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HR Project

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The document discusses a study on job satisfaction of employees at Axis Bank. It examines factors like nature of work, compensation, promotion opportunities, and work-life balance that influence an employee's satisfaction.

The study deals with measuring job satisfaction of employees at Axis Bank. Job satisfaction refers to how much an employee likes their job and is influenced by various work-related factors.

The various factors that may affect an employee's job satisfaction according to the study are nature of work, compensation, policies and procedures, promotion opportunities, work-life balance, and job security.



The project deals with the subject employees job satisfaction in Axis Bank. Job
satisfaction is the measure of employees related with their job. It shows whether the
employees like their job or not. The various factors may affect employee’s job
satisfaction such as nature of work, compensations, policies and procedures,
promotion opportunities, securities etc.

Axis bank is a private sectors banks in India which offers comprehensive suite of
financial products. It sells it financial services to large and mid size corporate, SME,
and retail business. Axis bank has largest ATM network among private banks in India
.An attempt has been made to study employee’s job satisfaction. The project has also
summarizes attitude of employees towards work and various factors that motivate
them. The project also gives some suggestions for growth of company. Global Trust
Bank is the first new generation bank and it was amalgamated with Oriental Bank and
renamed as Axis Bank..

There are different initiatives and subsidiaries taken by axis bank. Government
initiatives of scheme like Pradhan Mantri January Dhan Yojana was associated and
also took initiative to succeeding of recapitalization. Demonetization related to money
laundering was been evolved were workers were in active to facilitate activities. It has
also won awards and recognition for various services from 2010 to 2015.

Good image, growth, various services, increase in market share, E-banking are
strength of company whereas limited branches, change in share price are some of
weakness. Market penetration and market development are opportunities, new
entrants, tough competition are threats for company. Vision of the company is to be
most respectful in financial services and to set global benchmark. Mission is to be
effective and efficient in ethical practices and to be transparent.





1.1 Introduction
1.2 Industry Profile
1.3 Company Profile

2.1 Need for the study
2.2 Scope
2.3 Objectives
2.5 Hypothesis





Appendix 1- Questionnaire
Appendix 2-Bibliography



Job Satisfaction, as the name suggests, is the feeling of contentment or a sense of

accomplishment, which an employee derives from his/her job. It is a result of appraisal
that causes one to attain their job values or meet out their basic needs. It helps in
determining, to what extent a person likes or dislikes his/her job. The employee’s attitude
towards the job and organization as well becomes positive when they realize that their job
facilitates them in achieving their needs and values, directly (by performing it) or indirectly
(by the package they get). In short, it represents the difference between employee’s
expectations and experience he/she derives from the job. The wider the gap, the more is the

Various definition :

Job satisfaction can be defined as an emotional reaction to determine how well the
expectations and hopes of workers have been met (Luthans, 1989, cited in Hall, Nuko,
Peltzer & Zuma, 2005).

According to Tagavi et al. (2010), job satisfaction is an attribute which recognizes the
amount of people’s concern about their job and preference to their professions.

Keplar and Minor (1994) stated that job satisfaction is the achievement and pleasure
gain from one’s job. It is not the salary, promotion and benefits but the good
experiences from the job that create satisfaction.

Steyn and Van Wyn (1999, cited in Hall, Nuko, Peltzer and Zuma, 2005) has
illustrated job satisfaction in his research as the gratification occurring from an
employee’s feeling of his job.

*Facets of Job Satisfaction
Job Satisfaction is all about an individual’s feelings about the work, work
environment, pay, organization culture, job security and so on. The essential aspects
of job satisfaction include:
1. Job content facet

○ Work characteristics
○ Amount of work

2. Job context facet

○ Co-workers, Colleagues, Supervisor, etc.

○ Working conditions
○ Growth and development opportunities
○ Policies and rules of organization

3. There are instances when an employee’s feelings concerning one facet may
spill over and affect another facet, meaning that if an employee is unhappy
with the amount of work, he/she will likely to become unhappy with the
compensation received. Moreover, each facet of job satisfaction is linked to
the respective work environment and cognitive component of the employee’s

* Importance of Job Satisfaction

There is little doubt that great employees are an organization’s number one resource.
Keeping workers happy helps strengthen a company in many ways, including:

● Lower Turnover – Turnover can be one of the highest costs attributed to the
HR department. Retaining workers helps create a better environment, and
makes it easier to recruit quality talent and save money. The bottom line:
satisfied employees are typically much less likely to leave.
● Higher Productivity – Irrespective of job title and pay grade, employees who
report high job satisfaction tend to achieve higher productivity
● Increased Profits – Keeping employees safe and satisfied can lead to higher
sales, lower costs and a stronger bottom line.

