Progress in Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 139, 445-478, 2013
Progress in Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 139, 445-478, 2013
Progress in Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 139, 445-478, 2013
been constructed for the 2.4–2.6 GHz band and its performance has
been validated with a large set of measurements in various buildings [8].
In contrary to many existing tools no tuning of the tool’s parameters
is performed for the validation. Excellent correspondence between
measurements and predictions is obtained, even for other buildings
and floors [8]. As the distance loss contribution in the tool is
based on the free-space loss model for every environment, the tool
is generally applicable, while other tools are often too dependent of
the environment upon which the used propagation model is based.
Table 1. Sensitivities of the WiFi and LTE receivers (20 MHz channel)
and margin settings used in the network planner.
Receiver sensitivities
WiFi 802.11 g LTE (20 MHz channel)
PRx PHY throughput PRx PHY throughput
[dBm] [Mbps] [dBm] [Mbps]
−88 6 −92.6 8.5
−87 9 −88.1 12.7
−84 12 −80.6 16.9
−82 18 −77.1 25.3
−79 24 −72.1 33.8
−75 36 −68.1 40.6
−68 48 −61.7 50.7
−68 54
Margin settings
Shadowing margin 7 dB
Fade margin 5 dB
Interference margin 0 dB
‘LTE’. In the remainder of the paper, we will again only take into
account the fields caused by the WiFi and LTE transmitters.
WHIPP model @ 2400 MHz 103 WHIPP model @ 2600 MHz
WiFi access point simulations LTE femtocell simulations
WiFi DLink access point measurements
10 2
E [V/m]
E [V/m]
10 100
-2 -1 0 1 -2 -1 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
d [m] d [m]
(a) (b)
the WHIPP optimization module [8] delivers the ground plan with
the transmitter locations (see Fig. 2).
Many countries have different limitations or guidelines for electric-
field strengths: e.g., 6 V/m in Italy, 12 V/m in China, . . . (for
frequencies between 30 and 3000 MHz). Eq. (6) allows quickly
determining the transmit power limit to meet these restrictions. Once
EIRPmax is known, the network planning algorithm described in [8] is
used to design a network which satisfies both coverage and exposure
requirements. The methodology creates a network that meets the
different coverage requirements in the rooms on the building and where
the observed electric-field strength E does not exceed the threshold
value Edsmax that was set by the user, in any of the locations on the
building floor. The building floor is covered with the least number of
access points possible, by maximizing the AP power within the imposed
exposure limitations.
4.2.2. Algorithm
In this section, an algorithm is presented to minimize the global
exposure metric EM (average of median and 95%-percentile electric-
field value, see Section 4.2.1) on a building floor. Lower values of EM
will lead to a larger number of access points, but with lower transmit
power. The exposure minimization algorithm consists of four phases,
displayed in the flow graph of Fig. 3.
(1) In the first phase, a network containing low-power access points
with an EIRP of 1 dBm, is created. This is done according to the
optimization algorithm presented in [8, 28]. This yields a network
that covers the building floor according to the user’s throughput
requirements and with the given AP transmit power of 1 dBm
(see Fig. 3). This low transmit power (1 dBm) is chosen because
a network with many low-power transmitters is preferred over a
network with few high-power transmitters (that still provides the
same coverage though), due to the better exposure characteristics
of the former network.
(2) In a second phase, it is investigated if access points within 125%
of their line-of-sight range (circle around access point) from each
other, can be merged into one new access point (with a possibly
higher transmit power), yielding a new network with a lower EM
value. Practical experience has learned that the value of 125%
is high enough to not exclude possibly mergeable access points,
but not too high to needlessly investigate all access pairs. The
merging of two access points is only executed if the value for the
global exposure metric EM is lower for the new network. Merging
of an access point pair consists of removing the two access points
of the pair and adding one new access point at an optimal location
(= with a minimal EIRP). The access point pairs with the lowest
separation between each other are first investigated, because they
have the greatest probability of being merged. When merging,
the optimal location of the new access point is chosen as follows.
After removing the access point pair, it is calculated which receiver
points do not receive a sufficient power from the remaining access
points anymore: these receiver points will not obtain the requested
coverage anymore and they are collected in a set L. We now
want to cover all these points by placing a new transmitter with
a transmit power that is as low as possible (for the purpose of a
458 Plets et al.
5.1. Configuration
When evaluating and optimizing wireless networks for a low exposure,
a given coverage requirement always has to be met. Fig. 4 shows
the ground plan of the third floor (90 m × 17 m) of an office building
in Ghent, Belgium, for which we will intend to limit the human
exposure. The shaded rooms indicate the rooms and locations where
no coverage is required; these are kitchens, toilets, storerooms, elevator
shafts, . . . In the other rooms, the user can define a certain required
throughput (e.g., 54 Mbps, 18 Mbps, . . . ), which will be achieved
during 95% of the time and at 90% of the locations, according to
the margins defined in Table 1. For this specific case, the coverage
requirement in the building will be ‘HD video’ streaming access
(54 Mbps) throughout the entire building, except in the shaded rooms
(see Section 4.2.1). Furthermore, only WiFi access points will be placed
to form a homogeneous network. They are placed at a height of 200 cm
Figure 5 shows that when, at a fixed separation from the AP, the
maximally allowed exposure limit Emax ds increases, a higher EIRP is
allowed for the APs, leading to a lower total number of APs needed
to cover the building floor. E.g., for a separation of 10 cm, a network
with 16 access points is required according to the limit of 3 V/m in the
Belgian region of Wallonia, while 4 access points suffice according to
the Chinese limit of 12 V/m. At high field strength limits Emax ds , the
needed to cover the building floor. E.g., for Flanders, the number of
required access points increases from 3 to 11 if the assumed minimal
separation from the access point decreases from 1 m to 10 cm.
