water Conservation Practices: Increasing catchment area: Designing catchment size for farm
ponds under low runoff conditions: Water harvesting in lined dug-out ponds and use for life-saving
irrigation: Efficient use of stored water: Groundwater Exploration: Fluctuation of groundwater levels in
low runoff area: Exploring ways of collecting more runoff to recharge soil profile.
Model :III. Agri-horti- silvi culture in Arid to semi-arid kharif alfisols in Chalka Region
Region : North Telangana Plateau. Hot moist semi-arid ESR with deep loamy
and clayey mixed red and black soils, medium to very high AWC and
LGP: 120-150 days. (AESR 7.2)
Target Districts: Nalgonda, Medak
Farming system model:
Crop Production System: Castor, Groundnut, Sorghum, Pigeonpea, Greengram, Cotton
Boundary Plantation: Eucalyptus, A.nilotica, A. tortiles
Live fence
Outer Layer: Agave sisalana, Cactus
Inner Layer: Gliricidia, Sesbania, Leucaena, Custard apple, Guava. Muraya coenigi
Trees on crop lands
Fodder/green biomass: Albizzia lebbeck, D.sissoo, Leucaena, Azadiracta, Hardwickia binata, Acacia
Fruit: Custard apple, Tamarind, Jamun, Mango, Ber
Wood (Commercial/Farm Use/Fuel Wood): Dalbergia sissoo, A. auriculiformis, A.nilotica, Hardwickia
Medicinal & Aromatic Plants: Cassia angustifolia, Catharanthus roseus, Plantago ovata, Palmarosa,
Vetiveria zyzanoides.
Vegetables: Cluster bean, Drum stick, Cucumber, Cow pea, Ridge gourd, Round melon, Okra, Water
Livestock Production System: Sheep, Goat, Male & Female Cattle
Water harvesting techniques: Manage in <10 ha watersheds: Soil water balance studies: Runoff-erosion
measurements: More emphasis on in situ water conservation: Increasing soil infiltration capacity and
reducing soil crusting problem: Land shaping to store more water in the soil profile: Inter-plot water
harvesting of 1:1 cropped to uncropped land: Dead furrows at 3.6 m intervals: Absorption/drainage type
terraces: Vegetative barriers: Gully control.
Soil and Water Conservation Practices: Increasing catchment area: Designing
catchment size for farm ponds under low runoff conditions: Water
harvesting in lined dug-out ponds and use for life-saving irrigation:
Efficient use of stored water.
Groundwater Exploration: Fluctuation of groundwater levels in low runoff area: Exploring ways of
collecting more runoff to recharge soil profile.
Model :IV. Agri-horticulture in Arid to semi-arid kharif alfisols in Chalka Region
Region : Eastern ghats and Tamil Nadu uplands and Deccan (Karnataka) Plateau, hot semi-arid eco-
region: Central Karnataka Plateau, hot moist semiarid Eco Sub Region with medium to deep red loamy
soils, low AWC and LGP 120-150 days (AESR 8.2)
Target Districts: Chittoor
Farming system model:
Crop Production System: Finger millet, Horse gram, Sorghum, Fruit & Vegetables
Boundary Plantation: Tectona grandis, D. sissoo, Tamarindus indica
Live fence
Outer Layer: Cactus, Agave sisalana
Inner Layer: C.carundus, Leucaena, Gliricidia, Sesbania sesban
Trees on crop lands
Fodder/green biomass: L.leucocephala, Albizzia lebbeck, Dalbergia sissoo, A.indica, Pongamia, Cassia
Fruit: Mango, Pomegranate, Sapota, Guava, Custard apple, Jamun
Wood (Commercial/Farm Use/Fuel Wood): A.nilotica, A.auriculiformis, Tectona grandis, Santalum
Medicinal & Aromatic Plants: Catharanthus roseus, Cassia angustifolia, Solanum viarum, Dioscorea,
Geranium, Pogostemon patchouli, Jasmine
Vegetables: Tomato, Chillies, Okra Water melon, Bitter gourd, Drum stick, Brinjal, Bitter gourd.
