Te Mech Academic Book PDF
Te Mech Academic Book PDF
Te Mech Academic Book PDF
AY 2018-19
I L ENo.
D B Y : M R . R A V I N D RContent
A S.SHELKE A S S T . P R O F . Page
M E Cno.
1 Academic calendar 3-4
3 Subject 1 7
6 Subject 4 75
DAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
14.15 to
Time 09:30 to 10:30 10:30 to 11:30 11:30 to 12:30 13.15 to 14.15
15:15 to 16:15 16:15 to 17:15
A1-NMO, A2-DME-II, Lecture Aptitude
A3-RAC, A4-MS-II Series [SBS]
FRI DME-II NMO MP-II MTRX Technical (Training) Activity
SAT Library Series Mentoring RAC
Name of the Class Teacher: Mrs. Yogita M. Patil
Theory Subject Subject Teacher Practical Teacher
Mr. S.K. Vitnor- A1,A2,A3,
1 NMO [Numerical Methods and Optimization] Mr. Suyog K. Vitnor
Mrs. Y.M. Patil- A1, A2,A3,
2 DME-II [Design of Machine Elements-II] Mrs. Yogita M. Patil
Mr. P.G. Autade- A1, A2,A3,
3 RAC [Refrigeration and Air Conditioning] Mr. Pravin G. Autade
Mr. D.M. Deshmukh- A1, A2,
4 MTRX [Mechatronics] Mr. Deepak M. Deshmukh
A3, A4
5 MP-II [Manufacturing Process-II] Mr. Shivaji R. Chaudhari
Mr. S.R. Chaudhari- A1, A2,
6 MS-II [Machine Shop-II]
A3, A4
DAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time 09:30 to 10:30 10:30 to 11:30 11:30 to 12:30 13.15 to 14.15 14.15 to 15.15 15:15 to 16:15 16:15 to 17:15
Lecture B1-MS-II, B2-Seminar,
Series B3-DME-II, B4-NMO
THU RAC DME-II NMO Technical (Training) Activity
Aptitude B1-DME-II, B2-NMO,
FRI DME-II NMO B2-RAC, B1,B3,B4-Seminar
SAT RAC Mentoring Aptitude [SGB] Library
Name of the Class Teacher: Mr. Sandeep B. Shejul
Theory Subject Subject Teacher Practical Teacher
Mr. A.S. Jejurkar- B1, B2,B3,
1 NMO [Numerical Methods and Optimization] Mr. Avinash S. Jejurkar
Mr. R.H. Hodgar- B1, B2,B3,
2 DME-II [Design of Machine Elements-II] Mr. Rahul H. Hodgar
Mr. S.G. Bhosale- B1, B2,B3,
3 RAC [Refrigeration and Air Conditioning] Mr. Sandeep G. Bhosale
Mr. M.P. Kolhe- B1, B2,B3,
4 MTRX [Mechatronics] Mr. Mahesh P. Kolhe
5 MP-II [Manufacturing Process-II] Mr. Vijay L. Kadlag
Mr. V.L. Kadlag- B1, B2,B3,
6 MS-II [Machine Shop-II]
Mr. R.H. Hodgar- B1,B4
7 AC [Audit Course]
Mr. A.S. Jejurkar- B2,B3
Technical (Training) Activity
8 Mr. Avinash S. Jejurkar
Mr. Sandeep G. Bhosale/
9 Aptitude
Mrs. Yogita M. Patil
10 Lecture Series Mr. Rahul H. Hodgar
Course Course
In Sem Exam
Best of two
Class test 1
Class test 2
End Sem.
class test
Code Name
302047 NMO 20 20 20 50 30 80 30 70 100 50 150
Numerical Methods & Optimization[302047]
1. Steven C. Chapra, Raymond P. Canale, Numerical Methods for Engineers, 4/e, Tata
McGraw Hill Editions
2. Dr. B. S. Garewal, Numerical Methods in Engineering and Science, Khanna Publishers,.
3. Steven C. Chapra, Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientist,
Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publishing Co-Ltd
4. Rao V. Dukkipati, Applied Numerical Methods using Matlab, New Age International
References :
Class Test and assignment (CTA) [50 marks] (D): - Two class tests, 20 marks each, will be
conducted in a semester and out of these two, best one will be selected for calculation of class
test marks. Format of question paper is same as university. Six assignments will assess for 20
marks each and total marks will be converted to 30 marks.
Experiment *80 marks+ (B): Each experiment will be evaluated for 10 marks based on student’s
attendance, performance during practical and writing of journal.
Attendance (AT) [50 marks] (C): Attendance marks will be given as per university policy.
2. Each Set contains 5 answer type questions of 5 mark each. All questions are compulsory. (Total
20 Marks)
Paper pattern and marks distribution for End Semester Exam: As per university guidelines.
4 Successive approximation 1
5 Types of Errors: Absolute, Relative, Algorithmic, Truncation, 1
Round off Error, Error Propagation
6 Concept of convergence-relevance to numerical methods 1
8 Numerical 1
11 Numerical 2
12 Gauss-Seidal method 2
13 Numerical 2
15 Numerical 2
20 Numerical 3
21 Numerical 3
27 Numerical 4
28 Euler Method,. 4
29 , Numerical 4
31 Numerical 4
36 Numerical 5
37 Power equation, 5
40 Lagrange’s Interpolation 5
47 Simpson’s 1/3rdRule 6
48 Numerical 6
Course Delivery, Objectives, Outcomes
Numerical Methods & Optimization(302047)
Course Delivery:
The course will be delivered through lectures, assignment/tutorial sessions, class room
Interaction, practical’s on Software and presentations.
Course Objective:
The objective of this course
1 Recognize the difference between analytical and Numerical Methods
2 Effectively use Numerical Techniques for solving complex Mechanical Engineering Problems.
3 Prepare base for understanding engineering analysis software
4 Develop logical sequencing for solution procedure and skills in soft computing
5 Optimize the solution for different real life problems with available constraints.
6. Build the foundation for engineering research
Course Outcomes:
After completion of this course the students are expected to be able to
1. Use appropriate Numerical methods to solve complex mechanical engineering problems
2. Formulate algorithm & programming
3. Use mathematical solver
4. Generate solutions for real life problem using optimization techniques
5. Analyze the research problem
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics,
natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities
with an understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess
societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to
the professional engineering practice.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in
diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and
leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage
in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change
CO-PO Mapping:
Course PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3
CO2 2 2 2 2
CO3 2 2 2 2
CO4 2 2 2
CO5 2 2
Average 3 2 2 2 2
Justification of CO - PO Mapping
CO1 WITH PO1 According to CO1 students can apply knowledge of engineering
mathematics, engineering fundamentals. So itis highly correlated to
CO2 WITH According to CO2 students get knowledge ofbasics of engineering
PO1,PO2, mathematics, can analyze engineering problems can use modern
PO5,PO12 engineering techniques So it is moderately correlated to
CO3 WITH According to CO3 students get knowledge of engineering
PO1,PO3,PO5,PO12 fundamentals, can develop solution to engineering problem, can
use modern IT Tools and get life-long learning in technological
change Soit is moderately correlated to PO1,PO3,PO5,PO12.
