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Cyber Deterrence: A Comprehensive Approach?

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Cyber Deterrence: A Comprehensive

Dr Joe Burton1
Visiting Researcher, NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCD COE)
Senior Lecturer, New Zealand Institute for Security and Crime Science, University of


There are three recent examples of deterrence failure that are worth noting at the outset of this
article. The first relates to the events of September 11, 2001 in New York and Washington,
DC. The terrorist attacks on 9/11 were perpetrated by a group of individuals who did not fear
the consequences of their actions, including any reprisals or punishment. Their fanatical
commitment to martyrdom rendered them immune to one of the core dynamics that has kept
the US homeland safe throughout its history – a credible deterrent based on a commitment to
use military power in defence of US interests. The second, more recent, example relates to the
former CIA analyst and National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, Edward Snowden. In May
2013, Snowden was responsible for one of the biggest data leaks in US history, releasing
hundreds of thousands of classified national security documents. The revelations created a
serious political controversy over the practice of mass surveillance by US national security
agencies. Snowden made a seemingly rational calculation that the benefits associated with the
release of classified data (including the public’s right to know about NSA surveillance)
outweighed the costs of his actions to him personally and to the reputation and national security
of the United States.2 The third example is the Russian annexation of Crimea in February, 2014.
The Russian military occupied the Crimean Peninsula at a speed that caught the international

1 I would like to thank Clare Lain, Merle Maigre, Lauri Lindström, Michael Widmann, Ihsan Tolga, Veronika
Lantenhammer, and Simona Soare for their helpful comments and feedback on the paper while it was in
development. I would also like to thank the CCD COE for hosting me while I conducted this research.
2 Snowden’s motivations were outlined in early reporting by the Guardian, in which he refers to the range of

factors that influenced his decision. See: Greenwald, G., MacAskill E. and Poitras, L. (2013). ‘Edward
Snowden: the whistle-blower behind the NSA surveillance revelations’, The Guardian, available online:
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jun/09/edward-snowden-nsa-whistleblower-surveillance, accessed 11
January 2018.

community by surprise and Russian forces continue to fight a hybrid war in eastern Ukraine
characterised by subversion, cyber-attacks, misinformation and propaganda, and the covert
infiltration of Special Forces. The actions of the Putin government have been interpreted as a
fundamental challenge to the post-Cold War European order. They also signal a failure of
deterrence.3 The control of the Crimean peninsula and the message that the actions sent about
Russian interests in the region were seen by the Putin government as benefits exceeding any
potential costs imposed on Russia by the government of Ukraine or Russia’s perceived
adversaries in the West.

Each of these cases has had a profound impact on international security and they all raise
important questions. How can suicide terrorism be deterred? What measures can be put in place
to deter employees of national security agencies from divulging state secrets? 4 What can be
done to deter the Russian government from similar hostility towards other European states?
Subsequent to each of the three cases, specific measures have been put in place to strengthen
deterrence, including increased border and aviation security in the US, enhanced NSA
safeguards against data leaks, and efforts by NATO to bolster its eastern flank and reassure its
eastern allies. Just as importantly, the three cases illustrate the complexity of creating and
sustaining effective deterrence measures in the post-Cold War era, a period in which the
diversity of threats to national security has grown and the diversity of actors with the capacity
to have an impact on international security and stability has expanded. Deterrence must now
include actions that target a range of globalised security threats that defy borders, including
threats from non-state actors such as terrorist groups and criminal gangs, insider threats from
whistle-blowers within national security organisations, and threats from revisionist state actors
using hybrid tactics to pursue their political and strategic goals.

When placed in the context of cyber security, this level of deterrence complexity is equally
apparent and similar questions apply. Cyber-attacks are growing in frequency and

3 Takacs, D. (2017). ‘Ukraine’s deterrence failure: Lessons for the Baltic States’, Journal on Baltic Security,
Vol. 3 No. 1, pp. 1–10.
4 The US Department for Homeland Security has issued specific guidance on combating insider threats, which

emphasises deterrence very prominently. See US Department for Homeland Security (2014). ‘Combating the
Insider Threat’, available online:
accessed 24 January 2018.

sophistication and having an increasing impact on politics, societies and economies. In the last
year, the spread of the Wannacry, Petya and Notpetya viruses caused direct and indirect
damages costing billions of dollars.5 A rapidly spiking global market in cyber crime6 has shown
that cyber criminals are prepared to use malicious cyber tools with seemingly little
consideration of laws and punishment. The alleged Russian subversion of the US 2016
presidential campaign through cyber espionage and dissemination of propaganda on social
media has created an ongoing political crisis at the highest levels of the US government.
Despite a growing amount of scholarly and policy attention to how these kinds of activities can
be deterred, little progress seems to have been made in building effective deterrence against
cyber threats. State and non-state actors continue to act with an unacceptable level of impunity
in using the internet for malicious purposes.

This paper addresses these issues by posing two related questions: given the diversity of actors,
threats and motivations involved, is deterrence against cyber-attacks possible? And if it is, how
can effective cyber deterrence be built and sustained? These questions are important to both
academic and policy debates. If progress is not made on deterring malicious activity online, the
costs and consequences of cyber-attacks will continue to grow and continue to cause instability
within the international system. The academic debate on cyber deterrence also appears to be
unresolved, with some analysts advocating the view that the deterrence concept should be
stretched,7 some that it should be ditched altogether,8 and others that cyber deterrence should
be a limited approach applicable only to state actors and high-level strategic threats.9

5 Berr, J. (2017). ‘WannaCry’ ransomware attack losses could reach $4 billion’ CBS News, available:
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/wannacry-ransomware-attacks-wannacry-virus-losses/, accessed 10 January
6 The Asia Pacific region has seen a 45% growth in cybercrime year-on-year. See: Markets Insider (2017),

‘Global Cybercrime Levels Reach All-Time High with a 45 Percent Rise in Attacks for the Asia Pacific Region,
Reveals ThreatMetrix Report’, available: http://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/Global-Cybercrime-
ThreatMetrix-Report-1002267756, accessed 10 January 2018.
7 Nye, J. S. Jr. (2016/7). ‘Deterrence and Dissuasion in Cyberspace’, International Security, Vol. 41 No. 3, pp.

8 Fischerkeller, M. P. and Harknett, R. J. (2017). ‘Deterrence is Not a Credible Strategy for Cyberspace’, Orbis,

Vol. 61 No. 3, pp.381-393.

9 See Cycon 2017. ‘Panel on Cyber Deterrence’, available:

eAuLMHMlmprrpt&index=20, accessed 24 January 2017.

The overarching argument of this paper is that cyber deterrence is possible if the concept is
conceived more broadly. In particular, as these three examples illustrate, the diversity of actors,
the range of emerging technologies and the range of motives behind malicious cyber activity
should be considered more fully in cyber deterrence strategies. To enhance cyber security,
cyber deterrence should be a comprehensive strategy that considers the full spectrum of cyber
threats and moves beyond narrow conceptions of national and military security. This is not an
argument that a blanket approach to cyber deterrence should be applied to all cyber security
threats across all sectors, or that military-strategic cyber deterrence is redundant. Instead,
deterring diverse cyber threats requires that deterrence be tailored and customised to different
actors across the societal, state and international spectrum. Traditional conceptions of
deterrence may still have utility in deterring high-level strategic threats (and are arguably
already doing so) but will likely not have an impact in an increasingly diverse and complex
cyber security landscape.

