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Set 1:

1. CSS stands for?

A.Central Style Sheets

B.Common Style Sheets

C.Cascading Style Sheets

D.Control Style Sheets

2. The <link> tag goes inside

A.the body section:

B.the title section:

C.the head section:

D.None of the above

3. What CSS define in HTML?

A.How to save HTML elements

B.How to send HTML elements

C.How to made HTML elements

D.How to display HTML elements

4. How do you insert a comment in a CSS file?

A./* this is a comment */

B.? this is a comment

C.// this is a comment

D.// this is a comment //

5. Which HTML attribute is used to define inline styles?




6. CSS is also created and maintained by group of people within





7. CSS1:Developed in …….. by the W3C, describes CSS language and simple visual formatting for all HTML tags.





8. From which version of CSS under development since the late 1990s, added a lot of extra features?




D.None of the above

9. How many types of levels in style sheets?

A.One level

B.two level

C.three level

D.four level

10. The Advantages of CSS is

A.Seperation of document contents from document pr

B.Superior Styles to HTML:

C.High Performance:

D.All of the above

11. An external style sheet is ideal when the style is applied to

A.many pages
B.single pages

C.few pages

D.None of the above

12. Which of the style sheet is also known as Embedded Style Sheet?

A.Document Style Sheet:

B.Inline Style Sheet:

C.External Style Sheet:

D.None of the above

13. Which is the superior styles of html?




D.None of the above

14. The Disadvantages of Cascading Style Sheets is

A.Low Performance:

B.High Performance:

C.Browsers Compatibility:

D.All of the above

15. A CSS declaration always ends with a ……………., and declaration groups are surrounded by …………………..

A.semicolon and curly brackets

B.semicolon and square brackets

C.either (A) or (B)

D.neither (A) or nor (B)

16. An internal style sheet should be used when a single document has a

A.unique style

B.common style
C.either (A) or (B)

D.None of the above

17. A ……… tag is used to specify that the browser is to fetch and use an external style sheet file




D.None of the above

18. To use inline styles you use the style attribute in the …………… tag

A.style tag

B.relevant tag

C.link tag

D.None of the above

19. To inserting a style sheet

A.External style sheet :

B.Internal style sheet:

C.Inline style sheet:

D.All of the above

20. CSS provided the basic styles such as

A.specifying font and font styles

B.setting margins

C.applying colors

D.All of the above

21. How many types of levels in style sheets?

A.One level

B.Two level

C.Three level

D.Four level
22. Which of the style sheet is also known as Embedded Style Sheet?

A.Document Style Sheet:

B.Inline Style Sheet:

C.External Style Sheet:

D.None of the above

23. Each style rule in a rule list has …… parts:


24. A ……… tag is used to specify that the browser is to fetch and use an external style sheet file

A.<sheet>B.<link>C.<src>D.None of the above

25. Which style sheet can be apply to the content of a single element?

A.Inline Style Sheet

B.External Style Sheet

C.Document/Embedded Style Sheet

D.None of the above

26. Style sheet appears as a value of the ……… attribute.

A.script B.sheet C.style D.jscript

27. Where in an HTML document is the correct place to refer to an external style sheet?

A.At the end of the document

B.At the top of the document

C.In the section

D.None of the above

28. Which HTML attribute is used to define inline styles?




29. The id selector is used to specify a style for

A.multiple,common element

B.multiple,unique element

C.single, common element

D.single, unique element

30. The id selector uses the id attribute of the HTML element, and is defined with a





1.C 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.B

7.D 8.C 9.C 10.D 11.A 12.A

13.A 14.C 15.A 16.A 17.B 18.B

19.D 20.D 21.C 22.A 23.B 24.B

25.A 26.C 27.D 28.C 29.D 30.D

1. Which would be the best keyword(s) for you to enter to search an electronic
encyclopedia for information about the World Cup soccer tournament?
A. Soccer B. Soccer tournament
C. Sports D. World Cup soccer
2. Which of the following is used to explore the Internet?
A Browser B Spreadsheet
C Clipboard D Draw

3. A keyword is the —
A main search word B name of a search engine
C word used to get rid of results D style of the search word

4. To determine if a sports website has current information, you should check

A. how many other sites are listed B. the website address
C. when the site was last updated D. how the site is organized

5. Which domain must be present in the website address (URL) of a

university library?
A .org (organization) B .gov (government)
B .edu (education) D .com (commercial)

6. While searching on the Internet, you decided to check in more than one
search engine because —
A. that will avoid false information
B. that will avoid repetition of information
C. each engine produces different results
D. all Web users prefer this technique

7. What is a FTP program used for?

A. Transferring files to and from an Internet server
B. Designing a website
C. Connecting to the internet
D. None of the above

8. Which is a valid Internet address?

A. http://www.loksewaexam.com
B. www.my site.com
C. http://loksewaexam.com

9. What does HTML stand for?

A.Hyperlinks and Text Markup Language
B.Home Tool Markup Language
C.Hyper Text Markup Language

10. Who is making the Web standards?

C.The World Wide Web Consortium

11. Choose the correct HTML tag for the largest heading

12.What is the difference between XML and HTML?

A.HTML is used for exchanging data, XML is not.
B.XML is used for exchanging data, HTML is not.
C.HTML can have user defined tags, XML cannot

13. What is the correct HTML tag for inserting a line break?
A.<br />
B.<break />
C.<lb />
14. Can a data cell contain images?

15. How do I add scrolling text to my page?


16. What is the preferred way for adding a background color in HTML?
A.<body background=”yellow”>
C.<body style=”background-color:yellow”>

17. Which of the following are the advantages of CSS?

i) CSS saves time ii) Page load faster
iii) Easy maintenance iv) Multiple compatibility

A) i, ii and iii only

B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, ii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv

18. A CSS style rule is made up of three parts which are ..

i) Selector ii) Property

iii) Value iv) Attribute
A) i, ii and iii only
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, ii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv
19. Which is not the selector type of CSS?

