Find the antonyms of the underlined / bold words from the options given below each
19. He drank too much and started acting like a complete imbecile
(A) schmuck (B) foolish (C) smart (D) moron
20. He muttered imprecations under his breath.
(A) curse (B) piety (C) bane (D) expletive
21. Well, at least he came to see how jejune his earlier view was.
(A) insipid (B) dull (C) luminous (D) dry
22. His characters are often loquacious and satirical, capable of raunchy humor.
(A) voluble (B) prolix (C) garrulous (D) subdued
23. Famed pathologist Cyril Wecht on how to handle the dead, and the morbid challenge the
country faces.
(A) cheerful (B) aberrant (C) horrid (D) macabre
24. Still, for the last year the media has been treating the Abe regime with obsequious
(A) prostrate (B) parasitic (C) brazen (D) fawning
25. In the real world, walking around with Google Glass is as likely to make you a target of
opprobrium as it is a target of envy.
(A) tarnish (B) infamy (C) pride (D) ignominy
26. Mr. Britt did not wait in his office for the completion of the panegyric.
(A) dearth (B) rarity (C) slenderness (D) affluence
27. Readers who might feel shame about their predilection for tawdry paperbacks can now
enjoy them discreetly.
(A) antipathy (B) penchant (C) fondness (D) leaning
28. In the face of fierce criticism he relinquished his position.
(A) abandon (B) retain (C) remain (D) renounce
29. The crowd had been waiting for hours and many were becoming restive.
(A) calm (B) impatient (C) nervous (D) fidgety
30. The bombing was a spectacular act of sabotage.
(A) treachery (B) mischief (C) vandalism (D) assistance
31. The individual's right to work has been upheld as sacrosanct.
(A) damned (B) hallowed (C) sanctified (D) divine
32. He painted all the walls in his house a dull lead grey that perfectly matched his saturnine
(A) desolate (B) jubilant (C) cheerless (D) dejected
33. No one had the temerity to question his conclusions.
(A) cowardice(B) audacity (C) humility (D) presumption
34. The men set off in fear and trepidation.
(A) anxiety (B) apprehension (C) panic (D) contentment
35. Could there be an ulterior motive behind his request?
(A) concealed (B) furtive (C) overt (D) privy
36. Voters should be concerned about his veracity and character.
(A) rectitude (B) falsehood (C) truth (D) fidelity
37. Egg-capsules are formed they are often of large size, have tough walls, and in each capsule
are several eggs floating in a viscid fluid.
(A) runny (B) thin (C) thick (D) viscous
38. I have no intention of seeing my dues gambled away by your wastrel of a son.
(A) tramp (B) deadbeat (C) thick (D) vagabond
39. They both ended up sounding like a couple of dumb yokels just off the bus in the big city.
(A) hayseed (B) barbarian (C) cosmopolitan (D) oaf
40. The king was at the zenith of his power.
(A) base (B) apex (C) pinnacle (D) crest
41. History abounds in instances of courage.
(A) shines (B) Lacks (C) suffices (D) Fails
42. The inhabitants of the island were barbarians.
(A) Civilized (B) Cruel (C) Uncivilized (D) bad
43. The members thought that the task was feasible.
(A) Impractical (B) impossible (C) Difficult (D) impracticable
44. Crestfallen he returned as he had never faced such humiliation in the whole of his life.
(A) vainglorious (B) indignant (C) triumphant (D) disturbed
45. Feasibility of the project is under study.
(A) unsuitability (B) cheapness (C) impropriety (D) impracticability
46. She was often teased as corpulent by her friends.
(A) Fat (B) Belligerent (C) Garrulous (D) gaunt
47. Unsettled conditions in the land led to exodus of hundreds of its citizens.
(A) invasion (B) entry (C) immigration (D) expulsion
48. Many people try to resist reforms in the society.
(A) fight (B) accept (C) welcome (D) repel
49. Because of the economy drive, they very unwillingly surrendered some superfluous posts.
(A) important(B) relevant (C) significant (D) Trivial
50. The young leader was reluctant to shoulder the responsibilities of ministerial office.
(A) wanting (B) willing (C) anxious (D) eager
51. Sathish’s point of view was correct but his behavior with his father was quite impertinent.
(A) healthy (B) respectful (C) inadequate (D) smooth
52. This new magazine is known for its comprehensive coverage of news.
(A) casual (B) inadequate (C) indifferent (D) superficial
53. He is well known for coming up with impracticable solutions.
(A) easy (B) possible (C) feasible (D) alternate
54. The managing director remarked that the secretary was an asset to the company.
(A) loss (B) liability (C) drag (D) handicap
55. You can hardly find any trace of humility in the man.
(A) pride (B) insolence (C) arrogance (D) conceit
56. The plantation workers were on a collision course before the labor officer intervened.
(A) retaliatory (B) perfunctory (C) conciliatory (D) circuitous
57. The result of the tournament gave them a sense of elation.
77. The story told by the teacher amused children in the class.
(A)frightened (B) jolted (C) astonished (D) saddened
78. In a literary work obscurity can be a virtue.
(A) clarity (B) precision (C) definiteness (D) specificity
79. It was universally characterized as a progressive measure.
(A ) regressive (B) obstructive (C) retrograde (D) abhorrent
80. His vindictive nature often came up for comment among his friends.
(A) forgetful (B) forgiving (C) obedient (D) timid
81. The minister gave a public speech on the controversial subject to precipitate the matter.
(A) aggravate (B) create (C) defer (D) push
82. In ancient India, scholars had no interest in political power or material growth.
(A) internal (B) spiritual (C) psychic (D) celestial
83. The atmosphere in that desolate place looked ominous.
(A) pleasant (B) encouraging (C) auspicious (D) favorable
84. Like poverty, affluence can sometimes create its own problems.
(A) indigence (B) opulence (C) sorrow (D) exuberance
85. The atmosphere in the institute he had newly joined congenial to research.
(A) disagreeable for (B) inconvenient for (C) unpleasant for (D) unsuitable for
86. Poets often prefer ambiguity to
(A) clarity (B) certainty (C) rationality (D) perversity
87.Dinesh could manage his family satisfactorily with his meager income.
(A) continuous (B) fabulous (C) hard (D) adequate
88. His short but pointed speech was applauded by all sections of the audience.
(A) disapproved (B) misunderstood (C) praised (D) welcomed
89. I thought about her a lot during the following months.
(A) succeeding (B) proceeding (C) preceding (D) receding
90. His interpretation of the poem is superficial.
(A) mysterious (B) difficult (C) profound (D) mystical