The paper proceeds in three sections. Section one presents an analysis of existing thinking and
theorising around cyber deterrence and highlights aspects of the debates that are mired in Cold
War thinking and burdened by comparisons to nuclear and conventional deterrence. It argues
that historical analogies have clouded strategic thinking on cyber deterrence and that in some
cases the wrong lessons have been learned from deterrence history, and it explains why cyber
deterrence based on a limited conception of national security is too restrictive. The second
section explores wider, deeper and differentiated approaches to cyber deterrence. It suggests
that building cyber deterrence requires a comprehensive and tailored approach to cyber
security, one which includes a range of political, social, economic, technological and legal
responses that are designed to deter a broader range of threats and actors with tailored and
targeted countermeasures. This section refutes the widespread view that deterrence should only
be focused on state actors, and the related view that the threat from non-state actors is largely
inconsequential. The third section of the article addresses Russian cyber subversion of the US
presidential election campaign in 2016. The US election case demonstrates the need for a more
comprehensive approach to cyber deterrence and highlights the opportunities that might stem
from a broader cyber deterrence strategy.

Cold War thinking and cyber deterrence

Deterrence can be defined as ‘dissuading someone from doing something by making them
believe that the costs to them will exceed their expected benefit.’10 In the cyber security sphere,
‘doing something’ equates to attacking, manipulating, exploiting and/or gaining unauthorised
access to computer systems and networks. Effective deterrence is generally understood to rely
on three factors: the capabilities of the affected party to respond, the credibility of that response,
and the communication of that threat to the attacker.11 The concept of deterrence has been used
frequently in debates about conventional and nuclear security, and during the Cold War period
a substantial body of literature on deterrence theory emerged. Perhaps its most prominent
exponents were Thomas Schelling and Glen Snyder. Schelling noted that deterrence based on
rational assessments of the costs and benefits had a history that predated the nuclear age and
argued that a balance of deterrence in the Cold War between two fairly equally matched sides
could lead to a higher degree of stability. 12 Glenn Snyder went further, outlining distinctions
between deterrence by denial – measures taken to deny the Soviet Union the ability to achieve
its military and political objectives, and deterrence by punishment – that Soviet aggression
would be punished through retaliatory strikes, making Soviet military action, including the use
of nuclear weapons, inconceivable.13

The Cold War was a golden age for strategic studies and the quality of the work stands the test
of time in many ways. But there are various problems in applying Cold War deterrence
approaches to cyber security.

First, deterrence during the Cold War may not have had the impact that scholars and policy-
makers thought it did. In this sense, there is danger of drawing on the Cold War and deriving
the wrong lessons from deterrence theory rather than the right ones. Keith Payne argues that

10 Nye (2017), p.44-71.

11 Lupovici, A. (2016). ‘The ‘Attribution Problem’ and the Social Construction of ‘Violence’: Taking Cyber
Deterrence Literature a Step Forward’, International Studies Perspectives, Vol. 17 No. 3, pp. 322–342.
12 Schelling said, ‘… governments throughout history have undoubtedly been deterred from military attack and

attempted conquest by the possibility of military defeat or the prospect of a war too costly to make even victory
seem attractive.’ Quoted in Ayson, R. (2004), Thomas Schelling and the Nuclear Age: Strategy as Social
Science (Frank Cass: London).
13 Snyder, G. H. (2015), Deterrence and Defense: Toward a Theory of National Security, Princeton University

Press, p.14.

deterrence hinges on an expectation that actors will act rationally, and highlights various Cold
War crises where they did not, including the Cuban Missile Crisis where US policy-makers
were caught by surprise by Khrushchev’s decision to place nuclear weapons in Cuba. In this
and other Cold War cases, US foreign policy-makers ‘failed to take seriously the prospect for,
and thus to prepare for, what seemed in Washington to be highly unreasonable foreign
behaviour’.14 The diversity of actors involved in cyber security suggests that rational, cost
benefit approaches to decisions to use cyber capabilities may not always be present, and other
motivations may take precedence, including ideological considerations, a desire to cater for
internal domestic audiences rather than external ones, and national honour and sovereignty.15

A related problem with deterrence thinking during the Cold War was that the effects of
deterrence and its reliability were difficult to test empirically. That the Soviets did not invade
West Berlin may have been due to deterrence (both nuclear and conventional), but that cannot
be proven in absolute terms. It is arguably more difficult to prove the effects of deterrence
strategies in cyberspace. Evidence of cyber-attacks and malicious presence on the web is
transitory and temporary, with malicious code concealed, adapted, modified, and diffused in
ways that are not easy to track and trace.16 The tendency of governments to overclassify
information pertaining to cyber threats and reluctance in the private sector to report malicious
cyber activity have further compounded the problem of determining cyber effects and their
strategic outcomes.17

There are various other practical and conceptual reasons why deterrence thinking is not so
easily translated to new cyber security debates and technologies. On the deterrence by
punishment side, the problem of attribution is a perennial one. Simply stated, if an attacker
cannot be identified they cannot be punished. Cyber deterrence by this line of argument is not
impossible, as will be discussed later in this article, but is limited by a number of factors,
including that actors can easily deny involvement in cyber attacks, that evidence is difficult

14 Payne, K. (2003). ‘The Fallacies of Cold War Deterrence and a New Direction’, Comparative Strategy, Vol.
22 No. 5, p. 412.
15 Ibid., p. 413.
16 See Valeriano B. and Maness R. (2015). Cyber War versus Cyber Realities: Cyber Conflict in the

International System. (Oxford University Press: Oxford).

17 Kello, L. (2013). ‘The Meaning of the Cyber Revolution: Perils to Theory and Statecraft’, International

Security, Vol 38 No. 2, pp. 7-40.

and slow to gather, analyse and disseminate, and that convincing wider audiences that
attribution is exact and accurate is problematic, especially when publicising intelligence
analysis can harm sources and reveal methods.18 In the deterrence by punishment paradigm,
communicating the credibility of punishment threats is integral to deterrence success. If an
attacker cannot be convinced that its target’s ability to strike back is credible, then deterrence
will not be effective. If a cyber response or countermeasure is deployed through cyberspace to
signal displeasure and to communicate a message, and that retaliation is not visible (an internet
outage is reported, for example, but not seen or heard), then the deterrence effect is harder to
achieve. The right lesson from history is that if nuclear deterrence was effective it was partly
due to the visual horror of nuclear explosions and the damage they wrought. Cyber effects are
not visible and do not create the same shock value.

Conducting cyber attacks as responses can also cause significant collateral damage. This is a
danger inherent in the use of many offensive cyber capabilities. The Stuxnet virus, for example,
spread to some 100,000 computers beyond Iran19 and there are derivatives and variants of the
code still in use today.20 Malware can also be reverse engineered after being used, and hackers
have learned how to infiltrate, attack and exploit computer systems based on deployed code. 21
Creating cycles of damaging malware duplication is a danger inherent in the deterrence by
punishment paradigm. A further problem is the possibility that deterrence by punishment may
lead to escalation by dragging in third parties (both state and non-state actors) who respond to
the punishment measures by coming to the defence of the target. As Herbert Lin argues,
escalation in cyberspace may be less easy to manage and mitigate due to the lack of
transparency in cyber activity, the uncertainty about the extent and damage of cyber attacks,

18 Ibid., p. 26.
19 Langner, R (2013). ‘To Kill a Centrifuge: A Technical Analysis of What Stuxnet’s Creators Tried to
Achieve’, available: https://www.langner.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/to-kill-a-centrifuge.pdf, accessed 10
January 2018.
20 Symantec (2011). ‘W32.Duqu: The Precursor to the Next Stuxnet, Symantec Security Response Symantec

Employee’, available online: https://www.symantec.com/connect/w32_duqu_precursor_next_stuxnet, accessed

10 January 2018.
21 Langner (2013), p. 19.

the lack of cyber confidence building measures currently in effect between states, and the
potential involvement of non-state actors in the escalation of cyber conflict.22