A) Type selector
B) Universal selector
C) Local selector
D) Descendant selector

20. The correct example of class selector is .

A) h2.type1 {color: #000000;}

B) h2 type1 {color: #000000;}
C) h2 #type1 {color: #000000;}
D) #h2 type1 {color: #000000;}

21. CSS comments are inserted inside .

A) //……………….//
B) <!………………>
C) /*………………*/
D) All of the above

22. We can handle old browsers by placing CSS codes inside.

A) //……………….//
B) <!………………>
C) /*………………*/
D) None of the above

23. State whether True or False.

i) Any inline style sheet takes highest priority.

ii) Any rule defined in <style> ………………………</style> tag will override
rules defined in any external style sheet file.
A) i-True, ii-False
B) i-False, ii-True
C) i-True, ii-True
D) i-False, ii-False

24. …………………. is used to import an external style sheet in a manner

similar to the <link> element.

A) @insert
B) @import
C) #import
D) #insert

25. Which of the following is / are the measurement units in CSS?

i) % ii) cm iii) em iv) pc v) px

A) i, ii, iii and iv only
B) i, ii, iii and v only
C) i, ii, iv and v only
D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v

26. The possible formats of CSS colors are.

i) Hex code – #RRGGBB

ii) Short Hex Code – #RGB
iii) RGB% – rgb(rrr%, ggg%, bbb%)
iv) Keyword – teal, blue, black
A) i, ii and iv only
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, iii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv
27. To interpret the HTML code, and get a visual layout we need a:
A.Turbo-C Compiler
B.Any Text Editor
C.Any Web-Browser
D.Google’s V8 engine

28. XHTML stands for:et 2

A.Extreme Hyper Text Markup Language
B.Expire Hyper Text Markup Language
C.Expert Hyper Text Markup Language
D.Extensible Hyper Text Markup Language

29. Which is responsible for Standardization of HTML:


30. In HTML, comment line is as :

A.// Comment Line
B./* Comment Line */
C.– Comment Line —
D.<!– Comment Line –>

1.D 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.C 6.C

7.A 8.A 9.C 10.C 11.D 12.B

13.A 14.A 15.C 16.C 17.D 18.A

19.C 20.A 21.C 22.B 23.C 24.B

25.D 26.D 27.C 28.D 29.B 30.D

HTML Set 1

1. Which of the following term describes the art of making dynamic &
interactive pages?
2. <output> element represent?
A. Authenticate the user
B. result of a calculation
C. pre-defines value
D. none of these

3. Attributes consist of a name and a value separated by ________ sign ?

A. “ ”
B. ,
C. =
D. ;

4. Target attribute is used for

A. opening new document
B. selecting previous document
C. deleting frame
D. none of above

5. Which element provides a secure way to authenticate the user?

A. <keygen>
B. <datalist>
C. <output>
D. <input>
6. For defining the possible link break which tag do we have to use HTML5?
A. <video>
B. <track>
C. <summary>
D. <wbr>

7. DHTML is the combination of

2) javascript
3) HTML Dom
4) CSS
A. 1 and 2
B. 3 and 4
C. All choices are correct
D. none of these

8. <canvas> elements is only a _________ to the graphics.

A. component
B. container
C. attribute
D. method

9. terminate() method in HTML5 is used for ____________.

A. terminate everything
B. terminate all method
C. terminate a web worker
D. terminate program

10. ________ property returns the url of current audio/video.

A. currentSrc
B. controls
C. ended
D. mediaGroup

11. The manifest file is __________.

A. Text file
B. HTML file
C. XML file
D. java file

12. Which file is used by the browser to fetch the appropriate data ?
A. Text file
B. HTML file
C. XML file
D. manifest file

13. Where does web worker(s) script run?

A. in forground
B. in background
C. both a and b
D. can’t determinte

14. _________ Function displays the latitude or Longitude in geoLocation in

A. showLocation()
B. showPosition()
C. both a and b
D. showStatus()

15. Canvas is able to draw the 2D graphics using—————-

A. XMLB. HTMLC. Java scriptD. XHTML
16 Which storage object is used for storing the data with no expiry date?
A. Session storage
B. local storage
C. mass storage
D. stack storage

17. Application cache is used for ____________

1) offline browsing
2) Speed
3) Reduced server load
A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. All choices are correct
D. none of these

18. Seamless is a __________ type of attribute.

A. integerB. CharC. BooleanD. Float

19. Height attribute specifies the height of which frame?

A. iframe
B. jframe
C. inline frame
D. outline frame

20. Given statement is true or false: “Web worker script is depends on other
script.”A. YesB. No

1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.A

6.D 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.A

11.A 12.D 13.B 14.B 15.C

16.B 17.C 18.C 19.C 20.A
1. What can be define within a single font tag :
A. Only face
B. Only size
C. Only color
D. All of the above
2. To change default font face or size of a Web-page, use :
A. base tag
B. basefont tag
C. baseface tag
D. None of the above

3. Select true statement:

Statement 1:You can assign multiple valuest to face attribute of font tag.
Statement 2: If you specify a font name as face value of font tag, that is not installed on users
computer, text will be displayed in browser’s default font.
A. Only Statement 1 is true.
B. Only Statement 2 is true.
C. Both, Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true.
D. Neither, Statement 1 not Statement 2 is true.

4. There are ……… sets of HTML tags that form the basic structure needed for every HTML
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four

5. Which tag is used to a command that is used to instruct the computer (specifically browser)?
A. <html>
B. <div>
C. <frame>
D. None of the above
6. The Heading tag and Paragraph tag can be represented as
A. <head> and <para>
B. <hr> and <pr>
C. <h1> and <p>
D. None of the above

7. The HTML syntax of HTML5 requires a …………. to be specified to ensure that the browser
renders the page in standard mode.

