Indoor Plants
Indoor Plants
Indoor Plants
Table of Contents
Introduction............................................................................................................................ 3
Factors Affecting Plant Growth............................................................................................ 3
Light ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Temperature ........................................................................................................................ 5
Relative Humidity................................................................................................................. 6
Water ................................................................................................................................... 7
Water Quantity ................................................................................................................. 7
Water Quality.................................................................................................................... 7
Nutrition ............................................................................................................................... 8
Soil/Growing Medium .......................................................................................................... 9
Growing Mix for Flowering House Plants.......................................................................... 9
Growing Mixes for Foliage Plants ..................................................................................... 9
Growing Mixes for Bromeliads.......................................................................................... 9
Growing Mixes for Orchids ............................................................................................. 10
Growing Mix for Succulents and Cacti ............................................................................ 10
Growing Mix for Ferns .................................................................................................... 10
Growing Mix for African Violets ...................................................................................... 10
How to Sterilize Soil ....................................................................................................... 10
Acclimatization ............................................................................................................... 11
What to Look for When Shopping for Indoor Plants ........................................................ 12
Selecting Containers........................................................................................................... 12
Pruning, Grooming, Cleaning, and Repotting................................................................... 13
Pest Management ................................................................................................................ 14
What to Do for Plant Problems........................................................................................... 15
Pests ................................................................................................................................. 15
Summary of Cultural Care .................................................................................................. 17
Bibliography......................................................................................................................... 26
Publication by
Bodie V. Pennisi
Extension Floriculture Specialist
Georgia Cooperative Extension
Plant growth is affected by light, temperature, With the help of this table, you can obtain the
humidity, water, nutrition, and soil. light intensity reading from anywhere in your
home. For example, if the f/stop setting is f/16,
Light the approximate light level is 2,400 ft-c.
Of all of the factors affecting plant growth in
Using the light readings, your home can be
interiors, adequate light is by far the most
divided into four areas, which have the following
important. Light is needed for plants to produce
light levels for 8 hours per day:
food and survive — generally, the more light
1. Low-light areas: 25 ft-c–75 ft-c
available, the more food produced for growth.
2. Medium-light areas: 75 ft-c–200 ft-c
Light is measured in units called footcandles. One
3. High-light areas: over 200 ft-c but not
footcandle (ft-c) is the amount of light cast by a
direct sunlight
candle on a white surface one foot away in a
4. Sunny light areas: at least 4 hours of direct
completely dark room. Outdoors, the light levels
on a bright day range from 10,000 ft-c in an open
In your home, the amount of light in a given
sunny area to 250 ft-c or less in the shade of a
location is variable — it is affected by the
large tree.
presence of trees outdoors (may shade at certain
times), roof overhangs (may shade at certain
It is very helpful to have a general idea of how
times), wall color (reflectance), window curtains,
much light is present in a given location in your
day length, time of day, and time of year.
Georgia Cooperative Extension
When shopping for indoor plants, select plants for Table 3.) Look for this information in general
a given location based on the approximate light terms on the plant’s label:
levels in the spot. The plant’s label will usually • Low: minimum 25 ft-c–75 ft-c, 75ft-c–200
contain information on the light requirements of ft-c for good growth
the plant. If the plant label lists “high light” but • Medium: minimum 75 ft-c–150 ft-c, 200
the selected area in the home does not provide ft-c–500 ft-c preferred
adequate light, artificial light sources such as • High: minimum 150 ft-c–1,000 ft-c, 500
fluorescent and/or special incandescent lights may ft-c–1,000 ft-c preferred
be used to supplement the natural light.
• Very high: minimum 1,000 ft-c, 1,000+
ft-c preferred
Increasing the number of hours of light exposure
Windows with eastern exposure within the home
can also help — for example, 16 hours of light
generally provide the best light and temperature
and 8 hours of dark. This extends the number of
conditions for most indoor plant growth because
hours during which plants receive light.
plants receive direct morning light from sunrise
until nearly midday. Footcandle readings at these
While adequate light is crucial for plant growth,
windows can reach 5,000–8,000. As the morning
too much light can be damaging (Figure 1).
progresses, the direct sun recedes from the room.
