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Mljekarstvo 5 9 2009 p201 p208

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I. RUMORA et al.

: Analysis and optimisation of calcium content, Mljekarstvo 59 (3), 201-208 (2009) 201

Original scientific paper - Izvorni znanstveni rad UDK: 637.046

Analysis and optimisation of calcium content in menus and

dairy offer in Croatian kindergartens
Ivana Rumora, Jasenka Gajdoš Kljusurić*,
Vesna Bosanac

Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology,

University of Zagreb, Pierottijeva 6, Zagreb

Received - Prispjelo: 26.03.2009.

Accepted - Prihvaćeno: 09.07.2009.

The importance of healthy diet from the earliest age as well as its influence on human
health is indisputable. Unbalanced diet in childhood can, along with unhealthy lifestyle
(stress, smoking, physical inactivity), cause a number of diseases at a later age. Two-week
menus in 26 kindergartens from continental and coastal Croatia have been analysed, tak-
ing into consideration the type of kindergarten (public, private, or religious). The aim of
this research is to determine the quality of the offer regarding the intake of milk and dairy
products, which, regarding their bioavailability, represent a major source of calcium, an
essential nutrient in the intensive growth phase of children and young people. Using basic
statistics, significant differences were not determined neither in the regional offer of milk
and dairy products in the different types of kindergartens nor in the content of calcium
and phosphorus. Milk and dairy products were adequately represented in the weekly offer
in both regions under observation, and the average offer contained 9.7±1.5 servings. Aver-
age content of calcium in daily menues is 714.5±235.9 mg, which is in agreement with
dietary reference intake recommendations (300-800 mg) and Croatian recommendations
(400-700 mg). Use of fuzzy logic in creating new daily menus, by combining the existing
offers enabled significant enlargement of the set of nutritionally acceptable menus as well
as a greater diversity of meals.
Key words: milk and dairy products, calcium, kindergartens, fuzzy logic

10, 25, 35 and 10 % of children’s daily energy needs
Kindergartens are public institutions in which representivly. In Croatia, the capacities of the kin-
programmes of preschool education take place for dergartens are sufficient for 56.64 % of all children
children aged one (with exceptions of 6 months aged 1-7. From the total number of children in the
old) until they start attending elementary school. kindergarten, 12.97 % go to private or religious ones,
Depending on the programme, children spend in while the remaining 87.03 % go to public kindergar-
kindergarten between 5 and 10 hours a day, which tens.
means that the majority of their nutritional require- Irregular diet in childhood, rich in saturated
ments are consumed there. According to the recom- fat and monosaccharides, increases the risk of a
mendations (Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, number of chronic diseases such as vascular disease,
2007), children who spend 8-10 hours in the kin- hypertension, caries, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis,
dergarten should be offered 4 meals: breakfast, elev- atopic and autoimmune diseases, or inflammatory
enses lunch and afternoon snack which cover aprox. bowel diseases as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative coli-
*Corresponding author/Dopisni autor: Phone/Tel.: +385 1 4605 025; E-mail: jgajdos@pbf.hr
202 I. RUMORA et al.: Analysis and optimisation of calcium content, Mljekarstvo 59 (3), 201-209 (2009)

