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صناعة النسيج والملابس في ليثوانيا

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EKT Group
Jasinskio g. 16, LT-01112 Vilnius
Tel: (+370 5) 25 26 225, Fax: (+370 5) 25 26 226
E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt; http://www.ekt.lt


1. INDUSTRY HIGHLIGHTS .................................................................................................3

1.1. Industry Development Trends.......................................................................................4
1.2. Industry Potential ............................................................................................................5
1.3. Export Advantages .........................................................................................................8
1.4. Investment opportunities ...............................................................................................9
APPAREL INDUSTRY ......................................................................................................10
2.1. The Manufacture of Textiles and Textile Articles ......................................................10
2.2. The Manufacture of Wearing Apparel and the Dressing and Dyeing of Fur........13
2.3 Foreign Trade in Textile and Apparel Industry ..........................................................17
2.4. The Manufacture of Leather and Leather Products (Including Footwear) ...........19
APPENDIX 1. TABLES .........................................................................................................25
APPENDIX 2. COMPANY PROFILES ...............................................................................32

EKT Group 2
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

1. Industry Highlights

The Lithuanian textile and clothing industry ranks first by number of employees and second by
volumes of manufacturing and sold production (after the food industry) within the structure of
manufacturing industry. Lithuania’s textile and apparel industry is recognised as one of the most
developed industries with long-standing traditions. Production of textile and sewn garments
represent 14% of Lithuanian GDP, sold production volumes make approximately 16% of the
total volumes of manufacturing industry, total number of employee makes 27% of the employed
in the national industry. 51600 high-skilled specialists and workers have been employed in 559
textile and clothing enterprises (excluding individual enterprises). The textile and apparel
industry is one of the leaders in country’s exports (about 15% of total exports) with a positive
trade balance. Local exporters successfully compete in EU markets. The textile article and
apparel trade between Lithuania and the EU has been undergoing rapid development.

Lithuania’s textile and apparel industry consists of:

 Manufacture of textiles (NACE 17);
 Manufacture of wearing apparel; dressing and dyeing of fur(NACE 18);
 Manufacture of leather and leather products (NACE 19).

A tendency for constant growth can be observed in Lithuania’s

Growth of the textile and textile and apparel industry beginning in 1997. In 2001, the sales
apparel industry in volume of the country’s textile and apparel industry grew 5.4%
1997-2001 and decline compared to 2000 and 21.6% compared to 1997. Comparing
in 2002-2003 changes in sales of industrial production in 2003 to 2002,
manufacture of textiles dropped by 17%, manufacture of leather
and leather products dropped by 19%, while manufacture of
apparel increased by 7%, but didn’t reach the volume of 2001.
Since 1997, a tendency for steady growth has been observed in
Domestic market growth Lithuania’s textile and apparel industry. During 1997-2001, the
domestic market for textiles and apparel increased 31.2% and the
average annual growth was 7.2%. In 2003, the domestic market
grew by 15% compared to 2002.
Textile and clothing industry is one of the leading export sectors in
Export potential Lithuanian economy. Despite slight decrease in the textile and
clothing exports in 2003, the sector, nevertheless, continues to
hold the leader’s position within national export structure.
EUR 120 million was invested in textile and apparel product
Foreign investments manufacturing in the beginning of 2003.
According to statistics, EUR 29,7 million was allocated for capital
Capital investments in investments in the textile and apparel industry from domestic
manufacturing financial sources in 20031. In 2003, capital investments in the
textile and apparel industry grew by 46% compared to 1995.
 Textile manufacturers: Alytaus Tekstile AB, Drobe AB, Linas
The leaders in the textile
AB, Vernitas AB, Liteksas AB, Audejas AB, Linu Audiniai
and apparel industry
AB, Siulas AB, Trinyciai AB, etc;

Preliminary data

EKT Group 3
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

 Wearing apparel manufacturers: Utenos Trikotazas AB,

Edmundas & Co UAB (ECG), Lelija AB, Audimas AB, Satrija
AB, Dainava AB, etc.)
Fur dressers and dyers (Nijole, Vilniaus Kailiai AB, Ziemys
AB, Prekybos namai Eksa UAB etc.);
 Leather and leather product manufacturers: (Siauliu Stumbras
AB, Lituanica AB, Apavikta UAB, Visinga UAB, Eisinga
UAB etc.).

1.1. Industry Development Trends

The major development of the sector can be related to several factors:

Lithuania has many manufacturers of textiles, apparel, fur, leather,

Cluster features various accessories, etc. as well as many retail sales enterprises,
educational institutions, an independent association of textile and
apparel industry enterprises (LATIA), and fashion designers, some
of them are well known in Lithuania and abroad.

Lithuania’s textile and apparel industry includes a total of 559

Industry concentration (excluding individual, total number is 1277) small, medium-sized
and large enterprises: 374 small (up to 49 employees), 122
medium-sized (50-199 employees), and 63 large (over 200
employees) enterprises manufacturing textile and apparel industry
products. This variety allows to complete orders of different scale
and nature. We believe that this variety needs further promotion.
Large enterprises have started working with the small and
medium-sized enterprises, subcontracting out part of their orders.

In 2003, textile products, apparel and leather product exports

Export development totalled EUR 932 million. Based on 2003 data, the value of the
exported textile, apparel and leather industry production amounted
to about 15% of all of Lithuania’s exports. 85% of the textile
industry, 92% of apparel and 72% of leather products are
exported. Majority of production goes to the European Union.

EKT Group 4
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

1.2. Industry Potential

The successful development of Lithuanian textile and apparel industry depends on the
enterprises themselves. However the other factors to be mentioned hereunder have also made a
relevant impact:

The textile and apparel industry is first according to the number of

Specialization employees and second (after the food industry) according to total
industry output and number of enterprises in the manufacturing
Compared to the number of employees per 10 000 inhabitants in
EU, Lithuania is one of the leaders in this regard. This ratio shows
that the textile and apparel industry is one of the most important
and specialised industries in the EU and that Lithuania has great
potential for development.
Diagram 1

Number of Textile and Apparel Industry Employees (per 10 000 Inhabitants) in Europe and
Sweden 12
Netherlands 14
Norway 17
Finland 25
Germany 30
Denmark 36
Austria 41
France 46
Ireland 50
Belgium 60
United Kingdom 63
Spain 66
Greece 88
Italy 117
Lithuania 141
Portugal 251
0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Lithuania has a tradition highly professional training of

engineering and technically educated staff, so the companies
Employee skills and employ a sufficient number of competent specialists. Highly
qualifications professional textile and apparel industry specialists are trained in 8
vocational schools (with around 5 thousand students3),
professional colleges, and Universities such as Kaunas University
of Technology, which is an Eastern European Member of AUTEX
(Association of Universities for Textiles), Vilnius Academy of

A PHARE Support to European Integration in Lithuania (SEIL) Project: Sub-project: Support for Policy Impact
Analyses/Cost Estimation: Textiles and Clothing Industry. 1999
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania (www.smm.lt)

EKT Group 5
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

Fine Arts, etc.

High - tech oriented The Lithuanian Textile Institute creates, designs, and
products manufactures technical textile fabrics and protective clothes. The
product range is the result of research and technological
development in close co-operation with Western European leaders
in this field. The high-tech materials and technologies have
resulted in the development and manufacturing of a wide range of
garments for personal protective equipment and protective
clothing for military, police and civil applications, which clothing
meets EN, NATO, and NIJ requirements. A modern testing
laboratory provides an efficient analysis of the textile garments
according to EN and ISO standards.
In the near future, the Lithuanian Textile Institute will issue
European certificates for textile fabrics. In 2002, the last
accreditation procedures were completed at the Lithuanian Textile
Institute. This accreditation will be valid in all European
countries. The exporters will be able to receive this certificate
more quick and cheaper than exporters in other countries.

The experience required for the products quality ensuring has been
Production parameters improving. The products quality and cost relation is becoming
more and more acceptable. The aim is to restructure activities and
enterprises themselves in such a way that operating costs would
decrease. At present the sewing companies quite often do not
proceed with a full production and sale process, but provide
services related to individual production operations (called “sale of
labour force”). An urgent challenge now is to develop and produce
a comprehensive and modern product able to compete in the
specific markets, to introduce, wherever it’s possible, an own trade
mark to be recognised by consumers.
Besides, the product quality and production delivery terms are
every important factors in competitiveness enhancement.
Increasing labour Labour productivity in textile industry in 2002 was 18.9 thousand
productivity and EUR (per employee per year), in apparel industry – 18.3 thousand,
competitive costs in leather industry 21.1 thousand. Compared to 1999, labour
productivity in textile sector increased by 48%, in leather branch
by 87%, in apparel branch remained the same.
Labour costs in textile and clothing industry is lower that in other
EU countries. Average monthly gross earnings per employee in
the industry vary from EUR 263 to EUR 291.
In addition to low labour costs and increasing productivity the
length of the period from taking order to filing it is a very
important factor enhancing competitiveness.
The Lithuanian Apparel and Textile Industry Association4
Associated activities combines 180 enterprises producing textiles and textile articles,
apparel, dressed fur, leather, and leather products, which
enterprises produce 80% of the total output of the textile and
apparel industry. This is an independent association of textile and


EKT Group 6
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

apparel industry enterprises, related trade and service

organisations, and educational institutions.
The Lithuanian Apparel and Textile Industry Association
(LATIA) has been a member of the European Apparel and Textile
Organisation (EURATEX) since December 2001.