● Loyalty – When employees feel the company has their best interests at heart,
they often support its mission and work hard to help achieve its objectives.
And, they may be more likely to tell their friends, which helps spread
● The impact of job satisfaction on job performance has been studied for many
decades. One of the most widely debated and controversial issues in the study
of job satisfaction are its relationship with job performance. The following
three general views of this relationship have been advanced: (1) satisfaction
causes performance; (2) performance cause satisfaction; and (3) the
satisfaction & performance relationship is moderated by other variable such as
rewards (Ivancevich & Matteson, 2005, p.16). The views are illustrated in
● Analyzing the theory above, it shows that job satisfaction is an important
factor in a job performance. Either added with another factor (such as reward)
or not, job satisfaction is a factor that can cause the job performance, or a
factor that happened because of the job performance.

*Factors that Influences Job Satisfaction

Generally, wages or salary is the major factors that affect job satisfaction. In a
developing country like Indonesia, this statement could be true to certain
levels of job satisfaction. But once someone has reached a higher level of
living, wages or salary are no longer becoming major factors to achieve job

a. Challenging work

Most employees prefer a job that can show their potential, and is a job that can
offer many tasks, activities, freedom in doing the work, and feedback about
how good they are doing. It will create motivation in them (Robbins, 1996, p.

b. Appropriate rewards

Most employees want a fair, appropriate, and acceptable reward system and
promotion policy (Robbins, 1996, p. 181).
c. Supportive working condition

A great working environment will make the employee feel comfortable and
more enjoyable in doing their work. Experts say that employees prefer a
physically safe working environment (Robbins, 1996, p. 181).

d. Supportive co-workers

Most employees think that working is not only about money and achievement,
but it is also to fulfill the need to socialize with each other. Friendly and
supportive co-workers will increase employee’s job satisfaction (Robbins,
1996, p. 181).

e. Compatibility between individuals and work

People who have their personality type congruent with the job that they choose
should realized that they have the right talent and skills to fulfilled the needs
of their job (Robbins, 1996, p. 181).

Ivancevich and Matteson (2005, p.17) mentioned that there are five factors
that becoming the core dimensions of job satisfaction. Those five factors are
pay, job, promotion, supervisor and co-workers. While some other authors
stated that there are eight factors that influence job satisfaction.

*Components of job satisfaction

The Evaluative Component

An individual’s overall response to the employing organization is summarized in the

evaluative component. It represents dislike vs. like for the organization.
When asked for a single response to the question, how satisfied are you with your job,
individuals’ response to their overall evaluation.
In this case, a 5 point positive-negative scale is used where 1 indicates most negative
situation and 5 indicates most positive situation to express overall favorable or
unfavorable rating of their current job.

The Cognitive Component

An individual’s perceptions, opinion, beliefs and expectations regarding the

organization are the focus of his or her cognitions. In this case, different items are
measured to assess the cognitive component of job satisfaction.
Here participants rated the adjectives from 1 (Strongly describes) to 5 (Not
applicable) how well each term reflected their thoughts or beliefs associated with their
current job.

The Affective Component

This component represents the feeling induced by the organization. In general,
positive affect results from information, feedback, and situations that affirms or
reinforces the individual’s self-worth and self-concept, while negative affect is
evoked by invalidating situations.

Self-worth is validated when individuals feel accepted as valued members of the

organization and their competencies and core values are confirmed.
The study which is related to finding out the components of job satisfaction, examined
two components, these arc- affective and cognitive component.
Cognitive and affective components have a great impact on measuring the level of
employees’ job satisfaction. It further proposed including an evaluative component to
improve the prediction of job satisfaction.
But this study found minimal support for the inclusion of an evaluative component in
the measurement of job satisfaction because it is dependent on a single fact.

*Theories of job satisfaction

1. Maslow’s Theory:

Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs on the needs fulfillment theory has already
been discussed in the section of Motivation. It is also relevant to the present topic of
Job satisfaction. As summarized in the needs fulfillment theory, a person is satisfied if
his; needs are fulfilled and he gets what he wants. If he does not get what he wants/he
becomes dissatisfied.

ADVERTISEMENTS: Employees find greater satisfaction in those jobs.

2. Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory:

According to Herzberg’s Theory, merely the fulfillment of basic needs is not

sufficient for job satisfaction. Man tries to actualize himself in his job. His self
actualization needs act as factors of job satisfaction. According to this theory, there
are two types of work variables. Satisfiers and dis satisfies .Satisfiers are those things
or situations which lead to job satisfaction. Achievement, recognition, advancement,
responsibility etc. are things with give high satisfaction. As these are related to the
actual content of the job they are known as ‘job-content factors’ or “motivators.”

ADVERTISEMENTS: Dissatisfies are those things or situations that result in job-

dissatisfaction. Matters relating to company policy, supervision, salary and working
conditions etc. are things that commonly result in dissatisfaction. As these are related
to the context in which a person performed the task, they are known as ‘job-context
factors’ or ‘hygiene factors.’ Though both kinds of factors fulfill the needs of a
worker, job-satisfaction results primarily from the ‘motivators.’

3. Stogdill’s Theory of Job-Satisfaction:

According to Stogdill, the ‘output’ of an organization are-group integration,

production and morale. According to him, satisfaction should not be viewed as a
’causer’ of job performance. Rather, the individual should be viewed in terms of the
context of the total organization. Satisfaction of individuals is not necessarily related
to production. It merely results in group integration and cohesiveness, not always
production in organization. On the other hand, morale and production are a function
of group structure.

