Thesis Ebe 2017 Ongodia Joan Evelyn PDF
Thesis Ebe 2017 Ongodia Joan Evelyn PDF
Thesis Ebe 2017 Ongodia Joan Evelyn PDF
Supervised by
A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for award of the degree of Master of Science in Civil
Engineering specializing in Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Cape Town
[April 2017]
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to the
Almighty God
At the end of the tunnel, the light of this achievement so shines brightly!
I am grateful to my family, supervisor, colleagues and friends for their support and inquiries on
my work. They have in different ways contributed to the completion of this study.
I am greatly indebted to my supervisor, Dr. Denis Kalumba, for sourcing my financial aid, his
countless support, guidance, patience and encouragement. His constructive criticism and
feedback improved the quality of this research.
My sincere gratitude also goes to Julian Baring Scholarship Fund (JBSF) for their financial
support. Also, the processing of the JBSF funding was facilitated by Ms. Mary Hilton, the
communications and marketing manager of Engineering and the Built Environment faculty at the
University of Cape Town (UCT). I appreciate her support.
I would also like to thank the Uganda Electricity Generation Company Limited (UEGCL),
especially Dr. Eng. Harrison E. Mutikanga, the Chief Executive Officer and Mrs. Chiria Drakua
Eunice who offered constructive suggestions, encouragement and scholarly resources for this
study. I also appreciate the geological and project insights given by Mr. Ojha Brajesh and Mr.
Raju S. of Energy Infratech Pvt Limited (India) and Mr. Lucky Nene of AECOM (South Africa)
shared insight on tunneling.
Much appreciation goes to Dr. Tannant Dwayne of the University of British Columbia Okanagan
for his invaluable insights on geological and practical aspects which shaped the final outcome.
The support by Avril Courie, Sophia Pan, Douglas Twinamatsiko, Okhala Muacanhia, Fardiah
Chemisto, Zainab Babalola, Andrew Zwiers, Ednah Veterai, Ruth Nekura, Babalwa Ontjies,
Abby Chwadi, Athini Kenke, Sharon Chipeperuka, David Davies, Christian L Polorigni, Mercy
Dada, Engr. Rachel S Ugye, civil engineering staff, colleagues and friends is appreciated.
Spiritual and moral support extended by my church families at Makerere Full Gospel Church
(Uganda) and His People Baxter Church (South Africa) congregations was invaluable. Inspiring
phone calls and follow-ups by Pastor and Mrs. Agnes Zziwa of Seeta Full Gospel Church
(Uganda) were much needed. Taata ne Maama mwebale nnyo.
Special gratitude goes to Eng. Mudali and Mrs. Mudali (Uncle Emma and Auntie Sarah) of Pitch-
Build (Uganda) Limited for their guidance, advise and encouragement. Mwanyala nnabi. To my
beloved family: Dad - Simon Peter Ongodia, Mom - Salome Nyadoi Ongodia, Ann Elizabeth
Okotha, Frances Petronella Ongodia, Santhosh Joseph, Simon Peter Ongodia Jr., Pheona
Veronica Ongodia, Daniella Blessed Mukisa, Alicia Mirembe Thanzan, Theo Avilash Santhosh,
Uncle Fr. John Peter and Grandpa Alenyo for the phone calls, messages, emails, voice notes and
early morning wake-up calls– Eyalama noi: afwoyo swa. You are each a true legend and blessing.
Above all, GOD who is ever true and faithful. Eyalama noi, Papa Edeke Lokasuban!!!
Tunnels have been built since 2180 B.C., through the stone age. They became popular worldwide
since the eighteenth century, as transportation, military, mining, conveyance, storage and flood
control structures. Due to the increasing world population, urbanization and industrialization, the
construction of underground tunnel structures are preferred as they limit interferences with
existing surface uses of the land and water bodies.
Although underground tunnels are a common flexible construction alternative, they are high
hazard risk structures. The risks are mostly related to ground conditions. Tunnels buried at depth
disturb in-situ conditions, cause ground instability and ultimately failure. Widespread tunnel
failures, though not publicly advertised because of their adverse implications, have claimed
human lives, cleared cities, cost 100 million United States dollars’ worth in financial losses and
year-long project delays. As such, stability of the structures is crucial to prevent the catastrophes
thereby reducing societal outcries.
Permanency of underground structures is ensured by provision of adequate resistance to any
impeding failure of the ground surrounding deep underground excavations. The effectiveness of
the ground-support interaction depends on geology, material properties, geotechnical parameters,
loads of the surrounding ground mass and mechanism of the interaction.
Using actual project information, the factors influencing stability, structural resistance as well as
methods to select the required support are explored in this dissertation. The study used typical
geological data of an underground tunnel component of Karuma, a proposed 600MW
hydropower project in Uganda. It doubles as the largest hydropower project and first
underground construction, to date. The project is located along the River Nile in a sensitive
ecosystem neighboring both a major national park and the Great Rift Valley system in East
The instability problem at Karuma was assessed using scientific and universal tunneling practice.
Typical site data formed input for the geotechnical engineering design of the tunnel support based
on analytical, observational and empirical methods. The study demonstrated that all methods
were independent and dissimilar for the same geotechnical engineering challenge of the
underground structure. The most comprehensive method was the one based on geotechnical
engineering principles and rock mechanics theory.
The outcomes of the different approaches in this study were unique functions of their underlying
scientific philosophies. The study proposes that in designing adequate support systems to resist
forces causing failure of underground tunnels, excavations buried in the ground should
encompass several methods. The most conservative design should be chosen to ensure
PLAGIARISM DECLARATION .................................................................................................................I
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................................III
ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................................. IV
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................ V
LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................................. VII
LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................................... IX
LIST OF EQUATIONS .............................................................................................................................. X
NOTATIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................... XII
STUDY TERMINOLOGY ....................................................................................................................... XIII
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................1
1.0 BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................................1
1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT......................................................................................................................2
1.2 JUSTIFICATION OF THE STUDY ...........................................................................................................3
1.3 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................................3
1.4 SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY .............................................................................................4
1.5 OUTLINE OF THE STUDY ...................................................................................................................4
2 TUNNELS ............................................................................................................................................5
2.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................5
2.1 HISTORY OF TUNNELS ......................................................................................................................5
2.1.1 Evolution of the tunneling shield ...........................................................................................6
2.1.2 Drilling age ............................................................................................................................8
2.2 TERMINOLOGY AND TYPES OF TUNNELS .............................................................................................9
2.2.1 Purposes of tunnels ........................................................................................................... 10
2.2.2 Tunnels types based on construction method ................................................................... 11
2.2.3 Tunnels types based on construction material .................................................................. 15
2.2.4 Tunnel cross-sections and shapes .................................................................................... 16
2.3 TUNNEL CONSTRUCTION................................................................................................................ 18
2.3.1 Processes .......................................................................................................................... 18
2.3.2 Establishing site geology for construction .......................................................................... 19
2.3.3 Tunneling methods ............................................................................................................. 19
2.3.4 Monitoring the construction process .................................................................................. 21
2.4 EXPERIENTIAL LESSONS FROM OTHER TUNNELS ............................................................................... 22
2.4.1 Experiences from Hoek ...................................................................................................... 22
2.4.2 Tunnel failure incidents, causes, consequences and mitigation ........................................ 25
2.6 SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................... 27
3 GEOTECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR TUNNELING........................................................... 28
3.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................. 28
3.1 GEOLOGY .................................................................................................................................... 28
3.1.1 Formation ........................................................................................................................... 28
3.1.2 Crustal provinces ............................................................................................................... 29
3.1.3 Physical identification of materials ..................................................................................... 33
3.2 GEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF ROCK ................................................................................................ 33
3.2.1 Mineralogy, structure and fabric ......................................................................................... 42
3.2.2 Discontinuities / discontinuity sets ..................................................................................... 46
3.2.3 Hydrogeology ..................................................................................................................... 49
3.2.4 Squeezing and swelling ..................................................................................................... 50
3.3 GEOTECHNICAL ROCK PARAMETERS ............................................................................................... 51
3.3.1 Rock strength ..................................................................................................................... 52
3.3.2 Tests to establish rock parameters .................................................................................... 53
3.3.3 Rock mass classification systems ...................................................................................... 58
3.4 TUNNEL STABILITY ....................................................................................................................... 65
3.4.1 Factors influencing stability ................................................................................................ 65
3.4.2 Structurally controlled rock mass stability .......................................................................... 68
3.4.3 Stability during excavation, the plastic zone and limiting equilibrium ................................ 70
3.5 ROCK LOADS ................................................................................................................................ 72
3.5.1 Tunnel failure ..................................................................................................................... 75
3.5.2 Failure criterion .................................................................................................................. 76
3.6.1 Rock bolts .......................................................................................................................... 82
3.6.2 Wire mesh reinforced shotcrete and reinforced concrete linings ....................................... 87
3.7 SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................... 92
4 TUNNEL SUPPORT SYSTEM DESIGN – A CASE OF KARUMA ................................................. 94
4.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................. 94
4.1 CASE STUDY ................................................................................................................................ 95
4.2 TUNNEL SUPPORT ESTIMATION ..................................................................................................... 102
4.2.1 Karuma geometry and material parameters .................................................................... 102
4.2.2 Simplifying assumptions................................................................................................... 103
4.2.3 Analytical method ............................................................................................................. 103
4.2.4 Finite element method...................................................................................................... 114
4.2.5 Conventional method ....................................................................................................... 119
4.3 SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................. 123
5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................... 126
5.0 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................... 126
5.1 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 126
5.2 RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................................... 127
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................... 128
APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................................ 139
Figure 1-1: Sasago tunnel collapse in Tokyo, 2012 (a) aerial view and (b) inside the tunnel ....................2
Figure 2-1: Evolution of the shield ..............................................................................................................5
Figure 2-2: Brunel' s tunneling shield .........................................................................................................6
Figure 2-3:Timber infested by shipworm ....................................................................................................7
Figure 2-4: The Greathead tunnel shield design ........................................................................................8
Figure 2-5: Examples of TBMs ...................................................................................................................8
Figure 2-6: (a) Twin-drill jumbo and (b) Blasting array ...............................................................................9
Figure 2-7: Unlined tunnel in Utah ........................................................................................................... 10
Figure 2-8: Transportation tunnels in a) Colorado and b) Shanghai ....................................................... 10
Figure 2-9: Top-bottom cut-and-cover tunnel construction steps ............................................................ 11
Figure 2-10: Bottom-up cut-and-cover tunnel construction steps ............................................................ 12
Figure 2-11: Immersed tunnel construction ............................................................................................. 13
Figure 2-12: Locations of immersed tunnels ........................................................................................... 13
Figure 2-13: Launch slab along which box is driven in and completed jacked box tunnel ...................... 14
Figure 2-14: Typical excavation sequences for conventional tunneling .................................................. 15
Figure 2-15: Rock tunneling machine cutters .......................................................................................... 16
Figure 2-16: Tunnel cross-sections ......................................................................................................... 17
Figure 2-17: Tunneling project life cycle .................................................................................................. 18
Figure 2-18: EPBM scientific principles of operation ............................................................................... 20
Figure 2-19: Bentonite shield ................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 2-20: Parameters monitored during construction ......................................................................... 22
Figure 2-21: Main causes and examples of tunnel failures ..................................................................... 26
Figure 2-22: Insurance premium cost-time relationship .......................................................................... 27
Figure 3-1: Rock classification tree .......................................................................................................... 30
Figure 3-2: Rock cycle ............................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 3-3: Global geological provinces .................................................................................................. 31
Figure 3-4: World stress map .................................................................................................................. 32
Figure 3-5: Mineralogy, structure and fabric factors influencing rock properties ..................................... 42
Figure 3-6: Structure of a silicate mineral ................................................................................................ 44
Figure 3-7: Network of SiO4 crystal lattices forming quartz ..................................................................... 45
Figure 3-8: (a) Granite composition and (b) Classification ...................................................................... 45
Figure 3-9: Main discontinuities influencing rock mass properties .......................................................... 47
Figure 3-10: Joint features ....................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 3-11: Naming discontinuities based on plane orientation ............................................................. 47
Figure 3-12: Interactions between ground factors ................................................................................... 49
Figure 3-13: Typical drainage of a tunnel ................................................................................................ 50
Figure 3-14: Expansive mechanism ........................................................................................................ 51
Figure 3-15: Main geometric properties influencing rock strength .......................................................... 52
Figure 3-16: Shear strength of soft blocky granite ................................................................................... 54
Figure 3-17: Rock strength correlations from point load test ................................................................... 56
Figure 3-18: Specialized field triaxial cell for testing rock ........................................................................ 56
Figure 3-19: Tunneling strain and squeezing .......................................................................................... 57
Figure 3-20: Geological prediction ahead of tunnel advance, using probes ........................................... 58
Figure 3-21: Geological Strength Index (GSI) chart ................................................................................ 62
Figure 3-22: Rock continuum scale ......................................................................................................... 63
Figure 3-23: Stresses surrounding an excavation ................................................................................... 66
Figure 3-24: Confining stresses at varying depths from the surface ....................................................... 67
Figure 3-25: Unstable wedges ................................................................................................................. 68
Figure 3-26: Stereographic projection of a pole (a) Reference sphere, (b) Hemispherical projection, (c)
Stereo net ................................................................................................................................................ 69
Figure 3-27: Approximate rock stand-up times ........................................................................................ 71
Figure 3-28: (a) Elasto-plastic zone stresses in rock mass and (b) surrounding stresses ...................... 71
Figure 3-29: Line diagram showing forces on a tunnel at depth ............................................................. 73
Figure 3-30: Distribution of rock loads above and besides a deep tunnel............................................... 73
Figure 3-31: Hydraulic and structural responses ..................................................................................... 74
Figure 3-32: (A) Conditions influencing rock bursts (B) Common types of fractures .............................. 76
Figure 3-33: Mohr–Coulomb and Hoek–Brown relationship ................................................................... 79
Figure 3-34: Typical tunnel support system components ........................................................................ 81
Figure 3-35: (a) Fully grouted rock bolt and (b) forces acting on a bolt ................................................... 83
Figure 3-36: Sheared rock bolt ................................................................................................................ 83
Figure 3-37: (a) Roof bolt support and (b) Array of roof bolts for suspension mechanism ..................... 84
Figure 3-38: Support by stitching overhead bedding planes ................................................................... 85
Figure 3-39: (a) Keying mechanism and (b) forces acting in the rock mass ........................................... 86
Figure 3-40: Boussinesq’s compression zone ......................................................................................... 86
Figure 3-41: (a) Steel ribs and (b) Steel arches ...................................................................................... 88
Figure 3-42: Shotcrete mix systems ........................................................................................................ 89
Figure 4-1: Loads surrounding a tunnel ................................................................................................... 94
Figure 4-2: a) Typical horse-shoe section (RTM, 2009) and b) the excavated Karuma tunnel .............. 95
Figure 4-3: Geographical location of Karuma and other major hydropower facilities Uganda’s and the 96
Figure 4-4: Regional structural geology ................................................................................................... 97
Figure 4-5: Uganda’s geological provinces ............................................................................................. 98
Figure 4-6: Rock surface (a) Dewatered river bed (b) Granitic gneiss (c) Amphibolite gneiss ............... 99
Figure 4-7: (a) Lithology and (b) Rock weathering ................................................................................ 100
Figure 4-8: Tectonic map of the site area .............................................................................................. 101
Figure 4-9: Tunnel geometry ................................................................................................................. 102
Figure 4-10: (a) Stereonet and (b) isolated unstable wedges based on joint sets ................................ 115
Figure 4-11: Shear strength curves for granite gneiss .......................................................................... 115
Figure 4-12: Deformed contours showing extent of caving in from stress redistribution ....................... 117
Figure 4-13: Deformed contours showing extent of caving in ............................................................... 118
Figure 4-14: Perspective view of surrounding rock mass displacement vectors ................................... 118
Figure 4-15: Extent of failure zone surrounding tunnel segment ........................................................... 119
Figure 4-16: RS3 Model of Karuma tunnel support system ................................................................... 119
Figure 4-17: (a) Geological compass and (b) Hammer ......................................................................... 120
Figure 4-18: Assessing rock strength with a) tip and b) head of the geological hammer ...................... 120
Figure 4-19: GSI estimation ................................................................................................................... 121
Figure 4-20: Estimated support capacity range ..................................................................................... 122
Figure 4-21: Comprehensive estimation of tunnel support .................................................................... 122
Figure 4-22: Tunnel support system for Karuma ................................................................................... 125
Figure 4-23: Detail X .............................................................................................................................. 125
Table 2-1: Experiential notes on underground tunnels (after Hoek, 2000).............................................. 23
Table 2-2: Consequences of tunnel failures during construction ............................................................ 27
Table 3-1: Rock parameters .................................................................................................................... 33
Table 3-2: Igneous rocks ......................................................................................................................... 34
Table 3-3: Sedimentary rocks .................................................................................................................. 37
Table 3-4: Metamorphic rocks ................................................................................................................. 40
Table 3-5: Major discontinuities present in a rock mass.......................................................................... 48
Table 3-6: Engineering rock categories based on UCS .......................................................................... 53
Table 3-7: Tests for rock properties (ASTM) ........................................................................................... 55
Table 3-8: RMR and Q rock classification systems ................................................................................. 61
Table 3-9: Ultimate limit state rock failure .............................................................................................. 75
Table 3-10: Typical failure in varying rock mass and stress conditions .................................................. 77
Table 3-11: Guidelines for shotcrete design ............................................................................................ 90
Table 3-12: Guidelines to design tunnel reinforcement ........................................................................... 92
Table 4-1: Rock classification (Karuma, 2015) ...................................................................................... 100
Table 4-2: Analytical estimation of rock loads ....................................................................................... 105
Table 4-3: Example of rock bolt manufacturer design table .................................................................. 113
Table 4-4: Karuma tunnel support design ............................................................................................. 117
Table 4-5: Karuma support requirements from charts ........................................................................... 123
Table 4-6: Evaluation of Karuma tunnel support from the different methods ........................................ 124
Equation 3-1............................................................................................................................................. 51
Equation 3-2............................................................................................................................................. 59
Equation 3-3............................................................................................................................................. 60
Equation 3-4............................................................................................................................................. 60
Equation 3-5............................................................................................................................................. 60
Equation 3-6............................................................................................................................................. 61
Equation 3-7............................................................................................................................................. 61
Equation 3-8............................................................................................................................................. 69
Equation 3-9............................................................................................................................................. 70
Equation 3-10........................................................................................................................................... 72
Equation 3-11........................................................................................................................................... 72
Equation 3-12........................................................................................................................................... 72
Equation 3-13........................................................................................................................................... 72
Equation 3-14........................................................................................................................................... 76
Equation 3-15........................................................................................................................................... 78
Equation 3-16........................................................................................................................................... 78
Equation 3-17........................................................................................................................................... 78
Equation 3-18........................................................................................................................................... 78
Equation 3-19........................................................................................................................................... 78
Equation 3-20........................................................................................................................................... 78
Equation 3-21........................................................................................................................................... 79
Equation 3-22........................................................................................................................................... 79
Equation 3-23........................................................................................................................................... 79
Equation 3-24........................................................................................................................................... 84
Equation 3-25........................................................................................................................................... 84
Equation 3-26........................................................................................................................................... 84
Equation 3-27........................................................................................................................................... 85
Equation 3-28........................................................................................................................................... 85
Equation 3-29........................................................................................................................................... 85
Equation 3-30........................................................................................................................................... 87
Equation 3-31........................................................................................................................................... 87
Equation 3-32........................................................................................................................................... 87
Equation 3-33........................................................................................................................................... 87
Equation 3-34........................................................................................................................................... 89
Equation 3-35........................................................................................................................................... 89
Equation 4-1........................................................................................................................................... 106
Equation 4-2........................................................................................................................................... 106
Equation 4-3........................................................................................................................................... 106
Equation 4-4........................................................................................................................................... 107
Equation 4-5........................................................................................................................................... 107
Equation 4-6........................................................................................................................................... 107
Equation 4-7........................................................................................................................................... 107
Equation 4-8........................................................................................................................................... 107
Equation 4-9........................................................................................................................................... 108
Equation 4-10......................................................................................................................................... 108
Equation 4-11......................................................................................................................................... 108
Equation 4-12......................................................................................................................................... 108
Equation 4-13......................................................................................................................................... 109
Equation 4-14......................................................................................................................................... 110
Equation 4-15......................................................................................................................................... 110
Equation 4-16......................................................................................................................................... 110
Equation 4-17......................................................................................................................................... 111
Equation 4-18......................................................................................................................................... 112
General abbreviation Description
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
B.C. Before Christ
ESR Excavation Support Ratio
FEM Finite Element Model
GIs Geotechnical Investigations
GSI Geological Strength Index
HPP Hydropower Plant / Project
ISRM International Society of Rock Mechanics
RMR Rock Mass Rating
RQD Rock Quality Designation
RS Rock and Soil
TBM Tunnel Boring Machine
UCS Unconfined Compressive Strength
USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers
Arch: Continuous basic geometry of the tunnel crown
Block size: Average diameter of a typical rock block measured by observing an exposed rock
face at the surface or underground, or rock core obtained by drilling, or from a pile of muck after
Cavern: Hollow opening in the ground such as a tunnel excavation
Crown: Top of the tunnel, also known as the tunnel roof
Dip: The vertical angle of the line of maximum inclination, measured from a horizontal plane
Dip direction: The orientation of the horizontal projection of the line of maximum inclination,
measured clockwise from the North
Elastic behaviour: This occurs when stress induced is directly proportional to the strain in a
Heading: It is the crown portion of an underground tunnel excavation
Invert: Bottom of the tunnel, also known as the tunnel floor
Overbreak: Unwanted rock removal which is beyond the specified maximum excavation
perimeter therefore it is a line outside the pay line. It is also called the B-line.