EKT Group 7
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

1.3. Export Advantages

One of the major factors determining the industry’s growth was the rapid development of
exports. Some of the principle advantages, stimulating exports are identified and described in
this study:

The co-operation experience acquired in the former Soviet Union

The possibility of market market and the status of reliable partner was of major importance
accessibility in striving integration into the EU market. Due to the economic –
financial crisis in the Russian market the light industry enterprises
faced the necessity to get reoriented towards the Western markets.
The priority markets have been analysed and identified in the
Light Industry Development Strategy. The proximity of the
Lithuanian and EU markets was one of the major factors for
expansion of the trade relations with EU countries: Germany, UK,
France, Scandinavian countries, etc.
Lithuanian companies also strive for maintaining established long-
term contacts with Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

In the country’s textile and apparel industry, strong trademarks are

Strong brands are being being developed that can successfully compete in export markets
de v e l ope d (Audimas, UT, Lelija, 3S, etc.).

Nijole, the country's leader in women’s furs, is one of the

Lithuanian companies whose brand name is well known in the fur
fashion world. Its pret-a-porte collections are displayed at world
exhibitions in Europe and the USA. Nijole Velickiene (the owner)
works with the famous Russian designer, Valentin Judaskin, and
they have presented their collections in New York and Milan.
In 2001, Juozas Statkevicius presented his first pret-a-porte
collection in France to high praise from the critics. Ramune
Piekautaite has opened a shop for her pret-a-porte clothes in
Lithuania and the USA. There are more well-known Lithuanian
designers in the fashion world in Lithuania and abroad.

Audimas produces custom order apparel for such international

Working with companies as Ikea and Nike; Utenos trikotazas produces them for
international companies the H&M and Zara brands; and Lelija produces custom order
apparel for C&A. Other companies produce apparel for the Laura
Ashley, Mc Spencer, CappAhl, Next, and 4 You brands.
Large-scale enterprises have started working with small and
medium-sized enterprises, subcontracting out part of their orders.

Lithuanian textile and clothing producers are able quickly react to

Flexibility and reliability the changing client’s needs, rapidly update the range of products,
guarantee the log-term supply of good quality products to
customers without delays.

Lithuanian companies produce high quality products that are

The product quality designed to meet the consumer’s needs. In order to compete in
meets different customer both domestic and foreign markets, the companies have certified

EKT Group 8
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

standards and their production according to ISO standards. The leaders in the
requirements country’s textile and apparel industry have implemented or plan to
soon implement ISO 9000, ISO 9001, ISO 14000, etc. quality

1.4. Investment opportunities

Lithuania has been operating under market economy conditions for over ten years already,
thereby gaining experience and skills in competitiveness and marketing. Its long experience in
the textile and apparel industry, highly professional specialists, competitive costs, and other
factors ensure the manufacture of high quality, competitive products. In Lithuania, textiles and
apparel are produced by employing advanced technologies and are certified according to ISO
standards, reliable, tested, and inexpensive.

Investments alternatives are available in the industry:

The rapidly growing domestic market, favourable geographic

Investments and working location, possibility of producing textile products and apparel at
with small or larger competitive costs, highly qualified specialists, and possibility of
companies reducing energy and labour costs by producing products in
Lithuania provide excellent possibilities for investors.

Many textile and apparel industry companies have acquired

experience in the manufacture of textile products and apparel,
allowing them to guarantee flexibility and quality production.

The investments made into the textile and apparel industry

amounted to EUR 120 million (as of January 1, 2003). The main
investing countries are Germany, UK and Denmark.
The production facilities have been partially renovated and there
Investments in equipment are number of enterprises where the available equipment
modernization in order to complies with high requirements. The most advanced production
create production for technologies are expensive and the investments into this area have
e xpor t been insufficient so far.

EKT Group 9
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

2. The Development and Leaders of Lithuania’s Textile and

Apparel Industry.

2.1. The Manufacture of Textiles and Textile Articles

In 2003, textile production amounted to EUR 328.7 million. During

Tendencies in textile 2003, the output of the country’s textile industry decreased by 17%
industry compared to 2002. Textile production has been decreasing for three
years in a row. This is related with a transfer of production facilities
to lower cost countries: Belarussia, Ukraine, Russia.
Textiles sales account for 4.5% of the total sales of all industrial
products in Lithuania.
Diagram 2
Manufacture of Textiles during 1999-2003, EUR mill.
480 406,3 395,5
420 358,6
333,8 328,7
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Source: Lithuanian Department of Statistics

In 2003 the domestic market for textile and textile products

Domestic market amounted to EUR 593.8 million.

Industry concentration According to statistics, in 2003 textile industry consisted of 16.7

thousand employees in 334 enterprises (including sole
proprietorships), i.e. 26% of the entire textile, apparel and leather
industry’s enterprises.
54% of the enterprises manufacturing textile products in the country
are small (under 50 employees), 33% medium-sized (50-199
employees), 13% large (over 200 employees).
The largest textile industry enterprises sell 80% of all the textiles
produced in the country.

In the textile industry, annual production per employee is EUR 18.9

Production and costs thousand. The textile industry's production costs consist of 65%
capital investments, 20.7% wages, and 5.6% depreciation. In 2003,
the average monthly gross earnings per employee were EUR 291.

EKT Group 10
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

The accumulated fixed assets of the textile industry constituted 10%

Structure of assets of the assets held by quarrying and manufacturing enterprises in
2000. The textile fibre processing and spinning industry
accumulated 18% of the total long-term tangible assets held by the
textile industry, the weaving industry 57%, and the knitwear and
knitted production industry 24%.
The investments in textile product manufacturing amounted to EUR
Foreign investments 89.7 million (as of January 1, 2003), mainly from Germany (22.8%),
UK (13.5%) and Denmark (12.3%). (Table 5)

The technological lines and equipment operating in the textile

Capital investments in industry are being steadily renovated and modernised. The
manufacturing enterprises are using their own funds as well as foreign direct
investments to achieve this. In 20035, EUR 17 million was made in
capital investments in the textile industry.
In 2003, capital investments in textile manufacturing increased by
13% compared to 1995.(Table 6)

Alytaus Tekstile AB, Drobe AB, Linas AB, Vernitas AB, Liteksas
AB, Audejas AB, Linu Audiniai AB, Siulas AB, Trinyciai AB,
The leaders:

Alytaus Tekstile AB, Drobe AB, Linas AB, Liteksas AB, and
The export leaders: Vilnika UAB.(Table 22)

 Founded in 1969, the Alytaus tekstile joint stock company is one of the biggest producers of
cotton and mixed fabrics in the Baltic States. Alytaus Tekstile consists of three departments:
spinning, weaving and finishing as well as a sewing shop and the necessary services. At
present, the company has over 3000 employers.
The production capacity is about 40 million metres per year. Single and twisted yarn, textile
yarn, and yarn for knitwear are produced. The yarn for weaving and knitting is 100% cotton
as well as a mixture of cotton with polyester, rayon, or flax. All the yarn meets the
international ÖKO - Tex Standard 100.
Alytaus Tekstile exports over 80% of its production to the EU (mainly to Italy, Germany,
Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Belgium, and France), US, and Asia. About 5% is sold in the
Baltic States (Latvia, Estonia) and 15% is sold domestically. The transportation time to all
the European destinations is 3-7 days.

 The main products of the Drobe Wool Company, founded in 1920, are pure wool and semi
wool fabrics for men’s and women’s wear as well as knitting yarns. The company’s share
capital is 100% private. Drobe has a weaving-finishing mill and spinning facilities in
The production capacity is about 5 million metres per year. The main raw materials are wool
tops (from Australia); polyester tow (from Germany, Spain, and Belarus); dye, and chemicals
(from Switzerland and Germany).

preliminary data

EKT Group 11
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

The main markets are Western Europe (Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, France, Spain, the
UK, Canada, the Scandinavian countries, etc.), Eastern Europe (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus,
Estonia, Latvia, etc.), and Lithuania.