*Factors Influences the Job Satisfaction

There are many factors which influence the performance of the employees such as the
working condition, the salary, the job tasks, the relationships between employees and
managers including levels of their communication between them etc. (Hoppock,N
1935; Greenberg & Baron, 1983) Bellow is a list of the factors I have taken into
consideration while constructing the Job Satisfaction Questionnaire.

1. Pay

Findings from several studies underline pay as one of the most important factors
influencing one's level of job satisfaction. In a study conducted by Lawler (1971), pay
has been identified as a determinant factor as most employees rated it as the most
influential factor related to job satisfaction. Furthermore, according to Herzberg
(1959), employees who are dissatisfied with their pay, is likely that they are also
dissatisfied with their work.

2. Job Security

Job security has attracted a great deal of research interest in recent years. The
importance of job security comes from the fact that it is vital for influencing work-
related outcomes. Job security appears to be an important determinant of employee
health (Kuhnert et al., 1989); for employee turnover (Arnold and Feldman, 1982); for
job satisfaction and for organizational commitment (Ashford et al., 1989).

3. Social Simulation

Work and social simulation is another determinant factor of job satisfaction.

Employees prefer positions were they are active rather than bound to a working
routine that is likely produce feelings of boredom. Employees who perceive their job
as a way of making a career out of it rather than seeing it as a temporary position, are
more likely to prefer challenges in their working tasks and seek further developmental
opportunities in their working role (Greenberg & Baron, 1983).

4. Demographic Factors

Studies have shown that age, race and gender have important effects on job
satisfaction. In a study conducted by Kalleberg and Loscocco, (1983) older workers
were more satisfied than younger workers and minority groups of different ethnicity
were less satisfied than the rest of the workers (Amy S. Wharton, Thomas Rotolo, and
Sharon R. Bird ,2000).However, the effects of gender on job satisfaction vary with the
level at which an individual works.

5. Opportunity For Promotion

Employee perceptions about opportunity for promotion are also another determinant
that influences job satisfaction. One survey found that a perceived lack of promotion
opportunities was the strongest reason why federal employees left government service
(U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board 1987).

6. Recognition & Appreciation

In a study that was carried out in 23 Romanian organizations , recognition and

appreciation were found to be motivating factors responsible for increased
effectiveness of employees at work and their high levels of job satisfaction (Farhad
Analoui, 1999).

7. Interpersonal Relationships

Several studies take a social approach to job satisfaction, examining the influence of
supervision, management, and co-worker social support. An individual's level of job
satisfaction might be a function of personal characteristics and the characteristics of
the groups to which she or he belongs to. The social context of work is likely to have
a significant impact on a worker's attitude and behavior Relationships with both co
workers and supervisors are important. Some studies have shown that the better the
relationship, between fellow workers and between workers and their immediate boss,
the greater the level of job satisfaction (Arne L. Kalleberg and Loscocco, 1983).

8. Opportunity To Use One's Abilities

Internal rewards involve job characteristics, or the nature of the task that an employee
performs. Employees generally need and like jobs that make use of their abilities.
(National Commission on the State and Local Public Service, 1993)

9. Working Hours & Physical Conditions

Two elements related to job satisfaction are the working hours and the physical
conditions under which workers spend their working days. According to Siegel and
Lane (1974), the level of importance to some factors is strongly related to job type.

11. Equal Opportunities Working Environment

Other factors that affect one's levels of job satisfaction appear to be related to ethical
issues and individual differences. Workers prefer an equal opportunities environment
where they will be respected in terms of their race, religion, gender, educational
background, physical disability etc

*Motivational factors
"Motivation will almost always beat mere talent."

Motivation is the reason that drives all of our actions. An individual expects that if
they behave a certain way or perform certain tasks, they will achieve their desired
outcome. In the workplace, this outcome, as long as it’s positive,is the driver that can
impact if and how the tasks given to employees are performed. The key to reaching
the highest possible results lies in being able to identify the factors that drive each
individual in a workforce. This is why, being able to identify the main factors that
drive an employee is a first and most important step on the way to increasing
performance. There are 9 main components that contribute to employees motivation:

1. Salary

Receiving regular payment, especially in reference to permanent employees, is

considered a basic need that is expected to be satisfied by an employer. However,
salary on its own is a short term satisfied. In the longer term salary isn’t a factor that
increases performance and a promise of getting a pay rise frequently has only a
temporary impact.

2. Non-monetary incentives

Non-financial rewards are a way of satisfying employees’ ego and self-actualization

needs. These are often used to:

● Acknowledge extraordinary performance.

