Nexus Between Financial Innovation and Economic Growth in South Asia: Evidence From ARDL and Nonlinear ARDL Approaches
Nexus Between Financial Innovation and Economic Growth in South Asia: Evidence From ARDL and Nonlinear ARDL Approaches
Nexus Between Financial Innovation and Economic Growth in South Asia: Evidence From ARDL and Nonlinear ARDL Approaches
Financial Innovation
* Correspondence: Abstract
School of economics, Wuhan
University of Technology, Wuhan, This study examined the relationship between financial innovation and economic
China growth in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka for the period Q1 1975 to Q4
School of Business and Economics, 2016. The autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) bounds test was used to gauge
United International University,
Dhaka, Bangladesh long-run relationships, and the nonlinear ARDL (NARDL) test was used to explore
asymmetry between financial innovation and economic growth in the sample of
Asian countries. The findings from the bounds tests revealed long-run cointegration
between financial innovation and economic growth in the sample countries.
Furthermore, NARDL confirmed that positive changes in financial innovation linked
positively with economic growth and vice versa in the long run. In the short run,
however, the study found mixed behaviors in the case of positive and negative
changes in financial innovation. To investigate directional causality, the Granger
causality test under an error correction model was employed. The Granger causality
results supported the feedback hypothesis in both the long run and short run. Thus,
financial innovation boosts economic growth in the long run by stimulating financial
service expansion, financial efficiency, capital accumulation, and efficient financial
intermediation, which are essential for sustainable economic growth.
Keywords: Financial innovation, Economic growth, ARDL, NARDL, JEL, O52, C21
In Schumpeter’s development theory, finance and efficient financial institutions are
crucial for sustainable economic growth, assuming that credit, money, and finance
influence innovation processes (Knell 2015). Following Schumpeter’s (1911) seminal
work, other finance scholars—including, Goldsmith (1969), Greenwood and Jovanovic
(1990), Gurley and Shaw (1955), and Patrick (1966)—advocated for financial efficiency
to ensure the smooth flow of capital across countries, playing an intermediation role
that is a critical determinant of economic growth. An efficient financial system is the
outcome of financial institutional development in capital markets and the diversifica-
tion of financial instruments (Ndlovu 2013). An efficient financial system can achieve,
through the adoption and diffusion of technological improvements, new financial insti-
tutions, new financial intermediation, and efficiency in financial services (Wachter
2006; Saqib 2015). The nexus between financial sector development and economic
growth has been well tested and documented in a large number of empirical studies
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Qamruzzaman and Jianguo Financial Innovation (2018) 4:20 Page 2 of 19
(e.g., Patrick 1966; Jung 1986; Gregorio and Guidotti 1995; Levine 1997; Rahman 2004;
Khan et al. 2005; Ilhan 2008; Wadud 2009).
Finance researchers—including Arestis and Demetriades (1997), Demetriades and
Luintel (1996), and King and Levine (1993b)—have suggested that the financial sector
contributes to the economic growth of developed countries, greatly influencing the
pursuit of continuous financial innovation in the financial system. Moreover, financial
innovation provides opportunities for growth in the financial sector (Napier 2014), thus
boosting economic growth. Financial innovation also allows for the expansion of
financial services through the development of new financial institutions, financial in-
struments, financial reporting, technology, and market knowledge (Michalopoulos et al.
2009). According to Merton (1992) and Tufano (2003), financial innovation responds
to problems and opportunities in the market as well as asymmetric information.
Over the past decade, many empirical studies have confirmed a positive association
between financial innovation and economic growth (e.g., Lumpkin 2010; Sekhar 2013).
Financial innovation helps economic growth by allowing for capital mobilization,
efficient financial intermediation, capital accumulation, and enhanced overall efficiency
in financial institutions. That is why financial innovation is treated as a prime catalyst
for financial development (Laeven et al. 2015). As with other innovations, financial
innovation is a continuous process of bringing about changes in the financial system
through the improvement and diversification of financial products and processes (Sood
and Ranjan 2015). Demetriades and Andrianova (2005) argued that emergence of new
financial assets and services in the financial system improves banking-sector perform-
ance and capital-market development, eventually boosting economic growth in the host
country. Schumpeter (1912, 1982), meanwhile, argued that robust financial systems
comprise efficient financial institutions, diversified financial assets and services, com-
prehensive financial services coverage, efficient channels for economic resource
mobilization, and available credit flows for investment across a country. Financial
innovation made credit available in economies by way of new and hybrid forms of
financial institutions (e.g., microfinance institutions) outside the framework of formal
banking systems (Blair 2011).