 Linas manufactures high quality pure linen, half linen, and dyed, printed, striped, and
jacquard fabrics for home textiles and garments.
During 1997-2000, the turnover at Linas was constantly growing, the profit being used to
renovate the equipment and technology resulting in an enlarged assortment and better
quality. The company’s annual turnover is 8 million meters of fabrics.
There are four different production areas in the company: spinning, weaving, finishing, and
sewing. The company is managed by five departments i.e. marketing, economy, finance,
personnel, and technical service.
The majority of the production is exported to Western Europe with 17% to Italy, 16% to
France, 20% to Sweden, and 6% to Germany as well as to the US (12%). Its intensive
penetration into the German and French markets has resulted in increased sales of 70% and
83% respectively. 10% of its production is sold in Lithuania, 2% in Latvia and Estonia.

Linas today is a shareholding company with a high level of private capital concentration
striving successfully to satisfy customers' diverse demand for linen textile products. Annual
turnover of the company is 8 million meters of fabrics. A wide range of textile products
constitute a full linen profile for those, whose essence of existence is the linen lifestyle.

At the turn of the century, when radical changes are undergoing the outlook on man, nature
and technics, the world of textile is witnessing the appearance of new unique quality linen
textile products. They are the products made of natural linen fibre or its blends with cotton,
viscose, lycra, etc. Thanks to labour - intensive and complex processing technologies not
only natural ( antistatic, antiallergic, hydrostatic ) qualities of fibres are retained, but also
highly elegant and practical items are produced.
The various shops of the mill produce a wide range of products, including: combed flax and
flax tow, natural and dyed linen yarns, textile fabrics composed of 100 percent linen or linen
blends: natural, bleached, dyed, printed, jacquard fabrics and ready made items for table and
bed. The company has got close links with the consumers of linen textile products nearly in
the whole world: America, Europe, Asia, Australia.

EKT Group 12
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

2.2. The Manufacture of Wearing Apparel and the Dressing and Dyeing of Fur

In 2003, wearing apparel production and the dressing and dyeing

Tendencies in apparel of fur accounted for EUR 567 million. The output in Lithuania’s
industry apparel industry in 2003 grew by 7% compared to 2002.
Apparel sales comprised 7,8% of the total sales of all the
industry’s products in Lithuania.

Diagram 3

The Manufacture of Wearing Apparel and the Dressing and Dyeing of Fur, 1999-2003, EUR mill.
640 583,7 567
546,5 553,7
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Source: Lithuanian Department of Statistics

In 2003, the domestic market for wearing apparel amounted to

Domestic market EUR 78.9 million.

According to statistics, the apparel industry consisted of 32.7

Industry concentration thousand employees in 852 enterprises (including sole
proprietorships) in 2003, 67% of all the textile and apparel
industry’s enterprises.
52% of the enterprises manufacturing apparel in the country are
small (under 50 employees), 37% medium-sized (50-199
employees), and 11% large (over 200 employees). (Table 12)
The largest apparel industry enterprises realise 66% of all the
wearing apparel and dressed furs produced in the country.

Labour productivity in manufacture of wearing apparel amounts to

Production and costs EUR 18.3 (production per employee per year). The production
costs consist of 43% material expenditures and services rendered
by the enterprises, 40% wages, and 4.1% depreciation. In 2003,
the average monthly gross earnings per employee were EUR

According to Lithuanian Apparel and Textile Industry Association

Asset structure data, the clothing and fur dressing and dyeing industry
accumulated long-term tangible assets amounting to EUR 86.9

EKT Group 13
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

million or 3% of the industry’s total assets.

About 80% of the long-term tangible assets have been
accumulated by wearing apparel enterprises.

EUR 28.6 million was invested into the manufacture of wearing

Foreign investments apparel and the dressing and dyeing of fur (as of January 1, 2003).
The main investors were UK (5.3%), Germany (4.3%) and
Denmark (3.2 %).

EUR 12.7 million capital investments were made in the apparel

Capital investments in industry in 20036. In 2003, capital investments in the manufacture
manufacturing of wearing apparel and the dressing and dyeing of fur increased by
135% compared to 1995.(Table 6)

Utenos Trikotazas AB, Edmundas & Co UAB (ECG), Lelija AB,

Audimas AB, Satrija AB, Dainava AB, Visatex UAB, Trys
The leaders (producers)
Sezonai AB, Kauno Baltija AB, etc. (Table 19)

Utenos Trikotazas AB, Edmundas & Co UAB (ECG), Lelija AB,

Audimas AB, Dainava AB, Satrija AB, Visatex AUB, Dobilas
The export leaders:
AB, and Kauno Baltija AB.(Table 22)

Apranga AB, Levuo AB (trade name: Imitz), Utenos trikotazas

AB and Satrija AB (trade name: Canda), Audimas AB, Baltmano
The main apparel prekyba AB (trade name Monton), Lelija AB, Edmundas & Co
distributors: UAB (ECG) (shop chain: E-5 Mode), Limada UAB, and VP
Market and RIMI supermarkets.

In the country’s textile and apparel industry, strong trademarks are

Strong brands are being
being developed, which can successfully compete in export
de v e l ope d
markets (Audimas, UT, Lelija, 3S, etc.).

 Utenos Trikotazas AB. Founded in 1967, Utenos trikotazas now is the biggest company in
Lithuania that produces knitwear garments. More than 1 250 employees work at the
Company. Utenos trikotazas group includes the following companies: Utenos trikotazo
prekyba UAB, Satrija AB, and Gotija UAB. At the beginning of 2004, Utenos trikotazas
group employed more than 2 100 persons.
In 2003, turnover of Utenos trikotazas AB reached EUR 38.9 million, export made 91.2 per
cent of all the production. Sales of Utenos trikotazas group AB reached EUR 52.4 million,
export made 87,9 per cent of total production. In 2003, Utenos trikotazas AB gained EUR 3.8
million of net profit.
In 2004, Utenos trikotazas AB expects to increase sales up to EUR 40.5 million. meantime
sales of the group will grow to EUR 56 million. The Company has successfully implemented
Quality Management System that complies with the requirements of EN ISO 9001:2000, and
the international Environment Protection Management Certificate EN ISO 14001:1996.

preliminary data

EKT Group 14
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

 Audimas AB is the largest Lithuanian manufacturer of sports and leisure wear. Established
in 1936, the company is well known both in Lithuania and in Western Europe. Audimas
reported sales of EUR 21 million for full year 2003, a rise of 17.3 percent from the sales of
EUR 17.9 million in 2002. The company raised exports by 21.3 percent, year-on-year, to
EUR 17.1 million from EUR 14.1 million. Rimvydas Povilaitis, Audimas board chairman,
said the increase was due to the growing interest in the production of Audimas from the
Western companies. Besides, the new logistics system that gave more flexibility played its
part as well, said Povilaitis.
Audimas aims to raise sales by some 10 percent in 2004, up to EUR 23.2 million.
The company plans to consolidate business ties with its current foreign partners and will pay
a lot of attention for establishment of Audimas brand name in the Baltic countries. The
company has stores in Latvia and Estonia. The company has its own retail network in
Lithuania. Audimas produces apparel at the special order of such international companies as
Ikea and Nike.

 Lelija AB annually produces around 2.6 million articles of outerwear textile clothing for
men, women, and children. Suits, jackets, coats, pants, skirts, blouses, shirts, ties, vests, and
dresses constitute the company’s primary assortment.
The company is endeavouring to obtain ISO 9000 quality management certification, which
covers all the stages of production.
New standards ensuring the top quality of the production have enabled the company to
receive a license to use the Woolmark.
The company is one of the few producers in Lithuania, which has its own commercial
network, which consists of 28 specialized stores located in various cities around the country
as well as one store in Riga, Latvia.

 Nijole & Co is the country's leader in women’s furs. The NIJOLE fur fashion house
introduces the latest designs, which reflect world trends and are made using the highest
quality mink, astrakhan, sable, chinchilla, fox, and rabbit. It is one of Lithuania’s companies
with a well-known brand name in the fur fashion world. Its pret-a-porte collections are
displayed at world exhibitions in Europe and the US.

 Vilniaus Kailiai also produces fur, leather, and textile garments according to individual and
wholesale client orders. The company has begun installing modern sewing equipment and
other technologies.
Vilniaus Kailiai has partners worldwide, which are known in the fur business. The company
works closely with fur dressing companies known for their resourcefulness, innovation and
high quality: Cipel (France), Scmidt Marco (Germany), and Conceria Milanese (Italy).