CO4 WITH According to CO4 students can develop mathematical model of
PO3,PO5,PO12 problems so it is moderately related to PO3,PO5,PO12
CO5 According to CO5 students can develop solution to engineering
WITH,PO3,PO5 solution and can use modern techniques to engineering activities so
it is moderately related to PO3,PO5.
Assignment –I
Academic Year (2018-19)
Unit No CO Blooms
Questions as per Map Taxanomy
Syllabus ped Level
1 Solve the equation 2X – log10X = 7 using Successive 1 1 3
Approximation method. Do 4iterations
2 Determine using Bi-Section Method root of equation 1 1 3
cos(x)-1.3x=0 with accuracy 0.01
3 Solve the equation ex.cos x – 1.4 sin x = 0.8 by Newton 1 1 3
Raphson method taking x=1 & doing 3 iteration
Assignment –II
Academic Year (2018-19)
Unit No CO
Q. as per Ma
Questions Taxanom
No Syllabu ppe
y Level
s d
1 Solve equations using Gauss Elimination Method with 2 1 3
partial pivoting 5x+13y++7z=14, 3x+6y+3z=0,
2 Using gauss seidal method solve following equations 2 1 3
9x+4y+z=-17,x-2y-6z=14,x+6y=4 perform 4 iteration
3 Solve the following equations using Thomas algorithm 2 1 3
4 Solve the following set of linear simultaneous equation 2 1 3
using Jacobi’s iteration method 20x+y-2x=17, 3x+20y-
z=-18, 2x-3y+20z=25
5 Write short note pitfall of Gauss elimination method & 2 1 2
Assignment –III
Academic Year (2018-19)
Unit No CO
Q. Blooms
as per Ma
N Questions Taxanom
Syllabu ppe
o y Level
s d
1 Define optimization. Write its engineering application 3 1 2
2 Write a note on constraints, objective function, 3 1 2
decision variables, feasible solution, optimal solution,
3 Write short note on SA (Simulated annealing) 3 1 2
4 Maximize z=14x+20y subjected to condition, 3 4 3
20x+6y<=1000 & 40x+8y<=500 x,y>=0 (Simplex
5 Write a short note on GA (Genetic algorithm) 3 1 2
Assignment –IV
Academic Year (2018-19)
Unit No CO
Q. as per Ma
Questions Taxanom
No Syllabu ppe
y Level
s d
1 Obtain the solution of dy/dx=3x+y2 using taylor series 4 1 3
method. Given: y(0)=1.Determine y(0.1)
2 Use Runge Kutta 4rth order method to solve y’- 4 1 3
sin(y)=1, from x=0 to 0.5 in steps of h=0.1
3 Solve boundary value problem (d2y/dx2)- 4 1 3
64y+10=0.Initial conditions,y(0)=1,y(1)=1,take step
size,h=1/3 compute y(1/3) & y(2/3)
4 Use euler method with h=0.5 to solve the initial values 4 1 3
problem over the interval x=0 to 2
Unit No CO
Q. Blooms
as per Ma
N Questions Taxanom
Syllabu ppe
o y Level
s d
1 A set of values of x & f(x) are given below. Using 5 1 3
Lagranges’s interpolation formula, Find f(9).
x 5 7 11 13 17
y 150 392 1452 2366 5202
2 Determine constants a & b using method of least 5 1 3
square such that y=ax+b fits following data
x 2 4 6 8 10
y 4.077 11.084 30.128 81.128 222.62
3 Determine constants a & b using method of least 5 1 3
square such that y=abx fits following data
x 1 2 3 4
y 4 11 35 100
4 Use Langrages’s interpolation formula to fit 5 1 3
polynomial to the data & hence Find y(x=1)
x -1 0 2 3
y -8 3 1 12
5 Draw flowchart to fit an equation y=aebx 5 2 3
Assignment –VI
Academic Year (2018-19)
Unit No
CO Blooms
Q. as per
Questions Map Taxanom
No Syllabu
ped y Level
1 Explain Trapezoidal rule 5 4 3
2 Find integration of 1/(1+x2) in the limits 0 to 1 by 5 4 3
trapezoidal rule using 4 strips
Class Test –I
Academic Year (2018-19)
Q. Max. No as Blooms
N Questions Mar per Taxanom
o ks Syllabu y Level
1 Solve the equation 2X – log10X = 7 using 5 1 1 3
Successive Approximation method. Do 4iterations
2 Determine using Bi-Section Method root of 5 1 1 3
equation cos(x)-1.3x=0 with accuracy 0.01
3 Solve the equation ex.cos x – 1.4 sin x = 0.5 by 5 1 1 3
Newton Raphson method taking x=1 & doing 3
Q. Max No as Blooms
N Questions .Mar per Taxanom
o ks Syllab y Level
1 Obtain the solution of dy/dx=3x+y2 using taylor
5 4 1 3
series method. Given: y(0)=1.Determine y(0.1)
2 Use Runge Kutta 4rth order method to solve y’-
5 4 1 3
sin(y)=1, from x=0 to 0.5 in steps of h=0.1
3 Solve boundary value problem (d2y/dx2)-
64y+10=0.Initial conditions,y(0)=1,y(1)=1,take 5 4 1 3
step size,h=1/3 compute y(1/3) & y(2/3)
4 Determine constants a & b using method of least
square such that y=ax+b fits following data
x 2 4 6 8 10 5 1 3
y 4.077 11.08 30.12 81.12 222.6
4 8 8 2
x 5 7 11 13 17 5 1 3
y 150 392 1452 2366 5202
University Question Paper
End Sem.
class test
Best two
In Sem
30204 DME- 2 2 5 10
50 100 25 30 70 25 150
8 II 0 0 0 0
Design of Machine Elements-II 302048
Unit 1- Spur Gears
Introduction to gears: Gear Selection, material selection, Basic modes of tooth failure, Gear
Lubrication Methods.
Spur Gears: Number of teeth and face width, Force analysis, Beam strength (Lewis)
equation, Velocity factor, Service factor, Load concentration factor, Effective load on gear,
Wear strength (Buckingham’s) equation, Estimation of module based on beam and wear
strength, Estimation of dynamic tooth load by velocity factor and Buckingham’s equation.
