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Large Scale Data Collection of Tattoo-Based Biometric Data From Social-Media Websites

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2017 European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference

Large Scale Data Collection of Tattoo-Based

Biometric Data from Social-Media Websites
Michael Martin, Jeremy Dawson, and Thirimachos Bourlai
Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, West Virginia University
Morgantown, WV, 26505 USA
mmarti40@mix.wvu.edu, Jeremy.Dawson@mail.wvu.edu, ThBourlai@mail.wvu.edu

Abstract—The use of tattoos as a soft biometric is increasing in

popularity among law enforcement communities. There is great
need for large scale, publicly available tattoo datasets that can
be used to standardize efforts to develop tattoo-based biometric
systems. In this work, we introduce a large tattoo dataset (WVU-
MediaTatt) collected from a social-media website. Additionally,
we provide the source links to the images so that anyone can
re-generate this dataset. Our WVU-MediaTatt database contains
tattoo sample images from over 1,000 subjects, with two tattoo
image samples per subject. To the best of our knowledge, this
dataset is significantly bigger than any current released publicly
available tattoo dataset, including the recently released NIST
Tatt-C dataset. The use of social media in deep learning, data
mining, and biometrics has traditionally been a controversial
issue in terms of data security and protection of privacy. In this
work, we first conduct a full discussion on the issues associated
with data collection from social media sources for the use of
biometric system development, and provide a framework for data
collection. In this study, within the process of creating a new large
scale tattoo dataset, we consider the issues and make attempts
protect the subject’s privacy and information, while ensuring that
subjects remain in control of their data in this study and the use
of the data adheres to the guidelines proposed by the Heath
Care Compliance Association (HCCA) and the U.S. Department
of Health & Human Services.
Index Terms—Tattoo, Soft Biometrics, Social Media, WVU- Fig. 1. Public Test Standardization through Social Media Data Collection
MediaTatt Large scale data collections from social media sources allow for standardized
testing of tattoo-based biometric systems on a scale not previously possible.

Tattoos have shown to be an alternative to traditional or recording of otherwise-existing data sets, char rooms inter-
biometric traits in solving some of the challenges associated actions, blogs, social media postings, etc.)” [12]. Furthermore,
with biometric identification. Tattoos are often classified as the collection of various tattoo-based image dataset from
a soft biometric trait, as they contain less distinctiveness online sources has been reported to be very useful for the
than traditional biometric traits (i.e. face, iris and finger- development of tattoo-based biometric systems [7][11][10].
print). Despite this categorization, several research studies However, most of the websites specializing in tattoo images
have shown that they are useful for human identification in are often intended for use as art galleries and, therefore, are
various law enforcement and security related applications [1]. unlikely to contain multiple images of the same tattoo. In
One of the issues in tattoo-based human identification is the order for tattoos to be used in a biometric system multiple
lack of publicly available tattoo datasets, which presents a images of the same tattoo are needed to form a gallery set
great challenge in the development of such impactful and of enrolled individuals and a probe set, which are query
operational human recognition systems. images that are matched against the gallery set in either
The use of online data in research applications is a com- verification or identification scenarios. One solution to the
monly discussed topic and has shown to be of great benefit to a lack of sufficiently large tattoo datasets is the use of image
number of research applications. The Health Care Compliance transformations to generate simulated data by adding variance
Association (HCCA) defines a use of Internet Research as: in illumination, blur, color, orientation, or change the size of
“Research studying information that is already available on the original limited size datasets, and thus, attempt to create
or via the Internet without direct interaction with human suitable gallery and probe sets [2]. This method is effective
subjects (harvesting, mining profiling, scraping - observation at generating large tattoo datasets with multiple samples per

978-1-5386-2385-5/17 $31.00 © 2017 IEEE 135

DOI 10.1109/EISIC.2017.27

Data Source Type Image Number Multiple Samples Availability Previous Works
Michigan State Police Dept. Police Database 63,592 1,900 Duplicates Not Public [1] [2] [3]
Private Thai Criminal Records Division Police Database 444 177 Duplicates Not Public [4]
Tatt-C / Tatt-E NIST Database 4,332 109 Duplicates Available with Approval [5]
WVU-Tatt Privately Collected 940 79 Duplicates Not Public [6]
Web-DP Unknown 4,323 None Public Website [2]

www.gangink.com Police Database 256 None Public Website [7] [8] [9]
www.eviltattoo.com Art Gallery 9,631 None Public Website [10] [5]
www.tattoodesign.com Art Gallery 2,157 None Public Website [11] [10]
www.checkoutmyink.com Social Media 410,185 At Least 1,000 Duplicates Public Website Proposed