The ability to craft a proportional cyber response to an attack is also problematic. A cyber
response or retaliation at a low threshold is unlikely to be effective in deterring attacks. This
has led some authors to argue for a form of cross-domain deterrence, in which states respond
in the other operational domains of land, sea, air and space.23 But it is hard to see what threshold
an attack would need to reach to be met with a kinetic military response. Defining and
signalling a threshold also creates the problem that hackers may feel they have a licence to
conduct attacks below that threshold. This relates to the idea of strategic ambiguity; the US
strategy for the defence of Taiwan, for example, hinges on China’s uncertainty about whether
and how the US will respond to an attack or occupation. The argument here is that keeping an
attacker in the dark about the response threshold creates a deterrent in itself. A state that fails
to strike back may also lose stature in the eyes of the attackers, and this may undermine the
credibility of deterrence based on ambiguity of response. As Martin Libicki explains, ‘If a state
leans too far forward in promising reprisals in response to cyber attacks and cannot deliver, its
ability to deliver against all other threats may be further doubted’.24

A further problem with the deterrence by punishment approach is that cyber-attacks used as
retaliatory measures (a so-called ‘hack back’) may erode the normative environment around
the use of cyber capabilities and further legitimatise cyber attacks as a tool of statecraft. In this
sense, the adoption of an offensive cyber strategy may hinder progress towards cooperative
cyber security measures and present opportunity costs to other cyber security strategies. Chris
Macintosh has argued that the military responses to the threat posed by Al Qaeda and its
affiliates undermined the legal ones.25 In the same way, preparing for a long-term militarised
cyber deterrence posture may incur the same opportunity costs and undermine civil and

22 For the fullest exposition of the dangers and escalation resulting from offensive cyber-attacks, see Lin, H.
(2012). ‘Escalation Dynamics and Conflict Termination in Cyberspace’, Strategic Studies Quarterly, Vol 6 No.
3, pp. 46-70.
23 Gartzke, E and Lindsay, J. (2014). ‘Cross Domain Deterrence: Strategy in an Era of Complexity’, available:

http://deterrence.ucsd.edu/_files/LindsayGartzke_ConsequencesofComplexity_Draft.pdf, accessed 10 January

24 Libicki, M. C. (2011). ‘The Strategic Uses of Ambiguity in Cyberspace’, Military and Strategic Affairs, Vol.

3, p. 9.
25 McIntosh, C. (2015). ‘Counterterrorism as War: Identifying the Dangers, Risks, and Opportunity Costs of

U.S. Strategy Toward Al Qaeda and Its Affiliates’, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Vol. 38. No. 1., pp. 23-38.

criminal approaches that could yield greater benefits. Such an approach could also lend
momentum to the emerging cyber security dilemma; as Ben Buchanan argues, states that invest
in both defensive and offensive cyber capabilities may exacerbate fear and mistrust in the
international system, which could lead to greater proliferation pressures and cyber arms races. 26

The problems associated with creating strategies founded on deterrence by punishment have
created a preference in many quarters for cyber deterrence by denial. This is reflected in the
massive investment in defensive cyber security measures throughout the developed world, and
this approach has been a central part of NATO’s emerging cyber security strategy.27 But is
denying an attacker the ability to achieve their aims achievable in cyberspace? Just as with the
deterrence by punishment approach, several problems emerge. First, it is a largely passive
strategy that does little to address the actions and motivations of the attacker. The political need
to be proactive in responding to cyber security threats runs counter to deterrence by denial
approaches. A second and more fundamental problem is the large ‘attack surface’ the internet
presents. It is difficult in many advanced, democratic states to achieve deterrence by denial due
to increased vulnerability caused by high levels of internet penetration, the presence of digitally
reliant economies, and a high proportion of critical infrastructure being in the private domain
and outside government control. As Jamie Shea has recognised:

‘This vastly complicates the task of defenders, who can rarely know in advance
that an attack is being launched, where it will strike or where it will originate.
So the defender has to try to protect every important part of the national
economic or military infrastructure all the time, while the attacker can choose
the individual segment or vulnerable fault line that he wishes to disrupt’.28

Relatedly, the number of internet connected devices is projected to grow from 21 billion today
to around 75 billion by 2025.29 The rapid growth in the Internet of Things (IoT) brings security
implications and new vulnerabilities across the governmental, military, and societal sectors.

26 Buchanan, B. (2016). The Cybersecurity Dilemma: Hacking, Trust and Fear Between nations (New York:
Oxford University Press).
27 Burton, J. (2015). ‘NATO's cyber defence: Strategic challenges and institutional adaptation’, Defence Studies,

Vol. 15 No. 4, pp. 297.

28 Shea, J. (2016). ‘Resilience: a core element of collective defence’, available online:

https://www.nato.int/docu/review/2016/Also-in-2016/nato-defence-cyber-resilience/EN/index.htm, accessed 11
January 2018.
29 Statistica (2018). ‘Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices installed base worldwide from 2015 to 2025 (in

billions)’, available online: https://www.statista.com/statistics/471264/iot-number-of-connected-devices-

worldwide/, accessed 11 January 2018.

Securing a vast array of hardware, software, cables, connections and devices is an ambitious
task. This is especially true when we recognise that humans create an enlarged attack surface
through our use and misuse of internet connected technologies. In general terms, humans are
prone to error and laziness, are unwilling to invest funds in cyber security, and suffer from the
belief that ‘it won’t happen to us’. Many of the high-profile cyber security incidents of the past
decade, including the Snowden case, have human as well as technological causes. Eliminating
malfeasance, carelessness or error in working with computer networks is an unrealistic

New thinking: building a comprehensive approach to cyber deterrence

Cyberspace has presented a challenge to strategy and policy because it is difficult to think about
a radically new technology without analogies to the security environment of the Cold War,
where territorial and geopolitical considerations were paramount to policy-makers. Modern
deterrence theory was founded in debates about the control and defence of physical territory
from a geographically proximate security threat (the Soviet Union) and not a globally
connected system of computer networks with both physical and virtual layers. This is
particularly evident in the deterrence by punishment and denial paradigms, in which cyber
deterrence is viewed as a binary strategy to be applied to state actors within a context of
geopolitical competition. Much of the recent cyber deterrence debate has occurred in a
particular historical context, moreover, in which Russian hostility in Ukraine has raised the
spectre of the Cold War and in which China has used cyber capabilities to advance its
geopolitical interests. This may have encouraged path dependency – a tendency to stick with
old strategies because of the perception that they have worked before in deterring similar
threats. However, the use of Cold War analogies and state-centric thinking in the scholarly and
academic fields may constrain new thinking and reinforce previously held views about
security.30 The presence of groupthink, with academics from the security and strategic studies

30 Betz, D. and Stevens, T. (2013), ‘Analogical Reasoning and Cyber Security’, Security Dialogue, Vol. 44 No.
2, p. 149.

disciplines dismissing other perspectives and talking with each other inside a ‘walled garden’,
is also a concern.31

Given the limitations of traditional deterrence thinking when applied to cyber security, can
cyber deterrence ever be achieved? Despite the issues outlined above, there remains
considerable hope that cyber deterrence can be a useful and effective strategy, especially when
conceived of more broadly. Several recent analyses of cyber deterrence have attempted to move
the debate forward in such a way. Amir Lupovici, for example, argues that current research has
too limited a view of what cyber deterrence is, and seeks to redefine the concept as a socially
constructed process that relies on intersubjective interpretations of motives, means and
actions.32 Through an analysis of the Stuxnet attack, Lupovici contends that cyber deterrence
is not based on the characteristics of cyberspace – anonymity, for example – but on adherence
or disobedience to social norms. When attributing cyber-attacks, the identity of the attackers
can be derived from social context: in the Stuxnet case, the historical relations between Iran,
Israel and the US. According to this line of thinking, attribution can be determined technically,
but it can also be established through an examination of the history, culture and politics of the
attack and its causes and consequences.

