Economic Dispatch 1
Economic Dispatch 1
Economic Dispatch 1
A power system has several power plants. Each power plant has several
generating units. At any point of time, the total load in the system is met by
the generating units in different power plants. Economic dispatch control
determines the power output of each power plant, and power output of
each generating unit within a power plant , which will minimize the overall
cost of fuel needed to serve the system load.
in Rs / h
Pi in MW
Pi min Pi max
ICi in Rs / MWh
Actual incremental
Pi in MW
Fig.2 Incremental cost curve
This figure shows that incremental cost is quite linear with
respect to power output over an appreciable range. In analytical
work, the curve is usually approximated by one or two straight
lines. The dashed line in the figure is a good representation of
the curve.
Now suppose some of the load is transferred from the unit with higher
incremental cost to the unit with lower incremental cost. Reducing the load
on the unit with higher incremental cost will result in greater reduction of
cost than the increase in cost for adding the same amount of load to the
unit with lower incremental cost. The transfer of load from one to other can
be continued with a reduction of total cost until the incremental costs of
the two units are equal.
P2 P1
Initially, IC2 > IC1 . Decrease the output power in unit 2 by ∆P and
increase output power in unit 1 by ∆P. Now IC2 ∆P > IC1 ∆P . Thus there
will be more decrease in cost and less increase in cost bringing the total
cost less. This change can be continued until IC1 = IC2 at which the total
cost will be minimum.
The same reasoning can be extended to a plant with more than two
generating units also. In this case, if any two units have different
incremental costs, then decrease the output power in unit having higher IC
and increase the output power in unit having lower IC. When this process
is continued, a stage will reach wherein incremental costs of all the units
will be equal. Now the total cost of generation will be minimum.
Thus the economical division of load between units within a plant is that all
units must operate at the same incremental cost. Now we shall get the
same result mathematically.
Consider a plant having N number of generating units. Input-output curve
of the units are denoted as C1 (P1 ) , C 2 (P2 )............, CN (PN ). Our problem is,
for a given load demand PD, find the set of Pi s which minimizes the cost
CT = C1 (P1 ) + C 2 (P2 ) + .......... .. + CN (PN ). (3)
Omitting the inequality constraints for the time being, the problem to be
solved becomes
Minimize C T = ∑ C (P )
i =1
i i (6)
subject to PD − ∑P
i =1
i =0 (7)
∂L ∂ C2
= + λ(-1) = 0
∂ P2 ∂ P2
∂L ∂ C3
= + λ(-1) = 0
∂ P3 ∂ P3
= PD − P1 − P 2 − P 3 = 0
Generalizing the above, the necessary conditions are
∂ Ci
−λ=0 i = 1,2,…….,N (9)
∂ Pi
and PD − ∑P
i =1
i =0 (10)
∂ Ci
Here is the change in production cost in unit i for a small change in
∂ Pi
generation in unit i. Since change in generation in unit i will affect the
production cost of this unit ALONE, we can write
∂ Ci d Ci
= (11)
∂ Pi d Pi
Using eqn.(11) in eqn. (9) we have
d Ci
= λ I =1,2,…….,N (12)
d Pi
Thus the solution for the problem
Minimize C T = ∑C (P )
i i subject to PD − ∑P
i =0
d Ci
= λ i = 1,2,…….,N (13)
d Pi
and PD − ∑P
i =1
i =0 (14)
The above two conditions give N+1 number of equations which are to be
solved for the N+1 number of variables λ , P 1 , P2 ,..........., PN . Equation (13)
simply says that at the minimum cost operating point, the incremental cost
for all the generating units must be equal. This condition is commonly
known as EQUAL INCREMENTAL COST RULE. Equation (14) is known as
It is to be remembered that we have not yet considered the inequality
constraints given in eqn. (5). Fortunately, if the solution obtained without
considering the inequality constraints satisfies the inequality constraints
also, then the obtained solution will be optimum. If for one or more
generator units, the inequality constraints are not satisfied, the optimum
strategy is obtained by keeping these generator units in their nearest limits
and making the other generator units to supply the remaining power as per
equal incremental cost rule.