8. Which tag is used to identify the beginning and end of the HTML document?
A. <html>
B. <body>
C. <title>
D. None of the above

9. One of the most popular way is to specify character-set using a

A. meta data
B. meta element
C. meta value
D. None of the above

10. The doctype declaration for the HTML is

A. case-sensitive
B. case-insensitive
C. case-impsensitive
D. None of the above

11. The sets of HTML tag is

A. <html></html>
B. <head></head>
C. <title></title>
D. All of the above

12. A list which is provided with numeric digit is called an

A. Ordered List
B. Unordered List
C. Definition List
D. None of the above

13. An Ordered List can be represented as

A. <ol>
B. <ul>
C. <li>
D. <el>

14. A list which is provided with a bullet(a black dot) is called an

A. Ordered List
B. Unordered List
C. Definition List
D. None of the above

15. How many list of HTML is/are

A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four

16. Defination list can be defined as :

A. <ol>
B. <ul>
C. <dl>
D. None of the Above

17. What is the correct HTML for inserting an image?

A. <image src=”image.gif” alt=”MyImage” />
B. <img src=”image.gif” alt=”MyImage” />
C. <img alt=”MyImage”>image.gif</img>
D. <pic src=”image.gif” alt=”MyImage” />

18. What does vlink mean ?

A. visited link
B. unvisited link
C. active link
D. vertical link

19. one attribute is used to identify an image as image map?


20. Which one attribute is used to send the coordinate of image to the server When the user
clicks on the image?

21. If you want to be sure that the image is indeed the same one that the author intended, and
hasn’t been modified in any way, which one attribute inside <img> tag is used?

22. The value of MD attribute of <img> tag can be

A. MD=”MD5:some text”
B. MD=”DSS1:some text”
C. MD=”SHA512:some text”
D. Any of the above

23. Which one is the mandatory attribute of the <img> tag?

24. Statement1:The <IMG> tag is used to incorporate in-line graphics (typically icons or small
graphics) into an HTML document.
Statement2:The <IMG> element is also intended for embedding other HTML text.
Statement 3:For large figures with captions and text flow see FIG element.
A. Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true.
B. Statement 2 and statement 3 are true.
C. Statement 1 and statement 3 are true.
D. All three statements are true.

25. Which tag is used to define an image in HTML?

A. <img>
B. <image>
C. <pic>
D. None of the above

26. Which type of parameter specify the path where your image is placed?
A. path
B. scr
C. src
D. None of the above

27. GIF stands for:

A. Graph Interchange Format
B. Graphics Interlinked Format
C. Graphics Interchange Format
D. None of the above

28. Which attribute can be used to position the image?

A. position attribute
B. align attribute
C. margin attribute
D. None of the above

29. The ……….. and ………….indicates vertical space and horizontal space respectively.
A. verspace and horspace
B. vspace and hspace
C. vertspace and hortspace
D. None of the above

30. The <img> tag attributes are

A. Size attribute
B. Spacing attribute
C. Border attribute
D. All of the above

31. Which attribute define the width and height of the image?
A. Size attribute
B. length attribute
C. margin attribute
D. All of the above

32. Which attribute can be created between image and its surrounding text by specifying
horizontal and vertical space?
A. space attribute
B. whitespace attribute
C. backspace attribute
D. All of the above

33. Which address is include the entire pathname?

A. Relative
B. Mixed
C. Absolute
D. None of the above

34. PNG stands for:

A. Portable Network Graphic
B. Pivot Network Graphic
C. Pichart Network Graphic
D. Pythagorus Network Graphic

35. HTML provides a functionality to connect one or more pages in web-pages or resources.
A. link
B. src
C. node
D. tree

36. The <img> tag is supported by

A. internet explorer
B. mozilla firefox
C. google chrome
D. All of the above

37. HTML provides which control to use arranging text and also in defining the things more
understandable manner.
A. Tables
B. Frames
C. Div
D. None of the above

38. A table contains rows which is defined by

A. <tr> tag
B. <td> tag
C. <th> tag
D. None of the above
39. Table data may contain
A. text
B. links
C. tables
D. All of the above

40. Which attribute in Html table is used to give a border to your table?
A. line
B. border
C. margin-left border
D. All of the above

41. A table with no border

A. <table border=”0″>
B. <table border=”1″>
C. <table border=” “>
D. None of the above

42. ….. tag is used to define a table header.

A. <th>
B. <td>
C. <tr>
D. None of the above

43. A table can be spanned either in

A. rows
B. columns
C. columns or rows
D. All of the above

44. Which controls will be used in space between table cells?

A. Celpadding
B. Celspacing
C. Celshifting
D. All of the above

45. ……….. and ………….. are used to define a span in column and rows respectively.
A. ‘colspan’ and ‘rowspan’
B. ‘celpadding’ and ‘celspacing’
C. either (A) or either (B)
D. neither (A) or nor (B)

46. <td> tag stands for:

A. table dimension
B. table date
C. table data
D. None of the above
47. Which element in HTML defines sections of a web page?
A. table
B. div
C. frame
D. None of the above

48. The DIV element is a

A. block-level element
B. High-level element
C. low-level element
D. middle-level element

49. In HTML the DIV element can be found inside any element that can contain
A. high elements
B. low elements
C. flow elements
D. All of the above

50. From which element has very similar properties to the DIV element?
A. strong element
B. span element
C. table element
D. All of the above

1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.C
7.A 8.A 9.B 10.B 11.D 12.A
13.A 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.B 18.A
19.C 20.D 21.A 22.D 23.A 24.C
25.A 26.C 27.C 28.B 29.B 30.D
31.A 32.A 33.C 34.A 35.A 36.D
37.A 38.A 39.D 40.B 41.A 42.A
43.D 44.B 45.A 46.C 47.B 48.A

49.C 50.B

HTML Set 4
1. Which element we want to center a block of content or position a content block on the page?
A. strong element
B. div element
C. span element
D. table element
2. Which element to gives the functionality in section of webpage to make it easier to manage,
style, and manipulate?
A. div element
B. span element
C. strong element
D. All of the above

3. Which element is a block-level element?

A. div element
B. span element
C. strong element
D. All of the above

4. Which element is a inline element?

A. strong element
B. span element
C. div element
D. All of the above

5. Properties of HTML DIV tag:

A. The DIV element is a block-level element.
B. The DIV element can contain nearly any other tag
C. In HTML the DIV element can be found inside any
D. All of the above

6. There is one difference between div and span.

A. a div is a block-level element whereas a span is
B. a span is an inline element whereas a div is a b
C. a div is a low-level element whereas a span is a
D. a div is a high-level element whereas a span is