● Recognize achievement.
● Increase morale.
● Create a positive work environment.
● Motivate high performance.

medical workers experienced lower levels of job satisfaction than their male
counterparts (Shapiro & Stern, 1998). Among non professionals the reverse was true
.In a consequent study, job satisfaction was examined across graduates five years after
they had graduated from university and the results show that at higher occupational
levels men expressed more satisfaction than women in terms of pay and opportunities
for advancement (Philip E. Varca, Garnett S. Shaffer, Cynthia D. McCauley, 1983).In

addition, Charlotte Chiu (1998), found that female lawyers had significantly lower job
satisfaction than male lawyers, and that the reason for the difference was that women
feel they have fewer opportunities for promotion than men. The present questionnaire
adds another demographic factor such as the type of job in order to make vertical and
horizontal comparisons between and within types of jobs and departments.

5. Opportunity For Promotion

Employee perceptions about opportunity for promotion are also another determinant
that influences job satisfaction. One survey found that a perceived lack of promotion
opportunities was the strongest reason why federal employees left government service
(U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board 1987).

6. Recognition & Appreciation

In a study that was carried out in 23 Romanian organizations , recognition and

appreciation were found to be motivating factors responsible for increased
effectiveness of employees at work and their high levels of job satisfaction (Farhad
Analoui, 1999).

7. Interpersonal Relationships

Several studies take a social approach to job satisfaction, examining the influence of
supervision, management, and co-worker social support. An individual's level of job
satisfaction might be a function of personal characteristics and the characteristics of
the groups to which she or he belongs to. The social context of work is likely to have
a significant impact on a worker's attitude and behaviour Relationships with both co
workers and supervisors are important. Some studies have shown that the better the
relationship, between fellow workers and between workers and their immediate boss,
the greater the level of job satisfaction (Arne L. Kalleberg and Los coco, 1983).

8. Opportunity To Use One's Abilities

Internal rewards involve job characteristics, or the nature of the task that an employee
performs. Employees generally need and like jobs that make use of their abilities.
(National Commission on the State and Local Public Service, 1993)

9. Working Hours & Physical Conditions

Two elements related to job satisfaction are the working hours and the physical
conditions under which workers spend their working days. According to Siegel and
Lane (1974), the level of importance to some factors is strongly related to job type.

10. Adequate Authority & Sense of Control

Another important component of job satisfaction is the worker's attitude toward the
job. The intrinsic rewards of a job, such as a sense of control over one's work and a
feeling of accomplishment are important determinants of job satisfaction. Employees
are more satisfied when they have adequate freedom and authority to do their jobs and
to choose their own method of working. When workers have various autonomous
tasks in their jobs, they tend to have more of a sense of control. Previous studies have
shown that job satisfaction is negatively related to the performance of routine tasks,
and also that job satisfaction is positively related to the performance of more complex
and autonomous tasks (Gary Blau, 1999).

11. Equal Opportunities Working Environment

Other factors that affect one's levels of job satisfaction appear to be related to ethical
issues and individual differences. Workers prefer an equal opportunities environment
where they will be respected in terms of their race, religion, gender, educational
background, physical disability etc

apart from considering that the final outcome is worthwhile, employees also believe
that they are capable of performing the task that’s expected of them. If the targets or
goals seem unachievable from their perspective, it is unlikely they’ll feel motivated
which in return will lead to lower performance.

*Positive consequences of job satisfaction
● Productivity

Studies have revealed that there is a positive but weak relationship between job
satisfaction and productivity (Johns, 1996). Luthans (1989) as well agrees with John’s
statement. According to Ostroff (1992), companies with more satisfied workers are
more effective than companies with fewer workers. Hence, the more satisfied workers
are more productive and result in higher effectiveness of companies. Luthans further
adds that the most satisfied worker is not necessarily the most productive employee.
Moreover, Robbins et al. (2003) state that at organizational level, there is a strong
association between job satisfaction and productivity which is not the same at
individual level.

● Organizational Commitment

Organizational commitment is the level to which workers show a strong willingness

to stay in their company. They have the desire to work hard towards the success of
their organization. Employees who are committed to their organization, they actually
develop levels of satisfaction consistent with their commitment (Aldag and Kuzuhara,

*Negative consequences of Job satisfaction

● Health

According to Spector (1997) employees who do not like their jobs may experience
negative physical and mental health problems. However, Luthans (2002) contradicts
Spector and states that workers with high levels of job satisfaction experience
enhanced mental and physical health.

● Absenteeism

Every company would like to have the minimum rate of employee absenteeism as the
latter is an indication of poor staff job satisfaction. Hellriegel, Slocum and Woodman
(1989) state that job satisfaction level is linked to absenteeism. Absenteeism is a way
to flee a disagreeable working atmosphere (Nel et al. 2004). Rollinson et al. (1999)
affirm that there is an inverse association between job satisfaction and absenteeism.
Hence as job satisfaction increases, absenteeism shall decrease. However, Johns
(1996) found a moderate relationship between job satisfaction and absenteeism.
Robbins et al. (2003) further report that the moderate relationship between the two
variables is due to factors like sick leaves and employees’ time off.

● Turnover

Turnover is the voluntary or involuntary permanent withdrawal from a company.

