Guia Implementacion Iso45001
Guia Implementacion Iso45001
Guia Implementacion Iso45001
• Cardiogenic Positive ionotropes are recom-
• Hypoxic mended if volume resuscitation is
• Neurogenic Central venous pressure should
Repeat physical examinations, arterial
be 3 to 12 cm H2O in foals and blood pressure, central venous pressure,
INITIAL DATABASE up to 24 cm H2O in adults lactate, arterial and venous blood gas,
Hematocrit and hemoglobin may be Dobutamine (2–15 µg/kg/min urine output, colloid oncotic pressure,
normal in early hemorrhagic conditions. IV) cardiac output
• Complete blood count Dopamine (2–15 µg/kg/min IV)
• Packed cell volume (PCV) and total Vasopressors only if fluids and ion-
protein otropes are unsuccessful or for
• Serum chemistry delayed resuscitation OUTCOME
• Blood pressure Norepinephrine (0.5 µg/kg/min
• Colloid oncotic pressure IV) Depend on the success of treat-
• Serum lactate Vasopressin (0.3–1 µg/kg/min ment of the primary cause and
• Coagulation profile IV): High doses of vasopressors rapid resolution of hypovolemic shock
may reduce splanchnic perfusion through normalization of physical
ADVANCED OR CONFIRMATORY • Oxygen supplementation (5–15 L/ parameters
• Central venous pressure: Negative Indicated with low PaO2 (<70
values may indicate hypovolemia (ref- mm Hg), PvO2 (<35 mm Hg), and PEARLS &
erence range, 2–15 cm H2O) high lactate (>4 mmol/L) CONSIDERATIONS
• Ultrasonography of the abdomen or Supplementation for low hemo
thorax (for specific infections, sus- globin concentrations may be Goal-directed early manage-
pected rupture, or hemorrhage) detrimental; induces temporary ment is key to reducing mortal-
• Abdominocentesis or thoracocentesis vasoconstriction ity from shock with goals of:
to identify free fluid • Control of hemorrhage and PCV • Mean arterial pressure of 60 to
• Coagulation profiles to monitor for Surgical hemostasis 70 mm Hg
disseminated intravascular coagulation Therapy for DIC • Normal urine production
(DIC) Hemoglobin replacement: Recom- • Pink mucous membranes with a capil-
• Endoscopy to identify guttural pouch mended for hemoglobin concentra- lary refill of less than 3 seconds
mycosis tion below 7 g/dL, PCV below 15%, • Warm extremities
• Cortisol levels and response to an and lactate above 4 mmol/L • Normal central venous pressures
adrenocorticotropic hormone stimula- Blood transfusion • Normalization of arterial and venous
tion test to monitor appropriate endo- Autotransfusion of blood in body oxygen
crine response cavities • Blood lactate below 2 mmol/L
• Cardiac output monitoring: Lithium Hemoglobin-based fluids • Normalization of blood glucose
dilution, echocardiography
526 Shock, Hypovolemic Sinoatrial Block and Sinus Arrest
SUGGESTED READING editors: Equine emergencies: treatment acute blood loss in horses. J Am Vet Med
and procedures, St Louis, 2008, Saunders Assoc 229(9):1458–1462, 2006.
Driessen B, Brainard B: Fluid therapy for the
Elsevier, pp 544–552.
traumatized patient. J Vet Emerg Crit Care AUTHOR: AMELIA MUNSTERMAN
Magdesian KG, Fielding CL, Rhodes DM, et al:
16(4):276–299, 2006.
Changes in central venous pressure and EDITORS: R. REID HANSON and AMELIA
Divers TJ: Shock and systemic inflammatory
blood lactate concentration in response to MUNSTERMAN
response syndrome. In Orsini JA, Divers TJ,