7. HTML provides a ……. tag to creating online form for the purpose of collectiong infromation
from user.
A. <form>
B. <div>
C. <frame>
D. None of the above

8. All the controls of a form should be enclosed within the

A. opening and closing <firm> tag
B. opening and closing <frm> tag
C. opening and closing <form> tag
D. None of the Above

9. The form tag can have different attributes, one/some of them may be
A. The action attribute
B. The method attributes
C. either (A) or (B)
D. both (A) and (B)

10. Which attribute specifies the URL of the script on the web server?
A. The action attribute
B. The method attribute
C. either (A) or (B)
D. neither (A) nor (B)

11. Which attribute specifies the technique that is used to pass data to the server?
A. The action attribute
B. The method attribute
C. either (A) or (B)
D. neither (A) nor (B)

12. From which tag has several attributes,one of them is type

A. <get> tag
B. <input> tag
C. <set> tag
D. None of the above

13 . Each value of type attributes represents a

A. unique control
B. common control
C. multiple control
D. None of the above

14. Which Specifies the maximum number of characters for the text field?
A. maximumlength
B. largelength
C. maxlength
D. None of the above

15. Which Specifies the length of text field.

A. length
B. size
C. width
D. All of the above

16. The value of type attributes are:

A. text
B. checkbox
C. radio
D. All of the above

17. The <input type=” …”> tag is used to add a text field to a form.
A. text
B. checkbox
C. radio
D. All of the above

18. Which attribute will be defines a unique name for the text field?
A. hidden
B. password
C. text
D. name

19. Which is used to collect and process the information (to send the server) entered by the user?
A. method attribute
B. action attribute
C. either (A) or (B)
D. neither (A) nor (B)

20. Which default technique is used to the method attribute?

A. set
B. get
C. put
D. read

21. The method attribute specifies two methods

A. read and write
B. input and output
C. get and set
D. None of the above

22. Every form requires

A. image button
B. link button
C. submit button
D. All of the above

23. A …….consisting of a year and a week number encoded according to ISO 8601.
A. week
B. month
C. year
D. All of the above

24. A ……. (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fractions of a second) encoded according to
ISO 8601, with no time zone information ISO 8601.
A. datetime-local
B. datetime
C. datesecond
D. dateminute

25. Which type is used for input fields that should contain a URL address?
A. src
B. path
C. url
D. All of the above

26. A ………… (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fractions of a second) encoded
according to ISO 8601 with the time zone set to UTC.
A. datetime-local
B. datetime
C. datesecond
D. dateminute
27. In a single HTML file, we can display multiple html file using-
A. Form
B. Frame
C. Table
D. cell

28. Multiple views offer designers a way to keep certain information visible, while other views
A. scrolled
B. replaced
C. scrolled or replaced
D. None of the above

29. An HTML document that describes frame layout called a ………………..

A. frame document
B. HTML document
C. None of the above
D. frameset document

30. The <frameset> tag replaces the which element in frameset documents?
A. <body>
B. <title>
C. <head>
D. None of the above

31. Which properties allow specifying the formatting rules for the textual content on a Wep
A. CSS texting
B. CSS text
C. CSS textual
D. None of the above
32. Which of the following protocol is not used in the Internrt?
A. Telnet
D. Gopher

33. Who invented World Wide Web(WWW)?

A. Blaise pascal
B. Charles Babbage
C. Herman Hollerith
D. Tim Berners-Lee

34. What is use of Web Font in HTML?

A. that is core font used to develop Web pages.
B. enables the use fonts over the Web without installing.
C. special fonts developed by Microsoft Corp.
D. All of the Above.

35. What is <tt> tag in HTML?

A. it renders fonts as teletype text font style
B. it renders fonts as truetype text font style
C. it renders fonts as truncate text font style
D. None of the Above

36. What is the use of Forms in HTML?

A. to display contents of email
B. to display animation contents
C. to collect user input
D. None of the Above

37. What is the use of iFrame in HTML?

A. to display a web page within a web page
B. to display a web page within a animated effect
C. to display a web page without browser.
D. All of the above

38. FTP is acronym for

A. File Transaction Ptotocol
B. File Transmission Ptotocol
C. File Translation Ptotocol
D. File Tranfer Ptotocol

39. In HTML iFram, i stands for

A. Inside
B. Inline
C. Inner
D. None of All
40. The URL of the page to embed in iFrame is specified using
A. src
B. link
C. doc
D. None of Above

41. The iFrame attribute ………. indicates that the browser should render the inline frame in a
way that makes it appear to be part of the containing document.
A. seemless
B. smooth
C. inner
D. None of the Above

42. Which attribute enables extra restrictions on the content that can appear in the inline frame?
A. hidden
B. secret
C. secure
D. sandbox

43. The value ….. tells the browser not to draw a border between this frame and other frames.
A. 0
B. -1
C. 2
D. 10
44. CSS stands for
A. Cashcade Style Sheets
B. Cascade Screept Sheets
C. Cascading Style Sheets
D. None of the above

45. W3C released the first specification of CSS in …….. named CSS1 specification
A. 1996
B. 1992
C. 1993
D. None of the above

46. A CSS declaration always ends with a ………. and declaration groups are surrounded by
A. semicolon and curly brackets
B. semicolon and square brackets
C. either (A) or (B)
D. neither (A) or nor (B)

47. CSS allows you to specify your own selectors called

A. “id”
B. “class”
C. “id” and “class”
D. None of the above

48. The id selector is used to specify a style for

A. multiple,common element
B. multiple,unique element
C. single, common element
D. single, unique element

49. The id selector uses the id attribute of the HTML element, and is defined with a
A. “@”
B. “_”
C. “%”
D. “#”

50. Which selector is used to specify a style for a group of elements ?

A. id selector
B. class selector
C. neither (A) or nor (B)
D. either (A) or (B)

1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.A
7.A 8.C 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.B
13.A 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.A 18.D
19.DD 20.B 21.D 22.C 23.A 24.A
25.C 26.B 27.B 28.C 29.D 30.A
31.B 32.B 33.D 34.B 35.B 36.C
37.A 38.D 39.B 40.A 41.A 42.D
43.A 44.C 45.A 46.A 47.C 48.D

49.D 50.B
1. How to define the link should open in new page in HTML?
a. <a href = “http://www.mcqsets.com/” target = “blank”>Click Here</a>
b. <a href = “http://www.mcqsets.com/” target = “_blank”> Click Here </a>
c. <a href = “http://www.mcqsets.com/” target = “#blank”> Click Here </a>
d. <a href = “http://www.mcqsets.com/” target = “@blank”> Click Here </a>
2. In HTML, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is used to
a. To create a frame document .
b. To create a image map in the webpage.
c. To customize the image in the webpage.
d. To identify a name or a resource on the internet.