Voluntary turnover may occur, as maybe workers want to seek new job prospects or
they want to express their dissatisfaction with jobs. French (2003) states that high
employee turnover rate is due to dissatisfaction of workers at their workplace.
Research conducted by Steel and Ovalle (1984) found that a moderate relationship
between job satisfaction and turnover which implies that less satisfied employees are
more likely to leave their jobs.

*Benefits of job satisfaction

Reduce micro-management

Nobody likes having a manager peer over their shoulder constantly, and if you this
will make them feel like they are trusted and they will likely reward this trust.By
removing micro-management, a task goes from being something that they are
expected to do to being something that is their responsibility.

Improved work environment

This doesn’t necessarily mean spending tens of thousands of dollars on new

equipment or office fit-outs. Improving small things can have a huge impact on the
satisfaction .

Improving communication across all levels

A focus on improving communication amongst the organization, from leaders to

workers and importantly, vice versa, is credited at many companies as increasing job
satisfaction. Staff should be allowed to be critical and to feel they can raise concerns
in a non-threatening environment. If employees are afraid to speak then they are

unlikely to put much effort into the job and they will probably want to leave as soon
as possible.

Create an employee recognition program

An employee recognition program doesn’t mean sticking their name on some plaque
in the reception area once a quarter.

Reducing time stress

Tight deadlines have been shown to be another major sources of stress for many
employees. Organizations can look for ways to ease this stress by scheduling projects
and work .

*Hr policies in banking sector


According to US Legal, HR policies are official guidelines and rules that are put into
place by a company’s HR department to hire, train, evaluate and reward staff.


US Legal explains that HR policies serve to prevent or clarify misunderstandings

between employers and employees, which have to do with rights and obligations in
the workplace. Employees use HR policies for guidance and direction if there are any
questions about office processes or expectations.

● The organization invites its HR director to be part of the senior

management group. The organization has HR policies and strategies
founded on the principle of fairness.
● This means fair rules, procedures and decisions that are applied fairly in
each individual staff member’s case. Interpersonal communication is
characterized by honesty, respect, dignity and politeness.
● The organization develops , implements and evaluates HR policies and
strategies that are intended to create a positive work environment.
Leadership underpinned by effective HR policies and strategies is a driving
force in creating a positive work environment in the organization.
● The organization promotes the importance of HR policies and strategies,
particularly those relating to work relationships and acceptance of
diversity, to all levels of the organization.
● The organization regularly monitors and reviews critical HR performance
indicators including the quality of work relationships, staff wellbeing,
organizational justice, openness to diversity and emotional climate.
● The organization undertakes research to evaluate, monitor and develop

*Managers role in Hr Policies

● Managers implement fair HR policies and strategies with the support of HR

● Managers use the performance management system to develop and evaluate
their team’s ability to form positive work relationships. Managers use training
as a means of cultivating, motivating and retaining quality staff and promoting
positive work relationships, acceptance of diversity and fair practices.
● Managers interact with their staff fairly. They are polite, honest and treat staff
with respect and dignity.

*Individual’s role in Hr Policies

● Individuals negotiate flexible work arrangements with their manager to

balance their work and private commitments. They believe processes and
decisions are fair.
● Individuals conform to the HR policies and procedures that cover
interactions with colleagues and clients, such as the code of conduct.
● Individuals have trust and confidence in their colleagues, managers and the
organization. They feel included in the team, treated the same as others,
and able to raise their concerns safely. All interactions with colleagues and
managers are respectful.
● Individuals feel that rewards for good performance are meaningful.



Axis bank is the third largest of the non- public sectors bank in India giving a
comprehensive suite of monetary product. The bank has its head workplace in
Bombay and registered workplace in Ahmedabad . It has 3,304 branches, 14,000
ATMs and 9 international offices. The bank employs over 55,000 folks and had a
capitalization of 1.28 trillion (US$ billion) (as on march 31,2017). It sells monetary
services to massive and mid size company, SME and retail businesses. As of 30 June
2016, 30.81% shares area unit closely held by promoters and promoter cluster (United
India insure restricted, Oriental insurer restricted, Social insurance company
restricted, New Assurance company restricted, GIC, LIC, UTI.). Remaining 69.19%
shares area unit closely held by Mutual Funds establishments, FIIs, monetary
establishments (banks), Insurance firms, company bodies and individual investors
among others.

In 2001 UTI Bank united to merge and amalgamate with World Trust Bank, however
the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) withheld approval and zilch came of this. In 2004 the
run batted in place world trust into moratorium and supervised its merger into
Oriental bank of Commerce.


(a)Axis Pay

The recently introduced UPI can facilitate banking transactions victimization solely
single “Virtual Payment Address”(VPA). While transferring cash to associate
account, the sender won’t be forced to feed the slew of details just like the account
range and banks IFCS code, however will interact victimization solely the VPA. Be a
multi-social payment resolution.

(b)Ping Pay

In 2015 Ping Pay was launched by bank which helps the customer to resolve multi-
social payment to transfer funds victimization their good phones to each Axis bank
accounts and alternative banks account holders.