Incremental costs are:
IC1 = 0.8 P1 + 160 Rs. / MW h
IC2 = 0.9 P2 + 120 Rs. / MW h
Using the equal incremental cost rule
A power plant has three units with the following cost characteristics:
where P is are the generating powers in MW. The maximum and minimum
loads allowable on each unit are 150 and 39 MW. Find the economic
scheduling for a total load of i) 320 MW ii) 200 MW
scheduling is
P1 = 139.193 MW; P2 = 42.0965 MW; P3 = 138.7093 MW
Case ii) Total load = 200 MW Since P1 + P2 + P3 = 200 we have
1 1 1 215 270 160
λ [ + + ]= + + + 200 i.e. 2.21429 λ = 664.2857
1.0 2.0 1.4 1.0 20 1.4
This gives λ = 300 Rs / MWh
For lower loads, IC of unit 1 is higher and hence it is loaded to minimum value
i.e. P1 = 20 MW. Total minimum load being 50 MW, when P1 = 20 MW, P2 must be
equal to 30 MW. Thus initially P1 = 20 MW , IC1 = 176 Rs / MWh, P2 = 30 MW and
IC2 = 147 Rs / MWh. As the load increased from 50 MW, load on unit 2 will be
increased until its IC i.e. IC2 reaches a value of 176 Rs / MWh. When IC2 = 176
Rs / MWh load on unit 2 is P2 = ( 176 – 120 ) / 0.9 = 62.2 MW. Until that point is
reached, P1 shall remain at 20 MW and the plant IC, i.e. λ is determined by unit 2.
When the plant IC, λ is increased beyond 176 Rs / MWh, unit loads are
calculated as
P1 = ( λ - 160 ) / 0.8 MW
P2 = ( λ - 120 ) / 0.9 MW
Then the load allocation will be as shown below.
B 11 B 12 B1N P1
PL = [P1 P2 … PN ] 21 22 2N 2 (15)
∑B P
n = 1 N n n
= P1 ∑B
1n Pn + P2 ∑B
2n Pn + ……. + PN ∑B
Nn Pn
= ∑P B
1 1n Pn + ∑P
2 B 2 n Pn + …… + ∑P
N BN n Pn
= ∑ ∑
m =1 n =1
Pm B m n Pn
When the powers are in MW, the Bmn coefficients are of dimension 1/ MW.
If powers are in per-unit, then Bmn coefficients are also in per-unit. Loss
coefficient matrix of a power system shall be determined before hand and
made available for economic dispatch.
For a two plant system, the expression for the transmission loss is
B 11 B 12 P1
PL = [P1 P2 ]
B 21 B 22 P2
B P + B 12 P2
= [P1 P2 ] 11 1 = P1
B 11 + P1 P2 B 12 + P1 P2 B 21 + P 2
2 B 22
B 21 P1 + B 22 P2
Since Bmn coefficient matrix is symmetric, for two plant system
PL = P12 B11 + 2 P1 P2 B12 + P22 B 22 (17)
In later calculations we need the Incremental Transmission Loss ( ITL ),
∂ PL
∂ Pi
For two plant system
∂ PL
= 2 B11 P1 + 2 B12 P2 (18)
∂ P1
∂ PL
= 2 B 12 P1 + 2 B 22 P2 (19)
∂ P2
Our problem is for a given system load demand PD, find the set of plant
generation P1 , P2 ,.........., PN which minimizes the cost function
CT = C 1 ( P1 ) + C 2 ( P2 ) + ............ + CN ( PN ) (21)
subject to the constraints
PD + PL − ( P1 + P2 + ............ + PN ) = 0 (22)
and Pi min ≤ Pi ≤ Pi max I = 1,2,……….,N (23)
subject to PD + PL − ∑P
i =1
i =0 (25)
∂L ∂ C1 ∂ PL
= + λ( -1) = 0
∂ P1 ∂ P1 ∂ P1
∂L ∂ C2 ∂ PL
= + λ( -1) = 0
∂ P2 ∂ P2 ∂ P2
= P D + PL − P 1 − P 2 = 0
Generalizing this, for system with N plants, the necessary conditions for a
minimum are
∂ Ci ∂ PL
+λ[ −1] = 0 i =1,2,……..,N (27)
∂ Pi ∂ Pi
and PD + PL − ∑P
i =1
i =0 (28)
d Ci ∂ PL
+λ = λ i=1,2,………..,N (30)
d Pi ∂ Pi
and PD + PL − ∑P
i =1
i =0 (31)
d Ci ∂ PL
+λ = λ i=1,2,………..,N (30)
d Pi ∂ Pi
and PD + PL − ∑P
i =1
i =0 (31)
d Ci ∂ PL
+λ = λ i=1,2,………..,N (30)
d Pi ∂ Pi
∆ Ci 1 ∆ Ci
i.e. =λ i.e. =λ (34)
∆ Pi ∆ PL ∆ Pi − ∆ PL
∆ Pi
∂ PD ∂ PL
Since PD = ∑i =1
Pi − PL
∂ Pi
= 1−
∂ Pi
i.e. ∆ PD = ∆ Pi − ∆ PL (35)
∆ Ci
Using eqn,(35) in eqn.(34) gives =λ (36)
∆ PD
Thus λ is the incremental cost of received power.