3. CSS is an acronym for

a. Cascading Style Sheet
b. Costume Style Sheet
c. Cascading System Style
d. None of the Above

4. Which of the following protocol is not used in the Internet

a. Telnet
d. Gopher

5. Who invented World Wide Web (WWW)?

a. Blaise Pascal
b. Charles Babbage
c. Herman Hollerith
d. Tim Berners-Lee

6. What is the use of Web Font in HTML ?

a. that is the core font that is use to develop Web Pages.
b. that enables to use fonts over the Web without installation.
c. that is the special font that developed by Microsoft Corp.
d. All of the Above.

7. What is <tt> tag in HTML?

a. It renders fonts as teletype text font style.
b. It renders fonts as truetype text font style.
c. It renders fonts as truncate text font style.
d. None of the Above.

8. What is the use of Forms in HTML?

a. to display contents of email.
b. to display animation effect.
c. to collect user’s input.
d. None of the Above.

9. What is the use of iframe in HTML?

a. to display a web page within a web page.
b. to display a web page with animation effect.
c. to display a web page without browser.
d. All of the Above.

10. FTP is an acronym for

a. File Transaction Protocol
b. File Transmission Protocol
c. File Translation Protocol
d. File Transfer Protocol

11. Which HTML Tag will use to scroll a text in web page?
a. <marquee> … </marquee>
b. <scroll> … </scroll>
c. <round> … </round>
d. <go> … </go>

12. Which organization defines the Web Standards?

a. Microsoft Corporation
b. IBM Corporation
c. World Wide Web Consortium
d. Apple Inc.

13. How to set a picture as a background web page?

a. <body background= “bgimage.gif”>
b. <body background image= “bgimage.gif”>
c. <background= “bgimage.gif”>
d. <background image= “bgimage.gif”>

14. Which of following HTML Tag will inserting a line break?

a. <p />
b. <lb />
c. <br />
d. <break />

15. Which of the following tags are related to Table in HTML ?

a. <table> <row> <column>
b. <table> <tr> <td>
c. <table> <head> <body>
d. <table> <header> <footer>

16. Which of the following is correct HTML for inserting an image?

a. <image source= “www.mcqsets.com/admin.jpg” alt= “This is me” />
b. <img src= “www.mcqsets.com/admin.jpg” alt= “This is me” />
c. <img source= “www.mcqsets.com/admin.jpg” alt= “This is me” />
d. <img alt= “This is me”>www.mcqsets.com/admin.jpg
17. Choose the correct HTML tag to left-align the content of a cell.
a. <tdleft>
b. <td leftalign>
c. valign= “left”>
d. <td align= “left”>

18. Which tag is used to lists the items with bullets?

a. <bullet>…</bullet>
b. <list>…</list>
c. <ul>…
d. <ol>…</ol>

19. Is it possible to insert a table within another table?

a. Yes, but there must be exactly 2 rows and 2 columns in first table.
b. Yes, table can be inserted into cell of another table.
c. Yes, but there must be no border in second table.
d. No, it’s not possible.

20. What is the usage of alt value in <img> tag?

a. Alternative text for an Image
b. Alternative source of an Image
c. Caption of an Image
d. All of above

21. Which of the following is the correct regarding meta tag in HTML?
a. A. <meta> … </meta>
b. B. <meta name = ” ” />
c. C. <metadata> … </metadata>
d. D. <metadata name = ” ” />

22. Which of the following is correct to set “Black” color as Background of

a. A. bgcolor = “#000000″>
b. B. <body background = “#000000″>
c. C. <body Background color = “#000000″>
d. D. All of Above

23. Which of the following is correct to align H1 tag to Right Alignment

a. A. <h1 align = “right”> …
b. B. <h1 alignment = “right”> …
c. C. <h1 tag align = “right”> … </h1>
d. D. H1 cannot make Right Alignment

24. Which of the following is correct to change font face in Web Page
a. A. <font = “font name”> …
b. B. <font name = “font name”> … </font>
c. C. <font face = “font name”> … </font>
d. D. Font Face cannot change

25. Which of the following is incorrect regarding Logical styles?

a. A. Code looks like teletype
b. B. Sample looks like teletype
c. C. Keyboard looks like teletype
d. D. Variable looks like teletype

26. Which of the following is correct character entities for “Copyright” symbol?
a. A. &#149;
b. B. &#159;
c. C. &#169;
d. D. &#179;

27. Which tag is used to display Preformatted texts?

a. A. <pre> … </ pre>
b. B. <prefor> … </ prefor>
c. c. <pre text> … </ pre text>
d. D. <pre format> … </ pre format>

28. Which is the correct to create an Arabic numeral list

a. A. <ul type=”1″>
b. B. <ol type=”1″>
c. C. <il type=”1″>
d. D. <li type=”1″>

29. How to add alternative text for an Image?

a. A. <img src = “http://www.mcqsets.com/brand.png” alternate = “Brand of
website” />
b. B. <img src = “http://www.mcqsets.com/brand.png” alt text = “Brand of
website” />
c. C. src = “http://www.mcqsets.com/brand.png” alternate text = “Brand of
website” />
d. D. src = “http://www.mcqsets.com/brand.png” alt = “Brand of website” />