Livestock Production System: Female Cattle, Male Cattle, Female , Buffaloes, Sheep, Goat, Poultry
Water harvesting techniques: Manage in <10 ha watersheds, Soil water balance Studies: Runoff-erosion
measurements: More emphasis on in situ water conservation: Increasing soil infiltration capacity and
reducing soil crusting problem: Land shaping to store more water in the soil profile: Inter-plot water
harvesting of 1:1 cropped to uncropped land: Dead furrows at 3.6 m intervals: Absorption/drainage type
terraces: Vegetative barriers: Gully control.
Soil and Water Conservation Practices: Increasing catchment area: Designing catchment size for farm
ponds under low runoff conditions: Water harvesting in lined dug-out ponds and use for life-saving
irrigation: Efficient use of stored water:
Groundwater Exploration: Fluctuation of groundwater levels in low runoff area: Exploring ways of
collecting more runoff to recharge soil profile.
Annexure - IV
Cropping system based recommendations from CRIDA
A. Groundnut based cropping system
Agroecological setting
Climate:Hot moist semi arid
Physiography: Rayalaseema region
Soils: Deep red loamy soils (Alfisols 80%; Aridisols– 20%)
Annual rainfall: 697 mm
Potential evapotranspiration: 1556 mm
Moisture availability period: 120-150 days
Crop management
• Varieties: TMV-2, Vemana, TPT–4, TPT-2, TPT-1 and JL-24
- For scarce rainfall in kharif – Vemana (K-134), Tirupati–2, TMV-2, JCG–88, Tirupati–1, Tirupati–4
- For delayed onset of monsoon – Kadiri-4 (K-150)
• Seed rate: 100 kg/ha
• Seed treatment: Seed treatment with Mancozeb (3g)/ Carbendazim (2g) for one kg of kernals
• Sowing time: kharif – July
• Planting pattern: 30x10 cm
• Nutrient management: 20 kg N + 40 kg P2O5 + 40 kg K2O/ha. Reduce to 50% of recommendation if
soil test value is medium
• In Zn deficient soils – apply ZnSO4 at 25 kg/ha once in three years
• Pest management:
- Root grub: Apply Thimmet or Phorate granules at 10 kg/ha to soil before sowing or treat the
seed with chlorpyriphos @ 6 ml/kg seed.
- Aphids, leaf miner: Spray 0.05% Endosulfan or Dimethoate or Monocrotophos
- Red hairy caterpillar:
- Arrange bonfires 2 days after soaking rain from 8.00 PM to 10.00 PM
- Make a furrow around the field, and apply Carbaryl dust in the furrow
- For second and third instar larvae spray dimethoate @ 2 ml/l or Monocrotophos @1.6 ml/l
- Poison bait with 10 kg rice bran + 1 kg jaggery + 500 ml Quinolphos can be applied for
effective control.
Weed management
• Preplant application of Fluchloralin @3-3.5 l/ha
• Pre-emergence application of (within three days after sowing) Butachlor @4-5 l/ha or
@3.5-5 l/ha
• Mulching with groundnut shells @5 t/ha, 15-20 days after crop emergence.
• Application of antitranpirants like Kaoline or Lime water @ 50 g during drought conditions.
• To recover from drought effect spraying of urea @20 g/l of water
• Some other important practices
- Deep ploughing once in three years, where soil depth is 20 cm or more.
- Preparatory cultivation with country plough or “Chekkala guntaka”, a traditional
implement increases
- the yield of groundnut.
- Sand application @ 40 t/ha applied during summer increases the yield of groundnut
- Drought management practices like application of groundnut shells @ 5 t/ha at 10 days
after sowing
- Drought tolerant varieties – Girnar -1
- Deep tillage is done for reducing soil borne pests
- Pearlmillet act as a barrier for thrips and leaf miner
- Castor act as barrier for Spodoptera litura, Achoea janata
- Groundnut + soybean for trapping leaf miner and thrips
- Seed treatment: Carbendazim (Bavistin) 2 g/kg of seeds for seed borne fungi viz., collar
rot and stem rot.