(c)Augmented reality

Axis Bank increased reality feature inside its mobile app that lists all the feeding
destination, property lists, looking centers, banks ATMs, branches and plenty if
alternative things not solely as a location on GPS however additionally in real world
photos alongside distance and directions.

(d)Axis Thought Factory

The innovation hub settled in Bengaluru, has an in house innovation team and an
accelerator programmed. The innovation workplace work closely with the start up
community that’s redefining banking within the digital era. With this launch, Axis
bank becomes the primary Indian bank to introduce an obsessive innovation
workplace within the country.

(e)Insta Personal Loan

Axis Bank provides a ‘24X7 Instant Personal Loan’ on sensible phones and ATM
kiosks. Customers will get instant authorization and disbursement that get attributable
directly into their account.

(f)Locker booking

The bank has launched an internet locker booking facility through the mobile app to
permit customer to ascertain convenience from their homes and book instantly.

(g)Microfinance Institutions (MFI) Lending

A new table based loan origination system developed to alter the whole disposal
method of MFI business. This may replace the present paper primarily based loan
sanctities method.

(h ) Multi currency Forex cards

Axis bank supply contactless multi currency Forex cards to Indian travelers
facultative quicker and a lot of convenient transactions whereas abroad. Constant
technology has conjointly been extended to the bank’s debit and mastercard
platforms. The bank has established associated in house payment entry that permits
for secure e-commerce dealings process capability and reduces the price incurred on
victimization external gateways.

(i)Asha home loans

Asha home loans, our home equity loan product, caters to the primary time home
patrons within the lower financial gain section and helps by providing reasonable EMI
choices. The merchandise offers loans from 100,00 (US$1,500)- 1.5 million
(US$22,000) in tiny cities (population but one million) and up to 2.8 million
(US$42,000) in larger cities (population over one million) to customer with family
incomes of 8,000 (US$120) – 10,000 (US$150) per month.


The Bank has ten wholly owned subsidiaries:

⦁ Axis Private Equity Ltd.

⦁ Axis Trustee Services Ltd.

⦁ Axis Asset Management Company Ltd.

⦁ Axis Mutual Fund Trustee Ltd.

⦁ Axis Bank UK Ltd.

⦁ Axis Securities Ltd.

⦁ Axis Direct

⦁ Axis Finance Ltd.

⦁ Axis Securities Europe Ltd.

⦁ A.Treds Limited

⦁ Axis Forex

*Vision, Mission and values


⦁ To become the most respect company in the financial service.

⦁ To emerge as a “Best Practices Bank” by pursuing global benchmarks.


⦁ To provide customer service and product innovation to individual and

corporate client.

⦁ To built efficiency and effectiveness on ethical practices.

⦁ To encourage organizational transparency.

⦁ To continuously upgrading technology while maintaining human values.


⦁ Customer satisfaction through providing quality effectively and efficiently.

⦁ To provide periodic customer service audit.

⦁ To maximize stakeholders value.

⦁ To become success through teamwork, integrity, and people.

⦁ To grow with focused team of dynamic professionals



A SWOT analysis could be a strategic designing tool accustomed to measure strength,
weakness, chance and threats concern during a project or business or any scenario

requiring a call. It involves monitoring the market environment internal and external
of company.

Strengths: Attribute of the organization that are useful to achieving the objectives.

Weakness: Some of the harmful attributes in achieving the organization objectives.

Opportunities: Harmful external condition for achieving organization objectives.
Threats: Harmful external conditions in achieving the objectives. The aim of any
SWOT analysis is to isolate the key environmental factors that are important to the
plans of the organization. SWOT teams key items of knowledge into two main

Internal factors: The strengths and weakness internal to the organization, i.e.
its strategies and its relation to its competition.
External factors: the opportunities and threats presented by the external environment
and completion


1) Good image among population.

2) Good growth in banking industry sector.It offers various services and
products like credit cards, consumer banking, corporate banking,
finance and insurance, investment banking, private equity
3) Increasing market shares in rural area
4) Offering advance E-banking services to customers.

1) It has limited branches as compared to its direct competitors.

2) Less number of international branches.
3) Share prices are not stable.

1) Market penetration in rural areas.

2) Market development in international market.

1) Threats of new entrants.
2) Tough competition of foreign banks.
3) Fierce competition

*Hr policies in Axis Bank (Nerul)

HR policies can also be very effective at supporting and building the desired
organizational culture.

For example, recruitment and retention policies might outline the way the organization
values a flexible workforce, compensation policies might support this by offering a 48/52
pay option where employees can take an extra four weeks holidays per year and receive
less pay across the year.

In actuality, policies and procedures serve a number of purposes:

They provide clear communication between the organization and their employees
regarding their condition of employment.

1. They form a basis for treating all employees fairly and equally.
2. They are a set of guidelines for supervisors and managers.
3. They create a basis for developing the employee handbook.
4. They establish a basis for regularly reviewing possible changes affecting
5. They form a context for supervisor training programs and employee
orientation programs


Obviously job satisfaction plays a key role in organization success. without employee
satisfaction towards their jobs jobs none of the employee will perform well and it is
very difficult to reach the organizational goals and objectives. hence, job satisfaction
helps to yield maximum output from the employees. so that this study is undertaken to
measure satisfaction level towards their jobs in rtpp.