30. How to embedded Audio Files in HTML?

a. A. src = “mysong.mid” width = “100” height = “15”>
b. B. <embed sound = “mysong.mid” width = “100” height = “15”>
c. C. <embed audio = “mysong.mid” width = “100” height = “15”>
d. D. <embed music = “mysong.mid” width = “100” height = “15”>

31. Whichg of the following is used to create web pages?

b. C
c. JVM
d. DTD

32. HTML is considered as ___ language

a. Programming Langauge
b. OOP Language
c. High Level Language
d. Markup Language

33. HTML language is a set of markup ___

a. Attributes
b. Tags
c. Sets
d. Groups

34. HTML tags are used to describe document ____

a. Definition
b. Language
c. Content
d. None of these

35. HTML document can contain

a. Attributes
b. Tags
c. Plain text
d. All of these

36. Page designed in HTML is called a

a. Yellow Page
b. Web Page
c. Server Page
d. Front Page

37. We can write HTML code using ____. Select appropriate option(s).
a. VLC Media
b. Notepad++
c. Microsoft PowerPoint
d. None of these

38. HTML document is saved using ____ extension.

a. .htl
b. .html
c. .hml
d. .htnl

39. The software that can read and render HTML documents is
a. Server
b. Compiler
c. Interpreter
d. Browser

40. PCs running Windows 3.x will have ____extension for html pages
a. .htl
b. .html
c. .htm
d. .hml

41. Which of the following is not an example of browser?

a. Netscape Navigator
b. Microsoft Bing
c. Mozilla Firefox
d. Opera

42. Who is the primary author of HTML?

a. Brendan Eich
b. Tim Berners-Lee
c. Web Programmer
d. Google Inc
43. HTML was first proposed in year ___.
a. 1980
b. 1990
c. 1995
d. 2000

44. HTML tags are surrounded by ___ brackets

a. Angle
b. Square
c. Round
d. Curly

45. Opening tag of HTML is called

a. Ending tag
b. Starting tag
c. Closed tag
d. Pair tags

46. HTML document contain one root tag called ____

b. Title
c. Body

47. Basic fundamental block is called as ___

a. HTML tag
b. HTML body
c. HTML Attribute
d. HTML Element

48. Pick the odd out

a. Table
b. TR
c. TD
d. Form

49. The first page of a website is called

a. Design
b. Home page
c. First page
d. Main page

50. The version of HTML is

a. HTML0
b. HTML1
c. HTML2
d. All of these

51. Head tag is used for?

a. Writing style
b. Writing Java Script
c. Including CSS, JS Files
d. All of these

52. How many heading tags are supported by HTML?

a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6

53. Which is the largest heading tag?

a. H1
b. H3
c. H4
d. H6

54. Which of the following are attributes of Font tag?

a. Face
b. Size
c. Color
d. All of above

55. ……………………. connects web pages.

a. Connector
b. Link
c. Hyperlink
d. None of the above

56. Internet is ………………………….

a. a network of networks
b. an ocean of resources waiting to be mined
c. a cooperative anarchy
d. all of the above

57. ……………… is suitable for remote administration of a computer.

a. FTP
b. Shell
c. Remote Procedure Call
d. Telnet

58. Title tag is nested within the ………………….. tag.

a. Body
b. Head
c. List
d. Table
59. ……………….. is a web’s native protocol.
d. PPP

60. The Internet uses the …………………… as the protocol engine.

d. PPP

61. A ……………………….. is a symbolic name a network administrator

assigns to a machine.
a. URL
b. DNS
c. IP address
d. Host name

62. Which of the following protocol is used for e-mail services.


63. …………………. is the incoming e-mail server.

a. POP
d. PPP
64. ………………….. is a uniform naming scheme for locating resources on
the web.
a. URI

65. The attribute ……………… of <BODY> tag sets color of hypertext links.
a. link
b. vlink
c. alink
d. hlink

66. Default font size of HTML is …………………..

a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 3

67. This is a networking device that passes data between networks having
similar functions but dissimilar implementations.
a. Hub
b. Modem
c. Gateway
d. Repeater

68. In order to connect to ISP’s server you need …….

a. Hand gloves
b. Printer
c. User name and Password
d. None of the above
69. DNS translates ………
a. domain name into IP
b. IP into domain name
c. both a & b
d. domain name into physical address

70. In order to upload a HTML file to a web server, you use

c. SIP
d. FTP

71. IEEE stands for ……..

a. Institute of estimated elevator efficiency
b. Institute of electrical and economical engineers
c. Institute of Eurasia engineering event
d. Institute of electrical and electronics engineers

72. The regional networks are connected to the corporate networks, this is
also called as ……..
a. Backbone
d. Intranet

73. Once the email is sent, the message is broken into pieces called
a. Packets
b. Process
c. Digits
d. Bytes
74. ………………. is known as father of World Wide Web.
a. Robert Cailliau
b. Tim Thompson
c. Charles Darwin
d. Tim Berners-Lee

75. ……………. are the physical meeting points of backbones.

a. Gateways
b. Pathways
c. Routers
d. Domains

76. WSFTP is an example of ……………………… program.

a. FTP
b. Telnet
c. Web browser
d. Mail

77. Which of the following is best suitable for remote administration of a

a. Telnet
c. Browsers

78. The leading bit pattern of class B network is ………………

a. 0
b. 10
c. 110
d. 11
79. The …………………. attribute adds space within each cell.

80. Which of the following are two popular protocols that allow home computer
users to connect their computers to the internet as per hosts? i) SLIP ii)
a. iii and iv
b. ii and iii
c. i and ii
d. ii and iii

81. A computer that translates …………………… of another computer into an

…………… and vice versa, upon request is known as DNS server.
a. Domain name and IP address
b. Host address and Domain name
c. Domain name and server address
d. Server name and IP address

82. Identify the uses of URI in HTML.: i) Link to another document or resource
ii) Link to external style sheet or script iii) Create an image map
a. i and ii
b. i and iii
c. ii and iii
d. i , ii and iii

83. An ordered list is a …………………. list and an unordered list is a

…………….. list.
a. bulleted & numbered
b. bulleted & tabular
c. tabular & numbered
d. numbered & bulleted

84. Linking to another place in the same or another web page requires two A
(Anchor) tags, the first with the ……………… attribute and the second the

85. What type of information should you avoid including on your Web site?
a. Links to sites of interest
b. Private personal information
c. Work and academic experience
d. Graphical

86. Which of the following web elements should you know about before
building your web site?
a. The web audience
b. The operating environment of your ISP
c. The operating system of your visitor
d. Each consideration should determine your web design choices

87. What is the language of the Web?

a. Basic
b. C++
c. MS Visual Basic
88. What does an HTML tag do?
a. It specifies formatting and layout instructions for your web page.
b. It hides programming instructions from view.
c. It determines the organizational structure of your Web site.
d. It connects your web site to an operating environment.

