English-Sanskrit Dictionary - Anglasamskritakoshah आङ्ग्लसंस्कृतकोशः PDF
English-Sanskrit Dictionary - Anglasamskritakoshah आङ्ग्लसंस्कृतकोशः PDF
English-Sanskrit Dictionary - Anglasamskritakoshah आङ्ग्लसंस्कृतकोशः PDF
English Samskrit Dictionary
a i l i c i l VSTSTTfrf^s^:
c R ^ o i Y esftci
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© ychi4)|chw ttq I
"5TW y^uiH - 00
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flklM - ^o?o,H,ooo
" ^ 0 ? ?, k , 0 0 0
WffPFT - ^ o n , H.ooo
"gWT : 3 O.oo
I S B N - 978-81-87276-10-8
- Publisher
(Ninth Print)
T h e goal of S a m s k r i t a Bharati is to p o p u l a r i s e S a m s k r i t as
a s p o k e n l a n g u a g e . T h e e n o r m o u s d e m a n d f o r this 1
English S a m s k r i t Dictionary' points to the fact that t h e w o r k
of S a m s k r i t a Bharati is very successful. T h e print-mistakes
in t h e , p r e v i o u s edition h a v e b e e n rectified in the third print.
W e t h a n k all t h o s e w h o h a v e c o n t r i b u t e d to bring out this
n e w revised edition.
23.08.2012 -Publisher
1. The complete entry usually consists of headwords and their
meanings with grammatical designations.
2. The headwords have been arranged in the alphabetical order.
3. The meanings have been given in the form of their nomina-
tive singulars.
4. Though there are several meanings of a headword, the most
suitable, simple and nearest practical synonym has been
5. Epithets and synonyms of the Samskrit word have been
provided wherever possible.
6. Different meanings of a headword have been numbered as
1,2,3 and arranged according to the most c o m m o n
usage. These meanings have been explained wherever
eg : account - ? . of b a n k ^ Q T ("^to)
description <td!-d: ("Jo)
calculation w t t
7. The end letter of the words has been specified where the
word do not end with the letter '3T\ '3tt' or
e g : actor
actress ("#„)
8. Genders of the meaning have been specified. If a particular
word has more than one gender, the most common gender
has been given with respect to the c o m m o n usage and the
other has been coded.
e g : aeroplane faHH^ (^o.^o)
year cpf: ("Jo/To)
9. Words with specific case endings, other than accusative
case, which are commonly used have been mentioned
with their respective case codes.
eg : abroad fa^i^ (fg0TT0cr0)
M s t (TToTTo^o)
10. i) The adjective meanings are given in masculine gender
and are specified by the code ("fao).
eg : c l e v e r e r : (fcr 0 )
ii) They can be used in ail the three genders as follows -
eg : clever ^enjT: (foo^o)
^fCT (wTo)
ctNWrM^ dKHI^d4>c(M , <wfd < M£Ml4:
(it) Tffo^:
r >
- p W i .
^o - ^chlci^H,
3To - 3 T 5 W Ts
- fsRtw?;
TTo^o -
isFc - "f^qTWT
fSoTToCTo - fe^-TTqFopER^
^oWo - wr-TT^rwr
TToTTo^o - Wcft-T^r^T
- ficl-dHH^
"aTo^o - ^ot^H^
< " J
A absent agqi^:
minded SMMHH?:
a cpfeg; (3To) absolute Trnjof:
(sr.) (?.)
(a?o) absorption STcTcrtwr ( ^ 0 )
aback arr^Nffer: abstract srgcf: ((%„)
(fa*) (So)
abandon (fee) abuse (g0)
abbreviation ^ m - ( 3 ° ) ft^r
abdomen (^o) acceptance w l ^ f d ' : ( s f t „ )
abduction ?. accident ffcrT
alphabet ^ t a ancient
answer fr.)