 Apranga AB is the largest Lithuanian apparel trading company, occupying 25-30% of the
apparel trade market. It has 18 modern shops with 7 500 m2 of showroom space in
Lithuania’s five biggest cities. The average annual number of employees is 240.
In 2002, Apranga had a turnover of EUR 75 million. Apranga’s retail chain includes three
shop systems (trade names: Apranga, Aprangos Galerija, and City), two shops with separate
apparel brand names (MANGO, HUGO BOSS) and one boutique (Mados Linija).
The company is successfully developing close ties with such solid partners as HUGO BOSS,
JOOP!, Ittiere Group, Strellson, Roy Robson, Betty Barclay, Caractere, Gerard Darel, Mexx,
Morgan, Tom Tailor, S.Oliver, MANGO, Hucke Group, L-Fashion Group, Lloyd, etc. The
company has over 200 apparel suppliers from Lithuania, Germany, France, Italy, Denmark,
the Netherlands, and other European countries.

EKT Group 15
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

 Lithuania has many excellent and well-known designers in the fashion world such as Juozas
Statkevicius, Ramune Piekautaite, Julija Zileniene, etc. In 2001, Juozas Statkevicius
presented his first pret-a-porte collection in France to high praise from the critics. Ramune
Piekautaite has opened a shop for her pret-a-porte clothes in Lithuania and the USA.

EKT Group 16
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

2.3 Foreign Trade in Textile and Apparel Industry

Export In 2003 export of textile and textile products totalled EUR 296,3
million, export of apparel – EUR 588.5 million. Compared to 2002
export of textile products decreased by 6%, export of apparel by 4
%. Exports of apparel and clothing accessories comprise 63% of all
textile exports.
Main exported textile and apparel products in 2003 were woven and
knitted apparel (62%), home textile articles (8%), wool (5%), man-
made fibres (5%) and other plant textile fibres flax (5%).
United Kingdom was the main export market in 2003 (18.6% of
textile and apparel exports), followed by Germany (18.2%) that
maintained the leader’s positions in 2001 and 2002. Besides
Germany and UK, other traditional Lithuania’s textile and clothing
export markets include Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Denmark),
potential export growth could be observed to the Benelux countries
(Belgium, The Netherlands), Italy and France.

In 2003, textile and textile article imports were valued at EUR 553
I m por t million, decreasing by 3% compared to 2002. Import of apparel in
2003 was EUR 101.4 million (11% increased compared to 2002).
Fibre and yarn imports comprise 76% of all textile imports, knitted
and crocheted apparel and clothing accessories 17%.

Diagram 4
Breakdown of Textile and Apparel Exports in 2003, %

Rawhide skins and Footwear Other

leather 1% 11%
3% Apparel wowen or
Man-made fibres knitted, clothing
5% accessories
Other plant textile
fibres - flax
5% Home textiles

Source: Lithuanian Department of Statistics

EKT Group 17
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

Diagram 5

Export of Lithuania’s apparel and textile industry by trade partner (%) 2001-2003

0 5 10 15 20 25

United Kingdom 18,4

Germany 19

Denmark 13

Sweden 9,3

Italy 6,9

Belgium 6,1

France 4,3

Netherlands 3,9

Russia 2,8

Spain 2,6

Source: Lithuanian Apparel and Textile Industry Association

EKT Group 18
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

2.4. The Manufacture of Leather and Leather Products (Including Footwear)

Tendencies of the In 2003 output of leather and leather products sector totalled EUR
leather industry 36,8 million.
66.3 million square meters of box-calf leather was produced in
Lithuania in 2003 and it made even 37% less that during 2002.
This significant downturn in production reflects the actual
situation in rawhide and skin processing industry. The main reason
for production decline was cheap products import form Asian
countries. The same situation is in leather haberdashery sector that
manufactured 60.3 thousand units in 2003, i.e. 13% less than in
Footwear production also decreased in 2003. 990 thousand
footwear pairs were produced in Lithuania in 2003, however, this
indicator is by 10% lower compared to 2002.

Diagram 6

Manufacture of Leather and Leather Products during 1999-2003, EUR mill.

72 63,3
53,4 56,3
60 45,3
48 36,8
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Source: Lithuanian Department of Statistics

In 2003 the domestic market for leather and leather products

Domestic market amounted EUR 78.9 million.

In 2003, leather and leather product exports were estimated at

Export potential EUR 46 million, an 25% decrease compared to 2002. About 70%
leather and leather products are exported.
Italy is the basic export market for Lithuanian producers of leather
and leather products. In 2003 export volumes to Italy amounted
EUR 14.4 million (38%).
Footwear export in 2003 totalled EUR 10.2 million. Compared to
2002, footwear export decreased by 30%.
In 2003 major share of footwear products was exported to
Denmark (23%), the United Kingdom (12%) and Sweden (8%).
Opposite to textile and clothing manufacturers the footwear
manufacturers export a significant share of their production to the
neighbouring Latvia, which at present is the second-ranking export
market after Denmark Italy and Poland.

EKT Group 19
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

In 2003 the trade balance of Lithuanian leather, leather products

and footwear in 2003 was negative.

In 2003, leather and leather product imports were estimated at

I m por t s EUR 52 million, decrease of 19% compared to 2002. Footwear
imports in 2003 totalled EUR 44.7 million.
Major suppliers of raw materials to the Lithuanian footwear
manufacturers are: Germany, China, Ukraine is the main supplier
of raw materials to raw hide and skin processing undertakings with
the production volumes imported for EUR 9.8 million (22%).

Diagram 7
Main Trade Partners in Footwear Sector (%), 2003


Denm ark
Other 23%
Finland Latvia
7% 19%

Germ any
Sw eden United
8% Kingdom

Source: Lithuanian Apparel and Textile Industry Association


Other China
24% 19%

6% Germany
6% Poland 15%

Source: Lithuanian Apparel and Textile Industry Association

Diagram 8

EKT Group 20
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

Main Trade Partners in Leather and Leather products sector, 2003


Other Italy
31% 38%

United Poland
Kingdom 9%

Source: Lithuanian Apparel and Textile Industry Association



Italy Denmark Belarus 8%
5% 6% 7%

Source: Lithuanian Apparel and Textile Industry Association

Based on the Department of Statistics information 91 leather and

Industry concentration leathers product producers (including sole proprietorships) were
operating in Lithuania in 2003, which comprised 7% of the total
number of total sector enterprises.
2.2 thousand employees worked in leather and leather products
sector in 2003.
48% of Lithuanian leather product manufacturers are small, 41%
medium-sized, 10% large (over 200 employees). (Table 12)
The largest leather industry enterprises realise 72% of the leather
and leather products produced in the country.

Labour productivity in leather and leather products industry, was

Production and costs EUR 21.1 thousand per employee per year in 2002. Compared to
1999, labour productivity in leather industry increased almost
twice (87%). In 2003, average monthly gross earnings per
employee were EUR 262.7.

Foreign investments EUR 1.5 million was invested in the manufacture of leather and
leather products in 2003.

EKT Group 21
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

The leaders (producers) Leading companies in the footwear branch are Apavikta UAB,
Lithuanika AB, Paliutis UAB, Sabalin UAB, Zakona UAB.
Lituanica AB is the leader in footwear manufacturing among the
Baltic States; in 2002 it emploed 613 people with sales and
services amounting to EUR 5.7 million. The second largest
footwear factory in Lithuania is Apavikta AB; in 2002 it employed
293 people and its sales volumes amounted to EUR 2.4 million.
Major Lithuania’s rawhide and skin processing undertaking is
Siauliu Stumbras AB. In 2003 ir employed 307 people with the
sold production volumes amounting to EUR 15.6 million.
Leaders in Lithuania’s haberdashery production are Visinga UAB
and Eisiga UAB.
Major fur and fur product manufacturers are Prekybos namai Eksa
UAB, Vilniaus Kailiai AB, Ziemys AB, Kailiu salonas Nijole.

 Siauliu Stumbras AB, founded in 1898, is the biggest and one of the oldest Lithuanian
Since the enterprise’s privatisation in 1994, it has specialised in shoe upper leather
production and has already gained recognition among European footwear producers. This is
confirmed by the export in recent years of over 90% of the production of Siauliu Stumbras to
outstanding footwear manufactures from Portugal, Holland, the UK, France, Germany,
Poland, the Czech Republic, Belarus, Russia, Scandinavia, and the Baltic States.
Since 1994, over EUR 8 million has been invested in the enterprise allowing it to build and
to operate modern running water cleaning equipment satisfying all the current EU
requirements, to buy the latest technological equipment produced by the best Italian and
Swiss manufactures, and to renovate the utility networks and buildings. In 2000, the tannery
started implementing an ISO 9001 quality management system. In 2003 Siauliu Stumbras
employed 307 people and sales of production totalled EUR 16 million.

