Modern Data Project Checklist
Modern Data Project Checklist
Modern Data Project Checklist
Data projects can
get messy fast.
That’s why we created this checklist to break Use the checklist as an editable pdf, typing in text fields
them down into a clear, repeatable process. and checking boxes as you go. You also have plenty of
Try it on your next project. See how it clarifies writing room if you prefer to work with pen and paper.
questions, gets everyone on the same page, Either way, this checklist is ready for your team to
helps them find and use more valuable knowledge, immediately put to use.
and delivers a better analysis.
I know HOW this relates back to Shared definitions and clear questions
a business goal. reduce friction and back-and-forth between
stakeholders, increase the number of people
I know WHY the question who can benefit and contribute to the analysis,
was asked. and align results to expectations.
It is concise.
Who are the stakeholders? (Refer to the project stakeholders table from earlier in Step 1)
Data Consumer(s):
Data Steward(s):
Data Practitioner(s):
What related materials or projects should people reference to understand this project?
Empower your team to work with the data and share what they learn as they go.
Connect the right tools to your common data workspace. (Use the Data Tech Stack Audit template if
you’re not sure what tools your team needs to integrate. Get your free copy at
Create, save, and share queries so people can build on the work of their peers.
Share scripts created through R, Python, Jupyter, or similar tools to document your work
and ensure reproducibility.
Encourage people to share insights and visualizations, ask questions, and post ideas throughout the life of
the project. (Showing your work increases trust in your analysis. It also lets others learn from your process,
springboarding future projects.)
Build in time to gut-check your project with your original requester and Subject Matter Experts.
They can ensure your work is still aligned with their initial objective, resolve any confusion, and spot early
insights your practitioners may be unaware of. Try these 10 prompts to guide your check-in session:
1. Here’s what we’ve learned so far, 6. How would you summarize what
and why we think it’s relevant.* we’ve learned to your team (or manager)?
2. Does this help answer your question? 7. Do you agree or disagree with this
interpretation of the data? Why?
3. What’s surprising (or not) about this
project so far? 8. Who else could use what we’ve
shown you today?
4. Are any of these insights useful to you today?
If so, how? 9. What would they need to easily
understand and act on the information?
5. What would make these insights easier
for you to act on? 10. What other questions do you have now
that you’ve seen our progress?
*Useful if you’ve been saving insights as you go!
Hint: If you’re on track, keep moving through the process. If your check-in uncovers gaps
or opportunities, go through the “Prep Data” and “Analyze” exercises again so fresh resources
meet the same standards for clean, contextualized data.
Step 4: DEPLOY
Data interpreter Helps discover and • Project summary and process updates
and/or strategist translate the story in the • Activity records
data; needs detail and • Access to, and understanding of, data used
summary information • Visualization-ready data
to translate and convey • Saved queries to quickly explore raw data
to other stakeholders, • Ability to securely share project, insights,
especially clients and and data with teams or individuals
executives • Open channel to ask questions about
the project
• Ability to subscribe to project activity alerts
About us is the modern catalog for data and analysis. It wakes up the hidden data workforce
by replacing outdated barriers and disparate silos with deep connections between data, people,
and analysis. When every employee can find, understand, and use data, your advanced practitioners
can focus on high-impact work, and you can build a data-driven culture, faster. is a
Public Benefit Corporation headquartered in Austin, Texas. Visit for more information
and expert guidance.