Technology may also evolve in a way that makes attributing cyber-attacks less problematic.
Attribution could become easier by limiting the anonymity of web traffic, for example. The
United States government has suggested that the internet could be redesigned and engineered
to make it an ‘identified and attributed network, where logging in entails specific personal
verification.’33 It is outside the scope of this article to examine the likelihood or implications
of such a fundamental change to the way the internet operates, but this is indicative of a wider
range of thinking about how one of the central problems with cyber deterrence might be

The level of investment in attribution technologies also suggests progress in attempts to close
the attribution gap. The US government is funding research that could address some of the

31 Ibid., p. 159.
32 Lupovici (2016).‘The ‘Attribution Problem’ and the Social Construction of ‘Violence’: Taking Cyber
Deterrence Literature a Step Forward’, International Studies Perspectives, Vol. 17 No. 3, p. 338.
33 Ibid., p. 330.

main issues involved in cyber attribution, particularly the speed and accuracy of the attribution
process.34 The last budget of the Obama administration in February 2016 assigned $19 billion
for cyber security, including long term (7-15 year) investment to develop science and
technology for ‘effective and efficient deterrence of malicious cyber activities via denial of
results and likely attribution’.35 This built on the 2015 Department of Defence strategy for
cyberspace, which placed a premium on the importance of attribution to cyber deterrence of
both state and non-state actors.36

There are various other compelling arguments for maintaining cyber deterrence as a concept
and strategy and widening deterrence theorising and application to a less binary and more
comprehensive range of threats and actors outside the military and strategic sphere. The first
and most obvious is that cyber vulnerabilities are society-wide, and attacks on critical
infrastructure, often in private hands, can have immediate and consequential national security
implications. Deterring attacks against banking and financial institutions, energy facilities,
transport infrastructure and other vital public services has become as important as deterring
state-based attacks against military-strategic targets. If the targets of attacks are wider, then it
is logical that deterrence strategies should be too.

Malicious cyber activity also exists across a broad spectrum of activity and almost invariably
falls below the threshold of a ‘use of force’ or ‘armed attack’. The targets of cyber attacks are
diverse, but so too are the types of malicious cyber activity. The growing use of hybrid warfare
tactics, ‘grey zone’ incidents that target civilian infrastructure, the growth of the use of the
internet for criminal and financial gain, espionage, subversion, coercion, cyber protest and
hacktivism, all suggest that deterrence needs to be focused on a broader range of activities and
actors with a diverse array of motivations. Focusing on deterring military-strategic cyber
security threats from state actors will only ever capture a diminutive proportion of the overall
scope of malicious cyber activity. Cyber threats are also characterised by their ability to cross

34 Toon J. (2016). ‘$17 Million Contract Will Help Establish Science of Cyber Attribution’, available online:
accessed 11 January 2018.
35 Naegele, T. (2016). ‘7 Keys to President Obama’s $19 Billion Cybersecurity Plan’ available:

https://www.govtechworks.com/7-keys-to-obama-19-billion-cybersecurity-plan/#gs.5Cre8GU, accessed 11
January 2018.
36 Lindsay, J. L. (2015). ‘Tipping the scales: the attribution problem and the feasibility of deterrence against

cyberattack’, Journal of Cybersecurity, Vol. 1 No. 1, p. 62.

borders and blur the boundaries between the societal, state and international levels of analysis.
Some threats will be within a state, such as in the Snowden case where an insider caused a
major information security breach, some will be state-based, and some will be global and come
from transnational organisations including terrorist groups and organised criminal enterprises
that form complex networks of illicit international activity. To discount the applicability of
cyber deterrence to this broad range of activities and actors would be extremely

Underpinning a more comprehensive approach to cyber deterrence is the efficacy of both

domestic and international law in helping to constrain cyber threats and the corresponding
development of international norms of behaviour. The pursuit of legal and normative
approaches to cyber deterrence may seem counterintuitive considering the recent failure of the
UN GGE to reach consensus on the applicability of existing international law to cyberspace, 37
but the prospects for legal and normative deterrence remain considerable. Legal deterrence has
long been an established approach to criminal acts, and debates in the historical legal literature
have mirrored those in the security field. 38, 39 More recent legal analyses of cyber deterrence
have offered important insights that sit outside the military sphere, including how to break
down legal obstacles to data sharing on cyber threats between government and private
entities.40 Recent cases have also demonstrated that governments see the use of legal
instruments as relevant in shaping the behaviour of attackers. The US indictment of five PLA
members in 2014 is a prominent example of legal measures being used to deter cyber
criminality. Despite its obvious usefulness in deterrence of a variety of actions, consideration
of the impact of domestic and international law has been peripheral to the security and strategic
studies literature.

37 Korzak, E. (2017). ‘UN GGE on Cybersecurity: The End of an Era?’, available:

safe/, accessed 11 January 2018.
38 Ball, J. C (1955). ‘Deterrence Concept in Criminology and Law’, Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology,

Vol. 46 No. 3, pp. 347-354.

39 Rid, T. (2012). ‘Deterrence beyond the State: The Israeli Experience’, Contemporary Security Policy, Vol 33

No. pp. 124-147.

40 Davis, J. E.; Brown, G. (2016). ‘The Emergence of Cyber Deterrence: Implications for International Law’

American Society of International Law, available online: https://www.questia.com/library/journal/1G1-

493794377/the-emergence-of-cyber-deterrence-implications-for, accessed 11 January 2018.

Wider interpretations of cyber deterrence also rest on an acceptance that expanding the concept
to a greater range of actors and threats may make the concept more prone to failure. Some
deterrence failures should be expected. Deterrence is an imperfect strategy in law just as in
military strategy. As Eric Sterner argues:

‘Law enforcement accepts imperfect deterrence as the nature of the beast rather
than dismissing the concept entirely. Deterrence is not a military concept per

Increasing the costs of cyber-attacks and decreasing the benefits through a variety of
mechanisms can be an incremental strategy that achieves results through persistence. In this
sense, deterrence is not a binary concept and imperfect deterrence is better than no deterrence
at all. Again, the presence of Cold War thinking may have hindered the development of cyber
deterrence strategies. During the Cold War, deterrence was absolute, in that even one attack by
the Soviet Union would have proven devastating. While such an approach may still be relevant
for high-level strategic attacks, in a more comprehensive and tailored strategy, cyber deterrence
will be restrictive, in that it seeks to limit the overall frequency and severity of attacks, and
shape the behaviour of the attacker.42 As Uri Tor argues, cyber deterrence is about how to
‘postpone, limit, and shape a series of ongoing conflicts with a variety of state and sub-state
actors’43 rather than preventing all attacks occurring at all times.

Non-state actors and cyber deterrence

Any analysis of the broadening of cyber deterrence as a concept and its application to a wider
degree of challenges must consider the prospects for deterrence strategy to be effective when
directed at non-state actors and the seriousness of the cyber threat they pose. The prevailing
assumption has been that if deterrence is difficult when applied to nation states, then it is even
more difficult with non-state actors, who are less bound by rules and norms in their
international interactions, who operate under different assumptions and preferences, who
accept greater levels of risk, who have a higher tolerance for punishment measures, and who

41 Sterner, E. (2011). ‘Retaliatory Deterrence in Cyberspace’, Strategic Studies Quarterly, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 62-
42 Tor, U. (2017). ‘Cumulative Deterrence’ as a New Paradigm for Cyber Deterrence’, Journal of Strategic

Studies, Vol. 40 No. 1-2, p. 93.