ant M f ^ T desire
ant-hill cjeifcF: ( 3 o , ^ 0 ) ^ ^
antarctic ^ m ^ T : applause ^fscfft: (tj„)
("fro) apple w i ^ c h h ("?<,)
anthology TTfcT^ ( t 0 ) appliance dMcHmq; (q D )
antique "srrarT: (fao) applicable tj^Vm: ( f ^ 0 )
antiseptic T j f t f t e ^ : (fao) application (•?,)
anus TP^C^0) application f o r m a n t ^ T O R ^ o )
any ^ f ^ (3To) appointment ?. (-*#„)
atmosphere e n ^ u * ^ - f ^ ^ ^
atom WTT^: (tj„) ^.mother's brother's wife
atomic TRpFTFTt (Tsffo)
attachment ?. toin T r a t ^ n j ; ( 5 ) auspicious ^ p n (f§r 0 )
R. fondness author e ) ( t j „ )
(wrD) ^Rslcbi ( i # 0 )
attack 3tli*HUlH (To) authority ?.
attempt (tj0) R. "RTfsWRt ( t j „ )
attendance ^rfwfrT: ( t # 0 ) autobiography3tl<^Rd^("=r 0 )
attendant tIter: autograph wsRq;
attention a r ^ F F j ; (To) automatic w^ifdd:
attestation S F r m f a R ^ (To) autonomous w r t t T : ( f a 0 )
attic 3Tf: ( ^ o ) autumn W ^ B g : (tj„)
attitude available (Hr„)
attraction (To) avenue (•$#„)
attractive arr^Nr: (fa0) average yiHl^Jd: ( f a 0 )
auction TRWfe^T: (gD) avoidance mR^K: ( t j d )
audience ST^rf: (tj0) awake w r ^ : (fa0)
^ s ^ w f ; (-g 0 ) award ($0)
audit #srpRt§rr (•#<.) away ^
auditor ^ W R t ^ : (tj0) awkward
audition WWISTT axe (TJ„)
auditorium w m H ; ( ? . ) axis 3T$T^stT
aunt - axle (To)
?. father's sister "fo^^rfrHt
3 mother's sister TT^^rfrRt
0s#) y
3. father's brother's wife bachelor ?. 3rf^Tf|cT: ( 3 . )
back 8 base
tTf: ( g 0 )
back t j w t (^fo) bandage (l#0)
backbone ?. efn?tw=[ ("?„) bangle (-^ 0 )
('Jo) bank ? . ^ T H I N : (-5.)
background 3. rfR1? ( ^ o )
back side t j ^ t f t : (g„) bank-account ^tw (l#0)
backward ?. i j w : ( 3 t „ ) banner ^wf^f^r
atf^Rtd: banyan tree ^ f S T : ( g 0 )
bar ?. w r a ' i (l#o)
bacteria (G 0 ) 3 . ^TIWPT: ( g o )
bad dRFfHk: (ft.) 3. W 1 M T (^To)
badge barbarian
bag l^rr: (g0) barbed wire F ^ F R T ^ t ( " # „ )
baggage •MumHift barber ^nfe (g0)
bail TrfcHjfc: bare ?. 3RT<pr:
bake sim^fd ( % „ ) 3. only (fo0)
balance ?. ^ t t ("#<,) bargaining •g^TEraf ( ^ t „ )
3 . 3T5T^T: ("go) barking ^ H H H ("^<>,3°)
balcony (g0) barley "qcr: (go)
bald (si^id: (ft,,) barometer
ball (go) barrack ^TTW: ("go)
ballad ^TiSfFftcT^ ( ^ „ ) barren ?. (ft„)
ballet ^ W ] ; 0=T<>)
ballot ^• ^ ^
balm 3WRWT: (go) barrier ft«T: (go)
bamboo w : (go) barter c ^ f a f H H ^ : (go)
ban YFD<sl^T: (g 0 ) base ?. STTSIR: ("go)
banana q f ^ w n ^ (^0) 3 . 3Tsfr*TPr: (go)
band ?. t w t : ( g „ ) 3.
basement 9 bench
canteen a ^ i g K ' ] ^ (H»)
cabin cap (H0)
cabinet HRWR^ capacity STW ( I # 0 )
cable capital ?. TRSTRt
ca9e "?<») , • ^ f p j ; (Ho)
cake H ^ f a e ^ (HO) captainHRW: ( g D )
calamity farfe capture TT^tHRtfa(fao)
calculation ^FHT (^# 0 ) CAR ^ W T H (H0)
calculator h w t ^ (h0) carbon-paper
calendar fan#farr (-*#„) card w
calf n f a ^ (g.) cardamom t ^ t t
call 3 t t ^ (far.) care ?. U r t fafr.)
