Fundamental Rights
Fundamental Rights
Fundamental Rights
India respects the rights of the people, which are listed in our Constitution,
under the heading “Fundamental Rights”. They are incorporated in PART III of
the Constitution.
„Fundamental Rights‟. These rights ensure the fullest physical, mental and moral
development of every citizen. They include those basic freedoms and conditions
which alone can make life worth living. Fundamental Rights generate a feeling of
security amongst the minorities in the country. They establish the framework of
„democratic legitimacy‟ for the rule of the majority. No democracy can
function in the absence of basic rights such as freedom of speech and
expression. Fundamental Rights provide standards of conduct, citizenship, justice
and fair play. They serve as a check on the government. Various social, religious,
Justiciable: Justiciable means that if these rights are violated by the government
or anyone else, the individual has the right to approach the Supreme Court or High
Courts for the protection of his/her Fundamental Rights. Our Constitution does not
permit the legislature and the executive to curb these rights either by law or by an
executive order. The Supreme Court or the High Courts can set aside any law that
is found to be infringing or abridging the Fundamental Rights.
Some of the Fundamental Rights are also enjoyed by foreigners, for example,
the Right to Equality before Law and Right to Freedom of Religion are
enjoyed by both i.e. citizens as well as foreigners.
There are now six Fundamental Rights. The Fundamental Rights are: -
Recently by the 86th Amendment Act, the Right to Education has been
included in the list of Fundamental Rights as part of the Right to Freedom by adding
Article 21(A).
According to the Constitution, “The State shall not deny to any person
equality before law or equal protection of laws within the territory of India”.
„Equality before law‟ means that no person is above law and all are equal before
can reserve seats for these categories in educational institutions, grant fee
concessions or arrange special coaching classes.
grounds of untouchability.
All titles national or foreign which create artificial distinctions in social status
amongst the people have been abolished. This provision has been included in the
Constitution to do away with the titles like „Rai Sahib‟, „Rai Bahadur‟ have been
conferred by the British on a few Indians as a reward for their effective co-
operation to the colonial regime.
Article 19(1): Freedom of Speech and Expression
The Constitution lays down that no person shall be deprived of his/her life or
personal liberty except according to the procedure established by law. It guarantees
that life or personal liberty shall not be taken away without the sanction of law. It
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By the 86th Amendment Act of the Constitution a new article 21-A has been
added after Article 21. By this Amendment Act, Right to Education has been made a
Fundamental Right and has been deleted from the list of Directive Principles of
State Policy.
According to it, “The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all
children of the age of six to fourteen in such a manner as the State may by law
determine”. It further states that it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to
provide opportunities for education to their child or ward between the age of six to
fourteen years.
Article 22: Protection against Arbitrary Arrest and Detention
Our Constitution guarantees certain rights to the arrested person. As per the
provision, no person can be arrested and/or be detained in custody without being
informed of the grounds for detention. He /she has the right to consult and be
defended by a lawyer of his/her choice. The accused has to be produced before the
nearest magistrate within a period of twenty-four hours of arrest. These safeguards
however are not available to foreigners as well as to those citizens detained under
Preventive Detention: When the State feels that a person is likely to commit
crime or is a threat to the security of the State, he/she may be detained without
trial for a limited period.
However, no person can be kept under detention for more than three
months until permitted by an Advisory Board consisting of persons who are
qualified to be appointed as judges of the High Courts. Such a board is presided
over by a sitting judge of a High Court.
The people of India were exploited not only by the British but also by the
money lenders and zamindars. This system was called forced labour. Right against
exploitation prohibits all forms of forced labour as well as traffic in human beings .
The violation of this provision is an offence punishable under law. However, the
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state require citizens services in times of major calamities such as floods, forest
fire, foreign aggression etc.
Traffic in human beings means sale and purchase of human beings as goods
and commodities for immoral purposes such as slavery and prostitution.
There are four rights in this category. They are:
Article 25: Freedom of Conscience and Free Profession, Practice and
Propagation of Religion -The Constitution guarantees to every person freedom of
conscience and the right to practice and propagate any religion.
Article 26: Freedom to Manage Religious Affairs - It permits every religious
group, the right to manage its own affairs in matters of religion. Every religious sect
has the right to establish and maintain institutions for religious and charitable
purposes. Each religious group is also free to purchase and manage its movable and
immovable property in accordance with law, for the propagation of its religion.
Article 27: Freedom from Taxation for Promotion of a Religion – It lays down
that no person shall be compelled to pay any taxes for the promotion or
maintenance of any particular religion
India is a vast country with diversity of culture, Script and languages. People
take pride in their own language and culture. Our constitution provides necessary
guarantees to preserve maintain and promote their culture and language. This right
ensures that minorities will be given assistance by the state in the preservation of
their language and culture. The Ideal before the state is to preserve and propagate
the composite culture of the country.
it is being run by a minority community.
HABEAS CORPUS: (Latin term) It is an order by the court to the state to produce
the person physically before it justify the confinement or release of the person.
subordinate court or tribunal or public authority to perform its duty in case it is not
doing it.
QUO WARRANTO: This writ is issued to restrain a person from acting in a public
office to which he /she is not entitled.
These writs go a long way in protecting the rights of the individuals against
encroachment by the legislature, the executive or any other authority. If the
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Fundamental Rights are the cornerstone of our democracy, then the Right to
Constitutional Remedies is the soul of the part III of the Constitutions.
These rights protect and safeguard the dignity and status of the citizens.
These rights are justiciable i.e. are enforceable by the court of law.
These Rights are not absolute, reasonable restrictions can be imposed on
these rights in the interest of peace, national defence, morality, comman good and
good relations with other countries.
The first right that comes under Fundamental Rights is the Right to Equality
(Article 14-18). Under the Constitution, all are equal before law and the state
cannot discriminate between citizens on the basis of religion, race, sex, place of
birth or any of them.
Right to Freedom has been granted for the all round development of the
body, mind and spirit of all the citizens. It provides six freedoms to citizens. This
Right helps protection of life and personal liberty. It also protects the individual
from arbitrary arrest and detention.
Cultural and Educational rights provide the right to conserve our culture.
Educational institutions maintained by the state on getting financial aid from the
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state cannot refuse admission to children on the grounds of religion, race, caste,
language or any of them.
The minorities have been given the right to establish and manage institutions
of their own for the preservation and propagation of their language and culture.
While giving financial aid to any institution, the state will not discriminate on the
basis of religion or language.