43 Ibid., p. 93. Tor limits his analysis in the article to state actors, but the idea of full spectrum, non-

dichotomous deterrence is prominent in his ideas.

may in some cases welcome retaliatory measures.44 Other analyses of non-state actors and
cyber security have concluded that the cyber threat they pose is minimal and should not be the
focus of cyber security or deterrence strategies.45 Jon Lindsay has argued, ‘Given that most
attacks tend to fall on the lower end of the value spectrum, conducted for criminal gain,
surveillance, or protest rather than physical combat it is unsurprising that many are sceptical of
deterrence.’46 James Lewis takes a similar view, arguing, ‘cyber attacks that do not pose
existential threats or immense harm to vital interests are not deterrable. This is also true for
cyber espionage or cyber crime. They fall below the threshold that would justify a military

But is cyber deterrence against non-state actors possible, and perhaps even more importantly,
is it even necessary given the lower threshold at which attacks have occurred in the past? First,
although states have certainly developed the most advanced and sophisticated cyber
capabilities, cyberspace has clearly become an arena of competition and contestation between
states and non-state actors, including social movements, who have used the internet to try and
restrict and resist the power of the state and to exercise their own power in pursuance of diverse
causes. Recent attention has fallen on relatively new organisations like Anonymous, which
have sought to influence the political process through cyber attacks. The ongoing contestation
and influence sought by Julian Assange and WikiLeaks is another prominent recent example.
In the last several years, WikiLeaks has worked with insiders, state, and state-sponsored
hackers to release troves of classified information, with highly consequential impacts on
national and international security and stability. Manuel Castells has argued that ‘networked
social actors aiming to reach their constituencies and target audiences through the decisive
switch to multimedia communications networks’48 have become central to international

44 Lewis, J. A. (2013). ‘Reconsidering Deterrence in Cyberspace’, available online: http://csis-

prod.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/131015_Reconsidering_Deterrence_in_Cyberspace.pdf, accessed 11
January 2018.
45 Through an analysis of the Cyber Gaza, Syrian Electronic Army, and Red October operations, Valeriano and

Maness (2015) argue that the impact and long-term damage on targets from attacks by non-state actors is
minimal to non-existent.
46 Lindsay (2015). p. 54.
47 Lewis (2013).
48 Castells, M. (2009). Communication Power, (Oxford: Oxford University Press) p. 49.

security, and should not be seen as low-level threats. Other analysts have taken a similar view,
arguing that:

‘states envisaged defending themselves against other states because they were
seen as the main threats, whereas ‘hacktivists’ were not perceived to be as
dangerous. In hindsight, that assessment was wrong. Non-state hacking is much
nearer the top of the threat’.49

Some states, most notably Russia and China, have tended to outsource or privatise their cyber-
attack capabilities to affiliated groups who will conduct cyber-attacks on their behalf, including
patriot hackers or netizens. In this sense, the threat comes not from non-state actors but actors
who have connections with the state and are directed by it. This may change the deterrence
dynamic in unknown ways and pose questions that are underexplored by cyber security
scholars; how do we deter states from outsourcing cyber operations, for example? The recent
spread of the Wannacry virus shows that state and non-state actors are combining to present a
threat to international security and it is the complex relationship between the two that may
determine the effectiveness of any cyber deterrence strategy. Analysis of the Wannacry code
suggests links to the Lazarus group of hackers, which has ties to the North Korean regime.50

Some research has begun to address these linkages and their implications for cyber deterrence.
Forrest B. Hare, for example, argues that the outsourcing of cyber attacks by states may lead
to difficulties in synchronising the private actors’ actions with government objectives, lead to
escalation in cyber conflicts, and pose risks to the states themselves, as hackers redirect their
activities against domestic and friendly targets.51 In this scenario, a form of ‘self-deterrence’ 52
may emerge within states because of fears of the unintended consequences of encouraging non-
state actor activity and the risk that the actions of non-state actors could constitute breaches of
international law and lead to sanctions. Recent developments through the NATO CCD COE
Tallinn Manual 2.0 process suggest the emergence of a variety of legal measures to deter non-

49 Quoted in Betz and Stevens (2013), p. 152.

50 The attacks have now been formally attributed to North Korea by US authorities.
51 Hare, F. B. (2017). ‘Privateering in Cyberspace: Should Patriotic Hacking Be Promoted as National Policy?’,

Asian Security, Online Version: p.6.

52 For an interesting discussion of this concept as it pertains to nuclear weapon, see: Paul, T. V. (2015), ‘Self-

deterrence: Nuclear weapons and the enduring credibility challenge’, International Journal, Vol. 71 No. 1, pp.

state actors, including tying their activity to states through international legal mechanisms.53 If
non-state actors are seen as operating not in isolation but in connection and interaction with the
long-established nation state system, then cyber deterrence may not prove so elusive.

A further common assumption is that non-state actors’ motivations and level of rationality
make them harder to deter. This view emerges from the post 9/11 era and the wave of suicide
terrorism that has plagued international affairs. Terrorist groups’ use of the internet for
planning, operations, radicalisation and other activities is certainly guided by the fanatical
viewpoints of the individual involved and their commitment to extremist ideology. President
George W. Bush’s words are worth recalling here. In 2006, he said:

‘The enemies we face today are different in many ways from the enemy we
faced in the Cold War. Unlike the Soviet Union, the terrorist enemies we face
today hide in caves and shadows … have no borders to protect, or capital to
defend. They cannot be deterred’.54

Recent research in the counterterrorist literature suggests the level of terrorists’ imperviousness
to deterrence may be overstated, however. As John Klein has argued:

‘Some strategists and policy makers believe that acts of cyberterrorism,

especially by non-state actors, may prove to be undeterrable. Yet the leadership
of both state and non-state actors tend to act rationally and function
strategically, and therefore they can, in fact, be deterred to some degree’.55

The key to deterrence in Klein’s analysis is that the deterrence concept is ‘considered
holistically’ and that ‘all available means’ are used as deterrence measures, including legal
tools and the use of military force. Alex Wilner, in another insightful analysis of the
applicability of deterrence to terrorist actors, takes a similar view:

‘By expanding the scope of traditional deterrence theory and pairing it with
more nuanced understanding of contemporary terrorism, a variety of deterrents
can be constructed and levied against terrorist organisations. When tailored
appropriately, states can use the logic of deterrence to influence, coerce and

53 See: NATO CCD COE, Tallinn Manual 2.0, available online: https://ccdcoe.org/tallinn-manual-20-
international-law-applicable-cyber-operations-be-launched.html, accessed 11 January 2018.
54 Bush, G. W. (2006). ‘Commencement Address at the United States Military Academy in West Point’,

available online: http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=83, accessed 11 January 2018.

55 Klein, J. J. (2015). ‘Deterring and Dissuading Cyberterrorism’, Journal of Strategic Security, Vol. 8 No. 4, p.


deter terrorist groups, delimiting the type and ferocity of the violence those
groups are willing to use, and influencing their behaviour more generally’.56

A recent cyber example of the types of activity Wilner refers to are efforts to counter
radicalisation, particularly relating to social media. Much research is now addressing this
important challenge and there have been reports that targeted removal of ISIS twitter accounts
has been effective in nullifying the level of activity involved. 57

When considering threats from terrorist groups, cross domain deterrence (responding to cyber
attacks with physical attacks) might also be considered more fully and, under certain
circumstances, be more ethically acceptable. In this sense, a particular deterrence strategy
would be tailored to groups like ISIS based on the extent of the threat. It is notable that the ISIS
hacker who was killed in 2015 by a US airstrike was responsible not only for radicalisation
online, but also for the release of details of US personnel in the form of a ‘kill list’, thus posing
a direct threat to US armed forces. 58 This was not an inconsequential or illusory threat. The
debate about targeted killings is an ongoing one and outside the scope of this article, but the
killing of an ISIS hacker (and the subsequent FBI operation targeting the group’s online
efforts)59 communicated a clear message that ISIS manipulation of computer networks and
attempts to obtain data on US personnel would be countered with kinetic force if necessary. It
would be wrong to assume terrorist groups are impervious to these types of actions.