Text Books:
1) Bhandari V.B, Design of Machine Elements, Tata McGraw Hill Publication Co. Ltd.
2) Shigley J.E. and Mischke C.R., Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw Hill
Publication Co. Ltd.
3) Spotts M.F. and Shoup T.E., Design of Machine Elements, Prentice Hall International.
4) Juvinal R.C, Fundamentals of Machine Components Design, John Wiley and Sons.
References Books:
1. Black P.H. and O. Eugene Adams, Machine Design, McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc.
2. Willium C. Orthwein, Machine Components Design, West Publishing Co. and Jaico
Publications House.
3. Hall A.S., Holowenko A.R. and Laughlin H.G, Theory and Problems of Machine Design,
Schaum’s Outline Series
4. C.S. Sharma and Kamlesh Purohit, Design of Machine Elements, PHI Learing Pvt. Ltd.
5. D. K. Aggarwal & P.C. Sharma, Machine Design, S.K Kataria and Sons
6. P. C. Gope, Machine Design: Fundamentals and Applications, PHI Learing Pvt. Ltd.
7. Design Data - P.S.G. College of Technology, Coimbatore.
8. Bhandari, V. B. Machine Design data book, Tata McGraw Hill Publication Co. Ltd.
9. K. Mahadevan, K. Balveera Reddy, Design Data Handbook for Mechanical Engineers,
CBS Publishers
Evaluation Guidelines
Internal Assessment (IA): [CT (20 marks)+ TA/AT (20 marks)]
Class Test (CT) [20 marks]: - Two class tests, 20 marks each, will be conducted
in a semester and out of these two, the average of best two will be selected for
calculation of class test marks. Format of question paper is same as university
TA [20 marks]: Six assignments will be conducted in the semester. Teacher
assessment will be calculated based on performance in assignments, class test and
pre-university test.
Attendance (AT) [50 marks]: Attendance marks will be given as per university
Paper pattern and marks distribution for Class tests:
2. Each Set contains 5 answer type questions of 5 mark each. All questions are
compulsory. (Total 20 Marks)
Pre-University Test [ 30 Marks] In Sem Examination
Paper pattern and marks distribution for PUT: Same as End semester exam
End Semester Examination [ 70 Marks]
Paper pattern and marks distribution for End Semester Exam: As per university
Lecture Plan
Topic Unit
e No
Unit 1
Gear Selection, material selection, Basic modes of tooth
1. Unit 1
2. Gear Lubrication Methods, Important terminology Unit 1
Unit 2
Types of helical and Bevel gears, Terminology, Virtual
9. Unit 2
number of teeth
Unit 3
Types of rolling contact Bearings, Static and dynamic
17. load carrying capacities Unit 3
18. Stribeck’s Equation Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit-IV Worm and worm gear terminology and
25. proportions of worm and worm gears Unit 4
Unit 5
33. Materials and construction of flat and V belts Unit 5
geometric relationships for length of belt, power rating
34. Unit 5
of belts, concept of slip & creep
Unit 6
41. Classification of sliding contact bearing Unit 6
Lubricating oils: Properties, additives, selection of
42. Unit 6
lubricating oils
Course Objectives:
Enable students to attain the basic knowledge required to understand, analyze, design
and select machine elements required in transmission systems.
Reinforce the philosophy that real engineering design problems are open-ended and
Impart design skills to the students to apply these skills for the problems in real life
industrial applications
Inculcate an attitude of team work, critical thinking, communication, planning and
scheduling through design projects
Create awareness amongst students about safety, ethical, legal, and other societal
constraints in execution of their design projects
Develop an holistic design approach to find out pragmatic solutions to realistic
domestic and industrial problems
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, students will be able to –
1. CO1: To understand and apply principles of gear design to spur gears and industrial
spur gear boxes. (L1 – Knowledge, L2 – Comprehension)
2. CO2: To become proficient in Design of Helical and Bevel Gear (L1 – Knowledge,
L2 – Comprehension)
3. CO3: To develop capability to analyse Rolling contact bearing and its selection from
manufacturer’s Catalogue. (L3 – Application, L4 – Analysis)
4. CO4: To learn a skill to design worm gear box for various industrial applications. (L3
– Application, L4 – Analysis)
5. CO5: To inculcate an ability to design belt drives and selection of belt, rope and chain
drives. (L3 – Application, L4 – Analysis)
6. CO6: To achieve an expertise in design of Sliding contact bearing in industrial
applications (L3 – Application, L4 – Analysis)
Program Outcomes (POs):
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems
and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research
methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis
of the information to provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering
activities with an understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to the professional engineering practice.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering
solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and
need for sustainable development.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or
leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and
write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and
receive clear instructions.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member
and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological
CO – PO Mapping
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
3 2 3 2 - - - - - - - 1 1 2 1
2 2 2 2 - - - - - - - 1 2 2 1
2 2 3 2 2 - - - - - - 1 2 2 1
2 1 1 1 1 1 - - - - - 2 2 1 2
2 2 3 2 - - - - - - - 1 2 2 1
2 2 3 2 - - - - - - - 1 2 2 1
Average 2 2 2 2 2 1 - - - - - 1 2 2 1
Q.5 A spur gear pair is to be used to transmit 18 KW power from an electric motor running
at 720 rpm to the machine tool expected to run exactly at 300 rpm. The pinion and gear are
made of alloy steel(SUT =780 MPa) and plain carbon steel( SUT =680 Mpa) The service
factor and factor of safety are 1.5 and 1.35.the face width is 12 times module for which
load distribution factor is 1.4.the tooth system is 20 ͦ full depth involute system. Design the
gear pair by using velocity factor and Buckingham’s equation.
Q.1 Derive a relation between transverse and normal pressure angle of helical gear.
Q.3 The following data is given for pair of parallel helical gear: (CO2)
Q.2 Write a short notes on thermal consideration in worm gear pair. (CO4)
Q.3 why two dissimilar materials are used for worm and worm wheel. (CO4)
Q.4 Explain force analysis of worm gear pair. (CO4)
Q.5 A worm down type 2/52/10/4 worm gear transmits 10KW power from worm
shaft rotating at 720 rpm to the worm gear pair. The coefficient of friction between
the worm and worm gear pair is 0.04 while the normal pressure angle is 20 ͦ. (CO4)
Q.1 Discuss applications of wire ropes. (CO5)
Q.2 Derive relations between velocity and initial tension of belt of maximum power
transmission Capacity. (CO5)
Q.3 Derive the condition for maximum power transmitting capacity of belt drive
based on belt strength and friction capacity. (CO5)
Q.4 Explain the procedure of selection of flat belt from Manufacturer catalogue.`
Q.5 Explain neat sketch of rope drum. (CO5)
Q.1 What are different types of lubricants used for sliding contact bearings?