Thus far, the existing empirical literature has highlighted a definite nexus
between financial innovation and economic growth, and the effect of financial
innovation is especially evident in developing countries. The present study is
unique in that it aimed to investigate both symmetric and asymmetric relationships
by applying newly developed autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) bounds testing
(Pesaran et al. 2001) and nonlinear ARDL (NARDL) (Shin et al. 2014) to cover a
wide range of time series data, from Q1 1975 to Q4 2016. To our knowledge, this
is the first research to investigate financial innovation’s effect on economic growth
in South Asian countries.
The rest of this paper proceeds as follows. Section “Literature review” provides a
literature review concerning the nexus between financial innovation and economic
growth. Section “Methods” presents the research data and the research model, as well
as the econometric methodology used for analysis. Section “Data analysis and interpret-
ation” concerns model estimation along with in-depth interpretation and discussion.
Section “Conclusions and recommendations” concludes the paper and discusses the
scope for further research.
Qamruzzaman and Jianguo Financial Innovation (2018) 4:20 Page 3 of 19
Literature review
Financial sector development generates economic growth because an efficient financial
sector mobilizes economic resources in an economy (Ndlovu 2013). Moreover, an
efficient financial system drives the processes of creating wealth, trade, and, most
importantly, capital formation (Ahmed 2006). Innovation in financial institutions
enhances the level of efficiency, and efficient financial systems act as catalysts for
economic development through financial development (Saad 2014; Michael et al. 2015).
In modern economies, innovation plays a key role in transforming a static economy
into a dynamic one with the adoption and diffusion of technological advancement, new
organizational structures, production processes, and management styles. Today,
innovation not only involves the creation of new things but also provides solutions to
ongoing problems in an economy (Kotsemir and Abroskin 2013).
Considering Schumpeterian endogenous growth theory, many empirical studies have
shown that financial services promote economic growth (e.g., Aghion and Howitt 1990;
Howitt 2000; Dosi et al. 2010; Phillips et al. 1999). King and Levine (1993a) argued that
financial services expand financial activities, increase the rate of capital accumulation,
and boost financial development; the introduction of new financial services in a finan-
cial system is the key output of financial innovation. The literature has also argued for
financial innovation’s role in financial development by way of improving financial effi-
ciency in financial systems. Financial innovation assists financial development through
the expansion of financial services by offering new financial products, optimizing
economic resource mobilization through efficient payment mechanisms, reducing
investment risks, and accelerating capital formation. Therefore, financial innovation is
regarded as an engine of financial growth in both developed and developing countries
(Miller 1986, 1992). Ahmed (2006) argued that financial-sector growth expedites
cross-county trade, wealth creation, and capital accumulation in an economy. Ahmad
and Malik (2009), meanwhile, argued that financial-sector development reduces asym-
metric information costs and enhances resource mobilization, thus boosting economic
Financial innovation is associated with the development of new financial instruments,
corporate structures, financial institutions, and accounting and financial reporting tech-
niques (Michalopoulos et al. 2011). Financial innovation is considered the “engine”
driving a financial system toward its goal of improving the performance of what econo-
mists call the “real economy” (Merton 1992). Michalopoulos et al. (2011) measured
financial innovation as the growth of financial development, using the growth rate of
the ratio of bank credit to the private sector to the GDP as a proxy for financial
innovation. However, since nothing is completely new, financial innovations often
involve adaptations or modifications of existing products and processes that ensure
efficiency and hence profitability.
Empirical research in finance has proposed four distinct hypotheses to explain the
nexus between financial innovation and economic growth. First, the supply-leading
hypothesis suggests that financial innovation can positively affect a country’s economic
growth (Beck 2010). This hypothesis suggests that financial innovation in a financial
system accelerates economic growth by expediting the process of capital accumulation,
enhancing efficiency in financial institutions, improving financial services, and making
financial intermediation more efficient. Shittu (2012) found that efficient financial
Qamruzzaman and Jianguo Financial Innovation (2018) 4:20 Page 4 of 19
This study used quarterly time series data for the period Q1 1975 to Q4 2016. Data
were collected from publicly available sources, including the World Development
Indicators published by the World Bank (2017), the World Economic Outlook (2017)
published by the IMF, the Bangladesh Economic Review published by the Ministry of
Finance (2016), and the South Asian Economy published by the Asian Development
Bank (2017). The econometric analysis package EViews 9.5 (2017) was used for data
We considered the growth rate of gross domestic product (GDP) per capital as a
proxy for economic growth (Y), along with one independent variable as a proxy for
financial innovation.