subject, although, the effects on performance of using multiple of all information used in the creation of our WVU-MediaTatt
samples generated by image transformations need to be further dataset.
explored to ensure their usefulness.
Conducting data collections (or partnerships with organiza- A. Related Works
tions with access to means of data collection) is a commonly Previous work focused on tattoo-related biometric systems
used as an alternative to using online sources of data. One have used data from a variety of sources with varying amounts
notable example of this is the use of tattoo images collected of changes in background, illumination, and image quality.
by the Michigan State Police Department [13][1][3]. Some Several works [3][1][13] used a dataset provided by the Michi-
of the advantages of conducting such data collections include gan State Police Department that, unfortunately, is not publicly
the ability to strictly control the collection environment (i.e. available. This database has been used in biometric related
lighting, background, distance, etc.), the involvement of the works involving retrieval (tattoo recognition experiments),
subjects (whether cooperative or non-cooperative), and the tattoo detection, segmentation.
means of collection (using high end cameras or other data Several non-social media based websites have been used
collection sensors). However, such studies can be very costly for data collection as well. In some of these works [8][7][9]
to conduct and often yield low number of test subjects unless the website www.gangink.com was used. This website contains
the study is conducted over a long period of time (increasing tattoo organized to specific gangs from near the Chicago area
the associated costs of collection). This is further amplified and could potentially be of use for content-related tattoo clas-
in tattoo-based biometric data collection due to ineligible sification, however, its use in recognition based systems will
portions of the population not having tattoos. According to a likely be limited due to the lack of multiple images of the same
recent study conducted in 2013 by the Pew Research Center, tattoo. Other commonly used websites www.tattoodesign.com
only 14% of the U.S. population have at least one tattoo, thus and www.eviltattoo.com are also unlikely to contain multiple
making them eligible for the study. images of the same tattoo, as they are intended to be used as
The use of social media websites as a means of data art galleries for tattoo artists. Some of the online and privately-
collection could greatly increase the likelihood of finding collected tattoo data sources used in the public works are
multiple images of the same tattoo. In recent years, their use in shown in Table I.
biometric systems and data mining has become a controversial The use of tattoos, traditionally a soft biometric trait, in
topic [14][15]. Information collected from social media is recognition systems is rising as a viable alternative to more
often used to identify an individual, extract or infer user traditional biometric traits. Most of the previous work has
preferences, or perform market analysis using data mining or focused on the task of tattoo image retrieval (also commonly
pattern recognition techniques. In this paper, our discussion referred to as identification). In a series of works by Jain et al.
will be focused on the usage of tattoo images collected from [11][3][13], a retrieval system called Tattoo-ID was proposed.
social media sources for the development and evaluation of This system used a matching technique that was based on local
large scale, soft biometric recognition algorithms. image features (i.e. SIFT). Another problem that is commonly
More specifically, in this work, we describe an alternative addressed for tattoo related biometrics is segmentation. Seg-
tattoo data collection process (shown in Fig. 1) involving mentation can be defined as the isolation of image regions
the generation of tattoo datasets via a data collection toolkit of interest from image background regions. One segmentation
(script) that connects to user-defined social-media websites. technique proposed by Kim et al. [16] involves the use of
Using this process we were able to collect and generate a edge detection and morphological operators to extract the
large scale tattoo dataset (WVU-MediaTatt) that far exceeds contours of the tattoo. This work has been recently expanded
the size of other publicly available tattoo datasets suitable for with new proposed methods of segmentation [5]. Using skin
use in the development and testing of tattoo-based biometric color intensity information, the segmentation region is then
systems. Furthermore, given the ethical issues often involved redefined to help eliminate background information. Allen
with the use of social media data in biometric systems, special et al. [7] proposed another segmentation method combining
care is given to ensure individuals retain privacy and control bottom-up and top-down cues. The work focused on first