89. A Web document is broken into sections. What are the tags called that
create these sections?
a. Structure tags
b. HTML tags
c. Heading tags
d. Body tags

90. What should be the first and last pair of tags in your Web document?
a. <html></html> and <body></body>
b. <start><end> and <body></body>
c. <head><body> and <title></title>
d. <title></title> and <body<>/body>

1.b 2.d 3.a 4.b 5.d 6.b 7.a 8.c 9.a 10.d

11.a 12.c 13.a 14.c 15.b 16.b 17.d 18.c 19.b 20.a

21.b 22.a 23.a 24.c 25.d 26.c 27.a 28.b 29.d 30.a

31.a 32.d 33.b 34.c 35.d 36.b 37.a 38.b 39.d 40.c

41.b 42.b 43.b 44.a 45.b 46.d 47.a 48.d 49.b 50.d

51.d 52.d 53.a 54.d 55.c 56.d 57.d 58.b 59.c 60.c

61.d 62.b 63.a 64.a 65.a 66.d 67.c 68.c 69.c 70.d

71.d 72.a 73.a 74.d 75.a 76.a 77.a 78.b 79.b 80.c
81.a 82.d 83.d 84.c 85.b 86.a 87.d 88.a 89.a 190.a

1. A navigation bar needs standard HTML as a base

A. True
B. False
2. The ____________ selector is used to specify a style for a single, unique element
A. Id
B. class
C. text
D. Bit

3. Which of the following ways below is correct to write a CSS?

A. p {color:red; text-align:center};
B. p {color:red; text-align:center}
C. p {color:red; text-align:center;}
D. p (color:red;text-align:center;)

4. The ____________ property specifies which sides of an element other floating elements are
not allowed.
A. cleared
B. clear
C. float
D. Both A and B above

5. Which of the below is the correct way to set a background image?

A. body {background-image:url(paper.gif);}
B. body {background-image:url(‘paper.gif’)};
C. body {background-image:url(‘paper.gif’)}
D. body {background-image:url(‘paper.gif’);}

6. The ___________ property specifies the stack order of an element

A. d-index
B. s-index
C. x-index
D. z-index

7. Block elements can be aligned by setting the left and right margins to “align”
A. True
B. False

8. Which of the below is the correct way to set a font size?

A. h2{font-size:200%;}
B. h2{font-size:200px;}
C. both a and b above
D. h2{font-size:200;}
9. Elements in CSS cannot be positioned unless the positioning property is set first
A. True
B. False

10. What is CSS Float?

A. allows other element to wrap around an element
B. element can be pushed to the left to right
C. both a and b above
D. element can be pushed to any direction

11. To specify table border in CSS, ____________ property is used

A. tbl-border
B. table-border
C. tb-border
D. border

12. _________ property can be used to Increase or decrease the space between words
A. space
B. word-spacing
C. word-space
D. Both b and c above

13. Multiple external style sheets cannot be referenced inside a single HTML document
A. True
B. False

14. element-width property can be used to set the width of an element

A. True
B. False

15. The _________ property is mostly used to remove underline from links
A. text-trans
B. text-transformation
C. text-decoration
D. text-deco

16. Which of the following statements is TRUE for CSS

A. An external style sheet is ideal when the style is applied to many pages
B. An inline style sheet should be used when a single document has a unique style
C. Both A and B above
D. An external style sheet can be written in HTML

17. Which of the following statements is/are true?

A. Hiding an element can be done by setting the display property to “none”
B. Hiding an element can be done by setting visibility property to “hidden”
C. Both A and B above
D. Hiding an element can be done by setting block property to “hidden”
18. The font-size value can be an absolute, or relative size
A. True
B. False

19. ______________ property specifies an image to use as the background of an element

A. backg-img
B. backg-image
C. background-img
D. background-image

20. ID name should not start with a number

A. False
B. True

1.A 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.D
7.B 8.C 9.A 10.C 11.C 12.B
13.B 14.B 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.A

19.D 20.B

Set 3:

1. Which selector is used to specify a style for a group of elements?

A.id selector
B.class selector
C.neither (A) or nor (B)
D.either (A) or (B)
2. The class selector uses the HTML class attribute, and is defined with
D.None of the above
3. An external style sheet is ideal when the style is applied to
A.many pages
B.single pages
C.few pages
D.None of the above

4. To use inline styles you use the style attribute in the …………… tag
A.style tag
B.relevant tag
C.link tag
D.None of the above

5. Short form of pc is:


6. CSS provided the basic styles such as

A.specifying font and font styles
B.setting margins
C.applying colors
D.All of the above

7. What is the correct HTML for referring to an external style sheet?

A.A point is 1/74 inches.
B.A point is 1/72 inches.
C.A point is 1/75 inches.
D.A point is 1/78 inches.

8. In CSS, ……………are patterns used to select the element(s) you want to

C.Either(A) or (B)
D.Neither (A) nor (B)
9. Which property is used to specify typefaces ?