To have a better feel about the coordination equations, let us rewrite the
d Ci ∂ PL
same as = λ [ 1− ] i = 1,2,……..,N (37)
d Pi ∂ Pi
1 d Ci
Thus [ ] =λ i = 1,2,……..,N (38)
∂ PL d Pi
∂ Pi
The above equation is often written as
d Ci
Li = λ i = 1,2,……..,N (39)
d Pi
The above set of linear simultaneous equations are to be solved for the
values Pi' s by some efficient means. Gauss Seidel method is
Step 3
Compute the transmission loss PL from PL = [ P ] [ B ] [ Pt ]
where [ P ] = [ P1 P2 ...........PN ] and [ B ] is the loss coefficient matrix.
Step 4
Compare ∑P
i =1
i with PD + PL to check the power balance. If the power
i =1
i < PD + PL or ∑P
i =1
i > PD + PL
λ k −1
∑P i
k −1
∑P i
PD + PLk
λ k − λ k −1 N
λ k +1 k
=λ + N N
[ PD + P −
L ∑P i
] (41)
i =1
− ∑P
i =1
k −1 i =1
Here k-1, k and k+1 are the previous iteration count, present iterative
count and the next iteration count respectively.
Step 5
Return to Step 2 and continue the calculations of Steps 2, 3 and 4 until the
power balance equation is satisfied with desired accuracy.
0.001 − 0.0005
Loss coefficient matrix is given by B =
− 0.0005 0.0024
Find the optimum scheduling for a system load of 100 MW.
Assume that there is no transmission loss and the plants are loaded
equally. Then P1 = 50 MW . Initial value of λ = ( 1.0 x 50 ) + 200 = 250 Rs /
Coordination equations:
1.0 P1 + 200 + 250 ( 0.002 P1 − 0.001 P2 ) = 250
1.0 P2 + 150 + 250 ( − 0.001P1 + 0.0048 P2 ) = 250
Iteration count P1 P2
0 0 0
1 33.3333 49.2411
2 41.5418 50.1736
3 41.6972 50.1913
4 41.7002 50.1916
P1 = 51.2401 MW
Optimum schedule is
P2 = 56.0659 MW
For this transmission loss is 7.2969 MW
The system load will keep changing in a cyclic manner. It will be higher
during day time and early evening when industrial loads are high. However
during night and early morning the system load will be much less.
We start with a known optimal generation schedule, P10, P20, …, PN0, for a
particular load PD. This schedule is taken as BASE POINT and the
corresponding incremental cost is λ0. Let there be a small increase in load
of ∆PD. To meet with this increased load, generations are to be increased
as ∆P1, ∆P2, …., ∆PN. Correspondingly incremental cost increases by ∆λ.
Knowing that for i th unit, Ci = αi Pi2 + βi Pi + γi , incremental cost is
ICi = 2 αi Pi + βi = λ (42)
Small change in incremental cost and corresponding change in generation
are related as = 2 αi (43)
Thus ∆Pi = for i = 1,2,……, N (44)
2 αi
Change in load should be equal to the total change in generations.
Therefore ∆PD = ∑ ∆P
i = ∆λ ∑ 2α
∆ Pi 2α
From the above two equations = N i = ki for i = 1,2,……, N (46)
∆ PD 1
i = 1 2 αi
∆ Pi
The ratio is known as the PARTICIPATION FACTOR of generator I,
∆ PD
represented as ki. Once all the ki s, are calculated from eq.(46), the change
in generations are given by ∆Pi = ki ∆PD for i = 1,2,……, N (47)
Incremental cost of three units in a plant are:
IC1 = 0.8 P1 + 160 Rs / MWh; IC2 = 0.9 P2 + 120 Rs / MWh; and
IC3 = 1.25 P3 + 110 Rs / MWh
where P1, P2 and P3 are power output in MW. Find the optimum load
allocation when the total load is 242.5 MW.
Using Participating Factors, determine the optimum scheduling when the
load increases to 260 MW.