Q.2 A Babbit lined steel back bush bearing is used to support a shaft of diameter
50 mm. The radial load on the bearing is 3550 N. The oil filter restricts a clearance
at the bearing as 40 microns. The length of the bearing is 50 mm. Shaft rotates at
950 rpm. The oil used as a viscosity of 60 cP at operating temperature (CO6)
Coefficient of friction
Minimum oil film thickness
Q.3 What are desirable properties for a material of sliding contact bearings. (CO6)
Q.4 Suggest the suitable rolling contact bearing for the following applications. (CO6)
(AY 2018-19)
Branch-TE Mechanical Date: / /2018
Semester: II Duration: 1 hour
Subject: Design of Machine Elements (302048) Max Marks: 20M
Note: 1. All questions are compulsory
2. Bloom’s Taxanomy level: Bloom Levels (BL):1.Remember 2.Understand 3.Apply 4.Create
3. All questions are as per course outcomes
4. Assume suitable data wherever is required
Unit No
Q. Max. CO Blooms
as per
N Questions Mark Map Taxanom
o s ped y Level
1 Solve any two of the following:
Class test 1
Class test 2
Average of
End Sem.
Code Name
302049 RAC 20 20 70 20 5 5 70 100 - 25 25
Unit I: Applications of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Refrigerants:
A] Applications :
B] Refrigerants :
A] Psychrometry:
Basic Psychrometry and processes, BPF of coil, ADP, adiabatic mixing of two air
streams, SHF, RSHF, GSHF, ESHF. Factors contributing to cooling load, Numerical
based on load analysis .
B] Human Comfort :
Thermodynamics of human body, comfort and comfort chart, factors affecting human
comfort, concept of infiltration and ventilation, indoor air quality requirements.
Working of summer, winter and all year round AC systems, all air system, all water
system, air water system, variable refrigerant flow and variable air volume systems,
unitary and central air conditioning.
Working of reciprocating, screw and scroll compressors, working of air cooled, water
cooled and evaporative condensers, working of DX, Flooded, Forced feed evaporators,
Expansion devices – Capillary tube, TXV, EXV, operating and safety controls.
A] Ducts :
Classification of ducts, duct material, pressure in ducts, flow through duct, pressure
losses in duct (friction losses, dynamic losses), air flow through simple duct system,
equivalent diameter, Methods of duct system design: equal friction, velocity reduction,
static regain method (numerical on duct system design)
Text Books:
1. Arora C. P., Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Tata McGraw-Hill.
2. Manohar Prasad, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Willey Eastern Ltd, 1983.
3. McQuiston, ― Heating Ventilating and air Conditioning: Analysis and Design‖ 6th
Edition, Wiley India .
4. Arora and Domkundwar, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Dhanpatrai&
Company, New Delhi .
5. Khurmi R.S. and Gupta J.K., Refrigeration and Air conditioning, Eurasia
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi,1994.
6. Ballaney P.L., Refrigeration and Air conditioning, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi,
References Books:
1. Dossat Ray J, Principles of refrigeration, S.I. version, Willey Eastern Ltd, 2000 .
2. Stockers W.F and Jones J.W., Refrigeration and Air conditioning, McGraw Hill
International editions 1982.
3. Threlkeld J.L, Thermal Environmental Engineering, Prentice Hall Inc., New Delhi
4. Aanatnarayan, Basics of refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Tata McGraw Hill
Publications .
5. Roger Legg, Air Conditioning System Design, Commissioning and Maintenance .
6. ASHRAE & ISHRAE handbook.
Internal Assessment (IA): [CT(20 marks)+ TA/AT (10 marks)]
Class Test (CT) [20 marks]: - Three class tests, 20 marks each, will be conducted in
a semester and out of these three, the average of best two will be selected for
calculation of class test marks. Format of question paper is same as university
TA [5 marks]: Three/four assignments will be conducted in the semester. Teacher
assessment will be calculated based on performance in assignments, class test and
pre-university test.
Attendance (AT) [5 marks]: Attendance marks will be given as per university policy.
Paper pattern and marks distribution for Class tests:
2. Section A contains 5 short answer type questions of 1 mark each. All questions
are compulsory. (Total 5 Marks)
3. Section B contains 4 medium answer type questions of 2.5 marks each. All
questions are compulsory. (Total 10 marks)
Lecture Unit
Unit 1
25. BPF of coil, ADP, adiabatic mixing of two air streams Unit 4
31. all air system, all water system, air water system Unit 4
32. variable refrigerant flow and variable air volume systems Unit 4
Unit 5
Course Objectives:
Learning the fundamental principles and different methods of refrigeration and air
Study of various refrigeration cycles and evaluate performance using Mollier charts
and/ or refrigerant property tables.
Comparative study of different refrigerants with respect to properties, applications
and environmental issues.
Understand the basic air conditioning processes on psychometric charts, calculate
cooling load for its applications in comfort and industrial air conditioning.
Study of the various equipment-operating principles, operating and safety controls
employed in refrigeration air conditioning systems
Course Outcomes:
C0302044-1 3 - - - - - - - - - - -
C0302044-2 2 1 - - - - - - - - - -
C0302044-3 2 - - - - 1 3 - - - - -
C0302044-4 2 2 2 - - - - - - - - -
C0302044-5 2 - - 2 2 - - - - - - -
C0302044-6 2 - 2 - - - - - - - - -
Average 2 1 2 2 2 1 3 - - - - -
Unit No. 1
1. Explain with neat sketch Automotive Air conditioners. CO1
2. Explain the need of air conditioning for multiplex facilities. CO1
3. Explain the role of refrigeration system in dairy plant CO1
4. Discuss the necessity of phasing out of CFC refrigerants. List the alternative
refrigerants. CO3
5. Explain the benefits of Secondary refrigerants. What is selection criteria of
secondary refrigerants? CO3
6. Give important conditions of Montreal and Kyoto protocol. CO3
Unit No. 2
1. The temperature limits of an ammonia refrigerating system are 25 oC and -10o C. If the
gas is dry at the end of compression. Calculate the COP assuming no undercooling of the
liquid ammonia. CO2
2. In an absorption system heating, cooling and refrigeration takes place at 150 oC, 30oC,
and -20oC resp. Find the theoretical COP of the system. If the generator temperature is
increased to 190oC and evaporator temperature is decreased to - 30oC, find the
percentage change in theoretical COP. CO2
3. A 5 TR refrigerating machine based on R-134a simple saturated vapour compression
cycle operates between 12oC and 50oC. Temperature after subcooler is less by
5oC.Determine 1. COP 2.Power per ton 3.Mass circulation of refrigerant in kg/hr.