tis (Nicholls and Grindrod, 2009). Initiation of Materials and methods

these diseases can already begin in childhood as well
as their prevention. Menus are collected from the kindergartens
from all parts of Croatia (areas of Zagreb, Osijek, Ri-
Calcium plays an important role in the preven-
jeka, Split and islands) that are using the recommen-
tion of various diseases, so it can be of use as a protec-
dations of the latest food standards (Vučemilović
tion from hypertension - sufficient intake of Ca can
and Vujić Šisler, 2007) in their meal planning.
lower the blood pressure and thus reverse the effect
Using the database of the composition of food
of high intake of sodium (Kourlaba et al., 2009;
(USDA, 2008) and according to the standards and
Saks et al., 2001). Considering that bone function
recommended intake (Ministry of Health and So-
includes the storage of calcium and phosphorus, a
cial Welfare, 2007), menu offers from 26 kindergar-
reduction in the content of these elements in bone
tens were calculated. 9 kindergartens were private
may trigger homeostasis and the maintenance of
(5 from the continental part and 4 from the coastal
normal physiologic functions of the growing organ-
part of Croatia), and 17 were public kindergartens
ism during a short period of time (Tala de Souza
(9 from the continent, and 8 from the coast). Often,
et al., 2002). Milk is regarding its bioavailability a
there is one central kitchen that supplies several kin-
great source of calcium, and it also provides other
dergartens in its vicinity. For that reason, not many
nutrients including magnesium, phosphorus, and
kindergartens were taken into consideration.
vitamin D in amounts and forms that are suitable
for the absorption of each of these nutrients. Being Analysis, evaluation and planning of daily men-
rich with other nutrients, cereals, seeds, fish eaten us is based on combining the offers that fulfil 80 %
with bones, or dried fruit are also valuable sources of of daily needs (Ministry of Health and Social Wel-
calcium and phosphorus. That is why the selection fare, 2007) because the majority of children (78 %)
of milk and dairy products as a part of kindergarten spend 8-10 hours a day in kindergarten (Ministry of
menus has been specially analysed. Science, Education and Sports, Croatia, 2009). Two-
week offers, selected by a random sampling, were
Regarding the new Food standard for planning
observed for each kindergarten. The daily offers
children’s diet in kindergartens (Vučemilović and
consisted of breakfast, elevenses (a snack between
Vujić Šisler, 2007), which found its application
breakfast and lunch), lunch and a snack offered after
in a number of kindergartens during 2008, the aim
the afternoon nap. Basic statistics were performed
of this research is to use computational analysis to
using program Statistica v.7.1.
evaluate if the investigated menus from the kinder-
gartens which have accepted the new standard, fulfil The analysis and optimisation of a large number
the requirements of children aged 1-6 for Ca and of meals on the menu were performed using a com-
P, and whether the intake of dairy products corre- puter programme (Gajdoš Kljusurić and Kurta-
sponds to the recommendations by the programme njek, 2003) adapted for the analysis and optimisa-
of the Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health and tion of children’s diet. The following values in the
Social Welfare, 2002 and 2007). The aim in this meal offers were monitored: energy, proteins, car-
research was to compare the kindergarten meals bohydrates, fat, minerals Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu and P,
regarding to the milk offer and the dairy product and vitamins A, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, B6 and
offers, with particularly respect to calcium and C. All these nutrients were monitored during meal
phosphorus, considering the kindergarten type and offer analysis and new meal offers planning, with a
placement. Linguistic variables are oftenly used in special attention paid to the ratio of milk and milk
meal planning such as “increase” intake, “insignifi- products regarding the bioavailability of calcium
cant” deviation, etc., which are “fuzzy”. Because of and phosphorus in them, all according to the direc-
this, the next step of the research was to present the tives prescribed by the programme of the Ministry
possibility of using a computer program based on of Health (Ministry of Health and Social Welfare,
fuzzy logic in meal offer analysis as well as in creat- 2007).
ing new meal offers, observing as much as possible A computer program was used to determine
nutrients which increases the nutrient quality of the whether it is possible to combine daily offers with
offers. parts of the menus from some other days and whether
I. RUMORA et al.: Analysis and optimisation of calcium content, Mljekarstvo 59 (3), 201-208 (2009) 203