Using the equal incremental cost rule
0.8 P1 + 160 = λ ; 0.9 P2 + 120 = λ ; 1.25 P3 + 110 = λ
λ − 160 λ − 120 λ − 110
Since P1 + P2 + P3 = 242.5 we get + + = 242.5
0.8 0.9 1.25
1 1 1 160 120 110
i.e λ [ + + ]= + + + 242.5 i.e. 3.1611 λ = 663.8333
0.8 0.9 1.25 0.8 0.9 1.25
This gives λ = 210 Rs / MWh
Optimum load allocation is
210 − 160 210 − 120 210 − 110
P1 = = 62.5 MW ; P2 = = 100 MW ; P31 = = 80 MW
0.8 0.9 1.25
Participation Factors are:
k1 = 0.8 = 0.3954
1 1 1
+ +
0.8 0.9 1.25
k2 = 0.9 = 0.3515
1 1 1
+ +
0.8 0.9 1.25
k3 = 1.25 = 0.2531
1 1 1
+ +
0.8 0.9 1.25
Change in load ∆PD = 260 – 242.5 = 17.5 MW
Change in generations are:
∆P1 = 0.3954 x 17.5 = 6.9195 MW
∆P2 = 0.3515 x 17.5 = 6.15125 MW
∆P3 = 0.2531 x 17.5 = 4.42925 MW
Thus optimum schedule is:
P1 = 69.4195 MW; P2 = 106.15125 MW; P3 = 84.42925 MW
Example 6
A power plant has two units with the following cost characteristics:
C1 = 0.6 P12 + 200 P1 + 2000 Rs / hour
C2 = 1.2 P22 + 150 P2 + 2500 Rs / hour
where P1 and P2 are the generating powers in MW. The daily load
cycle is as follows:
6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. 150 MW
6:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. 50 MW
The cost of taking either unit off the line and returning to service after
12 hours is Rs 5000. Considering 24 hour period from 6:00 A.M. one
morning to 6:00 A.M. the next morning
a. Would it be economical to keep both units in service for this 24
hour period or remove one unit from service for 12 hour period from
6:00 P.M. one evening to 6:00 A.M. the next morning ?
b. Compute the economic schedule for the peak load and off peak
load conditions.
c. Cost of operation
= 12 [ C1ΙP1 = 86.1111 + C2ΙP2 = 63.8889 ]
for peak period
= 12 x 40652.78 = Rs 487833
Cost of operation for off-peak period = Rs 161000
Therefore, optimal operating cost per day = Rs 648833
d. If both the units are operating during
= Rs 171833
off-peak period, cost of operation
When the load increases, the utility has to decide in advance the sequence
in which the generator units are to be brought in. Similarly, when the load
decrease, the operating engineer need to know in advance the sequence in
which the generating units are to be shut down.
The problem of finding the order in which the units are to be brought in and
the order in which the units are to be shut down over a period of time, say
one day, so the total operating cost involved on that day is minimum. This
is known as Unit Commitment (UC) problem. Thus UC problem is economic
dispatch over a day. The period considered may a week, month or a year.
But why is the problem in the operation of electric power system? Why not
just simply commit enough units to cover the maximum system load and
leave them running? Note that to “commit” means a generating unit is to
be “turned on”; that is, bring the unit up to speed, synchronize it to the
system and make it to deliver power to the network. “Commit enough units
and leave them on line” is one solution. However, it is quite expensive to
run too many generating units. A great deal of money can be saved by
turning units off (decommiting them) when they are not needed.
Example 7
The following are data pertaining to three units in a plant.
Unit 1: Min. = 150 MW; Max. = 600 MW
C1 = 5610 + 79.2 P1 + 0.01562 P12 Rs / h
Unit 2: Min. = 100 MW; Max. = 400 MW
C2 = 3100 + 78.5 P2 + 0.0194 P22 Rs / h
Unit 3: Min. = 50 MW; Max. = 200 MW
C3 = 936 + 95.64 P3 + 0.05784 P32 Rs / h
What unit or combination of units should be used to supply a load of 550
MW most economically?
To solve this problem, simply try all combination of three units. Some
combinations will be infeasible if the sum of all maximum MW for the units
committed is less than the load or if the sum of all minimum MW for the
units committed is greater than the load. For each feasible combination,
units will be dispatched using equal incremental cost rule studied earlier.
The results are presented in the Table below.
Unit Min Max
1 150 600
2 100 400
3 50 200
Note that the least expensive way of meeting the load is not with all the three
units running, or any combination involving two units. Rather it is
economical to run unit one alone.