Plastic zone: Extent of failure zone resulting from high ground stresses surrounding an
excavation and comprising loose unstable rock blocks or wedges
Plunge: Orientation of the tunnel axis to the horizontal, when looking from the opening of the
excavation. For instance, horizontal excavations have a zero-degree plunge
Rockburst: Failure of a significant volume of rock mass which involves sudden collapse of
wedges from the tunnel side walls, crown or floor. It is also known as popping.
Sequential excavation: Tunnel construction method involving removal of earth in stages
including the top heading, bench and invert
Shaft: Vertical excavation built to provide heading or as a starting point for horizontal tunnel
excavation. It is also used to analyse the rock profile
Shotcrete: Also known as gunite, is a mixture of cement, sand, aggregate, water and accelerators
in correct proportions, with maximum size of aggregate less than 10mm projected at high
velocity from a spray nozzle on a surface to form a layer of pneumatically applied concrete on
that surface.
Spalling: Term for rock bursts from the tunnel side walls
Span of a tunnel: The distance between the excavated face and the nearest support
Stand-up time: Duration for which an excavated surface may be left unsupported before it
breaks down. It is also called the bridge-action period
Strike of the plane: Direction of the line of intersection of the plane and a horizontal surface
Underbreak: Unwanted rock removal that is less than the specified minimum excavation
perimeter. It is also called the A-line.
Wall: Vertical side of a tunnel, which is also called a side wall
Wedge: Triangular rock block created in isolation by intersection of structural discontinuity sets
such as fault lines and/or joints but are a part of the fractured soft rock blocky mass
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.0 Background
Clean energy relates to two of the United Nations Foundation Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) on global sustainability and socio-economic development. Hydropower is a preferred
form of clean energy where water resources are abundant (Tshering, 2012). Yet, hydropower
requires massive land to build because its component structures operate sequentially and are thus
spread out (IEA, 2014; Chatzivasileiadis et al., 2013).
Increased strain on land, urbanization and the need for improved service delivery favor
underground construction as a flexible alternative construction solution (Ghimire & Reddy,
2013; Spackova, 2012; Road Tunnel Manual (RTM), 2009; Lance et al., 2007). Underground
structures range from caves, basements, entire buildings to passage way structures. Tunnels are
passageways which can be built to serve different purposes including mobility of people and
traffic, underground storage, military fortification and conveyance (Sousa, 2010). In hydropower
construction projects, hydro tunnels are used to convey water for electricity generation purposes.
In either scenario, the structures are similar whether conveying water to or away from the turbine
pit where electricity is generated because the loads imposed externally and internally are the
same in both segments (CIRIA C683, 2006).
Despite underground structures having advantages such as earthquake tolerance, they are
complex capital intensive high hazard risk structures which ought to be handled with care (Sousa,
2010; United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), 1997). This is the reason that when the
magnitude of loads imposed exceeds the capacity of the tunnel infrastructure to resist them,
instability occurs ultimately causing failure (USACE, 1997).
More often, information on tunnel collapse is seldom publicized because of the high legal and
environmental implications especially in critical environments such as populated cities, sensitive
ecosystems and urbanized areas (Mohammed, 2015; Spackova, 2012; Lance et al., 2007).
Afflicted societies have cried out for the problem to be eliminated (Sousa, 2010). In response,
increasing efforts are made to address underground instability challenges (Mohammed, 2015).
Failure of structures built underground is multifaceted because it is much harder to predict and
more detrimental than surface structures where impeding failure can be observed and mitigated
timely. Tunnel failures cause surface and subsurface impacts, massive property damage and loss,
high rehabilitation costs and loss of human lives (Konstantis et al., 2016; CEDD, 2015; RTM,
2009). Sousa (2010) found that up to 100 million United States dollars in financial losses have
been attributed to tunnel failures including periods of six months to years of project time lost to
investigate and remedy the scenarios. Figure 1-1 illustrates one among several tunnel tragedies
around the world.
[Ongodia J. E.]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system] 1
Chapter 1: Introduction
a b
Figure 1-1: Sasago tunnel collapse in Tokyo, 2012 (a) aerial view and (b) inside the tunnel
Source: CNN (2012)
Problematic ground varies comprising hard, abrasive, weak, squeezing and swelling material,
rock bursts and discontinuities such as faults1, fissures2 and jointing; most of which can only be
accurately assessed when the ground is exposed during excavation. Additionally, rock is
naturally very diverse and impossible to generalise its properties, behaviour, design and suitable
construction methods (Palmström, 1995). Notwithstanding, the technical industry has the
professional obligation and is under a lot of pressure to provide adequate and safe infrastructure,
during and after construction. Similarly, insurers are under pressure to cap subsurface risk
appropriately (Konstantis et al., 2016; Sousa, 2010). The challenge is imperative especially in
the current age where construction must expand vertically downwards to cope with increasing
strain on land arising from population growths and multiple diverse uses.
It was against this background of the aggravated need for development of underground tunnels
through adequate and safe tunnel designs that this study was undertaken. The study aimed to
provide insight to the most significant factor causing tunnel failure - the ground. It is based on
the fact that structural stability and safety of tunnel structures can be provided by adequate
ground-support. Support is provided by structural members installed in the ground where they
are anchored to mobilize support by resisting the stresses causing deformation or displacement.
The effectiveness of the ground-support interaction mechanism depends on a good understanding
A shear fracture in a rock mass along which movement has taken place
Small cracks
[Ongodia J. E.]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system] 2
Chapter 1: Introduction
of existing conditions and resisting forces. This can be realized through geotechnical engineering
aspects pertinent for the design of tunnel support systems which was the focus of this study.
Presently, methods borrowed from engineering geology are mostly applied. These include visual
observation, mapping, quick assessment using hand-held tools and charts (Hoek et al., 1995).
Although widely recognized, the methods are rather subjective. Specifically, a single chart or
classification system cannot exhaust major factors relevant to establish tunnel support. Therefore,
it is common practice to use a combination of charts to design tunnel support systems. Besides,
charts give a range of estimated parameters making it impossible to calculate a single value of
the resisting force which corresponds to the necessary support capacity. In engineering terms,
the value would correspond to a unit factor of safety thereby the necessary ground support. In
other words, the ground-support interaction is equivalent to the load-resistance equilibrium.
The reliance and dependence on geological methods including their adoption in tunneling by
geotechnical engineers amongst other stakeholders can perhaps be explained by the lack of an
understanding of ground-support interactions. For this reason, the mechanism of structural
support of the surrounding rock mass and the geotechnical engineering design of tunnels are
explored herein.
[Ongodia J. E.]
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Chapter 1: Introduction
3. Analysis of factors influencing rock tunnel loads at depth and thereby the minimum
adequate support was undertaken.
This study considered a hydro tunnel in Karuma, which upon completion will convey water for
purposes of generating electricity. The typical geology that was representative of the project site
was investigated.
Three methods comprising the analytical, finite element and conventional methods were
explored. Geological conditions of the case study site were used to investigate an adequate tunnel
support system. Mainly, geotechnical engineering factors influencing tunnel stability were
considered including a highlight of key simplifying assumptions. Other aspects pertaining to
design of tunnel supports such as the structural integrity of the rock bolts, shotcrete and concrete
lining were outside the scope of this work.
The analytical method comprised rock mechanics principles, theory and equations to calculate
loads of the surrounding rock mass. Support for the corresponding ultimate load was selected
from a design table. The Finite Element Method (FEM) used the Rocscience RS3 software
package to design the support system. The conventional method involved mainly geological
charts and the handy tools which were used during the site visit.
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Chapter 2: Tunnels
2.0 Introduction
Tunnels are horizontal civil or mining engineering structures whose lengths are either longer than
twice the diameter of the structure or the sum of both the diameter and height of the structure
(Mohammed, 2015; Yavuz, 2006). They are usually underground structures constructed by
excavating through the ground in places where surface construction is restricted, but could also
be built on the surface or submerged (Beaver, 1972). Restrictions to surface construction can be
due to natural barriers, legal requirements, populated cities, existing infrastructure or other
existing land uses. Underground tunnels reduce the demand for land and can be distinguished by
the material and/or structure overlying it. A tunnel overlain by a road or railway may be called a
subway, but when it passes underneath a canal it may be referred to as an underpass, aqueduct or
a subaqueous tunnel (Sousa, 2010).
This chapter comprises five sections. The first section presents the history of tunnels in detail to
elaborate on the origin of modern tunneling methods. The chapter further provides an explanation
of the terms, genealogy and criteria followed in choosing tunnel types and excavation methods.
Common tunnel cross-sections are discussed and their method of construction is explained;
including the process, methods and monitoring during construction. Finally, tunnel failure
incidents are recounted with key lessons to be learnt to avoid similar catastrophes.
a b c
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Chapter 2: Tunnels
Tunnels are built for different purposes which include mining, military, utilities, transportation,
access, storage, irrigation and passages of wind, wildlife or water conveyance (Sousa, 2010; Yi,
2006). Over centuries, tunnel purposes are generally similar. Siberians built tunnels for mining,
Romans built tunnels for military purposes to fortify cities, Babylonians built tunnels for water
conveyance and storage while the English built tunnels for transportation mainly in the wake of
industrialisation (Sousa, 2010). Present day tunnels are built for transportation, flood control,
water storage and conveyance for hydropower generation, among other reasons.
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Chapter 2: Tunnels
Around 1864 a more superior circular shield, known as the price excavator, was invented by
Barlow (Beaver, 1972). The invention was developed from the realization that horizontally
driven iron cylinders could tunnel through most ground and the circular shield was used to
construct the Gotthard Tunnel where it registered a fast rate of tunneling progress. The tunnel
was lined with prefabricated cast-iron assembled and bolted in directly with the tail end of the
shield. Although some literary sources such as Sousa (2010) and Blake (1989) suggest that the
circular shield was a modification of the first shield, both Brunel’s and Barlow’s inventions were
unique and each was patented (Beaver, 1972).
During the Gotthard project, Greathead significantly modified the circular shield (Sousa, 2010;
Beaver 1972). No specific details of the modifications were put forth but its final design
incorporated Haskin’s compressed-air idea to hold back soft ground at the excavation face and
injection of high pressure grout to fill the void between the lining and excavation (Beaver, 1972).
Greathead’s shield (Figure 2-4) was first tested in the construction of the London railway (TRRL,
1973). Its use in the project was assessed as simple, fast and economical earmarking modern
tunneling shields. After a period of challenges and military opposition towards development of
tunneling technologies, Robbins Company in 1953 invented the military mole which marked the
advent of rotary tunneling machinery (Sousa, 2010).
Although the earliest shield was developed by Brunel in 1825, the most significant cutting edge
locomotive power-driven Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) called the “Mountain Slicer” was built
in 1846 by Henri-Joseph Maus (Hapgood, 2004). It was a large, complex machine with over 100
percussion drills set in shafts, gears and springs which was first tested in 1875 during the
construction of the English Channel and used to dig the Fréjus rail tunnel through the Alpsand
(Beaver, 1972). Figure 2-5 shows examples of TBM varieties. TBMs reduce construction risks
by supporting and balancing the weight of the surrounding ground and hydrostatic pressures
hence they are suitable for soft and water-logged conditions (Hoek et al., 1995). They also give
faster tunneling progress rates and lower costs in hard ground (Blake, 1989).
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Chapter 2: Tunnels
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Chapter 2: Tunnels
tunnel profile, 2) setting up the blasting array, 3) drilling small diameter holes about 2-4 m deep
into the ground, 4) loading and 5) detonating explosives to break the ground. After blasting, the
tunnel is first allowed to aerate in order to eliminate toxic gases. Then the excavation is checked,
scaled, mucked and supported. Figure 2-6 is an example of (a) a modern twin drill jumbo and (b)
a blasting array (highlighted in red are the detonating cords and holes in which explosives are
placed) for a D&B rock excavation.
a b
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Chapter 2: Tunnels
a b
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Chapter 2: Tunnels
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Chapter 2: Tunnels
Lateral support provided for the vertical side-walls of an excavation.
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Chapter 2: Tunnels
a c
Benefits of immersed tunnels include; ability to traverse soft ground including riverine alluvial
deposits at shallower depths below bed level, a flexible overhead clearance with limited visual
intrusion of water scenery, suitability for earthquake-prone zones, wide highways, horizontal and
vertical rail/road alignments, shorter crossings and a well-regulated construction process
(Ingerslev, 2003). Element construction, dredging and tunnel installation activities can be carried
out in tandem unlike boring with uncertainties (de Wit & van Putten, 2012). However, design
and construction of immersed tunnels has significant environmental impacts such as water bed
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Chapter 2: Tunnels
disturbance mainly from trenching, impact on water quality and interruptions to the aquatic
marine ecosystem species, especially their breeding grounds.
A variation of immersed tunnels used for crossings at deeper locations where there is ship traffic
and shallow locations where short approaches are expected is Submerged Floating Tunnels
(SFTs) also known as suspended tunnels or Archimedes bridge (Ingerslev, 2003). They are
supported to float within the water column above the sea bed by their buoyancy, anchored on
piers, hung from pontoons or supported at the ends. Fatigue and corrosion are critical design
considerations for SFTs because they are reversible, supported at discrete intervals and exposed
to water currents and wave pressures. Although SFTs have been researched and model designs
developed in the USA, Norway and China, none have been constructed yet (Ingerslev, 2010;
Sousa, 2010).
a b
Figure 2-13: Launch slab along which box is driven in and completed jacked box tunnel
Source: Lynn (2006)
An opening of the tunnel, also known as the entrance or exit.
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Chapter 2: Tunnels
of roof support to limit deformation and optimise curvature at the bottom of the tunnel. Although
not much is known including theoretical approaches to inverted arch tunnel design for dynamic
loading, inverting the arch increases a tunnel’s structural load-bearing capacity (Zhongming,
2015). This is due to formation of a ring structure which causes the bending moment to be altered
into an axial compressive force (Kawata et al., 2014).
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Chapter 2: Tunnels
crushing effect that would otherwise worsen the rock condition. For soft rocks, fixed chisel pick
cutters are most suitable. Figure 2-15 a, b and c show the cutters with grinding ability, less teeth
and smoother cutters, respectively.
a b c
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Chapter 2: Tunnels
traffic because of the need to backfill which makes it difficult to provide a fairly flat surface
desirable for vehicles.
a b
d e
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Chapter 2: Tunnels
2.3.1 Processes
Tunnel construction is generally characterised by uncertainties. Each project is unique although
project lifecycle stages are similar. Uncertainties can be broadly clustered as human and
organizational factors (Spackova, 2012). Recently probabilistic prediction models have been
developed to alleviate the issue of time, cost and geological uncertainty (Spackova, 2012; Sousa,
2010). However, use of such models for projects is yet to be understood and adopted by the
majority of project stakeholders.
