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Aissa SOULI1,

Abdelhafid HELLAL2, Rami BASHOUR3, Ahmad KHARAZ4

Nuclear research centre of Birine-Algeria (1), School of El Harrach-Algeria (2), University of Derby-UK (3), University of Derby-UK (4)


Impact of Loads on Power Flow in Power Systems Using

PowerApps and ETAP
Abstract. This paper presents a study of the impact of loads on power flow in power system. It deals with the impact of both the voltage nodes and
the transmission of active and reactive power in lines, and therefore the loss of active and reactive power in the system. Flexible Alternating Current
Transmission System (FACTS) devices are found to be encouraging in improving voltage stability limit in power systems. This paper investigates the
application of FACTS devices (Static Var Compensator, SVC) on a 9-bus multimachine power system, it deal with the line losses and improving
voltage stability limit. Amount of increased reactive power generation and line losses are taken as indicators of stressed conditions of a power
system. The use of SVC is identified by PowerApps and ETAP software packages. Both software are used for IEEE 9 bus test system and the
results obtained are presented and interpreted.

Streszczenie. Analizowano wpływ napięć w węzłach i przepływ mocy biernej i czynnej na pracę systemu energetycznego. Artykuł przedstawia
badania zastosowania urządzeń FACTS w dziewi1)ęcioszynowym, wielomaszynowym systemie. Wykorzystano oprogramowanie ETAP. Wpływ
obciążeń na przepływy mocy w systemie wykorzystującym PowerApps i oprogramowanie ETAP

Keywords: Power Flow, FACTS, SVC, PowerApps, ETAP.

Słowa kluczowe: przepływy mocy, FACTS, Etap

Introduction power semiconductor switches and their application in

Load flow study in power system parlance is the steady rectifiers, inverters, and various electronic circuits, and
state solution of the power system network [1]. The main FACTS.
information obtained from this study comprises the Harmonic power flow analysis has been extensively
magnitudes and phase angles of load bus voltages, reactive used to study harmonic propagation in the network. The
powers at generators buses, real and reactive power flow results of distortion level and voltage wave forms are useful
on transmission lines [2], other variables being known. to verify compliance with harmonic limits. Harmonic power
Usually a generating station is not situated near the load flow can be presented mathematically as [6]:
centre, but it may be away from load centre due to various
circumstances. In order to meet the ever-growing power (1) Vh   Z h I h 
demand, utilities prefer to rely on already existing
generation and power export/import transmission lines that Where [Zh] is the network impedance matrix;
are well below their thermal limits. However, certain lines [Ih] is the vector of nodal harmonic current injection of each
are overloaded, which has an overall effect of deteriorating bus; [Vh] is the resulting harmonic voltage; and h is the
voltage profiles and decreasing system stability and harmonic order. Harmonic assessment using harmonic
security. In addition, existing traditional transmission power flow can be separately conducted for every single
facilities, in most cases, are not designed to handle the diagram applying for connection to the network. Modifying
control requirements of complex, highly interconnected the diagram capacity or installing expensive harmonic filters
power systems [3].This overall situation requires the review is necessary when the proposal violates harmonic limits.
of traditional transmission methods and practices, and the However, solutions deemed reasonable for each individual
creation of new concepts, which would allow the use of connection could deliver poor results for the network as a
existing generation and transmission lines up to their full whole. For example, an early and minor connection may
capabilities without diminishing the system stability and prevent development of other larger sites due to adverse
security. Another reason that is forcing the review of harmonic propagation impacts, effectively reducing the total
traditional transmission methods is the tendency of modern hosting capacity of the network or increasing the cost of
power systems to follow the changes in today’s global additional filters.
economy that are leading to deregulation of electrical power
markets in order to stimulate competition between utilities. Modeling of FACTS Devices
Harmonic problems are not new to electric utility and FACTS technology opens up new opportunities for
industrial power systems. In the past, most harmonic- controlling line power flows [7], minimizing losses and
related problems were caused by large nonlinear loads maintaining bus voltages at desired level in a power system
such as arc furnaces. These types of problems have been network. These are done by controlling one or more of the
effectively mitigated. However, due to the widespread interrelated system parameters including series impedance,
proliferation of power electronic controlled devices shunt impedance, current, voltage, phase angle etc. with
nowadays, the problems caused by harmonics are of the insertion of facts controllers in a power system network.
increasing importance [4]. Power electronic loads offer a The groups of FACTS controllers are:
number of advantages in controlling power flow and in  Static Var Compensator (SVC).
 Thyristor-Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC).
efficiency, but they perform this by chopping, flatting, or  Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC).
shaping sinusoidal voltages and currents. Harmonics are  Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM).
produced in the process.  Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC).
 Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC)
Harmonic Power Flow Studies
The number and significance of nonlinear harmonics Static Var Compensator (SVC) Description and
producing devices [5] connected to the power system has Modeling
increased substantially during the past few years. Principal The SVC uses conventional thyristors to achieve fast
reasons for this increase include the development of high control of shunt-connected capacitors and reactors. The