in this case the daily offer still fulfils the energy and The majority of children in kindergartens
nutritional needs of children. Combinations were are aged 4-6 (Ministry of Science, Education and
made for each kindergarten separately as well as Sports, Croatia, 2009). Major sources of calcium
amongst them. For evaluation of a large number of for that age bracket are milk (approx. 40 % of daily
possible daily combinations, Prerow value, PV, was Ca intake) and milk products (approx. 20 % of daily
used to estimate the coordination between the com- Ca intake), while the remaining sources of Ca are
puter generated calculation and the recommenda- various cereals, seeds and legumes (oat flakes, chick-
tions as follows: peas, sesame, corn), which are offered as mash or
bread and rolls, and vegetables. Table 1 shows the
average values of calcium and phosphorus content
regarding the tested regions of Croatia and based on
the data comparison, a significant difference in the
where PV is Prerow value, n is the number of the amounts of these two nutrients was not observed (P
monitored nutrients, μ(xi) is the function of each value >0,5). DRI recommendations for calcium for
nutrient, i = 1, 2, . . . , n, i.e. the monitored nutri- children aged 1-3 are 500 mg/day, and for the age
ent. 4-8800 mg/day, while the recommendations given
by the programme (Ministry of Health and Social
PV value can be between 0 and 1, the accept- Welfare, 2007) are 600 mg/day for children aged
able value is >0.7. Combinations with PV<0.7 are 1-3 and 700 mg/day for children aged 4-6. Using
nutritionally unacceptable because they can have the same statistical analysis, it was determined that
a number of adverse effects on human health, es- there were no statistically significant differences be-
pecially over a longer period of time (Wirsam and tween the Ca and P content of the continental and
Hahn, 1999). coastal menus, and that the amounts of monitored
minerals do not differ among kindergarten types
(public vs. private, or religious).
Results and discussion From the results in Table 1 it can be seen that
Taking into consideration that the majority of the average content of Ca and P in menus is in agree-
children spend up to 10 hours a day in kindergartens, ment with Croatian (Ca=700 mg/day; P=600 mg/
and that 80 % of their daily nutritional requirements day) as well as DRI recommendations (Ca=800 mg/
should be fulfilled in that period, it is essential that day; P=500 mg/day). Presently Ca from milk and
the offer and intake of food are in agreement with dairy products makes 68.7 % of total offer on the
the recommendations. daily menu. Its ratio in the meals can be divided in

Table 1: Average values of calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) amounts in menus for children aged 4-6,
regarding kindergarten type
Tablica 1: Prosječna količina kalcija (Ca) i fosfora (P) u jelovnicima za djecu od 4 do 6 godina, prema vrsti
dječjeg vrtića

Public kindergarten* Private or religious kindergarten#

Kindergartens Državni vrtići* Privatni ili vjerski vrtići#
Vrtići Ca (mg)
P (mg) Ca (mg) P (mg)
(N=26) mean±sd
mean±sd mean±sd mean±sd
srednja vrijednost±sd
Continental Croatia1
787.9±178.3 851.5±183.5 688.6 ± 207.3 842.6±123.9
Kontinentalni dio RH1
Coastal Croatia2
715.9±159.2 828.6±135.9 695.0 ± 197.6 796.5±106.8
Priobalni dio RH2
Average/Prosjek 732.8±152.3 846.5±119.9 704.8 ± 127.8 811.6±109.6
(N *=5; N =9; N *=4; N =8)
1 1# 2 2#
204 I. RUMORA et al.: Analysis and optimisation of calcium content, Mljekarstvo 59 (3), 201-209 (2009)

Table 2: Comparison of daily offers of Ca and P from milk and dairy products and total (years 2001 and
2008) in Croatia
Tablica 2: Usporedba dnevne ponude za Ca i P iz mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda i ukupno (godine 2001.
i 2008.) u RH
Milk and dairy/day (±SD) Total/day (±SD)
Average, Croatia
Mlijeko i mliječni proizvodi/dan (±SD) Ukupno/dan (±SD)
Prosjek, Hrvatska
Ca (mg) P (mg) Ca (mg) P (mg)
year 2001*
369.9±122.9 272.2±92.2 n.d. n.d.
2001. godina*
year 2008
479.1±139.4 329.6±99.5 714.5±235.9 823.7±202.5
2008. godina
*from Colić Barić & Brlečić, 2001; n.d. - not determined
*preuzeto iz Colić Barić & Brlečić, 2001; n.d. - nije utvrđeno