performing skin detection to help localize tattoo regions, which biometric database. Some of the images collected are not of
can then be extracted using clustering, edge detection, or a tattoo, but rather tattoo related equipment or art sketches.
other target localization techniques. This method was tested For this reason, much organization must be done to create a
with 256 tattoos collected from www.gangink.com. Another usable database. The process by which we manually organize
method for tattoo segmentation was proposed by Helfin et our dataset from the automatically collected images will be
al. [17], where the authors proposed a combined face and discussed in the next section.
tattoo recognition system where skin features (i.e. mole, scar,
blemish, etc.) were also included. One of our previous works B. Data Organization and Anonymization
has focused on the use of the body location of the tattoo, fused In this section we will discuss how our data was processed
with tattoo image matching to provide faster retrieval of tattoo and organized into a usable biometric database. In order to
[18]. create a usable database, we must be able to organize subjects
The use of tattoo-to-sketch matching has also been explored with multiple images per tattoo out of the 117,000 collected
in [9], and more recently, in [19]. Previous efforts in [9] were images. Firstly, any profiles that only contained one image
dependent on the use of local image features, however, new were removed since they did not have the potential to have
techniques developed by Huffman et al.) of performing image multiple images of the same tattoo. Some of the profiles
registration (tattoo to sketch alignment) combined with edge created on www.checkoutmyink.com were advertisements for
matching techniques have shown to be efficient in the 2015 tattoo parlors or tattoo related equipment that must also
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Tattoo be removed from potential test data. These profiles were
Recognition Technology Challenge (Tatt-C). relatively easy to locate because they often contained many
images compared to a typical profile. The typical profiles were
II. M ETHODOLOGY considered candidates for the WVU-MediaTatt database and
In this section, we will discuss how data collection is were manually searched. Any pair of images that were of
conducted and how we organize data into a usable state for the same tattoo were organized as a subject into the WVU-
identification-based biometric experiments. A full discussion MediaTatt database. We did not constrain a profile to contain
is given on measures that we have taken to ensure privacy for a single tattoo pair, however, special care was given to ensure
the subjects included in the database that follows standards that a tattoo did not appear in the images used in multiple
and principles proposed by the HCCA and HHS. subjects. Using these techniques, we were able to organize the
WVU-MediaTatt database to contain more than 1,000 subjects
A. Data Collection with two images per subject (for a total of over 2,000 tattoo
Firstly, to create a database of sufficient test size, a large images). This far exceeds previously publicly available tattoo
number of images must be downloaded. In order to isolate databases used for biometric systems.
groups of images that are likely to contain multiple image To ensure the anonymity of the profiles used in the creation
samples of the same tattoo, the data is organized by ‘user of the dataset, the public links to the images are saved, but all
profile’. Conveniently, the website www.checkoutmyink.com information is removed. Each pair of images is then assigned a
contains a members’ section in which every user profile of the de-identified subject ID for reference in the WVU-MediaTatt
websites is listed. Currently the website contains over 170,000 database. This anonymization process works to remove the
users. A program is created to read the HTML webpage of identifiable “private information” of each subject from the
the member index to search through the member list and dataset. The Code of Federal Regulations, under Common
download the public images available from each public profile. Rule states that private information is considered identifying
The pseudo code of this algorithm is shown in Algorithm 1. if the identity of the subject is or may readily be ascertained
With this algorithm, we were able to automatically collect by the investigator or associate with the information”. As we
over 117,000 tattoo images from over 20,000 profiles. How- only release public links to the images on user profiles, no
ever, not all of the collected images are suitable for use in a identifiable private information is communicated [20]. These
image links can be acquired by contacting the authors at
Algorithm 1: Data Collection Algorithm
C. Dataset Evaluation
Determine Number of Pages in Members Index (N ) for i = 1 to N do
To evaluate our proposed dataset, we performed several
Read HTML Page of Users recognition experiments in comparison with the Tatt-C dataset
Extract List of Profile Names with Length M
for j = 1 to M do developed by NIST. Recently, Tatt-C has been used to bench-
Read HTML Profile Page mark several proposed tattoo-based systems for identification,
Extract List of Image Names with Length K
for j = 1 to K do
detection, and content grouping.
Save Image from Profile Previous efforts to perform tattoo-based human recognition
end have been focused on the use of local image features, such
end as the SIFT algorithm. In accordance with these methods, our
WVU-MediaTatt dataset and the Tatt-C are tested using the

for a variety of biometric modalities. Currently the need to
manually organize data and locate multiple images of the same
tattoo from the subjects is a bottle neck in dataset creation. One
solution to overcome this challenge would be to incorporate
automated matching methods to locate subjects (profiles from
the social media website) that are likely to contain multiple
images of the same tattoo and organize them into a set that
needs only to be reviewed by a user. Using these techniques,
large datasets could be created with limited user input which
is not possible on the same scale with manual data collection.
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techniques (i.e. deep learning based) may be needed. [11] A. Jain, J.-E. Lee, and R. Jin, “Tattoo-ID: Automatic Tattoo Image Re-
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[12] “Considerations and Recommendations Concerning Internet Research
In this paper we have present a new, publicly available tattoo and Human Subjects Research Regulations, with Revisions,” in Secre-
database (WVU-MediaTatt) that can be used for identification- tary’s Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections (SACHRP).
based biometric experiments. This WVU-MediaTatt database Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA), 2013.
[13] A. Jain, R. Jin, and J.-E. Lee, “Tattoo Image Matching and Retrieval,”
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[15] J. M. Kleinberg, “Challenges in mining social network data: processes,
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of their image availability. Our database greatly exceeds the [16] J. Kim, A. Parra, H. Li, and E. J. Delp, “Efficient graph-cut tattoo
segmentation,” in IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging. International Society
size of other publicly available tattoo databases suitable for for Optics and Photonics, 2015, pp. 94 100H–94 100H.
identification (where two images of the same tattoo must [17] B. Heflin, W. Scheirer, and T. Boult, “Detecting and Classifying Scars,
be present), most notably NIST’s newly proposed Tatt-C Marks, and Tattoos Found in the Wild,” in BTAS, IEEE Fifth Interna-
tional Conference on, Sept 2012, pp. 31–38.
database. This database should greatly assist the field of tattoo- [18] M. Martin, X. Xu, and T. Bourlai, “A multimedia application for
based biometrics by providing both a standardization in testing location-based semantic retrieval of tattoos,” in 2016 IEEE 8th Inter-
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[20] “Code of Federal Regulations,” in Title 45: Public Welfare, Part 46
In future work, the techniques presented in this work could Protection of Human Subjects. Department of Health and Human
be expanded to gather data from any social media websites Services, 2009.


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