As an example of the exposure limitation (and calculation)
algorithm, Fig. 4 shows the resulting exposure map for the proposed
configuration for a maximal electric field Edsmax of 5 V/m at a separation
ds of 10 cm from the AP. This is indicated as one point (‘Fig. 4’) in
Fig. 5. This means that it is assumed that the EIRP of the access
points will be chosen in such a way that, as long as the human does
not approach the access point closer than 10 cm (= separation ds ), the
experienced field strength will not exceed 5 V/m (= Eds max ). For this
example configuration, 10 access points (with an EIRP of 9 dBm) are
needed. The electric-field strength for this configuration is visualized
in Fig. 4 using a colour code. The APs are not indicated in the figure,
but it is clear that their locations correspond to the center of the lighter
zones where the exposure is the highest. Obviously, the electric-field
strength decreases when moving away from the APs. The optimized
low-exposure network for the ground plan of Fig. 4 corresponds with
10 cm = 5 V/m and is also indicated in Fig. 5.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 139, 2013 463
In phase 2, access point pairs are merged (see Fig. 3, phase 2). The
six access point pairs that are circled in Fig. 6, can be merged with a
resulting lower global exposure EM (see Section 4.2.1). Fig. 7 shows
the resulting network after the second optimization phase (phase 2).
The newly placed access points are circled in Fig. 7 and have EIRPs
between 0 and 3 dBm. Although coverage is now provided with a lower
number of access points (17 (with EIRP between 1 and 3 dBm) instead
of 23 (with EIRP of 1 dBm)), the E50 and E95 values also decrease,
to respective values of 0.049 V/m and 0.174 V/m. EM decreases from
0.122 V/m to 0.112 V/m.
Prob[signal level<abscissa]
0.2 Phase 1
Phase 2 and 3
Phase 4
-2 -1
10 10 10 0
E [V/m]
Throughput #APs EIRP E 50 E 95 σ EM EM E traditional
Conguration M
[Mbps] [-] [dBm] [V/m] [V/m] [V/m] [V/m] [-] [-]
#APs EIRP E50 E95 σ EM Etraditional
Case M
[-] [dBm] [V/m] [V/m] [V/m] [V/m] [-]
Heterogeneous LTE-WiFi network (18 Mbps)
After 1 LTE 10 (femto)
0.021 0.135 0.068 0.079 2.33
phase 1 3 WiFi 1 (WiFi)
After 1 LTE 10 (femto)
0.021 0.135 0.068 0.079 2.33
phase 2 3 WiFi 1 (WiFi)
After 1 LTE 10 (femto)
0.021 0.135 0.068 0.079 2.33
phase 3 3 WiFi 1 (WiFi)
After 1 LTE 10 (femto)
0.020 0.135 0.066 0.077 2.39
phase 4 3 WiFi 0 or 1 (WiFi)
1 LTE 10 (femto)
Traditional 0.051 0.316 0.184 0.184 1
1 WiFi 20 (WiFi)
In Section 3.3, it was stated that for the exposure calculations, only the
dominant transmitter has been taken into account. This assumption
will now be validated for two different topologies: a dense network
with low-power transmitters and a traditional network deployment.
The investigated dense network is the homogeneous WiFi network
depicted in Fig. 8, the traditional network is a network that provides
the same coverage, but with only 3 access points with a high transmit
power (EIRP of 20 dBm). Two calculation methods will be applied
for the field strengths E at each building floor location. The first
calculation method calculates E as Edom , the method that has been
used throughout this paper: at each location, only the contribution
of the dominant transmitter (the transmitter providing the receiver
with the highest incident field) is considered. The second calculation
method calculates E as Etotal (see Section 3.3): at each location, the
fields from all sources are considered, according to Equation (4).
Table 6 shows the value of EM for these two network topologies
474 Plets et al.
for two calculation methods for the total electric field. The table
shows that the simplification of only taking into account the dominant
transmitter (E = Edom ) causes limited errors of at most 5.45% for
a very dense network and less than 1% for a traditional network
deployment. Importantly, using Edom instead of Etotal leads to
calculations that are up to 200 times faster.
EM E99
Topology Edom Etotal Edom Etotal
error error
[V/m] [V/m] [V/m] [V/m]
Traditional 0.329 0.332 0.90% 1.345 1.345 0.03%
Optimized 0.108 0.114 5.45% 0.360 0.362 0.44%
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