the following order: 39.6 % in breakfast, 17.3 % in intake from the sources that enable its best bioavail-
the afternoon snack, 8.0 % in elevenses, and 3.7 % in ability, i.e. milk and dairy products (Iuliano-Burns,
lunch. The meal that is the main source of phospho- et al, 1999; Gueguen and Pointillart, 2000). Care
rus is lunch (39.5 %), than follows breakfast (36 %), should also be taken about the same meal frequency
afternoon snack (15.7 %) and elevenses (8.8 %). The in order to avoid monotony (Komenović, 2006;
main foodstuffs representing the source of phospho- Percil, 1999).
rus are fish, meat, potatoes, rice, cereals, eggs and Average frequency of milk and dairy products
dairy spreads. in all menus was also calculated and it is shown in
However, for a good absorption of calcium in Table 3.
children, the amount of vitamin D is essential, as In the last 7 years, the offer of milk and dairy
well as the ratio of calcium and phosphorus (Ca:P). products as a part of the menus in preschool insti-
The organism synthesizes adequate amount of vita- tutions achieved advances, as presented in tables 2
min D if hands and face are exposed to sunlight for and 3.
at least 15 min a day (Biesalski and Grim, 2005;
Apart from satisfying the alimentary require-
Webster-Gandy et al., 2006), which is a daily
ments, kindergarten diet also has educational role, as
routine in kindergartens. Until recently it was con-
it creates habits for children who consume it every
sidered that Ca:P should be 1:1, but more recent
day (the right selection of foodstuffs, their amount
recommendations increase this ratio in favour of P,
in each meal, etc.).
so the average ratio is 1:1.5 or even 1:2 (as opposed
to Ca:P in human milk, where it is 2:1) (Alpers et The use of fuzzy sets in planning a diet shows
al., 2008). The analysis shows that the ratio in the that it is possible to model the recommendations for
offered meals varies from 1:1.13 to 1:1.5 (average daily intake of nutrients, which represent crisp val-
being 1:1.22), which is in agreement with the latest ues, into membership functions for each nutrient,
recommendations. and to obtain applicable results based on optimisa-
tion achieved by the use of fuzzy logic (Wirsam and
Food served to children every day should meet
Hahn, 1999; Gajdoš Kljusurić and Kurtanjek,
the needs for the expected energy intake, be of
2003). A model of membership function for Ca is
adequate amount and nutritive value, and offer di-
shown in fig. 1.
versity in order to develop healthy eating habits at
the earliest age. Moreover, the number of meals in Each of the kindergarten menus consists of
kindergartens should correspond to the length of a breakfast, elevenses, lunch and afternoon snack,
child’s stay there, as proposed by the law (Minis- and there are 10,000 possible combinations in a
try of Health and Social Welfare, 2007). Therefore, two-week offer (10 breakfasts×10 elevenses×10
special attention should be paid to the intake of nu- lunches×10 afternoon snacks). In total, there were
trients relevant for the growth, above all to calcium 26×10,000 combinations analysed. Prerow value
I. RUMORA et al.: Analysis and optimisation of calcium content, Mljekarstvo 59 (3), 201-208 (2009) 205

Table 3: Frequency of dairy offer per week in kindergartens which use nutrition standards
Tablica 3: Učestalost ponude mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda tijekom jednog tjedna u vrtićima koji koriste
prehrambene standarde
Average frequency (servings/5 days, ±SD)
Prosječna učestalost (serviranje/5 dana, ±SD)
Milk and dairy products year 2008
year 2001
Mlijeko i mliječni proizvodi 2008. godina
2001. godina
Public Private Average
Državni Privatni Prosjek
Milk, cocoa, white coffee
5.1±0.6 4.1±2.0 4.4±0.9 4.2±1.7
Mlijeko, kakao, bijela kava
Creamy pudding (blancmange)
0.6±0.5 0.5±0.5 0.9±0.7 0.7±0.6
Fermented dairy products
0.8±0.6 1.4±0.8 1.9±0.8 1.6±0.8
Fermentirani mliječni proizvodi
0.3±0.5 1.4±0.7 1.3±0.7 1.3±0.8
Dairy spreads
n.d. 1.2±0.8 1.4±0.7 1.2±0.7
Mliječni namazi
Semolina, grits or rice pudding
n.d. 0.6±0.6 0.7±0.6 0.7±0.6
Griz, krupica ili riža na mlijeku
Total: Milk and dairy products
6.8±0.9 9.7±1.5
Ukupno: mlijeko i proizvodi
*from Colić Barić and Brlečić, 2001

Figure 1: Recommended intake of calcium for children aged 3-8 using crisp and fuzzy set
Slika 1: Preporučeni unos kalcija za djecu od 3 do 8 godina, prikazan izrazitim i neizrazitim skupom

