Philippine and Asian Music
Philippine and Asian Music
Philippine and Asian Music
5. A type of orchestra in Thailand that performs in popular village affairs with the use of
combine string and wind instruments.
A. Pi Phat Ensemble C. Khruang Saay Ensemble
7. Based on the basic scale of Japanese music, what is the scale for male?
A. Yo-sen C. FU’YE
B. In-sen D. YU’YE
8. Based on the basic scale of Japanese music, what is the scale for female?
A. Yo-sen C. FU’YE
B. In-sen D. YU’YE
14. In the key of “C”, the letter name of “SO” is “G”. What is the letter name of “SO” in the
key of “D”?
A. “C” C. “B”
B. “D” D. “A”
15. In the key of A#, the letter name of “SO” is “F”. what is the letter name of “FA” in the key
of A#?
A. D# C. G
B. C# D. F#
19. What are the enharmonic notes of the note “A” in the key of C?
A. Bbb and G* C. A* and G*
B. Gbb and B* D. F* and Bbb
Music Literature
20. The classical period composer who is famous for creating well-loved music even after he
became deaf is _________________.
A. Ludwig Van Beethoven C. Franz Josef Haydn
B. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart D. Johann Christian Bach
21. “The Magic Flute” is composed by _________________.
A. Ludwig Van Beethoven C. Franz Josef Haydn
B. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart D. Johann Christian Bach
22. The classical period composer who is also called “The child Prodigy” is _____________.
A. Franz Josef Haydn C. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
B. Ludwig Van Beethoven D. Johann Christian Bach
27. What are the moderate range of voice between soprano and alto, tenor and bass?
A. Mezzo Soprano and Baritone
B. Mezzo Soprano1 and Baritone1
C. Mezzo Sopprano2 and Baritone2
D. Piano Soprano and Piano Baritone
Rondalla Playing Instrumentation
28. The rondalla instruments EXPECT for the double bass, are usually played by _________.
A. Strumming C. Bowing
B. Plucking D. Striking
29. The Philippine bandurria, octavina and laud have ______ strings.
A. 12 C. 14
B. 15 D. 16