Growing Indoor Plants with Success
United States is in the northern hemisphere, it • The new leaves are smaller than the older
receives most of its sunlight from the south. Out leaves.
of the four exposures, the northern exposure • The leaf color is a lighter green on the
receives the least light and heat year round. newer foliage than on the older foliage.
• The older leaves are dead.
Because of the low-light levels, maintaining
healthy plants can be a challenge. A northern
windowsill can measure light levels as low as 200
ft-c on a clear winter day, which is optimal for Temperature is the second most important factor
some plants, such as the African violet. This influencing plant growth in interior environments.
exposure is best for plants with green foliage People feel comfortable in the range of 72 degrees
because the coloration on variegated foliage tends F-82 degrees F, and interior plants can tolerate
to disappear under low-light conditions. Although and grow well in the 58 degrees F-86 degrees F
most plants grown indoors will not grow in a range because most indoor plants originate from
northern room, they may tolerate it for short tropical and subtropical areas of the world.
periods of time.
Temperature and light are linked through the
Seasons change the amount of natural light processes of photosynthesis and respiration.
entering through windows. For example, the These processes can be thought of as the “yin and
summer sun reaches a higher zenith compared to yang” of plant life — two parts of a circle.
the winter sun (Figure 2). Therefore, sunlight Photosynthesis builds sugars and starch, which are
penetrates farther into a room during winter. then broken down by respiration to provide
energy for the development of new tissues
(growth) and the maintenance of existing ones.
High temperature speeds up respiration. If the
plant is not producing sufficient sugars (as under
low light), then high temperatures may break
down what little sugars are made, leaving little to
none for growth. Maintenance takes precedence
over growth; therefore, under insufficient light,
plants do not grow. If light is so low that sugars
produced are insufficient for maintenance, the
plant eventually dies.
Georgia Cooperative Extension
During the winter, heating that may have been • Place plants close together to create a
turned off at night or weekend thermostat settings microenvironment with a higher relative
that may have been lowered may result in lower humidity.
night temperatures. Be especially careful not to • Use a shallow container filled with water
allow temperatures to drop below 50 degrees F, or and lava rocks or gravel, which will
chill damage will result on some sensitive foliage provide evaporation from a large surface
plants (e.g., Chinese Evergreen, Aglaonema). Chill area and increase relative humidity.
damage is manifested with the yellowing of lower • Use a humidifier.
leaves and/or defoliation.
• Use mist bottles to spray water around the
plant; however, in reality, you would need
Plants vary in their minimum and maximum
to mist every few minutes for an indefinite
temperature requirements. Examples of cool-
amount of time to make a difference in
loving plants suitable for locations where
relative humidity around the plant.
temperatures drop to the low 50s at night and 60s
during the day are Cyclamen, Wonder Plant, • The foliage and flowers of plants with
Fatshedera, Japanese Aralia, and Fatsia. A list of hairy leaves should not be sprayed with
plants and their temperature requirements is water. Water on such leaves may stay
provided in Table 3. longer, providing opportunities for disease
spores to germinate.
Not all interior plants have the same temperature
requirements for optimal growth. For example,
Cast Iron Plant, Aspidistra, and ferns actually grow
better with cooler temperatures (72°F), while H2O
à 700F H2O
à 700F
Relative Humidity
H2O Ã 900F H2O Ã 700F
Growing Indoor Plants with Success
Georgia Cooperative Extension
Many indoor gardeners have the same problem
with fertilizer that they have with water — they
want to give their plants too much. Danger from
overfertilization occurs because any fertilizer used,
whether in liquid, powder, or tablet form, will
dissolve in soil water and will form salts in the
water. When you overfertilize, the water in the soil
becomes so salty that it “burns” the plant’s roots
by removing water from them (Figure 5). Excess
soluble salts accumulate as a whitish crust on the
surface of the growing medium and/or near the
rim of the container.
Growing Indoor Plants with Success
Georgia Cooperative Extension
Add 2 ounces of dolomitic limestone to 4 gallons phosphate. After sterilizing the soil, add a minor
(½ bushel) of soil mix and a minor element mix. element supplement according to the
Dissolve 1 ounce of 10-10-10 water-soluble manufacturer’s recommendation.
fertilizer in 3 gallons of water. Use this solution
after repotting and again monthly when watering. Growing Mix for Ferns
Also, add enough water to fill the vase formed by Ferns grow well in most recommended mixes that
the overlapping leaf bases. have a high proportion of organic matter with
good soil aeration and drainage characteristics.