 The Lituanica shoe factory, founded in Kaunas in 1934, is now the biggest footwear
manufacturer in Lithuania.
Lituanica uses modern production technologies. In order to ensure the high quality of its
footwear, the enterprise makes uppers of high-quality natural elastic leather and buys sole
polyurethane, soles, and other materials only from reliable producers. In 1987, Lituanica
started exporting footwear to Italy and, in 1989, to Germany. Today the exports to Western
Europe account for about 80% of all its footwear sold, with the main clients being Germany,
the UK, and Denmark.
Lituanica manufactures the majority of its men's footwear and all of its women’s footwear
using so-called "sock" type technology, i.e. soles of liquid polyurethane are directly injection
moulded to the uppers using Klockner Desma machines. Thanks to this technology, the
footwear is light, flexible and very comfortable. The exports of these constitute about 95%
of all its exports. Lituanica is expanding the diversity of its classic style men's shoes. The
enterprise makes footwear for Lithuanian and German bowling clubs, the Lithuanian armed
forces, and special work footwear.

 The Apavikta shoe factory, founded in 1995, moved in 2002 to a modern factory in Naujoji

EKT Group 22
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

The company manufactures men's, women’s, and other footwear i.e. safety footwear
complying with EN 345-1-SB:S1, S2, S3 norms and waterproof footwear under licence from
The company manufactures most of its footwear (about 90-95%) from natural leather. Every
year its designers create about 100 new modern footwear models. Today the factory is one
of the modern factories in Lithuania’s textile and apparel industry and has German
equipment: Pfaff sewing machines, Desma casting assemblies, and Brother automatic
machines and Italian equipment: Bombeli zipper machines.
The company exports over 90% of its production to Scandinavia, Estonia, and Russia.
Apavikta works with such world famous companies as Svexico (Sweden), Kesko (Finland),
HTM Sport SPA (Italy), and HTM Sport EESTI (Estonia).

Eisiga UAB specialises in manufacturing haberdashery products from leather, leather

substitutes and textile, and in sewing of clothes. The enterprise was founded in 1980, and
was privatised in 1992. Currently one family owns the enterprise shares. After the
privatisation took place, the work style changed in essence, what caused a notable increase of
production volumes. The enterprise is successfully established in Eastern and Western
markets. More than twenty years of manufacturing experience, flexible management of
manufacture and marketing guarantees growth of company’s industrial potential and further
business development.
Quality management system according to EN ISO 9001 standard is applied in the enterprise.
Acquired production quality level and rational expenditure of manufacturing give an
opportunity to our customers to purchase the manufactured articles at competitive prices.
Company manufactures products for civil and military purposes from its own material as
well as from the material provided by the customer according to the models created by the
enterprise designers or to the ones provided by the customer. Eisinga UAB is the largest
producer of leather haberdashery in Lithuania. The industrial area occupies 3200 m2. 180
workers are employed here.

Prekybos namai Eksa UAB is a young, modern, up-to-date company engaged in sewing and
sales of natural fur. The team of 50 young people strives to popularize the name of the
Enterprise through quality of its products and to satisfy the Customers' expectations.
The Company selects the raw materials from Lithuanian hunters, the European fur auctions,
the German fur terminals. Hides are worked into fur by the factories, which use the advanced
ecological technologies. Each year the designer and the Enterprise's team make ready a new
collection of 30-50 articles, i.e. coats, skirts, caps, handbags, gloves and mittens - all from
natural furs, the fur side in or out. EKSA supplies its articles to Russia, the European
countries, the North America. The articles are popular on the Lithuanian market as well.
Vilniaus Kailiai AB has chosen directions for future development considering the fact that
Lithuania became a member of EU single market, and therefore has to be ready to work in a
new environment.
Modern natural fur dressing and dyeing technologies are implemented, giving enormous
possibilities to reflect fashion colour trends in the collection and fulfil expectations of local
and foreign customers. New contracts are signed for dressing, dyeing and brightening skins
with companies from Denmark, USA and Canada.

EKT Group 23
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

Product range features changes as well. Narrow men’s products line has been expanded to
fascinating, versatile assortment. Articles are dedicated to innovating, modern, getting within
fashion youth as well as solid businessman. Women’s product line shines with youthful,
functional and tasty extravagant clothes.
Implementation of models features not only smooth materials, but also its combinations:
natural leather and fur in different patterns, also luxurious textile such as velvet, cashmere
and wool; fur combined with minimalist leather parts, shearling - with leather and other furs.
This year new models were developed in collaboration with designer from Italy. - Mr.A.
Lavagno. Vilniaus Kailiai AB Art Department considering local Lithuanian market needs,
colour trends and climate, realized his ideas.

EKT Group 24
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

Appendix 1. Tables
Table 1. Sales of Textile and Apparel Industry Production, EUR mill.

Textile and apparel industry 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Manufacture of textiles 333,8 358,6 406,3 395,5 328,7
Manufacture of wearing apparel; dressing and dyeing
546,5 553,7 583,7 529,1 567
of fur
Manufacture of leather and leather products 53,4 63,3 56,3 45,3 36,8
Total 933,7 975,6 1046,3 969,9 932,5

Source: Lithuanian Department of Statistics

Table 2. The Size of Lithuania’s Domestic Textiles and Apparel Market, EUR mill.

Textile and apparel industry 2001 2002 2003

Production: 1046,3 969,9 932,5
Textiles and textile articles 406,3 395,5 328,7
Apparel, clothing accessories, and furs 583,7 529,1 567
Leather and leather products 56,3 45,3 36,8
Imports: 741.6 769,3 750,6
Textiles and textile articles 554,8 583,3 561,4
Apparel, clothing accessories, and furs 104,4 91,1 101,4
Leather and leather products 82.4 94,9 87,8
Exports: 949,3 1086,4 930,5
Textiles and textile articles 265,4 414,8 296,3
Apparel, clothing accessories, and furs 602,1 609,5 588,5
Leather and leather products 81,8 62,1 45,7
Domestic market: 838.6 652.8 752.6
Textiles and textile articles 695.7 564 593.8
Apparel, clothing accessories, and furs 86 10.7 79.9
Leather and leather products 56.9 78.1 78.9

Source: Lithuanian Department of Statistics

Table 3. Structure of Textile and Apparel Industry Sales, EUR million

2000 2001 2002 2003

17.00 Manufacture of textiles
Total sales of production Domestic sales, % 18.9 16 15.1 18,7
Exports, % 81.1 84 84.9 81,3
18.00 Manufacture of wearing apparel; dressing and dyeing of fur
Total sales of production Domestic sales, % 6.8 9.8 8.3 18,9
Exports, % 93.2 90.2 91.7 81,1
19.00 Manufacture of leather and leather products
Total sales of production Domestic sales, % 26.2 35.8 28.3 36,2
Exports, % 73.8 64.2 71.7 67,4

Source: Lithuanian Department of Statistics

EKT Group 25
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

Table 4. Foreign Direct Investment in the Manufacturing Industry during 1998-2003 (as of 1 January)

Number of enterprises Foreign Direct Investment, EUR mill.

Kind of economic activity
2001 2002 2003 2001 2002 2003
Manufacture of textiles 31 37 40 101.8 96.8 89.7
Manufacture of wearing apparel; 49 58 58 24.1 27.8 28.6
dressing and dyeing of fur
Manufacture of and leather products 4 5 7 0.4 0.4 1.5
Source: Lithuanian Department of Statistics

Table 6. Foreign Direct Investments by Major Investing countries EUR million

(as of 1 October, 2003), %





Manufacture of textiles 12.3 0.6 22.8 7.9 13.5 4.9 1.7 0.5

Manufacture of wearing apparel; 3.2 0.2 4.3 - 5.3 - 0.9 0.03

dressing and dyeing of fur;
leather and leather products
Source: Lithuanian Department of Statistics

Table 6. Capital Investments in Manufacturing (at Current Prices)

1995 2003*
EUR mill. % EUR mill. %
Total 159.1 100.0 473.9 100.0
Manufacture of textiles 15.0 9.4 17 3.6
Manufacture of wearing apparel; dressing and dyeing of fur 5.4 3.4 12.7 2.7

Manufacture of leather and leather products 1.3 0.8 n.a. n.a.

Source: Lithuanian Department of Statistics

* Preliminary data

EKT Group 26
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

Table 7. Production of Textiles and Apparel Industry

Product 2000 2001 2002 2003

Flax fibre (thousand tones) 4.7 6.3 3.7 6.4
Woven fabrics (million m2) 108.6 96.3 92.4 92.6
Knitwear (million units) 45.4 47.9 46.6 47.1
Of which: knitted outerwear (million units) 24.7 26.6 27.4 28.4
Pantyhose, socks and stockings (million pairs) 38.3 57.2 77.6 52.8
Overcoats, coats and half-length coats (thou. units) 664 922 786 596
Jackets and blasers (thou. units) 267 288 334 360
Suits (thousand units) 540 440 362 315
Trousers (thou. units) 11666 12776 12325 12144
Men’s and boy’s shirts (thou. units) 1994 2265 6181 1698
Dresses (thou. units) 1300 1006 886 688.2
Women’s and girl’s bouses (thou. units) 4564 5814 6518 6156
Box-calf leather, (mill dm2) 148.7 137.2 105.7 66.3
Footwear (without rubber and felt) (million pairs) 1.14 1.28 1.10 0.99
Source: Lithuanian Apparel and Textile Industry Association

Number of Enterprises in the textile and clothing industry (Including Sole Proprietorships,
Table 8.
beginning of year)
2002 2003 2004
Manufacture of textiles 371 360 334
Manufacture of wearing apparel; dressing and dyeing 884 947 852
of fur
Manufacture of leather and leather products 115 102 91
Total 1370 1409 1277
Source: Statistics Lithuania

Average Number of Hired Employees in Textile and Clothing Industry (thou.)