4. Draw the neat schematic of practical Li-Br absorption system. List the various
components with their function in brief. CO5
5. What is the basic function of a compressor in a vapour compression refrigeration
system? How this function is achieved in vapour absorption system. CO5
Unit No. 3
1. Write a note on Cascade refrigeration. CO5
2. What do you understand by Cryogenics? Mention Applications. CO1
3. Mention with the help of p-h charts various combination of evaporators and
compressors in vapour compression system. CO5
4. Two separate evaporators E1 (10 TR) and E2 (20 TR) at temperatures 5 oC and 15oC
resp. Common condenser is at temperature 38oC. The liquid from the condenser is
saturated. After evaporator E2, pressure reducing valve bring the pressure to the suction
pressure of the compressor. Single compressor and individual expansion valves are used
in the system. Make the neat flow diagram and a cycle diagram on R134a p-h chart.
Calculate Power required to run the system and COP of the system. 5. Ice factory
produces 20 tonnes of ice per day from and at 0oC. The evaporator temperature is -8oC
and condenser temperature of 30oC. Refrigerant R-12 is subcooled by 5oC before
throttling. Suction vapours are superheated by 2 degree. If the single acting twin cylinder
compressor has speed of 1000 rpm, L:D ratio is 1.5. Find – a. COP
b. Condenser capacity including subcooling
c. Stroke length, if volumetric efficiency of compressor is 94.5%
Unit No. 4
1. Define: RSHF, GSHF and ESHF. Explain the procedure to draw the lines of RSHF,
GSHF and ESHF on psychrometric chart. CO6
2. Elaborate in detail factors contributing cooling load. CO4
3. Write a note on Human Comfort Chart . CO6
4. If the total barometric pressure is 97 kPa and DBT = 36 C and DPT = 15oC, from
temperature. The heat extracted by coil is 14 kW; and air flow rate is 42.5 m 3 /min. Using
Psychrometric chart Find DBT and WBT of air leaving coil,By pass factor of cooling coil
6. An Air-conditioned space is maintained at 25 C DBT and 50% RH. The outside
conditions are 40oC DBT and 25oC WBT. The space has sensible heat gain of 24.5 kW.
Conditioned air is supplied to the space as saturated air at 10oC. The equipment consists
of an air washer. The air entering the air washer comprises 25% outside air. Calculate the
following. a. Volume flow rate of air supplied to space b. Latent heat gain of space c.
Cooling load of air washer CO4
Unit No. 5
1. Draw constructional diagram of TXV and explain its working. What are the limitations
of TXV. CO5
2. Explain with neat sketch All Year Air Conditioning System CO6
3. Write a note on Variable Refrigeration Flow system. CO1
4. Explain the working of Single Screw Compressor. What are the advantages of it over
reciprocating compressor? CO1
Unit No. 6
1. Explain Equal friction method of Duct design. List its advantages and disadvantages.
2. Write a note on Fan Laws. CO6
3. A circular duct of 40 cm diameter is used to carry air in an air conditioning system at a
velocity of 440 m/min. If this duct is to be replaced by a rectangular duct of aspect ratio of
1.5, find out the size of rectangular duct for equal friction method. When
a. Velocity of air in two ducts is same
b. The discharge rate of air in two ducts is same CO6
If f=0.015, find out the pressure loss per 100 m length of the duct. Take density of air =
1.15 kg/m3.
4. A rectangular duct of 0.15 m *0.12 m is 20 m long and carries standard air at the rate of
0.3 m3 /s. Calculate the total pressure required at the inlet of the duct to maintain this flow
and the air power required. Take friction factor, f=0.005 CO6
Class Test –I Academic Year (2018-19)
Branch-TE Mechanical Date:
Semester: IIDuration: 1 hour
Subject: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (302049) Max Marks: 20M
Unit No CO Blooms
Q. Max.
Questions as per Map Taxanomy
No Marks
Syllabus ped Level
1 A Refrigeration system operates on reversed carnot cycle. 05 1 CO1
The higher temp of refrigerant in the system is 350C &
lowest temp is -150C.The capacity is 12 tonnes.Neglect all 2
losses. Determine 1)C.O.P (2) Heat rejected from the
system per hour.(3) Power required.
2 Explain (1) ODP(2)GWP (3)LCCP 05 1 CO3 2
3 Explain I) Domestic Refrigerator II)Automotive air 2 CO2
05 1
4 Write short note on selection of Environment friendly 2 CO3
05 1
Class Test –IAcademic Year (2018-19)
Branch-TE Mechanical Date:
Semester: IIDuration: 1 hour
Subject: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (302049) Max Marks: 20M
Unit No CO Blooms
Q. Max.
Questions as per Map Taxanomy
No Marks
Syllabus ped Level
1 Define (1) COPR (2)COPHP (3)EER (4)SEER (5)TR 05 1 CO1 1
2 What is sub-cooling and superheating ? Discuss the 1 CO1
effect of vapour superheating and liquid sub-cooling
on performance of vapour compression refrigeration 05 2
3 Explain Li-Br absorption system 05 2 CO2 2
4 Compare the COP of an ammonia refrigeration cycle
operates between – 20°C and 30°C. in following two
Unit No CO Blooms
Q. Max.
Questions as per Map Taxanomy
No Marks
Syllabus ped Level
1 Derive equation of COP for the two stage compression with 3 CO5
flash gas removal and liquid intercooler with schematic and 05 2
P-h diagram
2 Mention any two applications of cryogenics. 05 3 CO1 1
3 Explain air washer and possible psychometric processes 4 CO6
05 1
with it .
4 A mixture of dry air and water vapour is at a temperature of
21°C under a total pressure of 736 mm Hg. The dew point
temperature is 15°C. Find:i) Partial pressure of water 4 CO6
05 2
vapour ii) Relative humidity iii) Humidity ratio
iv)Enthalpy of air per kg of dry air v) Specific volume of
dry air per kg of dry air.
Class Test –IIAcademic Year (2018-19)
Branch-TE Mechanical Date:
Semester: IIDuration: 1 hour
Subject: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (302049) Max Marks: 20M
Mechatronics (302050)
T.E. SEM II 2018 – 2019
Scheme, Syllabus and Evaluation Guidelines
Mechatronics 302050
Course Name Lecture Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Total
302050 Mechatronics
3 - 1 4
Class test 1
Class test 2
Average of
Course Name
End Sem.