configuration of the SVC is shown in Fig. 1, which basically in their specific IT environment and to address their
consists of a constant capacitor(C) and a thyristor controlled engineering analysis needs. This includes engineering
reactor (L).The delay angle control of the thyristor banks studies, assistance to integration and comprehensive
determines the equivalent shunt admittance presented to training.
the power system [8]. The power analysis studies database serves as the
New version of SVC is basically a shunt connected basis for improving system performance and power quality,
static Var generator/load whose output is adjusted to reducing operating costs, and providing a reliable supply of
exchange capacitive or inductive current so as to maintain power during system operation. Using the PowerApps
or control specific power system variables; typically, the software tool, engineers can deliver complete system
controlled variable is the SVC bus voltage [9]. optimization.

Typical Power System Analysis

 Load Flow.
 Transient Motor Starting Studies.
 Short Circuit Analysis.
 Protective Device Coordination Study.
 Harmonic Study.
 Economic Load Dispatch.
 Optimal Power Flow.
 Load Frequency Control.

ETAP is a fully graphical electrical power system
analysis program that runs on Microsoft® Windows
Fig.1. SVC connected to a transmission line
operating systems [12]. In addition to the standard offline
One of the major reasons for installing a SVC is to simulation modules, ETAP can utilize real-time operating
improve Dynamic voltage control and thus increase system data for advanced monitoring, real-time simulation,
load ability. An additional stabilizing signal, and optimization, and high-speed intelligent load shedding.
supplementary control, super imposed on the voltage ETAP has been designed and developed by engineers for
control loop of a SVC can provide damping of system engineers to handle the diverse discipline of power systems
oscillation as discussed [10]. in one integrated package with multiple interface views such
The model considers SVC as shunt-connected variable as AC and DC networks, cable raceways, ground grid, GIS,
susceptance, BSVC which is adapted automatically to panels, protective device coordination/selectivity, and AC
achieve the voltage control. The equivalent susceptance, and DC control system diagrams.
Beq is determined by the firing angle "of the thyristors that is ETAP allows user to work directly with graphical one-
defined as the delay angle measured from the peak of the line diagrams, underground cable raceway systems, three-
capacitor voltage to the firing instant. The dimensional cable systems, advanced time-current
fundamental frequency equivalent neglecting harmonics of coordination and selectivity plots, geographic information
the current results. system schematics (GIS), as well as three-dimensional
ground grid systems.
(2) Beq  BL ( )  Bc
Typical Power System Analysis
1 2 sin( 2 )
(3) B L ( )   (1   )  Load Flow Analysis.
L    Short-Circuit Analysis.
 Motor Acceleration Analysis.
(4) Bc  C  Harmonic Analysis.
 Transient Stability Analysis.
and 0     90   Optimal Power Flow.
If the real power consumed by the SVC is assumed to be  DC Load Flow and DC Short-Circuit Analysis.
zero, then:
System Description
(5) PSVC  0 A 9-bus 3-machine system [13], the system includes
three generators and three large equivalent loads
The reactive power generated by SVC is given by: connected in a meshed transmission network through
transmission lines as shown in Figure 2.
(6) QSVC   BSVC *V 2

Where V is the bus voltage magnitude.