Table 9.
2000 2001 2002 2003
Manufacture of textiles 22.2 21.8 18.6 16.7
Manufacture of wearing apparel; dressing and 35.6 38.0 30.2 32.7
dyeing of fur
Manufacture of leather and leather products 3.2 2.8 2.4 2.2
Total 61.0 62.6 51.2 51.6
Source: Statistics Lithuania

Average Monthly Gross Earnings per Employee in the Textile and Clothing Industry
Table 10.
2000 2001 2002 2003
Manufacture of textiles 265.6 279.5 296.9 291.1
Manufacture of wearing apparel; dressing 202.4 202.7 234.9 244.3
and dyeing of fur
Manufacture of leather and leather products 217.5 226.2 263.5 262.7
Source: Statistics Lithuanias

EKT Group 27
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

Table 11. Labour Productivity in textile and clothing industry

(production EUR thou. per employee per year)

1999 2002
Manufacture of textiles 13.7 18.9
Manufacture of wearing apparel; dressing and dyeing of fur 18.1 18.3
Manufacture of leather and leather products 11.3 21.1
Source: Statistics Lithuania

Table 12. Textile and Apparel Industry Enterprises by the Number of Employees (Excluding Sole
Proprietorships) in 2002 (%)
Number of employees Total 0-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100-199 200-499 500+

Textile industry 100 6.1 22.3 25.4 20.0 13.1 7.7 5.4
Processing and spinning textile
100 6.7 13.3 20.0 33.3 13.3 6.7 6.7
Weaving 100 - 6.2 - 25.0 18.8 18.8 31.2
Textile finishing 100 - 100.0 - - - - -
Manufacture of ready-made woven
100 - 8.7 39.1 21.7 21.7 4.4 4.4
articles (excluding clothing)
Manufacture of other woven articles 100 7.1 57.2 14.3 21.4 - - -
Manufacture of knitted and
100 12.5 37.5 25.0 12.5 12.5 - -
crocheted fabrics
Manufacture of knitted and
100 10.0 18.0 34.0 16.0 12.0 10.0 -
crocheted articles and products
Manufacture of wearing apparel
100 5.5 14.5 31.6 24.7 12.4 8.0 3.3
and accessories
Dressing and dyeing of fur;
100 - - 66.6 16.7 16.7 - -
manufacture of fur
Manufacture of leather and
100 6.9 10.3 31.0 34.5 6.9 6.9 3.5
leather products

Source: Lithuanian Department of Statistics

EKT Group 28
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

Table 13. Lithuanian Textile and Apparel Industry Foreign Trade by CN Commodity Group
in 2001-2003 (EUR million)

Export Import
CN Product

2001 2002 2003 2001 2002 2003

41 Rawhide, skins, and leather 47.5 44.8 31.1 35.1 41.9 32.4
42 Leather articles 2 2.9 4.4 9.3 9.6 10.7
43 Fur skins 14.3 13.7 10.4 12.7 12.4 8.7
50 Silk 0.1 0.3 0.06 2.1 2.3 2.1
51 Wool 35.6 37.9 46.9 73.7 72.5 65.9
52 Cotton 30 27.7 20.6 92.8 86.1 85.5
53 Other plant textile fibres: flax 32.5 36.8 42.3 25.7 34.1 35.7
54 Man-made filaments 33.7 30.4 26.7 84.2 80.5 76.1
55 Man-made staple fibres 40.1 49.8 41.1 137.2 136.4 129.3
56 Wadding, felt, and nonwovens 18.3 19.3 19.1 17.7 21.8 24
57 Carpets and other textile floor coverings 0.6 0.5 0.8 5.7 6.2 7.4
58 Special woven fabrics, lace, tapestries 2.7 4.8 6.6 19.4 37.4 29.2
Impregnated, covered, or laminated
59 1.8 2.1 2.7 14.9 17.3 19
textile fabrics
60 Knitted or crocheted fabrics 4.3 5 5.2 36.9 47.2 45.7
Apparel and clothing accessories,
61 181.8 188.5 189.2 59.7 47 52.7
knitted or crocheted
Apparel and clothing accessories, not
62 420.3 421 399.3 44.7 44.1 48.7
knitted or crocheted
63 Other textile articles 64.6 61.8 73.8 30 27.1 30.4
64 Footwear 18 14.4 10.2 38 43.4 44.7
65 Headgear 1 1.3 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.7
67 Articles made of feathers or down 0.1 0.08 0.03 0.4 0.5 0.7
TOTAL 949.3 963.1 932 741.6 769.3 750.6
Source: Lithuanian Department of Statistics

EKT Group 29
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

Table 14. Breakdown of Textile and Apparel Exports by Country in 2001-2003 (%)

2001 2002 2003
United Kingdom 19.1 18.4 18.6
Germany 21.7 19.0 18.2
Denmark 14.3 13.0 11.8
Sweden 9.7 9.3 9.7
Italy 5.1 6.9 6.8
Belgium 5.5 6.1 6.4
France 4.6 4.3 4.1
Netherlands 3.8 3.9 4.1
Russia 2.5 2.8 2
Spain 3.1 2.6 2.5
Latvia 2.2 2.1 1.9
Poland 2 1.8 2
Norway 1.5 1.8 2.2
Finland 1.7 1.6 1.9
USA 2.2 1.4 2
Estonia 1.0 1.0 1.0
Other - 5.8 4.8
Source: Lithuanian Apparel and Textile Industry Association

Table 15. Breakdown of Footwear Exports by Country in 2003 (%)

Country Export
Denmark 22.4
Latvia 19.4
United Kingdom 12.1
Sweden 8.1
Germany 7.9
Finland 6.6
Estonia 5.2
Netherlands 4.4
Italy 2.1
Poland 0.3
Other 11.5
Source: Lithuanian Apparel and Textile Industry Association

Table 16. Breakdown of Leather, Leather Products, Fur and Fur Products Exports by
Country in 2003 (%)
Country Export
Italy 36.6
Poland 8.1
Finland 8.0
United Kingdom 6.2
Spain 6.0
Russia 4.4
Sweden 4.0
Germany 3.4
China 2.1
Latvia 2.0
Ukraine 0.5
Other 18.7
Source: Lithuanian Apparel and Textile Industry Association

EKT Group 30
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

Table 17. The Main Educational Institutions in Lithuania

Number of
Educational institution Enrolment
Vocational schools Schools of textile and apparel industry and tailors 8 5 124
Colleges/ Vilnius Apparel Industry College 1 754
Professional colleges Professional College Department of Klaipeda School of 1 144
Tailors and Business Services
Professional College Department of Kaunas Light Industry 1 62
and Services Business School
Kaunas College: J. Vienozinskis Art Study Centre, 1 n/a
Department of Technology
Giedre Fledzinskiene’s College of the Arts 1 58
Universities Kaunas University of Technology: Department of Textile 1 n/a
Technology, Department of Clothing and Polymer
Products Technology
Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts: Department of Clothing 1 65
and Fashion Design, Department of Textiles