Suitable cropping systems
• Monocropping of groundnut: In 50% of the rainfed cultivated area
• Groundnut + pigeonpea (7: 1 or 11.1)
• Groundnut + castor (7:1 or 11:1)
Farm implements/ tools:
• Eenatigorru (bullock drawn, four row): Useful for sowing, seed and fertilizer placement. Suitable
for those who have light draft animals (Rs.1500 per unit)
• Seed drill/planter (tractor drawn, nine row): It is a mechanical seed drill. More area can be
covered in a day and intra row spacing is maintained (Rs.16000 per unit)
• Ashaguntaka (tractor drawn, seven row): Useful for harvesting of groundnut crop. More field
capacity and labour saving (Rs.20000 per unit)
• Groundnut thresher cum decorticator: Useful for separating groundnut pods from haulms. It
was foundadvantageous to thresh groundnut after 3-5 days after harvest. The cost of operation
was Rs. 224/ha. It can also be used as decorticator with minor modifications. Perform timely
operation and labour saving (Rs.45000 per unit)
2. Fodder/ green biomass: Dalbergia sissoo, Gliricidia, Albizzia lebbeck, Cassia siamea,
Azadirachta indica/stylo, Marvel-8 grass
3. Fruit: Ber, Custard apple, Pomegranate, Amla + kharif spreading crops
4. Medicinal and aromatic plants: Cassia angustifolia, Catharanthus roseus, Palma rosa,
Vetiveria zizanoides, Rose, Geranium
5. Vegetables: Onion, Brinjal, Chillies, Cowpea, Cucumber, Cluster bean, Drumstick.
Agroecological setting
• Climate: Hot arid
• Physiography: Rayalaseema region
• Soils: Deep loamy and clayey mixed red and black soils( Alfisols- 80%)
• Annual rainfall: 497 mm
• Potential evapotranspiration: 1858 mm
• Moisture availability period: 60-90 days
• Climate: Hot dry semi arid
• Physiography: Rayalaseema
• Soils: Deep loamy, clayey mixed red and black soils (Alfisols - 60%, Vestic Inceptisols - 40%)
• Annual rainfall: 748 mm
• Potential evapotranspiration: 1835 mm
• Moisture availability period: 80-120 days
• Climate: Hot dry semi arid
• Physiography: Rayalaseema region
• Soils: Deep loamy, clayey mixed red and black soils (Alfisols - 60%; Vertic Inceptisols - 40%)
• Annual rainfall: 605 mm
• Potential evapotranspiration: 1828 mm
• Moisture availability period: 80-120 days
• Climate: Hot moist semi arid
• Physiography: North Telangana
• Soils: Deep loamy, clayey mixed red and black soils (Vertisols–40%; Vertic Inceptisols–20%;
• Annual rainfall: 792 mm
• Potential evapotranspiration: 1678 mm
• Moisture availability period: 120-150 days
• Climate: Hot moist semi arid
• Physiography: North Telangana
• Soils: Deep loamy, clayey mixed red and black soils (Alfisols 100%)
• Annual rainfall: 763 mm
• Potential evapotranspiration: 1761 mm
• Moisture availability period: 120-150 days
• Nutrient management:
• 20 kg N + 40 kg P2O5+ 40 kg K2O/ha. Reduce to 50% of recommendation if soil test value is
• 20 kg N + 40 kg P2O5 + 50 kg K2O + 500 kg gypsum + 25 kg ZnSO4 (for Zn deficient soils) for
every three years of groundnut crop + farm yard manure @ 10-12 t/ha. N, P and K as basal.
Apply gypsum in rows near to base of the plants after weeding at first flowering. Gypsum
application should be completed before 45 DAS / before second weeding.
• In Zn deficient soils – apply ZnSO4 25 kg/ha once in three years
• Weed control: Hand weeding at 20 and 40 days after sowing + pendimethalin at 50 days
after sowing as post emergence @ 0.5 kg a.i/ha
• Root grub: Apply Thimmet or Phorate granules at 10 kg/ha to soil before sowing or treat the
seed with chlorpyriphos @ 6 ml/kg seed.