Growing Mixes for Orchids Use any of the suggested foliage plant mixes.
Orchids have a great deal in common with However, most ferns kept indoors grow better in
bromeliads because they also grow on trees as the following mix:
epiphytes and on the ground as terrestrials. A mix • 1 part garden loam or potting soil
for orchids should have excellent drainage and • 1 part peat moss
aeration, too. Some soil mixes that can be used • 1 part pine bark
• 1 part coarse sand
• 3 parts osmunda tree fern fiber (moisten Add 2 ounces (dry weight) of dolomitic limestone
before use by soaking in water for 12 to each ½ bushel (4 gallons) of soil mix and ½
hours) ounce of either bonemeal or 20% superphosphate.
• 1 part redwood bark After pasteurizing the soil mix, add minor
OR elements to the mix. Add 1 tablespoon of a 6-6-6
• 5 parts fir bark or similarly balanced fertilizer to each ½ bushel of
• 1 part perlite soil mix.
Tree fern slabs may also be used to grow epiphytic
orchids. Growing Mix for African Violets
Any number of soil mixes for African violets exist,
Add 1 ounce (dry weight) of dolomitic limestone and most of them will grow high quality plants. A
per 4 gallons (½ bushel) of soil mix. Do not add good mix should be well drained and aerated.
fertilizer to the mix. After the plants are potted, • 2 parts peat moss
add ¼ ounce of liquid 10-10-10 with minor ele-
• 1 part vermiculite
ments per gallon of water and fertilize once every
6 weeks (if the plants are growing in osmunda fern • 1 part perlite
fibers). If plants are growing in fir bark, use a Add 2½ tablespoons of dolomite and 1½
liquid 30-10-10 with minor elements every 6 tablespoons of 20% superphosphate to each ½
weeks instead of a 10-10-10 fertilizer. bushel of soil mix. Add 3 tablespoons of a high
phosphorous fertilizer such as 5-10-5 or a similar
Growing Mix for Succulents and Cacti ratio of fertilizer.
Cacti and other succulents grow best in a well- How to Sterilize Soil
drained and aerated soil.
Sterilization reduces the number of diseased
• 2 parts garden loam or potting soil
organisms and weeds present in the soil. First, mix
• 2 parts sand the soil with an equal portion of vermiculite or
• 2 parts peat peat moss (otherwise, the soil will become very
• 1 part perlite (crushed charcoal can be hard). Next, moisten the mixture and place it in
substituted) the oven. Allow it to “bake” at 180 degrees F-200
Add 2 ounces (dry weight) of dolomitic limestone degrees F for 1 hour. Once the soil cools, it is
to 4 gallons (½ bushel) of soil mix, 2 ounces (by ready to use. To treat soil in the microwave, first
weight) of bonemeal, and ½ ounce of super- mix the portion with an equal amount of
Growing Indoor Plants with Success
vermiculite or peat moss and moisten. Place the Acclimatization is generally done in the green-
mixture in a plastic bag. Next, consult the manu- house or the nursery. Plants are grown for a
facturer’s manual to determine the amount of time period of time under low-light levels and with
and power level needed to heat the quantity of soil fewer nutrients. Because this slows down plant
to about 180 degrees F (most portions of soil will growth, acclimatized plants are not ready for the
generally require about 10 to 15 minutes). Insert a market as early as nonacclimatized plants.
probe into the soil and make sure it has heated to Acclimatized plants cost more compared to
180 degrees F-200 degrees F. Allow the soil to nonacclimatized plants, but this is money well
cool before using it or storing it for future use. spent. Figure 7 and Table 2 describe the
symptoms and appearance of acclimatized plants.
Make sure that the soil or potting mix you want to
sterilize does not contain perlite. At high temper- To acclimatize plants at home, place newly
atures, toxic levels of fluoride may be released and purchased plants in bright areas for at least 3 to 4
subsequently damage your plants. weeks and then move them to their final location.