EKT Group 31
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

Appendix 2. Company profiles

Table 18. The Top Textile Companies

Sales and services, Number

EUR thou. Telephone/
Company Exports, % Activity/ products of Address E-mail Internet Manager
2003 2002 employees
Alytaus Tekstile UAB 31704.1 37338.1 85 Manufacture of fabrics, 2457 Pramones 1 (315) 57 357/ info@tekstile.lt www.tekstile.lt Albinas Jasiulevicius
yarn, and sewn articles LT-4580 Alytus (315) 57 375 Acting Managing
Drobe UAB 21000.6 23362.2 n/a Manufacture of woollen 1044 Jonavos str. 60 (37) 36 36 56/ drobe@drobe.lt www.drobe.lt Saulius Korsukovas
and knit fabrics and sewn 44192 Kaunas (37) 36 34 74 Director General
Linas UAB 20418.2 20238.6 89 Manufacture of linen 1654 Kerbedzio 23 (45) 50 61 00/ linas@mail.linas.lt www.linas.lt Ramunas Lenciauskas
fabrics and sewn articles LT-5319 Panevezys (45) 50 63 45 President
Vernitas UAB 12925.5 13519.5 72 Manufacture of knitting 755 Stoties 16 (343) 73530/ vernitas@post.omnit www.omnitel.net/vernitas Kestutis Liubinas
yarn LT-4520 Marijampole (343) 70680 el.net Managing director
Liteksas UAB 14892.8 14744.8 n/a Manufacture of woollen 332 Draugystes 16 (37) 45 34 77/ - www.liteksas.lt Virgilijus Varza
fabrics and yarn LT-3031 Kaunas (37) 35 09 62 Managing director
Audejas UAB 9523.6 8993.9 80 Manufacture of fabrics for 240 Zarasu 24/1 (5) 26 60 100/ audejas@audejas.lt www.audejas.lt Jonas Karciauskas
furniture LT-2600 Vilnius (5) 26 60 111 Managing director
Linu audiniai UAB 9188.2 7666.2 89 Manufacture of linen 806 Birutes 43 (448) 73 030/ audiniai@plunge.om www.linuaudiniai.lt Alvidas Vitkevicius
fabrics and sewing LT-5640 Plunge (448) 73 040 nitel.net Managing director
Siulas UAB 5598.4 7143.2 93 Manufacture of fabrics, 529 Astravas (450) 31 745/ info@siulas.lt www.siulas.lt Vidmantas Grazinys
yarn of linen and cotton LT-5280 Birzai (450) 31 409 Managing director
Vilnika Ltd 11821.9 5651.1 n/a Manufacture of textile 475 Baznycios 62 (5) 23 81167/ vilnika@post.5ci.lt - Laima Petrauskiene
articles LT-4031 Nemencine (5) 23 71 385 Managing director
Trinyciai UAB n.a n.a 63 Manufacture of cotton and 250 Bangu g. 22 (46) 31 43 05/ info@yarn.lt www.yarn.lt Daiva Urboniene
mixed yarn LT-5800 Klaipeda (46) 31 17 35 Managing director
Pakaita UAB 3532.8 3197.7 n/a Manufacture of knit fabrics 101 Jovaru 5 (37) 30 28 31/ - - Algimantas Svilainis
LT-3021 Kaunas (37) 30 28 33 Managing director
Source: Central Securities Depository of Lithuania, Lithuanian Apparel and Textile Industry Association, Verslo zinios

EKT Group 32
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

Table 19. The Top Apparel Companies

Sales and services, Export, Number of Telephone/

Company EUR thou. Activity/ products Address E-mail Website CEO
% employees fax
2003 2002
Manufacture and sale of Basanaviciaus 122 (389) 51 445/ utenos.trikotazas@ut.l Nijole Dumbliauskiene
Utenos Trikotazas UAB 38864.4 37919.1 88 1258 www.ut.lt
knitwear and other clothing LT-4910 Utena (389) 69 358 t Managing director
Draugystes 15B (37) 35 00 87/ Edmundas Antanas
Edmundas & Co (ECG) 37450.8 32761.8 97 Manufacture of clothing 323 info@ecgroup.lt www.ecgroup.lt
LT-3031 Kaunas (37) 35 25 55 Kolevaitis Director
Manufacture and sale of Paneriu 43 (5) 23 30 761/ Gene Zaveckiene
Lelija UAB 19097.8 19215.1 90 3195 info.lelija@takas.lt -
clothing LT-2006 Vilnius (5) 21 35 577 Managing director
Manufacture and sale of Raudondvario pl. 80 (37) 30 25 00/ www.audimas.com; Ona Balzekiene
Audimas UAB 20983.5 17853.9 80 660 audimas@audimas.lt
sports and leisure clothing LT-3026 Kaunas (37) 30 25 25 www.audimas.lt Managing director
Manufacture and sale of Vilniaus 5 (428) 70 610/ Aida Zigmantaviciene
Satrija UAB 10383.2 7243.7 69 731 raseiniai@satrija.lt www.satrija.lt
clothing LT-4400 Raseiniai (428) 70 611 Managing director
Ulonu 16 (315) 74 148/ Regina Morkuviene
Dainava UAB 4917.7 6511.2 97 Manufacture of clothing 1026 dainava@dainava.lt www.dainava.lt
LT-4580 Alytus (315) 51 554 Managing director
Vijokliu 2 (37) 49 01 60/ Donatas Bubnys
Fedora UAB 6 399 2 461 n/a Manufacture of clothing 39 office@fedora.lt -
Ramuciai, Kauno raj. (37) 43 24 07 Director
Taikos 25, (386) 71 505/ v.rambynas@textile- Vaidotas Rambynas
Visatex UAB n.a. n.a. n/a Manufacture of suits 970 -
LT-4761 Visaginas (386) 73 962 pastner.com Director
Manufacture and sale of Savanoriu pr. 255 (37) 33 09 08/ Julius Dilys
Trys Sezonai UAB 4400.5 3500.1 95 250 3sezonai@3s.lt www.tryssezonai.lt
clothing LT-3009 Kaunas (37) 33 08 82 Managing director
Gaiziunu 4 (37) 30 21 00/ www.kaunobaltija.lt Raimundas Zivatkauskas
Kauno Baltija UAB n.a. n.a. n/a Manufacture of clothing 802 info@kaunobaltija.lt
LT-3009 Kaunas (37) 31 41 40 Managing director
Manufacture of socks, Svitrigailos 32 (5) 23 32 261/ Zenonas Janavicius
Sparta UAB 4792.1 4829.7 58 380 sparta@tdd.lt www.sparta.lt
knitwear LT-2006 Vilnius (5) 21 61 231 Managing director
Pamones 14 (319) 60 030/ Vida Baltrusaitiene
E.Walters Baltic UAB n.a. n.a. n/a Manufacture of pants 554 enquiries@ewalters.lt www.ewalters.co.uk
LT-4340 Prienai (319) 60 033 Director
Deltuvos 21 (340) 60 280/ Algimantas Vinauskas
Vilkma UAB 3646 3434.9 97 Manufacture of clothing 424 info@vilkma.com www.vilkma.com
LT-4120 Ukmerge (340) 63 797 Managing director
Paneriu 51, (37) 30 89 99/ Saulius Sestakauskas
Dobilas UAB n.a. n.a. 95 Manufacture of clothing 600 dobilas@dobilas.com www.dobilas.com
3026 Kaunas (37) 30 89 84 President
Manufacture of women’s Vytauto 4 (342) 20 381/ zemkalnija@post.omn Vladas Antanas Jakaitis
Zemkalnija UAB n.a. n.a. 95 640 -
clothing LT-4270 Vilkaviskis (342) 20 388 itel.net Managing director
Traku 43 (41) 59 20 50/ verpstas@siauliai.omn
Verpstas AB n.a. n.a. 95 Manufacture of knitwear 530 www.verpstas.lt Sceponaviciene
LT-5400 Siauliai (41) 59 20 39 itel.net
Managing director
Source: Central Securities Depository of Lithuania, Lithuanian Apparel and Textile Industry Association, Verslo zinios

EKT Group 33
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

Table 20. The Top Leather and Leather Product Distributors

Sales and services, Exports, Number of Telephone/

Company EUR thou. % Activity/ products employees Address fax E-mail Website CEO
2001 2000
Manufacture and sale of chrome-
Tilzes g. 225 (41) 52 31 17/ office@siauliu- www.siauliu- Jonas Adomavicius
Siauliu Stumbras UAB 18 465 18 52 n/a plated genuine leather semi- 316
LT-5400 Siauliai (41 )52 31 28 stumbras.lt stumbras.lt Managing Director
finished products
Jonavos 3 (37) 42 23 30/ Kestutis Deltuva
Lituanica UAB 6 292 4 877 85 Manufacture of footwear 659 lituanic@cis.lt www.lituanica.cis.lt
LT-3000 Kaunas (37) 42 26 38 Managing Director
Dumu g. 3 (5) 24 85 899/ Arunas Minelga
Apavikta Ltd 2 838 2 201 90 Manufacture of footwear 348 all@apavikta.lt www.apavikta.lt
LT-2600 Vilnius (5) 24 85 898 Director
Production of natural leather for Josvainiu g. 71 (347) 53 391/ Raimundas Lapukas
Guotas UAB 2 135 2 337 n/a 91 - -
the footwear LT-5030 Kedainiai (347) 51 457 Director
Manufacturer of goods for the
Agrastu g. 36 (5) 26 41 738/ Romanas Rainys
Skalmantas UAB 3 339 2 910 n/a army and police from textiles 210 skalmantas@tdd.lt www.skalmantas.cjb.net
LT-2028 Vilnius (5) 26 41 842 Managing Director
and leather
Source: Verslo zinios
Table 21. The Top Apparel Distributors