The scope of the research will help us to understand the employee’s job satisfaction
by various factors .The area of survey was only in Navi Mumbai city. So all the
estimation have been made based on city area. It is a report based on structured
questionnaire , survey , data calculation people’s opinion our perception and

the scope of this is clear as we analyze the needs of the employees to enrich their
morale and creating a friendly atmosphere which also enrich their work life, can also
be a possible scope. as we identify, analyze and satisfy their expectation, a good and a
healthy environment can be create vis-a-vis, can loyal and dedication workforce to
develop the organization.


⦁ To study the employees job satisfaction level in axis bank.

⦁ To study the attitude of employees towards work and to study the various factors
determining job satisfaction of the employee.

⦁ To study the factors that motivate employees at the time of work in the bank.

⦁ To study the impact of job satisfaction on the overall growth of employee as well as
the organization and to make necessary recommendation for increasing the
satisfaction levels of employee, if any.

*Hypothesis :

There exists no difference in the perception of job satisfaction as perceived by

employees of Axis Bank Nerul. There exists difference in the perception of job
satisfaction as perceived by employees of Axis Bank.



. It Is the pursuit of truth with the help of study, observations. Comparison and
experiment. In short, the search for knowledge through objective and systematic
method of generalization and the formulation of a theory is also theory is also theory
is also research.

Research is a careful and detailed study into a specific problem, concern, or issue
using the scientific method. It's the adult form of the science fair projects back in
elementary school, where you try and learn something by performing an experiment.


The instrument used in this study is a structured questionnaire. A questionnaire is a

sheet or sheets of paper containing questions relating to certain specific, regarding
which the researcher collects the data. The questionnaire is given to the information or
respondents to be filled in up.


Data refers to information or facts. Often researchers understand by data as only

numerical figure. It also includes descriptive facts, on numerical information,
quantitative and quantitative information. Collective of data is an important stage in
research. In fact the quality of the data collected determine the quantity of the

Collection of data is done by 2 methods.


Primary data is also known as the data collected for the first time through the field
survey. Such data are collected with specific set of objectives to assess the current of
any variable studied.

● Questionnaires


The secondary data, which is needed for my study was collected from the company’s


The sampling which along the researcher to carry out his research based on his
convenience and respondents availability of constraints. The research sampling
studies every respondent response according to time, place and situation. This
sampling provides ease of doing his research.

Sampling procedure:

The technique to be used in selecting the items for the sample. This technique or
procedure stands for the sample design itself:

Sample size:

It refers to the number of items to the selected from the universe to constitute a

Sampling unit: It may maybe geographical such as state, districts, village etc or a
construction unit such as House, Flat etc or it may be social unit such as family, club,
school. Etc or it may be an individual.



Male 62%

Female 38%


Out of 40 responses 62% are male and 38% are female.


Below 18 years 3%

18-21 years 15%

22-40 years 62%

40 and above 20%


Out of 40 responses 3% of responses are below 18 years. Between 18 to 21 are 15%.

Responses. 62% of responses are between 22 to 40 years and above 40 years are 20%
of responses.


Graduate 40%

Post Graduate 55%

Doctorate 5%


Out of 40 responses 40% of employees are graduate. 55% of employees are post
graduate. Doctorate is 5%


Below 1500 30%

150000-30000 60%

30000-45000 10%

45000-60000 0%


Out of 40 responses 30% of responses, income are below 15000.Income between

15000 to 30000 is 60%. 10% of income is between 30000 to 45000 and income
between 45000 to 60000 is 0%

5.Are you satisfied with your present job ?

Yes 90%

No 10%


Out of 40 responses 90% of employees are satisfy with their job and 10% of
employees are not satisfy with their job.

6.What motivates you to work more ?

Good Pay 50%

Promotion 30%

Working condition 15%

Other 5%


Out of 40 responses 50% of employees motivates through good pay. 30% of

employees motivates through promotion. 15% of employees motivates through
working condition and 5% through other.

8.Is your working hour satisfactory?

Comfortable 85%

Uncomfortable 15%

Under pressure 0%


Out of 40 responses 85% of employees are comfortable with their with their job and
15% employees are uncomfortable whereas none of employees are under pressure
with their job.

10..Does Axis Bank offer benefits to the employees?

Yes 95%

No 5%


Out of 40 responses 95% of employees says yes for offering employees benefits and
5% says no for employees benefits.

11.Do you have good relation with colleagues?

Yes 95%

No 5%


95% of employees have good relation with colleagues and 5% of employees do not
have good relation out of 40 responses.

16 .Is culture of the company creates work environment?

Yes 85%

No 13%

Stressful 2%


Out of 40 responses 85% of employees respond yes that company creates work
13% of employees respond that company creates stressful environment and 2% of
employees respond no for work environment.

18.Does management understand the work life balance?

Yes 95%

No 5%


Out of 40 responses 95% of employees say yes that company understands the work
life balance. 5% of employees are says no that company does not understand work life

Analysis of manager.