Financial innovation is a continuous process associated with the emergence of new
financial institutions, new financial assets, improved financial services, and improved
payment mechanisms (Sood and Ranjan 2015). It is not possible to gauge the effect of
financial innovation on economic growth by considering only a single indicator; there
is no agreed-upon proxy in the literature. Hence, researchers have used various proxies.
Laeven et al. (2015) argued that financial innovation involves not only the emergence
of new financial instruments and products but also developments in the financial
Qamruzzaman and Jianguo Financial Innovation (2018) 4:20 Page 5 of 19
system via new financial reporting processes, improved credit rationing, and advance-
ments in data processing. Therefore, the selection of proxies for financial innovation
should cover wide-ranging aspects of the financial system.
Research in the past decade has used bank credit to the private sector as a proxy indica-
tor for financial innovation (e.g., Adu-Asare Idun and Aboagye 2014; Michalopoulos et al.
2009). However, many empirical studies have used the ratio of broad-to-narrow money as
a proxy for financial innovation (e.g., Bara and Mudxingiri 2016; Bara et al. 2016;
Qamruzzaman and Jianguo 2017; Ansong et al. 2011; Mannah-Blankson and Belnye
2004). This study followed the same path for investigation.
We also used a set of macroeconomic variables as control variables to bring about
robustness in estimation. These included trade openness (TO), gross capital formation
(GCF), and domestic credit to private sector (DCP).
Trade openness (TO) indicates the extent to which an economy relies on
international trade. It is calculated considering both imports and exports in relation to
GDP. A higher ratio implies a profound reliance on international trade. TO positively
influences the production level of an economy by creating opportunities to serve for-
eign over domestic markets. TO also helps increase productivity through technological
advancement, knowledge sharing, and increased labor productivity.
Gross capital formation (GCF) is a key factor in economic growth. Solow (1957)
argued that physical capital accumulation increases productivity in an economy. GCF
refers to the net addition of physical capital or assets after deducting disposal. Empirical
studies such as Ghali and Ahmed (1999), Levine and Renelt (1992), and Barro (1991)
have confirmed positive associations between GCF and economic growth.
Domestic credit to private sector (DCP) signifies capital flow to the private sector
from financial institutions in the form of loans, trade credits, and nonequity invest-
ments. Studies such as Were et al. (2012), Beck and Levine (2004), and Ang (2008)
found positive contributions to economic growth via DCP. All of the variables were
converted into natural logarithms to ensure accuracy and robustness in the estimations
(Shahbaz et al. 2016). Table 1 summarizes the descriptive statistics of the research
After transforming Eq. (1) into a linear form, it can be represented as follows:
(1998) proposed a new cointegration model with greater flexibility in the variable
integration order—namely, I(0) and/or I(1). This was further extended by Pesaran et al.