Tunnel design processes are extensive and should be comprehensive to minimize the likely risks
(Marie, 1998). Tunnel project stages include routing, costing, detailed geotechnical
investigations and selection of the construction method depending on existing land uses,
restrictions, available contractor expertise and risks (Blake, 1989). Figure 2-17 summarizes the
lifecycle of a tunneling project and geotechnical engineering expertise is required throughout all
stages. Various alignment options are considered initially and the most technically feasible tunnel
route with least complexity is chosen. Costing is based on unique tunnel features, type, geometry,
necessary ground improvement, hydrogeological conditions, excavation support, construction
access, method, equipment, estimated rate of tunneling progress and contractor rates.
The most viable option considered for development is based on a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA),
Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) and the Levelized Cost of Capital (LCC) (Spackova, 2012).
Geotechnical investigations are done along the tunnel route to establish technical feasibility for
construction based on site geological conditions. The method depends on material strength and
contractor expertise to avoid unnecessary damage and further weakening of the surrounding
material (Hoek et al., 1995). Basically, the main excavation axis should be aligned away from
weaker areas non-parallel to the orientation of discontinuities (Kanji, 2014; Hoek et al., 1995) to
limit overbreak.
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Chapter 2: Tunnels
Rock mass characterization properties include area topography, location of suitable rock
formation boundaries, structural features, hydrogeological properties, rock type, rock
weathering5 conditions, deformability properties, failure criterion, in-situ stresses, loading
conditions, geomechanical and geometric properties of discontinuities (Marie, 1998; Jones,
1989). Diagrammatic representations of tunnel orientation with respect to geology and geological
features are included in Appendix A.
The weathering process involves physical disintegration and chemical decomposition of the parent material to
form new rock materials with different properties and characteristics.
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Chapter 2: Tunnels
smaller sections while partial excavation is ideal for wider sections and difficult ground (ITA,
2009). The excavation is stabilized using initial primary support until the final lining is installed.
Horizontal excavation
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Chapter 2: Tunnels
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Chapter 2: Tunnels
vibration, water level and piezometric measurements (Jones, 1989). After construction, the
behaviour of the tunnel lining is controlled, and deterioration phenomena are observed by visual
inspection and readings of installed instrumentation.
The challenges, high risk associated with underground works and a general lack of exhaustive
information such as established standards makes lessons from previous experiences invaluable.
This section discusses Hoek’s experiences and collated incidents, causes, consequences and
remedial measures taken where tunnels have previously failed. Hoek has vast experience and
exposure in tunneling and rock mechanics in general including his contribution on a geotechnical
engineering software package. Information on tunnel incidents is scarce, generally not available
and non-comprehensive because of legal restrictions to publicize and disseminate such details
(Sousa, 2010; Mohammed, 2015). Data in Sousa’s comprehensive database and insurance
investigations reveal similar and related information on tunnel failures all over the world
(Spackova, 2012; Konstantis & Spyridis, 2016). Thus, relating stories is necessary to minimize
the risk of tunnel failures and losses.
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Chapter 2: Tunnels
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Chapter 2: Tunnels
Table 2-1 continued: Experiential notes on underground tunnels (after Hoek, 2000)
Factor of safety, including the
Spherical projection techniques or
Gravity driven falling Orientation, inclination and shear effects of reinforcement, should
analytical methods are used for the
or sliding wedges or strength of structural features in exceed 1.5 for sliding and 2.0 for
determination and visualisation of
blocks defined by the rock mass falling wedges / blocks.
all potential wedges in the rock
intersecting structural Shape and orientation of Support installation sequence is
mass surrounding the tunnel.
features. excavation critical and wedges or blocks should
Limit equilibrium analyses of
Unravelling of Quality of drilling and blasting be identified and supported before
critical wedges are used for
inadequately during excavation they are fully exposed by
Shallow tunnels in parametric studies on the mode of
supported surface Capacity and installation sequence excavation.
jointed rock failure, factor of safety and support
material of support systems Displacement monitoring is of little
Spherical projection techniques or An acceptable design is achieved
Gravity driven falling
analytical methods are used for when numerical models indicate
or sliding wedges or Orientation, inclination and shear
determination and visualisation of that the extent of failure has been
tensile and shear strength of structural features in
all potential wedges in the rock controlled by installed support. The
failure of rock mass, the rock mass
mass. Stresses and displacements support is not overstressed and
depending upon In-situ stresses in the rock mass
induced by each stage of cavern displacements in the rock mass
spacing of structural Shape and orientation of cavern
excavation are determined by stabilize.
Large caverns in jointed features and Excavation and support sequence
numerical analyses and are used to Monitoring of displacements is
rock magnitude of in-situ and quality of drilling and blasting
estimate support requirements for essential to confirm design
the cavern roof and walls. predictions.
Stress and/or Numerical analysis methods are Acceptable design requires
thermally induced Orientation, inclination, used to calculate stresses and extremely low rates of groundwater
spalling of the rock permeability and shear strength of displacements induced by movement through the waste
surrounding the structural features in the rock mass excavation and by thermal loading canister containment area in order
excavations resulting In-situ and thermal stresses in the from waste canisters as well as to limit transport of radioactive
in increased rock surrounding the excavations groundwater flow patterns and material. Shafts, tunnels and
Underground nuclear permeability and Groundwater distribution in the velocities through blast damaged canister holes must remain stable
waste disposal higher probability of rock mass zones and fissures in the rock and for about 50 years to permit
radioactive leakage. shaft seals. retrieval of waste if necessary.
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Chapter 2: Tunnels
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Chapter 2: Tunnels
Construction errors resulted from 1) the use of substandard materials such as an epoxy anchor
adhesive with poor creep resistance incapable of sustaining long-term loads (NTSB, 2007), 2)
non-adherence to design specification requirements, 3) wrong wall and invert profiling, 3) over-
flat invert, 4) defective invert construction arising from shotcrete rebound, 5) defective joint
construction arising from poor design detailing, 6) incorrect lining thickness, 7) wrongly installed
rock anchors, 8) bolts and (lattice) steel arches, 8) ground freezing pipes, 9) faulty dewatering
system, 10) badly executed lining repairs, 11) preliminary investigation carried out without
drilling, 12) no probe drilling performed during tunneling, 13) un-stabilized swelling clay prior
to blasting, 14) no tunnel face stability analysis, 15) blasting effects close to weathered zone with
shallow cover neglected (CEDD, 2015). Face instability was highlighted by most authors
including Konstantis et al. (2016), CEDD (2015) and Sousa (2010).
Construction management errors included 1) insufficient specialist staffing, 2) poor
communication between project parties, 3) poor sequencing in construction, 4) non-adherence to
method statements, 5) bad timing of invert repairs, 6) no integration in planning construction
activities, 7) compensation grouting over tunnel, 8) lack of awareness of instrumentation data
warning of impending failure, 9) allowing the construction of a parallel tunnel and lack of a
vigilant monitoring program (Konstantis et al., 2016; Sousa, 2010).
Common consequences of tunnel failures are summarized in Table 2-2 while Figure 2-22
illustrates an analysis of the consequences from an insurance perspective. The consequences are
generally severe, uneconomical and insurance premiums increase linearly when construction
works must be stopped for investigations, forensic studies and remedial works after a failure
incident occurs (Konstantis et al., 2016).
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Chapter 2: Tunnels
2.6 Summary
To sum-up, this chapter presented the history of tunnels; including evolution of the construction
methods from hand boring to use of more efficient machine technologies such as the common
TBM. Different tunnel types were described. Types were categorised according to purpose for
which they are built, the ground material used for construction, method of construction, the
support category and shape.
Accordingly, tunnels are built for transport, access, storage, military, mining, passages of
wildlife, wind and water. This study considered a Karuma tunnel which will be used to convey
Tunnels can be constructed in soil, rock, mixed-faces or water. Thus, soil has been fairly explored
in this chapter; including established theory and analysis equations to design and construct with
it more specifically on rock tunnels.
Based on construction, tunnels can be mined or bored, cut and covered, jacked and inverted
arches. They can also be either lined or unlined and of various shapes. Circular and horse-shoe
shapes are most common although the latter is preferred for hydro tunnels as explained in this
chapter. Lastly, practical insights, causes of previous tunnel catastrophes, related consequences
and remedial measures were given.
Geotechnical engineering considerations involved in the detailed investigation process for
tunneling are discussed in the next chapter.
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Chapter 3: Geotechnical Considerations for Tunneling
3.1 Geology
The main aspects of geology are covered in this subsection. They include formation, crustal
provinces and physical identification of materials all of which determine the material type,
mineral compounds, type of bonding, fabric, structure, behavior and properties (NEH, 2012).
Formation explains the origin of earth materials which lays a foundation of the earmarked
crustal provinces. Differentiating between earth materials is usually by physical identification.
3.1.1 Formation
Formation dictates the varieties and quantities of available minerals hence the material
characteristics which affect geomechanical properties. The three main types of rocks, which
include igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic, are indistinct in that they change from one
form and type to another depending on the mode of formation and environmental factors
(Dunning, 2005; Sepp, 2000). The rock on the earth crust are formed from molten material
Soil can be defined as a loose unconsolidated inorganic material, which has been altered and disintegrated
completely such that it has a different structure and reduced strength, on the earth’s crust overlaying rock
(Venkatramaiah, 2012; Palmström, 1995).
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Chapter 3: Geotechnical Considerations for Tunneling
called magma found in the mantle- the innermost part of the earth (McDonough, 1995). Igneous
rocks are formed from solidification and crystallization of intrusive magma (beneath the
ground surface) or extrusive volcanic rock (above the ground surface) and they are classified
according to texture and grain size (Weller, 2015). Sedimentary rocks form from physical
deposition of sediments and diatomaceous earth in previous geological ages and they are
broadly categorized as clastic, chemical or biological (Dunning, 2005). Metamorphic rocks are
formed when igneous and sedimentary rocks are altered by heat and pressure through random
processes of cementation, transportation and/or deposition and they are broadly classified as
foliated or non-foliated textures (Soil Manual, 1993). A good description of earth materials
specifies its mineralogical composition, consistency, color, structure, texture, appearance,
mode of transport, important unique features like quartz dykes, striation and strike (Weller,
Weathering is an external or internal factor which results in formation of new rock types whose
origin and behavior can be traced from the constituents (Soil Manual, 1993). Surface
weathering and hydrothermal alteration processes cause mechanical disintegration and
chemical decomposition thus changing the rock structure and behaviour (Dunning, 2005).
Alterations result in material deformation and reduced mechanical structural properties
whereas mechanical disintegration involves joint separation, joint formation by rock fracture
and the opening up of grain boundaries and fracture or cleavage of mineral grains (Weller,
2015). Disintegration increases the number of joints and affects material coherence without
changing composition except where minerals are lost during transportation (Short, 1999). On
the other hand, chemical decomposition causes rock decolourization, breakdown of complex
silicate minerals and mineral leaching (Smyth & McCormick, 1995). Decomposition results in
new chemical and mineralogical compositions and influences both the joint condition and rock
material (Sepp, 2000; Soil Manual, 1993). Rock classifications showing the broader
relationships are summarized in Figure 3-1. The rock cycle illustrating the interactions between
rock types is given in Figure 3-2.
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Chapter 3: Geotechnical Considerations for Tunneling
mantle plumes, tectonic plate processes or flood basalt depending on geological factors
including latitude and continental configuration (Dunning, 2005). Extended thin crust
comprises the rifted/continental margin and rift. The continental margin such as the North
American basin range, is the ocean floor between the shore line and the abyssal ocean floor
including the continental shelf, continental borderland, continental slope and continental rise.
The rift such as the Great Rift Valley system is a long narrow continental trough bordered by
normal faults marking a zone of lithosphere rupture under tension. Figure 3-3 illustrates the
provinces compiled from seismic refraction data by the United States Geological Survey
(2016). From the figure, the African continent is predominated by the continental shield and
platform; extended thin crust exists along the coastal areas with some LIP closer to the equator,
scattered basin and limited Orogen in parts of northern and southern Africa. Figure 3-4 is a
world stress map which shows seismicity and tectonic plate boundaries and major
discontinuities on a global scale.
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Chapter 3: Geotechnical Considerations for Tunneling
Rock properties are measurable or describable lithologic characteristics which can be observed,
evaluated qualitatively and classified by hand and/or tested in the laboratory (Palmström,
1995). Lithological characteristics include solid constituents/petrology, texture, mineral
composition, color, cementation, formation age and processes (Brown et al, 1983). Generally,
observed and qualitative properties are geological whereas tested properties are geotechnical
because the strength parameter must be quantified.
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Chapter 3: Geotechnical Considerations for Tunneling
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Chapter 3: Geotechnical Considerations for Tunneling
a b
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Chapter 3: Geotechnical Considerations for Tunneling
Rare types (a) Dunite: Also called a peridotite and consists almost entirely of the mineral
olivine. (a1) Kimberlite: Peridotite with phlogopite mica. (Diamonds are often
associated with kimberlites.) (a2) Peridotite: Purely olivene composition. (b)
Granodiorite: Intermediate composition between diorite and granite. (c) a
Syenite: Comprises mostly potassium feldspar (orthoclase, microcline, or a1 b
Mixed grain sizes (large and small)
Porphyry Porphyry simply refers to the two distinctly different grain sizes present in an
igneous rock. The larger crystals are called phenocrysts (often feldspar or
hornblende crystals) and the finer crystals are the groundmass or matrix. The
groundmass can be rhyolite, andesite, or basalt and even, rarely, granite.
Varieties: (a) Dacite with same mineral composition as a quartz diorite, a
contains plagioclase, quartz, pyroxene or hornblende and sometimes biotite
and sanidine (a variety of orthoclase feldspar).
Very large grain size (crystals larger than ½ inch)
Pegmatite Very coarsely crystallized. Has the same mineral composition of granites with
large crystals of mica and feldspar. Some of the largest crystals in the world
have been found in pegmatites. For example, gem minerals such as tourmaline
and beryl are found in pegmatites.
Source: Adapted from Weller (2015a)
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Chapter 3: Geotechnical Considerations for Tunneling
Sandstone Coarse to fine grained sand cemented together. Distinguishable with the naked
eye. Variable: Mature or quartz (light-colored, rounded, well-sorted grains),
immature or graywackes (angular grains of several different minerals),
Arkoses (contain feldspar grains). Colors: White, gray, pink, red, brown, or
black. Gritty feel on a fresh broken surface. Minerals: Silica (quartz) and lime a
(calcite). Quartz is by far the most common. Varieties: (a) Oolite: Tiny round
calcite or hematite grains formed from layers of mineral-coated sand grains.
(An ool is an individual grain with a pearl-like structure).
Siltstone Cemented silt-sized particles, intermediate between sandstone and shale.
Individual grains are not visible, slightly feel on surface. Varied wide range
of colors.
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Chapter 3: Geotechnical Considerations for Tunneling
yellow, green, brown, reddish or brown resulting from iron compounds.) (c)
Taconite (iron-rich chert formed by the replacement of earlier minerals by
silica and iron oxides.)
Biological sedimentary rocks
Coal Formed from accumulated decomposed organic materials and debris that have
been altered and compacted. Varieties: Peat (slightly altered materials), lignite
(soft, brown coal), bituminous coal (black, and waxy-looking) and anthracite
(most altered hard, black coal with highest carbon). Coal is less dense than
normal rocks.
Amber Ancient, hardened tree sap, natural light-weight plastic. Much lighter in
weight than a typical stone. Unworked amber has a dull surface marked by a
myriad of minute fractures. The clear, inner amber can only be exposed by
chipping off its corner or grinding the surface. Color: Creamy yellow to
transparent yellow or red to a dark brown. Used for preserving trapped insects
for millions of years.
*Denotes same mineral and rock name
Source: Adapted from Weller (2015b)
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Chapter 3: Geotechnical Considerations for Tunneling
Phyllite Slate The cleavage surface of phyllite is not flat like slate, but is
commonly rippled. Its surface has an undulating pattern and silky
sheen appearance due to the presence of tiny mica crystals.
Schist Phyllite Texture: Medium to fine grained. Foliated due to flat mica
minerals. Large mica crystals give a sparkly appearance and it has
a bumpy surface.
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Chapter 3: Geotechnical Considerations for Tunneling
Serpentine* Olivine The term serpentine refers both to hydrous magnesium silicate
[(MgFe)2SiO4] (antigorite and chrysotile) minerals and metamorphic rocks
and Pyroxene consisting of these minerals. Texture: Veins, fractures. Color:
Light to dark green
Hornfels Basalt, Shale or Fine-grained baked rock. Color: Light gray to dark black.
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Chapter 3: Geotechnical Considerations for Tunneling
Fresh rocks
Rocks with isotropic or Rocks with Rocks with reduced strength and durability
slightly anisotropic strongly
properties anisotropic
Figure 3-5: Mineralogy, structure and fabric factors influencing rock properties
Source: Palmström (1995)
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Chapter 3: Geotechnical Considerations for Tunneling
fabric, anhydrite layers or veins, void spaces and microscopic structures such as grain
boundaries, sizes and structure are examples of fabric (Waldron, 2009; Archanjo et al., 2008).
Microscopic fabric structures influence mucking and cutting ability of the excavator (Hemphill,
2012). This is because fabric structures provide local stability of the tunnel excavation by
swelling when the threshold stress of micro-crack initiation is exceeded (Amann et al., 2014).
Specifically, veins can prevent disintegration of the surrounding rock mass by arresting
growing fractures (Panthi, 2006). Depending on the rock type, temperature of the environment
and humidity conditions; rocks may slake, disintegrate or swell (Hochella et al., 1989). Slaking
is the most adverse situation and presents the greatest challenge to tunneling (Blake, 1989).