• Aphids, leaf miner: Spray 0.05% Endosulfan or Dimethoate or Monocrotophos
• Red hairy caterpillar: Arrange bonfires 2 days after soaking rain from 8.00 PM to 10.00 PM
• Make a furrow around the field, and apply Carbaryl dust in the furrow
• For second and third instar larvae, spray dimethoate @ 2 ml/l or Monocrotophos @ 1.6 ml/l
• Poison bait with 10 kg rice bran + 1 kg jaggery + 500 ml Quinolphos can be applied for
effective control.
Weed management
• Cultural practices
• Soil amendment with castor cake @ 500 kg/ha (preferably 15 days before sowing) for soil
borne diseases like stem rot and collar rot.
• Intercropping of groundnut with pigeonpea/ pearlmillet/ sorghum (3:1) depending upon the
locally recommended intercrops against foliar fungal diseases (early and late leaf spots, rust)
and insect pests (leaf miner and thrips)
• Use of trap crops such as cowpea/ soybean (leaf miner and leaf hoppers)/ castor
(Spodoptera and leaf hoppers) as border crops for sucking/ defoliating insects.
• One hand weeding at 30-35 days after sowing after the application of pre-emergence
weedicide Fluchloralin @ 1.5 kg a.i./ha.
Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda
• Varieties: JL-24
• Seed rate: 100 kg/ ha
• Seed treatment: Seed treatment with Mancozeb (4 g)/ Carbendazim (2 g) for one kg of kernals
• Planting pattern: 30x10 cm
• Nutrient management: 20 kg N + 40 kg P2O5+ 40 kg K2O/ha.
• In Zn deficient soils – apply ZnSO4 25 kg/ha once in three years
• 50% recommended dose of fertilizer + Farm yard manure 5 t/ha in sequence crops
• Pest management:
• Root grub: Apply Thimmet or Phorate granules at 10 kg/ha to soil before sowing or treat the
seed with Chlorpyriphos @ 6 ml/kg seed.
• Aphids, leaf miner: Spray 0.05% Endosulfan or Dimethoate or monocrotophos
• Red hairy caterpillar: Arrange bonfires 2 days after soaking rain from 8.00 PM to 10.00 PM,
Make a furrow around the field, and apply carbaryl dust in the furrow
• For second and third instar larvae, spray Dimethoate @ 2 ml/l or Monocrotophos @ 1.6 ml/l
Poison bait with 10 kg rice bran + 1 kg jaggery + 500 ml Quinolphos can be applied for
effective control.
• Late leaf spot: Spray Mancozeb 2 g + Carbendazim 1 g/l or Hexaconazole @ 2 ml/l. Spraying
canbe taken up based on leaf wetness at 70 days after sowing. There is no need to spray for
July sowncrop.
• Stem necrosis: Removal of weeds particularly Parthenium on the bunds and in the field
Weed management:
Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda
• Preplant application of Fluchloralin @3-3.5 l/ha
• Pre-emergence application of (within three days after sowing) Butachlor @4-5 l/ha or
@3.5-5 l/ha
• Mulching with groundnut shells @5 t/ha, 15-20 days after crop emergence.
• Application of antitranpirants like Kaoline or Lime water @ 50 g during drought conditions.
• To recover from drought effect spraying of urea @20 g/l of water
Some other important practices
• Drought tolerant varieties – Girnar–1
• Deep tillage is done for reducing soil borne pest
• Pearlmillet acts as a barrier for thrips and leaf miner
• Castor acts as a barrier for Spodoptera litura, Achoea janata
• Groundnut + soybean for trapping leaf miner, thrips
• Seed treatment: Carbendazim (Bavistin) 2 g/kg of seeds for seed borne fungi viz., collar rot and
stem rot.