Porches and patios are ideal bright places for your
Acclimatization plants in the warm months, as long as the plants
Acclimatization is the adaptation of a plant to a are not in direct sunlight. The most common
new environment, and it is very important for the symptom occurring in plants placed indoors is
health and growth of indoor plants. In green- defoliation. As long as it is not extensive and it
houses, plants are accustomed to high light, nutri- slows down after a few weeks, the plants will
tion, water supply, temperatures, and relative adjust to the particular location. Keep in mind,
humidity — conditions ideal for fast growth however, that each time the plant is moved
(Figure 6). Residential homes, with low-light around, it will experience an acclimatization
interiors and low relative humidity, will most likely period, and such changes may become evident.
produce a stressful experience for plants — the
greater the difference between the previous Learn as much as possible about the extent of
environment and the environment of the house, acclimatization of the chosen plants. The retailer
the greater the stress the plant endures. should be able to provide this information. When
shopping for plants at a garden center, ask if the
plants have been acclimatized.
Acclimatization Remember that the most important factors of
indoor plant growth are adequate light, fertilizer,
and water at reduced rates.
low light
Acclimatization 9 less growth
9 less need for nutrients
9 reduce nutrient 9 less water need
9 reduce water
Figure 6
The two sides of acclimatization—the aboveground
(light acclimatization) involves adaptation to low light,
which means less growth and less need for nutrients.
The belowground (soil acclimatization) involves
reduction of nutrients and water.
Georgia Cooperative Extension
Growing Indoor Plants with Success
The style, shape, and size of the container should needs plenty of water, but they should not be used
complement the plants grown. Small containers for cacti and succulents.
are best for small slow-growing plants, while fast-
growing plants are better suited for large Pruning, Grooming, Cleaning,
and Repotting
Containers can be made from a wide range of
materials — terra cotta, clay, plastic, or ceramic. When is the best time to prune? “When the knife
Terra cotta pots, made of fired clay, are some of is sharp” goes the old saying, and it means using
the most popular choices, with designs ranging the natural life cycles as a guide. For example,
from plain to ornate. Plants perform very well in when the plant is growing rapidly and you want to
terra cotta pots, as the porous surface allows good maintain a certain size, prune lightly and
air exchange between the plant roots and the frequently, removing shoots or shoot tips when
environment. Other clay containers (not they are small. When removing the very immature
considered terra cotta) range from gray to brown tips, the practice is known as pinching. Pinching
in color, depending on the clay used. Clay pots can and light pruning also increase branching of the
be glazed or unglazed. The glazed pots restrict air stem and result in a stockier, fuller plant.
exchange but offer more design choices. Unglazed
pots evaporate water faster and plants in them When the plant has outgrown its container, root
may need more frequent watering. Disadvantages pruning is advisable. Pull roots away from the root
of clay containers include their weight (especially mass then cut them back to within 1 inch of the
large pots) and the chance they will chip or break. soil mass. An alternative method is to make three
or four vertical cuts 1 inch deep in the soil ball on
Constructed of materials such as polyethylene, the opposite sides of the root ball.
polyurethane, recycled plastic, and fiberglass,
plastic pots have evolved from very simple to If you are re-using containers, make sure that they
quite elaborate. They have the advantage of being are clean by washing out any old compost,
lightweight as well as chip- and break-resistant. Air chemical, or paint residues. Sterilize the container
exchange and water evaporation rates are generally by placing it in a 10% bleach solution and rinse
lower in plastic containers compared with clay well.
containers. Plants in plastic pots will not dry out
as quickly as plants in clay pots, increasing the A clean plant is a healthy plant. Water flow causes
danger of over-watering. salt accumulation along the leaf margins and/or
tips, creating necrotic areas. Dust dulls normal leaf
In general, there are two types of containers — coloration, lessening plant value, but it also shades
ones with drainage holes and ones without. Do plant surfaces, reflecting light that can be used in
not allow plants in containers with drainage holes photosynthesis. Dust on lower leaf surfaces may
to sit in saucers filled with water, unless the plant clog stomata (specialized cells involved in water
is suspended above the water level by a layer of transpiration), inhibiting gas exchange within the
rocks. To avoid salt buildup, leach the soil once a leaf. Leaves with thick, shiny cuticles (Croton,
month by applying a gallon of water to every cubic Ficus, Peace Lily, Bromeliads) should be cleaned
foot of potting medium; after a few hours, follow with a damp sponge.