Slaking is the separation of rock fragments along their crystal lattices into flakes or small
particles by hydration/swelling and oxidation processes especially at higher clay contents
(Dunning, 2005). Understanding material properties such as slaking helps in selecting the best
tunnel approach and rate of driving so that the excavation does not worsen the rock condition
(Barla, 1974). For instance, it is common practice to tunnel perpendicular to schisoticity and
bedding planes to avoid further damage to the rock condition (Zia, 2016).
Geological studies of the earth’s crust revealed that igneous rocks are most abundant rock type
(NGS, 2015). Igneous rocks are also the most suitable material for tunnel construction because
they have a dense interlocking and minor directional differences in rock mechanical properties
hence they present few challenges to tunnel driving (Blake, 1989). Sedimentary rocks are softer
than igneous rocks, have bedding planes and laminations of weaker assemblages cemented
together with inter-granular material and exhibit significant anisotropy in their physical
properties. This wide variation in structure, strength and behavior causes the greatest difficulty
for tunnel construction as compared to igneous and metamorphic rocks. In addition,
sedimentary rock types such as mudrocks which are susceptible to slaking and swelling are not
stable in the long term (Hochella et al., 1989). On the other hand, metamorphic rocks are
generally hard, have high strength, a varied structure, composition, properties, orientations of
the platy minerals and considerable anisotropy. As such, metamorphic rocks especially
micaceous and chloritic schists cause intermediate difficulty for tunnel construction
(Palmström, 1995).
Igneous rocks comprise predominantly granite, gabbro and basalt formations (NGS, 2015). The
arrangement of the earth’s strata is such that less dense materials overlie denser layers at the
bottom. Of the three igneous varieties, granite is the least dense rock and it forms the largest
composition of continental crust (Hemphill, 2012). This rock has abundantly been broken
down, transported, deposited and lithified to form sedimentary rocks of varying thicknesses.
As such, derivatives of granitic rocks are the most common rock encountered during
construction. Characteristics of granitic rocks include anisotropy, homogeneity,
imperviousness, strong weathering resistance, temperature indifference and high melting
temperatures above 650 ºC (Archanjo et al., 2008; Sydney, 2006). The thickness of granitic
layers determines the overall rock mass strength especially for hard rock which has been
amalgamated (Sydney, 2006). The strength of the rock determines the capacity of a road header
required and excavation rates. Stronger rocks resist penetration hence slow excavation rates
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(Hemphill, 2012). In this state, a machine with a higher mechanical energy is required to break
the crystal bonds in rock compared to the effort required to break decomposed softer rock
(Hochella et al., 1989).
The main chemical composition of the earth is a single mineral group of silicate compounds
also known as tectosilicates (Marshall & Fairbridge, 1999). Silicates constitute about 95% of
igneous rocks, 75% of metamorphic rocks and more than 60% of sedimentary rock
constituents. Both Dunning (2005) and Gargaud (2011) explain that silicate minerals contain a
fundamental [SiO4]-4 structure and the final space distribution of the four oxygen (O2) atoms
around the central silicium (Si4+) atom is used to classify them. The positively charged Si atom
is surrounded by four O2 atoms to form the silicate molecule (Figure 3-6) which is fairly stable.
Generally, atoms form molecules then minerals and finally rocks and rock masses (Dunning,
2005). Aggregated silicate minerals form granitic rock of various types, compositions and
properties depending on the earth elements present in its structure (Sydney, 2006). A mineral
is a natural chemically stable solid network of crystal lattices comprising jointed segments of
bonded molecules. For example, Figure 3-7 shows the structure of quartz ([SiO2]). Common
granitic varieties include plagioclase feldspar ([CaAl2Si2O8]), potassium feldspar
([KAlSi3O8]), sodium feldspar ([NaAlSi3O8]), mica ([K2(Al,Mg,Fe)4-6(Al,Si)8O20(OH,F)4])
and amphibole
2 + 2 + 3+
([Na(Na,Zn,Li,Ca,Mn,Fe ,Mg)2(Mg,Fe ,Mn,Al,Fe ,Ti,Zn,Cr)5(Si,Al,Ti)8O22(OH,F,Cl)2]).
The different granitic varieties are products of the stable earth element which may replace Si
or get replaced by the subsequent stable element in the chemical reactivity series (Rudnick &
Gao, 2003; McDonough, 1995). The charts in Figure 3-8 show (a) the composition of granite
and (b) a triangulated classification based on its constituent quantities of quartz, plagioclase
feldspar, potassium feldspar or sodium feldspar. Both charts are used as handy tools in the field
to identify, name and establish rock properties for engineering design assessment and
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a b
As a result of varying granitic rock structures from the earth elements, compositions have
different surface properties, behaviour and strength depending on the predominant element
(Sydney, 2006; McDonough, 1995; Hochella et al., 1989). These properties determine the
suitable geological rock materials, methods and tools such as cutters which are selected for
tunneling (Hoek et al., 1995; Blake 1989). The following situations are important to evaluate,
1. Mineral strength: Excavating strong minerals such as quartz is difficult and can inflate
project costs as consumable machine parts including drill bits and cutters are replaced
frequently (Blake, 1989).
2. Material infilling: Physico-mechanical rock strength is reduced when the weak planes of
sedimentary and metamorphic rocks are filled with flaky elastic and anisotropic minerals
such as mica, chlorite, amphiboles and pyroxenes (Wahlstrom, 1973). Alteration products
of weathered basalts and anhydrite rock varieties or fine clay minerals such as
montmorillonite shales, infilling joint seams or faults (Wahlstrom, 1973). Infillings of
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mica schists and phyllites reduce the strength of the rock because they have strong
anisotropic mechanical properties (Palmström, 1995).
3. Sheet minerals such as serpentine, talc and graphite: These easily slide along cleavage
surfaces thereby reducing rock strength (Palmström, 1995).
4. Presence of montmorillonite clay minerals: Moisture causes swelling/squeezing of the
mineral structure and associated construction difficulty such as mudflows and face
collapses (He, 2014; Kanji, 2014; Jean et al., 2003; Hoek et al., 1995).
5. Clay varieties present: The magnitude of joint roughness weakening, core softening and
reduction of both strength and wedge interlocking varies for different clays (He, 2014;
Kanji, 2014). Also, the ultimate effect causes rock falls and slides in underground caverns
and cuttings (Hoek et al., 1995; Palmström, 1995).
In this study the term wedge refers to rock wedges, rock blocks or both.
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are found in lavas and sills. Larger Other joints are usually widely
spaced intrusions typified by doming with variable orientation and nature
and cross joints.
Sedimentary (features identified
Bedding planes/ Parallel to original deposition surface Flat and persistent over long distances
bedding joints mostly horizontal in unfolded rocks Likely changes in lithology, strength
by geological mapping)
unique trends)
(mapping and
Salty cleavage Close spaced, parallel and persistent High cohesion where intact but
planar integral discontinuities in persistent planar integral
fine-grained strong rock. discontinuities in fine-grained
strong rock.
Tectonic joints Persistent fractures from tectonic Tectonic joints classified as shear or
stresses. Joints occur as sets with tensile depending on origin. Shear
All (features identified variably including mapping, interpolation and
Sheeting joints Rough widely spaced fractures Mostly adverse (parallel to slopes) and
parallel to the ground surface, may be persistent.
formed from unloading under
good quality tension.
Lithological Varied rock type boundaries Weathering rock concentrations often
boundaries depending on geological history. mark distinct changes in properties such
as strength, jointing and permeability.
Often form barriers to groundwater flow.
Source: (NEH, 2012)
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3.2.3 Hydrogeology
The interactions between geological features and subsurface groundwater properties and its
role in geological processes, environments, recovery, contamination and utilization are covered
under hydrogeology (Sharp, 2007). Groundwater significantly affects geological properties
such that the material properties are modified especially where expansive clay minerals are
present. Expansive clays are sensitive to water which results in them swelling or expanding.
Recharge sources including precipitation, surface runoff, percolation and nearby wells affect
the degree of saturation, hydrostatic head of water and pore water pressures. Likewise, the
degree of saturation influences humidity, percentage of saturated voids and pore pressure build
up (Dunning, 2005). Water bearing slightly-filled fault zones, aquicludes, joints and aquifers
significantly affect tunneling, thus it is important to understand the ground hydrological
processes and their impact on tunnel structures (Bondarchuk et al., 2012; Jean et al., 2003;
Blake, 1989). The evaluation of inter-relationships between properties of the solid rock and
water as well as external influences from the excavation process are vital (Sepp, 2000; Hochella
et al., 1989). Figure 3-12 illustrates the main factors and sub-interactions between the rock,
hydrogeology, ground stresses and construction. Flowing water widens any discontinuities
present in the rock mass causing physical degredation because the porewater pressure induces
stresses. The induced stresses and widened discontinuities are responsible for collapse and
sliding failure thereby guiding selection of excavation geometry, purpose and support
requirements (Bondarchuk et al., 2012). As such, provision of adequate drainage is important.
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the flow zones and flow rates for the design and construction of tunnels which should
incorporate the sources of groundwater, its flows and tunnel seepage (UC&T, 2014; Hemphill,
2012). Groundwater inflow is variable and it results from precipitation, surface percolation,
subsurface leakages and infiltration. Seepage of water through the structure can undermine
stability causing eventual failure.
According to Mohammed (2015), drainage in tunnels is usually provided for using sumps and
pumps of adequate capacities which match the duty cycle of discharge pumps and fitted with
debris traps (sand filters, oil and fuel separators) at the portals and low points to collect flowing
water. Smooth bends are necessary to avoid internal pressure build-ups and high stress
concentrations in the surrounding ground and potential breakages or bursts (Hoek et al., 1995;
Blake, 1989). Sump and pump provisions should comprise non-combustible drain inlets, pipes
and ventilation ducts at potential leakage points and intersections behind the lining and a gentle
downward slope for gravitational flow (Bondarchuk et al., 2012). Alternatively, tunnel
membranes can be sprayed to prevent water ingress and egress (Ghobadi et al., 2016; Barton
& Grimstad, 2014). Figure 3-13 shows details of a robust drainage system.
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2013; Steiner, 2000). Squeezing and swelling behaviour which are comparable to shrink and
swell behaviour in soils, cause significant stability challenges during construction (Franki,
2008; Craig, 2004). Squeezing and swelling are contrasting rock behaviour mostly associated
with weak discontinuous rock conditions and are undesirable properties for tunneling (Steiner,
2000; Kang & Lu 1991). Research by Sousa (2010) revealed that the most common tunnel
failures caused by severe face instability resulted from squeezing.
Squeezing in rock tunnels occurs in the plastic zone due to shearing of the surrounding rock
mass when its in-situ unconfined compressive strength (UCS) is too low to resist the inward
movement of the excavation and the ratio of rock mass strength, Ʈrock to in situ stress, σin-situ
falls below 0.2 (Mohammed, 2015; Hoek, 2001; Steiner, 2000). Mathematically, (Ʈrock/σin-
situ) < 0.2. Also, field research by Solak & Schubert (2004) and Hoek’s (1999) tunneling
experience showed that tunnel deformations increase with decreasing block size so that UCS
(σci) is inversely proportinal to wedge sizes (d). Equation 3-1 illustrates this relationship.
Factors influencing ground squeezing include initial state of the in-situ stress, ground strength
and deformations, structure orientations, groundwater conditions, construction and lining
procedures and methods.
Equation 3-1
σci = σc50 (50/d)0.18
where σc50 is the UCS for a 50mm diameter sample
Swelling on the other hand may occur without the plastic zone. It is associated with
montmorillonite clay minerals of the smectite group such as exist in shale and slate rock
discontinuities (Mokhtari et al., 2013; Hoek, 2001). The clay structure has a very high affinity
for water causing it to imbibe water and expand when saturated through aggregation and
flocculation of the clay fabric (Murck et al., 1997). Figure 3-14 shows how montmorillonite
clay infillings in discontinuous rock expand by physicochemical effects. Expansive behaviour
depends on initial water content, groundwater conditions, void ratio, mineral composition,
internal structure and confining pressure (Mokhtari et al., 2013; Williams et al., 1985).
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further presents the rocks mass classification systems in two sections under quantitative and
qualitative categories.
Based on mechanical strength and ability to support engineering loads, rocks are either hard or
soft (He, 2014; Hemphill, 2012). Hard rock strength is greater than 25 MPa which corresponds
to the upper limit of strength for soft rock and the latter approximates soil at its lower limit
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(Ongodia et al., 2016). For this study, soft rock is considered to have a maximum strength of
25 MPa. However, the requirements of rock strength are different for both mining and civil
engineering (Hustrulid, 2000; Brown et al., 1983). Rock strength is more critical for mining
because of the steeper slopes and greater excavation depths compared to civil engineering
works (Hoek, 2001). Table 3-6 shows the rock categories which are based on the minimum
unconfined compressive strength (UCS) developed as part of the guidelines for soils and rock
logging in South Africa (2001). The table highlights the difference between definitions of rock
strength in civil engineering and mining terms.
Usually, soft rock has undesirable engineering properties including various discontinuities, low
porosity, highly weathered weak unconsolidated rock mass with loose sediments and requires
either advance or immediate support when excavated (Marinos, 2014; Luwalaga, 2013; Hoek,
2001). Soft rock tunnel widths are therefore restricted to shorter stand-up times and mandatory
immediate support compared to hard rocks (Bieniawski, 1992). Consequently, hard rock is
preferred for engineering purposes because of its strength, higher bearing capacity and fairly
intact rock mass structure with fewer discontinuities (Ongodia et al., 2016). In addition to rock
strength, other important parameters include stratigraphy, cavities, groundwater, engineering
and index material properties and its visual classification along the longitudinal profile (Panthi,
2006; Brown et al., 1983).
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et al., 2002). This is especially important to streamline tunneling information and data gathered
for future reference. For example, Figure 3-16 shows a range of shear strength parameters for
soft weathered granitic rock with interlocking blocks published by Hoek & Bray (1974). From
the figure, soft blocky granite has a cohesion ranging about 0.05 to 0.2 MPa and angle of
internal friction ranging between 31° to 45°. Cohesion in rock is insignificant and only a
measure of the surface roughness is important (Mohammed, 2015; Thomas-Lepine, 2012).
Material parameters can be estimated easily by positioning them on the chart. However, such
estimates are only helpful during initial early project stages. According to Hoek et al. (1995),
field stresses are the same for a radial extent of about 50 km. Therefore, values can be adopted
from sources of published literature within the same geographic region. Other common charts
that can be used to roughly estimate preliminary rock parameters are included in Appendix B
of this report.
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Tests to identify squeezing/swelling potential in rock are borrowed from related soil tests.
Mohammed (2015) explains that the measured laboratory swell pressure should be applied to
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the rock to induce stability by arresting swelling. The tests include the soil expansion potential,
coefficient of linear extensibility, double oedometer test, van der Merwe’s method, empirical
relationships and mathematical heave prediction using the soil water characteristic curve
(Badenhorst et al., 2015, Williams et al., 1985). The tests to determine the potential squeezing
or swelling ability of rock are generally complex, delicate and their results are not usually easy
to interpret. Therefore, the chart in Figure 3-19 can be used to predict squeezing behaviour. It
was developed to predict squeezing problems based on strains of an unsupported excavation.
From the figure, when calculated strains from finite element analysis reach 2.7% severe
squeezing is expected and support is necessary commensurate with the instability (Mohammed,
2015; TLDG, 2004). In extreme cases, squeezing can lead to conversion of a horse-shoe shaped
tunnel section if constructed into a circular section (Barla, 1974).
In addition to testing rock strength and its squeezing potential, it is essential to predict ground
conditions ahead of tunnel advance during the excavation process (Panthi, 2006). Testing
ground conditions ahead of the tunnel face is important as it helps to minimise unexpected
failure events arising from sudden problematic ground conditions during construction.
Geological prediction of the full excavation profile is performed after using percussion drilled
probes or pneumatic machines. Figure 3-20 illustrates geological prediction using probes. The
drilling penetration rate, return water flow and core recovery of the probes serve as early
indications of probable ground conditions a few meters from the exposed face. Pneumatic
machines record performance parameters which indicate geology ahead of the face (Sousa,
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Palmström (1995) highlights the most important quantitative and qualitative systems rock mass
classification and design systems with application in tunneling. Quantitative systems include
RMR, Q-system, RQD, RMR and Q-system extensions. The rock competency and alteration
are also categorized as quantitative methods to classify rock. Qualitative systems comprise the
Terzaghi rock load, Lauffer’s stand-up time, Rock Structural Rating (RSR), size-strength,
Basic Geotechnical Description (BGD) and Unified Rock Classification System (URCS).
Generally, the traditional methods differ from recent research most of which suggests five rock
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Chapter 3: Geotechnical Considerations for Tunneling Quantitative rock mass classification systems- rock mass rating, Q system,
rock quality designation and the GSI Chart
The quality of tunneling depends on the extent of weathering. Five rock classes are known
based on the degree of weathering (Hoek et al., 1995). The classes in order of increasing degree
of weathering and decreasing strength comprise of Class I, II, III, IV and V. Rock Mass Rating
(RMR), Q and Rock Quality Designation (RQD) classify the rock according to the extent of
weathering and individual properties. The three methods give an indication of the level of
deformation, thus the support requirement for tunnel excavations. Tunnel route selection,
methods, ground treatment, timing and type of the support are each considered in relation to
the degree and grade of rock weathering. Therefore, understanding application of the systems
to classify rock based on the degree of weathering is important. The RMR and Q system are
the most widely used standard geomechanical rock classification systems which classify rock
according to strength depending on the degree of weathering although they give more superior
design and construction estimations (Kanji, 2014; Jean et al., 2003; Deree & Deree, 1989). On
the other hand, the RQD is mostly used to calculate the RMR and Q-value.
The Rock Quality Designation (RQD) is a measure of the degree of jointing or fracture in rock.