Deterrence through resilience

The other non-state actors that are pivotal to wider conceptions of cyber deterrence exist within
the private sector and are often outside of direct government control (and often under-
considered as ‘deterring actors’ within cyber security strategies). The importance of public-
private partnerships in achieving cyber deterrence is receiving greater attention in academic

56 Wilner, A. S. (2015). Deterring Rational Fanatics. Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania University Press), p.2.
57 Conway, M. et al. (2017). ‘Disrupting Daesh: measuring takedown of online terrorist material and its
impacts’, available online: http://www.voxpol.eu/download/vox-pol_publication/DCUJ5528-Disrupting-
DAESH-1706-WEB-v2.pdf, accessed 11 January 2018.
58 Daftari, L. (2017). ‘ISIS hacker who published ‘kill lists’ reportedly killed in U.S. drone strike’, available

online; http://www.foreigndesknews.com/world/middle-east/isis-hacker-published-kill-lists-reportedly-killed-u-
s-drone-strike/, accessed 11 January 2018.
59 Goldman, A. and Schmitt, E. (2016). ‘One by One, ISIS Social Media Experts Are Killed as Result of F.B.I.

Program’, available online: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/24/world/middleeast/isis-recruiters-social-

media.html, accessed 11 January 2018.

and policy circles. The Obama administration’s cyber security strategy referenced plans to use
‘partnerships with the private sector to deter, detect and disrupt threats’, for example.60 Cyber
deterrence may require a degree of private sector responsibility that has not been in abundant
supply to date. Nevertheless, Internet Service Providers and internet content creators may be
able to deter cyber-attacks by self-policing and making their networks resilient to malicious
use. In this sense, and as Madeline Carr has argued, ‘It might be more appropriate to develop
a national cyber-resilience strategy instead of a national cyber-security strategy’.61 ‘De-
securitising’ cyber security in this way may help to emphasise reputational and commercial
incentives for companies to make their products safe, secure and free from attack and
manipulation. In the absence of independent actions by the private sector to secure computer
systems from manipulation, new domestic legislation may also be needed; the Estonian
government is considering introducing new laws that would enable the Estonian Information
System Authority (RIA) to disconnect malicious actors from using Estonian ISPs, for

A wider concept of cyber security based on computer network and societal resilience may also
bring benefits to cyber deterrence efforts. This would involve a broad range of actors, including
internet service providers, critical infrastructure providers, operators of social media platforms,
the military and government in a wide and deep effort to ensure service continuity (and the
continuity of basic societal functions) in the event of major cyber disruption. If measures can
be put in place to keep the internet running, minimise the impact of cyber-attacks, and quickly
replace core services, then the perceptions of cyber attackers that they are able to achieve their
objectives could be eroded considerably. Inherent to this approach is that deterrence measures
become decentralised and involve a broad range of stakeholders. As one recent report notes:

60 Obama, B. (2016). ‘Protecting U.S. Innovation from Cyberthreats.’ Available online:

https://www.wsj.com/articles/protecting-u-s-innovation-from-cyberthreats-1455012003, accessed 11 January
61 Carr, M. (2016). ‘Public-private partnerships in national cyber‐ security strategies’, International Affairs,

Vol. 92, No. 1, p. 62.

62 Lõugas, H., (2017). ‘RIA peadirektor saab õiguse ohtlik arvuti Eesti internetist välja lülitada’, available

online: https://geenius.ee/uudis/ria-peadirektor-saab-oiguse-ohtlik-arvuti-eesti-internetist-valja-lulitada/,
accessed 24.01.17.

‘The concept of resilience replaces the measurement and control of risks with
the decentralised and flexible ability to resist varied disruptions and often
unforeseen shocks’.63

Such a strategy will rely on effective communication and efficient information sharing between
government and the private sector, and resilience strategies should not be viewed as
replacements for other cyber deterrence approaches, especially as resilience processes are at an
early stage of development. Illustrating this point, Tim Ridout has argued for combining
resilience with other forms of cyber deterrence:

‘resilience could play a critical dissuasive role by reducing the utility of cyber
offense, especially when joined with the credible threat of punishment. If you
demonstrate that you can absorb a blow, bounce back quickly, and then hit back,
resilience and deterrence can be a potent combination’.64

Resilience may also have more utility in certain sectors than others, such as in transport and
energy supply. Critical infrastructure providers with no authority or capability to implement
cyber countermeasures may find cyber deterrence based on resilience appealing, especially
when supported by government efforts. The US Computer Emergency Response Team’s
(CERT) Cyber Resilience Reviews (no-cost, voluntary, non-technical assessments to evaluate
an organisation’s operational resilience and cybersecurity practices)65 are but one example of
the sorts of measures that are emerging that could enhance cyber deterrence.

The relevance of resilience to deterrence is receiving more traction within the international
community too. The EU’s most recent cyber security proposals are titled, Resilience,
Deterrence and Defence: Building strong cybersecurity in Europe,66 suggesting a clear
interrelationship between the resilience and deterrence concepts. NATO officials have recently
recognised that Information Technology ‘represents a fundamental pillar of resilience and a
critical enabler of decisions taken at Warsaw to strengthen NATO’s deterrence and defence

63 Bendiek, A., Bossong R. and Schulze, M. (2017). ‘The EU’s Revised Cybersecurity Strategy Half-Hearted
Progress on Far-Reaching Challenges’, available: https://www.swp-
berlin.org/fileadmin/contents/products/comments/2017C47_bdk_etal.pdf, accessed 11 January 2011.
64 Ridout, T. (2016), Building a Comprehensive Strategy of Cyber Defence, Deterrence, and Resilience, The

Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, Vol. 40 No. 2, p.80.

65 See for example: US CERT (2018). ‘Assessments: Cyber Resilience Review (CRR)’, available online:

https://www.us-cert.gov/ccubedvp/assessments, accessed 22 January 2018.

66 European Commission (2017). ‘Resilience, Deterrence and Defence: Building strong cybersecurity for the

EU’ available online: https://www.consilium.europa.eu/media/21479/resilience_deterrence_defence_cyber-

security_ec.pdf, accessed 11 January 2018.

posture.’67 If these efforts by international organisations can be complemented at the sub-state
level, then significant cyber deterrence progress could be made.

Comprehensive cyber deterrence

What would a comprehensive cyber deterrence strategy look like? Some existing policy
documents provide indications. The 2015 DoD Cyber Strategy calls for the Department of
Defence to contribute to ‘the development and implementation of a comprehensive cyber
deterrence strategy to deter key state and non-state actors from conducting cyberattacks against
U.S. interests’. The policy refers to ‘a range of policies and capabilities to affect a state or non-
state actors’ behaviour’ and highlights that cyber deterrence will be achieved through a:

‘totality of U.S. actions, including declaratory policy, substantial indications

and warning capabilities, defensive posture, effective response procedures, and
the overall resiliency of U.S. networks and systems.’68

A similar approach is taken in the US Army Special Operations Command White Paper, 2016,
which says that:

‘Comprehensive Deterrence seeks to expand upon traditional concepts of

deterrence to account for the totality and the variety of the threats we face in
the early 21st Century security environment’.69

The strategy suggests constructing a grand strategy for deterrence, based on a wider focus than
just high-end conflict by nation states, countering grey zone challenges, recognising trans-
regional competition, the necessity for new ways of thinking, and nuanced inter/intra-
governmental multi-year campaigns.70

67 Fertasi, N. and De Vivo, D. (2016). ‘Cyber resilience: protecting NATO’s nervous system,’ available:
https://www.nato.int/docu/Review/2016/Also-in-2016/nato-cyber-resilience-security/EN/index.htm, accessed 11
January 2018.
68 Department of Defence (2015). ‘The Department of Defence Cyber Security Strategy’, available online:

strategy/Final_2015_DoD_CYBER_STRATEGY_for_web.pdf, accessed 11 January 2018, p.10.
69 US Army Special Operations Command (2016). ‘Comprehensive Deterrence White Paper’, available:

http://www.soc.mil/Files/ComprehensiveDeterrenceWhitePaper.pdf, accessed 11 January 2018, p. 2.

