FFS La Pastrav
FFS La Pastrav
FFS La Pastrav
Written in cooperation with the United Soybean Board and American Soybean Association
In terms of quantity, it is likely that trout feeds will Country Production (mt)
remain at current levels of fish meal use in the next
few years, despite predicted growth in global trout France 48,750
production of approximately 5% per year. This will Chile 42,656
be accomplished by replacing a portion of fish meal Denmark 40,864
used in diet formulations with alternative protein Italy 40,150
sources. Salmon are the largest aquatic animal United States 25,863
segment users of fish meal for diet production, using
454,000 mt in 2000. This quantity was 21.5% of all
fish meal used in feeds for aquatic animals, and Table 4: Estimated World Fish Feed
about 7% of average annual production of 6.2 Production by Species Groups (2000)
million metric tons (mmt). Salmon diets are likewise
expected to contain lower percentages of fish meal Species Group mt of Feed % of Total
in the future.
Salmon/Trout 1,636,000 12.5%
Global fish meal production has been relatively Shrimp 1,570,000 12%
constant in the past 15 years, but production declines Catfish 505,000 4%
as much as 15% when El Nino effects are severe Tilapia 776,000 6%
(Hardy and Tacon, 2002). El Nino causes ocean Marine finfish 1,049,000 8%
warming off the coasts of Peru and Northern Chile, Cyprinids (Carp) 6,991,000 53%
causing anchovies to move elsewhere, thus reducing Miscellaneous 579,000 4.5%
the availability of anchovies that supports the
world’s largest fishery for fish meal production. Total 13,106,000
Although Peru and Chile account for less than one-
third of global fish meal production, they produce a
large proportion of fish meal traded throughout the
world, more than 60%. Other large fish meal- Table 5: Estimated Fish Meal Use in
producing countries, such as Norway, utilize nearly Aquafeeds (2000)
all of their production domestically.
Species Group mt of Fish Meal % of Total
El Nino events have a large impact on global fish
meal supplies and cost. Production often rebounds in Salmon 454,000 21.5%
the year after El Nino events, pushing global Marine fish 415,000 19.6%
production over 7 mmt. During severe El Nino Shrimp 372,000 17.6%
years, the price of fair and average quality (FAQ) Carp 350,000 16.5%
fish meal can double, from a low of approximately Trout 176,000 8.3%
$330 United States Dollars (USD) per mt to more Eels 173,000 8.2%
than $600 USD per mt (prices free on board Peru). Flatfish 69,000 3.3%
When this happens, salmon and trout feed Other Fish 106,000 5.0%
manufacturers turn to alternatives, including
Figure 1: Changes in Protein and Fat Figure 2: Changes in Protein and Fat
Levels in Atlantic Salmon Feeds Over the Levels in Trout Feeds Over the Past Two
Past Two Decades Decades
60 45
50 40
Protein 35
40 Protein
30 Digestible 25
Protein Digestible
20 20 Protein
10 Fat
0 5
1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000
1970 1980 1990 2000
1 Trout
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
The awareness program initially focuses on Southeast Asia and India, where there are significant
opportunities to intensify production within established aquaculture industries with the use of soybean
meal-based diets.
The focus of the research component is salmonids, specifically rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon, and
commercial crustaceans, all of which are large industries currently underutilizing soybean meal. The
highly integrated and collaborative nature of this initial series of projects should result in expansion of
soybean meal into new rapidly growing existing markets in North America, Europe and Asia.
This paper is one of a series of four technical review papers prepared by aquaculture specialists that
summarize soy product use and potential in the diets for key aquaculture species groups. The technical
reviews address the following species groups: 1) freshwater omnivorous fish; ø2) marine fish; 3) marine
shrimp; and 4) salmonids. All of these papers can be viewed at www.soymeal.org.
United Soybean Board
16640 Chesterfield Grove Road
Suite 130
Chesterfield, MO 63005
800/989-USB1 (8721)