Willis Malaysia TOBA - June 2018
Willis Malaysia TOBA - June 2018
Willis Malaysia TOBA - June 2018
June 2018
Willis (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Terms of Business Agreement 1
June 2018
2 Willis (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Terms of Business Agreement
accept the (re)insurance cover available. As continued beyond our appointment by mutual
your (re)insurance intermediary we will agreement, and may be subject to a
answer any questions you may have on the separate fee. Our claims handling services
proposed cover, its benefits, placement include, upon receiving the required
structure, restrictions, exclusions and information from you, the notification of the
conditions. claim or circumstances to (re)insurers;
representing you in the resolution of the
Market Security claim and arranging the collection and/or
settlement of the claim in accordance with
market practice and your policy terms and
As we are approved only as an insurance
conditions. Where claims are to be dealt by
broker, we cannot act as an insurer nor can
you with (re)insurers directly we will provide
we guarantee or otherwise warrant the
advice and support as requested. We may
solvency of any (re)insurer or market used
use third party claims handling services,
for your requirements. However, if you have
however, where we intend to do so we shall
any concerns regarding any (re)insurers
inform you prior to the inception of the
chosen for your insurance requirements
insurance contract.
please advise us as soon as possible and we
will discuss them with you.
Further, our claims handling services will
cease where we are satisfied that you have
Servicing and Claims
instructed another entity to assume the
claims servicing obligations for your
As part of our services, we will send you (re)insurance.
documentation confirming the basis of the
cover secured on your behalf, including
details of the (re)insurers, with a debit note Where we collect claims payments these will
or premium billing, where applicable, be remitted to you as quickly as possible.
showing separately all the amounts payable However, we will not remit claims monies to
and the dates that the money is due. you before we have received them from
June 2018
4 Willis (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Terms of Business Agreement
• freezing the account concerned; relationship work, you must provide complete
and/or and accurate information and instructions in
a timely manner, so that we can assist you
• refusing to handle or administer a fully. Please bear in mind that insurers are
claim which would benefit (directly or not always obliged to make enquiries of you.
indirectly) a sanctioned entity or Indeed, you are ordinarily under a duty to
person, subject to exemption or make full disclosure of all material facts and
obtaining a licence (which we might fully and frankly respond to any requests for
not get); or information made by insurers. Failure to
make full disclosure of material facts may
allow insurers to avoid liability for a particular
• refusing to administer the renewal of claim or to void the contract. Where
an existing insurance contract which applicable, this duty of disclosure applies
would benefit (directly or indirectly) a equally at renewal of the contracts and on
sanctioned entity of person, subject taking out new insurance contracts. We will
to exemption or obtaining a licence not be responsible for any consequences
(which we might not get). which may arise from any delayed,
inaccurate or incomplete information, or any
We cannot be held responsible for the misrepresentation made by you (or your
actions of third parties (including but not employees or their dependants).
limited to banks and exchange institutions)
who may have their own sanctions policy Further, all information which is material to
restrictions and constraints. the coverage requirements or which might
influence insurers in deciding to accept your
Your Responsibilities business, finalising the terms to apply and/or
the cost of cover must be disclosed.
Financial Services Act 2013
Please discuss with us if you have any
We wish to draw your attention to the doubts about what is material or have any
Financial Services Act 2013 in particular concerns that we may not have material
Section 127 of the Act in that it requires you information, or have any doubt about what
to insure your general insurances, as may be the applicable duty of disclosure is.
prescribed by Bank Negara Malaysia, with a
licensed general insurer in Malaysia.
Your Policy
Proposal Forms
You are responsible for reviewing the
evidence of (re)insurance cover to confirm
For certain classes of (re)insurance you may that it accurately reflects the cover,
be required to complete a proposal form, conditions, limits and other terms that you
questionnaire or similar document. We will require. Particular attention should be paid to
provide guidance but we are not able to any policy conditions and warranties, as
complete the document for you. failure to comply may invalidate your
coverage and the claims notification
Disclosure of Information provisions. If there are any discrepancies,
you should consult us immediately.
Our objective is to obtain the best product we
can identify in order to meet your insurance Further you should review the (re)insurance
needs. In order to make our business premium payment terms of which we advise
you. All premium payment terms must be Willis will not commence legal proceedings
met on time or your (re)insurers may have or enter into standstill/tolling agreements on
the right to effect a notice of cancellation for your behalf, nor will Willis advise you if and
non-payment of premium. We shall also when to do so. On these issues we
advise of any charges which are additional to recommend you take your own legal advice.
the (re)insurance premium.
Change in Circumstances
We will forward any policy documents, if
applicable, and any amendments or You will advise us as soon as reasonably
endorsements to you as soon as reasonably practicable of any changes in your
practicable. circumstances that may affect the services to
be provided by us or the cover provided
Claims under your (re)insurance policy.
June 2018
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June 2018
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companies may receive usual and customary extent necessary to provide our services to
remuneration for the services they provide. you or to ensure the effective management,
administration, and operation of Willis
Towers Watson Group’s business. You
Client Money
agree that we may use any information you
provide to us to create anonymised industry
We will treat any balances held by us for you or sector-wide statistics which may be
in accordance with our practices. This shared with third parties, on the condition
means that client money will be held that unless we have obtained your consent,
separately from our own money. Please information specific to you will not be
note that your money may be transferred to a revealed other than on an anonymised basis
member of the Willis Towers Watson Group and as part of an industry or sector-wide
of Companies and/or another insurance comparison.
intermediary where such transfer is required
in order to carry out services to you.