calm (Hr.) , ^
calorie ^ R T f : (gD)
camel (g.) carefulness ^STTHTT
camera fejnftWt carelessness 3msjHcTT
camp faifa?^ (HD) career xiffcpj; (Ho)
campaign a r f w H (h.) carnival m^m-. fa.)
camphor (G.,H.) carpenter H S ^ (3.)
campus carpet H e r e : (g.)
can ?. w t f a ( f a . ) carriage ^ (h.)
?. (Ho) carrot HRTH ( H « )
canal ^ u (t#0) carry cfgfa ( f a r . )
cancel faraHH (h.) carrier (fa0)
cancer, (3.) ^ f ^ (^#0)
candidate w t f (g.) cart w^Z- ( g . H . )
(wfo) cartoon oufoifcn^ ( ^ 0 )
candle caive nsrfn (fao)
case 14 charity J
W ^ f r . ) confess (3.)
comparison "g^rrr confidence fasjRT: ( 3 . )
compartmenWPT: ( 3 . ) confirmation t ^ u i M
compartment railway- conflict (TJ„)
(l») confront STTfag^Tfc^
compassion (•#„) ^ ^
compel ehiwlrt (far.) confusion wf%:
compensate S j f ^ f : ( ^ t . ) congratulation
compere "gjRTSTc^: ( t j . )
•g^FryrfoT^T connection t t ^ t : (-5 0 )
W conscience fa%HfT: ( j . )
competition ?. (*£.) conscious (fa.)
* . TTIMFRT consent (T0)
W (Wo)
complaint (g.) consider fannqpct (%.)
complement TJ^ consistency ?. (*#.)
complete ^ f : (fa.) ,. T T O (*#.)
complicated ^RFE: ( f a . ) consolation ^TR*RT
complexion r ^ r a o f : ( g . ) consonant (To)
compliment W O T (T#O) conspiracy
composition ?. TERT (^T.) constant I^TT: " ( f a . )
3 . "PR^T: ("5.) constitution ^tfasrRq; ( T 0 )
compulsory a r f r ^ : ( f a . ) construction ftrfrnr ( t . )
compound ?.TPmT:(g.) consult (T»)
consumer ^WtWT
(3.) ( W R : )
condone SRT ^ f t f t (fafo) contact (-3.)
conduct contain s T K ^ ^ f t f r (fa>o)
? . f r ^ F T (To) contamination (To)
contemporary 18 court
curtain ^gftBFT ( t # 0 ) *• (H 0 )
curve cfsfirrT daughter gst ( l # 0 )
custody (H 0 ) daughter in law ^ T ( i # 0 )
custom ?. ^ B ^ (Ho) W
* . W (^#0) dawn 03°)
customer THf^ (3.) day (Ho)
deaf 21 democracy
elocution ^ ^ (T 0 ) 3. m r s f r T ("TO)
embarrassment(go) enemy W
e^sTT ( ^ t o ) enmity ^TpT ("*#»)
embarrassing ^ m w r energy ("*# 0 )
("To) engaged ?. "s^T; (fto)
embassy fclWRT; (go) 3. arrcfSTT: (fto)
embrace ?. ^ i f d ^ f d engagement ?. 3T«jqTT:
C^O (go)
R. yct>d|ct><)id 3 . cilWcj^ ( ? „ )
(%.) factor (g0)
expression ARFMOIIRB: ( ^ O ) factory -4-^1'IKH (HO)
extension ta: (go) fade ?. "fggrffwfvr (1?Fo)
external •gin: ("fro) 3. ^crfcr(faTo)
extinguish ?. fHcifquj failure arewwT ( w L )
(%o) faint ?. g w f ( f # 0 )
yiHilfd ( % o ) 3TFTC: (t%o)
extinguisher (feo) fair ?. ^fecf: (foo)
extra ^ f d R r b : (f§To) 3 . H^: (go)
extract TTR: (go) (-#„)
extravagant otjii^fld: ("fro) faith (g 0 )
e x t r e m e l y FTCTRTG (H«) fall ? . TTCRFRT ( % „ )
extremist (go) ^. HciHg (Ho)
arfMifERt ( f ^ t o ) false sr^n (Hr„)
eye (H«) fame ? . -SRFCRFE: ( ^ T 0 )
eyeball c h I R ^ i (•#») ^. "sfeg: ("fro)
eyelash (H»,) familiar HFTFEF: ( f r o )
(HchKM:) family HfofR: (go)
eyebrow ^ (^t.) (g°H°)
eyesight T f e ("*# 0 ) famine (Ho)
eyewitness " g r t r ^ f f (g 0 ) fan ?. o t M ^ (H0)
(f#o) * . c M w (iar.)