• Seed treatment with Mancozeb (3 g)/ Carbendazim (2 g) for 1 kg of kernels
Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda
• Bullock drawn two-row sweep cultivator
• Modified two-row blade harrow
• Bullock drawn country plough attached with Pora tube
Alternate farming systems
Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda
• Parkland systems: Azadirachta indica, Acacia nilotica, Tamarindus indica
• Trees on bunds: Tectona grandis, Leucaena leucocephala, Borassus flabellifera, Cocos nucifera,
Acacia nilotica var. cupressiformis
• Silvipastoral system: Leucaena leucocephala + Stylosanthes hamata, Leucaena leucocephala +
Cenchrus+ ciliaris
• Alley cropping: Leucaena leucocephala + sorghum/ pearlmillet, Gliricidia sepium + sorghum/
• Agrohorti system: Mango + short duration pulses
• Fruit: Mango, Ber, Custard apple, Guava, Pomegranate, Amla
• Fodder/green biomass: Luecaena leucocephala. Azadirachta indica, Albizzia lebbeck, Bauhinia
purpurea,A. procera, B.monosperma, A.amara, Dalbergia sissoo
• Medicinal and aromatic plants: Catharanthus roseus, Cassia angustifolia, Aloe barbadensis,
• somnifera, Cymbopogan martini, Cymbopogan flexuosus, P rosalea, Palma rosa, Vetiveria
• Dye yielding plants: Lawsonia inermis, Hibiscus sabdariffa, Tagetus errecta, Indigofera tinctoria,
• Other economic shrubs: Curry leaf, Jatropha, Soapnut
• Animal component: Female cattle, Female buffaloes, Male cattle, Sheep and Goat
• Other enterprises: Sericulture, Poultry
Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda
• June: Normal onset of monsoon
• Sole crop: Sorghum (CSH 5, CSH-6, CSH-9), pearlmillet (MBH 110)
• Inter crop:
• Sorghum - pigeonpea (2:1)
• Pearlmillet + pigeonpea (2:1) in 45 cm row spacing. Pigeonpea duration of 150-180 days may
be used.
• July: Late onset of monsoon
• Sow castor (Aruna, GAUCH-1)
• Sole crop: Pearlmillet (MBH-100), Bunch variety of groundnut (TMV-2, JL-24)
• Intercrop: Maize (DHM-101, Ganga-5)
• Maize + pigeonpea (2:1) at 50 cm spacing. Pigeonpea duration of 180-200 days
• Destruction of weeds
• Intercropping with blackgram, soybean, groundnut, setaria, maize, cowpea at two rows for every ten
rows of cotton
• Trap cropping with Okra (1:10), castor, marigold
• Use of egg parasitoids Trichogramma sp.@ 1.5 lakh/ha
• Spray H-NPV @ 250 LE/ha
• Use of Neem oil 5%
• Spray of Quinolphos @2 l/ha or Chloripyriphos @ 2 l/ha
• Weeding at 30 days after semi and of 60 days after sowing
Some other important practices
• Sowing in June/ July
Suitable cropping systems
• Cotton + pigeonpea
• Cotton + sorghum
Farm implements/ tools
• Ferti cum seed drill
• Bullock drawn two-row sweep cultivator
• Modified two-row blade harrow
• Bullock drawn country plough attached with Pora tube
Alternate farming systems
• Parkland systems: Azadirachta indica, Acacia nilotica, Tamarindus indica
• Trees on bunds: Tectona grandis, Leucaena lecocephala, Borassus flabellifera, Coccos nucifera, Acacia
nilotica var. cupressiformis
• Silvipstoral system: Leucaena leucocephala + Stylosanthes hamata, Leucaena leucocephala +
• Alley cropping: Leucaena leucocephala + sorghum/ Pearlmillet, Gliricidia sepium + sorghum/pearlmillet
• Agrohorti system: Mango + short duration pulses
• Fruit: Mango, Ber, Custard apple, Guava, Pomegranate, Amla
• Fodder/green biomass: Luecaena leucocephala. Azadirachta indica, Albizzia lebbeck, Bauhinia
Acacia procera, Butea monosperma, Acacia samara, Dalbergia sissoo
• Medicinal & Aromatic Plants: Catharanthus roseus, Cassia angustifolia, Aloe barbadensis, Withia
Cymbopogan martini, Cymbopogan flexuosus, Vetiveria zizanoides, P.rosalea, Palma rosa.