1. Manager is satisfied with the job and position allotted to him is as per his ability
and competency.
2. Compensation provided by organization, highly satisfies the manger.
3. Company always provides insurance and medical benefits.
4. There is a good inter-relationship between employees and organization as there
understands among both.
5. Manager is satisfied with the productivity expected from employees as is as per
organization requirements.
6. The culture and environment of the organization is healthy.
7. Manager gets full support regarding work from higher authority.
8. Manager suggests a change in organization for arranging for more seminars,
workshops for and celebrations for employees.



➢ Employee’s job satisfaction plays an important role in an organization.

➢ 62% of the males are working in the organization.
➢ 62% of employee’s age is between 22 to 40.
➢ 60% of employees income is between 15000 to 30000
➢ 90% of the employees are satisfied with their job. And 10% are unsatisfied.
➢ 50% of good pay and 30% of promotion is the factor that motivates most of
the employees to work.
➢ 82% of employees are satisfied with the salary offered and 85% of employees
are comfortable with working hours.
➢ 58% of employees are sometime satisfied with resolving of conflicts.
➢ 95% of employees have good relation with their colleagues and benefits are
provided by organization.
➢ 68% of the employees are empowered and encouraged to solve problems on
their own.
➢ 72% of employees receive recognition by manager, occasionally.
➢ 85% of employees are satisfied with the work environment of company and
72% of employees are involved in decision making.
➢ 40% of Graduate , 55% of Post Graduate and 5% of Doctorate are in the bank.
➢ 85% of people are satisfied with the working hours. 15% are unsatisfied.
➢ 95% manger understand the work life balance.


1. Motivates employees to work with positive emotions.

2. Provide reward and recognition as it is the tool of building morale and motivation.
3 .Involves and engage the workforce in decision making and also listen to their
4. Provide training and development program which will make them more productive
and innovative.
5. Evaluate the progress and determine what need to be improved.
6. Should care about employees well being.
7. Provide regular feedback to employees about performance.
8. Provide employees flexi hours and shifts.
9. Leaders must stress on team building.
10. Rewarding system should be made more transparent.
11. Team work must be compulsorily rewarded to further motivate employees,


Employee’s satisfaction is how employee is satisfied with their jobs. Employee’s

satisfaction is typically measured using an employee satisfaction survey. Employee
satisfaction covers the basic concerns and needs of employees.

The future of the organization largely depends on its productivity and productivity
depends on the employees who work for the organization. If the employees are very
productive in nature, no one can beat the organization, To make the employees more
productive, the organization should try to satisfy the employees to the maximum
extent. Every organization must conduct employee survey every year to compare the
present satisfaction level with the past. These survey help to indicate the mirror of
management in the minds of the employees as well as management about their
feelings, opinions and attitude.

Observations, interviews and questionnaire feedback helped me to understand the

perception of job satisfaction.

Factors that influence employee satisfaction in this survey are compensation,

workload, perception of management, flexibility, teamwork and resources etc. These
are the important factors through which employees can kept happy and reduce
employee turnover.

From various feedback obtained. It can be concluded that the job satisfaction level of
employees is very high in Axis bank Nerul Navi Mumbai.
Employees are proud to be associated with Axis Bank. And it is extremely good
organization to work with.


The structured questionnaire was framed on Employees Job Satisfaction in Axis

Bank. I request you to kindly share some valuable time for filling up to the following
questionnaire. The information provided by you will be kept confidential and will be
used for study purpose.

Thank you.

Personal details:


1) 25-35
2) 35-45
3) 45-55
4) 55 and above

1) Male
2) Female

3) Qualification:
1) Graduate
2) Post graduate
3) Doctorate

1) Below 1500
2) 150000-30000
3) 30000-45000
4) 45000-60000

5) Are you satisfy with your present job?

1) Yes
2) No

6) What motivates you to work more?

1) Good pay
2) Promotion
3) Good working environment

7) Do you feel the salary offered at Axis bank is sufficient to lead your satisfied life?
1) Yes
2) No

8) Is your working hours satisfactory?

1) Comfortable
2) Uncomfortable
3) Under pressure

9) Are you satisfied with the way in which conflicts are resolved?
1) Always
2) Sometimes
3) Never

10) Does Axis bank offers benefits to the employees?

1) Yes
2) No

11) Do you have good relation with coordinates?

1) Yes
2) No

12) Are you empowered and encouraged to solve problem on your own?
1) Yes
2) No

13) Are you extremely proud to tell people that I work for the bank?
1) Yes
2) No

14)Are you encourage to learn from your mistakes if anyone identified?

1) Yes
2) No

15) How frequently do you receive recognition from your manager?

1) Always
2) Occasionally
3) Never

16) Is culture of company creates work environment?
1) Yes
2) No
3) Stressful

17) Does company involve you in decision making ?

1) Always
2) Sometimes
3) Never

18) Does management understands the work life balance?

1) Yes
2) No

19) How much do you rank your company on the scale of 1 to 10?







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