10. If a font name has more than one word,it should be

A.single quoted
B.double quoted
D.None of the above

11. How many type faces inside property “font-family” ?

B.Maximum 2
C.No Limit
D.Maximum 3

12. A Group of font families with a similar look

A.font family
B.generic family
C.font-size family
D.inherit family

13. The default value of the font-variant property is


14. Which property can be set to specify small characters?


15. Multiple font faces are separated by __________


16. Which is the correct syntax of the CSS?

A.<p style=”font-size:14pt”> Welcome to teds-india.</p>
B.<p style=”fontsize:14pt”> Welcome to teds-india.</p>
C.<p style=font-size:”14pt”> Welcome to teds-india.</p>
D.<p “style=font-size:14pt”> Welcome to teds-india.</p>

17. How do you make the text bold?

D.None of the above

18. Fonts such as Times New Roman which have spaces in between must be
wrapped inside ______
A.Quotation Mark
B.Round Brackets
C.Triangular Brackets
D.Curly Braces

19. The CSS list properties allow you to:

A.Set different list item markers for ordered lists
B.Set different list item markers for unordered lists
C.Set an image as the list item marker
D.All of the above

20. How do you make a list that lists its items with squares?
A.list-type: square
B.list-style-type: square
C.type: 2
D.type: square

21. How do you make a list that lists its decimal values with Sequence Type?
B.list-type: square
C.type: 1.2
D.type: decimal

22. The sequencing or numbering styles in

A.ordered lists
B.Unordered lists
C.Linked lists
D.None of the above

23. Which property can be used to indicate whether the marker should appear
outside or inside of the box containing the bullet points?
D.None of the above

24. Which property can be used to specify all the list properties into a single
D.None of the above

25. In HTML, there are _________ types of lists:


26. A filled circle can be represent as

D.None of the above

27. Which is the correct syntax?

A.list-style-image: url(”sqpurple.gif”);
B.list-style-image= url(‘sqpurple.gif’);
C.list-style-image- url(‘sqpurple.gif’);
D.list-style-image: url(‘sqpurple.gif’);

28. When using the shorthand property, the order of the values are
D.All of the above

29. CSS colors are defined using a _________ notation for the combination of
Red, Green, and Blue color values (RGB).

30. Which colors are displayed using an equal amount of power to all of the
light sources ?

1.B 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.D

7.B 8.D 9.A 10.A 11.C 12.B

13.A 14.B 15.B 16.A 17.A 18.A

19.D 20.B 21.A 22.A 23.B 24.C

25.B 26.A 27.D 28.D 29.A 30.C

1. Color is a problem for the Web in the reasons are:
A.Monitors vary widely
B.Browsers vary widely
C.Either (A) or (B)
D.Neither(A) nor (B)
2. The combination of Red, Green and Blue values from _________ gives a
total of more than 16 million different colors to play with (256 x 256 x 256).
A.0 to 255
B.0 to 254
C.0 to 253
D.0 to 252

3. Hex values are written as 3 double digit numbers, starting with a

A.@ sign
B.# sign
C.$ sign
D.% sign

4. Colors are displayed combining in

D.All of the above

5. Which property is used to change the background color?

D.None of the above
6. Which of the following ways below is correct to write a CSS?
B.body {color: black}

7. How do you add a background color for all <h1> elements?

A.h1.all {background-color:#FFFFFF}
B.h1 {background-color:#FFFFFF}
C.all.h1 {background-color:#FFFFFF}
D.None of the above

8. How many types of property can be set in the hyperlink?

9. The _________ means an element that has the user’s mouse pointer
hovering over it.
D.None of the above

10. The _________ means an element on which the user is currently clicking.
D.None of the above
11. When setting the style for several link states, there are some order rules:
A.a:hover MUST come after a:link and a:visited
B.a:active MUST come after a:hover
C.Either (A) or (B)
D.Neither (A) nor (B)

12. Which is the correct syntax of the background color for links?
A.a:link {background-color:@B2FF99;}
B.a:link {background-color:#B2FF99;}
C.a:link {background-color:$B2FF99;}
D.a:link {background-color:&B2FF99;}

13. __________ property is mostly used to remove underlines from links:


14. The_________ means unvisited hyperlinks.


15. Which of the below is the correct way to set the color of active links?
A.<style type=”text/css”> a:hov {color:#000000} </style>
B.<style type=”text/css”> a:hover {color:#000000} </style>
C.<style type=’text/css’> a:hover {color:#000000} </style>
D.<style type=”text/css”> a->hover {color:#000000} </style>

16. HTML provides a functionality to connect one or more pages in web-pages

or resources.

17. The color names are defined in the HTML and CSS color specification
(___ standard colors plus ____ more).

18. Pseudo classes may be applied to any element but are most commonly
used with the __ element.
19. Which properties allow specifying the formatting rules for the textual
content on a Wep page?
A.CSS texting
B.CSS text
C.CSS textual
D.None of the above

20. Which properties specifying whether to write the text from left to right or
from right to left?
D.All of the above
21. The possible values of direction properties are
A.ltr and rtl
B.ttr and btr
C.mltr and mrtl
D.None of the above

22. Which is the correct CSS syntax?

A.<p style:”direction=ltr”> This text is in left direction. </p>
B.<p “style=direction:lttr”> This text is in left direction. </p>
C.<p style=”direction:ltr”> This text is in left direction. </p>
D.<p style=”direction:lltr”> This text is in left direction. </p>

23. Which property gets provide the increments or decrements the space
between characters?
D.None of the above

24. Which property can be used to set the color of a text?

D.None of the above

25. Which is the correct CSS syntax?

A.<p style=”direction:inherit”> Possible values are ltr,rtl and inhert. </p>
B.<p”style=direction:inherit”> Possible values are ltr,rtl and inhert. </p>
C.<p “style:direction=inherit”> Possible values are ltr,rtl and inhert. </p>
D.<p “style=direction->inherit”> Possible values are ltr,rtl and inhert. </p>
26. Which property can be used to control the flow and formatting of text?

27. The value of letter-spacing property is

A.neither normal or of length type
B.either normal or of length type
C.both normal or of length type
D.None of the above

28. Which value preserves the white spaces as specified in the content?

29. Which value will continue to display the text on the same line,until the BR
element is specified?

30. The possible values of white-space are

C.normal(default value)
D.All of the above

1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.B

7.B 8.D 9.C 10.A 11.C 12.B

13.B 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.A

19.B 20.A 21.A 22.C 23.B 24.A

25.A 26.C 27.B 28.A 29.D 30.D

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