Introduction to PLC; Architecture of PLC; Selection of PLC; Ladder Logic programming for different
types of logic gates; Latching; Timers, Counter; Practical examples of Ladder Programming.
1) Black P.H. and O. Eugene Adams, Machine Design, McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc.
2) Willium C. Orthwein, Machine Components Design, West Publishing Co. and Jaico
Publications House.
3) Hall A.S., Holowenko A.R. and Laughlin H.G, Theory and Problems of Machine Design,
4) C. S. Sharma and Kamlesh Purohit, Design of Machine Elements, PHI Learing Pvt. Ltd.
6) P. C. Gope, Machine Design: Fundamentals and Applications, PHI Learing Pvt. Ltd.
8) Bhandari, V. B. Machine Design data book, Tata McGraw Hill Publication Co. Ltd.
9) K. Mahadevan, K. Balveera Reddy, Design Data Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, CBS
2. Section A contains 5 short answer type questions of 1 mark each. All questions
are compulsory. (Total 5 Marks)
3. Section B contains 4 medium answer type questions of 2.5 marks each. All
questions are compulsory. (Total 10 marks)
Lecture Plan
Topic Unit
Unit 1
Unit – I Introduction to Sensors & Actuators Introduction to
1. Mechatronics Unit 1
Sample and hold circuit Unit 3
Sampling frequency DAC (R-2R), Current and Voltage Amplifier. Unit 3
Unit 4
PLC Programming Introduction, Unit 4
Architecture, Unit 4
Ladder Logic programming Unit 4
different types of logic gates Unit 4
Latching, Timers, Unit 4
Counter, Practical Examples of Ladder Programming, Unit 4
Unit –V
Modelling and Analysis of Mechatronics System System modeling
25. (Mechanical, Thermal and Fluid) Unit 5
damping Unit 5
frequency, Rise time, Unit 5
Frequency Domain Unit 5
Analysis of System and Estimation of frequency domain Unit 5
parameters such as Natural Frequency Unit 5
Unit 5
Damping Frequency and Damping Factor
Unit –VI
Unit 6
P, PI, PD and PID control systems,
Unit 6
Course Objectives:
• Understand key elements of Mechatronics system, representation into block diagram
• Understand concept of transfer function, reduction and analysis
• Understand principles of sensors, its characteristics, interfacing with DAQ microcontroller
• Understand the concept of PLC system and its ladder programming, and significance of PLC
systems in industrial application
• Understand the system modeling and analysis in time domain and frequency domain.
• Understand control actions such as Proportional, derivative and integral and study its significance in
industrial applications
1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems
and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and
research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and
synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering
activities with an understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to the professional engineering practice.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering
solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need
for sustainable development.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or
leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and
write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and
receive clear instructions.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and
leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
CO – PO Mapping
50-3 2 2 3 2 2 - - - - - - 1 2 2 1
50-4 2 1 1 1 1 1 - - - - - 2 2 1 2
50-5 2 2 3 2 - - - - - - - 1 2 2 1
50-6 2 2 3 2 - - - - - - - 1 2 2 1
Average 2 2 2 2 2 1 - - - - - 1 2 2 1
CO1 WITH PO1 According to CO1 students get basic
knowledge of Mechanical Engineering. So it
is moderately correlated to PO1.
CO2 WITH PO1 AND PO2 According to CO2 students get knowledge of
basics and apply them to solve problems. So
it is moderately correlated to PO1 andPO2.
Q.1: Give any two definitions of Mechatronics. Explain the scope and importance of
Mechatronics and applications. CO1
Q.2: Explain different types of dynamic characteristics of measurement systems such as
a) Response time
b) Rise time
c) Settling time CO1
Q.3: Differentiate between static and dynamic characteristics of measuring instruments.
Explain the following.
a) Hysteresis
b) Sensitivity
c) Drift
d) accuracy? CO1
Q.4: Compare an LVDT with a potentiometer as a position sensor. What are advantages and
disadvantages of using an LVDT? CO1
Q.5: What is meant by Temperature Compensation in Strain Gauges and how it is done?
Q.6: What are encoders? Its Types? Explain basic operation of rotary encoder. CO1
Q1: Compare Open Loop and Closed Loop Control System with respect to definition, block diagram and
Q.2: Discuss the significance of the transfer function approach when modelling a mechanical system. CO1
Q.3: Write various Block diagram reduction principles CO1
Q.4: Using a suitable block diagram explain the working of Automatic Washing Machine CO1
Q5: Using a suitable block diagram explain the working of Automatic Conveyor System CO1
Q6: Figure shown below is a block diagram. Simplify and find the Relation between C(s)/R(s). CO1
Q.7: Use block diagram algebra to reduce the block diagram shown in Figure CO1
1. 1 Write a short note on Analog to Digital Conversion. CO2
2. Explain significance of sampling theorem. . CO2
3. How Sample and Hold circuit is useful for Analog to Digital Conversion, explain. .
4. Explain the detailed functioning of Data Acquisition System with the help of a
detailed block diagram. . CO2
5. Using a suitable circuit diagram explain the working of a voltage and current
amplifier. . CO2
Q.1: Brief the selection of PLC CO6
Q.2: What is Ladder Logic programming? CO6
Q.3: Explain with truth tables and symbols, different types of logic gates CO6
Q.4: What is latching? Why to use Latching? CO6
Q.5: What are Timers and its types? Explain with the applications CO6
Q.1 What do you understand by Transfer Function? CO4
Q.2: Explain modeling of Mechanical with the building blocks elements CO4
Q.3: Explain the Thermal and Fluid system modeling with the building blocks CO4
Q.4: What are Poles & Zeros? Explain their significance CO4
Q.1: What is control system and its types? CO5
a) Response time
b) Rise time
c) Settling time CO1
03. Compare Open Loop and Closed Loop Control System 05 2 1 2
with respect to definition, block diagram and
04. Discuss the significance of the transfer function 05 2 1 2
approach when modelling a mechanical system
Mechatronics Assignment
Assignment No.1
Q.1: Give any two definitions of Mechatronics. Explain the scope and importance of
Mechatronics and applications. CO1
Q.2: Explain different types of dynamic characteristics of measurement systems such as
d) Response time
e) Rise time
f) Settling time CO1
Q.3: Differentiate between static and dynamic characteristics of measuring instruments.
Explain the following.
e) Hysteresis
f) Sensitivity
g) Drift
h) accuracy?
Q.4: Compare an LVDT with a potentiometer as a position sensor. What are advantages and
disadvantages of using an LVDT? CO1
Q.5: What is meant by Temperature Compensation in Strain Gauges and how it is done?