fancy (-j0)
F fantastic (fro)
far (fa0)
face ^ ( H o ) fare ^
facility (Ho) farewe||
fact ?. cJiwftcbdi farm fr^fr.)
\ farmer 29 fire-engine
his (lTTT,g.,T/q\cT.) host 3TTfcT^T: ( g o )
history (-go) hostel 3Tr^FT: (go)
hit dl^fd (fto) hot ^T: (fto)
hi-tech y i d d i P * ^ (^r0) hour TO (I#O)
hobby (go) house ^ T (To)
house hold 37
intelligence w ("#»)
inhaling (H 0 ) intensive
inheritance (JO) intention ?. 3TT?RT: ( J , , )
inhuman 341-HI^M: ( f a . ) 3 . y ^ H M (H 0 )
34HHcf|i): ( % 0 ) interaction ?. HTFncf^JT ( " # „ )
initiatives W : (G 0 ) 3. (TJ0)
| injection (H 0 ) interest ?. srfircflr: ( • # „ )
j, injury SR: ( j o ) ^. premiumffo
ink 3. f a v o u r ( H o )
inland ^TFA: interference G^SFA: (TJ„)
innocent Pwm: internal (1%o)
innocence fewi international S R T K T ^ n
innumerable 3rafST: interpretationftcNRH ("To)
inquiry ("*#») interruption WTSTT ("#«,)
insane interval "RWT^WT: ( g 0 )
insect nfe; (jo) interview (g„)
insecure srcjtfsR: intestine (?„)
inside 3RT: (3To) introduction ?. n R r W (TJ0)
insignificant W^T-- 3 . HWlcHI
insistence 3TTJT?: ( j o ) invention srrfa^R: (go)
I inspiration "^JTT ("#<,) investigation AR^W^ (H„)
| installment "^Tm": ( j o ) investment ft^T: (jo)
instant <ir*>iei; ( f a . ) invisible (fao)
instead (^TJJ^o) invitation faw^ (h0)
institution OTf (•#<>) involvement H f q F T : ( j o )
instruction ijeRT ("#<>) iron ?. 3HT: (go,U<*>KH:)
3 . 1 W T ("^to) ^ . object for pressing
instrument Tnwr imfar: (go)
insult 3 T W H (^o) irregular
irrigation 40 ~ now
irrigation (T 0 ) (g°)
irritation ^rt'^T. ( g 0 ) ("*#<>)
island #T: (TJO.TO) work (TO)
isolation g s w ^ jogging (To)
issue join %5R"3TTtft ( f t o )
?. v. fecHui cFfrfcr (iaTo) joint ?• ("go)
3. publication W F P ^ (To) 3. TfgtJT: (fto)
3. latest issue STf: ("go) joke I=H~l<W>|u|<*)l
X. topic i W T : (go) (l#o)
V off spring 1 R T R : ("go) jolly (fto)
it (iToTTo) journal TftfiT ( l # o )
itching W F J R T (T») journey "MM ("EFTO)
item (To) joy ^
ivory f f ^ T T : (g0) judge ^TFTraftr: ("g0)
-ment ftjft (go)
J juice TT: (go)
, . jujube ?. ^ f t p r : (go)
jail OTi^(To)
jam W W (So) jump t . ^ ^ f f r . )
jasmine ? ^ ^ ^
jaundice TORft: fo.) junction ^ ^ ^
Mw (T#o) jung|e
cFT1^ To)
jealousy junior
(3T«) 3 . M^ciidWT
(fao) main g^cr: (fa0)
loyal m a i n t e n a n c e s r j T S m * ! ; (Ho)
(fao.d+KM:) major ?. W H (fao)