with ½ gallon of water. If the potting medium
contains garden soil, apply 5 gallons of water per If the plant is small, dip the foliage in tepid water
every cubic foot of growing medium. and swirl it around. Water should not be used
when cleaning cacti, African violet leaves, and
Containers without drainage holes work well for other plants with hairy leaves. Instead, use a clean,
plants such as the Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum), which small paintbrush brush to remove dust. Remove
Georgia Cooperative Extension
dead flowers and leaves regularly. Leaves with tip (the body covering cannot be separated from the
and/or marginal necrosis, such as fluoride body), and mealybugs. Scales suck plant juices
damage, should be trimmed to the healthy part. from leaves and stems, causing stunting, leaf
discoloration, and death of the tissue. As a result
If the plant has been growing well, it will likely of their feeding, sticky “honeydew” (digested plant
need repotting. The decision to repot should be sap) is excreted (the exception is armored scales).
based on plant appearance — if it is top-heavy, if Honeydew offers a growing medium for a fungus
it fills the container with new shoots, or if it has called sooty mold, which, when present, can
extensive root growth out of the pot’s drainage detract from the plant appearance and block light
holes. Ideally, plants should be repotted in 1 inch from reaching the leaf surface. Scales are usually
increments. Planting into too large a container will inconspicuous; by the time infestation is noticed,
give the roots more soil than they initially need. the population is usually very large (Figure 10 and
The excess soil will hold extra moisture, creating Figure 11).
overly wet conditions. Increase pot size through
smaller increments rather than doubling the pot
size in one step (Figure 9).
Figure 10
Various scales.
Figure 9
Properly repotted plant.
Pest Management
Figure 11
Very few plants stay pest-free forever. Pest insects Various scales.
are more likely to be encountered on indoor plants
than diseases because the interior environment
rarely offers favorable conditions for foliar Mealybugs are soft bodied, 1/5 inch to 1/3 inch
diseases to develop. However, when plants are long, and covered by white, waxy filaments, giving
grown under stressful conditions (such as low them a white, cottony appearance. Insects are
light and excess water), soil-borne pathogens often frequently found on the new growth at the stem
develop. apex, where they suck plant juices, causing leaf
wilting and abscission (Figure 12). Some species of
Scales are 1/8 inch to 1/3 inch long with various mealybugs appear first on the undersides of leaves.
colors, depending upon the species. The three Mealybugs excrete sticky honeydew, which attracts
main families of scales are armored (the body sooty mold.
covering can be separated from the body), soft
Growing Indoor Plants with Success
Figure 12
Mealybugs are the major pest problem for
Figure 14
Spider mites with webbing.
Aphids are soft bodied, pear shaped, 1/25 inch to
1/8 inch long, and are usually green in color (but
may be pink, blue, brown, yellow, or black). Thrips, while uncommon on houseplants,
Aphids reside on new growth or on the underside predominantly feed on plants in patios and other
of young leaves, where they suck plant juices, outdoor areas (Figure 15). Thrips are small,
causing deformed, curled growth of new leaves, slender, 1/25 inch to 1/12 inch long, and tan,
buds, and flowers. Aphids also excrete honeydew. black, or brown in color, with lighter markings.
Aphids are usually wingless but develop winged Adults and larvae feed on shoot tips, flowers, and
forms when colonies become too large (Figure leaves by sucking sap and cell contents. Injured
13). tissue has a whitish or silver-flecked appearance
due to the light reflecting from the empty cell
walls of the dead cells.
Figure 15
Figure 13
What to Do for Plant Problems
Spider mites are the second most common pest
problem on houseplants (Figure 14). The adult Pests
females are about 1/50 inch long, hardly visible • The best method is prevention — pur-
with the unaided eye. Mites feed on the undersides chase pest-free plants.
of young leaves. Infected areas are grayish or • Remove a light infestation of mealybugs or
yellow speckled. aphids with a cotton swab dipped in
rubbing alcohol.