Description of the Computer Tools

PowerApps is a consortium of experienced
professionals in the field of Power Systems Analysis &
Simulation with an established reputation for customer
responsiveness and technical expertise [11]. PowerApps
offers an extensive line of Power System Engineering
Software that feature some of the most advanced analysis
tools for transmission, distribution and industrial power
systems. It offers comprehensive services in order for
customers to fully benefit from the PowerApps applications Fig.2. Synoptic scheme of System IEEE, 9 Bus


The total generation is 519.5MW and total load is Table. 3. Load Flow with Linear Loads
315MW. The test system contains 6 lines connecting the Comparaison between PowerApps and ETAP for Load Flow
bus bars in the system. The generator is connected to From To PowerApps ETAP
Bus Bus MW MVar MW Mvar
network through step up transformer at 230kV transmission 1 4 71.60 27 71.64 27.05
voltage, the generators are dynamically modelled with the 2 7 163 6.70 163 6.65
classical equivalent model, where non linear loads we put a 3 9 85 -10.90 85 -10.86
SVC in the node 8. 4 5 40.90 22.90 40.49 22.89
4 6 30.70 1.03 30.7 1.03
6 9 -59.50 -13.50 -59.46 -13.46
7 5 86.60 -8.40 86.62 -8.38
7 8 76.40 -0.80 76.38 -0.8
8 9 -24.10 -24.30 -24.1 -24.3
9 8 24.20 3.12 24.18 3.12
Table. 4. Load Flow with non Linear Loads
Comparaison between PowerApps and ETAP for Load Flow, SVC at
From To PowerApps ETAP
Bus Bus MW MVar MW Mvar
1 4 71.62 27.82 71.64 27.85
2 7 163.1 6.80 163.2 6.85
3 9 85.1 -10.95 85 -10.99
4 5 40.95 22.94 40.90 22.97
4 6 30.72 1.07 30.7 1.07
6 9 -59.52 -13.70 -59.48 -13.76
Fig.3. System IEEE, 9 Bus, with PowerApps.
7 5 86.61 -8.60 86.62 -8.68
7 8 76.43 -0.90 76.38 -0.93
8 9 -24.12 -24.50 -24.11 -24.56
9 8 24.23 3.18 24.20 3.20

Lines Active Power With and Without FACTS

Fig.4. System IEEE, 9 Bus, with ETAP

Table 1. Bus Voltages with Linear Loads Fig.5. Lines Active Power with PowerApps
Comparaison between ETAP and PowerApps for Voltages
PowerApps ETAP
Bus Vmag(V) Ang(deg) Vmag(V) Ang(deg)
1 1.040 0.000 1.0400 0.00
2 1.025 9.280 1.0250 9.30
3 1.025 4.665 1.0250 4.70
4 1.016 0.728 1.0258 0.27
5 1.032 1.967 1.032 2.60
6 1.013 -3.687 1.013 -2.63
7 1.026 -2.217 1.026 -3.37
8 1.026 3.720 1.026 3.07
9 0.996 -3.989 0.996 -3.20

Table 2. Bus Voltages with non Linear Loads

Comparaison between ETAP and PowerApps for Voltages, SVC at Bus8 Fig.6. Lines Active Power with ETAP
PowerApps ETAP
Bus Vmag(V) Ang(deg) Vmag(V) Ang(deg) Lines Reactive Power With and Without FACTS.
1 1.0400 0.000 1.0400 0.00
2 1.0450 0.1649 1.0450 9.30
3 1.0450 0.8063 1.0450 4.70
4 1.0736 -0.0386 1.0756 0.28
5 1.0556 -0.0695 1.0600 2.60
6 1.0726 -0.0643 1.0722 -2.63
7 1.0757 0.0638 1.0750 -3.37
8 1.0658 0.0116 1.0589 3.07
9 1.0723 0.0337 1.0712 -3.20
A series of results obtained using PowerApps and ETAP
software packaged are presented in tables 1 to 4.