Sales and services,

Number of
Company EUR thou. Address Telephone/ fax E-mail Website CEO
2003 2002
Apranga UAB 23457.5 18489.9 415 Kirtimu 51 (5) 23 90 808/ apranga@taide.lt www.apranga.lt Rimantas Perveneckas
LT-2028 Vilnius (5) 23 90 800 Managing director
Levuo UAB n.a. n.a. 268 Ramygalos 151 (25) 43 10 58/ info@levuo.lt Grazina Jasinskiene
LT-5300 Panevezys (25) 43 17 36 Managing director
E-5 mode baltic, Ltd - 3 148 57 Draugystes 15B (37) 35 25 55/ sekretore@e5-mode.ot.lt Sigitas Zemaitis
LT-3031 Kaunas (37) 35 25 55 Director
Utenos trikotazo prekyba UAB - 5 833 101 Basanaviciaus 122 (389) 51 445/ utenos.trikotazas@ut.lt www.utenostrikotazas.lt Nijole Dumbliauskiene
LT-4910 Utena (389) 69 358 Managing director
Lelija UAB 3195 Paneriu 43 (5) 23 30 761/ info.lelija@takas.lt Gene Zaveckiene
19097.8 19215.1
LT-2006 Vilnius (5) 21 35577 Managing director
Audimas UAB 660 Raudondvario pl. 80, (37) 30 25 00/ audimas@audimas.lt www.audimas.com; Ona Balzekiene
20983.5 17853.9
LT-3026 Kaunas (37) 30 25 25 www.audimas.lt Managing director
Satrija UAB 731 Vilniaus 5, (428) 70 610/ raseiniai@satrija.lt www.satrija.lt Egle Gruodiene
10383.2 7243.7
LT-4400 Raseiniai (428) 70 611 Managing director
Source: Verslo zinios

EKT Group 34
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

Table 22. The Top Exporters

Exports in 2002, Exports in 2001, Number of
Company Address Telephone/ fax E-mail internet CEO
EUR thou. EUR thou. employees
Utenos trikotazas UAB 32 765 31 958 1295 Basanaviciaus 122 (389) 51 445/ utenos.trikotazas@ut.lt www.utenostrikotazas.lt Nijole
LT-4910 Utena (389) 69 358 Dumbliauskiene
Managing director
Alytaus tekstile UAB 29 381 34 013 2505 Pramones 1 (315) 57 357/ info@tekstile.lt www.tekstile.lt Albinas Jasiulevicius
LT-4580 Alytus (315) 57 375 Acting Managing
Edmundas & Co, (ECG) 28 082 18 802 334 Draugystes 15B (37) 35 00 87/ sekretore@ecgroup.lt Edmundas Antanas
LT-3031 Kaunas (37) 35 01 40 Kolevaitis Director
Drobe UAB 22 011 21 888 1 300 Jonavos 60 (37) 36 36 56/ drobe@drobe.lt www.drobe.lt Vytenis Gubavicius
LT-3008 Kaunas (37) 36 34 74 Managing director
Linas UAB 17 976 17 280 1654 Kerbedzio 23 (45) 50 61 00/ linas@mail.linas.lt www.linas.lt Ramunas
LT-5319 Panevezys (45) 50 63 45 Lenciauskas
Lelija UAB 14 302 16 254 3308 Paneriu 43 (5) 23 30 761/ (5) info.lelija@takas.lt Gene Zaveckiene
LT-2006 Vilnius 21 35 577 Managing director
Audimas UAB 14 127 13 294 667 Raudondvario plentas 80 (37) 30 25 00/ (37) audimas@audimas.lt www.audimas.com; Ona Balzekiene
LT-3026 Kaunas 30 25 25 www.audimas.lt Managing director
Liteksas UAB 14 518 11 797 344 Draugystes 16 (37) 45 34 77 www.liteksas.lt Virgilijus Varza
LT-3031 Kaunas (37) 35 09 62 Managing director
Vernitas 10 339 - 770 Stoties 16 (343) 68150/ (343) vernitas@post.omnitel.n www.onitel.net/vernitas Kestutis Liubinas
LT-4520 MArijampole 68140 et Managing Director
Linu Audiniai 6247 - 806 Birutes 43 (448( 73030/ (448) audiniai@plunge.omnite www.linuaudiniai.lt Alvidas Vitkevicius
LT-5640 Plunge 73040 l.net Managing Director
Siulas 6197 - 539 Astravas (450) 31745/(450) siulas@post.omnitel.net www.siulas.lt Vidmantas Grazinys
LT-4031 Birzai 31409 Managing director
Dainava UAB 6099 6 281 1048 Ulonu 16 (315) 74 148/ dainava@dainava.lt www.dainava.lt Veronika Staduliene
LT-4580 Alytus (315) 51 554 Managing director
Satrija UAB 5256 5 459 736 Vilniaus 5 (428) 70 610/ raseiniai@satrija.lt www.satrija.lt Aida
LT-4400 Raseiniai (428) 70 611 Zigmantaviciene
Managing director
Visatex, UAB 6247 5 445 970 Taikos 25 (386) 71 505/ Vaidotas Rambynas
LT-4761 Visaginas (386) 73 962 Director
Vilnika, UAB 5292 5 214 508 Baznycios 62 (5) 23 70 993 Laima Petrauskiene
LT-4031 Nemencine (5) 23 71 385 Managing director
Vilkma UAB 3356 - 430 Deltuvos 21 (340) 63 717/ info@vilkma.com www.vilkma.com Algimantas
LT-4120 Ukmerge (340) 63 797 Vinauskas
Managing director
Trys sezonai UAB 3007 - 258 Savanoriu pr. 255 (37) 330908/ 3sezonai@3s.lt www.3s.lt Julius Dilys
LT-3009 Kaunas (37) 330882 Managing director
Sparta UAB 2991 - 380 Svitrigailos 32 (5) 23 32 261/ sparta@tdd.lt www.sparta.lt Zenonas Janavicius
LT-2006 Vilnius (5) 21 61 231 Managing director
Source: Verslo zinios

EKT Group 35
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

Table 23.. List of Textile and Apparel Producers, Which Have Obtained Certificates

Company Address Certificate Validation date

Utenos trikotazas UAB J. Basanaviciaus g. 122, BS EN ISO 9001:1994 02 Dec. 2002
LT-4910 Utena BS EN ISO 14001:1996 01 Oct. 2004
Sparta UAB Svitrigailos g. 32, ISO 9001:1994 14 Dec. 2003
LT-2006 Vilnius (LST EN ISO 9001:1995)
Audejas UAB Zarasu g. 24/1, ISO 9001:1994 14 Dec. 2003
LT-2600 Vilnius (LST EN ISO 9001:1995)
ISO 14001:1996 30 Jul. 2006
(LST EN ISO 14001:1999)
Audimas UAB Raudondvario pl. 80, ISO 9001:1994 14 Dec. 2003
LT-3026 Kaunas; (LST EN ISO 9001:1995)
Paneriu g. 18,
LT-5000 Jonava
Satrija UAB Vilniaus g. 5, ISO 9001:2000 12 Oct. 2004
LT-4400 Raseiniai (LST EN ISO 9001:2000)
Skalmantas UAB Agrastu g. 36, ISO 9001:2000 01 Sept. 2005
LT-2028 Vilnius (LST EN ISO 9001:2001)
EN ISO 14001 (1996-10) 01 Jan. 2006
(LST EN ISO 14001:1999)
Zeimena UAB Lentupio g. 49, LST EN ISO 9001:2001 11 Sept. 2005
LT-4730 Svencionys;
Bajoreliu g. 19,
LT-4710 Pabrade;
K. Bugos g. 30,
LT-4780 Zarasai
Justima UAB K. Donelaicio g. 62, ISO 9001:2000 18 Sept. 2005
LT-3000 Kaunas; (LST EN ISO 9001:2001)
Kaunakiemio g. 40,
LT-3000 Kaunas
Interscalit UAB J. Basanavičiaus g. 103 C, ISO 9001:2000 9 Sept. 2005
LT-5402 Šiauliai (LST EN ISO 9001:2001)
Drobe AB Jonavos g. 60, EN ISO 9001:2000 31 Aug. 2006
LT-3000 Kaunas (LST EN ISO 9001:2001)

Siūlas AB Astravas, EN ISO 9001:2000 01 Sept. 2006

LT-5280 Biržai (LST EN ISO 9001:2001)
EN ISO 14001 (1996-10) 31 Aug. 2006
(LST EN ISO 14001:1999)
Baltijos tekstilė UAB Senoji g. 2, ISO 14001:1996 27 Aug. 2006
LT-4520 Marijampole (LST EN ISO 14001:1999)
Pramones g. 13,
LT-4270 Vilkaviskis

Source: Lithuania Standards Board

EKT Group 36
Tel.: (+370 5) 25 26 225; E-mail: ekt@ekt.lt

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