It represents the in-situ rock mass quality as a percentage of intact rock cores longer than 10 cm
for the total length of rock recovered from a drilled borehole. Alternatively, where drilled core
samples are not available the RQD is calculated using Equation 3-2 where Jv is the volumetric
joint count (Hoek et al., 1995). Jv by definition is the number of joints per unit length for all
discontinuity sets per unit volume. The joints counted are those which are visible from surfaces
that are not filled with clay. According to Wahlstrom (1973), the RQD value is mostly used to
calculate RMR and Q-values as well as rate the rock competency and quality at depth based on
core recovery from exploratory drilled samples. Studies about the Discontinuous Deformation
Analysis (DDA) method by Tsesarsky & Hatzor (2005) revealed that correlation with RQD is
problematic and unreliable especially for rock masses comprised of horizontal layers with
vertical joints. RQD cannot be used alone for engineering design and construction.
Equation 3-2
RQD = 115 − 3.3Jv
The RMR9 method is important in tunneling and was developed by Bieniawski (1973) based
on an extensive study of tunnels whereby discontinuities governed the ground response. It gives
the geomechanical classification as a sum of the independent RMR ratings of each of the
structural disparities within the rock mass and positioning the structure with respect to tunnel
driving is unique to the RMR system (Kanji, 2014). Structural disparities include 1) UCS, 2)
RQD, 3) groundwater conditions, 4) condition of discontinuities, 5) spacing of discontinuities
and 6) orientation of discontinuities. Based on this method, the direction of tunnel excavation
is positioned away from discontinuities to avoid widening along the discontinuities. The RMR
method limits excavation and support options (Jean et al., 2003). RMR values range between
9For mining purposes, the term used is ‘mining rock mass rating’ abbreviated as MRMR and it includes in-situ
and induced stresses, stress changes, the effects of blasting and weathering (Hoek et al., 1995).
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0 to 90 and values below 20 indicate poor rock mass (Thomas-Lepine, 2012). Further details
on rock mass classification including examples are given in Appendix C.
Barton et al. (1974) developed the Q-system, also known as the Q-value or the tunneling quality
index from a study of 1000 Scandinavian tunnels excavated by drill and blast method. The
system gives a quantitative indication of adequate tunnel support to ensure stability and
estimates rock mass parameters (Mohammed, 2015; Hoek et al., 1995). According to Barton
& Grimstad (2014), application of the Q-system generally incorporates the holistic rock mass
geology. Specifically, though the Q-system considers the tunnel quality in terms of material
properties including joint surface characteristics, strength, infillings, pressure, excavation
dimensions, a stress parameter and an index Excavation Support Ratio (ESR10) (Jean et al.,
2003). ESR is an indication of the factor of safety and depends on the purpose and stability
requirement of the excavation thereby the Q-index is useful to select suitable reinforcement
support for civil engineering works where rock falls are common or expected. Hoek et al.
(1995) state that an ESR value of 1.6 is acceptable for hydro tunnels. The Q-index and the
equivalent dimension11, De of the excavation can be calculated using Equation 3-3 and
Equation 3-4, respectively. Joint surface characteristics measured along the exposed surface of
a joint after excavation of the rock mass, include the joint set number (Jn), joint roughness
number (Jr), joint alteration number (Ja), joint water-reduction factor (Jw), and stress reduction
factor (SRF). Mohammed (2015) classified the quotients RQD/Jn, Jr/Ja and Jw/SRF as measures
of block size, joint friction and joint stress, respectively. Furthermore, Jn/Jr is used to estimate
overbreak (Barton & Grimstad, 2014). Joint strength can be calculated using Equation 3-5.
Classification of individual rock parameters to estimate the Q-index are given in Appendix C.
Typical Q-values range between 10-3 to 103 on a logarithmic scale (Barton & Grimstad, 2014;
Hoek et al., 1995).
RMR and Q systems consider the UCS, RQD, joint frequency, roughness, infilling and
hydrostatic pressure. RMR and Q systems are related by Equation 3-6 and Equation 3-7.
ESR depends on the purpose and stability requirement of an excavation and indicates the factor of safety. It is
usually 1.6 for hydropower tunnels.
The ratio of excavation dimensions to excavation support ratio for underground works.
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A further description of both systems is given in Table 3-8. The table highlights main
differences between the RMR and Q system in terms of characterisation, project purpose and
empirical relations. Independent application of each of the RMR and Q system methods limits
the parameters that can be obtained and assessed. The challenges and practical limitations
which exist in each method highlight the need to use more than one single method to classify
the site.
The Geological Strength Index (GSI) is another method to classify rock in the field except
intact rock, sparsely jointed rock, waste rock, broken or transported material and soils (Hoek,
2016). Similarly, classification based on the GSI is rather subjective. The index considers the
intrinsic characteristics of the rock mass (Hoek et al., 1995), incorporates the excavation and
condition of jointing characteristics (Kanji, 2014; Marinos, 2014) and in-situ stress conditions,
discontinuities and groundwater (Russo et al., 1998). The chart (Figure 3-21) is a handy tool
from which a suitable value of undisturbed rock strength can be selected quickly in the field
although its use may be imprecise owing to variations in observation, interpretation and
blasting effects (Hoek, 1999). For example, the rock mass could be recorded as very blocky or
just blocky, with a thin line differentiating the two distinct structures. GSI values range from
10 for extremely poor rock mass to 100 for intact rock (RTM, 2009). GSI values above 25
correspond to good to reasonable rock mass quality and below 25 corresponds to very poor
quality rock mass (Hoek et al., 1995). Hoek (2016) gives reference GSI charts (see Appendix
C), for benchmarking in the field, which classify different rocks in terms of their GSI rating
and a corresponding shear strength envelope for the rocks.
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5 corresponding with five natural categories (Wahlstrom, 1973). Conditions range from
original or intact, fault zones, joints and rock alterations. The five rock categories
corresponding to the numerals 1 to 5 are highly competent, moderately competent, marginal,
moderately incompetent and highly incompetent with a scale varying from 1 to 5. The value
chosen should be the most representative state of the material and not an average intermediate
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The Size-Strength method is a two-parameter (intact rock strength and spacing of
discontinuities) classification procedure based on block sizes on a macroscopic scale. The
measured block size is correlated with the point load test measurements on a logarithmic scale
to classify the rock. It is mostly applied during planning, subsequent daily designs of
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underground excavations and ground control systems. However, the method is seldom used
because it ignores the influence of joints (Jauch, 2000).
Small sized tunnel constructed specifically to provide access to a main project tunnel and it can be sealed off
once access is no longer required.
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are related: Ko = 1-sinϕ. At rest, ϕ = 44º hence typical values of Ko and ν are 0.35 and 0.25,
respectively (Yavuz, 2006; Kim & Yoo, 2002). At shallow depths, the ground stress is a
function of the burial depth such that the horizontal field stress is a product of the overburden
mass or unit weight of the material and acceleration due to gravity. In other words, in-situ
stresses are related to the cover depth over the tunnel sections (Perri, 2007). In blocky and
jointed rock mass, stability problems are associated with gravity falls of wedges from the roof
and sidewalls. This is because weak shear planes exist along various rock discontinuities
without significant confinement to control crack propagation (Mohammed, 2015). At greater
depths, the rock confinement is significant so that the ground stresses contribute towards
stability of the structures (Greer, 2012). Figure 3-23 is a schematic illustration of the field
stresses surrounding an excavation at depth. In the figure, a rock element is further isolated to
indicate the stress orientations on the ground.
Conventionally, compressive stresses are positive and tensile stresses are negative. Three
principal ground stresses denoted as σ1, σ2 and σ3, in ascending order of magnitude exist and
excavation cause stress redistribution. σ1 is the major principal stress thereby the largest
compressive stress while σ3 is the minor principal stress thereby the least compressive stress
and largest tensile stress (Hoek, 2016). Values of the stresses are determined from a triaxial
test and the difference between σ1 and σ3 is the deviator stress.
Field stresses at depth confine structures thus provide stability to a certain degree. Figure 3-24
illustrates how burial depth affects stability: (a) The excavation is closer to the surface and has
a significant zone of tensile and shear failure, (b) shows a relatively reduced failure zone as the
excavation is farther from the surface, and (c) has a significantly small failure zone as it is
buried farther inside the ground. At significant burial depths, any resulting failure including
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major rock bursts or popping, sliding, spalling and slabbing is induced (Mohammed, 2015;
Hoek et al., 1995). Spalling or slabbing are minor forms of induced stress failure in the rock
mass whose induced failure potential can be estimated from the Strength Factor (SF). SF
against shear failure is = (σ1f - σ3) / (σ1 - σ3), where (σ1f - σ3) is the strength of the rock mass
and (σ1 - σ3) is the induced/deviator stress, σ1 and σ3 are major and minor principal stresses,
and σ1f is a major principal stress at failure. A SF greater than 1.0 indicates that the rock mass
strength is greater than the induced stress, meaning that there is no overstress in the rock mass
(Greer, 2012). When SF is less than 1.0, the induced stresses are greater than the rock mass
strength; the rock mass is overstressed and likely to behave in the plastic range.
a b c
Typically, discontinuities control the stability of rock masses such that even at great depths, if
discontinuities are many they can induce failure along the various planes of weaknesses. Figure
3-25 is a diagram which illustrates potential unstable wedges isolated along discontinuities in
the surrounding rock mass of a tunnel. Unstable roof wedges usually fail by collapse, sidewall
wedges fail by either sliding or displacement and floor wedges fail by bottom heaving
(Hemphill, 2012; Hoek et al., 1995; Kang & Lu, 1991). The system of weak planes collectively
constitutes the failure mechanism. It is imperative to understand the possible failure
mechanisms by determining the number, orientations and conditions of the joints because joints
are significant features of a discontinuity system (Mohammed, 2015). Thus, to understand the
potential failure mechanisms, the discontinuity system is characterized and its geometric
parameters described in detail including a determination of the joint numbers, pattern, spacing,
thicknesses, material infilling, roughness, alteration, stress and water condition (Greer, 2012;
Palmström, 1995). A good understanding of the failure mechanism and characteristics of the
discontinuity system is essential to deal with stability issues in discontinuous rock masses
(Mohammed, 2015; Palmström, 1995).
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Figure 3-26: Stereographic projection of a pole (a) Reference sphere, (b) Hemispherical projection, (c)
Stereo net
Source: Torres (2008) after Brady & Brown (2004)
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Near the surface, tunnel instabilities mostly occur during construction (Hemphill, 2012).
Mechanical excavation by boring or drilling and blasting produces significant impact in the
ground. The resulting tremors and vibrations from the ground beneath are usually felt at the
surface. The magnitude of vibration, tremors and impact at the surface depend on the depth of
burial. The rock overburden acts as a buffer which dampens the effect of operations in the
ground (Hoek, 2014). However, some surface interaction effects from underground
excavations are delayed failures. For example, small scale deep-seated movements and
hydrostatic pressure build-ups in the overburden eventually cause subsidence at the surface
after prolonged periods of escalation and crack propagation (Hustrulid, 2000). Tunnels failures
and effects of failure visible at the surface are referred to as daylight collapse (Sousa, 2010).
Therefore, precaution should be taken to keep the effect of construction at a minimum to avoid
surface interruptions, immediate and delayed failures (Hoek, 1993).
3.4.3 Stability during excavation, the plastic zone and limiting equilibrium
Prior to excavation, the ground is generally stable (Yavuz, 2006; Stegner, 1971). The vertical
gravity load is equal to the weight of the overburden rock mass, circumferential stress at the
tunnel wall is approximately twice that existing prior to excavating and radial stress equals zero
(Bickel et al., 1996). In-situ stresses increase after excavation thereby causing tunnel walls to
fail (Hoek, 2014). Excavation removes the restraint thereby loosening the surrounding rock. It
also causes stress relaxation, stress redistribution, introduces new fractures and further widens
existing ones if not properly controlled thereby influencing instability (Hoek et al., 1995). The
extent and height of loosening depends on the ratio between joint spacing and excavation span
but it is controlled by the spacing of the joints and material shear strength (Mohammed, 2015;
Tsesarsky & Hatzor, 2005). According to ITA (2009) and Hoek et al. (1995), control of the
excavation process is best achieved using the Sequential Excavation Method (SEM) or New
Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM). The extent and timing of instability depends on geology,
stand-up time, critical areas to support and the maximum unsupported span13 of the tunnel
(Hoek, 1993). Figure 3-27 shows approximate stand-up times based on the tunnel roof span
and RMR. According to Bieniawski (1992), a 13 m span tunnel has an average rock stand-up
time approximately 103 hours which is equivalent to about 41 calendar days. The maximum
unsupported span can be calculated using Equation 3-9 from the Excavation Support Ratio
(ESR) and the Q-index.
Tunnel deformations from forces surrounding the plastic zone of the rock mass progressively
increase until excavation is completed as illustrated in Figure 3-28 (a) and (b). The stability of
excavations is evaluated by limit equilibrium analyses based on failure criterion and related
theory. At the point of limiting equilibrium/tunnel failure (Pi < Pcr) the critical pressure, Pcr at
which the surrounding rock mass fails with no volume change in the plastic zone is calculated
from Equation 3-10 and the corresponding plastic zone radius, rp and radial plastic
Maximum unsupported span is the distance between the excavated face and the nearest tunnel support.
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displacement, uip of the tunnel side walls are given by Equation 3-11 and Equation 3-12,
respectively. For stability (Pi > Pcr), the surrounding rock mass only undergoes elastic
deformation and the inward radial elastic displacement of the tunnel sidewall, uie is given by
Equation 3-13.
Figure 3-28: (a) Elasto-plastic zone stresses in rock mass and (b) surrounding stresses
Source: (a) Adapted from TLDG (2004) and (b) Mohammed (2015)
where ro is the circular tunnel radius, rp is the plastic zone radius, Pi is the support pressure and Po are the
horizontal and vertical stresses considering lithostatic conditions acting at depth
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Pcr = (2Po − σcm )/(1 + k) where the coefficient of lateral earth pressure, k =
Equation 3-10
and σcm is the rock mass compressive strength
Equation 3-11
2(P (k−1)+σcm ) (1/(k-1))
rp = ro [(1+k)((k−1)P ]
i +σcm )
Equation 3-12
𝑟𝑜 (1+𝑣
𝑢𝑖𝑝 = ( ) [2(1 − 𝑣)(𝑃𝑜 − 𝑃𝑐𝑟 ) ( 𝑝 ) 2 − (1 − 2𝑣)(𝑃𝑜 − 𝑃𝑖 )]
𝜀𝑚 𝑟𝑜
where εm is the Young's modulus or deformation modulus and ν is the Poisson's ratio
Equation 3-13
𝑟𝑜 (1 + 𝑣)
𝑢𝑖𝑒 = [ ](𝑃𝑜 − 𝑃𝑖 )
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Figure 3-30: Distribution of rock loads above and besides a deep tunnel
Source: Adapted from Terzaghi (1946)
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Other forces experienced by the tunnel include the self-weight of materials, upthrust, external
pore pressures and an internal pressurized system (Hemphill, 2012; Hoek, 1993). Underground
hydro tunnels are generally pressurized gravity tunnels whose flow approximates open channel
flows (USACE, 1997). The water is pressurized due to the high velocities necessary to drive
the turbines, its flow is aided by gravitational forces and approximates open channel flows
because the rate of flow into the tunnel structure is less than the capacity of the open channel.
From the open channel river flow, boulder suspensions and other matter cause drag and friction
at the tunnel surfaces. Figure 3-31 is a longitudinal schematic illustration by CIRIA C683
(2006) which shows the internal processes and loads that an operational hydropower tunnel is
subjected to during its operations.
Variable tunnel loads, that are indispensable in designing the lining, include earthquakes,
transient water waves such as the water hammer, blast loads and the hydrostatic pressure (Hoek,
1977). According to RTM (2009), hydrostatic pressure load of water acts normal to the tunnel
surface and it is obtained by dividing the load of water by the external hydrostatic pressure.
Both the maximum observed level of the groundwater and the level one meter above the 200-
year flood level are considered. The maximum groundwater level observed is considered at its
normal level.
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According to Hoek at al. (1995) and Mohammed (2015), wedge collapses and sliding are
common but heaving of the bottom wedges is a rare condition. In contrast, other researchers
indicate otherwise (Li et al., 2005; Liu & Zhang 2003; Kang & Lu 1991). Yu et al. (2012)
stated that at greater depths exceeding the critical depth deformation in the tunnel roof, sidewall
and floor increases significantly, especially floor heaving, which occurs in squeezing and
swelling ground. Although the term great depth is commonly referred to in tunneling, its actual
definition in terms of the distance below the ground surface is imprecise. Perri (2007) defines
the shallow depth to be a distance less than b(50/GSI) and deep excavations as a distance
greater than b(GSI/5). On the other hand, Terzaghi (1946) suggests that 10,606 m below the
existing ground level is a critical burial depth while Marie (1998) suggests that critical depths
as that of 600 m and 5800 m for soft and hard rock, respectively. Figure 3-32 (A) illustrates
external conditions influencing rock bursts: (a) significant overburden in a deep tunnel, (b)
residual stresses, (c) forces causing elastic strain and (d) ground squeezing. Residual stresses
are naturally a result of geological processes of formation such as igneous dike intrusion,
increase with depth, influence on large deformations and surrounding rock mass failure when
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in-situ stress magnitudes are large (Yu et al., 2012). Ground squeezing can be initiated from
peripheral cracks associated with blasting operations. Figure 3-32 (B) shows how rock fractures
vary from (a) conjugate shear, (b) multiple conjugate shear, (c) longitudinal tension or lateral
extension and (d) extension fracture on a small scale when uniaxial stresses are applied. On the
other hand, Table 3-10 shows types of failure in different rock masses and stresses.
a b c d
a b c d
Figure 3-32: (A) Conditions influencing rock bursts (B) Common types of fractures
Source: Wahlstrom (1973)
Equation 3-14
𝜎3 ′
𝜎1 ′ = 𝜎3 ′ + 𝜎𝑐𝑖 (𝑚𝑏 ( ) + 𝑠) a
where σ1' and σ3' are major and minor effective principal stresses at failure, σci is the UCS
for the intact rock pieces, s and a are rock mass characteristic constants and mb is the Hoek-
Brown rock mass constant
At plastic failure, the major and minor principal stresses are linearly related (σ'1 = kσ'3 + σcm),
where σcm is the UCS of the rock mass defined by Equation 3-15 and k is the slope of the σ'1-
σ'3 stress curve defined by Equation 3-16. Shear strength parameters can be obtained from
Equation 3-17 when they are not determined directly from the laboratory shear box or triaxial
tests. Interrelationships between common laboratory tests and the Hoek-Brown equation were
developed to quickly assess rock parameters. Parameters such as shear strength, rock mass
UCS, σcm and deformation modulus, Em can be obtained from the Hoek-Brown equation solved
for corresponding GSI range of values, intact rock UCS (σci) and material constant (mi).