t H ^ M d l (Tcfto) ^Ts: ( f a 0 )
luck tnrqrj; (Ho) majority wprfywr (efto)
luggage TOlTCTRrat (Tsft„) make H^tfw (faD)
lukewarm (h=) makeu ?. w t h t t ( s f t o )
lullaby wifMehi (-?#o) ^ . g r u R (Ho)
lump ethe^ (Ho) malaria vfld^c (j„)
^FT: ( f a o ) male J P T : (TJo)
lunch HKn^'Htw^ man hj^t: (J0)
(Ho) management (g0)
lung i ^ H : (Jo) manager w^HT: (j0)
lustre ^ T : Traf%8fiT ( * f t 0 )
luxury faeim: (j0) mango (Ho)
manner itfa; (t#O)
manufacture (fao)
, v map HHR^H (HO)
machine "q^H . / \
- ^ ^ march W R R H (H 0 )
mad (fao) i , ,
7 v > m a r c h p a s t HSTFRJ^RH (H»)
madam H^TT m a r R ^ ^ ^
madness TOT m g r k e t ^
magazine ^ r frft.) m a r r j a g e ^ ( }
magic ^ n ^ (,.) m a s k
magnet m a s s ? ^ ( }
magnification (H0) /
maid m a s s a g e ^ ^ ( ; o )
mail ? .w^(Ho) m a s { e r
m a t 45 m e s h
m o t h e r in l a w m u s t a r d ^
motive ^ t : (ga) m u t u a | ^ ^ (3To)
often s t g c m ^ (3To)
obedience a r w r n ^ (To) oH ^
object ^3(To) ointment (To)
objection ftfte: (go) oId ? ^
objective ?.^gfr^:(fto) , ^
3. e r ^ ( T o ) 0 ,dage ^ r a w (^to)
obligation WsqTT o m e n ^ ^ ^
obliged 3 T ( f t o ) o m i t ^faft
omission ^ over
omission ^ q ^ p ? : (g0)
once T ^ T (3T.) (g.)
onion (tj.) orator ^ t (g 0 )
only %cTcnT (3T„) ZRfjft
ooze (g») orchestra
oozing (*To) order anf^Tft (%.)
open ^ i f e r : (fa.) ?
open university , ^
IrRfa^JTeW: fa.) ord|nary ^ ^ ^ ^
°Perati0n ? , f a l
( # o ) organ
3. w t o (^to) organisation fa.)
operation theatre • • , \
r , origin ^ T : (g0)
^IWehHch^: , ,
operator TraTeW: fa.) . . , ; '
/ ' original T&m ( f a . )
opinion TTcPT ( T . ) , ^v , s
^v / , ornament 3 T r q w T (To)
opportunity (g.) , \
r > 7 { orphan 3RTSJ: (FA.)
opposition ?. fartsn fao) , v ; .
~ i v orphanage STTTSTTCW: (TO)
? . f a ^ ( T . ) orthQdox
optimist (3.) ^
^IVINIM ( ^ O ) .. JL
,, , \ ' outdoor (fa.)
option fa.) ., Of... , .
,v'3/ out-house fa.)
or 3T8J^T far.) tl . ..v .. V a \
v > outline ^ f ^ T (Wo)
x outside I f c f a : (3.)
oral mfecF: ( f a . ) t . ..
outstanding (fa.
^ , ' oven fa.)
orange ?. H H ^ H H FA.) P ) ,
over ?. oqfr (ar.)
overtime 51 pass
R. T R M : ( f r o ) paperweight W T R : (go)
overtime arfcRTTcT: ( g o ) parade (Wf0)
owl HcJcB: ( g o ) TT«FRg (Ho)
own i^qffr: (fro) parallel tthrr: (fr0)
owner w f t (go) paralysis HSTTqm: ( g 0 )
WIIHHI ( s f t o ) pardon v. (%„)
OX (go) n. STRT (15ft.)
