Chemistry Guess Paper 2019
Chemistry Guess Paper 2019
Chemistry Guess Paper 2019
Q 23. Write four differences between solutions and suspension. OR Describe four examples of Suspensions from our
daily life.
Q 24. Define saturated, unsaturated, super saturated solution and crystallization.
Q 25. Define Colloidal solution and write any three characteristics.
Q 26. Define: Electrolysis, Electrolytes, Ampere, Coulomb, Equivalent Mass
Q 27. State Faraday’s First and Second Law of Electrolysis with their mathematical form and diagram where needed
OR With the help of a labeled diagram, explain the construction and working of a Lead Storage Battery or Dry Cell.
Q 28. Write two advantages of electroplating.
Q 29. Write four differences between Electrolytes and non-electrolytes.
Chapter 11 –HYDROGEN
Q 35. Define Water of Crystallization. Give names and formulae of any four hydrated salts.
Q 36. Write four important uses of hydrogen. OR Give four disadvantages of hard water.
Q 37. How is hard water softened by i) Clark’s method ii) Zeolite (Permutit) process?
Q 38. What is potable water? Write any four characteristics. OR Give four differences between Ordinary and Heavy
Chapter 15 – HALOGENS
Q 51. Describe laboratory preparation of chlorine gas or HCl gas with the help of diagram
Q 52. Write four uses of chlorine or HCl. OR. What is bleaching powder? Write its formula and four uses. Who
suggested its formula?
Q 53. Describe with the help of a labeled diagram Nelson Cell Process for industrial preparation of chlorine.
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