Sree Sastha Institute of Engineering and Technology: Green Audit Report
Sree Sastha Institute of Engineering and Technology: Green Audit Report
Sree Sastha Institute of Engineering and Technology: Green Audit Report
The intention of organizing Green Audit is to upgrade the environment condition in and around the
institutes, colleges, companies and other organizations. It is carried out with the aid of performing tasks
like waste management, energy saving and others to turn into a better environmental friendly institute.
Awareness of Carbon Consumption
1. Students and are Staff members and made totally aware of pollution that are caused by use of
vehicles & bicycles.
2. The carbon consumption awareness programmer improves to help in carbon emission at
individual as well as social level and avoids Air and Noise pollution in the campus due to vehicles
or any activity in it
3. Due to awareness program in the campus air quality within it is non polluted.
Use of Dustbin
Present Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi Ji launched Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan (clean India
mission) on 2nd Oct. 2014. In this mission the proper use of dustbin is one of the major priority. For
successful implementation of this mission collective mass effort is necessary. The proper use of dustbin is
not the only solution for the generated garbage in the college campus but also the cleaning awareness
among the students and college staff.
To create a green campus To enable waste management through reduction of waste generation,
solid- waste and water recycling
To create plastic free campus and evolve health consciousness among the stakeholders
Recognize the cost saving methods through waste minimizing and managing
Green audit forms part of a resource management process. Although they are individual events, the
real value of green audits is the fact that they are carried out, at defined intervals, and their results
can illustrate improvement or change over time. Eco-campus concept mainly focuses on the
efficient use of energy and water; Minimize waste generation or pollution and also economic
efficiency. All these indicators are assessed in process of “Green Auditing of educational institute‟.
Eco-campus focuses on the reduction of contribution to emissions, procures a cost effective and
secure supply of energy, encourages and enhances energy use conservation, promotes personal
action, reduce the institute’s energy and water consumption, reduce wastes to landfill, and integrate
environmental considerations into all contracts and services considered to have significant
environmental impacts. Target areas included in this green auditing are water, energy, waste, green
campus and carbon footprint.
Water is a natural resource; all living matters depend on water. While freely available in many
natural environments, in human settlements potable (drinkable) water is less readily available. We
need to use water wisely to ensure that drinkable water is available for all, now and in the future. A
small drip from a leaky tap can waste more than 180 liters of water to a day; that is a lot of water to
waste - enough to flush the toilet eight times! Aquifer depletion and water contamination are taking
place at unprecedented rates. It is therefore essential that any environmentally responsible
institution should examine its water use practices. Water auditing is conducted for the evaluation of
facilities of raw water intake and determining the facilities for water treatment and reuse. The
concerned auditor investigates the relevant method that can be adopted and implemented to
balance the demand and supply of water. It is therefore essential that any environmentally
responsible institution examine its water use practices.
Auditing for Energy Management
Energy cannot be seen, but we know it is there because we can see its effects in the forms of heat,
light and power. This indicator addresses energy consumption, energy sources, energy monitoring,
lighting, appliances, and vehicles. Energy use is clearly an important aspect of campus
sustainability and thus requires no explanation for its inclusion in the assessment. An old
incandescent bulb uses approximately 60W to 100W while an energy efficient light emitting diode
(LED) uses only less than 10 W. Energy auditing deals with the conservation and methods to
reduce its consumption related to environmental degradation. It is therefore essential that any
environmentally responsible institution examine its energy use practices.
Pollution from waste is aesthetically unpleasing and results in large amounts of litter in our
communities which can cause health problems. Plastic bags and discarded ropes and strings can be
very dangerous to birds and other animals. This indicator addresses waste production and disposal,
plastic waste, paper waste, food waste, and recycling. Solid waste can be divided into two
categories: general waste and hazardous waste. General wastes include what is usually thrown
away in homes and schools such as garbage, paper, tins and glass bottles. Hazardous waste is
waste that is likely to be a threat to health or the environment like cleaning chemicals and petrol.
Unscientific landfills may contain harmful contaminants that leach into soil and water supplies,
and produce greenhouse gases contributing to global climate change. Furthermore, solid waste
often includes wasted material resources that could otherwise be channeled into better service
through recycling, repair, and reuse. Thus the minimization of solid waste is essential to a
sustainable college. The auditor diagnoses the prevailing waste disposal policies and suggests the
best way to combat the problems. It is therefore essential that any environmentally responsible
institution examine its waste processing practices.
Unfortunately, biodiversity is facing serious threats from habitat loss, pollution, over consumption
and invasive species. Species are disappearing at an alarming rate and each loss affects nature’s
delicate balance and our quality of life. Without this variability in the living world, ecological
systems and functions would break down, with detrimental consequences for all forms of life,
including human beings. Newly planted and existing trees decrease the amount of carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere. Trees play an important ecological role within the urban environment, as well as
support improved public health and provide aesthetic benefits to cities. In one year, a single mature
tree will absorb up to 48 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and release it as oxygen.
The amount of oxygen that a single tree produces is enough to provide one day’s supply of oxygen
for people. So while you are busy studying and working on earning those good grades, all the trees
on campus are also working hard to make the air cleaner for us. Trees on our campus impact our
mental health as well; studies have shown that trees greatly reduce stress, which a huge deal is
considering many students are under some amount of stress.
We, the Green Audit team and Department of Chemistry, believe that we have successfully
completed the analysis of various environmental components. We hope that the suggestions put
forward by us would be considered by the college and implemented as soon as possible.