Assignment No II
Q.1: What is a block diagram? Explain representation of a system using block diagram. Explain advantages and
disadvantages of block diagram representation CO1
Q.2: Compare Open Loop and Closed Loop Control System with respect to definition, block diagram and
application. CO1
Q.3: Discuss the significance of the transfer function approach when modelling a mechanical system. CO1
Q.4: Write various Block diagram reduction principles CO1
Q.5: Using a suitable block diagram explain the working of Automatic Washing Machine CO1
Assignment No III
1. Write a short note on Analog to Digital Conversion. CO2
2. Explain significance of sampling theorem. CO2
3. How Sample and Hold circuit is useful for Analog to Digital Conversion, explain. CO2
4. Explain the detailed functioning of Data Acquisition System with the help of a detailed
block diagram. CO2
5. Using a suitable circuit diagram explain the working of a voltage and current amplifier.
Assignment No IV
Q.1: What is Programmable Logic Controller? Explain in detail architecture of PLC CO6
Q.4: Explain with truth tables and symbols, different types of logic gates? CO6
Assignment No V
Q.1 What do you understand by Transfer Function? CO4
Q.2: Explain modeling of Mechanical with the building blocks elements CO4
Q.3: Explain the Thermal and Fluid system modeling with the building blocks CO4
Q.4: What are Poles & Zeros? Explain their significance CO4
Assignment No VI
Q.1:What is control system and its types? CO5
T. E. (Even Semester), Session 2018-2019 Part A: Scheme, Syllabus
and Evaluation Guidelines, of “Manufacturing Process II (302051)”
Practical Assessment
Cours Assessment
Best of two Class Test
Marks based Theory
Assignment Marks
Class Test 1
Class Test 2
30205 Manufacturi
30 70 100 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
1 ng Process II
Unit –VI Jigs and fixtures (07 hrs)
Concept of degree of freedom, 3-2-1 principle of location, General guidelines to design Jigs and
fixtures, advantages of jig and fixtures
Jigs: Definition. Elements of jig with the types, Location guidelines, Principles of clamping,
Principles of guiding element, Channel jig, Template jig, Plate jig, Angle plate jig, Turn over jig,
Box jig, and Latch type jig.
Fixtures: Definition. Elements of fixtures, Location guidelines, Principles of clamping, Principles
of setting element, Turning fixture, Welding fixture, Milling fixture, Introduction to Assembly and
Inspection fixtures. Indexing fixtures.
Concept, elements and advantages of modular fixture, Pokayoke concept in jigs and fixtures.
1. S. K Hajra Choudhury , Elements of workshop technology – Vol. II,, Media Promoters And
Publishers, Mumbai
2. Amitabh Ghosh and Asok kumar Mallik, Manufacturing science, Ellis Horwood Ltd
3. Mikell. P. Grover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, Pearson Publications
4. P. C. Sharma, Production Engineering, S. Chand Publication
1. Production technology –HMT, Tata McGraw Hill publication
2. Lindberg, Roy A., Processes and materials of manufacture, P H I Learning
3. Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid, Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials,
Pearson Education, Fourth Edition.
4. G. K Lal, Fundamentals of Design and Manufacturing, Alpha Science International Ltd(2005)
5. M.C Shaw, Metal Cutting Principles, Oxford university press
6. Yoram Koren , Numerical Control of Machine Tools Khanna Publication
7. P. K Mishra, Non- conventional machining, Narosa Publishing House
8. V. K Jain, Advanced machining processes , Allied Publisher, New Delhi
9. M. H. A Kempster, An Introduction to Jig and Tool Design, ELBS
10. P. H. Joshi, Jigs and fixtures , Tata McGraw Hill
11. P. N. Rao, CAD/CAM Principles and Applications, McGraw Hill Education, Third Edition.
12. Cyrll Donaldson, George H. LeCain and V. C. Goold, Tool design, Tata McGraw- Hill. Third
Evaluation Guidelines:
Internal Assessment (IA): [CT (20 marks) + Assignment Marks (120 marks) + Marks Based
on theory attendance (50 Marks) + Marks Secured in all experiments (80 Marks)]
Class Test (CT) [20 marks]: - Two class tests, 20 marks each, will be conducted in a
semester and best of two will be selected for calculation of class test marks. Format of
question paper is same as university.
Marks Based on theory attendance (Out 50 Marks): Attendance marks will be given based
on attendance percentage at the end of semester as per university policy.
Marks Secured in all experiments (80 Marks): Marks secured in all experiment will be
given by assessing each experiment for 10 Marks. 10 Marks distribution is as follows
1. Question paper will contain 4 short answer type questions of 05 mark each. All questions
are compulsory. (Total 20 Marks)
Paper pattern and marks distribution for University Exam:
1. Paper pattern and marks distribution for Insem Exam: As per university guidelines. (Total
30 Marks)
2. Paper pattern and marks distribution for End Semester Exam: As per university
guidelines. (Total 70 Marks)
Lecture Plan
Manufacturing Process II (302051)
2 Shear plane angle, Shear stress, strain and Shear strain rate. Process parameters and
their effect on machining.
Merchant’s circle of forces (analytical) Estimation of shear force, Normal shear
force, Friction force, Normal friction force, Material Removal Rate (MRR),
Cutting fluid and their types, Effect of process parameters on tool life, Taylor's tool
life equation (Derivation along with numerical).
Milling machine: Types of milling machines, Cutter-types and geometry and their
15 Unit Test I
17 Grinding wheel – Shapes, Designation and selection
30 Unit Test II
CNC axes and drives. Automatic Tool Changer (ATC) and Automatic pallet changer
33 (APC)
34 CNC Programming: Word address format (WAF) –ISO Standards, G & M codes)
39 Jigs: Definition. Elements of jig with the types, Location guidelines
44 Preliminary exam
Note: In case of shortage of lectures we can replace some tutorial/practical session for
completion of syllabus
Course Delivery, Objectives, Outcomes
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, learner will be able to–
CO1..Student should be able to apply the knowledge of various manufacturing processes.
CO2. Student should be able to identify various process parameters and their effect on
CO3. Student should be able to design and analyze various manufacturing processes and
CO4. Student should be able to figure out application of modernization in machining.
CO5. Students should get the knowledge of Jigs and Fixtures so as to utilize machine
capability for
variety of operations.
