Supreme Court: Republic of The Philippines
Supreme Court: Republic of The Philippines
Supreme Court: Republic of The Philippines
Supreme Court This Rule 45 Petition requires this Court to
address the issue of the proper scope of the
delegated jurisdiction of municipal trial
SECOND DIVISION courts in land registration cases. Petitioner
G. R. of the Philippines (Republic)
No. 162322
Petitioner, assails the Decision of the Court of Appeals
(CA)[1] in CA-G.R. CV No. 70349, which
affirmed the Decision of the Municipal Trial
Court J.,
CARPIO, (MTC) of San Juan, Batangas[2] in
- versus - LRC Case No. N-98-20, LRA Record No.
68329, granting respondent Bantigue Point
SERENO, and Corporations (Corporation)
REYES, JJ. for original registration of a
BANTIGUE POINT DEVELOPMENT parcel of land. Since only questions of law
CORPORATION, have been raised, petitioner need not have
Respondent. filed a Motion for Reconsideration of the
March CA Decision before filing this
14, 2012
Petition for Review.
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court. Jurisdiction over the subject matter is jurisdiction over the case. Under Section 34
conferred only by the Constitution or the of the Judiciary Reorganization Act, as
law.[35] It cannot be contingent upon the amended,[40] the MTCs delegated
action or inaction of the court. jurisdiction to try cadastral and land
registration cases is limited to lands, the
This does not mean that courts may value of which should not exceed ₱100,000.
disregard the statutory periods with
impunity. We cannot assume that the law We are not persuaded.
deliberately meant the provision to become
meaningless and to be treated as a dead The delegated jurisdiction of the MTC over
letter.[36] However, the records of this case cadastral and land registration cases is
do not show such blatant disregard for the indeed set forth in the Judiciary
law. In fact, the RTC immediately set the Reorganization Act, which provides:
case for initial hearing a day after the filing
of the application for registration,[37] except Sec. 34. Delegated
that it had to issue a second Order because Jurisdiction in Cadastral and
the initial hearing had been set beyond the Land Registration Cases. -
90-day period provided by law. Metropolitan Trial Courts,
Municipal Trial Courts, and
Municipal Circuit Trial Courts
Second, petitioner contended[38] that
may be assigned by the Supreme
since the selling price of the property based
Court to hear and determine
on the Deed of Sale annexed to respondents
cadastral or land registration
cases covering lots where there
is no controversy or opposition, The case at bar does not fall under the first
or contested lots where the instance, because petitioner opposed
value of which does not exceed respondent Corporations application for
One hundred thousand pesos registration on 8 January 1998.[41]
(₱100,000.00), such value to be
ascertained by the affidavit of
However, the MTC had jurisdiction under
the claimant or by agreement of
the second instance, because the value of the
the respective claimants if there
are more than one, or from the
lot in this case does not exceed ₱100,000.
corresponding tax declaration of
the real property. Their decision Contrary to petitioners contention, the value
in these cases shall be appealable of the land should not be determined with
in the same manner as decisions reference to its selling price. Rather, Section
of the Regional Trial Courts. (As 34 of the Judiciary Reorganization Act
amended by R.A. No. 7691) provides that the value of the property
(Emphasis supplied.) sought to be registered may be ascertained
in three ways: first, by the affidavit of the
claimant; second, by agreement of the
Thus, the MTC has delegated jurisdiction in
respective claimants, if there are more than
cadastral and land registration cases in two
one; or, third, from the corresponding tax
instances: first, where there is no
declaration of the real property.[42]
controversy or opposition; or, second, over
contested lots, the value of which does not
exceed ₱100,000. In this case, the value of the property cannot
be determined using the first method,
because the records are bereft of any exercise its delegated jurisdiction under the
affidavit executed by respondent as to the Judiciary Reorganization Act, as amended.
value of the property. Likewise, valuation III
cannot be done through the second method, A certification from the
because this method finds application only CENRO is not sufficient
where there are multiple claimants who proof that the property in
agree on and make a joint submission as to question is alienable and
the value of the property. Here, only disposable land of the public
respondent Bantigue Point Development domain.
Corporation claims the property.
Even as we affirm the propriety of the
The value of the property must therefore be MTCs exercise of its delegated jurisdiction,
ascertained with reference to the we find that the lower court erred in granting
corresponding Tax Declarations submitted respondent Corporations application for
by respondent Corporation together with its original registration in the absence of
application for registration. From the sufficient proof that the property in question
records, we find that the assessed value of was alienable and disposable land of the
the property is ₱4,330, ₱1,920 and ₱8,670, public domain.
or a total assessed value of ₱14,920 for the
entire property.[43]Based on these Tax The Regalian doctrine dictates that all
Declarations, it is evident that the total value lands of the public domain belong to the
of the land in question does not State.[44] The applicant for land registration
exceed ₱100,000. Clearly, the MTC may has the burden of overcoming the
presumption of State ownership by
establishing through incontrovertible Here, respondent Corporation only
evidence that the land sought to be presented a CENRO certification in support
registered is alienable or disposable based of its application.[50] Clearly, this falls short
on a positive act of the government.[45] We of the requirements for original registration.
held in Republic v. T.A.N. Properties,
Inc. that a CENRO certification is We therefore remand this case to the
insufficient to prove the alienable and court a quo for reception of further evidence
disposable character of the land sought to be to prove that the property in question forms
registered.[46] The applicant must also show part of the alienable and disposable land of
sufficient proof that the DENR Secretary has the public domain. If respondent Bantigue
approved the land classification and released Point Development Corporation presents a
the land in question as alienable and certified true copy of the original
disposable.[47] classification approved by the DENR
Secretary, the application for original
Thus, the present rule is that an registration should be granted. If it fails to
application for original registration must be present sufficient proof that the land in
accompanied by (1) a CENRO or question is alienable and disposable based
PENRO[48] Certification; and (2) a copy of on a positive act of the government, the
the original classification approved by the application should be denied.
DENR Secretary and certified as a true copy
by the legal custodian of the official
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the
instant Petition for Review is DENIED. Let
this case be REMANDED to the Municipal
Trial Court of San Juan, Batangas, for
reception of evidence to prove that the
property sought to be registered is alienable
and disposable land of the public domain.