Bus Voltages Using PowerApps and ETAP  

Load Flow Using PowerApps and ETAP. Fig.7. Lines Reactive Power with PowerApps


[6] D. Xia and G.T. Heydt, 1982, "Harmonic Power Flow Studies 1.
Formulation and Solution", IEEE Trans. Pwr. App. Sys., vol.
101, 1257-1265.
[7] A.K.Chakraborty, S. Majumdar, P.K. Chattopadhyay, Champa
Nandi, ‘’Active Line Flow Control of Power System Network
with FACTS Devices of choice using Soft Computing
Technique’’, International Journal of Computer Applications
(0975 – 8887), Volume 25– No.9, July 2011.
[8] Zhang, X.P., 2003b. Modeling of the interline power flow
controller and the generalized unified power flow controller in
Newton power flow. Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng. Gen. Transm.
Distrib., 150(3): 268-274.
[9] Stagg, G.W. and A.H. El-Abiad, 2002. Computer methods in
power system analysis. 1st Edn.,Mc Graw-Hill.
[10] Gyugyi, L., 1988. Power electronics in electric utilities: Static
Fig.8. Lines Reactive Power with ETAP var compensators. Proc. IEEE, 76(4): 483-494.
[11] Information Brochure on PowerApps, kalkitech intelligent
Analysis of Results energy systems © 2010, kalki communication technologies
If SVC is connected to bus 8, the aim of control is to LTD.
increase the voltage in all buses of our system. Here the [12] ETAP Load Flow Analysis 1 © 2009 Operation Technology,
SVC injects the reactive power to bus 8 in order to keep the Inc.
[13] Swaroop Kumar.Nallagalva,Mukesh Kumar Kirar, Dr.Ganga
voltage magnitude at 1.0658 pu. Table 2 gives the voltage Agnihotri, ‘’ Transient Stability Analysis of the IEEE 9-Bus
magnitude in pu for all buses of the system with SVC. The Electric Power System’’, ISSN : 2277-1581, 01 July 2012.
results obtained had shown the improvement of voltage
magnitude in almost all buses as compared to the system Appendix
without SVC (see Table 1). 9 Bus System Data Line Parameters:
We observe that for our Example (the network system
IEEE 9 bus), in normal case ( linear loads ), and after
calculated the power flow in nodes and lines by the
software’s PowerApps and ETAP, we obtain a value of
0.217MW for active power losses in the lines, and a value
of 1,316 MVar for reactive power losses, by cons if you
place a SVC in the node 8, the active power is increased
slightly (see fig.5 and fig.6), but the reactive power has in-
creased a significant way (see fig.7 and fig.8), which invol-
ved an increase of the losses of active power range by 1%,
and increase of the losses of reactive power range by 3%,

In this paper, the power flow of the standard IEEE -9-bus
test system with base case and SVC is studied.
FACTS device such as SVC is employed for enhancing
voltage stability. The simulated results shown in Table 2
clearly shows the voltage magnitude of bus 8 which were
identified as weakest buses with SVC are maintained and
there is a voltage improvement in other buses of the test
system also.
The results were almost consistent and show the
influence of non linear loads on power losses in electrical
networks. The losses of active power and reactive power
increases due to reactive power injected by SVC.
The results have virtually the same appearance and
overlap completely with those obtained with the PowerApps
and ETAP, which shows the reliability of both software
PowerApps and ETAP in the study of the power flow.

[1] Wilsun Xu,“Status and future directions of power systems
harmonics analysis”, IEEE Power Engineering Society General
Meeting, Vol.1, pp. 756-761, 6-10 June 2004.
[2] Enrique Acha, et Al, ‘’FACTS Modeling and Simulation in Power
Networks‘’, University of Glasgow, UK, 2004.
[3] C. A. Gross, Power System Analysis, Second Edition,
Authors: Mr. aissa souli, PhD student, searcher at nuclear
research centre of birine, Algeria, E-mail:souliaissa@yahoo.fr ; Prof
[4] OHAN Lundquist, ‘’ On Harmonic Distortion in Power Systems’’
abdelhafid hellal, Polytechnic School of El Harrach, Algeria, E-mail:
thesis for the degree of licentiate of engineering, Department of
Electric Power Engineering Chalmers University of Technology, hfdhella@gmail.com; Mr. Rami bashour, PhD student, , University
Göteborg, Sweden 2001. of Derby, UK, E-mail: Bashour_safita@hotmail.com; Dr.ahmad
[5] Task force on Harmonics Modeling and Simulation, "The kharaz,University of Derby, UK, E-mail: a.Kharaz@derby.ac.uk
modeling and simulation of the propagation of harmonics in
electric power networks Part I : Concepts, models and
simulation techniques," IEEE Tranasactions on Power Delivery,
Vol.11, No.1, January 1996, pp. 452-465.


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