(PV), used to evaluate daily combinations, is accept- negative effects on human health, especially over a
able for a nutritionist if it is higher than 0.7, accord- longer period of time. On the other hand, daily of-
ing to the research by Wirsam et al. (1999) who fers with PV values between 0.7 and 1 (0.7≤PV≤1)
claim that an offer with PV value lower than 0.7 is are acceptable and represent a nutritionally balanced
nutritionally unacceptable as it can have a number of offers (McBride, 1997; Wirsam, 1999). Table 4
206 I. RUMORA et al.: Analysis and optimisation of calcium content, Mljekarstvo 59 (3), 201-209 (2009)

Table 4: Examples of the evaluation of combinations

Tablica 4: Primjer ocjena kombinacija

Examples for combinations with evaluation

Primjer kombinacije i ocjene
Example of the offer for children aged 1-3 Example of the offer for children aged 4-6
Primjer ponude za dob 1-3 godine Primjer ponude za dob 4-6 godina
No. Combination/Kombinacija PV Combination/Kombinacija PV
1 B1+S11+L1+S21 0.63 B5+S15+L5+S25 0.86
2 B1+S11+L1+S22 0.75 B5+S15+L5+S27 0.75

3 B1+S12+L1+S21 0.57 B2+S15+L5+S27 0.59

B1=milk and polenta; S11=fruit tea with honey; S12=yoghurt with oat flakes; L1=mashed potatoes, fried turkey upper leg, vegetable
sauce, plain bread; S21 =fruit yoghurt (strawberry); S22=fruit puree with biscuits; B2=white coffee, rye bread with butter and ham;
B5=milk, cornflakes and honey; S15=pear, tea; L5=vegetable soup with semolina, pasta in tuna and tomato sauce, salad with pumpkin-
seed oil, plain bread; S25=graham bread, melted cheese, tea with lemon and honey; S27=rye bread, cheese spread, yoghurt
B1=palenta s mlijekom; S11=voćni čaj s medom; S12=jogurt i zobene pahuljice; L1=pire krumpir, pečeni pureći zabatak, umak od
povrća, domaći kruh; S21=voćni jogurt (jagoda); S22=voćni biskvit; B2=bijela kava, raženi kruh sa maslacem i šunkericom; B5=mlijeko,
kornflakes i med; S15=kruška, čaj; L5=juha od povrća sa krupicom, tjestenina s tunom u umaku od rajčice, salata s bućinim uljem,
domaći kruh; S25=graham kruh, topljeni sir, čaj sa limunom i medom; S27=raženi kruh, sirni namaz, jogurt

shows offers for infant nursery (aged 1-3) and kin- for 400 days, or almost 16 monthly menus, can be
dergarten (aged 4-6). made and they would be different every day. It is
Variables of the meals are i=1, 2,...10, and they also important to point out that there were 8662
represent the same meal. Variable j=1, 2 represents badly balanced offers. The number of nutritionally
elevenses and snacks, where 1 is elevenses and 2 is acceptable combinations of menus for children aged
the afternoon snack. Accordingly, the meals had the 4-6, with PV>0.7, was significantly higher, 3100, of
following labels: breakfast B1, …., B10; elevenses S11, which 1220 had almost optimum nutritive offer. On
…., S110; lunch L1, …., R10; and afternoon snack S21, the other hand, among the nutritionally unbalanced
…, S210. combinations there were 6900 of them. Computer
planning using fuzzy logic also enables detailed ana-
From the results of optimisation it can be seen
lysis of any offer, isolating crucial nutrient or nutri-
that there are acceptable combinations (no. 2 for
ents that not meet the recommendations, as shown
ages 1-3; no. 1 and 2 for ages 4-6), as well as unac-
in table 5. Calcium, as a highly important nutrient,
ceptable ones, which are possible to offer but they
proved not to be critical during the analysis of the
would have a negative effect, especially if offered for
current offers nor in optimizing new ones, which is
a longer time (table 2).
confirmed by the results shown in table 5, especially
The analysis of the offered daily menus shows regarding the agreement of the number of meals
that 19.3 % of them do not fulfil all daily nutritional with the programme of the Ministry of Health (Min-
needs of children or meet the regulations. istry of Health and Social Welfare, 2007).
The application of fuzzy logic enables the in- The presented combination (table 5) is not
crease of diversity in offers for each kindergar- acceptable because of too high content of retinol
ten. By using various combinations, a maximum of equivalent (RE, 3720.47 IU) and too low intake
10,000 two-week offers for each kindergarten can of carbohydrates (119.34 g) and Zn (1.53 mg).
be reached, from which those that are nutritionally Therefore, it is enough that only one of 16 moni-
acceptable (PV≥0.7) can be singled out by the use tored nutrients has an unacceptable value (PV<0.7)
of fuzzy logic. Thus, for children aged 1-3, there is for a whole combination to be unacceptable, and
a set of 1338 nutritionally acceptable combinations, in the given example there are 3 nutrients that do
400 of which have PV≥0.8, representing a well ba- not correspond to the recommendations for that age
lanced offer. With these 400 combinations, menus bracket. The key to acceptability of this combina-
I. RUMORA et al.: Analysis and optimisation of calcium content, Mljekarstvo 59 (3), 201-208 (2009) 207