70 Ibid., p. 2.

In academic circles, the long-established concept of comprehensive security provides some
insight into how a comprehensive cyber deterrence strategy might be established. As Gebhard
and Norheim-Martinsen explain, comprehensive security concepts have tended to:

‘focus on widening the conventional perspective on security towards a not

purely military, territorial and state-centric understanding, but one that includes
other security-relevant aspects such as civilian operations in various areas
(police, security sector reform, rule of law, civil protection and civil
administration), development, environmental issues, humanitarian aid,
structural cooperation and diplomacy’.71

More recently, Scott Jasper has outlined some of the necessary attributes of comprehensive
cyber deterrence, stressing the importance of ‘continuity of purpose not command’ between
the private sector and government, and the corresponding need to overcome a ‘clash of self-
interests – where one party strives to maintain economic or military advantage – that might
prevent cooperation in deterring cyber aggression.’72

Figure 1 suggests a tentative and collaborative framework for cyber deterrence that recognises
the range of threats involved in cyber security and the range of targets, makes distinctions
between actors who need to be deterred and deterring actors (those engaged in formulating and
implementing deterrence strategies), and highlights the variety of measures that can be used
depending on the type of threat, target and actor involved. Deterrence measures include a range
of existing policies that have deterrent value, including punishment for higher level strategic
threats, and denial for lower spectrum activity. The approach recognises that targets will be
diverse and the application of deterrence measures will vary accordingly. It also recognises that
deterrence measures will be tailored and chosen according to the type of actor to be deterred,
the organisations involved in the deterrence activity, and their capabilities and authority.

71 Gebhard, C. and Norheim-Martinsen, P. (2011). ‘Making sense of EU comprehensive security towards

conceptual and analytical clarity’, European Security, Vol. 20 No. 2, pp. 225.
72 Jasper, S. (2015). ‘Deterring Malicious Behavior in Cyberspace’, Strategic Studies Quarterly, Vol. 9, No. 1,

p. 75.

Fig. 1 A comprehensive cyber deterrence framework

Deterring Actors Deterrence Threats Targets Deterrable Actors


International Punishment (absolute Military Nation states,

Organisations Kinetic retaliation, deterrence) military and
cyber retaliation, Government, security agencies
Nation states and legal prosecution, Cyber warfare political
government economic institutions, values State affiliated
agencies sanctions, Cyber espionage hackers
diplomatic Corporate
Police, Judiciary isolation. Cyber terrorism Terrorist groups
Private sector, ISPs Denial Cyber crime infrastructure Insider threats
Norms, Societal
denial, Technical (restrictive Individuals, public Criminals and
denial deterrence) organised crime

contingency, and
continuity planning

The US election hack, 2016: lessons for cyber deterrence

The use of cyber espionage and subversion by the Russian state during the US presidential
election 2016 has clearly demonstrated the destabilising effects that hostile cyber campaigns
can have at the highest levels of national and international politics. The investigation into
Russian subversion of the election, and the extent to which members of the Trump campaign
were involved in that effort, is ongoing. Nevertheless, there have been clear evidence-based
indications from the US national security agencies of the extent of the cyber-attacks, the
motivations behind them, and their impact. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence
(ODNI),73 in a declassified summary of its investigation, concluded that President Vladimir
Putin ordered Russian intelligence agencies to conduct an ‘influence campaign’ to disrupt the
US election, undermine faith in the US political system, denigrate Secretary Hillary Clinton,
harm her campaign, and undermine her future presidency.74 The methods involved in the

73 Incorporating views from the three main US intelligence agencies, The Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA), The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and The National Security Agency (NSA)
74 Office of the Director of National Intelligence (2017). ‘Background to “Assessing Russian Activities and

Intentions in Recent US Elections”: The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attribution’, available:
https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/ICA_2017_01.pdf, accessed 11 January 2018, p. II.

campaign were some of the most highly coordinated in recent history and constituted a
‘significant escalation in directness, level of activity, and scope of effort compared to previous
(Russian) operations.’75

While the election hack could be interpreted as a clear case of cyber deterrence failure, that
would be too simplistic an assessment. There are some important lessons to be learned that
relate to the arguments for a comprehensive approach to cyber deterrence outlined in this
article. The case also suggests several opportunities for the development of cyber deterrence
strategy and policy.

First, the attacks were not directed solely at the US state and its governmental actors, and used
and targeted non-state actors to achieve political effects. The attacks were directed at both the
main US political parties (including the primary campaigns), think tanks and lobbying groups,
and hackers infiltrated the Democrat National Committee (DNC) networks from June 2015 to
July 2016. Attempts were made to gain and sustain access to electoral systems, including US
state and local election boards. Those involved in the attacks included both Russian state actors
and intermediaries or proxies, including ‘state funded media, third-party intermediaries, and
paid social media users or “trolls”’.76 The attacks were also based on the manipulation of
private sector organisations within the US and internationally, most notably Facebook and
Twitter. Julian Assange’s Wikileaks organisation was used to disseminate materials that had
been obtained illegally and covertly from various US sources. The ONDI report notes that
Wikileaks actively collaborated with Russia Today (RT), the main propaganda outlet of the
Russian state, and that RT executives met with Julian Assange to discuss further partnership
between the organisations. It also suggests that, after election day, Russian hackers began a
‘spear fishing’ campaign targeting a wide range of government and non-government actors,
including ‘US Government employees and individuals associated with US think tanks and
NGOs in national security, defence, and foreign policy fields’.77 The election hack thus
demonstrates that cyber deterrence across both the government and societal sectors will be
necessary to prevent and deter future such activity. This may have been a state orchestrated

75 Ibid., p. II.
76 Ibid., p. 2.
77 Ibid., p. 5.

campaign of cyber subversion, but it was implemented by and targeted actors beyond
conventional state based structures and agencies.

The second related lesson is that preventing and deterring the manipulation of social media has
grown in importance and should be seen as a cyber security issue, and new strategies are needed
to enhance the security of social media platforms from manipulation. The social media
providers themselves may need to take greater responsibility in this area or risk seeing public
trust in their platforms eroded. Since the election, executives from Facebook, Google and
Twitter have testified to the US Congress, and have taken some first steps to protect their
networks from covert manipulation. This suggests that private sector and social media
deterrence by denial is at least on the agenda. It has been estimated that content produced by
Russian operatives may have reached as many as 126 million Facebook users, with 36,000
Russian bots responsible for 1.4 million tweets during the election period, and 1,108 videos
with 43 hours of content distributed on YouTube relevant to the aims of the Russian
operation.78 Limiting the overall scope of this malicious activity is achievable with tailored
deterrence strategies. Various aspects of the role of these content providers relates to the
efficacy of a broader approach to cyber deterrence. First, the advertising that appeared on social
media that was targeted at undermining Secretary Clinton’s campaign was paid for in roubles,
a fact recognised by Senator Al Franken at the recent congressional hearings: ‘American
political ads and Russian money, roubles: How could you not connect those two dots?’79 This
indicates that some changes in practice by social media operators could bring simple deterrent
results. One proposed measure currently before the Congress is to require digital service
providers to provide publicly listed databases of those purchasing election ads. This would
create a degree of transparency that may serve as a deterrent. Another proposal by academics
Dan Jerker B. Svantesson and William van Caenegem involves making the covert algorithmic
manipulation of social media platforms for dishonest political gain a criminal offence. 80

78 Shaban, H., Timberg C. and Dwoskin, E., (2017). ‘Facebook, Google and Twitter testified on Capitol Hill.
Here’s what they said’, available https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2017/10/31/facebook-
google-and-twitter-are-set-to-testify-on-capitol-hill-heres-what-to-expect/?utm_term=.7e90b0e2c269, accessed
11 January 2018.
79 Quoted in Shaban, Timberg and Dwoskin (2017).
80 Svantesson, D. J. B. and Van Caenegem, W. (2017). ‘Faking it: we should make manipulating algorithms for

political purposes a crime, March 9, 2017, available: https://theconversation.com/faking-it-we-should-make-

manipulating-algorithms-for-political-purposes-a-crime-73970, accessed 11 January 2018.