Where you provide us with any information
which constitutes ‘personal data’, ‘personal
We do not pay premium to underwriters on information’, or other like class of
your behalf until we have received it from information, we will treat such information at
you, nor will we pay claim or other monies all times in accordance with the applicable
due to you before they have been received Data Protection Laws (if any), and you agree
from underwriters (or other relevant third that we and other companies within Willis
party) Towers Watson Group may hold and
process such information: (i) in order to
Data Protection and Confidentiality provide our services to you; (ii) to facilitate
the effective management, administration, or
We will at all times treat all confidential operation of Willis Towers Watson Group’s
information we hold about you (including any business; and (iii) in any country – including
information that constitutes ‘personal data’, countries outside which may not have
‘personal information’, or other like class of comparable data protection laws – for the
information that is subject to “Data foregoing purposes.
Protection Laws” that specifically regulate
the handling of such information) as private You agree that you will not provide any
and confidential and protect it in the same information which constitutes ‘personal data’,
way we would protect our own confidential ‘personal information’, or other like
information. information regulated under Data Protection
Laws to us unless you have ensured that you
We will not disclose any confidential have obtained all necessary consents and
information we hold about you to others provided any required notices, or that you
without your prior consent except: (i) to the are otherwise permitted under the applicable
extent we are required to do so by law or a Data Protection Laws to provide such
regulator; (ii) to insurers, surveyors, loss information to us, so that such information
adjustors, and other like persons to the you provide to us can be lawfully used or
extent necessary to provide our services to disclosed by us and other members of the
you in a timely manner; (iii) to loss Willis Towers Watson Group in the manner
assessors, lawyers, and other like persons to and for the purposes anticipated by this
the extent necessary to enable such third Agreement. You will also ensure that any
party to provide information or services you such information you do provide to us is
have requested; and (iv) to other companies relevant for such purposes, and is reliable for
within Willis Towers Watson Group to the
its intended use, accurate, complete and for which there is no practicable solution, we
current. will withdraw unless you wish us to continue
to act for you and provide us with your
Under the applicable Data Protection Laws written consent to that effect.
(if any), you (or your employees or other
persons who benefit from services we Complaints
provide) may have a right of access to some
or all of the information we hold about you, or Should you have any cause for complaint
to have inaccurate information corrected. If about our services please raise the matter in
you (or any relevant individual) wish to the first instance with the person who
exercise such rights, please contact us in handles your account. Alternatively, you may
writing. contact our Compliance Officer or Managing
Director/Chief Executive Officer whose
In certain jurisdictions, we may operate a details are listed below. We will acknowledge
paperless office system and/or hold your complaint as soon as practicable and
documents on your behalf only in electronic will advise you of the person dealing with it.
or digitised format. In these circumstances, However, should you not receive any
we may operate a policy of destroying any acknowledgement within seven days from
hard copy documents that come into our the date of complaint, you may contact our
possession for the purposes of providing our Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer.
services to you. Where this is the case, you Please note that should you not be happy
recognise that we may only ever be able to with the response to your complaint you
provide to you electronic or digitised versions have the right to take your complaint to our
of any documents that we hold on your regulator, Bank Negara Malaysia.
behalf. You accept that to the extent that
you wish us to destroy or expunge from our
systems any electronic or digitised versions
of documents held on your behalf, we will not
be able to destroy such documents that have Our services may be terminated either by us
become incorporated onto our hard drives or or you upon the giving of one month's notice
any other system onto which data is stored in writing to the other or as otherwise agreed.
only for the purposes of disaster recovery.
In the event our services are terminated by
you we will be entitled to receive any and all
Ethical Business Practice
fees or brokerage payable (whether or not
the same have been received by us) in
We do not tolerate unethical behaviour either relation to policies placed by us.
in our own activities or in those with whom
we seek to do business. We will comply with
all applicable laws, rules, regulations and Amendments
accounting standards.
You agree that we have a right to amend this
document by sending you either a notice of
Conflict of Interest
amendment in writing or a revised Terms of
Business Agreement. Any amendment will
The insurance market is complex and there apply in respect of any service transaction
could be other relationships not described entered into by us after notice of the
here which might create conflicts of interest. amendment is given, and may take effect
Whatever the circumstances, we will act in either immediately or at such later date as
your best interests; and, if a conflict arises
June 2018
10 Willis (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Terms of Business Agreement
Willis Towers Watson Group may accept FINMAR - FINEX Global Clients Only (For
certain forms of contingent compensation in Information Only) – Not applicable to
locations where they are legally permissible, Willis Malaysia
and meet standards and controls to prevent
conflicts of interest. Because insurers A separate Business Unit within the Willis
account for contingent payments when Towers Watson Group, FINMAR Market
developing general pricing, the price their Services, provides a wide range of services
clients pay for their policies is not affected if direct to certain insurers that place business
Willis Towers Watson Group accepts for FINEX Global clients. A separate fee is
contingent payments. If a Willis client prefers paid to FINMAR Market Services by insurers
the Willis Towers Watson Group not to for the delivery of these services to them.
accept contingent compensation related to This fee is calculated within a range of
their account, Willis Towers Watson Group 3.125% and 6.25% (plus VAT) of the overall
will request that the client’s insurer(s) premiums placed depending on the scale of
exclude that client’s business from their services provided. Participating insurers
contingent payment calculations. have agreed that they will bear this fee as
part of their operating costs and not to
increase premiums directly payable by Willis’
June 2018
12 Willis (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Terms of Business Agreement
These facilities typically apply to
straightforward, small business lines or
specialist product areas, for example, Willis (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (026067-X)
commercial combined, motor, personal lines, Lot 1B, Tingkat 20 Menara KOMTAR
personal accident and terrorism. Johor Bahru City Centre
80000 Johor Bahru
June 2018
14 Willis (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Terms of Business Agreement