Table 5: Analysis of combination for children aged 1-3 (B1+L4+S11+S29, PV=0.28)

Tablica 5: Analiza kombinacije za djecu dobi 1-3 godine (B1+L4+S11+S29, PV=0,28)
Observed/Promatrano PV Content/Sadržaj
1 Energy/Energija (kcal) 0.81328 918.11
2 Proteins/Proteini (g) 0.91480 34.31
3 Fat/Masti (g) 0.95558 31.98
4 Carbohydrates/Ugljikohidrati (g) 0.67550 119.34
5 Ca (mg) 0.90030 401.22
6 Mg (mg) 0.97140 111.19
7 P (mg) 0.95236 649.99
8 Fe (mg) 0.99468 5.43
9 Zn (mg) 0.61200 1.53
10 Cu (mg) 0.95555 0.24
11 RE (IU) 0.31601 3720.47
12 B1 (mg) 0.97000 0.37
13 B2 (mg) 0.99642 0.45
14 Niacin (mg) 0.91483 10.08
15 B6 (mg) 0.99900 0.42
16 Vitamin C (mg) 0.93818 103.49
B1=milk and polenta; S11=fruit tea with honey; S29=banana and peach fruit puree;
L4=vegetable soup with millet, chicken in vegetable sauce, gnocchi, bread
B1=palenta s mlijekom; S11=voćni čaj s medom; S29=voćni pire od banane i breskve;
L4=juha od povrća s prosom, piletina u umaku od povrća, njoki, kruh

tion is a nutritionist who will, based on the critical menu if they vary slightly from the recommenda-
parameters, evaluate a potentially negative effect on tions (PV≥0.7). Minimum time period for planning
health. Since this is the case of a daily exceeding of menus is one week, so it is possible to annul slightly
the value, it is possible that the excessive intake of positive or negative deviations on daily basis. The ap-
RE will be annulled during the week. plication of fuzzy logic also showed a possibility of
rapid detection of a critical nutrient, which enables
Conclusions a nutritionist’s quick intervention and correction of
the offer. It is often considered that replacing food-
The analysed menus from public, private and stuffs (e.g. a spread in the snack) is a minor interven-
religious kindergartens indicate the diversity of milk tion in daily nutritive offer, but computer analysis
and dairy products offered, which is in agreement and planning show it is not so, and that such replace-
with the recommendations, as well as the adequate ments can change daily intake and the balance of
intake of calcium and phosphorus. A progress has
crucial nutrients.
also been observed in the past 7 years, which is a
result of the continuous work of qualified teams.
Analiza i optimiranje udjela kalcija te
Statistical analysis does not show any significant mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda u obrocima
differences in the offers of milk and dairy products, hrvatskih predškolskih ustanova
nor in the intake of calcium and phosphorus among
the analysed menus from the continental and coastal Sažetak
The use of fuzzy logic in analysis of a diet, Važnost pravilne prehrane za zdravstveni status
enables a significantly larger number of combina- neosporna je kao i njezin utjecaj od najranije dobi.
tions than which exist at the moment. It also gives Nepravilna prehrana u dječjoj dobi, uz nepovoljan
a possibility to accept some combinations of daily stil života (stres, pušenje, tjelesnu neaktivnost),
208 I. RUMORA et al.: Analysis and optimisation of calcium content, Mljekarstvo 59 (3), 201-209 (2009)

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