Adopting or refining laws may yield enhanced legal deterrence. More proactive removal of
manipulative advertising and content has also been considered and Facebook has announced
the application of advanced AI technologies to combat fake news, including by de-ranking sites
such as Russia Today in search algorithms.81 Successes have been recorded with similar
measures to constrain the use of Twitter by ISIS.82

The third lesson that should be derived from the US election hack is the unique vulnerability
of democracies to hacking and the need to tailor cyber deterrence accordingly. This was not
simply an attack on a nation state by another nation state, but a manifestation of identity politics
and ideology, and there have been clear subsequent threats to elections in other countries
including Germany, the UK and France. In this sense, a comprehensive cyber deterrence
strategy would need to be tailored to protecting democratic values, institutions and systems of
governance. Zoe Hawkins has argued that:

‘to limit our understanding of the cyber threat to physical damage would be to
overlook the integral role that cyber technologies play in less tangible elements
of national security: democratic elections and supporting public information

Conversely, in achieving effective cyber deterrence, more attention may need to be placed on
what costs are taken seriously by authoritarian leaders who are more insulated from internal
democratic constraints on their power than leaders in democracies. The Obama administration
in its last months in office expelled Russian diplomats and new sanctions were imposed on
Russia’s two leading intelligence services, but the coherence and continuity of the US response
has been affected by the wider political controversies surrounding the Trump administration
during its first year in office.84 Subsequent to the US sanctions, the EU has announced it will
impose sanctions in response to cyber attacks against its members’ democratic processes,
including travel bans, assets freezes and blanket bans on doing business with a person,

81 BBC News (2017). ‘Facebook promises new fake news measures’, available:
http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-40812697, accessed 11 January 2018.
82 Conway et al. (2017).
83 Hawkins, Z. (2017). ‘Securing Democracy in the Digital Age’, available online:

https://www.aspi.org.au/report/securing-democracy-digital-age, accessed 12 January 2018.

84 Sanger, D. E. (2016). ‘Obama Strikes Back at Russia for Election Hacking’, available online:

https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/29/us/politics/russia-election-hacking-sanctions.html, accessed 12 January


company or government.85 This is part of new EU cyber security proposals that place more
emphasis on broader conceptions of cyber deterrence and resilience than usually adopted. 86
Another more practical aspect of this problem is the vulnerability of electoral systems to
interference and some new research is already emerging on this important aspect of cyber
security and deterrence.87 Recent proposals that could create significant deterrence by denial
and resilience involve ensuring supply chain integrity (e.g. voter rolls, voting machines,
software, and results) and efforts to ensure that voting systems are backed up by paper ballots
or are secured through distributed or duplicated systems that can continue to function in the
event of infiltration and manipulation. 88 In a recent report on deterring attacks against election
systems, David Fidler concludes that ‘layered state, federal, and international actions would
deter cyberattacks on election systems by making such attacks more difficult, costly, and
ineffective’.89 Comprehensive approaches to cyber deterrence thus appear to be gaining
heightened attention in the wake of the US election hack of 2016 and innovative new
approaches to cyber deterrence may emerge as a result.


This article has proposed a comprehensive approach to cyber deterrence that is wider and
deeper than many current conceptions and which addresses the diversity of actors, threats and
motivations involved in malicious cyber activity. Its central argument has been that relying on
binary Cold War conceptions of deterrence (most notably deterrence by denial and punishment)
and state-centric conceptions of cyber security is likely to prove ineffective. A tailored
approach that recognises the role of a diverse range of deterring actors and deterrable threats,

85 Reuters Staff (2017). ‘EU agrees to use sanctions against cyber hackers’, available online:
idUSKBN19A115, accessed 12 January 2018.
86 Minárik T. and Alatalu S. (2017). ‘EU Cybersecurity Package: New Potential for EU to Cooperate with

NATO’, available online: https://ccdcoe.org/eu-cybersecurity-package-new-potential-eu-cooperate-nato.html

87 See for example, https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/democracy/reports/2017/09/11/438684/election-

infrastructure-vulnerabilities-solutions/, accessed 12 January 2018.

88 Zarate, J. C. (2017). ‘The Cyber Attacks on Democracy’, available online:

http://www.bushcenter.org/catalyst/democracy/zarate-cyber-attacks-on-democracy.html, accessed 12 January

89 Fidler, D. P., ‘Transforming Election Cybersecurity’, available:

https://www.cfr.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/CyberBrief_Fidler_Elections_OR_2.pdf, accessed 12 January


and which includes legal, social, normative and technological approaches to deterrence, could
yield greater benefits. A preliminary analysis of the US election case has shown the potential
benefits and opportunities that may stem from the adoption of this type of approach.

There are various potential pitfalls and costs to adopting a comprehensive approach to cyber
deterrence. The first is time. Embedding norms and laws and achieving resilience will be a
lengthy process and require sustained attention. Socially constructed, normative approaches to
cyber deterrence will be slow to establish and part of a complex life cycle that includes periods
of advocacy, contestation, acceptance, diffusion and localisation. To paraphrase Tim Stevens,
cyber security is an inherently temporal proposition. 90 A comprehensive cyber deterrence
strategy focused on both state and non-state actors will also need to be well resourced at the
societal, state and international levels. Measures to enhance cyber deterrence will be pursued
in an environment of economic scarcity and a political and bureaucratic competition for
resources. Stretching the deterrence concept to include non-military aspects of cyber security
may also dilute the concept. It should be noted, however, that this kind of critique has been
levelled at other broader conceptions of security. The ‘human security’ approach, for example,
which emerged in the mid-1990s and sought to include insecurity caused by economic
deprivation and environmental degradation, attracted the same types of criticism. Yet it also
made an important policy and theoretical contribution to security in the post-Cold War era. In
this sense, a concept of comprehensive cyber deterrence will be part of:

‘a long line of neologisms [that have sought to] encourage policymakers and
scholars to think about international security as something more than the
military defense of state interests and territory’.91

What is certain is that more research is required. If cyber deterrence is going to be tailored to
different threats and involve a broader range of deterring and deterrable actors, then a more
nuanced understanding of what types of deterrence might work in different contexts is needed.
This indicates a rich and varied future research agenda for the emerging cyber security
discipline. Short-term areas of focus could be deterring state-sponsored or affiliated hackers,
deterring the manipulation of social media, and enhancing deterrence through resilience in the

90Stevens, T. (2015). Cyber Security and the Politics of Time, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
91Paris, R. (2001). ‘Human security: Paradigm Shift or Hot Air?’, International Security, Vol. 26 No. 2, pp. 87-

private sector and in democratic systems and governance. More multidisciplinary research is
also needed. Deriving insights from the behavioural sciences, psychology, law, criminology,
crime science, computer science, and political science will likely yield more nuanced results
and more effective cyber deterrence measures. In this sense, the concept of ‘deterrence’ needs
to be reclaimed from the realist-based military-strategic studies sphere. In the final analysis,
and to use the terminology of deterrence itself, the costs of not putting in place strategies to
deter a broader range of cyber threats may exceed any benefits accrued from limiting the
concept to state actors and high-level strategic attacks.


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