• Dye yielding plants: Lawsonia inermis, Hibiscus sabdariffa, Tagetus errecta, Indigofera tinctoria,
• Other economic shrubs: Curry leaf, Jatropa, Soapnut
• Animal component: Female cattle, Female Buffaloes, Male Cattle, Sheep and Goat
• Other enterprises: Sericulture, Poultry
Contingent planning
For Red soils:
• June:
• Sole crop:
• Sorghum (CSH 5, CSH-6, CSH-9), Pearlmillet (MBH 110)
• Intercrop:
• Sorghum- pigeonpea (2:1)
• Pearlmillet + pigeonpea (2:1) in 45 cm row spacing. Pigeonpea duration of 150 – 180 days may be
• July:
• Sole crop:
• Fingermillet
• Sow castor (Kranti, GAUCH-1)
• Bunch variety of Groundnut (TMV-2, JL-24)
• Intercrop:
• Maize (DHM-101.Ganga-5)
• Maize + pigeonpea (2:1) at 50 cm spacing. Pigeonpea duration of 180-200 days
• August:
• Sole crop:
• Setaria (H-1, Arjuna) for grain to poultry feed and straw for fodder
• Castor (Kranti, Aruna, GAUCH –1) with increased seed rate (15 kg/ha)
For Black soils
First crop
• June:
• Sorghum (CSH-5, CSH-6)
• Maize: (Ganga 5, DHM-101)
• Greengram (PS-16, HB-45, LRG –30)
• July:
• Maize (Ganga 5, DHM-101)
• Greengram (PS-16, HB-45, LRG –30)
Second crop
• September:
• Maghi sorghum (Moti, CSH-6)
• Safflower: (Manjira)
• October:
• Safflower: (Manjira)
• Chickpea (Jyothi)
District Region
Guntur Low runoff and Medium yield
Prakasam gap
Agro-ecological setting
• Climate: Hot moist semi arid/ dry sub humid
• Physiography: Eastern ghats
• Soils: Medium deep loamy, clayey mix red and black soils, deep clayey coastal and deltaic alluvium
derived soils (Aridisols – 40%; Vertisols – 30%; Alfisols – 30%)
• Annual rainfall: 704 mm
• Potential evapotranspiration: 1777 mm
• Moisture availability period: 150 - 180 days
• Climate: Hot moist semi arid/ Dry sub humid
• Physiography: Eastern Ghats
• Soils: Medium deep loamy, clayey mixed red and black soils, deep clayey coastal and deltaic alluvium
derived soils (Vertic Inceptisols – 70%; Orthids – 30%)
• Annual rainfall: 848 mm
• Potential evapotranspiration: 1951 mm
• Moisture availability period: 150 – 180 days
Soil and water conservation
Guntur, Prakasam
• More emphasis on in situ water conservation like mulching, deep tillage, conservation furrows
• Increasing soil infiltration capacity and reducing soil crusting problem
• Supplemental irrigation wherever feasible
• Field bunds for smaller areas may be encouraged for wider adoption
Crop management
• Cultivars:
• L 389, MCH 5, LRA 5166, JKHY 1, Savita, LAM Hybrid 1
• Seed rate: 8- 10 kg/ha
• Date of sowing: 15th July to 15th August
• Planting pattern: 90 x 45 cm; 105 x 45 cm; 90 x 60 cm; 105 x 60 cm
• Nutrient management
• 90 kg N (in two splits i.e., half at first square formation and half at peak flowering) + 45 kg P2O5
+ 45 kg K2O + 10-15 t FYM/ ha. Entire P and K at sowing
• 100 kg N (in two splits i.e., half at first square formation and half at peak flowering) + 50 kg P2O5
+ 50 kg K2O + 10-15 t FYM/ ha. Entire P and K at sowing
• Pest management
• Summer ploughing
• Avoid delayed sowings
• Use of certified seeds
• Seed treatment with Captan or Thiram @ 2-3 g/kg seed
• Destruction of weeds
• Intercropping with blackgram, soybean, groundnut, setaria, maize, cowpea at two rows for every
ten rows of cotton
• Trap cropping with Okra (1:10), castor, marigold
• Use of egg parasitoids Trichogramma sp.@ 1.5 lakh/ha
• Spray H-NPV @ 250 LE/ha
• Use of Neem oil 5%
• Spray of Quinolphos @2 l/ha or Chloripyriphos @ 2 l/ha
• Weeding at 30 days after semi and of 60 days after sowing
• Some other important practices
• Sowing up to15th July in red soils
• Sowing up to 15th August in black soils
• Sowing upto June second fortnight (Alfisols)
• Sowing upto second fortnight of July (deep black soils)
Suitable cropping systems
Guntur, Prakasam
• Cotton + pigeonpea
Farm implements/ tools
Guntur, Prakasam
• Bullock drawn two-row sweep cultivator
• Modified two-row blade harrow
• Bullock drawn country plough attached with Pora tube.