Example 8
Daily load curve to be met by a plant having three units is shown below.
12 noon 4 pm 8 pm 2 am 6 am 12 noon
Data pertaining to the three units are the same in previous example.
Starting from the load of 1200 MW, taking steps of 50 MW find the shut-
down rule.
For each load starting from 1200 MW to 500 MW in steps of 50 MW, we
simply use a brute-force technique wherein all combinations of units will
be tried as in previous example. The results obtained are shown below.
Optimum combination
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3
1200 On On On
1150 On On On
1100 On On On
1050 On On On
1000 On On Off
950 On On Off
900 On On Off
850 On On Off
800 On On Off
750 On On Off
700 On On Off
650 On On Off
600 On Off Off
550 On Off Off
500 On Off Off
The shut-down rule is quite simple.
When load is above 1000 MW, run all three units; between 1000 MW and
600 MW, run units 1 and 2; below 600 MW, run only unit 1.
So far, we have only obeyed one simple constraint: Enough units will be
connected to supply the load. There are several other constraints to be
satisfied in practical UC problem.
Some of the constraints that are to be met with while solving UC problem
are listed below.
1. Spinning reserve: There may be sudden increase in load, more than
what was predicted. Further there may be a situation that the
generating unit may have to be shut down because of fault in
generator or any of its auxiliaries.
Some system capacity has to be kept as spinning reserve
i) to meet an unexpected increase in demand and
ii) to ensure power supply in the event of any generating unit
suffering a forced outage.
2. Minimum up time: When a thermal unit is brought in, it cannot be
turned off immediately. Once it is committed, it has to be in the
system for a specified minimum up time.
3. Minimum down time: When a thermal unit is decommitted, it cannot
be turned on immediately. It has to remain decommitted for a
specified minimum down time.
4. Crew constraint: A plant always has two or more generating units. It
may not be possible to turn on more than one generating unit at the
same time due to non-availability of operating personnel.
8. Must run unit: Sometime it is a must to run one or two units from the
consideration of voltage support and system stability.
Example 9
A strict priority order for these units, based on the average production
cost, would order them as follows:
Combination Load PD
Note that such a scheme would not give the same shut – down sequence
described in Example 7 wherein unit 2 was shut down at 600 MW leaving
unit 1. With the priority – list scheme both units would be held on until load
reached 400 MW, then unit 1 would be dropped.
Most priority schemes are built around a simple shut – down algorithm that
might operate as follows:
At each hour when the load is dropping, determine whether dropping the
next unit on the priority list will leave sufficient generation to supply the
load plus spinning reserve requirements. If not, continue operating as is; if
yes, go to next step.
Determine the number of hours, H, before the unit will be needed again
assuming the load is increasing some hours later. If H is less than the
minimum shut – down time for that unit, keep the commitment as it is and
go to last step; if not, go to next step.
Calculate the two costs. The first is the sum of the hourly production costs
for the next H hours with the unit up. Then recalculate the same sum for the
unit down and add the start – up cost. If there is sufficient saving from
shutting down the unit, it should be shut down; otherwise keep it on.
Repeat the entire procedure for the next unit on the priority list. If it is also
dropped, go to the next unit and so forth.
Questions on “ Economic Dispatch and Unit Commitment”
dC 2
= 0.4 P2 + 50 Rs / hour
a) Assuming continuous running with a load of 150 MW, calculate the
saving per hour obtained by using most economical division of load
between the units as compared to loading each equally. The
maximum and minimum operational loadings of both the units are
125 and 20 MW respectively.
b. Compute the economic schedule for the peak load and off peak
load conditions.
The load on the system is 60 MW. Compute the power dispatch for
λ = 120 Rs / MWh. Calculate the transmission loss.
Also determine the power dispatch with the revised value of λ taking
10 % change in its value.
Estimate the next new value of λ.
10. What are Participating Factors? Derive the expression for Participating
3. 64.29 MW 103.575 MW 92.145 MW Rs 449.09
4. Rs 111.39 Rs 57.64
5. It is economical to operate unit 2 alone during the off peak period.
86.1111 MW 63.8889 MW 0 50 MW Rs 648833 Rs 15833
7. 30.8 MW 0.004 0.06 0.164
9. 18.7923 MW 15.8118 MW 18.5221 MW
23.6506 MW 18.5550 MW 20.5290 MW
139.769 Rs / MWh
11. 32.5 MW; 30.0 MW; 22.5 MW
28.579 MW; 26.863 MW; 19.559 MW