oyster (*#<>) parents MldifW)
* park ?. 3 ? n H g ( H o , g o )
pain j M ( ^ )
part .tjme &•>
^ F E O
SS'A0 Particle (30
painting W f (H 0 ) PARTJCU|AR ^
pair gnrg^o) partjtjon 1
palace (g0) partja|jty ^ 1
palm t.cnenfc.) participation^-qFT: (go)
W 5 g (Ho) partner ^ ^^ (
property ?. T m f r : pulse ?. H l ^
* • g W f : (go) ^ . f e ( f r o )
prophet ^ g g : (gD) put w w f r (%.)
proposal W R : (g0) pump ?. < k i 1 e H ^ g ( H o )
prose W T (Ho) 3. (Ho)
prospect frwrr^TT ( ^ 0 ) pumpkin gpHFS: (go)
prospectus fr^wfwr punctuality •HH^MicHHg (H 0 )
("#») punctuation ^(sHfa^-ig
prosperous irg^: (fr0) (^0)
prostitution (T#0) punctuation mark
protection ISMG; ( H 0 ) puncture (H6)
protest frffa: (go) punishment (g 0 ,Ho)
proud Trf^: pupil ? . mc (g„)
proverb <rtl*)ftt>: ( # „ ) (?#„)
provident-fund 3. • ^ R T T (T#0)
•H^biiPife (^„) puppet HTWfcT°F>T ( ^ t „ )
provision i ^ w r a w («ft0) purchase sRT: ( g o )
g^TtHHT ( ^ 8 ) pure (fro)
psychiatrist (go) purse sfHFgg: ( g o )
p s y c h o l o g y H ^ f r n H g (Ho) push gcrf^r ( % „ )
public (g.^o^o) puss g?rg(Ho)
3. «|c^fH<+>: (fro) put w r q f r (frr0)
^icf^Pich) ( - * # „ ) puzzle t l ^ ^ i (^t„)
publication W f g (Ho) pyre frfHT (sfto)
publicity ?. ^ r f r f e ( ^ # o )
}.WR:(go) Q
puff TJ^frtrT ( % o )
pull (frr0) qualification ^ T T
pulling 3rwWg(Ho) ^uality
quantity 57 rate
§ sanctuary ARNIMUI^ (H 0 )
sand d i ^ i (•*#„)
sack HTUFT ( - * # „ ) sandalwood (H0)
sacrifice ft.) s a n d w i c h ^ ^
sail te^Ho) ^
sailor n t e f t o )
saint ^ f e . ) S a w f ' N
W secretarial (g0)
science fa^m (To) secretary tjface. ( g 0 )
scientist e^iRc*,: (f§r 0 )
%rfT5Fft ("^to) secretion ^MUIH
scissors ^ f t t ("#0) (g„)
scold Pi-^tci ("feo) section f ^ r r r (g0)
T^rfr (fa0) secular T c r f r ^ : (fto)
score TTRnf: ( g 0 ) security ^ w r (TEsfro)
scorpion (gD) see w r f r (Hfr.)
scrape P l ^ H ^ (TO) seed (To)
scraper 1h«?<sh1 ( ^ t „ ) seek a^qui^ (t0)
scratch ?. spt: (g 0 ,To) seize (*r.)
R. (fao) selection w r g ; (t«)
scream arcffor: ( g 0 ) self 3TT<TT
screen ^ w t selfish w e f t (g 0 H<*>KH:)
(3-) j c n m (isfro)
screw (^„) sell tern ^ r (%.)
screwdriver ^frenc^T: (g0) send "tmfa ( % 0 ) .
scribbling g r ^ s R ^ (To) senior (Hr„)
sculpture i R k c i l (Tft.) sensation srg^f:
sea (g„) ^ ^
seal -gST ( - # 0 ) sense ?. artf: ( g 0 )
search (To) *. T r ^ ( ^ 0 )
season 353: ( g 0 )
seasoning o^mu^ sensible (g0)
seat 3TTW3; (To) (gc)
second ?. -feffa: ( f a 0 ) sensitive ^^HVIICH: ( f a 0 )
secret i ^ r g ; (To) sentiment (g0)
separate 64 shopping
vertical e ^ W TT%:
very (ft.)
vessel voluntary (ft.,g.)
^ • boat M ^f%5Ffr
• • •
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