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Table 3-10: Typical failure in varying rock mass and stress conditions
Low stress levels High stress levels
Massive rock
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2c′ cos ϕ′
σcm =
1− sin ϕ′ Equation 3-15
where cʹ and ϕʹ are the effective cohesive strength and angle of friction of the rock
1 + sinϕ
k= Equation 3-16
1 − sinϕ
sin ϕʹ =
and 𝑐ʹ =
𝜎𝑐𝑚 (1−sin ϕʹ)
Equation 3-17
𝑘+1 2 cos ϕʹ
𝛿𝜎1 ′
𝛿𝜎 ′
𝜎𝑛′ = 0.5(𝜎1 ′ + 𝜎3 ′) − 0.5(𝜎1 ′ − 𝜎3 ′)(𝛿𝜎31′ )
𝛿𝜎3 ′
+1 Equation 3-18
where 𝛿 = small changes
√(𝛿𝜎1′ )/𝛿𝜎3 ′
𝜏 = (𝜎1 ′ − 𝜎3 ′)( ) Equation 3-19
𝛿𝜎1 ′/(𝛿𝜎3 ′ + 1)
𝛿𝜎1 ′ 𝑚𝑏 𝜎3 ′ a-1
where 𝑎 = ½ + ⅙(𝑒-GSI/15 − 𝑒-20/3) and = 1 + 𝑎𝑚𝑏 ( ) Equation 3-20
𝛿𝜎3 ′ 𝜎𝑐𝑖 +𝑠
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Equation 3-21
𝑦 = 𝑚𝑖 𝜎𝑐𝑖 𝑥 + 𝑠𝜎𝑐𝑖
where σ1' and σ3' are major and minor effective principal stresses at failure, σ ci is the UCS
for the intact rock pieces, s and a are rock mass characteristic constants and mi is the Hoek-
Brown rock mass constant for intact rock
∑𝑦 ∑ 𝑥𝑦 − (∑ 𝑥 ∑ 𝑦/𝑛) ∑ 𝑥
𝜎𝑐𝑖 ² = ( )−[ ]( ) Equation 3-22
𝑛 ∑ 𝑥 2 − ( (∑ 𝑥)2 /𝑛) 𝑛
1 ∑ 𝑥𝑦 − (∑ 𝑥 ∑ 𝑦/𝑛)
𝑚𝑖 = ( )| 2 | Equation 3-23
∑ 𝑥 2 − ((∑ 𝑥) /𝑛)
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Chapter 3: Geotechnical Considerations for Tunneling
geomechanical rock properties, applied stresses and necessary support capacities are important
and cannot be generalized along the entire tunnel excavation length because rock geology and
strength vary (Palmström, 1995). According to Beaver (1972), underestimation of the ground
support capacity causes the surrounding rock mass pressures to cave in whereas overestimation
forces the excavation outwards thereby crushing the rock mass. Neither of the two scenario is
desirable. Therefore, the support capacity should be optimized to avoid buckling when it is
underestimated or further fracturing of surrounding rock when the capacity is exaggerated such
as hard rock bolts that fail in tension when they are over loaded (Hoek et al., 1995).
The main role and purpose of tunnel support systems is to stabilize the tunnel heading and
minimize movements of the surrounding rock mass (Mohammed, 2015). Emphasis is made on
the tunnel roof because it generally experiences the peak load (Terzaghi, 1946). The tunnel
roof is the most critical area thereby when it cracks, the displacements surrounding the tunnel
become much greater so that it becomes an ideal location for installation of most
instrumentation (Adhikary & Dyskin, 1997). According to Tsimbaryevitch's theory, loads at
the tunnel invert are approximately half of the peak loads experienced at the tunnel roof. In
other words, load at the invert = 0.5 Loadroof (Nielsen, 2009).
Support systems should be robust and adequate to ensure that the tunnel remains functional,
operational and safe in order to minimize impacts and losses from failure (Durrheim et al.,
1998; Yu et al, 2012). Thus, the extent of support provided depends on the method of
installation and the intended purpose during operations (Zhai et al., 2016). Support on the
tunnel can be provided as initial temporary support or final permanent support components.
The purpose of initial support is to stabilize the opening to ensure safety before or during
construction while permanent support provides structural stability throughout the design life of
the structure. Initial support is therefore installed early alongside auxiliary construction
measures such as ground improvement, ground reinforcement, dewatering and drainage (Yu et
al., 2012). Ground improvement methods include grouting, jet grouting and artificial freezing
while ground reinforcement methods use piles, pipe umbrella and face bolts.
Support systems usually comprise rock bolts installed with face plates, wire mesh reinforced
shotcrete, steel ribs and lattice girders and a final reinforced concrete lining (Hoek et al., 1995;
TLDG, 2004). Either all or some of the components are incorporated depending on the
individual unique component’s support function. Rock bolts are used for high hazard
structures, can be installed prior to excavation where advance support is required as permanent
or temporary structures and they experience complex loading mechanisms thus are more
susceptible to failure (Hadjigeorgiou, 2016; Zhai et al., 2016). Permanent bolts are installed for
periods over two years (Thomas-Lepine, 2012). Figure 3-34 is a schematic representation of a
tunnel comprising the different typical tunnel support components. Individual members
comprising the tunnel support system are highlighted in the next sub-sections.
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The mechanism of support is by bolt strengthening alongside the rock-support coupling (He,
2014). The coupling ensures stability by maximizing the bearing capacity and minimizing
stiffness of the surrounding rock mass. The mechanism of support is such that the rock bolts
limit movement of the wedges within the rock mass and prevent unravelling by pushing the
wedges together (Kristjánsson, 2014). The factors influencing the rock-support include stand-
up time, bedding characteristics, discontinuities, deformation, in-situ stress, overburden - also
called rock load, side fill compaction and installation factor (Kim & Yoo, 2002). These factors
are evaluated alongside time-related behaviour, groundwater, effects of ground improvement,
type of lining, method of excavation and face support (TLDG, 2004). According to Terzaghi
(1946), joints weaken bedding planes when the bending stresses above the tunnel exceed the
rock strength. Grouting fills the discontinuities thereby reducing groundwater ingress and
deformations leading to an increase in the overall rock strength and stand-up time as a more
intact rock mass is created. Thus, a lower capacity of lining will be required than before.
However, the actual mechanism of support depends on what happens at the interface between
the rock and support structures. Components of the support system which are in direct contact
with the rock include bolts, wire mesh, shotcrete and steel ribs. The wire mesh, shotcrete and
steel ribs generally overlie the excavated rock surface at an approximately flat smoothened
surface. Stresses are distributed to the adjacent support depending on the dynamic span of the
support system, geotechnical area and the intermediate loose unstable wedges are supported by
the reinforcement steel mesh (Durrheim et al., 1998). The rock-rib and rock-shotcrete bonds
between these components and the rock surface are adhesive. According to Mohammed (2015),
computer based beam spring models cannot be relied on to explain the interaction because they
assume a homogeneous material which is realistically not possible. Therefore, the interaction
is simply generalized as an adhesive bond. Attractions between the rock-steel and rock-
concrete materials maintain the rock-rib and rock-shotcrete interfaces, respectively. The rock-
bolt interaction mechanism is discussed in detail in the next section since they are the main
structural support component.
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(Hoek, 1999; Wahlstrom, 1973). Furthermore, fully grouted bolts provide the most efficient
form of support with cable-like force patterns. A fully grouted bolt is achieved by driving the
steel rod into a borehole filled with fast-setting high strength grout. Figure 3-35 illustrates (a)
a typical fully grouted rock bolt and b) its related forces which are similar to those of a cable.
Important rock-bolt interfaces include 1) at the tunnel surface where the nut is fastened with a
faceplate, 2) along the entire skin length of the rod and 3) at the end cone and bail where it is
anchored into stable rock. The purpose of a faceplate is to distribute the load from the bolt onto
the rock face (Hoek, 2016).
The rock-bolt support mechanism is complex. Figure 3-36 shows typical rock-bolt failure as a
result of tension and shear forces. Recent laboratory research by He (2014) developed a new
continuous resistance large deformation (CRLD) bolt. The CRLD bolt, although not yet tested
in its field application, thickens in tension and remains constant under repeated impact loading
therefore its features include a negative Poisson’s ratio effect, resistance to large deformation
and endurance to impact resistance. According to JunLu (1999), tightening the nut tensions the
bolt and the mechanism by which bolts support the rock mass can be explained by suspension,
beam building (or stitching) and keying. Either one or a combination of the three basic
mechanisms can act based on rock geology and stress regime (Zhai et al., 2016). An additional
mechanism by Kristjánsson (2014) to explain the rock-bolt interface is skin control. Overall,
suspension and stitching mechanisms coexist.
a b
Figure 3-35: (a) Fully grouted rock bolt and (b) forces acting on a bolt
Source: Hoek et al. (1995)
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Chapter 3: Geotechnical Considerations for Tunneling Suspension
Excavation removes the rock mass which previously provided restraint to the overhead mass.
Thus, the overhead rock is prone to over break and unravelling if left unsupported for long
periods (Terzaghi, 1946). Bolts driven through the tunnel roof are called roof bolts. Roof bolts
support loose wedges between the crown of the tunnel and the stable rock at the end anchor.
Figure 3-37 shows the phenomenon, capacity and arrangement of roof bolts supporting the rock
mass suspended between the crown and the stable rock mass. The rock pressure, P which is
equivalent to the bolt capacity can be determined using Equation 3-24 when the unstable rock
mass is detached from the adjacent stable mass or otherwise using Equation 3-25 which
incorporates the factor of safety, SF (JunLu, 1999). Equation 3-25 can be rearranged to make
the axial force, T the subject as shown Equation 3-26.
a Failure
Rock mass
Figure 3-37: (a) Roof bolt support and (b) Array of roof bolts for suspension mechanism
Source: Adapted after JunLu (1999)
(SF Sin∝−cosα tanϕ)
Equation 3-26
cos(α+β)+sin(α+β) tanϕ
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tunnel roof. Vertical deformation is prevented because the stitched layers act as a stronger
fixed-end composite beam. The maximum strain, εmax in the beam is defined by Equation 3-27
when the rock material is assumed to be homogeneous.
Horizontal flat rock beams can be created in sedimentary rock TBM or drill and blast
excavations (Bickel et al., 1996). The beam reduces strain but increases bending strength and
bending stiffness. Equation 3-28 defines the bending strength of the beam a) without bolts, B
and b) with bolts, Bbolt whereas Equation 3-29 defines bending stiffness of the beam by c)
without bolts, T′ and d) with bolts, T′bolt. However, a high bending stiffness increases the
loading from top layers thus the whole composite beam may fail by shear and fall out when the
shear strength of the composite beam is exceeded by shear forces at either end. In general,
stitching is more effective when bedding planes are many, the tunnel span and bolt spacing are
small and the tension in the bolt is high (JunLu, 1999).
Equation 3-27
εmax = wL2 /2εt
where w = unit weight of overhead immediate roof, L = length of overhead immediate roof,
ε = Young’s modulus, t = thickness of the composite beam
Equation 3-28
𝐵 = 𝑛((𝑏ℎ2 )/6) and 𝐵𝑏𝑜𝑙𝑡 = 𝑏((𝑛ℎ)2 /6)
where n = number of layers, b = length of the beam and h = layer thickness Keying
The mechanism of keying occurs in highly fractured, blocky and heavily jointed rock mass
such that several breaks occur in the support mechanism. Bolts therefore act as keys which link
the disjointed smaller systems and in that way act as supplementary support. Figure 3-39 shows
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Chapter 3: Geotechnical Considerations for Tunneling
(a) how rock bolts link together the fractured rock mass and (b) the line diagram of forces. The
axial stress of the bolt, σb required to ensure stability is defined by Equation 3-30. Perpendicular
bolts give the maximum support. When α = ϕ, the rock mass is stable and no bolts are required
(JunLu, 1999). However, field conditions and experiential judgement may dictate the need for
bolts such as spot bolting when adverse conditions are encountered. The keying effect depends
on either active bolt tension or passive tension induced by movement in the rock mass. The
effect improves the shear strength but offsets the tensile stresses making it more effective when
horizontal stresses are small (Hoek, 1993). The shear strength results from overlapping of the
compressive layers which are illustrated by Boussinesq’s type distribution cone in Figure 3-40.
a b
Figure 3-39: (a) Keying mechanism and (b) forces acting in the rock mass
Source: Adapted after Kristjánsson (2014)
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Equation 3-30
𝜎𝑏 = (𝜎ℎ (sin 𝛼 cos 𝛼 − 𝑐𝑜𝑠 2 𝛼 tan ϕ)/tanϕ)
where σh = horizontal stress, α = angle between the horizontal plane and normal line drawn
to the failure plane, ϕ = friction angle of the failure plane
where T= axial force and working load of the bolt, P = support pressure
Capacity Equation 3-33
2Q⅓ √Jn
Proof = T = 1.5w
where Proof = Permanent roof support pressure, Q = rock quality, Jn = joint set
number, Jr = Joint roughness, w = weight of unstable immediate rock mass
about its centroid
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Chapter 3: Geotechnical Considerations for Tunneling
section, they are called support rings. Support rings resist external ground pressures, restrain
the surrounding rock mass under seismic conditions and control groundwater ingress and
egress into and from the structure (Luwalaga, 2013; TLDG, 2004). Flexibility is given by the
modulus ratio (Eg/Es) which is defined as the ratio of the Young’s modulus of the ground, E g
to that of the structure, Es. According to the TLDG, Eg/Es is greater than 0.1 for flexible linings,
between 0.1-0.01 for ground-support load sharing and less than 0.01 for rigid linings. Flexible
and ductile linings are most suitable for tunnels because they are more durable and do not easily
crack (Hoek et al., 1995; RTM, 2009).
a b
The surface is scarified to remove loose rock pieces. It is thoroughly cleaned with a compressed
air-water jet. This is followed by a steel wire mesh grid securely installed using either rock
bolts or short grouted steel pins. Cleaning is important to ensure that an adhesive rock-shotcrete
bond is achieved when the shotcrete is sprayed either as a dry or wet mix. The purpose of the
mesh is to restrain loose wedges and rock fragments not directly supported by the bolts and to
reinforce the shotcrete lining thereby minimizing stiffness of the surrounding rock mass
(Wahlstrom, 1973). According to Hoek et al. (1995), a 4 mm diameter wire welded
100 mm x 100 mm grid mesh is adequate reinforcement and shotcrete requirements can be
estimated from guidelines (Table 3-11). The table describes the behaviour of a rock mass and
gives its support requirements and the estimated shotcrete requirements. Shotcrete is
pneumatically applied as either (a) dry or (b) wet mix and dynamically compacted using a high
velocity jet as shown in Figure 3-42. It progressively hardens to cement the rock thus making
it to act as an intact stable rock mass which cannot be easily disintegrated unless a greater
weakening force is mobilised (Hoek et al., 1995). Shotcrete technology is generally practical
and tailored to suit site conditions such as quality of the materials, method of application and
adequate thickness which covers the rock and is safe from spalling. RTM (2009) recommends
shotcrete lining thickness of approximately 200-300 mm. The capacity of shotcrete is
determined by crushing cylindrical cores drilled from the tunnel surface to establish 3, 7 and
28 day strengths. Steel lining is then placed over the shotcrete lining. For hydro tunnels, steel
lining is required to increase water tightness, avoid leakage and provide additional strength.
Hoek et al. (1995) suggest that steel lining should be placed when the minimum principal stress
is less than the maximum dynamic water pressure which is approximately 30 % of the
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Chapter 3: Geotechnical Considerations for Tunneling
maximum static head of the water in the tunnel. The steel lining is overlain with a final lining
of reinforced concrete. High grade concrete of strength ranging from 24-38 MPa 28-day
strength with a 127 mm slump, 3-5% air entrainment, a minimum thickness of 250 mm is
adequate for cast-in-situ concrete lining (RTM, 2009). Air entrainment is important because
tunnel conditions are generally damp to cold and the concrete is specially placed. The high
strength steel reinforcement bars and welded wire mesh should conform to ASTM A615 and
ASTM A185, respectively. The maximum liner capacities and stiffness can be calculated from
Equation 3-34 and Equation 3-35, respectively.
a b
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Chapter 3: Geotechnical Considerations for Tunneling
Rock mass description Rock mass behaviour Support requirements Shotcrete application
Massive metamorphic or igneous No spalling, slabbing or failure None None
rock with low stress conditions.
Massive sedimentary rock. Surfaces of some shales, Sealing surface to Apply 25 mm thickness of plain shotcrete to surface immediately after
siltstones, or clay stones may prevent slaking. excavation. Repair any shotcrete damage due to blasting.
Low stress conditions. slake because of moisture
content change.
Massive rock with single wide Fault gouge may be weak and Provision of support and Remove weak material to a depth equal to width of fault or shear zone
fault or shear zone. erodible thus cause in stability surface sealing in and grout rebar into adjacent sound rock. Weldmesh used to provide
in adjacent jointed rock. vicinity of weak fault or temporary rock fall support. Fill void with plain shotcrete. Extend steel
shear zone. fibre reinforced shotcrete laterally for at least width of gouge zone.
Massive metamorphic or igneous Surface slabbing, spalling and Retention of broken rock Apply 50 mm shotcrete over weldmesh anchored behind bolt faceplates.
rock. possible rock burst damage. and control of rock mass Alternatively, apply 50 mm of steel fibre reinforced shotcrete on rock and
dilation. install bolts with faceplates, then apply second shotcrete layer of 25 mm
High stress conditions. thickness extending along sidewalls as required.
Massive sedimentary rock. Surface slabbing, spalling and Retention of broken rock Apply 75 mm layer of fibre reinforced shotcrete directly on rock surface.
possible squeezing in shales and and squeezing control. Rock bolts or dowels are also needed for additional support.