(2001) and Narayan (2004). Moreover, the error correction term can be derived from
ARDL through linear transformation. Thus, Eq. (2) can be rewritten in ARDL form as
n X
n X
n X
ΔlnY t ¼ α0 þ μ1 Δ ln Y t−i þ μ2 Δ ln FI t−i þ μ3 ΔlnT 0t−i þ μ4 ΔlnGCF t
i¼1 i¼0 i¼0 i¼0
þ μ5 ΔlnDCP t þ γ 0 ln Y t−1 þ γ 1 lnFI t−1 þ γ 2 lnTOt−1 þ γ 3 ln GCF t−1
þ γ 4 lnDCPt−1 þ ωt
Further, Eq. (3) can be rewritten into matrix form where each study variable serves as
the dependent variable in the model (see Eq. (4)). To gauge the existence of long-run
and short-run cointegration, we formulated hypotheses in both cases. For the long run,
the null hypothesis (H0) is no cointergration existence [H0 : γ11 to γ55 = 0]. The
alternative hypothesis (H1) is the existence of cointergration [H0 : γ11 to γ55 ≠ 0]. For
short-run, the null hypothesis (H0) is no short-run relationship [H0 : μ11 to μ55 = 0],
and in the alternative hypothesis (H1), there is a short-run relation [H0 : μ11 to μ55 ≠ 0]:
2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3
lnY α01 lnY μ11 μ12 μ13 μ14 μ15
6 lnFI 7 6 α02 7 X 6 lnFI 7 6 μ21 μ22 μ23 μ24 μ25 7
6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7
ð1−BÞ6 7 6 7 1−B6 7 6 μ35 7
6 lnTO 7 ¼ 6 α03 7 þ i¼1 6 lnTO 7 6 μ31 μ32 μ33 μ34 7
4 lnGCF 5 4 α04 5 4 lnGCF 5 4 μ41 μ42 μ43 μ44 μ45 5
lnDCP α04 lnDCP t−i μ51 μ52 μ53 μ54 μ55
2 3 2 3 2 3
lnY γ 11 γ 12 γ 13 γ 14 γ 15 ω
6 lnFI 7 6 γ 21 γ 22 γ 23 γ 24 γ 25 7 6ω7
6 7 6 7 6 7
þ6 7 6
6 lnTO 7 6 γ 31 γ 32 γ 33 γ 34 γ 35 7 6 7
7 þ 6ω7
4 lnGCF 5 4γ γ 42 γ 43 γ 44 γ 45 5 4 ω 5
lnDCP t−1 γ 51 γ 52 γ 53 γ 54 γ 55 ω t
Now, we can rewrite Eq. (3) in nonlinear form by incorporating a new series of
positive and negative changes. The nonlinear ARDL is as follows:
n X
n X
△lnY t ¼ α0 þ μ1 △lnY t−i þ μþ
2 △lnPOS ðFI Þt−i þ μ−2 △lnNEGðFI Þt−i
i¼1 i¼0 i¼0
n X
n X
þ μ3 △lnTOt−i þ μ4 △lnGCF t þ μ5 △lnDCP t þ γ 0 lnY t−1
i¼0 i¼0 i¼0
þ γþ −
1 lnPOS ðFI Þt−1 þ γ 1 lnNEG ðFI Þt−1 þ γ 2 lnTOt−1 þ γ 3 lnGCF t−1
þ γ 4 lnDCP t−1 þ ωt
In Eq. (6), the coefficients of μ1 to μ5 denote short-run elasticities, and the coeffi-
cients of γ0 to γ4 denote long-run elasticities in the model. To gauge both long-run and
short-run asymmetric tests, we ran the Wald test. Yt represents economic growth, It
represents financial innovation, TOt represents trade openness, GCFt represents gross
capital formation, and DCFt represents domestic credit to private sector. Further, n
represents optimal lag, which was determined using the Akaike information
criterion (AIC). According to Shin et al. (2014), the confirmation of long-run
cointegration using the bounds test approach is also applicable by comparing the
f-statistic (Wald test) and the critical value, as proposed by Pesaran et al. (2001).
The null hypothesis is γ0 = γ1 + = γ1 − = 0.
Kwiatkowski et al. (1992). The stationary test estimations are shown in Table 2. The
stationary test confirmed the nonexistence of second-order integrated variables,
indicating that the order of variable integration was either at the level of I(0) or after
the first difference I(1). Given such variable characteristics, we ran the cointegration
test to ascertain long-run associations.
serve as the dependent variables in the model, the calculated f-statistics are less than
the lower bound critical value (3.74). This suggests that the null hypothesis, no
cointegration, cannot be accepted; rather, the study confirms the existence of long-run
cointegration between FI, TO, GCF, and DCP.
correlation, and the heteroscedasticity test showed the model to be free of the problem
of heteroscedasticity. The Jarque–Bera normality test suggested the errors were nor-
mally distributed. The RESET test confirmed the model construction and f-statistics,
ensuring model prediction and accuracy. Finally, the adjusted R2 showed the model’s
ability to explain variance; 78, 89, 79, and 72% of variance could be explained by the
proposed model for Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, respectively.
et al. (2001). This confirms the existence of long-run cointergration between FI,
TO, GCF, and DCP and economic growth for the period Q1 1975 to Q4 2016.
This finding is consistent with earlier ARDL tests (see Table 2).