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering
problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences,
and engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design
system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the
public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an
understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess
societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the
professional engineering practice.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions
in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms
of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in
diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader
in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in
independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
CO-PO Mapping
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3 2 2 2 - - - - - - 1 1
CO2 3 3 3 3 1 - - - - - - 1
CO3 2 2 3 2 - - - - - - - 1
CO4 2 2 2 2 3 - - - - - - 1
CO5 3 3 1 1 1 - - - - - - 1
Justification of CO - PO Mapping
CO1 With PO1 CO1 is aligned with PO1 and as it related to Understanding engineering
fundamentals.It is moderately related to PO2,PO3 and PO4.
CO3 deals with design and analyze various manufacturing processes and
CO3 With PO3 tooling. So it is strongly correlated with PO3 and Moderately correlated
with PO1, PO2 ,PO4.
CO4 is application of modernization in machining. So it is strongly
CO4 With P05
aligned with PO5 and moderately correlated PO1,PO2,PO3,PO4.
Q.1.Sketch a single point cutting tool and show on it various tool elements and tool angles,
Give the function of each tool element. List the various tool angles and discuss their
significance. CO1
Q.2 Prove the relation between Chip thickness ratio, Rake angle and Shear plane angle.
Q.3 What is machinability? Explain different factors affecting it.
Q4.Sketch a merchant circle force diagram and explain the different quantities involved.
Q5. State the various assumptions made in development of Merchants force circle.
Q6. What is tool life ? Explain the relation between tool life and cutting speed.
Q7. A tool life of 60 min is obtain at a cutting speed of 25 m/min and 6 min at 40 m/min.
Determine the i) Taylor’s tool life equation
ii) Cutting speed for 5 min tool life.
Q8. In an orthogonal turning of steel bar with 80 mm dia on lathe with the following data:
Cutting speed : 110 m/min, Back rake: 100 , feed rate = 0.20 mm/rev, cutting force =
1200 N, Feed force = 450 N , chip thickness : 0.4 mm.Calculate: Shear angle, Coefficient of
friction, Cutting power.
Q9.During machining of C2 steel with 0-10-6-6-8-90-1 (ORS) shaped triple carbide cutting
tool the following observations have been made
Depth of cut = 2mm , feed = 0.2mm/rev , Speed 200m/min,Tangential force = 1600 N
Feed trust force = 800 N, Cip thickness = 0.39 mm
Calculate :
(1) Sear force
(2) Normal force at shear plane
(3) Friction force
(4) Kinetic coefficient of friction
(5) Specific cutting energy.
Q10. Derive expressions for cutting speed and tool life for minimum cost criterion.
Q.1 Explain the construction, working of radial drilling machine with neat block diagram.
Q2.Draw a neat labelled sketch of sensitive drilling machine. Explain its construction and
working. CO1
Q3.Explain operations of drilling machine. Sketch spot facing and trepanning operation.
Q4.Calculate the machining time required for producing 20 holes on MS plateof 40 mm
thickness with the following data.
i)drill diameter = 30mm
ii) Cutting speed = 25 m/min
iii) Feed = 0.1 mm/rev
iv) Overrun = 0.5 x drill diameter (mm)
Q5. Explain Universal milling machine.
Q.6 Index for 87 division (use compound indexing method)
Q7.Classify milling cutters.
Q8. Differentiate between up milling and down milling.
Q9. Write short note on gear milling.
Q10. With the help of neat sketch explain the arrangement of universal dividing head.
Q11.Describe compounding indexing with suitable sketch.
Q12 Explain various types of broaching machines.
Q.13 With neat sketch explain terminology of pull type internal broach.
Q.1 Explain the center less grinding with the principle, construction and working.
Q10."Hard grinding wheel recommended for soft work material and soft grinding wheel for
hard material’ comment.
Q11.Explain mounting of grinding wheel with neat sketch.
Q12..Differentiate between honing and lapping.
Q1.Explain the ECM process (with neat sketch) with its advantages, limitations and
Q1.Explain the AJM process (with neat sketch) with its advantages, limitations and
Q1.Explain the EDM process (with neat sketch) with its advantages, limitations and
Q1.Explain the USM process (with neat sketch) with its advantages, limitations and
Q1.Explain the LBM process (with neat sketch) with its advantages, limitations and
Q2)What is the necessity for non conventional machining processes? Enlist the requirements
that demand the use of advanced machining processes.
Q3)What is the function of abrasive slurry in USM? Explain how the abrasive selection is
made .
Q4) What are the factors that influence material removal rate in AJM?
Q.1 Explain CNC machines with neat sketch. State its advantages and limitations.
Q.2 Explain meaning of 2 axis, 3 axis, 5 axis CNC machines.
Q.3 Draw block diagram of DNC system and compare DNC and CNC system
Q.4 Explain the following codes: G03, M30, G90, M08
Q.5 Explain machining center with neat sketch.
Q.6 Write a part program for component shown in fig. Assume that spindle aped of 400
rpm and feed is
0.3 mm/rev.
Q.1 Define jig and fixture. Differentiate between them with suitable examples.
Q.2 Write short note on modular fixture.
Q.3 List various types of locating device used in jig and fixture. Explain any one in detail.
Q.4 Draw and explain diamond pin locator.
Q.5 What is 3-2-1 location principle? Explain with neat sketch.
Q.6 Design and draw drilling jig for drilling the 10 mm dia. Hole in the component shown in
Class test Question Papers
Note: 1. Attempt all Questions in Section A 2. Attempt any three questions in section B
3. All questions are as per course outcomes 4. Assume suitable data wherever
is required.
Bloom’s Taxonomy level: Bloom Levels (BL) : 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Apply 4. Create
Unit No Blooms
Max. CO
Q.No Questions as per Taxanomy
Marks Mapped
Syllabus Level
Section A
(a) Micrometer. 1 1 1 2
(c) Dynamometer.
(a)Single point (b)Multipoint (c)Two point
Section -B
Class Test -02 (AY 2018-19)
Note: 1. Attempt all Questions in Section A 2. Attempt any three questions in section B
3. All questions are as per course outcomes 4. Assume suitable data wherever
is required.
Bloom’s Taxonomy level: Bloom Levels (BL) : 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Apply 4. Create
Unit No Blooms
Max. CO
Q.No Questions as per Taxanomy
Marks Mapped
Syllabus Level
Section A
a)True (b)False
Section -B
Q.3 For rough grinding operation, determine the 05 3 2 3
machining time required when cutting speed is 25
m/min, dia of work is 45 mm, depth of cut is 0.03
mm , stock is 0.6 mm for 220 mm long work piece
with face width of wheel as 70mm.
Q.4 What is the necessity for non conventional 05 4 4 2
machining processes? Enlist the requirements that
demand the use of advanced machining
Q.5 Explain AJM process (with neat sketch) with its 05 4 2 2
advantages, limitations and applications
University Question Papers