High stress conditions. soft rocks.
Metamorphic or igneous rock Potential for wedges to fall or Provision of support in Apply 50 mm of steel fibre reinforced shotcrete to rock surfaces on which
with a few widely spaced joints. slide due to gravity loading. addition to that available joint traces are exposed.
Low stress conditions. from rock bolts or cables.
Sedimentary rock with a few Potential for wedges to fall or Sealing of weak bedding Apply 50 mm of steel fibre reinforced shotcrete on rock surface on which
widely spaced bedding planes slide due to gravity loading. plane exposures. discontinuity traces are exposed, with attention to bedding plane traces.
and joints. Low stress conditions. Bedding plane exposures may Provision of support in
deteriorate in time. addition to that available
from rock bolts or cables.
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Chapter 3: Geotechnical Considerations for Tunneling
Rock mass description Rock mass behaviour Support requirements Shotcrete application
Jointed metamorphic or igneous Combined structural and stress Retention of broken rock Apply 75 mm plain shotcrete over weldmesh anchored behind bolt
rock. controlled failures around and control of rock mass faceplates or apply 75 mm of steel fibre reinforced shotcrete on rock,
opening boundary. dilation. install rock bolts with faceplates and then apply second 25 mm shotcrete
High stress conditions. layer. Thicker shotcrete layers required at high stress concentrations.
Bedded and jointed weak Slabbing, spalling and possibly Control of rock mass Apply 75 mm of steel fibre reinforced shotcrete to clean rock surfaces as
sedimentary rock. High stress squeezing. failure and squeezing. soon as possible, install rock bolts, with faceplates, through shotcrete,
conditions. apply second 75 mm shotcrete layer.
Highly jointed metamorphic or Ravelling of small wedges and Prevention of Apply 50 mm of steel fibre reinforced shotcrete on clean rock surface in
igneous rock. Low stress blocks defined by intersecting progressive ravelling. roof of excavation. Rock bolts or dowels may be needed for additional
conditions. joints. support for large blocks.
Highly jointed and bedded Bed separation in wide span Control of bed separation Rock bolts or dowels required to control bed separation. Apply 75 mm of
sedimentary rock. Low stress excavations and ravelling of and ravelling. fibre reinforced shotcrete to bedding plane traces before bolting.
conditions. bedding traces in inclined faces.
Heavily jointed metamorphic or Squeezing and 'plastic' flow of Control of rock mass Apply 100 mm of steel fibre reinforced shotcrete immediately and install
igneous rock, conglomerates or rock mass around opening. failure and dilation. rock bolts with face-plates. Apply additional 50 mm of shotcrete if
cemented rock fill. High stress required. Extend support down sidewalls as required.
Heavily jointed sedimentary rock Squeezing and 'plastic' flow of Control of rock mass Apply 50 mm of steel fibre reinforced shotcrete immediately, install
with clay coated surfaces. rock mass around opening. Clay failure and dilation. lattice girders or light steel sets with invert struts as required, then more
rich rocks such as containing steel fibre reinforced shotcrete to cover sets or girders. Forepoling or
High stress conditions. montmorillonite may swell. spilling may be required to stabilise face ahead of excavation. Gaps may
be left in final shotcrete to allow for movement resulting from squeezing
or swelling. Gap should be closed once opening is stable.
Mild rock burst conditions in Spalling, slabbing and mild rock Retention of broken rock Apply 50 to 100 mm of shotcrete over mesh or cable lacing which is
massive rock subjected to high bursts. and control of failure firmly attached to the rock surface by means of yielding rock bolts or
stress conditions. propagation. cable bolts.
Source: Hoek et al. (1995)
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Chapter 3: Geotechnical Considerations for Tunneling
In addition to the support provided by rock bolts and shotcrete, steel ribs and other considerations
depending on geological rock classes according to the degree of weathering can be estimated
from established guidelines such as indicated in Table 3-12. Empirical, numerical and
engineering software methods are also used to design structural supports for underground
excavations. Finite Element Methods (FEM) and limiting equilibrium approaches with computer
software are used to model tunnel supports and excavation methods based on rock mass ratings.
3.7 Summary
This chapter discussed geology, with specific reference to properties of rock materials, rock mass
features. The features provide structurally controlled tunnel stability, rock loads, tunnel failure,
rock-support components and their associated system interactions. The chapter also provided
petrological, structural and rheological knowledge from geology ubiquitous to engineers that is
a necessary background for appropriate engineering sampling, testing, design and construction.
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Chapter 3: Geotechnical Considerations for Tunneling
The most abundant rock in the earth crust, granite, has a generally stable structure and fabric
comprising several silicate crystal lattices (Sydney, 2006). Rock strength and suitability to
support engineering loads depends on the intact rock mass or material properties where numerous
discontinuities are present. Engineering rock is broadly classified as soft or hard rock with a
unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of 25 MPa as a distinct separator. Hard rock with over
25MPa strength is preferred for engineering structures. Rock mass classification systems
comprising quantitative and qualitative methods were used to classify the rock in further detail.
Quantitative methods include RMR, Q-index, RQD and GSI. Qualitative methods include
Terzaghi, Lauffer’s stand-up time classification, size-strength, RSR, BGD, URCS and NATM
excavation method. The RMR, Q-index and RSR are mostly used.
Rock has several discontinuities and presents varied construction challenges depending on the
strength - reliant on material properties and joint interconnectedness. Some of the common
problems associated with soft rock are squeezing and swelling. Squeezing results from low
strengths which cannot resist the inward movement of an excavation in the plastic zone. Swelling
occurs when montmorillonite clay minerals fill the joints and expand when saturated. Therefore,
provision of proper and adequate drainage is an important factor in tunneling. Other modes of
failure include rock bursts, collapse of the roof wedges, sliding of the sidewall wedges and
occasional heaving of the bottom floor wedges. Stability of tunnel structures is fundamental in
delivering safe solutions through underground construction to meet human demands and utilize
the land resource optimally. The next chapter explains how the geotechnical considerations are
applied to design an actual hydro tunnel using a case study.
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Chapter 4: Tunnel Support System Design
a b
Figure 4-2: a) Typical horse-shoe section (RTM, 2009) and b) the excavated Karuma tunnel
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Chapter 4: Tunnel Support System Design
Figure 4-3: Geographical location of Karuma and other major hydropower facilities Uganda’s and the
Source: Adapted from Google maps
The rift valley system, which is an elongated low-lying basin of collapsed land bounded by
opposed steeply dipping normal faults which drifted apart and extends discontinuously, is the
most significant geological and tectonic feature in the region (Wood & Guth, 2015). The earth
crust is predicted to separate structurally along the rift to form new tectonic plates (Owor et al.,
2016). Figure 4-4a is a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) showing tectonic plate boundaries. The
rift system comprises the western and eastern branches extending along the national boundaries
as shown in Figure 4-4b. The eastern branch is called the East African Rift System (EARS).
Kalinga (2016) and Schlüter (1997) found that regional geological and tectonic features comprise
Precambrian, Karoo, Coastal Meso and Cenozoic basement complex and a recent unconsolidated
mosaic of lateritic soils, gently dipping and soda-rich lavas overlying sedimentary rock types at
river mouths. Studies by Owor et al. (2016) and Schlüter (1997) identified seven geological
provinces for Uganda which include largely volcanic igneous, Precambrian craton, Precambrian
metasedimentary, Precambrian mobile or orogenic belts, tertiary sedimentary cretaceous,
Mesozoic-Paleozoic and unconsolidated sedimentary-type, as shown in Figure 4-5. (Further
information on Uganda’s geology is included in Appendix D.) The NGS (2015) observed that
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Chapter 4: Tunnel Support System Design
the region comprises abundant lateritic reddish brown soils which usually have traces of granite,
biotite and amphibolite. According to Heidbach et al. (2010), Uganda’s seismicity challenges are
minimal because there are no significant stress factors including main tectonic plate boundaries,
tectonic regimes or fault lines except surface quartz particles with quartz veins extending in the
direction of N70°W.
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Chapter 4: Tunnel Support System Design
exploration pits, geophysical profiling, in-situ and laboratory testing (Karuma, 2014). From the
1. Karuma bedrock is igneous gneiss. Figure 4-6 shows the exposed bedrock strata of
Precambrian metamorphic rock in scattered places and quaternary residual upper elluvial
lateritic soil, locally known as ‘murram’.
2. The geosphere lithology comprises Precambrian granitic gneiss, amphibolite gneiss,
granite gneiss with mica, biotite granite gneiss and traces of amphibolite as shown in Figure
4-7a. It is characterized by black low strength ferromagnesian minerals, white high strength
alternating striation stripes of feldspar quartz minerals containing fine to medium-grained
structures with grayish-black specks of thin-interbedded gneissosity.
3. The rock is highly weathered gneiss material. The degree of weathering (Figure 4-7b) varied
from completely, highly, moderately and slightly weathered rock located at about 53 m,
57 m, 99 m and greater burial depths, respectively. Rock classification (Table 4-1) indicate
approximately 1.45% class II, 86.35% class III, 10.9% class IV and 1.3% class V rock.
Further details of the GIs are included in Appendix D. Class IV is the most abundant weak
rock therefore critical; thus this study considered it for design.
4. Stratigraphy comprised of Archaean, Proterozoic and Quaternary strata, undifferentiated
basement complex granite and Aruan gneiss rocks, older charnockites North of the Albert
Nile River; intrusive granite and granite gneiss in the South and distributed Bunyoro
sedimentary rocks over the basement complex.
5. From the hydrogeological analysis, no groundwater table was encountered although the
ground was generally damp and limited perched water was encountered. Slight permeability
of less than 1 Lugeon unit (Lu) in both moderately and slightly weathered rocks, limited
dripping pore water prevalent in the Quaternary loose layer and completely weathered rock.
Seepage dripping groundwater in Class III and some considerable seepage linear water
gushing in Class IV rock. Therefore, drainage including pumping is important.
6. The maximum and minimum horizontal principal stresses, determined by performing
hydraulic fracturing tests at the project site, ranged between 3.1-8.9 MPa and 2.6-6.2 MPa,
respectively. The direction of the maximum principal stress was N56°E~N60°E.
7. Karuma (2014) investigations found that the area is located in a seismically stable Ugandan
craton, on the Victorian plate lying between the Albertine Rift and Aswa shear zone, with
few small scale inactive fault lines developed along gneissosity and a seismic intensity of
magnitude VII was recorded. Figure 4-8 is a tectonic map of the area (Karuma, 2015).
a b c
Figure 4-6: Rock surface (a) Dewatered river bed (b) Granitic gneiss (c) Amphibolite gneiss
Source: Karuma (2015)
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Chapter 4: Tunnel Support System Design
Dimensions are in cm
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Chapter 4: Tunnel Support System Design
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Chapter 4: Tunnel Support System Design
which focussed on shallow soil tunnels. Barton et al. (1974) rightly suggested that major
modifications and further research is necessary to adapt the formulae for deep underground rock
tunnels. Furthermore, factoring the loads in the analysis is recommended by Prasad (2015) and
USACE (1997).
The analytical design of tunnel support systems involves entering geological parameters as inputs
to the equations to obtain a numerical value and either simply selecting a suitable rock bolt from
manufacturers’ specifications and design tables or using a bolt-beam combination.
Manufacturers specially produce specific rock bolt sizes, capacities and material from which
designers and tunnel engineers choose to suit their specific requirements. Usually, steel is used.
According to Heck et al., (2016) when rock resistances exceed available rock bolt capacities, a
bolt-beam combination is economical. The beam is designed on site to allow for bolt
pretensioning and rock mass strengthening through stress relaxation to improve stability.
The ultimate rock load is the weight of a collapsing wedge near the bolt and it corresponds to the
minimum acceptable support capacity hence its resistance to failure when the factor of safety is
unity (Thomas-Lepine, 2012). According to RTM (2009), rock loads are classified as:
1. Earth surcharges
2. Overburden
3. External loads
4. Internal loads
5. Settlement loads.
Prasad (2015) observes that earth surcharges are loads placed above the ground line at the top of
a tunnel, and that overburden is the vertical gravity load due to the weight of the surrounding
rock mass while external and internal loads include hydrostatic groundwater pressure and the
hydrostatic water head and settlement, respectively. This is significant when the combined
weight of the structure and backfill exceed the weight of muck excavated.
Prasad (2015) and RTM (2009) found that earth surcharges approximate 4.79 kPa whereas
external loads approximate 25% of the full tunnel capacity. According to Perri (2007) all loads
are supported radially for deep tunnels at H > span * (GSI/5) whereas for shallow tunnels at depth
H ≤ span * (50/GSI), the rock overburden exerts pressure on the crown and horizontal loads bear
on the sidewalls. In addition to rock loads, seismic loading is important in earthquake prone areas
and when recommended from investigations. The analytical design is presented in Table 4-2.
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Chapter 4: Tunnel Support System Design
Terzaghi's theory
Based on a series of tests where K = 1, the vertical loading Pv relationship is
given by Equation 4-8
ɤB Equation 4-8
Pv =
2 K tanϕ
where B, ϕ, and ɤ are the same as discussed under
Pv =
Bierbäumer’s theory
For this case, Pv = ((27.5 x 22.98) / (2tan32)) = 505.67kN
Prasad (2015)
Pv =
Pv = 0.5bɤ where b = span of the tunnel and ɤ = unit weight of rock 178.75k
Pv = 0.5 x 13 x 27.5 = 178.75kN N
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Chapter 4: Tunnel Support System Design
Failure mechanism Load description and calculation Output Main reference Remark
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Chapter 4: Tunnel Support System Design
Failure mechanism Load description and calculation Output Main reference Remark
The active earth-pressure diagram at the perpendicular of the corner point of the
excavated cavity is a trapeze. The active earth pressure at depth x is given by
Equation 4-14
𝑒a = (p + xɤ)tan2 (45° − 0.5ϕ) − 2𝑐 tan(45° − 0.5ϕ) Equation 4-14
At the same time the specific passive earth pressure at depth x is given by Equation
𝑒p = x ɤ tan2 (45° − 0.5ϕ) + 2𝑐 tan (45° − 0.5ϕ) Equation 4-15
The depth below the tunnel invert under the influence of uplift pressures, x is
obtained by equating Equation 4-14 and Equation 4-15 to give Equation 4-16
Ptan2 (45° − 0.5ϕ) − 2c[tan(45° + 0.5ϕ) + tan(45° − 0.5ϕ)] Equation
x= 4-16
ɤ [tan2 (45° + 0.5ϕ) − tan2 (45° − 0.5ϕ)]
where P = (H+m) ɤ, from the sketch
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Chapter 4: Tunnel Support System Design
The resultant uplift vertical pressure acting at the centre line on the bottom
plane, resulting from bottom pressures acting at the corners and
trigonometric transformations, is given by Equation 4-17
sin2 (45° − 0.5ϕ) Equation 4-17 Upheaval force is
To = 2E
cosϕ much less than theory
Substituting and solving for To gives 16.11kN suggests as 0.5Pv =
To =
399.59kN. Therefore,
the larger value is
considered hence To =
Pinvert = 399.59kN
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Chapter 4: Tunnel Support System Design
From the calculations (Table 4-2) the minimum expected support capacities are 799.17kN,
591.47kN and 399.59kN for the tunnel roof, sidewall and invert and their corresponding UDLs
are 62kN/m, 66kN/m and 33kN/m, respectively. Whereas different designs could be considered
to suit the variable requirements of the roof, sidewall and invert, for ease of practical application
on site, a uniform bolt size corresponding to the highest load was recommended as the minimum
capacity to withstand all loads. For this study, an ultimate load of 66kN/m was considered. A
corresponding suitable rock bolt capacity is selected from manufacturers’ design tables. Various
tables are available and can be accessed online. This study used Table 4-3 because it was the
manufacturer’s option considered for the Karuma project by the contractor. From the table, a
16 mm diameter bolt with an ultimate load carrying capacity of 111kN was suitable.
The choice of installation method including the decision to fully grout or not is usually tailored
to suit specific geological conditions, the design geotechnical engineer’s recommendation and
the practical discretion of the contractor. This study recommended;
1. Inclusion of drainage provision behind the support rings. The geotechnical investigations
recorded some sections as below the ground water table and some exposed rock surfaces
were wet indicating some underground water flows (Karuma, 2015).
2. A pattern of fully grouted rock bolts with face plates installed at 1-1.5 m spacing apart. The
bolts are necessary to provide primary support by stitching the rock mass, anchoring loose
unstable wedges and resisting the peak loads. Face plates are necessary to cap the bolt and
secure it firmly onto the rock surface (Franki, 2008). The closest minimum spacing is
suggested to enhance the effect of the beam stitching thereby stability of the tunnel
(Kristjánsson, 2014; JunLu, 1999).
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Chapter 4: Tunnel Support System Design
3. 200 mm thick wire-mesh reinforced shotcrete lining. The purpose of this support ring will be
to protect smaller rock wedges, not directly anchored by the bolts, from spalling (Franki,
4. A final lining of 400 mm thick reinforced concrete. This support ring provides secondary
structural support to the excavation and it provides more permanency than the shotcrete
(Hoek et al., 1995).
Contractor discretion and practicality are important in tunneling. Therefore, the design can be
adapted accordingly but in consultation with an experienced geotechnical engineering
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Chapter 4: Tunnel Support System Design
Figure 4-10: (a) Stereonet and (b) isolated unstable wedges based on joint sets
Initially the software model was calibrated before the tunnel support system was designed. The
purpose of calibration was to develop a model which replicates the actual field situation by either
parameter fitting of measured or historic data or reliance on expert estimations (Shull, 2007). In
this study, the recommended calibration method involved adjusting the mesh set up using 4 and
10 noded tetrahedron uniformly graded meshes (Carl et al., 2006). Eventually, expert estimations
had to be relied on because of the RS3software limitations to support parameter fitting.
Development of the 3D RS3 tunnel support system model involved the following generic steps
(representative screenshots are included in Appendix D.4).
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Chapter 4: Tunnel Support System Design
1. The project settings were adjusted to metric units, cartesian plane orientation of the plunge
was horizontal, stress analysis as 500 iterations and groundwater conditions as none because
no groundwater table was encountered.