Next, we investigated the existence of an asymmetric relationship between financial
innovation and economic growth by applying the Wald test. In the Table 5 (panel C),
WLR indicates the Wald test statistic for long-run symmetry, and WSR indicates the
Wald test statistic for short-run symmetry. For the long run, the null hypothesis
regarding the existence of a symmetric relationship was rejected at the 1% level of sig-
nificance. Specifically, the Wald statistics were (BD) = 4.78 (p = 0.002) for Bangladesh,
W (BD) = 1.33 (p = 0.003) for India, WLR (BD) = 2.70 (p = 0.009) for Pakistan, and WLR
(BD) = 1.17 (p = 0.001) for Sri Lanka. It is evident that the associated p-values were less
than 1%. Thus, we can conclude the existence of an asymmetric relationship in the
long run between the examined variables. For the short run, the null hypothesis
was also rejected regarding symmetric relationships at the 1% level of significance.
Specifically, the Wald statistics were (BD) = 12.17 (p = 0.006) for Bangladesh, W
(IND) = 6.29 (p = 0.007 for India), WSR (PAK) = 6.18 (p = 0.004) for Pakistan, and
WSR (SL) = 5.55 (p = 0.008) for Sri Lanka. These findings suggest the existence of
an asymmetric relationship between financial innovation and economic growth in
Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
For the long-run estimations (see Table 5, panel A), we found that a positive shock in
financial innovation was positively linked with economic growth in Bangladesh, India,
Pakistan, and Sri Lanka while a negative shock was negatively linked with economic
growth. This indicates that financial innovation in a financial system can stimulate
economic growth. According to Chou (2007) and Chou and Chin (2011), financial
innovation brings changes to a financial system that increase financial efficiency and in-
crease saving propensity among the population by offering new and improved financial
assets; this eventually aids capital formation and thus boosts economic growth. Mishra
(2010), moreover, argued that financial innovation promotes the economic growth of
emerging economies through welfare enhancement. For the short run (see Table 4,
Qamruzzaman and Jianguo Financial Innovation (2018) 4:20 Page 14 of 19
panel C), we found that a positive shock in financial innovation influenced economic
growth in Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan but not Sri Lanka. Meanwhile, a negative
shock in financial innovation produced mixed associations regarding economic growth
in the sample countries.
to Q4 2016. This finding supports the feedback hypothesis between financial innovation
and economic growth in the long run. This finding aligns with Ajide (2015). For
short-run causality, we observed bidirectional causality between financial innovation
and economic growth in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. This supports the
feedback hypothesis for the short run as well. Thus, we can assume that growth in
Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka can be caused by the evolution and adoption
of financial innovation in the financial system.
In particular, financial innovation can influence economic growth by providing an
efficient financial system along with financial diversification. Meanwhile, economic
growth puts pressure on the financial system to create innovative financial assets and
services to mitigate the demand for financial services. The positive link between
financial innovation and economic growth suggests that Bangladesh, India, Pakistan,
and Sri Lanka should encourage financial innovation in their financial systems. Their
financial sectors should develop financial institutions that can introduce innovative
financial products and services that will diffuse throughout the economy. Thus, their
governments should formulate financial policies to promote financial innovation,
development, and inclusion while minimizing risk levels to ensure stability in the
financial sector.
Accordingly, bank-based and market-based financial development needs to proceed
effectively and efficiently to obtain the maximum benefits from financial innovation. As
such, the governments of Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka should pay
particular attention to infrastructural development, financial transparency, techno-
logical advancement, and regional cooperation in financial reforms.
ADF: For Augmented Dickey-Fuller; ARDL: Autoregressive Distributed Lagged; DCP: Domestic Credit to Private Sector;
FI: Financial Innovation; GCF: Gross Capital Formation; KPSS: Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin; NARDL: Nonlinear
Autoregressive Distributed Lagged; P-P: Phillips-Perron; TO: Trade Openness,
The author would like to thank the editor, and the two anonymous referees for their valuable comments and
suggestions to improve the quality of this paper. Furthermore, we would like to extend our heartfelt graduate to the
editor of the journal for his kind consideration in the process of publishing this work. We are also grateful to Professor
Zaho from the school of economics, the Wuhan University of Technology for his thoughtful suggestions and
meaningful guidelines along with classmates of their opinions regarding the overall article.
We do not receive any financial assistance from any agency. All the cost associated with preparing article bear by
authors solely.
Authors’ contributions
The concept and design of this article come from Professor WJ and after that data collection, empirical study review
of conceptual development and drafting done by Md. Q and finally critical review and import intellectual content
assessment is done by Professor Wei Jianguo and effort by authors in the article, the ration of contribution equally
likely. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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