Webs form as a means of dispersal. Spider mites • If outdoor conditions permit, take the
thrive in hot and dry conditions. affected houseplant outside in a protected
Georgia Cooperative Extension
area, where natural predators will Most importantly, avoid causing stress to plants. A
eventually come and rid the plant of the healthy plant is much more likely to fight off a
pest. disease than a stressed one. Use a simplified key
• Treat with insecticidal soap. The best for identifying the causal agent for a disease
results occur on plants that have been (Figure 16).
hardened off in the interior environment.
New plants, if they have not been ³ spots
³ sooty
acclimatized (accustomed to lower light, ³ rusts
fertilizer, and water levels), are going to be ³ soft spots
tender and should be treated after the first ³ mildews
couple of weeks. Add 2 teaspoons of ³ wilts ³ rots
insecticidal soap per gallon of water and Bacterial
wipe foliage and stems with the soapy ³ cankers
water and soft cloth. ³ mottling ³ spots
• Heavy infestations may be too extensive to
³ distortion ³ wilts
treat. Discard these plants and do not Fungal
place them in your compost pile. ³ dwarfing
• Do not introduce beneficial insects Viral
Growing Indoor Plants with Success
L = Light
1. Sunny light areas: At least 4 hours of direct
2. High-light areas: Over 200 ft-c, but not
direct sun
3. Medium-light areas: 75 ft-c to 200 ft-c
4. Low-light areas: 25 ft-c to 75 ft-c
T = Temperature
1. Cool: 50°F night, 65°F day temperatures
2. Average: 65°F night, 75°F day
3. Warm: 70°F night, 85°F day temperatures
H = Relative Humidity
1. High: 50% or higher
2. Average: 25% to 49%
3. Low: 5% to 24%
W = Watering
1. Keep soil mix moist
2. Surface of soil mix should dry before
3. Soil mix can become moderately dry
before re-watering
Growing Indoor Plants with Success
Table 3
Indoor plants and their cultural requirements (adopted from McConnell, D. B. 1978)
Cultural Care
Botanical Name Common Name L T H W S
Abutilon hybridum Flowering Maple 1 1 2 2 1
Growing Indoor Plants with Success
Cultural Care
Botanical Name Common Name L T H W S
Araucaria heterophylla Norfolk Island Pine 2-3 2 2 1 2
Georgia Cooperative Extension
Cultural Care
Botanical Name Common Name L T H W S
Catharanthus roseus Madagascar Periwinkle 1-2 2 1-2 2 1
Growing Indoor Plants with Success
Cultural Care
Botanical Name Common Name L T H W S
Cryptanthus fosteranus Stiff Pheasant Leaf 2 2 2 2 3
Georgia Cooperative Extension
Cultural Care
Botanical Name Common Name L T H W S
Fatsia japonica Japanese Aralia 3-4 1-2 2 2 2
Growing Indoor Plants with Success
Cultural Care
Botanical Name Common Name L T H W S
Hyacinthus orientalis Hyacinth 2 1-2 2 1 1
Impatiens wallerana ‘Variegata’ Busy Lizzie Impatiens 2-3 2 2 2 1
Georgia Cooperative Extension
Cultural Care
Botanical Name Common Name L T H W S
Pedilanthus tithymaloides ‘Variegatus’ Devil’s Backbone 2-3 2 2 2 5
Pelargonium hortorum House Geranium 1-2 1-2 2-3 2 1
Growing Indoor Plants with Success
Cultural Care
Botanical Name Common Name L T H W S
Saxifraga stolonifera Strawberry Geranium 2-3 1-2 2 2 2
Georgia Cooperative Extension
Manaker, G. H. 1997. Interior Plantscapes: Installation, Maintenance, and Management. 3rd ed. Prentice
Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
McConnell, D. B. 1978. The Indoor Gardener’s Companion: A Definitive, Color-Illustrated Guide to the
Selection and Care of Houseplants. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. New York, NY.
Growing Indoor Plants with Success
Bulletin 1318 Reviewed January 2017
The University of Georgia and Fort Valley State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and counties of the state cooperating. UGA Extension offers educational
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The University of Georgia is committed to principles of equal opportunity and affirmative action.