2. External and excavation boundary conditions were specified by geometry selection.
3. Material properties and excavation sequence were defined. Slices were used to differentiate
the rock materials and excavation was modelled using three sequential stages.
For conservative design, the weakest highly weathered granite gneiss rock material was analysed.
4. Support bolts and liner properties were defined.
Support capacities were selected based on four criteria 1) software suggested parameters, 2)
published theory and experiences, 3) convergence of stresses and 4) iterative trial computations.
5. In-situ stress conditions were defined and boundary extents fixed by auto restrain
underground so that the model performed as a rigid body during the analysis.
Caution was taken to ensure that the distance between boundary extents and the excavation was
at least four times the tunnel diameter following TLDG (2004) recommendation.
6. Rock wedges were simulated by customizing a 4 noded tetrahedron graded mesh. The study
model developed has 1,091,895 tetrahedron elements and 1,496,473 nodes in total.
7. Analysis was by computation of the model. Model instability was evaluated by considering
field stresses, stress redistribution, displacement and associated unstable wedges.
8. Support parameters which limited deformation, stresses and failure of the surrounding rock
mass were then selected. In this study, pattern rock bolting, wire mesh reinforced shotcrete
and reinforced concrete linings were selected in order to ensure robust support of the
9. Finally, the results of the analysis were viewed.
The tunnel deformation which comprised stress redistribution (Figure 4-12), displacement
(Figure 4-13), extent of failure zone (Figure 4-14) and loose wedges (Figure 4-15) were identified
and evaluated. The red arrows showed the extent of tunnel deformation and the maximum value
was read off the interpret window. The extent of unstable wedges was measured using a linear
dimension tool and the longest dimension was approximately 3 m beyond the excavated face.
Results were assessed and the sequence of re-adjustment, re-meshing and re-computation of the
model were repeated until eventually support which counteracted the deformation was achieved
(Figure 4-16) and the model converged. The FEM analysis and support design are summarized
in Table 4-4.
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Figure 4-12: Deformed contours showing extent of caving in from stress redistribution
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Solids: Total
min (all): 0 m
min (stage): 0 m
max (stage): 0.0332424 m
max (all): 0.0360994 m
Solids: Total
min (all): 0 m
min (stage): 0 m
max (stage): 0.0313514 m
max (all): 0.0313514 m
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Chapter 4: Tunnel Support System Design
Solids: Total
min (all): 0 m
min (stage): 0 m
max (stage): 0.0332424 m
max (all): 0.0360994 m
Shear failure
Joint #1 shear failure
Joint #2 shear failure
Joint #3 shear failure
Tension failure
Joint #1 tension failure
Joint #2 tension failure
Joint #3 tension failure
b Critical state failure
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Chapter 4: Tunnel Support System Design
rock type, features and discontinuities are evaluated by observation and by use of handy tools.
The geological campus and hammer are common handy tools which are used to measure the
angle of dip or strike of major discontinuities and to estimate rock strength when a mechanical
force is applied onto the excavated surface by knocking it with both head and tip, respectively.
Figure 4-17 shows both tools. Charts are used to quickly estimate suitable tunnel support
requirements for site specific characteristics. Nonetheless, most geological methods are useful
throughout the project lifecycle for both early approximations and final design.
a b
During the site visit, along with an experienced geologist, the excavated surface was scratched,
broken and peeled with a relatively hard blow of the tip of the hammer indicating weak rock (see
Figure 4-18). Additionally, from the field observations, geological descriptions, structure and
surface conditions of the rock, a GSI value of around 30 was selected from the inbuilt RocData
GSI chart shown in Figure 4-19.
a b
Figure 4-18: Assessing rock strength with a) tip and b) head of the geological hammer
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From the GIs, a Q value of 0.4 was obtained and recorded as indicative of very poor ground
conditions. Conventional estimation of the tunnel support involved the following steps.
1. Using the Q value, the support capacity selected ranged between 30 to 60 tonnes per square
meter as shown in Figure 4-20. In meteric units, the support is equivalent to 294.2 -
2. A more comprehensive estimation of support parameters was assessed using Figure 4-21.
The chart was used to estimate bolt length, spacing and shotcrete thickness by relating the Q-
value, Excavation Support Ratio (ESR) and tunnel dimensions. The span and height relate to the
sidewall and roof support, respectively.
3. The Span/ESR and Height/ESR ratio were computed and their intersections with the Q-
value gave the suitable reinforcement category for the sidewalls and roof, respectively.
4. Corresponding details of support requirements were then read off at the bottom of the
5. The bolt length for a unit ESR was read off at the right-hand vertical axis.
6. Suitable length of the rock bolt was then calculated as a product of the respective reading
and the ESR value of 1.6.
Table 4-5 summarizes support requirements based on the conventional method. However, a 5 m
bolt length and 200 mm thick shotcrete lining were considered for practical and safety reasons
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Chapter 4: Tunnel Support System Design
instead of bolt lengths of 4.4 m and 120 mm and shotcrete thicknesses of 3.8 m and 90 mm for
the sidewalls and roof, respectively.
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From the second graph, the tunnel support was necessary but no actual capacities of the support
could be determined using the second chart. Clearly, neither chart can be used independently to
fully design tunnel support. Both methods are simplistic and incidental in nature because most
important considerations such as hydrogeology, strain, in-situ stresses, Young’s modulus and the
Poisson’s ratio are not catered for. The chart methods are fixed and constructability issues such
as relaxation, stress redistribution and deformation which influence rock loads and support
capacities are overlooked. Furthermore, there is no indication of concrete lining requirements.
4.3 Summary
This chapter presented three independent approaches to designing a tunnel support system.
Geological conditions of a Karuma tunnel segment were considered. The support was designed
by the analytical method, finite element method and conventional method. The analytical design
of tunnel support gave the most conservative values of the rock loads, thereby support capacities.
FEM analysis gave the least conservative capacities but significantly longer rock bolts. The
traditional method estimated a range of support pressures. However, the methods were
independent of each other and neither approach fed into another in any of the three methods
thereby giving different outputs for the same instability problem. Therefore, the output results
were dissimilar and not directly comparable. Table 4-6 summarizes the different results and the
tunnel support system is illustrated in Figure 4-22 and Figure 4-23 below.
Considering the uniqueness of each method, it is recommended that the design of tunnel support
systems assesses geotechnical engineering instability problems using each of the methods
independently. The most conservative design, which represents the highest factor of safety,
should then be considered as the required adequate parameter for stability of the underground
excavated civil structure.
[Ongodia J. E.]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system] 123
Chapter 4: Tunnel Support System Design
Table 4-6: Evaluation of Karuma tunnel support from the different methods
Finite Element Conventional
Item description Analytical method
Method (FEM) method
Geological and
Geological material
Main basis and theme Earth pressures finite element
Pv = 799.17 kN
Compressive stress
Rock loads to be resisted Ph = 591.47 kN Unknown
= 15 MPa
Pinvert = 399.59 kN
Rock bolts, Rock bolts,
Rock bolts, shotcrete
Tunnel support system shotcrete and shotcrete and
and concrete
concrete concrete
Support capacity 111 kN 102 kN 294.2 – 588.4 kPa
*Rock bolts [length (m) @ spacing (m)]
(usually available in 10 @ 1.5 5 @ 1.5
(usually steel)
6m lengths)
Bolt diameter (mm) 16 19 **Unspecified
Fibre reinforced shotcrete thickness (mm) 200 200 200
400 mm thick class 25 400 mm thick class
Reinforced concrete lining (mm) Unspecified
1. For practical reasons, uniform supports are recommended for the tunnel roof, sidewall and invert.
2. Support installation is subject to practicability on site with regards to field geological conditions, construction
method, contractor expertise, market availability and cost. However, a registered geotechnical engineer with
underground experience must be consulted to ensure overall stability and safety of the excavation.
3. Field stresses, deformation and stress relaxation should be investigated continually.
4. * Fully grouted rock bolts with face plates are recommended.
5. **Bolt dimensions are according to manufacturer production lengths.
6. A minimum spacing of 1 m is usually recommended; although spacing generally depends on the rock quality
and geological conditions encountered during tunnel excavation.
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Chapter 4: Tunnel Support System Design
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[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system] 125
Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendations
5.1 Conclusion
The study explored the design of a support system for a 9 m high 13 m wide span underground
horseshoe-shaped tunnel excavated approximately 70 m below the ground surface. Karuma’s
typical geological conditions which formed the input for three approaches comprised highly
weathered class IV rock with a unit weight, ɤ of 27.5kN/m3, cohesion, c of 13.11kPa, angle of
internal friction, ϕ of 32°, Young’s modulus, Εm = 5000MPa, Poisson’s ratio, ν of 0.25 and rock
mass quality, Q of 0.72.
The following observations were made from the study;
1. The solution of an instability problem varies depending on the method used to analyze it.
2. The analytical, FEM and conventional methods are independent with no correlations.
3. Design of tunnel support systems by the analytical method was most conservative. In this
study, an ultimate load of 799.17 kN was calculated for Karuma rock and the
corresponding minimum principal support recommended was a pattern of 16 mm diameter
fully grouted rock bolts, each of capacity 111kN spaced a meter apart.
Overall this study found that a comprehensive design of an adequate tunnel support system
cannot be accomplished using only one approach. The required support selected should be the
most conservative result of the different independent solutions. The highest capacity of the
support represents the highest factor of safety, a universal engineering design concept. Through
rigorous designs, underground geotechnical engineering instability problems causing tunnel
catastrophes may consequently be minimized thereby addressing the societal outcries.
[Ongodia J. E.]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system] 126
Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendations
5.2 Recommendations
The following recommendations were made for further study to improve geotechnical
engineering design of support systems for tunnel structures:
1. Undertake further research and studies to improve geotechnical engineering and rock
mechanics equations for computation of rock loads, including possible determination of
bolt spacing based on an equivalent uniformly distributed load.
2. Streamlining the analytical, FEM and convetional methods for the design of tunnel support
systems in order to give correlated results to an instability problem.
3. Conducting a hollistic study which involves assesing the effect of each assumption
independently and behavior of the excavation alongside real-time field testing and
monitoring. Instrumentation can be embeded to record real time rock mass deformation and
stress characteristics so as to develop a reliable mathematical tool based on actual field data.
4. Collation of tunnel information and data in order to model the behaviour of surrounding
rock mass so as to assess actual field conditions and check practicality of the models.
5. Investigating the external prolonged pore water pressure build-up resulting from
hydrogeological ground processes and internal water loads experiencing operational
[Ongodia J. E.]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system] 127
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Abstract Accepted
Ongodia, J.E., Kalumba, D., Brajesh, K. O., & Mutikanga, H.E. Design Considerations for
Optimum Support System Components of a Hydropower Tunnel- A case study of Karuma
(600MW) hydropower dam in Uganda. Submitted for the International Conference on
Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ICSMGE) 2017 to be held in COEX,
Seoul, Korea
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Chapter 7: Appendices
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Chapter 7: Appendices
A Tunnel orientations
[Ongodia J.E]
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Chapter 7: Appendices
B.1 Hardness scales: Give relative hardness of minerals on Moh’s scale and other methods.
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[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
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[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
Chapter 7: Appendices
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Chapter 7: Appendices
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[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
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C.1 Competency
[Ongodia J.E]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
Chapter 7: Appendices
Rating 6 4 2 1 0
Separation (aperture) (mm) None <0.1 0.1 – 1.0 1 –5 >5
Rating 6 5 4 1 0
Rougness Very rough Rough Slightly Smooth Slickensided
Rating 6 5 3 1 0
Infilling (gouge) (mm) None Hard filling Hard filling Soft filling <5 Hard filling >5
<5 >5 2
Rating 6 4 2 0
Weathering Unweathered Slightly Moderately Highly Decomposed
weathered weathered weathered
Ratings 6 5 3 1 0
Strike perpendicular to tunnel axis Strike parallel to tunnel axis
Drive with dip-Dip 45 - 90ᵒ Drive with dip-Dip 20 - 45ᵒ Dip 45 - 90ᵒ Dip 20 - 45ᵒ
Very favourable Favourable Very favourable Fair
Drive against dip-Dip 45 - 90ᵒ Drive against dip-Dip 20 - 45ᵒ Dip 0 – 20ᵒ irrespective of strike degree
Fair Unfavourable Fair
- Some conditions are mutually exclusive. For instance, if filling is present, the roughness of the surface will be overshadowed by the influence of the gouge. In
such cases use A.4 directly.
- Modified after Wickham et al. (1972)
Bieniawski’s rock mass rating system
Source: Adapted after RTM (2009)
[Ongodia J.E]
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[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
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[Ongodia J.E]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
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[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
Chapter 7: Appendices
[Ongodia J.E]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
Chapter 7: Appendices
D Karuma
D.1 Geotechnical investigation data
[Ongodia J.E]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
Chapter 7: Appendices
Standard names of the formations are given based on the native names of the areas where they are geographically located. The period of
their formation is defined in geological terms. The table is a useful tool for data collection and gathering geological information. Also,
both the geological structures and lithology of each formation are presented in the table.
Pyroclastic and lahar-type alkaline/sodic volcanic rocks and associated carbonatite plugs
Elgon complex Neogene Eastern Uganda
and fenites deposited in the linear Elgon depression
Forms part of the Tanzania Craton and is a predominantly granite-greenstone terrane with
Lake Victoria terrane15 Neoarchean Southwestern Uganda
nepheline syenite and gabbro intrusions.
Gneissose-granitoid basement formed during the Eburnian Orogenic Cycle. The fold belt
Rwenzori fold belt Palaeoproterozoic wraps around the Tanzania Craton with a predominantly ENE-WSW structural trend in Southern Uganda
the east, curving into a N-S trend in the south-west.
A terrane is a fault-bounded area or region with a distinctive stratigraphy, structure and geological history. It is also a shorthand term in geology for a
"tectonostratigraphic terrane".
[Ongodia J.E]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
Chapter 7: Appendices
It is a younger belt compared to the Mityana Group. It comprises rocks of glacial and
Bunyoro Group Palaeoproterozoic Western Uganda
periglacial origin related to the Sturtian glaciation.
[Ongodia J.E]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
Chapter 7: Appendices
This is composed of reworked rocks of the West Nile Block (WNB) and North Uganda
Archean- Between the WNB and
Madi Igisi Belt Terrane (NUT) and younger Proterozoic meta-volcanics, metasediments and ultramafics.
Proterozoic NUT.
It is a narrow thrust and shear belt trending north-south
This is a hydrocarbon-bearing sequence of terrigenous sediments, alkaline/sodic
Late Eocene- volcanics and ultra-potassic and carbonatitic volcanics.
Albertine Graben Western Uganda
Neogene It is a 4 km thick sequence which was laid down in the Albertine Rift, a part of the
Western Rift
Mesozoic- Karoo deposits are restricted to a few small occurrences and comprise clays, minor
Karoo Basins Southern Uganda
Palaeozoic arenaceous and carbonaceous beds, siltstone, diamictites and dropstones.
Lake Victoria strandline Central and Western
deposits, Lake Kyoga raised Pleistocene- Discontinuous deposits, predominantly beach sands and gravels, with finer silts and Uganda
beach deposits, and Albertine Holocene clays.
Nile deposits
Source: Adapted from Owor et al. (2016)
[Ongodia J.E]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
Chapter 7: Appendices
The peak lateral earth pressure is assumed to correspond to the roof pressure,
such that the lateral pressure intensity e1 and e2 at the tunnel roof and invert,
respectively will be
e1 = Ph tan2 (45° − 0.5ϕ) − 2ctan(45° − 0.5ϕ)
at invert level the mɤ component of the wedge is added, thus:
e2 = (Ph + 𝑚ɤ) tan2 (45° − 0.5ϕ) − 2ctan(45° − 0.5ϕ)
[Ongodia J.E]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
Chapter 7: Appendices
Hydrostatic pressure Hydrostatic pressure load of water, normal to the tunnel surface = load of RTM (2009)
water / external hydrostatic pressure
Internal loads Inflow and lining pressure analysis using flow net US Army Corps Data from field-
(EM_1110-2-2901) installed piezometers
is used to draw the
flow net.
[Ongodia J.E]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
Chapter 7: Appendices
[Ongodia J.E]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
Chapter 7: Appendices
where L = length (m), B = span (m), h = height of excavation (m) and ESR
is the Excavation Support Ratio
F(kN) = 0.557GSI2 - 46.6GSI + 1114
with GSI = 9ln(Qʹ) + 40 and Qʹ = Q with Jw = SRF = 1
where GSI is geological strength index, Q is the tunneling index, Jw is the
joint water-reduction factor and SRF is the stress reduction factor.
[Ongodia J.E]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
Chapter 7: Appendices
[Ongodia J.E]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
Chapter 7: Appendices
[Ongodia J.E]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
Chapter 7: Appendices
Material properties
[Ongodia J.E]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
Chapter 7: Appendices
a b
(a) Properties assigned to model and (b) Slices representing different rock materials at the segment
Bolt properties
[Ongodia J.E]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
Chapter 7: Appendices
[Ongodia J.E]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
Chapter 7: Appendices
Underground restraints
a b
[Ongodia J.E]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
Chapter 7: Appendices
a b
[Ongodia J.E]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
Chapter 7: Appendices
Solids: Mean Stress Effective Solids: Mean Stress Total Solids: Mean Principal StrainSolids: Total Displacement Solids: Strength Factor
min (all): 2.30589 kPa min (all): 2.30589 kPa min (all): -0.000179472 min (all): 0 m min (all): -1
min (stage): 2.30589 kPa min (stage): 2.30589 kPa min (stage): -0.000179472 min (stage): 0 m min (stage): -1
2 2 -1.8150000e-004 0.00000 -2.5
Uniform mesh calibration results of stress, strain, displacement and strength factor
Note: From the calibration, effective parameters were equal to the total parameters as expected
from theory since the ground water table was not encountered.
[Ongodia J.E]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
Chapter 7: Appendices
[Ongodia J.E]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
Chapter 7: Appendices
[Ongodia J.E]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]
Chapter 7: Appendices
[Ongodia J.E]
[Geotechnical engineering design of a tunnel support system]