Alternate Farming systems
• Fodder/ green biomass: Albizzia lebbeck, Dalbergia sissoo, Leucaena, Azadirachta, Hardwickia binata,
Acacia albida
• Fruit: Custard apple, tamarind, jamun, mango, ber
• Medicinal/ Aromatic Plants: Cassia angustifolia, Catharanthus roseus, Plantago ovata, Palma rosa,
• Vegetables: Cluster bean, drumstick, cucumber, cowpea, ridge gourd, round melon, okra, watermelon.
District Region
Kurnool Low runoff and High yield gap
Agro-ecological setting
• Climate: Hot dry semi arid
• Physiography: Rayalseema
• Soils: Deep loamy, clayey mixed red and black soils (Alfisols – 60%; Vertic Inceptisols – 40%)
• Annual rainfall: 605 mm
• Potential evapotranspiration: 1828 mm
• Moisture availability period: 80 – 120 days
Crop management
• Varieties: Mahanandi, NA – 920
• Seed rate: 10-12 kg/ha; 3-3.5 kg/ha for Hybrids
• Planting pattern:
• 60 – 68 x 22 cm for Desi cotton
• 60 x 30 cm for American cotton
• Nutrient management
• 90 kg N (in two splits i.e., half at first square formation and half at peak flowering) + 45 kg P2O5
+ 45 kg K2O + 10-15 t FYM/ ha. Entire P and K at sowing
• 100 kg N (in two splits i.e., half at first square formation and half at peak flowering) + 50 kg P2O5
+ 50 kg K2O + 10-15 t FYM/ ha. Entire P and K at sowing
• Pest management:
• Summer ploughing
• Avoid delayed sowings
• Use of certified seeds
• Seed treatment with Captan or Thiram @ 2-3 g/kg seed
• Destruction of weeds
• Intercropping with blackgram, soybean, groundnut, setaria, maize, cowpea at two rows for every
ten rows of cotton
• Trap cropping with Okra (1:10), castor, marigold
• Use of egg parasitoids Trichogramma sp.@ 1.5 lakh/ha
• Spray H-NPV @ 250 LE/ha
• Use of Neem oil 5%
• Spray of Quinolphos @2 l/ha or Chloripyriphos @ 2 l/ha
• Weeding at 30 days after semi and of 60 days after sowing
• Fluchloralin @ 1.0 kg a.i./ha or Pendamethalim @1.5 kg a.i./ha Preplanting application with one
interculture 35 days after sowing
• Some other important practices
• Mungani – Sowing in May last week and first week of June
• Hingari – Second fortnight of August onwards for Desi cottons
• August 15th to September 15th – American cotton
• Seed treatment of with Azospirillum or Azotobacter
• Mulching with crop residues
• Providing good internal and surface drainage
• Deep ploughing once in 2-3 years
• Normal onset of monsoon (July): Groundnut, pigeonpea (TMV –2,J-11), groundnut + pigeonpea, castor
(Aruna, GAUCH –1), mesta (AMV –1), setaria, pearlmillet (MBH –110, MH-88), greengram
• Late onset of monsoon (August): Sorghum, greengram (after August 15th), pearlmillet (MBH –110),
setaria, groundnut (TMV –2)
• Very late onset of monsoon (September): Pearlmillet, cowpea, horse gram (early September),
pearlmillet(MBH –110), horsegram (Anantapur local, BGM).